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Episode 026 - Alkalyte image

Episode 026 - Alkalyte

S1 E26 ยท Just Shillin'
51 Plays7 months ago

Today, we discuss the Acolyte finale and season as a whole.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Hosts Catch Up

Hello and welcome to episode number 26 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, as you know, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host, Andy Bell. How goes it, buddy? It goes well. It goes well, thank you. It's weird speaking to you only three days ago, but
kind of good as well in that I hadn't spoken to you for a fortnight prior to that, so it's all good.

Post-Vacation Work Woes

Yeah, first three days back from work sucks like hell. Sucks, sucks, sucks. You know, 1000 emails in my inbox. Work hasn't been done that should have been done while I was away. All the kind of shenanigans you return to work from.
warmer climbs and uh warmer climbs and margaritas feel like an eternity ago now um but um yeah no i'm apart from that i'm good i'm good thank you how do you have your let's say mark all is red and archive and then if it's really important they'll email you again that's that's what i'd like to believe that i do but no
I've done a lot of that. I've done a lot of that. I'm not gonna lie, mate. I'm not gonna lie. Where I'm CC'd, it's like, yeah. Yeah, if I'm CC'd, it's not addressed directly to me. Informational purposes only, I'll file it. No problem. Nice. In my world, yeah, things are good, dude. I haven't done a whole lot in the last three days.
as I've mentioned, I've been doing some outdoor projects. So like, my house was built in like the 60s. And then since the people that we bought it off of had owned it for quite a while, and they did a lot of things, but the quality of the things that they did was not always the best.

Home Renovation Challenges

Got it.
So I think somebody in their family was like a construction like a framer, somebody who just does the framing, not a finisher. So they they did a lot of stuff. And it's all just like, yeah, if I put a piece of wood here and then just throw a couple screws in it, that'll that'll support stuff.
um whether that's right or not um but they didn't do any like polish work of like maybe we should waterproof this or maybe we should do these things so we so we have this like outside deck that like there used to be trees that grew through um
like straight through the middle of the deck and there was another one on the side so like there's a hole in the middle and hole like an edge cut out on the side but a couple years ago we had those cut down because when you live in places like this you're supposed to have at least five to ten feet of defensible space which means you have no vegetation or trees
So that way cuts back on fires, blah, blah, blah. So we've had this giant hole in our deck that I've just covered up with a piece of plywood. And it's also it was also carpeted like an outdoor carpet on top of this deck, which is fantastic for water retention. And so finally, I just what a couple when I was talking the other day about I think the heat got to me, and I just started ripping up the carpet and I'm like, I'm patching this hole, I'm doing all this stuff. And it is just
It's one of those things where it's like, well, I might as well do this at the same time. Well, I might as well just like redo the whole deck. I might as well sand the whole deck, stain the deck, might as well just replace, fix the holes. Well, and then it just escalates. And so I am knee deep.
I am, I am like, I'm like the Jedi in their web of lies. I didn't just further and further and further down this rabbit hole. And I don't know if there's any, any way getting out, but other than that, I mean, I've been good. I'm, I have a, I have a hate. I have, I was about to say I have a love hate relationship with decking, but I must admit I have a hate relationship with decking. It's something that.
Lucy always wanted, and when we did some, um, we did some refurbishments on the house, uh, built an extension a few years back now and she wanted decking out the back. I'm like, Oh, that's gonna.
no matter how much you protect it, it's going to go. It's got a shelf life. No, it'll be fine. It'll be fine. And lo and behold, every year I'm finding myself, well, I try to oil it as best I can. It's oiled to keep it great, but I've got pieces falling apart. I've got boards that need to be decking boards that need to be replaced. And it's like,
It's a hassle I don't need. I just sort of paved the whole thing and forgotten about it, but no. So I feel you, brother, because decking is not something that I care too much about.
I keep, I keep joking and saying, I'm just, because I have some rotten boards and I'm pretty sure from the 1960s and we're never protected. So they're a bit squishy and I can poke a hole through them with a screwdriver. Um, and I'm like, I'm just going to get like six gallons of resin. And I'm just going to pour it over this entire damn thing and call it a day. Like I am so over, like I'm not over, I like the project, the other stuff I'm working on, but they rotten wood. It's like.
I hate this. I hate this. I don't want to keep sealing it. But I decided, reasons I like Star Wars and modeling and things like that, I'm like, you know what? I think I'm going to go with the weathered look. It doesn't need to be perfect looking because I'm sanding all this paint off too and then sealing it. And it's like, oh, it's okay if it looks a little...
Mangly, it's like that's the look it's going for like the Star Wars weathered look the shabby. I think that's what they call shabby chic Shabby chic. Yeah, it's like my it's my lifestyle. That's my that's my general demeanor I'm shabby chic. It's like you know, you're halfway there But yeah, that's me that's all I've been up to it's been cooler we had some pretty big storms over the week over the weekends Which is odd. We don't get a lot of big storms here, but we had some and uh, I
Yeah, looking looking forward to the next the next weekend. Looking forward to not working. I wish I could retire.

Dreams of Early Retirement

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm aware. I'm always I'm always away, though. Yes, likewise, and I'm older. But yeah, I'm yeah, I'm still a few still quite a few years away. Stuff needs to be paid for. I don't have the the money. I don't have a sugar daddy somewhere that could look after me and
and pay those and bankroll my lifestyle for me, unfortunately.

Disappointment Over Euro Loss

No, no, it's been a slow three, well, I'd say slow, I'd say it's a hectic three days, but it's all been work, work, work, which is a bit miserable. It's not been talking about. No, no, no, I mean, I haven't, I haven't even
picked up anything in the news. I don't know about you. I don't really want to go into world politics again, but I would say since we spoke the evening after we spoke,
The England, one of the countries of the United Kingdom, the one that I live in, were in the final of the Euro Championship. So all of the European countries get together and have a soccer or a footy football match and we were in the finals and we lost.
So that was kind of depressing. I mean, it takes a lot to get through to the finals in the first place, and we should be reasonably happy like that. But as usual, we're whinging Brits or whinging poms, as the Aussies say. And we expected more of ourselves, even if it was unrealistic. So that was good fun for about the, I would say, two thirds, three quarters of the actual game itself until Spain scored the winner. So that made an interesting Sunday night. But apart from that, mate, I've
I haven't done anything or learned anything in the news in the last three days. I don't think I've learned or gotten any news, but I did get something delivered to the house that you already know about, but I can share on the podcast.

Comic Collecting and Cosplay

And that is I got not one, but I got two copies of the Ahsoka comic.
Issue number one, but the variant covers with Shin and Bailin on it. They look awesome. Honestly, they look like us. Honestly, it's like we were made. I think Shin's beard is a little bit shorter than yours.
A little, not a lot, but... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, the thing that's bad about it is it's almost motivating me. It's like, dude, I should do a costume for Celebration, but then like do it in the style of the comic, where it's like all black and white and it's kind of like cel-shaded. It's like, oh, I do not have, I do not have time for that, but... Mate. Mate. Let's just wear T-shirts.
All right. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. We'll see. We'll see. So what we're going to do in the in the ad for no, sorry, there's a couple of things I have done.

Guest Appearances and TV Catch-ups

I don't want to go into too much. I mean, we normally then go into what we've seen, what we've read, what we've listened to. One shout out. I rejoined the guys over at or the team, sorry, over at
uh star wars spelt out this morning um to give my immediate reaction uh and uh to the latest episode of the acolyte that was great hadn't spoken to those folks for two weeks so it was great to to catch up with them with uh with josh and katherine in particular uh that was good fun and when it comes down to watching reading and listening um
I haven't done an awful lot because again, I only I've only really had if you exclude the if you exclude the football night. I've only really only had two nights. So I've caught up on the boys and caught up on Game of Thrones. Not Game of Thrones. How's the dragon? Sorry. Which both of them very, very good. How's the dragon in particular is excelling itself this season? Jeez, it's it's very, very good. Very, very good indeed.
And that's it for me, mate. I thought I thought you said your idiot reaction at first. It's like I was on Star Wars spelled out to give my idiot idiot reaction. It's like, oh, I probably did say that. I mean, you know, you know, I struggle with words at the best of times anyway. But to be honest with you, it's probably more of an accurate description of what I do on that show. I think it's not that bad. You're not that bad. It's like, oh, immediate. I got it. I got it. My my listening comprehension is not the best.
But yeah, dude, I haven't really listened. I haven't watched really anything. I finally started catching up on all the podcasts that I was avoiding, catching up with our friends. And one of the things that I want to do before, I was hoping to do before we talk about the finale of The Acolyte was inspired by our good buddies over at High Potion. I thought it'd be cool to do
take the, a character quiz, but on Star Wars, there's a quiz that says like, which Acolyte character are you? And if you're down, I have that. I already have a pulled up. So it's kind of hard to shut me down. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I love this. Is this, is this the stuff that they do randomly on every, sorry, every now and again on
Yeah, yeah, it's on. It's like, which acolyte character are you? So the way I figured we do it is we'll go through one question at a time. I got them both pulled up. I got them to two separate tabs, and we can just both answer the same questions and see where we see where it puts us.

Ideal Jobs Discussion

OK. All right, so question number one is, what is your ideal job that your options are chef?
teacher, politician or I.T. guru. I would say chef. All right. What about yourself? I would probably be an I.T. guru just because. It's because it's because that's kind of kind of what I do a little bit. No.
I like the idea of being a chef, but I think it'd be better like a professional chef, because I just really hate cleaning up and I don't like doing it in my house. But if I had a kitchen somewhere else, I could go in, I would think I would love that.

Handling Conflict Approaches

That would be fun. The next question, how do you handle conflict? Options are head on, I prefer to avoid it. I try to see both sides of the issue. I follow the rules.
I'm gonna lie. I'm, I'm pretty dogmatic. I'd say head on. Head on. See the way I say I'm terrible at these kind of things because I'm always like, well, does it mean like physical conflict or like an argument? Because an argument, I'm probably the reason I'm head on because I probably I'm probably the reason it's an argument, an argument in the first place. But if it's like, oh, there's a physical confrontation, I'll probably like, well,
Let's talk this out. Oh, yeah, but you didn't have a fifth option, which was to run away, in which case that I've chosen that. Well, I think it says I prefer to avoid it. It was one of the options there. It's like, well, okay. Okay. So you're head on. And I think, honestly, I'm taking it as however, I'm gonna say head on as well. Okay. All right. How would you describe your best friend? Options are, I try to avoid attachments. Someone who listens to my wisdom.
Small but mighty or I make friends wherever I go. That's really random those answers. Yeah. How would you describe your best friends? Yeah. I try to avoid attachments. Someone who listens to my wisdom. Small but mighty. I make friends wherever I go. Yeah. It is like they don't answer the question really.
I would say small but mighty. And the reason why I'm saying that is I'm saying that in the context of my friends, I have a small, I have a small friendship group. But it's a it's a it's a meaningful. But it's not I have little I have small friends in stature, small stature friends. It's you have a small group of tight friends. Yeah, I was gonna say I'm not I'm not I'm not friends with an army of
I don't know. Ewoks or something. I'm saying that I'm I have a small group of friends that I would that I would would give everything for. That's all right. If that makes sense.

Star Wars Planet Preferences

It does make sense. I'm going to put I make friends wherever I go. That's probably cool because.
I don't know, just, you know, you sometimes just answer them. It's like, it feels right. Someone who listens to my wisdom does not, it's not, nah, not me. I try to avoid attachments. It's like, oh man, I'm, I jumped straight into attachments. It's like, like the, whatever the opposite of a commit a phobe is, that's me. I'm all over that. Which planet from the series would you most want to visit? Coruscant. This is Coruscant with the smaller temple before they made it bigger. So Coruscant.
Brindok, Olega or Kofar? I have to look up what Olega is. Which one is that? Where where is the where is the. Where is the.
Where where is the cortosis island? Where? Well, what planet is that? Is that it's. Dude, I am drawing a blank brain. I think I think it becomes it's not Brenda. Brenda is the one is the one where the witches come from, which is it?

Favorite Star Wars Creatures

And Kofar's where everybody got wrecked. Yeah. With Calnaca. Coruscant for obviously obvious reasons. What's the what's the last one?
Coruscant, Brindok, Olega and Kofar. Oh, God, none of them that. OK, let's say is it level or visit? Does it say sorry? Visit and Olega, Olega is the one where Torben was and he got killed. That's where he was taking the Barash valve. That's an interesting one. I don't think the one with the cortosis is an option, but looking at the picture, Olega looks very pretty.
I would go to where the Wookiees are, but I would stay, sorry, where, where Kel Naka is. Although I would, I, cause I reckon that would be a little bit like, I dunno, visiting a rainforest and be, and be, be in awe of the majesty of, of, of, of a, of a big rainforest. Although I'd probably need a guide or something to keep me away from the nasty bugs. Yeah. You want like a safari tour of like, you don't, you don't want to like go live, live there.
No. All right. So you're going so far. I'm going to say. I'm going to say Bryndok. I kind of like that be. I don't know something about it. Go and walk around the ruins and the witch, the witch stuff, the mining stuff. I don't know. It seems like a cool place to check out. I want to hear like the voices and the ladies singing and stuff. And I want to I want to see what's in that well. See like if it affects, you know, or whatever the virgins is and all that, but we can we can get into that.
All right. What's your favorite creature or alien from this series? I don't even have to ask you, but OK, so the options are the Skura, which. Let me see what that is. Oh, that's the that's the little the little creatures, the little the little. I think our friends over at the Kanto by dispatch called him like the little ball sack elephant things. OK, got it.
I know they're not they're not my favorite. Then there's Kel Naka, the Wookie. Then there's Senator Chawant, the Abanetto, or Basil, the tracker. It's got to be Kal Naka. Yeah, I don't even know why I asked. Basil, close second. But I like I'm picking Basil because he reminds me of one of my cats, Scoop, who is constantly we call it using his sniffer. So he's always just kind of.
like sitting on a chair, just sniffing everything, like openly in the air. What's your reaction when you feel betrayed? Options are, I make sure it doesn't happen again. I never forget my grudge. I try to forgive and forget. I can be a little cautious in the future.

What Draws People to Us?

The latter, I can be a little cautious in the future. I try not to dwell on stuff, but I am mindful.
Life's too short, man. I think I'm in the same. If I was saying my past self, I would say I make sure it doesn't happen again, but life's too short. I don't want to say I don't care. It's like, whatever. I try to be a little more cautious in the future as well. What draws people to you? I'm strong. I'm sensitive. I'm compassionate.
I'm focused. I would like to think it's sensitive and or compassionate. I'd say compassionate. I'd like to think so. Anyway, I give it I give a toss about people I care about. I'd like to think that.

Star Wars Culinary Interests

So is that compassionate or is it compassionate? I don't think I'm going to pick the same one. Because I'm sure as hell not as strong.
focus. My probably my biggest weakness. And honestly, if I'm, I'm sensitive versus I'm compassionate, I got, I think I'd struggle to know the difference between the two of those. But I think compassionate feels more correct for me. Yeah. Alrighty, we are on number eight of 10. What Star Wars food would you want to try? Jedi rations, spice creams, noodles, or blue milk?
spice creams because it intrigued me because the kids the kids were gagging for spice creams in episode three and and for a kid to be excited about a food stuff it's got to be pretty good right
And plus, I think Star had that recipe. Totally. How to make your how to make your own spice creams. And it's like that looked that looked really good. I don't know what was in it, but like just the picture. But I'm going to pick because I'm I'm I'm been really craving them recently. I'm going to go with noodles because I could go for a big bowl of like Momofuku noodles or something right now or ramen. Oh, my God.

Appreciation for Acolyte Characters

I am looking forward to going to Japan and getting ramen.
Awesome. All right, nine out of 10. Which acolyte character would you most want to be friends with? Jackie, Vernestra Rowe, Pip, or who needs friends? Question mark. Jackie, without a doubt.
I think she'd be a riot. I think she'd be a riot. I really do. I think she'd say. I mean, she she's very stoic, but there's a sense of art. Oh, sorry. There was best in peace. She's she's got a wicked sense of humor. I like her humor. I think I like the dry. Yeah, exactly. The dry humor and not afraid to who to like. Like expose that to. I enjoyed Jackie's my answer as well.
Definitely not Vernestra Ralph. All right, final question. What's the most important quality you look for in a partner? Loyalty, curiosity, wisdom, or a pleasant smell? Sorry, can you repeat those, please? I can't believe that a pleasant smell is...
is an option. But yeah, sorry, what are the three other options? Not the last one. Loyalty, curiosity, wisdom, or a pleasant smell? Curiosity. I think I think that is my answer as well.

Important Qualities in a Partner

Because I mean, loyal loyalty is good. But like, the loyalty sets like also
Yeah, loyalty is also earned. That could be taken too far. Loyalty is also earned. It's also, you know, it's a bit like respect. It's one of those things that, you know, you don't, you don't expect loyalty. It's earned. Yeah, I'm not looking for an equity. That's exactly. And in my mind, that's something that you earn from someone else. It's not about the other person.
I'm genuinely shocked by the results here. If you had to guess, who do you think your character's gonna be? I'm putting you on the spot, but just shot in the dark if you had to guess. So, Olkelnaka.

Quiz Results and Personal Growth

No, your answer is, if you had a sister, her name would be Osha, because you're a real May. You're focused. Oh, a May. You're a May.
Your focus determines your reality. You can't forget your past, but you're determined to do what you can to change your present by taking action. Although you may have some regrets about how you behaved in your youth, you've certainly learned many lessons in a year since. That's kind of cool. I'll take that. I'm May. And mine is the exact same. I got May as well.
It's like, it didn't have me at first when it's like, oh, I'd be me. It's like, are you sure about that? But then I read like the, you know, your focus determines your reality. It's like, oh, you may have some more guys by your path. Like I do, but I've learned. I'm okay with that. Yeah, exactly. I'm okay with that. That

Acolyte Series Finale

was good fun. Thank you. Thank you, High Potion, for letting us plagiarize your idea. Yeah. Thank you, boys. All right. Well, that's all I had. I haven't learned anything, watched anything.
I haven't really done anything. No, that's cool. Dude, it's only been three days, so I didn't expect it to be a particularly, and we broke all records on Sunday as it was. So do you want to talk a little bit of alkalite? Alkalite, alkalite, or even alkalite? We can talk either, we can talk about either one, like the alkalite prescription medication, or we can talk about the alkalite TV show. Let's talk about the alkalite TV show. All right, we can do that.
So I thought we'd talk about the app and then kind of think about, talk about, sorry, talk about the episode itself first and then think about, you know, maybe the future, but also wrap up our thoughts on the series. What did you think, top level, what did you, what do you think of, um,
high level sorry what did you think of this week's episode the finale just as a super high level some takeaways uh i think you know some of the obvious ones the the space battle or just the space ring chase the battle whatever you want to call that um that was sick i loved it that was
All of my criticisms about like the space ship, starship CGI in the past, I feel like were, they weren't the same. Like I didn't have the same criticisms for this episode. That scene was pretty cool. Definitely some cool, like the ships are still kind of interesting how they do that, but I thought that was neat. The CGI looked a lot better. The lightsaber battle with Saul and-
I thought that was really cool. I thought they did some really neat stuff with the choreography. Just. It wasn't all like it wasn't as brutal as some of the other ones were like just the fierce the ferocity of it. It was definitely much more of a skills, a skills and kind of a mental game. You could see the kind of the mental game going on in like the clarity that Saul had. I thought that that was that that was really neat.
I thought I I am surprised like this is just very high level. I am surprised they were able to wrap all of it up. Like for the most part, like generally they were able to wrap up like the storyline and interested how they took some things. I think. There was just some brutal.
Like this, I think the this episode along with some other parts had some like the soul dying. I thought was they were not afraid to pull punches and kind of push. I think the limits of. Not the violence, but just kind of the lingering cameras and just kind of the intensity of some things. And I thought that was refreshing, but it wasn't.
It wasn't like vulgar, I guess. It wasn't like graphic or like war porn kind of stuff. So I thought I brought some of the emotional stuff into that. But yeah, I thought the episode was like well shot. There's definitely a lot of things that are still open and up in the air. I think there's also some things that were like, I think there was some, I feel like there's some things that were done that like,
Did they have a purpose? Like so specifically the, uh, like why did, I don't need to know why you did it, but I'm curious of why they may, like, why they use that as the means to an end, like the whole basil sabotaging the ship thing. Um, I didn't understand that at all. We were trying to work it out earlier on with, um, uh, with Josh and Catherine, and it was kind of like, didn't understand what he's doing there because.
He seemed to be the only one that knew who was who and what was what. The only conclusion that I could reach at that moment in time was that he overheard May and Sol talking and realized that Sol has been a bit of a douche, but then
At the same time, Josh is suggesting that maybe, maybe they never had that conversation while we saw the flashback of what really happened, which filled all the gaps. It seems to have just literally episodes, um, six and eight are.
Are sequential immediately there's no there's no gap in but there was no conversation because. May was already planning to escape her bonds i don't know me it was it just seemed weird it seemed weird and it was. It was what there are one or two.
Air moments, not air, but air, question mark moments that I found in this episode that I didn't understand and that I'm gutted that it needs explaining to me.

Speculative Nature of Acolyte

And one of them is Basil. When you consider that only in episode six,
he was stepping on mays toes and you know and and and pushing her around because he's just he'd sus that it wasn't osha it was may and this week he's kind of sabotaging the ship so that soul can't chase me it was it was weird it was really one of those things that like i feel so there's this term that we use in like the
Developer world where like you're looking at somebody else's code or whatever it's called It's called a code smell where it's like there's nothing explicitly wrong or bad about it, but there's like hints of things that are like leading that like lead you to believe that something is off and I feel like this they're kind of like a smell like a code smell with this episode of like I can I feel like I can see the fingerprints of an outside force and
like pushing for certain story beats. So they have connection points for future work, whether that's comics, books or whatever, like the stuff with Basil, the only thing I could come. Well, I agree with what you said about. I don't think that conversation ever happens. I don't think I think it was just a direct continuation almost. And the Basil stuff, it's almost like, are we going to learn more? Is there going to be a connective tissue somewhere?
book or comic or short or whatever about Basil's species or Basil himself that kind of goes into
Maybe they because I kept going back and forth. Like maybe they know more than they think they do. Then it comes across or maybe they're like force sensitive, like a future seeing kind of thing because at times they made them seem like really basic and kind of primitive, I think is the word I'm looking for. Like, oh, are they just like a like a hound dog or are they actually? Yeah. Yeah. Or are they more higher intelligence than it's like, oh. I'm sabotaging the ship because you're going to kill
You're gonna kill this individual. And I don't know. There's some reason why they don't want that to happen. And there's other pieces of the story that feel like, oh,
I feel like it could have been like this tight buttoned up thing, but then you see all these like loose threads that they purposely kind of spun out to be connective tissue for other projects. And I think all the projects have that kind of stuff, but this one felt, this series, I think as a whole or even this episode felt very explicit with some of them. And that's not a positive or a negative. It's just, I felt like I saw them
more clearly than I think I ever have. Or maybe that's just what my justification for it is. Like, man, that was an odd choice to connect two pieces of story. You could have done it simpler. So why did they pick that? It feels like it's like an intentional loose end.

Potential for New Star Wars Narratives

Yeah. And I quite like, and that's something that I've actually quite liked about this series is that
I was saying to the guys this morning, I've never watched anything that has made me speculate so much in new Star Wars. And that's a good thing.
Do I think that the series is the best thing I've ever seen? No. But it is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen. And I'm more than happy to explain myself to anyone that disagrees. And I like it this morning again.
of those people that I respect in our community and whose opinions I respect because they are themselves inclusive and kind and respectful people, some of our friends haven't enjoyed it as much as others. And I respect that and I'm okay with that. But from my
perspective and from my humble point of view, I think it's one of the most interesting things I've seen for a while. And as you know, I'm not particularly, I don't have any fascination at all in the law side of things and the hereditary, no, the legacy of the force and all that kind of stuff. I get kind of bored with that kind of narrative or
It becomes something that's so ethereal that quite frankly, it doesn't, you know, I like something a little bit more tangible and as you already know, the Eddy Man story, which is the reason why Andor in particular really, really appeals to me. But this has left me really, really, really wanting more and like I said,
the tea before, Leslie, I think is such so clever in her writing that every time she writes, every time she ties up a loose end, another one unravels. And I think that's really, really clever. And for the most part, this week, tied up an awful lot. But she left but also introduced
a few loose ends for us to speculate and so what I liked about it and I thought was quite cute actually and I have to say I'm loving Leslie Hedlund at the moment she's becoming my favorite troll at the moment the way that she's carrying herself on social media and other platforms I think he's absolutely superb and
You know, I tip my hat to her because there is an awful lot of hate out there. Some of it is, sorry, a lot of it is not justified in any way whatsoever. And the way that she's dealing with it, I think is an absolute work of art. Anyway, sorry, I'm going to go for a tangent. Sorry, but what I think is really, really clever is that she has, she has finished
a season that could be the series in its entirety. It can end there. And then other parallel projects or associated media could actually plug in some of the holes or take it forward. Exactly. But what you've done rather expertly, and it goes back to my point last week, which is I don't know where 180 million has been spent.
I think that there's also, I think that halfway, maybe three quarters of the way through filming this, she was told by executives, this is pretty good. Let's, let's stretch it out a little bit and maybe use some of the content that you've got. So if it is standalone, great. I'm sad that it's over the great, but I suspect.
there's there's more seasons if not just one season to come potentially with some of the content that that purposely was cut from season one that will that will a keep the series in its entirety a lot cheaper or less expensive to produce but also the
would need more investigation or more or more detail, which essentially would be like the new content that may well be produced. God, that's a really, really complicated way of saying I think she's really clever. And whether it's one season or two seasons or more seasons, I think she's I think she set it up perfectly. Right. And I think that's I think that setting out that was the goal of this.
Like, one, this is exactly what I wanted. This is what I've been begging for for a long time. And you can look at it, it's like this was Lucasfilm, Disney, whoever putting another iron in the fire, because no matter how we try to spin it, the Thrawn, Ahsoka, the Filoni-verse stuff is gonna have an end. It's going to have an end, and then that will be buttoned up. Andor has a definitive end.
And then, so you have to start putting things in irons in the fire. And this is a perfect example of like,
Yes, it was a buttoned up story, but it's also a new starting point or jumping off point for new content. Whether that's, even if it's not the Acolyte series, it's other, other, other things around this timeframe to start fleshing out these stories. We can't, we can't keep making Clone Wars shows. We can't keep making, no, we can't make Ahsoka and Thrawn and, and the Mando verse. We can't flesh that out forever. Like it's going to have a definitive end.
And so you got to start sewing, sewing seeds in the fall. So that way in the spring, you have a plant, you have you have crops in the springtime. And that's what this is. And I like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you're talking about the Filoni verse. The Filoni verse not only has an end, it has a finite end. It's also
of characters that we know and within a timeline that we know, yeah, there are massive gaps in that timeline, namely between the end of the OT and the beginning of the sequel trilogy.
But it's within a timeline that we're familiar with. And what I respect about this more than, and don't get me wrong, the acting has been phenomenal. I thought the writing has been smart in some areas, not so much in other areas. I thought the production values for the most part have been fantastic. But what I respect about this season, this series the most,
is simply what it is. I respect it for what it is, which is something new, something that's outside of... I was talking about it earlier on today, the 60 to 80 year timeline that is the Skywalkers. It's a big, expansive, beautiful galaxy. I can't believe that the history of the galaxy should only be recorded within that 60 to 80 year timeframe.
and around a family called the Skywalkers and the family called the Palpatines. That's an absolute nonsense in itself when you consider the very, very young age of life on Earth, let alone the gazillion years when it comes down to the age of
existence and sentience within that particular galaxy. So I just respect it for being different and being that if all it serves is a stepping stone for other creators to do their own thing without the shackles of the skywalkers, without the expectations of what things should be because that's how they were.
Um, it's done its job for me and I I hats off to everyone that were involved in that production because like I said Not amazing in my mind, but bloody hell. It's really bold and brave Yeah, I mean because imagine like imagine just even within our history of humans on earth imagine if you tried to say oh the only important story is one like two or three families during the 60 to 80 year period it's like no it's
It's a whole galaxy. Like, yeah, the the Skywalker saga is is amazing. That's what we all fell in love with. But like, let's not pretend like they're the only conflict that could ever happen in this galaxy across the eternity of time. It's like, it's always going to be ups and downs and whatever. And I really like this show. I think it has some.
interesting rewatchability that I think is different than all of the other shows. And I know that's probably a hot take for a lot of people because not rewatchability like I think other Star Wars is where it's like, oh, I really enjoyed this. Let me read.
Let me rewatch it and put it on repeat. This has a, let's rewatch it and see, knowing what we know now, we can watch it differently and get something from it that's different every time. I like that because I'm tempted to do a full rewatch of the series more so than I am other shows. I'm doing it and I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'll be perfectly honest with you. It's up there at the moment for me in my favorites. Yeah.
Um, I don't think i've i've left. I don't think it's any secret. Um, I didn't like Kenobi. Um, well, I didn't, you know, I sorry, Kenobi was fine. It was fine. Um, but it didn't, it didn't like my world. Um, um, you know, my opinion Mandalorian season three, um, you know, it's, um, it's, this is up there at the moment and, um,
There are only two seasons that I've rewatched over and over again. Sorry, I've watched Andor four or five times now. It's trivial compared to someone like Catherine, but I've watched it four or five times now, maybe six times.

Lightsaber Choreography Praise

It's one of those ones that that every time I watch it's like it's like rewatching Breaking Bad for me. It's it's it's it's that powerful I've seen Mandalorian season one
next, I would say, sorry, the most next because at the time it was all we had. It's all we had. We didn't have anything else on the slate. So I watched it a couple of times, but I haven't revisited anything else. I have not revisited anything, including Ahsoka, despite the fact that I really, I had a good time with Ahsoka because obviously
If you take the Thrawn stuff, which I know our buddies, some of our buddies love the Thrawn piece. I found the Baelin and Shin stuff so fascinating. I haven't even re-watched that either. So no, but for me, I'll definitely, this weekend, the end of the catch-up week at work, it's going to be relatively quiet. There's a few jobs to do around the house. I am looking forward to burning through the whole series in one.
Nice season sorry in one to shift gears a little bit I will I feel like I can now that I said I want to save some judgment and stuff like some some of my more extreme statements to the end of the series and I will say my biggest takeaway from this this season or the series or whatever you want to call it.
I believe that this is the, I feel like this is the best lightsaber fighting we have in all of Star Wars. I know some people are like, oh, it's not better than the prequels, not better than this. To me, hands down, this is the best lightsaber choreography and fighting of all of it. I wouldn't disagree with you. It's certainly the most visceral. And one of the points I made this morning was that I've listened to
You know how verbose I can be sometimes. The guys over at Thank The Maker podcast actually summed it up really simply and perfectly for me, which I shared this morning and I'll share it with you now, which was if you look at the Phantom Menace, if you look at the battle with Morn, if you look at Jewel of the Fates and the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin, they are
Phenomenal lightsaber fights phenomenal lightsaber fights, but they're very balletic and they're very kind of You know parry riposte parry riposte, you know, it's they are they are striking each of the sabers They're aiming for the saber strike parry strike parry A lot of flourishes and stuff as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas this they're actually trying to kill each other and
And I know the purpose of those fights in the prequels and indeed the sequels as well, when you consider Kylo and Rey when they fight and when they're fighting together. I appreciate that they are trying to kill, but it's so balletic and so
beautiful. Sometimes it loses its savagery or its meaning by being spectacular. It's so spectacular that it's kind of not getting to the point and the point being is I want to kill my opponent. And the point I made to the guys this morning was that they're trying to hack off limbs. They're trying to kill each other. They're not aiming for each other's sabre. They're aiming for each other.
And that and the guys over it, you know, I think that I think the guys that think the maker for making it. So simple for me to understand and then agree with as well. So I'm you know, I haven't really thought about it in the same context as you. But but yeah, fair play if that's if that's the conclusion you've reached. Well, I mean, and if I'm brutally honest with myself, it's like I I love I love the prequels. I love I love the Star Wars films. But Duel of the Fates carries that too.
The reason we all see the safari. It is a great fight, but the music.
Oh, everything about it. Everything about it. It's like I said, it's ballet. It's a dance. It's a dance. And I don't mean that in the ways that one or two negative people would interpret it. It is a beautifully choreographed dance. What we saw today and what we saw in episode four,
absolutely phenomenal and like I said visceral fleshy and Catherine quite rightly said well isn't that the point that that's the point when our buddy Yord before he's he's he's killed
he says this guy doesn't fight like us. He doesn't fight fair. He doesn't he doesn't follow the rules. And if you think about classic Ford fights, sword fighting, sorry, you'd think of the old the old, you know, saluting each other before we before we before we go ahead and have a scrap with our with our with our sabers. And it's not like that. It's very, very different.

Character Saul's Challenges

And I like it. It's, it's like, it's like a
I think you made the point either last week or a couple of weeks ago, it's like a, it's like a street fight and I love it. I'm here for it. Yeah. Um, I think my other, my other takeaway kind of.
separate from the series. It's a series, but it's also a huge, huge kudos to the actor who plays soul for not for not being not speaking English before coming in and then being mostly because I know everybody says like, oh, he learned English. It's like I still stand by. I don't think he did. I think he was he learned the lines and then like was able to emote them
And just like, that's, that's such an incredible feat. And like, I think that's amazing. And I do think, because it kind of, this kind of leads into one of my things with the episode, because I know everybody's very much on the like, soul is a, is a, is a weirdo, a creep, or just a general piece of shit. Like, I do think that things he did were shitty. I think some of the, his intentions, or where he's coming from,
I think fell victim to maybe the the way that lines were read or emoted. And maybe didn't come across 100 percent like it came off weirder than what it was intended to or what. Well, maybe just maybe it was intentionally meant we were intentionally meant to feel that way about him after we had the second flashback. Yeah, yeah. And it was kind of where I felt
I felt last week, Oh my God, soul, you know, you've, you've, this is not natural to what you're, what you're feeling here. It's not, it's a, it's a bit stalky. It's a little bit, it's a little bit wrong what you're thinking here. But when this week, it was kind of explained with the whole idea of this concern around the virgins and how the impact that that will have, which only
They didn't go too deeply on, but that was his drive. It wasn't so much that the OSHA was the driver, which is what I thought last week. It was the virgins that was the driver for him. And so I can kind of lay off him a little bit. I think the Jedi as an institution is completely screwed up, but I can lay off him as an individual a little bit.
Oh, dude, when the when the senator was ripping in the Vernestra, I was like, this this dude gets it. Well, he was he was our voice. You know, he was our voice. I mean, we all expected. Shall I go through the list? I mean, I've got two pages this week, mate, not just the one, but I've got that. That's one of the things I was going to pick up.
So we start with the heavy breathing, you know, so and that was the indication that Josh or that's where Josh suggested to me and I then had the realization. The flashback was just for us. It wasn't it wasn't for it wasn't it literally has carried on where it left off in episode six.
Obviously, you see Osha with an awful lot of the abilities that she learned from the witches where she's controlling Khmer. When she's got the helmet on, he tries to enter her mind palace. I mean, that's the best way I can explain it. He tries to enter her mind palace, whether it's
something that is specific to the witches whether it's something that is who knows maybe she's in the world between worlds oh that would shake up some of the the haters but anyway wherever they are when they're having that conversation she very much takes him over but he manages to get himself back and and and takes the helmet off her
I did. I did think it was interesting that they didn't show anything besides him in that like dark world. They never they never showed what else was in there with him or what he was doing there. And so I thought that was very intriguing. Like what's one of those threads of like, oh, well, we're going to find out what that means at some point.
And he talks about that she can see the future when the helmet is off and they're conversing with each other. He clearly says, you can see the future, you're looking ahead, which always suggests that she really is a lot more powerful than we originally suspected. And it's going to be
some haters for that. However, I want to remind everyone that she started getting she was already very strong with the force. She lost it over time. She got it back when she's with her sister in episode and she's and she's a split of the same person. Like you're already like on a different playing field than everybody else. Exactly.
the return to Brenda, we go, you know, the guys are going to, that surprised me. That, that surprised me that we were going back to Brenda. I kind of assumed that, um, and again, this is my miss miss misunderstanding on my
My misinterpretation of the meaning of the flashback, I thought that was so talking to me, but I think that was for our purposes, as I said, not, not, not, not that transaction between the two of them. And one of the things that I didn't understand why they, why they went straight to Brenda.
It's like, well, surely, you know, you've got May with you. May knows where Khmer's bolt hole is. She knows where that is. But again, I didn't realize that they hadn't had that conversation and she hadn't at all warmed to him yet. So she sure as hell wasn't going to, wasn't going to tell him where they were. So assuming that he was going to go to Brendan, and from what I made out of the reason why he did that was to A, attract Osher.
and B to bring the Jedi there so that he could prove the the virgins and if you like explain his actions of 16 years ago by proving the virgins. A little bit like I guess a little bit like Torbin did albeit the wrong way during the flashback. Interestingly the
he still thinks he's right and he's still blaming me. You burned your, you set your place on fire. It's like, yeah, none of that would have happened if you guys hadn't interfered. But anyway, it's, I still find it strange that he's still somewhat blind and that he still thinks he was doing the right thing. Um,
Interesting that he spelled it out to them that they're not twin sisters. You're a virgins and time you're noticing it and kind of doing that. Well, wait a minute. Come again. Because you said they're listening. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then May escapes. She manages with Pip's help or with the rebooted Pip's help, manages to escape. She gets into the escape ship or whatever the fighter is that's attached to Sol's main ship and gets away. I did, I mean, from an aesthetic point of view, I found the helmet a little bit goofy. It was very much perched at the top of her head.
But that's, again, an aesthetic thing, but it kind of looked a little bit goofy. I mean, a lot of work went into that helmet, but it just was perched a little bit strangely. Anyway, and then I wrote down, what is Basil's gig? First he's giving me shit in episode six, and now he's giving Soul Ship by tearing his ship up. I didn't understand that at all, and I'm just going to have to accept, but I'm never going to be able to understand it.
Um, I love the, is it, is it morgue or Moog, or? Moog. I just wrote down, I love the dorky Jedi. I love him. He's so beautifully dull. Um, that, that, that, that he just makes me laugh every time he opens his mouth. Um, then we have the, then we have the meeting with the Senator and like it's, like I said, the, um,
I love the senator's point of view. I was expecting that person like many people for that senator to be
not evil, but well, the very evil, yes, to be part of the plan, to be part of part of the ongoing plot against Jedi. But he is simply a senator with a specific point of view, which, quite frankly, I agree with. And I think he was speaking on for on behalf of many of us that were saying, you know, guys, you're you're not regulated. You know, you're not regulated here. You do you do have tendencies to
not be able to control your emotions and yet you yield this massive amount of power and we need a little bit of control here because you're like a ticking time bomb as he was proven later on in the film in the episode.
Vanessa, I just, I, I haven't warmed to her at all throughout the season. I don't think I'm meant to. I've just written down here, Vanessa's an ass. Um, an hour ago, ass. Um, and then of course we go back to, um, the planet that I can't keep forgetting its name that where OSHA and, um, come here, they leave and we see who I assume is Plagueis or everyone is assuming is Plagueis.

Witchcraft Elements in Combat

which is dope. He certainly doesn't. Sorry.
No, go ahead. No, I want you to finish your thought on that. Go ahead. Well, no, he doesn't look like a man. But if you look at the if you look at some of the concept art for Darth Plagueis that say he is a man, he looks very familiar to more of the decrepit versions of Plagueis that we've seen. Very, very similar. Very, very similar. So that's
That's that's a that's a hot take that I'm currently kind of sitting in right now of like. I thought it was cool. I do think it's cool. It's like, holy shit, we got to see him. But in terms of like the story in this season, it's like. The him seeing him and then also the Yoda cameo at the end of like.
like it just felt forced in a way of like why like why I'm not I'm not upset about it. It's just like. It didn't it didn't serve the story. At all, especially especially Plagueis.
Well, no, I was gonna say the other way around. But let's put a pin in that because I've got many, many questions when we talk about what the future looks like. But you know, it's there.
It has to be Plagueis. If it's not, it could be anyone, to be honest with you, because let's face it, Plagueis' timeline is at the moment, part of the legacy timeline. It's not canon at the moment, which is something I want to bring up at the end, if that's okay. Another aesthetic thing that bothered me was seeing the size of
got to see an awful lot more of Khmer's ship, which I felt in the first couple of episodes reminded me an awful lot of the Sith Infiltrator, like an early deconstructed version of the Sith Infiltrator, which was great. However, now that we've seen an awful lot more of it, it's a massive ship with two
Pissed tiny cockpits, which really threw me. Really, really threw me. I mean, the size of the ship is enormous because you see them perspective, in perspective, crossing the walkway when the tide goes out to the ship. And it's huge behind them. And they get there, they get in it, and they're in two
cockpit's no bigger than an X-Wing cockpit. I thought, that's really, really weird. Anyway, it's there. It doesn't, does it change anything? No, of course it doesn't. It's just an aesthetic thing that, um, um, I picked up on. Witches, they arrive or sorry, um, soul and, uh, may obviously get there first. Um, so here's the witches scree, uh, singing in the background. And then of course we get the saber fright. Um,
the same a fight I thought was to your point awesome the only thing that I was that I would add to that to what you've already quite rightly said is I love that whole and you can correct my pronunciation is it wakizami sorry wakizashi the smaller of the two blades that show that or samurai would have
So you'd have the Katana and then you'd have the Wakizashi blade as well, the smaller blade, which is... I just call it a dagger. Is stored in the lower part of the main hill. I love that. I love that. And there's two reasons why I love it. One is the obviously the callback or the association with
feudal Japan, which I'm on a roll with that at the moment, but also the call back to, I think I talked to you about it a few episodes ago, the original Marvel comic series where Luke had to fashion his own dagger in order to fight
Luminara, um, the, uh, the dark lady. Um, and that for me was sick. It was, you know, normally we see Jedi dual weed, dual wield two identical lightsabers where one is not bias over another. Whereas this kind of arrangement where one is the main weapon and the other is, is the support weapon. Um, I love that stuff and I'm probably spending too much time talking about it.
So, so on that, I know, I know there's been a lot of comparisons to kind of like the, the, the, the Japanese kind of sorts. I see, I look at it like a slightly different, I see it as more of like more of more of a scumbag thing, like similar to like a, like a, like a, like a, it's like a hidden dagger up the sleeve. Cause whenever he would use it or like a, Oh, I have a lightsaber. Ha ha secret. Yeah. Yeah. Got a knife in my boot. But like a light, like a,
So it's like a ship that you'd have in prison. I'm with you. It's like, I'm fighting a secret, secret, yeah, ship, secret knife. Yeah, stab you in the side. So it's like, it goes to his kind of like scumbag conniving nature of like, Oh, I'm fighting fairly, but I'm also he doesn't play by the rules. Haha, secret sword, bam, getcha. Um,
And I thought that's cool. So it is kind of like the Japanese feudal Japan, kind of smaller, smaller dagger katana sword. But I also like the fact that it's

Critique of Pip's Character

it's hidden. It's not a an Ahsoka dual wield. It's a intentionally hidden and concealed
so he can bring it out in desperation or to gain an upper hand. It's not the massive mold. It's a means to fight dirty. I like that. Yeah. And that lends itself nicely to the way he fights in the first place, which, again, is more like a street fight or a brawl than anything else. Okay. No, I like that. Pip spits in Ocea's face. I thought that was...
I thought it was a little bit funny, but also a little bit disappointed. I kind of thought that Osha being a technical guru that she was, would have some sort of fail safe in place should Pip ever find himself or herself or themselves factory reset that they would find their way back to
their fully full consciousness that never really happened so one of those things but I did find it funny when she was fighting her sister and she just looks out to Pip and says Pip calls their name that they just spit on her which I thought was a little bit funny.
So another another hot take from from I'm I'm on him today. Now the series is over. I like I like the PIP. And I thought that was funny, too. But I know the series seasons over. I stand by kind of the belief that like I think the show could have done without PIP like PIP could be completely removed. Yeah. And it didn't. It didn't. So purpose. We did it.
The design, I think the design was too advanced for the time period. And like, it doesn't fit for me. And I think you could just completely remove Pip from the, like, peace and love. I like Pip as a character. I'm a pro. It does feel like gratuitous merchandising, isn't it?
It feels like something you pick up at Galaxy's Edge. Yeah, we haven't seen anything yet. But yeah, no, I'm with you. I'm not quite sure of their purpose at the moment because a multi-tool, a non-sentient multi-tool would have done the job and a flashlight would have done the job for what was actually required of it. But yeah, no, I'm with you. Listen, it's Star Wars. Let's squeeze in a few little cute things. Oh, yeah. For sure.
Um, going back to the Japanese, um, theme. Um, and it's one thing I talked about this morning because I felt really strongly was the first time ever I noticed the music. Um, the music has been incidental, which I guess is the, um, is what
background music in a series or any production should be. It shouldn't take over the production. But the music during this season hasn't been particularly memorable for me until today. And then when the two girls are fighting each other, I thought that it was very coral. Yeah.
It was very coral, but it was very Eastern coral. It wasn't like, um, jewel of the fates with, which were very, you know, church choir kind of, kind of Latin kind of, um,
religious choral music. It was more, in my mind, it sounded akin to, I don't know if you've watched Akira, but an awful lot of the choral music in Akira are very, very high pitched Japanese
choirs that are singing and it reminded me an awful lot of that. And then subsequently I got more invested and I noticed an awful lot more of the music this episode more than any other. So on my rerun or on my rewatch over the weekend, I'm wondering if I can pick up an awful lot more. I mean, I didn't, I didn't, in fairness, when I watched Andal, I didn't notice the subtle differences between the intros.
um until the second or third third uh rewatch and in fact i found that the um um
funeral procession in the finale, I found it quite weird because it felt very English mining town brass bandy. I know what I mean. Most mining towns in the UK have a brass band that the miners used to contribute to or be members of. They're amateur bands and they're all brass. That reminded me of that. At the time, I didn't like it. Then it wasn't until the second or third
rewatch that I'd realized, oh my God, this fits so well for the people that we're talking about, the working people we're talking about that are in their best bib and tucker to pay respect to Martha. Sorry, I'm going off a tangent, but you understand what I mean. I'm really looking forward to the rewatch because like I said, the music I thought was really, really powerful.
And I think that's intentional. I think it's intentional because I think I was serious. I know there's been a lot of criticism of it, but I think I think the arrangement for this series as a whole is I wouldn't say a masterstroke, but I think it's all very intentional. I think they did a very good job at it, especially on this last episode where you see it peeking through more.
And I think it was intentional because the whole, this whole show has been, the arrangements kind of taken a backseat because music, like the arrangements and stuff, tell you how to feel in a certain moment, do all the fates, tells you brings the intensity. And if, if there was a very front facing arrangement throughout this entire show, then we would understand
some of the it would it would lead too much in a certain direction but with a sitting in that with a sitting kind of in the pocket it's forced us to kind of like be unsure of like what what i feel sitting with our emotions more of like what what is happening who

Strategic Combat Techniques

are the good guys who are the bad guys what are the themes and i think i think it's been genius in a lot of ways because and i know some people don't like that they don't like this like
Well, why did we get another flashback? I want to know, like, what's the order? Who's this and the other? That's intentional. You're supposed to not understand and feel uncomfortable with what is happening. Why did this happen? And I think they did. Who should I be rooting for? To your point, who should I be rooting for? It's like, well,
We don't know. It's more complicated than that. It's more complicated than that. The only person that hasn't lied is the Sith apprentice. He's the only one that actually has told the truth all the way through this. Anyway, to finish off my first page, I thought when we revisit the fight between Khmer and Sol, I thought that last blade stroke
was phenomenal and it reminded me an awful lot of Rebels. So I'm talking about the piece where they're facing each other and they do that very, very quick samurai-esque type of stare down and then quick run towards each other, quick blade strikes, and it's done. It's very Kurosawa. Yeah, exactly, exactly. And it reminded me of when Obi-Wan and
more face each other off at or faced off when on Tatooine in in rebels and I thought for a minute
When both sabers were deactivated, I thought for a minute, one of them was a goner. Yeah, it only happened to be, obviously the saber, Khmer saber that had been busted up. But I genuinely, genuinely thought that one of them was going to collapse and that would be, or both of them would collapse, which would be very, very curious hour indeed. Speaking of that. Very, very cool.
Can we, I forgot to mention during the lightsaber thing, can we just say, like I say, like it, it was, I think that was a genius lightsaber battle. Not only like, I think the biggest piece I took away from is like, Saul was like, on a next level, being very intelligent. Like when they were fighting and like they had.
they were moving like the blades back and forth. You see Saul, like, this is how I interpret it. You see Saul, like, remember that, like, the cortosis helmet is like, can disable it. So then he flips it back around and he's pushing the red lightsaber. Oh, that was awesome. He knows he's like, he's trying to disable his saber.
And then Kaimir realizes it. And he's like, Oh, shit. And then they kind of get flipped back around. That's like, Oh, he's trying to use his his helmet against him. And I think if it flips the tables on their head, like, Oh, Kaimir doesn't have this huge upper hand anymore. Sol has learned. And it's now using it against him. Like it didn't come across explicitly. But it's like in that moment, you're kind of watching. It's like, Oh,
that's how Sol's doing such a better job now is he's in a different headspace and he's using Kymir's like weapons kind of against him. I thought that was like really clever. I'm glad you picked that up because I didn't talk about, I don't think we talked about it this morning, but I noticed it. I did, I did, I did notice it. It was kind of like, hang on a second. The blades are the wrong way around. They should be, they should be
Blue should be closer to Sol's face and Red should be closer to... Yeah, they flipped him around and you were trying to work him back around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then that was really cool. Page two. Obviously, Mae wants him to confess. She doesn't want to take vengeance back out on Sol, despite the encouragement from Kameer.
I've written it three times and across two pages. Sol still thinks he did the right thing. Exploration mark. Um, and that's, it's at that moment there that I think he has some sort of, or I have some sort of some.
portion of sympathy towards soul because he explains that girls I wanted to say I did want to save both of you it's because of you are this virgins and but we don't get to understand what a virgins is which I guess is the the gutting part for me and why a virgins would mean
that there's some sort of danger there. Because what I still keep thinking of is, guys, everything would have been fine if you just left them alone. And so a little bit more explanation as to why a vergence is so dangerous and unique as to why they needed protecting would for me have helped kind of
explain his actions, maybe not justify, but certainly explain his actions. So a little bit, that's one of those, it's just those two parts, you know, it's Basil, sabotage in the ship, and the explanation of what the Virgin says and the importance and the magnitude of what a Virgin says would have really helped me. To me, to me, I interpreted that because I felt sympathy for soul as well. Like,
Because, and I see where he's coming from. Like I truly do have like, he believed he was doing the right thing, but he, like the fuck up, like yes, they fucked up by coming in on the planet and like doing all that. But it's like, but his, to me, his true fuck up was accidentally killing Anasaya, like the overreaction, the tension in the moment and things like that. But his, I believe his concerns were real and not because like, oh, he had a weird affection for Osha or,
like, weird Jedi overstepping, like, I don't interpret it that way. To me, it's like, he has information that these two created by the virgins, like, to me, it's like similar, like walking into like somewhere and being like, Hey, we have this like enriched uranium over here. And we have this like means to compress it over here. And it's like, well, wait a minute.
We're like, we're like one step away from like a big deal happening. And like, yeah, they haven't explained it yet, but I think that to me, that's where his head space is. And oblivion. Yeah. And it's like this, this, this thing that you guys have done is, is, is proof that like, there's like, and like, then he made mistakes of like, okay, it's in the wrong hands. We need to control this and contain it because the next step is, is oblivion.
with all of this thing. It is like the end of everything. And it's not necessarily about the girls. It's about a bigger thing. And I think they'll get to that. It's... I think you're right. She bleeds the Kaiba.
That was fucking cool. Once she, once she found, we see the Kyber being bled, you know, what was in text is now in, in, in live action. And it was like, I honestly got shivers. I genuinely, genuinely, I feel like I should be taking the piss out of a Raj at the moment, but, um, over the syphilis to always gets ridiculed for having, having goosebumps, but I genuinely, genuinely had goosebumps. It was, um, absolutely phenomenal to see that and to see it. It was expert acting too.
It wasn't just the special effects. It was the chimer looking at her going, oh, shit. You've got expert acting from soul. You've got expert acting from OSHA when she finds out. And he's pouring his heart out. And then she just says, stop talking. And you see her.
All I can call it is a fall. You see her fall to the dark side and she kills the guy. But as he's dying, and we talked a little bit about this this morning, his death was absolutely beautiful. It's a weird thing to say, but the acting in that death, as the tear rolls down his face, and yes, he's dying, but he's more
he's more upset that he's lost her. Does that make sense? Yes. He says it's okay. That to me is what makes me feel sorry for him and that his intentions work. He's not as bad as what everybody else makes him out

Parent-Child Dynamics

to be. He fucked up. I'm not apologizing for it. Don't forget his last words before she starts joking him. He said something on the lines of, I did it because I
And then she stops him talking because she started to strangle him. And I'm convinced he was saying, I did it because I love you. And I don't mean any in any kind of sexual way or any kind of I mean it in terms of genuine love. And, you know, it's like the love of a friendship, the love of a parent, the love of the love of a friend, the love of a parent, the love of of someone that you spend time with. I genuinely think the guy loved her.
Hence the reason why it's like, you know, forgive yourself. It's okay. I'm okay to die. And the tears rolling down his face. It's like, okay, now this is, this is gospel worthy. It's absolutely superb. Yeah. He's like, I understand why you're upset. He's like, I, I stand by what I did. Not necessarily how I did it. I was trying to protect you. I know I fucked up.
Like, like we all have it like we all don't know situations like this in the real world, where people do things are blinded by their their love and their desire to protect people like how many parents do we know that did like lie to their kids or whatever and like thinking they were doing the right thing. Yeah, the kids grow to be adults are like, I could have handled it and they're like, hey, I can't take it back. I know it's wrong. But
I thought I was doing the right thing. I'll give a less, a less, an example or a less, I wouldn't say it's less tragic because it's equally as tragic, but an example of that, a parents that
or adopted parents that decide to tell their children at a later age that they're adopted. I know that from within my own family, on my sister's side of the family, her husband was adopted and wasn't told until quite late.
He should have been told earlier. And the girl should have been told earlier, or sorry, Osha should have been told earlier, the truth of what happened. But and there's a, you know, there's a there's a real there's a real reason. There's a real reason why parents or protectors do that. And it usually is with the best intentions, but it's it's it's still wrong. Anyway, it's wrong. There's a humanity to it, though. And yeah, I mean, it's absolutely real.
Yeah, absolutely. And then on a funnier note, so five minutes prior to all this kicking off, we see the Jedi ship, which I think is the ship that you told me you want to see more of, the whatever, the Jedi dagger ship, whatever it's called. I want to see more vectors, but I don't think that was a vector because I was carrying all those people. A vector can only hold one person, I believe.
All right, I'll shut up then. Point being is that that ship flew over five minutes beforehand and then we shoot to the team, only just getting off the ship. It's like, Jesus, if there's shit going down, you're not in any rush at all.

Twists and Revelations

What did you do? Have a cup of tea before you got off the ship? What the hell? I'm sure times it's not happening sequentially, but what was interesting and less funny was
We find out then for sure that Vanestra was Kameer's master. And he quickly puts the helmet on to block her out, Magneto style. I thought that was wicked, actually getting that revelation or that... What am I trying to say? That revelation and that recognition that he was still alive was pretty cool. She's just like, you, what the hell are you doing here?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The thing that was funny about the ship was when she was giving them commands, she's like, all right, you two go do this. Everybody else set a perimeter. And then immediately after that, they're all still together, running behind Basil. It's like, yeah, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what kind of perimeter? That's a terrible. That's not a perimeter. That's called a straight line. It's, it's, um, yeah, I know what you mean. Um,
Again, it's the Dorky Guy. It's Morg, Moog. Yeah, him. He doesn't take orders. He doesn't understand orders very well. We find out how May escaped the Corps, which I thought was sweet and an amazing call back to Empire.
She got sucked down one of those air vents as Luke did when he dived off the gantry in his fight with Vader. I thought that was really, really cool. And the corridor or the vent that they walked down looked very, very Bespin-esque, which I thought was really, really cool. And then obviously, they all meet up. Also, they all meet up.
Khmer finds them and they decide to part their ways and Khmer wipes her mind, which again was something we discussed this morning and Josh asked the question, well, it seemed to be done quite simply. It wasn't as invasive or as brutal as perhaps
Because she accepted it because she wanted it. Exactly. Exactly. That's the conclusion that we came to was that, well, two things. One was that she, she accepted it, but also, oh, it's shot so beautifully. I mean, they use the nursery rhyme that they that they'd learned together. And when May forgets the lines,
Man, I was... Whoa, I was choking up. I genuinely thought when they were reciting that, I thought it was going to... I'm shocked at what happened. I thought it was going to reverse it and they were going to merge. I thought that was going to be some magic spell and they were going to say it and it was going to stop it and they were going to merge. And it's like, nope, she genuinely does not remember shit. And it's like, whoa. That's not to say that...
the nursery lot rhyme which you know if you consider the mothers the witches chant which was para one para two para many yeah which was more of a religious chant or a witch's chart and then you've got the nursery rhyme which is which is the girl's version of that there's no reason why that nursery rhyme won't bring May back one day if indeed there is a second series
She talks about her OSHA talks about I will find you she says yes, I know you will and there's no reason why that That can't be reversed with a little bit of
force jiggery-pokery by leveraging that rhyme to really bring her memories back, which I strongly believe will happen one day.

Lies and Unresolved Issues

And then obviously, you know, the whole thing kind of wraps up, and Van Hestra throws Sol under the bus. I mean, she does the decent thing and says sorry to his dead body, said sorry, you know, sorry, my friend, but ultimately, you're going to take the blame for all of this.
And it's like you're perpetuating a lie with another lie. You're making it worse. You're making it worse. Didn't your parents teach you something? Didn't you learn anything in the Jedi Academy? You don't take a lie and then make it worse by veneering it with more lies and load it, packing more and more lies on top of it. But if you look at it, the root lie I think is coming with her and Khaimir.
like, she can't expose anything. So like, yeah, all this other shit's happening there. But there's the root, the root lie was the original sin probably back when whatever happened with her and Kaimir, and she's been covering stuff up for ages. And so she has to do some why, you know, which is the reason why there's no mention of the sisters in the explanation to the council or to the to the
Yeah, to the council or to the senators that convene. There's no mention of the girls. There's no mention of her wayward apprentice. It's all 100% on soul. And I'm thinking
Well, it isn't the story there. Well done, Leslie. There's another story there. But secondly, it's like, do you not think that lying in the first place got you in this situation or got the Jedi in this situation? No wonder.
the ambassador that we see, no wonder he thinks there should be some sort of investigation. It's the right thing to do because you can't be trusted. You lie. You lie. You abuse your power.
Gotta ask you a question. Two last things, I promise you. The Chancellor, we saw that species in being introduced in The Force Awakens. That kind of, how can I put it? That kind of... Furry thing. Yeah, the yak-head-y type of character. The bipedal yak-head-y type of person. I actually shouldn't call it yak-head, should we?
I don't know what it is. Is that the new Bothern? Is that what the canon version of Botherns are now? I don't think they are, are they? I think that that is one of those things that they are never going to reveal. Almost to a point where I bet it's an internal joke.
Like that's one of those things where like we can't like almost like naming Yoda species. It's like, here's five things you're not allowed to do. You're not allowed to talk about Bothans or show them. You're not allowed to give Yoda species and whatever, whatever, whatever. It's like, it's almost a joke, but it's also real. Like we can't, I don't think, I think if they do do that, I think they will make it.
a big, a big deal for no particular reason. But I think that would just be, they're not going to slide that one in. Got it. Got it. But yeah, because for me, they're, they're almost too stocky and too cumbersome to be above and above and while having a
canine oblique feline face were still very agile and humanoid in their build. I'm sure there's an answer somewhere on Wikipedia or something, but I have no idea what they are. Anyway, that was interesting. And then we're back with
Osha and Khmer and we see them on back at Khmer's boat hole. They hold hands and fade to black.
typical typical or very very empire strikes back again esque type of ending also we think because at that moment in time I thought that was the end and roll credits you know that's the end there's a there's a future together with them they may well be at some point
um, associated with, with Plagueis, which I've got a question about in a minute. Um, but that was it. But no, um, Benestra then looks to get some advice from another Cameo, uh, being Yoda. And, um, to your point, was it needed? And before we go into some of the loop, some of the questions I've still got and some of the loose ends, I will actually cover this. So my question to you about Yoda.
is if, if Benestra confides in Yoda and tells him everything, then he's complicit for another hundred years. So she tells, I don't think she tells him everything.
Right, okay. I think that's a general sentiment that most people have got now. But I thought, you know, Yoda's Yoda. Yoda's Yoda. The Jedi are assholes, but Yoda's Yoda. They're not going to make him be a complete asshole like that. Okay, fine. To me, in my opinion, I think he's one of those things where the characters are not going to truly throw under the bus.
Unless, unless Vanessa doesn't realize he is Sith and she thinks he is just a wayward, a wayward Jedi, in which case telling him the truth and everything that she perceives may not actually impact it. So either way, I feel better about it than I did when I was watching it this morning. I was thinking, hang on Yoda, here, here I am thinking Keodie is the major asshole on the, on the council. It's not, it's not you, is it? It's not you. And I think I've convinced myself, no, it's not. He's a,
But she doesn't even if she doesn't mention that he says, because I don't think she thinks he says, I think even just including him in this. Like, depending on what she tells him, I feel like that puts a pretty big onus on on on Yoda. To to be be involved in the situation, she could I think she's going to tell him enough, like, OK, I won't go into my predictions of what I think is going to happen yet.
I think she tells him some things, but not enough that this puts a huge spotlight on Yoda. Considering what we know about Yoda at this time, I think since Yoda's not, he's kind of off doing other things and he's like kind of, he's kind of on the side. He's not on like the main Jedi council mission stuff. I think she's going to him because I think he's gonna be the justification for her to go
do things independently outside of the purview of the main council. I think that's why she went to him. And I'm cool with that. I'm cool with that. But it does beg one of the loopholes that we've almost sewn up the May and OSHA story only to
leave the Khmer story and what happened to him and his relationship and what happened between him and Benestra is something that blatantly hasn't been tied up and needs some further investigation at some point by one means or another. The second question I had, which again, may well look to the future, is
The reason why it makes sense that that character in the cave was Plagueis is that the tragedy of Darth Plagueis is that he learned how to create life and who better to understand the rules of creating life from than the witches or a witch that was created or a descendant of a witch that was created by
by sorcery or by witchcraft. So that kind of makes sense that it is him. That kind of legitimizes that.

Plagueis and Khmer Speculations

The only thing I would say is that, and we mentioned this a couple of weeks back now, way before the Acolyte even started, was that in legacy canon, the Sith Order goes
Is it Tiberius then Tiberius? Tiberius before Plagueis? It is. Tiberius, Plagueis, Plagueis, Sheev, and then so on and so forth. There's nothing actually on the silver screen and a new cannon that suggests... Tenebrous. Tenebrous. Tenebrous.
There's nothing in official canon, in terms of proper canon, that suggests that Plagueis was actually Sheev's master. We've assumed it is, and it's still kept because of the EU or legacy. And if they do follow the legacy,
Timeline or assumption that we've got that means that come here and OSHA have to die. I Think Oh chimer chimer is absolutely gonna die like he that loose end will be buttoned up probably by Venetra And the infant okay, so we're gonna we're gonna whole hog into this Season two is as a hundred percent in my opinion
It's, it's coming. I just realized, I just realized Tiberius is actually James D. Kirk's middle name, isn't it? Sorry. I just went off a tangent. Sorry. Carry on. Season two is, is in my book, uh, a 100% going to happen, but it's going to morph into a more like a McGuffin race against time kind of thing. Like we're going to see multiple timelines moving and it's, it's going to bring Vanessa trying to track down.
Kaimir not realizing what he's a part of. Kaimir and Osha doing their thing. With in at some point in time, like Plagueis is going to confront Kaimir, because I do think Plagueis is Kaimir's master. I don't I don't believe that Kaimir. The other way around, you mean. Kaimir is. Yeah, Plagueis is Kaimir's master. Yes, yes, I believe that is Kaimir's master.
I think there's going to be a confrontation at some point with Plagueis and Kymir about Osha, like, oh, are you trying to raise an apprentice to fucking come after me? Kymir is gonna have to reveal, no, she's not really my apprentice, but she is, he's gonna reveal the whole virgins thing.
to which now it's a race against time. Okay. How do we, how do we figure this out? Cause Leslie Headland did talk about, Oh, we're going to see what happens to mother coral. She's involved with the night sisters. It's like, we didn't see any of that. So that's what leads me. Oh, see, hold on a second. Oh, stop that. I forgot to put on the dark strip. Um, so I think that's going to lead them to track down mother coral, who's now with the night sisters as like the MacGuffin.
Plagueis is going to be doing that when, um, Venestra kind of confronts Kaimir and that whole resolution happens, but it's going to be too late. Plagueis is going to get with the Nightsisters and then everything we know going forward is going to happen, but it's going to be cut off to the point where like they never knew that Plagueis or anything existed.
Like you just kind of see these dominoes fall. I don't know what's going to happen to Mei and Oshia. I think like, is there, I don't even, because Oshia was like, no, I don't want to be your apprentice. But then just like the act of killing soul. Like is she, I don't.
I don't believe she truly wants to be trained. And I kinda got that vibe from her when he went to reach for her hand, like she's still in this like realm of like, no, I'm pissed and I'm mad, but like I have no intentions of being your apprentice and following this path.
I don't know. It could be. In other words, it was a means to an end to protect her sister. Yeah, no, no, it could well be. It could well be. I don't know. I think there's some truth in that because I still see two things. Two things. OSHA and May, they're angry, but they're emotional. They're really emotional. They're not.
they're really, really upset. There's a lot of grieving, if you like, going on as opposed to outright savage anger. Secondly, when she ignited the blade
the Kaiba couldn't work out whether it was green or red. Do you remember it was flashing green then? Green, blue then red. Yeah, blue, red, blue, red, blue, red. And that bearing in mind that the Kaiba reflects the the wielder. The fact that I know she bled the lights at the Kaiba to red. But the fact that it
There was a certain amount of initial. Confusion, shall we say, in the Kaiba as to what it should be. Suggest to me that she hasn't fully turned. Yeah. I guess they're still good in her. I could see their outcome being. Being confronted with Venetra, like with the witches.
And I'm here and then like the witch is being like, you're not taking that like his mother coral being there being like, you're not taking them. Well, we'll take the sisters. You can have chimer like you, you can take him. And then, like, then I should be like done deal. And then we see main OSHA. Whisper off into the wind with them.
But yeah, I don't think I don't think I don't think she's fully evil. Like, I think she had a moment of just strangling the ever living life out of soul and feeling that anger. But I think like, what else did they have to be mad at? Like, they mission accomplished. You did it. Like, you killed everybody involved.
Like in your anger was directed at soul. He's gone. So what else? What else is there? Who else is going to get vengeance on the rest of the Jedi? Like. That seems they don't seem that lost or that driven by that, especially since they was like, man, whatever.
Yeah, no, I'm with you,

Future Story Arcs and Timelines

man. Do you think that do you think Leslie will be given the go ahead for her own for her own second season or do you reckon this will be picked up? Mandover style in something parallel. I think the acolyte will have a season two, but I don't think I think Leslie had little be executive producer. I think it'll be. I think there'll be other. I think it's being built. I think we picked up as a larger thing.
Yeah, I do. And the reason why I'm saying that is because I hope for that, because I think that, you know, obviously I'm looking forward to Skeleton Crew, but again, we're at the Mando timeline and we've got, again, we're stuck in this 60 to 80 year period, which is somewhat restricted. It's great to get new stories. I am actually really looking forward to the idea of, you know,
goonies in space. But the idea of there being ancillary or parallel productions at different points in the timeline, I'd be really excited for that. So if there was something else going on, that would be rather cool.
I think the Acolyte isn't going to have as an expansive universe as the Mandoverse. But I do think that the entire purpose of this series and this kind of timeline is to set up. It's the it's the downfall of the High Republic and kind of the fruits, the fruits coming to bear of the Jedi's hubris.

Jedi's Hubris and Downfall

Like, I think that's the sole purpose of this is like, what were the things that trickled into motion that the Jedi started getting caught up in some of the situations that they that they spun together? Yeah, we're using main OSHA, but it's also showing a piece of pieces of. Plagueis and then eventually sheave and yada yada yada. It's but it's really kind of the start of the downfall of the Jedi. I think it's it's it's it's kind of soul.
intention. Um, be interesting. I mean, we're only talking about a hundred years and let's say that, um, okay. A hundred years before the Phantom Menace, how old do you reckon old sheave Palpatine was in, in mid forties, early fifties, maybe a little bit older. I mean, I looked older. Yeah, I don't think he's alive. I don't think he's alive yet.
No, he's not alive yet. But what I'm trying to say is that I love the idea of the, I'd be happy with something exclusive, Plagueis, for example, that took up to the time where he meets this young aspiring senator and feels the
the ambition in him to take him under his wing. That'll be quite cool. I'll be quite interested in something like that. So do you think so with the way Cannon's moving, do you think it'll be that way where he's already a politician, but then he is courted to the dark side? Or do you think it'll be the other way around? Kind of like modern day politicians. It's like, oh, are they evil ahead of time? And then they go into politics, or do they go into politics and become evil?
No, I hope it's either way around. I hope it's I hope he's and I hate the words, but I hope he's been groomed since he was young because he's the potential of the potential in him was was was identified young a little bit, you know, like a like a reverse Jedi, I guess. I hope I hope so, too. I hope he is groomed on the evil side of things. And they're like, you could do great things. We're going to put you into politics. And then he just works his way. I think that would be
and even more satisfying sabotage and assassination, you know, all that kind of juicy stuff that makes life interesting.

Acolyte's Creative Risks

No, no, I'm really stoked. I'm really stoked. I'm really happy with the way it ended. And like I said, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself again, I'm really
I really respect it for what it is and what it what it what it's trying to do more so than what we actually saw on the screen, if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah, very happy. Very, very happy. And a nice, nice way to spend the summer. I'm very happy with it too. I'm the thing I like about it the most is that it took chances.
It took chances. Yeah, it still had some Star Wars cameos, it still had some tie-ins, it still had some of this, that, and the other. But this is probably some of the most refreshing Star Wars that we've had in a while. And I like a new timeline. I like taking risks. I like doing things a little bit differently. And I want more of that, and I hope we continue down this path.
And the sick puppy in me, and again, I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, the sick puppy in me has really, really enjoyed with perverse satisfaction, the amount of folk that are getting unnecessarily upset about the smallest things that actually in this story were actually meaningless. So for example, you know, Keir Dee, did we need him? Not at all. Did he contribute anything to the story? Not at all.
And he didn't, Phantom Menace and the Clone Wars and the Revenge of the Sith as well. He didn't contribute a damn thing. He was a cock head in the background, said a few stupid things. So I love the fact that an awful lot of folk have been venting their
There's spleens on something so relevant and the trolling, like I said, the trolling that, or sorry, the rather professional trolling or subtle trolling that Leslie has done, I thought is actually delicious. Really amazing stuff. And all that same note of like, I like the fact that they bring, they're bringing more of a human storytelling.
Element to via that it's like yeah, just because somebody said something it doesn't matter because people get things wrong people Like in this show people actively lie to try to cover the rest doesn't mean they're evil I don't think Vernestra is an evil person. I think people just do stupid shit It's like real life you get caught up you lie to cover your ass and
things spiral out of control, you make mistakes, and you know, it just ends up getting worse. Like that's, that's a human characteristic. We're not all purely good or purely evil and to show that in a, in a unit makes it certainly makes them. It certainly makes them more interesting. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, it makes it makes them heck of a lot more interesting. The idea of these guys being stoic.
Um, pure, um, masquerading as a religion. You know, um, pure, exactly. Pure people that can't do any wrong. It's, um, it's a bit dull. It's a bit, it's a bit, it's a bit boring, really. I mean, the idea, you know, investigating their frailties and their, their issues and their mistakes, I think is, um, it's good stuff. Really good stuff. Well, who am I supposed to, who am I supposed to root for?
We'll find out. Every man, that's who you root for. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So, we're back to resuming normal service next week. I should probably watch her read something.
between now and then. Yeah. Yeah. But we are working on a few things, as you know. And we've we've got a we've got a stack of
I'd say stack of guests lined up, but we've got a stack of guests that we'd like to invite that hopefully we'll, we'll, we'll say yes. Um, but we've got a stack of topics that we wanted to cover. You got a little bit of a snip. Uh, you got a little bit of a hint of that when we, uh, when I was away and when Sean, um,
spoke with Chris and Ed about their fascination on the crafting side of things. And there's a few other subjects like that that we want to talk to a few people about, and both just the two of us together as well. So we'll try and keep it interesting. There is other stuff going on as well that I'd like to talk to Sean about, such as my thoughts on the latest blockbusters on Prime and of course on HBO.
So we'll try and keep it interesting until we can start ramping up towards skeleton crew. And of course, at some point we do need to start doing some serious planning rather than sitting on our hands about what we're going to do in Japan as well next year. So we should start talking about the road to celebration. So lots and lots and lots of interesting stuff to talk about in the weeks to come. Start planning our cosplay.
Sorry, my headphones are playing up. Ain't gonna happen, buddy. Right. I will. Thank you, everyone. Thank you for being patient with me being away. Thank you for listening to our usual diatribe of how we feel about this latest series. Look after each other. Take care. Lots of love to you all. Sean, why don't you take us out, mate?
I could do that. Thank you everybody for listening. It's been fun talking about the Acolyte. If you know where to reach us, just If you want to send a voicemail or email in, you know, you can find the links to all that stuff there. Feel free to leave us reviews on your pod catcher of choice or not. But yeah, we do appreciate all the love and support. And until next week, it's been fun. Bye. Bye.