before we had kids is pretty easy. But you know, with growing kids, it's it's a daunting to keep up, keep up on the yeah big clothes don't fit him anymore, you know, and in the back for six months. so But yeah, I mean, I did I found myself this last week kind of, ah you know, back online ordering a few odds and ends for the for the car kit, you know, the ah the videos you're seeing of the people just kind of commandeering, like excavators and stuff. I'm like, you know, I've i'd seen those like kits of the keys before i'm like, you know what, maybe I need to grab, grab those just so I've got the universal keys, or just like the water ones from like, you can use that on the side of buildings and stuff. um So I'm just trying to beef up some of the stuff. But yeah, that's, it's definitely got me got a fire under me now. And clay, I was wondering, in in terms of like, what you've written about about preparedness and an organization,