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The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays5 years ago
Wow what a Royal Rumble!! Phil and Marco recap The Royal Rumble, discuss Neidhart hitting shelves, the return of Kassius Ohno to Target, and fantasy book some women's title matches for Wrestlemania. Plus Chris Matthews from @WrestlegedonPod comes on to discuss Target's lack of elite figures lately! Become a member of the Foley Family!

Kickoff and Evening Plans

All right, we are officially on the road to WrestleMania. Welcome to the Chick Foley show. We are a duo right now. We do have a special guest to kick off the show, but it's me and Marco here. We're waiting for Sheena. Just putting the babies to sleep. Just got to finish watching AEW Dynamite. Marco, what's going on this evening, dude? Not that much, man. Just finishing up those, uh, the show, the Wednesday night war shows and, uh, this, you know,
prepping for that Super Bowl week stress-free. Don't have a team in the cut, so I'm just going to relax this week and see what happens on Sunday. Yeah, it's probably weird for you. There's probably always Patriot fever up there in Boston for the last decade or so, almost every single year. So it's probably been kind of weird. Yeah, definitely.

Tom Brady's Future: Leaving the Patriots?

If, uh, Brady's gonna leave the Patriots, which, which, uh, hot take, I think he probably is. That's my hot take. If there's any fans out there, just, you know, sorry, that's, that's the reality of, uh, of, uh, guys that age and Bill Belichick and his coaching style. So, but yeah, no, definitely, um, definitely excited for, uh, for the show tonight.

Royal Rumble Recap and WrestleMania Hype

some good takes. Yeah, we're going to recap Royal Rumble. We have some figures that have been hitting stores. We'll get into some fantasy booking for WrestleMania and some other good stuff. We have a good buddy of ours on the phone here who we touched base with him on Twitter this evening about some things. He agreed to come on Chris Matthews. Chris, what's going on, man?
Not much. How are you guys doing? Not too bad. Thank you for taking some time. You told me that you're a listener to the podcast.

Guest Chris Matthews Talks 'Russell Geddon' and Toy Department Insights

I want to hear more about your podcast. I've never checked it out, but I would love to. Tell us about the podcast that you do every week. I am one half the host of the Russell Geddon podcast. It's like Armageddon, but Russell Geddon. We're weekly. We drop every Friday. We record every Thursday night. Basically, it's the same stuff. We run down the weekly happenings.
We have a news segment or figure news. We do our Q and A's. We do a fun segment that I love is push, fire, bury every week. So essentially we randomize three people and just pick who we're going to push, who we're going to fire and who we're going to bury.
Oh, very cool. You guys drop on Friday, so our show usually drops on Thursdays. You can listen to us on Thursdays. You can listen to Russell Geddon Pod at Russell Geddon Pod on Twitter. And I know you're at heats underscore toybox on Instagram. I've been following you for a long time. You have a bunch of cool photos. You do a bunch of fig hunting there. So you're definitely
Sounds like you're one of us, so we appreciate you listening. I'm definitely going to check out your show. But I posted a picture to Twitter today on the Chick Foley Twitter account of probably the saddest looking shelf you've ever seen of Target elites and basically had like two basics sitting on the pegs and a couple people responded back about it. You reached out and said that you actually work at Target.

Target Inventory Mysteries and Restocking Process

So we wanted to pick your brain a little bit and see
you know, what the problems lie, you know, whose fault it is, if it's anyone's just fault, and what people like us, the collectors can do to kind of speed this process along. So give us your background and what you do and kind of what you see, and I'm sure it's frustrating for you working there being a collector as well. Yeah, I'm actually over the toy department in my store, so I have a little more hands on with what
as far as like what's in stock, what's not in stock, and being a collector, I've got my hands, so to say, on the pulse, so I know what's big, what's not hitting, and all that fun stuff. It's kind of rough, like, my store, I at least have some elites on the shelf, I've got some network spotlight, taking up some room on there for the first wave, and I've got a whole bunch of
Seth Rollins and, uh, even Finn sitting on the shelf. Yeah. Top talent. Yeah. Uh, no, I think it was, um, elite 70, I think. Okay. Okay. The, uh, the one in calling Finn Bower.
Oh, okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. Uh, yeah, I, I had found a dude, he scanned the barcodes and basically said, you know, we even had these, we don't have any on, you know, we don't have any coming. And he said they have not sold in elite since December 14th. So obviously they haven't gotten me since then as well. I mean, you're talking over a month, which is,
you know, terrible, but when I scan the barcode that I have a picture of, it shows, like, you know, some of the stores I show, it says four on hand, some of the stores I go to says five on hand. What does that mean? Because obviously there's nothing, if they had anything, they'd be out on the shelves, I would assume. So what does it mean when there's some on hand? Basically what our system is telling us, when it says on hand, we should have them in the store, either on the shelf, in the back room, somewhere in the store.
If it's, they're not on the pegs, we can't find them in the back, there's no location for them. Chances are they probably walked out the door and we didn't catch it. Yeah, so in that aspect, it's brought to our attention that it's, you know, if we figure out that they're not there, that we have an additional process that we can do called audit, which we can go in and manually drop the count to zero, which I think someone had replied to that
Thread to saying that they had done that in their store With after that that whole I'm recalled the back hole and within two weeks generally That's a two-week turnaround time once the count hits zero that we'll see new product in this Okay, so does the store have to do anything to target have to do anything to get new stuff or does Mattel or whatever the distributor? Just has a computer system that shows like you know this number is down to zero We need to send more out like
It's generally that, once I hit zero, it communicates with whatever the closest warehouse is, whatever our distribution center is. I believe ours comes out of Florida, I'm in North Carolina. So our distribution center, I believe is, I think it's Georgia, actually comes out of Georgia. So it'll ping to them and they'll say, okay, so they hit zero on this product, let's get it out on the truck, whatever, coming up within that next two weeks.
So basically, if I go to Target tomorrow, I show that it says five on hand, zero in the back. I can go to someone. I mean, is there somebody always in the toy department? I mean, it's hard to find. I know people are stuck on shelves. They're helping customers. There's not always just someone standing there waiting to talk to me. But is it a pretty simple process once I find someone to say, hey, can we get this?

Experiences with Target: Stock and Collector Challenges

Or are they going to look at me like I'm crazy? Like, how the hell does he know this? Some people may look at you like you're crazy.
in tune with the system and how everything works. They'll probably, if they're cool, they may help you. Unfortunately, there's a lot of team members out there that really don't want to do anything extra like they're supposed to.
Let's see the downside or details. Yeah, that's any job. You know, it's, you know, go to a restaurant, you get that. So, I mean, yeah, you just got to find, I mean, everyone has, I mean, I've talked to some people that don't have any targets, but I mean, Marco, you have a good amount of targets by you, right? I have, I would say six or seven within, you know, 20 minutes of me, 30 minutes of me. You're probably similar, right? Yeah, similar on my end here. Yeah. I mean, I usually try to hop around before or after work, depending on what they are.
Get out or leave early, but it's literally always the same To have an experience and every single one doesn't really change one of the stores usually gets like they'll get New figures before the others do but other than that like it's ever since like the with the exam Alexander wolf Started popping up and like in the target stores after that. It just seems like there's you couldn't find any exclusives after that I'm not sure
what happened there but I would literally just walk into any Target and find like an Alexander Wolf just hanging and just like it was pretty amazing but after that it just pretty much stopped. But yeah I know a couple of guys that work at a couple of the Target stores and they're pretty good about going to check it out back and stuff like that but for the most part if they're not there you can't get anyone to go back there. I used to work retail so I know how like I used to work in the warehouse of a retail store so I know how
how crazy it is back there. So I kind of have sympathy. And if you ask someone to go back to check for something, it's usually a tall task. Sometimes people just don't want to do it. But for the most part, it could be a mess back there. They could have just got a truck in. It could be literally anything. But yeah, distribution around here has been pretty dry. They were just starting to get the Elite 70s and the Elite 71s popping up everywhere. But other than that,
It's been pretty dead for the most part. So Chris, when we see the numbers jump on Pop Finder, obviously that means there's a truck that's dropped off a bunch of stuff, a delivery. What time of day is kind of the best to go? Because sometimes they'll go first thing in the morning. They're like, hey, man, we got two trucks here. They're not even unloaded yet. And it doesn't sound like bullshit. It sounds like I can understand. That's probably what they have. It's not just they have a truck that pulls up with one box of wrestling figures. There's a lot of stuff that
Target gets delivered every single day. What's what's the best time? I mean isn't like we're talking like afternoon or I mean I just sometimes I'll get there too late sometimes I'll get there too early and then sometimes I hit it right on the head So is it just kind of different from from day to day or what? It's different store to store. There's supposed to be a dedicated person in toys. That's pushing the truck but it's like this time of the year toys drops from a party one to a priority two obviously because more toys sales at Christmas and
So it doesn't have to be pushed in the morning. So it can be pushed anytime throughout the course of the day. So it's, it's a crap sheet pretty much as when that store is going to push wherever came off the truck for toys.

Social Media, Wrestling Events, and Edge's Return

You've provided us with some good info, man. Definitely, if anyone out there is hunting for stuff, make sure you're... Number one, be cool to the people working retail. It's not an easy job. You have a lot more than just wrestling figures. If you're running the toy department, you have aisles and aisles of stuff to keep track of and hundreds of people coming through every single day.
I always try to be cool with those folks because they work hard and also just follow, speak to someone that can get that on-hand number moved because I think that's really the biggest problem. I see that in every single one of my targets and it's probably just because of theft and stuff like that that those numbers haven't moved.
And you're not going to get any deliveries until that number jumps down to zero. So Chris, we thank you, man. Again, you can follow Chris on Instagram at heats underscore toybox and on Twitter at Russell Geddon pod. Thank you for joining us, man. I'm sure we'll have you back on sometime soon. You know, anything else comes up, you think we should share with the listeners, man. Definitely hit us up and I'm going to make sure I check out that podcast on Friday. Will do. Thank you guys for having me. Awesome, Chris. Thanks for joining us, man.
All right, thanks guys. Yep.
All right, Chris, thank you so much for joining us. Good info there. Later in the show, obviously we'll get into some of the figures that are hitting Targets and Walmarts, and I know a lot of the folks in the Foley family have started to find those things, Marco, so pretty exciting. We want to welcome everyone to the show. Obviously, we wanted to get that out of the way and get Chris. It's late at night here, so he just got off work, wanted to get him in and over with and done and get that info out to you guys.
Yeah, Royal Rumble, we have to recap, and it was quite a show. And before we do that, let's get rid of all the good housekeeping here. At Chick Foley's show is where you can find us on Twitter. You can follow Sheena on Instagram. She's busy. She's more active over there on Instagram, at Chick Foley. And Marco is a glorious gent on Twitter and Instagram. Good follow there.
Any questions you have for us, shoot them over to askchickfoli at or slip into our DMs. What should we start with here, man? Because I've been watching some wrestling this week. I didn't catch all of Raw. I watched a little bit of AEW Dynamite earlier tonight, but I think the biggest news has to be Royal Rumble from Sunday, and I think we should jump right into it. Yeah, definitely. Let's do it.
I don't know if
We were doing that type of thing. Oh, that's right. Yeah, she said 50% that CM Punk was going to show up. Yeah. And we were like, I don't think so. I don't know about that. But I mean, the biggest news is after 9, 10 years, whatever it was, the rated R Superstar Edge is back in the WWE. He made an appearance at, I think, number 21 in the Rumble. And he has now signed a three-year contract with the WWE.
Oh, man. We had heard rumors about it. I had posted a picture about it. Everybody thought I was crazy, probably because the picture that I posted was super old. But yeah, I didn't really give a crap. It was just something fun to talk about. But man, I popped so hard. I flew off my couch. What was your reaction when we heard that music? Oh, my God. I was actually I was actually laying in bed watching it because, you know, it's getting late. So I'm old. So I'm in bed already. And
Yeah, I literally almost I literally almost jumped out of the bed. I like so I was like, I heard I just heard the music and I was like, this is this isn't real. Even like I think even the only thing they told anybody, because if you listen to like the like Booker T, you know, he's like, they're all like, it's not like they're generally shocked.
He was even shocked he was there. His face was priceless, man. When I've gone back and watched it, I posted on Twitter, I watched it with my son on Monday, and it made him think that we were watching it live, because he's an idiot, he doesn't know any better. Oh my gosh, Jesus. But he hated the first half of the rumble, but he was pretty excited toward the end, and a second time watching it again, even though I knew it was coming. I mean, he doesn't know who the hell Edge is, but
it was just surreal man it was cool and one of those things that our buddy my damn toys hit around the head before the rumble we had already we'd heard all 30 names they posted all 30 names of the rumble like man what the hell like the best part of the rumble is the surprises and even if it's you know Brooklyn Brawler I don't care you know it's a surprise to see someone that you didn't know is coming out
MVP, you know, I mean, I'm you know, he's not he's not Hulk Hogan, but it was cool to see him. So I'm glad they moved things around the shelf with things around. We lost heavy machinery. And I think Lashley and Rusev were supposed to be in it. But yeah, we definitely got some some awesome additions. So you said on Twitter that you had a hot take about this Royal Rumble. What was your what's your hot take? I think my hot take is everyone should consider that Brock Lesnar is probably the best
worker in the business right now. He was fucking phenomenal in this. Yeah. Awesome. I didn't even look at Twitter the first 26 minutes because I knew people were just complaining that he was tossing people out left and right. Oh my God. All right. Brock Lesnar is the first person in a Royal Rumble. What do you expect?
Yeah, exactly. And who did he throw out? I mean, obviously, Kofi is the biggest name. I mean, you had a bunch of guys that were probably not going to win the thing anyway. But, I mean, you go back and watch the 92 Royal Rumble, it sucks. I mean, it's just a bunch of guys forearming each other in the back. And then, you know, the ending is the best part. Ric Flair lasting the entire match is a great part of it. But I mean, it's not, there's no storytelling. There's nothing. This was awesome. This was,
We know you hate Brock Lesnar, and we're going to hold this nut until you're about to explode, and it's going to be the biggest pop in the arena the whole night besides Edge coming out, obviously. And what better way to do with Drew McIntyre winning it and eliminating Brock Lesnar with the Claymore
And then, you know, it just was so well-written.

Royal Rumble Highlights and WrestleMania Speculation

And Lesnar, like you said, Lesnar was the star of this thing because his goddamn facial expressions when guys were coming out and he was selling for everybody, man. He made everybody look good. He made Ray Mysterio look good. I love Big E against him. Nakamura, Keith Lee. Yeah. I mean, and they also, I mean, I'm going to take your hot take one step further. This is the best Royal Rumble of all time.
I'll probably, I would not disagree with you on that, just from recent memory, because I don't remember any of the other royal rumors that happened. This is probably, this one I'm going to remember the most. It was so different, Marco, than anything they've ever done. And the people that were complaining, I tweeted like 10 people, just turn it off, turn it off if you don't like it.
But I mean, what did you expect? Like you said, what did you expect Brock Lesnar to do? It's all he does. And it was done for one reason, to set up Drew McIntyre as the ultimate now face and lead face of the company. And he did that. And I think honorable mention goes to Roman Reigns, who if I had to nitpick anything from this Royal Rumble,
It's basically what they did two years ago to give Nakamura the rub. Because they know when those two guys are in there, half the crowd's like, oh shit, fucking Roman Reigns is going to win this thing again. And they know that. They can fucking hear us, man. They know. But they went to that same well again. I mean, it was a great ending, but to have Lesnar put you over and then eliminating Roman Reigns to end the thing. I mean, you want to say that he's got a rocket ship.
I don't know if
There's not enough time to, I wish they would do it more often. I wish they would use the super showdown to build somebody. There's the king of the ring. I guess they did that with Corbin. I don't know if Corbin really needed it big time, but everything they did here was perfect. I see a WrestleMania match between Keith Lee and Strowman easily. I think that would be awesome if the ring can hold those two.
I mean, they further the Seth Rollins, Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens thing. We got a little taste of Randy Orton and Edge. Yeah. Riddle getting thrown out by Corbin. There's a thousand different ways you can go with this thing, man. And I think, I mean, I'm looking down the list of talent here. I mean, there's so many guys, I'm trying to count how many future Hall of Famers. There's probably 15 future Hall of Famers in this match.
Yeah, most definitely. They did a great job with telling a story. If you've ever watched any interviews with Vince McMahon, he's all about creating movies. He says, we don't wrestle here. We create movies. We create experiences. This Royal Rumble was legit a movie from the beginning to the middle to the end, because you have the beginning, you have the middle, then you have the ending, which is the climax, right?
You have Brock Lesnar and they're just tossing everyone left and right. He literally went up to the 15 person, which was Ricochet, the 16 person, which is literally the middle of the show, Drew McIntyre. He was the middle part of the story. He was like, I'm ending this right now. Claymore kick, not Brock Lesnar out. Now you have 15 more guys after that, or 14 more guys after that, that Drew McIntyre has to go through in order to win.
at the end of the movie, you had him in Roman Reigns, and obviously, you know, who won that, but like, just like, just to bring it back to Brock and Roman Reigns, like, like you said, Brock Lesnar sold literally everybody that walked into the, into that ring. Keith Lee, the most notable, like, him bowing the words, like, oh, okay, this is a big boy. I'm not sure if anyone, like, seen that, and like, who, he was like, who's this, who's this guy right here? Like, who's this big guy? Like, like, he was like, generally, like, shocked. I got how big this is. And then, like, the facial expressions he made were like,
Keith Lee buried him a few times and he's just huffing, just like, geez, I can't, I don't think people give that guy enough credit. They can crap on him all he wants of being a part-timer, but when he's in there, he does work, and you can't deny that at all. He doesn't half-ass anything, from what I've seen anyway. And he gets legit heat. People were in my DMs like, God, I freaking hate Brock Lesnar. That's the point, man. That's the point. You're supposed to hate him. We'll do another hot take. He's a better heel than MJF.
Oh, come on. Yeah, of course. Because everyone considers him like the greatest, like he's the best heel of the business right now. No.
People chair him, people laugh at him, nobody chairs and laughs at him. He's too cool, he's too funny to be the best. He's definitely great. I think Lesnar is, obviously, the guy has now been around for, I don't know, when he started 2003, 2004. You're looking a decade and a half of time in the WWE, maybe took a little bit of time away for UFC and trying to play football and stuff like that.
Let's go back to the Edge thing. Give me some fantasy booking. Obviously, it looks like we're going to get some sort of feud with Randy Orton, which is awesome. Former tag team partners. Who's your ideal person to face? If you could fantasy book it for WrestleMania, who would it be? Would it be Randy Orton? For his first match, yes. Only because they're familiar with each other and it'd be a safe match for him. It's not that anyone's like
Too dangerous for him right now, but I'd probably say that's that's like your that's a marquee match right there, right? That's another guy that people kind of crap on all the time and like hate when they want to his Randy Orton when he's when he's in there he performs obviously People hate the fact that he wrestles in slow motion because that's what that's my thing. But like he's a perfect storyteller We'll get on we'll get to Monday Night Raw. I'm not sure if you see the end of Monday Night Raw at all that whole that whole scenario with him and edge that like that was
If you've never seen storytelling in wrestling, because you don't really see it nowadays, that's storytelling 101 with Randy Orton and Edge. Just go back. If you haven't seen it, watch that last segment and tell me you weren't like up and down with emotions, watching that whole thing between him and Edge and all that stuff. Like say what you want about the guy. I think he's definitely the guy for Edge. I guess Roman Reigns is on WWE Backstage. And he was talking about like everyone, like Edge is like rattling off all these names.
Oh, there's Seth Rollins. But he actually gave Seth Rollins more of an intense name call, which I think that might happen at some point. But he's saying, Roman Reigns is saying, everyone was like, oh my god, I want a piece of Edge. There's AJ Styles. That's like the main one, I think. Oh my god. Yeah, that's the one that popped up. That's the one that everyone wants to see is that AJ Styles and Edge, which I totally agree with that. He even said Matt Riddle. Edge mentioned Matt Riddle. So that's a guy.
I can see he's a perfect match at anybody that he, Allison Black, Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, like anyone, like literally any one of those guys can have a like a WrestleMania match with Edge, I think in my opinion. I think it gives us a, I mean, I don't know if he's gonna be a part-time guy or not, but I mean, it just gives us another legit main eventer to add to either Raw or SmackDown. So it's pretty fun to see what's gonna happen here. I'm assuming he's gonna be on Raw.
We did touch on MVP who has been gone for even longer. He's been out since For 10 years. Yeah, what a re you know, he's stealing your gimmick and number one, but Yeah dude, he's the only one. Yeah, we'll just call him on Montel, Vontarius Porter or whatever his name was. We won't call him MVP. That's reserved for you. But I don't know if he, have you heard of he's signed or anything? I mean, obviously he wrestled on, I think he wrestled Ray Mysterio on Raw, didn't he?
Yeah, he did wrestle Rey Mysterio. From what I see, I don't think he signed anything. I know Edge definitely signed a contract. Didn't say he'd. I know he's a part of the hog wrestling as well, which Master P owns now. So he's a part of that. So I'm not sure how that works. I know Booker T has a contract with WWE, and he has his own wrestling organization. He runs Sue. But that'd be pretty cool if he came back. I mean, I don't mind MVP.
Some pretty awesome badges. I love his gimmick. People still are chanting his name and doing the balling thing on Raw, which I was kind of surprised at. He's probably surprised as well. So I mean, he's still around. He's still over. So why not?
Yeah, I love the Wakanda outfit, too. That was pretty badass. Yeah, that was pretty sick. And that Brock danced it to his music. That was pretty good. Yeah, overall, the Royal Rumble match really outshined everything. I mean, the Women's Royal Rumble was pretty good. I mean, obviously I'm

Women's Royal Rumble Review

a Charlotte Flair fan. I love seeing Sheena Baszler coming. I think that was my pick.
At least I picked her to at least be in it, and she kind of came in at number 30. Eight eliminations for Baszler, which was pretty badass. But ends up being Charlotte, and Charlotte does not announce on Raw who she's going to face. My money is on Rhea Ripley. I think that gives us something a little bit different, and I'm not really excited to see Becky versus Charlotte for the 500th time.
Yeah. Overall, it was great. Bianca Belair was badass in it. She looked like a future star. I love seeing Alexa Bliss go for, I think, almost 30 minutes. I'm always worried about her health for some reason. I feel like she's so tiny and she was out for almost a year here and there. She did the interview segment stuff, but having her back was great. We had a couple of surprises in there, a bunch of
a ton of NXT, I think like 10 NXT folks, including Beth Phoenix, who's an announcer. Yeah, that was pretty amazing. We can't leave out Beth Phoenix, the better half of Edge right there. Yeah, that was a pretty amazing performance from Beth Phoenix with that bloody head.
just still going through everybody, which is pretty awesome. Yeah, she was freaking caught, man. She had to get some stitches on that thing. Your girl, Toni Storm, was right after her with them cakes. Yeah, man. I'm done with Kelly Kelly. I don't need to see Kelly Kelly back in any...
This this like time period where like MVP and Kelly Kelly like, you know, this is like now I feel like I'm getting old like mighty molly I don't really remember that character that much. I was like, no, I was like in college I had like, you know just moved to South Carolina I like totally like went dormant on wrestling fandom for like four or five years like between like for 2004 2007 or so I feel like it was
And I think that's from, I mean, I remember it, but I just wasn't watching every single week and collecting anything. But Kelly Kelly, I just don't need to see her. I was hoping for Trish or Lita, but we got Kelly Kelly. I mean, she's nice to look at. Don't get me wrong. What else? Carmella in there, Tegan Knox. How'd you feel about the Santina Marella? Still getting a big pop all these years later.
Yeah, that's it. I didn't go on Twitter, but I seem like the after. People are pretty upset about the Santino Marilla gimmick popping up. Like, oh, that's a spot that could have been for, who, insert name here, type of thing. But, I mean, it's a surprise. The women's room would need a surprise besides like the Beth Phoenix's and like half of the NXT roster. So, I mean, I'm not mad at it. And I actually liked it. Like you said, she got a big pop.
And, you know, that's, I mean, that's, it's, it's, it's WWE. You got to expect stuff like that to happen. Have you seen, we talked about this, uh, the South Park episode with, with like the macho man character. I mean, if you go back and watch that. I know I haven't had recent memory, but I do actually remember that episode.
It was like the second episode of this season. It is so goddamn funny. It's making fun of trans people. Basically, the Macho Man joins some sort of trans Olympics type of thing and just gives you some shit out of all the women. It's not actually the Macho Man, but as soon as you see this person on the screen, no, it's the Macho Man. That's hilarious. Definitely go back and watch it. I don't know how we got on this tangent.
Overall, a really good show, man. Other matches on the card, I didn't see the Sheamus Shorty G match. I didn't see Andrade and Humberto Carrillo. I saw the rest. The strap match is probably the best match for the Fiend since he's been champion. I feel like it was a
You know, a pretty good back and forth with Daniel Bryan. I love the Becky and Oscar match. That was pretty brutal. Yeah. Wasn't a fan of Bailey versus Lacey Evans. You know, I could go either way. I think you need to put Sasha. I don't know where was Sasha on this card. That was the only kind of big name missing from this. I didn't know what she heard. Is she sick? I mean, it's precious. Yeah, the scene. What happened to her, she's injured, but I can't find out what the injury is.
But maybe they're just saving her for, for WrestleMania. They don't want her to get into anything too physical. Cause she's supposed to have Russell Lacey Evans like two weeks in a row and that hasn't happened yet. So they haven't really given like a day. One of the reasons they gave her, she's recording a rap album. Then the next week, um, is Bailey came out and attacked her. So it became like a Bailey Lacey Evans match. So I've seen Lacey Evans and Bailey Russell at least like three or four times before.
That's where I rumble so I think I was like pretty much done with it to begin with I Can't wait to hear that rap album. That's gonna be great. Yeah. No, it's gonna be It should be I mean if if Snoop Dogg's a part of it, I mean it might be it might be something you never know Remember the macho man had a rap album. Why are we talking about a macho man quite a bit here? But I did watch a man do a rap album We all play we all play as the outro Yeah, no, I actually had it and I played it. It was actually I didn't think it was that bad. He could actually rap
Really? He could stay on beat. He had a good rap voice, too. I mean, his voice is iconic. He could kind of have like a DMX type of sound to him. If anyone wants to go search for it, it's probably not any streaming platform. I need to hear this. Let me play this right now for the people.
Oh, it's just star nap I should know Yeah, it's called the other be a big hole in his episode Yeah
Yeah, not a bad beat to it. Alright cool. Well if you want to find it, just search Macho Man, Randy Savage on Spotify. He's got his own page there. Alright, cool.

NXT UK Worlds Collide Praise

I did not watch Worlds Collide. I heard there were some really good matches on there. Anything we should touch on? I really want to go back and watch that, obviously the main event with Undisputed Era.
a banger match. Oh, yeah. The tag team title match was good or whatever. You know, was it a tag team? No, the DIY DIY match. You know, a mustache mounted. Yeah, that was it. Yeah. Yeah. The whole the top to bottom of the pay-per-view was good. Actually watching like two parts. I watched like the first half after it aired late at night. Then I woke up early and watched the rest of it. But yeah, Kaylee Ray, my was probably one of my favorite matches. It was a short match. I would say we went a little bit longer.
Um, that was really good. Um, it wasn't a championship match though, which is kind of weird. Um, but yeah, at Finn Balor and, uh, I can never pronounce his name. I'm going to say drag it off. I can't pronounce his first name. That match is really good. Um, Jordan Devlin ended up becoming the, uh, NXT Cruiserweight champion. That match was really good. You should definitely, definitely go watch that one. If you're going to skip the other, the first two, um, DIY, Emma sash mountain was awesome. Rhea Ripley, Tony storm was great.
Uh, then the last match was probably the best match of the card. Um, Imperial versus undisputed era. Um, did you hear what happened to, uh, Alexander Wolf? Oh, I saw it. His brains got scrambled. Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty bad. Um, yeah, it was pretty bad. Um, but yeah, he ended up getting taken out. So it was literally four guys on, uh, four guys on three. And, um, Walter was a standout of that match. Walter could go.
I was already a Walter fan, but now I'm even more of a Walter fan. I would actually like to see him face Brock Lesnar. I think that would be a really brutal match if they actually went back and forth. There'd be a lot of chops. I'm telling you, I wanted to see him in the Rumble, man. I'm surprised they didn't put him in there, but I guess that makes sense, you know, wrestling a couple nights before. Yeah, I'm going to definitely go back and check that out this weekend. Just a lot of good wrestling going on right now, man. It's pretty fun.
When the fans get what they want, it doesn't happen too often, but I think the reviews are pretty glowing for this Royal Rumble after what happened and after Brock Lesnar being unceremoniously dumped outside by Drew McIntyre. Do you see him winning at WrestleMania? Where do you go with this? I don't know if I take the battle off Brock.
You know, once, you know, once he has it, is he going to be, you know, does he turn back heel or something and shit on the fans? I just I don't know. I don't I like him as a face, but I just see him more. You know, if I look at him, he just looks like a heel. Yeah, I think I mean, to me, he's still a heel for some reason. It's just people just gravitate. It's kind of like a house like Stone Cold. I hate to compare him to Stone Cold, but like his type of attitude, like everyone like Stone Cold wasn't he's technically a heel when he first started. He was shitting on Bret Hart all the time.
like just being like talking shit to the fans and all that stuff. But people gravitate towards his attitude. But that's what I think of Drew McIntyre right now. I don't think he's like full babyface yet. If he does like it, if he teams up with like Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe and like he gets involved with like that type of stuff with Seth Rollins, then I'll consider him a babyface. But if he's just gonna like come out and pick fights with everyone, I'd still consider him sort of a heel. As far as him winning,
If they carry on tradition and do less storybook endings, he may win. I don't know. I would say probably, I think they would give the title. I think they're really high on him right now. I think I called it like a few weeks ago, or maybe a week ago, and just him coming out to Raw every week saying he was gonna win the Royal Rumble. He was literally the only one saying he was gonna win the Royal Rumble. I'm not sure if anyone caught that. It was pretty predictable, yeah. Yeah, so that type of stuff.
If I'm going by last year's with a, with Kofi winning and everyone winning, unless they just go complete opposite, just have no one lose the titles. Yeah. Yeah. Like, but normally the titles changes, change his hands. Um, unless it's a triple H match of Wrestle media, sometimes you get something to give the title up. Um, you can do your research. It does. It did happen a few times, but, um, I would, I would say he's probably going to win the title.
and create that WrestleMania moment and that Royal Rumble moment. He's deserved it. He's done his- He's been around, man, around the block. He let go and was gone from the company for a while, came back and went all the way from the bottom, started at NXT, and got promoted to the main roster. Good for him, man. He wins the world title. It's just Heath Slater's the only one left from three-man band that hasn't won it. Exactly, yeah. That's where the feud goes. Heath Slater comes out the Monday after Mania.
throws that gauntlet down on Drew McIntyre and says, hey, give me my shot. Before we get too far into the show, I do want to announce that we've had, I think 12 new Patreon subscribers. Let me run them down. I don't know if I'd named all of these last time on the show, so I'm just going to say them all.
Weko Rios, Enrique Rodriguez, Justin Pickard, Jason Konig, Chris Ianias, Benny Hopper, Julio Cruz Jr., Spencer Cantor, and our buddy Luchadad. So those are all new Patreon subscribers.
You can sign up for our Patreon pretty easily. You go to slash Chick Foley Show. You can use backslash or forward slash, and I don't know which one works, but use one of the slashes there. And, you know, some pretty cool stuff on our Patreon, man. The biggest thing, it starts at a dollar a month, goes up from there. A dollar a month gets you a shout out here on the show. Our show notes emailed to you each and every single week.
And also access to our Facebook group, which is, you know, we're constantly talking, we're selling figures. We did a huge Royal Rumble contest that I actually stole from another group that I'm in that... Oh my god! All 30, I mean, the dude that runs it was cool with it. I was like, dude, I'm gonna steal this idea, this is amazing.
30 of us joined. We all put up an elite figure, and I randomly assigned numbers to each of us, and one of us has won 30 wrestling figures that will all be mailed to his house, one from each of us. Dominic Frederico was the winner. He was actually at the Royal Rumble, and he got the lucky number 16.
Yeah, I was actually number 26 in my buddy's pool for the same thing. So if Roman Reigns would have won, I would have done all 30 of those. But yeah, it goes up from there. It starts at $5 a month for bonus episodes. Our highest tier is $50 a month. You actually get a Chick Foley t-shirt in the mail from us for pro wrestling tees. And you'll get access to co-host the show and co-host a segment with us here, whether you want to do like
WrestleMania preview or something or talk wrestling figures with us, but check it out slash chick Foley show It's definitely a cool group all the money goes into doing giveaways and getting some equipment for us here and paying for Marco's lap dances
So, uh, definitely gotta pay the bills, man. So we talked about in the ring and, um, let's go outside of the ring now. Uh, well, I mean, what else from, we talked about raw, basically just kind of the, the fallout from raw of the fallout from Royal Rumble. We talked about edge and Randy Orton. We talked about Charlotte, not letting us know who she's facing MVP coming back.

AEW and NXT: Episode Recaps and Future Events

Um, I did happen to watch, did you watch NXT tonight?
Yes, I did. OK, I watched AEW. Nothing happened. Yeah. On AEW there was just there was like a six man tag match at the end, more like brawling between Jon Moxley and our boy Chris Jericho. Britt Baker had a pretty good promo where she just shit all over the Browns and Baker Mayfield. So that was that was fun. But it was a pretty nondescript episode of AEW. Anything happen on NXT that we should know about?
Uh, yeah, Tommaso Ciampa laid waste to the, uh, to the, to the undisputed era. Um, which is pretty awesome. They like cut to the, uh, to the, like the back of the, of the arena. You just see like all three, like three of the guys laid, laid to waste. Um, Trent seven, uh, actually, actually, yeah, Trent seven and Finn Balor had a match, uh, which is pretty awesome. During words collide, there was like a kind of a little tiff between,
between those guys there. So Finn Balor attacked Johnny Gargano during a after interview, after their match. And Tyler Bate and Trent Severn got in the middle of it or whatever. So they had a match tonight, which is pretty awesome. Shotzi Blackheart, she actually came on a mini tank, her entrance. Oh, nice. She drove a mini tank down. It was pretty sick. If you go on Twitter, people flip it out about it for some reason.
Yeah. So, uh, the big news that I think from it is obviously, uh, the brute, the browser weights are the winners of the dusty roads tag team classic, um, as well as some also Champa will now be facing Adam Cole and, um, takeover Portland. So that's the, uh, that's your championship match for that, uh, pay-per-view. Um, is that WrestleMania weekend takeover Portland?
That would be a long way away. Yeah, that's that's that's that's that's I wasn't sure because it's it usually to the same area Yeah, they're in Tampa. Which is that maybe the do February 16th? Okay. Yeah, it's away. Yeah, so they're doing their own thing on this one. They're they're riding solo then I ride the coattails of the
the main roster. I guess we're not going to get one. I guess we're not going to get a takeover for the rest of any weekend. Hopefully, that means we get an NXT title match on the main show. That'd be cool. Yeah, so yeah, one of the things I read, which was a rumor before they went on USA, was that they were going to start doing their own pay-per-views, not basically being on the same weekend as a raw SmackDown pay-per-view, if you want to call it.
They're going to have their own weekend, so maybe this is the start of it. So you probably won't see NXT take over WrestleMania weekend, which would be kind of sad. Hopefully it makes its way to SummerSlam. Hopefully they keep tradition in that sense, because I would definitely love to see a NXT show.
during that time, but yeah. Well, there is one already scheduled Saturday, August 22nd, according to, Saturday, August 22nd, at the TD Garden. Where is summertime going to be?
I'm assuming at the TD Garden. Yeah, I was going to say, you said they do it at a smaller, they do take over at a separate spot. We're setting up a meet and greet, not a meet and greet, like a get to get, what do you call it? Jesus Christ. It's like a gathering of the juggalos. Yeah, just a fully family gathering, yeah, where we're just going to oil each other up and just kind of see what happens.
I think Sheena is going to try to get up there. Marco lives in Boston. I'm going to come up. TJ McHugh and a bunch of guys from the Foley Family Facebook group are going to be there. If you're going to SummerSlam, definitely hit us up and let us know. We want to get everybody together and drink some adult beverages, talk wrestling with you guys. We've never done a meetup with
our listeners before, but I think that would be pretty fun. I know if you're from out of the area, they have not started selling plane tickets for Southwest yet into Boston for that weekend, but hopefully soon.

SummerSlam 2020 Anticipation and Family Involvement

So they haven't even announced the tickets. Have they sold and started selling tickets yet? No, they haven't even announced any packages yet for some of them, but I'm assuming they usually do that. Yeah, the packages. They usually do that around actually WrestleMania time. You probably see
then start talking about VIP packages and all that stuff, which I'm planning on doing, because I'm planning on getting some, I'm not really a signed guy, like getting things signed, but I'm gonna plan on doing that, because why not? I don't have to spend money on hotels or travel. I was gonna say, yeah, tell them what, you don't have to pay for a hotel or like a plane ticket, you're already there. You can just walk there, you know, if you need to. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty cool. She actually wants to go too, which is pretty crazy. So yeah, she might actually join the Foley fam,
in our meet-up festivities, which would be awesome. Yeah, my wife would rather have someone shit on her head than go to a show. So we have different, you know, which is fine. You know, I don't, you know, she doesn't make me do crap with her that I don't want to do. So did she watch wrestling at all? Like when she was younger or during the Attitude Era at least or anything like that?
No, she's a doctor. She's a doctor. She's, uh, she's probably studying and shit. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, yeah, she, she, she went to an NXT with show with me once bought me tickets for like our anniversary of Valentine's day or something. And she supports that me and me and the kid watch it together. So, but, uh, she, she could care less about it. Uh, which is fine. You know, it's, you know, as long as somebody supports your hobbies, you don't have to share them with you. You know, so. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. My wife used to, uh, she,
She used to watch. She hasn't really watched it now. I try to like, fill her in on stuff, but she was a huge Edge fan back in the day. She does love Mick Foley. She actually has a picture with Mick Foley. Wow, cool. Way back in the day. Before you guys knew each other? Yeah, yeah. That was before, yeah. But she actually was generally upset that she fell asleep, so she didn't see Edge show up. So I texted her. I was like, hey, I was like,
Your boy showed up on Royal Rumble. She was like, she's like, what? Edge, he showed up and I miss him. She was like, what the hell? She was so pissed. Her trim, I'm like the total opposite of what she likes. She likes Triple H and Edge. Like all these like big buff blonde long hair dudes.
Anyway, what were we talking about? Different side. Outside the ring right now. Oh, we're outside the ring. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, we're hanging out for SummerSlam. And my son was actually like, he's like bummed out that he thought we were going. I was like talking about watching Royal Rumble. He was like, he thought we were going to actually go to it. I was like, no, dude. I know. So he's like, I want to go to WrestleMania, daddy. I was like, oh, that would be cool. Like in maybe a year or two.
half the size and darker and healthier at all.
make a week out of it like if it's somewhere cool like Miami or LA or something like yeah the wife would definitely be down for that because then I can just go watch the show with him and then you know we could spend the rest of the weekend just like sightseeing and you know going to see where they film Grey's Anatomy or some dumb shit like that
Yeah. Take a picture of this fire hydrant. It was on Grey's Anatomy. So you have here outside the squared circle where we forgot to mention our sponsor Chalk Line. You can use code CHICK for 15% off of your order if you don't shop at Chalk Line yet.
You've probably seen the jackets all over wrestling arenas. They do some really cool stuff. It's They have Nickelodeon video game jackets, Rick and Morty movies. They have NFL stuff now, but their NFL jackets and warm up pants and stuff like that are pretty sick. So definitely check them out and use that promo code, get that discount.
There's a rumor that Sting and Kane, I know Kane is facing Bray Wyatt, right? Yeah. Yeah. So Sting might wrestle. I thought he was like his back was like a question mark. Well, they said like literally a question mark. Well, it didn't say he was wrestling. It said he was appearing at Super Showdown. So I'm not sure in what capacity, but I've just been like just going through like Twitter and just different things. And it's it's been popping up in a lot of different places, much like Edge returning to
to rare rumble, which it definitely did happen. They didn't say what capacity.

Rumors and Backstage Drama: Sting and Lesnar vs. Riddle

But I've seen people leaning towards a Undertaker Sting match at Super Showdown, but I'm not sure if that, me personally, I don't want to see that happen, especially with the, what happened with Goldberg and the Heat and all that stuff. And I can't bear to see two icons pass out or kind of like drag along in a match, you know?
But yeah, that's one of the rumors is Steng maybe making an appearance there, which is, that's kind of crazy. That is crazy, man. I would love to see, I mean, obviously I'd love to see him and Undertaker get into the ring one time, but I would be afraid what would happen if those two were back in the ring together. Yeah, somebody would get hurt, you know. Oh yeah, definitely. We forgot to mention that there was some backstage heat during Royal Rumble weekend, or I think during the show. I guess Lesnar and Riddle confronted each other.
Yeah, what was you know? I don't know what riddle is like man after my own heart man going for people's necks man He's always getting into shit with somebody I think yeah, I don't think I'm not sure if he's doing it just like actually heavy match for people He's just doing it just said just said like like fuck with people I don't know cuz if you see the the Goldberg Chronicle where he they actually show the interaction with them
Then to the back, did you see that? No, no, no, no. I watched the one that came on right after Royal Rumble. Yeah. I watched like the first half hour or so of it, but I didn't see anything with that. Yeah. So, uh, Matt Riddle was on the, that show that they have, it's called the bump where it's like, well, actually no, he was on the, on the live watch and he was talking about his, he actually said, he was like, yeah, I bumped into Goldberg and it was, he's gave the conversation that they may actually show the backstage footage of it. And it was, it was basically just him saying like, you know, like Goldberg was like, we need to talk like,
Yeah, we have to have some one-on-one time. Wow. Matt Riddell's like, yeah, man, let's do it. And he's like, yeah. He's like, yeah, bro, let's do it. Go, bro. Go, bro. He's like, I'm not your bro. Don't call me a bro. And that was pretty much the end of the conversation. But I'm assuming that's something that happened with Lesnar. I mean, if you've actually just watched the clip, someone posted it. I think it was Boots of Face. They actually posted the clip of Sam Roberts interviewing Brock Lesnar at the 2K. I'm not sure which one it was, whatever the games.
And he asked about Conor McGregor calling him out. And he didn't seem too thrilled when Conor McGregor called Brock Lesnar. He's like, that guy's like 140 pounds. He's like, I'm 290. Basically, I'll squash him. He talk all he wants, blah, blah, blah. So I'm assuming that's how that talk went. Look, dude.
way bigger than you, I'll stomp your head in. Basically, the Matt Riddle, and Matt Riddle was probably like, cool, bro. Great, great talk. I legit think he just likes to get people mad for some reason. He just says things to get people mad, unless you're Dana White, and he actually really has legit heat with Dana White for some reason. But when it comes to other guys in the company, I think he just does it just to get a rise out of people, personally. But it was kind of convenient that they did not face off at all the Royal Rumble.
if you notice, he came in after Brock was eliminated. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was interesting. Supposedly, according to Ryan Satin, Brock said, this is based on some source, he had said, kid, you might as well stop saying my name and tagging me and shit because you and I will never work together ever. Sounds about right. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean I mean Riddle's definitely more new school when some of these older guys just don't like the you know Social media shit talking but I mean how Lesnar would kill McGregor in like 15 seconds, man He's like 140 pounds He's like it basically if he wakes up and he eats his weenies He'll be a little bit he'll weigh a little bit more but then he'll he'll still get destroyed basically and then he told Sam to get the fuck out of his face and
Which is what you would do if Brock Lesnar says that to you. Oh, I'm not gonna try to be a tough guy But yeah the other the other thing I was reading was the rumored rest of me a 36 match card I'm not sure if you've seen any any matches at all. I obviously have drew and Brock Randy and edger Ruben as a match as well
But have you seen any of the other ones and they're all they're all ladies. Oh really nice So the other ones the other ones I see where like you said Charlotte Charlotte and Rhea Ripley she may call Rhea Ripley and go after that title the NXT title, which would be pretty amazing because if she does win that that the procedure title will have is Like none other if she doesn't or Rhea Ripley goes over and beat Charlotte Flair that just puts NXT to the stratosphere essentially
The other one I seen was Shayna Baszler going for Becky Lynch's title The Raw Women's title and then Sasha Banks and Bayley Which is what pretty much everyone wants to happen at some point which probably will happen. They'll get the WrestleMania moment together But across the ring from each other but but yeah, just see uh, the just a Shayna Baszler the in the Rhea Ripley like that's three women's titles on a WrestleMania. I'm not sure if that's an actual thing
That'll be the first time ever if that does happen, which I think if they're not made of anything this year, that's going to be the way they go is we'll have three women's titles.
WrestleMania be defended pretty cool. Here's what I would do. I would have Charlotte win that NXT title and basically you make her the female Brock Lesnar she goes down there Talks all the shit about I better than this place.

Charlotte Flair's NXT Role and Go Figure Segment

I I sell out arenas I don't deserve you don't deserve to watch me wrestle and just basically be a part of
basically be a part-timer in NXT and just basically take the belt hostage. And she could basically work with all those young women down there and basically put them over. I think that would be great and something different for her to do instead of just fighting the same people over and over on Raw and SmackDown. I mean, that's the beauty of NXT. I kind of forget about Finn Balor where six months from now when he comes back up to Raw,
cool to have him. Imagine him against edge or some of these other guys. So I mean, yeah, yeah. Um, pretty, pretty cool. So, um, it'd be interesting to see what they do. I would love to see them. Then you would have the women's tag team belts. So they would have four women's titles. Yeah, definitely. WrestleMania is going to be like eight hours this year. So yeah, I can't wait. Yeah. Yeah. Um, as well. Uh, all right. So that's everything outside of the ring. Let's go into our go figure segment.
Alright folks, this is our favorite segment. This is our Go Figure segment. We let you know about all the fig hunting we've been doing, what pickups we made over the last week or so. And this is brought to you in part by our friends at Ringside Collectibles. The best, the one only place on the internet to find wrestling figures
Months before they show up in your raggedy ass Walmarts all ripped up and crappy looking you can use code chick Foley for 10% off of your order and Like I said months before they show up on any shelves near you so definitely check it out rings at wrestling figures comm is the website and
Marco, I probably had the latest week I've ever had since we started this podcast. I can't think of anything I picked up. I picked up some more wrestling magazines from 1994 on eBay. That arrived after last week's show, but I'm kind of waiting to figure out what I'm gonna do with some of these new things in the store that we'll talk about. Did you pick anything up?
I did not but nothing figure wise, but I've actually been I was talking about this in the group chat that we have so Brett Hart's gonna be appearing here like in March They like the first week of March. He's gonna be around my neck of the woods So he's doing like a he's doing like autographs and photo ops and stuff like that so I was trying to find something to like have him sign and
I do have his book, the hardcover book, which I probably will have him sign that as well. But I wanted something really cool that would probably just try to spark a conversation with him while I'm there. So I've been in contact with our guy JB Toys. Oh, nice. Yeah, so he's helped me out with a relic from the past that I can present.
to the hitman, Bret Hart, for him to sign. So I've been actually back and forth with him today. He's really, really awesome. I mean, if you guys don't follow him already, I'm not sure why or not. He does belts and stuff like that. So that's a clue right there. It is a belt. But yeah, so yeah, it's going to be, it's pretty epic. So that's where my time and resources have been. I actually have been going to targets and stuff like that.
It's been pretty lackluster. I'm still running into Velveteen Dreams with different titles in them and all that stuff. So nothing on my end with figures, but definitely something big coming up with possibly a title wrapped around my waist.
Raymond Manzi on Twitter, he ended up finding the network spotlight figures and offered me, you know, slid into my DMs, offered me the Kurt and the Wendy Richter. And I first, I was all gung-ho now, I was like, let me see if I can find these locally. But thank you, Raymond, for for thinking of me and one of our fully family members, Benny Hip Hopper on Twitter.
which is pretty sick.
is actually found me a Drew McIntyre Elite. Of course, as soon as my son watched that Royal Rumble, what's the first thing he wants now is a Drew McIntyre figure. Of course. I'm sure those are going to be a hot commodity. So if you're searching for those network spotlights at Target and you use, the number you want to use is 087-16.
dash two three five six just remember that that's going to pull up the uh the previous network spot leads to marco so that that's the diesel and the asca so um look for jumps of eight figures uh so kind of look at them one night look at them again in the morning and see if any of them jump by eight that means uh your stores will probably get them i'm assuming those are going to be pretty easy to come by because the first set was
And I really want that Kurt Angle obviously for the Kurt Angle collection and Wendy Richter for my ladies collection. So yeah, hopefully I'll see those. I mean, we've been seeing people on Twitter and on social media finding those figures. So hopefully they end up nationwide pretty soon. And Jim Nighthard has shown up. That's the series, I think that's Elite 73.
He's the store exclusive there. So the number for that's the UPC number for, that's for a different website. That's And if you ever need any of this information, just slide into my DMs or email us or whatever, we can help you out.
That's 887-961-830354. So best to check the websites before you head to the store, see if your local store had a jump in numbers. But yeah, people are finding those. People are finding, actually, Cassius Ohno's showing back up in the wild. Two folks from our Facebook group have found a couple of those. I think both today. Yeah, definitely. That's a figure that was not even
Yeah, you couldn't even find it on eBay. It was so rare. I find one, man. You and Sheena, I think Sheena got one, so I think you're next up on the list. That's the good thing about what we do on our Facebook group. It's just retail price plus shipping. We're not going to gouge anybody, charge you eBay prices.
I'm trying to pull up here and see who got those man, but that's that is a really great figure. I've been trying to film myself Going to different stores fig hunting when I get a chance Jeremiah Smith Roush From our Facebook group was able to find the caches Oh No and our buddy Justin Pickard found the the night heart from elite 74 so I
Big ups to those guys, love to see people getting some cool figures and hopefully the stores around our area will continue to get stuff in stock.
Yeah, definitely. I

Community Support and Collecting Passion

did want to reach out. I put this on our Facebook group. And it's something I've been thinking about doing. There's, I don't know, I'm sure if you follow this guy, you should. His name is at Mike VS Philly. So Mike versus Philly on Twitter. His entire house, I think he lived in like a condo or an apartment building. There was a fire. He lost his, you know, all of his possessions, including his entire wrestling figure collection.
So myself and everyone from our Facebook group, we've decided to put a little collection together. Nothing crazy. I think there's like close to 90 of us in our group. I think each of us put in $2. I think it would buy a cool figure. I don't know if I'll just PayPal him the money or I kind of was sneaking and kind of asked him what his favorite figures from his collection are that he lost.
So, uh, everybody seemed to be pretty much down with it. So, uh, if you want more information on that, obviously the donation is not, you know, you're not obliged to give anything, uh, just, you know, helping out somebody in our community that lost. I mean, that's literally the biggest fear that I have in my life is, um, having a fire in my house is rough.
like whether my family is home or not and just like losing everything I have would just be like not even just wrestling figure wise just like you know my freaking bed my fridge my yeah it's a general collection everything yeah
You have a porn collection sale? I still have, yeah. The wife finds it every once in a while. I'm trying to move it around. I haven't looked at it. I haven't looked at it in like 15 years. I should probably just get rid of it. I'm all digital. I don't have any evidence. Yeah, this is like art. This is like the old like Sable, the old Sable like playboys and you know. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah, actually I was at a comic book shop and they actually had a China for $5.
And I was kind of, I was actually going to post it to the Facebook group and say, China Playboy? Yeah, it was $5. And I was like, I was going to actually take a picture and post it to the Facebook group right now and do like a poll, if I should buy it or not. But I was just like, yeah, I don't, I don't, I can just go online and search pictures if I want to like reminisce about that.
Yeah, she had a nice dick. Yeah, she did, actually. Oh, my God. I'm glad Sheena's not here for this conversation.

Bella Twins News and Collecting Memorabilia

Oh, we didn't even talk about this, that the fact that the Bella twins both got pregnant within like a week of each other. Yeah, that's why I wish she was on the show so she could lay waste to the... Do we have the Sheena-tron fired up for her? Oh, good question. No, let me... Yeah, the Sheena-tron might have something to say about
the Bill of Twins. Man, where did I put that? Just keep talking. Yeah, so it was in, I forget, either People or one of those magazines, they announced that they were both having, they were pregnant with babies within, I think, a couple weeks of each other, which is, did they synchronize that? We don't know. I didn't read the article. But yeah, that's kind of weird when sisters do that.
they kind of like make it packed with each other. Like, oh, we should just get pregnant at the same time. And maybe it's a joke and it's just a coincidence it happens. But for some reason, I think they probably planned it. For that TV show? Oh, of course, man. Everything they do on that show is like totally rehearsed. Sheena, what do you think, Sheena? Oh, hold on. Sheena, I got to reboot the Sheena-tron.
I don't know. Sheena. Sheena, are you there? Lacey Evans. Oh, that was me talking about speaking of our dicks. Our husbands have been away, so you've been led to lose. You guys just won't give it up. Sheena, you're so right. Yeah. All right. Sheena Tran, thank you for that.
So let's, speaking of the Bellas, I guess we can get into our random merch of the weekend. Do you have any more figure news? I think we touched on everything. I mean, that we have pictures of, uh, ringside collectibles has that two pack now with Ray Mysterio and Samoa Joe from that 30 second match from, uh, WrestleMania. Um, but that, that Ray Mysterio looks pretty, pretty badass. It's like a freaking Marvel Marvel figure. Yeah, it's pretty, yeah, it's actually,
Yeah, it's pretty, I mean, I like it. I mean, I'm actually looking at some of the Marvel figures, which is kind of weird. I'm just like, yeah, there's no wrestling figures now, might as well just start collecting. Dude, there's some really cool, like the Doctor Doom one, somebody posted that Doctor Doom one, like, oh my god, this looks freaking awesome. I can see myself getting into a rabbit hole, collecting, I'm glad I've centered on wrestling, because I could easily get into collecting stuff like that.
And I mean, that's what, you know, with the distribution at different stores and stuff, like, you know, I got money to spend and nowhere to spend it on. So I've been going back and like I've been saying last couple of weeks, buying old wrestling magazines and old Hasbro's and, you know, there's always something that you can collect. You know, it doesn't have to be the newest things out because somebody on Twitter just said it was like, oh, they can't believe these scalper prices on the night heart figure. It's always already on eBay for like 80 bucks. Like, you know, dude, come on, man.
Everyone wants it right now because it's like the newest thing. It's been out for a day or two. Remember those Paterson's were like 80 bucks on eBay and then they just showed up everywhere. They were on the freaking Walmart website after a while. You just have to be patient, which is hard in this hobby. I totally understand. I have moments where I just want to buy this thing. Let me just get this now.
you know, but to each their own. So yeah, check that out. Ring Cyclops was have that that two pack. They also have series one of seven basics, which is Nakamura, EC3, Bianca Belair, The Rock and Braun Stroman for preorder. So yeah, those are one that we've we've seen figures of all those recently. So for that Bianca Belair, I'm interested to see what they do with that hair. Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm assuming they're not going to go cloth with it. So I probably get some
some, like, hard plastic. Yeah, I mean, it has to be kind of hard. That'd be kind of hard to do. I mean, I actually am kind of curious on how they're going to do that, or maybe just cut it short and not actually have the long ponytail. I think you have to. You should just kill it. For $10, you can't put some cloth. I mean, how much are Barbie dolls? $10? You probably know more than me, because you got girls. Yeah, I mean, I don't know how much they cost, but I'm assuming it probably doesn't cost much. $10 or $15, right? Yeah. Just to add hair to a basic figure shouldn't be
too much money, but we could be wrong about that. Well, that's one of the Mattel guys when they come on our show. Um, what, uh, so yeah, the random merch of the week, uh, is some Bella twins diva battle Royal ring worn gear. Where did, did you find this or Sheena found this? I actually found it. Um, I was just looking around cause I wanted to, you know, add to the, um, story of the Bella twin. So I just searched for it and
ring-worn gear I actually seen first off I seen Barry Horowitz had had his ring-worn gear and I was gonna actually use that as the random merch but I stumbled upon the the Bellichwind so they actually had a it was a part of the Divas battle I think it was what year it was but it was during Halloween so there the Bellichords were dressed as the Mario Brothers so you can actually buy signed ring-worn
Mario Brothers gear from the Bello twin, so they are separate so I have like two random merchants, so Breeze is actually 14 $1,499 And you can get that I think it's a we can finance it 62 $63 for 24 months if you have the eBay if you want to do it that way and Nikki's is actually a hundred dollars less which is kind of a
funny. Hers is 13. That's weird. Yeah. That's a Mario too. You think the Mario would be more expensive. Yeah. But yeah, so you can actually, I think, uh, Breeze actually comes to like the stocking she wore too, which is kind of weird. So the view that's why it's a hundred dollars more. I'm not sure if the signature made a difference on it, but, but yeah, if you're a huge Bella fan, you're excited about their, uh, their pregnancy news. Uh, there's some ring worn gear you can purchase on, on eBay for,
a combined total of what, almost like 30, actually 3,000? If I buy them, I'll bring them to wrestling shows and let people smell them for five bucks. You can make that money back real quick. Oh, definitely. Yeah, of course. I probably just wear it to one of the events. Oh, you will? Yeah, why not? Me personally, I just feel like
It's it is pretty much stupid The shipping cost is like 12 bucks, which isn't too bad. So, you know, you're not gonna break your bank when you're spending $1,500 and $1,400 on ring-worn gear
What's 12 extra dollars to have it shipped to your house?

Classic Matches and Edge's Career Reflection

All right, let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. This is the Eddie Guerrero versus Edge match from SmackDown 2002, a no disqualification match, I believe. This is picked out by Foley family member Sam Finley in our Facebook group. We polled our folks there.
pick a good edge match and this was one that came up. I'm going to watch this one soon. This is, I remember this match being really good. It's actually on YouTube. If you just do a search for it, uploaded by the WWE. So it's the official video. They have the, they have the entire match on here. So that's pretty cool. Yeah. The actual, the actual show wasn't that bad either. I think you had, you had Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit on a triple threat match, which is pretty good too.
And I believe Undertaker and Matt Hardy, but that lasted like a minute. It wasn't like a long, long match at all. Goes to show you that he's still doing that back in those days, having one minute matches with people. But yeah, that match right there, and I was kind of, I didn't want to throw out the WrestleMania 22 match, because I feel like that gets thrown out, even though that was like his breakthrough match, where he became like a superstar pretty much.
So that match came up actually like two or three times in the conference, the Eddie Guerrero Edge match. So that was the one I chose. We do have honorable mentions, which are pretty, pretty good. I actually had to throw this one in there because it was kind of funny. But I did want to throw with a media 22 match, which is if you haven't seen it, definitely go and watch it. It's probably one of Edge's and Vic Foley's best matches ever.
There's a lot of Gaga, as I like to call it. But the other one, Zach E. Gulf, actually, wanted to throw out there was the live sex show with Lita. That was a match that he recommended from Edge, which isn't a bad one at all. I don't mind it. I like Lita. I like Edge, so put the two together and definitely watch it.
But yeah, I thought those were pretty funny. But yeah, definitely that Eddie Guerrero. He has a ton of matches. You can actually, if you go online and you search at his top 10 matches, a lot of websites did a top 10 list of his matches. And then definitely like Randy Orton, John Cena, he had some awesome matches with. He did the ECW One Night Sand. It was like a three on three. I believe it was him, Mick Foley, and Lita against Tommy Dreamer. Was it Francine?
and Terry Funk, I believe. That was a pretty good one. When he cashed in on John Cena, the elimination chamber, I mean, I knew he has a resolution, sorry. But yeah, he has a ton of matches. He can just be back and fire up on the network if you want to go.
The match that comes to mind for me was the WrestleMania previously, the WrestleMania 21 in the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match, where he beat Jericho, Benoit, Christian, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, and he had that sneaky face holding
Hugging the briefcase, walking back from the ring. And that's what put Edge on the map for me. And obviously later, like you said, cashed in against John Cena, and then they were off to the races with a feud for a couple years. So yeah, there's a ton of good Edge matches on the network. Great reason to, if you're a younger fan and you never really remember watching Edge, definitely recommend going back and just buckling down on the network.
watching some good stuff from him because he's got a ton of good matches. I'm super pumped to see what he's going to do here back in the WWE. So great pick by Sam there. We did a, we don't have any listener mail because we just did a, I think an hour and a half long episode of mailbox. Yeah, I went back and listened to it. It was, I had a bunch of great feedback from people. It was fun to listen. We got some great questions from you guys and you know, that's the,
We talk about it all the time and that episode really shows how great you guys are, our listeners, that all those questions were provided from you guys and made the episode really one of my favorites that we've ever done. So definitely go back in the archives and check that out. We will be back next week with possibly Sheena Phelps, I'm not too sure. But as we get closer to WrestleMania, and we're getting closer to this,
Now I think we're going to be, by the time we record next week, we'll be a week away from NXT TakeOver Portland. We'll be maybe three weeks away from that Super Show, whatever it's called, Super Down Under- Super Show.
Super Crown Jewel Showdown from Down Under or something. Super Don't Show Women's Places.

Wrestling Book Club and Show Promotions

But yeah, I want to, I actually want to do a book, a Chick-Fully book club. I don't know if you'd be down for this. Definitely. If anybody has any old wrestling books, since you're going to get that Bret Hart book signed, I don't want you to participate with that. But I have the David Shoemaker book, which I don't know if, have you ever read that?
No, actually, no. Okay. Well, that's how we'll start it. I'll send it to you. You read it, you tell me what you think. David Shoemaker, formerly of The Ringer. No, I think he's with The Ringer now. He used to be with ESPN on cheap heat. He used to write for Deadspin and all that stuff, but it's a great book of just stories of behind the scenes and old wrestling.
territory type of stuff. So I will send it to you. So anybody listening in our Facebook group, feel free to post like a wrestling book and we'll just kind of do like a, you know, a round robin type of thing. We'll send it to people and you know, somebody will send you a book and we'll just start reading. There's a bunch of, you know, autobiographies. I've never read any of the Jericho ones or any of the Mick Foley autobiographies. Oh really? Yeah, I know. I've never read, I've never read the Mick Foley's. Oh geez. Yeah, I know. I need to start with those maybe. So, um,
Yeah, it'd be pretty fun. I know everyone, you know, especially if you have books just sitting around, I don't really, once I read a book, I just have it, you know, just kind of collecting dust. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, I have a few. I like Shawn Michaels' book, where he's like, I can't think of the name of it, he's like climbing a ladder on the cover. I have Shinsuke's book, which is, it's like, it's written in interview format, which is really awesome. It's like someone's interviewing him through the whole book. Oh, wow. It's like, it's from his like beginning stages when he first started wrestling all the way up to like his last year.
New Japan, I believe. It's really good. That one actually, that might be the next book club one. It's actually really interesting. If you want to know the mystery that is Shinsuke. Yeah, I don't know much about him, so yeah.
You find a lot of stuff about it every day, which is really awesome. Nice. Cool. Yeah. If everybody wants to participate, definitely hit us up. Again, you can find us on Twitter at Chick Foley Show and at Chick Foley on Instagram. And yeah, give us a nice review on iTunes. If you are a listener of the show and you enjoy what we do, we appreciate it greatly.
And if you want to grab your wife or brother or co-worker or boss's phone and give a review of Chick-fil-A show on their phone as well, we would not hate that. We have three new shirt designs coming up soon from our good buddy at Extra Cooler. We will be posting the designs to our Facebook group.
And our Patreon subscribers will be picking which one that we make first. So I'm excited about all three of them. Marco, you've seen all three. Extra Cooler does really good work. And I'm excited to show those off to people. Those should be within the next couple of weeks. So those will be at Pro Wrestling Tees momentarily. And again, slash Chick Foley Show. Thank you, Chris, for coming on from Wrestle Geddon Pod.
I'm going to check that out this weekend. Anything else before we get out of here, Marko? No, that should be it. All right. Well, thank you guys for listening. Sheena, thank you for listening. We'll see you next week. And stay classy, Mark. We'll talk to you soon.
Hey Marco, great show man. Oh definitely. Can we talk about shaving our balls real quick? Of course. Our friends at have the ultimate tool for making sure those family jewels get clean. The Lawn Mower 3.0 at
And with our code CHICK, C-H-I-C-K, you get 20% off and free shipping. Guys, let's be honest, it sucks. I mean, you try and shave down there, you cut yourself, it's bleeding, you get all over yourself, it gets stubble, it's just uncomfortable, it's disgusting.
Definitely check them out and definitely don't use the same razor on your face that you use on your nether regions, man. Come on, that's disgusting. It's 20% off free shipping, I cannot recommend it enough. I look like a baby boy down there. I look like Jonathan Taylor Thomas down there. It's amazing.
But again, 20% off free shipping, Use our code CHICKCHICK. And thank you guys for listening. See you soon.