WTF News: Racist Candles  image

WTF News: Racist Candles

Nonsensical Network
14 Plays3 days ago

What was Bath and Body Works thinking, Raccons are a menace, Floriduh's Lt. Dan is a scum bag The Penis report and so much more news that'll make ya say WTF

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What up? What up, Lucas? Happy Wednesday. Put the gay guy beside me, said. Who's that? We're not judging you. We're celebrating you. We're not judging you or condemning you. We're celebrating you, Jeff. We're celebrating your your gayness. We're happy for you. Well, you know, it's spooky seasons.
two ghost stars. Is that a ghost or Or a snowflake? Oh, I see what you did there. I see what you did there. And that is literally my funniest story of tonight. um I'm calling it now because I literally saw it. I had to look it up, see if it was real.
Yeah, I should just jump on top of it. I should just jump on top of it and just say it because we're constantly uh You're constantly uh scooping me Um, well, no, but in in all fairness, we both found this story. Uh What's the word for it? Oh, no, I I saved all Yeah, and I saw it on tiktok and I was like no way this is fucking real And then I mentioned it So I, and you said, Oh, I got that story too. And I was like, no, yeah I'll let you go ahead with it because, because it, I got the picture, but I'm sure he's going to download the picture. Uh, yeah, they'd been talking about it all week on all the different shows. I think I heard it Monday and I was like, Oh my God, Wednesday can't get here soon enough. and without ice I saw it on Monday on TikTok and I was like,
Oh, is it Wednesday yet? No. Yeah. And, um, you know, and and I listened to talk radio all day, every day. So all the shows have been talking about it all week. Um, but, uh, nonetheless, maybe want to go to bed at the beyond. I'm just saying. All right. We'll get into that here just a little bit. Yeah.
Ali man, what is but it's one of those things like it's it's and the reason why I say that and I'll let you do your intro here in a second The reason why I say that is it's it's gonna be destroyed. They're not gonna find him anymore So it's like a piece. Oh, oh Because it's not like the defendant snowflakes. Let's be honest I've got I've got I've got a little bit more info on that ah first and foremost shout out to my man AJG See him right there on this shirt Got the new shirt in featuring him in and and our boy Jay Valor with the new song, Knocking on Heaven's Door. Go ahead and check that out. Check out AJG at AJG underscore 305 and our guy Jay Valor at Jay Valor everywhere. You listen to, or you listen to music and on all social media. I think I have. Funny, funnier about that. of Knocking on Heaven's Door. You and I will never be able to do that because we're not going to pass the gate, buddy.
Yeah, we can. We can knock on the door all day because we're going to be at the door. The door is the most we'll see. Like when it opens, we can peek in, but that's about it. Yeah, we can. Well, you know anyway, we can knock on the door all day long. We'll absolutely drive them, you know. um But no, well, happy Wednesday. Welcome to What the fuck news brought to you by the nonsensical network. If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram X and tick tock. Got our little official news banner scrolling our little ticker. It's scrolling right down there. Uh, shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. You can hang out with us live, get in the chatters box, shoot the shit with us, hang out. And
You can listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts and all the podcasts and platforms we are on the nonsensical network or simply go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. All of our links are there, including our merch link as well. We do got some goodies up there for grabs. Well, not for grabs. You got to pay for them, but if you want to grab you something, we greatly appreciate that. And you know, like I say, if you buy something, snap a little selfie, send it our way. We'll throw it up on our social media as a way to say thank you.
I'll be doing that later. um You realize once people do start buying it, you know how many Winnie the Pooh pics you'll get? Just saying. I don't care. I don't care. it's that We all have photo editing. We all have photo editing tools. I mean, I can crop. i do I'm just saying because you know some ass who's like, look what's a picture? Here you go, buddy. Yeah. Well, there's there's I mean, there's. there's There's good and bad that comes with that. So I'm sure we'll get some good too at the end of the day. But no, go ahead and give us a follow. Give us a like, give us a share. If you'd be so kind, we definitely appreciate those shares out there. Um, but welcome to what the fuck news he's Jeff. I'm slick. We're not going to waste any more time. what We were already, we were already talking about it. So we'll go ahead and start to show off with it. Um,
I got a bunch of shit here. Hold on one second. Uh, that's gross. That's going to be a fun one. There we go. Uh, so Beth, bath and body works, uh, got into a little bit of trouble with, uh, one of their most recent candles. I get it.
I think it's dumb that people are upset. I think that you're really going a little too far. with Once you see it, you can't unsee it. But. But. Again.
When is enough enough? Because the more I look at it and i'll and I'll tell you what I think it looks like. But so I'm sure you guys have probably heard of this bath of body works to stop selling a candle that was ah emblazoned.
Uh, or with, with a winter theme that many commenters online compared to the Ku Klux Klan hood. Now it is the, the candle is called Snowden and the picture that's on the front is supposed to be a snowflake. Uh, Jeff, if you want to go ahead? Yeah. So yeah doling it's it's not that far of a stretch.
It's not but it's a stretch. It's you're really people are really and i'm gonna go ahead and call it to me. It looks like aliens Exactly. That's when I first seen in the picture. I thought it looked like aliens Yeah but call spain has spen on this one but What once you once you see what everybody's saying it says we're supposed to be clan members. You can't unsee it Yeah, the kid, the Kindle was labeled Snowden and it was decorated with a stylized paper snowflake, but many people on social media compared it to hoods and robes worn by the clans members of the triple K. Uh, is one of the oldest and most infamous hate groups in the United States, according to a Southern poverty law center. dahdadada that We all know who the KKK are.
The candle has since been pulled from bath and body works website and retail locations with the company telling CNN in a statement, it was designed unintentionally. I want to say this a, not one person that worked there thought on the design team. And S and second of all, who, who, who who was offended by this?
i tell white women worried about them what they're I'm I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you who it is. It's the same people who always go after people for racism. It's the fucking goddamn white saviors who think they have to save everybody. You can't see shit out of this thing. Because they're guilty. me They're guilty for being racist fucking pigs themselves. So they have to agree. It's the same people who If that's what you saw when you first saw it, that means you're racist, not the camera. It's the same people who went after the Washington Redskins. Meanwhile, the Native Americans, the indigenous people were going, we're not mad. We're kind of happy. The same people that went after Jim Cherokees and saying, well, Jim Cherokees racist, indigenous people were going, we're not mad. No, we aren't. White people. White people are mad. It's the same people who. I'm down, Karen.
It's the same people who have tried to go after the Florida State University Seminoles. And thank God for the Seminole tribe basically running and controlling all of Florida because they're like, yo, you back off our college football team, motherfuckers. Yeah.
So I, I, I probably me personally, I probably would have never put two and two together and been like, I agreed. I did not see it until I read the article. Like I said, I watched it on TikTok, and it shows the picture, and it's somebody talking about how basically giving the story just like you did, and I wasn't really paying attention because I'm watching TV while I'm scrolling, and I saw it, and my first thought was, calm down, Karen. Yeah. ah Because, yeah let's be honest, I didn't see it right away. I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. It's in the shape of a snowflake.
However, if you're going to redesign like you can still put the candle out, you take off the label, you put on a Bob Ross snow theme, you know, barn in the snow covered in your gold, you know, so happy little trees, happy little trees and happy little snowflakes. Yeah. Happy little snowflakes.
Well, the people are going to get mad. You know, and they don't even notice, but and happy little plans, but but just some happy little cleansemen burning a happy little cross. Can I redesign the candle, please? When I first, when I first seen the picture, all this to goodness, my, my first thought was, well, they look like aliens.
And then I was like, they look like alien. And then when they said Klansman, I was like, Oh, I see it. But until I so saw that, I, until I heard it say Klansman, I didn't see it. I saw, I was like, why do they have aliens? on why white alien Yeah.
so like they mylansmen i was like oh shit they didn't yeah At Bath and Body Works, they said, we are committed to listening to our teams and our customers and committed to fixing any mistakes we make.
Even those that are an unintentional like this one, a spokesperson said, we apologize to anyone who are offended and are swiftly working to have the item removed in our evaluating our process going forward. Um, got to love writing, uh, commentors commentors on but commenters and commenters on ah Reddit jumped in on the design choice, calling it a clandal or a The clan Christmas candle all spelled in case. Some people who tried ordering the candle after the controversy erupted last week said on social media that their orders have been canceled. They canceled can the canceled cam candle. This is the crazy part. It's been seen on eBay. People have already got their hands on their handle this candle before. I was talking about before the show. Yeah, because they've already got their hands on this candle. Yeah.
It's iconic. It's one of those things where that candle in that form is worth 10 times what you paid for it because some as like me wants it just so I'd be like, does this look racist to you? I'm not a racist. I have a snowflake candle. ah Wow. Yes, Jeff. That's why you like colored we all know you're racist. Yeah, we all know you're racist. No. So.
yeah obviously you want people put a across and then like yeah
i be ten i just be ten
yeah mean before This controversy came out obviously they were already on sale and people already got their hands on them so They have appeared on eBay One person is ah one person attempting to sell the candle now these candles usually run on Uh, depending upon if you catch on a sale or not. Yeah. They're anywhere between five and $15 at bath and body works. If you catch it on their sales, you can get like a hundred candles for $20 because you know, they, they bring in the the new lines and the new sense and the seasons. It's like, you know, yeah, we just want them gone. We want the old stuff. God. So we're literally giving it away. Yeah.
I don't know if you've seen this or not. If you've seen it, just let me know. No, I haven't. Have you seen it? So take a wild guess at how much this eBay seller is attempting to sell the candle for. Pretty close. Uh, $350.
Damn, I was close. So do the math. Do do the math on the uptick on that. You know, that's what I say. You know, I'm not saying I'm not saying more, but once again, I want a bunch so I can sell them online because I don't make a fucking mint. Yeah, I did. The company, the company did not respond for a request of the comment on the eBay situation.
uh candles are a staple of bath and bodywork collection uh the candles are a staple of bath and body works collection which has evolved beyond soaps and lotions and every year the retailer rolls out its collection of holiday scented candles that amount to nearly 40% of its annual sales, according to i mean people go crazy. for these Fucking Campbell's man. But, what but here's my thing. It's, it's very much like, um, Nazi memorabilia. I'm not a Nazi, but I'm not going to buy memorabilia, but there are people out there that buy memorabilia from Nazi times. It's the same thing. They're the the big true crime people. They, um,
they know They'll buy serial killer memorabilia or, yeah ah you know. this this This has potential. Like, I bet you, if you were to buy when they were on sale, back in the, before the controversy, if you were to buy like, headler and sit on them for like three years. Oh, they're playing a thousand bucks a pop. Oh yeah. Well, the thing is,
The thing is, the thing is, just like everything else, like by yeah, the thing is by by next week, nobody's going to care. Exactly. they wait two They wait two weeks and they chase they they they use the same snowflake and make it a rainbow color snowflake and everybody's going to be like, oh, yeah well r on they' they they are all inclusive. They've got the new pride candle out, but It's exactly the exact same logo. Just two weeks ago. oh No, no, that's not what it is. No, because they're rainbow colored plants. Yeah. They're stupid. that's no I'm going to work on that this week. I'm going to put this into one of my programs and repaint it, send it to Bad Bad Beyond, and they're going to pay me. Hey, I got the new design for your candle. Here it is with rainbow.
and change the name to multiple Snowden's. Inclusive Snowden.
I'm just saying. No, and you're right. In in like three weeks, yeah you did have enough. And like said, in three weeks, nobody's going to give a shit. Like if nobody would have noticed,
By the end of the season, they would have sold these for like a buck a piece to get them to fuck out of the door and no one would care. Yeah. Exactly. it's it's I think, you know what it comes down to, and this is something I noticed over the past couple of weeks, as quote unquote broke as people are, they got too much fucking time on their hands. Because really broke people, no good even shit about this stuff. They're worried about what am I going to eat today?
Like I said, calm down, Karen. From one Karen to another, buddy, did you hear what happened in New Zealand?
I don't think so. I don't really keep up on New Zealanders. Well, this zealand just came up. So a New Zealand ship sank. It was a warship. ah Here it is.
The New Zealand Lesbian Naval Commander sinks a hundred million dollar naval vessel. Oh, boy I didn't. I did kind of hear a little bit about this. Yeah. ah
The only reason they mentioned that she was a lesbian is because she was New Zealand's diversity hire. This is not a joke. They didn't give her the ship because she's You know got the chops, you know, she obviously has a chop. She's an admiral here. She is She's you know, she's got the chops. She's been in the Navy for a while the fact that she's a lesbian and undo it the fact that she wrecked and Sunk the ship happened to be the fact that she's a woman.
no I Did see that on tiktok that was a video I was trying to buy no it comes down to you're not you're not smartn Any No, I'm not. ah No, they gave her the command for the simple fact that she is โ€“ they're like, we need somebody to โ€“ this new $100 million dollar ship. We need somebody to run it. They're like, well, we can't get an old white dude. That would be bad. Then she sinks it. But the the the prime minister is being called a โ€“ what did it say?
a misogynist. The New Zealand Defense Minister issued a statement rebuking of what she said was violent misogynism on online remarks, armchair admiral, um because it ran aground first, then it caught fire, then sank.
And apparently, the the prime minister was like, She basically said what I did. Well, it's because because she's a lesbian woman. And we were like, that's misogynistic. We're like, well... um But yeah, it's... 75 people were aboard and were evacuated safely. um Minor injuries. The vessel ran on ground. They were doing a reef inspection and hit the reef.
Now I'm not saying it's the captain's fault, because at the end of the day, she doesn't even steer. If you've ever been part of the of a military operation, the captain is just telling you where to go. And you were like, you can't go there because there's a reef there, Cap. Let's turn left. So I don't blame her. But yeah,
she has 30 years of naval experience. yeah Yeah, so there's no evidence of major fuel spill. um It was just talking about Somalia. There is highly probable of an oil spill because it had 50, I think 50 tons of oil on it. It was leaking oil in three different places. So, yeah, she's coming to be.
I'm in trouble because at the end of the day, when you are a captain of a ship, the buck stops at you. But I just thought it was funny that they mentioned she's a lesbian. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? She's, I was going to say, I mean, I mean, nothing to do with it. I don't think it matters if she's a lesbian or if she's a woman or it doesn't matter any of that.
I mean, what it boils down to is what caused the ship to sink, you know? Right. and And it comes down to the captain tells you where to go. If you're steering the ship and the captain's like, go left. You're like, yeah, that's not a good idea. Cap. Maybe we should go right. And she's like, yeah, well go left anyways. And that's the way the problem lies. So like I said, the buck stops with her. So.
But yeah, it was like the fact that she's a lesbian, I'm done with it. The fact that she's a woman driving a ship. That's the problem. I was going to play it, but I couldn't find it again. I'm so mad at myself. Yeah, because at the end of the day, she's obviously put the time and all that in. I'm sorry. You're in the Navy for 30 years and you don't know how to captain a ship. You got bigger issues.
Yeah. The women terrorists. Well, yeah, that's the other, that's the other big problem right there, Brian. Remember in this day and age, everything is about identity. Yeah. That's that's the thing. You know, none of that matters. I, like I said, you know, if there was a mistake that was been, that was made, then ah yeah. you were Regardless of who made the mistake, the buck stops with her. Yeah. Um,
But if there was something that was completely out of anybody's control, then you know, and again, it has nothing to do with being male, woman, gay, straight, lesbian, or black, white, purple, green, or anything like that. No, all over the fact that that she's, she was a diversity hire. She wasn't a diversity hire when she joined the Navy. Let's be honest. Yeah. I mean, and that's the thing like.
I don't know how the New Zealand Navy works. I don't know if they're that woke that they're like, yeah, you're definitely not qualified because, you know, you've been sitting at a desk for the last 30 years, you know, doing there's the difference. Right. Exactly. and how is it i we we do We need a diversity. We need a female member. Yeah. We need a female member of the LGBTQ to.
Captain a ship. So here you go. Have fun. You know, that's a million dollar ship. Yeah. But the funny thing, I was watching an interview. I was watching an interview. They were interviewing the the fleet admiral and that's not fucking cool as hell. And the prime and they the news reporter asked, is the boat insured? And they both went, I don't know, we haven't asked. I'm sure it's insured.
I don't know how insurance works when it comes to military, but I'm pretty sure. The thing is, like, if you look at the US Navy versus 90% of navies around the world, US Navy ships look 30 years old when they are a couple weeks old because they get used all the time, where a lot of these other countries, when they have a Navy, they don't use their boats all the time. So their boats always look brand new. theyre they're not They're painted constantly. So this thing was like, it was like 30 days out when she wrecked it. And I say she, because she's the captain. At the end of the day, the buck stops with her. I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that she's a woman. I don't think it has anything to do with it, but the whole lesbian thing shouldn't even factor into it. But I do buy her money.
Doesn't enjoy a good sloppy taco. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. I identify as a lesbian. But speaking of what Brian said, merits and credentials matter, not fucking identities. Agreed. Saltwater takes a toll on everything. Oh, exactly. Speaking of Son of a conner, you jackass. What do you say? What do they say?
Yeah, but I wish I would have thought of that. I'm so mad. So speaking of women, a Washington state woman called 911. You hate women. Well, no, no, no. Take a guess why she called 911. There was 500 raccoons in her front lawn. 100?
There was a hundred of them. ah I was just talking shit out of my ass. but so see i see that i just see And I say hounded because it's capitalized, hounded by a hundred raccoons.
ah up ah Sheriff's deputy of Washington, Kit Stapp County. ah Bricklink is all about animal, loose livestock, problem dogs, but 911 will call. They received recently from a woman being hounded by dozens of raccoons swarming her house near Paul Soboe stood out. The woman already having to flee from her property after 50 to 100 raccoons. Well, that's a big difference.
which is 50 or 100, descended upon it, acting aggressive.
There's a big difference between 50 and 100. I'm sorry. A spokesperson for the sheriff's office ah said she told deputies she started beating the family of raccoons decades ago. There's your problem. I don't know herself. Yeah, she brought it on her fucking self.
Yeah, ah it was fine ah but until about six weeks earlier when numbers showed up from my handful to around 100. There's your problem, Karen. Stop feeding the fucking wildlife. so We solved the case right there. Stop feeding wild animals. Raccoons are one of those animals that's like, hey, Bob, we found food. Pass it along.
This lady's handing out free corn and shit. I mean,
yeah, there's your problem. Stop beating it. Yeah. You brought it on yourself. You can't, that's like a drug dealer who gets robbed and calls the cops. Well, from Washington into Canada, a woman plead guilty.
see She pleads guilty to trying to smuggle something across the Vermont Lake into Canada by kayak. What was she smuggling, Chris?
Wait a minute. from Wait, wait um a woman from Canada? She was at Vermont Lake and she was going into Canada. So ah by kayak, no less. And she she was accused and she pled guilty to smuggling. What was she smuggling?
maple syrup 29 turtles. Oh, I did see that. I was like, just dumb. You really, you hate women today, man. I had literally just, so I put in, I put in my Google search earlier today. I put in, what up? Fuck news. And I saw and these are the ones that caught my eye. I didn't realize they were all women till now, except for I have another one about a guy.
All right, I said Brian I sent you the link if you're interested you gotta stay on topic and we're gotta stay on time but So a woman from China pled guilty on Friday to attempting to smuggle 29 box terms Okay why was she across the Vermont Lake into Canada by kayak we Yow knee 41 was arrested on the morning of 28, which is listed last month, at an Airbnb in Canada, as she was about to get into an inflatable kayak, inflatable nonetheless, with a double bag on Lake Walkins.
ah According to Border Patrol and filed an affiliate filed in federal court, Wow. Apparently those turtles go for a thousand bucks a piece, dude. Because they're dangerous. Jesus Christ. Yeah. So I don't... I kind of don't blame them. It's like turtle soup? I guess. They probably put them in some like weird like... See, so the agent served her heavy duffel bag and found 29 live Eastern box turtles individually wrapped in socks.
the eastern bok chu turtle is known sold with the chinese black market for a thousand dollars as an aphrodisiac Wow aphrodisiac That's right. Yeah, that's what I was that's what I was trying to yeah, I think you know What is it with the what is it with with the asian population with everything's an aphrodisiac for something?
You have like, they're they're like bull testicles will make your harder than a rock, you know, you know, all this apparently box turtles will do it too.
Well, they use, I mean, they use, they use, well, Brian, you're Asian. Yeah. You're eating Brian. Explain it to us. What do you use to get yourself hard? Is it the box turtles? What's up? No, I have very, very, very like a micro, like a half calorie of knowledge on, on box turtle, but no, man, I'm not, no watching the wrong po just saying no, no, no. I'm ah i'm ah i'm a old school man. Like water Buffalo, maybe like a, like a two year old cat, you know, five year old dog, you know, that that like that goes on the grill.
Yeah. You know, I mean, yeah, you know, it's just, but that's only if I'm really, really hungry, but I mean, I got food in the fridge. I'm good. and the I have to, I mean, Blick, Blick was drooling like Sunday. you know what that is This one, I have to show you guys because, uh, hold on, hold on. Sure. I got, no, but this one.
You're, you're, you're prematurely ejaculating the reason why I bring this one up because next year, they you can break it up after break. And you, I'm going to charge you with, you're going to have to do this next year. Well, you could, you could, when we come back from break, we're going to take a real quick break. Like I said, we're going to, we're going to do our dam just to stay on time tonight.
and be out of here in two hours and I'm going to be out of here in two hours. I can't speak for the rest of the guys. I will peace out this. but it I'm hungry and I am ready to. Already go to sleep. Holy crap. But we're going to take a real quick break. and As you guys can see, I'm rocking my man's new gear. My man AJG with J Valor.
knock it on heaven's door. We're going to play their music and you can find this at what is it reinvented merch.com? I think is what it is. Oh, I'll have to look it up. If not, he'll kick me. No, but we'll be back here in just a few minutes. Here's AJJ featuring Jay Valor with knocking on heaven's door.
footsteps a
That the fearin' just the inner voice Am I just a lil' boy knockin' at heaven's door? Did I spend my course searchin' for metaphors Tryin' to
They're telling me
I like that. That's good. I love that fucking song. Nice. Nice. ah Better. Nice. ah Both guys, former guests of the show. I got them all over me tonight. Oh, yeah. They're on clicks body. You like that, boys? Jay Valor and AJG love being on the list.
No, both those guys I mean, I had a lot of fun hanging out. I'm a real man. I can have other men on my shirt. Yeah, I'm secure. Look, look at my man titties.
like a yeah
i Reason why we can only see the top half of his body. I'm just saying yeah mixter is the only thing all It's all about the angles y'all Know if you'll hear this but another reason why we're canceled my friend another reason why we're cancel No AJ 3 or AJ G and Jay Valor, both former guests on my show. Uh, you can find them Jay Valor music everywhere, all the socials, wherever you listen to music and AJG underscore three Oh five. You can find him everywhere on the socials and wherever you guys treat music or show them some love. They're both putting out some awesome music, doing some big things and, uh, definitely, uh, honored to call them both friends. Uh, we became friends and, and, uh, you know,
I'm definitely looking forward to watch these guys do their things. But welcome back to what the fuck news everybody. Speaking of the social medias, don't forget we are everywhere and we have merch and it's all at our bio.link slash nonsensical network. You know the drill. Give us follow, give us a like, give us a share and don't forget to smash them like bucket like that. Smash the like button and ring that bell and ring the bell for further alert for when you go live.
Ding, ding, ding, ding. Ring my bell. Ring my bell. bernie who jeff Brian, what's going on? They're like, wait, what's going on with you? Before Jeff gets in there. No, no, no. OK, OK, OK. There's a story behind that, but it involves my older brother in it. I'll tell you guys off camera, but I can't say it out. I can't. I'm not. Understood. It's just when you said that, it's like I had flashbacks. I'm like, oh, God, not this again. Well, before our break,
I was mentioning that, you know, when is the official wedding date that you're getting married to? 10-25-25. Oh! So, you guys are going to have to do it the year after next. But, on the 12th of this month, the Mud Beer and Cash Annual Wife Caring Championship
i have a video it's about a little over a minute check this out
This dude is dressed like Mr. Incredible. I love it. i
are We just competed in the wife-carrying race in a new remain. We come each year for the fun. There's really a low chance of us winning. and we So that is the wife-carrying championship. You literally throw your wife over your shoulder as you run an obstacle course.
I'm telling you, you have to do this. Yeah. Glick has to do leg day for like five months straight. Oh, dude, my legs are strong. My legs are strong, man. It's like 278 yards raised. 270 yards. 278 yards, a race where, which can, contestants slash water lap, leap over logs and go and trudge through mud. Um,
This year's winner was the Rokondin, the robber. OK. But yeah, this, it totally looks like fun. It doesn't say how much they won. But there is a cap on it. But they had fun. But they had fun. It looks like fun. Like, you just throw your wife on your back and you just start running. Yeah, you just run.
I mean, I want I want I want to I want to see I want to see like click and like enroll into like the Icelandic games and the Celtic games. so Right? Like if that that's the goal. So theres here's my goal. I've been going. So you're officially married. So you won't be able to do it next year. But the year after, hopefully I'll have enough money. I will pay for you guys. to Go to Maine and compete.
And if you don't win, you are never allowed to wear that championship belt again. I'm calling for more stuff. Oh, no. Oh, I'm calling. I will take this belt off of my shoulder when you put dead hands. You filthy. ape I will pay somebody to do it. I'm just saying because it it does. It does look like fun. However, at the end of the day,
It looks like. Kind of mildly dangerous, too. Because, yeah, like you would twist an ankle really easy. And as we've as we've heard about in the past, your ankles aren't your best feature, buddy. Yeah,
yeah, I do. I will send Brian ahead of time to put gopher holes in the fucking course. Yeah, I don't I don't think I don't think I don't think that I would win my first year.
competing, but I, it would be fun to do. It would 100% be absolutely fun thing to do. Well, they have, they have the, uh, there's another one. I don't think it happens in Maine, but there's a, there's a husband carrying contest as well. yeah yeah why heres us but Jeff, check that one out. we Now Glick needs to do this one. He needs to participate in this event. Hold on one second.
Ah, crying out loud. Copy link.
Oh, I almost put it on top of us. Yeah, it's the Highland games. Oh, I know the Highland games, though. Yeah. um Can you imagine him wearing a kilt doing all that? Oh, I will insist on it.
that' That's gold number two. If you guys want me to wear a kilt, all you got to do is just send me one. I agree. Brian, get on there. I can't show it on here, Brian, because I'm getting us a strike, but we've got enough of them. um But I have one more story.
um And I got to ask, Brian, where were you on on the reason why I asked?
i want I just want to make sure this wasn't you. A man dressed in a bull onesie tried to burn down his ex-lover's home. What did you think he used to try to burn down his home? This home. a Lighter fluid from Walmart and matches. Oh, no, no. He used pasta sauce.
but Yeah, you can't make this shit up. I i'm I'm gonna show you guys the headline. What's what's what's pasta sauce got to do with Brian? He's a barbecue guy. Well, I just Look, there it is man. Dressed in a bowl one. Oh onesie. I wish they had a picture They're spaghetti bucket, where were you? Yeah and i was here real ah Yeah for like 33 days, I was out in the fucking desert. So, so he left the, it says he attempted to burn down the house by leaving a pasta sauce on the hob, ah the stove. That doesn't really, I mean, that's stretching. It really, so favor it really won't. I mean,
ah youre So he put it on the stove top and he's like, I'm just gonna leave this here. It'll burn down the house. No, it won't. It's pasta sauce. No, it won't. You'll just fuck up the pot. as As the king of cooking spaghetti. Oh, it's just yeah felt like he was like sitting there with a lighter trying to light the pasta sauce. He left a pasta sauce in a pasta pot on the stove.
Damn, Jim. Well, maybe he was hoping that it would like bubble. way what are What are the ages? What are the ages? Uh, 36 and 38. Oh, damn. Millennials. Yeah. They obviously know nothing of what happened to a good old fashioned Molotov cocktail. The man tried to steal the black screen TV before leaving a pot of ragu sauce and a washcloth near the stove in attempt to set a fire.
You might as well just clog up the clog up the sink and just let the water run and be like just a wet bandit bandit style. Yeah. Yeah. We're the wet bandit. I get like, I get like that's a stretch even for me. Like it's like the cops like, Oh, and he left this pasta sauce here. They're like, they, they tried to add another charge to it is what it sounds like. Yeah. No, he was just hungry. Halfway through Robin is woman. but He tried to steal her TV. Right.
uh when the officers arrived at the scene the suspects were attempting to flee the residence hey why was he dressed in a bull onesie it never said he said he believed that the victim placed the raggy sauce near the a stove in attempt yeah it was the cop that thought it was And artie he could have, he could defute that real quick. And it was like, no, I was hungry. Like why? yeah But the whole like the onesie outfit, like Halloween is wo is like 15 days away. is it i saying He was just like, Hey, you know what it was? These guys are friends. Like Glick and I are friends. Like, Hey Glick, I got an idea. I mean, I'm going to wear our blue onesie. We're going to go burn down my ex's house.
with a pot of ragu. I mean, when do we leave? Whose car are we gonna fuck a day? I'm just saying, they're not the smartest of criminals. Yeah, I was gonna say like, what was that one TV show was like dumb criminals caught on TV. Yeah. But yeah but am I wrong? It sounds like the cop was like, Oh, and you're trying to burn down the house. They're like, What are you talking about? Well, you got this pot of ragu here. Yeah, no, we were just trying to steal a TV. No, you're trying to burn down a house.
Now, if the homeowner was blonde, then it'd be like, oh, now it makes sense. Oh, now we get it. Yeah. Now it makes sense. She decided to cook for me. Yeah, there's her handicap tag, too. yeah The Navy had choose a lesbian. know the lamp She liked to be a raccoon. Jesus. Oh, Lord. Well.
I just there there are no words for the stupidity of people. I mean, I get it. They're from Florida. So that's anywhere now. Anywhere. Well, yeah. Well, did you see about this guy? That's why you see like that that little clip on what you see it on social media is like dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to get arrested. Let's be honest. Well, did you see about the guy in Florida that that in in wake of the hurricane coming, he strapped his roof down? No.
He literally put ratchet straps across his house, like 50 of them. You haven't seen this? Oh my gosh, this is the most genius thing ever. The only thing I heard, like a guy, what a guy did in Florida, or yeah, I think it was in Florida, was he had a houseboat and he said, like, apparently like God spoke to him and he's like, no, I'm going to write it down. I'm going to write it out. So they called him Lieutenant Dan. Yeah.
That leads me right into where I was going to go for a story. go ahead Lieutenant Dan. oford as he Yeah, go ahead. As he's he's been done. Hey, man. Oh, dear God.
i stay he yeah He became super famous and popular basically overnight ahead of Milton because he said he was going to stay on his houseboat. It's like a little sailboat.
his little sailboat, whatever. But he said he was going to stay on that. And I mean, it caught a lot of of people's attention. Some big heavy influencers. They were, ah you know, he got very popular. Well, first and foremost, you know, shout out to everybody who was affected by the back to back hurricanes down Florida and and the southern part of the world. I know I know you guys are slowly getting back to part of the reality. Yeah.
um slowly getting back to some form of reality and whatnot. However, here's the thing. You have a one legged man living in a houseboat, quote unquote houseboat in Florida. Well, amongst all the fame, it came to light. He's been arrested more than 18 fucking times. I saw that too.
ah Well, one of the influencers just like they were going to give him like a bunch of money and and all this stuff. Like this, the shelter. they Then they were like, Oh yeah, we're not going to do that because, uh, Aiden, Aiden Ross known for his, uh, interviews with white supremacists, uh, Nick Fuentes and former president Donald Trump became involved during the live stream on kick and Ross told, uh, Malinowski, which was the guy's name. Um,
that he would pay $100,000 to buy him a new boat, get him to safety in an interview with NBC New. Malinowski thanked his online well-wishers, but took aim at authorities who would not leave him alone. He said, I don't fear the storm, the outlet on Wednesday in an interview, I don't fear anything but the government, the police, the mayor, everyone was trying to get me to leave in the worst way. so um
But this is, yeah, far from his first time. He's, he's been arrested in and multiple States. Uh, he had, like I said, and ah an an extensive criminal history, uh, from, um,
operating or using a vessel without a certificate, uh, basically not having a boaters license. He did one year for punching a police officer in the nose. yeah Um, yeah.
Yeah, like his criminal charges, like he doesn't have any outstanding warrants. He's, you know, he's yeah with the exception of not having the voting license. From my understanding, that's his past. Everybody's got a past. Yeah. Well, yeah, but I mean. But no nothing in in his past is like, like it was wasn't like he was caught at a school chasing on little kids or something.
Or just being drunk and disorderly. Yeah, it's, it's literally piddly shit, comparatively speaking. I don't think this is piddly shit. In February of 2023, according to the, to a, to the document, a woman was smoking on a bench on the East coast of Florida. When she and Valinowski, who were sitting on a nearby concrete bench began to argue, suddenly he poured a one gallon container of gasoline onto the bench between the pair, igniting it.
Okay. He's a total douchebag. I get it. The amputee then grabbed his crutches and hobbled over to the woman who was still holding her cigarette and splashed her with fuel. Jesus. The woman was fortunately fierce. Fortunately, she was, she was unharmed, but she did fear for her life. Obviously some fucking one-legged weirdo just pours gasoline onto a bench while you're smoking a cigarette. I retract my previous statement. The guy's a douchebag.
Yeah, a judge later ordered Malinowski to house arrest and in the margins of the order wrote violent history.
You're hot, baby. You said you're so hot. You set this bench on fire. Here you go. Lieutenant Dan's 18 mug shots go crazy.
uh bro is a minute said one one user wrote i can no longer be a fan of lieutenant and dan sadly stop supporting this man stupidity because your officers supporting a woman abuser another one wrote so yeah i mean the guy has he's got to pass and it's and this just goes to fucking show you stupid motherfuckers that call yourself influencers online stop trying to make every fucking homeless Goofy could be Could be a savior. Stop. Stop being a white savior. Stop sensationalizing. No, no, no. Just be quit being a savior. Just mind your fucking business. Mind your fucking business. Dude wants to homeboy wants to write out a fucking category five on ah a hurricane. Let's get ready to smash right into your coastline. Let him. I call that claims har like is must through the whole thing.
but I call that when I mean I mean this is this is what this is what's really crazy it's like what up Wally that there was like some stories where where they'd be like oh you know what well we can't afford to get to to leave Florida whatever it's like Okay. A, you're bad with money. B, you should always know that and like in Florida, when June, from June to October hits, that's hurricane season. If you lived in Florida, born and raised in Florida your whole entire life,
You know, from June to October, it's hurricane season. And from that time, and at that time, that's when, you know, you're like, Hey, we have like every year you should have 500 or two, a thousand dollars saved up just for fuel and road snacks. So that way when they say, Hey, it's coming in, it's coming in, it should be hitting landfall within a couple of days, want a couple of days to GTFO.
Okay, but but yeah but not thousands not every not everybody's $500 to $1,000. Have you seen the price of fuel lately? That's $500 right there. I know. I know. But what I'm getting at is what I'm getting at is have some money saved up to get the fuck out. That's my point. Or don't live in Florida. Unfortunately.
Yeah, unfortunately, there are people that are in involved i live in Texas. i live I live in Houston. We still get hurricanes. But yeah, we go. Yeah, we go for San Antonio. Everybody. Everybody evacuates for San Antonio because the water goes up and then to the to the right versus the left. So everybody goes like say they go to like Plano, San Angelo, San Antonio. They'll go to Fort Stockton about as far as that way. And then that's it.
Yeah. Unfortunately, everybody is is financially scared. We have a lot of people in this country. And again, we're too busy worried about other countries' business. I'm not going to go into a whole rant. and But yeah, I'm with you on that. Well, that that that live paycheck to paycheck and some people, they just can't leave. But you're going to sensationalize a jackass who wants to stay on the boat. Who cares? Again, I was like years ago, years ago. He died. He was going to live. He was going to ride out the hurricane by tying himself to a palm tree. Yeah. Then people were shocked when he died because a piece of debris went through him.
Yeah, and then and then and then I'll cover that like like in 2018 when when uh, like 2017 2018 when we had hurricane harvey Me and another guy, were were out we were up in Midland Odessa, but we had a whole break. So we splitt we they gave us a week off. So for that whole week off, we went back down home just to check up on everything. And then when that Hurricane Harvey was en route, I told him, say, hey, man, we got to head back. And he goes, so yeah, man, but my family. And i'm like I'm like, yeah, but go ahead and make the plans to get them out. I said, because we got to double back, because if we don't double back, we have no job.
And he's like, yeah, I was like, and you got a family to think about. He just goes, yeah. So they went ahead and and and like they they took their car the family car and then they but they got out of there. But he and I. like what You got to remember though.
When, when you evacuate an area for a hurricane, it's not just one or two cars. You're talking thousands of that. Like traffic was backed up for like, I know, but, we're but we're like, we're, we're like two days. Like, Hey, go ahead and get them out. You know, cause we already knew. So that's what it was like saying, get your family out. Everybody should have a four wheel drive so they can get around. When, when, when, when, when Matthew hit down in Charleston, we were still down there and, uh,
You know, I, I worked, I worked for, I worked for, uh, Orkin at the time and they thought out, told us that they weren't sure if they're, if we're, if they're closing down or not. And if we took time off that we wouldn't get paid for. Yeah, there is that. So they didn't, and I'm like, I'm like.
and we All of us were like, yo, like we need to know because we got families we got to take care of. And it was like the day before they finally decided that they were closing down because and and again, my thing was who the fuck is going to give a damn about their pest control? Because they're not going to have any pests when there's water is put deep. Yeah. when You know, there's a goddamn hurricane barreling down on us. But it took us because the kids and I left. Well, the logic behind that, the logic behind that, hurricanes tend to turn.
Yeah. So I get where they're where they are. but But this one, I mean, they they they were they were saying for like five days straight that it was mu and there was no that it's guaranteed hit. So, you know, my ex-wife, she had to stay because she worked at the hospital. But I took the kids and we went up to Charlotte. They normally like a like a three hour drive. It took us like five and a half, almost six hours to get up. Yeah. Yeah. and I mean, I'm and and and And in that I learned a lot of back ways to get to Charlotte because after sitting, because most of that time was sitting on the freeway. And then I was like, there's got to be another way around. And I found another round around that would get me up and around. And it was, from that point on, it was clear sailing. There was no traffic. There was nothing. And I was going through a bunch of, but the crazy thing about that was we go to Charlotte and we were staying in a little suburb town called Matthew and hurricane Matthew slammed right into North Carolina.
Like it hit us harder when we were in Charlotte in this little town or this little suburb of called Matthew than what it did in Charleston. We actually wanted to stay an extra day. I thought was funny.
um you know People, when they board up their there windows and stuff, will spray paint stuff on the windows and somebody boarded up a building and they they recreated the sign from the first episode of The Walking Dead. don't know I was like, nice.
yeah yeah i mean i mean I mean, but it's it's just it's just's like it's like, as adults and we experienced it through our through childhood, it's like,
yeah You should know when, you know, when, ah like, it's that it's that time of year. Well, yeah, but but just like in those people defense. Hang on, just like you know when Thanksgiving is, just like you know when Christmas is. why we we know We know when it lands. Why are we not why are we not preparing no but like beforehand? but But we always do everything at the left. The whole staying in place. The whole staying in place. Like when Hurricane Wilma hit here, it was the worst hurricane in history at that point because it literally was a category five and sat on Cancun for three days out of Earth.
at Cat5. And I was in my house probably asleep because I either slept or barbecued the entire time. And, you know, the one thing I did do, I did prep prior. I went out and bought a ah ah cable that plugs into your extension or into your cigarette lighter. And then you could plug in and an appliance to it, a converter. And I backed my car up to the house and ran power to my fridge off my car. And I just left my car running the entire time. yeah um But it it's different when a hurricane hits here because all the buildings are concrete. yeah when building when con When hurricanes hit in the in the states, most of the house are wooden.
yep I mean very well I mean even even like when my medical career and everything like I was on a ride-out team for Hurricane Katrina Rita and Ike and Every single time when they came in I told my dad hey go stay at my apartment And he's like he's like really I said yeah because the part you're net your neighborhood When you lose power you're out of power for for a long while. I was like over my area The pet the powers run underground and everything. So if you were to lose power, it'd be like for an hour or two, but you'll still have power. So I was like, you just stay at my apartment. I got food and drinks in the and in the fridge. you know And i was like I was like, if anything, I got the i got the old smokey on the patio. So if you need to heat anything up, in case if you're hungry and there's no power, you got that. you know And also too, I was like, I got peanut butter and jelly and bread in the fridge too. So it's like that so every time when every time when the hurricane hit, my dad always stayed at my apartment.
No, but like there was a lot of people that you at the end of the day, they came back to their house and there's like the one lady came back to her house, I saw where there was sand in her in her apartment up to her TV. Yeah. There was no water, but the sand from where the the sediment, you know, and then other people, you know, but I did find the one guy funny. He, he,
He used a ratchet straps and strapped everything off the floor to the ceiling. Like his bed was like four feet off the floor and his couch was four feet. of And the, the one guy that really did well, he bought a bunch of sandbags, put them around his house and then got that spray, uh, fixed was the, the, the spray foam. It's flex seal spray and he flex sealed all the bags, no water in the house.
Everybody made fun of him online, but he was the only house that had no damage to the interior of the house. Yeah. I mean, and yeah, it's just, you know, you got to, I mean, like I said, it's just, you know, what time of year is, so you got to take the necessary precautions, yeah whether you go ahead and evacuate or you're going to go ahead and ride it out. But still though, it's like you should know when it hits and what to do, you know. Well, that's the first thing you should know what to do during a hurricane or when hurricanes come.
Yeah. part Yeah. I mean, if you if yeah you have ah you have a brick house, board up the windows and and yeah, to your point, yeah, the sandbags. Sure. Spend that. I mean, it's not even about the prep work. It's like, if it's a cat five, get the fuck out of town. Yeah. Cat five. Yeah. Get out. Cat four, maybe. But cat five, I don't fuck with cat five. Not after what I went through.
I mean, yeah, I mean, like, even, even, even here, I mean, like hurricane Harvey did, did some damage and everything, but it was just like, you know, but once it gets further in, in inland, then it like, it wears out to a tropical depression and we just get heavy rain. Cause even, even like the hurricane that we just had over here, like, wow, even though it broke down, but the winds, I mean, like the, like the pictures, well, I deleted the pictures cause I had to get storage. um I had to add more.
storage space on my phone. But yeah, we had like big ass trees, uprooted, big ass trees, broken half, like, and that's just from how many melanin are with? Yeah. So anyways, back to the news. What other stories you got, Chris? Hmm. Davante Adams is now in New York. Yeah, we'll say that for Sunday. hairs about school harry cooper And I'm out.
and Mari Cooper is about full bill. Uh yeah makers went back to the waggings. God damn it. This dog. No, we're actually. I don't need it. Actually going to uh take a uh. The only reason why he's barking. The only reason why he's barking is because the dumb ass out there is barking. She barks at anything that moves. Yeah. So, she barks. He barks just cuz. Yeah.
Um, no, we're going to take another real quick break. Uh, we'll be back again. to mike My, uh, guess last night, miss Katrina Brie, shout out to her. Uh, we had a lot of fun hanging out and we could have talked for hours last night. We we were really enjoying each other's conversation and and having fun chatting, but, um, Oh, shout out to her. Check her out. She's at a Katrina Brie on all them socials. Um,
Got a little so little cover she did at one of her live gigs. She's out in Vegas, Brian. You might be able to see her see or perform live, whatever you're out there. yeah She's actually the house singer for the Vegas aviators, the minor league baseball team there. Oh, wow. but She's hoping she can land lay the same gig when the A's get out there. Yeah. And then you get, yeah, you come out there too.
Oh yeah. Sherry, Sherry, Sherry told me, she said, you guys definitely need to come out here. I'll show you around. I was like, I want to, but that's a couple of years down the road. I need some, I need, I need some SQL. I need some SQL, mix it with some Jack Daniels and I'm good. And I'm good, but we'll be back here in just a few minutes and we'll get back into some other news stories. Here's miss Katrina Brie with her, with her cover of Lenny Kravitz. It ain't over until it's over.
are love brother Oh, excuse me.
that was That was Katrina Brie with her cover of Winnie Kravitz. It ain't over till it's over. She did an awesome job on that. i didn't she ah She just dropped her very first ever song original song. She's got lots of original but she's never released one before. And she just did. Special again is what it's called.
okay um But it's, uh, it's online. Um, so I'll play that on, uh, that's about healing. I'll play that on a Monday night. Probably. Uh, she's everywhere. Katrina Brie. Okay. Um, I did a thing. No, I didn't. Um, yeah. Katrina Brie. She's everywhere. Go give her a follow. Give her a listen. Uh, she's got more music, more original music coming out very soon.
Um, and, uh, my mayor may not have made a couple of requests for her to do a couple, uh, covers. then She agreed to last night. She, uh, she's got a snippet on her YouTube channel for singing, uh, Chris Stapleton's Tennessee whiskey. And she did an amazing job of it. And I was like, I would love to hear a full song. And she was like, well, I'll make sure that I'll get that up for you.
And then she was talking about doing Stevie Nicks and I was like, Oh, okay. Now you got me there. I definitely would like to to hear or see a Stevie Nicks cover. She's like, I got you. So,
um, she was, a she was a great guest. She was fun. And we'll, we'll definitely be hanging out with her again here on the network. She was, she was a lot of fun to chit chat with, but, uh, welcome back to, uh, WTF what the fuck news.
uh, part of the nonsensical network. If you're not already, give us a follow. You see the little, little ticker at the bottom of your screen, bio.link slash nonsensical network. All of our links are there, including the links to our merch store as well. If you guys are interested in any of that, feel free to shop away and snap us some pics and send them our way. And, uh, and, uh, we'll throw you up on on our socials and say, Hey, thanks for, uh,
Thanks for giving us a little, uh, a little listen and, uh, appreciate you buying our stuff because well, that's cool. Um, yeah. Yeah. If I send you something, send it on what? Oh, shit. Hold on a second. Is it not going to let me do it? I'm going to have to look at each one.
yes If I send you something, um, yeah. Yeah. Can you throw it on the brand real quick? There's just two real short things. Um, um I'm going through here. So I do want to make an announcement. Uh, I'm going to, I'm going to send it to our, um, Oh, you resented the group. Okay. Yeah. Send.
OK, there we go. um We have a new show that will be joining the network. On Monday evenings, probably around five, five, it'll be on Monday evenings, five to six, five, thirty to six. We're we're working on a name and we don't have a name yet, but a very good friend of mine, Jeff, you know him.
Uh, I, I call him Wally, but his name's, uh, Chris, he's going to be doing a motorsport show, basically anything to revolve in the racing world. He's going to mix in reptiles. So I'm not quite sure how the two go together, but he's going to make it, make it happen and make it work. So, uh, we're, we got a, we got to bounce around some, uh, title ideas, but that'll be coming up here in about two weeks. So those videos.
Nice. Got a new addition to the network. I'm looking forward to, uh, to doing that, uh, and seeing him do his thing. I'll teach him how to use stream yards. So he'll be able to, yeah. I know a little bit about motorsport racing, but, uh, and I, you know, we all know I love cars, so, uh, maybe I'll join in on first one spot. I ain't got nothing to do on Monday.
I'm curious. Yeah, exactly. Um, No, exactly. I think it's going to be cool. I think, uh, I don't know shit about reptiles, but fuck out of my house. He's, he's new to the podcasting world. It's something he wanted to try to do. And I told him, I said, I could, if something you want to do on your own, I can help you out as much as, as much as I can. Uh, or maybe we can find a spot here during the week for you. Uh,
Both are high maintenance, he said, reptiles. There you go. Have you come in? Hey, there you go, Jeff. There you go, yeah. Just let me know what time, man. I think we're gonna shoot, I think he said like 5.30 to 6.30 on Monday, so he'll be on right before. Do me a favor, you have a Snapchat. Send me a Snapchat, or what's happening? I have a Facebook. I don't know if he's on Snapchat. Yeah, I don't know if he's on. Get yourself WhatsApp and WhatsApp me.
and uh we'll figure out a day because I I spend people who use people who use WhatsApp are using it for cheating how do you figure but uh because I said you know you you said that when you first heard about WhatsApp and I have an issue with that because I've always heard the opposite Snapchat was used for cheating because it disappears after 24 hours or after you see it I don't know everything. Anything I've ever heard about WhatsApp before you talk about it was all the weird like little bots and shit like that. I'd be like, come check out my free videos. No, that's telegram. That's telegram. No, it's WhatsApp. I get them. I get them on. I get them on Instagram all the time. I get them. Oh, Instagram. Yeah, I get those too. But on WhatsApp, I don't get anything unless it's so less like I occasionally get like any any um any any app can be used for cheating if you if you know what you're doing.
Yeah. But I'm going to I want to just show something here real quick before we get back into a couple of news stories. Like I said, I want to try to end this. We yeah we we we made some new friends Saturday night. Jeff, going off to the glory hole, the bukaki party Saturday and blowing off the show, blowing off the show and not giving me any prep time. ah We made new friends. We made we made new friends here.
good And, uh, you know, Hey, you know what? Shout out to the shout out to the chatter's box. Shout out to the viewers and shout out to the new viewers because they were, they were on the ball when they seen that link. And it was like, Oh man, ah ah I don't even know this guy, but the poor bastards alone. And I was like, I'm coming up there. So we we had a really, we had a really good time Saturday night, man. Without you, i had to go yeah that's fine. as As I do recall, what a cool man, I got it. I get it. I do. what I heard.
that's what you said. And now you're giving me shit. Actually, actually, my response was cool. Cool. What I really wanted to say is fuck you, you motherfucker. It's like a half hour before the goddamn show. I found out earlier and I was like, I got to let go. And then I was dealing with other shit. And I was like, I got to let go. No, hold on. But yeah, I did. I was like, shit. No, as I as I said, Saturday nights, any show during the week, easy to do on my own.
Easy peasy, you know Saturday night Go for it. I mean, that's why I thought shut up You could I could do it on my own Actually speaking of Jeff's garage there is no I wouldn't because I don't know I wouldn't because I don't have to talk about cars Benji Benji and I did Jeff's garage one night because ah you were sick or something It's because of the day Oh, yeah, you got you you got murdered by Chupacabra and Benji hit me up and I was like, yeah, another we didn't talk about cars. I had the studio already set up. Yeah, we didn't talk about cars at all. We we've talked about trick trades and stuff like that.
So I can 100% do Jeff's garage because nice actually it's not just cars. jeff scribes There's a new episode coming. Blaze that blaze is going to come up. We're going to be, because it's Halloween, we're doing an episode of Jeff's garage about the ah best horror cars.
Nice. I'm Christine and stuff like that. I'm part of the core. Christine's number one. Maximum overdrive. Maximum overdrive is number one because it's going to run over a glick. Period. No serpent in the rainbow? No. We did make a couple of cars here. The last house on the left? No, it's got to be, there's got to be a car in here. What? Last house on the left didn't have a car. Oh, right. Like possessed cars.
like baby from, oh wait, you said possess cars. possess cars that kind baby and Anyways, one of the friends we made was Chaka. He's a super cool dude out in California. so w he actually yeah he actually came up in down yeah He actually came up on Monday's show, but he took it upon himself to make these kick-ass little loggo video things.
i just want to you
Yeah, shout out to Chaka he's on YouTube damn it I think it's Chaka crypto ah on on on YouTube I'll get it from him eventually. I know what it is. I just <unk>s there's his name. That's how you spell. chat use He was here earlier. Yeah. But he he came up on the show.
and He came up on the show Saturday night and hung out for a while. And then he then he came up Monday night as well. um Nice. And and hung out we had a nice week. we We had a really nice Really nice panel one on Monday Chaka was there Michael Bathurst was there Connor was there obviously ah Yeah, Chaka crypto on on on on YouTube super cool guy. He'll probably be ah probably making an appearances more often here on on the different shows and
But, uh, he brought all his, yeah, we, we had a good time Saturday night. Rick came up, but, uh, that's, that's neither here nor there. I just wanted to do a couple of shout outs and, um, you know, like I said, Chris and I have actually been talking tonight about, we started talking before the show and we were still talking about it, uh, as the show was going on tonight. But, uh, let's get a couple more stories in here. Yeah. Uh, where are they at? Uh,
and Brian's neck of the woods. Well, kind of sort of ish. Houston restaurant employee was accused of putting his gender tools in food items a and possessing child pornography. It's just like to really fucking mad. That was bad to worse. Jesus. Yeah.
Did it disclose which restaurant? Yeah. so we gonna buy A Houston restaurant and employee is accused of sticking his genitals into open food items at Harris at a Harris County restaurant and possessing several videos of child porn on his cell phone. According to charges, uh, uh, follow ofollo a fellow Lorenzo Holmes. Jesus.
Yeah, that's who that's an asshole But he was putting his genitals into the jelly Stating he had sexual urge. However, he stopped himself before ejaculating into the jelly firmally grass but um He does have a he does have a history of sexual offenses so yeah, but yeah like ah
Oh homeboy's got gonna do some time over those videos. I don't think fucking like yeah like a whole lot of Trouble but like a lot of people accused like if you have a picture of a kid in general people like Dutch child pornography Yeah, well he had videos was a lot worse than that but but child pornography to be strung out into a lot of things, you know, what I mean Yeah, no he had He had child pornography picture or videos on his uh, so Yeah, like I said, he's definitely uh, you know, you could fuck the food but uh, I think he's gonna draw the line Yeah, it's gonna get into some trouble. I have a feeling where ah it's it's ah it's like I have a feeling which part it tell that my but Yeah, I have a feeling where we're that part of town where that may have happened so geez
what's Jeff, you remember? No. I drive back to do a 95 with the doors locked just in case. I mean, like, like that's one thing, like, when you do Uber, when you take people places, like, yeah, we're going to this restaurant or whatever. And then, like, when I get time off, I'm going to eat. I find spots where I'm going, yeah, that's why i took that's where I took that one couple. or
Oh yeah. That's where that one lady wanted to go. So I've been eating at that diner apparently. I've been home all day. I've been on the penis. You got some penis. Some penis like squeeze. Yeah. Great flavor. All right.
yeah um jeff you remember back
Jeff, you remember a while back, we, we talked about that Chinese zoo that, that painted the dogs to look like pandas and try to be real, to to be real pandas. oh god Oh, the Chinese are at it again. I blame China.
china and i know Just, just what you, just what you thought it was safe to go back to the water park, a Chinese aquarium. was ripped by angry fans after it's much hyped giant shark. It was a whale shark. They're like. Mm hmm. It was a sea world. Yeah, I think they're bigger than that. ah It was that it was in a sea world at the.
Zalmisha Sea World of Shenzhen. which opened in October following a five year renovation. ah During its week long run or dry run, the 645,000 square foot ocean zoo attraction attracted around 100,000 visitors who paid, you know, roughly about $40 to enter the sea world. But their big exhibit was this whale shark. I got pictures. Yes.
um top pictures Well, shark, the world's largest fish capable of attaining over 60 feet in length. However, many felt cheated after realizing the so-called regal sea beast was actually just. An extra from the 80s shark movie Jaws, meaning it was a robot. There she is. a And they noticed.
When the shark would swim by, yeah, and it would turn. And it's 2024. You could see the panels right there. You can see all the panels along the side there. If you're going to do it, boys, repaint. yeah But it's, it's, it's, again, it's 2024. You can airbrush that shit and make it look amazing. You can put a wrap on it.
Right. I mean, yeah, they fucked up. They fucked up photos taken through the tank glass show about what sports obvious gaps in the torso where the segments have been connected. Evoking a prop from a cheesy sci-fi channel shark. Oh man, they really went after the sci-fi channel.
Well, I mean like the shit like oh sharknado Mm-hmm Now they're like I was like I was i was like I was like yeah y'all leave shark week alone shark week. I love shark week Yeah,
they didn't even try to paint yeah so the the Chinese you just got in trouble I don't know it's been about a month maybe two months ago for having the the dog does ah dog Yeah. They, they literally, they literally took dogs and painted them up to look like pandas and i'm go put them in an exhibit and put them in an exhibit at a Chinese zoo. And it was like, Hey, come see the rare Chinese pandas. And they were fucking dogs, bro. but and people were like their defense They do look kind of look like pandas. I mean,
ah we get some challenging that's our hairbrush work folks i'm I don't know what I don't remember what kind of, but they look like channels. I mean, they did a great job painting them up to look like pandas. Don't get me wrong. I mean, that'd be a great Halloween costume if you've got a white child for, you know, but yeah people were real quick to be like, big smart I'll just, i'll just sort I'll just wear a panda head and be like, yeah, man.
Oh my god, that's the same Bernard.
That's the same Bernard. But at least they tried to hide it. You know, they at least died. This goes back to another story. We did long time ago about the Chinese guy who has decided to turn himself into a border collie. He did a great job. He spent like $40,000 on this suit. Yeah. but is But it didn't look like a border collie. It looked like a man in a border collie suit, but the border, it looked like oh he looked a tall border collie.
But he looked like a border collie when he would like laid down and stuff like that Chinese are on some weird shit, man. I don't know what's going on ah we We had the we had the panda dog gate now we have the robot shark gate over at ah end and do same That made himself look like a border collie. Yeah, that is that's him in costume. I mean he did a good fucking job and they couldn't pay and he would like get up and walk on all fours and and everything Yeah, like he turned he he did a good job. I mean granted he I mean this is uh, there's actually a picture of him next to a woman Uh, give me a second load it he's a big border collie But mildly believable where but that shark just
It looks like they digitally added a chart.
I mean, they need to hire the border collie dude to come in and paint the chart. That's all. Fail. Yeah, the the Japanese culture they they got some Japanese and Chinese there's a couple videos I watched on on YouTube the other day where it was like the weird things that you will only find in Japan or only find in China and yeah The dog border collie thing not even close to weird comparatively speaking I i mean, I mean it's it's
It's kind of when you got that many people in one place. You got to stick out somehow, I guess. Right. I want to stand out in a crowd. I got an idea. But So so they they tried to pass off this animatronic shark as a real thing. Why not go get the real thing?
How much difference in price would there be really? Yeah. They didn't, they they didn't say, so they just, they're just giving them shit for, uh, you know, flying, but, um, you know, from, from the, from the yeah the the from from the, from the Chinese animal exhibits that aren't the animals that they advertise from.
to something a little bit gross before we go into uh Welcome to city shoe Check out our shit though Welcome to the shit. Welcome to our city shoe where you go ahead get our city shoeshi and get panda thing i think of handwing I'm and trying to pass off a dog as a panda. I get pandas are very rare because they refuse to fuck but
yeah Why is that? I want to go see a shitty panda.
Yes. Oh, what are you talking about? We can't do that. We can't do the invitation. We'll get in trouble. I can. yeah That's why we have you here today. I got the shitty end now when we get to our park. Well, from the the shifty from the shifty.
Shifty Chinese people, too. you This is a little gross. Tape warm pills for weight loss are being sold on the dark web. As as a doctor recalls, one patient's horrifying story. Oh, shit. Doctor says you can't wriggle your weight out of obesity. Yeah, doctors on YouTube have warned viewers that tapeworm egg pills are being sold on the dark well, but dark web as a quick fix weight loss solution.
putting consumers at risk of obviously serious illness and or death. Yeah. the the were you know yeah Yeah. As we know, tapeworms, they're a parasite and they live inside of our gut and our stomach. Um, and they, or, you know, we get them through undercooked meat products, you know, pork fish, chicken, whatever. Um,
while munching on their host post two meals. So, you know, we eat, but that food doesn't get into our system. Yeah. You know, basically we don't, uh, we don't get zero nutrients. Uh, the, the bizarre practice of ingesting tapeworm eggs for weight weight loss goes back to at least the Victorian era. Um, though it's unclear how commonly the method was used.
very city. Yeah. Uh, Dr. Bernard, a us based oncologist and host of the chubby human, a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing tale. Yeah. Uh, dedicated to sharing teals or tales of medical oddities reported on a case study, a woman who brought capsules filled with tape or maids using cryptocurrency. Oh,
cryptocurency yeah yeah The year old patient referred to only as T has been struggling to lose weight conventionally through diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah, which she scrolled across an ad on social media for a controversial weight loss curve, convincing before and after photos. Um, obviously intrigued. Uh, curiosity got the best of her.
Though it came at an uncomfortable cost of regular stomach cramps and bloating still happy with her late lot weight loss She dismissed the symptoms. However, her worry grew ever or after a shocking bathroom instance This is fucking disgusting Graphically recalled a bathroom incident by dr. Bernard. She shot she thought She could feel something flapping and slapping her cheeks. Oh. While she was sitting down. She loaded up Taco Bell and launched that tape. We're about right. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. See, you mix. Oh, you mix tape one with ramen. You got to get ramen. Spicy, you know, at the best weight loss. Put that in the fucking fork. Yeah. When she was about to flush.
when she was about to flush and look at some tan rectangular pieces floating around in the bowl, creeping out of her massive shit. Oh, hell, like she took a big old dump and she seen all these tapeworms coming out of it. Again, again, she she chalked up her strange bowel movement as part of the process, fat leaving the body.
I think I think if I'm taking a shit and I feel something going on my ass cheeks. That's not your friends. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to the hospital. No, you just finish the job. Finish the job by drinking pre-juice. Yeah. Yeah. I got I got an issue. My my cheeks is getting clapped. What's going on? Not a good way. The juice works as effective as Brodo-Rooter, man.
o Jesus. But her her symptoms grew more strange. A few weeks later, she noticed an unusual lump under her chin. She reportedly then pressed on the mound. Because that's what normal people do. Well, we would actually. Let's be honest. Yeah, we do. Because you get a zit and you pop it. You know, that kind of thing. Look, let's move.
She she pressed on the mound and then woke up face down on the floor, having apparently passed out, unsure how long she'd been unconscious. Days of intense headaches and cranial pressure followed the episode. Finally, she checked herself into the hospital for severe headaches and abdominal abdominal pain without telling them her foray into the tapeworm diet. Typical tests, you know, measuring blood sugar, bacteria infection came back negative.
Believing she may be harboring an unidentified viral infections, doctors treated her swelling belly and sent her home with no clear diagnosis. The headaches came back. She would have periods in time where she'd suddenly wake up in the middle of the day and she couldn't remember what the fuck had happened or where the last two hours few hours had gone. She again reach returned to the hospital. At this point, one year had passed since she swallowed tapeworms, but her doctors still didn't know. Physicians turned their scope to her brain and found multiple lesions, prompting them to take a wider look at her whole body, where they found more lesions across several organs, including her tongue and liver. Finally, she confessed to the dangerous diet ploy. They discovered that that she had consumed two species of the parasites. A beef capeworm matched the description of the rectangular tan colored bug she found in her shed.
um just weeks after taking her and the second was a type of major issues which um stems from pork is known to make its way outside of the digestive tract releasing its eggs into the bloodstream and setting up any sort of body tissue such as the brain that they won't hatch unless uh while they won't hatch unless they remain in the gut the intact eggs can cause a variety of horrifying side effects such as the hard bump a clump of eggs found under her chin. Oh, Jesus. The process.
It's called. I'm like, you know what? Make me fat again. I'm good. Yeah. ah Sister. Let's get that lap band. Yeah. Let's get the lap band. Right. Yeah. i Most of the cases. Put down. Yeah. Most cases is. Yeah. Most cases it is. don Don't eat it. It is harmless. Cooks all that fucking awesome Yeah, but a nightmare for others depending upon where the eggs land others who have suffered from this of the brain have endured personality shifts and ah um For years before detecting the issue so you got like a lump of fucking tapeworm eggs just sitting on your brain um Fortunately, they're treatable
ah She got drugs to paralyze the the worms, blah, blah, blah. After three weeks in a hospital, she spent three weeks in the hospital. ah She was tapeworm free and discharged. Dr. Bernard pleads with viewers to heed this cautionary tale. And an able-bodied human weight loss with diet and exercise is physically doable, and it has much less risk than putting a tape worm in your body. Put in the damn work. I think. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think. yeah three day No. Well, we're We're kind of loading down that. Yeah. Again, if I'm taking a shit and I can feel something wriggling around out of my butthole slapping my cheeks, I'm going to be like, oh, hey, some of the ramen noodles.
Yeah. I don't eat ramen noodle. So um Oh my God. Oh, spicy beef. hot heart Oh, if that's scary as fuck. Like I get it. I get it. There's some people don't lose weight very fast.
I've never been so big that I'm like, oh my God, I can't wait. takes time and play It takes time and then also too, it's a mental discipline thing and that's where we all lack. I struggle. Well, no, but but no it comes down to people are lazy and they want a shortcut. There's there's supposedly a shortcut for everything. This is not it. Yeah. She's a cautionary tale. She's lucky she's alive. Yeah. Yeah. So.
Next time, go to see what she lose. Just curious. I didn't say how much weight she lost or anything like that. I would sue me quite a bit. I mean, I mean, I'm sure they didn't say how much weight she lost because people were like, hey. but Yeah. Well, again, I go back to Darwinism, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah. Hey, let the stupid be stupid. If you know, I don't want I don't want anybody to die. But at the end of the day, let the stupid be stupid.
help Okay, know why of dumb kids that used to do stupid shit in the 80s didn't live Okay, so like lap band surgery, the average cost of lap band surgery is about $9,600 according to recent reviews on RealSell. However, the price can range widely just from $4,750 with insurance to much as $20,000 without insurance. at Once again, way more than that.
I'm going to say I bet 20,000 is still a lot cheaper than a three week hospital stay. Yeah. shit like Five grand a day. but stuff you put up it's coton but But still, but still though, it's like just put in the work. I mean, but, but it's but no now you know what? With $20,000, you got a gym membership for life. 10 bucks. 10 bucks.
Not yet, not that not everybody has that same drive or you know whatever to go to the gym and and eat right. they yeah That's why they do, that's what lot people do in the shortcuts, like the latman surgery. But that one guy that did the latman surgery, like six months later, he was as big as he was prior because he kept me, like the- It's the mental discipline.
my ex girlfriend's sister got lap band surgery. And they gave her a little pan with it. And she's like, and they told her, this is how much you should cook each day. Yeah, course portion portion portioning. Yeah, portioning. Yeah, like, yeah, and and black band surgery would not work for me. I like but again, but again, but again, though, it's it's the mental discipline. I struggle with it.
So I mean, it's it's like, it's because because as you're growing up, as we're growing up, as kids, what are we, so what are we institutionalized on? Fried chicken, pizza, pasta, fries. So even though, even though like, okay, yeah, we need to turn around. I had to wipe his chin there. he get all as older i know right like he has a as ah As we're getting older, now we got to take better care of ourselves, but still. Well, not only that, when you're a kid, you have a high metabolism.
Well, yeah, but also too, but what I'm saying on a mental note, we're still hardwired. Like we'll do good on the diet. We're like, yeah, I'm eating good. I lost some weight. And then like one little thing, like, yeah, a little burger fries won't hurt. You know, and then next to that, boom, repeat the cycle, burger fries, burger fries. And all of a sudden we're like, ah, damn. Like I said, the struggle is real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But no, it wouldn't be just a tape.
No, I can't believe that somebody would be that careless. but People, people, people have been doing it for centuries. People have been doing it for centuries. Yeah. Well, I'm not saying I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it. but I'm just saying it's something that's been around since the Victorian era. You know what I mean? It's like it's nothing new. And people still do it.
Uh, you know, like, but also I think there's a lot of people that do it, that monitor and pay attention to shit where this chick was like, yeah, fuck it. I'm fat. I don't want to be fat. I'm yeah um i'm not, I'm not going to say now I'm embarrassed because now I know. Well, and that's the one thing that keeps people from going to the hospital, the embarrassment part.
Like, I'm gonna be better. Bitch, you're gonna die. Go to the hospital. Yeah. Yeah. and And that's another thing too. Like, a lot of people will be like, A, they're embarrassed. And then B, they're like, oh, man, I don't have the money to cover the the hospital fee. Right. So and and and I have come across a lot of people that I have a lot of people that that I come across that are like that they're like, like, why don't you get this treated sooner? I don't have any insurance. I don't have money for the hospital bill. Okay, but you're about to lose your foot. Yeah.
Yeah. Like really? About to die. You're about to lose your foot.
What else you got? You are about to die and be dead. Well, then like again, a city be the city walk from getting from getting your cheeks clapped by a tapeworm to Jeff's favorite part of the show. Penis.
la in
that foot did a lot on on the reddit on the reddit the subreddit is called they knew and then with it and when i was scrolling i was like i saw that like yeah i was like this is this is something i definitely get a kick off Oh, they knew. They knew. they won but you're a addict head I hope you'll soon be dead.
All right. Well, we gather gather around, gather around, gather around, uncle. ground now we know't We don't say candies. We just gather around and uncle looks going to tell you stories of penises. We started we started a couple of weeks ago.
Uh, and I, I love both. I love Buzzfeed. I got a shout out Buzzfeed. I love their, their, their, their, uh, their, their lists, their countdowns, all that stuff. And I love the fact that they get their readers to write in with some of these stories, but we started with 15 penis horror stories. That'll make you want to vomit and the, and we, and we left off the last time we were talking about this, about the peeled penis, like a banana, a penis was peeled. Well, we're going to pick right back up.
From the peeled penis to the goddamn ad, not not the goddamn ad, but. What's the ad for it? There we go. From the peeled penis to the broken penis. Dave's room eight writes in, he says, I was having sex with my girlfriend when the shaft came out and slammed against her pelvic bone, thus breaking my penis.
It immediately went black and blue, swelled to double its size for some guys. Plus. I'm in. I went from three to six inches. Look at that. That's a talent. Put it back in. The urologist had to perform emergency surgery to put it all back together and also circumcise me in the process so that he could stitch everything up properly.
Double win? Yeah, maybe. Can you add a couple inches when you fix it? I was going to say, yeah, Doc. I had at least an inch, gee.
you have damage Little writes in, not like Jay Leno, but says the childhood trauma. When my husband was little, he went to a peace standing up.
He attempted to lift his lift the seat, but he had already pulled his pecker, pulled out his pecker. His arms were long enough to put the seat all the way up and it slammed back down on his homeboy had a giant ding dong as a kid. ah It slammed back down. This was one of the earliest memories he has from childhood and is still traumatized to this day.
Now, he insists that his son has to stand on a stool as they potty train him. Oh, I get it. You don't have to have a big packer because, you know, like, i you know, yeah. OK, yeah. Like when you're too small, like a little kid, like I have this problem because I'm short. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You got to get on your tippy toes and just kind of set it up there and whatever happens, happens. Um.
I don't think that would hurt that bad. I think that would just be more. I think it'd be a good question. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, because, and and here's why. Depending on when when this happened, toilet seats are made out of solid fiberglass. Yeah. unless you Unless you're cheap and you get the real cheapy plastic ones, which don't close on their own anyways. But those heavy plastic, I mean, those heavy fiberglass ones, I mean, that, ooh, and on your... Oh, yeah. And then it's got a...
It's good. It's going to hurt. I'm not saying it's not going to, but it's not like, I mean, not unless he had a sack up there and it just smashed everything. but
Sorry, Brian, Brian sent me pictures. and These are genius. um I'm going to say pull it up. I'm gonna. Oh, they knew the first one. Oh, they knew. They knew.
ah harry rid like Oh, Jesus Christ. yeah yeah This one's better. It's a fertility clinic. Nice.
um Who's the architect? I want to build my house.
Uh, Lana writes in, uh, the, the, the blazing sauce. My boyfriend and I went to Buffalo wild wings and decided to try the blazing wings. I love spicy food, but this was a whole different level. She proceeds, or she says he proceeded to go to the restroom after the ordeal. And when he came back, he was acting really strange and looked really sick. It turns out when he was peeing.
some sauce from his hands that on his penis, on his penis. And it burns- Yeah, wash your hands before you piss at Buffalo Wild Wings. Hey, or again, as we've had this conversation about spicy food, why are you eating something so fucking hot that when it comes into- It burns your skin. With fucking flesh. Like, I'm sorry, can you imagine? Okay, here's my thing.
what If it's that hot, why is it burning your fingers? And if it's not burning your fingers, why is it burning your dick? Were you rubbing it on a tip and, you know, why do you not use a paper towel that's able to wipe your hand? Right. Yeah. I mean, were you in there fucking rubbing one out real quick? He's not good. I got to be late last. Yeah.
Uh, hot mix DXC writes in the wedding presents. Oh, shit. I ripped the skin underneath the head of my penis while having sex on my wedding night and spent two weeks recovering. Oh, how, how tight Lou, we said this before Lou is your best friend. Take, take a note from PD and get some baby oil on the pipe. Yeah. like now yeah is of baby oil If we could learn anything from Diddy. Well, or maybe take her pants completely off and not go around the zipper.
Or I don't know, a little foreplay. Yeah. Foreplay. Get her, get her a little worked up. I mean, women are self lubricating at the end of the day. Yeah. If you have to do that. Greatest engine in the world. Yeah. Greatest engine in the world.
Spit on that. Hey, take a lesson from that goofy talk to a chick. Spit on that thing. Spit on both of those things. Spit on the guy next door's thing if you have to. Get that shit, get that whole properly lubed up before you go shit with it in the crevices. And it sounds like, you know, it sounds like this is a couple that like, we're going to wait till we're married. Now you're married. You still can't have sex for two weeks. Yeah.
And last but not least on this list. And then I'm going to go. I'm going to do a couple from the next list because I think the next list is going to be funny. And I'm not going to feel so bad about myself because of this next list that I have. And then we'll wrap the show up. Stephanie Ash Ashley writes in. Hey, I got your full name in Facebook. The bike ride. I had a cousin who was riding his bike without a seat. So it's just basically there's a problem right there.
yeah Well, maybe it's maybe he was into the old back door treatment. Well, you know, but it's also, youo you know, they have the, you know, those guys that do, um, stunt BMX. Yeah. They lower the seat as low as you go. This guy was like, I'll just take the seat off because they don't sit down. but I can see. Uh, it was basically an open metal rod with, with rusted sharp edges.
He ended up crashing his bike and severing half of his mandibs. It's one her on half of his junk. The the the old. There's a saying when it comes to motorcycles, right? Right for the slide, not the ride. Wear a cup. He cut that junk in half. Which word was the what's sort ah what's worse?
getting your penis peeled like a banana or getting your junk cut in half with a rusty spike. Here's my question. i have a I have an odd question. What do you consider half? Like half long ways or half length ways? There's a difference. Well, there is a difference that it doesn't say. It's just... I'm just saying. that Severed his man bits in half. So... Wear a cup. Either way.
That man's buying a strap on. I'm telling you right now. a man I mean, they saved. I mean, they say John wade Wayne Wayne Bob is junk and he and he made a porno afterwards. So, I mean, it's ah as they said in the six million dollar. We have the technology. We can rebuild it. We make it once again. That's that's the opportunity to a doc. Hey, doc. Hey, yo. Can I get like my slide? You come up.
Hook a brother up with three, four more inches. I'm not asking for a lie here.
I was just saying. Yeah. But russ like it's one thing to cut yourself to cut yourself with a dull, rusty blade. Not fun. But again, you know, a tetanus shot. Yeah, but when was the last time you got a tetanus shot? Those are hell.
wait wait wait where wait i'm i'm sorry like i forgot i was interrupted but what well what's the story dude was ride and cut his self off cut his dicking hat he didn't have a seat on the bike crashed so that little poll that the seat his on was was was was sharp and rusty and just
As we learned from WWE fans back in the 90s, Valvenus had the old choppy choppy on his pee pee from Naki and them boys. yeah Because I call this land of the rising Venus. Wait, was it time?
But, uh, no, I mean, ah success you but why would you want to ride a bike with no seat? No. no And like I said, it comes down to, there's a couple of factors. Maybe he's like, and it sounds like he was younger. yeah like We found this old bike. We just got it working. We don't have a seat pocket. I want to test it, make sure it works. There's one option. The other is the, you know, BM sex, BMX stunt riders.
lower their seat as low as possible. This guy was like, fuck it. I don't need a seat. I'm going to stand up the whole time. So I can, I can see where the idea of riding bike without a seat happens. Yeah. no Or like you're sitting at the bar, you're on a bar stool. Then you're like, ha you get up and you're like, all right, you'd squat down and all of a sudden. um Yeah.
think It's almost like it sounds fun regardless. Well, I mean, for okay, okay. I would still be crying or gay guys walking to a bar in one stool who gets to see you turn it upside down. Yep.
He's got visuals. Well, well from that, from the, from the, from the penis horror stories, from chopping your bits in half to breaking your bits to peel in your bits like a banana.
The next one we're going to go into is this is Buzzfeed. Again, this is Buzzfeed. It is 15 hookup stories from people who've had sex with a micropenis. This is going to make me feel real good about myself. I was going to say some of the chicks I've hooked up with have been on this list. I'm sure. In case you're wondering. So, so, so, as I said, Buzzfeed asked the community to open up about their sexual experience with somebody who has a micropenis.
and Here but they got this little uh They got this little snippet from a doctor. She said in in case you're wondering the average erect penis is five inches long While in micro means is at least at least two and a half ah Fuck
at least two and a half standard deviation smaller. So it's smaller smaller than seven centimeters or 2.75 inches. Also about 0.6% of the male population has a micropenis.
um not it just not it i'm calling it yeah not how deep you fish it's how you wiggle your worm i'm just saying and if you do yoga you're very flexible so you go like go with the flow yeah that's right yeah right before they dive into the story yeah I spoke with Dr. Kate Ballesteria Ballesteria, a licensed psychologist and certified sexual addiction therapist to get a better understanding of how a micropenis might impact sex. And here's what she said. ah Whether someone has a large penis or a micropenis, the quality of their sexual experience with the partner depends largely on their non penetrative
penetrative behaviors. There are strap-ons and penis extenders that can make, that can offer a different tactical experience for penetration if desired, but nothing can take the place of confidence, erotic kissing, amazing foreplay, hot sexual energy, focus on cultivating an experience that goes beyond penetration and cherish each other and let sex become a whole body experience.
So gentlemen, if you are part of the 0.6%, you better step up your fucking foreplay game. Yeah. Learn how to eat tacos. Yeah. and There's more to foreplay than just eating a taco, Jeff. And have spare fingers, jazz fingers. yeah Don't forget the always good game. Yeah, you always give her the card game. and And the bowling ball grip. The bowling ball. again I got, I earned my racing stripes. So, um, but but I'm just going to do a couple of this one. We're going to, we're going to wrap up for the night. Yeah. I'm just going to do like the first two, just to give you guys a little, give you guys a little appetizer, a little.
but J 49 writes in, yeah she says, uh, the stamina, this stamina King. She said, I dated a guy with a micro penis for two years and he was in and he was fantastic in bed. So it was never really an issue for us. We mostly mostly learned what positions work best because of his size and he had great stamina. So we would routinely have sex for hours at one time. What are the pros of a smaller penis thinking back?
He was probably one of the best lovers I ever had. Shout out to the little penis guys. You're welcome. I don't know about four. I don't know about hours. and time Hours is like, dude, I'm tired already. Aren't you done? I don't do much of anything in my life for hours at a time. Work is about it. Take a break and have a sandwich or something. I don't have a smoke. I'll be right back.
I, uh, ah piss, piscary 89 writes in the intense threesome. Yeah. Uh, my partner and I were on grinder, Jeff's familiar with grinder and got a message from a gorgeous Turkish man. He says we chatted, had a few drinks and took things back to the bedroom.
He was packing maybe two inches max. Pissy says we're not size Queens. So we just went with it. And since he was a bottom, it didn't really matter. He was a great kisser, very skill and orally. And even let us DP him blowing him, blowing him was a little different because side made us alter our tech technique.
technique Also on a side note here, little side note for you, a little caveat. He also shot two of the biggest loads I've ever seen. You are welcome. he He was really sweet and a kind person. And overall we had a great time. We repeated the encounter a few more times before he moved back to Turkey.
So far two out of the gate man. Yeah, there should there's there's very little downside so far. I'm just saying. Again, I said these are going to make me feel better about myself and my microphenis. I feel amazing. I'm like, that's right, baby. You are wearing the hips. That's all it is. Don't move. I'll get you a towel.
yeah ah right Don't mind that love slug. Don't worry about it. It's all right. Yeah. Don't worry. You're not going to hurt nobody. I promise. You want a homemade creamer? Here you go.
and Don't move, I'll get you a towel. Oh, skid, skid, skid. Oh, dinosaur.
Wow. What did I do? What did I do? Brian, Brian, Brian put in a private chat. I saw that. Read that. This is funny. Now that's what, now that's what I call stupid. In my junior year of high school, this guy, where did this come from?
It came from like one of the ah hilarious, real funny stories. No, no, no, it's off the website. um That's what I call stupid. In my junior year of high school, this guy asked me out on a date. He rented a red box movie and made a pizza. We were watching the movie in the oven, beep. So the pizza was done. He looked me dead in the eye and said, this is the worst part. I then watched this boy open the oven, pull the pizza out with his bare hands.
racking off, screaming at the top of his lungs. the second day In the words of Bill Eagle, here's your side. ah He said, he said, this is the worst part. Like he's done this before. it's not the It's not the first time he's done this and it's probably not going to be the last time at the end of the day. So class, what have we learned? Yeah. For Christmas, I bought him flowers.
but please Make these. say They they have this great new invention. They're called oven mince. Yeah. i'll give you some Or or ah you get you can buy it, but they have like those pizza little spatulas. and Yeah. Yeah. Those things are huge.
Yeah, but you can get i guess you can get smaller ones. You can get i've got I've done it before because like I've done it with two spatula, two metal spatulas and did it that way because A, I would I fucked up the oven mitts that I had and B, I was too lazy to go to the store that exact same day when that happened or or you literally take a cutting board and a fork and drag it off the fucking rack onto the cutting board. you're going Yeah, that too. Here's your sign. Jesus.
yeah I mean, oh my gosh. They really dated themselves when they were renting a red box movie, though. Not really. Red Box is still around. I've never, I've never used it. Yeah, but you have to remember, also, Red Boxes didn't come out until after we were out of school. So. Until like, yeah, Blockbuster. So that's like 99, 2000 or 2001. 2001. You know, one of the Red Boxes is still working. Blockbuster went under in 2002.
There's only i was gonna say i didn't start using in the US still working Yeah, there's there's like three red boxes just in town where I live oh that was There's one there's one blockbuster left in the United States that's and i think it's an yeah Look you can find a red box at a Walmart at evening I've never seen one or at one of your local but after high school i wrote right in what are your local ah corner stores.
Yeah, I was going to say, I could think of two CVSs that like i I'll be willing to put money on and still have. And I think Walmart or Walmart has one at edit in ah at each insurance. Yeah. Yeah. And every, yeah, and every, yeah. Every Walmart has one. But how about the stores?
Yeah, there's a local grocery store CVS Walmart and then your corner all they do is all they do is put movies and games in them So yeah, and you just render for 24 hours Yeah, and I mean that's not like it's a you know, I mean yeah streaming is taking over the world, but there's Yeah, I mean, I'm sure they're still doing just fine for themselves but I mean at the end of the day Yeah streaming is taking over the world, but there still are those people who?
Oh, no, there's like there just down from the house. I think it's like maybe 20 minutes down the road. There's a there's a movie rental. There's a DVD rental store. Yeah. Still open. I've never rented there. Yeah. See it. and I'm like, really? Never ever screaming. There is and some some that are so out there. I found one the other day. It's called Classic Box.
And it shows a picture of the, and it's got all these classic movies on it. It's like, it's got money part on the holy grail. It's got, uh, young Frankenstein shit like that, you know, and then stuff I've never heard of. Yeah. Um, no, but, uh, I'm gonna wrap this bad boy up for the night. Uh, we appreciate everybody for hanging out. It's good to see him. Brian again, Brian was gone for like.
six years on uh some medical in the desert oh i i showed i showed i showed jeff some like up close pictures of black widow spiders that i come across yeah he likes to fucking break me out of some of these weird spider pictures i mean because i looked at him like i'm like this this web is weird and then i look around and then i took away i saw a spider and i was like burn down the house move and then and then i mean because like they hang out ah so Where I work, it's like a bunch of pipes, big-ass pipes. But anyway, I just see like this type of web, and I'm like, I'm not familiar with this type of web. So then I'm like flashing my light. But I mean, I don't go nerd i don't go anywhere near it, because it does like that part where they're at doesn't involve me for what I do. But it's just like, I just notice. I look, and all of a sudden, I just see, I'm like, oh, black abdomen.
Uh-huh, and then and then there's like some there'd be like there'd be like two or three of them then I'll flash over I see another one and that's why I take a photo of it I zoom in I'm like ah black widow and from time to time like Like from time to time I'll kill one Yeah, we had them down in Charleston. We had we had black widows and brown widows and Yeah. the my I mean, I mean, and perfectly honest, that's like the first time I've actually encountered a black widow spider. Uh, we were swapping out filters for one of the units and I pulled a, I pulled the case off of the pallet that I saw like a little black and then I saw it like rise up and I'm like, Oh no, you don't. And I flipped the box over and it it was on the ground and I saw it crawling ground. I just stepped on it. I've gotten fired because I had burned down a whole fucking building. Like, why did you burn down a building? There was a spider.
a black widow. I didn't do it. because know Yeah. So, so yeah. So I look around like, even if I have to walk, if I have to walk over the pipes to get to another one, I'd like look where um I look, where I'm at. I'm starting my little bike. I would be calling Elon Musk and he got to go to his plane, Thor's left. I need to walk over a couple of bikes. Good.
Yeah, so but yeah, it's like I see those then from time to time I'll see a scorpion but like a bait like a baby scorpion. I'm like we Scorpions here scorpions don't bother me. Yeah. Yeah but none know but yeah's And i'm I'm glad that I'm glad that it's getting cooler over there, but I mean it's gonna get really cold um But yeah, the rattlesnakes stay at bay.
And apparently with so spiders here, but there's spiders that are like the size of my face I mean we're supposed to get like a ah tarantula migration, but I haven't seen that yet yeah we get big ends fuck off toan i catch i Man when when I used to do frack man, I used to catch tarantulas Like I like I'll see him walking and then I'll get like a little thing and they'll crawl right up on it and I'm like oh look I got a tarantula who That's why I'm going to order an airsoft gun and just be like, I'm unloading the entire thing. I can't buy real guns. I can't buy real guns here. that salt pell be like do cause No, I've been watching a lot of airsoft wars on on YouTube. yeah there's they They can crank those fuckers up and like where it hurts.
and I'm like, yeah, I need one of those. It's kind of funny. Like my buddy that got me the job, he goes, he us hey, you ready to go back yet? I'm like, hell no, man. I'm like, I've only been home a week now, man. I'm like, nah, man. I was like like, let me have my weekend and then I'll be on the road on Tuesday morning. I'll be back on the radio Tuesday morning. I'm like, nah, man. I'm like, after 33 fucking days out there,
the middle of fucking nowhere. 33 is out there and 33 days out there, man. No, dude. I'm like, you know, I'm not taking about, I'm taking but about 13 days off, dude. Yeah. Taking my time off and enjoying this shit. but um Yeah. And it was, it was kind of funny too. Like, like I call it Glickup. I'm like, yeah, I'm on my way home. And we we talked for like what, two and a half hours. Yeah. we I was going to say we were on the boat for, for a hot minute. I was just at work. I was Wally fucking around at work.
I'm sort of going like, wow, it's so beautiful out here. I forgot. I was like, I haven't been this way in a minute.
The sun's rising and everything. I'm like, wow, so pretty out here. another guy I got it on cruise control. I'm going to be like 75, no, 77. You know, it's like, who do I'm just cruising. I'm like, wow, it's pretty cool. And then he's like, he's like, wow. So you got it Yeah. Cause I, uh, going through San Antonio is hill country. It's a Ford.
77 max be down. No No, that i good I mean like then that that spiman was certainly five with my seventy seven but I mean I was just going like man and he's like he's like you got enough to get home I'm like, yeah, I got energy drinks. I got five hour energy shots
but those five hours then I did one i was like hey let me i ah used to work at step two, make it you make those plastic toys at step two, you 12 hour shifts, those fucking energy shots, those are the fucking lifesavers. Yeah. I mean, like like, I just wish that my supervisor didn't show up and want to quiz me. And I said, I was like, sir, with all due respect, my brain is mashed potatoes right now. And he's like, well, well I just want to, I just want to talk to you. I just want to walk over. I'm like, I'm sitting there like,
Right at midnight hits, I'm going, I'm behind schedule. 12, 30 rolls around, I'm like, I'm 30 minutes behind schedule. And he said they're talking. And I'm like, he's like, so, he's like, so which one is this and which one is that? I'm like, sir. I'm like, I'm tired, man. I was like, I'm, I'm ready to go. I was like, I was like, I've been up all day getting everything packed up, laundry and everything. Like ready to go. I'm like, my brain is mashed potatoes right now. So finally, so finally at 2 AM, so finally at 2 AM,
clocked out and I was like, I was on the road. And he just goes, oh no, take this highway. It's shorter. he was It's much easier. I'm like, nah, just take the basic i'll take the basic highway that I used to get here. Yeah, i really really way no yeah it's it's two in the morning. Ain't nobody on the road. like and like let me get I was like, I just need to get to Fort Stockton. That's like two hours from where I was. I was like, right let me we get to four Fort Stockton. I'll fill up. and then I was like, I'll try to make it close to San an Antonio, because that's all I can say. oh I got to make it San Antonio. I was like, that's eight hours. So by the time I can say that, you know, if I would have left at midnight, I was going to hit San Antonio, like set like six thirty seven o'clock in the morning and then take a nap. And then because I know once I get to San Antonio, I'm like, OK, cool. I'm like a little over two hours to get home. You know,
is But that didn't work out. like that were Monsters by the time you get home, you could be pushing the truck and not even notice. Yeah, right. all that energy Like ninety i know like i like i heard that drovevos like i actually made I accidentally made coffee instead of water I put in Red Bull, got all the way to work and realized I forgot my car.
But yeah, but but I know it's like it's like on the way home, load up on Gatorade's, Gatorade's five hour energy and the rock energy drink. So that way I'm like... but I mean, i mean he said he said he was cool with ah like me leaving at midnight. So that way the other guy comes in and that way he gets to eight hours in. So that way he could go ahead and start. I'm like, hell yeah. It was like midnight. I'm on the road, man.
yeah clock on the machine go and go ahead yeah yeah i know well We clocked out we we have an app and i'm like yeah and they're and they're and they're they' like They're like make sure you clock out a location i'm like man I'm gonna clock out right when I touch the road right right when I go from dirt road to pavement i'm clocking out right there I'm clocking i'm walking on my truck. Can I clock out so But now we gotta brought this bad boy up. I gotta get something to eat. I'm fucking starving. Um, appreciate everybody hanging out. Brian, if you're going to be around this weekend. Don't be a stranger. We got, uh, I ain't doing anything tomorrow. Thank God. What am I doing tomorrow?
nothing if you want on friday chris uh blaze and i are watching terror fire if you want to join i was about to watch that i got that loaded up we're about to i just watched it for the first time and i have issues with it and clickar knows my issues my issues are weird um can like um we're gonna be we're gonna be watching that on on friday and then saturday's the glow thing right or is that next saturday yeah so um So yeah, I ain't got nothing to do tomorrow. Uh, Friday, I might pop in for a little bit. Um, not very, probably don't have cash this week. I forgot. Yeah. they They come home Friday. Um, so, so tomorrow night there's nothing going on here on the network. Uh, we, we're going to be, uh, it's going to be a quiet night. Uh, but Friday, as Jeff said, they'll be back with, um, uh, nonsense and chill.
Sounds like Brian might be there. Jeff will be there. um
They're going to be watching Terrifier one. Are you watching? You're just watching the first one. We're watching the first one. And then ah but before Halloween, we're going to watch all three. So we're going to have an extra show in there. We might do it on Sundays. Yeah. So apparently there's another one. You have Terrifier one and two, but then there's another one that I can't. All Eve. All Hallows' Eve.
It actually was made for Terrifier. So yeah, because Terrifier 3 is out in theaters. So I'm like, all right, well, let me go watch that. um all how All Hallows' Eve introduced the that I can't remember his name. Arthur Clown. Yeah. All Hallows' Eve is a good movie. It's not all about him. It's ah it's an anthology. It's horror stories. There's multiples. And it introduced him. And he got such a big fan reaction that they decided to do the Terrifier franchise. And and it's all about him. So Donald's Eve is is i'm an o much better movie than the Terrifier movies. But I love horror movies. Terrifier. They were good. Don't get me wrong. Just unnecessary gore. I mean, like i agreed agreed. I tried to get creative, but then at the same time try to be like original. at the that Well, yeah, they want to get creative, but then also to not kind of overdo it.
um I Talked a guy that that that that played the the the main character because like I got yeah, cuz I went to the horror con a year ago and But well, yeah, yeah a year ago and it was really cool. That's where I met Kane hotter Derek mirrors who played ah Jason on Friday 13th. Yeah that same comic the same horror con and And I met that guy and and my buddy, he's like a diehard horror fan. So he was asking of all kinds of questions. I'm going, Oh, Oh, and he goes, he was yancing, terrified. I'm like, I was like, sir, I've been working so much. I've been living under a rock. I apologize. okay He's like, it's all by David, David Howard Thornton is his name. Yeah. But I mean, really cool guy though. So oh yeah, I, I, I came across that the other day. So I have that added one and two and all hollows Eve on my prime.
um Brian on Friday 9 o'clock we're gonna be watching it um so I guess I got I guess I watch it all tomorrow yeah yeah yeah as i say bla and I decided that no matter what we're watching we're gonna watch first before we watch it because our reaction times of while we watch it there's more authentic there's dead air yeah yeah because we're we're more watching the movie than talking about it like we're supposed to be doing Yeah. But, uh, this Saturday, uh, we will be blazed and I will be live at Buckeye X throwing here in NERC for their Halloween glow party. Uh, we'll be doing the show live there again. I will not be, Jeff will be there virtually. Um, um, they're going to have live music by Reese Jordan. I'm really curious to hear this guy because he does country rock hip hop.
folk type music. i went Well, it's it's yeah, but like his rap stuff is done in the style of like the country folk. I don't know, man. The dude's doing a lot like like what is it? It's called ah like Cowboy Troy does. No, no, no, no, it's i it's not that much. It's hiccup hiccup. Yeah, well, don't worry. We'll get we'll get live. Well, like Leon Bridges, Leon Bridges does like rock funk.
<unk> get we'll get We'll get live footage of him performing Saturday night. So we'll be there. So anybody that listens in the in the central Ohio area, or if you want to take a road trip this weekend, come on out. All the information is is shared onto our Facebook page. Come on out, hang out. It's a costume party. It's a globe party that you got live music. You got nonsensical nonsense there. You got Uh, good, good drinks. You can, you can sip on some beverages, uh, and have fun. And you can see Belize and I and are matching costumes. but already seen them They're hilarious. They're so cute. that We got, we got a couples costume. He's, he's peanut butter. I'm jelly. No, but we actually got some really cool costumes. I think they're going to be awesome. But, uh, yeah, check out the rest of the network. Mondays is men caring for men. It's a men's mental health podcast.
Tuesdays is Glitz House of Music. I'm hanging out with up and coming artists. We're getting to know them. We're shooting the shit. We're having a good time. Check out last night's episode. Replay is on YouTube with with Katrina Bree. She was awesome. We could have talked for hours and I can't wait to get her back up on one of the shows and hang out with her again.
Uh, Wednesdays is this year show right here. What the fuck news it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck? Yeah. We're going to talk about it and add our two cents. Thursdays is Cassius corner with fashion myself. We're every other Thursday. We're talking some wrestling, some WWE wrestling. Um, Friday nights is nonsense and chill.
Jeff and blaze, watching movies, talking about them, hanging out, having a good time on a Friday night, Saturday nights, the main event, nonsensical nonsense. We call it the open door challenge. We dropped the link in the chat and we let the lunatics take over the asylum on Saturday nights. Sundays is unnecessary roughness. It is your kickoff to kick off. Uh, we're talking football. We're making picks. We're making predictions. We're talking some shit. Um, we're just having a good time.
Also on Sundays, every once in a great while is Jeff's garage. I don't know when he's going to get back to a regular schedule, but, uh, working on it. Just keep an eye out for it. And then I, and then, like I said, tonight, we do have a brand new show that will be debuting here in a couple of weeks on Mondays. Uh, it'll be all things to do with motorsports and reptiles.
also Such an interesting, uh, I don't know. I'm going to, I'm going to have an interesting time building a logo and helping Chris, helping Wally come up. I already got ideas with, uh, with, uh, with, uh, yeah, with a show name and. why is an intro music Yeah. Doing some, uh, doing some music. but So we got a couple of weeks to come up with all that, but, uh, check us out, man. We're, we're literally everywhere. Shows are live Sunday through our Monday through Sunday.
bio.link slash nonsensical network, or just Google the nonsensical network. We're not hard to find gifts, Paul. Give us a like, give us a share. If you'd be so kind, greatly appreciate it. but Yeah. You got anything, any, any final thoughts before we shut down shop? Uh, no, I mean, just enjoy my time off.
ah Brian, make sure or make, uh, don't, don't be a stranger while you're home this week. When do you, when do you go back out? You you leave out i here yeah ah the I head back. Yeah. Next Tuesday, next Tuesday stranger while you're around, uh, Saturday, Saturday, we're not going to do the open door challenge, but there's a couple of people specifically Brian being one of them. I want to make sure he gets a link.
That way I would like to have somebody, maybe one or two, I'm going to, I'm going to shoot shock of the link. If he wants to come up for a little bit. Um, that way, if Blaise and I are doing things, you're not necessarily. Yeah. We're not just sitting there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. love all been name and He decided i love ho me that was three days old. Yeah.
Yeah. All I've been, all I've been doing this whole time is like, just catch it up on shows that I've missed, you know, god i normally would watch so been like, I've just been on a star Trek discovery binge watch right now. Oh, Jesus Christ. But, uh, but yeah, we'll make sure Brian gets a, gets an invite for Saturday night. So Jeff's not, uh, you know, and then, um, Chuck, I mean, hell in all honesty, we can still do the open door challenge. I don't really give a damn, you know, we'll be.
We'll be up on the big screen at, at, uh, at, uh, at, uh, external place. And, uh, I plan on being in front of the computer as much as I can be. Um, Jeff's biggest fan may show up.
Glick finally, Glick finally met her. Excuse me. Excuse me. Oh, no, no, I know. I know. I know who she was and, uh, don't let me forget about her because I want to regale you with stories of mis-excuse me from last Saturday night. Jeff, when you weren't here, you were no longer her number one. Oh, it's Daddy Cam now. Daddy Cam.
But no, we do appreciate you all listening. We appreciate you guys hanging out. Jeff, what you got before you get the fuck out of here? That's better for us to talk about the news than to be in the news. Yeah. Yeah.
and that is the news that makes us say, but what wrong with this word? Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to, I'm going to try this outro so that I don't have to do anything. I can just hit the stop button and then it'll just do a thing. Yeah. Yeah. In stream play outro and in stream.
I'm in my Chevy Silverado, healing the label off a line
And we're out.