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Nonsense and Chill - The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Nonsensical Network
16 Plays3 months ago

Tonight Blaze and Jeff review and provide commentary on The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Dude, hit the button. Oh, I will definitely be hitting the button but before we do. Hey, it's Friday, Joe. It is. I'm just posting on on our Facebook real quick because I was OK, so. As much as I love our opening music, I sit here and dance like a fucking idiot. And we get to about halfway through and I forget to post.
but Apparently I'm an idiot. He's a big dumb animal. isnt he books and We are watching Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tonight, guys.
yeah like slow night There is a there is a popular fight going on tonight at the same time it is it is however Before we get started so I can actually post a little bit more I have one minute in six seconds that I want to borrow your ear holes for of something I made and as I agree we need to make it better, but I'm kind of proud of it. So I'm gonna play it If your week feels dull, you're probably not tuning into the nonsensical network. Let's spice things up. Buckle up, because on Mondays, we kick off with Chris's speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations. Fast cars and chilling tales, what's not to love? Next up, Lieutenant Dan.
Connor, that is, brings you men caring for men. Yes, even tough guys need a little TLC. Tuesdays, we've got Glick, our Sasquatch's second cousin, rocking Glick's House of Music. Tune in for some legendary jams. Wednesdays, Glick teams up with Jeff for WTF News. If it's weird, wild, or just plain wacky, they're on it. Thursdays, it's all about Jeff's garage. Think of it as a man cave with a microphone. Fridays, our resident stoner Blaze joins Jeff for nonsense and chill. Grab your snacks. It's movie night. Saturdays, start with Cassius and Cassius Corner, where Minnie Glick talks wrestling. Then it's the open door challenge on nonsensical nonsense with Glick and Jeff. Expect the unexpected. Finally wrap up your week with unnecessary roughness on Sundays. Glick and the boys break down all things football. So tune in and join the madness. The nonsensical network where chaos meets comedy. ya how many I like that line. I wish I would have came up with it. i You and I were playing on Wednesday after the show, we were playing with AIs and I basically wrote that entire script, but it added a few things.
when you and When you wrote the script, did you write it in all uppercase? And did you use exclamation marks? I did not. The only thing that I put in, ka and I everybody's name.
um After each show, I put a period. So it would distinguish the the the ones. but I thought it did pretty good. yeah i gave it the I gave it the Lieutenant Dan line. yeah I got it. I paid credit for that one. i um I wrote a prompt on the same app that you use, and it turned out really well. But it took me it took me about 20 tries to get it right. I'm not going to lie. And then that's one of the third tries. Yeah, and then you're out. Yeah, I actually um got this one on the third try.
Nice. So guys, around myself one announcement. and huh Next week we're going to be rolling this back starting at eight o'clock PM on Eastern time because yeah, my ass gets tired early because of the freaking fallback time delay daylight things, bullshit.
Chaka said he would normally come up however he is watching the fight tonight. We're kind of playing favorites with, I don't think that fight's gonna last very long honestly. Yeah, probably not. I honestly don't care about sports. I just want to see Jake Paul get his ass kicked because fuck him.
But real quick, we are watching the A-Tiger's Guide to the Galaxy. I got a little info as it's starting here. Well, I'm just... Yeah, I understood. Starring Martin Freeman. ah I don't know Most Def's real name. I can't pronounce that. Zooey Deschanel and Sam Rockwell. Most Def, that's his real name up there on the screen there. Oh, Yoslin Bay? Yeah, I did not know that.
And then it is directed by Garth Jennings. The writers of the movie are Douglas Adams, who actually wrote the book. There are three books, by the way. And then Casey Kelp, Patrick. um Douglas wrote the the books.
The movie, when it comes to the books, the movie is basically all three books in one.
Yes, it was also, they did a television show back in the day as well. A couple of- Yeah, it was, I don't know if you've seen it, but it's not, the production on it was not very big. Well, you know, that's gonna happen. And I get it, you know, it was very low budget. It was made for TV and it was made in like the eighties. So I get it. But the only- Well, I think the story was written in the forties, was it not?
I don't know, actually. That is actually something good to look up real quick. I do love the book.
support so Excuse me. So this is the first time I've ever... 79 was originally published. This will be the second time. I actually watched it for the first time this past week. It was originally published in 1979. Oh, 79, okay. Okay.
and I absolutely fell in love with this movie on a philosophical level. Okay. um it It covers a lot of like personal philosophy that I have or I knew you'd like it Yes, and I want to talk about it as we watch this movie. I agree This is why that because because this movie hit me on a philosophical like existential level This is why I'm doing what I i did So
so Okay, no one's gonna watch night. Everybody's watching the fight you will watch there Don't talk and fill a Philosophy when it comes to hitchhikers guy. However, anyway, go apart from the philosophical part. It's great British comedy It is it is it you know, it's right up. that and It's not quite your Monty Python but it's It's great satire. It's great satire. It's satire. And I've said it before. I'll say it a million times. I love Sam Rockwell. You put him in certain movies. I want to beat the shit out of him. But then you put him in something like this. And I just want to give a big old hug. He's just a big dumb animal. I love him. What was IMDB's rating on this? OK, excellent question. So I have IMDB out of 10.
This was a 6.7. Really? Yeah. um' i blu these The numbers are shocking. and So when it comes to Rotten Tomatoes, out of 10, this is a 6.1. Yeah. Their popcorn meter, which is out of five, which is the audience saying this is a 3.5. But for the also the percentage of popcorn meters, this is the lowest number we've ever had for a movie at 65%.
wow i'm so shocked because i i mean it's a great good movie it is i think the problem is it wasn't marketed very well and it's become kind of a cult classic uh and and i i i don't always say it but uh one of my heroes Elon Musk loves this movie You and I mentioned that I was talking about this when Elon put that Tesla Roadster in space on the screen, it says, don't panic in the same font as in this movie. So you know he's he's he's known for bringing his eccentricities out there. ah yeah So when I saw that video footage of the Tesla in space and it said, don't panic, I lost my mind laughing hysterically.
um The only problem I have with this movie is the beginning. The singing goes on just a little too long. I do like the song, but it goes on a little too long for my taste. Speaking of beginning, I'm going to hit to hit the button. By the way, narrated by one of my favorite Brits, Stephen Fry. Yes.
David Bright is narration um but this in the in effect that things are not always what is. So here in the beginning. I love how it's not like the small camcorders queer. Yeah. he was The most intelligent species occupied. OK, this whole thing right here about the intelligent species. The second intelligent creatures were, of course, dolphins. So curiously enough, a long- I think it's reverse. Oh, OK. It's often about, OK.
Right now at the beginning, it opens up at like SeaWorld, dolphins are doing tricks and they're going to go into this story about the dolphins. But first they open up with humans thought they were the most intelligent, but no, it turns out they're the only only third intelligent. Dolphins being second, they never tell us what the first one is.
that has been I never caught that I never caught that dude that has been driving me bonkers all I know I know who it is it's it's for prefect because for prefect was on birth so it's basically saying most death is the smartest person on the planet saying fair so that's a fair I'm getting feedback on your end tend to do a double backlis episode Is that better? Yeah. Okay. I had a try. I had it up a little too long. And thanks for all the fish. So, you know, where do these dolphins go? Like how do they just hit? They, they basically, they know they, I think they do a hitchhiking slash dude off into space because they're smart enough. Okay. Then how come? I know this is a science fiction movie. That's one of the things I appreciate about this is because when
When we go into stuff like existentialism and nihilism and absurdism and you know the purpose in the and you know our purpose in the in the universe as compared to know where we stand.
I'm getting really freaking mumbled over my speech right now. I apologize. But I always like sci-fi, science fictions really do those stories, those kind of stories justice as compared to like fantasy.
My bad. Oh, that's all I had to say. Well, the so I think the reason why I love the Alan Rickman's in this movie um I forgot I always forget Helen Mirren's in it um the the the the cast of this movie is like phenomenal I would love to see this remade with with a good with a good solid British like with a good solid British yeah this is from 2005 yeah I was gonna say I guess you could um
I think the reasons why the dolphins stay as long as they have is because they're getting free fish. But they also never say where the dolphins go. This is true. So this is kind of on the premise. So is it the, the vogon? Is that the animal gods or the vogon? Let's be honest. The vogons are not bad guys. They're just bureaucracy. Yeah.
They're you're bureaucrats. and they They're just they're the stampers. They're a demo crew. They're the mindless drones of the government. Yeah. And that's that's one thing this movie is a critique on is the stupidity of government. Redundant redundant bureaucracy. Yeah. So not just bureaucracy, but redundant bureaucracy. Well, and and of course, I love a good British comedy, then they only do this in British comedies, is they first do it one way and then they bring it back. Because Arthur is sitting in his house, he's getting breakfast and he realized his house is being demoed. And then his house does get demoed. And then he's realizing the world is getting demoed. You know, it's, it's, it's the bringing back the joke kind of thing.
Um and of course Martin Freeman is the excess and for He's five eight he does not look five eight Didn't he play one of the hobbits? He was he was in he was in the uh, the hobbit movie Not the not the lord of the rings trilogy, but in the hobbit movies he was in a hobbit movie and then I know he played um as Watson Yes, in and in the Sherlock Holmes TV series with Guy Blight, Dr. Strange. I like enjoyed it. um I enjoyed the shit out of it. Cumber-Bum. Cumber-Bum. Cumber-Bam. Yeah. I forgot his his name. Anyway, it'll it'll pop in my head later, but I wasn't a big fan of that Sherlock show. I liked it. I liked, but I see where you, you could it was.
but i'm a I love a rais i love the the joke there. He says, do you realize the damage that you would have that what you would do to this bulldozer if it just ran over you? He's like, how much? None at all. And most death, ladies and gentlemen. Dude, rolls in with a fucking cart of beer. That's how you get a um just so you get a construction crew to take a break. three And they do.
He's like, Arthur, there you are. He's just, he doesn't even care or realize there's a bulldozer there. Because he's, cause he knows the planets about to go. but but Well, okay. So interesting enough, if you'll pause it here real quick, cause I got, uh, in the book and I'm, I'm re-listening to the audio book, which I'll send you the link to. They have the whole thing on YouTube, by the way. I got it. I got it. I got it. I've already, I've already downloaded it. I'm already, okay.
So, in the book, ah most Deaf's character, whose name is Ford Prefect, convinces the head of the construction crew to take Arthur's place because he says, can we agree that you will not do anything if Arthur's still here? He's a gal. He says, okay, so pretty much you have nothing to do today, right? Okay, so you lay down here, we're going to the bar.
e And the dude does it. And then, of course, obviously, by the time they get back, the house is gone. I just thought that was hilarious,
meannic hilarious dude. Yeah. Well, yeah, the the patrons in the bar said, what about my house? So and in my okay, also in this movie, each character to me, and this is totally my, my opinion on it, represents a trait of humanity. Oh, ah great. You have, like you have most deaths character. He's kind of nonchalant. Nothing affects him. Yeah. Yeah. Um, the main character, Arthur, he's like bewilder, confused, frustrated.
uh he worries about every little he's he's a worry war yeah you know overly concerned over thinks things yeah uh feels overlooked because he doesn't want his house the reason the reason of the drinking beer is the sodium by the way we oh because you apparently need you need more salt and sodium to actually because you know mess with your head when you hitchhike I don't think there's really a lot of sodium in beer though. That's why I explained it in the movies or in the book, sorry. but i'm just saying you I've made beer before, lots of times. I love that that he his home planet is named Beetlejuice. And there's the first person he met. So Beetlejuice isn't a planet, it's a galaxy.
Yes, it's a galaxy an actual galaxy. It is he lives on a small planet in the galaxy of beetlejuice beetlejuice. Yeah he He assumed that cars were the dominant Being on the planet because there was so many of them When he got there Which is it it kind of shows the excess of humanity that we have well It's not just that it shows how From his perspective, being all over the cosmos, interacting with so many different types of beings that he really doesn't know the difference between a car and a human as- Well, and and it and it gets explained later when you, and not explained, but you kind of understand it later when when you see Arthur going to the different places with him. Yeah.
it's that That's one of the biggest takeaways from this movie is how i in insignificant us humans are in the state of the cosmos when it comes to our religions and our cultures and our social constructs and what and our politics and all of it is just so mean. It's an Adam in your, in the thumbnail of a giant kind of thing. It's a pat it's ah fucking passing fart in the passing wind. Can we talk about Zooey Deschanel for a second?
um Like in which way? She has the best smile. I don't think she doesn't smile in this movie except for one scene. She's smiling the entire time. She smiles a lot. So this character to me would exhibit like humanity's curiosity are are and placeful oneing to or wanting to innovate, which comes with creativity and happiness and getting this.
And and she's on my running she's, she's, she's a representation of humanity's bright side. Yes. I agree. She's, she is the, she is the yin to hangs his yang. She is a hundred percent opposite of him. Uh, you know, she's true. Yes. Because he's a worry work. And she's like, fuck it. Let's go to Madagascar and in this flashback when he met her. And it's been like a couple of years.
And he remembers her from this one meeting, this one party, but so several years ago. There's an interesting conflict right here. As much as he wants to go, he knows realistically he's tied down by his income, needs to go to his job, he's got some bills. Yeah, yeah he's he's at he's at representation of that little worker that can't get away sometimes and take a vacation.
Well, it's not even taking the vacation. It's like, she's a real, let's throw cars through the wind. If we go broke, we go broke. Who cares? yeah We'll figure, and we'll eat off the trees. Who cares? Yeah, but she's a, she's a college educated doctor, scientist that has that kind of time and resources to do something like that. Sam Rockwell. I love how he's got that. What is, what is that toy that when loads and rolls out? He's holding it like a cigarette or a cigar and he blows it.
one How you doing? He really brings the tism. He really brings the tism. He's all over the place. This lady at the bar freaks me out. She stares at them the entire time. I noticed that. That was creepy. She's like, these guys are acting weird. I just want to, I'm just, I'm just observing them. She's like, she just stares at most deaf. Like it's the black first black I actually ever saw.
Now he did make a comment about making sure to eat the peanuts and stuff because of the salt. Salt, right. Yeah, I remember that. I love the barter. Should we put a bag over our heads or its like let's f try? It's not going to help, but whatever. And then they do it.
are The whole time of the barter forgot about his house. Which I'd be pissed as well. I get it because he owned the house. Man, those guys flew through that beer, though. and Yeah, they did. I'm surprised there's not a line at the port of body. That would have been fun. Arthur, they're the only ones, the structural workers running away. Arthur's assuming because he came home and his house is right. No, they're noticing the spaceships of them, the vogon fleet. Yeah.
Which how cool does the Vogue on Fleet look? I'm sorry, it looks awesome. So they come in and they surround the entire planet like... Like it's nothing. Yeah, they surround it like a force field of like battle or like ships and they just vaporize it. Yeah, well, in the in the books they mentioned that, ah you know, they hovered over like Cape Canaveral and all these places that are searching for aliens, but unseen because of their technology is better.
Gotcha. And the Vulgons be ugly dudes, man. Punchback, ugly green dudes. How much do you think a Vogan weighs, honestly? You've got to be at least 350 pounds minimum. I was thinking 300 to 500. Yeah. Yeah. They're big. Depending on what size you have. I love the whole world. All over the world is screaming. The sheep are fleeing.
And there's the fucking guy. There's the people in the bar putting bags over their heads and laying down.
You know, in the book, they mentioned that right before the ah destruction of Earth, a girl in a bar is sitting by herself and she figured out the a way to fix humanity so we're not chasing green bits of paper.
But it was all forgotten because the earth was exploded after. So if you know the earth, because I noticed you see some people running, and you see this one person casually sitting there reading the paper like, Oh, well, what i would you nothing you could do would you yeah then you can do? No, I, I think I'd be, I'd be upset. But I'd be like, well, I'm not going to go outside because what's going on? I would be stoned. I would tell you that. Oh, I think I would.
I think it would be. Drugs. Yeah, something. I just said, I'm like, I want one last cigarette. Kind of thing. This whole space travel thing, man. The hitchhiking. It's like one of those science fiction things that, you know, they just totally ignore reality. Oh, yeah. It's, it's, I don't think the, the physics holds up.
No, like, because later on in the movie, they they, they, they say something like, and it's widely known that you can hold your breath in space for 30 seconds. This is getting picked up. and That is a cool shot. They just exploded. And that the Bogan fleet is not small. You got to figure there was a ship for every, what would you say a mile?
So, in one mile, yeah one mile from each other. 100,000 square miles or some shit. Not even, because because in England alone, there was like 15 ships. England's not that big. Yeah. I love the representation of the book here. They explain in the book of this movie that if you are actually, if the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is a book in the movie,
If it was in a actual paper form, you would have to carry around four large buildings with you. That's why it's digitized. You know what? i want to i want I want to take a moment to give a shout out since they're doing more because we're about to roll into a break. I want to give a shout out to the QR code down in the bottom right there, the Discord link.
That way you can watch the movie with us. Yeah. If, if you're, if you're listening to this on a podcast and you can't see that hit us up on Tik TOK it's on there too. And Instagram and Facebook, um, only when we're live and you can join us and watch the movie with us as we watch it. Or not just this episode, but for future episodes as well. Yeah. Every Friday, every Friday, starting at eight next week. Correct.
And let me grab one of these commercial breaks and.
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Man those those looked way too familiar. We got right running this fucking show Jesus You know, it's funny though about this guy love Scooby-Doo guys Scooby-Doo's I do my ultimate I'm talking about the old original ones now all this oh yeah shit. I'm not a fan of But my two dogs Molly and pepper Molly's this big tall brown dog that loves to eat. And she's always next to my side. And then the lovable, you know, giant. And then pepper is the small scrappy. And always want to get in a fight and shit. Molly's all scared of thunder and shit and pepper's like, let's go fight a fucking horse.
I'm their owner, the fucking stoner. Anyway, um guys, welcome back.
Jeff, ready to get back into it, my man. I am, I am. ah Oh, let's give a shout out to the merch and bio link and oh, yeah. Yeah. So right now at the bottom of your screen, you see the bio dot link slash nonsensical network where you can find all the shows we do. And of course, don't forget nonsensical dash nonsense dot my spread shop dot com, where you can find all our merch and you can spread us on you. Hmm. But I want to creepy.
Yeah, it did. I want to build a cover for a tablet that looks like this book. I think that'd be cool as fuck. Right? ah i three Upcoming printer fantasies. Yes. Garage. Like, I will literally i hope I hope you do. Design a printer or a print to hold you know with and do like a cardboard cover. You should make them for kindles. Yes, that's actually kind of genius. Although I want the real thing too because apparently it has all the information on the galaxy. hope I love how it it it tells you why it's the greatest book ever.
Which is funny because that's that's one of the one of the satire things it's pointing out with like religion. the same the bible The Bible itself tells you it's true. The Bible's true because it's it's pointing out that like that that satire.
yeah I love this movie. It was it was shit like this that made me fall in love with this movie. it's it's it's critique on on contemporary and the thing is like from when it was first written in 79 up until this movie was made like it doesn't lose its age right very well i love it he's like so you're not from gilford
So you find out, that's how Ford Prefect kind of makes his living. he He writes for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. He's, so his job is to- No lie, that's not what I wanted. Sounds like a finance draw. Dangerous. I'm ready to take that job. I'm ready to take that job tomorrow. Speaking of God, i you know what I forgot to look into? What the fuck news the other night?
like young bosses. I'm going to have to check that out. Oh, yeah. I'll send you the link. He has this big Lebowski kind of look to him wearing the fucking row in the bathrobe. But I mean, technically, he's he hasn't even gotten dressed. So I don't understand the whole towel thing. OK, now that OK, pause it and I can explain the topic.
Okay, in the book, it explains the towel. If a non-hitch hiker sees a hitchhiker with a towel, they will automatically assume that you have other things, such as a toothbrush, a you know shampoo, and so on so and snacks.
so they will not mind letting you borrow theirs or them giving you one because they um they assume oh because you lost it but you you still have your towels so you're still good and when you're hitchhiking through the galaxy the towel is the one of the most useful things you can use Because depending on where you are, you can use it as a sail to go down some river in in some other planet uh lay on the beach and in another planet or hide under it in another planet but the most important thing is if you see a a a fruit And i'll explain what fruit is a fruit with a towel you know, he knows what he's doing a fruit is a Was a
altogether. Good looking smart dude. That's approved. So, look out that look at that fruit boy. prefect Now, that's a guy that really knows where his towel is. My mind is **** blown. When when you go, how come I never when you listen? this When you listen to the audiobook, you are going to laugh so hard in the first twenty But under the first hour, you will die laughing. It is a 10 hour audio book, but it's worth every second. It is hilarious. I started reading it myself before I did the audio book. I like this is one of those stories. Understood. But it it also is narrated. I think it's narrated by Stephen Fry as well. So it's kind of a win. No lies. If I were to, I'd fall asleep listening to it.
I do every night. yeah i'm I'm like on my fifth. Every night. I literally, as I start to fall asleep, I hit pause and I usually miss like the last hour. He fucking wakes up every morning in a puddle of calm after fucking... But that's why... anchorre's that is a galaxy That's why he's so... um the The whole talent knows. So... have mostef What's his name again?
Uh, Ford Prefect. Ford, Ford. He's a fruit. Yes. He's a fruit, my dear. Uh, and I, let me, let me. Fruit. That's like, I'm like starting to try to like come up with big Lebowski memes now. So. Fruitism. I'm digging it. The, uh, let's see. So this is when they're starting to explain who the, the vogons are.
Yes. Other, uh, uh, this like tightly wound, uh, by the book. So make sure you got your eyes, cross your T's, check it twice in triplicate TPS report do every Monday, yeah you're aras like like they're dicks. They're like silent dickheads. Yes.
So a fruit is a shrewd, uh, smart, wary, cautious guy. already Oh, so he, so he wouldn't be a fruit. But, but he actually gets to call it. It's, it's, a person that really knows what they're doing. This is cool. The Babblefish. So yes, but I love it.
also at the same time, like there's always been this idea, oh, if everybody could communicate, we're all on the same page, we wouldn't have any wars. Well, this is a demonstration how that is, you know, there's a, poll share ah that's a bullshit. that Yeah, that's bullshit. Look, we can all speak the same shit. Look, look at the internet. We can all communicate now, but we're still fucking fighting wars. yeah But I want a battlefish.
This movie for for you ah ah philosophy nerds out there that love a good comedy at the same time that hits those philosophical notes, like this is by far fucking one of the best. Right? Like, yeah, the rating I'm giving this movie is really good. Speaking of rating guys, yeah once a week we're doing a about a minute rating um kind of dropping it like on a Wednesday or something. Jeff and I will review some movie that we, you know, we've, we've watched your television show recently. And, uh, this week was the new Hellboy movie. Check that out on, uh, the socials. I give it. Oh, wow. You destroyed that movie. It was horrible. Dude, the Bogan henchmen are in what what what one of those, uh, um,
What are those sex, sex body, like, what's, what's it like, uh, the guy that dragged them in, what, what do they call it? The, the Grapper, gripper, Grapper, gimp suit. Yeah. He's wearing a gimp suit. Yeah. He's in a gimp suit. And then like, like you can tell by their status, they're like wearing like business suits, like a, yeah yeah you like what you would call a business suit. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean.
if you're a big fart turd looking. How cool is this microphone dropping down? That's now that's the ultimate mic drop. Right? It's very compact.
i love I love the poetry. It's supposedly the worst thing you can ever hear. but So the backdrop on on this um this ship, it's like,
It's dank, it's rusty, it's mildew. It literally looks like it's moist all the time. Yeah, it's like the inside of ah the toilet area a of a camping area. Like you go camping and you go in and set that hole and it's all nasty around us, that kind of icky feeling. Really bad concrete that's got mildew and mold everywhere. Yeah.
Most deaf listening to this poetry, his facial expressions are genius, where the other guy is just like, this ain't that bad. He's like, yeah, it sucks. It's boring. But I mean, I'm British. <unk>s like a brand it's your video is I like that. I'm going to use that.
What are they? It looks like they're tied up with giant rubber bands. It does. But they break apart real easy here in a moment. Yeah.
It's completely exhausted. These are some ugly looking things. I should have snagged some pictures of these Vogons. I got a picture.
You got one? i mean I'm going to do a screenshot here in a second.
um some of the words I was so happy to watch this again. I'm not going to lie. I told you this is one of these movies is I'm definitely going to watch over and over. There's not really many. There's not many movies on on that list in my book. So this is a vogon as soon as it loads. This is the head vogon.
It looks like if a frog fucked a Sasquatch. Yeah, but not but in in like a hate way. In a hate way. It wasn' it wasn't nice. It wasn't gentle. Like there were some issues there. It was the one with all the birds. But he also, he also has got like a little bit of pig nose, but it. Yeah. It's. There's just foul, vile looking creatures.
But they're made to look like that. It's supposed to. and's like And they're not that they're bad guys. They're just dumb. They're Yeah. They just do. They don't think they're useless. Yeah. Resistance is useless. It's like going, it's like going to the DMV of hell, which they show the DMV here of space as genius. Yeah.
It's like, sorry, wrong window. Go to the next one. Nope. No, no, the next one. Sorry. You got to refile this paper, two windows down. You forgot to stamp four windows that way. I love it. He's trying to get out and he's he's turning dials and hitting buttons, but it does nothing. So this, yeah, this is the part where they get sucked out and it's like, it's widely known. The science.
the science is terrible like Neil deGrasse Tyson would have a heart attack watching this movie because the science inaccuracy and in a way it points out the absurdity of humanity when it agreed to the the weirdness of the universe. ah Agreed. know so and And also our lack of knowledge. Yeah, and absolutely. That's it the misdirect. The misdirect of them thinking they're going to be sucked out the back wall and then they drop. I find genius because I was like, well, because they just we've ever seen, you know, it's already in our heads. It's it's got this great misdirect.
and then the phone. And he's still got a picture of Zooey Deschanel on his phone. and as was a Years later. Well, he he the thing is, is like he thought he he was going to, you know, ah but to I love that. I should have called that number. I need to do that. My Zoom does international, I'm just saying.
Dude, I used to have an international plan when I lived in Guam. Those things were not cheap, but it made it cheaper than not.
yeah So this is so weird. the The infinite realities machine that they use is kind of genius. How would you not like to wake up as a sofa? And and well, she kind of, she you know, Zoey's additional says the perfect thing here.
Because of the way this machine is they use the the heart. What is it? The heart of the galaxy is the name of the ship? Yeah, it it it um Okay, was it right there when it shows the crowd I want to show you something You might have to rewind it a hair I've been rewinding it. Go ahead. Go ahead explain it Well, if you look at that crowd They are, there's some of them that are in the back. They can't see the screen no matter where they're talking, where they're seeing it. So the the setup of that crowd and whoever set up the screens did a shit job. It's like horrible because there's people where the screen is facing the camera, but not the people.
There it is. See the people behind him? Behind the screen? The screen is facing this way, not the people behind it. Oh. So it makes zero sense. I did not catch that. I caught that when I was watching the other day. I was like, I'm going to kidnap myself.
Like, how does this, the absurdity of this. Well, he's the president of the galaxy. And he's got his towel.
He won the worst dressed sentient being contest. Vote beetle brocks for stupid. Don't vote. I love that. This is funny. If there's anything more important than my ego on this ship, I want to cut chet right now. He's the representation of humanity of like the big ego and the narcissist. The egomaniac. Yeah.
Yeah. Even though he's not human in this. No, but I'm saying each character is a representative. Right. Of a trait of humanity, our humanity. When we engage the improbability drive. drive. I'm not mad at the scene in the slightest. I'm not either. Wardrobe, high five. I love the towel around his head.
Well, it once again, the towel, if you can, you'll hear him called Florida fruit. Um, yeah if you, if you're going around the galaxy and you got a towel, that's kind of like the smart thing to have. There you go. Never leave home without your towel. Amen to that. I'm going to start. Now I wish I had a tally. but I have one. upstairs I think Ali from South Park. Oh, yeah, I can get that. Yeah. Not mad at that. So this character right here, of course, Alan Rickman Marvin, he represents humanity's sadness.
Well, ah or depression. Well, you depression, sadness. self-doubt. Yeah. Like that. Yeah. Concern where they fit in with with with their their surroundings. Well, or or doing a job that does nothing. You know what I mean? Because yeah, technically Rickman's character doesn't need to exist really. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Which by the way, I did a ah promo video with the, oh, with the joint, my joint character in the, the AI voice I used, of course, I sped it up a bit, was right um Alan's, Alan's freaking voice. Oh, nice. Yeah. So the doors, I want to do my doors of my house like this.
What's that with the number on him? Yeah. No, no, with the side. outside There is. That's the towel I'd never leave home without.
Want to get high? You want to get high? All the doors have been programmed to have, what it what does it say? A sunny disposition. Yes.
i said I'm telling you, I'm gonna, as soon as I get my printer, I'm gonna print me a life-size Marvin to keep in my house. Dude, I wouldn't mind having one of those to hold my Alexa thing. The one I told you, yeah? Yeah, I fucking- They got ones that are R2-D2, they are R2-D2 ones too. i would i would I would prefer to have Marvin. I agree. My ex-wife made references to this movie a lot. She really liked it.
Um, but I had never watched it because her movie opinions kind of like, uh, clash with mine. So I think it's probably one reason why I never did. Right. Anyway, when I was watching this, I'm like, I like this movie, but I like it for different reasons. Yeah. I like it for the comedy where you're, you're, you're seeing things I didn't think of.
Dude, did you see four everybody call up this towel in front of him? like when i When I watch this the first time, usually I like watching a movie the first time for entertainment. And then I like to watch it for like an analysis. And I just went ahead and put the analysis. There he goes. He called him a fruit. He's like, what are you doing here, you big fruit? You're such good, fruit. Fruit.
Yeah, which is the same one that stole. No, man, I'm not. scarce Three in is and a half of the same mothers as me. Like I'm the fruit dude.
So would that mean they're from the same planet at least? Uh, no, I think they've met before. I think, I think his character used to hitchhike as well before he came to prison.
oh okay but they they are related they're semi half brothers they share like i want to mother i want to to explore more of the like canon behind behind the movie i agree i agree i think the book goes in a little bit more detail yeah i could just see a like ah a nice little franchise oh like a Modern-day franchise with this man. It'd be I think that's that's the downfall this movie It didn't get the praise that it should have because I oh like this is right up there with like but it's like that. You know what I mean? It's like i like like a better one. I Wouldn't want Disney to have anything to do with it. I would want some the the the
the group of actors like Seth Rogan and um uh my fucking brain is you know who would do really well with it is uh Seth MacFarlane yes perfect although he's already got a space he's already got a space thing going called the Orville which by the way i think he's like because he is great at satire he's pretty good at satire he'd yeah or even the fucking um island
oh broken lizard broken lizards would do well with it and although they fuck up du to i think they would add a whole different little only yeah they twist to it i agree and doesn't sound good I love that he's so stupid. He doesn't know. He's the president of the galaxy, which kind of another satire. this is I don't understand. He's the president of the galaxy. He pretty much owns that ship and go anywhere.
in the fucking galaxy. Galaxy. He smacked her ass. Have they explained where they're going and why? No, not yet. um As the president of the galaxy, he is it's basically more of a, he's just a figurehead.
When they do get to the part where they're going to explain what they're ultimately the, what the MacGuffin is. i'm gonna Yeah. Yeah. I'll pause it so you can explain it. All right. Movie lingo. Do you do you know what a MacGuffin is? Yeah. It's the thing that's causing the issue. yeah big Yeah. Yeah. I like movie lingo. MacGuffin. I don't get to use it enough. I don't get to use it enough.
I will make it a I will try to get in the habit of bringing a movie lingo word every week. There you go. That way we can all learn. Yes, this tonight is brought to you by the word MacGuffin. You need to put it our our our background so it says MacGuffin underneath your head or something. So she is she's kind of like the I guess she's the VP but now this was
He would, okay, since he's like the priority, she would be like, like his director of staff. mas yeah he like that Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't want to say VP, but yeah she's obviously some that of second command. Yeah.
I look, they won't even chase him until they have it, have the proper documentation to chase after him. And it's so funny later when they do capture him and it just took them, all they did is go in and fill out paperwork to get them right out. Just easy, like in, they couldn't stop it. Your accuracy. Couldn't stop it.
There's no slowing down the wheels. Tell me you don't want to try the strips that that they bought making. What's that? Oh, this drink. Yeah. Yes, I want to try it. The pan galactic gargle b blast.
stop by why so wrapped round dog go It's like having your brain smashed out with a slice 11 wrapped around a gold brick. So I noticed lemons are a constant thing throughout this story. I don't, I don't have an explanation for that one. I don't either. That's something I need to look into the relationship of. I think, I think it does. I know later on he uses a, for his brain. He used that lemon juicer. Yeah. Yeah. Some of it. It's like a piggy chat. They just mentioned lemons in the drink and yeah later on and there's another lemon reference as well.
What's with the two-head thing? See, he can't be president with a whole brain.
Interesting. Yeah. Makes me more president, so he says, I want this machine, too. Anything you're thinking it will make? This is supposed to be tea. Yeah, it doesn't look like tea at all. No. Looks like mud.
Yeah. Looks like smokey, steamy mud. It looks like it came from Flint, Michigan.
Yeah. Dude, if you don't know what a good cup of tea is, man. I agree. I agree. There is there is such thing as a really good cup of tea. So yeah got him him, his little,
ah his digs at her of why she took off. I want this. I want this off. So you stick your head in this machine. And it figures out what you're craving. And it creates it. I love the lightsaber butter knife. It's like a little lightsaber butter knife that toast the bread as you cut it. But I see a problem with this. No, but I see a problem with this. That means your whole loaf of bread is toasted on one side. So it's cold.
on one side and hot on the other. That's the point. That's a problem for me. Well, the way she was waving it around those. It did the lightsaber. Yeah. Like, what are you doing, bitch? Don't. She comes with an interest in this. I mean, you're fucking Lorena Bobbitt.
And there's the mice. as You see two of they can explain that a little bit oh He's that's right, ah she doesn't know the earth has been Blown up yet. Yeah no on his own safe odds orders But our two and buttons are that's right cuz he's a and here's the explanation
Okay, but like keep playing because I gotta remember. Okay. So, so he found a, I guess you would call this a memory card, but it's a little glass cube. And so, I've seen it, it's rubbish. The Magrathian Public Advisory,
fundamental be a race of pan-dimensional the meeting of life they commissions still of their practice and design and build ah stupid computer okay i'm a pos can explain Okay, so Several hundred years ago Magrathians, which was a planet ah We're constantly bickering about the meaning of life so they created this giant brilliant computer they called deep thought and What it was to do
was to find out the meaning of life. But when they asked it, they they didn't say, what is the meaning of life? They said, what is the answer to everything, all life and everything? And what when they deep thought, the big computer said, oh, I'll have to think about that, come back. And I forget what it said, like 200 years. They go back.
and it And it goes, I haven't figured out the answer yet, but what I did was I created a supercomputer to find out that answer. To find the ultimate question to that answer. yeah The question to the answer because her answer is 42.
but they don't know what the question is. She said they were like 42. What the hell does that mean? And she's like, well, you didn't ask me what the question was. You used to ask me the answer for everything. The answer for everything is 42. I'm not mad at it because it's a round number, so I'm okay with it.
The life universe and everything. That was the
your the answer the answer what and that would be universe and everything can that character behind hitchhiker's guide title that's the that's deep thought deep thought seven and a half million years it sat there thinking about this oh so it wasn't so it wasn't hundreds of years it was it was seven and a half million years they go back
ah love it
And the deep thought is literally just watching TV. So this guy, wait this right here, this scene kind of made made me think about how how you were saying seven million years.
that there was a system in place to keep track of this, not this potential knowledge that they were going to get in seven million years, seven and a half million years. Yeah. So they had to have this and forethought to go through cultural changes and all this, all that time to retain the idea that, Hey, one, you know, one of these, days one day we're going to find out the real answer. Yeah. Well, it's like a big celebration, almost like a, like a, like a bicentennial.
You know, Hey, go don't forget on November 20, it coincided with me watching this podcast recently or listening to this podcast recently. The gentleman who was talking about if we had the capability of going 99.99999% the light at speed, we can get to the edge of the Milky Way and back in like two years. However, that pilot or that crew would have only aged two years, but by the time they get back to earth,
thousands of years have have gone have have would have went by. right So the system that they would have to put in the future linear thinking of humanity would have to think like that instead of our bickering right now in order to maintain a system to think, okay, we're going to send this pilot out two years for them, but humanity is going to be moving on.
for thousands of years, like the changes, I mean, is there, societies is, is when that crew gets back, is that society even going to exist anymore? Anyway, it was just really, it yeah. it good Well, that's the other thing. The same two kids who age but don't age This is weird. Yeah. So apparently that was the system. They're like 14 and they, they seven and a half million layers. They just like, look like 14 with gray hair. Well, see, that's the thing. Uh, space time is relative where you're located in the cosmos. So it can be 7 million years, but when whenever they travel back to their, their planet, well, no, they were on their planet because it's on Magrathia. I thought they traveled off and they came. No.
No, they built these thought on Magrathia. So, well, the difference is they might judge years different ways. Like we've done it a year of 365 days. They might do it in 365 seconds. Yeah. next next that was That was the whole thing. It's like the whole time thing is the way the space anyway. Or they went to sleep the whole time. Yeah, I'm on drugs tonight.
look at They still look 14. They just got gray and white hair. And they've changed spaces. Yeah. monkey You're not going to like it, she says. We must know. The answer to the ultimate big question of life, universe, and everything is
Fucking 42 bitches. 42.
I spoiled it. ah No, but I love how everybody's just like. So he just screams out 42. They were being deep, being deep, being down. Fucking 42. What?
question will you know what the answer
um there is one Why didn't they just ask what is the meaning of life I mean that's the ultimate thing I mean They try to be all scientific about it, but yeah and and because apparently they could only ask one question and because I think maybe the society's past the point of asking what the the purpose of life is. right You know what I mean? Like they're advanced enough to realize that there is no purpose. She told those two beings, I guess they're the rulers of Magrathea, that she will design a supercomputer and the those two will be transformed into smaller beings on that in that supercomputer.
And that's what those cubes are. no No, no. The cube is the memory. They're the mice. and fa Oh, the mice down there. Yeah, those two mice. That's them. I love my thumbnails.
I'm not going to lie. That little glass cube. That little glass cube is like a memory stick. Everybody's watching the fight tonight, but I'm having a blast. I wasn't gonna watch the fight, even if I wanted to. Nah, I probably would have. It doesn't affect me either way.
Mega Prius! So, the infinite probability probability drive. This is genius. This is a nice way of explaining, ah like, okay, do you remember in Guardians of the Galaxy, when they do the time jumps?
Well, they jumped really fast through those weird hexagon things. This is the same thing. that So basically what they' I want to say, and I'm not a physicist, but I want to say they're using string theory.
or like like the wormholes or they're like, there's a clump of yarn and it's like moving from one yarn to the next, the wormhole or something like that. But when it comes down to it, the infinite probability thrive. Yeah. You're going through, it's, you're going through every possibility to end up where you want to go. Like a universe where everybody's a rubber ducky or a universe where everything's yarn.
Everything's made out of yarn. This is pretty funny. Fucking hilarious. I thought this was pretty dope. And how bad do you want a Marvin made out of yarn? I want a yarn Marvin. I got online looking for an AI generator that could do this for us. Right? I couldn't find one, man. So the normality of him throwing up and then coming out his yarn and then he comes back as normal? Mm-hmm.
So much better than actual vomit. This is true.
o That's another thing. This is a great family movie. I'm not a big family movie kind of guy. This is 100% a family movie. Because I think a lot of PG-13 movies are just made PG-13 but ass in seats. So they're not as good in my opinion. But this one, like you don't have to worry about... This one is a well-done family movie. Agreed. This is something you you can watch with anybody. yeah You don't have to worry about... something weird. This is an appropriate family movie because of all the ideas that's generated from it. You know, it almost you almost have to watch this through the eyes of a child to find it as funny as I did. Because when they show up as yarn cracks me up. And now they're on this planet where that's right. The bicycles got square wheels do that. No, but this whole planet
their belief in god is not god it's that that we were sneezed out of the nose of a giant being yeah which i find hilarious oh those um those arguments those are it's like the spaghetti monster thing yeah or chalu uh chautlu or chautoo i don't know I love how the the five Asian girls are one girl. Yes. Yes. I think I've been here before. This woman that that Ford sees and he's like I thought he's like I've been here before. Is that a whorehouse? I don't know.
That's the vibe I got. I think it's more of a butt bar. Or it's some kind of night. Well, no, that is this is the church. This is the church that they worship the being that sneezed out the universe and they're waiting for the giant handkerchief. For where he went. I think it was more of a bar, like a hangout.
Instead of the saying amen, they say a two. John Malkovich. L. Yes. How you doing? Nice. This was the she movie was great. It's genius. I really enjoyed. Yeah, I really enjoyed the cast. I'm actually shocked that she didn't play in more movies. Who's that? Zoe? Zoe Chanel, Dichelle or whatever. Hey, Chanel. She's been done a lot of things.
I know she did, well, yeah. I mean, I know she did a TV show that I don't know, did very well. I don't know. I just expected to see her in more comedy movies. that's you ah kennedy He wipes and he's like, yes. Bless you. Bless you, my sneeze. Yes.
The best, you oddly weird nod at the goofiness of religion. I love it. Yes. As as an atheist, I appreciate this whole entire scene. It just takes a jab at the whole. But the but the nicest jab possible. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Making fun of it by turning it into a sneeze into existence. Oh, absolutely. And then the great handkerchief is coming.
He's a genius, right? Dude, okay I want his glasses. When he took his glasses off and he's just two holes, fucking genius. phenomenal And his lower body being all these weird legs. Was it like 16, 18 legs? He's just mechanical. Yeah. Well, to be president, you can't have a whole brain and he's kind of a psychopath. Mm hmm.
and sea when But he's not but he's not a president though. No, but he was running. Oh, he was running against Zapod and lost. So in order to be president, you have to be like half of something. No, you can't have a whole brain to be president. OK, which means you can't critically think.
Oh, and since he heads religion, It clicked. Exactly.
That level, it that level. it's a real sumset level yeah him outside is I can't tell if he's outside or inside the bar. i did But this woman, he's you only see her shoes and her shoes are taller than he is.
10 stories up or something and he's like, no, I haven't been ignoring you. I've been stranded on a strange planet yeah his minion Is a robot you think they're all robots. I don't know Think about it ah He was a space pirate ability drive and he has the the coordinates for the improbability drive. Okay. Also all those little cubes are like SD cards. Yeah they're like SD cards or or USBs. Fair.
Which I think would be cool.
ah get you I'll get you good. Oh, that's right. I want one of those guns that they find on Magrathia.
My word is President. So he says, well, I'll give you the coordinates to Magrathia if you give me something in exchange. ah ha He takes his other head. Second head. Which is just fucking weird, dude. Yeah. I love it.
oh Oh no. He cuts it out like oh gross. With the weirdest buzzsaw ever. and And it's not dead. No. but that Once again, the science is thrown out. Puts it on fucking Hawaiian doll with the fucking science says stupid pointing up. Well, that was his whole strategy for the election was to just call him stupid.
Which is kind of like maybe art. It is. Right. Yeah. You see that. That's why I said this. This movie ages well because it's a it's a good ah critique on contemporary times. Yeah. Since its inception.
They have like where their eyes are.
ah Those are the Vogue on soldiers, but Vogue on soldiers are worse shots than stormtroopers They actually mentioned it that there are considered the worst shots on the planet in the universe I like how he uses the town. He's so nobody he's so without his second head. He's so stupid. He just stands there doing his normal sandwalk while dances. Well, I just like how Ford uses italic. It was a force field shield. I was like, that's that's me. That's what made me question the towns. Like what the fuck are the towels? It's they're like some sort of like some like I love those power or some shit. I know it's it's just a hitchhiking thing there. It's a metaphor for something.
Yeah, I just haven't put I just haven't put my aerosol deodorant. She's whole the the bogons are so stupid. She has a deodorant aerosol and and she's like don't attack or we'll get him and they're like wait, will that actually kill him? Now she's taken by the bogons.
And of course, we're all shooting at them. Yeah. Well, it's her name. Trillion? Trillion, yes. Trillion. Trillion. Trillion. Which is a weird name for a human, I'm just saying. Right? I'll be right back.
Uh-oh. Anyway, so Ford and Arthur escaped with the president. Trilia.
Trillian Trillian she got captured by the vogue on Yeah, her real her earth name is Tricia, but she changed early in to make it sound more spacey You might have to turn down your volume I'm getting yeah Yeah um
talking to this uh he's talking to the computer it hates me but so are you a fan of because this show kind of reminds me um are you a fan of dr who i've never seen it i wanted to start watching but i can't find it anywhere because i'd like to watch it just to see if i would like it but yeah it does give dr who vibes because it is very british which is also dr rich And the science. There's there's a couple of hiccups. That's okay. I've been wanting to rewatch Dr. Who because when I first started watching it, I did it. I watched it with the steering wheel cracks me up. Oh, shoot. I forgot his name. Popular actor. He's he played in good omens or something like that. um Oh, I know what you're talking about. Well, both of those guys played Dr. Who at one point.
Yeah, and but there is older doctor who's black and white yeah, and that's yeah, i'd like to see those I want to go back and start. Yeah. Yeah, I wonder if it's on the the place where we find movies I haven't looked It wouldn't surprise me. So they're on the bogus fear which is planet vogon basically these crabs Well, the vogons have crabs. That's what they eat Because that's the only food on their planet There's something evolutionary specific about crabs and it's joked about. Right. on I have a problem with this little red spaceship, even though I want one. And I forgot what it is. I want you to see, when you see the front of the spaceship, I want to, I want you to see, Steve, you see the problem. Do you see the problem with it? The windshield wipers. Why would it have windshield wipers and why would they be that small?
and don't know
it's so still with that and in cash so ah Here it is now to make him think he puts on that lemon juicer yes ah So lot lemon helps you it's a thinking cabin Lot lot lemon helps you think helps you constantly interesting ah apparently concentrate I'm gonna, you know what? That's what I'm gonna 3D print, buddy. I'm gonna 3D print me one of those thinking caps with the lemon. Oh, damn. Right? You're supported on the show? Oh, 100%. Yeah. I'll do a video on each thing I print. but um But so because he only has half a brain, because his other half was in his second head, in order to get him to concentrate, they put this thinking cap on that
That kind of makes him smart. At least for a minute. We need to go right on a break. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Anything you want to say before we go on break? After these messages.
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Oh, that was such a neater munchy break, man. Right? Oh, it had no those little Debbie oatmeal cakes. Oh, well, it was either that or more of these mushroom chocolates and I don't want to do too many of those. Yeah. Don't forget everybody bio dot link slash nonsensical network where you can watch everything we do every day of the week. And of course, once again, nonsensical dash nonsense dot my spread shop dot com and spread us on you back to the movie. So they are. Well, hold on one, one, one, one. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Don't forget down here in the corner discord. Yeah. mean
Yeah, you can actually watch the movie with us on Friday. Yeah. And make sure you hit the notifications. Yeah, that will. Well, the only hard part about this is we can't show the movie. So we have to talk about it while watching it. And, uh, however, the audio on Spotify, I'm loving it. I was listening to us watch top secret the other day and laughing my ass off. Um, that was a good episode.
I love that. Guys, I love when shock is up here. So y'all hit him up to petition him. especially letting your awesome Especially when he hasn't seen the movie in question. And it's funny. um So they're on this vogon planet and it's called, I missed, it said it is voganish.
um And the vogons literally just take their buildings with them.
Yeah So the entire fleet right the vogon fleet is literally all their buildings Vogue sphere, it's efficient i yeah I Don't understand this part but I find it hilarious As they're walking through this gravel pit of a planet every time you think or you shovel or just you get smacked in the face with a weird shovel plant like a tail yeah plant yeah yeah it's weird this is where the towel comes i love how board has his towel i think wax see every time you think
I think, not i think i'd think what I think he did that on purpose to Zabod because he doesn't like Zabod. You know, because it came out of the ground and it's, you can see what's left of it slither away. So it's I'm assuming it's some sort of plant.
I thought of a sci-fi movie that I don't think Shaka has probably seen. You probably haven't seen in a long time. Probably not. I'm not a huge sci-fi. Flash, Gordon. I have Flash. I have it in my wish list to watch. Yeah. have i found I found a page, a a app on my Roku TV that has it.
okay yeah well guys i am still thinking of a movie next for next friday so i have i have some in mind so i mean look how big the fogon fleet is how tall would you say those buildings are compared to the guys they're fucking massive dude they're like a whole city in a in a block yeah it's just giant blocks They're nothing but Bureau Bureau. You know, it's it's the most depressing office style building ever. Yeah.
I swear, it's like peace soaked walls and shit. It's like if the homeless live there, but they don't live there. Yeah. but it's a bunch of really, really, really big, big fat guys and yeah badly made. Look at that water cooler. It was so nasty looking. Yeah. It's like coated in rust.
Retro robot armature. The thought that went into doing these sets in this movie is just fucking spectacular. Yeah, it's the. Yeah, the props department props to the themselves department.
that keyboard i want that keyboard Have you ever watched George Orwell, they made a movie, 1984, have you ever seen that movie? So watch that movie. And the backdrop of backrop the bureau ah ah bureaucratic element in this reflects that. Okay. Yes, I love how the the I guess the Secretary of State or whatever the the lady that's She said she doesn't like her because she's too pretty. Yeah, she's finding out that Earth was destroyed now. Yeah. Anyway, and and the reason why I bring that up with the George Orwell connection is, if any again, if any any of the philosophical nerds out there and you know politics and stuff when it comes to what that movie represents. Right.
That lady's got awesome hair. Now, this is where it reminds me of Doctor Who. All these weird characters all in one. ye you know Yeah, it's got a really Doctor Who vibe in this. I love it. I'm here for it. but I love the giant block guy. I love it. He says, I know how to cue I'm British.
tell tony You know what's funny about that? When I first went to a pub in England, I didn't know that you queued for your beer. I'm going up to the fucking goddamn, the bar like, Hey man, let me get a beer. Everybody looking at me like I'm the fucking asshole. I'm like, yeah we suddenly book i was like dude, there's a queue. I'm like, Oh, my yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. They get this whole different culture about their pub. Yeah. I love it though. I love how Zapod is just in his element. Irish pub too, especially good Irish pub.
I don't believe you. And it's, yeah. These things, these boba look like, go ahead. He, she's finding out that Zapod didn't even read the order. He just thought somebody was giving, he was asked before his autograph. That's why it says love and kisses Zapod. The order to destroy earth, he thought was an autograph. Well, this is, this is the election rules and elections have consequences folks.
Now, okay, pause it real quick, because this is funny. The creature that they're gonna feed her to, they mentioned it, it's called a bladder beast, and it is considered the dumbest, most vicious animal in the galaxy. It's so dumb, in fact, that it believes you can't that you can't see it.
if it like if you i gotta remember hot goes If you can't see it, it can't see you. Guys, just the sober one tonight. yeah insane it's It's so confusing. So it believes that if you can't see it, it can't see you.
weird Yeah, that's how dumb the but it's also the the most deadly I fucking love that. I love the size of that fucking the com comic giant. pin Here it is. if If you ever find yourself next to a bladder beast, just remember life has treated you good so far.
This is when they're getting the paperwork through to get her off. ah
And the people in charge or the woman in charge knows that, wants to stop it, but can't stop it because of the of the bureaucrac bureaucracy. Backfiring on their
Yeah. Each form is like this is in the presidential form. That one's blue. He's like fuck it. I gotta go get another form and fill it out. Like going to the DMV. Yeah. There's that the the the the gimp the gimp looking dude. The gimp suit. Yeah. That guy looks like he's wearing a luchador. I saw that just now. That's the first time I saw that.
midly Okay. Were these puppets or were these people in costume? Well, actually, ah Marvin is the dude from Willow. Okay, I know who you should talk about. I can't remember his name. Warwick. Okay. What about the dongle? I don't know. I'd have to actually look that up.
Cause it feels, I feel like some of them are like, some scenes can be done in with puppets and the way they shoot the scene where it's really tight camera work.
Uh, so actually they were, they were, uh, the vogons and the hitchhikers got to the galaxy were puppets created by Jim Hansen. Fucking bonus. Right. That's a great job.
that's that's a my That's a win. My lady just went up a little. right yeah She's now he's like, you didn't even read it. I don't really have a lot of time for reading. I'm the president of the galaxy. I don't get a lot of time for reading. That is a genius line. I'm going to use that work.
I got McDonald's and burnt steak to eat. I'm the owner of the company. I don't have time for reading. I'm going to use that at work. That's going to be my new excuse when I don't read an email. There you go. I run the entire company. I don't have time for reading.
that'll that'll set you on the trail upwards i own the company dude what are they going to do fire me there i'm 50 owner but what are they going to do everything works below me Why didn't you read that email for myself? I'm the owner of the company. I don't have time for reading. But he does that he he does the hand thing. He goes, I don't have time for reading. Like he's proud of his ah his laziness. Yeah.
And as soon as he walks out, The comic the shaic steering wheel on this little bitty ship, and he's still got Marvin's arm. we lucky mountain Well, that is with your arms right there, dude, calm the fuck down. No, but that that spaceship looks like the most comfy thing ever because it's this wall, floor to ceiling padding. That spaceship looks like something from a Dragon Ball Z.
it does but if I'm gonna have a spaceship I want that one yeah I or or I want the big one the buffering that's more of a travel pod look at all these fat gopi looking turds and they they are how tall would you say they are she's at least five nine I said they're about six feet seven well about six feet I'd say they're closer to eight feet tall and maybe seven to eight feet tall. So I think you were closer with that 500 pound mark. Yeah, probably brought up more five to 800 pounds. Yeah, they're they're not small but considering their their fleet. I had to back it up a bit so it could rebuffer. That's fine. It's still a funny scene. Yeah, her yelling at him. yeah but it's so it's But watch his hands when he does it.
Come on. I did. He didn't even know he did. Here he goes.
don't feel I'm the president of the galaxy. I don't get a lot of time for reading. He looks around like everybody's like, duh. They're like, come on. That's acceptable, right? Oh, duh.
Well, considering it probably is since he was. Yeah, that's right. She just yelled at him. Why didn't you tell me? He threatened me. She, she tells him, grow a fucking spine. Yeah. I like, I love her tenacity. Yeah. <unk> She's got spunk. She's got the spunk.
That mega spunk. Yeah. Yeah, but look, look, the the main vogue on it's got to be eight foot tall. If he could stand up straight because they are kind of hunched. Yeah. I'm kind of curious about the fight. I am too. But I'm not. I don't know. He's got an update. Yeah.
one hour ah very much You know, 2005, the effects were really fucking good. Right? um I mean, I know it's gotten even a lot better, but... But you could have made this movie today and still made it believable. When did the first Iron Man movie come out? it Was it like 2009? Oh, let me check. No, it was like teeth it was earlier than that. Because that, I mean, that was... 2008!
2008, that was a trend cinder for effects on that movie too. that's one That's one of the reasons why it was well received. You know, I am not mad at that shower either. That's kind of cool. The rain shower thing? Yes. I had a shower. My shower in Oregon was a stand up shower. And I put one of those kind of rain. but But do you see the rain coming down on her? It's like almost nothing.
Oh, yeah. Oh, I guess I guess she turned it off. That is a fancy shift. Excuse me. Starting to sound like Glick with the belching.
My apologies. The ladies. Sorry, I'm distracted by the fact that Zooey Deschanel's Naked technically naked. Unfortunately, I can't see anything, but I. I love her. I think she's beautiful. but Her personality is great, too. She's got that spunky, quirky personality. That's kind of like I'm digging that. Hmm. And I missed the the door sign. Isn't that his tail? I was just saying. Well, he did. He handed her his towel.
Okay, that's what I thought. Maybe through you. I swear every time I get in the vehicle, I do that magazine and then drive off. There's those pesky mice that are not, you know, they, you don't find out who they are until the end. But here it is. Yeah. They put the coordinates in didn't they?
That's right. there are note what they They used Zapod's dip-tie thing. tell the three al buy I've got to rejuice them up. I love it. i It puckers up the mind, makes you focused. But you see him breathing. I love it. Like he was sucking on the leg.
Magrathia. Magrathia looks like a dope joint. I'm just saying. Right? It's where all the cool men's menza menza type people hang out. Yeah. Oh, that's right. It's actually they it's closed. They don't want people there. Yeah.
I love the I feel the outgoing message. I feel as though if you were wearing those 3D glasses, that that might have been a 3D effect right there. Yeah, but you know what? You got to remember, 2007, they perfected it in less than a year when Iron Man came out. Yeah. Well, it wasn't Iron Man yet. Well, Iron Man, they they did the the whole, was that he was doing the whole, ah no, I don't think so. I can't remember. But yeah, it does look like a really,
like 3d rendering 3d yeah yeah the red and blues yeah like fucking uh nightmare in elm street six or three yeah six had it the 3d ending i love okay so why is it that only now when it's doing these evasive maneuvers that it's hard for them to stand up but it's been you know what i mean It doesn't make sense. It stopped. That's some wily coyote shit. Yeah. It's because it's got air brakes.
and yeah He's smart enough to to maneuver that ship like a fucking ace. That's trillion driving. No. Oh, was it Sam Rockwell?
Yeah. same I thought Trillian was driving because she's the one that went over to put it first. No, he, uh, his, his hands were on the joysticks. Okay. but Excuse me. These are the weirdest shaped fucking missiles. Right. They're like cartoon fat bottomed. Sidewiners that drink too much beer. Yeah. Cause they are, they are kind of fat in the middle. Yeah.
He's kind of like a box of cereal he's eating out of. Where are we? Her hair.
Weren't you telling me you were eating out of a box of cereal or something like that? I was doing that yesterday. ah fucking i was I was pulling my full-on safe on. I'm just saying.
um me So, isn't that dude playing Marvel movies now? Who's that? Sam Rockwell? No, the main character. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's he plays a shield agent or FBI or something like that. He's in Black Panther. Oh, that's right. He is.
This whale. That's right. Oh, interesting fact. The whale is played by I have it here. I thought I did.
I have to look it up. guess morgan wa No, it's actually, um, I'll tell you as soon as I find it.
The whale's voice is Bill Bailey. Now you don't know who Bill Bailey is. Bill Bailey is a British comedian. um Like I know who Bill Burr is.
Bill Bailey is the Bill Burr of Britain kind of putting that link Although he does a lot of musical comedy like he play yeah i' have to look him up he's funny His biggest show he was on was black books which I think you'd like much So what's up with this fucking whale by the way so because they hit the in the because they hook hit the improbability drive, the missile turned into a bulb of tunias and a whale. Oh, a sentient whale. Well, no, because what we were hearing was the whale's thoughts as it fell to earth. it you know it was ah it It didn't know it was a whale before. So it was like, I better her start naming things.
What is this? my ear hot air It was becoming self-aware and yeah got you and then splat. What's this stuff coming at me at the ground really, ah coming at me really fast? A little round. I'm going to call it ground. High ground and then splat.
It's genius.
Oh, which by the way, for goodbye and thanks for all the, or the universe and everything, the cover is the whale. Oh no, goodbye and thanks for all the fish, which is the third book is the cover is the whale. Oh, okay.
She just says fuck it and jumps in. and He still doesn't have the spine. He has zero spine. He doesn't know what to do. His hunches aren't good. He's kind of like, you can convince Ford to do anything.
His brain is full by lemons. I love it.
That's his rationale for not doing what Zapod wants. I mean, it would be mine too. Don't listen to the guy with lemon brain. Yeah, but at the end of the day, you're in space. What's the worst that happened? You know, which is why Trillian just jumped through. She doesn't care. That's why she said, fuck it. Yeah. Don't panic. I love it. Like I said, she represents humanity's curiosity. Yeah.
Well, I think she's also a bit sped up. movie Oh, yeah. I think she's a bit watching she' determined. And he thinks about it too long. And the portal doesn't work, if I remember correctly. Because he's an indecisive little, as they say, on the internet um the nowadays on the TikTok or beta. ah yeah he's Look, he waits too long he's because he's indecisive. He's kind of a wuss.
I'm surprised he hasn't played in a Christmas movie as an elf. He might have. I know he's done a lot of stuff. Ooh, if they make elf two with Will Ferrell, did they make an elf two? No. If they did have him in there in the sequel as another elf, would be fucking genius.
I bet they'd work great together on camera. Hollywood, make it the fuck happen. You know where you know him from? Uh, he, he was in, uh, the world's end, which is a Simon Pegg movie. He was in a hot buzz. He was, he played a cop. Yeah. He was in hot buzz. Yeah. Yeah. He's been in a bunch of stuff. Like I said, man, if he played, oh man, played, played an elf too. He's done a shit ton of movies.
He's a good actor. This guy looks familiar, too. I couldn't place him. He's another thing. Who's that? That's Bill Nye. He's also in all the Simon Pegg movies. Bill Nye. His name's Bill Nye. He's not the Simon Scott. No. You know who he is? Do you remember Pirates of the Caribbean 2? The guy with the crab claw? That's him.
This is David Jones. He's not who played um um Skeletor in the old fucking He-Man movie, is he? I don't know. Let me check. I know that's so so out of left field. I gotta find him.
Nyla N-I-G-H-Y is the last how you spell his name um He was in love actually he was in love actually he he played Billy Mac the guy that sang in love actually the movie you hate Did I watch movies like that I love that movie um I got mail in security. He played Davy Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean. Which was a great film franchise. I have to give Disney like I'm not a huge Disney friend, but they have a couple good ones out there. He played Sean Stepdad and Shaun of the Dead. OK, that was a great movie. Yeah. going That's that's probably where you know him from. Probably.
I love the custom built planets.
I want a planet shaped like a square. I'm just saying. <unk> plans of life Well, you want to take one more break for the night? Yeah, I love that. He says, best laid, that important line there. He says, best laid plans of mice. He says, isn't it best laid plans of mice and men? He goes, sure, whatever.
Because the mice actually had the planet built. Yes, the extra one. Yeah. Which this became so redundant to me. The ending is not great. It didn't become redundant. It just, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's silly. Yeah, let's go and take a real quick break. Silly would be the perfect word for it. I'm going to send you a link to this guy's
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Sorry guys, I had a weird childhood.
Yeah, didn't we all? um Real quick. ah Don't forget, Mondays, Speedway stories, cold-blooded conversations, and men caring for men. Tuesdays is Glitz House music. Wednesdays, what the fuck, news?
Thursdays is Jeff's garage. Once I get up and running, I actually got another person that I'm trying to lock down a time and date for another interview. Um, this show on Fridays, nonsense and chill, where we watch movies and talk about them. Saturdays in the morning. He's getting together, watching some movies. Um, so no, it's all right. That's right. Uh, Saturday morning, midday, I guess, is Cassius corner where they talk some rational and then Saturday night.
we go off the rails and let the crazy people take over the nut house at the open door challenge, nonsensical nonsense show. And then Sundays, of course is unnecessary roughness where the boys talk booty football. And I've never seen an episode of that, but I'm not into sports. So I have seen a few, like just the beginnings is when they pop in and start jibber jarring.
Um, just to say hi and give my support, but understand I mean to, but Sundays I sleep ah as much as possible. Oh, no, you're fine. No, you're good. just i'm up um up You can watch this, uh, just a quick reminder, yeah but eight o'clock, uh, next Friday we're starting at this. That's right. Yes. Uh, and don't forget, you can watch all the shows live.
uh on youtube every day um once you subscribe and hit that notification button you'll know when we're live or you can go to bio slash nonsensical network and find all our shows and all our social media and don't forget to check out the merch at nonsensical dash nonsense dot and spread us onto you don't forget don't panic and don't panic so This is the coolest mode of transportation in this whole movie. This has some Willy Wonka vibes. Yeah. I love it. You know what it looks like? It looks like a ride at Cedar Point or Disneyland or something like that in the beginning there. Because as they leave, another one pulls out. You know what I mean? It's like it's a small world kind of ride.
You know, like this is one of those rides you you don't want to be on when you trip it on trues. Agreed. You shit yourself and probably. Yeah, this section where they're going really fast. That's your Willy Wonka. Yeah, cause that scene where they go through the tunnel freaks me out when I was. Yeah. Yeah. And then there that movie that that one part of that movie traumatized. Yeah. Oh, oh, still to this day, I can't watch it. I think traumatized a whole fucking generation.
I don't think it meant to, but Jesus. No, it wasn't meant to, but there's actually a study on that. Weirdly. It's psychologically fucked up. Yeah. How do they build the planet is, you know, it's, it's kind of interesting.
The factory floor that is so like, there's what, how many planets in this factory floor? So they,
I think with the ultimate question, I think is what is trying to be asked. Or in my opinion, because I forgot what they say it is, like in constructing a planet. So, you know, that the, the, the Vogons, they deconstruct and construct planets. That's no, no, no, no. The Vogons are literally A construction crew that demolishes their demo crew. Right, so so they so they demolish. Right, they just demolish. Where where Bill Nye's character, Bell Niley or whatever, is I can't pronounce his name. he his comp The company he works for, they build plans, but they build um custom plans. Like if you wanted a weird shape. It's kind of a novelty item that people buy.
But the supercomputer is another world. Earth was a computer. makeway There it is. That's what you're finding out here. That Earth was the supercomputer that Deep Thought had built.
excess if something because i think i' that like Well, I wanted a... Deep Thought's watching a cartoon.
o who is the first creator I guess like who built the first planet? Well, there's there's normal everyday planets that like, yeah like Bogan is a normal planet. But Earth was constructed as a novelty for yeah figure out the question. Okay. Yeah. So Earth wasn't a now It was built in it. It wasn't a natural plant. It was constructed on on. Interesting. So Deep Thought gave those two 14 year olds the design and said, have this built, let it run for a couple of millennia and you'll get the question. Do the answer 42. Kind of like a Jeopardy thing.
This is the backup. Earth Mark 2. ah you dear not mere alone but i touched me alone um I'm just a supervisor. No, he said, he said, I designed and built Norway.
Now that is Ayers Rock in Australia. They're painting it. That's so funny. That's genius.
finished here So finishing the ocean is this dude holding this giant home giant hose. Filling up the ocean with water is genius. That's the gun that Calla Magoula wanted. So explain what this gun does, Jeff. Pause it real quick. This gun, when you're when you are shot with this gun, it makes you understand
what the person shooting it is feeling.
And when, however, it doesn't work on women, cause they are already think that way, which I thought was really kind of interesting. yeah Cause guys don't think, we don't think about how it makes other people feel. It was like an entity gun. Yeah, it's I believe it is.
arc and fruit when um does shoot himself The stereotype that women are typically more empathetic than or yeah than john building up men.
The point of view gun is what it's called. POV. Yeah, For those gentlemen familiar with porn You know what POV is yeah not my favorite Those movies will not be aired on this channel um jeffs like i i love it he says He says I was listening to it He said the point of you gun was developed by women because they were tired of saying you just don't get it Do you?
And it shows a woman shooting her husband sitting on the couch. I like the steam park ah aesthetic. it it's got Yeah. It's technically got two modes. There he goes. Why so edgy? She shoots him with the gun.
and blow up but you've been dwell around the cow i sign the order i love it coach always wanted to know if there was more See he's seeing her point of view and he's kind of he's like holy shit He's wow he's starting to understand. Yeah, I Guarantee other women all over the planet seen this movie going I want one of those I'm gonna 3d print one and sell them
excuse me Excuse me. I've been up, I cannot find a whole lot of 3D printable stuff from this movie, unfortunately.
ah But you know what, to be fair, that du's that dude's character is purposely stupid. Yeah, but but he the only reason he wanted it was because he wanted to get famous and make money. Yeah. Because he's stupid.
Yeah. Yeah. Which is what I mean. Like he never understands because he is stupid. Right. So I think it's kind of a shame to expect him to understand when you write this character is being so stupid. Which is why the the the purpose of her shooting him twice or three times. Yeah. The Himalayas. I love that. It just popped up.
mission its and run by See? It's commissioned in paper and run by the mice. He said mice isn't, but not the mice. No, those two mice. I get this idea that it's more than just two. It's like all the mice. No. No. It's just these two. Just these two. Just these two, because they were the ones that built deep thought. Ah, no. Well, yeah, no. I got the best question.
say were actually and weirdly enough. Yeah.
explains not anddo one ah this It's like this freaking whole planet's in this no weird factory floor factory. It's a factory, but it doesn't show the walls of the factory. I love how know the walls walls look like the universe. Yeah.
so most but the only thing to do they hang a sense they keep self busy
because I've had that feeling that I, there was more and he's like, no, everybody has that.
That's like, yeah, you have that feeling, but really you're just, you're just in a skill. You're in the universe. You're nothing. Yeah.
our existence is purpose or meaningless. There's no purpose to life. It's just that they're showing back up where the movie started. I love it. But in a funny, realistic way. Yeah. In other words, you can define your own purpose. Yeah. Well, he says he says the only thing to do in life is to just say hang it and keep yourself busy.
which is kind of a, you know, if if you overthink stuff, were as in don't overthink it, don't panic. This movie's genius for, you know, be all fucking right. I am. Fuck it, He has that dude vibe to it. Yeah.
I love this song.
They're eating food. They're just gorgeous. Oh, my God. Well, they're they're this food is like making them stone. Oh, man. Because the mice made the food to drug them. Really? Yeah. Can't be mad. That's what Ford's telling me. He says he says they're making up for everything by giving us great food. I can't be mad at that. Agreed.
And there there's the and the mice.
i'll keep light I love how he's like wildly weirded out about this talking mice, yet he's been through the outer reaches of the universe. I find it weird over in England when they drink tea and use the fine China like they use the fine China like they use it, use it. Yeah.
Here in America, fine China is usually just when guests or or it for decoration, you know, in the cabin or some bullshit. Yeah, it's so weird. It's like we have a silence. They're all they're all getting sleepy.
Which is why you're here. We're not going to look at the contract to do several. The strawberries are good. I'm not going to lie. Right. Like having the munchies and seeing all that dessert and fruit. Actually, he gives them options on the answer for 42. Or what is the question for 42? Yeah, so they think he has inside knowledge. He's been around. He's one of the only people that's been on Earth. He's the only person that's been on Earth all that time. He's not, though. She was. No, she she left years ago.
He only left a couple days ago. Well... That's why they knocked her out. What was in that food? What was in my tea? What was in my tea? You won't feel a thing. I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure he will, because those are buzz solves. There it is. Six times seven. There's 42.
like How many vogons does it take to change the light bulb? How many roads must a man walk down? 42. That's not bad.
So, it's so vague it makes no sense. i should That's the Beatles song in it. How many roads must... Who sings that? I have no fucking idea. John Cash? No. It's like a hippie song.
I don't know. I don't know a lot of those sixties hippie songs. I don't remember the name of it. It's not the Beatles. My, I mean, I listen to like modern day hippie, like the revelation or no, I can't remember that's only why off the top of my head right now.
It's called how many roads by this Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan. Okay. See, I was close. That's the Johnny Cash. Why does it need the drill bit and the two buzz sauce? And it doesn't really work either. Because the brain is in different sections. Okay, I guess I'm shooting and then he just kills the mice with the teapot. Oh, shit.
And now they're the, they just disappear. I think he says there were millions of years old and gone like that. Yeah. Just a teapot. Thanks. Now the bogon show up because the bogons are still chasing after Zapod trillion still got back POV gun.
The vogans guns crack me up They're like chest built and they have six holes six to nine holes Yes And this is where you find out There's such horrible. shot Marvin says I don't know why you're running
Bogans are the worst marksman in the galaxy. And then he did.
or I felt bad for him. Oh man. bad for marvin Now I've got a headache. He just shuts down. Oh, I felt bad for him. Well, he's just a robot. But No real robots were injured in the making of this movie, guys. It's OK. Right. Oh, this is funny. The Bogons can't. He's got a towel run away. What the fuck? He's like, I think driver need that gun. He's trying to get the ship started. He's he's trying to light the stove. fire and This little camper. Yeah.
I love how, oh, it's locked the gate. These things are stupid. They're thwarted by a gate. They're fucking stupid. They just turn around and I don't know how to work this. Ooh. What's up, Chris? How you doing, man? Sorry, I just saw your, I just saw what's up. What's up, buddy? I love it. How you doing? Yo, Chris, do you have Discord, dude?
Yeah, scan that varying at the bottom and you can see our discord. Yeah, I mean, unfortunately, movies are almost like next week or next Friday. Now, look, this is the second mode of the gun. It shoots multiple people at once. And Marvin shot them because Marvin wasn't dead. He just rebooted. And now they're all like, oh, well, because Marvin, they feel his depression. Yeah, I love it.
that's how you beat a vogue on apparently get him more and more depressed because if you think about it they're already miserable yeah they're horrible you had depression on that and then yeah they just give up they're they're done now i love this what sorry about your spaceship it wasn't I know. It's wretched, isn't it?
Warwick Davis in the place. They put him. What did they do? They just stuffed them in there. They just carted them away. Oh, geez. The planet builders of back in the year. Oh, OK. Carted them away. And they brought in a new camera. You know what those planet builders remind me of? You know what those planet builders remind me of? You ever remember the show Fraggle Rock?
Yes. You know the little construction workers? Yeah, in the background, just creating shit. Yep. I want that coat. I'm not going to lie. and I do like his coat.
think youll He says, do you think your planet could need something or maybe take something away? And he says, yeah, me. Oh, you know what he reminds me of? Like I've been least listening to Pete and Boz lately, the British rappers that are like his age. They dress like him. They dress like him all fucking rude.
I am a little peckish. It's very British. that They replace the camper. was this Was this movie made in Britain? Was this an English movie?
That's so weird.
You got your time. I mean, I mean, because the, uh, the American cast, I mean, they're not all American. Well, the, the American casting, there's only, I think three Americans. Zoe, Sam Rockwell. Zoe, Sam Rockwell. And that's it. Most Def. Well, most Def is American. Is he? I'm pretty sure he is.
I could be wrong. I could be completely wrong.
ah Yeah, most stuff is from New York. Yeah. So they started life on the planet there. They did. Yeah. They jump started that shit. I think that's pretty much it. It rolls into the credits. Yeah, it does. Well, actually, I think
I think there's a wrap up here by the narrator. I could be wrong. I don't know. I don't remember. I didn't watch it before we watched it because I've seen it like it's exactly. So they brought back everybody that was dead. Yeah, they just restarted just like it left off from the day it disappeared. But I. Maybe we all live in the matrix. Yeah. Oh, that's right. There we go.
The U-turn. That's the end. Yes, sir. That last base, you know, the the ship turns into... Douglas Adams. That's Douglas Adams. Yep. Douglas Adams also played the... the recording for Magna Thea.
telling them it was closed. That was Douglas Adams as well. So. Well, Jeff, what what is your opinion of the movie? As I told you, when we decided to watch this movie, you know, I picked this movie. I love this movie. I usually get I usually get very hesitant with your picks, but you were you fucking amazing pick out the park this time. For my rating, though.
I'm gonna give it 8.5. The only reason I don't go higher is because I know we're gonna have movies coming up that I know are funnier.
As funny as this movie is, there for me, I really have to be in the mood to watch this movie. Where if I watch like, top secret or or even hot tops. I'll watch that movie those movies any day of the week. Just throw them on. I'm ready to watch because I don't have to pay attention. As you notice, you know, you you even said where I was explaining certain parts of the movie because I've seen it and I've listened to the books and read the books. it There's things that aren't explained that you have to either watch or read the books multiple times to get. So. It's kind of a thinking comedy movie.
Yeah. But if you ignore all that shit and just kind of don't panic and rock with it, I love this movie. I find it hilarious. Alright. Alright. So, so you sir? I went into this k not knowing what to expect out of it because like I said, it was the first time I watched it was this past weekend and I was like, okay, well, I gotta watch it. Let me watch it and record it. So,
And I was pleasantly surprised. Like it hit a funny bone. It hit the thinking bone. It hit the satire bone. The acting was funny. It was written well. Douglas Adams is an amazing writer.
um The science fiction part was amazing. um I was just ecstatic to watch it when I was done with it. So, um, I'm giving it an eight. Oh, yeah. I ate. Yeah. An eight, eight joints. Cause it's really good. Um, really a good movie to watch sober minded. However, watching it baked or stoned or something. And it's up there. Probably wouldn't hurt either.
I agree. You know, this is, this is a movie. And as you mentioned it, while we were watching it, you can watch this with anybody. You don't have to worry about watching with the kids around or, or like, for instance, we both thought range 15 was hilarious. However, not going to show my kids. No, no, this is a friend, a family friendly movie, 100% blazing. Oddly enough, a lot of, a lot of my picks that I'm going to be doing our family friendly movies. Oddly enough. You know, there's a big there's a big deal made about my brand of comedy. But my brand of comedy, this is my brand of comedy. I love it. I love this. Like when I showed my son, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, we got done watching that and then watch this. Fair enough. Because the now last week's movie I picked and it was a family friendly movie However, great typically, my kind of comedy is, hey, Jeff, what color were Kurt Cobain's eyes?
What color? They were both blue. One blue that way, one blue that way.
Jesus! ah but
I get it! You know, it's... You know, jeez. I heard a joke about Kurt Cobain today and I can't remember it off top of my head, but that's up there with it. No. So, my question to you, sir. And this is something we need to start doing.
would you recommend this to anybody? Fuck yeah, I would. I'd recommend it to my grandma. I'd recommend to your kids. I i mean, this is just a good all around for a movie. It's a wholesome movie. There's nothing in this movie where you're like, if you watch, um, even if you watch like hot shots or the timeless movie too, the story's timeless.
Well, there's certain comedies that if you watch with like your parents or your grandmother, you're like, Oh, I can't, I forgot about the scene. Yeah. Don't look grandma where this, you don't have to worry about that. This is a better, I would, I would recommend this story above a Christmas Carol. Oh, I agree. I agree. I think the Christmas Carol was a garbage story. Charles Dickens. It's also been told like 14 times. Yes. But this story, um,
Fucking loved it. I loved it. Yeah. Wow. We should probably. Yeah. On that note tonight. Yes. On that note, everybody check out. It's Azure's Guide to the Galaxy. The answer is 42. And don't panic because it is for everyone. You guys will.
Blaze and J's. We will have the movie for next Friday out probably Monday. Yeah, then I don't know. So bring your own fucking popcorn, bring your popcorn, because I don't supply anything. up Once again, as we say, in your own drugs, I don't supply those either. That as we say, we'll see you at the movies. It is or it's a on the bench. chair industry haha.
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