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Nonsensical Nonsense Come one Come all!!!

Nonsensical Network
16 Plays3 months ago

the open-door challenge night whos got the stones to come up


Chaotic and Explicit Intro

Hey, y'all better look the fuck out today. My crayons are short. The box is full. My bottle of glue's topped off. from My helmet's on tight, baby. We bought the rhythm with the tism. Let's get with it. Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
but What, baby?

Nonsensical Network Show Lineup

If your week feels dull, you're probably not tuning into the nonsensical network. Let's spice things up. Buckle up, because on Mondays, we kick off with Chris's speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations. Fast cars and chilling tales. What's not to love? Next up, Lieutenant Dan.
Connor, that is, brings you men caring for men. Yes, even tough guys need a little TLC. Tuesdays, we've got Glick, our Sasquatch's second cousin, rocking Glick's House of Music. Tune in for some legendary jams. Wednesdays, Glick teams up with Jeff for WTF News. If it's weird, wild, or just plain wacky, they're on it. Thursdays, it's all about Jeff's garage. Think of it as a man cave with a microphone. Fridays, our resident stoner Blaze joins Jeff for nonsense and chill. Grab your snacks. It's movie night. Saturdays, start with Cassius and Cassius Corner, where Minnie Glick talks wrestling. Then it's the open door challenge on nonsensical nonsense with Glick and Jeff.
Expect the unexpected. Finally, wrap up your week with unnecessary roughness on Sundays. Glick and the boys break down all things football. So, tune in and join the madness. The Nonsenseical Network, where chaos meets comedy.
Yeah! What?

Technical Difficulties and Humor

Uh, my look back at the jewelry reason I played that is because I had to determine if it was going to get deleted or not because I didn't know what it was. It says that. Who was that?
It's probably gonna get deleted. I'll just re-upload it. I got like four copies. I'll just delete it and delete it and delete it and delete it and delete it. Eventually I'll have a promo put together. I forget sometimes I work with the special needs. there's fucking I lost my short bus ticket on the way to the short bus this morning.
I did too. They let me drive once. I'm just saying. They let me drive once. This is awesome. I never rode this. Hunter. Hunter. Did did you bring my cigarettes? Uh no, they were out, man. And that solves that problem.

Self-Deprecating Humor

So, you know, I'll just go fuck myself. You should.
I mean, I do on ah on a daily basis. All right, he's got a down pat.
Efficiency under a minute every time. Under a minute, that's the way she likes it. um no know it's My wife's my wife's not as efficient as my right hand. I i was going to say, let's like click through the intro. Seems like he has a lot on his mind. No.
just letting you guys chat at Saturday night, chat away. We got six hours of this shit. Might as well just get it all out of the way. No.
no ah Yeah, no, hopefully I'll have an a newer, a new promo video here before long. Don't promote all the shows and whatnot. You should record on the phone.

Creative Promo Ideas

but importantton music in the background. these come in but Fuck yeah. Yes, I am. so Well, that's part of what I had you guys send me videos. so Yeah, there's a reason why there's not a new promo. Click is not wearing pants right now. Well, then I need to resend mine and make it a little bit more North. Yeah.
I saw that message you sent today. Hey, it's going to be the same video without a shirt. Without a shirt. You got that message too? Yeah. It's a promo like feet. Yeah. This is having your busy to your beat, man. All right. Whatever you say, buddy. He told me he had an idea. So I was like, all right. i and We're making a we're making a calendar with with us on it. Like the firefighter guy calendars. But with us, it's going to be hot. You know what? I'm not mad at that. That'd be kind of cool. Honestly, I'd buy one.

Dark Humor Brainstorming

I'd buy one just so that I can prove that it existed because nobody else will.
i would to sit on the shellf hang it up in the most obvious place in my house that when when my family comes to visit, they have to look at me. Yeah, Mom, you did that. but so as As opposed to pushing you around in your wheelchair.
one Damn it. yeah this is walk right into it a roll a in your case but yeah
She spent with the last almost 30 years with disappointment and regret because of you. Trust me, there's not a day that goes by. She doesn't forget that she made you.
There's a reason why she sends you hangers every year for Christmas. I'm just saying, buddy. Is that supposed to be a hint? Yeah. I keep telling her it's a little too late for that, but whatever. Oh, that's what they need to do. You need to make the movie. You're fucked. we We need to make the movie the 40-year-old abortion. Nice. You know what? I'm not mad at it. You see where you're going with it? I'm in.
I'm in. Jesus Christ. Written and directed by Blaze. It's just a bunch of smoke coming through in front of the camera all the time. Oh, man.
ah No, it's about our movie at Blaze, and they're supposed to leave. It's about a hit. No, it's about a doctor that that that that sidelines or the side hustle as a hit man and he has to go kill a 40 year old dude and in in in the twist is the doctors in OBGYN. So, it's the 40 year old abortion. And his mental choice is just stabbing them with hangers. I'm spitballing. There you go. His calling cards a hanger.
and i you know I've watched that movie. I would totally watch that movie. And then review it on Friday. I'm just saying. Oh, man. He strangles people with what you it takes metal metal hangers, untwists them, and strangles them right he's good and sad gonna hang is he holding or challenge with He's going to challenge people with the wax, like the THC wax. He's going to pull it out and wrap it around his throat.
But the last one? Yeah, you know, i've we we had that discussion yesterday. Wax isn't that song. Wax. What? Dabs. yeah this strangles a little of dad they're very They're very soft. They're very soft. they're very Depends on what dab it is. so yeah yeah But if you were if it was around somebody's neck and you were pulling on it, it would it would pull like taffy.
So he just takes Dab Taffy? I don't even know what the hell we're talking about anymore. Oh, we're still on the movie. Yeah. Oh, his side hustle is is as a hit man and he chokes people with Dabwax. It'd be like in the middle of the movie, you'll just see Blaze's arm move into the cut and the dude some Dabwax and nobody dies that way.
say shoes la is not that strong end like I mean, i know he's terrible as a hit man. I mean, I can say there's some stoner sitting in the corner fashioning ninja stars out of fucking shatter. But I mean, he's not he's not good at his job. not at either that That sounds cool.

Bizarre Death Jokes

My meth rocks look like Chinese stars. Oh, dude, your meth rocks.
Put meth rocks into a shotgun like salt. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That way it's an OD, not a debt. Bingo. I just solved the. All right. I'm there to watch, buddy. I'm there to watch. Supposedly you can't. I'm sure by the time I get done with it, no. But damn it, I give it the old good college try. Game under that.
The only way you can die by weed is if like 14 tons lands on you. I mean, I wouldn't be mad about dying that way. It's one way to go, right? And make the fucking headlines for sure. It's like that that dude that that gets killed, he's like, finally. This is how I wanna go. Florida man dies at 41.
pounds of weed dropped on from a story building, some Mexican brick, Mexican brickweeds, all fucking seeds and shake. Now that what would be well well, here's my question, though. You've seen how they can make they make using using weed stocks, not the actual blood, but the actual stock of the weed. They they make they make that into concrete.
Oh, hemp creep. Yeah, hemp creep. So, so would that mean yes if you got, if you, if a hemp concrete block landed on your head and killed you, could you say you died by weed? No. No, because it's hemp. It's the weed. It's just not the good weed. It's just, it's not going to get you high. It's just going to get you die.
Right. But, I mean, in the obituary, like he was, he was killed. What, what he loves to do, he was playing with weed. I got shit bad. but they yes
Anywho. I swing in an Amish. Yep. They all can't be winners, folks. I'm just saying. I gave you a, I gave you a courtesy trouble.
it i ti but technically ah Technically, he was killed by weed. yeah so thanklaw he oh But he didn't OD from weed. He didn't OD from weed, though. I think you can OD from weed if I shoved enough of it down your throat. That's not OD. I think your stomach

Humorous Police Encounters

would explode before... Once again, technically killed by weed.
but now I don't think you know what and I don't think you know what OD is. I know what OD is. over doesn you thank you I don't think you know what it means. But if I was writing the police report, I could put in OD on weed. If I unload a clip or a magazine into your chest, I could say you OD'd from lead. Well, we just get demonetized if we were.
yeah because you' yeah it Jokes is to chain. So so if I was shot and bled out, would I be considered a hemophiliac? No, I don't know. I just let out. I put some chocolate. I'm just saying what it comes. Why are you in the comments?
Chaka, in your WhatsApp is the link. um if you if be rubbin one out or If you wanted to, you know, have a colorful way to die, you could do it. As opposed to he was shot. He was like, hemophiliac. He was a hemophiliac and he bled up. So then you're just lying? No, because technically,
if you want to get super technical technically he's dying from massive hemorrhaging lead salad you know yeah i'm just saying yeah yeah you die by a lead salad i'm just saying you don't die ladies and gentlemen this is why jeff is not a cop and among other reasons among other reasons but onther he he told me he wasn't giving me giving me his id because he has constitutional rights so i broke his arm i don't see what the problem is He ran to Mexico. Yeah. I felt threatened. Isn't that what the cops always say? That's why I had to break his arm. That's right. I said, Mexico. He was walking while being black. I had to hurt him. He got some fucking bangers tonight, dude. I don't you don't know what you did. You need to drink for awesome, I'm just saying.
yeah met the kid I was watching Trainspotting the other night. Did you get it? That explains a lot. That explains a lot. I still have not seen that movie. Oh, they made a sequel. I didn't know they made a sequel, and I watched the sequel, and it was amazing. It did not disappoint. Take your word for it. That's fine. Yeah, take my word for it, because I'm always right. Calm down, Blake. I thought you were a commie. I'm a commie.
yeah You said you're always right, man. I thought you were a communist. Oh, because of love.

Alzheimer's and End-of-Life Jokes

Did no one get that other than Jeff? I'm sad. That was better than Blaze's laughter jokes. Come on, fuck you. Oh,
oh my. Oh my. Oh. Good job. I was about to say. Good job. dighead Please. You're behind, dude. What? How much have you smoked today? You're like drinking too.
Well, no, that that but Friday before last, the dude ate an entire shroom brownie or t shroom chocolate while watching the fucking movie. And he's like, this movie's actually funny. I'm like, it's a drama. What movie was that? I'm making that part up. No. It's like a fucking notebook. what Yeah, he's like watching the notebook. This movie's fucking hilarious. What are you talking about? She has Alzheimer's and evil fuck.
it hey Let's be honest. Alzheimer's is Alzheimer's disease is pretty funny. Imagine the fun you can have with somebody. if i ever know i'm saying is morbidly comedian If I ever get Alzheimer's, you guys have 100% permission to fuck with me in the entire time. as long i'm and I've already instructed the wife and kids that if I have Alzheimer's, Kurt Cobain me. Kurt Cobain? Oh, yeah.
I do not want to be that bird. 100%. You know, I, you know, I'm like, just leave that right there. But it's Ruxall. But you're okay being a bird now. I'm still functional.
I'm a functional bird. However, if you ever get Alzheimer's, I will do you the favor of shooting you in the head. i just I'll do it myself. Oh, you have Alzheimer's. I'll do it now.
Yeah, I'll do it myself. That moment of clarity. I'll forget. Agreed. Agreed. I'll go to grab the pistol to end it all and I'll end up walking around the house looking for an intruder. Right. That'll be my luck. As soon as I grab it, I'll go, why didn't I pick this up? I don't remember.
death po pop po
Yeah, I reckon i don't like I don't want to be that guy that that I don't want to be that guy that like my kids have to wipe my ass and you know, make sure I eat every day and you know, I don't want to be that.
um i do I know you're that now. You think your kids are going to take care of you when you're old?

Family and Disability Humor

Oh, fuck no. that's no
They're going to drop you off at a cartel's house and just be like, just leave them with the dogs as long as he eats twice a day. Yeah. What's up, Untrackable? Toss a pack of cigarettes. Happy fucking Saturday. Yeah, exactly. Let's get naked. Maybe Untrackable shouldn't come up tonight. Untrackable's on one. Let me tell you.
Because you that's what Glick sent us. Hey, let's get naked. we Do a promo. with worry
Was it yesterday? I didn't question it. I have already sent him three videos. I've seen them. I love that you sent them videos, but didn't realize you had to actually record it for your phone as opposed to sending SAP videos. The first one was like three hours long. The first one was 59 seconds. It was supposed to be a 30-second promo, bro.
Yeah. And I personally, I just want to say now you like i i have to say it was a great poem. It was like, you can no longer say, you can no longer say, I don't pay attention because mine was 30 seconds. Almost exactly. This motherfucker, three minutes in, he's like, Oh, and by the way, check out men caring for men on Mondays. i yeah Listen, you might be able to say, I don't listen and I don't pay attention. I don't follow directions, but you cannot say that I did not give 110% effort on that problem.

Promo Video Chaos

The first one. You did. That's your 110%. Oh yeah. If you think you're getting more out of me, you're sadly mistaken. There's a reason why they picked you out of the military eventually.
and I made it. because I know that I work with idiots. I made it clear. Guys, send me a promo for you. later i work flying host like No, my first one was too long. My first one was too long. 15. Oh, I shot like 14. Don't get me wrong. I shot like 14 before the ones I said. Oh, yeah. Give me a promo for your show. And I basically got everything. yeah I got to say, hey, watch my show on Wednesday night. Fuck you. i yeah it's It's on YouTube. Hey, ah watch my show on Monday night. It's it's not. No, no, no. I did a little better than that. I know a little better than that. But none of us could screen grab that one. Please. Please was like, hey, shit, what am I doing?
I was in character, I was in character. I have a show on Friday night. You guys should totally watch my... Wait a minute. Hold on a second. Where am I? What show is it? Please, I only need 30 seconds. That's a dragon! I honestly didn't realize it was that long when I got done. At the minute, 15 party goes into a political tirade. I don't know where that came from. I don't know. No, I didn't. No, no. No, but we see your TikToks, buddy. But we see your TikToks and that. Oh, I didn't. I remember what he said. Shit, did I talk about that? I mean, half a shroom.
i was a boy of going up talking about there was a mo dance and inducted into sainthood talking about shit like that halfway through the political era and he turned to over and hes like oh shit there's a cat over there
There are cows behind me, I promise. chris Chris is at the house. Chris sent me a video. He's at the house. He's got a washing machine going off, a smoke detector. Sounds like a pager from 1993. It's going off in the background.
I think somebody was getting murdered in his house. I don't know. There's a lot of, there's a lot going on in the background of Wally's video. I'm like, Jesus Christ. I'm just going to download. I'm just going to download the, the deep fake app and I'm just going to deep fake a promo for everybody. I'm just saying I watched places and I was like, this looks like the movie fear and loathing Las Vegas. Yeah.
eight yeah yeah That's all right. yeah I know I'm going to. You deep fake each one of our shows and we'll each deep fake one of one of your show promos. You can deep fake my own. you Just literally all be the same thing. boom oh you she You would just go to the same thing. The only difference is is that you would call you get it.
church oh dont Don't think I wouldn't call you gay. Hey, Jeff, just so you know, that's 26 minutes and 50 seconds. We have his admission of guilt. Yeah, let's see.
What admission of what guilt? I am a Sasquatch. I am the champ. You are. live and You put it in the promo. Ed, you do call me gay. That's why we would put in the promo. It's called realistic. Exactly. What part of what we would say would be incorrect? And we can literally put it at the bottom. Go ahead, back check us.
but Unlike the view that has to do a legal note every five minutes.

Absurd Business Ideas

but by the way yeah i you see the hit they had they had to they had to throw in legal notes other day oh biden i watch for fifteen minutes i haven't seen it but the it was just reported that's just been wanted to put off hes five different legal notes The only thing I'm waiting for is when they own things.
when they all die in a mass Uber accident or something, because the world would be a much better place without them. Well, here's the thing. They might not be around very much longer because Disney's looking to sell it. What's that? There'll be somebody who will sign on some ABCs for sale. I'm just saying, let's pull our money together, boys. Buy it. I got five bucks. I've got, I've got, we get a cup of coffee. We'll have enough for a coffee afterwards. I'm just saying.
it's It's ABC. It doesn't cost much. $3.20. I'll spit on you and call you a whore. Talk dirty to me, daddy. I want to take you away from all this.
I'm in. I'm sold. Take my money. Have you not have you not seen that family guy thing? for chris fucking somebody has, has a girl over and Chris is like, I've got $3 and 20 cents. Do something to me. She's like, but so I want to, I love you. I want to take you away from all this.
Good times. I want to get a Connor back back since he ain't got no legs.
Right? There's nothing wrong with having no way. There's nothing wrong. Yeah, don't be an ableist. There's everything wrong. Why don't you fucking be better? Listen here. Listen here, you able-bodied fuck. Listen here. i Take, take. I'm moving. i'm I'm on Team Communist from here on out. oh You know what? ah You know what? Connor, you're right. you're youre You know what? Connor, you're right. I'm apologizing. All the communists just switched to the right. I'm going to be the better man and walk away. I'm going to walk away right now.
and conor goes over to the left and all the left becomes right. I'm just like, we can't like we don't we change our mind. Got no legs and he's got a gun. Yeah, we're going over. You're not welcome. we don't like He's got no legs and a gun. but ah yeah yeah
I'll be back. I need another beer. Copy that. He's got no legs in a cup. Run! Why are we running? He's got a leg. Why are we running?
gonna slither around that but the thing is like Have you seen the videos of the dude he's like he does a MMA and All that

Legless MMA Fighter Admiration

fun. There was a down big in a martial arts, but he has no legs No, he has arms he doesn't have legs so when he goes to fucking do at his MMA and and start rolling with somebody wrestling and do jujitsu shit and He literally walks around on his fucking hands. But he has these little tiny nubs on the bottom of his feet. That would be me, but with a gun. I'd just be walking around on my nubs. He's going to send me that video.
There, okay, you've seen a trend on TikTok where it's like one person running in somebody's filming who's like, suspect has, you know, whatever. There's a couple, this dude is legless from like the waist down. And she, and he, they're doing that trend and she's like, suspect looks like he's melting into the floor all the time. Dude, I laughed so hard, I felt terrible, but I laughed so hard, I almost died. Just fucking hilarious. It's too bad you lived through it.
I know. That's, that's, that's my, that's my undesirable trait. Yeah. This is it. I don't know. The camera is shit.
Homeboy can fucking fight too. God damn. right Well, that'd be pretty goddamn embarrassing. I got beat up by a Legos guy in an m MMA fight. Sweep the arm. That's fucking terrible. Yeah.
Oh, I can just send Jeff a link. That'd be easy. I feel like.
Yeah, I feel like you could just. Like kick, you know, just hit him with a little like a field goal kick like a, you know, like a soccer kick or a football kick. You know, like what's he going to do? You can't move around the ring. like both of his own Right? you at Knee height like it's gotta be easy.
It has to be. And if he's and if he's like rolling around trying to once again, if you get beaten by that guy, you might as well just crawl in a hole and die. Just jump on top of that. That's the day that I ended. That's the day I'm i'm done. So do any of you watch the

Movie Discussions and Humor

Tyson? Do you call fight? I did. We talked about this last last weekend until until I remember certain anti-Semite came in.
Oh, that's right. I remember that now. Yeah. I thought it was Connor's friend. I'm just saying. knew It was, you know it was. I heard that if you put a certain type of ah someone in there with a different religion that he would have totally smoked Jake Paul.
Right. Good job. Was that not a little excessive? Like, thank you, Blaze. You stepped up. You hit the button. And I think Jeff and I were trying to figure out. I got tired. I was like, this guy's a troll. Yeah, I was trying to figure out how to spin it in a direction that wasn't as ridiculous as what he was saying. Oh, what? What was that? Was that Planet Death or was that the?
That was Planet Death. Yes. Yeah, it was. What's her name? It was Michelle Rodriguez. Rose McGowan. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know you did one of those suspect videos. Michelle. Michelle. I didn't know. Fuck you, Jeff. Oh, yeah. That's what I'm saying. That was death for. Shut up. I remember that because I watched Death Proof a few nights ago. So it's a good movie. yeah Yeah, they're both good movies. Yeah, that was one with Kurt Russell.
Yeah. right was it kurt rus Yeah. Kurt Russell. was He's he's he's technically the guy like the stuntman. Stuntman Mike. Yeah. Stuntman Mike was his name. Mm hmm. I watched Tombstone the other day. I feel like I should get content. That's uh that's a good one. I I I let me say let me read that. Goddamn Cockle Donald dude. You see the size of that chicken.
Let me rephrase that. I I quoted it alone with Tombstone the other night. Yeah, let's be honest. Let's be honest. You know, movies, movies like that, when you watch them, you don't watch them. You we all do it. We're all just. Yeah. Oh, I was. iized Like we're fucking Doc Holliday in that moment. Every every character. I was every character in the Huckleberry. I even did voices to go along with that. That's so that's one of the few Western. Jeff Byrne in hell.
that go other group on ash i looks nothing like me
i Yeah, I was going to say I love the the double feet, the Grind House. that was for yeah Yeah, I agree with you on track. throw back to it was ah that was Yeah, that was Eli Roth and Tarantino and somebody else that was involved with that eli roth did um the other one shit Quinton Tarantino did deathproof and at Eli Roth did the other one. Yeah, play the death or whatever plan of death. That's right. Yeah, Eli Roth was also Eli Roth plays in deathproof though. Yeah, he's in a lot of his movies that he does because he did the hostile franchise. Yeah, he's in he's in every he's in all of them. The original one was really good, but they didn't have to do anymore after the first
Very in my opinion in my opinion, but saw was like actually after the second saw like, okay it was i went downhill The first saw was kind of boring But the second one where you kind of see a little bit more background and stuff was kind of cool because there's multiple sets so to speak but after that I Service looked down, huh? I sat down a couple of months ago, or a few months ago, and I watched every single one of the songs get all caught up. And yeah, it could have stopped after the third one. Did you watch Spyro? Yep. No. What did you think of that? Because I want to see it. And and I've heard everybody that's watched it said it is. It's it's it's so good. For Chris Rock, Chris Rock is stepping out of his, like, comfort zone in movies. And i yeah I think that's good.
that was really okay it was a day it was a it was a part I've ever seen him in and I really respected that and this is really I started watching it when it came out uh but I got distracted yeah now it's into the movie you what I mean so and it was just like I had to call a time out during the distraction to stop the movie so we didn't get a spoiler at the end. She was like, are you really like calling the time out? And I did. I called the time out. I was like, hey, time out real quick so I can stop the movie. I was like, I don't want to get I don't want the ending spoil. You can just does it rewind it. Why do you want a spoiler? I didn't want the spoiler.
and bill i was like Hey, you you you came here. I didn't ask you you came here on your own accord. I didn't ask you I didn't ask to be distracted tonight. All right i'm trying to watch a movie from when where i want You surprised me remember though you have my answer you got your You know, ah so I found the video of Connor doing the suspect challenge
Fuck you. No, it's hilarious. Check it out. Suspect is 26 and doesn't know how to ride a bike. What the hell? What the hell? Suspect doesn't know how to tie his shoes. That's not true. I have to tie your shoes half the time. Suspect always looks like he's melting through the floor. ah be out Tell me how. me how. Suspect's too small to ride the roller coasters.
so So third leg is bigger than his other two. You need to quit this. OK.
I like the one Jeff sent me better because it said, suspect has no legs, no need for backup. I can get that one too. Because the other one, the guy has. you domestic like Yeah, I did.
ah in The other video that I sent Connor, it is. The video I sent Connor, the guy's got Tink Tink legs. He's got Tink Tink legs. Tink Tink legs. Just over there already still drinking and now he's having edibles. Who me? No, I'm eating up.
um like going No, the other blaze. The other blaze on the show. You said Jeff. That's why I was like, wait a minute. I was going to say, you didn't say Jeff. I was like, why? Why? Why does it look like I'm eating animals? What are you drinking? It's an energy drink called Ampere.
Gross. It's our luck, that's why. texas we go Even grosser. Suspect farts every time he bends down.
Suspect has a honeycomb for a hairstyle. Just look for bees in the vicinity. Suspect has no legs, no need for backup. oh That's rude. Suspect says...
but i'll be here one day Don't worry about it. I got him. but
If you come to me with no legs, you would catch me in the back of the cop car doing jumping jacks. Right? Well, that's not jumping jacks. That's skipping rope, buddy. I get it. Skipping the rope. It's just raising your arms up and down. but but No, because he's tough.
That's why I said if he was happy jumping, yeah i'd be jumping rope with with the handcuffs, he would be upside down on the fucking floorboard. He wouldn't be doing anything except for falling over in the sea. Your back would not allow you to do fucking jumping rope. Let's be honest. I'm kidding, too. I can't. You are now. But it's hard to jump on fucking camera.
i will um all like here minutes after i jump My wife will be in here to ask if I'm okay, but I will jump on camera and I will not paralyzed. Oh, that's cute that you want us to believe your wife is actually there on a Saturday night.
um She's out with her friends. She's out with the postman. There's a long black train running down the street. That's why your mail's late. Your mail's late and your period's late. Oh, damn.
They're making fun of me. They said that you're not here. It's not funny. Dude, they don't love me. Oh, he's telling his baby. Mom, if you don't love me.
yeah You're going to shut up about my mom and be like, fuck you. Hold on a second. What's that? What's that? OK, I'll tell him. Hey, your mom said you're a huge disappointment and you should shut the fuck up.
You're not my real dad. You're not my real dad. I don't care. I'm not calling dad.
actually should side it up in your closet and get it and it getting't suit too far don do Keep disrespecting me, boy. I'm gonna take your Xbox away. I'm gonna take your computers away. I'm gonna take your legs away. Jokes on you. I don't have an Xbox. You fucking loser. I'm gonna take your computers away. That's too far. Don't touch my shit.
You better not touch my shit. but you You better untrackable. Untrackable. Wait, so that's the line? I'm teabagging the hell out of your drum set. And your mom. yeah I know, Connor. At least you have your mom. At least your mom's alive, right? At least at least at least your mom's alive. when Your mom's underneath the passenger seat in your car. She's underneath the driver's seat. What'd you say? Same difference.
you see haming though that bit ain' no passenger princess is she happy my mom i'm sure she is she's matt and find on better i don't know ah usually rap one she happy you do what you she can do what she needs to do it's not a mine i don't know she's happy i'm happy i keep her i keep her chloroformed in in a cage in the basement but she's happy and No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
g clicks pipe up yes we' got a classified mission to go on um but We got a we got a recon mission at Glick's house. Amen. Oh, Jesus. A guy with no legs and a **** You better have tools. He's going to open up the door like the dude and grandma's boy just naked else knocking on my door
i what out here oh yeah hey hey little phyllis What are you doing? No, it's good. Hey, I will bite your ankle, sir. Uh no girls. I don't want girl scout cookies. but sons
We're going to walk past you and be like, think he's thinky's good black he' and never know we all enough We can get in and you won't know we're there Mickey's gonna go who's at the door and I'm gonna go I don't know two of the ugliest girl scouts I've ever seen in my life this girl ah Do you want some tag along sir, why is your voice hoodie don't fucking worry about Nice beard little girl press drive this um i got
um it can the job it's bam yeah Hi, happy. Hey, what's up, y'all? What's up, buddy? What's up, dad? What up, man? Dude, we got to get a GoFundMe and get our guy a heater out in the garage. Dude, it's far too cold for him to be hiding in the garage. um He's all bundled up.
It's a solid 53 degrees in here. Oh, see, that's one. That's one of them. That's not a garage. That's not a garage. That's not a garage unit. He lives there. There's technician. He lives in a storage unit. He was like, ah, they left you in a lock. Now I live here. I know you rather have $1,800 a month rent payment or a $100 a month rent payment.
i'm telling this about slave unit I'm just saying for storing my stuff. Um, yeah, money is way too much to ask. Like, can I just put this here? That that's a deal. But if you're talking about living for like a couple hundred bucks versus like you said, a mortgage payment. Yeah, yeah bro. I'd rather live in that box. Uh, you know, climate controlled.
Yeah, well i was gonna um yeah and you get one of them big ones that have the climate control and everything like that. And some of them have outlets in them. Like you said, man. shit Yeah. you live with that bad do do you do do Do you live there? No, I am storing my personal effects. I'm moving my stuff around. Go away.
but just where I have somebody dropped you off there every day. Is that in the morning is that a gas Coleman grill? manrified I used the can a lot. used to I was an avid boy. i you know that You move this refrigerator box in and out every day.
but could you had one other concern but okay yeah Can you imagine other customers like actually moving shit into their storage unit on like a podcast night and all they hear is, suck my dick and eat my asshole. It sounds like a party or a unit for them. Just in case you can store your girlfriend at my place.
yeah We'll knock it on the door. Hey, you got room for one more? See, that's what I think I'm doing for Connor's man. I'm just a storage unit. Yeah, that's what I've done. A pineapple on my storage unit.
yeah or is like mo storage unit worrying now What's the dinner report, boys?
the club's storage. Dinner report. Club stores. You got a bouncer. He's crackable. He grabs and he finds another storage unit. That's what he's having. Welcome to club storage, everybody.
mean white people dancing warning
ah yeah There's a list, we're all five. You can just like buy out a whole storage area if I can just open up a raw phone call. You hoe? You hoe? You hoe it?
Yeah. Sure. Because that's my lucky number. So wait a minute. Do you got to go down and unlock the padlock? or Do you lock the horse? Do you lock the horse in the storage unit? What are you on tonight?
hey It'd be like um like when they did the shutdown and they closed my bar. I just invited all my all my people over and we hung out in the driveway and whatnot.
And I can just imagine, hypothetically, somebody coming by that they don't get to have any fun either. And they're like, hey, what are you guys doing? You look like you're having a good time. You just tell them ah we're moving and the refrigerator's next. You want to help? And then they just keep walking. yeah dan I'm out. Yeah. We had to c clean it out. That's why we have all this beer.
um yeah Didn't want it to go warm. That security guy's a real dick. I've got to have my lights off. I'm a fucking door. Two o'clock in the morning, you asshole. You guys moving? Yes. Can you mind your own fucking business? God damn it.
got I guess you want me to love you below.
You want to crush out? Well, fuck are you to judge me when I decide to move? Yeah. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe Connor's mom kicked me out.
I hate all of you. I hate all of you. And I hope that you die. I really, I really, I really hope I don't have to call Connor one day with that unfortunate news. Hey, little buddy, how you doing? You know,
We had a good time together. I just want to let you know I'm no longer going to be your stepdad. and still we were having a good time talking about just just remember papa clique is always here for you all right little buddy you're never alone you're still family i'm gonna let you i'll get that bitch back in her cage i mean your mom will come back we'll be a family again it not out all i' a d he so love he's on a trip
a honor will not go leave it ah I was at Fort Bliss. We took a fourth of July vacation and I invited one of my army buddies to my house in in Wilmington. So we was right there at the beach. It was perfect. It was like vacation, see the fame at the same time. yeah mean we ah We were getting tore up like for an entire weekend and my buddy got wasted and he was like, hey, be careful. i You know, I might fuck your mom.
And I was like, go ahead. She's been divorced for like 54 years. and She could probably use it and she'll calm down. i never heard the Good vibes. I swear to God. This honestly, I'm okay with my mom seeing the fact that I say some pretty but like just horrible shit on here. But what I'm not okay with is my mom hearing what you guys say about her.
So that's why I tell her not to watch Saturdays. You evil. Yeah, that's why. Dude, your she's literally right here listening to the show. yes
She doesn't, she doesn't tune into the chatters box because she's a little tied up if you know what I mean. Today is the day. Yeah, I might not be back after a break.
Looks like she's got a Saint Bernard in her legs, but whatever. This American flag is going to have a lot more red on it when we come back from break. I'm just saying. No, no, no, no, no. You're going to do it live. You have to do it live. That's the rule. We lost the pleasure of seeing Jera Vichy end it all live on the show. You will not. You will not. Next in line, buddy. You must do it. Bull fucking shit.
You're up to back. You better stop preparing me to Jared Vichy. I swear to God, I will come to your house and I will burn it down. I'll burn down the entire room. I've got two or 14 more times. I swear to God.
Listen here, bitch. I'm too selfish to share that moment with y'all. You know what I'm saying? yeah It's great for the show. Did you get your okay you did you see that snap, Jeff?
yeah and end up on twitter deaths to it's gonna be reddit reddit do there's some there's some gnarly fucking videos on twitter of let me know when you have that about a lot i'm not on twitter you want the audio uh like a big like just like a clip it doesn't have to be the whole thing just like a clip Whoa, whoa, Why do you know that? It scares me that you know that. I lived in the same house as my parents for 18 years on the same floor as them five feet away from their room. You don't think I ever making heard that? And they never beat sandwiches that sounded like that. Connor used to conor used to crack the door open a little bit and watch and
that's how you got so good at the efficiency right listen i hope my mom gets some and i hope my dad gets some that's all i gotta say i i really do i hope they're happy happy elderly people hey okay i wish nothing but the best how you get it i say elderly they're they're only like five years older than you glick
I was going to say, your mom's got it on our age. I'm just saying. I don't know. I don't know your dad. I'm just ah i'm just um just the bull in your dad's weird cut fantasy. so I think that i think my my mom turns 60 this year. What? And my dad turns 59 this year. I think. My man. You better calm down, ma'am.
Oh, oh, oh, yeah. You tell her. You tell her. Oh, Jesus Christ. Goddamn. Can we go to the wall already? There's a fucking Mexican in my house. Whoa. Whoa. You can keep telling yourself that. What? What? Listen, it feels like we just threw back to last Saturday night. All right. That's all. There is a goddamn Mexican in my house. It's just the way that you said that. I want to build a wall.
I got it this time, Blaze. Don't you worry about it. What's that? We're clear. Hey, I'm working on building that wall even in my own house. But I'm doing it out of Coors Light games. You know what I'm saying? Wait a minute. Chaka, you knew you were at the house? Chaka. Damn. You could have at least said hi, Chaka. Rude, dude. I'm nowhere near any of you. I'm talking to Chaka. You said that your mom would ask if you were hungry. My mom asked if I need anything.
so i'm i'm sure he's got an hour away from my so he's gonna be and ah ah and enjoy our ah ah ah oh oh
whoa that sounds is gone like i'm go be honest that sound a lot like me Hey, why'd you turn it off? I was almost done. yeah no wonder is out No wonder your wife is out with her friends tonight, Connor. She's downstairs. Wow, sure, she's downstairs. It's like, what the fuck?
If you sound like that, Connor, holy shit. What, you never get that moments when they finger pop you?
Oh, that makes me fall down. That must have been in the family. No, I haven't.
yeah I thought I was going to have to be myself. We got this upstairs like a bonus room where we had TV and that was our like hangout was the bonus room. And I'm carrying two plates.
of ah delivery sandwiches, really good place. And I'm carrying both of them, and she's got the drinks. And I'm leading the way up the stairs. Oh no, let them come up. And she decided to poke me right in my starfish. Who's that? And the next the next step, I took a knee.
rather than like falling with $30 worth of food. And she's laughing her ass off. And I was like, how about I just throw your plate down the stairs? the
you last one good Did they toss your salad that night? Nice. Fresh Italian. It was a good one. This has got the course in it.
uh no it's it's just a small clip i needed the song i can't find the whole course oh jesus i hope but you are learning in hell just just plus play trust me you'll like it no i don't know if it's going to do it
ah it reminds me the dick in the box
same guys same guys I'm a mother lover you here mother love she fuck each other buers it say i got an idea Have fun fucking dust. You're gonna need a shower afterwards. buddy ty What are you doing? I'm making a quick greet with your mom.
know yeah he what he's done He can make you a really cool ashtray. I'm just saying. I've already made that joke weeks ago. Connor's like, Connor's like, stepdaddy Glick, I made you a boy arts and crafts. I was like, were you doing what I think you were doing? Were you doing what you when I think you were doing again, son? In the bottom of my heart, mom. It starts with your dick in the dust. And next thing you know, she's a brick. da and ah Dick in the dust.
Oh, we are our dicks in the dirt. Look, I got you an ashtray. You asked me how I made it. Ironically, it's made from ashes.
Oh, that's it. That's all right. I got your dad a cream pie. yeah I found the other one!
we so At the same time, he's still going to put his white stick in it. You know what I'm saying? I won't say that.
but yeah So when are we going to break? I'm honestly, I'm looking forward to that flag being red. The being red. Yeah, it's going to have a lot more red on it.
um so not important needs perco um perfect first and foremost, Connor, you know, I love you buddy. And, and, and, and, and, and also is this, God, I hope your mom never hears any of these shows because I will apologize. that i've already sent into it so i said our letter My dad has watched two Saturday nights. Oh.
is that why he your mom said i wow he don't watch anymore saturday nights is that why he was dropping your mom off at my front door and fuck ah you fuck all of good jokes on jokes and not really banging your wife bro stop dropping her off
ah that's exactly why they should watch They shouldn't watch they should pardon yes, they are still making music by the way Are they actually making music? Yeah, there's a bunch of songs. Well, no, but I think they put out a bunch of songs. I don't know. Let me actually show somebody.
they They put out a bunch of music. o Was that that Lonely Island? Yeah.
but I don't know if they've done anything new in a while. It's not boats and hoes. It's I'm all it was i'm ah um' on i'm on a boat. right oh ah ah bo I'm riding on a dolphin. Get doing flips and shit. The dolphin splashing. Getting everybody all wet. But this ain't see. I'm on a motherfucking boat. As real as it gets. They just out a song four days ago. in the Hey, what about that one? ah I threw it on the ground. oh My favorite is like a boss. I you on debah's death like but my favorite is i just sex with Connor's mom.
<unk> i got to say to And it feels so good. I a condom because it's a necessity.
My mom's almost 60. You don't need a condom. Who's got a damn cooler in the car? I know it's Connor's mom. This is not a cooler.
I should wear my co side of your a super to tiger in the car. I know it's. That's that's more accurate.
and We just saw her last night in a movie. My mom is a good Christian lady. Fuck her. I predicted did. I did not be eye closed but not i might not be a good Christian son, but she's a good Christian lady. I did that to Nikki today.
we were the we were at the uh why is it never mind we're at the gas station and uh there was a there was a girl behind us at the gas station and she was already like messing with Nikki because Nikki had my Michigan hoodie on and she was standing in line behind us and the girl carded carded me and she was like oh you're looking young boy you ain't get that idea out and I was like well I mean I'm only 22 and Nikki's like shut up And I was like, what are you going to do with it? I'm only 22 millennia. I am speaking to Nick. I can tell you guys. That was not me. Who did that?
ah Is that Connor's new promo? Yeah. I just I just want you guys to know. second It's like I didn't hit the button. I got the moves like Wacker. Right as right as you put that up, there's a Mexican cow behind me. She just walked in and she's like, what the hell are you saying? There is a cow behind you just like Blaze. Does that mean milk? he makes milk?
I'm not going to. follow lot Mexican milk is just milk that has happened. I will. i She's going to. Why are you back here telling me you could just do it? Because I'm eating. I'm being a big bat. You are a big bat. Actually, it says me. El Gordo.
Yes, I know. Yes, I know. She's the only Mexican man that knows like one phrase. um move twenty but like nine Is that the seriously accepted Spanish? way ah She like two phrases. Well, I don't know how much Spanish she knows. but yeah you yeah yoy ka A you got the move.
Well, it's a complete opposite here. Jeff's house there's a jeff house is is has Mexicans with a gringo living in it. and not My house is a gringo with a Mexican living in it.
It's an even train, I'm just saying. I think I was the only one who found that joke funny, but that was fucking hysterical. In all seriousness, there's a whole group of, ah like, you have your different classes on Mexicans, and i said and there's a class on Mexicans that will literally, every other word is way. yeah guess someone much good it my my dad What's wrong with it? my dad who way you down i won the truck for christmas snow yeah um birthday. I want to know. one Jeff, I've worked. I don't **** I'll talk to you, Bobby. time You said that and I couldn't stop. Oh, yeah dude. like I can't go to the store here like 400 times. Some **** showing up to work in a cow costume going move away. Jesus Christ.
I'm telling you, I can't go to the store. My wife will do it every once in a That's while. not that funny, but I thought that was hilarious. I was in El Paso, and I started to assimilate a little bit. And I would flip that switch every once in a while when we were having fun. And the first time I said, wait, everybody looked at me like I was their wife. They lose their fucking mind. It was fucking hilarious. No mame's way? No mame's way.
that's my favorite way yeah That's my favorite saying in Spanish is, no mames. No mames. My old boss didn't speak Spanish. So every time he heard no mames, he would be like, yeah, solo poppies.
ah and so
ah jing gabuoss
just the boot those way ah all the all the all mexican workers with the the chinca taoto book but um marieor she daddy finally gets to play call of duty way dude we had one mexican dude in our platoon and he had an 85 inch tv in his fucking barracks I don't doubt it. He had the cleanest room of any found it at an 85 inch TV on the wall. Is he Mexican or Italian? He was he was. mit he on mele He found it. What did it fall off a fucking truck? same same
fucking yeah fucking spoken vi ra I swear every time there's a fucking hurricane here, everybody gets a new TV. Every time there's a hurricane and stores get looted, everybody gets a brand new TV. Interesting theory you have. Oh, that shit's about to happen this coming summer, man. What are you talking about? It's about to happen January.
you mean You mean the all-inclusive, friendly, peaceful left are going to start rioting again? No. Talk about an easy bet. Jesus, I can triple my money right now. Oh, yeah. I mean, it'ss god i don't know yeah there's going to be riots in the next four years. Of course there will. I mean, yeah. There's going to be riots this January, I guarantee it. Oh, guarantee it. Oh, no.
ah so as and ah As McDonald's Pelosi said, as you i if you've seen her eyebrows lately, Jesus, she sued McDonald's because they stole her logo. um You can take that to the bank.
ah Sounds like it's time for a break. Sure. lookss like they're talking They're talking politics. we or or better yet Or better yet, maybe we can do our intro now. Because we never did one.
i'll yeah I'll do that when I come back. and We were talking about sex, and I had to chime in. I'm sorry. I was talking about O'Connor's mom, and he got all excited. Weird, bro. Weird, Carter. I didn't get excited, and you were not talking about my mom. That's the beginning of the show when you usually do your intro. Fuck all of you. Next time. I'm killing everybody.
So anyway, welcome to the Nonsense School Nonsense Show. We're going to go on break now. they know what know they No wonder your wife is out with her friends tonight when you're doing your fun little thing. I'm ending this stream. It's over. Just enjoy life. but Same difference. No, we are going to take a break. I do want to tell you guys, I do want to talk to you guys about betting, because I might be in a little firmness trouble.
You got a, you got a problem. I get it. I don't have a problem, but I could see it becoming a problem. Hey, come talk to me on Monday night. and It sounds like a good conversation for Monday. Yeah. You guys can hug it out. I love, I love your pause. Yeah. He's frozen. What's that? As the boss here at the nonsensical network. I'm the only one who receives mouth hugs.
i feel like i shower up to go here and say that no connor we're only're We're like a month away from you being up here. i can and you have the legs and i I said I wanted to go grab a beer with this guy over Christmas. What am I fucking thinking?
because he wants you to grab one for punishment. go You're going to you're going to you're going to grab you're going to grab something over over Christmas. Yeah, it's coming down your chimney. I'm I'm going to grab my nine millimeter pill bottle and let you take a couple. Oh, Carter. Have you been a good boy this year? We're about to find out.
You want Santa Glick to come in here? I mean, down near Jimmie. Set my deck and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches. that's Why, baby? Anywho, let's take a break. Yeah. I got stories when we come back. I got new music. I got lots of new music tonight. All new music tonight. I got a gig. I think actually we do music.
god da mcconnor You know you guys make fun of me because of my search algorithm I'm just saying i yeah trust me i don' know in too much time with you please is spending weeks too much time with you like rob honest Every time like every time like a video or something plays it just mutes everybody other than me on my side oh This time this is not it's not show it's not showing anything. It's just muting everybody but it shows me still up here unmuted No,
no like I just tried to play this asshole thing and i do wouldn't be anything yeah, you might need to refresh your page but take up right Yeah, we're gonna take a real quick break i got new music uh all night tonight first we kick it off with uh brand new music because um or do it now or do it now went to the brain here are you one time he decides to be a fucking overachiever uh uh my good friend and co-host uh on sunday mornings uh
On unnecessary roughness, Derek Wayne Douglas. I haven't even been able to keep up. He's dropping so much new music. But this is a, he dropped this a couple of weeks ago, I think, but it's called The Last Flame. So here's Derek Wayne Douglas. Check him out on all the socials and everywhere you stream music at Derek Wayne Douglas. And you can see him hanging out on Sundays on unnecessary roughness, talking to some NFL. We'll be back here in just a few minutes.
Hell yeah, a little Derek Wayne Douglas for break. Y'all go ahead and check him out.
Wherever. Okay. Fuck Wyatt.
um great why Yeah. Um, check Derek out wherever you listen to music and on all those social medias. Derek Wayne, Douglas. Also, you can see him every Sunday live at noon on unnecessary roughness, hanging out with, uh,
Oh, Rick and I, big Rick. I wonder where he's at tonight. Somebody should hit him up and be like, Hey, where are you at? You big bastard. I got it. You big piece of shit.
Son of gun. That was her name. Well, that makes my search a little bit easier. Anyhow, what's going on, everybody? How are you guys doing? I'm doing groovy. Uh, welcome to welcome to and welcome back to nonsensical nonsense. Everybody it's Saturday night. You never to really know what we're going to do or what's going to happen around here. Just kind of happens.
know If you're not already go ahead and check us out on all them socials Facebook Instagram X and Tiki Taki Shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube and you can listen to any time any place Wherever you listen to podcasts at the nonsensical network or you can simply go to bio dot link slash nonsensical network Got all them socials there including the link to our merch store. Yes. We have a merch store if you'd like to buy something You know cooties, t-shirts, hats, cups. I think there's even a traveling tote, if you will, just because Nikki liked it with the design on it. So, all kinds of goodies there at the bird store. give us fall Give us a like, give us a share if you'd be so kind. And don't forget to smash them like buttons like I smashed Connor's mom. but um I was not expecting that.
That's why I am who I am. That's why I'm the greatest podcast host of all time. Fuck you, Joe Rogan, you piece of shit. Yes, I say my name, bitch.
Who's your kid? Who's your kid? A piece of metal till it showed up. She always asked me to smack her with the belt. It's weird.
I'm like, it's just 10 pounds of metal and leather, you crazy bitch. I mean, crazy lady. 10 pounds of metal leather. Jesus Christ. Your fucking belt reinforced with Kevlar. Dude, have you never, have you, have you never, have you, Blaze, you've never, you've never held my belt. No, I've never held your belt. You've been up here twice. You've been up here twice. You want to hold my belt, Blaze?
I would assume that's the first thing you do when somebody walks in the door. You want to hold my belt? yeah i do yeah ah You know, I haven't, but that's a hell of a icebreaker. Hey, you want to hold my belt?
after fuck how would i How did you miss this thing? Yeah, dude. That thing's like 10 pounds, man. It's a heavy ass fucking belt, bro. yeah Oh, you know what? You're talking about your wrestling belt.
I was thinking, where am I? That holds your pants up.
JCPenney put it all out. No, please. JCPenney put it all out when they made it. This this this belt, that that bald-headed bitch out in California thinks he's going to take off my shoulder. yeah everybody Everybody talks a big game about, oh, we're going to cover your belt, like like like PJ Dill in the new fake nonsensical network.
one of these like overcoming for your belt. But you know, they're they're both still here. They're all three still hanging on the wall. You misunderstood. I said, I'm going to come on your belt. There's a difference.
Oh, I didn't mention. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. oh
oh oh
don't move on what all this is kids yeah click you You keep hanging onto that belt real tight, I'll keep being happy over here. is that conner Was that Connor jerking off to my belt or was that his dad in the corner watching me and his mom?
yeah he learned like i I was getting off on your belt see with my with my hand inside your mom.
inside her inside her earn letter answer and couple aware con conor was like conor connor was like I can write my name in your mom.
you Your mom is a Zen garden. I'm just saying. Connor's like Papa Glick. Look at my picture I made with your mom.
but like you like good job you like find um but at least my mom still calls me fuckerhood ah talked to my mom all chance I'm just to come to your belt and then I'm going to find the next built to, you know, just going to searching for themselves bro just gonna come places like places still on the fact that like places like why does Glick have a 10 pound belt to hold his pants up?
I figured it out now. God damn it. It's this belt baby.
That's crazy. Look at it again. you Don't wash your hands here. Do you have to see a car after? You like it? You like it? Yeah. sometimes boy You're about to lose your fucking privileges to be in. Especially when I put one on each shoulder. I don't know what's heavier. The belts are Connor's mom.
the all ah I'm kidding. I'm sure Connor's mom is a lovely lady. You'd be nice to her. I mean, she takes a goddamn saint to raise something like you.
For her funeral, we'll replay all these stories. I've got some blinking on her. I fucked your mom. What does your mom call it? Fuck! Maybe I'll fuck your mom at her funeral. Well, not only did I fuck your mom when she was alive, I'll fucking her when she's dead, too.
yeah See, I'm going to use the headstone of her grave to cut your cock off. o good luck at small and grind it like a porter andme don't i like you must whoop you miss whoop you miss jimmy and a little more it's It's like a turtle. It's like a turtle. He goes inside his shell most of the time scoing his belly but
Yeah. You're scraping my belly button, Connor. Yeah, like, goddamn. Jeff, you got some new scores for this? You guys, you're going to be sitting out BCR tapes. All right.
What? Glick's mom. What fucking weird do you think this Welcome Saturday night with Glick. We're Glick and Connor just talking about fucking each other with mom.
If I shove a headstone up Glick's ass, it's going to make his asshole rectangular, like this. Because oh but I don't have the money for a big headstone, so it's really only going to be about that big. So he's going to shoot out VCR tapes. You're welcome. I explained it for you. Where's Jarvis? Let me explain.
yeah ah
Biggie got hit by the 211. that that that What's up? what a fucker was i don't realize that airplane was going What's up, neighbors? What up, Cam? What up, Cam's neighbors, you fuckheads? Welcome to Nonsense. Welcome to nonsensical Nonsense. We are professional motherfuckers. Alive or dead, we will fuck your mom. that Wait, are we live or dead or them?
either more yeah i confused the owners choice team got I'm a hot bad ass. Hey, bro. What kind of a flex is that if somebody's still wanting to fuck you when you're dead? It's like, yeah, I still got it, bitch. It's of a flex when you think about it. It's only flex.
You go back and talk to all your ghost buddies. You'll never guess who I just talked with last night. Yeah. yeah like the goat like that ghost in uh in in uh scary movie yeah like she's asleep yeah that poor ghost had the fuck to fuck toward it you know what though hey in that in that scene Corey's spelling actually looked good
No, no, I was going to say younger Tori Smelly look, look like she had a bit of a down syndrome as she's gotten older. She's, she's become a very attractive woman as she's gotten older. like benefit A lot of plastic surgery has helped out, but nonetheless, I mean, look what plastic surgery we did for, for, for, um, my cousin, Chloe Garda. I think it was Chloe Kardashian. and That was the goddamn Sasquatch of the family. Yeah. ah Look what's my surgery did for her.
Yeah, but OJ was her dad. So, you know, what are you going to do? Yeah, I mean, it turned her from a Sas watch to a poor dad to get plastic surgery. Otherwise, she was going to get killed.

Kardashian Jokes

I think it was Chloe. Which one was it? Was it Chloe? No, it wasn't Chloe. Chloe's the young one. The ugly one. They're all ugly. Let's be honest. Chloe's always been the heavier set one. She is the Sas watch of the buck. You're right. Connor watches it religiously. I remember. No, I remember that from when I was like 12 when she was ugly and shit.
Oh, no. Is it Kendall or Kylie that are the younger ones? Kendall's the youngest. She's the one in the long video. All I know is Kim gives a terrible blowjob, and she's like a dead fish in bed. Not from personal experience, but I watch the video. I've seen the video. I watched the video, but she looks like she would be a dead fish. It's a great comeback story, because it came on our back. Same. I saw the video. You got, you, you got famous because your mom recorded you having sex with Ray J Brandy's less successful, unfamous little brother. Like once again, if that's what it takes to be famous, I should be like more famous than anybody. Hey, from like a video, I just need to put out a video. I'm just, are you having sex with Ray J?
No, I'm saying if if that's all it takes to sex. Hold on. I got questions here. Are you having sex with Ray J? And is your mom recording it? Or are you having sex with Ray J? Your mom recorded it when I fucked her. If I was having sex with Ray J, this show would be way bigger than it is. but She probably killed herself. That's probably what happened to your wife. She's actually dead, isn't she? She was like, God damn, I can't believe I had sex with that. Fuck that. What is Chaka doing?
listen said he's dealing with some stuff at home he won't be able to come up tonight fuck you in your stomach jack ah it's ah it's in a what'sapp I didn't want to see you tonight anyway. chocolate just don't you ever look Look at some of those sex tapes and you try to look at it from like a port a sports perspective like the stats. I saw zero effort and yep the she didn't take her bra off. And it's like, um, I'm sorry. This is called naked time. Now I want to show that much. fuck c mo join You want to join Jeff and I on the next nonsense and chill. We'll, uh, we'll talk movies. um That's a mandatory for me. Boobies have got to be.
and she oh yeah unsheathed unsheathed unsheathed i don't need boobies unsheathed if i'm getting head at that point it's just yeah getting ahead well you're also typically getting head from a dude or giving head to a dude so it is one you have a nice onnu however honor however connor you have a nice set of mantas so those should be

Body Image Humor

released unsheathed and she i I'm losing weight, though. They're starting to get smaller. I've dropped dropped down to a B cup. It's kind of silly. Hold on, buddy. I'm going to send you some McDonald's right now. Don't worry about it. The lie detector determines that to be a lie, you fat fuck. Oh, ah do do do we need to talk about weight here, Glick? but We're all fat asses here. Just accept it.
Don't try to be better than anybody here. My ass is not fat. My ass is not fat. My belly, on the other hand, that's another slope. My ass is really small. Are we going by what you look like or how much you weigh? Because I'm starting to question whether I really need like the my legs. You know, I've been I've been fucking because we always see untrackable from the beard. I've been untrackable looks like likes like fucking john looks like like goddamn John Cena. He's got like a 12 pack and muscles on muscles. He's like either that or these answers are called back. You got to have that or feel like a stop on your biceps.
i will ever see our but You ah in a simple picture, I'm I'm six two ah just barely I'm six one and like three quarters something like that, whatever. but I'm about 65, 70 pounds, 165, 70. Jesus Christ. He's a stop sign. You are a little fella. You don't belong on here. Let me just say I'm six to six. I'm six to six three and I'm three, like three something.
So we're all different, man. It's not fair. To put, to put a draggable's weight into perspective. I fight three and I weigh as much as he does. Yeah. You know what? You know what? un' trackable I can't argue that. And you know what brother? I can't argue that statement. We are all different. You are, you are 100%. He said, Hey man, we're all different. He's like the, he's like the dude on the other, on the Like they came in.
we're all different i didn like if one trackers made a video i would be the newest You know what I'm saying and you guys you guys being welcoming to me that makes me feel good But you guys are fun as hell and I love all that you really love yeah they're fucking awesome bro i love I love seeing you pop up on the other shows and stuff like that. I love when you come up here on Saturday night, dude. You're fucking awesome as hell. Just because you can hide behind a telephone pole doesn't mean anything. And you don't talk about magnets, so you're it's it's great. track Untrackable? Where are you, untrackable? Oh, sorry. I didn't see you hiding behind that grave, right? Right. Hey, Blaze.
I went to Home Depot the other day and I got two magnets and I put them between my head oh my god you can't give a fucking yeah No, but i wanted to when you're on but i wanted you no I'm sorry, but if you lose it on DMT No, here's what was funny but That dude was up here last weekend and blazes having a conversation with him and didn't realize he was having a conversation with a magnet guy. I did And at that point, I didn't know who was more stoned. I was like, I literally messaged later. You know that's magnet guy. I took the magnets and I put them between my head and I was like, I'm going to murder my whole family.
And then the goddamn therapist and then it's t and the and I realized the only time that I'm like really lucid and like, I know where I'm at is when I'm on DMT motherfucker. You are. That's the, you done smoked yourself. Stupid.
that That's a bit much, Isaac. God love you, man. But I think you might need to get Isaac here. Hi, Isaac. He's fun, but but he's got all doses. Well, he started off fine last week. You know who I you know who I miss? Just me.
No. Oh. Oh, you're talking about. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers, everyone. Cheers. Cheers, everyone. Fucking Hodor. Hodor. That night, that night, he went off on a tangent trying to... He's been up here two or three times. Yeah, but the one day... He's been doing it every time. The one day, he was telling us that he could do a better show than us and then sent us proof. And it was the worst video I've ever seen.
do you remember that? He was like, I could have a better argument and he literally sent us a video of him losing an argument. I'll be 100% honest with you. I didn't watch the video. Oh, dude. It was a horrible. I had all the proof I needed as him coming up here on on Saturday night II II II. He was great. He was he was a fun guest but man, a lot. He he he he.
ri jad one say rickgie bad okay yeah Yeah. Rick James once said, drugs are a powerful thing. Like it was like having blades and 40

Drinking and Shock Humor

other stoners in one person. yeah But, but the blaze part of him was just the weed. The dude was drinking, the dude was drinking ever cleaner and he was drinking ever cleaner.
and and and And like, and like steel reserve or something. And it was just like, what was he he was direct what was the other thing he was drinking? He was drinking beer with his Everclear, but it was cheap beer. And it wasn't even good Everclear. It was like a generic version of Everclear. Or was he drinking that, that whack ass, that whack ass Russian vodka that comes in the plastic bottle? Yeah, it was, no, it was Everclear. No.
No, he was no never good because he made a point to say he's ever clear. It's awesome. I was like, yeah, in high school. This last week. No, this is before you start to come out regular. this This is a kid that just randomly popped up on Saturday night one time when Brian was here. man And we were like to the point where Brian sent me messages going, what the fuck is going on? I'm like, nothing. Just go with it.
he's on your report with you we we have a clip We have a clip of him on yeah on our social media. There's there's a TikTok, ah ah a reel and a short on our social media of when he was on that show on the show that night. One of the times he was on the show. It was hilarious. Well, the last time he was here, banging his sister. Yeah. Oh, yeah. just he He had, he, he was talking about how much money he's got and he showed us his TV, but it looked like one of those TVs that was like the projector big screens. It was a TV from 1997. It was a turn. yeah I was like, I was like, I was like, Hey bro. I was like, Hey, bro. You, uh, you, uh, you had an Alabama fan. He was like, I had a turn. Yeah. In 92.
I was like, I was like, Hey, bro, you, uh, you an Alabama fan who would look like the type of guys fucking his sisters. like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, Whoa, wait a minute. Are you fucking your sister? What's going on here? Fucking my sister. What's wrong with that? Well, I could succeed all the above. Glick. Yeah. no Roll tide. Come here, sis. You're not the only one coming over here. Roll tide. Quit gagging on you fucking pussy.
I'm actually trying to be holy ****. We laughed so hard after he jumped off. So so while just look at that video. um I got a couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. First of all, that's too **** bad. You piece of **** first and foremost. Little son of a **** is going to learn to respect.
that if God damn it. Everybody's got buttons. This dumbass don't know how to use buttons. He's like, he's removing everybody.
Bring him back. Why did Blaze get kicked off? I don't know. I think Blaze kicked himself off. I did. I knew it to myself.
way y got boys i i want fine No, I felt left out. Blaze is like, yeah, he's like, Blaze has got serious FOMO over there. He's like, fuck it. I'm going to kick myself out. and I'm one of the cool guys. Hey, wait, think what's happening? off I can be cute, don't do. No,

Social Media Antics

I have a, I hit like they have a. Oh, face.
i have I have a new addiction. I'm a switch. and and i
Gay porn is not an addiction, buddy. It's OK. It's a I call my fetishes addictions, too. It's OK. We've all been there. Connor's like, I'm an avid pastryist. If you don't know what gay is,
I have a baloney fetish. It's okay. It's an education. Look, as we said, as we said on Wednesday night, we here at the Nonsense Ooh Network. Nikki. Nikki, I need to talk to you. Nikki. Oh, you're alive. Connor's yelling at you. He needs to talk to you. Nikki. She said about what? Nikki, he's sleeping with somebody else. Nikki.
He said, Nikki, he's sleeping with someone else because I'm banging his mom. She said, oh, I know. Who do you think gives her water and food in her cage?
an gocon is wrong I hate that you knew where I was going with this. Dude, she just simply calm, calm, collected. She's like, I know.
and you stevie wonder saw where you were going with thats my my mind speaking speaking it speaking of speaking of mickey well for ashes ah speaking of me hello speaking of nicole a car also also named as
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Martha Gutierrez Ramirez, Rodriguez Yoder over here, AKA, AKA, I may be a little drunk. somebody and Somebody in this house got really fucking hammered last night. hey and hey dude And gentlemen, it was not me. yeah but I'm just saying.
I know that you you've been around for a while and you expect to have many years Before you go away before you finally die, but some of us have a time limit So we don't want to wait on the second coming of Jesus before you actually get to your fucking punchline buddy So if you could just hurry that next joke up a little faster Why are you gonna tell everybody my business ah because this is what we do. We do a podcast and we share our lives and so long, you know, you get this. This is this was Nikki last night. The other statement of my salami at three o'clock in the morning, while she's scrolling through her phone, calling every contact she has at three o'clock in the morning. Hey, maybe a little drunk. Yeah. go we never do You
That was the understatement of the year. Nikki, did you call your ex? No, no, you didn't call an ex, did you? I don't have any of my ex's phone numbers. yeah Wait, can you actually hear me? Yeah, she's got one of my earbuds in. Hi, Nikki.
you're not You're not as old as Glick, so it doesn't matter how old I think that you might be. Your husband is always older. That's Jeff. That's Jeff.
That's Connor's dad in the corner. That's me. The moment you said she has one of your earbuds in, I'm like, oh, really? I got myself an idea. Play the other one, Blaze. Wait, but and shit too he was my favorite. No, he's not calling you a cougar. Just the only one calling you old.
Oh, I didn't say all. I said gliy i said glip Glick, Glick robbed the cradle and you got mad. um Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. First and foremost, first and foremost there, Dildo, she's older than me. Oh. I'm only 23. That's the biggest load of horseshit I've ever heard. You're 43. She's older than me. You're 43. I'm 44. It's not that big of a deal.
I'm 23, she's 44. That's really, yeah. Numbers don't lie. I'm just saying. If it was like a decade, that'd be like something. It's two decades. It's over two decades. I'm 23. Glick, I've seen the black and white pictures of you. Shut up. It's 15 months. Have you seen the pictures of me and Jesus? ah I have the picture. They didn't have photography back then.
At least that's a full year. no i My wife heard the difference between April and September. And I tell as soon as my birthday hits, I start telling her she's older. Yeah, then she is. But she's like, no, it hasn't been my birthday yet. And I'm like, fuck you, bitch. Same you. Oh, by the way, ah chairs got lady. was fliing at this earlier too Let's do a drink.
Chairs? Yeah, chairs, motherfuckers. I went for a shot. Are you up you by chance in Alabama? What?
ah here Are you by chance in Alabama, man? I grew up in Alabama for a bit. like joe I don't know who to fuck. Is there an Alabama person? sister apparently six they everybody
My shift sister, year I don't know anything about
I couldn't hear half of what he was saying because that shitty ass music was in the background. He didn't. Well... He's just... Oh, it's... And just to be clear, he was pouring a shot of Everclear out of a handle of Everclear. Am I correct? Yeah.
Oh, he was gone. By the way, Mickey said bye, guys. She's gonna go die. later in nick by nicki i'll two of you i would rather that glick die so everybody do a a favor if you could do us a favor I don't know.

Internet Content Permanence

yeah so so do and they and they don't realize the internet is forever you know they and fact that we I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, sometimes i should I say shit that I know I shouldn't. Really? able I still haven't said anything that is as am and Jeff may or may not have said. Nobody asked you, Connor. What are you talking about, Connor? i I don't know. I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you. Might you think that I might be talking about Blaze? No. Please in enlighten me, sir.
I'm not going to enlighten you. Spell it out. It could be. It could be. Spell it out. The word of today is... Oh,
I thought you were going to say a different one. No. No. Just the word of today is... Love thy neighbor. That's my fucking word of the day. Iggers, cocks.
What did you say? My neighbor talks. That means, um you know, play good music and ah scream at your friends while you're drunk and you can't hear each other talk over the music. Like, hey, if they're they're your neighbors, join them in on the party. They don't know. They're trying to sleep. It was like, wake them up. Be like, hey, come party. You can't call the cops on me. I invited you over.
break into your neighbor's house, and as they're sleeping, pour a shot of Everclear in their mouth, they'll wake up and be ready to party. That's it. Wait, what? What? What are we? We force feeding our neighbors alcohol and fucking them? What? Whoa. we're got a frankla Whoa. One of your neighborhoods, you son of a bitch. Here's a shot. Check your stick. nine like just take this. I'm going to split. let's say Jeff. Jeff. You have a job to do but one hour by 54 minutes. five One hour by 54 minutes. Jeff.
at map One hour. Got my keyboard here. I'll quote that shit. I don't give a god damn. That was funny.
and funny shit man but in the goddam neighborhood drake philed
i got look at it's happening so fast i don't know what's going on but i like it i like it love you That's the one that I want that's the clip that I want Well, what's that? What you just said, I'm not going to repeat that because then you'll clip it and turn it around on me. No. ive Because I've been around the block a time or two. All right. Well, risk are you talking about? Yeah, you have. So is your mom.
You and your mom have something in common. You both like to go around the block on the old Glickeroos. Give you know, what I mean pulling myself tonight. is it's today's sorry And I want to fuck you. Let me write that. day i i would say You I have like I have almost four years worth of audio. There are plenty of clips against everybody on this show.
We're all, were we're, we're, we're all guilty of something at some point in time. We're all fucked. Did Jeff just fire himself?
What can only help? Saves me the energy. I've definitely said some crazy stuff as jokes. Uh, I've definitely said some crazy stuff that probably I didn't even realize what I was doing, but once it clicked in and somebody showed me the, you know, the back.
The rewind, especially when I was sober, it was like, oh, welcome to the internet. and so yeah what help you the internet ah Sometimes I say things and I get random clips. I'll stay and buy it. I get like random clips from Jeff, ran like out of nowhere.
of me saying um ah something that's off the cuff or out of context. I'm like, I shouldn't have said that. i there No, I shouldn't have said that. no Not that there's any wrong anything wrong with that. It's just, it's not me. Hey, but sometimes you got to just say, fuck it. We'll do it live. Yeah. We'll do it live. Fuck it.
Oh, you made me feel some type of. So I'm going to talk about an infinite way to the mother. You know what I'm saying?
i i do We've been saying your mama jokes since. Oh, I'm always like, well, I'm always making fun of. It's a good time.
o I just realized I have, I have Microsoft whiteboard. I can do whiteboard shit. I don't know what that means, but it sounds a little racist. Oh no, like a whiteboard for like lectures and stuff. I do whiteboard shit. brendda yeah I have a studio in my bedroom. yeah ah which We all know I'm a pack in a mayo.
Hey, what's the only fans? it me what What is the link or what is, what what is, what do I do on my only fans? Hold on a second. what do What are we asking here? Now that puts a different question in my mind and i I'm um'm not even going to ask it because I'll probably scare myself. My OnlyFans is so lame right now. However,
Nikki's got ideas, and I think we're actually going to do that this year. So we've only got a couple of months left. Well, it's it's season months later's really it's seasonally themed for the pictures she wants to do. So that's a really good question. What is my only fans? I have no idea. And there's some girl asked me the other day last week or It was a joke question. I don't know where that was going. At the end of the day, man, I have learned things about people that I've known for a long time because I do have like separate social media for it. And a few guys have followed me and they've made comments and I'm like, wait a minute.
You like dudes? And they're like, yeah, bro, you didn't know. I'm like, no, I had no idea. So Jeff is screen recording, apparently, is what he sent me. What? I asked him, I was like, is his internet fucking up? He's like, no, screen record. I don't know what he's doing. I just, I just chick asked me about my only fans. So this is, so this is when we want to incriminate Jeff.
yeah I don't know. Yeah, I don't know what he's what he's screaming for me. Jesus. Oh, yeah. I don't know. All you have to do is go to his phone and. um Just go to YouTube, but I had to ask you my only fans like last week or something like that. And she's like, and I didn't you know how to explain it. I was like, I don't know. There's just pictures of me on there. I'm not naked. So I don't know. but but You do you move.
yeah I'm like, she's like, should I subscribe or not? And I'm like, yeah, you should totally subscribe to it. Duh, I need the money, bro. you know Like I'm having to get on the internet. You should totally subscribe for it.
got a double I just watched a video short that along with that, like, like and subscribe thing. It was like, These creators should really stop ah their statements of, oh, yes, please like, share and subscribe. You know, stop being like that, yada, yada, yada. And then they end it with, please like, share and subscribe. Yeah. mean But if somebody comes to you, should I subscribe? Bitch, I don't know. Yes, they're like, yeah, you should. Why are you asking? like just friend
Yeah. Go subscribe. Be disappointed. I don't know. There's no refunds. Sorry. There's no refunds. You like my toes? Yeah. You like my butthole? Surprise! It's my butthole. You stupid hoes. You like my matchbox cars, bitch? Do you have videos of you playing? Here's a shot. Check your stick.
Guess where this pool ball's going? yeah You got videos you you play with yourself on there? Yep. You should subscribe. if Click on the video and it's be played with like action figures. Yeah.
Dummy. I don't know, man. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. facial, just recording my facial expressions every time I take a dump.
call it all my good There's different dumps. Only dumps. in thedomes Get your foam fingers out.
a bit
And each video ends with just this. One of your neighbors, you son of a bitch. Here's a shot. Check your stick. nine Welcome. What? Why is your video quality so bad on that? Because I had to zoom into you. Well, I'm not even going to zoom in. When I screen record it, it supports the whole screen.
Uh, yeah, you pick the whole clip and show the whole panel. You gotta get the full effect. I can do that. i could do that Yeah, you gotta get the full effect, man. ah You don't think I won't fucking post that up on social media? I will.
one Click where the hell's your neighborhood? I want to move in there. Let me do you. who Guys, you will not believe the influx of new neighbors I have. It's so weird.
You know what? It is Saturday night. It is open door challenge. Anybody's

Men's Mental Health Show

invited up, isn't it? Is that link in the... Just drop that link. It's been a while since we dropped that link. It has been a while. Jeff's family. Yeah, just don't call me gay because the truth hurts and we've been telling jokes up here.
That's the other thing that's so cool. Jack, when you first started coming up here, bro, you were like, You just got to come in and you were real stoic. It didn't say a whole lot, but like you, you loosened up so much and you just jump into the conversation. It was like, okay, they're all gay. I'm just going to be gay with them. The only difference is we just pretend to be gay. You can't beat them. Join them. Oh, come on, man. I was about to say, Hey, if you're getting some scratch from that only fans, like I'll wash your car in a bikini.
shit Hey, i I mean they want they want content with other people. We could do a whole video It's untrackable night and I'm doing a car wash and a bearded car wash
there on ki
God damn it, our man Keniez would wash a car. What was that goddamn song from Top Gun that was playing during the super gay volleyball scene? What the song was playing? I love that movie too. I love Top Gun, but that that that movie was so gay. ah so is It's a great movie and I love Maverick, but even in Maverick, it was just like,
This is really gay.
And and honestly, it's like um I don't know if it's something that I paid attention to, but I was like, why are there dogs playing with a boy? That was the name of the song. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Yeah. It popped in my head. I was actually getting ready to start a second day. I want to be rude and interrupt the conversation. Some of us have manners around here, Jeff. So are you?
just just a track of what I do in a car wash and mankinis with playing in the background.
we have encourage today Here's a shot. Good times.
Hey man, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, uh, it could take off. We could, we could retire, brother. I, uh, a little, uh, a little
but two bids one truck, two beers, one Honda. tell until you wanted v the The amount.
The amount of dudes that are like, I was talking to Nikki today. You know what? To make it a little bit gayer, you need to wash a Honda Ridgeline. I'm just saying. I was talking to Nikki today and I feel, I feel, I feel for the ladies, women out there, I feel for you. Dudes are disgusting and and they're brazen. And some of the things that I've been told or some of the things that dudes have said to me off of posts that I make and I put on Instagram and stuff like that. I'm like, Oh, shit. Like, I feel bad for women, man. I really do. I feel you, ladies. Men are disgusting things. I actually have a preview of what that video would look like of, of you to Washington, Washington, a truck. Um,
but suggestion
It's Justin Long and Dodgeball cleaning that fucking Chevy seat. and do what's more interesting than the dog is even. No, but what's funny is in the scene, the guy says they're playing with the belly button and he's like... You know what the crazy thing is? You need to make it a Ford. Make it a Ford and make it in the background.
Brown chicken brown cow. Yeah. if If I'm trackable and I did a ah car wash in our bag kitties, we'd be lined up around the block with Ford F-150s.
I'd have to get like a beaded braids on my pubes to hang out, you know what I'm saying?
what What is hanging out from the bottom of your man can eat my balls my balls Oh my god the lord but for So bad
So bad, so bad. I just picture of the conversation in hell. What'd you guys do to get here? Clean the trunk?
What'd you guys do to get here? Watch this video. What is this? It's a nonsensical network. Got it. You guys did a show for men's mental health. Why'd you end up here? Hold on a second. Let's skip to Saturday. Keep scrolling. Keep scrolling. Well, you got a music show. That's cool. Nice. Nice. Giving upcoming artists the opportunity to be spotlighted. Nice. Nice. What did you guys do to end up here?
Keep it going. but Oh, a news show. Oh, cool. Cool. That's funny. I like the penis report. Everybody loves a penis report. I know. ah I'm just saying. Yeah. you Got a movie show. We still don't know what you did to end up here. Oh, we got a football show and a motor sports show and a wrestling show. Oh, look, that's cute. You do a show with your son. We still don't see the problem. Hey, that music show is fun. I don't care what you say. I didn't say anything about your movie show.
I'm just fucking with you. um I was listening, but I wasn't listening. I will cancel your movie show.
And the famous words of our... Go ahead. Oh, no, I was going to say, like, if you if you look at, like, the big names, that was before ah this type of interactive abilities were going on, I guess.
So they were just showing themselves. They were basically talking to the adults the entire time. But now that you get to interact with others and you get to let people like myself come up,
yeah ah some people try to come up here, you know, the trolls and the stuff like that and the drama and stuff like that. But if you guys do really good on staying on topic, ah like, you know, tonight's free night, ah apparently. but But when you guys are on topic,
Um, you got to stay on topic, but you stay you, you stay true to yourselves and your opinions and who you are and where you come from and all that. And you're, you're interactive with your chats. I really appreciate that. You know, when I pull up and it's not like open, but you know, sometimes I'll kick a joke or sometimes I'll react to what you guys are saying. That's just me. But I think this is a really good platform as a real true people and like, yeah, free nights, free nights. We say anything we want, but.
You know, it's about good times, but your guys, other shows, um, I don't watch the sports too much because I'm, I'm kind of boycotting for personal reasons, not, not media reasons. Well, cause you're a Panthers fan. yeah I quit watching what I see the highlights and it's just like, all right, maybe next year.
But I'm doing that with all sports. Like I'm not watching the canes. I'm not watching. I don't watch. I don't watch any sports anymore, but it's hard boycotting sports for a

Sports and Weather Extremes

whole other reason. i I say I'm done with the Cleveland Browns and then they fuck around and do some crazy shit like they did Thursday night. Here we go brownies. Here we go. boom
Dude, I know you guys are not sports fans, but you gotta watch. You gotta look up clips from Thursday nights game. It was Cleveland versus Pittsburgh and the game started and it was just like a normal and and like this happened. Like literally in two plays there was a play. Just windy and kind of cold up in Cleveland. You could see the field and then the very next play it was a complete whiteout.
dude, they got like, I did see that. I didn't see that eight inches of snow dumped on or more dude. Like there was times during the game that you couldn't even see the players on the field. Cause the snow was coming down so heavy and they played against the Steelers, Schitzberg screamers and the Browns won and the rounds won and the rounds won and the rounds won.
Mickey's dad, Mickey's dad. We were kind of talking a little bit of shit. He was like, you're only as good as your record shows. And I was like, yeah, but the now three and a Cleveland Browns beat the now eight and three Pittsburgh Steelers. Your logic really isn't math in here. Yeah. You're only, it is asked thank yeah you're only as good as your record. And and like you're, you're, you come into the game nine and two and we came into the game two and eight or whatever the records were.
and you got beat and you got beat. that's it in and deep
So shout out to my Cleveland Browns. Yeah, that dog was definitely like here. Take it out on me. Yeah. However, the Browns, egg I don't know about you guys. one I'm warning.
i second honor so playing cost me in my new addiction I lost my parlay, my six leg parlay by one. Ouch. How much you lose? Oh no, I bet $5 and I won but i wouldn't want to win 15 grand. Yeah. I was six leg parlay.
the The problem with parlay is one fuck up. high appeal i I hit fucking leg of the parlay because the bounds are dog shit. And I was like, Pittsburgh's going to run their asses. I thought first touchdown of the game was going to go to Najee Harris. And it didn't. And that cost me 15 grand. yes Damn.
Yeah. A $5 bet. I've been saying for years. A $5 bet would have made me 15 grand. I've been saying for years that if I took, if I actually listened to unnecessary roughness, I could take that info and go to the casino. But then I have that issue where like, I'll put $5 down on a parlay and one of these guys will be wrong and I'm fucked. I'm outside. I can't, i dude I can't, I can't wait until this, so I can't wait until tomorrow.
i can't wait till tomorrow cause i'm making a part like tomorrow You put another five on it It becomes as somebody that spent like a year every night going to the casino. I don't recommend it Well, I lived off a casino for a year yeah well here's How do you live off a casino Well, first of all, my wife and I would but finish work and we'd go to the casino or we'd skip work and go to the casino and play craps all night. First of all, they would give me free food. And we would we would always go with, we're going to put 20 bucks down. If we lose, we go home. But we'd win like two, $300. And then go- No, we we, I think for the entire year, we were up two grand.
So, so tomorrow being Sunday and being game day, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, okay I, mean so I just signed up with DraftKings. So when you sign up with DraftKings, you get all the bonus money, the free money. Oh, okay. I got to drop a good app right back. When you put X amount of money in and whatnot. Um, I only put $25 on my account. You know what I mean? Nothing crazy. Um, and I spent $5 the other night. So, you know what I mean?
But I'm going to drop a couple parlays tomorrow. um And then you could do like in-game bets and shit like that. And you could do bets on drives and shit. like so much honor ob be and Tomorrow Sunday with the big day. um I'm going to drop me kind of, I think I'm going to put a $5 bet on kind of a crazy parlay. Where's the echo coming from? from
I don't know. my design yeah I usually make gay jokes about Glick, but you look like you're in the position to receive right now. I'm just saying. Connor, do you have one? Yeah, I think that's Connor's mic. Picking it up. Yes, that's that's that's Connor's mic. Yep. She muted him. Well, I didn't even mute him. I have a buddy of mine. Hold on one second. I gotta find the second one.
It's car. I don't know. if I don't know if it's Connor. Well, on track was already muted. Oh, it is common. It is common. Yeah. Yeah. There it is. is It is common. Yeah. Turn your answer down. Check this. He's watching us on YouTube. He's watching us on YouTube. Why he said that is that. But no. So tomorrow being the big day tomorrow, be an actual. so Oh, yeah. He does that tomorrow actually be in Sunday. I'm going to drop a couple parlay, but I could bet anything from a dollar.
up to however much. Yeah. Well, I had a buddy of mine during baseball season. He would pay for his entire year betting on baseball and he would bet inning for inning. Well, that's killing me. He would bet inning for inning. Yeah. And like being baseball, he would, yeah, he would bet inning for inning and be like, yeah, I'm wearing shorts.
did did I did did not need that. I did not need that. It was the first time I've worn anything on this show below the waist. You feel a little crispy, a little slutty Saturday night, you little dirty boy. I'm here with the boys.
I watch that video Justin Long playing that Chevy. I'm not sure I have any. Get that OBS. Yeah. No, but ah he would go and like, he'd be like, hey, you want to go to the casino? So we watch the game. I'm like, why do I don't like give a fuck about sport? Like, you would have loved Albert. Unfortunately, he did die in 22. Yeah, that's should that's it. That's your buddy. He was a Cowboys fan, right? Is that your time? Yeah. Yeah. And I remember you, too.
Like you and him would have gotten along like gangbusters when it came to sports with the exception of you guys like opposite teams, but he's a Cowboys fan. So i yeah well, he's from Texas. What are you going to do? It's like, it's like inbreeding it. yeah but they Yeah, but they have two teams in Texas. I mean, like, I mean, Brian, Brian, he's Mexican, but at least he likes a good, at least he likes a good team in Texas. He likes the Houston Texans formerly known as the Houston Oilers.
ah Well, I mean, yeah, he cancels each other out. Yeah. I mean, he's Mexican and he drives a Ford, but he does like the Houston, Texas. He also likes the Steelers. Albert would would drag, like we'd go to the casino and, and I, my wife would be playing craps for a little bit. And I'm like, I'm going to go over and watch sports book for a little bit. And Albert would be sitting there like three feet away from the wall of screens. Good. I could go.
I'll be, I'll be 100% honest. I don't know anything about this sport. Like I've, I've always had DraftKings and I've always had Fandool and the way it was before, before the, before the sports books and stuff, it was like fantasy football. The only difference was, is you picked your team every week. So every week you pick the new lineup and I got, I got on Fandool.
ah It was about 10, 12 years ago. I started doing Fandool. And like Saturday nights when I did, when I was on Periscope on Saturday nights, like that was, there was, there would be a ah bunch of people that would come in and ask like for my Sunday picks for Fandule. Yeah. they Because, because, because, well, no, they were, do they were, they were setting their lineups on Fandule because I got Fandule. And when I first signed up for Fandule, you, you, you did positive $10 and you got a hundred dollars. Okay. That $10 that I put in.
I still have money on my FanDuel account from that original $10 from 10 or 12 years ago. And I've withdrawn money. I mean, there was there was weeks where I would win $600, $700, $800, and I would withdraw everything except for $10. Yeah. But I've been playing with house money for over a decade at this point on FanDuel.
Well, the sports, the sports books are all new to me and trying to figure out, like, I don't know the money line and the over. Well, that's the really good thing. When when you go to the sports book, they have it printed out right there, but jack can teach you I'm sure, yeah but, but the parlays.
are self-explanatory. Yeah. and I mean, it's like any time touchdown. First to score. If I ever, when I go to the sports book and bet, like all ah like on a like, what was it a couple of years ago when it was you, me and Tony, I asked you guys who's going to win the fucking Super Bowl. And I went to the casino and made money. I'm still waiting on my percentage. And you're still not going to get it.
That's all right. Don't worry, buddy. Eventually, my associates will show up and break your kneecaps. But see, once again, the beauty you now having a football show, I don't have to ask anymore. I just watched the football show right before the Super Bowl and go, OK, these guys say this guy, this team. I'm going to go bet on that team. I'll be right back. Hey, if you have a problem gambling, call 1-800. Find somebody else's mom to spend more time with. You know what I'm saying?
ah know i think like I think for a year, I lived off of casino burgers and coke from the casino because we would look my wife and I would wake up in the morning and what you know we'd lie in bed till noon and go to the casino when they open up the craps table and we'd close down the casino every night.
I mean, I would hit up Jeff's mom, but that woman is literally a goddamn saint. She makes Mother Teresa look bad, so. She seemed like, yeah, you know, I mean, my mind was like, damn, I don't know. What's up? What's up, mom? How's it going? Not today, like, you need Jesus. Yeah, exactly. you I know. I know, mom, but. I've seen your fuckers show. You guys need Jesus. You just saw the first two episodes. Calm down. boom We've gotten better.
life works. Jeff and I, Jeff and I successfully, Jeff and I successfully made his mom curse for the first time in her life. Oh, no. Jesus to needing an exorcism. That, that goddamn message I got from your mom. I'll never forget that. I need to find it. I need to find it. She said, Christopher.
yeah oh i got an earful buddy

Family Reactions to Podcast

i got an ear on a favor second I got a Facebook message. Almost four years ago, when Chris and I started Nonsensical Nonsense, school nonsense you know we we were we spent like weeks on the phone every day and they were and Chris is like, we should start a podcast. I was like, when do we start? you know and And I reached out to my mom, hey, Chris and I are starting a podcast. What's a podcast? I explained it to her, blah, blah, blah. She's like, oh. I didn't even know Jess and Mom knew how to work social media.
She doesn't. She asked my sister, how do I get on to Facebook? But no ah she, I said, I'll send you a link to our first, you know, when we start doing it. And we went live. The first episode we did live, my mom was there and which when we got done, she had listened to the first two recorded ones. And then episode three, we went live and did it.
And that's when mom was like, you guys need Jesus. It was like, yeah, good luck. I got, I got, I got a message after the second episode. I didn't even know his mom was on Facebook. Was in all can it all It was just a randomness of our conversation. His mom sent me a message on Facebook, all caps, Christopher. Mm-hmm.
You boys need Jesus. And I'm like, first and foremost, I'm going to read your letters when you talk to me, ma'am. Second of all. She called me the next day. um I'm pretty sure he's been Jesus for a chair every once in a while. just Trust me, Jesus quit on us a long time ago. He's like, these motherfuckers. Dad. She called me the next day after that first live episode, she was like,
I like that you guys are having fun. I will not be listening anymore. She let her know now that you let a fucking atheist up here, you guys need Jesus even more. She asked me the other day. She's like, you know, because yeah her and I talk all the time and I said, she's like, how is the podcast? well what's that what's What's that like? What's that like to be able to talk to your mom every day? It's pretty cool. But she says,
Does it sound um like i explained to her sound like something like this? That's when I talked to Connor's mom. Yeah. But I was explaining to my mom that we started a network now, that we have like eight shows. And she's like, oh, God, helpless. I said, it's actually pretty good. good And I was explaining, I said, we do a men's mental health show. And she's like,
why you guys? I'm like, hey, don't look at me. I'm not on it. Somebody's got to do it. When I told her about the news show, she lost it. She's like, I will not listen to that. Come on, it's fun.
We do a penis report. I was going to him, you gotta watch the penis report, mom. Come on. Hey, mom. Hey, mom. What's the matter with you? are you know like the penanuts through you know watching the pe right There's a video chat thing and my brother-in-law's in the background. I love the penis report. It's fucking hilarious.
that's that's important about ah That's a good point really about having different shows too because you know that's what even what the biggies do they just put these places out there and they could go from ah you know the cat getting pulled out of the tree by the firefighters to you know some local crime to the weather Oh, hey, breaking news. Planes just flew into the tower and you got these same jackasses that were just laughing with a guest comedian a minute ago. Yeah. Telling you about some of the worst shit you've ever heard in your life. Yeah, no that's that's been one of the cool things. Like I've got messages from people. du You know, and this is this is directed to me specifically that friends of mine and whatnot. And they're like, you know, we really love getting to see the different sides of you.
with the with the music show with and at the time I was doing Mondays and and they're like like we we know the Saturday night gla like we we like we know all these different sides of Glick but it's cool that you're putting it out there and doing these different shows and sharing it with everybody else because that's like and like I said these are actual friends of mine people that I've known for years and and some people that you know Jeff as well they're like we get to see the full spectrum of the Glick that we know and love, because you you you you show all your different sides. Like Shrek said, I'm an onion. I'm an onion. Layers. And that's it. With like that comfortability of where you do what you do, especially with the media stuff, because it's usually, hey, i'm I'm a fox, I'm a CNN, I'm a
I'm as far as those live feeds that never stop fuck them but so what you your thing too. It's similar because please if I'm an asshole, if I'm an asshole, I want to have fun with assholes, but at the same time, unlike every we we went wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
unemployment look clinton dead asia
I want to get my news from assholes. I want to I want to hear the putney stories from assholes. You know, if if that's how I am, that's where I'm going to go. Well, that's the the the beauty of doing the network is is we have. You know that.
When we, the first time we didn't do a penis report, like the second episode or third or something like that, people were pissed. Yeah. Like I did, I did, I did a penis story and then like, two and then like two episodes that went by and there was no penis story. and and And even in the chat, it was like, where's the bird stories? And then likems are like, so I was like, Jeff, we got to do mandatory penis stories every week.
Last week, I didn't do penis stories, but I did fill it in with something just as good. I'm still horrified, too. Yeah. What did you do? Jeff told me, but I wasn't listening to it. It was. It was. It was something orifices. Oh, yeah. That's right. Orific or purposes. What do you do? Orifices. Goddamn you. You you sons of bitches and porpoises. You killed Mark and Brian. No.
It was horrifying. um i p R.I.P. to Mark and Brian. They they formerly host of the former host of talking shit. They molested a manatee and they were murdered by dolphins. They were involved in a massive prison style. Graping by a group of dolphins and R.I.P. Rest in power brothers.
Your show will never be there. Oh, wait. The show is never good. And I made it better. I subscribe to them, but I haven't got any notifications lately that they even go live. They go live. Actually, they went live Friday while you and I were live. I can give you a synopsis of their show. They do interviews, but they know nothing about their guests. So it's like, hey, yeah welcome to the show. What's the food like in L.A.?
Well, I don't want to hear. Hey, Richie. Hey, Richie Ramone. You want to hear about my wife's food? No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I mean, it's not it's not ah it's not a bad it's not a bad show for AI. but You know, RIP to our podcasting brothers, Mark and b Brian. I'm glad that they can continue to keep their their show alive through AI. You know? That's a lot of work.
but Rest in power. Rest in power, my friends. I heard they got an ace in the hole with a sports show that was, that's coming out in September. Wait, it's November. Wait, uh, no, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's, um, look, look, I hear, I hear that they're there, there, that there's a sports show coming in and gaming and, uh, and a lot of things, uh, from what, I mean, don't talk about it, be about it.
You goofy bastard. I mean, we got to. I'm not going to. I'm not going to poo poo on talking shit. But come on. I do it. What are you going to do? But come on. Go live about it and talk to their followers. But come on. But you got to do what you got to do. And I've kind of done it on my own, not broadcasting

Exploitation and Authenticity

on my own, but I've been on some friendly channels that, you know,
really had no point, it was just people hanging out. And it was like, hey, I'm listening to y'all, but I'm gonna turn my camera forward and point it at my TV and play my video game. And people got to watch me play video games. Some people said something every once in a while. They're like, hey, what but what's he doing down there? That looks like more fun than the fucking conversation we're having. So I think everybody has to be doing something somewhere.
By the way, don't forget it is an open panel. It is the open door challenge. So if you're watching us and you're on YouTube, the chat is in the link, hit that link or hit that link and come on up here and hang out with us. Um, i c t yeah no like every once in a while on, on, on marks on marks. I'm sorry to and interrupt, but I haven't.
So every time I see one of their shows, it's always veteran oriented. And as a veteran, you please stop excluding us. Yeah, but it's that i say that's what I fucking said it. I agree 100%. And let's be honest, and let's call the show what it is. It's the Rob Mello and we I joined the military because I got a small penis and I was a douchebag in high school. Let me stroke off veterans for you. yeah that's what i it' it's it's it's It's Rob Mello, the angry veteran, and Wes, who was a douchebag in high school and thinks that he's a tough guy because he was in the army. That's all it is. It's the Robin West show.
They don't get anybody else on there. I don't hold on hold on hold on and You can ask you you can ask Jeff. I don't I don't really follow my veteran status too much, but sometimes I see veterans And you're like, oh I'm a veteran Glick every day I And I'm like, I don't know what that, I don't know what that has to pertain with the fact that we're talking about like, please. I don't know what we're talking about. Trains spotted. You're like, I just want you to know I'm a veteran. I'm going to pause my camera with my bowl.
Every, every time I talk to blaze, he brings it up like 20 times and he's um selling like, and it bro. get it throw ahead i had that off my I get it. You sat down on a chair in the Air Force. um know i love rob I don't necessarily agree with Rob's political opinions or his political views, but I love Rob. I think he's awesome. I love the fact that, uh, you know, he comes in with that Boston attitude and he wants to talk shit, but yeah, West is a fucking nerd.
This is a good day to joke. He hurt my feelings. fuck I wasn't talking about any specific veterinary. They exploit the hell out of the, they exploit the hell out of the veteran thing.
yeah they they literally really But I would, I would say this too. It's like, um, you always have your references, uh, when you're trying to explain yourself to, to give some context to your point of view.
You know what I mean? So some people say, you know, back in college or back in, if, if, if, you if your latest reference is back in high school and your, your forties, you know, yeah, but people will understand it, but ah did you not like, uh, match and recreate along the way and do different things to, or you could have a reference from at least within the past decade. You know what I'm saying?
Blaze and I were just talking about this. Yeah, Blaze and I were just talking about this the other day. We were talking about, you know, seeing people now from when we was in high school and I was talking about there's there's there's and and and I know every school has it, but there's a group of guys who 24 almost 25 years later, they still wear their letterman jacket out every Friday and Saturday night. Yeah, they call oh dude i don't think did i I don't know if I showed you guys that anyways, hold on a second squirrel squirrel. I'm gonna need you to take a time out. We'll get you in a second. Um, no, you like I went, there's guys that I went to high school with who literally go out to the same local bar. We were going to over 16 on Fridays and Saturdays, and they married this.
They were hot and nice. Well, now they're just bad swabs. Yeah. Um, but they wear the letterman and they go and they tell the same goddamn story every Friday and every Saturday night. We were down 15 and three and I fucking caught the intersection and fuck off. I got fucking lightning bars, dude. Yeah. Like, like bro, like dude, that was 25 years. That was a generation ago.
it like calm down you know you're but the kid you had in high school is in high school now come back yeah like it's graduated high school yeah uh you know like yeah yeah every once in a while it's it's fun to reminisce about high school days and Jeff and I have done every weekend you know it blaze and I kind of did it a little bit the other day when we were chatting you know it was like a little uh you know it's funny to see where people are now Compared to then, some people turned out good. Some people, you know, you know why are you in my DMs? Have you looked at them here lately?
yeah and that's And that's where context matters because yeah if you go to a high school reunion, yeah, there's going to be a lot of reminiscing. Yeah. yeah yeah because it you're it's always gonna start from, oh, I know you from a third period or whatever. right But you never saw that person again. So then it's gonna be talked about, okay, I went here. But you're gonna find in the story where they pause and every reference goes back to their last experience or their last thing that they have to talk about. But if it stops at high school and you go, you know I went to college, I did the military thing.
Uh, I left the military. I, I, you know, I had to start over again. I got this shitty job and, and then you, you you know, you have yesterday to talk about, but they are still talking about the only thing that stuck in their brain. Yeah. oh what's it all You could, you could put my high school reunion any place on the planet. I'm not going. I just want to say. interest I just want I just want to say shout out to East Knox class of 2000. You guys are awesome. Well, no, you're not. You guys are a bunch of fucking tool bags and I think it's great that you fucking losers that are on the reunion committee do not send me never left me and never left your home fucking town. You never left your hometown. You still think you're in high school and you think you're winning because you don't send me an invitation to the class reunions.
i laugh at you good ah any page what It was a Bruce Springsteen song. ah well the you know the He talked to the the ball player that was in high school at the bar. He was about to leave. but And then he talked to the old girl that he used to know back in the day. It was like the good old times or some shit like that. I'm pretty sure it was a Springsteen song.

Stagnation vs. Ambition

you know I have a friend of mine that Well, I guess you'd call him a friend of mine. He was a friend in high school, but like, when we graduated, he was saying that he had never left hit hometown. He'd never been out of state. He is still never left home state. I'm like, dude, you're in your forties. You've never left Ohio? He's like, I have everything I need right here. And I'm like, ah. Well, well.
You don't you don't necessarily have to leave Ohio, but I know but I get it but like not even on vacation dude likely yeah like leave your hometown bro like move I don't think he's been more than than 200 miles from his hometown his entire life. I'm like dude that's kind of sad. and You know that's something to be said because everybody says oh if you don't know something just google it so you never have to leave your fucking seat.
You never have to. Hey, don't get me wrong. I, if I have to leave my house, it's a bad idea. I'm just saying, but boy I've been, blur you know, called perspective. You can watch pain and have empathy for what you believe to be, you know, somebody being injured, but have you ever gone out there and like tried to do something that, you know, look like fun and and actually like use your body to even risk it to know what it actually feels like. You ever lose your legs like Connor did? Oh, damn. I got to call that empathy. Like, i you know, I've risked mine, but, you know, knock on real legs, like nobody but I Knock on real legs. I'm sorry.
No, not at all. That's not perfect. Connor's a real piece of shit. I'm going to do a podcast, but I'm just going to walk away for an hour and a half. I don't know how the show's going to be after I tell Jeff he's no longer allowed to show up on Mondays. It's going to be an empty chair in silence. It'll be an empty chair, but his legs will be there. In spirit. Yeah. I like it.
i an alsous why Why don't they believe in ghost limbs like why why can't Casper's arm and legs like just wow whatever else more Well you you didn't hear about that chick that she identified as blind so she blinded herself You didn't hear about this this chick she's like she wanted to be blind so she blinded herself and ah I do believe you you fucking coattail riding single white female ass motherfucker Don't act like I'm not the one who got you they interview and got you hooked up with him Jesus Christ until you fucking MC and get on stage then you can talk. Sorry
but like b Blake I know for a fact, you know, you've been, you've been around the world because I have your former career. I've been around the world because of my former career on travel. You've been around the world. Connor's been around the world. Glick has at least left Ohio, but to never be more than 200 miles from your hometown in 40 fucking years. Damn, dude. I can't, you know, okay. So I understand what you guys are saying because, all right,
it is It is a privilege for people to be able to see the world. And unfortunately, not everybody has that privilege or realize they have that privilege or they don't have the money to do it. Well, no, let's be honest. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I think sometimes people realize that and they cope with it with telling themselves that this is all they really need. Okay, I see where you're going.
But anyway yeah like the the lack of funds is not his issue. No, no, no. I'm not saying any you know i get particular. I'm just saying in general. I mean, a lot of people I get it do get stuck where they're at because of you start to leave on your own excuses. Well, I will say this. too It's is um ah based off of what I've seen. I think it's like Taoism or something like that, ah where it's not necessarily that I have to be better than anybody else. I just have to be the best that I can be. And especially when you come from that rural America, no need for anything, ah your wants are important. So if you want to see what's behind that door and you don't look, you're probably going to have this like regret syndrome type of thing. But if you don't want what's beyond that door because
You look upon your pasture that you have and that you're, you know, a lot of times it's handed down, but that doesn't have to be a thing. If you're doing what you want to do all times, and there's no questions at any of those possible doors, whether it be travel or relationships or stuff like that, if you just do you always, and you don't have this warmth, yeah, you might miss out on what some of us have seen and be like, oh my God, bro, you got to see this.
Well, that was our won't, but as far as that, uh, you also have that need and, uh, none of us here talking to each other, if we didn't, you know, handle business, drink water, eat food, get some sunshine and have protection. My, my only desire in life is to be better than my past self.
My only desire in life is to fuck. i don't i understand you say you tell my backburn that's on my backburn on my back burn
wish i like to go at her back door wait whats not that backburn that's what you say with la you just check the bar really low i was just I was just about to say i and I and I already won You click send him a fucking belt No,
but you know what I mean like I don't for myself I don't judge myself against what blazes do or what clicks do or what kind of love what Connor's trying to do And when I'm tracking with I'm judging myself on my past self because the opportunities that other people's have, I may not have, or or or the the skill level that somebody has, I may not have. So the only person you judge is... Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead, sorry.

Self-Improvement Reflections

No, go ahead, go ahead, sorry. I was just saying, the only person you can really judge yourself, like, like it sounds dumb, but my hero is future me.
I don't. i I see what you're saying. I just think that our 93 billionaires betting is 20 year old wife. I'm just, I think, I think our past selves has already done in past. So I don't even think judging ourselves were by our past selves is even worth the thought either. What I mean by it though is like, it's like I want to be better than I was. Only, ah oh only God can judge me.
Is that right? i like up attach Only God can judge me, only God, baby. Nobody else. Nobody else. can judge me. No, anybody can judge me. I just don't. I just ordered Tupac. Sorry. Well, I think it sounds like a tattoo you got in prison. I ordered Tupac, you motherfuckers. You cracker pieces of shit.
um like if If I'm judging my past self to be a better me tomorrow, right? like Let's see, ah I met you guys and this was my first panel and I didn't know how to act. And um I just wowed out. But yeah yeah, exactly. And maybe maybe the way you made fun of me didn't make me feel so well or welcome or something like that. The next time I think about clicking on that link, not not just here, but anywhere, it'd be like, oh, I'm just gonna get made fun of.
Or I could judge myself and be like, Hey, wait, how, how did I act? And on some of these channels, uh, you can, you know, you guys post things, uh, you can go back and be like, Oh, that's why they were laughing at me because I acted like that. so i can't control them Right. I can't control them, but yeah like this type of place.
then i I can control myself, you know what I mean? yeah
I missed it. What's so funny? you i talking should re center No, but like, when I when I say I judge myself on my past, it's like, I want to be smarter, I want to be better, I want to, you know, it's it's that thing that keeps me pushing, keeps you know,
better like you home its all that fun yeah but you're but your past self doesn't exist anymore so you're judging yourself on nothing if that makes sense i'm judging myself on my past actions we'll put it that way okay there's always evidence yeah there go have i I guess this kind of goes into Prometheus's ship. Yeah, I always forget that you studied psychology and all that shit. I'm like philosophy way out of my depth. but I just have two words for you, people. Be better. really or or Or I have five letters for you. W. and wait W. W. I have four letters for you. W. W. G. D.

Casual Banter and Beer Jokes

What would Glick do? And then do the opposite. Do the opposite. That's why I'm the champion. What would Blaze do? What would Glick do? I'll tell you what Glick would do. I'm going to have another beer. Yeah, goddamn right. And bang on his mom. on his mom.
Well, I'm also in in the market for Mexican cows. So I'm about to Google that. I do. I have a Mexican cow. I'll sell it to you. yeah It goes, move away. It says a lot of things. But I do have to see the T's first. i'm I'm not playing around. Look, I mean. That's on you, buddy. Yeah, i'm not I'm not going down that road. I'm not doing any of that. I'm just. ah This ain't no Kardashian shit, no calls allowed. There ain't no calls. It's a heifer. One hundred percent. However, I'm just going to leave it out of there. We're talking about cow milk again.
Well, sure. You're right. Cow milk. Blaze's week just kicked in. No, our weeds already actually fucking expired. I was going to say, you need to know the top of our. I'm full. I'm full fucking beer tonight, man. What are you drinking tonight, blizzes? I am drinking um Braxton's Brewing Company. um I got to find out where that's from, but it's their Tropic Flair. It's an IPA. Sounds fruity.
it like like a little citrus but that yeah it on me but it's own american and whatever It is sorry but go on your fire me more american Everything's something. It's made in. it's got sniitchus and It's it's made in Covington, Kentucky. There is a slight pineapple kind of taste to it, too. I'm I am drinking a refresh, recycle, repeat.
Oh, I'm sorry. That's the wrong side of the can. I was going to say you're reading the wrong side of the can there, buddy. Jesus. this Are you drinking a fucking shampoo bottle, rinse, repeat?
Lather, rinse and repeat. Ooh, that's a taste deal here. It's very tropical. Where are you from again, man? Oh, I'm in North Carolina.
I'll be right back. I I gotta say my bladder is full. I'm getting Biden bars. What's that?
Yeah, my ship froze. I can hear you. It's not for us. You're good. You're not froze. Oh dude, every all f frozenze on my it all froze on on my head now. Yeah, you're good.
Yeah, you're 100% good on the on the street. It might have been for a second, but. I don't know anything.
I know I asked you where you were from and I think you said in North Carolina, correct? Yes, North Carolina. I'm i'm in Central. I'm in Central, North Carolina. Central Carolina. I'm not familiar with Central Carolina. I'm just fucking with you. If you got a college, you're official, right? Yeah, I'm having connection issues. I'm going to have a college there. I'll be right back. Or are you just referring to the whole state?
ah Well, I mean, if your state doesn't have a college, maybe your state has a big fucking problem. yeah

College Town Humor

why i hope you're like like Like Ohio will claim the Ohio State University, but we've got a lot of really good colleges in Ohio at the end of the day. You know, they're just like,
Miami and Athens and OU, you know, OU and and Dennison and and Blaze would have went to Dennison if he was from ah if we went to college. You could have a town and have a college. That must be one hell of a town. You know what I'm saying? Well, that's how Dennison is. Dennison's in a real small town called Granville, which is right next door to where I am. And we actually have where I live at. We we have.
Plus in yours, you know, I think 100,000 plus would be a city, right? If you're 100,000 plus and you don't have some sort of higher education of type of place there, then you you have not been following the American plan. Now, I don't think too much of the education system the way that it is as far as evolution, but I will say If, if you're living in a place that doesn't have a higher education place um in its vicinity, you're out there, brother. Yeah. Well, I mean, well, I mean, even, even, even, ah even, uh, well, like we, we have where I live at, we have a COTC and we have a OSU campus, but, um, back home.
where I grew up back home, uh, Gambier was the, was the big college in the area. Great parties, by the way, I'm not a college guy, but we, everybody went to Kenyon, Kenyon college, Kenyon university or whatever the hell it's called. Great parties and a lot of whores got a lot of whores. Hey, those are the ones that are probably going to graduate the whores are getting all that college money.
Yeah. what ah Shout out to Kenyon college. We see you guys at the Foxhole on Friday and Saturday nights. but Hey, real quick, uh, real quick, uh, not to get out subject or anything, but real quick, I didn't realize. Shout out to our boy, Tony D man. It's his birthday. Happy 52 brother. I sent him a link. I told you, I told him to bring his ass. Yes. Happy birthday.
He's soft motherfucker. He is soft. He's a softy, but still it's his birthday. Oh, I'm on my business. And I don't, I mean, Tony, Tony used to be a, he used to be a co-host on the shows here. Uh, we do a little falling out, but, uh, you know, we, we, we are mending him, him, him and I are mending bridges. You know, he does the football show on, uh,
piy tech he he does his He does his football show on Sunday before us and he shouts us out. And I try to remember to shout him out when we're live and thank him for the lead up and all that stuff. We're we're we're mending minimum bridges over here. You know, sometimes people don't see eye to eye and You have a little bit of a falling out and sometimes people don't like that. But so he doesn't like me very well. I heard

Political Sarcasm

his network, you know, keep people watching. You know what I mean? Even if you have different points of views, different personalities. The key word is I have the worst internet connection. Jesus Christ. You're fine. Like on our stream. No, it's going dude is probably your background video.
It's no, I have everything in my back. No, it's on the background video. It's your secondary little new toy. It has nothing to do with that, that it does not. What did I say? I'm a fucking boss around here. And if I say that's what the problem is, that's what the fucking problem is. You son of a bitch, you're going to fucking want to respect me, please. See, working fine now, unfortunately. but You shut your fucking horn out. You're on thin ice, sir.
Is that a boss phrase to say? Is that what bosses say? You're on thin ice? I guess. I don't know what a tyrants say.
Well, I mean, our our country's about to be run by a tyrant. That's what I hear on the social media. i'll pull i'll i'll quote I'll quote the new king of the world, President Donald Trump, king of all everything. yeah fire You're You're fired.
as Vince as Vince McMahon would say.
He said he I mean, at least he said it better. Oh, Vince McMahon was great. Dude, his wife is the new like Secretary of Education. Have you seen all the videos coming out? Have you seen all the videos that are coming out? It's like all these teachers me walking into class after he had Linda McMahon and it's Stone Cold Steve Austin's entrance and they're like walking with the chair and they're like,
and like swinging it like they're hitting a kid they're hitting kids with stunners they're dropping macho man elbow i love it that shit cranks me dude it is mediocracy dude it it is he is president macho camacho i agree his whole staff is like the fucking Dr. Oz is this is the CMS guy dude and fucking yeah like you oh god damn it trump would have done any better but it's and it really was the lesser of two evils let's be honest i i voted i voted for um
Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody fucking cares. No one cares. I voted for Connor's mom right in my dick. I'm proud of you. Good job. ah That wasn't on the ballot. Yeah, it was. It was on my ballot box. I was in

Fantasy Football and Age Jokes

your mom's ballot box.
That was actually pretty good. Connor's like, hey! I don't care who it is. vote because I'm down to get fucked. You know what I'm saying? It's coming on either side. That's what Connor's mom said. What did you just say? Untrackable? Pause. Rewind. What did you say? He said he's getting caught from both sides. Hey, clip. what the that money I don't vote because I know I'm getting fucked on either side. you not right I have the solution.
Well, I love how it says world president. yeah We're going to take over the world. Let's be world president. I would rather. We'll make lay secretary of, of, of education. Cause let's be honestly, smarter than all of us. He is a lot smarter than all of us. That's what I'm saying. I'm smart. I just can't remember the things I've learned.
Jeff's not so much Jeff Jeff isn't really a dictator as much as he's a dictatorr yeah so age's buts not gay you're just tasting he's a dick Whatever makes you feel better oh you by the way i gave you close your eyes Speaking of taters but the waff the the potato the potato waffles the video you sent me the other day. Right. I've seen it. I've seen that and I don't have a I don't have a waffle maker but we have one line but but but we have the cutest little mini waffle makers and I'm like how much trouble does one get himself into if he makes potato waffles on a Saturday night after a podcast?

Stoner Cooking Habits

I'm just playing dude.
I watched that video and I was like, I got to send this to just who did the s scroll off. Who deleted i didn I did because we all, like we have only so much space because we have, you know, what this, so like this, this is what I think of it. oh Jesus. christ No, that's a soggy chicken wing.
sure it goes like a song and chicken league i like yeah ah they look the same way coming out it doesn't matter it's the same thing yeah It looks like. my buffalo while Before after.
women Oh. That's the sound I made after I dropped it. Yeah. Might need a shower. so no No, but. like you But you gotta admit like. When you saw that video, your first thought was, do we have a waffle maker? Oh no, I don't trust me. I've never seen that video quite a few times.
yeah That's his whole TikTok feed. The algorithm knows. is This guy, he he saw a video. He finds these cooking videos and then he's like, wait, is that a real thing? And then makes whatever he saw. And this girl takes a waffle maker, puts a baked a potato in it, and then closes the waffle maker. And I was like, damn, that looks good. I'm sorry. guys like That's not anything new. Those waffle makers have been out for decades and people's been doing that for decades. It isn't anything new. But now it's on social media. So now I learned about it. So somebody's going to get a video. Well, that's because you live in Mexico. It's the waffle potato. a waffle potato
that's new. It looked amazing. It's not the waffle maker that's new. No, putting a big potato in the waffle maker is not new. We're not all stoners. We don't think like that. We don't think like that because we're not stoners. This is what I was in the Air Force. Listen here. Listen here, mister. I'm going to raid the fridge at three o'clock in the morning with every food in there and then forget to put oven mitts on as I take it out of the fucking oven.
Hey, I'm going to show a video of a car. Look, it's a car. Oh, everybody wants that perfect food. So they buy that little thing that's going to give them the perfect food. Right. But what none of those on a baloney sandwich that great social media now, people want to cook and they want to have that perfect food. do You know what they want to don't want to do? They don't want to clean up after themselves. Yeah. And as soon as.
As soon as they clog up that waffle baker, it doesn't work no more. They're not getting no more waffles. And that thing's just going to sit in a nasty ass house. I got a waffle baker sitting right here. I never use. Also, I don't know what the problem is with not using an oven to take hot things out of the oven. Listen, when I commit my crimes, you won't be able to get my fucking fingerprints. Jeff, on the other hand, is going to have fucking problems. You should have watched Grandma's Boy with us last night. You missed that scene.
I I got love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. it. I got to figure out if I'm going to get drug tested or not. Well, no, no, no, that's not going to get. I'm not talking about you getting high or watching a movie of people. You know, I was watching this. Oh, what's the point of watching a stoner flick if you're not also stone? Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Blaze. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. I can't get high because I'm allergic. That's a fucking new problem, Jeff.

Host Camaraderie

nobody gets You know what? Being allergic to marijuana is not a real thing. It's either you're a pussy or you're not. No, it's actually a real thing. You can get high, Jeff. All you have to do is go buy yourself a can of Ready Whip and you'll be like, Google this. Can people be allergic to weed? Hold up. It's true. Hey, I'm i'm sorry, but that logic doesn't work because that means you can't enjoy Forrest Gump unless you're retarded. do You know what I'm saying?
There you go. Thank you. ah Why do you think I love vindicated myund yeah <unk>ated i'm just saying the only person on this show who doesn't like the movie Forrest Gump is Blaze. All right. I love that movie. You don't like Forrest Gump. I'm retarded and I think it's hilarious.
movie Exactly. That's why I love it. That's why Jeff loves it. That's why Glick loves it. Blaze is just like, it's just a dude. You seriously don't like Horace Gump? What the fuck is wrong with you? Me? No, I'm talking to Blaze. If I could be, I could be a kid. Yeah, no, it's Blaze as well. He's got the highest intelligence

Porn Preferences Banter

level of all of us.
He's still looking up if you can get, if you can be allergic to weed.
i know'm allergic because every time i smoke then why No, I'm i hearing in like every other word on my internet connection is so bad you don't like forest go like I Tied in can people get allergic to weed which they can and now it's like taking forever My computer got fucked up for some reason it it it defaulted to Yahoo fucking search. I don't know what the fuck anyway Stop coming on the keyboard. It won't be as much of a problem. You're using the wrong form site, buddy. I'm telling you. but No, I accidentally downloaded something today I should have. See? Hey, man. Should we bump in there? Oh, five plays. Yeah, we've been there. oh sorry I I had to handle some um had to handle some mediocre bitches.
I thought you're doing something. Okay. No, no, I had to deal with the, the, the, uh, wish version of Glick and who's like, oh, co-town writing. I don't know. I've only interviewed one of your guests and you're trying to interview two of my guests, but you only had three guests on your show.
And I have no interest in interviewing and either one of your guests at the end of the day. And I'm not pursuing either one of them. And if I did, I would interview them better than you did. What are your symptoms?
symptoms I get violently ill. I throw up like you read about. And I, I physically become like, uh,
The last time I smoked weed, my wife was like, you're talking about, fuck I know what you're talking about, dude, that what you're talking about. I forgot the fucking, um, uh, uh, syndrome, but that is when you use a copious amounts of weed. Like you have to be a dab head. I've literally smoked weed five times and every time smoking weed is not going to make you do it.
My throat closes up and then I throw up. No, that is all. I bet if you go smoke a joint right now, you would not get my only watch me die. I would. Then I guess I would lose money. Hey, there's there's something to be said. There's something to be said here about like an allergy to my mic. I'll fucking murder you. If you're on my Internet, she's sending you to have the fucking ball. I'm on your whole goddamn family.
oh Oh yeah. If you're only intake, if you're only intake of marijuana is is by smoking and it, you know, it makes you ill. Actually I will because your kids are pretty fucking awesome, but I will murder you. Your wife and kids are awesome. You're going to look into my, into my kid's eyes and you're going to once again, just interrupt. I love your kids. I love your kids and princess poopy pants is adorable.
I'm talking about, I'm talking about, I'm talking about, I'm talking about your Nikki, not the, not, not, not the little one. Oh, well that's fair. Yeah. She likes it when I call her princess poopy pants. She's weird. I don't know. She's weird. You, I need you to do better than that. Just talk to your wife, just talk to your wife. Stick to the mom jokes too.
it just I don't want to murder your whole family. I just want to murder you. I'm trying to make excuses why I won't kill your whole family. Stick to the mom jokes, buddy. Hey, wait. Are are you? There's a long flag train. The tracks being Connor Sneaky.
Jeff, I'm just asking. I might have a couple of jobs. They might not be the jobs you want, but you know what I'm saying? I got family. What? The jobs, room jobs. who What are we talking about here? but but Well, if you don't remember, then I don't remember. And that's our story. We're sticking to it, a draggable.
I don't know. We don't know. I don't know. That's our story.
Some people say they don't know shit. All I know is shit. So it's like, yeah what are you going to do about it? It stinks on. It just it just keeps on stinking. All I know is killing and fucking.

Corporate Blame Humor

I'm just that.
I'm here to shoot bubblegum and fuck Connor's mom. And I'm all out of bubblegum. that's That's not the line. I'm here to fuck Glick's mom and fuck Glick's mom, but Mick Glick's mom's dead. I'm going to fuck her anyway. Mick Connery. Jeff, Jeff, as you and I both know, Connery is the boss.
Yeah, this is fact. Well, you're working with concrete. Concrete is a bar. I got to say though, I got to start pulling out more because I'm rubbing my dick raw. What you got to do is you got to linger right for signature to the driveway.
and Listen, it's hard to get ashes wet, Jeff. I You got a hot two spit on that thing. Yeah, there you go. Fuck.
ah credit
Yeah, man. Jesus. Holy shit. Jesus. Way. Oh, army. Oh, army. New way. New way.
I must be time for a break. Say daddy after you do that. Say, say, that say it.
but You can't make it. Those days are over. Stop. Those days are those days are going to be revisited come Christmas. It'll be. It'll be a silver. Hey, hey, Nikki's. We gotta go. We'll be back. No, no, no. I'm going to be like Nikki. I'm going to be like,
I'm going to be like, hey, Nicky's, Nicky's, watch this magic trick. You've got to see it. Nicky's, come here.

Post-Show Plans

For every quarter, for every quarter we get in this cup, you have to do a shot. Who, me? Oh, yeah, we're good. No, the Nicky's. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, no, no. For every quarter that goes in the cup, the Nicki's have to do a shot. it's what like um yeah That's what will refer to. my That's why Nicki is drunk after three. That's Mike. Nicki is drunk after a bottle and a half. She's the female version of me. That's how this is hammered after half half a bottle of wine.
She has ah has a bottle. zo Yeah, but dude, but dude, wine drunk is so much different than like beer drunk. She doesn't drink beer. She fucking hates beer. I know, but, but one hits different. I don't know. um I have, I've never really been a huge fan of wine, but I think the last last time I got drunk off of wine, I had like two and a half bottles.
before I really started feeling like, okay, maybe I should stop. Connor, I got one for you. I don't know if that, I don't even, Mexican word of the day is nacho. It's nacho. Hey, come on though, you're getting in the square.
um I just saw that, I was like, save! ah
You're a fucking nerd, you're a nerd.
a you're a fucking
What? Contextually, that makes gross sense. But like, it just... No, no, no, no, no. And I quote. And I quote. Bring your ass. You had two Long Islands shoes. I told you. Listen. You own ass. You are a softie. You getting old, brother. You getting old. Tony D, if you don't get your ass up on here,
Well, fine. We're mending bridges. Let's go. Hey, Dr. Phil Connor. Yeah, what's up? We're going to. Oh, oh, oh, let's see it. Hey, buddy.
he I'm tired of shit. Fuck y'all. What's up? Two Long Islands? I mean that happens when you're 60 and you drink too long islands, bro. like That all happens. All of me ain't 60. What was the Korean war like? you move question What was Jesus like as a child? I told them you probably was going to make it even though we didn't want you to. How about that?
Oh, shit. Well, happy birthday, man. 50 fucking two years old, bro. Thank you. Oh, shit. Dude, you're almost as late as my fucking parents. I probably am one of your parents. Keep it up. I'm not too white for you to be my dad. I'm a stepdad, so. No. Wait, does that mean that I can say it? Yeah. Do it. Do it, Tyler. Join us, love, buddy. Do it. You can't even. Please get ready on the computer. I'm kidding. I will never say that on this podcast. Please get ready on the trigger button.
Yeah. i Make sure I get up and get my son tomorrow too because I'm gonna have him on next week. So, I'm gonna rest myself before I get him. Nice. Nice. I don't know. Nikki got me out until three o'clock in the morning last night. So, I just kind of. She she she allegedly was maybe drunk last night. Ain't that right, baby? We got all the voicemails. Between the two.
She was calling. Did she call you guys? No. No, because you mentioned it earlier, so I said it. ah Dude, your wife fucking hates me or your fiance fucking hates me. You don't fuck as much as me in any category. That's the one I'm winning in. No, she loves you. The most hated? Yeah. No, I did get some shit like that after I worked today. I didn't went sleep. Then I went out to eat. I had two Long Island salad bar.
two-state dinners. so Two-state dinners. you book Bro, I got drunk at a salad bar, bro. Wasn't it you that said you could get a six pack and six? Yes, and I've done it. I've got witnesses. I just have a not according to the two fucking steaks, you just say badass. Hey, I can't get off the old fucker. we't Get off dipshit. Remember that. Yeah.
like a way six bag at the salin bar I think that you've hit the age where you could eat like a little bird and you would still have that fucking beer gut. You walk around the fucking nursing home and everybody's got a beer gut. Is there anybody on this panel right now who is under the age of 40?
But you, other than myself, not only is it turning these birthday, but a shot of Tony D for getting his ass whooped in fantasy football by, uh, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but, uh, I'm the champ last week. No, and I'm about to take, I know about to take out pace this week or, uh, or, uh, yeah, pace.
Cam is struggling this year. I don't know what the hell's going on. Cam's not playing this year. You're a fucking Be honest, Tony, you miss it. Jeff, give you a shout out, Jeff. Both you and Cam are two and nine in fantasy football.
And we might wind up with a better record than Cam in fantasy football this year at three and nine. Or three wins. Right now, um but I'm just fighting for a playoff spot. Dude, bro, yeah, I'm about to knock you out of a playoff spot. ah you You genuinely are. It's going to make me sad on the inside and outside. Oh, no, I'm projected to beat you. How the hell did that happen? I don't know. It's because Dickens underperformed, that's why.
I, I, I am. Oh yeah. It sounds like your wife's excuse. You underperformed. That's why she's not. listen i might have I might have underperformed my entire life and I still got three motherfuckers. All I do is pick you try to leave you all alone unless I don't know about it.
Like, look, I'll be honest. I'll be honest. I'm the one who did this. I drug Tony out of, I drug Tony out of the retirement box. I was like, get your old ass up here. that was but me I'll be responding messages all day. I was at work this morning and my phone was ringing. I have my like music playing on the speaker and then the ring tail will come on. I said, okay, let me get my boots out. I feel bad, bro. I didn't even realize it was your birthday. I was, man, we didn't get home last night until like three o'clock.
And, uh, you know, I get up at six to go to work and Nikki was on the phone calling people and it was like four o'clock and we had to get up and go to the DMV. She had to get her, she's Mickey is officially a shout out to Nikki. She's in Ohio go long enough.
she She's officially in Ohio. She said, shut up. definite took the along the fucking mother She's officially in Ohio and she got her Ohio license today. I had to get my new. We went to fucking God damn DMV from eight early this morning until eleven o'clock. Dude, let me tell you, yesterday, she was still drunk from last night. She was still drunk until like fucking four o'clock this afternoon. I went to renew my registration. I didn't even get charged this year. That just shocked me.
oh yeah mean you got that two honest senior your system dicks count no disabled veteran dicks out you disable adventureing your citizen dick down been one for ten years own you disabled your dick don't work no more does no my big work yeah but you you didn't have to pay for your fucking registration because you're a disabled vet what fucking state do you live in think so george I can do I can do that here in Kentucky if I want to you got lu sweat up ah Yeah. you Do you know how to do it? It depends. It depends on like thousand dollars for like here in Kentucky. If you're over 50%, you can pretty much like lifetime register your car once and get your license and your license. Yes. I'm moving. I didn't realize you were blazer. You had to say we'll go to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's right now just is in the air force. Yeah. I mean, Jeff's retarded.
I don't know. Jeff going to be over there. Jeff was disabled. I'm 60. I'm I'm I'm the military just exacerbated. I got no legs. Well, also, I'm also on retirement. I have legs. Oh, my license. My license is good for a while but uh it has to do with the AG of vehicle and what tags you have. So, that's good. You still got your, you still got your Equinox? Yeah. Who are you going to upgrade that **** We're not going to afford to. I hope that I'm not ready to upgrade mine. I'm gonna upgrade mine in the spring, I think. I think I'm gonna get my truck this spring. I'm not getting trucked. I'm gonna keep... I don't need anything big anymore. You know what I'm saying? It's just me. Yeah. At least when I got them. So I don't need... Like when I had my Escalade, I needed that for the job I was working. If I had to throw everything in and just go, I could throw it in. I don't need... Oh, I'm not getting a big fuck off. I'm getting a Colorado.
I wouldn't get anything bigger than a traverse. And I saw those new. Oh, dude, those are nice. Yeah. And and for you and the family, that'd be enough. i would I almost, I almost, and we talked about this, we actually talked about this a long time ago, the three of us, you, Jeff and I, when I was debating between the Equinox and the Traverse. And I told you it was more practical. Yeah. Yeah. And don't get me wrong. I love my Equinox. I do. I love that goddamn thing, but I almost wish I would have got the Traverse. But no, I mean, at this point, I mean, Austin's graduated.
She's doing, I mean, she's still at home, but she's doing her thing. Yes. Buggy, Buggy's going to be getting ready to get her, her temps. Uh, she's, she's ready, uh, to get her temps or she'll, she'll be driving, uh, when she turns 16. Uh, but, uh, yeah, I'm getting that, I'm getting that quad cab Colorado. shit whatever i will get You don't need a pickup. You need a crossover. Oh, it's a small one.
it doesn't matter. It's a small thing. If you do a thing. The Chevy Colorado is is serious as well. If you do it, you need a pick and stuff. You need a crossover. It's all wheel drive. Just let him. I want the Colorado. So, I have to compensate. Look, you know what, Tony? Let's use it for you to say, but I got a little dick. I got a little dick. So, I got to compensate. So, I have to have a pick up. We all can't be hung like Tony.
yeah dying there I'm just saying, listen, you should for a family trip get a crossover SUV straight up. And the great thing about it, too. That way you can show the world that you're by. You take family trips. That's why I emphasize that. And the great thing, well, the great thing with the Colorado that I want to get is the kids can still fit in the back, like the three of them can still fit in the back, and then Nikki and I can fit up front. I mean, we got to bet. But it's not a big, giant fuck off truck.
like I'm going to get when cash graduates but that's more of a that's more of a hey dude you made it you raised three kids congratulations yeah yeah this is this is that's when I get my big 2500 and and and I will and I shit you not I'll have Nikki make the goddamn sticker yes I'm compensating listen let me tell you something when Jason graduates are probably getting an RV hell yeah but niy i bro and I talked about that man I'm probably getting the RV because this shit just practical as fuck. If we're monetized off of this. Yeah. And we're monetized off of doing this or say for some weird reason, my only fans starts to take off when the kids graduate and shit like that. You think Nikki and I will get a fucking um RV and just travel.
And I'm not even going to go to that many places. There's only a few places. I don't want to hit. Then I'm going to come back and I'm going to sit my ass down something. Oh, I want to go hang out with my boy down in Kentucky. I want to go hang out with Blaze. Blaze has been up here a couple of times and hung out with us. We go go definitely got to go hang out with Blaze in Kentucky. But Connor, because he's a piece of shit. right Oh, you know, we're coming to see you, bro. Connor, you know, we're going to come see. Actually, I might come and be like, Nikki, he don't love you no more. He's going with us.
let's be honest so' goingnna go see conner you're gonna go to his mom Well, his mom's house is right. My mom lives closer to him than I do. His mom lives in my basement. Jesus. ah genuine He lives within 30 minutes of my parents. I live six hours from my parents.
That just sounded like a dude. I'm being real honest. the live footage of Connor's mom. Jesus. Alright **** we're going to bed. I got to show you. you to bring a video on on this. Appreciate the invite. Y'all believe yourselves. Congratulations on all the broadcast. We'll be seeing you. I'm G brother. Happy Happy birthday, man. Happy birthday to you.
I will be broadcasting sometime over your damn show since you broadcast every fucking night and your vacations overslept nuts. I want to do it. I don't worry about that. I try to make that. I try to tell people that I don't fucking care. Do your fucking show. I'm going to. I'm going to figure something else out with all of the problems going on with the industry. I didn't want to play anything that was going to fuck people because so many artists are in trouble and so many entertainers are under the scrutiny. So like, let me sit down for a minute. I'm actually watching all of that as it transpires. Oh, last thing.
If any of you have any cryptocurrency, you might want to check in numbers. Right? Uh Tony before you go. Before you go. You're gonna talk to Shaka about that ****. I love you, Tony. Jeff, shut up. Oh. I love you. When I saw it. Listen, when I saw XRP hit a doll, they **** my head up. Mm hmm. That's a good. I got excited. I got excited.
No, you just stay excited. I'm out. Gentlemen, y'all take care of yourselves. Get y'all them on. You do short. Love you, Tony. See you later, veteran. Oh, veterans. We got veterans on this show. Welcome to non-sensible nonsense. Shut up, man. Everybody that comes on this show is a veteran. I'm exploiting the veterans.
if i got blazed he says show mark
yeah calco came on my nose dude what no thought what glicks nonsensical nonsense where i exploit the hell out of veterans blazes a veteran conner's a veteran i think untracable iss a veteran i have no idea we really don't know what's going on with untrackable jeff claims to be a venuring was at my duty station he was at for and this sony deep I need all you veterans to show your wieners <unk>
but You sure you want me to do that? right yeah say show my I'm explaining you guys. Show the wings. I'll show you. just See, I told you. I told you earlier he was sending us videos. here You got to do those promos without shirts on. Oh, yeah. Duh. You said about showing us your wiener. Show me your or wiener.
Oh, there it is. Yeah. On your screen right now, my wiener. ah like Why do you have a chocolate chip?
just yeah um um last That's that culinary aspect. and jeff is going to delete it un trying said culinary culinary
Yeah, I was, uh, I was cooking. I know how to make nasty shit taste good. You know what I'm saying? Attractable? Attractable? What are you doing? Are you, like, in control of the neighborhood? On his car. He said he walked to the store, man. He's like, here's a shot. Now get fucked. Welcome to the neighborhood. He's taking my advice. He wouldn't fuck, like, six of his neighbors.
And they're like, what what just happened here? Yeah, I got to hit the ABC store before it closes because I'm fitting to have a block party. You know what I'm saying? yeah and denison bes and southern bottles and places I thought he lived out in the middle of fucking nowhere, bro. In the neighborhood. He's walking. And now, now we find out that he's not off the grid. He lives in town. You live in a nice white neighborhood in the suburbs and you went to a real nice school. I told him he doesn't live off the grid. He lives on the road. Nobody got that reference. Nobody got that reference. That hurts my game. Oh my God. We're just ignoring it. You know, you can't ignore that reference.
That's a good way. You can't tell us what to do. You fat fuck. I can because I'm your boss. Oh, OK. Fire. My network. OK. Fire me, pussy. You're fired. You're fired. Oh, please. You're cool. Oh, you fire me. Oh, I've been fired. Oh, no.
Jeff. Jeff. Jeff. Jeff. Jeff is just like, **** it. I accept. Jeff is so beaten down. Jeff is so beaten down. that He's just like, **** it. Oh, I want to pay attention. I'm flipping something. And Blaze, this is like, have you fired everybody else? You better **** it. I'll **** fire myself.
fire myself if I'm fired. iable got a new Connor's the only one that's got any fight left. any Jeff is just like a fucking hate life. I noticed Jeff and Connor fixed their names. The only person who hasn't is Blake. That's because I don't and fuck with his. Wait, y'all got names?
What the fuck is your, I'm trackable. All right. At this point, what the fuck is your name? It's like Adam or something like that. It's real white. Funny rabbit. What your, what what what is it, Chris?
That's close. Christopher. Christina.
Guess the tip. Just actually. It's Jennifer Robin. Jennifer Robin. What? It's Debbie does Dallas.
ah Of course. I know I just made. How far is the store? Jesus. It's a mile. It's a mile. He lives in a storage unit.
Hey, he was in the industrial area. I forgot he lives just out of town in a storage unit. He's got to walk away.
just me may oh he may take That's that's how I read that. Well, let me ask you guys dont miss and are if you literally had to like leave your house.
and walk to a place to get beer and cigarettes. How far would you walk? Like jeff jeff a maximum distance? yeah understand No, as far as the close the closest place to you. I can get to the store and back in 20 minutes. I do it every day.
You're, you're, you're cute. You're cute. You think I'm going to fucking walk? I doordash. I have, I have like five gas stations within a mile of my house and I door. Isn't there? Well, I couldn't open it within space five minutes, but at the same time, I've, I've had 12 pack and I'm minding my business. You know what I'm saying? Fair.
Plus last time I door dash beer, I got two cases for free. So I ordered two 24 ounce tall boys and I got two 24 packs. This is the first time that I bought, this is the first time that I bought water in like two or three, two months. Dude, did anybody else look at what talking just said on what's happened? No, what do you say?
No, because I don't like Chaka. I don't like Chaka tonight. i There are no words. I don't like Chaka tonight. What? There are no words. Holy shit!
which too muchtan mamma Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama,
mial cha you tell chaka he can suck my dick i just wanted to beat my ass listen i don't want i don want to hurt you ruma tell you
That is the funniest shit I've ever we've seen. he right here you yeah I, I gotta play. correctly builder dumb it would nu chuck Dude,
you man they do you you check this out. this Telling you right now, bud. I'm the wrong dude. a okay good
but it is bob what i don't want ah he didpa he's got a whole day 1987 kumite champion right here, but these right here you cut yeah go that way Are you threatening me? Michael, you're still fucking here, dude? What the fuck, man? That's Michelangelo after fucking pizza diabetes. That dude shorts. He any tighter. Yeah, you can tell Chaka. You can tell Chaka.
He can suck my dick. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna leave it right up. I'm gonna go ahead and do it properly. This is what you can tell chocolate. Son of a bitch. He can't even come up here on a night that I'm back. Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
but what maybe we God, I'm going to make that to occur. Chaka can't go up here and say hi to me. I ain't seen him in like two goddamn weeks. I ain't seen him in like two goddamn weeks. He can't come up here. He can't share the show. He can't do nothing. He can't share the show. what are you mean he is up here thats to you shut shoot no you Don't you fuckers defend him Friday. I'm not I'm not here for the defense of Chaka. All right. First, his dinner break. out I made it work.
i got no time i got no time and got no time cha done fullon disrespect to me tonight ah thought we know what and that's that's i called i made ah i made a phone call i paid him the money he's heading over to my house have a good night my fault ah shouldn't have done no i not shocking i boys now i'm not giving him credit i'm not giving him credit for the videos that he makes I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. I got no time. and I want to fuck you. Let me write that. day God, that is one sexy. Yeah, no. Yeah, you hurt my feelings. You're my feelings, Chaka.
Disrespected me. Blaze, I need you to figure your fucking shit out, dude. On a whole new level, Chaka. A whole new level, Chaka. Thought we was boys, bro.
I thought we was boys, bro. Nobody fucking cares, Glick. Shut the fuck up. Hey, why don't you shut the fuck up, Connor? I'm looking the wrong way. Why don't you shut the fuck up, Connor? Make me pussy, look the right way. Try and beat your ass. That's the wrong way. Stupid ass. Oh shit, I'm looking the wrong way. You look weird. Yeah, yeah.
I just wrote a new Christmas song for Connor, and it goes like this. Connor singing the Glick. All I want for Christmas is to get my ass kicked by you. Oh, I'm so scared. Yeah, I would beat the hell out of you, legless bitch. I don't give a damn if you got no legs. It's 2024. Everybody wants equality.
transgender, little retarded children, Legolas, fucking veterans, men, women, everybody can get you sand. Everybody can get you fucking hands. Nobody Nobody is safe. Nobody is safe from g like in 2024. You don't need to touch me. You said it. I'm going to touch you. I love you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Is that what you're going to do?
25 make glick great again. Well, it's always been great pussy. You don't have the fucking balls You seriously just dirt the wall when you do that i'm scar i'm so um i feel so dumb stared at the cabinet right there because i literally looking at the grier and I was getting ready to talk shit to Connor and I'm like I'm staring at a dresser ah I'm an asshole It's so much better. Honestly, I gotta I gotta give a shout shout out to Brian E. Lamb. Because that's who I work. this sales from ne look a why Hey, Connor. What, bitch? I'm not here. I bet you so much. Oh, yeah.
Let me take you away from this place. I to take you away from all this. I love you. I love you. Let me take you away from all this, Connor. We take you to a land where does it doesn't matter if you have legs or not.
Oh, you're so pretty. You're so pretty. You, you make me happy. I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.
Connor, you know the Nicki's are going to divorce us on Christmas, right? They're like, you guys can have each other. Listen, listen, if you think this is the gayest that I've ever been in front of my fucking wife, you need that wait to wait till we're in person. Wait till we're in person. I'm fucking them right in the asshole. It's not gay. We don't like it. It's some gay feeling kind of nuance. It's not gay. We're going to be gay. I'm gay. We're on a broadcast together.
It's not gay. We do a podcast together.
It doesn't wear, it doesn't count. I'm wearing boot bands. Go ahead. kind of music It doesn't count if only one of us has legs. It doesn't count if you still host.
Attention ladies and gentlemen, there's nothing gay to see here. This is two heterosexual straight men just... This is two heterosexual straight men just enjoying each other's company.
About to clap your damn cheeks. Don't you ever call Glick stupid.
<unk>li Don't you ever call him stupid. not Glick didn't like, Connor didn't like to be called a cripple just like I don't like to be called a cripple. You complete me. yeah I can't quit you.
ah That's the best at work out I've had in two years. The Nicky's are going to hate us come Christmas time. it but Especially once we start drinking, because then my gay really comes out. Are they really making it out right now, right in front of us? Like we're not here? We're not making out. It's bros being bros, all right? Hey, Glick, do you have a knife? Let's go to the bathroom. I want to make it glorious.
next Hey, Connor, if you stroke my beard, I'll stroke your beard. Connor's like, I'll stroke your beard and your cock. I got two hands. That's a good idea. We do have two hands. He's like, I might not have two legs. I might not have two legs, but I got two hands. God, how would that make all this work? That was a nice five minutes of gay back and forth.
Put your tiny cock in my hand while I put your huge beard in my other hand. All right. Whoa. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
That's exactly how I imagined it, too. Don't you ever call it stupid. What did you call him stupid?
What did you just call him? What did you just say? What did you just say? One of the biggest lessons in life is my my sister gave me a Christmas gift one time and it was the Ninja Turtles soundtrack, the one that had vanilla ice on it. Hell yeah. but But she wrapped it up so many times and put it in different boxes. And it was like one of those, uh, nesting eggs. It was, yeah, it was the size of a VHS tape. And I owned wrapped that shit. And I was like, Oh, so that's what women think.
but That's what william wood and' so women think, bro.
and I was like, I wear gray sweat pants, but man, them gray sweat pants are like a wonder bra. Glick wears gray sweats. No.
no all All you see is Glick's **** be whole. So, the outline of this of the tip of his **** is poking up against the top of that. great Smuggling great. No. No. No. Great. Great sweatpants for men are the equivalent of a wonder bra for women. Like, you can have small titties but you put on a wonder bra and it's just like, those are pretty nice. You put on great sweatpants and it's like
Yeah, buddy, I think that's called false advertisement. I understand. So it was a wonderful makes you liable. That's what I said. It's great. I with goddamn returns. Oh, we get the joke. We just like riling you up. I hate it here. I fucking hate it. We know. I love this fucking podcast. I hate it here. I hate everybody. I hate it here. It just.
I want to leave. but ah
I feel like Nikki says that a lot to you. I hate it here. I want to leave. um says Says the guy whose wife lives in France. She lives like eight whole countries away from you. Oceans apart. She's like, why did why live in Mexico?
and I love it, man. I love that. Chile lives three countries away. Yeah. I love, I love it. I'm not a cow. Right? I don't know where the fuck France is and I don't know what countries are in between. But you can say Portugal then Spain if you fly correctly or incorrectly. Well, I don't know where France is. I honestly have no idea. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you put Australia before France?
Well, that's because I was going down and around. Australia? I was going down and around. Like she got on a boat. If you go to France from the United States and you go by Australia, you should go talk to the captain. Whether you're on a boat or a plane. Jeff's life is not from the United States. First and foremost. You'll say mucho.
so gone tago lloyd moen chiangng do ge donng dang gangng don't dank don it moyan tellahentte what Why did you put a C in pendejo? Because that's how it's spelled. It's spelled with a J, you weird cock.
why you win weird co so That's a really odd insult. You're a weirdy cock. Have you never watched porn and seen a weird cock? and me like ah that's don't emilyly I mean, i understand I understand you and Jeff look at cock when you watch porn, but never really looked at dick when I watch porn.
So you're telling me in bars you've met you've never watched a porno and seemed like a 90-degree angle in somebody's dick oh I watch a lot of the lesbian porn. I watch a lot of lesbian porn. I Like the POV ones. Oh, did you know it's really great? Oh speaking of porn dude No, speak of the porn game changer like midgets and Amazon women like midgets with it's lesbian porn but midgets. Oh, I'm getting my keyboard. Like like these like midget slash Amazon. So it's like not Amazon like you're not ordering fucking shit. It's going to get delivered, you know, the next day. But like midgets with like Amazon. I know. we're like my Yeah, these are like six foot plus women and mid. Oh, my God.
You have to understand twentys twenty war and there's a lot of retarded people in the world, Jeff, and I say Amazon and they're going to go on Amazon and go, Oh, I want to watch midget girls. And then they think that a midget is going to be delivered to their door.
I'm an stupid people. So yes, I'm a joint in an Amazon. stuck That is amazing.
do work so funny just take black for and just and you got she putting all his effort into It just seems like the midget would be running back and forth a lot, you know? No, no, no, no, no. The Amazon and what the lesbian, you know, in a lesbian subse the they ragged all the hell out of a midget, man. They just, they just...
do whatever the fuck they want to them. And there's nothing they can do about it because it's just like big bringing Amazon woman and a little tiny. Oh, shit. Can I say me? Sure. one Sure. You already did it a little bit too late for that.
I just got it. I just got it. We can't. Little people. Oh yeah. I know. Like midget dudes fucking just regular sized women. They're giving it. They're all like blazes and they're like, giving they're on their tippy toes and they're just like, they're like, bro, man. It's hilarious. Like really you can't, you can't watch that kind of porn and enjoy it because you're laughing too hard. I watched the hell out of the midget.
lesbian man ah you can um that jesus la Was that Jesus?
she want this like you if you if good if you call it one cause it was um little people i don't know you guys Talk about that's what it looks like when I have sex I So, fuck you all. The mighty, the mighty.
Like in in real life. Oh, I got the bird in my nose. This is that Mexico porn. Oh, that's Jesus or Jesus.
Like I'll never be five to and be surprised by six foot woman. You know what I'm saying? But if she's six, seven and I'm six too, man. wait Hey, make my fantasy complete.
ye you you
I'm just saying, I mean, I mean, I, I mean, I, for the longest time I had a rule every time I had sex. I'm Hey,
eight I'm an equal opportunity to mess with her. I mess with myself. I'm allowed. I can say it you guys can't. didn say ah lord evers eight yeah hey hey
it get his son get it son hey It's like years old. Get after it, son.
get after it el hey no it's amazon That's like, dude, that is a fucking Oompa Loompa fucking he just like pound thrusting. just I fixed it. with a pound I fixed it. We can't get in trouble for this one. See, is Oompa Loompa born?
I covered the naughty bits. i to lay it It was no naughty bits to begin with. I know, but it would it would it was it this way it's more suggestive as opposed to guaranteed.
Okay. I wasn't bitching about it. He was. He looks over there like going through. Okay. Did we get blocked? Did we get canceled? He's checking. How many subscribers? I'm just, I'm just over here. I'm just over here. We just gained 50. I'm just like, I'm just over here. He's got so far.
midget porn is funny i mean he some you how mid it's hilarious love some middget lesbian po don't give your own I mean you put a midget in any situation. It's funny. You imagine going to a **** stop using the word blade. You're offending me. You go to uh I don't even know if we're allowed to say midget. I think we're going to go to a funeral and it's an open casket in that one midget and the whole **** place got to pull up the **** that the stool just to see the body. I mean, come on. I mean, it's sad, but you got to laugh at that situation. It's fun. you Whoever does, if midget dies, do you get a half off on the casket? Sure.
You would think so. It's a smaller. i just say You don't have to pay for a I mean, if you get, I mean, if you get roped into buying a full size casket for a midget, then you are the size. I'm asking for a friend, Jeff.
I'm telling you right now, when one of you fuckers dies, I'm going to pay a midget to come in and say he was my gay lover. like peter dig there's a fucking i know i will set up him i will set up in my coffin and be like but he onto that midget but mind like up you i wake up we go but just so you know i don't stop ever my dick was huge I don't know if you guys know this but there is a site called renta midget
and you can rent a midget for like for special occasions. Yeah, so when, yes, me and some friends were actually thinking about like hiring a couple of midges like during our MMI graduation and walk across to tour us instead. Hold on, let me get back to the board. They were thinking about it. We were thinking about it, but it was too expensive and we were broke bikers, so. Or as I said. We didn't do it, but that's,
But that's where I found out about But did you? We didn't. and We didn't do it. We did not do it. We only thought. Are you sure? You did. he was it It's called
Speaker It's checking it out. so digdgets See, like local rates is one minute, one hour, $450 and up. That's why we didn't actually do it. Like it's $450 an hour. That's what I'm saying, dude. Midgets are more expensive than hookers. I mean, and i know know I don't know anything about hookers, but I am not paying $250 for a fucking mission.
I'm just saying he knows there's a market for it. Just like if there was a market for big forehead, some of us would. You're right. There is a mark. Yeah. There's a market for midges is a market. Yeah, that's the thing. There's a mark. Yeah. And Connor apparently think there's a market for his guitar playing, but I don't know about that one. Don't, don't bring that out unless you're going to actually fucking sing. You fucking dude. If you don't go Kurt Cobain with that guitar, and then you just failed. You should.
Yeah, dude. Connor's got a great voice. Actually, I don't know if you guys have heard him say that. He's got a great voice. and Follow Connor on TikTok. He plays his shit and he's really good.
Connor, come sing us a little ditty for break. Now that we're four hours in. And so we can walk away and you sit here. yeah
I got a fucking piss and any more water. That's why I had to drop my screen, drop my camera for a minute. I was like, I got, um my back teeth are floating. Even big teeth are floating. An hour ago, you're like, let's go on break again. Well, it's not always my fault.
I'm pretty sure it was you saying we go live when we, when you want to. As the boss, so you are
I push the blame down the table. I don't know if this doesn't work like that. It does work like that. No, it doesn't work like that. The blame goes uphill.
No, it doesn't. Tell us you haven't had a job in the last 20 some odd years without telling us you haven't had a job in the last 20 some odd years. No, in corporate America, in all jobs, it doesn't even have to be corporate. All jobs, shit runs downhill. Jeff, you're a construction guy. We are construction guys. You know. how you
Welcome back, Connor. Shit runs downhill.
So you know that it does not go up to the boss. The blade goes to the peons below him. And I don't understand. I mean, Jeff, I understand that you're like my left hand man. And I say left hand because I'm left handed and I use my left hand to jerk off. So we all know what Jeff does in this corporate tier of the nonsensical network. He strokes my time.
I'm not saying I don't. I didn't say I didn't. But I don't know who the lowest on the **** poll is that is going to catch the blame. I say it's Connor. I agree. He's not here so we can blame him. So, when I said an hour ago, we were going to take a break. But when a company fails, it's not blamed on the workers. Do you guys want to take a break?
I don't know if they're taking a break. I actually have no idea what's going on. I just. Well, I mean, I mean, I'm saying I'm just going to use it. There's James. I'm sure there's Luke Angel last. I'm just doing what every good boss does. Captain Blackbeard. Hey, love you all. As always. See you next time. Who the hell is Captain Blackbeard? Oh, it's so terrible. Oh, he changed his name. I changed. I changed his face. Oh, there he is.
Hey brother, have a good night, man. It's good seeing you again. It's good hanging out with you. You're you're you're muteer muted. You're muted. You're muted. You're muted.
yeah love you jama you're muted Now you start over. You walked all the way to the ABC store just to come back and leave.
Well, no, I was going to say, um, I don't know how long you guys do your thing on these evenings. Uh, these threelights two hours. All right. Another two hours, maybe more than we do. an Well, i'm gone both then there there may be, you know, I may see you again this evening, but, uh, I'm going to do my thing and, uh, thanks for having me as always. Keep your heads up and keep having fun. You guys are awesome.
He went about a long lizard at the at the store. I get it. No, no, he's got his he's got his liquor. He's going to go fuck the neighbors. He's like, I don't know. Take this shot and get fucked. Later. a drag will day Thanks for coming up, dude. Later, brother. That dude is that dude is that dude is welcome to any motherfucking job. Yeah, I love that dude. He's awesome. He's what the hell did you put it at, Jeff?
Which one? The take take this shot and get fucked. Oh, I might have deleted it because we only have so much space. I think i delete no we need to delete this goddamn magical mystery bus thing. Yeah. What are you talking about? I don't know about this one. Not this.
um mcconnor I was taking a break. What are we doing? One of their neighborhoods. You son of a bitch. Here's a shot. check your stick know right i ah that wasn't the one I wanted, but it'll work. That's what I was talking about. It's in the WhatsApp. I said it to everybody. What's that? Just do we have it? Yeah. Actually, let's, let's take a real quick two and a half minute breaks. All right.
Uh, dude, I didn't, I have no guests for this Tuesday night. I don't know what I'm doing Tuesday night. What? Yeah. I've been talking to a ton of people, but I can't lock anybody in. Uh, maybe I'll reach out to our listen tomorrow and you're like. Rock Lee, dude. Where is Rocky? Rocky came up on a Monday night when I wasn't here and I don't think Rocky likes me anymore.
Nobody likes me anymore, man. Like, I done pissed in everybody's fucking weedies.

Friendship and Reconciliation

Now, I'll stop pissing weedies. Keep it in your pants. I asked Rocky to be my best man at the wedding and I ain't talked to him since. I didn't came up on a Monday night when I was nowhere to be found. They don't, somebody messaged him and be like, where the fuck you at, bro?
ah but I know he's, well, I mean, he's, I mentioned that you left me on ready and know he's taking college show. I know they're, they don't start college break twice this week. Last time I messaged him and he left me on red. So I don't like Rocky likes me anymore. Yeah, whatever. He might've joined the bandwagon, man. Everybody hates Glick.
but I try to like everybody. I try to squash beef and and then people get mad when I squash beef. Oh, you're blobbity, blah, blah. Fuck out of here. Anyways, let's take a real quick break. what yeah i'm mean ah yeah actually You know what? Actually,
Rocky doesn't love me much. I'm going to prove it. I'm going to prove it. I'm going to prove it. Rocky doesn't love me. Why do you prove it? Play a song. Why can't I find Rocky? Maybe that's why.
oh my god are we not are we my friends on six so getting here or our snapchat um good just so look Glick took a week off and everybody's like fuck that guy. thought that du Oh my god.
he's online but just
what tiktok are you waiting yeah He's on mine
EDM combat. He's your brother.
Well, I was so scared. I thought we weren't friends on Snapchat anymore. I know you don't love me anymore, but, um, no, we're doing the show live. So, I mean, I don't know. I ain't talked to you

Promoting Performances

since I actually knew my best man. And you know, everybody hates click now. Just assumed you were one of them, but anyways, love you. Come on the show. We're live right now.
He's like banging my wife. I was like, God damn it. I was doing it hard for another month. I was jerking off to gay midget porn. Like cool dudes, not on the internet or fucking their wives. Yeah, but it's like, it's, it's only like, Oh God, I hope he doesn't open that in front of his fiance.
i He's like three hours in the middle of sex. In the middle of sex. Why would you move into your Snapchat in the middle of sex first of all? but Like, hold on a second. Snapchat. Oh, I got a ticket. I mean, yeah, I, I call it a timeout to stop a movie, but I was going to say, you got no room to talk. yeah I mean,
I mean, in my defense, I didn't even know she had my address. I didn't even know she had my address. So I'm going to pick a song, and we're going on break. No, I have a song. It's right here. Oh, OK. All right. Yeah. We're going to take a real quick break. We'll be right back. It's a guest Tuesday night. Luke. Luke Angel. He was awesome. Fun to hang out with him, fun to chat with him out in San Antonio, Texas.
November 25th if you guys are in San Antonio go ahead and go on over to the 502 he will be there headlining and You can go across the street before and or after and get you some good food Because he's also a waiter there. So if you go before he might be waiting tables before the show But nonetheless, we'll be right back here in just a few minutes. Here's Luke Angel with being in something Baby, there we go maybe but im not working push the button come
Maybe we could be forever, maybe now

Merchandise Jokes

Yeah, that was good. I like that song.
Well, you know, the drill bring that ass with Tony D up here tonight, man. Well, you said fuck that guy. Hey, what's up, Brian? Please don't look now, but I'm behind you. Oh, I'm going to get that ass. You little bitch.
did I found a stoner in the woods. and I grieved him. Welcome back to Nonsense, The Good Nonsense, everybody. It's Saturday and night. You know we're doing what we do. We're having fun. We're hanging out. This is, this is, ah you know, we'd love to get more ladies involved. Don't be shy. It's a, it's a boy's night. The bros are hanging out. We're drinking. We're smoking. We're having a good time. We're talking shit, but ladies are always welcome. The ladies in the chatter's box.
The link is in the chatters box for anybody and everybody who wants to come on up in here. I've got about an hour and a half ish left. Uh, uh, you know, I don't think anybody's eager for an after show tonight. So, um, maybe I'll just, uh, do, uh, my own after show on. Okay.
got she For cheerier, all cheerier motives. If we know what I mean, let's, uh,
I'm freaking out on the floor. Like, got your back in June. You know how to come here on Saturdays? Because I'm fucking here. Duh. Same reason everybody comes here on Saturday. Sure. It's like. You tell yourself that. It's like Connor. Why does everybody come on Connor's nubs? Because it's fun. Duh.
That was one of the fetishes in the top five weirdest fetishes. Yeah Welcome welcome back to non-sensical nonsense. Everybody make sure you guys are following us We are on Facebook Instagram X and tiktok shows are live Monday through Sunday and you can listen to us wherever you listen to podcast at all the nonsensical network or go to bio dot link slash a Nonsensical network all them links are there including link to our merch store buy our fucking merch you dirty fucking sluts Right that they'd send us little pictures of you wearing and it it. They would if they

Shipping and Tariff Humor

would ever get their stuff because the stuff never shows up on time. you Stop talking about it. It'll be here. I just I'm trying to I'm trying to convince the sluts to send us dirty pictures in our gear, right? Male or female sluts whoever's a slut if you want to send some naughty mix. to yeah way
You can send it to our social. but Send us with you on you. Send us your slutty pixels. Let's spread on you. No, I'm just kidding. No, check out our merch. Buy our merch. I mean, we've got some pretty cool stuff. ah Nonetheless. Yeah. So what's going on, guys? What's up? How's it hanging? I am checking the tracking on my hat that I ordered. I don't think it's going to get there.
It was supposed to be. I was going to say it was supposed to be there. Like, actually, you know what? I actually heard something interesting about that. Oh, no. Now it's going to be here tomorrow by 9 PM. Yeah. A lot of people are getting messages like that. Uh, one of the guys I, I follow on YouTube, he ordered parts for his car and it's been, they're like, it's going to be there today at noon. And then at noon, he gets a call. Like it's going to be there tomorrow at three.
It's been going on for like a week. So you're not the only one. but Well, it's actually that it's okay. So it's that time of year where this holiday season. Yeah. It is holiday season. So I mean, I mean, I joke about it, but yeah I'm not worth worried about it. Well, I saw something on the news that like, there's like nine cargo ships, uh, off the coast of LA waiting in line to unload.
those like six. Why? Why are they waiting? Because there's so much shit being ordered. You know why that is. You know why that is. And I know why that is. No, so a lot a lot of corporations or doubling their orders on stuff before tariffs kick in. Oh, I see where you're going. Yes. And that that that's that's that's the kind of makes sense. It kind of makes sense. It is the thing going on.
potential tariff that are coming yeah they're they're the the prices of the materials are going to skyrocket. That's why you got to close the borders down. That way, the terrorists can't get in. I said tariffs. Oh, he knows you said tariffs. He's just being an ass. Pay ah bit. You just walked right into that buzzhole, buddy. I didn't walk into shit. I'm just like, so you walked into this. What's going on? I'm just saying what's going on. Hey.
Get ready for like that. You were like that guy fighting Indiana Jones ended up in a rocket. I can't wait for, you know, five years ago, they had us all on the edge of our seat about world war three or eight years ago or how I can not wait for world war three to kick off. I can't wait for a civil war.
Why? Yeah, we were promised that couple of years ago, too. We were promised that the first four years. Like, why do you want one of those? I mean, could you imagine, like, side A versus side B? Who was promising a civil war in the world? Your news channels. I'm actually just being a smart ass. I'm actually just being a smart ass at the end of the day.
blas just like oh i miss oh i know got this is communist police welcome to welcome to my channelgo just kind your shit That's a bullshit lie Brian and you know it what I've never heard anybody on the left advocate for civil war or not advocate saying that because somebody was president that they were going to just be the smartest smartest it is true but it's i'm just being a so i'm just being a smart ass at the end of the day because just because i can't
is the orange man No, I mean for, well, no, but no, but seriously, for the past four years, it has been Trump's camp that has been saying that Biden was going to create some civil war. war Well, in for years before that, it was Biden. hand that was I'm just saying, I'm just saying it never happened. Just like it like during Obama's administration's human ever took over and they never took our guns either.

Cultural Stereotypes

The news nowadays is literally fear-mongering no matter who you are. You can take my goddamn guns and prime from my cold dead fingers. Oh, I don't. I'm not saying the thing is, no matter who watches the news, somebody's perpetuating it on TikTok. We just got to learn how to filter your news, I guess.
Here's how you feel. No, you into bed no the way you filter your news is educating your that's not your wife's self on how to uh how Yeah, I saw a female and I was like, oh, you know, I was like, that's not Nicki. I felt like Dan went from the fucking. No, because what's funny is you're what's funny is when you. walked in earlier, she was wearing a red shirt.
So, she walked in and I was like, and we literally all went, wait, that's not Nikki. No, this is, this is my Mexican. This is my Mexican that's leaving me. She don't love us. It better be in Mexican than Mexican, right? about my dady Hey, Jeff. just Oh, yeah he's going to buy your last. She's wearing a Cal print t-shirt early. I know. I heard. I know. Well, that's the problem.
But he also actually, how did that work out for you? What was the last time you've seen him? It was because he was forced to sign away his rights because he said that he wanted me to be happy. He's illegal. <unk>s gotten award He's not more. more. He's loving more.
My dad called me. Hey, Connor. Are you still finding Zinn Peppermint hard to find? Does your dad have a bunch of white women like not as much anymore? Not as much anymore, but still. It's not where it was at. Like Zinn had like a big, um, had a big project. It was a supply of things. It to, like, now it's supposed to start, like, plateauing now. Nobody wants to hear from you anymore right now.
Fuck off. Shut your fucking mouth. Ask her. I ask her this. And was is it? Well. Is your dad. Well, I'm not even doing it. I said you're going to have a bunch of white women locked up in a cages and bases, basements.
Not anymore. Just two of them.
They adopted a white girl. I did it twice. That's it. They adopted a white girl. That's all I heard. The fact that she said not anymore, just two of them. The other one's got away. Two was better than three. I mean, you're not wrong. Two is better than three. Technically speaking. Technically speaking, two is better than eight. I'm no expert. Three is better than eight.
and three is jesus this christ he had a hundred white women locked in his ve never had a woman at all
What kind of people are you hanging out with lady? allegedly i mean that's what i was trying to say but came like no fish mexican cannot adopt white people that's not how it works in america not his wife Wait hold up what?
why can't a mix you got your michael because he's a racist hey hows that I need to see. I need to see this on full screen. I'm sorry. She's eighteen and so he's married to a white woman and she had kids prior to your dad and then he adopted stinks. Yeah. Or my dad has my dad had me with another Yeah. Your dad's yeah. Typical Mexican. He's got like twenty-seven baby mamas. Oh my god. Slap him. Slap him. Slap him. Yeah. When they adopted her before she was looking at her dad, she would have to eat dog food and she was forced to stand outside in the cold but I have to make it. I heard. I should do that.
but figure out how to remove the background on that video. So it's guy so so it literally looks like it's in Blake's house. We're just watching Glitch racism at work right now. he keeps tends look on so kind of diffuse The situation with himself. Well, good luck. You know, if things don't work out in Kentucky. You can come back. Oh, trust me. I had the house key now.
I understand you're asking that. Squatter's rights. I'll take it. I'll take it. Fuck no. How do you pay no $3,600 to fix my car? Tell Poppy I want a truck. Good night. Good night. Good morning, Josue. I literally have an adopted Mexican daughter.
The racist thing said, the racist thing you said, Mexicans can't adopt a white person. I know. Followed shortly by typical Mexican. right because you land the way it's usually like that' Usually doesn't mean that you can't. Usually you can.
99.999% of the time it's white folk adopting babies and yes people from other countries. Just because you can, doesn't mean you can't though. You said you can't. Yeah. Well, she literally said her dad is the godam was a goddamn illegal immigrant banging white chicks and knocking them off.
Let's send me that. because Now he has a green card. Is he an American citizen? Send me that. I want to see if I can remove the background. When was he not? When? How long has he been an American citizen? I got a file right. I don't even know where I downloaded it from. A what? Eight years. Eight years. I forgot. Before that, he was

Dark Family Humor

illegal. He has driver's license. You're fucking illegal. He has a driver's license. They give driver's license and free money to illegal immigrants. That means nothing. You voted for Trump.
Trump wants to send you people back. once again new people you shut you' fucking more around he mean You people. You Holy fuck. What did I just miss? You voted for Trump. I know. What are you talking about? I want cheaper gas.
I want cheaper horse because cheaper gas. Fucking. people Damn. You're still paying Nikki. Oh my god. I didn't say Nikki. Your dad taught you in your life still. Your priorities are weird, dude. She wants cheaper gas. I want cheaper horse. Trump's going to send you people back. Yeah, well I'm the racist. I'm the racist. You what? You like more cops? What?
What the hell did you just say? How much do whores cost? Oh, I have absolutely no idea how much whores cost. I have never paid for sex. Jeff, how much does whores cost? I don't know. I have never forgotten one. Why did you pause? Did they have to think about your statement? You're like, I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. Nick, tell your mom to send me the invoice and I'll tell you. My mom's dead, asshole. Hey, Jeff, I sent it to you. Yeah, I got it. Really? weak Yeah. Oh my god. This guy's talking about having sex with my dead mom. What? Yeah. exactly okay You're god damn right. I am. She's mad. Oh god. pepper You got in here. Oh, yeah. Yeah. my the So, Campbell will do it but it only be on the paid subscription. She said, she said, ain't your mom in the car? I know. I heard it. That was good. That was **** funny. She is. Yeah, she's in my car.
your mom's in the cage in my basement I learned from her dad. and Her dad taught me how to... Her dad taught me how to eat. What's my dad's name? Jorge? Jesus? I don't know. Jorge, Jesus. What's your say, Juan? Perfecto. Perfecto? Juan. Juan. Juan. My name is Juan Jesus. Perfecto Hernandez. okay my name Is it Inigo Montoya by chance? I used that shit in one of my college projects the other day for mayor for how to professionally introduce yourself to somebody. she family Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You have killed my father.
if we hello professor relax what makes you yeah You give your give the person a greeting, you introduce yourself and then you tell them why you're speaking to them and then you speak to them. It is a clear and concise way to two professionally meet somebody. My name is Blasey. I'm here to get you high. Like that?
and Yeah, that's exactly what it gets. That's how you introduce yourself to everybody anyways. My turn. I'm here to hopefully get you high. Yeah. Hi, my name is Blaze. I'm here to chew bubble gum. I'm here to chew bubble gum and smoke weed. and I'm all out of bubble gum.
But I'm not playing weed. I'm just saying. I got plenty of weed and sneaky snacks. Which is funny as I was watching, I was watching the docu on They Live Today and I got to watch that movie. I haven't watched it. I love that movie. Jeff, I don't think you understand that movie. I love that movie. I understand that. Who is Jen Psaki?
she is uh jen sake she's she was a press secretary back in the day the reddit no she's uh she was she's the you know she's on no she's brian what are you doing in the comments you fucking piece of shit jim paskey i mean she is she is pretty hot i'm not gonna she isn't here it's so already a free so

Gender Identity Discussion

She's already a fucking valid citizen, dude. She was born here in America. who's up Yeah, you Mexican you mexican racist. and she's She's very attractive. I'm not gonna lie. Jen Psaki? Yeah. written Dude, are we talking about the same person? Yeah.
I asked that as I have her picture ready to go. I find I find sal like I find a woman's mind how about this chick, right? Yeah. Exactly. She's she's cute. She's not unattractive. but She's like, you know, you're right. She's so smart dude and witty and just yeah, I would love to see her mind in a bikini.
and I'm sorry. As that ginger horse sucks my soul. I find I find a person's intellect attractive too. I'm more of a what's up man substance. I don't I don't care about gender. I'm all about their their personnel. No, there's a word for people who find a man sexual. It's attractive. No. so
ahish but there is an a board I forgot what it is. Bisexual. You may call a valid citizen.
have You have missed so much Glick and you've only been gone for like five minutes. I was talking to this goddamn Mexican that lives in my house. Dude, you got to chill. Sapio sexual. Sapio sexual. I never got to chill.
Sapio. You gotta chill. like This is my fucking show. I do what I want. Sapio, like homo sapien, Sapio? No, Sapios. I just typed it in the chat and it went to all the fucking things. That's where you find brains. Yeah. Like like homo sapien. Yeah. Like like human. So it doesn't matter what what their gender is or their sexual. me Well, I mean, I'm still heterosexual. I'm still a cis man, but I find intelligence attractive.
have so I have a serious question. This question is from Blaze. where did the so Where did the term CIS come from? Because I had never heard it until like three years ago. CIS came out, I think in the 70s or 60s. Jeff, is sexual? This is what's mind boggling about the old transgender conversation. Is this conversation already took place like decades ago?
And now, now all of a sudden it's like, it's some modern thing, like, ooh, transsexuals. That's our transgender. That's something new. It's not right. I didn't know nothing about transsexuals until I met Frankenfurter.
No. and and I learned about transsexuals when I read the fucking Bible in middle school. Then he was a transexual from Transphobia. There's transgender in the fucking Bible. like Is there really? The whole idea of transgendered, like multi freaking general gender cultures is nothing new. This is like something that's been around for the the span of like human history. Blaze, you got to remember I'm 27, not 80 like these old fucks around us. All right. Well, that's fine.
I mean, so I'm, I'm still, I'm still learning how to be like, like the fact that now in like, in the last like decade that we've had this big discussion about trans identity, like this is nothing new. Like the fact that this is in like a common parlance now is like, why it's just fear mongering at this point, to tell you the truth.
well the news i you know like yeah yeah um we won't i mean More political than we've already been but like I'll be honest. I don't understand it, but I really don't get the fuck I Just don't care. I don't understand what there's not to understand. I mean but Like like it's it's the same thing where you just because you don't understand somebody's decision doesn't mean that you don't still respect it No, no, no, no, that's, that's not what I mean. I don't know. No, no, no, no. yeah Okay. So do you understand that human history involves religion? Like we, we, we've had a religion. Oh yeah. oh yeah oh yeah hundred That's the same thing with gender.
Hey, that's what I don't understand. It's like talking about gender identity is like talking about religious perspective. Like it's been here since we've been here. All all I know is when Tim Curry said, I'm just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania. It changed my life. Fair enough. sure But that's not the point I was making. like I love you, Glick.
ah there' a point i'm making yeah It's like it's like fighting about who invented the fucking wheel who gives a shit socially constructed It gives us benefit. Let's just go with it, but the Chinese give us benefits david would that Do transgender people give us benefits at the end of the day? I guess this is a conversation I could have with my broster. No. like like i du It's the acceptance of the idea. Actually, I want to have this conversation with my broster now. I want to message him so bad and be like, hey, you as a transgender human being, what benefits are you giving me? Just because I know he'll be like.
Are you fucking serious right now? And then we'll just spend three hours fucking with each other. Well, what what benefits do you give me, Glick? You straight heterosexual man. I shove quarters of your heterosexual. I shove quarters of your ass and and got I make you feel like a.
I make you feel like a full human being when we're together. I make you feel like you still have legs. Exactly. Because I pick you up. You benefit from me just the same as if you would benefit from anybody else, no matter what their sexual order is. However, like I said, it's all joking. And all joking, not to be serious at all. I do want to fuck with my broister and be like, hey, how do you benefit me by being transgender?
Just because just because at the beginning at the beginning, I know it'll set him off. But then at the end of the day, it'll just end up in us spending three hours roasting the absolute shit out of each other. Listen here, Glick Lionheart.
chill He's the only person who has a representative. He's a basic white boy. As the only person who has a representative of the transgender community. He's a basic white boy. Don't you go to hell Marty.
As the only person on this show with a representative of the transgender community, in my immediate family. I feel like I'm the spokesperson. for translate like You just got called a Mayo packet. You're a Mayo packet. Okay. Like I'm I'm going to let an illegal immigrant who's living in my house, uh, call me a Mayo packet. That's why I'm deporting her. I called you a Mayo bag. Oh, is is that your, is that your, whoever that is? It's my adopted daughter.
I don't know who Marty him. That's the Mexican cow that was behind me. Oh, have you not met Marty when we were at the party? I didn't know who that yeah matt was. Yeah, that's that's Marty and Marty high five.
I'm going to party. I'm proud of you for not slapping the ever loving shit out of you with out of him. when all all All her and I do is talk shit to each other. Marty, run up behind him and slap him in the back of the head. I'll hit her with a stunner. I will give you, I will, I will, say I will sell you $20 if you slap the ever loving shit on it. out of here i just like right you're a christ i what here with a stone yeah yeah like We're waiting. good i will hit with a fucking we're waiting bottom I want to see this on full fucking screen. Let's go.
snap i hope you knows it
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Maybe we should drop him down. That looks like it's getting interesting.
Oh, shit.

Political Stereotypes Humor

Stunned. Stunned.
didn't get done that's what most important you equal opportunity win equality race I'll beat you like a whi equal left equal right i don know i jim watched out as it was happening be like white woman. i meet you i go a white woman she said where's her money Hang on, ill i'll so I'll send you the money as soon as I see it happen because my shit glitched out as it was happening. I'm watching it on YouTube. now we got excuses they don' money
How's that for your glitch out? What's your cash out? Mortavious. What's your cash out? What's your cash out? So, everybody can send you money. Yes. um Marty. fucking what you get back Marty. marney slaps any mar slapty las but Marty. slosly Marty. Just like her name in the chair. Wait. She's coming from the background.
hey actually You didn't slap. No, you don't get money for that. That was weak. She actually did. She actually did. She slapped me but I was late there. This was, this was what she did. That's not what I want. young soon you said She she didn't slap me but I was waiting for her. for her which I chased her all the way down the hallway.
she did slap me you know one eat them and through she don't see no money coming through marty has i you know full-on slap that was like ah ah yeah if i didn't have a beard if i didn't have a be you'd see she actually did she hit me but i she didn't expect me to chase her as down the hallway and drag her back here
She's probably still trying to figure out what the hell just happened out there. yeah She's waiting on her money, you sons of bitches.
That was all Connor right there. I'll be, ah I'll be waiting on the, I'll be waiting on the cash app. I think the cash app is Marty Hinsley, just like her name on the chat. I'll, I'll, so i'll so I'll send, I'll send her $10. I'll get her the other 10. If she comes back in here and slaps you like a real man, Nikki was like road hog. What's going on? o i gotta realload it cause I got a new phone. Stop by last night, man. Hey man, you want to come up?
Where's my money? Where's my nice? Connor, where's her money? Hey, oh, shit. It's too bright. I'm downloading Cash App currently. He's downloading it. He's like, I need to have Cash App. I think I think Nikki barely looked her head off the couch. She's like, the fuck is happening? um Is it really just me? I'll send you the other 10 if you actually slap him. That was just a weak little. She did.
Yeah, she put her hand on your face for like a half. a It didn't count. Yes, I'm hard on that. Like I want to see. Yeah, you gotta like pull on what is that? That's her cash out. She wasn't expecting me to be sitting down here prepared to the fight. that's She said she's like I didn't expect you to be down here. This is not a slap. I want to see this.
that wow but You're going to see that when you come when you come up here for Christmas, you're going to see that firsthand experience.
How much money will do anything for money? I'll do anything for money. What? I'll do anything. That's what I said. You do anything for money. Yeah, but it means how to hold it up a sign that says blowjob $20.
You what? You would hold up a sinuses?
um terms like what's your cash justs like gang we wait where i what a boyfriend i can't be a home already You have a boyfriend? Are you guys actually officially dating? We've been dating.
Girl, I swear to God, you are not yelling at the right person. I didn't know you guys were actually date games. You did. It's Marty Hensley, correct? How many months along are you? Yes. Yes. H-U-S-L-Y. Good. Also, Glick, how much do I... how is Text me how much I owe you. For what? That's a thing.
Oh my gosh. I got $10. I was expecting 20 but. She was expecting 20. Well, that's because he said that you didn't like like come all the way back. You know, hard enough. Yeah. You did this. You did this. That's these assholes. They change the rules all the time. What do you owe me money for? You did this. I know. That's not a slap. What do you owe me money for? I now have $16 and 14. This. You're rich. I know.
pre let um did we get modi did we get monetized maybe we get enough money to cover agreement i just didn't know it well and my music that you've made more money on a sleep order than the the rules yeah <unk> good much It's really not that much art it's like that whole briefy Oh my god, you're ridiculous. I can't with you. Do you have to work tomorrow? Yeah three yeah well okay but Yeah, we'll take you and then my mom's picking me up at 12 15 a.m. I'll hold something up for somebody she bring you back here yeah we don't want to see you know yeah what oh yeah oh yeah we'll take you tomorrow all right thank you all right good night actually slapped the ever loving shit out of him next time that
and she did cc She honestly did not expect me to be down here ready waiting for it. She's about shit herself when I started chasing her down the hallway when I grabbed a hold of her. I didn't expect her to come um back into here at all.
Yeah, Nikki's on the couch and she's watching TV and she, she, she was last night whooped her ass. She is reeling from last night and she just kind of looked her head up and she's like, what the fuck? All she's seen was a Sasquatch carrying a Mexican down the hallway.
I want my $10. Nikki's like, welcome to my life. I want my $10.
I'm not paying you dick. but Thanks for the money. Laughing harder next time, Marty.
Oh, I think she's I'm going to I'm going to roll on and and in the me direction. You can't wait 45 minutes, bitch. Has Nikki's friends left it?
Did Nicki's friends leave? We've got six hours, you whore. OK, so an hour and five minutes. So 65 minutes, not 45 minutes.
twenty i mean Ask any woman. 20 minutes is a long time. You might be pick using that with your dick size.
but i mean yeah yeah yeah Yes and no, Connor. You're telling me that to to anyone, there's no difference between five minutes and 25 minutes. Well, I mean, i well by the same i thing i I'm a very, I'm a very... There's really no difference between one minute and 20 minutes either, but yeah. I mean, I'm a very skilled individual in within five minutes. Within five minutes, Nikki's stamping out.
but Yeah, it's her that's tapping out. It's not you walking over to her with a towel going. Sorry. I mean, I know. I mean, I mean, I can say in Jeff Jeff knows because Nikki actually Jeff and Dodie were trying to clown me out one night when I said hashtag twenty five and they're like, no fucking way. And Nikki was like, yeah, yeah bitches. I mean,
I think I'm going to get some. stuff her wife Your wife or fiance or whatever the fuck she is, you're slaying. I don't know. I have a particular set of skills.
which I will find it. I will find it. And she will come a lot. Ew. your momcon that's your problem I paid you $10 Marty. Don't be fucking requesting more money from me. No, you want another $10 come in here and slap the shit out of here Fucking money and please where's that sound bite of honors mom?
but it is that that share I've heard it. I've heard it. I've heard it in the hallway. I'm telling you that. That's my mom that's your mom and that's your dad at the same time right here. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's not working. Honestly, that sounds like really bad acting by the dude, but yeah, yeah that that sounds more like me. So you act.
with your wife, you pretend. Who was your saying? What's your saying? What's your saying? What's your saying? What you're saying is your Nikki is so bad.
i yeah but So what you're saying is your Nikki is so bad that you have to pretend.
That's what you said. Putting words in my mouth. to try know i just That's what you said. That's what you said. Because you've been saying all night that that is what you sound like. And then you said that, God damn, Blaze. What? Oh, did you guys hear them oh that? We fucking Beethoven heard that shit.
but was it fucking wednesday night like it was it i'm like fighting hoodie Over my head And I didn't call him out on it, but I should have but we were doing the show was that I Jeff was like and i was like Yeah, it wasn't me
I'm not mad at him. I haven't had gas in a while, so I don't know. He's had a good night today. He's had a great night. The best night. And I think it's time for me to go. Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President, I have a question. Yes, yes. I have a question. No, I don't want to answer from you your fake news. I can't, I don't want to listen. Go back, i was go back to where you, go back.
Go back to where you came from. Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're fake news. I heard you son of a bitch. Here's a shot. Check your stick. nine ah Mr. President, Mr. President, would you say this was one of the best shows ever? Yes. um I don't want to say that that's what it was, but it was a great show.
Pretty awesome. ah few Few with any podcast can you compare. I like Joe Rogan. I like him a lot. But I got to say, I think this beats him. This tops him, this trumps him every time. Trump. See what I did there? See what I did? I'm just so funny. Mr. mr president mr advise president mr President, how do you feel about this network eating that as a whole? did network Eat a dick. Yeah, Nancy, eat a dick. How do you feel about this network as a whole, Mr. President? There's never been anything like it.
I've, I've seen lots of networks. I've seen the communist new news news network. I've seen the Fox news network, ah but nothing, nothing really quite compares to what we have here. Uh, the nonsensical network. Uh, we, we do a great job. Hey, it honestly, the the host pretty shitty, uh, kind of terrible. I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to hate on him. He's he's a good guy, but he fucking sucks at his job.
but That's a promo right there. That's the promo. I was trying to get that is the fucking promo. I was trying to get questions and answers with nothing in there so that we can Jesus Christ so that we can clip those. yeah this is We we we las yeah are the best. They smell the best. My orange hands. They're tiny, but I love holding his shits. His farts are amazing. You should smell them.
i also mr president how do you he that a Mr. President, how do you feel about us having a communist on the network?
For a communist, he's he's a good guy. he's a good His priorities are a little off. Just a little bit, but that's okay. Ladies, he's a good person, I'm telling you. I hate to say it. He's like Chuck Schumer, great guy.
i was trying to be cool Actually, I've been I've been working on my Biden I think I got it down pretty good Already got that one down mr mr mr president before before Before you leave before you before we let you go I uh you know number number 45 number 47 you know you you got big plans you got all this if if there was one podcast network that you would recommend what podcast network would it be that you would recommend that everybody listens to and why thank you for asking
thank Thank you for asking question there patinsic great much from a great news what network that What the fuck news? Thank you very much. ah If I had to pick one network, I would say the nonsensical network has to be the greatest news network, the greatest comedy network. zi You can find everything, everything that you could ever possibly want. and tell Making America great starts with this network. Starts here. What network is that? It's the nonsensical network, but okay? suspicious
mr president I want to thank you for coming up here tonight. We we greatly appreciate you being here. We wish you the best for the next four years and we can't wait to see uh quote unquote America great again. all Absolutely. You're a faggot but the rest of you are pretty cool.
Jeff and Blaze, you have a job. hundred
I marked down the time, so I'll have that for you tomorrow, by the The whole Glickin' President conversation, but the key note is the 47th president of America called me a baguette.
Ah. We'll talk about it more on Wednesday. I'm just saying, because that's breaking fucking news. Breaking news. I'm actually making a note right now. That's what I'm confusing with. If we can, I'll figure out some stipulations for it. But with if we we can figure something out, and I will shave my beard and dress as Donald Trump. And I will come on here for an interview. I will send you the order. You would shave your nose for that?
i would ji beard for that worth it i do grow so much more majestically than mine and yeah but but he shaves it all the time I've saved my beard once. You've shaved it twice since you've been full-time on the network.
Once. Has it only been once? I thought it's been twice. Really? It's only been once. i So once I got out, I grew it. And I didn't shave it until, oh, I don't know. He got lice. May or June. May or June. It was before my surgery. I had a terrible rash on my chin. It hurt like hell. Lice and grass. Shaved it. I haven't shaved it since then. But anyway,
it's my outward direction. All right. All right. Love you, buddy.
Who took the gimp fucking dance down? I didn't take anything down. Fucking Fucking Jeff.
and The host is a fag. The other guys are pretty. yeah like but
like i I believe I know you take politics pretty seriously, you know, I do, I do. But I love that you are that like you just like you even you know we don't we don't hear and i love the fact that you're just like yeah i can have fun with it too like you're not oh we oh yeah yeah you're not that super serious about it where when we start to joke around and poke the bear quote unquote i'm more about i take i take the idea seriously the people i don't
does That makes sense. Yeah. No. Yeah, it does. I just love that you can have fun when we have fun. with it That's why I'll make a fucking bite and sleep and joke because because he was I mean, he said so is the other guy. Oh, no, like.
and Like as much as, and and like as much as I, you know, enjoyed Trump and his craziness, like I've always been the first guy to be like, he's a fucking jackass. Like he really is. yeah So I think what it is, is there's, there's a lot of people and I'm not including you, but people that do vote for Trump that look at the other side and that I am quote unquote, the other side that they would expect me to just.
cry Yeah. Well, you know what I mean? You, you have, it's, it's, it's, it's, you know, it's like a, it's like a coin. You know, you hear, if you go on social media and you go, uh, to the news networks, it's like, Oh, the left, this left, that the right, this to write that. And it's like the majority of the left and or right.
Whatever you would whatever you follow. They're not those crazy ass fucking people, you know as yeah so literally so it's it's actually every time and i fighting They always find the dumbest person to bring on So the way I see it, and I'm sorry for, for meeting you, Jeff, you can put me on. I mean, because I really wanted to say what, what I want to say is I don't look at politics as Republicans or Democrats. I do understand that yeah there are Democrats and Republicans, but.
At the end of the day, the majority of us, like and i'm just when and and when I say the majority, I'm talking about just the the the citizens, not not talking about the politicians. The citizens, ah us, we honestly, a lot of the times we want the same things.
Yeah, we just were divided in our camps and we think that we can get to that one thing in a different way. And there's there's a conflict there. And I think that's where the conversation needs to be had. But we're so distracted by a lot of the other shit, the the the politicians, the talkers, the speakers, the billionaires and the donators and lobbyists and and But the point the point I'm trying to get is at the end of the day, we really do want the same thing. We just want our freedom. We want to be left alone. We we we want to be able to make what we make in order to make a living like we want to produce. um It's just how we get to it. And that to me has nothing to do with people.
No, but my point that I was trying to make is it's like every time there's an alien abduction, they bring on the weirdest, craziest dude on the planet to be like, I was abducted and they put some of them up. around No, but like, you don't see, you don't see. No, no.
My point is you don't, I don't, I don't take that smart, like, like Neil deGrasse Tyson being, I was abducted by aliens. It's always the weird guy. And and yeah when it comes to politics, it's the weird guy that gets all the ah screen time. You don't see the average Joe, so to speak.
my point i was No, we do see the average Joe. I mean, you can scroll through TikTok and see the average Joe. It's just I'm talking about even the average Joe will will be very radical, radical shit, depending on more or less what are you doing? Bring your ass up here and say hello. Thank you in person. no excuses You really yeah yeah you really were bottom feeding tonight hanging out with.
ask you about a food truck and yeah i think I think politicians do what politicians do and and their job is to divide us. But I agree with you 100%. No, are no, no. Politicians' jobs aren't devised. There are some politicians who do, but that's not their job. You're not fucking your own, you communist piece of shit.
No, no, no, no, no, no. I understand what you're saying. We have this idea that politicians are there to drive us apart. But that's not their job. I mean, it's it's honestly, we drive ourselves apart more than politicians drive us apart. No, I know. I wholeheartedly agree with that. ah People get these ideals and they these, and ah you know, whatever in their head and and and and then they run with them and and and You know, like I'm the I'm not the most educated person in the world and and I don't want to go down this political conversation But like I'm not the most educated person in the world and Blaise and I have talked about this We had our we had our night together at Cherry Valley you know, but I think I think I think more I think at the end of the day the the biggest thing is that we as people we as a society
We follow our ideals and our beliefs and stuff like that. And we kind of divide each other. We kind of divide ourselves. And then we want to, we want to say, and we want to say, and i and oh, it's the politicians fault. It's the news fault. It's, it's not, it's not at the end of the day, because if you sit down and talk to somebody who doesn't necessarily agree with what you think or how you feel, if you actually sit down and con and have an actual conversation,
We agree on a lot. You might. Yeah, you learn real quick. Yeah, we agree on a lot of things like there's things out there that and I'm not the most political person in the world. I'm just like I'm just fucking here. I'm just living my life at the end of the day. I know Blaze, you know, I know you you you you do get you know, you get into the political sphere, so to say I don't. But there's things that that you know and we've had and and not to dive into it. i't rls got ah doug yeah i mean Yeah, let's just call them what they are a TV version of nonsensical network.
ah um You know, like, you do you dive a little bit more into into the political world than I do, but You and I can fucking hang out and and fucking put that shit beside us And then if we do have a conversation about it We actually listen to each other now that I really have a political stance at the end of the day because I'm just like At the end of the day as long as my actual and and I know everybody wants to say oh my god They're gonna take your guns. They're gonna take your speech. They're gonna do it like I haven't seen it
So it's just, yeah yeah, it's just bullshit. Nobody's taking anybody's actual freedoms or rights away. It's like these women that go on social media. it's like There are, there are some, there are some aspects are taken, but there's like these women that the the women that go on social media. And they're like, I never thought my daughter would grow up in a world where they wouldn't have the rights. I'm like, what are you talking about? Well,
because you guys there, there has been without getting too political. There, there has been some rights. It's been the biggest thing the thing and just that like yeah I think the biggest complaint about is abortion. Well, that's, that's the, I mean, I don't give a damn the right. Yes. The right to one's bodily autonomy is very important and that was kind of taken away. Not kind of, it was taken away.
But herees i think i think i think at the I think at the end of the day, ah um I think the biggest problem is tribalism.
We have to get over our are are are infatuation or intrinsic idea of like we have to belong to a certain tribe or a clique or an institution or group or something. I understand how it's comfortable, because we all want to belong to something. um And it's something that I have, I struggle with. But I think at the end of the day, tribalism is the big problem.
yeah What is tribalism? I'm asking some questions now. I'm not trying to debate. No, you're no you're good. try Tribalism is this instinctual thing that humans do that we have our own own tribes. where we um those safe spaces that we go to, they're kind of our bubbles that people feel the oh okay got you the same. um Yeah. and And there's, and there's tribalism is so intersectional. I mean, it's not just a certain race or religion or culture. Like there's a huge, like um intersectionalism there. I mean, there's countercultures or antisocial cultures. There's a political,
um There's a lot of political ah parties other than just Republican and Democrat, but but my point is at the same day, at the end of the day, um I would like to see tribalism kind of abolished. I think it creates division, but I also think other things should be abolished like borders too. but yeah so Well, yeah, yeah, any who are less I gotta ask Carlos Maybe You gotta come up and say at least we will you gotta at least come up and say hi. You're awake. You're on here You're in the chat. You got at least go up and say hi. I broke the rules I Changed to show up a few hours ago. I threw it up on Facebook. I threw it up on Twitch You gotta at least come up and say hi, man. think I Think I think I really I really truly do man. I think everybody's on the ah
on the we can click. I think I think I think click is being on voting off the islands, man. I think Rocky hates me. I think I know. I think Carlos hates me. I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm just going to leave and just do the behind the scenes. I got to find a new host for the music show watching. They got their shit. They got their schedules. I just don't think they like me. I just don't think they like me, man. All right. Well, P.J., P.J. Dill done infiltrated and you can keep thinking that.
Yeah, man. I don't know what's going on. I got a piss though. I know that much.
I'm going to mute him while he's doing that because he didn't mute himself. Yeah, because you'll you'll literally hear it. but Literally, when I fart, I don't realize you guys hear me. Your mic picks it up like you put the mic to your asshole. Oh my god. They're in my ear. They're like right here. Like my fucking But he's on. I'm like, oh, they can't hear me. and no Oh, no, you were wrong so many level did you have on so I'm so wrong. I'm so fucking wrong.
No, I jumped off real quick so I could get the the clip of Trump being on our show. I can't do it. I can't do it while we're live.
because my computer will pick up the audio of you guys talking while I'm recording it. Gotcha. So yeah, I had to jump down to do it. And well,
well that's why I have my other computer open like because I play the show while we're recording. I never actually stopped to do anything like that because it's I don't actually, so I kind of like squirreled and distracted myself. I'm watching this dude make a Nerf new gun. So ah yeah, I've seen that guy. I'm sorry. I think Nerf guns are probably like the best boy ever made in history. I just, because they're so, they're fun. They're practical. They, they, you can do like bullshit with them. They don't harm anybody.
I mean, you can make them harm people if you really wanted to. Well, you can not, watch but you can bond your nerf guns and do some really cool shit. You just, just have all out fucking bonding with them. And I've always been a nerf fan. So yes, I'm a socialist and I like guns. Yeah. Yes. Did you know, did you know that Marx, Karl Marx was pro gun ownership? Was he really?
he was. I don't think that's something that's like, no, no, no, vastly known yeah he was very pro gun. It's a cover up. He was, he was pro gun for the very same reason why we had the second amendment. Right. Yeah. That makes sense. So you're muted, Glick. I muted you Glick for, we muted you because, because you were doing something illegal and we didn't want audio proof.
Well, I was I don't don't ever fucking mute me first and foremost. Oh, first and foremost. Oh, don't look at me. I'm a fucking I needed you because you were talking about you were talking to someone else about something else. And Jeff and I were having a conversation. No, I wasn't talking to anybody about anything. I went took a piss. I had to go for a chicken.
That's why I needed you. We didn't we didn't want to hear you pissed. That's why we're going to hear. We're going to hear Blaise's fucking butt show. We got enough. But yeah, you will. Yeah. I told him but it was like it was like he stuck the mic up his asshole and then let it rip. There are times I have muted myself because of that. God forbid Blick goes and fries chicken. Now, that's not going to fly out here. Well, no, you said you were going to go pee.
So, we don't want to hear you piss. I don't give a god damn about your **** opinions because this show, unlike America, is an actual dictatorship and in Jeff's case, it's a dictatorship. Yeah. Jeff likes to taste dicks.
it only on the way down
I'm not judging you brother. Like we said Wednesday, we're not here to kink shame. We're not here to fetch shame. We're not here to, uh, uh, gay shame, whatever. Whatever y'all do is you do man. Be happy if it makes you happy, bro. If you want to taste, if you want to taste dicks on the weekends, I don't know. If you're somebody that likes to taste dead dick, I'm going to shame you.
Well, it's a little weird. It's a little weird, but I'm also going to have i but it's it's a little weird, but I'm going to have questions. Oh, yeah. As as as as as a journalist. Yes. As as unlike like there are some things I will shame you about as like as the president, as the resident journalist, quote unquote interviewer on the network. I didn have questions. Yeah, questions are good.
Yeah. You know, I, I, I need answers and I, and I have questions that those answers needed to be attained for. So, you know, these guys, they don't, they don't do interviews, you know, Blaze and Jeff and, conor and, and Wally. That doesn't mean I don't know the, that does not mean I don't know how to answer or ask the right questions. You don't know how to answer. So Blaze, when you're the rest of between Kentucky and Ohio,
ah Is it true? Did you or did you not ask the Bigfoot? Do you come here often? Before you drop down to your knees? this is And the good point is, I don't have to pay the toll, and he does. I feel like when you take... But my point was, is I know how to ask the right questions just as well as Glick does.
places like squashed fusions, high in protein, and I'm trying to work out. Trying to work out. I don't work out. No. None of us do. let's Well, I do occasionally. I do smoke weed. 12 ounce girls don't count. I went to the gym three days i went to gym three days last week, two weeks ago and worked out.
I walked past the gym the other day. Yeah. I actually did go like I am really fucking trying to get into a routine. I'm going to the gym. But it's not because I do want to I do want to I do want to lose a little bit of weight. I want to be a little bit more confident, man. I really want to don't tell like I really want to i like I really want to do this OnlyFans thing. wow But I'm battling self-consciousness.
well actually yeah Self-consciousness is something I deal with yeah um ah but Like I really want to do it and I really want to promote it and as much as you guys shame me Jeff I'm talking to you ah It's like, I've never seen you for it. I see your stuff on tiktok and I don't, I just. And he likes it. And he likes it. And he likes it. And then he comments with a bunch of hearts. I don't know. It's maybe. No, I'm trying. He slid in my DMS. Please slid in my DMS on tiktok. And I'm like, what are you doing? And he was like, I'm trying to make. sense He was like, stuff and I'm like,
Yeah. What are you doing? Like, he's like, I'm trying to whore myself out, man. Come on. He's like, Hey, how you doing, big boy? And I'm like, he plays weed. talk every day. I realized I was I was way too expensive for him. So, fine like he's trying to cover right now. I'm like, Blaze, we're friends, bro. What's what's happening here? And Blaze is like, like, I'm in love with you. And I'm like, no. Knew it. He said, he said, he said, you complete me, like, and I'm like, uh, not surprised.
have you seen me? or Bank account didn't complete me, unfortunately. but yeah yeah Let's be honest. My bank account is not completing anybody. It's not even completing me these days. This dude is making this Nerf new and I'm so enamored by it. Oh, that's what I was going to say. You talked about the Nerf, the Nerf guns. So in Columbus, they have a nerf combat zone.
and you Yeah. More reason for police to move to Ohio and you can go and and it's like thinking and it's like this big ass indoor arena and you know, it's, and and they get teams, you know, like five on five or whatever, but you just go in there and just, and they've got every nerf gun imaginable, bro.
So you just pick your fucking weapons and you go to fucking war. I want to do it so bad. That's just fun. Yeah, it is like Nerf is just fun. I don't care if you're like two years old or fucking 200 years old. Nerf is fun. I know what I want to get into. I've been watching this. There's a guy I watch on YouTube. He does airsoft.
It looks like so much fun. Go out in the woods and just shoot people with BB guns. Yeah. The airsoft looks cool as shit. Yeah. It looks like so much fun. Problem with airsoft is those things can actually fuck a motherfucker up. No, no, because in airsoft they use, they use a plastic BB stuff. Yeah. They're little small little plastic BBs. Yeah.
Yeah. Those can get no, those, those hurt a little bit more than fuck. I mean, I'm not trying to sit here and say, Oh, they hurt, but my pussy, pussy. Nerf is better. Nerf is better.
Nerf. Nerf takes more skills because, because you have like less fucking darts compared to fucking those little BB guns, those little BBs. it's all about fucking it's it's it's not so much like I said it wasn't about the pain it was the right uh game itself I get it you can say it buddy you're a pussy it's okay I mean don't don't be wrong I'll fucking go out in the woods and fucking play actual bb gun war with you with real fun yeah yeah yeah we will we will love you the same place
air yeah mean call you call you fat and stupid too but my yourcraft is dead Airsoft is actually the real airsoft is for those pussies. They don't want to play a ball. Yeah. Oh dude. I love me. I ain't played paintball and shit.
top like Oh, for yearsson I'm all down. Oh, I'm down for people. Dude, the last time I played paintball, Kevin and TJ, which I've talked about on here before, the kids' godparents, all three kids have the same godparents.
Their mom has been best friends with Kevin since like third grade. I've known Kevin since he was 16. ah But, uh, we went out for his bachelor party. We went and played paintball and his now brother-in-law. And I was like, I couldn't, I couldn't wear my glasses underneath like the mask. Cause they, so I'm, I'm blind as shit.
and and And I was like, I'm going to light these motherfuckers up. And I'm like, without my glasses, I'm legit blind. Like, like currently right now, I'm looking at the computer screen and I have to really focus to see the just the chat. You know what I mean? So, right and ah you know, it's it's kind of blurry to me if I'm looking at it without focusing the by his brother in law, I've This motherfucker popped out from behind a wall so the paintball park we went to they had the They had the the probe the the pro course which with all the inflatables and shit like that And then they had and then they had the urban warfare, you know, it's like the old barn and shit like that His brother lost fucking popped out around a wall and the urban warfare and in a barn Blind as I can be
but but Hit his fucking trigger finger four times. And then dotted both of his fucking eyes with his mask. The other two. And he was like, the fuck, Glick? And I'm like, yeah. And I'm blind, bitch. ye Suck it. i dude I love playing fucking paintball, but I'm very competitive. I have a very competitive spirit.
as You don't say. as she know yeah yeah yeah 29 times champion. 29 times in a row. Actually, you know, I feel like I'm going to take my first L ever on this podcast with the. Yeah. because you's less There's less than 40 days. Yeah. With the angel of death and that goddamn Jimmy Carter won't fucking die.
umnna life He's gonna die january every every second. I'm just I'm calling it na Well, well, well, well, hold on a second now, um the the the yeah It ends on actually i have It ends on the 27th No, it's 20. Yeah. So it is on the 27th and we'll announce the winner on the 28th. That's right. And then I would like to start making picks for next year. Yeah.
Well, should we do that on the first weekend of the new year though? Make our pick. Yeah. I would, I would, I would like to do that on the fourth or the 11th. Okay.
Which will be the first the fourth is the first Saturday of the new year and the 11th is a second so um But you know, we're like we've done everything, you know It's like we used to do with the top five and shit like that. It'll be ah Like the drafts or the pics will be like and NFL draft style so yeah, I could still wind up with the first pick and as long as Jimmy's still alive and I'm picking. But we're also we we also got to. This is why I'm leaning. Unless we take the time on the. And with the holidays, we got to figure out because there's not going to be there's not going to be a what to fuck news on Wednesday, the on the first. No, obviously we're going to be on. Yes. God, I hope I don't want to work that day. I don't think I will.
i do ah We're discussing dates for we're discussing the angel death so we're and So so the angel that our celebrity angel of death which you'll be you'll be involved Connor will be involved this year He was Connor was involved last year We'll pick our ten funny cuz Connor has more points than Glick and his his picks were shit Well, well, when do you guys make the picks?
Well, that's what we're discussing like fourth through on the fourth or the 11th. However, we're going to change it up a little bit this year and we're going to do a murder, quote unquote, emergency picks. But if you pick somebody up for an emergency pick and they don't die, you lose my eyes at the end of the year. you know So like, say, for instance, like, like, uh, Mike Tyson,
Oh God, he had a a heart attack heart accident yeah and and and and in our group in our group chat. The first but like Connor's like, Hey, I'm taking my Tyson emergency pick.
We'll, we'll have to figure it out. We'll figure it out. yeah Like we'll have private conversations because there, you, you, you can't just grant, you can like, we got to sit on the news. You can't catch it on the news that Mike Tyson died and then be like, I'll pick emergency pick. No, yeah but I'll just start doing my research now. Yeah. Like you can only have so many emergency picks. Yeah. Like you can only do four and then like after you limit,
Who are the old celebrities? Yeah. So like, so like say you said, so like, say you we decide like you can have three emergency picks. However. Did you guys still alive? I thought he died. Yeah. He's on my list. He's on my list.
think so my Actually he's on whose list is he on? is he on mine? Yeah. He's on. Yeah. He's your number four pick. I got a dig man. I Jimmy Carter and fuck the audio. I was born that won't fucking die. Clint Eastwood is still alive. yeah Yeah. He's on Potter's list. So, i would have my so like, I'm thinking like you get three emergency picks and then after that, if you pick another emergency pick, you have to drop somebody off your religion. Like you have to swap an emergency pick.
No, I'm picking next nuance yeah my first pick. My first pick is going to be my 100% best political guy that I like to listen to, Noam Chomsky. don As much as I like the guy, I'm surprised still alive. There are rules and the rule is they have to be widely known. Noam Chomsky is widely known.
Everybody knows, you know, I even I know who I don't know. You don't know who Noam Chomsky is. He's been like no effects. Like even put him in his in their song in the fucking eight. Yeah, I know. I know. He is this big political philosophy guy has been around like the deuce from MIT. Like, OK, very well known. Yeah. He has come down. No, no, he is. He is very well known.
um I know who i i couldn't i'd probably I probably have heard the name. It just didn't click, you know um but If you see him you might but I'm one of those things argument when I when I pick Billy Connolly We had that argument when I picked Billy Connolly Because click was like who the fuck is that? Yeah, you do. He's he's the dad in boondock Saints.
So does it have to be somebody that's widely known? It's a celebrity. They have to be famous. Yeah, they have to be a celebrity. Well, I mean, Noam Chomsky. Like, like, you know, like in all honesty, there's there was somebody that I was going to pick. I mean, Jimmy Carter is a freaking political celebrity. I mean, he's just right. But he's just playing. Yeah. Yes, we know. Well, there was ah there was a there was a guy that I was going to pick, but I didn't want to have the fight with these guys.

Celebrity Death Pool Rules

which would have put me in the lead. He's a YouTuber and he has like 10 million followers, but he was like a wildlife guy. And right at the beginning of the year, he got diagnosed with cancer and he died like two weeks after we made our picks. Right. Being widely known is kind of relative depending on where you get the media from too. yeahlotter down like The, yeah, celebrity, our definition of celebrity that night when we, we pay. And this is also our first year. More than one of us had to know who it was. Do you guys have a specific definition of what celebrity is? I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm good with that. Also, also, also, this was our first year. So we were just kind of, it was an idea. And and and I kind of sold the idea from the Mike counter show because they do the celebrity death pool every year.
Uh, and they've got a whole bunch of terrible rules. They got a book like, like you get, you get so like, say, say for instance, like you pick Bam, Marjara and he's 45 and he died. I didn't hear, I didn't hear a single thing you said for a while. So, so like um the Mike counter to show, they do the celebrity death bolt.
And say, for instance, you pick Bam Margera and I don't know how old Bam Barnes area is. I'm just throwing this number out there. He's 45 and he dies. So you get you, you subtract 45 from a hundred and you get those points. You get what? 55 points. Yeah. But so like you, me and Jeff understands that Ben McGarr is a celebrity, but with the honor.
Yeah. Well, that's the thing. But does Connor know who Van McGarry is? and smart so so like That's what we're saying. like As long as two of us agree that they're a celebrity that counts.
Yeah. and so in Okay. Cause hold on. Cause like Jimmy Carter, he's not a celebrity. He's just the president. Yeah, but he's famous. Yeah. But he's, he's famous. So it's like famous people, but like, say for instance, I say, I, so let me just know this out there. I say, uh, uh, well what's that God damn girl? I say Joe, Joe Siwa. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. yeah I know who that is. And, and, and, and Blaise is like, I have no idea who that is. and did I do. So that counts. Yeah. And jeffson and it's just a three. And it's just the three of us and Blaise is like, I don't know who that is. We're going to put it up to vote. And Jeff goes, yeah, I know who that is. She was on a dance horse. Yeah.
And now she's, now she's a musician. I'm i fine with that. I'm just like, I don't. Well, for instance, uh, not only did we have, uh, Jimmy Carter, but like I, I picked Willie Mays, not a celebrity. one we're saying I mean, if you can pay me harder for being a quote unquote celebrity, cause he was a president, then.
I think I can. chosen to yeah and no honor yeah and No, I with you. And that and that's where for instance, you said, no, i'm chuck now I don't, I've never listened to him or nobody, but I've heard the name. I know he, I know, I know what he does. And Jeff's like, I have no idea idea who that is.
And I'm like, well, I do. Right. And it it yeah, it becomes a ah like, I think more people should know who Noam Chomsky is. I'm sure. I'm sure a lot of people know. I think a lot of people. But that's a different topic. That's a different topic. Yeah, I think I think a lot of people do. But i like, I know who he is. I know what he does. and Have I ever listened to or followed or read? No, I never have. But I know who he is. I know the name. So it's not necessarily celebrity in the sense of an actor or musician, it's like famous people. Famous people. Fair. Because I had Joe Biden on my list. So you could pick presidents, you could pick musicians, actors, YouTubers, TikTokers. like I put Yoko Ono on my list as well. Yeah.
honorfo Angelina Jolie and Raymond back there. Congratulations. Yeah, well, here's michael bla fox e george day the The only reason Jeff is in the lead is because. not false i would pardon to we we We said first to die against a bonus three points. So Jeff actually has two first it's an extra two points. ah Three points. No, it's two. I wrote it down. It's three. I'm staring at it.
You've got four points, bro. You've only had two yes but Maggie Smith die. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. yeah yes and oh Sorry. sorry it's extra So, yes, you get one three, nine plus the extra two points. Yeah. You get three points for first to go.
So, Jeff has two people who died. Connor has two people who died. I have one person who died. We all suck at this game. It's just Jeff had the first to go. Yeah. Fair. Yeah. so next But next year, we're going to add the the emergency picks. However, like I said, whoa. So, light rock what's up to like,
like say, for instance, nobody's and I'm just telling you something and nobody's picked Ozzy Osbourne on their, on their, on their list of 10. Is he still alive? Yes. Yeah. up the me yeah there that I need that guy's cocaine. Okay. He's on my list. Uh, but like, say for instance, nobody picks him next year.
And a news report comes out about Ozzy being hospitalized and Jeff's like, but guys, I'm taking Ozzy as an emergency pick. But if Ozzy doesn't die in that year, so we're we're kind of, we're adjusting, we're like changing things up and making them more interesting. But say Ozzy doesn't die next year, and Jeff picks him up for an emergency pick.
at the end of the year, he loses five points and it's not a definite where we'll, the four of us will get together and ah well I will, I'll say the five, dig that I'll say the five of us because we got to get Wally involved as well. I think I like, I like that idea. I like that. i saying if if If you think somebody's about to die and you do an emergency and they don't die, you lose points. I'd think that, yeah but also the question is if you pick up an emergency pick and they do die,
Do you get like bonus points extra points? Like an extra point like instead of one point do you get two points for them back? Just the points for points for the you either get the points did they die or you lose the points that they don't die, right? But however say an emergency pick is a first to go you still get the bonus points. Oh, yeah yeah and what do like while to why to get it's justs gonna emerge If okay it it's an emergency pick, it's the first to die. You get the bonus points from being the first and I get that. Yeah.
yeah And there's five of us now. So, well and that's what I'm saying. It'll be a little bit more interesting. And of course, the same rule applies when we did the starting five, no doubles, which means that's why we do the draft live so that like if Glick picks Ozzy Osbourne like he did last year, nobody else can pick Ozzy. He's off the table. and and it's and it's done like And it's done like an NFL draft. So, this year, we're going into the second year. And I don't know if we do it well. I don't like either.
like I don't know if we' get let me know here or we should wait until next year and do the belt. I think we should wait until next year. Y'all let me know when when we're doing the pick. Oh yeah, it'll be the fourth or the 11th. It'll be on a Saturday night when we do the pick. It takes us a good hour and a half to get through the picks. We'll start the show with picks. Well, let's look at the calendar. I know that's where you guys started.
yeah So we discussed about doing and I, and I, and I did it on the 13th, the Saturday, the first Saturday of the year is the four, but it also depends on what everybody's doing. Like if not, everybody can make it on the fourth, then we do it on the 11th. And I want to, I want to make sure everybody, knew it on I say my vote is we do it on the 11th. I agree with you. I think, I think we should plan it for the 11th.
But I think also next year, and then and it's going to come down to everybody being in the grants. I know we all talked about it, but I, you know, I think it would be really cool to everybody pitch in and we get an angel of death or an angel of death belt. Like one of my belts that I have. see just Yeah. And that's what I said. I mean, I don't know if we want to do it that way.
And the the idea of the Angel of Death belt is much like the fantasy football trophy. If I win it this year, like if we were doing the belt this year, I would get the belt for the whole year. Then whoever wins, I have to send it to that person. I mean, we would all pitch in. We would all pitch in on the shipping cost. You know, as a collective, we would all pitch in on the collect on the shipping cost like we would all pitch in on the cost of the belt. The belt would be a $200 to $300 but there's five of us. What is that? $75 a piece? I'd be okay with that if you were like monetized but but I like the idea. Yeah. Um and again, we can even do another trophy too. And again, as I've said, the goal for this upcoming year is monetization
they And that's why I've, and as Jeff alluded to, or Jeff admitted to, you guys aren't going to do shit. If I'm going to be there to pick up your, your, your pick up your table scraps and be like, don't worry. I got this. And I'm not, I'm not doing that anymore. Where I would say, Hey guys, send me video clips. I need help.

Monetization and Promotion

You know, I'm a little overwhelmed here and and and Jeff knew and and and this is this is it's actually I it's it's bad on my part, but it's really shitty on Jeff spartan everybody else who was involved at the time it's really shitty on their part and Jeff admitted to this on air was a Why are we going to do it when we know that glitch just going to get pissed off of these, but also, but, but that was the problem. You would get pissed off because we don't wouldn't do it your way. Well, again, I don't expect much, but I expect all around is my point. I expect a little bit of effort and quality at the end of the day. And you know what I mean? You're like, I think, I think there's.
There's a balance between when you take your own show and you apply your own creative our our artistic value to it and then being on the same page with all the other shows of head.
we We upload on zincast at this time and blah blah blah blah and I know you'll do that but when it comes to artistic creativity Creativity like like me when it comes to Friday nights. I that creativity is my vessel yeah, I will say and i will I will say this like blaze like Again this is wow we're still on air Uh, I can be an asshole on air for about another nine fucking minutes. So like, so, ah so like Blaze, you do your, like your reviews and you put time and effort and energy into it. Yeah. And then, and I put time and effort and energy into what I'm doing. And I know Jeff, like he's like, I'm going to do something. And Jeff and I've had this conversation. This is not me picking on Jeff right now.
There's not me picking on you and you know, it's not because we've had these conversations just like I got a whole bunch of this **** saved. I'm just going to throw it all onto a picture and there you go. I did it. I did something. That's the only reason today's thumbnail was like that because I did it right before the show because I forgot. Yeah. i've got yeah I mean, there was a lot going on. I mean, I know you could I know you could do better. And that was and I know exactly what that was. That was why hasn't done a studio yet? Well, look at the studio because I was still watching wrestling from Friday night because Nicki and I were out last night and I was trying to get caught up. and And I was like, damn it, Jeff. And I looked and I was going to change the thumbnail. And I was like, shit, I don't have anything in here. I changed the name of the show. I changed. I didn't change. I added hashtags.
And I put tags in on YouTube and whatnot. That was another reason we were delayed. and My computer was being fucking ridiculous as well. So that was there and and whatnot. But also it's just like.
It's like the promo video. Jeff's done that. Ten times the same exact video. The only thing that changes is pictures and and and obviously the AI voice. And that's why I asked you guys, I want, I want, I want a promo video for your shows. The shows you host, give me a promo video. And at this point it's like, well, I got to kind of work with what I got to, what I get. I'm not going to be too, and that was part of me growing or whatever. It's like, all right, I'm not going to, but we've all asked for videos like that. I'm not going to be super, I'm not going to be super critical. I'm not going to be, I'm
I did ask Chris to send me another video. I did ask Connor to send me a, I don't know, whatever I get, I'm gonna get from these guys and that's what we're gonna work with. I send examples of what I'm looking for and it's just like, fuck it, whatever I get. As I said, I'm gonna work with, I want individual promos for the the each show. Obviously my promos will be the best because I'm the champ and you guys all suck.
but uh I'm sure I can do a better job. I think we should uh you need a better job than me you son of a bitch. I'm just I think uh I think we should uh you want to fight me boys get together on one like at least twice a month just us all on the network and have a pow wow. It's worked out well in the past. Yeah that Well, we should when they can we should, we should, uh, I'm not saying make it mandatory. but we should No, I agree. I agree. I think, I think, I think we should create a studio and everybody jump up in here and, and, and we.
And I've tried to do that and, and everything i and everything I have said as it's, it's difficult because this is something that's, you know, we're, we're, we're getting into work. Like, like as as far as host girl, I give you guys do whatever you want. Like at the end of the day, do whatever you want. I don't, I don't care. You know, the rules, no politics, no religion. Don't don't like.
don't like be racist and and and and and don't discriminate against the opposite sex or whatever you're like outside of that do whatever the fuck you want with your show man just uh it's the opposite sex all I want because there's no such thing but where I stand right now is where I was trying to find because I had asked multiple times and now it's just like you know what You guys don't know, everybody knows, everybody knows the passwords to the social media. Everybody should be logged into the social media. And if you don't reach out to me, reach out to me. We have plenty of group chats. You know, like, I feel like I need to create one on Facebook because I know Chris does not have Wally does not have.
Snapchat or, and, or WhatsApp. He just, that I think that's one thing we all need to do is get on one simple, like we need to all agree on one Avenue where we can all communicate with each i'm good platform. I'm going to, I'm going to try to get Wally on as much as I don't like WhatsApp. I'm going to try to get Wally on WhatsApp. Uh, however.
the what's asked should only be the five of us. I agree. Yes. we what that created now what'sapp they we you We need to create a group chat.

Show Dynamics and Conclusion

we I should do that. That just takes a second. Yeah. And there's nothing wrong with like the one we have with Chaka and and whatnot and everything like that.
But we need to have one with just the five of us. So if it's like, Hey guys, I want to do a group video chat, uh, not knock out a half hour, 45 minutes, uh, whatever, like we need to talk about some things. This is going to be serious. I want everybody there. Let me know when you guys are available.
we're trying to kind of, and we're still on air. We're still having these conversations on there. It is what it is. It's Saturday night. Well, WhatsApp is easier also to transfer files and all. Yeah. Every time I open a WhatsApp. Collaborate. That's what I'm looking for. Every time I open WhatsApp, the shit automatically saves to my phone or my computer. And I'm like, Jesus Christ, I don't want this. Yeah. so I gotta go through and delete shit, but yeah i gotta go you know, you can you can turn that you can turn that feature off, you know.
No, I don't. I don't know. I don't know anything about what's up. No, I have mine off, but I don't know. But yeah, no. And that's why I said, you know, I got to be more boss orientated this year. And I got a I got a crack down on he won. And I won't hesitate to, you know, like last Monday, you know, I I called Jeff out and I was like, yo,
this is connor's show don't fuck the steamroll em
If you want to be up there, that's fine. But you're a guest. I wasn't trying to be an asshole. I was just like, this is Connor show. This was the whole plan. If I step down, it doesn't mean you come up every Monday in, in, in the steam. And I don't plan to see, but you know he does have to step away because he's got the kids. But also like I told Connor, you got,
Oh yeah?
Yeah. But also like adult gunner. You got one show a week you're responsible for. If you need to change the time, change the time so it works out better for you, but you've got to designate that time for your show where you can't, you can't start a show and just walk away for 45 minutes.
If you need to change the time, change the time. I don't care. It's your show. You can do it whenever you want, but you gotta be there. You're the host. You gotta be present. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like, you know, and, and the same thing with Wednesday nights. I told Jeff, I was like, Hey man, um I'm, I'm the passenger princess on Wednesday nights. And Jeff's like, what? And I'm like, you heard what I said. Yeah.
You're hosting this show now. I'm not hosting it no more. And Jeff's running with it. And whatever he does, he does. I'm just a co-host, man. I come in five minutes before the show starts. What are we doing tonight?
yeah You got your story, Jack? I got my stories. You got your story. Yeah. All right. Let's go. You got your penis report. Yeah. I got my penis report. I got plenty of penis reports. I got plenty of penis reports, Jeff. You don't have to worry about that. If that's the only thing I do on Wednesday nights, I have plenty of penis reports right here on the phone. I've got like eight of them bitches. I got all the penis you can take, Jeff.
I'm also compiling actual news articles, but I want to get like, I want to get like 10 to 12 of them. Not that I'll do all of them all at once, but I want to have like 10 to 12 of them compiled. And that way I could do like three or four at the end of the day. Who is this guy? Oh, shit. We're going to end the show. Yeah, we're going to end the show because. Oh, the show's over.
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