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Nonsensical Nonsense- Welcome to the Jungle

Nonsensical Network
16 Plays3 months ago

On this episode in order to comment you must be subscribed another day another show and more tomfoolery than you could shake a stick at


Energetic and chaotic introduction

Oh, no
Welcome to the fucking show.
Hey, y'all better look the fuck out today. My crayons are short, the box is full, my bottle of glue's topped off, and my helmet's on tight.

Unexpectedly live and chaotic show start

Baby, we bought the rhythm with the tism. Let's get with it. set my deck and eatin't my asshole you sons a bitches
but what maybe we
Oh, my. Look at this beautiful. Yeah. Wait, what? I just I just just got of but you say i' got a notification I just got a notification.
we're live Yeah, we are but shit get yeah have a notification on on my other YouTube account. Can you tell me more?
Well, welcome everybody. We are live. It is. and
Well, you're taking forever. I don't have all day. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I said, get it out of your I said, get it out of your system real quick assholes because I started to do the intro and you guys all started talking over me. So I said, let you get out of your system and then I'm going to do the intro. We're talking. You're hitting the go live button when we're talking. What is going on? What is going on?
we We're set to go live at 7. I'm no longer doing the main shows. I'm no longer doing the 715 when we go 7. We're already on Glick's on vacation mode. just i like Yeah, like what the hell is going on? Fuck you, Glick. We're having a fun. You won't answer everybody. We never go live at 7. We were talking and behind the stage. I was actually going to get ready and say something. You're like, well, we're going to live click. and i'm like Oh, maybe, yeah maybe we do a bug lot and more often. Yeah, I mean, I want to consider we promote the show live at seven. That is that is true. which he he He makes good good point. Oh, you're such a little boy. Get all our grievances out right now. Glick, you're a bitch. Nobody likes you on this network. Just fucking step down.
OK, you know what? You know what? You're right.

Content creators and social dynamics debate

You're absolutely right. I will step down and I will destroy all the social media and everything that goes along with it and you decibels could start over fresh. Actually, I just changed passwords to kick you guys all out. And did you think they'll start your own network and I just stay doing what I'm doing here? So I mean, we'll call our sensible podcast.
You guys are going to be the new Roncetical Roncents. Roncical Roncents. I like that. Holy smokes. I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone. Jeff, you okay tonight, buddy? Did you get some? You got a little extra pep in your step today. I'm ready to get it all. You're all ambitious and energized. You got to get out of here at like, what, 10 o'clock, don't you?
He's really good with the chism. No, like I'm good for all the night. I can go 12 hours. I don't care, but I'm going to start. um i start he all let's win No, I'm not saying or i'm saying but clearly the boys we're going for 12 hours.
jeff said sir I'm saying. But you know, speaking of going along and hard all night, There is talks about a 24-hour stream coming up in April. ah Yeah. I hear rumors. That's all I'm going to say about that. There's rumblings. I've heard rumblings on the rumblings. from There's rumblings from my asshole. I'm like, I'm like, I can't eat crap.
I've heard the rumblings.

Show recommendation: 'Hysteria' on Peacock

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Nonsensical Nonsense. It is Saturday night. Shit's all crazy. Shit's all weird. I think we have a clone version of Jeff. It's not the normal Jeff in here tonight. All of a sudden he wants to be punctual and on time.
and everything. He's never been on time. I'm sorry. this one this one doesn't so episode i actually That's not true. He's always early in bed. I'm only 30 minutes early every single episode. there's been many times I'm in here 30 minutes. I'm in here building a studio at twenty to seven and then a few minutes before seven here you come roll it in and then we'll start talking and it's like seven fifteen is usually when you you're asking too many questions. We have we have we have people in the chats that that we're ignoring. Look at all these wonderful peoples in the
see this is
you're never going to get a word
um you supposed to be on vacation already you know what i'm I'm very good at check. I'm very good at checking out and uh and watching tv while you guys talk about tv for four hours five hours we're not talking tv we're not talking tv tonight did you guys see that advertisement? i did watch the trail of the thunderbolts what's this i'm going to tell you guys about a new show i just started watching it's on peacock it's called hysteria it's actually a pretty cool blaze i think you would like it jeff you it might take you a couple episodes to get into it
What's it about? It's like a night. it's It's like in 1990, like right around the. with black be What did I do? Is that the Matt Damon hysteria? Why is this? i I'm trying to. I'm trying to tell you guys in under a minute, um maybe two minutes at max. No, it's it's like set in like 90, like right around the time of that. ah So panic shit.
And this high school group of high schoolers have a rock band and they decide to use that to their advantage. But Jeff, this is why I say I think you'll like it eventually. Our boys in it, Bruce Campbell. Oh, nice. What's the name of this show? It's called Hysteria. I have to check that out. I'll look into it. I'll look into it. There's always the episodes of the first season, but I think it's good. I just talked about a new show and now we're done.
Follow us on bio dot link. We're everywhere. We got shows all the time. I don't know. Do you have to get these guys?
Welcome to nonsensical nonsense. It is the open door challenge tonight and apparently because. Jeff is Jeff 2.0 has decided that the only people who can chat with us tonight on YouTube are those who are subscribed. So if you're not subscribed already, just please subscribe. And you can chat with us.

Humorous subscription reminder

I actually really like that. You can still watch us. Yeah, but you can't see the chat when you subscribe. You have to be subscribed for at least a minute. I like that. Listen here, motherfuckers. If you're going to listen, you might as well subscribe. You don't even have to click the bell. Just click subscribe. You're a good person if you click subscribe. Why buy the cow when the milk's for free? That's why I said that for subscribe.
I just heard. Oh, you're doing a wreck. Because it fucking echoes bad. Oh, it's up sluts. Is that when it goes bad? That's when it goes bad. Oh, my Mike picks up my TV at like volume eight out of 100. Dude, I know.
In my ear. I know. That's impressive. Thank you for the twenty three dollar Turtle Beach from Wal-Mart. Hey, fair. Just that. be nice to echo o echoco echo no that's what i have there i just adjusted your mic from here so should i put it like this now oh like works better if you put it in your mouthuse give you that well aley mar jared and mar style it works just if you showedve it up your ass It's going to feel a little awkward. I'm not going to lie. That's that's that's what all the good podcasters do. Ask Joe Rogan. He shows his mic up his ass. i mean Oh, wait, that's just his producer. Mike, never mind.
There's got to be a way to copy and paste this fucking link on my phone from the app. What are you talking about? Why don't you just go pull it off? Are you talking about the open panel link?
No, no, no, no. I'm I'm trying to make a a post on Snapchat on my phone. Oh, good. I don't have. snapchat on Go to YouTube on your phone and copy the link from it. Just click share and Snapchat actually comes in. That's what I had to do.
ah mother but It's one of your options. Hold on. I got a board. i got a gesture first by far And you don't know this. i got a um yeah weren just talking about my failure to to kind of function properly teaching us young whippersapper. Yeah, and see they I know how to do it. I just forgot. who I gotta board Jeff for a second and informed Glick that Georgia went down to Ole Miss.
I watch some sports info. Um, but a but take notes so you can share what you watched. No, no, no. i i but on YouTube. And I wanted to ask you guys about this because you're, you're, you're my sports people. I don't know shit about sports. I was watching clips of the WNBA.
And and the I can't remember the. So you have a real sport. What are you talking about? White girl or black girl?

WNBA player rankings controversy

No, no. Well, Caitlin Clark is ranked second for Rookie of the Year, but the chick above her Angel Reese. Has lower stats. How is this possible? and Because it's a popularity because she's black.
Yeah, I swear to God, that that's been, that's literally been the big thing all year long. Some white girl from Iowa playing in basketball better than black people. She plays like a goddamn beast, dude. Oh yeah. Caitlin Clark. yeah fucking She's right. and and And let's, let's, let's also remind the audience of the countless assault and battery felonies that Angel Reese has. Yes. look let's Let's be honest. Angel Reese come across the court. She was going, she was going fucking Iron Man speed. Balls out. yeah Knock this bitch out. And nothing. However, that Angel Reese chick, she's like nine feet tall, dude.
I saw a video of her walking through. By the way, chat nine foot tall to Jeff is only actually five, 10. Nobody fucking asked you. i'm not I'm not sure. I'm a people but nugget. Nine feet tall. That's like the birds coming. I'm a people but nugget. So there. do i ah But I saw her walking down a hallway of ah of a hotel. She had to duck when she got to beings, dude. It was insane.
There was a hotel designed for you. You just weren't there. I guess. She was in Hobbit Town or something. Fucking... Welcome to the workshops. You're right. She was staying in a hobbit home. She walks into Jess's hotel room and just looks like... I saw the... I saw the comparison of the two players. And I was like, as a non-sports guy, I can see that Caitlin Clark is way better than anybody else. Yet she gets shit on.
Correct. I was just not like... Yeah, because... Bro, you're talking about basketball, though, so think about that. And I'm not the sound or be racist, but think about that. No, I get it. You're a white girl. That plays better than most of the people on all of the... I can't see. It's like Eminem and rap. Not only is Caitlin Clark... Yeah, but at least he dominates. He'd be to the code. He's recognized... slash activate with a girl. They hated him at first.
They hated it. That's what I need. But I mean, this is this is our first or second year. No, this is rookie of the year. So that would be this is our first year for sure. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's our double what this other chick that's ranked higher. I can't see because the box is in my way. And then they wonder why people hate the WNBA. I'm just that sounds like a. I would say this not only is hold on.
Caitlin Clark, one of the top players in the WNBA, probably one of the best that you been to log in in the league right now. but She's doing something that a lot of people have never done, which is putting asses in seats. Yes, a new demographic too.
Well, like i I actually watched, it was like a 10 minute video. And I was like, I'll watch two seconds of this and it'll be done. I got engaged. I was like, this is fucked up. They're not gonna shit out that bitch. Yeah, they usually do. I'm gonna get a look out. It was, mark I was shocked. And like, I don't watch sports at all. Cause I'm like, yeah, I can be doing anything else. But Jeff was actually shorter than G Jeff.
I win. Pussy. I'm OK with my eyes. Yes. That was weak. I'm OK with your height, too. Jinx, you owe me a blowjob. We're all OK with it. You're still short at the end of the day. None of us have a problem. Nobody has a problem with you being short. I don't have a user ID. You're short. I love that you guys try to try to make you like it like it's going to offend me.
ah and it's like dr yeah I'm not fat. I'm Husky. So, or we call it. Shut up. Shut yourself back. Listen, I just say I'm fat. I don't give a ****. Listen here, ****. Husky. Nobody wanted your opinion.

Parenting anecdotes and humor

Husky boy. He's a husky boy. He needs my opinion. I'm the youngest in this group. So, yeah, damn straight.
so yes too where is Well, hey, stop it. One at a time, boys. One at a time. What up, fellas? What's up, sir? Be shy. I want to take a second to just be able to get trackiness of this man. God damn.
little so actually <unk> section starlet your pocket snack slow down I see what he did. He rateed did bad tax on his kids roll and my kids. My kids are gone. I'm going to eat all their candy. My kids sitting right here and I said, oh, there's your pocket snacks. And she goes, oh, I love pocket snacks.
I'm enjoying the shit out of them right now. looking No, like I'm doing it on my phone. they're bonehead Yeah, bonehead. Well, so my my kids got a fire TV and she wants to play PlayStation. So I made her bring her littler TV to the living room so I can watch the ball game and she can play PlayStation. But I got to enter my login stuff and it gives me the controls for my phone to her TV. So I got to look at both places. that It's like asking me to be all fucked up right now. I have the Roku remote on my phone just because for some reason my remotes disappear every chance they get. So, yeah, I get that.
Where's my capital letter? It's a huge pain in the ass. Because you don't like you don't have the dex the textile feel of actually hitting a button. So you don't know if you hit the button or not. Well, so I got to make sure that the more times I tap my phone screen, this thing actually moves where it's supposed to. Yes, like I just fucking overdid something here. And it's fucking with me.

Technical difficulties and social media

I'm not. steve Listen, Steve, I we have a bad like would be we have a bad past when it comes to Steve from canadian Canada. what think Like I said, what? up why He said, Steve in Canada is pretty cool, though. Yeah. like the other day mr I've got some trust issues. God damn it. And people named Steve. What happened? fit him france had what happened
but we we have a breach there's a canadian in here ah for own' sake but but under why do i see you're getting pulled over by the cops right now in your' fucking red He's like one of the cool Canadians, like Ryan Reynolds. He's getting in the cotton field and they're white. no this thing was a cool canadian it The same thing I did when I got my LED light, sort of playing with colors. I'm not stupid. I know exactly what he's doing. i can't just choose me My just his picture. What happened when I did it?
i got are you play with your color think now yeah It was like it was like pitch black in your pat in your office and all of a sudden want And I'm like goddamn we're gonna have a seizure take one so
You're welcome. Yes. You got to move this **** box. Do you have a rope for your for your thing? Look, look, I bet you're jealous. Turn on. I don't like those. He doesn't He is OK. Don't ever ask Glick if he likes something that's universally liked by everybody else in the world, because like them. his answer will always be white. No, I just know I don't want Christian Bale's a zebra cake. Christmas trees are not even good.
I got a link. The only time I like the the Christmas tree and little Debbie's is when I break into Chaka's house at three o'clock in the morning naked and raid his I was to say you still are straight from his pockets.
They're warm and moist. They're warm and soft. chocolate chocolate not only have got some police brands dont you should You should have him check out Glick's place real quick. I didn't like the emotions he was doing just now. He's got pocket snacks and and pocket beer. I got pocket everything. pocket Don't be hating on that pocket beer.
Shaka walks off to the woods and he's like, I hope there's no, yeah. Shaka's like, I hope there's no glicks in these here woods. I would hate for my pocket beer and pocket snacks to get taken. Oh I'm doing the mating call.
and Why aren't you sitting in the chair? There's a mighty glick among us.
that was That was real audio from Glick in the Bedroom. I thought that was his mating call. Are you going to take care of your sweatshirt today, bro? That was during and directly posted. Just walk right across the back of this.
as opposed to your mating call you're sure and

Humorous dating advice

I want to fuck you let me write that you said so properly let me write that dick pushes back no listen listen how I make money is nothing it's none of your business it's all the business until it's on one and i make i would be on the corner yeah welcome to um and shit Like that that's why you don't give phone numbers I'm gonna watch it Nobody approaches you is what i'm saying and Well, that's because he likes boys with peepees no, I'm not doing that shit again
um but No, he walks, he walks over here. So we were talking earlier and I said, I said, bro, I said, one of the big things that you got to, you got to learn. And I've always buses balls is to get a girl, you have to send her a picture of your BH. So that's always been a running joke. But today I was being serious with him. I said, okay.
You have to remember you're 13, but we mature slower as guys. So when you giggle and say unsolicited pics, right?
ah right that So how do you like my new nail there's a whole story that goes behind that. He was playing Call of Duty one night, and some girl partied up with him, and they played like five games together. I was like, wife, you got a new cod girlfriend? And he said, no. And of course, this is a grown ass woman. But she can hear me talking to the background. I'm like, why? If you wanted to be your girlfriend, your cod girlfriend, you have to send her a picture of your BH. It's just the way it goes as grown ass adults. You have to exchange BH pictures.
And I was just on it for days. But so we were talking earlier and I said, dude, I said, as guys, we mature slower than girls. So at 13, you still giggle and squeal like you're an eight year old kid that just got spooked, right? I said, that's not going to help you get any, you know, getting in and get any numbers. So he just walks out, he goes, what did you say? What the fuck did you just say? What's goody in the hoodie gang? Yeah, he's like, what's goody in the hoodie gang? And I'm like,
What? This is why you have girls. that This is why no girl approaches you to ask you for your phone number. Yeah, no. See, that shit works. That that that shit works. I would approach the case. I would approach the case. What the fuck is it? missing That's what.
your but They speak a totally different. Wait a minute. You just asked that question. That was like three minutes. I had to think about it for two seconds. I was like, wait a minute. He's been he's been sitting there waiting. It's your BH. I'm going to send him BH pics. What up, Wally? good moodoty ho But so like for him to walk out and go, what's good? He in the hoodie gang.
and change his voice, so it's more high pitched. It's like, bro, that's not doing you any favors in this world. It's good. You don't know. im Honestly, the way that the generations have changed, it might be the new thing. Who? She's right. Who's talking? That's my kid in the background barking. Your kids like ah me. I'm the one me.
No, he's talking about his buddy, Bennett. He goes, he's the most racist kid I know. And I'm like, maybe you shouldn't spend time with that kid. Yeah. Maybe that's maybe that's the crowd you should avoid. Don't fraternize with that bleached, blonde, shaggy-headed fool. I say that when you're sitting here with him. Oh, Glick, I was informed that our adult supervision is my 13-year-old daughter tonight.
I don't even worry about another 13 years. Tell her to mind her day of business. The grown folks are talking. That child is going to supply my drinks without me having to get up all night. So, that child is a grown ass partner tonight. A twisted. what's good to eat I got three big twisted and I got a six pack of bush tall boys. But that's how you discipline them. That is that is called having a wait staff in your house.
Yes. You got in trouble at school. and Twisted tea. No, dude. I can drink twisted tea because I don't get the heartburn or the bloating from the bubbles. So you guys tell me if this is the... I ate the whole thing of their candy. And I put the wrappers back in. And I'm put i'm going to put it back.
Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to do you do. What you do is you find all their Tootsie Reel as you chew them up and put it back in the. and when When they ask what. You tell them the tooth fairy said, fuck you. Yeah. Oh, when they ask where the candy went, say the tooth fairy showed up and said, fuck you. and I'll be at work when they come home. Even better. Your wife's got to handle it now. Who's there? He showed up and said, I'm tired of seeing cavities. Yeah. Tired of collecting your shitty ass teeth.
yeah These aren't worth anything on the market. These aren't worth the money I'm paying you. You're about to be if you don't be quiet. Connor said you're about to be if you don't be quiet. You said who's losing teeth and Connor said you're about to be. Dude on the screen with the glasses.
Well, damn straight. The not stoner looking dude on the screen. And no legs. And no legs. Well, technically Connor's got a stoner too. No, he's slick and he took his glasses off. He looks like a whole different person. But why do you keep awkward with your lips? I don't know. I've seen a ton on the top of your beer bottle and you were just like, I don't know why. I'm going to like come happy mood today. Has anybody caught him doing this? He struck it. This is the first I've seen with Greg.
He was like tongue in the top of his beer bottle. Yeah, like that. Jeff's getting a little getting turned on. i thought I thought he was seducing Chaka this whole time. I know. What's that? Girl, that's a booty hole. Not a hole. That's the Steve, you're going to lose your commenting privileges. Why?

Dark humor in parenting tactics

Who do you? Don't tell me what to do. You're 13. I'm not. I'm not leaving the law. It's probably more fucking responsible than the six of us are on a Saturday night. Fair. There are six of us. in here I'm happy for yourself. It is. I'm very much. I'm very much responsible, Connor. Please.
I'm good. I am. a That's okay. That's all cheapo. That's the knock off version of El Chapo in Mexico. There's the that's why. For coffee, fat pig.
but It's too much. You can hear that. It's like, oh, it's that big. It was fucking perfect, too. That's awesome. I was waiting for it.
but Oh, that's Connor. Yeah, I didn't know. Okay. Yeah, that's Connor. I'm the most attractive motherfucker here. yeah maybe maybe You're talking to yourself up to a 13 year old, bro. Good job, Reaper. I'm talking myself up to talk. Good job. She's she's not much younger than he is, let's be honest. The one that's always on the question. Oh my god. Peyton just took a shot at Cam on Sunday mornings.
I mean, Cam could use a shot. No, she's a she's a she's a Connor's acting like Cam and his pedo mustache on Sundays. That's hilarious. um Don't don't ever. Oh, damn. Yeah. So my kid, my kid, when I used to do a lot on on TikTok, she got a sandwich because she's fucking ruthless.
and i So so youre what you're saying is your kid would survive in our high school. My kid would survive in his podcast.
um fair got i got it I'd make her cry. She'd probably show up and kick you in the nuts. It's only 24. Everybody can catch his hands. Men weigh your children. No, children aren't included in that.
No, they were excluded from that. Everybody gets equal rights. who wendy kaine gideons wo first call can actually No, no, no. The one that said to kick you in the shin, it's going to hurt. So this kid said, if I kick you in the shin, it's going to hurt. And she goes, if I kick you in the balls, it's going to hurt more. You should you should have told them, yeah, and I'm perfectly fine with pulling your teeth out of my shin. But you know we don't have to go there. Kick them in the balls.
and it looks like Steve's chatting from. I was attempting to stream it on my channel but streaming is not letting me. Yeah, I remember that. Tarter sauce.
Tarter sauce. Was your steak well done? No. Who the fuck eats well done steak? oh Your steak looked a little more on the medium well side than the medium rare side.
might just been angle know isn't it It was medium rare. Yeah, I know. It was literally on my George. It was it was not my George Foreman girl for all of like three minutes. If that let me see your meat and then and then he had his three potatoes. It's **** huge potatoes. Let me see your meat. I mean, I didn't clip that.
how used the ju to g glimpse that long line with the one but yeah
where we and what um about a po to state and ah about a pound and a half of taters and my belt up to of steak you They look like a lot more than a pound and a half of taters each one of those look like a pound tater Dude, after last time you were walking straight out north, we were talking about you met. I can't figure out why I keep sweating the bedsheets at night. I had a pound of steak before dinner, before I went to bed, and a pound of potatoes. It was funny, Glicky, I was listening to your snap earlier about Nikki setting you up before she left, and I looked at Peyton, I said, she probably bought him two five poundbo five pound bags of potatoes and some burros. No, actually, she did five pound bag.
she bought me one five pound bag of potatoes and she got me pierogi minis so she did get me those but she got me some steaks she bought me she bought me regular potato chips wavy potato chips a family sized bag of Doritos a bag of caramel and cheddar popcorn and a box of apple pies, ice cream, uh, uncrustables. She's really, ultimately hoping you're going to eat yourself to death before she comes back. so so blazer like I was like, I was like, what do you think? She's coming home tomorrow night.
like what do she think on that value going to get drunk tonight in the morning. He's going to have to go to the grocery store and replace everything he's going to eat. Yes. Because she bought a lot of that for the whole week, not for the weekend. And he thinks it's just random. He's like, no, this is for tonight, right? fuck ah She bought that strictly for me for the weekend. You're such an ego maniac that you think all those pies are for you and all those chips are for you. it's the headge and I had to break it to you. You don't get shit. You're not the app I am. Write his name on shit. She's going to have a woman be like, Francis, that was two hundred fucking dollars worth of crap around here. I'm the boss. I do what I want. God damn it. They're my motherfucking snacks. I wish someone would try to talk to me. What is this kale doing in here? Fuck you. You egotistical. You're such an egotistic.
No, she specifically came home yesterday and she said, I got you this, I got you this. I got i said, baby, you're only going to be gone for like an eight and a half. i said you know And she's like, well, they're your favorites. I was like, hey, I ain't mad at you. God love her, man. That's a good woman right there. You say that it's going to all be gone when she gets home and she's going to be like, see? Yeah, exactly. a woman's My woman's better than yours. That's all I got to say. Do you have good life insurance?
Unfortunately, she's not the beneficiary. She would be post marriage though, right? Yeah. Well, yeah, when we get married, she will. So the plan is to get you to the point where you died shortly after marriage. Yeah, exactly. Well, but right now I do. I do bury you. Yeah. Well, uh, let's be honest. It's, it's, it's a it's nices split.

Reflection on family and emotional connections

Is there a reason that you picked a cemetery as the wedding location? yeah it's ah It's an equal split between her and the kids. So thats that's funny. Although my kids would try to kill me. What are they going to do with an 89 Honda? I'm just saying. I mean, if I were your kid, I'd try to kill myself too. I mean, you or both, honestly. If I couldn't kill you, I would be nasty. You wouldn't know all about that.
We're going to move on from death because I got one coming in a day or two in my family. i Same. It happens. It happens. I didn't mean to say same. I don't. i No, no, no. you're You're good. You're good. I'm actually really struggling with this. Not in a bad way. I'm struggling with it because emotionally I don't feel anything about it. Does that make sense?
Like I'm just like, I've been gone from New York for almost 14 years now. And I've had minimal, maybe is' a half dozen associations with this. And the worst part was, so my grand, when I was my whole life growing up, I never knew my grandfather on my mom's side. I always knew my grandma and her roommate, Annie.
And then when New York legalized gay marriage, they got married. and I was like, Oh, no, shit. Because I was together um like, i was I was late. I thought it the second you said roommate, I went. But so when you're when you're not, you're not putting that shit together. You know what I mean? So then when when they got married, I was like, Oh, damn, fucking now I get it.
But at that point they were both in there. So it was more like, it was more like the companionship type of deal. But so she was, she's been around my whole life. I've never known anybody else. And she just got up in hospice care the other night and then went on morphine drip. And my sister's like, eh, 24 to 48 hours. And my sister's all broke up about it. And I'm like, I really just don't feel that bad.
Yeah, it's a disconnect. My grandma's been gone six, seven years now, and I've had nothing to do with Annie since then. I've seen her twice. You're a terrible human being. You're a terrible human being. I fucking think I'm supposed to be, but I don't feel like it. I think we all agree differently. and We just don't agree. Yeah, I just know we just didn't stay associated. I moved in. I moved down to Georgia from New York and just If I didn't make the effort to go over there when I went home to New York, there was no there was no phone call to my sister's house. Oh, hey, you should bring your brother over so I can see him. It was just my sister going, oh, we should go see Annie while you're here. And then we go over there. You really chose the polar opposite of fucking New York when you moved. Well, I wasn't from the part of New York. You're probably automatically associating. He's from Canada. I was from middle of fucking nowhere, New York, where we had two cows for every one person in my county.
yeah oh not yeah western new york and I'm jump off real quick. I need to go fix my fence. The wind's blowing and my fence is about to **** fall. I thought you were going to go shut all that candy out. You're the only reason I'm here. Yeah, give me about 10 minutes, bro. I'll jump back on. I just got to put I'm going to put my. He's going to go **** that candy out. He just needed an excuse. yeah I just love it. He's going to replace all the tipsy rolls Tootsie Ro. Tootsie Ro. I listened to that song earlier. Why did I say that? My son keeps trying to make this 90s rap playlist and he puts things like outcast and ludicrous on air. My brother, that's totally 2000s, not 90s. Like you want to go 90s. You need to like NWA to live crew shit like that. You're talking early 2000s with what you like. You know, boys.
help I don't know. Gotta boys is always one of my favorites. Bushwick Bill. Who's **** dead now? and Tony Todd. Yeah, we saw Tony Todd and I did. Yeah, I did. The original Candy.

Celebrity death predictions and humor

I thought I was like, of course, it's somebody not on our death list but what are you going to do? I mean, I don't know if I'm rooting for people on my death list to die but at the same time like i hope that if somebody does it's right? Yeah. There's there is one person on my list that I don't actually want to die. But Angelina Jolie is fucking amazing. and But I don't even think she's close to dying.
ah this was like Don't do it.
Take that fucking trash out real quick. was It was apparently. my new heart died and then I cried a little bit, but somehow I had to celebrate that I got an extra person. Fucking. God damn it, Bob. Yeah, I saw. God damn Jimmy Carter. And one person. You're fucking alive, bro. You don't kick it. The Trump one, he's he refuses to die. I don't know. I was hoping it would kill it. Is he pissed off?
Oh yeah. He's apparently Jimmy Carter was pissed as fuck when Trump got reelected. Well, i just you i for four more years I just saw this thing on Fox news earlier about the top 10 biggest, uh, um, newscaster meltdowns since Trump got elected again, dude, fucking.
Like Jimmy Kimmel was almost in tears. And I'm like, you're such a pussy, bro. You know what? Here's the funny thing. It had nothing to do with Trump getting elected. It had to do with it. You know how you put bets on who would win? Yeah. He lost millions betting on Kalam. God damn. He bet millions and lost. See, I would have put money on. Who did that? and He would have lost. Jimmy Kimmel.
I don't know about you guys, but I am terrible when it comes to luck. and Yeah, yeah i if i would ah if I would have put a bet on it, Trump would have lost, I'm just saying. so there's a whole on me but The best thing I've seen since the whole election ended, and i don't want I'm not going to stay too long on politics, but this was probably my favorite thing I found.
Pennsylvania for Harris Facebook page. The comments are fucking legendary bro. Absolutely epic because he flipped VA so their heads are blowing up everywhere.
ah I was like, it would be different if they stayed a blue state and they lost, but no, he flipped the fucking state red and they are having a meltdown up there. i was actually I was genuinely impressed by how, I was surprised by how many states we were red. He flipped, I think he flipped almost, I think he flipped what, six out of seven battleground states? Six out of seven battleground states? The entire flow wall went red, didn't it?
Yeah, everything. Everything except for the quote unquote blue wall that was supposed to be her like her past. It was almost like the red wave. Almost. He almost flipped Tim Walz's home state. Well, that that wouldn't take much Tim Walz. Yeah, well, yeah. Oh, they're blaming. He's a cordial idiot, though. I like him. He's not he's not that bad. man I don't know shit about him.
but why Yeah, you got your tampons from him. He's like JD Vance during during the debates. he's He's a nice guy until like he's provoked. like He's a cool guy he's cool cat. I did see i did see the yeah biggest people because they they're dumb.

Election betting and humorous reactions

Yes, you can. guys like You guys like me. I'm an idiot. Better you don't catch how much we pretend.
Well, that hurts my feelings a little bit, but I'll forget about it anyway. I was going to say finish that beer and it won't hurt your feeling anymore. I've only got one. What's up, Chris? What's up, Nick? I heard something. They said the biggest loser in the whole election was fucking what's his name, the guy that owns BlackRock and all that. Yeah, he lost millions. Yeah, Soros and the other guy.
Yeah. Yeah. So apparently a lot of people were betting on the election. Elon Musk won $23 billion dollars betting on the election. Cause he's not stupid. yeah Listen, if the guy who's going to put a microchip in his brain to save his memory functions is going to place a bet odds are I'm going to bet on the same thing he's betting on.
Yeah, you know, like he's he didn't make all that money because he only has three brain cells. I promise. Exactly. He's got four. Get it right. But he lost one when he was caught with Joe Rogan. Yeah, but that was worth it. That was so funny to watch.
<unk> I wonder if he lights up now. He said he doesn't smoke regularly and because he catches hell from everybody he knows if he tries to. Well, his his stock points drop. Blaze, I think that you and I have a new have a new thing that we need to to do.
with a figure any nitro' outing and name it musk We need to figure out a way to smoke pot with Elon Musk. Good luck. Oh God. That would be amazing. I just want to get um wanna make oh get brand new teslas something boring I don't want to Tesla. no Yeah, but I mean, buy me a brand new GMC Sierra. That'll work. I take the Tesla.
So so so you're by but you're working your way towards day that you like you like ugly chicks, right? I'm reverting I got rid of the Ford I Haven't found an ugly enough yet. So you went from gay to buy I'm not gonna buy it if somebody gave me a Tesla, I would drive it once just Sandra over then I'd sell them Oh an army I make a lot more money. I want somebody to take a body of a cyber truck and put it on a gas powered chassis. No, put it on a diesel. Callo, what's his name? Is it Diesel Dave or whatever?
yeah well whisling diy he'd swapping that bitch no he's he he yeah whistleling ds on listen some diesel test it out the yeah it broke He beat the fuck out of that thing no before it broke. well you You heard he won his lawsuit with Ferrari, right? did he really good for him Yeah, they tried to sue him because he the day he got the car, he cut the exhaust off and ripped the mirrors off and everything and they tried to sue him for defamation.
And he was like, he showed them all the proof of the fucking sale, went to court and was like, I own it outright. They can't say shit to me. yeah it's It's not like you're he's making payments on it. yeah yeah Yeah. And he's not using the likeness of their name. He tries not to mention it at all. one That's the one thing you have to do. just If you if you mess with the Ferrari logo or mention too much by name, that's where they get you. But if you say that in court, finally.
Good for him. I'm happy for him. Good. He didn't get in for Ferrari. Fuck Ferrari. His didn't last long. He took it through a cornfield and it caught on fire. Yeah, that thing burnt up quick. It didn't take long, man. It went up. I love watching. I love watching people's heads explode because he gets these, like, the old square body Chevy and he just fucking annihilates it in no time flat. That video was hard to watch. I'm sorry. That hard video was hard to watch.
Now, what's the fat guy? Have you seen him? He built a diesel-powered Mustang. Yes, yes. He took the EcoBoost V6 Mustang and put a fucking Cummins in it. Yeah. It's got, like, 1,500 ores power. Did he have a Cummins Smart Car, too, or something like that? Didn't he strap a diesel in his Smart Car? No, he put a Hayabusa motor in a three-wheeled, uh... You know the Steve Urkel car? Oh, yeah, the Steve Urkel car. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's kind of... It's not exactly a Steve Urkel car, but it's similar.
but he bought a higher than some other. Yeah. He's another one, man. He's like, that's fucking just nuts. I don't need a burn. Well, yeah, but they didn't have it. Like you must have saved your money and put all your eggs in one basket on one video and hope for the best. No. Well, well, the, western people died he bought at auction a, a like second gen F one 50 diesel. And that was the video.
And that just put him over. It caught on. It went viral. And he bought that Mustang at salvage auction. And had a decent motor laying around the shop. And they put that in that Mustang. And that's the one where his subscribers went through the fucking roof. Yeah. Well, whistle diesel, man. The things that he builds and then destroys is just fucking wild. Oh, it's hard to watch. It's hard to...
should I'm not in a I I like all cars in general. It doesn't matter what it is. But as you said, thank you for the place. I put polar on ah I put
It's a what? So what you saying, MK?
Chuck is going to come back with a black eye. Yeah, probably. No, but like you guys as't guy watching Whistling Diesel destroy something like he bought a R34 Skyline. Yep. And then he drove it for like three days and destroyed it. like you Seriously. Yeah, he doesn't care. He doesn't care.
But he may expose so much money on each ah video, it doesn't matter. Isn't he in Ohio? I think so. and No,

Admiring Whistlin Diesel's stunts

I don't think so. No, I thought he was in Oklahoma. I don't know. There you go. Wally, if your ears are still on out there, you can get the blowing diesel drivers and getting fucked by Ford owners. What's his name? On your show.
He's in Nashville. Where the fuck do those pictures go? He's in Nashville. Oh, OK. You need me to send it back to you, please. What's that? Is he talking to you? Who said where those pictures go? Oh, I'm talking about where are the I pictures that I always every time I save a picture, I forget where I save it at and I have to go fucking certain to the computer.
he's yeah he's got a fading one Right to the download file, then I separate it after that. Blaze asked me for a whole bunch of dirty pictures the other day and I was like, yeah, I got you bro, it's weird. but and you want to play foolish from of the mud And he's like, and then he was like, then he was like, then he was like, well, I mean, I mean, since your vacation next week, I figured I could use them for, so I could post on your OnlyFans for you. I didn't want them for myself. And I was like, if you say so, boy. And you guys were talking shit about the BH pictures.
say on that science our physical used ah All right. like I posted the link to the show tonight on my OnlyFans Instagram story because I wasn't paying attention. And I was like, but this could be either interesting or good or bad. Or hopefully, who yes. If I can say that, we'll leave it. guys that here going Where's the naked dudes? I haven't shared. my my own family we're here to see the executive Well, you're in luck. Jeff at the music. Who is just for who is just for just for standing white and what did he post? I'm curious. I don't i remember ah youtube shows You should probably look at that before you post a link up on the. Go click.
okay he's just fucking
The fucking white light is blinding I was gonna request some you know, some like some like 80s hair metal 90s hair metal de leopard po of sugar on me yeah motley crew or something like that give me a little grabs girls jeff girls Welcome to the nonsensical stage, our very own Sisquatch. Ladies, give him a round of applause for Clay. Here's the Chippendale song from the Get an Else Get.
Chris Farley.
What is this, Jeff? It's No, I got don't eat a lot right here.
It's kind of hard to strip. Good luck, buddy. I can figure something out. youul and Put your witcher outfit on. I get it. Yeah.
Yeah. Give me some elf ears. I could, I could, I could dress like Legolas Legolas. What's his name from Legolas.
and don't want' go the ring go of the rings legalless You better watch your mouth. That's a great fucking movie. um They had some of the best battle scenes CGI i ever created.
I was going to say, I was going to say he was a bad little fucking fairy or elf or whatever he was in that movie. Maybe watch that movie when it he was a Hobbit. You fucker. Legolas was not. He was a fucking hell. I. You're a fucking
Yeah, my, my bad. I was half fan and I thought he was talking about Frodo. Uh, yeah, no, he's out. yeah you and you You just got called a nerd by a guy who reads and watches Harry Potter. Yeah. First of all, reading is the only thing worse than reading and watching Harry Potter is Lord of the Rings. Anything Lord of the way no no no no no no no like totally ring stupidest shit i've ever seen and i not like lo potter harry you poter you you fucking retarded
you fucking petto harry potter is a bunch of kid sorcerers lord of the ranges at least a bunch of grown ass orcs and dwarfves and elves and fucking shit up you a You're a fucking For coffee,
but is ah Yeah.

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings debate

Yeah. Is there there who it is?
Hold on. Jeff doesn't read Harry Potter. Let's be honest. He can't read. He listens is to the audio audio books. Hey, don't knock out my kids. I read him to my big, my kids. Your bigs. Well, you literally you literally just openly admitted to watching Emma Watson grow up from a child to an adult. You fucking creep. wait Are you what are you implying that I'm like a whole Emma? No.
Let's watch a bunch of little kids with wands. Oh, she's gorgeous as an adult. She's one of the two types. Oh, right. Right. Right. He is a he's like a gnome. So he kind of fits in. He's about as tall as your average 12 year old is. Yeah. Makes sense.
I'm cool. I don't want to go to the leagues because I have people that will only now people watch that are nerds. ah no jeff how are you doing all honestly five three Okay, both of my 13 year olds are taller than you so you're about to so one du I removed it you bitch and I quit this is this this is a direct. This is the direct quote This is a direct quote from Jeff the first time he watched the very first Harry Potter movie I got a wand you fucking wizards can play with
Yeah, ah fucking creeper. its so I'm not going to be the boy that survives after I get done with you. I'm going to fill that fucking lightning bolt scarring with something. ah yeah
yeah Jeff said, Wizard on this, motherfucker. Jeff's looking to give him a new lightning bolt, Scar. Why do you have so many fucking videos? He's guard for life. My mushrooms are mushrooms, Scar. because you had to Because we've been on StreamYard for like two and a half years, and we've got a ton of music on there. Yeah, but all of our overlays, or all of our fucking things are gone. Only new stuff is there. So we' pured all the we purged all the good stuff, and then kept 1,000 different fucking videos.
look well Yes, please please continue to insult the guests that have been on this network. This is Jeff's. This is this is no don't do it. Don't do it. What are we insulting?
Stop it. Just just currently having my background checked on by a job that just conditionally offered me a job.
There goes that, Max. but That was a great phone call to get. Hello. Uh, maybe speak to Chris Glick. Oh no, bitch. Glick. You did not. but then next Five minutes later, I get a message from Connor. Hey, uh, uh, uh, Glick, good buddy, old pal mine. Can you, uh,
do be a solid and call that number back, please? That was for the reference. yeah i like yeah wow They called me and they were like, hey, ah so Glick, Chris answered, but he they said that it wasn't him. I was like,
You probably thought you were a scammer. I'm sorry. what i do That's what I do. I answer and I'm like, that's not who you're looking for. I was literally like, I'm sorry if he said anything. These are not the drones you're looking for. You've reached the wrong adult. I'm just pretending. Well, the thing was, I had my phone in my back pocket and I had my earbud in and I was expecting a phone call because I had. Excuse me. I'm not knowing.
Yeah, i had i had plums that were I had roof guys. And then I had, and I had the fire service and I just was like, dude hello. And she was like, Oh, yeah, smash. This is what I sent to Chris. I need you to call this person back that you told you weren't you and they were calling because i wrote you down as a reference please be a sexy champ and do it do this for me bud that's how you butter this man up that's how you get him to because you fucking why no at all honesty you as a first star let me preface this by saying i would never reference g click
I don't know that I would ever have a potential employer call him for a character reference. yeah And that's where I'm going to reach out to Jeffrey Dahmer. He's a slave to this ass. All right. I thought it was your mom that he was after. Wait, what? I'm a what? I could've sworn it was your mom that he's been after. but somebody play he plays the He plays the game here, but he knows what it really was.
you know, I've already had that and I had it before it was crippled. So, I crippled that **** It wasn't a military. You had nothing to do with it. that promise and I I wore it out. I wore it out here. Oh, yeah. Lick right there. Yeah. You. Alright. Hey, give me 12. You said, you said, give me 12 inches. in airport So, I gave it, I gave it to you other times and whos youing the jaw That might be too much for me to handle. Please be careful.
okay yeah what your oh yay and I don't know talking about. I got off at the end of the day. This Jeff always says, this is a race. Glick fell asleep when Connor fell in love. yeah yeah Yeah, I got off too, Glick. I just had a chocolate.
Yeah, that's fine. You can make all the jokes you want. I got mines, bitch. I was going to say, I thought you were going to say you got off the bed. Hey, hey, chill, chill. My legs work. He he rolled off the bed, and then army crawled away. Sinked down. yeah Need water. I hope that you have two beautiful, handsome, striking sons, and they get their legs taken away.
and ah I am so paralyzed. Fuck your legs, Dan. Fuck your legs. Putana, Dan, fuck your legs. I got ice cream. Fuck you and your legs, Lieutenant Dan, you bitch.
good join Something wrong with you, child. I'm not unsubscribing. ah Oh, my. OK,
mka just come up and hang out with us. Be one of the boys. Right. Be one of us. I won't even go up and hang out with him. andka You're doing OK. Quit being weak. Come on. You're here now. Well, I thought you were going to drive up to Ohio and hang out with you. I was like, I don't know about that. I didn't want that to happen. I don't want to hang out with you assholes in real life. I can tell you right now, even if you invited me, you have to wait the next five months to fucking go there. I'm just telling I'm just telling you, I'm bringing mistletoe at Christmas. Oh, yeah, I'm already going to have mistletoe. It's actually got no legs. That mistletoe is going to be right. but I was going to say my mistletoe is going to be hanging hanging on my belly button.
oh Man, I'm just here so I don't get fined god good i enjoy hanging out what did real life i remember his play face rick Like I'm only here for the alibi guys Blaze and I have meaningful conversations by the pond and under the starlight under the moonlight Looking into each other's eyes. eyes It was beautiful. It was romantic apparently should have been there con um Somewhere. yeah My legs. you if con' would have been there We're going to push him in his wheelchair in the pond. I don't have a wheelchair. Yeah, right. You heard about your back problems. The last thing I got ahold of you. I don't. I don't have a wheelchair anymore.
this because i' been down i and months I do have the little, the little like foot rest pieces to that wheelchair though, that they never asked for back because I forgot to give it to them. So ah yeah, so I've got pieces. Do you have a Walker with tennis balls on the bottom of it? No, I've got a Walker with wheels on the bottom of it, you bitch. Oh, you bougie, huh? You broke ass white folk don't got that kind of money.
Well, some of us were in the military. So I got given them, given to them for free. and They're like, that' sorry we wrote you as a free one hold on ah that's

Military stories and humor

not fair. I wanted to be in the military and I couldn't believe me. You didn't want to know. I really did, but I broke my knees. You only think you did. Wait, which branch? Why do you have to put a technical, I've been in two. Okay. Which ones and the, the international guard and the army.
So the army won in football today. The army is way better. I love the army. Well, the national guard doesn't do anything. Uh, where'd you get that? balcon I was kidding. no one they saved the world in my am book One, one, one. We're one weekend a month. They saved the world.
but one weekend at a time and all the deployments that you guys refuse to do you fucking pussies yes i was never asked to do a deployment so i was never asked to do a deployment because i I wanted to, but you know they they don't you back you're too big and scary for the military, so I couldn't do it. I would have punched that drill sergeant square in the face, man. They have a no Sasquatch policy. That's what they said, too. Part of the rule is you have to be human. They couldn't send Glick to Afghanistan for fear they'd lose him with the natives. but They'd think he was the Kandahar giant. i've seen
I've seen more combat and bloodshed than anybody else in the world. That's not true. What's your favorite conspiracy theorist? How do you not know about the Kandahar Giant?
You ever heard that one? What? I said yes. Kandahar Giant? Oh, I've heard it. You you you you i like didn't understand it. Oh, no. You looked confused.
To be fair, I often don't look like I'm confused, but I have no clue what's going on. yeah You just got good at hiding it. Jeff always looks confused. That's just his face. We know you are 100% confused, Mike.
Connor, do you know where you are right now? hey um I have early onset Alzheimer's, okay? When Connor gets confused, he just tongues his beer bottle. You shut the fuck up. You don't keep putting me on laughs like that. He's like... Maybe they won't notice.
I don't know if he's outside right now. I wonder if I can do it without making the noise this time. If I can do it without making the noise, they'll never know.
what's up un trackckable how you do brother what's up unraable i only ever see you on monday nights you beautiful of it actually untrackable stopped by last night and said what's up so yeah what if g du untrackable should usually yeah take the other one be a co-host on monday night yeah and kid make a pen off there you go what what It'd be great if the host could actually be there for an entire show. It'd be great if you could suck my fucking balls. And wow. And then it was your last one. So hold out your heart that's going to be weird because he's in a wheelchair. He's in a wheelchair. How are you going to do that? Like, I got you. I got you. I went down on my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
thats Well, baby. thank you jeff
you well's gonna be on myqui in the garage while somebody was shooting on our fucking block so
this one time at bank. No teacher with no leg. This one time I knew a guy who was in a wheelchair and so stop making fun of
hey and i showing down here i find drop the sort of We're here. I'm hearing about she had a substitute teacher this week that only had one leg. We would have tripped that motherfucker when we were in. I have none, Connor. I have none. I don't care. Let him make one of me. Here's my horrible dark humor. I was scared to go up to him and ask him if I could take the attendance to the office. He's going to take my leg. You were afraid he was going to take your leg. Why would you want to why would you want to walk with a wobble? He already does.
The loss is contagious. OK, I'm I'm going to lose the leg if I get too close, kind of like back in the day. She was afraid he was going to take her leg. I have a serious question. How do you lose a leg? Look at your life and say, OK, this is the this is the turning point. I want to be a teacher now. Right, right. We all know how ruthless kids are. Not my first thought either. Yeah. How do you lose a leg and decide? Do you want to be a teacher after that? like i feel And if you were a teacher before, and when you see a leg be like where you changed your life? Yeah.
I'm like, ah, this, this fucking job suck. I lose a leg. Go. You know what? Make my life better now that I know what it was. The motherfucker got divorced and it cost him an arm and a leg, but they've only taken half the payment. So you had to get a part time job but as substitute teacher. why divorces not so much cause they're worth it Maybe they got a lane on his arm.
he's ah He's got a lean on his arm. and it That's great. and His wife's name's Eileen. my nus are cheeky yeah What'd you say?
Untrackable legs are cool but nubs are kinky. I see that video. I love it. Untrackable. Untrackable. um trackable you't have get job.
We had a radio station in New York that used to put a clip on. never yeah like Using the feather is seductive. Using the whole chicken is kinky. but
so Every time somebody says something about being kinky, that's what I think. The whole chicken? You imagine somebody sitting there with a whole fucking roast chicken. Wait, what? He said he was dead.
Who said it was dead? Yeah, the kinky thing is take the feather and you you tickle your wife. So that's the seductive part. But you grab you grab the chicken and you just start throwing it at your wife. Yeah, you just throw that motherfucker in the bed, jump in bed, cover up with a blanket and try to make it happen. So are you ready for ah for a second date? I don't have eyes anymore. That's a whole new level of kink. Yeah. We're just going to toss this chicken in the bed with us, cover it with a blanket with us, and we're going to try and do it.
First one to give up loses. You know, I thought my kids needed therapy and then her sitting here listening to me and us. I know for a fact she needs therapy. Yeah, we were talking about that the other day. What therapy? I don't want to be the reason that my kids go to therapy and say that their childhood was so bad. Oh no, I've already we've already stayed. We talked about that the other day actually with my kids. I will not be the reason they're in therapy. Their mother will be.
because she's in therapy has been for five years. I don't care if you're 13. Fuck you. My kid just turned out she's already in therapy has been for five years. There's nothing wrong with that. My ex-wife was the reason why I was there. You know what you tell her when she says that? And it's because of you. No, it's not. And your mother. No, her mother's in therapy because of her own childhood issues.
ah I thought it was because of you, Rick. Fuck no. I was the only normal thing in her life. Ask my kids, they'll tell you. right They both said Friday, man, mom really messed up when you and her got divorced. She doesn't have any good luck sense. She went through trauma with her parents, trauma with her first husband, then normalcy with you, trauma with her third husband. Yeah, she's 0 for the three right now. She could have never left you.
Yeah, never should have left you. You were so. Why are you eating your microphone tonight, bro? Like you have done every single thing. Why is you're like fucking why your microphone in the next fucking county? Because even if i put all the rules you can still hear me clear his day, huh? Because you're my my microphone is actually up on the wall in front of me. I'm over here looking at I'm actually cleaning up the brand while you guys jam around.
Glick hasn't paid any attention to the podcast really. He's been talking like this the whole time, staring at whatever fucking weird shit he's watching. Jeff just got in the booth. He's just like, he's going to be right back. Chappo cut his ingot off. No, I'm trying to clean up the brand a little bit. Oh, yeah. I put some stuff up there. You might want to take off. I'll put a bunch of nudes. You already took off. You already took off the fucking penis.
Yeah, the BA I didn't know I haven't done anything in the picture music it's been a while since i touch set Speaking of which music we should probably take a break. Yeah say i got race We did five hours the other night. I don't think with a single break. He didn't take a fucking break at all So we got to make up for it. But i mean I did I would leave the camera. I'm gonna go sprinkle tinkle. I shooting on my street, I leave the fucking camera. God damn. Oh, you had a shooting on the street and you left the camera. It happens all the fucking time. I'm sure racking a shotgun around. I don't mind. Well, then wreck you wreck the shotgun and head for the door.
Don't be scared. Well, it wasn't a shotgun. It was a, it was a pistol. shot gun shot gun double I handed my wife to 308 because people around here are fucking crazy. So they'll break in. So that's something I never understood. And maybe you can help me to understand this. What's up? Somebody's breaking in your door.
You are you do not want to fucking draw up on them with a hunt. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. I have I have a pistol. That's what I had. But my wife was the second defense in case for some reason I failed. So we had a FedEx guy go postal funny enough. I use that phrase. He went nuts down here like eight or nine years ago and went in and blew away two people in the with a gut shot with a shotgun nonetheless. Gut shot.
you hip-fired gut shots on two FedEx employees, right?

Small town justice scenario

And then took off running. So the local PD was on a manhunt for him. I know a bunch of the cops and they will not tell the story the actual way it happened. As far as anybody knows, the cops found him in a backyard and there was a shootout and he died. The honest truth is and um a retired army ranger who was a hunter splattered that motherfucker's brains on the side of a house with a 338 Lapua from 11 backyards away. What a G.
What a fucking G. Apparently he saw him run down the street parallel to his, went out, got on his back porch roof, prone style with his three three eight. And as the dude went to sprint across the backyard at the end of the road, he let the shot fly and splattered the dude's brains on the back of the fucking house. oh an Absolute fucking. And they did not arrest him because you're talking about small town justice.
I mean, they shouldn't arrest him. They should they did the right thing. They don't. Yeah, they just know we got our office. Got it. Yeah, exactly. Nice. Good shots with a shotgun. Nice.

Explanation of Irish twins

the That dude's name is Brother Gooch. And he's watching you because you want to see if you're cheating. Ew.
and but fortnite no day how old is your son thirteen no day My son is 13 and my daughter is 13. You should report that that guy. so My daughter is 13 for how many more days? 13 more days. She's 13 then she'll be 14. Still not legal. I have Irish twins.
They're not legal for that guy to be watching. Calm down, bro. ah Like the two creepy twins in the great outdoors, like those kind of Irish twins, that's creepy. They're 11 months and three days apart. What are, what ah is Irish twins just mean? with Irish twins are they're born in the same year. Yep. Mine are 11 months and three days apart. and then you're in o a rolling year The doctor said go and I said, I went.
Dr. Said goes like already did. It's no later. I'm divorced because my ex-wife was pregnant for like two years straight. Damn, I'm going to be so happy. I don't know. When I get the results when I get the results back from my first lab test. Post post vasectomy and it says no, not happy, happy day, bro. I was going to get one of those like two years ago, but I didn't have the nine hundred bucks.
line three oh all right so there's comment Click were you in the live the day I was talking about the vasectomy appointment that I had to go talk to the doctor. Do you fuck expect me to remember that? Well, it was fucking

Vasectomy consultation humor

hilarious. So I go in to talk to this doctor, right? And he's like, all right. He's like, I have to check you to make sure that you qualify. you are coming home tonight I said don't walk the door. You dropped Rick. What what happened?
yeah you go out or who dropp ri want happen i some money Well, you are. i'm kate irkho I don't have admin rights, so I can't even fix it. So he kicked me. I'm done. Bye. you know's only comes fucking Go play Call of Duty. I don't know. Continue with your story, please. So I go to see you. You had your vasectomy. Did you have to go for your pre-counseled appointment? Oh, yeah. Yes. I was told that my scrotum was tight. it Sounds like a guy. So I go for my appointment, right? And they make you do like a physical injection. Very good, apparently.
right So he's like, all right, jump your pants we're going to check it out, make sure everything qualifies to get the vasectomy. So I'm like, OK. So he does this and I look down at him and he looks up at me at the same time. We had that awkward eye lock moment. Oh, yeah. And I i literally said, I literally said to him. If I run my fingers through your hair, does that constitute his gay? And he just he's looking up at me and he goes, not if we go to dinner.
And we both blew up laughing. And the nurse comes in as I get, I'm getting my pants back out and she goes, why is all, what's with all the laughter? And he looks at me and he goes, we're going to the dollar menu. So I'm fucking dying, right? So he's like, all right.
We'll have them reach out. We'll have your insurance. We'll contact your insurance company. We'll call you to set up an appointment to get it done. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm going to write you a prescription for a Valium for the day of. I'm like, okay, cool. Whatever. So he writes for the prescription. I leave. I go fill the prescription, take the one Valium home. My insurance company never called me. So I think this dude fondled my balls and paid me with a Valium.
Honestly, i wins win buddy for funsies like I think he just fondled my nuts and and paid me with the volume and basically never wanted me to come back again. Yeah. I went to my appointment and what i yeah I had a similar moment. I was was like um ah like, we made a eye contact and I was like, am I okay? And he was like, your scrotum is kind of tight. And he let go. And I was like, yeah what what did you just say?
That's a thing. He goes on. and He's like, it just means that we need to put you and under some heavier anesthesia during the during the procedure. And I was like, oh, so I get more than just a value. And he was like, oh, yeah, we're going to give you way. Fuck, yeah. Sign me up. So I don't remember any of that procedure. That's great.
My brother said that when they were doing his, he looked at the doctor, he goes, I smell burning flesh. Are my biscuits burning? Oh, I smell the same thing when I got my mind done and when I got my eyes. You can actually smell it. Yeah. Oh, God, that won't be the end all be all for me ever since I had kids. I can't handle certain things anymore. And that might be one of them. I remember him saying you're going to feel a pinch. And then I don't remember anything else.
Do you think so? It's really not. It's really not that bad. I mean, you're in and out. It's well, I was told. Oh, no, they have. I mean, I was told that if I went Friday off at work, went went Thursday afternoon, it took Friday off of work, that I'd be able to go back to work on Monday. That's what happened to me. holy You were on an IV drip for a vasectomy. What is wrong with you? He's got to be. Why are you so weak? It's all a good stuff. um he was Mine was made for the military, too. When they said you had a tight story, and you said, because my balls are huge. This guy is a is a urologist at the VA, but he used to have his own private practice. And so he really doesn't fucking care. He works at the VA part time.
Oh, okay. And it's all government money. I'm going to give you drugs and you're like, okay. He does procedures on Mondays and then come to the office on Wednesdays and Fridays. And that's it.

Hospital visit and Demerol effects

Why does that sound like any military person in the world? I'm going to give you drugs. Okay.
It sounds like every veteran ever. Holy shit. Okay. So the last time that I went to the ER, I was having some serious fucking problems with my leg. but so I was just like, yeah you know, I took an oxy while i was at home and it just, it just didn't do anything. It's been four hours. i I can have something else. And they were like, Oh, we can give you something other than oxy. And they came in with a medication and they were like, this is called Demerol. And I was like, Oh, I've never had that, but it can't be that bad.
Really? They gave me the demo on five minutes later. I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I was like, can I go home? They're like, no, you need to hold two for a minute. What? for a vasectomy? No, no, no, no, no. The last time I went to the ER for my back. Oh, okay. Jesus. Jesus. I know, they will man. They were like, they were like, we've got things other than... our ah Did they only go extra or did they, you know, cut some nails off? dude jesus Oh no, I've still got plenty. he i He even said your balls are kind of big. So when so when they shrink up, we will be able to tell.
How long after the cut of a vasectomy before you can actually not have to worry about wearing a condom? What's the life? My doctor told me three weeks. I heard it was like six months. They're going to test me at three months. And then at three months and a four-month point and see if I have any swimmers. And if I do, then no go. And if I don't, then we're good to go. If I do, then I might have to go in for another procedure. So fuck me.
Condomless sex without the worry about getting a chick pregnant is one of the most but you have to make sure they're clean though, so yeah yeah Yeah, I mean I'm not saying never use condoms. You got to worry about STDs, but no but I mean if you're married and that i'm the coach posters not car worth it items rightberrate in ah grade They are be a real man pull out Use condoms kids I can't pull this for the week heres for the single of which I am neither or or here's a here's an idea when you start talking to a woman let her know hey I don't want no babies I'm not fixed are you fixed and if she's not fixed you say deuces dude no single chicks my age appreciate the fact that if they're not fixed
Doesn't matter. He's fixed. And, and if they're not fixed and, and, and if they're not fixed, I do have a metal, I do have a metal coat hanger. I do have a metal coat hanger. I've got a bottle of tequila and I have a flatter. You're in Ohio and you can kill babies, then go get high. So it's no big deal. Well, yeah, there's that like, Hey bitch, you're pregnant. Let's go get high and kill this baby.
Yeah, let's do it. chap better chapter twenty twenty four Yetus the fetus. Yetus the fetus. Yes, sir. I like that. well yes Why can we not hear? Why can we not hear Rick at all? I don't know. Because I fucking muted my mic while I watched something. I forgot to unmute it. Fair enough. he's ear I was respectful and didn't blow your guys' eardrums out with what I was watching.
dejetic yeah and oh yeah in Ohio he's like oh you're we've already named it and see his face in the 3d let me fucking elbow drop that bitch off the top of the stairs yeah i'm like i' like i' like um hey hey baby cop here like i show you seen that movie 300 this he spal this a baby free zone ah we sparta

Childbirth and surgical procedure anecdotes

no babies allowed I was gonna say if you're worried about a pullout game obviously I've proven that mine sucks
Yeah. Hey, did you ever see the Karate Kid? Watch this movie. Yeah. I got three and my ex-wife, all three of our kids were C-sections. And when they were doing the C-section on cash, we were in the operating room. They don't put her to sleep for this. And they're like, hey Doc, while you're in there, can you cut it, snip it, burn it, tie it, do whatever you need to do so she can't get pregnant no more. You already got her opened up. and She's like, really? Like, what? Same time and money. Let's get it done. Did they do it?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, it was, yeah, well, it was honestly, it was already pre-arranged. Like we had already had that pre-arranger. She was going to get fixed, but she's just like, seriously, is this the time or place? And I'm like, it's kind of funny. the yeah and i don't want him to forget I told the doctor with my daughter that I could deliver her. I just need to watch a YouTube video. Give me a minute. Yeah.
I was like, oh, you showed up at the time to play catch. There's not the time nor the place for your stand up routine. How about you fucking not make the doctor laugh while he's got all my intestines out? There's a new gladiator coming out. I saw that today. I saw that. Yeah. I have zero interest. It actually looks pretty fucking good. What are you doing, Drew? I'm fucking with my so my camera settings.
Yeah, you feel like illuminating like you're getting transported in stature. His high is showing off. but Hey, hey win win when when when Connor comes back, when Connor comes back from playing playing with his vagina, we're going to take a break because We were going to take a break and then you came back and then Marty got here and we just went on another tangent, but he was waiting to go potty until we took a break. So when he comes back, we're going to take a break. don't we just act Why don't we just act like he's muted and we don't hear him?
I don't need him because then he'll get louder. You guys in your break like a bunch of women. they got wow pregnant like I swear to God. like They bicker. Jeff and Glick bicker like a couple of pregnant bitches at Starbucks. They do. Jeff and I bicker like an old married couple because we've been together for like the last 30 goddamn years.

Long-term friendship banter

And most days I want to strangle the shit out of him. I love the fuck out of him. We are proof that gay marriage can work. yes Yeah. You have to live in separate countries. That's still working, buddy. I'm just saying. I got so tired of Jeff, I put him in a crate and mailed his ass to Cancun. I didn't even punch holes in it. I was hoping that he would expire before. Well, here we go. He said somebody would expire.
He had a lot of room. waiting on Bro, you put him in a six foot by fucking four foot crate. He had a lot of room for extra oxygen in that six foot great jokes on you. He's still living in that guy. I'm great.
He's got right by and everything. Actually, i can host I'm convinced. jeff i like um up i'm good I'm convinced that Jeff lives in one of El Chapo's like compounds, because I feel like I look at the blank white, grayish concrete wall behind him. And I feel like he lives in a basement underground of El Chapo. Like they put him in a compound so' protected like he's hiding some. It was like, one yeah.
Jeff is like one of the few people on the show that has like a nice back wall that he could decorate and push it on. Meanwhile, like behind me is the mess of the media. And I have said basic with like a half a ukulele back there.

Pandemic guitar purchases

It's Yeah, like it looks like a good lady. It's like that motherfuckers that cello.
I was going to say you had to remember a ukulele for Jeff is a full size guitar. Yeah, that's no ukulele is smaller than guitars, bro. No, but but no, but for Jeff, a ukulele is a full size guitar. My kid just dropped his cell phone and it sounded like it went through a floor. He's got a violin. any He's got a violin. Can you play that one down in Georgia, bitch?
I can't play anything. You can't play anything. Why do you have those back there for just talking points? I bought them during the pandemic thinking, I'll learn how to play. I'm going to be home all this time with nothing to do. Yeah. Yeah, you're still home all this time with nothing to do, and you still don't know how to play them. See? Same thing. I got one, too. Look, it holds my hats. Jesus Christ.
i've I've had, I've had this guitar for like probably close to 20 years. And this is what I can do with it.
It's a hell of a hat holder. I'll tell you that much.

Bonfire music anecdotes

My son said to me this morning, Dan, I want to learn how to play guitar. I said, bro, if you can learn how to play guitar, you'll get all the pussy. No joke. You'll get all the pussy.
Well, that or you become that guy at every month from now. Oh, great. Six month from now. Six month from now, he's kumbaya. Yeah, but at least if he's that guy at the bonfire playing good tunes, he drinks for free all the time. No, no, he's that guy at the bonfire who somebody wants to throw at most people that want to throw him. He's the fucking, from Beavis and Butthead that wears the sandals. Yeah, they want to throw him in the bonfire. He's fucking, who brought him is what he is. No, Lord.
No, why it's too much of a metalhead to ever be Luke Bryan. Paul Rudd, role models, the one guy that I can't fire, you know he had song he still does it wrong.
Why it's too much of a metalhead to ever be Luke Bryan. We had one of those guys that used to show up at all of our bonfires and to be like an hour in and he'd be like, hey guys, I got my

High school sports nostalgia

guitar. It was like really cool. Go get it.
And then he would go get it and start playing. But, you know, he would he actually knew cool music, but then we would just like crank up the stereo in somebody's truck, usually mine. And then we'd just start doing bonfire. Like, like we'd all start singing like, you know, Willie Nelson or Johnny. Or some sugar on me while he's dancing. and He was trying to dodge that and come up with something else. He's like, oh, he started singing ah Willie Nelson.
Hey, man, all them all that. They made it rain on my ass, too. I was like, I was the best you could come up with was Willie fucking Nelson. Yeah, there's a lot of Willie Nelson pretty feel long, man. I mean, yeah, I grew up in the country. I didn't grow up in fucking New York, New York, country than you did. I guarantee that I'm down. OK, we're going to have this pissing contest.
I'm just saying, I might chalk up New York to my graduating class of less than a hundred people. Oh, boy. You didn't even have schools.
That's about what we had when I graduated. Now, the Crimson was different because you had 20 schools that went there. But oh, my high school. Yeah, yeah about 100. Yeah. With two students in high school. by all our My high school. No, no, our fear center had we had Did you say Career Center? Career Center was two... That's the school for retired students. No, it's not. right it's a It's a trace school. Oh, we got them tech schools. Not Well, Knox County Career Center. but it was a tra where we went Where we went was the Knox County Career Center. My daughter, who went to
uh C-TECH which is Licking County Technical Education something or another um yeah every every county has something but yeah Knox County I would we have like 10 schools that went there uh 12 schools yeah I know our graduate uh but dude it's like almost 300 yeah we had almost 300 my high school I think we had Maybe 100, maybe just a tad over 100 at my high school. I practice i'll practice football field. Good football.
yeah What the fuck? we didn't our our our our Our practice football field was in a goddamn cornfield. Like every year before we would start football practice in the summer, the farmer who owned the cornfield behind us would come through and cut out a section for our practice field. And there ain't nothing like practicing in a fucking cornfield. There's just been... We didn't even chop down. Bro, we didn't even have football. I'm jealous.
Yeah, we had, uh, we had football. Well, we were a huge football school. Like we were known for wstling in soccer at my school. ah you know ra Yeah. We didn't even have, as we didn't have wrestling. It's weird because wrestling is a significantly cheaper sport than football is. Well, well, the reason several schools in our area lost their wrestling programs, cause Jeff, you guys had wrestling,

Ohio schools and community dynamics

didn't you?
oh yeah you guys are surprisingly a bigger school than most schools that we that went to the career center you guys yeah guys lot out of all those schools that went to the career center clear fork was the biggest because you guys just combined with like heartlessly was 490 something yeah because you guys combined with like lex and belville and certain parts in on the field no no no no no no we actually had belville and butler that combined. yeah but one Hold on, Jeff. Where did you where did you were in Ohio? Where are you at? Like what county was that? I was in Richland County. Which is where? and About an hour south of where Glick is now. OK, Glick, you're where? Sorry, it's a half hour, half hour. yes no No, it's not. Mansfield's about an hour for me. So my brother bill liy mine and all that's about yeah my brother. So yeah.
My brother grew up in Butler County, Ohio. That's why I asked. So you had Butler schools. I wasn't we sure where there was art art. My hometown was 2000 people and Butler's Butler town, which is the town that was literally 10 minute drive. OK, it was another 2000 people. OK, they combined the two middle school of the two elementary schools to make one high school. Oh, OK.
I wasn't sure. Cause like my brother, so my brother grew up just. outside dude Yeah. I was going to say your, your brother grew up just down by, uh, down by Kings Island and all that. Um, sorry. Yeah. we will He grew up in Butler County, Ohio.

Locations and landmarks in Ohio

Um, he ask why Hamilton Hamilton. I think it's Hamilton.
Yeah, it's where he grew up. Butler County, like you said, Clic said, that's all the way up by Cedar Point. No, it's Butler County. It's like the last county from the state line. Yeah. Yeah. Butler County is down in Southern. No, it's south of me. It's south of me. It was on the Kentucky, Indiana state line. Okay, then it's not by Cedar Point, like Clic just said. No, he didn't say it was by Kings Island.
time peter I live, I live, I live close to the, the Kentucky Indiana border, like literally 20 minutes away in Ohio. No, no, no. I mean, I'm in Kentucky. Okay. So, um so you literally right in the middle of Glick and I. Yeah. Cause I'm coming out. I'm on North Georgia. Okay. Yeah. um yeah yeah chattanooga Yeah. I'm like four, I'm like four and a half hours from Glick.
Okay. Say hi to a friend and to to our old friend. no Who should? You. oh i i can i could put stream here on my phone and i'm an door person no no no i know he's talking about not no not you that' I could put stream yard on my phone and go to Rossville right now. It would take me 32 minutes to get there.
I know how far you are away, trust me. You rescued her from the airport one time. So do I, trust me. Yeah, but I lived in Marietta, and then that's 45 minutes south of where I am now. So so so so Hamilton's about two hours south. i'm Dude, i'm I'm Central Ohio. like I'm smacking the middle of Ohio. And where Jeff grew up at, actually, right where I grew up at is about a half hour from where I am now. But where Jeff grew up at is about an hour from me north. They're like northeast.
east Jeff where Jeff where Jeff grew up at. He's about an hour south of of Cleveland. So are you on 71 or 75? 71 me. Yeah. I am. it I am closer to 71 because 71 comes right up in the Columbus. I'm going to have our east of Columbus, but 7070 that runs east and west. Yeah, we're all even numbers running east. right bro
Yeah, I'm right. I'm right off of 70. It's like four exits on 70. That'll get you to where I'm at. If if I reference on 71 and you've lived there for a long time, right? In that area. I do. I've driven 71 from OK. So if I reference kentucky if I reference the exit that has the big white barn and the Arby's and that's the only things at that exit, do you know where I'm talking about?
I know exactly what you're talking about. So for some reason, every time I go through Ohio, when I realize I i i know where I am, it's because I see that Arby's by itself.

Travel landmarks and personal experiences

And on the other side of the exit is a big white fucking barn. And they're the only two buildings at that exit. I i do the same thing when I when i my when i was Right before I graduated high school, we used to go to Illinois to visit my my cousin. yeahp And the exit I would know to get off had a sign for a restaurant called Booey's. As soon as you see that sign, I know I'm 20 minutes away. So when' I've driven north to New York so many times. When I'm going through Kentucky,
I know that right when I get into the part of Lexington where the picket fences on the side of the road, or not picket fences, the horse fences, and and Blaze would know this probably, right where I get to the part where the fences change from black to white.
There's a shell with a get with a, with a car wash on 75. That's where I can get to from here before I absolutely cannot go another exit without getting fuel. I can get to that shell gas station. Right. And then from there, a bunch of money, just so I can have that, that a hundred miles of that black fence painted white, bro. You will fuck me up so bad with you. I'm like, you know what? I'm going to pay to have your fence. But so, and Blaze living in Kentucky, Blaze, Blaze living in Kentucky knows you know that you're in Lexington Georgetown area when the fence on the side of the road is wood and it's white or black because that's horse town.

Roads and routes in Kentucky

That's horse. lyn right Yeah. I am in, I'm in the Louisville more close to the euro. We're on the, what is that? 65 side? Correct. Yes. Okay. Okay. So I dated a girl who lived in Katie's.
Just outside a girl with scabies. What? No, I dated a girl. I dated a girl who lived in Katie's, Kentucky. I I know where E-town is. Yes. Yes. I have a buddy who lives in E-town. He keeps asking me to come up there to go to that big ass concert. You guys do every year. What all the thought was a thunder and a thunder? No, it's like thunder in a mountain or something. It's up in Elizabethtown. Sound what the fuck is it?
or is all sitting oh or or or it's in Lewisville. Yeah, lewis Jeff said it. Jeff said Illinois earlier and I knew you were going to like the pages. I said, Jeff said Illinois to Peyton goes. It's Illinois. She's like, that's not right. Well, what is it? it, Peyton? Illinois.
this Or what? what is that what an f man It's not Illinois. but this you in peyton's way It's Illinois Z. Illinois Z. I like her way. Yeah, let's do that.

Pronunciation argument

Illinois Z from here forward. And then because so it their mom, their mom was born in Lexington. Every time I would say Louisville, she would get pissed and be like, it's Louisville. I said, you saw your drunk slurring the name of the town.
chocolate still listen No, that was Blaze! Is that Blaze? No, it was chocolate. It came up in our. talk Oh, yeah, I was. He said that. And I was like, nice. I just downloaded that. Dropped.

AI image generation humor

Oh, didn have street um you just kicked our leg got nos in the A.I. out. yeah smart to You know, so so last Monday, talk was ah eight explain what what
program he used for AI. Disney AI. No, it's actually. And we. I swear to God, I look like the guy from. I can't get my images look his. I can't get my images look like his. I swear to God, the one he made of me looks like the guy from Frozen. you Fix him up now.
That's all right. I look like, as Connor said, I look like the guy from ah from fucking how to train your dragon. ah oh Oh, don't look like it. Dude, I look like Jason Kelsey. He's got the great strength. I look like Jason Kelsey. I look like. Yes, it does. I look like Jason Kelsey. I look like Jason Kelsey. We're in business. You do. You look like Jason Kelsey. Which I'm not mad at. Hey, stuff it. Penn State fucking bitch. You little faggot. Paul Travis Kelsey, a cocky girl.
he but he backed He backed down on that on Thursday. Did you see that? I know he did. that's That's a more accurate picture of me, Jeff. He's like, I shouldn't have done that. Bro, you were fucking like half an 18 pack of Miller light in your hand. That's Glick all day. Yeah. i No, do you have garage beer? him Him and his brother are sponsors of garage beer. Shout out to Ohio, by the way.
Dude, garage beer is made in Columbus, Ohio. It's a light beer. it they And it it is delicious. But there's a big sponsor. ra beer kelsey what' Why does nobody eat the garage beer? You motherfuckers are eating me out of Christmas tree cakes. It's amazing.

Podcast break frequency debate

could find I don't know what the fuck is going on with six guys and they can suck a dick. Just send me the, send me the audio. can kid him up all all I'm not going to send you hours of audio though. Can it also eat an asshole? It might be. I'm looking.
like look yeah i get Let's, uh, how you doing? Let's, say let's, from let's take a real quick break. you nice I'm also going to reset my internet and and refresh my page.
and I got a couple of beverages but let's take a real quick last week. We take zero. No, we took a couple last week. No, we didn't. No, we didn't. Yes, we did. Yes, the **** we did. We were three hours in. No, we didn't take a single **** break all this weekend. No, one. Not even in the **** show.
and eight out. Oh, we ran all night long. I kept getting up to go take a piss break. I would just, imagine and you never one time cut the stream to go take it. I get up, I get up and go take pisses all the time during the show. You didn't. You did not last weekend. I'm telling you, we did get up and take pisses last weekend. yeah right the stream Yeah. I don't, I don't need to take break.
Yeah, hear we just we took two breaks last week. We didn't take two breaks last week. That was mine. We took two breaks. They were long. It was long into the show, but we took two breaks. But I don't have to take a piss. I don't have to take a break to go take a piss. I just turn my camera off and I go take a piss. I do that all the time. I do that several times throughout every show. So I don't get up to go take piss.
Yeah. The only reason I don't get there's only one show a week that I don't get up to go take this is your music. And that's my music show. But the only reason I want to take a break because I had two guests on this week and I would like to get their music in tonight. So that's the only way. And one of the guys do what you're going to do. I'm going to take my headphones off and just let my fucking ears breathe because they're sweating is in that fucking.
Yeah, just fucking my internet being a little my internet I don't know if it's my Internet or Jeff's Internet that's being a little wonky. I'm going to read everything and refresh everything. It's because I've been kind of freezing over here on my end. Yeah, it could be. But I'm not just going to play this out.

Recent guest and upcoming projects

You're going to play a couple songs tonight to shout out guests that were on the shows because I did do two episodes of.
Good. Excuse me. Uh, first song here is by Roland. Uh, he was on Thursday night, uh, songwriter, singer, actor, screenwriter, writer. Uh, he does a little bit of everything, man. In his younger days, he was a model, um, blaze one of his movies. I mean, he's a good looking guy. I mean, I, I mean tall drink of water. would you Put him on your back from the wrong side of the plate.
No, no, but he's a good looking dude. Yeah, he's a good looking dude. You big old cowboy guy. Hell yeah. But he was awesome, man. we We had a fantastic conversation. He was great to hang out with. Blaze watched one of his movies Thursday night. I don't know if he's had a chance to watch the other one yet. But Jeff, coming up here in the future, you guys will be watching his newest movie that's going to be coming out here soon.
ah which I'm looking forward to because it is a it is a vampire western movie. Are you talking about American? Are you talking about American vampire? Yeah. Yeah, I watched that the other night. Yeah. Yeah, it's Tuesday. he's good Yeah, it's pretty good. It's not bad. He's got a new movie that's coming out here soon called It's called daylight to dark. It's like the prequel to American vampire, but I'll tell you what I enjoyed I Blaze I knew you would like the movie because you and I have similar tastes when it comes to movies like that But I think if you guys looked up and it's on YouTube so you could look it up You could look up laws of

Suggestions for B-movies

deception. there This is other movie. It came out in 98 It's an older movie, but it's got see Thomas howling it and Brian Austin since American vampire stream anywhere on YouTube
ah know You can find it. No, not that I know. I mean, you can only find it on YouTube for free. It's free. So, Peyton, you need to watch American Vampire and give me your review because there was one. of friends She won't like it. She's she loves scary movies. She's begging me to watch the second Terrifier today.
If you're familiar with the movie Once Bitten, it's not as good as that, but it's kind of like almost a similar kind of scenario. It's not it's not scary. It's it's like horror comedy. It's like horror comedy with a lot of cheese.
oh it teasy bus as in so's so It's a B-rated flick all day. Adam's West fucking God damn the fucking the that look the oldra ah for your eyes also um or your pickle Oh no, he called him a fourth rate. spcholi That's what it was. Yeah. honor come back are we ready um But laws of malls of deception.
Do not let Peyton watch that. That is ah that is what they called in the in the late 90s, early 2000s an erotic thriller. Lots of movie, lots of sex scenes, but it's a good movie and it's got man, it's got a twist. So it's like that old HBO show, Emmanuelle in Space is what you're telling me. No, not that. Place laughs. He's the one. Not that bad.
Yeah. Skin to Max, baby. Listen, I learned a lot like that. That was an HBO. Yo, what's up? Not necessarily as as not as bad but definitely a Skin to Max after hours movie.
wall just i got like goods got seat Yeah, it's got it's got see Thomas Howland. It's got Brian Austin Green in it. There's there's a few different characters. It's a good movie, though. I mean, and and there's a good twist at the end that that, you know, yeah the movie keeps you

Discord movie club introduction

guessing. And then at the end, you're like, holy shit.
They wrap up. I mean, they wrap it all. They wrap the whole movie up real good. But, but Roland, Roland wrote that. Uh, and then he's got the new movie coming out that you guys will be watching and I'm going to, I'm going to try to make an appearance on that show and I'm going to see if Roland will come up and hang out with us for a few minutes at night as well. Roland is part of the discord movie club. So yeah, busy. Really? Nice. He is. Yes. He is. You guys have a discord, but but we do, but we had,
We had a I didn't get invited. Yeah, we have a we we check your WhatsApp. We had so why it would love to be in that discord? I guarantee we had a we had an awesome conversation. We had an awesome time. Yeah. We had a great we had an awesome conversation. We had an awesome time. He was it was great. Everybody wanted to be there. He was really cool. I didn't get invited even though I'm the
And and and and and what makes it even better is he's friends with with our daughter. He does the best fucking impression, man. I'm telling you what's his YouTube channel.
Your mom's hot. All of his social media is right there on the fucking screen. Oh, wow. Right on the screen. Roll into it. Give him a call. Give him a like. We're going to we're going to play one of his originals and then Hey, Connor, we're taking a break. Burn in hell. Well, you've been gone for like an hour. You changed clothes, took a shit. Did your hair put a hat on? I put a hat on. This is the same shirt, same pants I've been wearing. You wouldn't know about that. Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody calm down, all right? Look. All right, let's see your break. Look, everybody calm down. You guys have to remember Connor's in a wheelchair. His bathroom's upstairs. It takes him a while to get up and down the stairs. Crawl that bitch on his hands and knees. Yeah. This is what you're doing.
so we're gonna take a real quick break we'll be right back and questions are we done yes you're fired yeah uh we're gonna take a real quick break we're gonna all be refreshing on our internet's on our pages rick's gonna get us many years under control these fucking headphones are killing me tonight bro

Satirical political discussion

sounds was like a fucking you up bit we we got theity yes i can't wa it We're taking a break edge you come back so each hit you guys I need be I'll eat whatever whoever shit I want
Driving in his misery.

Children's achievements in gaming

Yeah. Now, we're rolling a little follow. ruki He's awesome. Good guy. Good guy. Greatest guy. Where's Connor at when you need him?
He's the greatest. i A few people know him, but I think we're really good friends. I think his music is the best, is known by all. Okay.
You're muted, Rick. Rick, you're muted, Rick. Rick, you're muted, Rick. Rick, you're muted, Rick. When Peyton's done this Fortnite match, for some reason, every time I unplug my headset and plug it back in, I lose all audio to the show.
when she's done in this Fortnite match, I need her to come and put the headset on so Connor can do his Trump impersonation so she can hear how good it is. Okay. cause It cracks me to **** up. Let him let him drink a couple more beers. He does a great Biden too. ah He can do that 100% sober. What are you talking about? A couple beers. That's funny. um Welcome back to Natsensical Nonsense. New friend of the network, I'll say. Are you done with that with his song on Lonesome Road? I think he said I could be wrong, but I think he said that's off the new movie. That's the ah that's the closing song off the new movie.
but all that button um But. Not mad at it. We're not sensible nonsense. We're part of the nonsensical network. And it's Saturday night and we're getting weird. We're getting a little out there. You know, we're having fun hanging out. We're not already. Instagram, TikTok shows are like they're fucking weird. I'm normal. Yeah, or shit. You're normal. then He's a liar. ah An absolute pig. Oh, my God. Hold on. Are you? Do you have five seconds? You come here.
She's keeps, she had a second and Glick was talking and then she had to run back. She's got to kill somebody real quick on the fork. All right. Well, let me finish it im blow i say what here. Shows a lot Monday through Sunday on YouTube. Come hang out in the chatter's box. That's always open Monday, Saturday, and Sunday are open panel shows. and Anybody's welcome to pop in. Mondays are for men only. Saturdays are for everybody. Some things are for everybody too. As long as you want to talk a little football. Um,
And then you can listen to us wherever you listen to podcasts that as well. We are on every podcast and platform that's out there, including Spotify and Apple. Those are a couple of biggies. Uh, we're on tune in and I think we're on I heart as well.

Podcast merchandise promotion

I could be wrong, but I think we are. Uh, so you can listen to us a little bit everywhere. All the nonsensical network. Simply go to that or bio slash nonsensical network.
Check out our merch too. These creepy bastards say spread us on you. That sounds a little Buffalo Billish tonight. I got to wait. I want you to spread me on me. Okay. Okay. Okay. You ready? Yes. Hang on. Here we go. You got to say hello. Hello. Spread us on you. It's a little weird. Okay. I'm not going to repeat that. She's underage. That's weird. We don't do that around here. He's not talking like Trump. No.
No, I don't. What? I am Trump. I am the greatest. Everyone agrees. I don't know what your problem is. But that's what you're like. talk You're like Kamala. You're like dirty Kamala. She always lies. Just like her. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. That's actually really funny. but like you're ready like working a knife now I have to else I'm gonna die. Okay. I'm literally gonna die. so what's your highest rate they got to but She sounds like every high school.

'Between Two Ferns' discussion

What's your highest name? got to
So my kid is actually pretty good at fork and knife. She's gotten to platinum three ranked. Based on your side, I can tell you're good at fork and knife too. Well, I don't like the game, so I've always called it fork and knife.
But you can eat shit. You're just pissed off that you don't even make tall enough to ride most roller coasters So you gotta to make fun everybody bigger than you what you're doing this is what I want you to do and the questions Have you seen I can still speak to you doing that?
full coffee but He's a bad but he's a fatch pig He can fuck this huge He's good. Listen, he's fucking in the balloon bus. Have you seen Zach Galifianakis, the between two two ferns with him? I love that. fuck I love that. Who? but she With him and Jennifer Lawrence. I've never seen that one. He gets like upset with her, and he's like, that's very off-putting. You shouldn't do that. And she's like, you should be off-putting. Jennifer Lawrence. You know, like the food because you're fat. Wow.
but He's fucking hilarious on that fucking podcast man. When he had Hillary Clinton on there, that shit was fucking epic, bro. that best ever cook The best ever is him beating Justin Bieber with a belt. Wait, what? You didn't see that live right now. Oh, I will. give it ah Yeah, that can happen. That is there' another level of fucking amazing.
Dude, you know, you know, that they you know, you know that they're saying like, it's wild. The videos that are coming out about about the beams that he was like 100 percent of victim to all these like celebrities and shit like that. Yeah. And before he turned 18, like they were just using him and abusing him like a little Canadian sex doll. Which is fucking horrible,

Exploitation of young celebrities

by the way. Yeah. I feel bad for the kid. I really do. I don't like. yeah can ah That's okay. That's okay. and we're gonna pee we're gonna We're not gonna get to heaven, but at least we're not gonna go to hell. Have fun there, Dick. um he's so And Diddy, I guess, had like fucking hill um fucking custody of him for like 48 hours when he was 118.
what? Yeah. He did the same thing. The same thing happened. It was like a it was like a training camp. It was a training camp and he basically put your phone up. They signed away him for for 48 hours. Take it off your leg and set it on the **** table. You break that thousand dollar phone, your mom's going to break your **** face.
Oh shit. She's I just, you just became so much more attractive to me, Rick. I'm going to be real long. She dropped her iPhone on my floor at least twice in the last hour. I'm not paying for that motherfucker. When it gets broke, pick pick the da case on it'll be fine. Put a case on it it'll be fine. It's got a case on it. My son's did too. And he faced down it on a driveway and the screen shattered.
OK, so I I had an iPhone X at one point and I dropped it and it hit I guess it had to have hit the straight table like just right and it fucking exploded.
Yup. It didn't like shatter. Like you see like the screen, everything stays intact. The back of the phone popped off and was on the window like 10 feet away. Everything just went completely. I had an old school 4S in an Otterbox case and I dropped it out the window of my work truck and it bounced down the road at 30 miles an hour and survived just fine.

Effectiveness of Otterbox cases

God damn it Steve Jobs.
I swear to God, ever since then, I will live and die by fucking Otterbox cases. I love Otterbox. And they warn their warranty is untouchable. Kids should not run with scissors, and lesbian should not scissor with the runs. Oh, Lord, that's true. That is a yeast in fetching window. Crunch them before you put them there. Sounds like staff, not yeast.

Wheelchair jokes and humor

either or. You should know that wheels your wheels now. ah Fuck you, nobody asked you boys. We should put our monies together and buy him some spinner hubcaps for wheelchair. workers Did I change that like two hours ago? ah He needs spinner hubcaps for his wheelchair for Christmas. This entire flies.
whoa Whoa. What happened? What the hell? God damn it. Jeff's big ass. What are you doing, Jeff? Hey, That was not me. It's Connor. Giving us all the big fat fuck you. Because I'm playing with Just playing with his dick. No, i i right um I had to edit the video so I can show you guys. Do you can go turn those lights off outside? Connor's like Corey Heyman silver bullet, but not as true. Oh, no, right. You got 26 seconds?
Thank you, Jeff, for getting that reference. Oh, did they get it? It's bull kind i was never You like that? You like that? over this way That's that's deep in the well, but that's the one where him and his dad were robbing banks. No, that's the Stephen King werewolf movie where Corey he was in the world. It had it had garret crazy ass Gary Busey.
Believe it or not, before he was crazy ass

Actor Gary Busey's eccentric persona

Gary Busey. Yeah, still had big teeth. Yeah. Yeah. God. His poor son, man. Jake Busey looks just as crazy as his dad. Oh, Jesus Christ. That was lost. Boys, Chaka. That's a vampire movie. um Yeah. I'm talking about a parallel movie. Chaka, you're taking too fucking long. You said you were coming back. I know. What happened to fixing your fix and being back in 10 minutes? His wife really did punch him in the face. He had to go to work. Did he have to work tonight?

Upcoming MMA fight discussion

Yeah, I think he works on Friday, Saturday nights. what is tonight Hey, Glick, how big are you about MMA still? Oh, you know, I'm about seven or eight inches hard. Wait, wait, wait, wait. You aren't that big. So next Saturday, while I'm on the podcast with you, I will have UFC 309 pay-per-view, the John Bones Jones versus Steve Bay.
meochi mo Mio mio chitch background 2003 Right, John's the title holder. Thank you Yeah, but meepo and John steepest eBay. Yeah, they're fighting for the belt Jesus Christ! Oliver is fighting too! But what I was going to ask you is, during El Podcasto, do you have access to ESPN Plus? Because I'll give you my login and you can watch the pay-per-view also. I can probably put it on my app. Not all issues on Saturday. What are you talking about? I can put it on my Roku, can I? Yes. You can put the ESPN app on your Roku. Both have the fights on.

Renewed interest in MMA

Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. Yeah. i I'll be honest with you. I checked out on m MMA UFC probably about six, seven years ago. It's just ever too much. Ever since I started doing the Dana white contender series and I get to watch these new guys come up from getting a contract to fighting their way to a belt. I have been 1000% about it.
Um, yeah, no, I, when they started, when, when Dana and and them started buying out like all, and and now there's all the weight classes and all the, like, there needs to be more. I can't, I can't keep track of all the fighters. So I kind of, I, I kind of checked out a little bit, but I get it. Those are two names. Those are definitely two names that I, that I'm, I very, I don't show it Steve O'Meo tips. Yeah. I would love to see, I would love to see them.
Yeah. Check this out. Speaking of fights. Hold on. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. The the Tyson Paul fight is coming up on this Friday night. Friday night. Is it really? That this Friday night. Yup. This upcoming Friday. Uh oh. I'm making my bet now. Tyson going to knock him the **** out. Uh real quick. Speaking of fights, here is Justin Bieber. getting is that Thank you Justin for being on. It's uh really exciting to talk to you especially right in the middle of your public meltdown You know what? I don't like your attitude to be quite honest.

Justin Bieber's media image

You're right. Because you know what? You're too young to be smoking pot and pee peeing in buckets and driving up and down the highway fast. I don't think your mom would really mind if a stranger whipped her son. He's spanking me, man. con What are you doing? doing? Whoo!
I'm sorry that I did that. I don't really, I don't think spanking kids is really. but but he Rick Flair wooed him. Dude. I have a feeling that he was a part of the Diddy party. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, the things that have been coming out, I, I don't find that amusing. And and i'm I'm surprised. and ten I'm surprised that Justin Bieber didn't get up and break his fucking jaw. No, no. Here's the funny thing.
It came out later after that episode of Eric. It was staged. I was going to say you can reset in the cushion. and That was the obviously that was obviously. Come on, man. You knew that was fake as fuck. If you didn't. Hey, Jeff, I have a question for you. Yeah. How is buying a hooker the same as buying a foot long sandwich? They're both disappointing. Both purchases could have been avoided if your wife had just ah done her job.

Exchange of dark humor jokes

Cheers. and you know a dog with a blind guy don just have a common aog ah You know what a dog with a blind gynecologist and a dog having common? A wet nose. Fair.
and Click. Now that we're getting massage and you're out of the way. next hold on Oh, excuse me. Next Friday, John Jones, and or next Saturday, John Jones and Steve Bay, Charles, Olivera and Michael Candler. Yeah. Those are some old names too. Yeah. What are we to get into a time machine? Bro. I'm telling you what? Chris Weidman is jumping back in the rain. The geriatrics are fighting. Yeah.
yeah You know, I can just go to the old folks home and be like, hey, guys, you guys want a box? So when John came back from his suspension, his first fight back was 48 seconds for a knockout to get the belt back. He came off a two year suspension and took the belt in his first fight in 48 seconds.

Sharing streaming access

yeah so if you want a Ultimately, if you want to have it out in the background while you're doing your podcast, let me know. We'll get together off the show and I'll get you. Yeah. Let me see if I can get the SBM plus on the Roku. Definitely. I would love it. You can get the app on the Roku and then use my login to have plus. Hello. Yeah. Don't play it as a clean on a couple of times. since tar term I did not know that. I did not know that. didn't I just, I just found that out.
I was looking at his, I can't even put a face with his name. Candy man. Candy man. Dude, you're talking 25 years since I've seen that. Who is Connor talking to literallyly himself? No, he talks to his penis sometimes. I swear to God, he's having a full on side conversation. It's supposed to be detachable and he's setting it on the desk and having a conversation like, oh, today not going to wear that song. Yes. lets so touchable pe Right. Oh, okay. My penis is amazing. It's great. Everyone loves it. Everybody loves it. I heard that is, but it's a small penis, like your hands.
He likes it. My hands are average size. Does the carpet match the drapes?
For the most part. No, it's hardwood floors. Actually, man, Trump gets his face painted orange and his dick. That's it. Looks like he beat off with a handful of Cheeto dust.
rate i got i got a thing said doing other day i lost it on that one i got think said i gotta to find it was sent to me the day and i gotta fucking read it to you it's great made me laugh i used baby oil with dorioss okay nobody can do it like okay he knows this fake news
I got so it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got this it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. was sent to me yesterday it says i have to get this off my chest for america i get it you hated him eight years ago four years ago and you still hate him now i've seen a lot of hate thrown his way but this guy is a consistent winner and an overachiever Call it jealousy, call it envy. Some people just can't handle how successful he is and how much money he has. Could even be jealous that he has a hot foreign model as his wife. That's what people who support him love about him. Yes, there have been some scandals. Yes, there's been some lies. And maybe a few times he twisted the truth to make himself look better. But he's out there every day proving those haters wrong time after time.
You may not have wanted him in this role, but he's there and now there's nothing you or I can do about it. Like him or not, Tom Brady is turning things around in live football comedy. so right you what like you did not sad but you know what that right i like the left hurt I like

Expectation vs. reality joke

the left turn. I like that. I'm not mad. again she didn all about say I was like Trump's a dick. Like I'll be honest. like he's an asshole yeah
but i everything about him and then it's Like Tom Brady is turning things around in life. football commentary i I see something like that today on on on exes chick but he stole the election in 2020 he stole the election in 2020 he stole the election in 2020 blah blah blah and then it was that trump twist at the end that like what the hell So people i America, America's happy. I was going to send you this earlier because we're, you're unsupervised. I said, drinking isn't the same anymore. Now I'd be waking up in critical condition. it me said it to you Yeah. You sent me that and you're like, this is awesome. yeah i couldn't remember
Oh man. That's it. Cracked me up when I did that. When I read that, earlier I was like, Oh, but this is all day long tonight. Tomorrow's gonna hurt. I love how it turned your kids against you when you're like, Oh my God. They're like, you have to do the podcast tonight. And I'm like, wait, what? Like you want dad to get drunk and Peyton's like, I'll be the adult for you and unsupervised click. And I'm like, what?
how You need to podcast and get drunk, dad. We're tired of you being a dick when you're sober.

Family support for podcasting

Bro, I'm telling you. At least there's a game here. I was helping i was helping ri Rick. You must know it is hard when you're drunk. Yeah. That's fucked up, man. It's likely slower. I can duck. I was Ryan earlier get set up on StreamYard so you could stream on to Twitch while he's gaming and stuff.
and uh we're just got good kids you know i think rick and i have pretty good kids and whatnot and uh for the most part so pretty Mexican kid yeah she's all right i told her i said i hope you're ready because you're gonna get murdered and or deported uh now that trump's in office she's like i voted for him well i mean you should be okay and then you remember like he's making a list of checking it twice he's gonna find out and get the board my ice My daughter's boyfriend, Zavante. What? What the fuck is his name? At this point, I don't really know what his name is because I've called him so many different things. Zavante. Hold on, hold on a second. Marty! What's Austin's boyfriend's name?
Oh, Davion, his name is Davion. So Davion, Davion, they're not even fucking close, bro. Dude, I call him Demarius. I call him. You might as well call him Darnell. I call it good. i i do i po him i call this point Call him

Misnaming boyfriend anecdote

everything but his actual I love this kid to death. He's he is. He is a really good kid. And I don't think if you can say this, it would be way funnier. Oh, my God. He just came some areas. No, I'm sorry. Devontae. Martin Martin. What is it? Martin? He he he came over last night. Him and Austin were watching movies and whatnot. And he came in and I said,
Well, it's been good nice knowing you. You're a good kid. You know, you've been good to Austin. I like hanging out with you. I said, but, uh, I hope, I hope that the cotton fields aren't going to be too much for you. He started laughing. He was like, shut up. I voted for Trump.
That sounds like the shit that I said to my buddy, my buddy Nick. I'm only telling you what I heard on the television, buddy. I was like, I love you, man, but i'm I'm concerned for you. He was like, I voted for so I have a, I have a Mexican living in my house. My daughter's dating a black guy. what What's the weirdest sentence you ever sent? Oh, there's a lot of those. And I have a transgender brother. senator through trump like go judgment Oh, yeah, I remember that.
it's search this is So. And and my fiance's a woman and she wrote a more new. Your fiance's a what? Woman might need to. Everybody in my life, every, every, everybody in my life is going to be murdered because of Trump. We're still here for you, Glick.
I'm glad I voted for Kabbalah, the Ugandan Destroyer. The Ugandan Destroyer. It's Kabbalah. yeah it's ki well done No, I don't know. I wrote in Kabbalah, the Ugandan Destroyer. It's an old wrestler from the 80s. That's fucking amazing. So it's uncommon, Connor. He don't have legs either. I have a serious. He lost his leg.
did you guys have electric of the electronic ballots or did you guys have written ballots buttons I had electronic we had written I had written because i haven't got Mexico is a third world country. Yeah. Well, no, I had an absentee ballot dork. I was going to say, you can't do it Jeff should have backwards. He illegally immigrated to Mexico. Hey, Glick. Glick, are you a Cody Rhodes fan? You know, he's a fucking Bill's fan, baby. Dude, he is whatever city he's in fan.

Celebrities in WWE discussion

Yeah, but but i think to' bring it to you that's called that's not politics. thats I love Cody Rhodes, but that man plays the game. rest So that's my buddy Jimmy last night. Hell yeah. That's awesome. Dude. Trump's in the WWE Hall of Fame. Yeah.
Wait, what? Why? Because he did a wrestling match. Because he was down there. Yeah, he went against a big man. Trump and Vince McMahon were good friends for many years, but Trump's a huge wrestling fan. Yes, huge wrestling fan. Like he's a big wrestling fan, so he's been a fan of the WWE for years. Him and Vince, they didn't have a match at WrestleMania. What they had was a hair versus hair match, but they got to each pick the wrestler, and whoever's wrestler won,
The other guy had to shave his head. Well, of course, Trump's wrestler won, so he got to get in the ring and shave Vince's fucking head. Yeah, but didn't didn't Trump cut run out one night and and like body slam Vince? I don't think somebody should be in the Wrestling Hall of Fame unless they actually wrestle. Well, no, he can't. Oh, do the announcers get in there like ring guests and stuff? Get in there all the time. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm sad about wrestling right now. It actually broke my heart.

Wrestling announcer changes

Oh my God. No, no because Samantha Irvin is leaving as announcer and Lily and Garcia is coming back and Samantha Irvin is way better and way fucking hotter.
Dude, I had a crush on Lillian Garcia since the attitude error. And I'll tell you what, one of the greatest, and this is me as a wrestling fan. And this is one of the greatest moments. yes that is so yeah does anybody know who the black guy is Bobby Georgia native Gainesville.
Yeah. One, one of my, one of my greatest moments as a wrestling fan, and I've, I've met a lot of wrestlers and, and whatnot, but we were at a show at Nationwide Arena years ago, but it, uh, my buddy and I, you've never been to any wrestling never been a wrestling event, never not once. We were right on the, we were right on at on the barrier towards the bottom of the ramp. And when Lillian was coming out.
ah you know, and high five in the fans and everything like that. i got I got a picture with her. She was giving me a hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek and that was the greatest moment in my fucking life.
I was like, oh, my God, because I've had a crush on her for so long. She still looks great. I'm so much a Samantha Irving fan, bro. I love Samantha Irving because of her her enthusiasm. Oh, my God. But she cries when she's like she is 100 percent emotionally invested in what she does. And she's fucking gorgeous. So when are the adults going to talk again?
Oh, my God. Suck ah the fattest part of my little dick, which, by the way, is the whole fucking thing. You got a tuna can down there. Listen, and two inches long.

Ralphie May tribute

It might not knock the bottom out of it, but it forages wide. 50 pounds pushing. I'm a fuck them sides all up. Both sides. Sides are for the week. Fucking Ralph May, baby. R.I.P. Ralph May.
I know I know that name because he was a comedian. He was a fat one. Oh, I remember that guy. Yeah, he died. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. nice Yeah. Yeah. I said, all right. i help man like Not long, not long after he died from drugs, though, not for being fat. Really? I thought it was. because It's amazing that he died. And Bert Kreischer is still alive. Right. First from Florida. Bert Kreischer is the modern day Ron White with drugs and alcohol involved.
Yeah, Ron White. Well, he tried. No, he's he's been sober for like six months. more Six months. Six months a year or something like that. I can swear he was drinking a bourbon when he was on Kill Tony. No, because I just saw him on Rogan. night Kill Tony is fucking hilarious. I fucking love Kill Tony.
I don't care who the fuck you are. the thing said at that old time at that When they roast each other, bro. and but Who's the fucking rock guy? the um'm yeah nice corca I'm not recording, but I like rocks. He's like, I made it. I'm selling rocks to white people. He literally picks up pebbles off the road. That's his favorite thing. He collects like literally real rocks. Yeah.
And he's like, I'm selling rocks to white people. He said, I'm not retarded, but I like rocks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's fucking hilarious. And the big fat black dude, too. That dude's funny as fuck, too. I like Kill Tony. I thought that shit was fucking hilarious. Kill Tony's great. I love when he steps in and sits in on a Rogan episode, too. He brings up a whole he only does the wrestling ones, but he brings a whole new fucking deal to the Rogan show.
We got a game on TV tonight, boys, with Tennessee and Mississippi State. Nobody gives a fuck. No, you don't give a fuck. I do. I do. 23 to 14, Tennessee. Again, again, nobody. I do. I do. I'm waiting for somebody.
Again, I'm getting somebody that matters. Rocket job! Rocket job! Tennessee! Bro, miss Mississippi State stormed the field before they were able to get the last playoff.

Ole Miss and wrestling debate

They had to move them all to the sidelines to get the last playoff, or Ole Miss. I'm sorry, Ole Miss. Why could he name the show Roaring Engines and Slithering Tells? such
I have no idea what he's talking about. Well, he's in his own world looking at shit. Yeah, you guys are talking about fucking random ass shit. So that's what I started talking about wrestling, which is kind of a sport. At least it's about kind of a sport. That kind of wrestling is not necessarily a sport.
No, I just agree with you. I genuinely, I actually agree with you on that. It takes a shitload. Don't get me wrong. Those guys are in peak physical. Oh, yeah. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to get in the ring with any of them. But some of it, some of it like you legitimately can look at some of it. You know, there's no fucking way that you get hit with a chair, even if it hits the map first and it doesn't still leave a fucking stinger on you.
But when it comes to actual sports, like football, baseball, wrestling, hockey, stuff like that. What are you doing? Are you going to

Effects of eating chili

shit in my bathroom?
What's he going to shit in the neighbor's bathroom? He's a she. It was my daughter and she just just see how quick she zoomed through the screen. The same same. She was like Prairie Dog speed walk into the bathroom. I'm like, are you going to shit in my bathroom? It's 20, 20, 20. Lactose tolerance. Lactose intolerance. So he catches up to you. You got to go. You misogynistic boy. It's a fucking chili I made for dinner, son. That's just going to bite everybody tomorrow.
I mean, Nikki made chili for for dinner about a week ago and I **** loved it. So, I had two bowls of it. He paid for it the next day. Oh my god. An hour later, Nikki's on the toilet. She's like worth it. I was like, I was like, but surprisingly, I haven't been. I'm taking my third bowl with me to the bathroom. I don't care. **** Yeah. I woke up at four o'clock in the morning prairie dog and fuck yeah or what I thought was prairie dog dogging because as soon as I sat down, they just thought but it was actually trying to hurt. between

Comfort of gray sweatpants

your Dude, I woke up like that this morning, but I wasn't prairie dogging. It was like it was an aggressive anger. We have an oil spill. It was an angry wake up like I woke up like. Yeah.
we're going to the battle here motherfuckers oh my god no morning rolling funer it's going to be messy joke you during your life you know what i don't have to go anywhere today i need to be in i oh i do I woke up to a text from freaking Glick. Maybe it was on Snap about something. One thing I said to was I haven't even taken my morning shit yet.
You know, Glick hasn't even put real pants on today. He's rocking gray sweats and I don't even think he's got socks on. Hey, you shut your whore mouth. Gray sweats are the bomb. They're so soft. Very nice. Have you buy the right brand? Sweats are the best. I don't have any

Cereal debate

sweats. Well, Peyton. That's because you're because mexico you don't need sweats because you're my kid. My kid pops into the conversation with these **** thick ****
um oh yeah they i this is not like i children rick we don't i got it I got up this morning. I put on one pair of gray sweat pants. Nikki and Austin left. Spanks. Nikki and Austin left. I sat around. I ate Carmela.
He has done nothing today. I literally hate. I have been snapping with him all day. He has done not a motherfucking thing today. I ate Carmela twice and it she was delicious. What is Carmela? I had two bowls of that delicious Carmela.
yeah a male want tolaborate I don't know. ah

Amish vote in Pennsylvania

You know, how many time the Halloween cereals that come out? Nope, vaguely. Frank frank and Barry. Yeah. I don't need a lot of cereal, but yeah. um Well, there was a, is girl maybe we were talking about it a few weeks back and and talking about how much we enjoy the the Halloween cereal. And I said, oh shit, there's a new one. It's Carmella. Carmella. Carmella. And so Nikki went like that next next day. she's absorbing she got too She got me a box of Carmella caramel and a box of grateful friends. It's got all the all the cereals in one box.
and I only get to eat cereal on the weekends. I only get to eat cereal on the weekends. My boys begged my wife to get the fucking Kelsey blend for the fucking because they had it at the store and they haven't touched it, have they? They haven't fucking touched it. My so my oldest had one bowl of it.
It was too expensive. It's like Reese's Puffs fucking caramel. Cinnamon toast, brunch, and I swear to God, that's like a hot. That's like the pothead of cereal, right? That looks like the pothead of tricks. That's like fucking Mary Jane, like smoke me and eat me. Yeah, that's like tricks me. Fucking method, man. What? Carmela.
I'll be honest your video right now makes me feel like you to be ah like like the shrooms are kicking in unrelated on an unrelated completely off the wall side note box news just dropped down on my phone Trump completed all of the swing states and got Arizona to Yeah, I was genuinely surprised by that. To be honest with you, I really I didn't. What blew my mind the most was Pittsburgh or was Pennsylvania flipping. It was the Amish vote. It was the Amish vote. It was the Amish vote. It floored me that Pennsylvania flipped red because I did not in my lifetime recall Pennsylvania voting red. Reagan.

Mormons in Mexico discussion

I don't know. When was he president. Nineteen eighties. Sixties eighties eighties eighties eighties right yeah yeah eighty six pitch. Jesus Christ you're a **** child I forgot. Yeah what are those calls you're born before it's three AD. Yeah you're as tall as a child **** off.
yeah he check you even out and out ah jesus never mind Sure, I think they said, I think they said now, you know, Ohio is right anyway. But I think that the Pennsylvania and Ohio and Michigan Amish vote Amish vote really really like. Post it hardcore, but I was we were we were down. We were we were up in P.A. Was it a week or a week or whatever before the election? And I was. he long
He's been healed. No way. no way He's got prosthetics major around ain't no way. Uh, but, uh, Nicki's dad, him and I were talking about it. And he was talking about how the Amish were getting involved with voting this year. And and like, there's signs everywhere that are like because they want the amigos gone so they can have their fucking work back.
We don't have a whole lot of them up here to be honest with you. And where they are, they're all at the egg farms. We have Mormons here in Georgia, like fucking crazy. We have a Mormon on the show. Jeff's Mormon. Yeah. Is he really? Yeah. Why do you only have one wife? You're allowed to have like three. No,

Jeff's experience with Mormonism

that's an old. Fucking loser. No, that's old Mormon. Bye, boys.
Listen, I can't, I can't keep fucking one chick straight. let alone ju wives did did did you Did you convert Jeff in all seriousness? Yes. ah really yeah because v morman I actually became Mormon about a year before I married my wife. How does that work in Mexico, which is a strong Catholic base?
You would be shocked on how many Mormons are here, buddy. I really wouldn't. No show. Like Central America's strong Catholic. Believe it or not, there are synagogues here. There are... I thought that was Jewish. Oh, that's Jewish, yeah. It is. so not on tap The Mormon temples, there are not that I can walk to in 30 minutes or less.
Really? so so So what it is, what it is, when when the Mormon religions started to become a thing up here in the States, in in like Utah and whatnot, ah it was treated it was treated as ah ah kind of like a cult.
So they were pushed out. They were they were pushed out because they were allowed multiple wives and everything like that. So so so they so they so they they quote unquote fled to Mexico. So there is a very large Mormon community throughout Mexico. I did not know that the closest church to me is a Mormon church because it isn't BYU a Mormon school. Yeah, bring them young. That's why they have the soakers and the Quakers. Bring them young. Yes, I know.
No, but it's like not now it's more acceptable, but Utah is is known for the Mormon. Yes, the yeah are full of Mormons and all that. yeah But but originally, but originally, yeah, they were kind of they were kind of forced out of the year. They were they were pushed out because ah people were like, people didn't yeah, so they were like, Mexico, so.
There's a interesting there's a this area. um

Child nearly breaks wall story

This area and and Mary, like the Peninsula, the Yucatan Peninsula, where I am, which is Cancun, Plattle, Carmen, Mary, all that shit heavily Mormon. I mean, I want a picture of Jeff and his white shirt riding a bicycle. No, never done it. Oh, yeah, we're not supposed to smoke either. You haven't done your Mormon mission trip yet.
No, you have to do that before you're 18. Jeff's not Jeff. Jeff, Jeff is not a practicing man. I make great more leave labor for a weekend. I'm not going to lie. I became Mormon because my wife was like, you need to become Mormon. I was like, all right, whatever. I'm not going to practice anything. And like the as soon as I was baptized, I was like, I'll be right back. And I went outside and had to say baptized. Yeah, they baptized it. So that's. Wait, what?
Baptism is Catholic, isn't it? It's a different form of baptism, but yes. You get baptized in semen. You get baptized in Christian, you get baptized in Catholic, you get baptized in Mormon. I believe you two homies will be right back. All right. But it's one of those things is like the the baptism here is way different than in the Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church, they just put a little bit of water on your forehead. Here they dunk you. And what and they they thank you him many pool Yeah, they dunk you in in Christian baptisms as well. They used to do it in the river. Christians, yeah. Christians do that. ah the The Catholics, that are they just kind of draw a little cross on your forehead and water. Because I was raised Catholic. And my sister's Baptist, they baptized her too. She became Baptist when when she got married too.
I mean, we don't, work my wife and I, we don't practice no more. So it's like, yeah, you just claim it. Well, it's great. and I mean, yeah the church would like, Hey, I need to borrow a couple of bucks. I don't know anything about that, but okay. I've never done it, but I'm hurting people. I have.
Maybe me I should. Well, they they say they say when you start making money, will you will you donate to the church? Because you're supposed to give like 10 percent of whatever you make to the church. I'm like, fuck you. You guys got more money than any church on the planet. Look it up. It's fact. The Mormons

Challenges in streaming

have more money than the Catholic Church.
Oh, I can't. It's undeniably like not by a little bit either, dude, not by a little bit. I'm talking about, and say I, uh,
like Mexico, the Mexico section of the Mormon church has $9 billion. dollars now Yeah, I don't, yeah I don't, I don't, I don't know. I don't know anything about anything when it comes, like and dude, I am so far ah ah far away from religion and stuff like that. I mean,
if, again, you know, and I'm not, and I was doing this way before it became a fucking TikTok trend. Right. You know, I gave up on religion a long time ago. Oh, I did too. I just, I just like, when I, like, when I was still, before I left the the Navy, I, you know, I would still go to church because it made my mom happy, you know, but I would take a nap, you know.
Uh, when, when I met my wife and she's like, well, I can only marry a Mormon. That's all right. So I'll switch. I don't care. And she's like, you can't smoke. And I was like, sure. Okay. Yeah, no, right on that yeah I walked away from religion and organized religion years and years ago. You know, I mean, if you, if I had, if you wanted to get that, I would say Norse paganism is kind of where I'm at now, but I'm not like, no coffee there' there's like, there's not like there's churches or anything for it. And I just.

Internet issues and gaming

kind of live my life and read up on it and try to educate myself and reach out to people who are big into it. But like I said, I've been doing it since before it became a fucking trend on TikTok and every jack off that can go buy a Viking costume on on Teemu. I decided that they're Viking, you know, and they said they're bullshit. But the Viking religion thing became popular when what the fuck are you doing?
Raising my hands so I can interrupt you two. What the fuck for? Because it's just like your first time. Suck my balls funny enough. This is your first time. Yeah, I used play in the Utah Utes at 1030 tonight. Yeah. That's going to be a battle of the fucking Mormons. They're going to soak each other. They're going to jump bump. Yeah, jump up. No, but like, um.
The like when I voted here, it was like the more the Mormon church was like, hey, and I was like, yeah, relax. I know what I'm voting for. But like even to get like my ballot, I had to go to the consulate and request an absentee ballot and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It took all of like 30 minutes. But I had to do it two weeks ago. Was the cutoff date.

Child support experiences

let's take a quick break, let it stretch. Yeah, sorry, had to go dad mode for a second. Did you beat him? No, I fucking yelled at him. He threw himself back on his bed and he smacked his head on the wall. But I live in a fucking mobile home. Bro, these are quarter inch thick sheets of drywall. Yeah, I know. a who my My brother, can how my brother used to live in one back in the day.
He already put a hole in his mom's fucking wall. Yeah. My kids don't, my kids learn very quickly. He shook the whole fucking house when he did. So I was like, what the fuck was that? My kids learn very quickly that jumping around on beds is not a good idea with concrete walls. Like it's fucking, I've, I've been Uh, my, my ex-girlfriend's house, we were sitting around drinking one night and somebody said something funny. And I tossed my head back to laugh and hit the wall. I came up with blood on the back of my head. I was like, this is, this is not cool.
But it's, it is what it is. You live and learn.
You learn them get to do the old beat them like Calvin access. I'm just Justin Bieber. I'm just trying to tell him like he's mad at fortnight because there's a bunch of Tryhard on it. Fuck his plays I bounced so what you might have left mind Now the the problem with blazes is is he where he is ah His family will have have kids over and all the kids jump on their internet and the fucking
Speed just dropped. His computers can't keep up. Yep. It's that simple. It just

Providing for children

fucking... Yeah, that's what I told him. Get the fuck out of here. Pay the Wi-Fi bill and it controls access for devices. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Well, he's... I pay lots of... I don't want to put Blaze's business out there, but it's it's not that simple. Put it that way. Pay the Wi-Fi bill and it is that fucking simple. No, it's not that simple.
ah Like I said, I'm not gonna put places business out there but I Lived with my parents who paid the Wi-Fi and cable and my dad would piss me off. I'd cut the cable off. All right, bro. Oh, no, I pay i know My analog i pay my in and alls internet and all their supplemential streaming services daddy blaze Would you go buddy? We're done talking I love you. Oh I sent that to the group chat. That was supposed to be a private chance that me blaze come back motherfucker
honoror what you said rick twice Yeah, told you to shut up. Stupid **** I will **** your face. Every hole. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, that is Connor's. Yeah, you say that like it's a bad thing and Connor's like, yes, daddy. Connor, Connor,
ah bro I will work my bushlight and chili in your face. Your food carrier is longer than your cock. You don't have really room. I do have all the room to talk because my beard's longer than yours, bitch. What did you say, Rick? I couldn't hear over Jeff. I have plenty of room to talk because my beard's better than yours, bitch. That's great. That's great. hu Whoever's got the bigger dick gets to be top. That's

Long hair maintenance

not true.
Oh, wait. This is between you two. I win that competition anyway. No, you don't. I mean, three is bigger than two. Let me pull my belly back and I've got six. I just need a little prep time, thanks. Like a month. Of eating anything ever. I've learned how to work on a short time frame. I can get it done in a couple of minutes so I can hammer it out.
Oh, hello, child. She's like, so sad. Are you talking about? Don't stop talking. Don't stop talking. She cares about her dad. That's OK. Wednesday night, we we go into the penis report. And here comes Kat. Hey, can I borrow this? And I'm like, dude, stop talking. and if he sit the bed So then I'm like trying to change the subject. And I'm like, so. Put that away. That's a step up.
Yeah. What is your mother's? yeah What does this do, dad? Nothing. I don't know. I swear I've never seen it, but you should probably put it back. What? It looks like a light saber, dad. Can I go be a Jedi? Yeah, sure. Go be a Jedi. Go show Nicky. Go show Nicky how you're a Jedi. Do I want more? What is your daughter doing? What the fuck are you doing? I'm going to seizure. Carter just said, what is your daughter doing?
That is not what I said. I said, what in the fuck is your daughter doing? God damn it, Peyton. Sit down. So for those that don't know, I have a Peyton and a Wyatt as children. Peyton just said, bring it over here. This is what she's got to say to you, Connor.
yeah Your background noise just turned off. Nobody can hear it. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do. That's a terrible song. Everyone agrees. She's a terrible kid. I've, I've met way better, way better. He's doing his Trump for you. he's that How's, how's, how's, how's your, how's your giant of a son doing there? Mr. Trump. Whoa. President Trump. Dude, bottom is like nine and a half feet tall. He takes care of me. He's a totally dick. That dude is fucking massive.
byron shows Like, he's a head and he orders above everybody else on the stage. Got you. Dude, that kid is a monster. You didn't get shit, motherfucker. He needs to join a football team. No, dude, he needs to join a basketball team. He needs to join a basketball team is what he needs to do. Bless you.

Work in insurance discussion

You beat me on that one. Bless you, my child. That was the first one to tonight. Good job. I just broke the seal for the first time tonight, which I had explained to my daughter what breaking the seal means. Oh, dude, once it starts, you can't stop. And that's why we have to hang over in the morning, because we don't want that. Bunch of you. You're going to have to hang over from three twisted teeth.
Holy shit. Three twisted teas and a couple. not t's and five bush lie I'm sorry that not everybody is an alcoholic. That's not my fucking fault. Right. Okay. But not an alcoholic. I don't have a problem with drinking alcohol. It's quick. Yes. yeah yeah alcoholicris Alcoholics. Alcoholics is a problem. I don't have a problem with drinking. The only problem I have is when I ran out.
And I'll let you guys know I'm still drinking on my free water that I got a couple of weeks ago. No, you're not. No, you're not. Yes, I know. i know but i I still have one. She bought me more in case I ran out because she knows I'm unsupervised tonight. This is why his name is Tim Wall. All that comes out of his mouth is lies. We're never going to get Sunday's show off.
Yeah, we will. I'll just wake up to a to ah to text message from Derek and a message from you going, Hey, bro, we doing the show? tiny you guys said no war What time do you guys noon noon? Well, it's supposed to be noon, but we've had a couple of the kicked off around 1230, 1240. There's only been, there was only one time that we were late because i was actually just written that's why because Rick is a tough influence on me and forced me to drink all night. Yeah, that's it. Hold on.
isn to blame me actually, and I quote, and I quote from Rick, you ain't got no balls. If you don't shoot that, ah that one's when you got me in trouble that night. when dick he was drinking you and like I didn't get you in nothing, nothing. I do not influence the way that your fiance, your daughter just grabbed a bottle of alcohol.
and she No, your your your line of conversation got me in trouble. that night I do not dictate how your fiance you feel actually actually actually did not actually did not get me in trouble in any way. My mouth got you in trouble. Actually, I didn't get started popping off.
Glick, you have no no fucking room to talk to anybody about being late. When every time we're gonna we're gonna start at seven, and then it fucking seventh.
so but more And we don't start till 7.30, but when somebody shows up at 7.15 and the show still hasn't started yet, you wanna give them shit. you say We we have started the shows at seven o'clock. First and foremost, we say right. Right. Right. And i went you this is later when somebody shows up after seven, you bitch at it because I have to go. Oh, yeah, because I want

Gaming culture exploration

you in the studio at seven. So Mike, did how about that? My kid remembered the rule that if dad's drinking, you can cuss after 10 o'clock. And I said, I might have to go to the store and buy more beer. And she goes, oh, shit. Well, you better go do that before you. spending
She knows that I'll make her ride with me, too. She's got to risk her life by risking mine. Yeah, you better go do that before you have any more. You're definitely going to need them, because it's only 10 o'clock. We still got three more hours, Sunshine. A certain set of money that I know. I just saw it. You are not driving while driving. Oh, let her drive. You're drinking and driving. She's 13. Shut up, Connor. My son's actually a better driver than she is.
Let her drive. She was getting distracted by her cell phone. I love driving parking lots and around neighborhoods and shit. Were you not driving at 13 with your parents? I didn't start driving until I got my temps at 15 and a half. I wasn't driving with my parents, but I was driving at 12, 13. I flipped my first field car at 10 years old.
but We used to buy field cars for 200 bucks from the junkyard. Put a work agent when we brought him back, broke down. They'd give us a hundred bucks back. Yeah. so now i feel and Just beat that dog shit out of them. Yeah. I was driving. I was driving farm equipment and farm trucks and everything like that. So when I got my permit, it was just like, oh, I could do this legally. Finally, I've been doing this. What? Connor must be a city boy. Oh, Connor is. He's from Columbus. Yeah. makes I grew up. I grew up in the suburbs, dude.
he probably fucking He probably knows how to drive a Segway. He had a real nice wife with a mommy and daddy who loved each other in the suburbs. Oh, no. My trauma came after childhood. Ah, that's called military. Your trauma don't

Parenting humor

count. What a fucking piece of shit. Oh, my God. Oh,
oh my God. You fucking loser. his parents are going lead no longer best getting the best His parents didn't leave for weeks on end when he was a child. Oh, what a nerd. You just smell her whole cup of water. She just fell on it's on the floor. Good. An idiot. My kid is the biggest fucking klutz. I swear to God. You fucking shit feel like an idiot. God damn your dumber nap the kids on a short bus.
It is a fact. You are such a good dad. I love it. Dude, I am honest with my kids, and they know it. You got my fucking SB's wet, you dirty twit. See, I call my kids a nerd, and then I call somebody else's kid a nerd, and that kid gets upset. And then I'm like, like people freak out. My light hurts like hell. Who else just took a gummy?
That answers your question. but my kid like you along the water with a yeah Come on, man. That's hilarious. You can't leave that on the floor. I'm going to leave your fucking game. Good. Oh, Jesus Christ. She's going to be the controls. The fork and knife. Here we go. Throw a grenade and then see if you can pick it back up. I got to remember how to play fork and knife.
i don't I haven't played that since nine years ago. I've never played it. I don't know. We were still in South Carolina, so it was quite some time ago.
I literally may have had too much to drink for this.
She's getting quiet. I have a gallon of water on the floor to clean up. Beak words, you nerds. Well, Glick's, I don't know what the fuck Glick's doing. Glick's looking at porn. Probably. I'm looking at midget porn. What is, what is, what is? I, I, so I, I, I Googled, I Googled amputee, amputee porn. And the first thing that popped up was a midget.
So, and the first thing that popped up was a video of Connor shoving random large objects up his ass like a like a safety cone. You know, those big orange cones on the side of the road. I was going to say, congratulations. You're God. You took that money after my retirement is none of your business, right? Hey, no, I'm not hating on you. I was going to say, man, you took that like a champ, bro. Like, I want to let you wear my belt for like an hour. Dude, I'm 10.
For like an hour. i'm All you have to do is exhale and pretend like you're pooping. Yeah, when you come home for for Christmas and we're hanging out, I'm going to let you wear my wear my belt for four beers. No, you're not. I think I will. I'm so tired of stuff. So so i'm like I'm on our Facebook page. I have two belts, so we can wear them together and be twins. We've got all that cleaned up. We can be the tag team champs.
so you can call yourself a champ. Why are you on our Facebook page? i'm i'm a i'm ah Jesus Christ. ah He doesn't even know what he's trying to say right now. I am logged into our Facebook page as like a separate account. So like I get all my fucking notifications from both accounts. And I keep getting notifications from these people that are saying, I'm a professional podcast promoter.
Yeah. i those You just got to ignore. You just got to ignore this. I just I just want to feel like can break the shit. You should shoot him in the deck. You should.

Podcasting and audience engagement

I'm all for it.
I'm a good job for shooting him in the deck. Fuck you I fuck her too.
I'm trying to figure out why he got named, wished him walls. I don't know. Cause he never does the truth. Set my deck and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
but what Sorry. That always makes me smile. is That's why he's taking a vacation because he's why but with your suss he's bleeding and needs a tampon. Tampon Timmy. White got it.
what does this as so and why it' got it and above you it's above you i sam Above you dad you fucking idiot yeah look like giving he department app you okay you Won't feel it anyway with all that fat in the way She fucking spilled a whole thing of water and I had to play and I've had a lot to drink Well, not a lot a lot but enough to drink where I can't aim straight kill seven times in one and god oh my god play play on the xbox or playstation playstation don't don't tell him we're struggling to try to get him able to stream on my ps4 it's really kind of fucking annoying why is he streaming my kids could set it up what a nerd my kids could set it up
Well, the problem is the browser. So in order for him to use Twitch, he has to have a PSN account and I'm not paying for him to have another PSN account. So we tried to use StreamYard through the browser, but StreamYard is not supported through the PlayStation browser. Right. So I was going to have him download Chrome or Firefox on the PlayStation, but we can't seem to figure that

Critique of child support system

out either. What's the camera on the screen?
what am i a bad dadd for trying to discourage my my kids from being streamers my best no fine eat it Like yeah more eating gives like go and all experiences but I to do YouTube videos when I get when I grow up and I'm like, uh No, dont yeah, this could be something really cool Bro, because he the problem was streaming like video games There's 5,000 other people doing the same the percentage of making a living as a streamers like 0.016. Yeah, right
He's 13 years old. He can't get a regular job. And he literally just said behind me, I'm going to be part of that point zero one six. He's got it. I can appreciate the attitude to do it like no and i can't this kid is so good. He'll insult you to your face to walk away. And 10 minutes later, you'll realize he insulted you and be like that motherfucker. I'll never I'll never figure it out, though.
He's quick, but there I got to master the algorithm and show like that. I just gave him his own Insta page today for his gaming team. He wants, we're going to start a little gaming team. So I gave him Insta page. So I'll help boost him as much as I can. And then he's going to, he streams on Twitch already. He's already got affiliated. So they're going to start. pay Why doesn't he start a discord page? He's got a discord, there but you can't stream on discord.
I mean, if the dude's fucking good at it, then let him fucking cook. Yeah, he got affiliate. He's got how many followers do you have on your Twitch? He's got 138 followers in like three, four months time. um That's impressive, honestly. So he got his affiliation. So now he's going to fill out the paperwork and all the tax bullshit and whatever like that to be able to get paid from Twitch.
if you want

Family stories and anecdotes

Yeah, she won' live full up she won't let him fill up the tax forms with me. She's making him do it with her, which the annoying part is he gets more video game time in two days while he's here than he gets at a week at her house. Why does this matter? Who does the fucking forms? Because she's stupid like that.
so Yeah, but but she's declaing she's claiming him as a dependent, so it has to be done. Correct. But yeah he's, a no offense to him, he's not going to make enough money right now to worry about filing taxes. I agree, I agree, because he's got to make more than 10 grand at a year to actually file. I think it's five. Six in Georgia. Six in Georgia. Is it really? Six grand to be able to- That's state. Six grand to have to file taxes, I believe federally in Georgia.
really yeah because i didn't have to claim my i didn't have to claim my 4400 on door dash so in here because because like uh i actually file in in new jersey and it's 10 fucking your pussy if you pay taxes i wish say fuck i hope pay taxes no You can sell them so funny. me You just made that Trump remark. That was one of my big reasons for voting for him this year. is He wants to do overtime overtime. I'm fucking living on overtime, right? Like I'm 50, 53 hours a week. Well, and then and then.
50% of my check. We were talking last week about people tipping. Now that tips aren't going to be taxed as well, Jesus, everybody's going to want to fucking tip. 50%? Oh my god. Dude, so I will never leave my wife. Hold on. On a 40 hour paycheck. Never. On a

Gambling habits discussion

40 hour paycheck. I make $29 an hour.
Right. A 40 hour paycheck after insurance, taxes, 401k and child support. I bring home less than $600 a week. Your insurance through work or through yourself you may work yourself? Through work. And that's only $51. So they're doing their insurance. Like you split it with you in the company. Yes. My boss, is we have really good insurance. We have a 60 40 split.
I can get it to where you pay nothing. Then talk to my boss and get our company. Give me the number. Send me the number. So I'll give up. And you can use any doctor you want. So this is the fucker of child support. And I've stood by this. hold hold on Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on real quick. Jeff, I need you to do me a favor. Moving forward. Your job stays off of the network. Can you do me that favor, please?
What are you doing, man? He's going to leave. I don't know what he does. I'm just an insurance salesman. He does ah tax and health and insurance and breaks and stuff like that. He does a lot of work. I'm not even being a dick to him. I'm not even trying to be a dick. I'm sorry, Jeff. I'm not trying to be a dick, but like leave it. Leave it off the network and like yeah hit me up on the side. He's got me on Facebook or on Snapchat.
I don't know, his net's messing up. Okay, my bad joke. Sorry, I thought he just dipped on me. But yeah, no, like, yeah like, like, I just, yeah i don't I don't, he does, his, his company does a lot of different things. I don't know what it is. He didn't push. yeah now He we didn't All he said was we we, we should talk. Like, I don't think that was a big deal. He wasn't sitting. No, but it fucking it comes, it comes up a lot. I just, kept walz was that's good.
So i mean it comes on podcast i wouldn't so here's the thing conor here's the thing about child sport in the United States. Hold on, Jeff. I thought you got mad at me. I was asking you on my

Internet connectivity issues

neck. You got me at Snapchat. If you want to talk about it, I was asking if you, if moving forward, if you could.
please leave the job off the network like don't don't get it solicit people when we're live or or like he did good he did good it just gave up a quick conversation he just i don't think that i don't think that was problematic at all i just don't want to get that reputation and we've talked yeah yeah so like i said i he does a lot of different things i just don't know what everything it's it's uh it's uh he's the he's the um Bernie made off of the network. Oh, boy. I don't even know who that is. Here's the thing about war united states child support Child support is factored on your income before taxes, but they take it from your check after they tax it. So
If I lost 200, wait, wait, wait, you wait, they take it after your taxes, but they do child support in the States and dependent also, also, also dependent, also dependent upon where you are. And unfortunately for Rick, he's in the South, which most Southern States are mother States. I was up to 49% of my gross pay, which, child support which as I, as I learned, when we were in South Carolina,
The kids, his mom could like chop them up into little bitty pieces, sew them back together, reanimate them Frankenstein style and still keep full custody of them. So and end way childor would go up if my child support would go up. OK, so the only way in Georgia to get your kids as a male from the mother, she has to be deemed mentally unstable, i.e paperwork. i can no longer your pull She has to have a criminal record of drug abuse.
or she has to be found unfit. Now, in the state of Georgia, all you have to provide for your children is five outfits, two meals a day, fresh water, and a pallet to sleep on. You don't have to provide hot or cold air. You don't have to provide a third meal.
Like the South is super fucked up on the way. It's very, very archaic in the way they do it. So my child support is $1,100 a month. And then another 110 for health insurance. So I paid $1,210 a month in child support and insurance on a guy who brings home On 40 hours, I bring home about 2,200 a month. So I lose about 50

Continued child support discussion

% of my bring home and child support. Jesus.
and And... I still do 10 grand would have fucking killed her and I'd have gotten out of high school. ah I've made that joke to her. And I still have to provide everything at my house that they enjoy at their house. So I have to buy their shoes, their clothing, their bedding, everything like that at my own house. ge My kids now are in an age where they see how hard dad works for everything. Like they get it. They see how hard I bust my ass to provide. so
And the yeah my son just said, yeah, we still ask for literally everything. the But there they're there. My kids, my kids are really good about knowing.
Knowing what is OK to ask for and what's not like for why it's birthday. He wanted one major thing. He wanted the new Call of Duty game that released the day of his birthday. So he got the brand new Call of Duty game.
Right. Peyton, for her birthday, she wants to go out to dinner. And what else did you want? I don't know. She wants these ah Nike shoes, these. ah Oh, yes, she wants a Nike tech jacket, which is about 100 bucks, which I'm good with because they go in November and then Christmas. Right. So they know they know that I won't go all out for their birthday so they can have stuff under the tree for Christmas.
Right. So and they've you guys. I wish that I wish my kids were closer to December and I could be like, let's just roll into Christmas. Are we going to put the tree? Yeah, I've been trying to think about that myself on the roof. hey now You guys have never had it. I've always provided a really put it outside for you, right? Put it where it belongs. but Like I've managed to get them new bicycles for Christmas. Like I know how to do the trade this year.
Peyton got a pair of Nike Panda dunks for her birthday last year. Like I've always made sure that I bust my ass to provide and give them everything that they could want at my house for the whopping four days a month that I get to see them. Oh my God. What the fuck? That's fucked. Sorry. i I don't like getting super involved in other people's business, but like that's thought. Yeah.
but No, for Christmas this year, I know you you can win this tree. All you got to do now. You do know it's cheaper if she has an accident. Yes, I know. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. If your kids your kids are young enough, they can learn. La la

Holiday and birthday planning

la la la la la la. Hey, I grew up in New York. I grew up in New York. OK, I know how to fucking things work. Forget about it. If you leave an alibi, you can come down to Cancun real quick. I'm just saying. Yeah, I was going to say that's that's my.
Maybe that's my alibi next cruise. I'm telling you. That's my alibi when I off Nicky. If Connor's Nicky, not my Nicky. If you off my Nicky, then I'll fucking find you. I mean, I'm just I'm just waiting for the check to clear Connor. You're the one that sent me the check. and what what o What? What? What? check yeah The check you sent me and said, hey, I need you to do me a favor. This one is driving me crazy. Oh, that went way over my head.
but completely missed it dude you It really takes a lot out of the joke but when need one when you don't get ah But I get funny by admitting that that went way over my fucking head. like I don't know. because It was a really good save. You got to not get so mad it about video games, bro. I get mad about lots of things. i know but when stupid
ah like seventeen Well, you fucking wasn't unlike stakeout or some shit. It was on war. Well, that doesn't surprise me either. People that stake out are assholes. In Call of Duty and Black Ops 6.
Okay, sure. people on your team Yeah, exactly. I don't I don't play video games though. Yeah, so you don't even know. I play the only video games. I play our sport games and I only play offline.
so should drivinging about Don't you fucking discredit my service to this goddamn country. Yeah. He's the call of duty lieutenant. God damn it.
I am a five star motherfucking general master prestige level 14. Here's what pisses me off about sports games on the video game system online. Hey, Wyatt, I have something for you. It's right here. Hold on. He's got something for you, Wyatt. Oh, he's right there. He's like, whoa, what are you? Oh, gotcha, bitch.
ah deep Oh, dad's been drinking. but so I bought Madden. I bought what Madden do we have

Humorous child mischief stories

20? I don't give a fuck what you want, dude. That's a whole lot of your fucking problem. Oh, my God. I bought Madden and then they vaulted. And they don't tell me what to stop and start. I'll do what I fucking want. Bitch, who are you talking to? Glick. Oh, he's I bought Madden. I bought Madden and then they vaulted it two years later and that pisses me off. What do you mean they vaulted?
You once they bought a game, you can't walk into there. Oh, that's right. right yeah Yeah. Yeah. And ea sports is notorious for doing it two years after that game. So like college football, NCAA 25 or 24, they released at 26. They'll vault it. You can't play online anymore. Yeah. Did you just aim your ass at me and shed your pants? Are you lying? Beat the fuck out of that kid. He does it all the time.
Oh, that would only happen once in my motherfucking house. Oh, he's so funny when he does it, though. That poor kid is super gassy. That's super funny. I don't claim to have hit many people. This is what I think about your service to the country. Click in Call of Duty.
ah Oh shit. The one on the left is too good. i agree and that was edge Was that Jeff in the Navy uniform? That was that looks like that looks like lit Rick with his fucking hair dyed blonde.
row My hair is blonde, you fuck. Your hair is dirty blonde. You're as blonde as I am. Fuck off. My hair's only dark colored because I wear a hat every day all day. I was, I was genuinely, I was bleach blonde when I was a kid, then it darkened out as I got older. But when I grow my beard out, my beard is, my beard is like brownish red. Mine too. It's a fucking chromosome. Like rust. Yeah. It's fucking weird. It's like, sure so that my my beard hair like falls out.
and like some of them are brown and some of them are like right **** red. Connor, I lost a beer here today and it was snow **** white. I have that. So, oh I work in so mad. Rick, you're 10 years older than me. Yeah, it's that. Welcome to your getting older. All right. i But like, I'm 27. I'm 27. All right. I

Balancing careers and family

shouldn't have white hairs and white beard hairs. You have God, you're so good fucking gross. That is disgusting. Get your haircut, you fucking hobo. Anyway, I personally, I'm perfectly.
but First and foremost, you silly pieces of shit. I'll let it be known. ah My long hair is kept, it's washed, it's cleaned, and a lot of women like it.
you also also You metrosexual fuck. I've had a hair. It's lost monthly. no first First and foremost, it's not metrosexual because I have long fucking hair. Well, my name's Rick and I'm from the country and I'm the biggest country boy you'll ever meet. and My beard's better than any the other beard you're going to see. And I'm better than everybody else because I'm I am a straight white heterosexual man. a How's that working out for you? Fucking nailed it. How's that working out for you?
I'm a country pumpkin, I'm country as hell. Yeah, I got long hair, I got a beard, I got tattoos. My phone's being blown up. What's your phone doing? Most of the current fucking country boys have long hair too, fruitcake. No, they look like a bunch of fucking douchebag llamas and they're from the city. They're not actually country boys. They're Luke Bryan, wannabes.
That's not which I get to which I gotta say I'm proud that I your son popped up here and he doesn't have Wama hair. He doesn't got a lot. He's not a lot. he So why in has be said why it has really thick, really curly fucking hair. So the only way that he can keep it semi-styled is he has to run a high on his hair.
He has no fucking choice. He has no fucking choice. Dude, dude, I just want it. It's cold in here. Look at the fucking homeless kid, man. No, Wyatt, Wyatt, I know your struggle and I know your pain, bro. I have thick, curly, Jew hair. The best thing for that kind of guy. What's up, Jew hair? Oh, I one. That shit will stay wet five hours after a shower. it If it is not.
if it is not high and tight the best thing you can do for his hairstyle is let it let it grow out let it grow out good but take care of it take care of it just like you would do for a beard properly maintain your hair and it'll look good double widow's peak and uh double college in the back is he my fucking son oh my god
Hold on a second, Connor. I see you. Oh, my God. Is he my son? Dude, I have the double widow's pink. I have the double cowlick. So does Cash. Is Wyatt my son? Did I sleep with your ex-wife? Bro, that's your mistake, not mine. oh ah You know, I've had a lot of drunken mistakes. I've made a lot of mistakes in a lot of drunken nights. Dude, Cash and I have the very same problem. And if you grow it out long, it solves those problems. But you have to maintain it and take care of it. Yeah, gotta get through that weird phase, but you also have to take care of it and it'll look good and the ladies will appreciate it and you don't have to show them your butthole wire. What do you got, Connor?
what What's a meteorosexual? Metrosexual? Whatever. Metrosexual is like your your skinny jean wearing, I borrowed my girlfriend's t-shirt to go to the store.
Um, Crocs and socks. Three hours, 31 minutes. Yeah, that kind of, that kind of person. Like, like, what's the, nevermind. I'm just going to fucking look it up because like, that's a definition of like how they would look. I want to know what the definition of metrosexual means. A feminine male. Yes. Yes. A feminine male. A metrosexual is a man who is very concerned with his appearance, grooming, and personal style.
The term is often used to describe heterosexual men who are seen as being effeminate or not strictly adhering to traditional masculinity standards. Did I not say effeminate

Technology challenges

male? that was a hard That was a hard word to read what when I've had a few plus a gummy.
And like like, I can say it feminine all day long, but like looking at it and trying to read a paragraph out loud, lot of letters i I felt like it's in second grade when the teacher was like, Connor, can you, can you read for us? you get the men space so What page are we on? but where are we Are you guys still going to be live in like 30 minutes? I got to go to the store and get beer. Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck you, Rick. I'm going to end the stream just because you're leaving us. You dumb. Sorry, everybody. We're going to wait until Rick leaves the show. I did the show. but post for ilo bitches I'm coming down to Georgia and I'm sitting on an ass. Dude, I fucking dare you.
ho to all right on the right out right on the brown eye right on the brown eye oh yeah i'll be i'll be back in a few i'm gonna run out of the store well that was fun while it lasted too bad because i just finished this
yeah I'll be honest, you said metrosexual in my head. I was like, I have no fucking clue what that is. And you guys never heard that term. I've heard it, but I had, I've never thought twice about it. But I sat here and I fucking held my hand up because it was like, they're talking, but I don't want to interrupt them. I think I had my hand up for a solid three minutes at least. No, but I don't believe the, the band, the, the, the,
Glick was having on his wristband. That's not a metrosexual thing. That's how I have daughters thing. Or a wife. Because when my daughter's home, or we or yeah, or or or wife, because when you go out with your wife or your kids and you have a daughter, she's going to want to take her hair out of a ponytail or she's going to need to put it in a ponytail. If you don't have it on ya you, you all hook. So i would I would usually have two or three of them on my wrist at the time.
My daughter is two years old. She wakes up every morning, walks over to her dresser. We get her dressed and she opens the drawer that she can't quite see in or reach in. But it's the drawer that has all of her bows. It's a bow, a bow, a bow. And if you can grab a fucking bow, she will stand. won What, bitch? What, bitch? No, no, no. Fuck it. No, no, no. You're going to interrupt me anyway. Fuck off. Just go ahead and say it. You're a dumb cunt. I fucking hate you. Go ahead and speak. Yeah, that's what I fucking thought.
Put yourself down where you fucking belong and time out. That's where you're going and where you're going to fucking stay. I don't even remember what I was saying at this point anymore. I just know that you're a fucking cunt. You're a dumb twat. You little cunt. Keep fucking interrupting me while I'm in the middle of talking. I'm waiting because you're going to interrupt me again here as we're coming to the end of this talk. I'm just waiting for it. I'm just going to keep talking until you interrupt me fucking again like you do every goddamn time you stupid piece of shit.
thank everybody he's finished my thought godam
but but mother parkcker boy yeah um so oh oh well um abusement i
Thank you, baby. You really just kind of dressed me down. So I love you. You dressed me down. Yeah, take this dick, you dirty whore.
hey Jeff, three hours, 36 minutes.

Gaming culture and humor

Yeah, I got it. She is, she is like 10. Three hours, 36 minutes. Why are you sending Bruce messages? So that I can remember it, I'm saving them.
yeah And we know when to cut and paste. I'm reminding myself. She's like six, eight, or six, 10, something like that. She's massive. And she's like, do you guys ever just need a hug? I'm here. And this guy's duet at it. And he's like, I'll be sure. I'll be sure.
ah Is that you with your wife when you had a rough day? always hes yeah i I go up two steps and I'm like, come here. you think give me i didn't upbe any need upbe there's ah There's a reason why there's a cutout in my stairs. that i just ran at that time like but yeah so i don't mind my lifestyle you're your wife wants to talk well ah Jeff, everybody's taller than you first and foremost. But I know i know exactly that that was Taco Reacts on TikTok. And the girl that did the video, her name is like Tamara or something like that. yeah She claims to be 610.
but in every one of her videos, she's wearing like eight, she's wearing like 18 inch heels. So she's probably, she's tall for a girl. And Taco's a little guy like you. so i love title So I just want to say, I just want to say, Jeff, what you said about the hair tie around my wrist has nothing to do with my daughters. This is 100% me because I've had long hair since fucking transition.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah. Like, I had long hair. I said, since you transitioned, and you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know what you said. I was just letting you have it. I heard what you said. I was just letting you have it. No, because I've had long hair for years. I mean, I've showed you guys the picture. I showed you guys the picture from when. When I had long hair, I used to care. Well, that's what I have to say.
watchingin fucking mouth boy so sir or what? You gotta to give me another dressing downing. wait so that's the lot She told me that. Oh no, you can talk about it all you want. I'm just not responsible for what happens afterwards. She said she's gonna let you put it in her butt. Nice. No, it was. Yeah. direct the web away Why are you still here? I've already well she told you you had to she told you you had to go. on She said, no, no, no, got to get out loud. I'm going to say I swear to God, she said, listen, listen yeah to me. Stop interrupting me, you piece of shit. She said, baby, you got to get off your scene. And you said, I've been live with for almost four hours. I've already been getting off all night long. Yeah, because you like to jerk off to my face. Yeah.
You like to touch yourself inappropriately when you see me. Because you're a dirty whore. You're a dirty, filthy, rotten, stinking, good-for-nothing whore. And Jesus hates you. Jesus hates you.
um You ought to fuck with me, Jesus. Connor's like, I'm almost

Hairstyles and personal style

finished. Come on. Come on. Keep talking. Keep going. I'm almost done. She told she came in here and told me that I needed to calm down because I was being too rowdy. All I have to say is like her, her, the boys and Kennedy are all in my bedroom watching a movie and they heard me scream. God damn it. And so now what is that? You're too loud.
What is the vicinity from your office to the bedroom? She was very respectful and loving when she said it. It has nothing to do with anything. Yeah, she's just on the other side. they Chuck it. Connor's no. You should go for it on her pillow. That'll teach her a lesson. Give her pink eye chocolate chocolate. You're not going to just fucking drop that comment after two hours.
and act like you didn't just fucking say what you just goddamn said. wait ever Wait a minute, wait a minute. I just, i I just, I didn't know Chaka had me on Snapchat. I just got his, Chaka, his requesting that I, that I send him voice messages like that at least once a day talking to him the way I just talked to Connor. I mean, I mean, I mean, 10 bucks is 10 bucks, I guess.
I mean, I'd take the money too. As as as Jay said in uh in in uh in uh clerks put that money in my hand. Chaka, if I let you watch videos on the only fans, will you will you come to bed with me?
You know, he's going to be thinking of me. I don't care who the **** he's thinking of. Chaka is a good looking dude. He's a sexy Mexican. Too bad he's going to be deported.
fucking testicle head looking ass motherfu and Next door to me. Any minute. What's next door to you? Jocko will be when he gets deported. He's going to move next door. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm buying a house next door as in the I'm in the process. Jesus. You're going to move back to house. No, going to buy the buy the house next door and I'm turning two into one.
That way I don't have to move. I just have to add an addition. So what do I got to do to get you back here in the States? yeah Get rid of his warrant. yeah that's That's not as hard as you think. I was going to say, here's an active warrant. Here's an active warrant.
here's an active warrant I don't know what to tell you. I didn't get rid of that. That's not that fucking hard. I'm surprised that Jeff hasn't done it yet. Speaking of, why haven't I opened this bottle? Yes. Oh, I forgot. Your

Childhood entertainment experiences

new achievement unlocked.
Did you freeze? Counter froze, right? Yeah. I think he did. Yeah, I think he did. Okay. Yeah. Cause cause my internet's been freezing every once in a while. he I don't know. I don't know if it's, I don't know if it's our internets or if it's StreamYard because mine was fucking up earlier. However, I did reset my router and I might've been on that. You know how I have the 2g and the 5g and my laptop likes to flip around. oh yeah yeah So I might've been on the 2g. I could just, I can also just go in and forget the 2g, but I,
Dude, you know me, you know, I'm so busy and I've got 900 other million things on my mind that the last thing out for thanks I know, but the last thing on my mind is something that simple. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, yeah i'm not yeah like i' I'm not saying that I'm too busy to go do it. I'm saying like, I've got so much on my mind. The last thing I'm thinking about. it like fun yeah Yeah. No, I, I'm in the same way. Like, uh, like it's very easily forgotten. I sent you that me that message about the meeting that I had today. And I was like, Oh, I got to talk to guys. hello and I was like, that's one more fucking thing. What happened? I don't know. I, my internet dropped for a second. I think that, yeah I think that message is for you, Connor. Of course. I'll come to bed with you. I'll change your life. Respectfully homeboy. You can't change a hallway.
what What? You can change it always. me ah but yeah you know yeah i yeah just yeah rain I'm just saying and in in Japanese experience in our and and in the real world, not our our own wisdom of yours.
I've changed. I've changed many ah hallways in my life. I'm just saying you knock a couple walls down. Yeah. I'm speaking metaphor. I'm just saying Chaka know Chaka might be swinging Moneer down there and he could definitely change your ******* listening or elephant talk. He changed his wife's hallway last weekend and and then came back on the show. so think Okay.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Blame your absence in the stream yard. Yeah, we believe you. Every once in a while, I'll be talking. And my my camera will be fine, but you guys are pros. And then it does the, there know that you know how when when you have something loading, it shows the circle? There's a name for that. No, it's actually, there's a name for it. I can't remember what it's called. I saw, I learned it the other day.
Are you just going to leave us in suspense? I have to look, I'm looking up. OK. I wasn't listening. I have no idea. I'm not in suspense. It's called a throb, throbber. A throbber? Spitting wheel appears on your computer while loading is called a throbber. The throbber is an animated icon indicate the program is performing an action in the background. There you go. I mean, not what I wanted to see.
and as he Darling, it's bitter. Not where it's wetter. Take it from me. Dude, okay. I have a question. You said you guys are singing that stupid ass song. Fuck you. Have you seen, have you seen the, the live action? Nope. I have, but it was so very in memory. Are hard to listen to because they're not the original song. Yes. Agreed. And it, it, it, it fucks with my childhood.
I feel that way about all of the, uh, all of the live action. How did your childhood involve a little mermaid? We grew, we grew up with those moves, you know, all the, the the live action. let's say we Like we grew up in the same fucking time. I wasn't talking to you, little boy. I wasn't talking to you, little boy. Don't say we don't say we don't lock me in with you all with you old fucks.
Little boy, he called you a little boy. That is the equivalent of calling you a bitch. Listen to your feet. Yeah, and I just called you Dust in the fucking window. I sent him the only picture I could find of me in the Navy. And he's like, Jesus Christ, you look old. ah Fuck you. He's like... No, I was like, I can't even tell that that's you.
And he responds with a message that said, dude, this picture was taken 30 years ago. I was like, dude, 30 years ago, I wasn't even fucking born. Yeah. And then he was all i didn math but i was like, OK, 26 years ago, I was like, OK, I'm sorry, I was too.
she run sure That doesn't make you look any fucking younger ah picture was taken in in 99. and between you you in and senior year. Dude, it looks like whoever took the picture had fucking the shakes, what whatever the fuck that is called. What is that? The shakes, whatever that is is, it's not even an ism, it's a sun.
i got that but mi Whatever that motherfucking Michael J Fox bitch ass is.
Fucking words are hard, dude. I mean, I think I still have that meme. I have a meme that says I finally got Michael Jackson's autograph. Have you seen that? Michael J Fox's. Yeah, Michael J Fox's autograph.
don't have it anymore. Yeah, is this funny. I just have to give them save a good picture.
Shit, I gotta get rid of something. I saw this the other day. I laughed so hard. I was like, it's so wrong. But so funny.
but And yeah, Connor's internet died again. What are you doing? Are you changing or morphing into a weirdo? master Masturbating. master Masturbation. Masturbation. Nice. suppose i was I was masturbating feverishly. I'm making a video to send to the group chat. I know how much you three enjoy. out There you go. What the **** It's so **** up.
It's so **** up. Like I'm all the **** up **** on the internet. That is right up there. boy That's **** hilarious. It's funny but it's like wow. Damn. That's going to be Tua's signature here in a couple of years. Right. Holy **** **** jeff i know that you're not a sports guy but Have you've heard of what's going on with too, right? This fucking like 11,000,000 concussions. He's like stumbling around the fucking field, but he he he got a concussion. what is what wouldnt be slow weeks ago We have slow mode on.
I don't know what Jeff did. You said one thing and Jeff was like, fuck it. And it's, I think it's killing our numbers tonight. but it is what it is. Let's see if I get YouTube to come up here. Yeah, I'm bringing it up myself.
What were you saying, Connor? I don't remember, to be honest. What's his name, Tua? Oh, yeah, the two dude. Fucking Homeboy had a concussion like, what, three, four weeks ago? And he's had a whole bunch before.
And when he had his last concussion, he was like stumbling around the fucking field. They've put him in this week and he got another concussion.
chocolate it's gonna michael
so fun though fuck up But I'm like, dude, he's going to be Michael J Fox. He's not going to be able to hold himself still. And he's he's like, I still want to play. Like there's gotta to be a point where they can say, no, medically you can't continue playing. Oh, slow mode is on fixed.
Did you get it? Yeah, I fixed it. I speak your thought. Wait for any sort of response from these two dings. What is going on, bro?
It says, uh, okay. It says participants had to wait 30 seconds between sending messages. That's weird. I didn't even turn that on. I fixed it though.
I fixed it. I think, I think that's just Scrambers only being able to chat is killing us tonight. I think so too. Should I turn it off? Yeah, I agree. I think we should only do that if we're going to do like a giveaway or something like that. Or if we want to do a, uh, you know, we have to make it be known, like, uh, this is, uh, grow live or something like that. Get out of me. That's fair. That's fair.
Also fixed.
I'm quick. Oh, my shoulder fucking hurts. Anyway. I i was going to say, what?

Technical break discussion

Let's take a real quick break. Because with with somebody keep turning off the camera and somebody's internet keep dying. Yeah, I don't know. i i was make My bladder, bladder. I was jerking off. We can take a real quick break.

Introducing guest Callie

That's right. I got new music because I had two guests this week. Not only did we have Roland on the show, but I had Callie. Callie, she was awesome.
she was she was a she was a fun little ball of energy and I do say little because she's a tiny little thing but man she is she's got a lot going on she's a witchy skater she's a witchy skateboarding cowboy she she was fine we don't discriminate yeah she was ah she was fun had a lot of fun hanging out with her and chatting with her she was She was something else, but she's got herself a little band, Callie and the Boot and Rally. They've got their first official song out. It's called Spitfire. They got more coming out now. And your boy is going to get some exclusives. Not that you fuckers are going to see him. Well, you fuckers on here will. We'll see him. But these other fuckers that watch, they won't. Until until yeah until until it's ready.
Who did that? Cause that was, that was nice. why What? really What? name So somebody should themselves i no probably kind i can't feel his lower extremities. Thank you. to pay ready I'll take you to sponsor every day of the week. Anywho, we all right here.
Cali dot and dot the dot boot and dot rally. Go show them some love. There are a lot of dots. There's a lot of dots. It's a mouthful, but we are the nonsensical network. So we know what it's like. say A little bit more in a mouthful. Not a waste because I got a I got a big mouth, baby. Right. I had this discussion with with DJ Pill PJ deal.
I was talking about boobs being too, boobs being too big. And I said, there's no such goddamn thing. Oh, there is. There is. No, there's not. No, there's not. There is. There is. The bigger. There's no such thing. Big. I like a small move. Look, I'm not judging. I love boobies.
small no i love bos and but and big bar next yeah yeah Small, big, medium, huge, ginormous, man and boos boobs. Boobs are boobs and boobs are great. And boobies always make me smile.
Like a fucking 12 year old on Christmas, boobies. Every time. Anyways. Callie in the boots and ra or in the booting rally. She was awesome. Huge thank you for her coming out, coming up and hanging out on the show. It's on YouTube, the replay, and it's also on all the podcasting platforms. I'm sure we will be hanging out with her again down the road, much like we'll be hanging out with Roland down the road. But here's their song Spitfire and we'll be back here in just a few minutes.
Cause I'm at speed for troubled emotions
and we'll welcome back to nonsense but nonsense everybody hopeful guys are enjoying the show so far tonight We're hanging out. We're having a good time. We're shooting the **** while we **** around like we do. um It is the open door challenge. Don't forget about that. So, we got that link in the chat. Let me drop that link one time for you. There it is. It's coming up right now. You guys want to come in and hang out with us you are more than welcome to We greatly appreciate it. Here's a new friend of the network, Callie in the boot and Rowley. It looks so weenie. And for those of you guys, let me ask you gentlemen a question. Fuck you, Wyatt. Wow.
ah Let me ask you, gentlemen, a little um little question. You guys know.
He's dying right here. I saved that just for you. I didn't even see you, but I loved him walls on the bottom. Right?
yeah but happy but i started me up Anyways, welcome back to, welcome back to Nonsensical Nonsense, everybody.

Show promotion and interaction

Go ahead and follow us. We are up and by our link slash Nonsensical Network. Give us a follow, give us a like, don't forget to give us a share and turn your goddamn notifications on. That way you know what we do when we do how we do. Alexa, turn your whore mouth off. Her music was too loud. I didn't want Jeff bitching. Your candle's dead.
It's so good. That wasn't that was his daughter, you There was one. No, I told her to turn my A word off because she had her phone synced to it. Oh, she just had it playing. So who can I. Oh, should we play that game, Jeff? Can I have got some function on her?
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Hold on.

Open Door Challenge reminder

I'm going to let you have a bitch fit. But watch this. This is fun. This is a fun game. We used to play back in the day. Yeah, you can't because he's got it. No, not on his. Just anybody who's listening. Oh, oh, yeah. I forgot. You guys got it. You guys got to give me clean audio. You got to give me clean audio. Nobody say a word. Alexa, order me 27 four foot black dildos.
You're good.
Oddly enough, there are people's Alexis right now turning on. Yep. A few years a few years back when Jeff and I were due to this, we were talking about election Siri and we were having fun with it and joking. And then we got messages. They're like, bro. yeah relax pull out Because it's taking up space. yeah and did you guys charged on my account but like you set up for Alexis so that Jeff and I were like we can get Siri and Alexis attention we can do all kinds of fun stuff because uh I watch this guy on on YouTube he does he has channels called I like to make things
And he made the, he made a, a, he took one of those, those desks that are electro electrical and they raise up. So if you're standing or in they're like almost two grand a pop, but, but he took those and he begged shelves so that shelves hide behind his couch. Yeah. And he went to try it and he's like, Alexa, raise the shelf. And my Alexa goes, I'm sorry. I can't do that. And I was like, this motherfucker. What is your bitch fit?
So you have chain gas stations up there, right? I think you have sheets where you are. We got sheets. We got Speedway, which is now 7-11 and we got Duke. So our two big ones here are quick trip and racetrack, right? I go to the racetrack. It's literally 1.4 miles from my house. So I go to the racetrack and their policy is if there's only one employee, they lock the doors, but they have what's called a grab and go box.
You push the button, okay open the metal door, you put your your money or whatever in the if the cashier comes, basically takes your order, goes into the store, gets what you want, brings it back all that jazz. So why andt I walk up and the guy's like, Hey, there's only one in there. The doors are locked. I'm like, all right, cool. No problem. He's like, you got to use the box.
I've done it before. A lot of times when I'm on my way to work in the morning, the overnight guy doesn't get his help or he works by himself, whatever. I hit the button and she's standing behind the pizza counter where they keep their pizzas for the day. This bitch looks at Wyatt and I in the fucking window and walks back into the fucking office. Does not come to the window, right? So we're standing there. I tell Wyatt, hit the fucking button.
He hits the button four more times. She never walks up to the window. Three more cars pull up. Do you live in the hood? No, it's it's a racetrack policy safety thing. If there's no stores, the stores here do it, too. There's stores here, just too. bill If they have an employee, they use a grab and go box.
They, they do the same sit, they do assemble here where it's a, they have glass doors, which I find hilarious. And then there's a sliding door in the glass door. that is know we don't have that and And you literally, I'm the asshole that sticks my whole head in going, Hey, I just need a pack of cigarettes. Right. So, so we have this, it's a metal box built into the brick wall.
And you just open open the door. You put what you need when you close the door. When they open the door, it locks your side. So you can't reach in and grab them. And because it's a fucking two by two square, you could pull somebody through there if they're small enough. Right. This bitch looks at us and walks in the back office. So we hit the button a lot of times. And then the fucking I'll be why you just scored a tutty. She walks back out of the office. There's like three people standing.
standing at the front door and I'm like, you can't get in. They're not going to let you into his bathroom, but just a couple of drunk girls and some shirtless drunk guy, whatever, who literally had the words ghetto cowboy tattooed on his stomach. Fucking white trash at its best. Um. So.

Gas station customer service story

I'm like, they're not going to let you in. She looks at us again. She's cleaning the food racks. Why it hits the fucking button again. She looks at us again, never comes to the fucking window. I'm like, you are that fucking lazy. Yeah, but you're not going to help a customer. So did you get your figure? Yeah, I had to go to a whole different fucking gas station. I had to go to a fucking nuclear store up the street.
start why you you can say that so funny cant but say that now ah where they get the fucking keys to a nineteen eighty five mercedes diesel and a fucking keys with gas station when he gets yeah Like I don't like it. I said, you bet your sweet ass tomorrow. I will be on the fucking phone with the store manager of racetrack that bitch in about this chick fucking dicking off and refusing to handle customers at the door. yeah like Our store, the store I go to here way.
too much. And when I say way, dude, we fill our fucking work trucks with diesel at these racetrack stores at $300 a shot, three times a week times eight trucks. Like we spend way too fucking much money at this store for this. bit So what you're saying is what you're saying is you're Karen, you're going to go in there and be like, man, I fucking absolutely will be on this one.
Alright, boys. I am going to dip and Z out and. Yeah, that's right. Pussy. Where's that sound? 1115's a motherfucker, ain't it? How come we haven't? But. Nighty night. Nighty night, gentlemen. I'll be, I'll be whipped by my wife happily. Happily with a fucking smile on my face. No, I'm, no, I'm getting it. Shut up, dude. Okay.
If only you knew Connor. That's gross. I got, I got, I got my, I got my Nikki. I got your mom. As you guys were closer, I'd probably be your neighbor. Oh yeah.
Bye. Bye Connor. You're leaving. it's long you fifteen Okay. 99. but ninety nine ninety nine i love you you sexy so tom i baiting you and if you like you're you're a dumb and you are I can't see the fucking score the game because i can't i can't wait to bang up the fucked up for christmas can't wait to bang the fuck out of you for Christmas, Connor. So Andrea stepped down last weekend from the board of Baca.

Bikers Against Child Abuse resignation

um The board of bikers against child abuse.
I thought it was a meeting today. So my friend Andrea and her husband, when they were together, he was a Harley rider. And the only patch he would wear is for Baca bikers against child abuse. It's a social club. It's not a biker gang. It's not a biker club. It's not. Yeah, I get it. I get it. So they've they've divorced three years ago and they're still super cordial, super best friends, everything like that.
They're both still in the in Baca. They go to every meeting. They were both sitting board members for the club. Last weekend, they stepped down from the board and they called her tonight to have a meeting with her. And she was thinking maybe they needed some help with the accounting or whatever, because that's what she's new. They took her fucking patch. Really? Yeah. but Yeah.
They took her fucking she's like I am um because she doesn't ride. She doesn't ride. But all her best friends ride her ex-husband ride. She still rides on his bike. Oh, well, that's different they took her fucking patch because she stepped down from the board. Oh, God. Damn. What happened? They smash.
Oh, the fucking Georgia Tech game when the dude got his head fucking ripped off his shoulders. Yeah. Oh, my God. A fucking blast. Send me that. I got to see this. This dude got fucking wrong, bro. Bro, this is I got to say, because how do you not have the BYU Utah game on your TV fucking right now? Because he had 10 seconds. What is your TikTok, Jeff? What is your TikTok?
No, it's Jeff's garage. Oh, there it is. wrong do Bro, just i was i was I was just responding to a message. And when i when I clicked out of the message, that was the first thing on there. Oh, my God, dude. That was yeah that was like a blatant, really bad face mask in that hit. That was Miami. That was Miami. Yeah, Miami. jordan yeah Yeah. did i bob not his He got his fucking head knocked off his shoulders. Is that okay? Or what happened to him? Do you know what happened? Apparently he's okay. He missed like three days. You can throw that up here. So anybody who's watching the replay knows what we're talking about. I don't, I don't think we'll get flagged for it. I don't know. I hope not. But um dude, this is, this is wicked. and to me in Snapchat like,
He fucking got railed. I can bike him. Game came in at a eleven seven and left at 11 19. Well, appreciate you coming in and saying, hi bro. How you been, man? What's going on in your world? Love you. Kiss my ass. Bye. He was like, fuck all y'all. Right. but ah yeah ill you took his so and i mean I hope he's not mad. I hope he understands.
understand what? It's not because we're doing dicks. We took his admin privileges away because Wally needed it. Yeah, Wally. Wally needed it for his show. You know, I have so many. Oh, Bobby Ellison died. Who? The NASCAR driver. No, he wanted to survive the helicopter crash to come back and race again. He just died 86 years old.
four Wow, amazing what he died out of the old age, right? Cause he's 80s fucking six. a Cause of death wasn't given, but Ellison had been in declining health for years. That's yeah crazy. Anybody who's ever watched NASCAR knows who Bobby Ellison is. Check this out. Here it is. First time seeing it slowed down. Here we go. Yeah. There's the face mask whips around getting his bearings almost. Oh my gosh. That is a dangerous play.
Trying to get his helmet back on, Yahtzee.
That's hurt. You see it again? First time seeing it slowed down. Here we go. Yeah, there's the face mask, whips around, getting his bearings almost. Oh my gosh. Trying to get his helmet back on, Yahtzee.
That hurt me. That's wild. That hurt me. But, yeah, anybody who ever watched NASCAR in the 80s and 90s knows Bobby Ellison drove the Texco car. Yep. He's dead now. Yes.
Odd thing to celebrate there, Blake.
I'm sorry. sorry.
Totally on a concept. Condolences to the Ellis family. Obviously, we all know. Allison, Allison, Ricky Bobby. Not your Snapchat, your TikTok. Oh, Jesus. ah Who won the Tennessee game, Peyton? A football team. She don't know. know
Apparently LSU was throwing fucking trash on the field at their game tonight. And Kirk, he called them out, called them clones. I got a screen recorded because it won't let me download it. Oh, we got an early game tomorrow. Glick. Yeah, we already made our picks. Fucking the Germans out of it.
Yeah, yeah,

Football game predictions

yeah, yeah. We made our picture. Remember we had that conversation about how this was reparation for the world war. So this was reparations for what the Germans did in world war two. Now they have to witness the giants and Panthers yeah Tennessee one cam. What are you doing, bro? Grab you a beer and come up here with us, man. The link is in the chat or if you want me to, I'll send it to you. I'll let you. There's technician.
Who invited this guy? and probably Yeah, he already looked like our guy already do. He was like, as soon as he came, I was like, hey, I got you. What's going on, Bubba? How are you doing, brother? I'm good. I guess. Hey, buddy. I had to screen record that, Blake. Hi, guy. I'm saying I'm putting it in now. Hey, Rick. He said hey, Gabe. He said hey, Gabe.
ah The only problem with playing this clip, you sent me a click. It's got that song on it. I didn't hear the song. Can you mute the song? Can you kill the song? Yeah, give me a second. I can do that. I just seen the shirt. Jesus Christ. No one beats the brakes off Florida State. 52-3.
Oh, my God. LSU did die. 42-13. BAM over LSU.
Holy shit. They did fucking die.
I had to put it in my editor so I can get it without sound. I do want that shirt. Glick. Another undefeated goes down today.
who lost. Iowa state to Kansas. Oh shit. Number 17 lost and number 18 pit is currently losing to Virginia in the fourth quarter. Do you have work? You have a pick out there. Dick's knocked in the dirt by SMU baby. Let's go. SMU, SMU, SMU. That's going to be my new team. bro Yay. Sports.
I'm getting good discussion for Sunday. I'm just saying we don't do enough college on Sunday. Sounds like a you probably. No, you're not. Is that Krispy Kreme? Oh, fundraiser. There you go. There you go. I had to take the sound off because. Oh, shit. Better. I want that. Gee, that's awesome. I like that. I like that shirt.
Can you hear me now? i know you can yeah raise micy Nikki, Nikki, Nikki made a shirt for her dad for his birthday. second What the hell does it say? It's got show and that to Nikki so she can make it. No, no, no, no, no. Ooh. She can't. That's a good idea. might not part Snapchat. No, she could definitely make the shirt.
It's on the, tick it's on the TikTok it's on the TikTok shop, bro. There's like 900 other people in the world. There's one major company that I know will go after even somebody as small as Nikki for using their likeness. Nikki, Nikki made a shirt for her dad for her, for his birthday. And it's got Trump after he got shot in a year with his fist up. And it says impeach arrested convicted shot still standing Trump 2024.
like to energize her bunny bro yeah but did you hear there was another attempt and that she made a shirt for did she did she made a shirt for herself yesterday they caught another guy with a bunch of weapons then she made another shirt for herself and it was and it was like trump with his arm out the window with his arm out the window of like one of the big black SUVs. He's like, get it, bitches. We're taking America back. Twenty, twenty four. That's funny. I love it. I love the fact that she's doing it now, man. I'm so happy for her. I'm so excited for her. I got to send it to my. wow Is he using a napkin to wipe his face after eating a donut? I don't know what he's doing. It's called sacrilege. So what this is like.
Chris, Chris is the straightest little fellow. I feel like you might be scared of a dominant too. Oh my God. Is your fucking daughter wearing an Ohio state shirt? You're fucking right. She's wearing an Ohio state hoodie. Oh Jesus Christ. You know, talk to me when you're in the top 25 bitch. and Talk to me when you've won a national championship in the last 10 years. We did. We beat Alabama for it. When? ah sitta I was living in Georgia, so.
I don't think Ohio state's ever beat Alabama. Yes. The fuck we did. We're one and one against Alabama. Thank you very much. Yeah. I don't think that's an accurate statement. Okay. Well, fact check me bitch. Cause I think it was like 2018, 19 maybe the post. We need this shirt. Click, sir. Get on it.
Now we have somebody checking me bitch.

Ohio State vs. Michigan debate

need to fact check you. in Alabama one in 78. Alabama one in 86. Alabama one in 95. 2014 Sugar Bowl, Ohio State one.
Thank you. that du boom so this is a Damn problem with Ohio State fans because most Ohio State fans that are fans were not alive when they were getting their asses kicked by Michigan and they've only been alive in the last 20 years.
The fact remains, the record is the fucking records, you stupid sons of bitches. I'm not talking to just you, Rick. I'm talking to Ohio State fans and generals in general. How far are we off? At the end of the day, at the end of the day, at the end of the day, I'm going to go ahead and say this. Michigan has beat you guys more times than you've beat them. They have the longest reigning streak. They have more national championships and they have more Heisman trophy. Why not? I don't think they have more Heisman trophy winners.
but nonetheless, what is it the effect you wondering of what i justcarious and not alive i'll look it up the fact that you were not alive does not mean that it didn't happen. And they're three and two are there two and three. They beat Michigan record. youwat Oh, we were talking about Alabama, Michigan, Ohio state beat Michigan in 2021. Oh my God. i know You guys were in the playoff and the championship in 2021.
Ohio state. Yeah. Michigan is three and one. Oh, you want to know what the record is against the all fucking record. times fucking record in Michigan versus Ohio state six. Yeah. Oh, Michigan. 61 51 and Also Michigan holds Michigan also holds the largest victory 86 to nothing.
You guys beat us in the early years, 12 out of 13 non-conference games from 1897. Michigan also holds the longest win streak. You guys like to talk about your fucking win streak, but Michigan holds the longest win streak. Ohio State vacated its 2010 win over Michigan, which was stupid. I agree with that. That was so fucking dumb. Was that the Jim Tressel thing?
That was the tattoo, Jim Trestle, Terrell Pryor, bullshit. Dude, both of them should fucking have a lawsuit right now with the NIL shit. The series is however, tied in Columbus, 27 to 27 and two, 27, 27 and two in Columbus. That's kind of a cool number. I didn't know.
Ohio State won eight consecutive games at oh at Ohio Stadium. It's the fucking horseshoe, you goofy bastards. h can say
Yeah, 61, 51, and six. ye Current win streak is currently held by Michigan, which will end this year when Ohio State beats a one or two, three. Is it three in a row?
so Yeah. Which, miss which Ohio state will end this year when Michigan loses by. Oh yeah. You guys are going to go that bad, but I bet we beat you by at least 21. I will say, however, they played pretty good against Indiana today. They lost by five. I thought Mandy and it was going to, I thought Indiana was going to. I'm not sure how good Indiana really is. I mean, not like i have not anybody yet.
I'm not, dude, you can't say that though, because they have, they played, they have, hold on a second. I'll, I'll give you the, I'll give you the rundown. I know Jeff, you're bored, but bear with us a minute.
Okay. Nevermind. Yeah. Well, there is no big 10 East, West, North or South. It's all just the big 10 West.
Yeah, but yeah, no, they really, I mean, they, they played Oregon next week.

Big Ten Championship predictions

No, they've got Ohio state next week. And then they ended against Purdue. They don't play Oregon. They'll play Oregon in the big 10 champion. They'll play Oregon in the big 10 championship. No, they won't know how state of play Oregon in the big 10 championship again. No, they won't. Yes. Cause I'll say it's going to be the Indiana next week, which is going to make them a one loss team also.
some Ohio State and Oregon for the big 10 championship again. And we'll have another fucking amazing football game. And that should have been that you can say it if you want that game between Ohio State and Oregon should have absolutely been in the fucking national championship because that was the game of the season. Like it or not, bro, that was the game of the season. Whatever. Who's had a better fucking game?
I'll wait. Vandy Vandy versus Alabama. That wasn't a better game. That was a fucking worse ranked team. You know it was. You want to know why it was a better game? Because one hundred eighty team but your autobo a a but yeah that's the only reason Jeff,
jeff you should be a Utah Utes fan. I'm not a fan of any team that I have to actually watch. So they have bright red uniforms, and then they have chrome, dark red helmets. And they look really shit. Yeah, that does not matter. The chrome helmets look fucking dope. And they're the Utah Utes, bro. They're a bunch of Mormons. They're a bunch of sources and quakers. Honestly, just because I'm Mormon doesn't mean I actually practice. Bro, at the end of the day,
At the end of the day, if Jeff was going to be a fan of football teams, no, no, no, no, no. He, he would solely pick me. He would solely pick the team based off of there. Yes. you look here's heres look here's Here's the thing. Here's the thing.
We're five and five, which is better than I thought we were going to be at this point in the season. I'm not mad at the season. We whole new, all brand new coaching staff. I've said this a million times, brand new coaching staff. We had 23 players go to the NFL and the draft record beat. We beat our previous record. Uh, mind you. Um,
And with 23 players, you know, our defense was rocked. Our offense was rocked. Our coaching staff was rocked. I expected them to be bad this year. I'm not mad at sitting at 500 right now, and I still think we could end the season at 500. We have two games left. We play Ohio State and I think we play Purdue or Northwestern. So you know, and can actually yeah, oh yeah, you guys did. And actually I heard the other day they were. ah There was a.
I don't know. I had the esp on for ESPN on for a minute, but they said outside of like Georgia and Alabama, which we all know who are in bed with fucking ESPN. And when there was a committee, they could lose every game except one and still be in a national championship because they were in the SEC. Um, but, uh, they said a lot of teams do fall off from their national championship season.
Not as bad as our Michigan has, but however, and and I think all I've said is going to have the same thing this year. They spent all that money and they got all those players, but losing a lot of people next year. I don't think we're going, I don't think we're going national championships to be honest. And if I was going to pick, and if I was going to pick a team to win the and the national championship out of the big 10 this year, it would be either Michigan or Ohio state or Oregon.
I think for a national championship game, you're looking at Texas and Oregon. i I agree. And the only reason that Michigan won a national championship last year was because somehow some goddamn way.
Washington found a way to beat Texas. I think you're going to see Ohio State play Oregon in the Big Ten championship. I think Ohio State's going to win that one. They're going to be one and one against each other. They're both going to go into the playoffs and Oregon's going to win their way into the national and they are going to play Texas for the Natty.
And I can't even call a winner on that game because I really can. I can. I can call a winner on that game. The clock. One of the football teams.
I can't. I don't know who the fuck could win that game to be. And Glick will agree with most of those statements right there. I literally predict that game. You know who's going to win? The one with the most points. Well, no. Quinn Ewers is going to win because he's going to draft to a good NFL team.
He had five tuddies today. Unless it's golf, and that's the one with the less points wins, but, you know. Right. But the sabers won in a shootout today, which is fun. I love when games go to shootouts. Honestly, stupid question. What's a shootout? nothing stand to gas Not either. Not being a pedantic asshole. Have you ever seen Mighty dogs you fishy Ducks? movie Did you ever watch the Mighty Ducks movies, Jeff? Yeah.
Okay. So do you remember when Charlie Conway did the triple Deak when it was just him in the goalie? and he took the money yeah yeah That's a shootout. One player, is the goalie skton makes his shot.
but see livess land in the shoot I'm going to give you that one.
I didn't even hear what he said before he shut his camera down. So, when we first switched over on Wednesdays to doing what the fuck news, Connor, who wanted to be on the show, said, I want to do sports. And he asked a question, or he read a statement, and he mentioned the pelicans. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what sport are we talking about? He got all fucking pissed and dropped his fucking camera.
Oh, Jesus Christ. And jumped up to him because he thought I was trying to be a pedantic asshole. And I was like, no, I'm dead fucking serious. I've never heard of that fucking D. The only time I've heard a pelican mentioned was in the movie Tin Cup. Yeah, that's actually the NBA, but I knew it. I know what you mean, because you're not a sports guy. I'm not a sports guy. I was, asking you know, I was asking of a legitimate question. Well, we had this conversation when we asked you what Utah HC meant and you didn't have a clue and it was the Utah Hockey Club.
No fucking question. They were the Utah Hot Wheels. Unless it's unless it's like, you know, like when I lived in the States, you know, like I'm even here. I have a Cleveland Indians hat somewhere around me. I think they're not even the Indians anymore, bro. They are. And fuck you. No, no, no, no, no.
Fuck you. Fuck the guardians. It's the Indians and I don't give a fuck what anybody says. You, I will die on this fucking hill. You can, because they even change. And you know, the greatest pitcher ever is Rick Wild Thing fucking bond. So fuck you. Nobody can tell, tell me different. Greatest quarterback of all time. Greatest quarterback of all time. Flacco. Or Falco, Shane Falco. Falco. Who's going to go there? I was like, who the fuck is Falco?
kickcker yeah echo blacko is the savior of cleveland are you goingnna win in tomorrow or what like who are we playing tomorrow I don't even know, dude. I don't **** know either. I'm not playing at all watching football tomorrow, bro. All I'm worried about is winning my fantasy football leagues. Speaking of which, I haven't even checked it. Why are you not going to watch?
I'm going to play Call of Duty all day tomorrow. Oh, dude. Check this out. Speaking of fantasy football. No or what? Yeah, I'll play some Call of Duty why tomorrow if I'm on there. He loves zombies. I might watch a little bit of it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I would love to. He's a zombie's kid, man. Yeah, man. He's a beast in zombies. Hell, yeah. ah Yeah, I'll message you. I'll message you guys if I'm on there tomorrow.

Fantasy football league update

No, check this out. Speaking of fantasy football.
in In my personal league, the pale league that we have, I'm in first place. we Now we can have an East and West division in my personal league. In in my division, I'm in first place. I'm fucking murdering our division. I'm like three or four games ahead of everybody. And in the other division, I would have to look at it. Let me double check. i mean In the other division, there's a there's a tie for first place.
But if the playoffs started tomorrow, guess who's and in fourth place and we'll make a playoff appearance. Nikki. Nikki, she's five and four in my league or in my league right now. I'm seven and two. I'm seven and two in all three of my leagues.
But Nikki is in fucking fourth place and I had to yell at I speak in a cam I had to yell at him because this dude likes to die off late in the season and not why I'd like bro picture fucking lineup because he's playing against the guy he's playing against the guy that he could beat and if the guy he's playing against wins and Nikki loses which she's projected to lose because she's up against one of the other top guys in the league then she falls out of that fourth place position. But however, the the the Pittsburgh Steelers are off their bye week from last week, and she's got that fucking lineup with them goddamn Steelers that have been doing it for every week, bro. They have been doing it every goddamn week. Her Steelers players being a homer never works in fantasy.
But she is killing it this year. I do their Mike Tomlin in their way to a playoff spot. She is as well. Dude, she's killing. She'll put out 40 points before the Steelers play. And then the confidence dealers players that she has put up 100 plus goddamn points. It helps her a lot that she has Travis Kelsey on her team. But no, I see this year.
No, dude, he's not. He's putting up fantasy points. He's only in one week where he's put up more than 10 fantasy points. Yeah. One week. In that one week, she was projected to lose by 30, and she won by 30. Shut up. Let me tell you what Glick said about you with zombies. However, I will say this much. Let me let him finish talking.
In my personal league, shout out to Jamar Chase, even in a loss for putting up 55. It's a phase, dad. It's not a she's going to kill you, bro. All right. So 55 said he might skip football tomorrow and play Call of Duty all day long. And I said, why is the zombies kidding? I know you like zombies. And he said, bro, why it's a beast in zombies.
Have you not played zombies that click before? I don't think so. No, we never played anything other than PvP. But he hears me talk about how much you fucking play zombies. I play zombies solo all the time. And I'm the new zombies solo all the time. ah The highest I've made it by myself has been level 20. His level what? 22 by myself. He's level 22 by himself. That's the highest he's gotten.
26 for why it's solo. Nice. Oh, so why did I get 50 all day long? Is it? Yeah. So we're going to put up some zombies. He said you guys are going to fuck up some zombies. What are you munching on? Cracked one of them. Hershey's don't because those are his. He likes those. Well, there's no more. Well, you're right. Because I ate the last fucking Reese's. You're right. Because I'm a fat head mutant.
I guess it's fucking kids who are packing sugar down all fucking weekend long. Chris, do you speak or are you a deaf mute? No, I speak. I've been listening. He likes to. He likes to hang out. He likes to listen. He likes to hang out. He's like he's the network's own silent Bob. He doesn't talk very often when he does. It's important. There you go. He just looks to have it. He does. The weird part is what's at the bottom of it, you fuck.
christian likes him with Chris just likes to have his beautiful face on screen, that's all. understand making any an warning with them no but sorry but hey Hey Chaka, you got pocket donors to go with them pocket snacks and pocket beers He said he was going to fix his fence and he never came back he just dropped like four cool points in my book Yeah, no, you know why? so what now he's looking yeah That's why whys all that been school that baby look like The guy from fucking frozen
Where's where's ah where's Lady Lazy Jedi? Where's shaman? Where's somebody? Yeah. we're but young where youll on it Bro, Jedi, I like Jedi. I can get down with some lazy Jedi. That dude's cool as fuck. Even though he looks like yeah have the ball cap on. He hasn't been up tonight. He legit looks like powder with a ball cap on. I know he's described. I have a fucking order that's called.
Siamese, is that where they're joined at the fucking body joint? Yeah. Conjoined twin. Why was behind me? When you have it's diabetes. I was sticking out over my shoulder. I have a tiny head, too. Yeah. Bless your kids, we got you. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Here, come here real close. Put your head down. You see the hair, Glick? You see what I'm talking about? Yeah, bro. That's what I said. Is that my son?
This poor kid has to run high and tight or he can't do nothing with his hair. No, that's ah that's that's all we can do is a high and tight a fade or long hair man. Yeah, that's cash gets a fade. No. That's what i't that's what cash is. Cash can do a fade but shout out to our shout out to our barbers shout out to Randy and Shauna.
They're amazing. Um, they can give him a nice fade and get rid of the double cowlick and make the, uh, the double widow's peak work. But other than that, yeah, I mean, that's all we can do and conscious actually got thin hair. So he's got it now. But I've got the thick curly Jew hair, like Wyatt does. So it's a high and tight age. I look at your long hair and it looks straight as well.
that's That's that's well, that's because I always wear a hat. Like I slick it back and I put my hat on. So it's and it's trade. OK, this is going to sound weird. No, you train here I have to train my beard here. Yeah, I get this point. Yeah, i don't get exactly. much same like I do a lot of this. A whole lot. Rick, do you do rick do do you have a beard straightener? I do. I have two of them. Is that not the most amazing thing in the world? viking
straightener come my Viking. Yeah. Is is that not like the I got a, I got a straightener rush. Is that not the most amazing thing in the world? all not bain's gonna go out So I started three or four years ago, my sister gave me a mini Chi, which is about this fucking long. It's just a mini flat iron straightener about this fucking long. It's called a mini Chi. They're actually really expensive. Yeah, they are. And then I think it was last year.
or the year before, is it not on the counter in there? Might be in the box on the nightstand where my sensee is. I have a Buffalo Bill's wax burner.
Oh, dude, Nick, you got me a Cleveland Browns one. The one that plugs in. Looks like you got me one last year. Except right now, the WEX currently has a fly stuck in it. Yes. That's OK. That's what I wanted. So a couple of years ago, the kids got me this, which I'll open it. Don't worry. You are not doing this. So he favors you.
it googlegar and co co da guitar I know. I'll put it there. I I'll put it there. Okay. Nice. Nice. Here's uh. I don't know if it'll turn on right now. My batteries. Oh, is it? Oh, is your battery powered? Oh yeah. Mine's got a full on **** USB plug and everything.
This is, this is mine. from the beard company or whatever the fuck it is. Sasquatch, Sasquatch beard or something. I don't know. Um, actually cool story behind it. Cool story behind it. About, uh, about two and a half years or so ago, I got an email, uh, or I got a message on Tik TOK. It turned on. So I'm gonna let it heat up and I'll actually use it while we're live. Yeah. So, uh, I got a message on Tik TOK from that company.
And, uh, they're like, uh, you know, we, we like your beard and blah, blah, blah. And beard care is important to us and dada, dada, dada, dada. And I'm like, okay, whatever. And they're like, we would like for you to sponsor us. And I was like, all right. And in return, we're going to send you this, that, they sent me a free, they sent me.
And then they sent me some beer product, not a fan of their beer product, not that it didn't work. It just didn't smell good with that fucking beer. And then, and then I like, I got everything and then they just like disappeared and stopped corresponding. I'll straighten it for tomorrow's sports podcast. So I use, I use that. I literally use that. I've been using it for the last two and a half, three, four years, whatever it is. I use it every day, every morning I get up.
yeah Yeah. So that's why that's straightener. So that's, that's why you straighten your beard a lot more than I do mine. Oh yeah. Well, I'm, I've noticed that I put product in my beard. I straight, I call them in.
So with what I do for work, I deal way too much with dust and dirt and shit blowing around on a job sites. I had to stop putting balm and oil in my beard because it just collects everything that blows around. i I don't, I don't do it. I don't do it every morning. So what I do is when I get out of the shower, I put the oil in it and I put the lotion in it and then I straighten it in the morning. That's why there's a lot of times.
There's a lot of times when we're snapping back and forth. We send pics or if we're video chatting or whatever, my beard will be like, r and I'm like, fuck it. I don't even care. I've been at work all day. Jeff, you're just jealous that you can't grow a good enough beard. Jeff can grow a beard. I keep it short because I don't do anything. I run a comb through it and I would say, yeah, Jeff can actually do it. And then i then I shave it.
That's all I do is run a fucking comb through mine. The problem when I grow a beard is is ah you know I get in the shower, I wash my beard, that's it. grew No, it actually grows in pretty dark. And then I'll get bored with it and then cut it. Well, yeah. Yeah, Jeff can actually grow a pretty decent beard. Oh, no, I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that for a second. he just doesn't yes He just doesn't do anything. well He just doesn't. He just doesn't. I don't care. He just don't care. So he just take care of it. And then he looks homeless. yeah but That's my vibe sense. He's like, you need to cut your beard already. You look homeless. I'm like, well, yeah. All right. Fork and knife.
Yeah, it it literally bothers the shit out of me after a while. like oh The weight of manliness never bothers me. I'm sorry, vagina. Okay. This has nothing to do. This has nothing to do with manliness or anything like that. It has everything to do with the fact that I'm fucking... Agreed. That's what that's what why I started growing a beard. I started growing a beard. We were here last weekend when we talked about why I have a beard.
to hide your triple tins? No, because I don't know how to shave. No, I was here for that. My dad had a full beard my whole life. I and was never taught how to shave my face, so I don't know how to shave my hair. Speaking of not having someone show you how to do something, did you see this guy? He's got a YouTube channel. He's had it for, like, 10 years. But he makes millions of dollars, and all he does is show you things. He he treats all his subscribers like his kids.
Yeah. And he shows you everything it is. life oh yeah Yeah. He's like, he's like, Hey guys, just want you to know, ever you know, the world is better with you in it today. We're going to show you how to change the light switch or, you know, how to change your, it's like they gotta to shape how to tie a tie. That's like the guy, are you telling me for 40 years? I like that guy.
That dude cracks me up. I like though the other guy I like is the Canadian guy that goes, no way. He's like, fuck's sake. No. For fuck's sake. I love that dude. He cracks me up. He's actually not Canadian. Isn't he? He's from Minnesota. Same difference. Close enough, but yes. Same difference. The kids like him too, right, Peyton? I like that kid. What? No way. For fuck's sake. Dude, everything he sees, I'm like,
He works guy. Yeah. Have you seen the one guy that watches the life hack videos? And then he's like, that's not a life hack. That's actually a tool. Yeah. Yeah. That guy cracks me up. because if you suffer the I think he's a German guy and a white guy. And then they test the life hacks and debunk them. Those guys like. Yeah, straight out is correct me up to. Yeah. No, the.
um my newest one that I've, I've kind of started following this guy. He, it's him and his wife. They started a landscaping company, but they don't charge anything because they're both retired, but they retired at like 40. Are they the ones that hired the homeless guy that was sitting beside the house? No, no, no, no. It's, it's, it's his channel is called uncle John or something like that. But he's like, so my neighbor needed a fence. So I put it in this and he, he he does a full how to do it.
It's longer on his YouTube channel, but he cuts it up for and for ticky tacky. Yeah. And, but, like, he did a ah pagoda with a fire pit. Like, he goes buck it off. Yeah. And then I watch i watch another guy, his channel is called Bourbon Moth. It's called what? Bourbon Moth.
and he he does carpentry but he got famous for it during the pandemic because he's got a zero turn tractor and his adopted son was kind of bored so he built him a tank out of his he built a wooden cover for his um
Zero terminal is a tank. I think it's Chris who's tech watching at the same time. They're streaming Chris tech. It's a little loud in you iking our jail But yeah, he built a zero he turned a zero turmoil into a tank and it got on the news and his channel blew up But he does amazing work it's all wood i show you this video and
So I was just looking through my videos, see if I had any of those life acts, and I came across this video and tell me this is not the greatest and the worst thing at the same time. Oh, I've seen that. Yeah, I've seen that one.
You fucking spit that milk everywhere. yeah What's your TikTok? That was on my Facebook, bro. Oh. I don't use TikTok anymore. Oh, I live on TikTok. I don't for that exact reason, because in Glick I'll tell you, it literally became all fucking consuming for a while. For me, it's the problem I have with with my TikTok addiction, I would put it, is if i if I'm watching a movie and a low park comes on, I'm grabbing my phone.
Yeah. And then a good part comes on and I go, shit, what happened? That's just a sign for it. It's literally just TikTok because all my YouTube I watch on TV. Glick. Did you? You're muted, Glick.
Yeah, you dumb fuck. It's a good thing I was muted because I was just really loud there when I was losing my fucking mind. Dude, you love tiktok, bro. First and foremost. I know. don Don't talk to me like don't talk to me like I'm not on tiktok. It's just like me saying I'm on tiktok. And now I get actually actually actually I will say this. I will say this. I just came back to tiktok. But I'm back on tiktok for a specific reason. Right.
and I'm great. I'm, and I'm, and I'm, I'm, I'm gladly coming back to break tick tock and let tick tock. No, much like Trump did for America. Q Usher song daddy's home bitches. Um, click. I'm there for a reason and a reason only, huh? Didn't you partner with an energy drink company for a little while? We did. Yeah. W energy. Do you still work with them?
No, but I will still promote the hell out of them because they are delicious and they fucking work good. So I saw them on my Facebook and I thought about getting Wyatt linked up with them. Yeah. They're closer cons to it. They're great. I mean, i so the downside is the downside is, is that you're only going to make money.
if it when people buy it. Well, using your promo code, kids so he could probably yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
yeah but i will i will say this w energy is not super expensive ah it's it's their flavors are amazing they actually they they actually taste good um like easy to answer with

W Energy sponsorship

Yeah, yeah, yo yeah, yeah. And Steve, and Steve, and and Steve, I think is that's his name, Steve, the owner of of but W. he He does a lot for the people who are in a partnership with him. He ah he sends, it right one other thing, one one of the cool things is that you get a lifetime code or 20% off of all, a promo code off of, so you get 20% off of all orders. And then he does a lot of, a lot of,
stuff for the partners where he sends free shit and offers up. If you order this, you're going to get all this stuff for free. But yeah, the downfall is, you know, you're only going to make money if they use your promo code. Does he do anything to help the streamers grow? I mean, not a there's nothing there as far as to help streamers grow outside of having their brand. Would it be worth it to hook wide up with with them?
I mean, if you with a lot of teenagers, yeah, it might be. And like I said, the great thing about it is much like liquid IV, everything's natural. It's not full of all the bad shit. And there's no, you get that pick me up that you need and there's no crash.
So it's super, but it's super easy to work with them and get set up and everything like that. Yeah. yeah yeah I keep getting the ads for him on Facebook and I'm like, all right, well, why it's a new streamer. He's not super big. He's, you know, he's doing pretty good for 13 at almost 150 followers. He just gained his affiliate status only a few months into it. So d shit you oh shit book help I mean,
for him to give it a try in a first run with a with a sponsor. Yeah. OK, cool. then Let him get it. Let him get his toes wet. And and and absolutely. And i'll do then i'll and absolutely. if If the kids drink energy drinks or if you do, give it a try. Order i the sample pack.
order a sample pack. They're great because there's not that that fucking quick high and then there's where you slam into a wall i don't get and they taste like drinks anyways and and and plus and plus and plus quote unquote technically they're good for you. They've got all the good vitamins and shit like that. I've been drinking energy drinks since Red Bull broke on the market. I don't get the only there was the only the only energy drink that didn't give me a crash and I hate Red Bull.
And I'm going to say this and I'm sorry to you motherfuckers who drink it. There's not a flavor of monster that tastes good. It all tastes like fucking ass and sweaty sauce. The black and green is good. I'll be right back. I got to pee. They all taste the fucking same. They all taste the fucking same. They all taste the fucking same ass, sweaty balls and gym socks. This is this is good. The ampere is actually pretty good, but I like. i like I like the amp by Mountain Dew. It was really a lot of day. They had good flavors and there was no crash, but that W energy man alive, dude, that shit was amazing. man i mean I still have some that that shit gave me that kick that I needed. And, uh, and, uh, there was no crash with it. And, uh, I never, I've never had a crash when it comes to energy drink, but, but I also drink soda all day long.
Dude, a lot of people experience the crash and that's why they drink four, three, four, five energy drinks in the day because they're crashing. You're probably crashing too. You just don't realize it because you're drinking. Honestly, honestly, I buy one, like I'll buy three a week. total
Coffee does the same thing to people. That's why people are, addicting ah you got the cat beating coffee that is addiction addicting, but coffee does the same thing. You drink that first cup and then an hour or so later you start to crash and you have another cup of coffee. It's the same thing. That's what energy drinks and coffee does. But that was, yeah, I mean, yeah, I would tell why I wonder. That's what I was going to say. I got a piss. Somebody turn their fucking camera and mic back on. I got a piss. I'm here. repeat Well, while you're, while you're doing the pee pee dance, let's play a, you know, in a song we haven't played in a while, I'm going to play a little wicked woman. Oh, I was going to say in a short song and that song was like 400 hours long. Yeah. But I love that song. And we haven't played it for a while. and Oh my God. Play it. I'm going to go take a piss. It's going to go take a long pass. I'm going to go piss. Cause I'm going to go get some water.
Okay. um We're gonna play a little black top mojo in your ear hole. ah This is wicked woman.

Blacktop Mojo's 'Wicked Woman'

hey Sir, can I help you? Do you have any weapons of any kind? Anything to defend yourself? Sir, this is a speedy mark. We have hot dogs too for a dollar. I just put them on the roller yesterday. They're pretty good.
No, man, like something sharp, something like I can stab to fit myself with. I've got some sharp titter combos over there. It's kind of like a Ritz cracker pregnant with a cheese baby. All right. Well, let me just take one of these lighters and I'm going to borrow your bug spray and can I borrow your bathroom key as well? Uh, yeah, bathroom key. All right.
That's a bad thing key right there make sure you bring it back and that'll be 1362 and I'm gonna have to have exact same so we're in a coin store expensive lighter Ridiculously expensive later whatever man. Okay. Yeah, that's I'm sorry
oh shit oh shit shit
Yeah. Hell yeah. I like that. Little top. Mojo. They've been with us since day one, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure you give them a follow. Give a like. They are actually shout out to the guys. I got to reach out to them. Who is that again? I'm still trying to get them a black top mojo. Black top mojo. One at a time, please. I'm still trying to get them on Glitch House of Music. Black top mojo.
Correct. I, you know, you know, I'm going to fucking. livesock ohjo They are actually getting ready to do a European tour. They're going to be in the UK and London and Scotland and Ireland and, and, and everything. Why it asked because I had him listen to it a little bit because he's a rocker. So I'm going to have to try to get that. I'm going to.
I'm going to reach out to him again and see if I can give him on the show. I don't know what their schedules looking like, but. I like to stay in their ears. What about the nonsensical nonsense? Everybody is Saturday night. We're hanging out. We're having fun. We're having a good time. If you're watching, if you're watching, don't be shy. Don't be a lurker. Say what's up in the chatters box. And if you would like to, and if you would like to DJ.
Jazzy Jeff, if you would drop that link one time, they're all scared. We got the link. We got the link in the chatters box. All you guys got to do is click on it and you can come and be on the show with us. Check us out. Give us a follow. Give us a like, give us a share on all them social medias and everybody listening to podcasts at at slash nonsensical network. All them links is there including links to our social medias or our merchandise. Sorry.
I guess we have merchandise, ship filthy fucking horse.
So buy it. You know, it's fucking good for you. If you don't buy it, then Rick and I will come beat you up. Yeah, I'm good with that. It's like fucking I'm in. in a minute since I broke some knuckles on a face.
Rick's that guy, Rick's that guy, Jeff, Jeff, Rick's that guy. Hey, we're gonna, we, we gotta go.
second area Who's car we gonna take? Who's car we gonna take? All right. Yeah. I'm like, bro, it's been a hot minute since I broke my knuckles on some faces. Let's do this.
I got about one more fight in many. And I'm waiting for somebody to cut in front of me. I don't even know if I have another fight left in me, but I'm god damn sure going to give it a whirl. I got, I got, I got five. I got five good fights left in me. Oh, I don't even know if I got that. um I'm talking, I'm talking about knockdown, drag out. Oh, I might have one or two of those. I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, Jesus Christ. I'm like the oldest, most crippled dog in the yard. And I'm like, Oh, I'm talking about a knockdown drag out. Yeah. fucking know As Wyatt earth once said, you tell them I'm coming and I'm bringing to hell with me.
That's a whole lot. I got a lot left in me as long as I don't end up in jail like I did the last time. I got five of them. I got five of them where I'm going to damn near murder somebody fights left in me. I'm not scared of jail. I'm going to take you.
yeah What I'm worried about is that fucking gap is going to get goddamn bigger. and eventually I'm going to do the full Vulcan sign without any meaning to you. Do you know what you need to worry about when it gets really cold outside and you wake up and you look like this? Yeah, that's me right now. Look at my pinkies. What? What? What? What are you going to say? Watch this.
Oh, yeah, I can do that, too. It's fucking it's still broken. it's it's It's been broken for like 10 years. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, I'm talking about, I'm talking about, I got five of those, I'm gonna whoop your ass, I'm gonna whoop your ass, I'm gonna whoop your ass, and I'm probably gonna whoop your ass too. I got five of them left in me.
If it's more than two on one, I got nothing left for you. I got one, two max, depending on my reason for the second one. I got the dog. Give me Rick. I got the dog, but I also got brain cells now to know what I'm The brain cells like you young pups with doing. a dance with this goddamn old dog. All right. No, this is an alcohol And I'm not talking about two o'clock in the morning and you and five of your fucking friends decide to get into
And you and five friends jump me in and you beat me up. Guess who's coming back to this bar? Because I know you assholes are going to be back here tomorrow night. as soon shut up Sober. if yeah i'm just just coming so I I flat out do not have. However, any more of those fucking two a.m. I'm drunk, you're drunk.
fights left in me. What I've got is I might fucking lose, but I promise you for the next four fucking days, your face is going to tell you yeah that I threw fucking hands. However, with that being said, I say I have five good ones left in me.
I don't want to fight anybody. you don't right for me to do that yeah like I don't want to fight anybody like let's let's be cool. I'm not breaking. I'm not breaking these fucking novels because you looked at me stupid in a bar anymore. Oh, hey, by the way, points. Speaking of yeah like my neighbor got a cop the other day. Nice neighbor got a nobody. Yeah, I broke it. I broke his arm. Yeah.
Why would he say he killed my dog? So like I broke I broke his arm. He killed your dog out of his life. Somebody killed my dog. I would probably kill them. I broke his arm and smashed his head on the hood of a cop car and then got arrested. No, you know, Jeff, tell the goddamn story, right? You went outside after dark. You wandered around. You got killed by a chupacabra. And that's why we have the ghost of Jeff on the show. Oh, stop it.
Stop it. Stop it, Jeff. Literally an hour from going live on Jeff garage. And I send you a message. I'm not going to make it, dude. I I'm being arrested by the federales. RFP to our good friend, and Jeff. Rest in power. I love you, buddy. You were taken too soon, but I'm glad that I got your ghost on the podcast.
I'm goddamn super Congress. You know, super capital lives don't matter. I will get my vengeance. You're me now. I think it's OK. I don't know. Just rest in peace. Protect your age. Why it goes and no sending BH pictures. I said for prison, I think it's OK. He goes, really? What's that? There are also booty how?
i we need Hold on, Jeff. I got one to compete with that. ah thats I got one to compete with that. Let me find it. Send it my way. No, I can't send it, but I can show you. Send it to me on Snapchat. Hold on, hold on, hold on, Rick. Hold on, Rick. At this point, Rick, ah hold on a second. How do I? Yeah, put him in the group. Yeah, how do I? how do i and and Are you friends with Rick on? Yeah. Oh, there you go. I got it. and add to group hayton who sent me oh susan didn't be in the fa I just added him. I got you. Okay. Yeah. At this point, at this point, Rick, you're you're you just need to be added to the group. God damn it. happy birthday be keep me baby butab but up dumb ask what the mis that stupid I
i got it He got his first message probably on the group. I haven't sent a message yet. No, I sent your first message. <unk> yeah um pay nobody gives a fuck this sp ah and Let me know if that works. Alright, let me get out. I **** love Chaka. Chaka is a god damn man.
this is just Did that work? say long hole so Oh, Lord have mercy. What's going on, everybody? What's going on, YouTube? What's going on, Jeff? Y'all watching and hanging out. What's going on with you? Don't be shy now. See if I can scream. Come up here and hang out with us. I can drop my mic. Hit that link in the chat. and Come hang out with us. We've we've got like 45 minutes left.
yeah man I'm not going over six hours because we're still. No, I'm not going to go over six hours on this screen because the guys are still struggling with trying to get it uploaded.

Zencastr limitations discussion

They're trying to get it up and they're struggling to make a blue. Well, yeah, because on Zincaster, you can only post something that's six hours long. So they've got to rip the audio. They've got to cut it. all Anybody here for the fucking after party is way cooler than have to watch the replay.
The after parties were the shit up. It's just like being allowed in the bar after two. That's the shit.

After party excitement

We're talking about putting it up on. No, no, we put it up on Spotify and all the other apps. I'm going to go live on TikTok so I can get banned in five minutes. Does not need to be broadcast. It can be anybody who knows it gets in. We live stream at the moment, but that's it. Yeah. Chris technician. Well, yeah, we can, we can bring a new stream back up. But Chris technician, every time I go live on TikTok, he reports me.
That's what I'm saying. Like, the live, the after party. I'm going to kick his ass. It does not need to be saved and uploaded.

TikTok bans and frustrations

If you're not here for the live of the after party, you missed out. The problem is, in order to get the rest of the episode up. I agree. I agree. That's why we have to cut it off at six hours and then come back up live. Yeah. That's fine. Let me make it that. However, however. I just went to the store, two stores.
No, we didn't cut this bitch off in 45 minutes. I might fucking drive my drunk ass to Ohio and drink the whole way. So I'm still intoxicated and use up one of your five fucking fights. Oh, and so on all you enhance with me it's probably of your No, it's going to be one of my five fights and you're going to use your last one. Fucking walls down, bro. We've had this discussion. We're going to, we're going to fuck some shit. rich I will be back. I will be back. My whole field advantage. I have my field advantage because we're taking this to the forest, Rick. I'll be back.
but No, we will cut this off at six hours and we will probably come back. However, Jeff. Yeah. Well, that's because you're a piece wall. You know what we need to do. ah You know what I need to do.

Creating a Patreon page

I need to double check and make sure the Patreon is still active.
Because I created a Patreon page. And then what I need to do is after this is live, we make it private on YouTube and we upload it on the Patreon and tell people if you want to see the after show shenanigans or, or anything like that, yeah you got to subscribe to the Patreon. Right, Chris? Yeah. Right. Yeah. See, I made them talk.
I'm not responsible tonight for anything. I don't know how I'm in the driver's sheet of this show tonight because I am not responsible for anything. And I told you guys I wasn't going to be responsible tonight. Oh, by the way, Patreon is still up and running. ah Nice. I figured it was. I created it to save. Oh, I got to change the name because it's not. Well, it just says home. Yeah, it's. Yeah, it's just nonsense. Go nonsense podcast. Yeah.
Actually, it says your name. It says your name. Well, I think I had to create a username, and it wouldn't let me use the full podcast name, so I just put it there.

TikTok interactions and humor

I don't need any of those. Do I click this? No. I want to go on TikTok, man, and not get mad. I'm going to give my but yeah my lady followers a little something. I'm so kidding. I just want to go live on TikTok. I'm feeling good now.
What up business? You ready to fuck some zombies up tomorrow, bro? Yeah, sure. Why not? Yeah, sure. Why not? You got braces. I've had braces since January. You act like I've known you and see pictures of you and stuff. Yeah. fair point Yeah. Facts on facts, bro.
yeah Yeah, you're not so eager to talk shit, are you now? You're on camera, people can see your face.

Video game preferences discussion

I do have a question for you, Wyatt. Wyatt, I got a question for you ah are you. Are you Lord of the Rings, like dad?
No. Are you in danger? Blink twice for yes, blink once for no yes. but but Are you being held against your will?
Going twice for yes, once for no. but I don't know what the question was. Are you being held against your will? No. Has he has he has he as he stashed away all the Christmas tree little Debbie snacks and is he not sharing them?
Once for no. Twice for

Friendly gaming camaraderie

yes. That's a guarantee. That's a guarantee. because he He said yes because he's a fat ass. but
Oh, shit. Why do you play zombies on liberty or terminus? um Preferably, liberty falls because of the size. I like the map on liberty. Nice.
And oh what's up? what What do you use? um The XMG with the extended mag, too. Oh, wait wait, XMG. What is the XMG? It's an it's an LMG. It's got one hundred. fish Oh, yeah. It's the second. It's the second one, right? Yeah.

Family dynamics and teasing

Oh, OK. I use it with I use it with the fast mag. Oh.
It's not fast, by the way. It's still slow. ah You need to you need to pick up speed cola as soon as you can with an LMG. Where's the speed cola at? Because the family is.
yeah I thought that was I thought that was the revive.
Is that speed? Because you get your your level. Quick, quick revive is at the um comic shop. But then speed Cola um is to if you were facing the front of the bank, if you were to look at the juggernaut, you'd be to the left. Wait a minute. Where's the juggernaut?
You're a fucking nerd. You're a fucking nerd. And no one likes you. Boy, no one likes you. Dude, that's a couple of players. You're not going to drop them. You're both fucking nerds. You're both fucking nerds. You're not going to drop them. That's my homie. That's my little homie. That's my

Dating jokes and anecdotes

homie. You're not going to drop the nerd song on them.
shop the nerd song like download The app warzone hub yeah we no It has an entire map of it has yeah has the mouth beer every single zombies map you film i didn No, no, I didn't I just listed my bag and it's really full ah And it was empty when I started tonight I
like, I remember you brought that bag out like 20 minutes before went live a rap we went live. Yeah. And it's, it's, well, you haven't, I had, I had way more of the free left than I thought. Thank God Nikki bought me 16. God lover. Yeah. Why let's run some zombies tomorrow, man. All right. Oh, I'm gonna run some zombies. That's my little home today. Sure.
yeah was that first twelve thirty oh If you want to be anal about it, your dad likes anal too, by the way. Well, trust me, he does. I wouldn't be surprised. He loves to be paid. Probably from you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. it's entirely lost
board That's what he sent me. ah Just so you know, just so you know your dad, your dad calls me daddy. Not again, not surprised. Knowing him. Where's he at? What is he doing? He's outside. He's on the phone with Susan. With who? What? With his girlfriend.
Yes, his girlfriend. Because he actually can get a girlfriend, surprisingly. surprisingly
I mean, I have a fiance. you were all those got to Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Calm down, Ross, from friends. You've had like 15. Calm down. Well, hold on a second. Hold on a second. My bad. That was actually a dig at his dad. He was like, yes, he has a girlfriend.
You can actually get one of those. I thought he was about to take a shot at me. Yeah, I know. Right. Are you sure it's not a dude in a wig and a dress? You never know. I'm pretty sure it's a dude in a wiggly dress. I mean, I know your dad. hey You know your dad better than I do, but I've only known him for like four or five years, but it's probably definitely a dude.
I'm just saying.
um love that um corrects me i was wondering to explain that we We can play background music i got i got and i got like do we still have to do Do we still have the sounder white people dancing mean white people dancing Warning, white people dancing. Warning, white people.
Why? What's your love life like, bro? What? What's your what's your love life like, man? You you drive the girlies crazy. Oh, no, I don't. You even want to have a girlfriend right now? I don't know. Oh, I mean, I guess.
was decent Solid 7, bro. Solid 7. You got a girl's number. Did you call her? Uh, no, she wasn't like calling people. Did you text her? She's one of those chicks selling text. You guys text back and forth? Yeah, I talked to her in real life, too. you You hit her with the, good morning, beautiful. and My father told me to say the same thing. here Here's what you do. You send her video. Your dad dings.
Girl, that's a booty ho.
That's a booty ho. Your dad dates guys. Don't listen to him. Yeah. but You got to hit him with the listening to him. You got to hit him with the suck, girl. ah Yeah. Let's be honest. Chris is also not the best example. He's been engaged like 50 times.
That means I get, that means I get girls though. I mean, I get girls. I just can't keep them. Yeah. I mean, at the end of the day, why? As long as you can get them, that's all that matters. You don't gotta keep them, bro. Hey, you just gotta get them. As a man of experience, one night's all you need. He's 13, Jeff. Calm down. I started at his age. He's 13 and he's a good kid. Calm down, Jeff. Oh, I'm adorable.
He's not a goddamn heathen like you. Actually, I think I was. who
What are you going to do? He's he's normal. You like this girl? You like you like this girl? Yeah. there is she Is she a popular chick or the nerd? She's quiet.
Oh, that's what you keep the quiet. Yeah. Yeah. because At the end of the day, when you're 18, you'll get that joke a hundred percent. I got it. When we actually, actually, when you're 28, you'll 100% understand the quiet one, the the the one that keeps to herself, a little nerdy, a little, because, because the, the popular girls, they're going to get fat and ugly.
easily ah like um but You don't want a piece of advice, a solid piece of advice. Look at her mom and whatever her mom looks like now, that's what she's going to look like. Oh, I feel bad for the end.
Boom. Wow. so um ah
Wait, so that's my life?
Nice. Nice. Geez. Oh, poor Pete. Wow. I don't even have a meme to go with that. So what you're saying is your dad wiped up an ugly chick. More or less, yeah.
That's your mom, bro. as Yeah, I was going to say, dude, that's your mom, bro. I'm speaking the truth. So Christmas is going to be a little bleak. I'm just saying. The truth hurts, all right? These kids are honest.
He said, I feel bad for Peyton. Peyton Manning. Like, i I was waiting to have something ready, but I have nothing ready for that. i'm Yeah, nothing, man. What are you going to do? i did I'm at a loss. Oh, dropping dimes, baby. Like, I'm scrolling. I got nothing.
that I have to go. Yeah, here you go. that
Where? okay well Okay, why? Okay, why? Because I know your sister can beat you up. Where is she at right now? Why is his own song on the network now? Does he?
I'm renaming it to Wyatt's song.
Yeah, that song goes on forever. But yeah, Wyatt has no pecs to give. um I'm calling it Wyatt's song. I got nothing to lose.
I'm still a child. yeah you know You can still only be charged as a minor. Don't worry about it. What are you doing? What's this?

Nickname teasing

I don't even know what song that is. That's a good song though. What was that? Shit, she scared me. She's going to ring this. She's terrifying. He said, rar.
That's OK. Remember, Bob and Weave. Bob and Weave. Bob and Weave, Wyatt. Bob and Weave. Just remember, Wyatt. Glick has his own song on the network too.
That's a direct quote. Direct quote. Is

Entertainment preferences discussion

my father have a song?
Not yet, but I'll find something. you like We could give him a date, Doggy's Wild, right? I'm just saying.
I love this song. I do love this song though.
ah the stranger
football on? That is Donkey's Wild Ride. That is, Blaze made that with AI. It's a very nice song. I like it. I could never get that that AI to work for me. It didn't work for me. It was mildly upsetting. And I wasn't about to open up four more fucking accounts on it because I get enough fucking emails every day.

Technical challenges with software

Dude, I get so many emails from Rumble and and fucking, because in order to go live on Rumble, we had to have a certain amount of followers and the day we opened it, I subscribed with four or five different accounts. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back. Okay.
That reminds me, you know what? like We haven't brought back in a while and I saw it today and I was like, holy shit, I still have it. who I have no idea. I saw it on my phone. The nonsensical nonsense fried chicken. I still have that. Yeah, fried chicken. Yeah, I have that on my phones and I saw it. I was like, oh, my damn, I can't believe you still got that. It's not on my finger. Oh, oh.
you know
Yeah, it's not. I was just I was just frying chicken earlier.
couple of minutes ago. That's because like a month or like two months ago, I cleaned out all my, everything I had ever saved, like screenshots that I use. I literally got rid of four gigs of photos jesus after, and I've only had this computer a little over a year.
ah It's insane. What storage is it a lot? I think it's ah if

Media storage and data management

it's one point to bring but But it was one of those things that like here the had so much stuff on here, but I also have So many programs on the theater, it's ridiculous already and I need to download another one
But I use my computer 10 times more than most. Keep it in.
ah It is almost that time, boys. I'm ready for this. We've got 23 minutes. I know. I started watching that Boardwalk Empire with Steve Buscemi. I can't tell if I like it or not. It's kind of weird bootlegging drama.

Boardwalk Empire opinions

don't know. it's It's good, but it's like, if you're not paying attention, you missed everything.
It's kind of annoying. Is that the one with all the old gangsters? Yeah, it's like, you basically see the rise of Al Capone. The guy that plays Al Capone in it is played by an actor that he's one of those guys. You know, you've seen him before, but you don't know his fucking name.
ah But Steve Buscemi stars, and it takes place in Atlantic City in the 20s. It's good. ah It's not for Wyatt to watch because there's a lot of boobs in it. That's fine. I'll be fine. these He's right at that age. He's right at that age. I'll be fine. I'll look at a boobies Wyatt.
I'm not I swear. Yeah. I mean, not right now. You're right. Yeah. I hate to break it to you. why I'm 43 and boobies still make me smile. oh hey

Casual jokes

Nothing makes me smile like boobies. Well, there's one other.
Nothing makes

Funny animal videos

me laugh. Nothing makes me laugh harder. Uh, I sent a video to blaze the other day and we were going to use it on, on our brakes on nonsense and chill. It's of an animal's farting. And dude, I laughed so fucking hard. Oh my God. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. I don't think it was that funny. Oh no, it was genius.
but was it
No, let me find it. I i still have it here.
spend two on ta
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Continued humor

oh my god la la and show me two
okay so scar let's game That's and scam. scam.

Sibling teasing

We only had to do that because we got fooled by a fake cam. Once in the next day, we got balls and balls. Yeah.
but Fucking haircut, you weirdo. Jesus. Hey, let's get him on. Wyatt, Wyatt, tell, tell, tell Pat and come here. What?
so Tell your sister. coming Tell Pat and come here, because her favorite person. Hey, get

Family banter

over here. Rotate your phone sideways, Cameron. I've got shorts on. Remember last time you said you could like see up my shorts? Well, put your tiny bows away. I probably like seeing up your shorts. What? I don't know. Your favorite person's here. What did I do next? Your favorite person's here. It's your favorite person. Cam.
What? She was earlier. She was like, is Cam the guy with the pedo stash? Oh, wow. and Is Cam the guy with the

Sibling dynamics

pedo stash? That's what I said earlier. I don't know. That's why I told you to get over here. I mean. Yeah. Yes, you. I can say backwards now. Dinkle Dick.
I ain't got time for your attitude, Peyton. Get up and whoop Whoop her ass, Wyatt. They're laughing at you. Bad words don't sound normal coming out of your mouth. Too bad. Oh, shit. Kick her ass, Wyatt. Show her who the man of the house is. I know Karate. Give her the old, so does she. I know, but I'm a higher rank than her, so. ah You're one belt higher than her. That don't matter. She holds her guard like this.
Yeah, it says she fucking roundhouse kicks you in the fucking cocks moocher. If you don't know what a cocks moocher is, ask your dad, he does. This is child abuse. Where's Rick? Why is he letting this kid know? Because this fucking kid is awesome and he sucks. It's not abuse, it's harassment. Rick is the worst. His kid is so much better than him. Can we kick Rick off the network? and Yeah, we just have Wyatt on here instead of Rick.
fuck Rick. We don't like Rick. We should we should we should start a whole hashtag fuck Rick movement. Fuck Rick, boo for Wyatt.
You can tell him I said that. I don't care. I

Pop culture humor

ain't afraid of I ain't afraid of. I'll cry his ass. Can you get your leg up that high? I'm a dog. I'm a dog. Yeah. Yeah, Cameron, I can actually. I don't believe that.
Now I'm a goddamn ninja. Kill us. Sure. Kill your moves. Uh-oh.
see I'll pull your leg if you have to call out Monday. Oh, wait, better try it. You look like Nicole Kidman in that movie she did with Tom Cruise. What's that fucking movie? Ooh.
She's like one of those dancing girls in a bar. um Fuck, what's it called? I don't know. New on Rouge?
No. um Chicago? No, she wasn't in Chicago. Something? Nicole Kidman is the... The fuck are you eating,

Animal fart videos revisited

There's a child on here, you motherfucker. You can't be like just randomly asking if that feels good. Calm down, Diddy. Diddy? Yeah, camera. Diddy party. Paying attention, so don't blame yourself. Far and away. Far and away. Never heard of it. Never heard of it. It's not a terrible movie. I do say so.
So yeah this is not the one I sent Blaze the other day, but even this one made me laugh. You guys gotta see this. I, I, there's nothing party funnier than kids and and animals partying. And there's a is this where the shit's on the other penguin. No, no, this one, uh, the page is actually called world of farts.
And this is the best that the episode, I think it's called the best of and best of animal parts. And I literally saw saw this the other day and I laughed so hard. I damn near fell off the couch. I think it's processing. She's a lot. I know I'm broke.

Daily life humor

It's been really bloated today.

Friendly ribbing

the hell?
Interesting. Oh dude, it's hilarious. but You know very interesting the baby no, but the baby part out if you don't laugh at parts you're not a human But the baby party one it's literally if you but you know you won't know this Hopefully for your sake not for a long

Family dynamics discussion

time, but once you have a kid and your kid parts The video when you see it you're like yeah, I get it dude because the one is the guy's patent is based on a back kind of bourbon. They like me better than you. They said they're creating the hashtag, hashtag F word, Rick vote Wyatt. No, say it, say it, Wyatt, say it. Say it. Say it. Say the real word. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say
in this household and she made a horsey through a wall Say it. He's metrosexual and he voted for Kamala in a wall. Yeah, man, Wyatt. Let him know you're a fucking man. Hey, we're all Trump voters up in this bitch. You let him know. You tell him. He's not going to make me say it. Hashtag fuck Rick. I'm going to make him say it. Hashtag fuck Rick, hashtag Wyatt. Hey, how about this, Wyatt? We can make you the host of the fuck Rick show.
for one day um okay with that but youve got to say far ah yeah I don't know. I don't know if being the host of a show for one day is worth my life. I don't even know if I'll ever see it. That's a valid point. That's a valid point. Smart kid. Smart kid. Yeah, smart kid. But I gotta... I'm only 13 years old. You didn't get that from your dad. The F-word Rick show for one day if I said For one the day. bad word. The F-word Rick show? I'm okay with that. But you gotta Don't say fuck. make fun of me. No, it's just fun.

Light-hearted teasing

Yeah, I already said why I wasn't.
ah This after 10 and dad's been drinking, we're fine. He'll forget my dad always forgot what and then again he just beat my ass like in the midst of me playing Call of Duty Glicker members. That's sad. Look at this photograph.
Every time I do, it makes me laugh. Do you know how many times I'd be playing and I would piss my dad off and Glick's like, hey, bro, you good? And all he hears is, dad, stop, stop. Well, actually, actually, actually what I heard was, oh, daddy, oh, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy. And then I heard his dad go, look at this photograph. Every time I do, it makes me fuck you.
map get You're like my chocolate chip cookies in that brown bag. I cheated them. We go by girls. Blick said you like anal. Is that true? What?
He said you call him daddy. um i i so i say otherwise i've heard you say no we yeah dont worry why never you tend say You know, we're live and this is recorded w right? Yeah. yeah And you

Boisterous humor

know, I can clip it really quick. You can't throw me under a bus little boy.
yeah Please don't roll that beautiful bean footage.
Why it was like, yeah, my dad takes it. My dad's a brown eyed shooter.
He's a veteran of the whole express. R.I.P. to our vets. God bless a motherfucking veteran.
What'd you say? What are you doing, you fat fuck? Are you back there making food already? The show ends in 10 minutes and you're like, I got to leave. I got to get some food. oh I'm going to have to ask Jeff to create an after share studio because I'm not functionable enough to do it. You don't have to be on here live with us. He just has to create the studio. OK. What are you doing, Richard? You know, we'll be wrapping it up. Richard.
she Hey, Glicker, you don't. All right. and i like I was going to say, or since Rick's not doing it, are you like not doing it? Cause he's just, I mean, I don't necessarily want to come back on here. I want to go play on TikTok. I'll be a hundred percent honest

Ongoing jokes and laughter

with me. I got to go in and entertain people. You want another episode or an after show. I can literally just, all I got to do is take a go. Well, I was going to say, like what do you do on TikTok? Do you just like request slides or do you go live on TikTok? I just go live on TikTok.
until he gets banned, which is like three minutes. I'm going to try really hard. Can we join you on TikTok? Yeah. Yeah. once You see him live and you can add it and hit request for multicast. I've never been live on TikTok. I didn't know how it works. I was live the other day when Leggy was on. She was asking questions. Dude, I've not seen Leggy since that one night she hit the fan.
She's, she had her, her son just graduated college. Well, go first but um she the night before he graduated, she was up alive on TikTok i asking people questions. And I was like, I hate to type, just bring me up.
Oh, it's about that time, boys. I am so tired. Just because you're gay. It's not gay if people watch. No, he's like my father. He's metrosexual. It's still it's still gay. Oh, no, I'm sorry. man It's not it's not metrosexual when these your dad and

Friendly roasting

this idiot sat here and talked about how I take care of our being involved.
that was metro so like got you gotta take care If you're going to have the beard, you got to respect the beard, man. It's like having long hair, bro, but I don't know. I don't know. You guys can.
Well, actually Cam can relate to it. He's not long ahead, but he doesn't fucking take care of it. He just lets it run wild. The Wyatt bro, you and I have the same hair. Thick curly. We got a double widow speed. We got double. We got the double little fucking cow. i family as a fuck and ah to take care of So the only thing you could do is fade high and tight or grow it out. Dude. Look.
Like look how long like my hair is and it's shaved on the sides. Good. Low word. Yeah. Show off now. I know now I did have a face.
for It's not a face. It's a life block of seagull.
I wish I could sing. I wish I could you like do an impersonation of emo music bad, but I really can't. I can't do that. I can't do how they like sing. Cam probably can because his his his baby mama listens to all that weird emo music. yeah You heard what I said, Cameron. Your baby mama drama.

Humorous exchanges

kill your wrong Kill them bitches No,
no I got us a new flag God that's the gayest thing are that is gayer than a fucking L and like ah but this yeah well He said it not me
The only thing that says about your baby mama is that she fucks her dad and brother. Oh my God. You should really have a paternity test done because those kids might be, they might have uncle, daddy, brother, grandpa.
and Every time somebody says roll tide, Roll tide and they can't say roll because they ain't got no teeth. Roll tide. Real tide. Oh shit. I just knocked up grandma's sister again. Grandma's. Grandma's. Grandma's your dad, your brother. just just Just like in that movie of Miracle on 31st Street, every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. Yeah. Every time somebody says roll tide, some ancestrally retarded baby was made. Oh.
Somebody knocked up their sitter. Christian just like, what the fuck is happening? Christian's what's up. Christian's what's up. Wyatt knows what's up. Hook him horns, Wyatt. Hook him horns, Wyatt. Congrats to your boys.
Oh, Wyatt, you're a Texas fan? Fuck

Final laughter and teasing

you, man. Yeah. National, 2024 national champs. I'm calling. No, I'm going, I'm going to Oregon. I'm calling it. Everybody's going Oregon, bro.
That's because I called Oregon for damn Ohio State and Rick was like, no, no way, man. You're not going to be this. I was calling out for weeks.
That was a really good impression of him. Retarded Richard's a bitch. What the hell is he doing? Is he so drunk that he just went and passed out? No, he went. We got three minutes. What are you doing again?
Well, me? Yeah, what are we doing? You got three minutes. Do you want another studio? Sure. All right. Well, I'll do another studio. We'll see what happens in the worst case scenario. I'll go get on the ticket time. Studio's up. Hey, Chris. or like Just send me the link. I'm going um want put it in the chat. Oh, OK. Oh, you feel me? No, just the second studio.
Yeah, just create a studio and I can send the link out. up Yeah, I'll put the link in the chat. Am I allowed to be in it or no? I don't care. I don't care. i You already ruined this show so yeah yeah yeahs just yeah you come to the Just come to the YouTube channel and click on the link in the chat.
ah yeah moving
It's up. All you got to do is go live once you're in there. I only put it on YouTube because because I don't want to deal with rumble until after this rumble. That's fine. No, that's fine. No, I only I only ever put the I only ever put the after. Oh, by the way. Hey, thanks, guys, for listening. Thank us for hanging out, man. We appreciate you

Goodbyes and content promotion

guys. If you're not following the network, well, then fucking shame on you. Follow us. Bio dot link slash nonsensical network. Monday, men caring for men. Tuesday, Glick's House of Music Wednesday. What the fuck news?
Nothing on Thursday as of right now. Jeff, you might be taking Jeff's garage to Thursday because more on i more show Jeff and I are cash and I moved the show to Saturday. Friday is nonsense and show Saturday is this cash is corner and nonsensical nonsense. And then Sunday is unnecessary roughness. God damn it. Jeff, you let me do it again. Monday nights before men caring for men is and our newest show on the network.
It's the newest show on the network speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations. I'm not looking at that. I'm just talking I know I know you read it Because it's literally been scrolling after just follow us bio dot link slash nonsensical network you assholes also be good or be good at it and Fuck Rick. Why not?
Nonsensical network, different flavor rubber craze Football crashes, touchdowns, epic plays New spinning, caption on the urban stories we embrace
nature's arrangement cars
Look, the vibe's just right, tune in, tune in