All those links are going to be there, including links to our merch store, which I think here in a little bit, we're going to set up a black Friday, small business Saturday, cyber Monday, a discount thing. So be on the lookout for that later on this afternoon and rolling in for the next week or so. We haven't decided how long we're going to do that. Well, we've got all kinds of fun merch and stuff like that, that you could grab yourself a little something, something, uh, at a, at a merch shop, but hi Don't forget it is, uh, cash to show as always what's going on. Fireman rich is, uh, an open panel. So if you're available and you want to talk a little wrestling, you know, a little bit about wrestling, you want to make some pics with us, but you are more than welcome to hop in. The link is in the chat and partake in that. So bo it's been a hot minute since we've done your show and a lot's been going on in wrestling.