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Men caring for men  let's tell some stories November 11th episode image

Men caring for men let's tell some stories November 11th episode

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays3 months ago

On this episode the boys tell some stories and debate a little bit about what should go on a pizza


Technical difficulties and show direction

Yeah. yeah lee I don't know what that was. Now you can't leave. Ladies and gentlemen, that was. my just I remember my jewels in the house. I do like that song. Men Caring for Men, take two. yeah takeoff Thank you. I literally had to post it on Facebook going rough start tonight boys. You know what Jeff? bud you
Yeah. Connor's having some internet issues or I'm having internet issues. Talk shit. Let's see what happens. But but welcome everybody. Since Connor's free and frozen. Two men caring for men while he's fixing that. Check us out everywhere bio slash nonsensical network. um I don't have a game plan for what tonight is. I know it's Veterans Day.
Yes, I don't, I don't know what Connor's plan was. I know

Politics and social media fatigue

he had mentioned about, uh, talking about one topic, but I'm not sure what, uh, what the goal is there. Yeah. Okay. re set Yeah. His, um, router. Well, you can re hit the reset button on his screen, but, uh, yeah, we'll get into it in a minute. In the meantime.
I'm gonna go ahead and put the link in the chat so that anybody wants to come up and of talk about their feelings, so to speak. Feelings, I'm here about feelings.
ah Yeah, you probably would have, depending on how much you started drinking before you went live. I agree, but no. um Yeah, I'm kind of at a loss here, dude.
There he is. There's Chaka. There's Chaka. Well, he, I know he had mentioned, I know he had mentioned talking about the political fatigue or election exhaustion. Oh God. Yes. Yes. yeah Even now, even now it's still, you know, I get it. Some people are bragging. Some people are pissing and moaning, but it's like, you know what? Something else on my FYB would be great.
Anything what is fyp? What is fyp for you page?
On tiktok that's when you turn it on now you first turn on tiktok and it shows You have the two ops of who you're following and then what the other one home Yeah for you At the top you have follower following and for you the for you is your fyp Oh, okay, you guys have to realize I am I'm learning. I'm still learning to talk like I found out last week that I was getting I made a few bucks just doing debates. So i thought that was pretty I saw that. i saw yeah Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that to you coming up and fucking shit up. I had a good point.
You had a good point, but you were du kind of sit on me because I had asked a question. So, okay. So it was part of the conversation. Here's, here's the setup. See there, I see Jeff just said it. He thought it was a conversation. I i participated in a speed debate.
And it was 20 minutes. It was me against other people. And I would, I would debate so many different every 20 minutes. Jeff pops up

Veterans Day reflections and military anecdotes

thinking it's a casual conversation. No, I didn't think it was a casual conversation. I got that. I didn't think it was a casual conversation. I knew it was a debate.
however I wanted to make the point because you were talking, you guys, you guys were at that point talking about freeze. Yeah. But the thing is, i'm i'm like I don't want to get into it. When you, when you come up, it's like, it's debate mode. That's, that's funny. Nobody was responding to my comment saying, well, there's this and nobody mentioned it. Anyways, okay. now hey car's back Networking Jesus.
It's like dealing with an amateur that's been doing this for two years. Fuck off. I've been doing this for less than two years. For less than two years. Get it right. Regardless. Chaka got up here before you did, dude. I've had four houses over the course of less than two years. I don't want to hear it about network issues. F off, Jeff.
Ooh. Don't stop being um on my turn in the Swiss cheese. ah Yeah, yeah. But that's so so what we because you froze, we didn't know what your topic was for tonight. So we were just kind of rambling. Yeah. So the reason i've I've gathered you all here today minus Chaka, who just kind of joined in. I did. I put the link up. But he's got a gorgeous testicle head. So I'll leave him.
The reason I've gathered you all here today was so that we can turn off the debate. Jeff. No, look at me. like I know you love the videos I'm sending you. Our debating minds. And we can talk about how fucking exhausting this election has been.
free this select or infant pop every this every and all all election all elections this one just felt fucking terror i feel like
You know,

Friendship beyond politics

it does. Who's got network problems now, bitch? Anyway, he said he had very dropped though. I can't I can't stream it to my channel. So I guess I'm not going to do that today. It's it's not letting me connect. But that's It's not letting me connect. It's letting me connect. It's letting me connect. the whole It's point letting me connect. of It's letting me connect. It's letting me connect. It's letting me connect. It's letting me connect. It's letting me connect. having you and Blaze here tonight, was because Jeff is one end of the spectrum and Blaze is a whole other end of the spectrum when it comes to political views and the way that they see the world. I'm just, I'm just my own spectrum. Are you saying left and right? No, it's fucking weird. It's weird. It's very front, right? No, because Blaze is left.
Blaze isn't even left. I know. He's in his own direction. He created a fourth dimension. He's our total left. And you are very blatantly right.
And that's OK. He's about as left as But on top of that. On the view. this work, right?
This is also, you guys are the perfect people to have up here because it is Veterans Day. Veterans Day. Woo hoo. And so what better, what better three people to have up here than us? And Chaka. I agree. Well, I can think about 40. But yeah, okay. because but I mean, you know, yes, we were all in the military, but better. Listen, i I shuffled the cards between branches. I tried every job. I did basic twice. Fuck it all. you know You know what? You know what that tells me?

Election process and decision fatigue

The fact that you did you did the shuffling of cards. I'm stupid. That you're the stupidest one on the panel tonight. Yeah, I never claimed to be intelligent. Oh, we know.
Never. Although I did see i did see a ah Facebook post earlier and it was like this sound. This girl's like, you know, the military is worse than only fans because you guys are selling your body to the government. like yeah way not that four point five million dollar check I mean,
<unk>re they're not totally wrong. She's right. No, I'm mad because she's right. the worst part about him is maybe i'm the saying The worst part about it is gave me my body back, but in like way a worse condition. It's like a rental car. you're you're You're like how I use a rental car. Just beat the piss out of it. And I signed the insurance. Go for it. Take it back. Exactly. The military is like, yeah, ah you can have be a disability. In other words, if I ran my own hurts, I wouldn't i wouldn't run out to the military. That's what you're saying. No.
oh I've I've I've given back. I should have started an only fans at 18. You know, I probably would have been way more would have been around. It would have been around when I was doing the Navy. I'm just saying. I'm telling you, if I would have done only bands for nine years straight, like I'd be killing it. Oh yeah. I'm a cute dude.
Well, if no, but if you put the same amount, I could be in the top 90%. Well, if you put the same effort into an

Productive political conversations

OnlyFans that you did into your military career, 100%, you would be in the top three. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. You know, there is the difference. The difference between OnlyFans is like you have somebody like Chris who has an OnlyFans, but he's up until recently, he's like, yeah, I have one, but I don't do anything with it.
There's that side effect. And then you have a people that spend their entire life sending selfies to their only fans. See this baseball bat? Those are your military grade only fans. That's when I would start watching Glick's only fans. And we made it to baseball bat this year. This is Babe Ruth's real bat. You want to see it disappear?
Oh, boy, do I. I would put that in Reddit tomorrow. We'd be famous on Reddit, buddy. Let me tell you. But I thought that that would be a good conversation for tonight. Obviously, Veterans Day, but also the can we like just fucking relax and be friends again for God's sake, please. ah yeah I'm so awesome I'm so proud because like Blaze and Jeff never stopped being friends.
They think yeah they're both kind of dumb sometimes. Oh yeah, we both think we're each other. I think no, I'm i'm probably i'm probably i am the dumbest, I'm the dumbest one.
You don't realize how dumb we are. Oh, so we can agree on that. Okay. I am dumb. We can start with some common ground. yeah That's the concept. The problem with politics anymore, it becomes a shouting match where nobody can hear what you're saying because yeah you're shouting over the person next to you who's saying something complete opposite is you.
Where I have I have caught myself in a few of those. I'm sorry. I have yeah and I have as well. My wife and I don't agree on politics and political things. And after a while, it's like, you know, what excuse me. Death is speaking. Jeff is speaking. Give me give me speaking. Don't you dare interrupt him. Don't you dare.
No, but it's like if if you're just in there to scream and holler, there's other shit you can go scream and holler at. Go scream at baseball. Go scream at everything else. Go scream at your only fans. If you're not willing to have a conversation, you shouldn't be in the quote unquote fight. I think honestly, and I think that's how some of us take politics as like we're rooting a for a sports team. So we get emotionally caught up in the in the similar kind of way.
That's 100% true. you two two percent true i mean sho you fish i want I want to get a couple real quick points across. Point number one. I got the good stuff today, Chaka. Oh, monster. Dude, it's fucking 6 o'clock. What are you doing? I won't sleep until tomorrow if I drink that at 6 o'clock. I'll do it. I'll be in bed by 1 at the latest.
but point number one. that i want argue you we are right I get it. I don't do it. If I don't have one, I'll be asleep by noon. Okay, Connor's trying to make a point. We keep talking. I'm sorry. Oh, no, no, no, you're good. You can talk over me all all day. I'm not speaking. um Damn you.
yes point Point number one is even though somebody has different opinions on how to do it than you, everybody wants the same thing. When it comes to politics, when it comes to how to run the country or who should do it, it doesn't fucking matter. Everybody wants the same thing. They want the betterment of the country. You guys just disagree. um You guys disagree on how to how to how to do that and what a better country would look like.
Point number two, and I can't stress this enough because back in 2020, we had a whole bunch of dudes on an air basin in Bagram, Afghanistan that were rooting for Trump to win and they fucking lost. And half of them thought that it was the end of the world and half of us were just like, well, we'll wait.
to go back to work. What we need to realize is that don't get me, don't get me wrong. I understand that because of the media, because of the way that political ads are run, because of the way that people that politicians feel they have to portray other adversarial politicians. Everyone thinks that if their person doesn't win, that it's the end of the world. But the United States is a really cool system where every four years you get to try again.
and the American people get to speak again. And whether you think Donald Trump is in it for fascism or dictatorship or whatever, he's not gonna overrule that. You can't get rid of that. It's not gonna happen. It's almost impossible to go from what we have to something completely different. It's almost impossible for one person to actually accomplish that. Hmm. Well, that's... I just wanna assure the people.
Go ahead. What's up, Jedi? No, no. um are you gonna say or you're go say oh nothing i'm past it i' asked to Go ahead. I'm good. But I just wanted to reassure the people who didn't get the candidate they wanted to win and put into office that it will this will also come to an end. And at the end of this, this candidate that everyone seems to dislike so much We'll never be able to run again. And we'll start over with two with two new idiots. And we'll do this whole thing again in three years. years, there will be a fucking shitty one. The only way Donald Trump would be president again, and if somebody appointed him vice president, and then that person died.
Right, which which has never happened, which is it's doable. It's just never it's doable. It's just never happened. and And it would be you want to talk about people losing their fucking minds. So so those are those are my two big main like points I want to know, but yes, but regardless of who won. Somebody won, somebody lost. Can we move on to anything else?
on on rag social media in general, because as much as i I loved hearing everybody bitch and moan for the past, God knows how long, I'm so over it. It's like, you know what? I want to watch somebody build a truck. I wanted to show up on my FYP going, my motherfucker put 69 inch tires on a 49 Ford. That's pretty cool. i don't I don't want to hear some retard spouting what he thinks It's gonna make the country better but this person is like in bump fuck Egypt nowhere and doesn't know But they're the one guy the what the one of them the there's a guy on on tick-tock
He talks about American politics all the time. He's not even American. I found this out like three months ago. He lives in Europe somewhere, but he shits on everything and it's hilarious. I think on some level our our our politics, what happens in our country affects other countries. And I mean, um because our policies and the way they affect the world, they're not in a bubble. And I mean, this whole isolation ideas, oh, no, never, never going to work or never, never really been a thing because.
Go ahead, go ahead ahead. Well, I was just saying, the easiest example is, as you guys know, I work remotely, the company I work for is in the States, I get paid US dollars, but I have to spend pesos. Well, when the dollar and peso exchange rate, the day of the election, jump 3.3 pesos per dollar. So which means when I get paid, I get paid more than I did before. Like if I get a hundred dollars, I get 2,000 pesos as opposed to 1,800, which is a big deal. I mean, granted 200 pesos, but 200 pesos, I can buy four monsters, just saves. It's not lazy Jedi. I think, but but yeah, it affects other countries. Back to the whole exhaustion thing though. i
I'm not going to say I'm taking a break from it from like getting into politics and stuff, but between now and inaugural inauguration day, I'm kind of just.
over it, taking a break. It's like, um I don't, I don't view politics as a sports, but this is sort of like my off season. You know, that's best I agree. I agree. and Because I get it. There's a lot of people that do politics for a living on wherever it be, whether it be YouTube, where it be TikTok CNN, whoever you work for, you can make money on politics as a commentator and talking about it. I get that.
But for it to be every other video that I see on my YouTube, on my TikTok, on everything, I'm so ready to be like, I need to fucking, you know, you can restart your algorithm on TikTok. I'm just saying where it starts scratch. Oh, can you really? You can. It's actually better for you guys because you're in the States. For me, for the next month, I see nothing but Mexican videos, which I'm fine with. but How do you do that? How do you restart?
I'll send you a tutorial. I found I found a video on it on on tick tock actually ah But it's it's it's there's really a reset button in your settings That you could basically it clears it kind of like clears your cookies so to speak of your tick tock and it starts from scratch Your followers are still there but it's there, but it reaches its it zeros out your your algorithm and It's like clearing out the cash. Yeah, I've done it twice. And every time I do it, I'm like, why did I do that? Now I have to wait like a month before I can actually see the videos I actually care about instead of the next door neighbor. Hey,
i it's not easy finding those videos. Trust me, buddy. I'm just saying. ah but watching it pop up on my F.I.P. again. God damn it. I'm just saying it's hard to find that algorithm. But but you know, if you're I get it, your algorithm switches because the stuff you watch longer and during the election and coming up to the election. Yeah, I watched more political stuff because I was curious on who's leading or who's doing what. Now I'm like now you fucking see.
um Yeah, and it's I don't need every every time I see so and everybody's still doing a lot. Wow. I've seen shit for it. And I'm just I just want to fucking watch videos of people doing stupid shit. Like I don't care about the election anymore. It's over. What happened? We just what happened to kitty cats and funny video right for the longest time i happened the cats jumping off roofs and realizing a holy shit that was ah that was hot let talk for you boys let me tell ya
on one the other day it's just But animals falling or running into stuff funny thing I've ever seen I Spent like two hours on that one page just going through all their videos um animals falling Yeah. She walks in and she likes to scare her cat. It's hilarious. She scares her cat and the cat doesn't realize it's standing next to a window and slams into the window pane and damn near knocks itself out. I laughed for 15 minutes. I was gonna say there was a moment in my life about five minutes where I spent watching
cat scared of cucumbers. So I get it. maybe i want go get a cat Just to see if they really are scared of cucumbers. Animals yeah and are so dumb and it's hilarious. but plays and My kids have a cat and I shit you not I went out bought a cucumber just put it on the floor just to see if the cat would fuck with it. My cat wouldn't come downstairs. It was hilarious. It's carpets, penis, run.
yeah right But same kermit's doing i saw like ah yeah he's home like yeah I saw a cat video of this cat standing on it um its like owner's shoulders and like half of it's on the bunk bed behind it. And it stands up straight to like try and touch the ceiling fan while it's going. And it shaves its head off. its but and Like the end of the video shows a picture of the cat and it's missing all of its hair right on top. My favorite video I've ever seen of cats is that one cat that's on the counter and then it backs up and somebody's re-edited it to make it have Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and it moonwalks. Funniest thing I've ever seen. So here's a definition. Yeah. Here's a definition. Voter for tea can be contributed
to ah yeah absolutely yeah whatever tea can be contributed to a psychological phenomenon known as decision fatigue. As this suggests, our brains become mentally fatigued after making numerous decisions, so it will attempt to make shortcuts to decrease the workload. As decisions fatigue increases, more voters abstain.
And I think, I think that right there as decision fatigue increases, more voters abstain. I think that's kind of, I think that was a ah role in this year's election cycle. Well, but I also get something. I disagree with that definition because like a lot of people made their decision early on the fatigue of seeing it all the time. That's where I got like, yeah you know,
Well, what motor fatigue can do is is just prevent people from wanting to turn out because they're just so sick of fucking hearing. like at this point i was i'm just I'm just going off. no um this is This is from Pew Research Center. No matter who would have won or who would have lost, I don't care at the end of the day because what did I do the next day? I went back to work.
same as I do every day. You know, I get it. It was a big deal. It looks like I'm not frozen. Stream guard is acting crazy. Like my, my screens are flashing right now. Yeah. Oh, we dropped blaze.
oh at me with cat we have no left side of the panel Well, MK, the, the, the good thing about tonight is we're not talking politics to be, um,
to be irritating and controversial. We're, we're talking about politics to talk about the relief. we don't talk about politics anymore Yeah. Cause it was for me, like it felt like I, so I went to bed on election night, like it's out of my hands and I don't care anymore. I was like, I was like, Oh God, I feel so, but so good. I wonder who won. Yeah.
No, I was up until three. I watched. they just didn't It just didn't matter anymore. My best my favorite part was Rachel Maddow crying, but whatever. You know what? The like yeah the wind is going like crazy here, so it might actually cut off my internet. So I'm hanging out. The past week here, every night, fucking piss is down right. um Stop eating chili chocolate. It won't be as bad.
what that What's that? What's that? Strong gust of wind coming from the south. am i like When it comes to that decision fatigue, as it were, I experienced that going into dispensary sometimes. You're inundated with so many options. You're like, what am I going to do? Oh, man.
I feel that at Taco Bell, dude.
there's a restaurant i go that's like like thatco different types of tacos i'm like just give me one of each i guess But the cool thing about Taco Bell is everything tastes the fucking same. what you know it's like it's like It gives you the same effect. ah You eat it, your tummy hurts, you poop, and then you feel better.
I think that the decision fatigue too. That's like, that's like very calm. I like my get off work. If I was stressful, I guess that would work. It could me. Yeah. Have you seen the categories of poorly? Holy shit, dude. Not recently. Oh my gosh. There's like 65 on the website. There's like everything. I like your point.
Also, I just missionary is out. That's all I that's all I got of mine. I gotta i get it upgrade my form. Yeah, you need to upgrade dude. I come home after a busy day making decisions. about all the gem in time out I don't want to make no decisions when I come home. I like to shut off. I just put in the private chat the link.
Nobody wants to link to your porn. This I say is, no, no, no, no. It's not my porn. I don't use porn. Don't do it. I've had this conversation. The best porn site ever is in this prime chat. It's the best porn site in the history of porn sites. No pop-ups. Actually, now I'm serious. Now I'm curious. Jeff's favorite porn site is Blue Waffle.
No, but but but do you think I forgot my point. that it's It's almost like the opposite of of an addiction when it comes to politics. like when It's kind of like you first get addicted to watching. You got to find out everything you got to know. Then after a point, you're less like, I don't fucking care.
because there's no real payoff. For instance, there's alcohol addiction, there's drug addiction, there's porn addiction. Those addictions have a win at the end where politics doesn't have that same kind of finite high win. so it it it depends on It depends on what you're looking at politics for. I look at politics is not so much rooting for anything but to kind of just understand why everything is working the way it does systematically and politics is a part of that so that's kind of my second part of that question do you think the election do you think it's always taken this long are we just so used to the instant gratification of
Being able to order something and have it tomorrow is what is turning a lot of you off. For instance, if, if I say I'm going to run for president or mayor of my town next year, but the election is not the next year. So yeah. Um, that's actually like what you're talking about. If you, if you compare America to other countries that run campaigns, like let's say England or UK.
their their election cycles are a whole lot shorter, they're like a couple months compared to yeah ours is like a year, a year and a half. Exactly. They have a significantly smaller group of people that they need to reach out to, right? That that is the main difference.
However, know dispose a lot no, no, it's not, no, they, they do it. Well, it's not because they have less people. It's just, they got more shit to war. They start, they understand prioritization that elections campaigns don't need to run that long. It's just ridiculous. Well, Mexico school and does it for six months yeah and they have roughly the same amount of people.
Exactly, Lazy. I agree. Way too long. they're Absolutely way too long. yeah but But that's what I'm saying. come on You don't get that instant gratification. Why won't it show?
There it goes. It is showing. i i'm having I'm having a lag bad on this. Mine's very better. Yeah, mine's running perfect. Make sure you have other programs shut down. I will stream yard. Yeah, I should sometimes if you have multiple. If you have multiple things open, it'll it'll slow you up. Like if I have my zoom open, it will slow me up.
Well, this is what I, I recently changed my, I was paying 80 bucks for stream art. So I knocked it down to half to the basic one. Now my stream artists like turn it, it turned shitty. Like, but they're like, you want to, you want to lower your plan? Screw you. You can't use ours. That's what happened to us. That's what happened to us basically. Cause cause they changed their plan. And then if you didn't want to pay that $80, you went back to what you were paying, but you get a whole lot less. Yeah. and yeah or some but I went to the $44 plan and now my stream art has been shitty ever since. so just ja stream, stream yard. Come on. I just want just enjoy i want i want to that guy real quick. Um, I, I get, I get that, uh, you, you got some, some feelings and they're strong. Uh, but tonight's not for that big guy. It is, it is for unifying under the relief of it all being over for at least a little bit. Uh, so well much as much as I can appreciate your dedication there, uh, tonight's not the night for that.
Well, no, and and I get it, you know, you want your team, your side to win. It's, yeah it's kind of like, so I see, okay, right there. I don't, I, I try my best not to come to come to politics with any like sort of tribalistic team or party mentality. That's the problem. like As you said, it's like people attributed to a sport.
and it's It's yeah, it's it's hard not to because we're almost almost like curtailed into that thought. Like we have to take a side. It's absolutely. And I think I think porn and politics.
And I think part of that is part of the, of the exhaustion. It's like, it was like, right like the person I voted for really wasn't the person I ideally would want to vote for. But, you know, because of the situation, that's where I'm casting my vote. And in and that right there, you know, and this happens to a lot of voters, we kind of just left with, you know, kind of like,
Which two who's gonna punch me in the faceless? Yeah, and the which was the lesser of two evils. Yeah, it's exactly yeah it best Basically at this point nowadays in politics. It is the lesser two evils because yeah and and you can make an argument either way and I don't fucking hear honestly, but at the other day, it's not It's not an easy job running the country or running a town or running a state or whatever the case may be. it's It's not easy. And I get it. It's not a job I would want. But I'm not going to fucking do it either. So it's like. Yeah. Yeah. Let's be honest. Somebody said. I call to run for president and be like, fuck you. I like my ears where they're at. Yeah.
okay No, but it's like, it's the, as Blaze was saying, you know, it, like and I'm using as example, when Bernie was running and and Biden was still in it, and then Bernie gets kicked off the ticket and you're like, but I was a Bernie guy. Shit, I gotta go to Biden because he's on our team. And it's like, yeah. but
So yeah I get it it. You get pigeonholed with your team, side, whatever you want to put it. Yeah, yeah it's yeah it's this it's the way the system is set up and it's is it it's unfortunate. Is it me or was it always like this?
where it was it's our side kind of thing. Yeah. And ever since, ever since the federalist, ever since the federalist in the eighties, we talked about it one day in school. Our founding fathers, our founding fathers were split on a lot of things. They had the federalists and the anti-federalists and they had the wigs. And I mean, this, this, this division in politics has always been there. At times it's, it's lukewarm. Like it's just like,
what's that word? Just like basic differences and then sometimes it's extreme and polarizing and it's it's it's gone up and down through our uh your history of our country. You think it's getting worse because of social media and everybody of them who share. I don't I don't think it's. It's hard for people to lie. Let me tell you. I I think well I don't think it's just social media per se but the internet in itself in the way we communicate now. I mean it's so much faster and so much information comes at us and You know, it's, it's not like, it's not like, um, you know, generations ago, like during your brought up Ray and it's not like during the eighties. Yeah. You still had your.
your propaganda and your political ads and all that on TV, but you only saw it when you turn it on the TV. Now it's like you pick up your phone, your laptop, you just get notifications. Hey, new YouTube video from this political pundit. This person said this, this politician made this promise. This bill is being debated on boom, boom, boom, boom. And depending again on the algorithm, it's like, what are you getting fed?
Exactly yeah and and my ah today's ze today's episode is brought to you by ground news No,
but I think that's the biggest problem and it's not I don't I get it it it could technically If it was done, right it could be technically way more informative But there's so much bashing on both sides Then it just becomes annoying as shit Yeah, I honestly, I'm to the point where.
And I don't want to say this, because I don't want to discourage anybody from participating in conversations. I think everybody should. I just think some people need to have a little bit more self introspection on how they're having these conversations and what their goal is. Is their goal to have a productive conversation or is it to quote unquote, get a got to to to own your interlocutor or something like that? Yeah. I mean, how honest are you coming at it? and I find in this isn't this isn't exclusive to any one partisan party. I mean, this is it everybody from every walk of political life, the ones that will have a conversations and the ones that want to go into an insult match. so well And I think knowing, yeah.
And I think you like me as somebody that will go online and do political baits and has been in screaming matches, I don't prefer it. And there's times where it's like my my mood is like, i amm I'm not gonna engage this way and I'll just, oh for my own personal mental health, I'll hit the leave button. 100%, because so nobody wants to be screamed at and I get it, but if, like for instance, I know if I wanna have a political debate or I have i have a political question,
I'm calling you. I'm not going to call. Don't don't call me. Don't do not call Blaze for political advice. I will send you a link to someone better. I'm not saying for advice. I'm not saying for advice, but I can I can count on you to give me your side of it. For instance, if I call somebody that is a, you know, fright or die, they're going to give me their version that is Yeah, so far out of the realm or or or vice versa, you know, if they're super hard left, they're going to give me what the left wants me to hear where you can look at. e's this I just think the noise is with my mouth. It's good for the ears. Wait, what are you saying? And are you are you OK? Untrackable? You want to hear and make noise? He was making. He's making a joke. I think some of that I said. Yeah, I'm making noise. But
and But yeah, i I agree. I'm so over the the whole. However, I did for for the first day, I did enjoy the videos of people losing it on who lost and who won. But after that, I was over it. I got a question for Shaka or Connor. You guys follow sports, right? To an extent.
OK, do you get excited like when a big game is coming up or yeah seasons about to start or something like that? Yeah, I see. I watch a lot of m MMA boxing like that, and I get excited for big fights by the end of the season. Are you exhausted and in any sort of way? Sometimes you are exhausted with a football. I know that that's why I didn't ask you this question. Yeah, I know that when it comes to like baseball, I can't start watching baseball until like midway through the season because it's one hundred and sixty two game season.
i guess It's ridiculous. And then hockey is similar. it like a time It's like a 90-some game season for hockey, too. I love hockey. It's my favorite sport in the world. But I can't watch that. Ninety-two fucking games. And the reason why ask and reason why I ask is even though I'm looking forward to the next four years, not in a not in the way that ah that From a political historical standpoint, this shit's fucking interesting. And no, like before the election to me, it didn't matter who was going to win. This period and in our country is is a pivotal historical point, just like it was in the 60s and the 70s, just like like it was in the early 1800s and stuff. So I think there's I think I think we're actually witnessing sort of like a political realignment of of the country.
sort of like i agree i agree like we've been through before. so And that's why i'm I'm excited about it, but it does come with with its exhaustion because it's a lot of information to keep up with. yeah yeah I think that that's a ah very universally felt feeling.
is this is all this is all super important. This is all really big. I think that this this election is going to make a difference. You know, either my candidate or this person's candidate, whatever it is, I think that this is going to be a huge tell as to what the next X amount of years is going to bring, which is important. But there's so much information and there's so much disinformation. There are so many lies being spewed. There's so much hate from your neighbors. Yeah, that it's hard to be as excited as maybe you could be if as it if it wasn't as volatile as it is. And so it brings everybody to that point of exhaustion and just being tired, done with it. Speaking of exhaustion, I have Biden bars when it comes to my Wi-Fi, just so you guys know. All right. What the fuck is a Biden bar? got I learned that on TikTok. I learned that on TikTok. When when your internet like bars are low,
is buying bars. I thought that was funny. I have Trump bars, which are all the way up here. And then I have Biden bars that are all the way down here. They both fall asleep.
but anyway crackable How you doing, sir?
yeah umm I'm doing well. Happy Monday and happy Veterans Day to all that apply and much love. Thank you. Thank you. You're a vet, right?
Yeah, army. Okay. absolutely yeah you ho that one I didn't even know that. oh you know What was yeah he had mentioned to before buts your job? Yeah, I was a 92 golf food service 2003 to 2009.
Hell yeah. Thanks for the chicken court on blues, dog. and yeah If ever in guitar, thanks for the steak on lobster. yeah i know gonna bring you know others plus the airports gets all of best food No, i'd see that the it's either the Southern meal or the surf and turf that you look forward to.
that's it. you look forward to the surf and turf, it's because you don't understand what comes after.
Hey, steak and lobster, guys. Hey, we're going to be here for another six months. Yeah. It's a good time. Okay, now that we've buttered you and you're a lobster. Right here.
and here's you here's your here's your rubber racer for for a lobster tail and your dirty sandal for steak. Yeah, you hear that by the sectors. You guys get pizza parties. We get lobster and steak. Yeah, **** you guys. With bad news. With bad news. As a dessert. Yeah, I was always whenever I was doing things on an Air Force base. and right i And I got to be on the other side of the line, you know what I mean? And I would go through, I would get my food and I'd go scan my meal card and and go eat. And I'd be like, ah you know I'd go ask for permission if it was okay if I could get some more. And they looked at me like I was crazy and like, bro, you can get anything you want.
like you're a **** adult. What? Who cares? Yeah, that's an Air Force dude. Back wheel. Come on. **** it up. You do that. You do that in the army and people **** throw a fit. What are you doing, fat **** Yeah. and you run away If people were like, hey, could I get just like a little bit more, you know, not maybe not necessarily your high dollar like your meats or something like that but could like I get an extra scoop of those green beans or something and you tell them you eat what's on your plate before you ask for more motherfucker. Now, go. Alright, I'll be back in five minutes. That Korea was awesome. They had just a **** rice cooker at the end of the the end of the **** thing and you just grabbed as much **** rice as you wanted. I grabbed rice and I **** piled the soy sauce on blood pressures for the week. I went and sat down. Yeah. And if I didn't have that wasn't enough food i' just grab more fucking rice
My dad wouldn't he? My dad, he was telling me, you know, he was there. He was in Korea during the Korea war. The dude won't eat rice anymore. He's like, I don't have enough rice to last me a fucking lifetime. Got it. After I got back from Korea, I called him and I was like, got it. You want some soju? You want to fuck off?
I could eat rice every day, but kimchi can straight suck a dick. Oh, Kim, she's delicious. Fuck you. I love that shit. OK. Damn. I should like. like to make a photo of it. Yeah, what's going on, guys? Happy Veteran's Day. Fuck you, Brian.
But, uh, I mean, like somewhere. Hey, man, I'm love a week. I am on my i ah um yeah. Under the foundation. No, I'm on your You're you're off rotation with me.
nice yeah i'll go back next week nice hope put i saw you up on on uh with tony the other day so i literally walking my pants blow over right now yeah man texas win finally there was a rough one but texas won who names themselves the texans Sorry, man. I didn't even want to text us. Everything's got Texas in the name somewhere. no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is what this is what was dumb to me because everyone's like, oh, you know, keep the tradition. I said, OK, if you want to keep the tradition of the Oilers, then we go with Roughnecks. That's pretty much another. That's another nickname for Oilers.
So then, so then the when they said the Dallas, I mean, when they said like the Houston Texans, I'm like, the Texans name has already been used. It was Dallas Texans before they later became the Kansas City Chiefs. So not many people know that. When when Kansas City Chiefs does their little throwback and they see the red helmet with the orange outline of Texas, the Kansas City Chiefs was formerly known as the Dallas Texans back in the old AFC days.
or American American football conference days. Do you have so violent cabinet on all these stats? Well, I mean, it's just can't I can't keep track of like more than just three things on the phone. Jeff, you know how some people are like World War Two nerds and and no, I get it. I get it. Yeah, it's the it's the same thing. But with football and I agree, it's weird because football doesn't matter. But like, you know,
Yeah. So I mean, like that I was all about like, Oh, you know, I want to, because when they were trying to figure out the name, everybody submitted it through email, mail, whatever of what, what you think the team name should be. And my dad saw that I wrote gladiators and he's like, gladiators. He's like, what's that? He's like, what does that have to do with, he's like, what does that have to do with Houston? I said, what does Titans have to do with Tennessee?
She's so smart Spartans was I mean like like ah like at the time that was like what 2002 so I was like 21 when 21 when they're coming up with the name and I'm like gladiators I was like that sounds cool You know, that just makes me American gladiators. So they'd all be. And then, and then, and then I thought, and then ah then I also thought about like renegades, like renegades, because like on Madden, on the Madden 2000, I created a football team called like game Southwest because I couldn't use Houston, but they were based out of San Antonio. So I was like, yes southwest renegade yeah, I like my team name on fantasy football. I think it's pretty fucking perfect. Evansville Dementors. What is this?
seven untils a v Yeah. That's OK. Mine's going to name the Dusty Sparks. Yeah. like figure just so good just so that you Just so that you know that if we win, it's by accident. We don't know how it happened either. That's right, Brian. We're playing each other this week. Yeah. Good game, sir. I haven't even seen. Clean, sweet. Yeah, what are you going to do? I literally do the auto set.
I at least broke a hundred. That's all I matter. That's all I care about at this point. I literally and look at it on Wednesday and then Monday I go, did I win? No. Okay. What are you going to do? I'm forced to play. As co-founder of the network, I was told I have to play, so. Yeah, but I mean, but I remember like how last year or like earlier this year, you're like, yeah, the only thing that matters to me, I beat Brian. Oh, I will.
Yeah. So then, so then when I took that photo, my first matchup on the first one, I was like, good game. And you're like, ah, what do you want? You know, and then I'm like, okay, now boom, clean sweep. Yeah. But once again, you beating me, not a big shocker. When I beat you, it's like, it is a shocker. It's like, Oh, believe me. Yeah. Yeah. Like when, like when I projected a win and all of a sudden I get select, I'm like, how the fuck that happened? Cause I love it. Awesome. If you pay attention.
this took back stuff and Well, we're going to, we're going to, we're going to go to break real quick and then we're going to come back and we'll roll right back into a little bit of what we were talking about. And then, uh, maybe we'll just bullshit for a little bit, but we'll we'll be, we will put a little bit of words are hard. We will be right back. This is 6AM life is beautiful.
That was a good song. Oh my God, that was such a good song. What a great, beautiful song to take a break to just kind of clear our minds. ah For those of ah you who weren't paying attention to our lovely podcast, this is the Men for Men podcast.
what What? What were you saying? Continue. I was reading. I was reading. God, why are you yelling so fucking loud? What time is the Tyson Paul fight on Friday? Five. I think it starts at five. Five p.m. PST. Finally. i believe I will not watch. So seven, seven p.m. Eastern. Seven p.m. my time. Central. Central. Nine o'clock here. Sixteen.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, I mean, but the thing about it is, it's like, Mayweather, because everybody wants to go after, after Mayweather, but I didn't want know time to do drugs. Curious because of Friday show. I forgot there was that fight Friday at the same time. No, we could, anyway, and that would actually force us to watch some sports. Probably be problematic. Anyway, problems.
Yeah, anyway, welcome back to the men caring for men podcast where tonight we're, we're caring for everybody. We're talking about what everybody is thinking, which is I'm fucking done with this shit. I'm so glad it's over. So glad it's done. Let's, let's step away and forget about politics for a little bit. Let's stop hating each other and just.
Everybody loves everybody, man. ELE. We all just get along. Exactly. So that's what we're doing here tonight. And on top of that, it's Veterans Day. We got myself, Jeff Blaze in the house and coming in on the guest lineup. We got the barbecue guru, also known as Brian. Untrackable, the happy man himself.
and Chaka, the living testicle ladies and gentlemen. ah Welcome to the show. I got big beans and they click clack. You got what? I got beans and they click clack.
I've been listening to that Peter and Bos group, dude. I fucking learned about them the other day on TikTok and I've been fucking bumping them. They're like in their sixty late 60s, 70s, and they're fucking gangster rappers. in the u Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about. yeah but Not us. i absolutely no say check out I need to check it out.
I saw you guys mention that on Snapchat, and I was like, I don't know who that is, but I need to check that out. I was actually watching that earlier also. I found them on Spotify, and they're becoming part of my playlist, my rotation. Yeah.
I'm starting to steer us. Steer us, Connor. Steer us when we Should we continue with the conversation about how much we hate politics right now? Because even though we enjoy politics, we're kind of over it. Or should we talk about, like, blaze? Or actually, fuck it. Untrackable. Happy, happy, happy. Talk to me, son. What were some of your favorite times?
in the Army because it is Veterans Day. Let's let's just do it. Let's let's be those guys. Let's be those guys. Yeah. What do you miss? Well, for everybody, what do you miss about the military?
um he been I was the guy. No one cares, Brian. free It's not your day anymore. That's OK. Brian will be deported in like six months. Don't worry about it. Hey.
hard in real happy jeff Go Jeff's going to be laughing when it really does happen. That's all right. I'm all that drill baby drill crowd, dude. Hey, I get it, but you can live next door to me when you get deported. Don't worry about it. I guess in ah in a broad answer, I would say I missed that, um, that undeniable family feeling. You know what I mean?
um It doesn't matter what your job is, it doesn't matter how much trouble you got in, none of you are going anywhere. Like you have to fuck up on such an extreme to to like be sent away. And yeah, you know, you get your your orders and people move around, but it's so interesting when those orders kind of put you back together again. And if it is somebody that's in the same job,
it's It's highly likely that if you spend, or if you move, uh, several times, you, it's highly likely that you're going to meet people that you knew before someplace else, and you will both have moved on or, or gotten in trouble because like, I mean, imagine you meet somebody early on and you're both privates and then you get your first duty and.
okay then then you move let's say three times and next thing you know you know maybe they're a sergeant and maybe you have been put down twice you know what i'm saying this fucking reminds me of a funny story i my first duty station my second shop i had this the staff sergeant as a supervisor and i was i was I was not a very- That's E5 in the Air Force, just saying. Yeah, i was I wasn't a very subordinate troop. But anyway, fucking years later down the road, I'm at a whole different duty station, and this guy is in the the National Guard. And we just happened to be keeping some of their munitions in our bomb dump, and he comes out to sign his shit out. And I'm like, oh shit, surgeon nayhy Sergeant Sergeant Naylor looks right at me. He's like, man, I'm surprised you're still in.
ah it's like me too meet
I was surprised every morning. I'm still here. I had a, I had a Master Sergeant who was our training, our training NCO while I was in the Air Force. So E7, yeah, E7 was Master Sergeant in the Air Force.
um And she was super nice. but when i When I left the Air Force to join the Army because I'm a fucking weirdo, she was like, you just don't, you don't seem like that type of guy. You know, we were really close. She was, she was like the mom of the fucking shop. There's, there's always that, that person there. And she was that, that lady. And she was awesome. Super great. And I got to my, my first student stage. Went to Korea. What's up, Michael?
went to Korea and halfway through Korea, she's, she messaged me. She's like, Hey, how's everything going? You know, I saw that you're, you're overseas right now. And I was like, I fucking love it. I love it. Fuck all you guys. I love this shit. yeah And she was like, that's awesome. Like she was genuinely happy for me. She called me a couple of times and we talked, but it was, it's, it's cool to hear from people that like, damn, no way you don't hate yourself and you don't fucking hate your life.
They're proud of you. Like, externally, no, I'm perfect. I haven't blown into my cynicism yet. That's right. That's right. Gentlemen, what was your longest deployment in any any location? Because mine was no more than three months and ah in that space. Just shy nine. Mine was six. Just shy nine. I've never done more than three months. I was always moved.
i didn't have six gospel yeah I was in Korea for a little ah a little over eight months in total, but I got that. I left. less than a week after we found out that my wife was pregnant with my daughter and she went a little late for term and uh I got back three two or three days after she gave birth to my daughter so it was it was just just shy of nine months but that was that was my longest hell I was only in afghanistan for three or four months it wasn't that long I was at three yeah that was uh
I was never, um, like combat deployed, but that Korea trip, uh, the first time was two years. And then the second time was one. Oh, so that that first time you were there as a, as permanent party. Oh yeah. I was a area one camp Casey. Yeah. Okay. We were at camp Casey too. And we also, uh, we, we ran around to camp Carol and Foz Carol and we went back and forth between those two. And then we went out to a few other places.
You know, it's always cool to hear about people that have like jobs that matter because I'm not saying the cooks don't matter, but you do, you, you go to the kitchen every single day. It's not like, Oh, Hey, we need you over here. This, you know, we we need you to link up with these guys and do this out of the other. It's like, Hey, no, we need you in the kitchen at four o'clock in the morning because breakfast must be on top.
yeah actually little long Building bonds on an empty stomach is not fun. um yeah You speak to any infantryman that got just got back from two weeks in the fucking field and ask them how necessary cokes are. They're real. Amen to that. Amen to that. If I never see another MRE, I'll be a happy man. Right?
ah yeah my let finance admin troops i oh my god god wanted to examine the fucking travel voucher travel about you you didn't fill the spot right on your travel yeah vouch you didn't do it such six months
the the the the
it wasn't it wasn't a ah military finance department it was like the the greater, you know, uh, reimbursement department. And, uh, Oh, I was waiting on some money and I did everything I was told to do. And ah ultimately the unit fucked up and gave me the wrong phone number to to do the claim. So when I called the checkup, they kept putting me to the right department, but I had filed, you know, however it went down.
And I did everything short of murder somebody over the phone. Like I punched my steering wheel to my knuckles bled while I was on the phone. And I was like, if I don't get this money, I can't go home. Like I'm sitting here waiting on this shit. right It took, it took like five months where some people were getting it in their next paychecks. And I lost my shit. When I got that money, I was like, okay, I'm showing y'all my deuces. I'm out of here.
right? I'm on vacation as soon as I get this money. You hear that, Sergeant? Because otherwise you're all good.
ah You know, happy conversation with finance ah more than a handful of times. Finance always cracked me up because, you know, you're, you're dealing with people that are trained to kill you, but you're going to fuck with their money. Okay. You never made sense to me there.
They're trying to defend that money. I i don't know. joking yeah since it i fucking up the travel watching I fucked up a travel voucher one time and I got more money that than I was supposed to. And when the government took their money back, I ended up with a goose egg paycheck. They didn't take they didn't take it back incrementally. They took it all back at once. So I had like no money one month. I'm like, what the fuck? what what is the tre I single living in the dorm. So I mean, I wasn't like starving. You aren't struggling. What's a travel voucher? I i didn't go to the military. It's a travel voucher like whenever you leave. So when you don't want a TDY or deployment or something, when you get back, you fail out of travel voucher. Like how how you drove to the airport. and So you drove to the airport, that gets reimbursed.
some of the food when you travel gets reimbursed and you save receipts, it's it's changed over time. But basically, you would save up your expenses and you'd get reimbursed. If any money came out of your pocket, yeah. basically right yeah If you're not eating on base, yeah. yeah which that i I think I've only filled out like three, because I was literally always told me, go get on this boat, go get on this plane, go get on. All right.
I feel I'll travel vouchers when I go to the VA up in New Albany. Like when I check into my vet, my VA appointment, like I go online and fill out a quick one and I get 30 bucks just for gas for driving there and back. It's like two hour drive. I saw that at the at the VA down here. Cause I used to live in Vincent, which is about an hour and a half north of where I am now. And I was like, I have to drive to Evansville for like three out of the five appointments that I have a week.
I'm like, God damn. And I didn't know ah they nobody told me, hey, you can get reimbursed for this until after I had moved. And they're like, oh just sit until I'm like, you can blow my you can blow me. Yeah, I didn't notice it till I had it. I was I was sitting there and I did an online check in when I showed up early one morning and then I get a message back saying, you can go ahead and fill out your travel voucher right now or some shit like that. I'm like, what? when How long they expire? um I don't know. I'm not sure.
I'm not, I'm not going to go back to your receipts. They're not going to give you any fucking. Yeah, you, you have to actually have physical receipts. Well, the thing with the VA one, it's only the drive. So I don't need a receipt. They just calculate the miles because they know where I live and they know where my appointments at. So.
It's just a basic travel voucher. Hell, I could have taken Uber and reimbursed that. va a Well, VA works with Uber now. So if you're a vet and you're having a problem getting to an appointment or from an appointment, call your VA information line. And I know here in Louisville, Kentucky, they they they can pay an Uber to get you to or from an appointment at the VA hospital. that's pretty oh One of these days, I'm just going to stop by Blaze's house.
Why? Unannounced. On a travel voucher?
I'm going to wait till the next night. God, dude, I'm having to choose this involved. I've been in trouble for so long. It's been like a month. We're talking about going to doctors. We're going to doctors since I was in the military.
i don't go to this outdoor i got to do I have to go to the doctors. I got you. You're slowly falling apart. It's not slow anymore. No. thanks There's nothing fucking it slow about it. you're like You're like the best looking zombie on the planet. I'm just saying. What it is is my spine just works like the Legos from like the Lego the lego ah video games.
We're like, if you locate it wrong, it falls apart. It goes't that sound like that makes that sound when they all fall apart. Those are the Legos you buy in Mexico. What are you talking about? Hey, Legos here. That's it.
tunnelno it's it's crazy how legos just exploded on the scene because now like one of the bigger models that we have down here we have our own lego store oh they've been out for decades yeah they've been out for decades they don't have one here thank god because my kids would spend more money in there it's better than a disney store that's for damn sure you can go and build shit legos are crazy expensive right now Yeah, I mean yeah, i but I walked in there and then I saw like they had like the Sith infiltrator then they had like the Death Star the Millennium Falcon and I'm like I don't know if that's a Sith infiltrator that's all I want but then I saw the price of like two that's weather saids that's i go that's why that's That's why there's so much if you look at Legos back in the day when they were their own little
little construction designs and then see how they start partnering up with these franchises. And then you're paying for that Star Wars, that Marvel. Yeah. Yeah. So you buy this. yeah inside like I'll buy it for my kids and then they'll leave them on the floor. You ever, I don't know if you guys have ever stepped on a whole pile of layers. It's not the worst experiences that a parent as a parent.
After buying the amount of Legos I buy, if I sweep my floor, I sweep my floor this morning. If I sweep it again right now, I will find another Lego. I'm the only one home. How is that possible? I don't know, but there's Legos everywhere. So you're sleepwalking? Yeah, I play Legos. Yeah, sleep Lego can avoid that. You can avoid that by making sure that your kids keep their Legos in their room.
and then as you're dealing with then you're singing everything is awesome no i'm not everything's expensive make sure you leave the legos in their room if you ever feel like playing legos just fucking play minecraft it's the adult version of legos wait minecraft is the adult version it's just a different version of the kid version i mean
It's a different version, but you don't have to clean up afterwards. I tell you, Connor, I've got three children. Once you get my age, you don't go on games like that. yeah It's weird. aredo is Jeff, um because you i't own I don't go on that show go online and talk to kids like a fucking no, no, no, no, no, no. It's OK for. Yeah. Maybe if you do that. dayss That's a little weird. No, it's OK for Connor to do it because he's a of fetus and being he's got kids that are stupid young where. Oh, oh, no. like I was kids I was born after kids I was born after fucking 12 A.D.
My goodness, I'm so young. I'm hanging out i nursing so home every time I hop on this podcast. I swear to you, dude, I'm looking I'm looking on the Lego website for the Lego Titanic.
yeah so I want it. See, when you get to my age, you don't play with Legos anymore. You do minecraft. Oh, no. Fuck you. I'll still play with Legos. Don't get me wrong. I mean, it's $600. I still play Hot Wheels. How much? You say a million dollars? No, $680 for the Lego Titanic.
i Could have sworn he said something million. I was like what? that no that would be crazy it' it's It's like this I think that that first the newest version of the Titanic is the third most Lego pieces you can buy in a single set then we have right now the ial tower has more Yeah Java cell bars for 500 Are you guys feeling like Lego well buta citizen bri just cu That's like Lego knockoffs, isn't it? is It is, but their quality and they got some really cool ones.
i I think I have, my kids have a setter or two of those, I think. what right sounds like yeah That sounds like the communist version of Lego. Yes, exactly what it is. I got one. What's the brand, MegaBlox has the halos. MegaBlox, fuck off. Agree. mike My oldest had MegaBlox and they got everywhere. And you think that the regular fucking Legos hurt to stand on?
Oh my god. Megamooks are worse because they're cheaper so they have more jagged edges. They have more jagged... Dude, I have had to put Band-Aids on my feet because of Megablons. I've never had that problem with Fucking Mega.
I wear shoes. The only time we've had, what what are they called, megablocks in our house, is they were gifted to one of my kids. It's like, ugh. But that's the thing. I just can't go without shoes. It drives me nuts. I hate wearing a barefoot. Jeff with his fancy shoes. Yeah. you got You got house shoes? Look at me. I've got enough money for shoes. I wake up in the morning, I put on a pair of shoes, and I don't take them off until I go to bed.
All this you wear them out and back into the house. Oh, yeah shoes that's i like wearing my dogs they leave That's what nights is for I really don't put shoes on like build a cool air what kind of deodorizer you invest in them to keep them bad boys clean i actually i buy a certain period of time I don't wear shoes. Yeah, but I don't tie my shoes either. I leave like for instance I don't even want to make it better. Do you wear socks? Yeah. OK, so you you're still not getting the airflow you need. And if you don't wear socks, then you're nasty. right well I tried that once. I'm going to the nose, no socks and shoes. You'll ruin a pair of shoes in like three weeks.
You're going out and ruining a place. I'm going to buy me a pair of Jesus eggs. Is that the Citizen Break place? Yeah, that's the Citizen Break place. It's one of the stoners. It's got like a pot leaf on it. I got a bong and lighter ones. Those are a lot bigger than the Lego ones, I think. No, they're regular Lego figurines. Oh, really? They bark and Jeff.
Those dogs are barking all at once. My thing is, like if I want to walk outside, I don't have to go find my shoes and put them on. I just go out the door. Or you leave your socks near your shoes so that it takes you five seconds to get your fucking shoes on. Man, I wear socks and crocs, man. I got socks and crocs. Things getting real. and Go anywhere so it's almost pointless.
Exactly. So you just wear shoes because you're weird. Maybe it's a midget thing. I can't. I literally cannot go without shoes on. Driving nuts. I can't do anything. Or flip flops. Yeah, I got crocs, man. Oh, no. I won't wear crocs. I won't wear a croc. I won't do it. How do you put a croc on the bottom of a, it's like, isn't it round at the bottom? Do you have feet? Do I have feet?
I thought. d track answer right damn iing Oh, yeah. i have fiends cross You have. know I knew he was going to try to bring you around a testicle. these Like, don't you have your feet? Yes, I do. Yeah, I won't wear Crocs. My my brother-in-law wears Crocs all day, every day, nonstop. And I'm just like. Crocs, you know, I can't do it.
I'm not, yeah I'm not chef Fatali. Oh my gosh. Mario Fatali was famous until I had that incident. Okay, Croxtor No Crocs is almost as fucking crazy as pineapple on pizza. that Those debates get real out of here. No, I have something to say. I have something to say.
No, I have something to say about this and I have a question. I'm bringing Brian back up for it. Do you really hate pineapple on pizza or is it just socially unacceptable to like pineapple on I love the question. I love it. i love about I have no problem with it. But but also, but also zero like but also so people are like, oh, you're crazy. So what about the thing with cracks though? so Hang on though. Hang on though. To be fair, people who work cros all the time are crazy. To be fair, you do have like, you, like but when it comes to pizza, you have like the New York style pizza, Philly style pizza, pineapple on pizza. That's like a Hawaiian style pizza. No. So you got to be respectful of that aspect.
So you're saying, do you live in Hawaii or do you live in fucking Texas? I met the Hawaiian, I love Hawaiian. When you go to the pizza restaurant, does it say Hawaiian pizza restaurant or does it say Italian pizza restaurant? When I go to CC's pizza, I was like, Canadian bacon with pineapple, please. So why is it Hawaiian if it's Canadian bacon?
which's just weird page he need that all the real question we need the salties and sweet plus you know they they have the pig rose out there so does it really no matter what or is that what's for dinner yeah I tell my kids this, my worm is huge in Hawaii. Well, I think it depends on what type of pizza too, because I can't put pineapples on a Chicago deep dish. I'll put it on like that. I've never even thought about it. Never even thought about it. I mean like, what's better on a thin crust? Every now and then I'll add, I'll make like a classic old fashioned hamburger, but then I'll add a pineapple to it.
Hey, I'm not mad at it. Believe it or not, so there's a spicy with it though, right? No, no, you don't just do pineapple on a burger with nothing like you stop to eat you put the meat and everything on it. That doesn't, that doesn't, I like teriyaki sauce on it.

Pizza topping debates

there's There's a restaurant here. No, there's a restaurant here. There are po pudding bananas there's people putting on their pizza and you guys are still talking about. They should be shot. Those those people are nuts. I agree. that's the whole mean i get what first so We need to call Trump.
Yeah, and terrible the pizza yeah but never to support all the pinapps and they put pineapple on their send back to the country first the first time i heard it i was like that was not buy an apple then i tried one and i love that a just all the but i'm just saying i don't I don't prefer ah the pineapple on the pizza, but they can be clear if they want to.
yeah Whoa. It's a thing. happy It's a cultural thing. It's game out swinging. It's only games in the car. It's only games in the car. It's So I got my pizza place here and I put peanut butter on their pizza.
again it just yeah we forward wait wait wait yeah yeah you know butter upzz i had yeah my fucking way called happened johnson incredible pizza here in california it's it's actually the oh i forgot you live in it corn you were all it peanut butter and then it didn't regular me of a sauce and and and the cheese and the pepperoni and it actually takes ocean you risk move for california buddy Again, this is one of the a big like, they like their left they're left sided people and I'm cool with that. But even Disney knows that California fucked up by putting broccoli on pizza. They make fun of it in Inside Out One. It's true. to talent drive funny I don't think i't I've ever had a pizza. who you are no broccoli on anything You shouldn't put bananas or peanut butter on a fucking pizza either.
Peanut butter? I thought it was decent. Bananas I've never heard of, never thought of. That's something over in in Norway or Switzerland or somewhere is where they do that. The bananas on the pizza. They don't even count. I have a question much attractive to have a question have a question for everybody. Have you ever tried goals gold? Eating it? No.
it is no it is it was Elvis's robert dish yeah on no no no fool's gold you take a full loaf of bread that's unsliced and you hollow out the middle you take a full jar of peanut butter a full jar of jelly and four bananas
And there's, there's like two other agrees. It was, it was, I saw it in a movie and I was like, there's no way in hell this is real. And then I looked it up. It's good. i i don't want to elvis i i know my table so no's i was trying to i want to die' trying to follow it I forgot the other ingredient. It's bacon. I want to diet it if you eat it the milks are eat it on the toilet before you die. I'm just I don't know, but it looks amazing. I'm asking for a friend. So, you know, you want to eat it on the toilet just in case some shit goes down, literally. I'll just die on that. That's a high risk situation. Why would you not eat it on the toilet? for example I mean, I mean, there's what there's one. Yeah, Elvis died on that. Oh, my God. that is disgust I know. he He made the right call.
Peanut butter, bacon, and and thank you will ask a decision stuff with cheese and bacon. Look up. Look up the Luther. Thank you, hello Luther. The Luther. That sounds more threatening. That's because Lazy's a G, and apparently Chaka's not. I'm just telling you, I think Chaka is like the reverse of she's got a great personality. Chaka's an attractive dude, but he has a good personality. I'm not mad at this at all. I do. I do have a really good personality. You've seen Chaka. I know it's fake, but it's actually true. The Luther.
ah luther ah luther i have i um'm just re i can't can't find the recipe of but it is a glazed donughnut
um um i they um had one with crispy cream doughut the crisp cream donughut amber i love I feel my blood pressure going up just with this conversation. well um i'm looking at like like that cholesterol but So there so there there are some things like and in this world that I'll eat once and I'll never do it just so I can say i eat it. And that was one of them. Deep fried sni snickers at a carnival. i um know That kind of stuff. Like i've I've had one of each. like
I've had it once. It's like I'll try anything once. I'll tell you what. Everyone hypes up, but I hate Oreos. I hate Oreos. I've had them once, and I've never had them again. I hate Oreos. I'd rather have a deep fried speaker's board. Yeah, you you also like pineapple on pizza. Deep fried, too.
i Deep fried, too. You matters not like it. You only had one. Chaka, one I got it. got love brian young that the first time he's I got a recipe for you. You take two Twinkies, cut them down the middle, and you stack peanut butter cups, and then put it back together. And you shove them together, and you stick them right up Connor's ass. No, you just eat that, motherfucker. It's worth it. So good. Connor, not quit puckering up, OK? I thought we were eating it. I wasn't on board, but Chaka brought up a good point.
i But I mean, during the rodeo, they have this thing called like the Texas Wheeler, and basically it's one giant ass cinnamon roll with maple bacon bits on the inside of the cinnamon roll with some Jack Daniels frosting topped off with with some more maple maple strips of bacon. You had me at bacon.
See, I could see I can see bacon on sweet stuff because like there's the there's the maple. There's like the maple chili. It's the sweet and sour this weekend on them and those are we insulting goes together like always the request pretty the christmas cream burger doesn't. It does not. It does not sound good because the problem with Krispy Kreme donuts is if you eat one of them, you're going into a diabetic coma tomorrow.
for yep then you donald still isn't where i'm at now well yeah because i'm gonna sit there and i'm gonna eat the other 11 that's the problem because it's it's much like you know you can't eat one i gotta to have a dozen because i want to die today not tomorrow uh they haven't they have a car why'd you why'd you buy it two dozen donuts this one's never enough I, the Krispy Kreme they have here in the mall, it's like a stand and they just crank out donuts and people walk by and buy a donut. I walk by and I'm like, can I get a skewer? Can I get a, I get a, I walk around the mall with a box of fucking donuts, dude. Can I get a wheelbarrow full of that? Yeah. He's got so much glaze on his face. He just stepped out of a porno. Yeah.
Oh, my god. The girl grew with that. i could use gallaxs in any area Where they make the donuts. The greatest thing ever. Here you go, Jeff. What you got? Blaze gets glazed. Oh, **** What are we about to do? Oh, what is that? bacon channel Holy
well share motherfuckers hold not well I can't can't see this. I was gonna say I'm sitting here waiting. Yeah, I'm not clicking the video I'm not clicked on YouTube links in the private comments because We just did just meet the audio. Yeah now i mean this ya Links that you should not look on Grilled cinnamon rolls With bacon I'm not mad at this. Okay Is that brown sugar yeah
Yeah, he's rubbing. Don't forget to put rub on your meat. Yeah, don't forget to rub your meat, folks. Yeah, I love rubbing my meat. It sucks. It's it's always a dry rub.
that but That's why you got to spit on it. you You got to do it. Honestly, I prefer a dry rub personally. What's he down there doing? please If it play it's me. If it's me. If I'm the one rubbing my meat, then then of course, dry rub every time. But i need to get advice if somebody else is doing it for me, then you've got to get the binder in there. So what this dude does is he rolls them in between the rolls of the cinnamon roll. mind
It looks like he's starting to get hurtful right now. What are we watching? This is food porn. This is food porn. I thought it was just a picture, not a whole video. Unfortunately, it's a video. No, you lost me at paint-up-up.
No, I think that was car caramel glaze. Yeah. gri on top likeckers on vacation ah Okay. matt Yeah, we're not mad at it. But there's a good reason I don't want to give Ryan because I would be 400 pounds.
And diabetic. Right? and okay Everything is under control. I don't know why that seemed like a sarcastic comment, but you know where it is under control. Don't ever tell you it's wrong, because that's good. I still feel the need to press charges. I don't know why. OK. On me. On whatever just happened. On that foodborne. I will add you to the list. Are you going to put a restraining order on there?

Men's mental health and comfort foods

I eat bacon seven days a week. Oh my gosh. That's that's a lot of bacon. That's a lot of bacon. That's a lot of happiness. packed how you up with and takingt one fresh me you Let me ride that day.
consistent It's Monday night, Jeff. Can you stop? i I can do whatever I want. Nobody's here to yell at me. I had to cut down on my bacon intake because of my cholesterol. Bitch. Fucking shit sucks. I'm back. I agree. Because I'm a good guy. My cholesterol was like stupid high. So my wife told me I wanted a lot of bacon so I bought turkey bacon instead.
mine wasn't stupid high. I just don't want it to get. Turkey bacon is actually still pretty damn yeah jeff good. Jeff, Jeff, I don't like turkey bacon. I'm down for turkey like I'm caring for us with like having sweets being open minded to our sweet. I'm caring. Yeah, this is what today's men caring for men episode is all about. Forget about all different ways to do it. Let's talk about food.

Spicy challenges and food stories

I agree.
it sometimes Sometimes we have to eat our depression away in a bag of Doritos. you know yeah I got back a bag of Doritos. This is the wrong message. America has spoken. Let's be honest. it you know what then carry iing arena either way when it comes to When it comes to mental health, I think Chaka's got it right, of having pocket snacks. Look, if bacon adds happiness to your life, it indulges sometimes. indulge sometimes Grilling barbecue. Seven days a week isn't sometimes though. That's all the time. Maybe we should cut that down to maybe five days, four days. I mean, like, like, like as stressful as Glick gets. You can pack more days in the week just so you can eat more bacon. I support it, God damn it. Eight days. MK, are you married? Do you have a good life? Let's have 14 day weeks. I mean, as stressful as Glick gets, the moment I send him a barbecue picture, he gets bacon weeks. What was I mad about?
Uh, poor shaman. He, all these, all this glucose, he's got the, what is it? Glucose intolerant. Was that what it's called? Lazy celiac. Yeah. He's got celiacs disease. He can eat that poor bastard. Poor guy. And we're talking about, you know, he doesn't have any gluten in it. He can eat all the fucking bacon he wants. So let's rejoice in that. Not rapping the cinnamon roll though.
No, no, no. Leave this in there. Hold on. He said there's a lot of a lot of gluten in this podcast. Sometimes I'll take I'll take my bacon and I'll make I'll make this really thick pancake batter and I'll dip the bacon in the batter. You know, no, no, the batter's the problem. I've seen that. I've seen those. but Yeah.
It's pre-cooked bacon. You don't like put raw bacon in there. Yeah. No, it's so good. Or you could just cook the bacon. It's like pancake. It's like pancake fingers with bacon in it. And you just dip it in your maple syrup. Did we all eat bacon today? Because I had a stuffed burger right now, and it had bacon and cheese in the middle of it. I didn't eat bacon. I had bacon. You know what else you can do?
If you use maple syrup, if you throw a little bit of cayenne pepper in your maple syrup. Oh, it's, it's, it's amazing. A little bit of heat. He's not, he's, he's not wrong. He is onto something. I don't mind the heat, but I don't need it every fucking meal. I don't either. be so Where's my waffle people right here.
i know yeah we here I have a question for anybody. If we ever get the chance to do that show, Hot Ones, who's in? Because Glick said he's out because he's a giant pussy. I'll take a spot. I would be sweating bullets. It all hurts. f and myself I don't care. Oh, I'll cry the entire time. I'm going to be totally why you' right on their set. I don't care. Yeah, I can handle it. I can handle it at the time. It's the it's the day after. That is horrible.
but I'll tell you what, if everything goes well in the next six months, I'm going to send everybody that package. That's a lot of, that's a lot of glue on this podcast. All 10 spices from Hot Ones. We're all going to do a Hot Ones episode. Hey, I just had the Hot Ones has Pringles. The Hot Ones has Pringles. Have you had those? Those are fucking hot. I'll tell you what, you did a video on those. Yeah. Those are hot. I'm in. I'm in.
I will never do that fucking pocky chip challenge ever again. That shit was fucking terrible. I still want to do it. I've done it. I've done it. my myself That was amazing. It was awesome. My wife won't let me do it. but that was I don't know what it is. What is the hockey puck challenge? The pocky. The hockey puck challenge.
attack she It's like that one single... It's where you take a pocky puck, you put it in the freezer, and then you take a bite. and The fucky wood chip not a hockey pu wa hockey chip challenge. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. The the one champ. Yeah. I've seen that. No, fuck that. They have a gummy bear. It so bad the next morning. Oh my God. I can't even imagine. I'd have to i'd up take short term disability from work. i was ah I was in fucking tears. I needed, I needed A and D immediately.
It was very hot. I could eat the spiciest food ever. The minute I turned 30, it was like, nope, that game's over. You're going to eat i'm still on whatever.
This hot sauce, it it pretty much has a lot of bite to it, but I like having it on my ribs and on my smoked pork chops. It's a, it's called, it's from a store called the Pepper Pals. It's called La De Belize.
and some bite Dude, I got a, I got a, uh, I got a hot sauce or, uh, it's an extract actually that is, uh, 200 times hotter than the pepper spray that I use at work. just Yeah, but the pepper spray you will use for work is something that I would call my burger.
Wait, have you ever used the peppers? When I go to get hot sauce, they, they burn their fingers as they put it on the. Yeah. but itre not okay yeah Maybe.
but there's there's There's literally, ah I stopped at a place today. I went to go get my roasted chicken. I bought a whole roasted chicken and ate it myself. I how you just, that subtle brag was amazing. Oh, dude, I love it. I buy these roasted chickens every day. I have apple parmesan sauce and a roasted chicken and I just eat that. I like big old fat ass.
but um He calls it a whole chicken. It's really just a baby chicken. It's about that big. To him, it's a whole fucking chicken. Five seconds of this story and the whole thing is already worth it. But there's there's a there's a taco stand over by the place where I buy my cigarette. I was like, you know what? I got about 10 minutes. Wait, i'll I'll take the taco. He's like, do you want hot sauce? I said, yeah, give me the hottest one you got. He pulls out four.
He goes, this is mild, but it'll burn your ass. This one I call fire, and you're going to need to go straight to the bathroom. I said, I'll take that. And it was a bad decision. Did you have to go straight to the bathroom? Oh, dude, I ran home. Christ.
It's a 20 minute concert walk and I ran. Like, I don't mind the heat, but if it's going to make me shit like on like instantaneously, I don't want to. No, I didn't have to shit, but when I did shit, oh my God, I was like, I need some milk on my asshole. Like now. Just over there, just over there, boofing. Like you're just loading up your bidet with fucking milk. Oh my God.
It was horrible. one One gallon challenge. You know Jeff goes to a handstand. Oh, here's another plot twist. He's lactose intolerant. What's going to happen next? I am. I am the milk in Mexico. He's butt chugging it. That's OK. It's going to go out the same hole it went in. Exactly. It's going to smell different going out. I do it all naked in the shower. So this ah this is the hot sauce the hot sauce that I have is five million scoville.
Ooh, that's pretty hot. That's pretty fucking hot. That's pretty warm. I have accidentally been in a room where I sprayed bear repellent in Alaska and I shouldn't have. And my friend's wife is mad. I got it on her wall. Yeah, no shit. I was not going to be mad about that. And boom and before i get before I hit the fucking trigger, or as I'm hitting the trigger, I hear a mic in the background. Don't do it!
Well, isn't, isn't bear spray just like pepper spray on a bear level? Like yeah yeah yeah humans. this like get bear like It hits the wall in the mist hit my eyes. And I was going to say like, even like any whiff of it, you're going to be in pain.
It was it was pretty bad. We had it. So, this this is the one that I have. It's called Mad Dog 357. Five million scope. Yeah. This one. I I literally just put a cute or a toothpick, a tip of it. And it's my Mad Dog don't end with 2020. I don't want it. Yeah. That's the 357. Problem is with Mad Dog 2020, it will end you one way or another.
a oh gro or the night train. Ooh, night train. St. Ides. Cisco. St. Ides, that's the first thing I've ever gotten drunk off of St. Ides.
when you got your pepper spray because you're. I thought that was a soap. No, that's Irish Springs. That's Irish Springs. Quit drinking your soap, lazy. It's not working. I need to scrub my hands. It's not 2020. You don't have to inject the bleach. I'm just saying. No, but chocolate, did you have to be pepper sprayed when you got your pepper spray because of corrections? Yeah. Yeah.

Youthful antics and camaraderie

You had to be tased, too.
Uh, I didn't have to be tased. I had to be, I I've been shot by the pepperball launchers. I've been, I've been, but I get pepper sprayed every year.
and about me every year every um Well, I'm part, I'm part of the shirt team. So we, we got to re-qualify every year. They can be able to carry all this stuff. Yeah. I would choose a different department. Fuck that.
Right. dear i love we I actually know i agree i disagree. I think everybody should have to go through it. Chocolate is look how great of a human being is. He'd obviously builds character. So it's, yeah, it makes you happy. You get pepper spray, then you're going to come online and play you obviously hear the beginning of the they give me a hoodie. in the public with pocket fast snacks ah we have pockets next I love my job. it's fucking candy drop a I never, I mean, I'm over.
Shaman, I never met a woman that would actually drink Mad Dog 2020. I met them, but they used to ask about five minutes later.
but um That's a mic track drop moment, okay? you just um er he just He just gave the oldest son his honorary decades.
dacas being winner's mary a brom green and he's like i bro queen
that's exactly i need yeah Chaka married the prom king. did My wife doesn't drink until recently. So I think I'm going to have to buy a mad bottle of Mad Dog and see if she can take it.
oh that dagmo da my poy johnny du You should drink it first. You should drink it first. Dude, I haven't drank it since high school. I'm good. I know, right? Oh, man. You guys have seen me with a bottle of wine. Imagine me with a bottle of mad dog. Jesus Christ. Mad dog is mine. If you're gonna do it right, you gotta get like the gauntlet ah growth of gas station liquor. You know what I'm saying? You gotta get all the malt liquor. You gotta get the boones farm You got to get the steel reserve. You got to get a buzz ball. You got to throw a buzz ball in there. Yeah. yeah can't get him here And then there's a trash can full of special juice at the end.
I've seen her drunk once. in a scene That's the way it was in high school. ailect point guarantee is I drink that in high school because it was so easy to shoplift. Yeah.
It's okay. Statute of limitations is over. We can say that. oh yeah this This is over 20 years ago. Your statute of limitations was over a hundred years of ago, Jeff. Listen here, fetus. um You can talk with the big boys when your birthday starts with 19. Statute of limitations. like barau I remember the election of Teddy Roosevelt. Now that was in America.
um it was a son sound jealous
denny was um great america i and he was I was the baby they evacuated from Grenada. I was there, damn it. I watched the music part of that scene. It was like fucking amazing.
Remember that human missile crisis like it was yesterday.
Well, we have had a pretty, pretty good night. I think that we, we started off strong and then we laid it into some nice, remember that we're all friends times. That being said, unfortunately all nights have to come to an end. Uh, and we have a time limit on this show. So.
Uh, there are a lot of people. Uh, no, it's not Saturday. Shut the fuck up. Don't. isn's Yeah, no. Uh, fuck you. Don't put that shit in somebody's head. Fuck you. it' please things got me It's emotional. I get to say that now. It's emotional.
I can't set up a rumble, but it's my show. I have a tutorial, Al. It took me three times to start the show, but it's my show. I fucked up the first time. I literally called Jeff. I was like, I was like, Jeff, I don't see Blaze's fucking tutorial thing anywhere. I need your help. He's like, I just set up the studio. I got it. I set up the studio. So what we saw was in here.
What we saw in the chat was please you guys, it was you guys talking the intro started or the, and it was straight to the end. And I was like, Oh man, that sucks. because i'm mean a second what you What you actually saw Chaka was me turning on the live stream, realizing, wait, it's not set to the men caring for men show yet. That's why there's no fucking intro.
And it went directly to the outro because I tried to fucking like try again, but I actually ended the whole fucking stream.

Gratitude and reflections on friendship

it was all which i We've got like a two second video, I'm sure in our library right now that I'm going to have to go in and delete. No, you gotta to save it that that was your first show. You got to save that eight second show.
No, also, my my first show is last was last Monday. Oh, last Monday? Last Monday just so happened to be a very interesting situation in my neighborhood. So. Right. You know, things happen. Yeah. But Chaka, speaking of interesting things, do you have any ah ah good final thoughts for the show tonight, for for our listeners, for our guests, for me?
ah Final thoughts. So if you're if you're watching this, if you got anything out of this, this is men's men men's mental health men caring for men Mondays. Subscribe to everybody on the panel. Check out these shows every Monday. I hear them come I hear about a lot. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what she said. That's why he's got it right. It was two seconds here when baby race.
Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. just when the top field dr that That's it. That's all Thank you for letting me have that little bit of time.
joing the landing thirty some Chaka, do you have any final words of wisdom? Oh, yeah, I do. Well, fuck you anyway. watching because Great show. Subscribe. as all Happy. What about you? I actually respect happy, so I won't interrupt him. Yeah, yeah I would say I'm touching back to when you asked me about what I thought about the military and on this Veterans Day, I would I would keep it the exact same. The aspect of family
the esprit de corps, the camaraderie, the friendship, the keep meeting people that you don't know because you will find that you have things in common. And, um, and this is one of those places where you, you welcome that. And to be able to come here, regardless, if you ask a specific question and that's what the whole show is about, or it just turns into a good time.
If, if you have, uh, found a purpose and that is to be around other people and be honest and, you know, cut the shit and just let loose sometimes, uh, that's a good purpose to have. That's a fun feeling. And sometimes being honest isn't always fun, but when that is your purpose is to have fun and to be honest, uh,
you will enjoy the route. you will meet very interesting people. And you never know, they may just enjoy you as well. And then it just gets better from there. So places like this, my my history of getting to meet people, it that's what keeps me moving forward because there's doing around every corner, but you'll find people that you actually want to spend that time with.
by meeting everybody. So thank you. Good man, happy. I couldn't have said it much better myself. Hello there. That's you lazy gentleman.
yeah ah now Do you have any any good final thoughts? You wanted me to be Gregor. Hello. Hello there. That's fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because I respect you lazy.
I don't care. I'm going to respect him. I don't give a shit, OK? You got to give respect to get respect. I respect him. I owe a lot more respect to you, Chaka. Shut up. My gosh. Amazing. Fucking testicle with feet. Channel. You guys are the fuckers. And you know, you got some good insights sometimes. So round of applause to you guys. Thanks for letting me up. We love having you. We love having you, Jedi. Brian, does your microphone work yet?
Microphone checker. OK, cool. No, nobody can hear you, so that's OK. We weren't going to do whatever you think. We'll try to interpret it. If you want to say something, I can read. I can read your lips and I'll say it. OK, we're going to. He said, I love you all. Like, share and subscribe. That's what I heard.

Closing gratitude and positive thoughts

That's what I got. That's exactly what I got from that.
no Well. Mine, I'm going to give you guys a quote. Let me give you that. That's not a thumb, buddy. Oh. Oh. I'm going to give you a quote from the Dalai Lama, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, wow. Just one positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
A little mental health for you. Good job. That's all. like You kept us on track tonight. What would we do without you? Blaze? Probably better so. Politics is stupid, but it's important, but it's okay to take a break from them and kind of remember where your foundation is. um We have friends and family that don't particularly agree, but again, they're still your friends and family. So that's I think is more important at the end of the day. Just remember that.
I don't agree. Agreed. fuck I agree 100%. I like it. It's agree to disagree, then. I don't say that often. That is not something I say often. Ever. No. Even when I sit in the middle on his but on his show, he wants to disagree, too. But ladies and gentlemen, it's been ah it's been a good, interesting night. I think it was a good first Monday for me to be here for the full night.
I want to give a ah shout out to all the veterans out there, all the guys guys and gals who have served and sacrificed for this country and for the betterment of this country, or at least what they thought at the time was doing that. um Truthfully, it takes a lot to do that. It takes a lot of gumption. It takes a lot of stones. And it takes a lot away from a life that you maybe could have had if you would have stayed out. It makes you a little bit stupid, but I appreciate you anyway.
um On top of that, politics was what the show was all about tonight. ah Let's not forget that we are all friends. We're neighbors. We all want the same thing. We just want it in different ways. Don't hate people because they fucking disagree with you. Quit being a douche. Just love everybody, love everybody. Four years from now, you will care a lot less than Donald Trump won if you didn't want him to win this time. So just remember, it's not the end of the world. It's just not your time.
That being said, I appreciate everybody coming up here, everybody on the panel, the more you can know. I don't know what that was about. Yeah, I post like, when you gave her a nice look as little, there's a little, you do, do, the more you know. I remember that back in the 80s.
yeah Thanks for everybody coming up on the panel tonight. Everybody who listened in live, who joined up in the comments. I appreciate you guys coming in and being a part of the conversation. ah Give us a like, give us a follow, give us a share, listen to us on all of your favorite podcasting platforms. We will be on all of them. Check us out out on our Facebook and social medias. Jeff has one more thing to say, and then we're gonna play the outro and we'll walk. That's scrolling at the bottom. While we've all been talking, I added the new lineup.
um Speedway stories cold-blooded conversations and men caring for men Tuesdays clicks house music Wednesdays what the fuck news Thursdays Jeff's garage is moving start starting the 28. I'm actually doing an interview kind of excited um And then of course Fridays is nonsense and chill this week. We are watching the hitchhikers guided the galaxy Then Saturday, of course, we have nonsensical nonsense goal nonsense and Cassius Corner in the morning. And then Sunday, of course, is unnecessary roughness. That is the new lineup of the network.
Now you can end it. Sweet. Peace out, ladies and gentlemen. If I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
Rumble is awesome.