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Nonsense and Chill - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Nonsensical Network
20 Plays3 months ago

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Tonight, Blaze and Jeff review and talk about another John Hughe’s film; “Trains, Planes and Automobiles.” Starring always funny, John Candy and talented Steve Martin. The perfect Thanksgiving classic movie, great for the season. Happy Holidays Everyone! Hope you enjoy.

Also, we are changing things up and showcasing three fan film made movies instead of the normal Retro Ads Breaks. There links are below. Thanks for joining us! Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. Don’t forget you can join our discord, Nonsense and Chill Movie Club and watch the movie with us.

“The Ghostbuster – Dax79” Released Oct 31, 2019

“Joker Fan Film Trailer – Return to Gotham – Joker Box” Released Oct 09, 2020

"Skywalker Rising Dawn - MikeSkywalker" Released May 4, 2024

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Thanksgiving Aftermath

dude hit the button man what is yeah hit the button man for some reason on my side it's it's aired anyway welcome welcome to nonsense the chill friday night day after thanksgiving we're all freaking happy and bloated how about you jeff amen to that amen to that i'm still stopped man i uh went ham on some on some pie earlier in Nice. for pies I was like, well, they at least better get three of them. Yeah, I get that. I'm paying for it now. painful Yeah. Yeah. Well, I woke up this morning and I was like, I'm not getting out of bed until I don't have a show till eight. I'm not doing anything.

Black Friday Skepticism

I don't believe in the Black Friday sale because I think it's a scam.
But yeah, try not to engage in too many. There's only too many. There's too many people. Yeah. I have a theory. Did you know Christmas Eve, I can go into any store and get in and out in under an hour.
What's that now? Yeah, they don't do it. Any store. I know I can get in and out any store at Christmas Eve if I wanted to. Here's what I do. I get everything I want. I go to the jewelry store, the jewelry department of that store. I find whatever I'm getting for my wife and go, I'll take that and you can check me out right here. i Sometimes I'll use the ah electronics section if it's the same thing. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, take me I take it you're hitting up all those socials. Yeah, I'm doing that now.
nice I almost forgot. I we were we were about 30 seconds into the intro and I was like, oh, shit. yeah Totally forgot. What is up, Wally? Well, while he's doing that, I'm going to go ahead and let you guys know playing trains and motherfucking automobiles tonight is what we're talking about.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: A Retrospective

It is the ultimate movie. 1987, 87 John Hughes films, yeah John Candy, Steve Martin, another John Candy movie.
I love me some John Candy. There it is. Why it's not showing up, I don't know. Oh, I see it. That's weird. It's not showing up on my eyes. Streamyard is a little fucking glitchy. A little glitchy today. That's weird. It's going to get a little bit too much in Cali's status. I'm not seeing anything. But yeah, I've seen this movie. You and I watched these movies prior to watching it together.
i did not watch it this week because i've seen this movie 400 times i care i watched it i watched it last night i hadn't seen this movie in probably decades it's not really it's not really been one of my go-to films it's not bad it is funny um but yeah i'm gonna go ahead and press play then yeah let's go ahead and press play um oh real quick while you're pressing play uh i am db This is a 7.6 out of 10, sorry, a 5.1 on the popcorn meter in Rotten Tomatoes, a 7.3 on the tomato meter, and an 87% popcorn movie. um I think too many people are biased toward John Hughes, if you ask me.
What do you mean? Like they like him too much or? I think so. I think he's, I'm not saying he's overrated, but I think he's overhyped. Oh, so this, so this is a classic, classic Thanksgiving movie. Well, oddly enough, there's not a lot of Thanksgiving movies in this takes place. You know, as it said, it's before Thanksgiving. Uh, Steve Martin, this guy, I don't know the actor's name that, that,
is the ad executive trying to figure out which one of these two posters he wants to put in his, I guess it's a magazine. And you see, you know, he's got a flight at 6pm. Yes. Is it weird that I want Steve Martin's watching this? I think it's an ugly looking watch. I think it's gorgeous. And so he's looking over to it. There's only like one other dude in the meeting.
he's yeah it's it's it's ah fly He's like, dude, I gotta get the fuck out. Well, there's actually four guys in the room where there's ah three there's those two. And then there's the two in front of him. And then there's the main guy that's making a decision who never makes a decision throughout the entire movie. Oh, okay. I see. Oh, there's also the secretary alive or the assistance I should say. Yeah.
You know, I want to do this. Like if I if I ever have a really big company and I have to make a decision, I'm going to do this. I'm going to make everybody sit in the room and I'm going to go. No, fuck you. That's when you get people. walking It's an asshole thing to do. But I'm assuming it's a it's a big decision. It's not something he he needs to take

Character Analysis: Steve Martin and John Candy

lightly. But how many how many hours did he say?
It's a cosmetic company. Yes, it is a cosic cosmetic company. I'm assuming Steve Martin is an ad like he's he's the the last adage of of Mad Men. You know, he he runs an ad agency. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Importantly, he just said he left my gloves in my office. So remember this for later. Of course, when they're on the back of the truck.
ah The Cameo. Must we bring up the Cameo? You talking about Kevin you motherfuck Bacon? Bacon. Yeah, so this was like a crossover or cry or they say it's like sort of like a crossover with. It's it was the she's having is she's having a baby or he said she said one of those. It's she's having a baby is another John who's feeling being feeling at the same time. That was the same way with great outdoors. They did a John Candy and I think Dan Aykroyd had a cameo in another John Hughes movie that was overlapped with that one too. Really? Yes. Kevin Bacon. This is like his like.
So, what what is up with Steve Martin's run? It's just funny and goofy. He's got a weird goofy run. So, of course, he's out of the meetings down in the elevator. He's running through the sidewalk trying to get to a cab so he can get to the airport to catch his
Yeah. Kevin Bacon is the other guy on the other side of the street running to the same taxicab. Yeah. Which is the whole idea of him being in a hurry because his wife is having a baby. Ah, I see. Ah, I never made that connection. Thank you for that. What are the chances? They ran a good, what is it, half a block or more? What are the chances of that taxi still being available?
Not only that, exactly. How did they spot it so far back? And how is it still there during rush hour when it's hard to get a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? What up, Chris Technician. He just realized that he tripped over a giant. Chris, my Thanksgiving was amazing, dude. How was yours? I thought it was great. Well, I was talking to Chris, not Jeff. No, I get that. No, I was reading it. I love this laugh guy. are you But this guy, he's like, good guy I'm not a good person. I'm a lawyer. No, he's like, he's like, surely somebody who would pay 20 would pay 40. 50 dollars. yeah No, no, fer no. First he offers 10, then 20. And then he's a lawyer was like 50. And then he was like, anybody willing to play 50 is going to pay 100. So he's paying
it's he says yeah I saw that Chris. I'm gonna have to go get me. I'm gonna have to go get me one probably in the next couple days for the go away is those man before before before those McRibs. I mean they hit the shelf and then boof they're gone before. Yeah, they're gone. Yeah, they're gone cuz they sell out quick too. Do you blame him for running after this cab like that cuz he just paid 100 bucks. Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed off too. I'd be i'd be upset. And this is this is This is when Dale Griffin is his name played by John. Now remember this. scene This is this was the first time he saw Dale Griffin in a taxi cab. Yes, remember that the the when he finally meets him, I think that would he? Yeah, the recognition yeah is hilarious. I left. her We took a bus. for You know he makes it 558. He's at the gate.
I, that's impressive. Cause technically he made it on time. Well, see back then you didn't have all those security checks you do have. you have Yeah, this is true. So getting through the airport was, I mean, he doesn't have any bags to really to check. So now the lights delayed.
Okay. Okay. There's one part is the home alone house, by the way. No, it's not. it's not it's not I saw that it it's not however it is this that house is in the same neighborhood. Ah, like like like a couple miles down the road. I think it's isn't that the Uncle Buck house? No, that is not Joey Lawrence. By the way, that is Matthew Lawrence, his brother. Oh, okay. Uh, I I was trying to remember who that was. look up
he his or quacut Joey Lawrence's fucking career took up. Yeah, once once blossom ended, so did he. Let's be honest. His wife, i where do I know his wife from? Her name in real life is Laelia Roberts.
um So, okay, he they're but we're back in the airport. He's sitting right across from Del Griffin. Del Griffin is the guy playing. Do you see what he's reading?
John Candy, the Canadian Mounted. Yeah, the Canadian Mounted is actually showed up in another movie. Do you know what other movie? Did you see how like, yeah, and they had the door and then the tax. do Yes. The Canadian Mounted. Do you know where what other movie that that book shows up in? Deadpool 2. No shit. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is reading the Canadian Mounted as a tribute to John Candy.
So recently, Ryan Reynolds did a interview with somebody. I'll have to find it. And they bring up this movie and how he was a fan of it or appreciates it or something. Well, John Candy is Canadian. And unfortunately, so is Ryan Reynolds. You should mention the fact John Hughes removed John Candy's huge speech at the end of Steve Martin and the train station. Really? Yeah, I noticed there was some. you You're right.
ah Saving America with Ryan. I'll just call you Ryan. Um, there is other deleted scenes where every time they were on the air airplane see Martin trying to eat something goes wrong like like a lady Yeah,
yeah, there's a bunch of good scenes he's trying to he's he's trying to make up for it he's like you want a hot dog Slurpee like i was right He I I don't think I'd be bothered by hanging out with John Candy. I get it He's supposed to be annoying guy, but he's he's nice guy. He's not an asshole He's not trying to be an asshole except for what he does here on the plate this shit with This would be I mean Originally getting a first first plane first class ticket and they getting bumped back to code. Oh, yeah, dude I would be throwing a fit. Yeah, I
Granted, I've never been in the board first class. I've been bumped up to business class once though. That was nice. A month. Yeah. I've had just about enough of you. I like his snarky fucking cynical attitude. Hey, you know what? He's one of those, I'm more important than you think. one yeah now it's It's not that. I really don't think it's that.
It's it's not that he thinks he's more important. It's just he really wants to get back to see his family on Thanksgiving and spend it with so he's thinking about his family. OK, yeah, it's kind of clouding is is I shouldn't be rude still response, right? So this is where they actually officially meet because they're sitting on the plane together.
I have a question. Do you think that's a real job selling shower and curtain rings? Probably back in the 80s, door to door salesman. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. I mean, because so if you look at his big ass truck, it has hotel stickers all over it. We don't know now that his wife is dead. Right. But there's spoiler alert. Even though he was married, he's not married now. Like his his luggage is all hotel.
stickers. It's right for hotels. he He never stops slots. He never stops traveling. Yes. Yes. And you know, and his knowledge of travel is is the way he lives the way he lives in a hotel compared to Steve Martin. And if you look at, we missed it, I meant to point it out at the taxi scene. When Del Griffin gets in the taxi and it pans down to a puddle in the on on on the road. There is a shower curtain ah Hook a ring laying there in the puddle. Oh, no shit. Yeah Okay, this is an asshole move dude takes his shoes and socks off and then start waving his sock around Are you that's me you're on the wing so i when I travel now I travel light I wear like a
my hey dude there's something I can slide off on and it since they're airy and my feet aren't snit stinking I'll take them off and stretch my yeah but he's wearing like loafers and shit well yeah like you know his feet smell like Cheetos you know not du it's never understood like watching these movies back in the day the way businessmen dressed in the shoes they wore always look scratchy and uncomfortable and never yeah ever like something to aspire to like why do I want a job or I gotta look like that it looks uncomfortable but I know that's not time as somebody that used to wear a suit all the time it gets comfortable uh maybe it can it can be if you get the right suit
So now he's he's in Wichita because the O'Hare Airport was closed. So the flight got rerouted. And the first thing he does is call his wife. Where was he flying from originally? New York, right? New York to Chicago. So that's a fucked up reroute. Well, I don't understand why Wichita, Kansas. But like, why not Kentucky or, you know, maybe it depends on what had room because remember they had a one airport closes down, they got to reroute all those incoming. So they probably got to do it. That's true. What airports are closed depending on fuel and distance. and Yeah. Love your wife. So remember this. Enjoy your work. Love your wife. Remember this line because this is this is going to come out. Also important.
it's going to come back and it's it's going to give another hint as to till yeah he's not currently he drops hints he drops hints the entire movie he's like in ballerina i'm saying you are stuck in
Ben Stein, ladies and gentlemen. Ben Stein. It's not a John Hughes movie unless Ben Stein's in it. I'm sorry. John Hughes uses a lot of the same actors. Good, good audience. Same actresses. So, okay, remember when he said, enjoy your job, but love your family? Yeah.

Humor and Hygiene: Whore Baths and Hotel Rooms

Here in a moment, he's going to be like, well, when you were calling your wife, I was calling a hotel.
Yeah. So he was thinking about his family. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, but he didn't call his wife because well, we don't know yet his wife's dead. Right. He's been dead for years. Yeah. So.
Okay. So. fair when When you see the cab that they take to this, do drop in. I fucking love this cab. I want it. It's got hydraulics. fuck area It's like put in the garage. I will drive that on a Sunday. you with this be off Well, you would think that's the cab you'd get picked up up in in L.A., not fucking. Well, you know, because because let's be honest, how many cabs are in Wichita? Let's be real.
but That is like Pontiac Bonneville it is and it is gorgeous fucking pain stripes I Love the I love the light split just as wolf now. That's the only thing I agree with is the pictures of chicks on the roof God I should have put that in the fucking dumb knows the dude Right
The equalizers in the back. Yes. Fucking. This just looks like something you drive around a door dash into. He's got notes. He's got those fucking little ball tassels hanging around. Fucking. Which, by the way, I've never seen in person. And somebody's gone to like five hundred thousand car shows. I've never seen those in person. You haven't been going to the right company. I mean, you're the one in Phoenix area, dude. Arizona fucking.
Should I get back to sound like, look at a yeah but I mean that region. Yes. This fucking Bonnie mill had a fucking hydro system.
Brain or braid wood, the braid wood. Did it say braid wood? B R A I D wood. Oh yeah. Braid wood. I thought he called it the dewdrop.
what move what was it What scene is it they bring up Dick sli or dick Silk? Dick Silk. Or am I thinking of another movie? You might be. I'm thinking of another movie. Oh, shit. I got my movies confused. OK, so here's the thing. Phil eventually becomes friends with everybody on the planet because I think that's his sales technique. As a salesperson, you know, he Now this brought back memories, this credit card, the credit card, it's not a charge. What's the name? It's actually, it's actually a, uh, my grandfather's company had one. It's a credit card runner, um but it uses a, it uses a, uh, carbon paper.
Yeah, you have the customer receipt, you got the merchant's receipt, the one they sent to the credit card company because before the internet, they ran this thing, they made it in print, an impression. Yeah, which is why your credit card has the letters and the box. Nowadays, they really don't because they don't do that anymore.
Well, what's funny is like, when I was showing this to the kids a couple of years ago, they saw that and they're like, dad, what's that? And I was like, that's credit card machine. And they're like, no, it's not. It's not hooked up to the internet. I'm like, there is no internet. It's 1987. Well, it was the internet, but it wasn't publicly available yet. Right. Well, that's true.
Not, not in mass. Now they just found out they're sharing a room. Okay. So this is, I have no problem sharing a room with another dude, but sharing a room with a complete stranger that you literally just met on the plane in the same bed, in the same bed. Yes. In the same. And the, the, the carpet or the, the, the bed sheet matches the drapes. So it's one of those hotels you'd expect to get charged by the hour as well as an audience.
Yes, it has order has a quarter machine to make the bed vibrate. Yeah, which actually comes into play. It does. you right i wont We won't touch on it just yet. We'll talk about when we get there. But what Steve Martin's character goes through to get sort of a night's sleep is or you want to think with you so he's like like you want to take a shower No, I'm good, I mean not together dick Dude so so you're telling me Dell not only did a horse bath But while he did a horse bath while Steve Martin was in the shower
Yes, but we don't know that. That is, you're right. I didn't catch it. I was wondering why the bathroom looked the way it did after he got out of the shower. He did a horse bath while Steve was like completely in dead silence. What is a horse bath? Explain that, Jeff. That's why he just washed the top and tails with a washcloth. Oh, I call that camping. If you don't actually get in the shower. See, I call that camping bath, but okay. Well, the same difference. Fair.
Every time i've I've had a whore at a hotel. She just uses the shower. Well, yeah, but but I just I allow her to at least do that yeah like yeah you wash yourself off like Here's the vibrating bed, have you ever vibrate this? No, I haven't either. I've never stayed in a hotel that actually had one. I've never seen them in person um However When my family, we we would take road trips to go places. yeah So he took a full on horseback. Yes. so i want tell So just the juxtaposition of these two characters, you get Steve Mars character, fucking guys, right please guy straight fucking, you know, you tell you, he works out, he's healthy and he makes those remarks with the cigarettes and the food.
And all you got John Candy's characters is just just a complete and other fucking Peter Griffin. A He's not a slob. He's a slob. Well, he's a slob in in his surroundings, but he doesn't dress as a slob. No, he doesn't dress like a slob. No, he's hygienic. But the fact that he left him a washcloth on... Oh, that's so nasty. But the aftermath of his hygienic practice is slobbish. Yeah. Dude, he... I've been stuck in this position. I have a question. I have a question. When he steps on that wet towel, tell me that water is not cold and gross. Oh, dude, I don't like that. Oh, I get it. It's hotel. You don't have to clean up. But we're coming up on our first break. But before we do, let's ah just get down done with the shower scene. Monday nights, Jeff, you want to roll us into this?
Yeah, Mondays is of course, uh, Speedway stories and cold blooded conversations with Wally. Uh, also right after Wally, if you have men caring for men with, uh, Connor.
and whoever he has up. And then Tuesdays, of course, we have Glick on Glitz House of Music, where he's interviewing up and carding artists. Wednesdays, of course, so you have myself and either Glick or Blaze or whoever on WTF News. Thursdays, I'm still working. I did not. My guest, unfortunately, did have to cancel last yesterday. But Jeff Skarage is coming. I'm working on new guests.
um Fridays, of course, is this show, the nonsense of chill where we watch movies and kind of talk about them. um Saturday morning, about noonish, you have Cassius Corner. and't sure I'm still not sure if that's every other Saturday or if it's every Saturday. So Cassius Corner does bounce around, depending on ah family schedules and stuff. So so about it might, you might see it on a Thursday or early on a Friday or ends on shared parental bus disease schedules and stuff like that. So yeah. And then Saturday night we have the nonsensical nonsense open door challenge where you can come up, be part of the conversation.
And then, of course, on Sundays, we have unnecessary roughness with Glick and his guests talking foosball, I mean football. And you can check out everything we do at bio slash nonsensical network, um where you can find all our links to all our stuff, including the link to our merch nonsensical dash nonsense dot my spread shop dot com. And you can spread us on you like blazes spread us all over his head.
with his new hat. Yes, sir. I don't wear hats.
Well, you're going to continue with fan films for the breaks. i got i'm not zoom Got three in total I do like us like I promised last week. We are gonna watch the sequel to that Mike Skywalker But yeah we'll do those last I had to break it up into two parts Also, just to give you a heads up. So there's gonna be this the one where he kills the young ones. Sorry this spoil So we'll go ahead and go with the first one I had something else I'm gonna say I totally forgot get to it later
All right, first break, about three minutes. That's the Skywalker. um i You can add your name on the merch also. Yes, you can. That's right, Chris. Thank you, Chris. I should have done that. Damn, I didn't think about it. And let's go.
already not mad. Just to let you guys know, this isn't any movie trees. In the space between
I'm their middleman.
I get labeled as a freak, anarchist,
comedy and tragedy.
That was a cool little fan made trailer from ah the Joker Box YouTube channel. I'm not mad at that. i By the way, all the links to all the fan made movies is down in the description. There's also a Discord link there as well. If you want to join the movie club, it'll just give you a link to my Discord, Blaze and Blast Femur. And then I'll add you a membership to the the movie club where you can watch the movies with us. And it updates and stuff absolutely. fucking lu All right, so back to the the fan film real quick. What'd you say, Jeff? I'm sorry. Oh, I was just saying, so ah they're they he's out of the shower. He's in bed with Dell. This is another thing where he's, yeah you know, I got to know what that pillow Steve Martin is trying to sleep on. Is is it is it like a
Would you say that's a? It's one of those cheap little $2 pillows, man. It's like. Yeah. It's just. but But it's it's made out of like like foam, like solid. That's right. Because he says he's allergic to foam or. Yeah. Because Dell's Dell's hyperallergenic. So he carries it with him, which is why he's got the trunk. But that's not the worst of it. That's not the worst. It's what he's sleeping in. What do you mean? A puddle. Yeah. Yeah. So.
So yeah, here he goes. He says, I had no idea those beer cans were going to explode. What did you expect? OK, I'm sorry. But if you put a six pack of beer cans in a vibrating bed and you hit the vibrator, yeah, they'd shake up. But they're not going to explode unless you open them right away, which maybe he did. Well, I'm assuming he opened one as he drank them because he implies he drank them.
But then I'm sorry, you made the mess. You're sleeping in the wet spot. That's what I'm saying. Fuck it's like you. You make the way I just want to sleep. Fuck you. No, you go sleep on the floor. You fat fuck. You make the wet spot. You get the wet spot. Exactly. Tell that to my wife.
We've been in big. Here you go back reading this book.
So the time is a little weird. It's like because i it doesn't seem like they get much sleep, but maybe a couple of hours. But in in that couple of hours, because with all the arguing in the shower and and all that shit, some dude sneaks in there and steals their shit, steals their money, their fucking money. Yeah. No, but OK. Can we talk about the the the nostril thing?
What an awesome thing. like Well, he, he like clears his sinuses so and he's cracking his knuckles and cracking his neck. The whole cracking thing. That's a, that's a me thing. No, that wouldn't bother me because I do that all the time, but but the scratching, the weird fucking scratching. Is that what that is? I would think so. I, I, if he was jacking off, that's some hell of friction. Hell of friction. So this dude apparently, all right, man, all right. I know. I would have lost it too. i don't I'm not mad at him. You know, back in the 80s, COPD really wasn't a thing that was talked about or whatnot. But it's right. It's obviously COPD suffered. Yeah. But like, he's trying to be respectful about it. He's like, sorry. But then he keeps going.
You get up, you go to the bathroom and do that shit. Exactly. Or go ah go sleep on the floor and this is when he fucking blows up.
I'd rather you fucking snore. slide Yeah. Or at least be quiet long enough to swear I can fall asleep. Yeah. Keep reading your fucking book, dude.
god youre a tight yeah So for somebody who slept in a puddle of beer. He's not wet. He's not wet. Yeah. Why is he getting dressed? you about Because he's going to fucking go sleep in the car or not. They don't have a car yet. Go sleep in the lobby. Oh, is that what he was doing?
Dude, am I wrong? Did Steve Martin pay for the room? Yes, he uses Diner Club card. He paid for the room and he paid for the cab to get there. Yep, and then later he'll also pay for the diner and oh he is a paying for just about everything when he doesn't have much to even use the pay with for if you we attention.

Privacy and Intrusion: Character Dynamics

He's got a point, though. I'm I'm going to realize that like this character, Steve Martin, is playing obviously with his privacy, especially when he's out in public, keeps to himself, keeps his head down. doesn't well Well, you know, he he even said, didn't you notice when I started reading the bomb? that yeah I wasn't interested in what you were saying.
I'm that guy too. Like if you're saying something and I'm like, yeah, whatever. I'm usually doing something else, reading the newspaper, scrolling through my phone. It's like, dude, get the hand. I really don't want to talk to you. You know, and that's the thing. When I was a kid and I watched this movie, I was like, wow, this guy's an asshole. As an adult, I'm like, I totally get Steve Martin. I don't think he's that big of an asshole. No, he's just more than 10 years old. Watch this. You're like, Steve Martin's a dickhead.
have fuck but In my 40s, I go, Steve Martin's got a fucking point. I'd have knocked Del out. Yeah. du the way are So the way John Candy's character looks in this compared to Great Outdoors. Oh, he's hurt. dude Like this movie is like only a year. It came out about a year before Great Outdoors. But he looks so much younger. Yeah. It's so weird. Half a point. he
Dude, the look on his face, I would not be able to tell off John Candy like he just did because you can see the hurt in his face and it would it would destroy me. You know? I'd be like, wow, I just feel like a big fucking asshole. You know? Yeah. He's like, I'm an easy target. This speech he gives is heart wrenching.
He just, he's, he's very much like myself. He likes to keep everybody happy, you know? He is, he is a people pleaser, correct? Yeah. Yes. And it, yes, it it has its downfalls because you don't want, you know, you don't want to go through life. Everybody hates you. But it's almost like to a manipulating level too. Yeah. I need to say that because I know that's not how this character is, uh,
I don't know. This character is not written to be like some sort of like manipulative narcissist asshole and he's not, but the way he does the guilt trip thing or talking to him by not having to pay for the tax. He's not having to pay for the hotel and I have to, but you know, but I eat this whole. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's like a, oh, I'm the victim because I literally talked your head off. Yeah. Yeah.
It's different. It's so different watching these movies now compared to when we were a chill. Yeah. When I was a kid watching this, I was like, yeah, Steve Martin is a complete asshole. I'm on Dell's side. Fuck Steve Martin. And my forties, I'm like, you fucking deserved it, bro. Fuck you. Shut the fuck up and go to sleep. The bed doesn't even look wet. No.
I'm sorry, I think the whole beer puddle thing is over and exactly. I call bullshit. Yeah. I think you opened up a beer, cracked one open, and it spurred a little bit. Yeah. And it's already dry. Look at the switchblade. What was the last time you saw one of those? And I'm sorry, how shitty is that lock? Yes. If the tip of the switchblade, look at them all on this kid. This is when the dude fucking breaks and steals all their fucking money. At first, I thought that was David Spade. I was like, that would have been so funny. I need two.
but like as a younger person, of course. but Yeah. And he sticks in his hat. Look, he just, the balls on that kid. The balls. Oh um my God. Look at all those pig asses. That's a lot of pig ass. He's a lot of pig ass. How far is that, that restaurant from the hotel?
Um, I don't know. Usually there's a diner real, real close by to places like that. It's not right next door. This, this is, I'm sorry. Look, he's got smoking Kent cigarettes. Fucking and fuckings cracker Jack. Yes. Two wallets sitting right there. Do they put both of their wallets together? No. You lay them on the nightstand. That was, that was, I'm sorry. This is the funniest thing ever. Oh, like for our movie poster, I thought about doing this.
with you and me you know he kisses him on the ear and then he's he's like he's like wait that's not my wife but what the fuck's going on yeah excuse me why did you just kiss me on the ear have you ever had spiked eggnog do you like eggnog i do love eggnog i've never had it spiked have you ever so evan williams puts out two pillows Those aren't pillows. This is nasty. That's nasty, dude.
That is so nasty. He was cupping. He was up in there, son. Let's not talk about this, anybody. Oh, I'm a posit. I love that. I want you look in. Look at the wall. Look on each side. You can't see it on Steve Martin's side because he's standing in front of it. But you see on John Candy's side, there's a handprint right next to that fucking picture. OK, yeah. There's another one on the other side. Imagine what position a person needs to be in to put a handprints like that.
Oh yeah. It's definitely by the hour hotel.
I've never seen that. but See, you see the other one right there. Yeah. Yep. Look at it. He's like, you should catch that game last week. hold game I love how they instantly go into manliness. I'm sitting there watching. I was like, are those handprints? Wait a second. That's fucked up. I got to thinking about it. I'm like, oh, that's a war hotel. Back to John Candy being a slob in this movie.
ah Not telling him his socks are in the fucking sink. Oh, underwear and. Dude, he wipes his face with John Candy's underwear. Oh. Oh, he just got a face full of John Candy's ass. Hey, but they're good quality underwear. They're jockeys. Yeah. So he's I mean, you got to make some good money to have good underwear. I'm sorry. I'm wearing fucking Jeep.
So it does it does almost look like the house. It's a similar a similar setup as as the Home Alone house. The kitchen's smaller. There's a name for that type of house. I think it might be a Brookstone or whatever it's like. I don't know. It's some bougie house. I miss diners like this. So look how he puts his cigarette out in the grapefruit. Like look at his side of the fucking yeah how he eats comparative. yeah That's what I mean by he's a. I miss smoking in diners. Oh, I hate you. I'm not going to lie. I did it. I did. I used to smoke cigarettes and when I was in high school, we got ladies hair well because I lived in Kentucky. We did smoke in diners later on. When I first moved here, you can smoke in the mall.
Yes. When they started outlawing it and I started in me going into bars where people smoked and not going to bars where people are going to bars where people don't smoke, even as a smoker, I prefer establishments that don't allow smoking the inside. I have a question here. Uh, the bow tie. Yeah.
this is not know This is when they find out the moon is missing. What's at that? What about the bow tie? Have you ever worn a bow tie? Like unless you're at a wedding or at a tux? That was the only time I did that. I would never wear a bow tie. I would never wear a bow tie. Or I mean, if it's for a costume or some shit. Yeah. No, I've worn one at weddings and tuxes and prom and stuff like that. But I'm more of a regular tie guy. So this is when they're at the diner to find out. He had $700 in his wallet. Blames Dell that he stole it. Dell pulls out his wallet, finds out his shit's empty, too. And we've been robbed. No, you think so?
Yeah. Well, I mean, he is a a CEO, or not a CEO, but a top guy. at is So seven hundred dollars in nineteen e eighty eighties money would be about. um You don't say. You know, I've been thinking. Is what we're dealing with. I'm doing the calculation here. Braidwood in. So we charge our way. What kind of. flash touch chi chi chi chi chi chi would be roughly $2,681 today. Oh, fuck. So, $700 is not small. chip That thief made out good because he took over $1,000 at night. Yeah, because that's like his travel money. That's $700.
I've never done that calculation until today. That is a huge, dude, I want this truck. This guy. his wife, the expression, how he describes how tough his wife is. I want to do this so bad. Her first baby came out sideways. She didn't even scream or nothing. The the Wellington, the lashes. This guy is straight fucking BFB. I would not be surprised if his wife was his sister. Exactly.
I'm sorry. what's his hand I've never, I've never had done chewing tobacco more than once. But it is, I have a lot of disgusting habits. That is disgusting. I used to dip occasionally in air force, but I would never use chew. Yeah, I can. He just wiped his hand and then shook Neil's hand.
I want, I want Neil Page's hat. but I want to throw her so bad. What the fuck? That's right, Neil. That's his name. Yeah, Neil. I want to throw her. Unless you're a Hall Auger.
like what the You know when like people blows those sot rockets, you know what they call that? another word Yeah. It's it's called farmer spit. The farmer spit. Yeah, it's a farmer. It's a farmer's. it's It's called a farmer's handkerchief. Oh, it's disgusting.
This line. She don't mind. She don't mind. She's short and skinny. She's strong. First baby came out sideways. She didn't scream or nothing.
isn't that something you're a trooper that is the best line you're a trooper jesus this is when he this is when he regrets not going back for his gloves miles
I like this guy. Up to 70 miles if he takes the back roads. It looks like the dog from Mad Max. Yeah. I kind of like Del's hat, too. He's got that kango hat. I forget what those are called. Yeah. I forget what those kind of hats are called. Very pinky blinders-esque. Yeah. Look at the Amish cart. Yeah. He's gone to Pennsylvania.
Where are they at again? There's, are they still in Wichita? Wichita, they're still in Kansas. They're still in fucking Kansas. Cause they're in Stubville now. The dog is frozen. They're all faces are frozen. Now they're on the train. brain Now what are, what is the odds of this train breaking down? Honestly. So I, I like, obviously that happens, but

Travel Woes: Planes, Trains, and Cars

you're right. That is a. Yeah. They're just having the shittest luck, dude.
sorry he was new and i oh I'm sorry. Yeah, they're not riding together. No. Yes. What's um were they was he trying to get in the same car with him or something? Well, apparently John Candy was the one that booked the book the train and he said the secretary was new but it's the holidays, you know, so we're not sitting together. Let's meet a bar car. He's like, I'm going to get some sleep.
Hell, I would too because you know, so Neil paid for the ticket for the train too. Yup. Using his diner club card. Yeah. Well, they've mentioned late early. I don't know if it's earlier or later.
But like Dell's credit cards are like only for the Midwest. Like they're, they're, they're credit cards you've never heard of. Yeah, that's right. So that's right. There was, there were regional credit cards or credit cards. You can only use it certain businesses because they write use those like American express and diners club and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Of course, things like that has changed now. Yeah. Thank God.
No, dude, no lie. I've never done it, but I've always wanted to travel by train just across. I've never done it either. I think it would be fun. Yeah. Except for when it breaks down like this and you have to walk. Yeah. But once again, um and honestly, how often does a diesel locomotive, they usually have two. How often do they break down? Let's be with you. Yeah. So one, this, this train only has what, like four cars on it. Right. So that's obviously wrong.
Yeah, which is I call bullshit. Yeah. And then when they where they break. right So usually if something like that breaks down, they bring another train, you know, to pull it. Yeah. To get it out of the way. Yeah. It comes from the course. But when this train breaks, it sounded like they blew the motor. Yeah. You know, it's not like it was a small breakdown. and The motor fucking damn near exploded.
i It's just walk a mile to a mile and a half to the highway. Through farmland. Yeah, through a fucking field that's freshly plowed. Yes. Fuck that. but Fuck you. Fuck you. I'll wait here for the fresh field to train. This guy in the background, we're in the Navy uniform. He's looking around like, oh, motherfucker. This is bullshit. This is such bullshit. Which is also an inaccuracy because the Navy flies every night.
I'll give Neil credit though. He sees, cause I remember so Dale has this big ass fucking Trump that he's all around. That's steamer Trump, which I'm sorry, but I want one. Yeah. If I ever travel across the country, I'm going to do it as with a steamer Trump. Let's do this. Those things were popular back in the day to fucking high bodies. It's upside down. They're carrying it upside down. This dude's just sitting here with mice coming in and out of this box.
Holy shit, I never noticed that before. You think it's the two mice from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Yeah, they're gonna look up and ask for 42. Just saying. Because they are white mice. Now they're on a bus. I have been on a bus once and I will never do it again. I've done it once and I'll never do it again. It's like he eats popcorn, he throws more on the ground.
or peanut yeah are we sold yeah i like their peanuts. peanuts. They're pistachios. This couple making out cracks me up. Dude, they have heavy sex, but they don't show it, of course. Because they afterwards. Yeah, they're real quick. They're smoking cigarettes. They didn't knock it out, man. Better than the movie on the plane, he says. He was like, ha ha, busted.
They picture last longer. That's such an 80s line. You got busted. oh Sorry, they're just fucking next to me. How am I not? Hey, what do you expect? that There's nothing else to do. There's another navy man. Yep. And an army man.
Tickets are only good to St. Louis. Oh, that's not that even that far. See, they're smoking. sounds like They just got them fucking. yeah they're quick now i've been on a couple of buses long distance i've never had the entire bus break out in a song this song that they picked too is fucking in a fountain i've never heard this song until this movie
You know this one. Everybody's ain't no fucking song, dude. They're all like, no. Flintstones theme song. Flintstones theme song.
There is a role of John Candy never got to play. Right? He would have been great at it. Did you watch the real life? Dude, those movies are horrible. I love them. I love them.
I haven't seen him since I was a kid though. Now they're in St. Louis. like Like when we were talking about the Scooby-Doo real life movies. Horrible. Just for the same reasons. Now I love how Dell, Dell is such a good salesman. He sells these. ifs But he makes his bullshit up. He's a great salesperson. He sell his fucking earrings.
Walter Cronkite mood ring. They're, they're heum they're extra big cock rings. Yeah.
all right oh it's I love the last one. He goes, they make you look 10 years older. A bunch of 16 year old girls and smoke weed every day. That's what I want to do right now.
We are going to go into another break because I need to refill of my beverage. Yeah. um I'm going to play. This one's about five minutes long. It's called The Ghostbuster.
Here we
Come play with us.
guys i got caught up with something i think you better suit up
Not mad at that. It was good. It was all right. It was not too bad. You wouldn't get me into that fucking classroom. I'll just say it. Some of these fan shows aren't the best, but I do like the concept or the idea behind them taking a story. Well, you're putting yourself out there too. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's You know what? I'm not going to say anything about it because I'm saving it for my mini review next week. I didn't do one yesterday because of Thanksgiving, by the way. So, but let's go ahead and press on. So, go ahead.
So, so, Neil is going to call home. It's on five dollars a pair.
for well for for five books for a pair of fucking chaer
Well That's pretty expensive bird the 80s for right showerings Well, he's passed my limited just makes you look a little bit older
that's so me here take that money and weird mildly creepy Very so now this is the first thing Dell is paid for Is this meal that's cuz he sold showerings, right? precious moment yeah He looks like one of those guys that grew up with his mom and mom fucking dressing him and she had make yeah, yeah, definitely I've been home in years. Yeah
first smash
yeah he please light it up yeah
There's another reason why I don't think he's married Well, obviously he's not anymore, but well he was he's a widow. Yeah, would it work? Made over $100 You got to figure that meal there's they're eating right there probably like only like 12 bucks You remember what fucking cigarettes cost back then though? They were like 50 cents. Fuck yeah. When I started smoking, they were a bucket pack. A bucket pack for the cheap ones, two bucks for a pack of marbles. When I first moved here, they were 50 cents back. When did you first move there? 2001. Damn. Yeah. And ah only up until about
10 years ago, did they jump up a prize? Before, yeah. before So smoking and eating a meal. Can you sit at the table and? No, can't do it. I wait till I finish eating. Okay. Yeah. Not in the middle of the meal. Yeah. And if I'm sitting across from somebody who doesn't smoke, I'm not going to do it in their face, especially when they're still eating. This is why I'm like smoking in diners. Yeah, I agree. It's like, you know, it's,
I don't, I don't agree with the smoking in, in, ah in a restaurant. Yeah. You know, I'll, I'll excuse myself. I'll go outside and smoke cigarettes, something like that. There's this, there's this bar in town. It's a really good fucking bar. Like they have local concerts. They have the midget wrestling there. You know, all that's a really cool fucking spot. They got, they got food there, which is pretty good. But I've only been there once.
go ahead go ahead let oh i was just saying so neil you know they split up go in their separate ways because together nothing's working out so neil has gone and rented a car from a marathon car station and he's you know marathon drop him off where his car is supposed to be and for years i was like how did they make the mistake of giving him a car that's not there well but because del use Neil's car because it got switched at the, that it was under the same name. Oh, so he drove off in the car. Yeah. So that's why Dell rented the car, but it's under Neil's name.
That's right. That's why they both got the same ticket for the same car. Oh, I didn't get it. It's not a coincidence. It's the fact that it, you know, they'll use Neil's car because they got switched. to their hotel how we admit Dude, I, by this point, yeah, I lost it in the scene. wait The scene coming up is the one scene in this movie that gave it the rating it does or wouldn't, or would have got a PG rating.
Well, let's be honest, even nowadays, you can't curse as much as he does when he shows up at his marathon office. So he's pissed. Fucking irate. Not only that, he's, he's got a walk like a mile and a half back. He was like three miles. Across the runway, across the highway, plus the giant fuck off parking lot. And he falls down in the snow and hits his ass on the fucking, man, fuck all this. Yeah. You know what?
How does he get his briefcase down? Now his hat. Dude, that's like a $50 hat. and Oh, that's horrible. No, that's another thing. How hard is it to get onto a taxiway? Really? and a been Not very hard. I guess not. Dude, this shoot he's wearing like ah loafers.
He is a great disarray from walking and falling. I don't blame him for being pissed. he all right So this scene, they used the word fuck 18 times. Yeah, worth everyone. The the entire movie, there's no cussing, maybe a little ass or a shit there. Yeah. But this one scene. For a John Hughes movie to curse this much? Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I used to be able to quote this entire thing. On my old computer, when you had started up, able would to have a Steve Barton person in her mouth. Enough to find it. So he says, welcome to a marathon. How can I help you? You could start by wiping that rosy fucking smile off your rosy fucking cheeks.
I, is it weird that I want to curse somebody out like this? Dude, I have, I have actually cursed somebody out like that before in an airport. It was actually in a fucking airport, dude. And it was a woman that worked there and I got tired of all the bullshit. Yeah. Like, yeah. Like I get it. Shit slows down, but don't fucking sit here and give me some fucking runaround. I go into this gate, go to that gate. Yeah. Just telling me where to fucking go. Yeah. And I fucking lost my fuel. She gives zero fucks this whole time.
Nope. Oh, she's probably used to it. It's a car rental place. You always fuck your shit up. Right. Fucking now.
Her response. May I be your rental agreement? He doesn't have it. You're fucked. Oh boy. Oh boy. What? You're fucked. Wow. I was pissed. You have seen this movie a lot.
I love this. I can literally quote this whole movie all the way through. I wife won't watch this movie with me because I'll literally just say it every line. There's a movie that we're going to watch sometime next year that I haven't put on the list. And there's a reason why I haven't put it on the list because it's hard to find. I know you've never seen it. I wanted to be a complete and utter surprise. OK. This guy.
the what And you get a meal I Want to use that line I wanted a joke I'd follow you into the John and watch you take a leap in the face man but You say that to me. I'm gonna knock you the fuck out. I don't care how bad you're having a day That is the same time. He's almost ran over my car So, of course, I put the picture of the car in the thumbnail, but Jeff, quiz time. What car is that? It's a Chrysler. What year? 88.
I looked it up. I know. But the wood paneling on it is something I've never seen on it. I like the wood paneling. I just don't like the puke color. It might be a New Yorker, though. It's either a Libero or a or our New Yorker.
It's a it's a it's mopar. Yeah, it's definitely mopar. I got it. I want to say it's a New Yorker.
Although the New Yorker, the problem with the New Yorker is every time you open the door, it would talk to you and say the door is a jar. And then I'd argue with it going, no, it's not. It's a door. It is grand something.
Dude, dude picked him up by the nuts. Let's by pen You know, I want to Look it up and it really it's it won't just tell me right away But it's not an 88 because the movie came out in 87 yeah, but if the new cars come out in November this is true
my I wanted to see what car it was and I'm pretty sure, cause I thought you were right. Cause I looked it up earlier and I read where I fucking, ah dam it i I don't know what happened to my search engine, but for some reason it goes to Yahoo and it doesn't do very well. So, um, it is an 86 Chrysler LeBaron 86. Okay. All right. Or a Dodge 600 convertible.
This isn't a wordable. Or it's just a rag top. I'm pretty sure it's a wordable though. Yeah. So he's playing with this fucking seat and he ends up fucking it up. Which, which once again, I agree with him. How do you break a car seat? Seats don't go side to side. No, no, it's obviously, well, they do go side to side, but it's like not that much, you know? Yeah. It's obviously embellished.
like do work I don't know about you, but if you've ever been in a Chrysler Baron like that, they're comfy as fuck. I don't care who you are. I don't think I've been in one. and They always had like a velour interior. Yeah. They used to seem like single solid colors, like gray or blue. I had a Buick, a La Sabre like that.
damn shoes again leave the shoes on i don't i don't blame him i agree with him but once again enough not to you don't need to take your shoes off dude i'm sorry want box thank i love this i have nothing problem i have no problems with passengers taking their shoes off wonder i don't need it like it might and crack a window maybe but I mean unless they're really bad like swamp feet or something yeah but you gotta figure they've been on the road for like two days he's only washed his socks once and he's obviously wearing the same ones you're right here here's a swallower he took a whore bath and washed the socks in the fucking sink yeah I love how he's like you play with your balls a lot that's a weird um observation dude says the person that was
quote unquote, scratching himself in bed. Yeah. and While reading a porn book. And whose hand was where when they were sleeping? I'm just saying. Yeah, Furby. I agree. How do you break a car seat? Well, you know. Well. on and this right So you know what this scene reminds me of? It reminds me of Tommy Boy movie.
Yes. yeah Well, it's it's this is the ultimate road trip movie. You know, when it comes to road trips, this is the worst road trip ever, because they take every mode of transportation you can and everything breaks. No, man, this car, the fucking shit this car goes through is no dudes the fact that it keeps running.
prizes the fuck on why do you wait so here's the thing he takes his wall out puts in the gloff box and like yo remind me it's in there later why did you do that but in your coat I don't know.
glo box i don't know I understand why he takes it out because, you know, you got to figure he's he used to carry a bunch of cash. He's got credit cards. They get thicker. Mm-hmm. So you're you're sitting uneven. Yeah. No, I understand taking them out of your pocket. Don't put it in your front pocket, dude. You know, yeah, put it in your coat. I just don't trust your rental car. I don't I don't trust the situation. I don't trust myself because that's why I have a wallet chain. So I don't lose my wallet. This dude, this motherfucker don't pay attention to the road.
Well, he's jamming out to, uh, what's, what's the guy's name? of you So what he'll end up doing is he flicks the fucking cigarette out of the window. It blows back into the car, which I've never had that happen, by the way. I have had that happen. I've never had that happen because when I'm smoking the inconsiderateness of having your window only cracked, unless it's raining, you're a dickhead.
If you're going to smoke, put the window all the way down. Don't be an asshole. I figure, yeah. The coat scene though, this scene literally like putting your head in that situation where both your hands are pinned, you're going down the interstate fucking 80 something miles an hour. Why do doesn't he hit the brakes? He does. No, no, no, no. He doesn't do it until the last second.
well But like as soon as you bow, you realize both your hands are pinned. Start slowing down. Then you come to... It's not like you got anybody behind you. And the other dude's asleep, of course. Neil's asleep. Now, here you know what I notice? Okay, you see that knob that his arm is attached to? That is a just fit knob for the seat height. But the other seat's power. Or is that the lumbar support?
Once again, i don't know it's, it's, but the, the other one that he hooks his other arm on is the recline once again, it's a power seat. Because usually the driver's seat has the power option before the pass. Right. So that's like, it's kind of weird that it, so I mean, I have done the stupid thing of taking off my jacket while driving because it gets hot, but this has never happened.
like Yeah, but if I'm going to take my jacket off, I pull the sleeve out while I'm holding the sleeve. Yeah. You know, i do it the way he's doing it is fucked up. Right here. This is when you start hitting the brakes. You you slow down. Slow down. So yeah, using your, okay using your knee to help steer as you slow down would be. I've done that.
But this is just 60, 70 miles an hour. mrs It's not like anybody's behind you. It's not like anybody's in front of you. Just slow down. And then he accidentally takes an exit that he doesn't realize. Right. So now this is where they get turned around. Yeah. See?
I love that. He's got to do like a 10-90. He spins like four times. Dude, I spun a couple of times. Steve Martin, wake it up. Like, what happened, bro? You all right? You all right, man? Sweating like a pig. We almost hit a deer, that's all. We almost hit a deer. He does play it off very well.
it take it's hot and you smart off man I'm just saying a lot could have been avoided If John Kenny would have just started to hit the brakes absolutely hilarious Oh Only the John Hughes movie can you get away with what they do here when they go between the two trucks oh man Any other movie it wouldn't have made sense. It would have been like why do they do that?
So not only did they get turned around on the wrong way, they end up on the wrong side of the highway. No, they they're literally, he's driving back the road he just drove. Yes, but going the opposite way of traffic. Yeah, going the opposite way. So he's on the exact same road he was just driving on, just going the way he came. Yes. On the left side of the road.
thinking and yet this one guy on the other side trying to warn him trying to warn him and he's like he doesn't instantly go wait a minute why is there a barrier between us and we're both going the same direction no but nil nil figures and you can see the smoke starting to billow from the back window or from the back seat
The logic here, you're going the wrong way. How do they know which way we're going?
yeah He's like, yeah, ah fuck them guys. Yeah, we're good. That's a real, I just woke up moment where he's like, that that instantly made sense to him, Steve Barton. He's like, yeah, I have another drink, sure buddy. He's like, yeah, he's obviously drunk.
That's a funny face though. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah. This is when he realizes there's a meter. Steve Martin looks out the window and he's looking at the snow going, wait a minute. There's a median right there. Going the wrong way. Before you guys can say anything, the two trucks that go between them. What? John Candy in the devil suit here cracks me up. So yeah, fucking I'm sitting there laughing. I'm dead. I'm fucking dead.
The trunk goes through the air with the trunk lid. Dude, that trunk doesn't even pop open. Yeah, it's well built. I love how the steering wheel is bent and his fingers are stuck in the dashboard. As if they were that scared and they break that hard.
That is genius. oh man Like making a movie, I wouldn't have thought to do that. You know what I mean? but I wouldn't have thought, let's bend the steering wheel so it looks like they stopped really hard. So he's turning the car around, and now they're going to get the stuff off the road. So we were, funny thing, this was in Kansas. This is, God, this was a long, you know those rooftop? He says that'll fluff out. Yeah, right.
That won't buff out. You gotta replace me him. Trim. Fender. Bondo. Yeah. That car is fucking total. He's trying to play it off like, oh, well, you know. He's like, we can laugh about it now. He's like, it's the whole. on in the past And I get it, you know. I don't think he realized he paid for the car yet, though.
No, no, this is what after it catches fire. That's when he finds out. Yeah. Because Steve Barnes like, ah you finally did it to yourself. it look heart Well, he's like, yeah.
You know, once again, as a kid, I'm not mad at Steve. I'm not mad at John Candy once. As an adult, I'm like, this dude needs punched in the face multiple times. Oh, my God. The trunk is still upside down. Is it? It is upside down. Yeah. Because the laches are on the bottom. Yeah. The laches are on the bottom. The hinges. Now, the car has caught fire. You could tell because they're their backs get brighter because they are sitting with their back of the car on the trunk.
This is the greatest shot because they turn individually and they don't react right away. No, no. They're like, well, shit, what else can happen? Oh, I guess that happened. It's like, wait a minute. Did you just see the car on fire? The thing is, Neil has no idea why it caught on fire. Nobody did. Neither of them did. Because he didn't know that it flew back into the wind. Well, neither one of them did.
He's like, dude, it is. It went up fast. And this is where Neil starts laughing. He's like, see? You finally did it yourself, motherfucker. This isn't on me.
John Candy has the best laugh. I'm not going to lie. I think Steve Martin could have got away with doing the Joker pretty good. OK, yeah, yeah, yeah. she Back in the day. In the 80s. Instead of Jack Nicholson.
No disrespect to Jack. John Candy has penguin. Oh, man. I'm in. Fucking Batman by John Hughes. Yes. ah Oh, fuck. So they're losing their mind laughing at how bad this car is fucked. It is fucked. There he is. How could you rent the car without a credit card? And he says, I gave the gal a couple shower curtain rings.
He's like, no, that doesn't make sense, dude.
yeah can't rent char showing I never would have known. Psych, explain it, dude. Uh-oh. Well, uh. Well, I, uh. Your diner's car found its way into my wallet.
you stole it not exactly he stole it he stole it he said no he says i thought it was a gift he stole it why would i put it there kindness kindness he's like i need that kind of a guy i don't have any good nature totally like he's screaming out to nobody What's up, Mandy? How you doing? Hey, Mandy. I was about to roll it. Let's roll into another break. Yeah. Wait until after he socks him in the gut. OK. Here he goes. I can't. Why Because. Because when we stop for gas, I put the guard back in your wallet. And it's in the glove box. It's in the glove box. On fire. and
wow oh man
Man So now they have no money you mad at me ah which is a raining nightpo ah Not only does he punch him in the gut he then tries to walk away and trips over the fucking trunk again Alright guys, I said last week. I was gonna play the sequel to the Mike Skywalker film. I'm ready um This one is let's see Oh, what's the name of Skywalk? This one is Skywalker Rising Dawn, the sequel to last week's. It is longer, so I had to break it up in two parts. so We got two more breaks coming. um So yeah, so there's part one.
I haven't watched this yet.
Let's begin.
All right, that's enough for today. Rest. You've done well.
Mr. Skywalker?
The time of the Jedi is long past. This isn't going to go the way you think.
Drink the ball!
Oh, shit, haha. That's the first half of that. Yeah, I was i was getting into that. Oh, wow. I haven't watched it yet. I actually did some research. I have a little bit of info about what Neil spent on this entire trip. Okay. I'll bring up. I found a breakdown. You want to say it now? No, I'll wait to the end because as we go through, the amount that Neil spent is astonishing. Probably, yeah. Are you taking consideration the money that he's going to have to pay for the car?

Nostalgia and Reflection: Tech and Loneliness

Well, I think we're assuming the car has rental insurance. That's not going to cover that. Why not? That's what rental insurance does in case of whatever happens to the car. Well, the steering wheel got bent back into place, though. Yeah. Yeah, I noticed that. It's kind of like, eh, all this fresh air, we're going to sleep like babies. That car is still smoldering.
ah I need one room. He's still mad. You get your own room. You have no money.
I love this. Pulls out his cards. yeah yeah You think it would really shrink down like that? I've never burned a credit card, so I don't know. i Probably. I don't know. You got a lot of reverse shrinky dinks.
you know I remember those. I remember Shrinky Dinks. Right? Mm-hmm. He pulls it, yeah he does. He's got, I got, what, $16? Or $17? $17. And a really nice watch. A watch. The underwear. Tuesday. I can vouch for that. You nasty motherfucker.
I don't own the place. Like anybody's going to know. I wonder how much, I wonder what this, how much this wash actually costs. I, I, I'd i'd say that, you know, back in the eighties, that's a real fan, you know, this, I got to the alligator band and it's, same I'd say it's a couple, like maybe 500 bucks. Maybe. You know, he's a prestigious guy. He runs an agency. So this is funny. He has no money.
And he pulls off his Casio fucking watch. He's like in a Casio. He drags him across his arm like he's just, like he's Vano fucking white. But he can't. I mean, you would think he'd at least exchange shower curtain rings. Yeah, for a room. But the thing is, that guy's not the real, he's not the owner. He just works there. It's true. And then Casio.
Hey, you know what? I bet you that Casio is still working compared to Neil's watch. You know what I mean?
Those Casios, man, they don't die. I thought I was such a nerd. I wanted one of those calculator watches so I could cheat. I did too. I did too. we math fucking clo Yeah. So he ends up with two beds. Dude, is that a velvet painting of a guy holding a gun?
I've never seen this before. I've seen rotary phones, but I've never seen rotary phones where there's a key. like I have. Yeah. They, they put, they used to do that in in cheap hotels or I guess that's a car guitar. But how would you use it? You, you have to have the key to unlock the lock, the lock actually um it's completely off. Yeah. what Well, this was in the eighties. Emergencies really weren't a thing in cell phones or anything. Right.
and fucking calling any back in the 80s and up to the 90s. Like if you lived in one state and you called another state on the lane line, it was considered a long distance call. Yeah. Shit was expensive. And it was like a dollar a minute. Yeah. Then cell phones came along. And that went out the window. Dude, I was looking at how much Starlink is. Like standard package is 120 a month.
That's not terrible. That's what I was thinking. Like I said, I was looking at that slab sitting in the YouTube channel was watching. So John Candy sitting in the burnt out car with his park on um talking to himself how he he he met somebody he really likes, but he fucked it up because he's he's he's he's a walking cluster fuck. God love it. He's a walking shit show.
Yes, he is. you were So do you notice he has a black eye? Wait, no, it's not this scene. Later on, he's sporting a black eye. It's after the semi-truck ride. He's got a black eye. So pay attention. But they deleted that scene as to why he has that black eye. Oh, yeah. That's a bummer.
Dude, I don't know about you, but I could not sleep in that car, freezing my ass off. Well, I mean, Carcel might be a little warm from the fire. That, well, he actually says it. He says it feels like a whopper when when Neil invites him into the room. Because the room does have another bed. It does. And they're sitting here eating snacks and drinking and drinking mini bottles.
Look at all the mini bottles already lined up on the fucking shelf back there. Mm hmm. Holy crap. Jim Bean, Jack Daniels. Yeah. Let's name that mini bottle.
Dorito, remember those old Doritos bags? Yes. Right now, Taco Bell's doing their eight seventies. Yeah. Blake was telling me about that. I'm like, I'm kind of upset. Raman.
Irie Irie says it's the same menu items, but they don't taste the same though. No But Chris Chris got me one to fucking the grid now john yeah and like so um So they're sitting here reminiscing about their trip and he's like at the very least Yeah, you have a woman that loves you And it kind of, you can see in Del's face, he's like, oh yeah, yeah, I do, yeah. He's still trying to play it off.
not a big you He loved his wife Yeah, you know, that's that's probably why he he is the way he is He's got that hole in his in his life. that Yeah, he's looking to fill it And you know, he's I think that's why he doesn't go home You know what? He feels it was the home. You know what he feels it with self-serving friends Like they talked about a fight club Mm-hmm, but like like I think Dell still owns his home wherever Marie it was But he doesn't want to go back there because it reminds him of her there Yeah, or maybe he sold the house and you know, it's just lonely. Yeah, he's I get that so I Get that we've been there all yeah, this hotel about the trip so far I
other they seat I feel like a big walker. Turn me over. I'm done. I'm afraid to look at my ass. I'm gonna have grill marks on it. We'll just look back and laugh on it. Yup.
The alcohol is getting to him a little bit. Not not a lot but enough. Why do I feel like I'm at summer? I find it interesting that on a movie like this, of course, they're going to have that blow up scene, but they already had it sooner in the movie. Yeah. And that they they've kind of accepted each other's company at this point. I don't know. You kind of don't know where the relationship's going to end. Yeah. You can't tell them. Yeah.
yeah but John Candy and his slapstick is so funny. Dude, how much snow happened overnight? I don't know. And he's sitting there trying to push the car out of the snow bank. And he's doing a real shit job. Play all the fucking snow up around the cars in the hotel. That's an asset. I have to rock it.
Dude. Reverse. so They just drove through the hotel room. Get in, get in and let's go. Yeah, because you're talking. Look at that. Look at that rearview mirror, du the way it's melted and hoped. Right. It's it looks like a fucked up hockey stick. And so they're they got they got done crashing the car and they're driving off. And look, even though they're making a go for it, he has the respect enough to use his turn signal.
i i think it's the I think it's the hazard lights. You think it's just stuck on? Yeah, it's like stuck on. But they still have a hubcap. Dude, check out this fucking wheel. One of them is a donut, the fucking spare donut in the back. Is it? Check it out. It is. I never never noticed that. You're not supposed to drive on those things for more than 50 miles. Yeah. 50 miles an hour. But you know people have been riding those things for... Oh, dude, i used I rode one for like three months.
I was a kid. And they're just singing along, having a blast.
I can't remind you of Dumb and Dumb. They're doing 78 miles an hour. is that mean is like There's a lot of the more modern movies like Take think Bits from all these movies. Oh yeah, 100%. You know what I mean? But you know what? You got to get handed to Chrysler. They made a car that can completely burn up and still do 78 miles an hour.
And he says here, the only thing that's working really well is the radio. What the hell are you driving? What the hell are you driving? Small fire. Oh, I've seen this guy in other things.
speedometers melt with him as a result it's very large assume any point that he's like i know I was just to my friend about that. There's fucking snow all over inside the car and shit. Yeah. It's horrible.
yeah Neil's got himself a new hat. They never say where he got that hat. You think he borrowed it from John Candy's character? It's possible. John Candy's like, I got a bunch of shit in the trunk. Or swiped it from the diner or some shit. Something. We got no outside mirrors. No outside mirrors. No function engages. However, the radio's still working. However, the radio's still working.
the radios working well and then begin and the engines saw him wall You know what the fact the motor to the road dude i Why are they shocked that the cops like I can't let you go in this vehicle okay look at it, you know that i'm really sorry i um You know what I mean when it get home They want to get it. That's that's what that's like. you didn That's when you jump out on the car and you pretend there's a bunch of bees. Yeah. Killer bees. Killer bees.
He's the

Friendship and Resolution

look on the cop's face. Oh, you got the tow truck. That's the tow truck going past the courthouse. I call bullshit because they never have the tow yard behind the courthouse. It's it's literally miles away every time.
and the fact that they they didn't spend time in jail for driving it like that kind of shocking as well how is that your ship coming in it's a fucking refrigerated semi truck so look at the black eye yeah just so heat oh shit
I suspect okay he got the black guy from the driver because the driver doesn't like people in the cab. In the cab. But my other thing is, if the driver doesn't getting in the cab, how could John Candy roll up in the cab? But now he's in the back. Now they're in the back. They're in back in a cold-ass freezer compartment of a fucking semi-truck. But at least they're out of the wind. But you're still in the cold. I get it. It's cold.
But you don't like the wind chills what kills you. Yeah, this is true. You know, so, yeah, it's cold, but it's not. wash but So um that is only yeah for a little bit, but we're going to go ahead and pause. Yeah. Actually, you know, I have an idea. Let's finish this up. We'll finish up the movie. We'll probably the last break and then we'll give our rating. OK, that's what it works. Yeah.
That is a lot of snow. OK, so the the driver took them to downtown Chicago, where they get the L. Right there is good. They get the L, which is kind of like the above ground subway. Yes. And and then mass transit. Do you not think Neil has a car that he parks in Chicago?
You know what I mean? I would suspect his wife would pick him up. Well, yeah, but. That's a possibility, but but my thing is like he doesn't work in New York all the time. He goes there for work. Yeah, but while he's in Chicago, he he drives back and forth to the office. He probably gets a cab.
This is true from the airport to home. Okay, that makes sense. and silently It's not the days. Why would he take a cab to the house? Oh, I bet you he takes a cab from the train station in his home because they he does he lives in the suburbs. Yeah. And then he takes the L from there. That makes sense. Maybe he I don't know. It's so weird. I've only been to Chicago once.
I was in high school, and I was on drugs at the time. So I don't remember all of it. yeah I do remember some dude fucking pissing in inside the bus station bathroom outside of this. I do remember that. That was weird. Nice. Yeah, Chicago. was You know, that, that feeling of being away for so long and finally getting home, I get it. It's that, oh, finally. And then, you know, he's riding on the L he's remembering the trip and laughing. Not just the trip, but the way he remembers it. He's, he's, he's, he's picking up on all the, the hints that Dell dropped.
Well, first he he starts thinking about his family, his daughter, his son, son of that she then his wife. You know, his middle son is actually named Neil. And then he remembers about what Dale said. It's how these members went together. Yeah. He's like, I've never found his wife very attractive either, brother. I didn't either.
She's all right. She's not all that. They start to laugh about about his wife and these rivers that you see remember the trip, how he got there. And he's like, oh, my God, that was so nuts when we went through. I made a friend and I'm just now realizing it. Yeah. Yeah. I like me. My wife likes me. Start to remember things Dell said.
He says right here. It's like, yeah, I kind of do. He started to put two and two together. Yeah, I've been a home on years. Yeah, he's putting it all together. He's like, oh, no wait a minute.
The fact that he goes back and Dell is still there. Obviously, Dell is trying to figure out his next move. Because he has no money. He's got no money. Well, I'm assuming he has money, but it's well yeah in the back. This is true. You know, he never fucking zips up those boots. I noticed that. Yeah. And he like shows up and Dell's just sitting in the train station. well just kind you consider talkcks of the atra you You know,
is it me or does Dell change outfits a lot more than Neil. He does. Well, once again, we we mentioned, you know, Dell's got that trunk, which is all his clothes and all his belongings. And Neil's literally, he was expected to get on the plane and fly there and be home in in less than a couple of hours. So Neil's been wearing the same outfit the whole fucking movie. It's true. Where Dell has different clothes. So he's been able to change and be quote unquote hygienic. But pun yeah
like Well, that the hotels and, you know, I'm sure he went to the bathroom and changed. but ah So and he he just told Neil, is says you know, Marie died several years ago. So obviously, Neil's offered Dale to come home with him. Which is.
Nice. Yeah. and It's like you're staying, dude. It's like we've been through hell. We might as well hang out for a couple of hours. have At least have a beer and relax where we don't have to worry about the hell we've just been through. So I'm looking at the house from Home Alone. It is a different house. And the biggest yeah biggest difference is the archway for the door. Yeah. Well, and the the one from the Home Alone movie had the U-shaped driveway. We enter in one and come out the other.
Right. So he's he's, he's introducing Dell to everybody and his wife's coming down the stairs. and She's so happy and proud of him. He's happy. He, you know, he missed his family. I get it. We've all been there. You come home to somebody you haven't seen for a while and you're like, Oh my God. He's like, I need to sleep in bed with somebody else. Yeah. And he's like, Hey, I want to introduce you to my friend, Dell. So thank Thanks for bringing them home, Mr. Griffith. Mr. Page. This is a funny movie, but it's heartwarming. and it's it's it's Yeah, it's a heartwarming. Makes you feel good, you know? It's a good thing. and you know delll's just I miss my wife.
you know you know
Man, she's crying like, like he was gone on a deployment. Well, well, you got to figure he was probably in New York for at least a full day. And then he was supposed to be back the next day. And then, you know, he's at one point, they didn't know when he was going to get home. So she's having his

Movie Ratings and Personal Anecdotes

So that is and we gone to the commercial. I have a breakdown of what Neil spent approximately. This is not um on on this trip. So his plane ticket from New York to Chicago would be roughly about $400 because he did get you know ah first class. Then he bribed the cab driver $150.
ah The airport shuttle would have been $13 and then the that's before he meets, officially meets ah Dell,
then the $30 cab ride to Wichita, the $84 for the motel in Wichita, then the $1,439 that was stolen between the two of them,
$141 for the train ticket, $63 for the bus fare, $156 for the car rental, $85 for the motel, which is technically less because it was a watch at $17. And then the $2.25 for the L, which they probably did multiple because he did go there and then come back and then take up What's the Dell with him? So in total, roughly $2,563.93. How much? $2,563 is what this trip cost Neil. Because the only thing Dell paid for was the meal that he sold the shower curtain rings yeah and when they were broke.
He made a whole hundred bucks. so So Michael, so I do plan on doing a weekly mini review on TikTok. Um, I just didn't do one this week because Thanksgiving. So yes, I agree. Thank you. So before we play the second part or before we go into our ratings, yeah I'm going to play the second part of that new Skywalker.
move a mini movie the last half and then we will come back and you already yeah going to our ratings and then we'll sign off so let's go for someone
Can you feel it? The fall of your typical beginning, Skywalker. You may have such a poor, rapid set for an old friend.
fuck it
Trust! Die! Stay longer!
Let her go. Do you have any idea how long it's taken me to find her?
All right, that was some more flavor from Mike Skywalker that came out this past May. That was a sequel to the one we watched last week. Yeah. yeah i You know, I'm not a huge Star Wars person, um but I know it's Star Wars is huge in the film industry. It has been for a long time, but I've always really liked, I mean, it doesn't matter what the movie is. Like if the if

Future Shows and Listener Participation

it's if like a fight scene or something, if the choreography is good, dude, I'm down. It's worth it, right? Yeah. Choreography is key.
um Alright, welcome back just real quick. I want to go run down our weekly. We got Mondays. We start off with speed way stories and cold blooded conversation with with Wally. Then we go into men caring for men on Monday with Connor Tuesdays Glick's House and music. It is a holiday season, so interviews are a little far a few between, so you might see some of.
Blazin's house sitting playlist. Then Wednesdays, we have What the Fuck News with Jeff and Glick. And then Thursdays is Jeff's Garage. Stay tuned for more info on that one. Yeah, work on it. Friday's with you with us, Jeff, and Blaze for Nonsense and Chill about movies. What are we watching? Tonight was Plays, Trains, and Automobiles. And next week, I got a little surprise.
And then, uh, Saturdays in the mornings, we have, uh, Cassius corner, uh, wrestling talk. Oh, by the way, there is one tomorrow. Okay. There we go. Yeah. I actually, it's on our Facebook, uh, is what, how I found that out. Yes. Uh, bio link checker socials. Um, and then on Saturday night, we have open door challenge, non-siscal nonsense with usually Jeff Glick and well whoever else decides to pop up.
Yeah. And then Sundays, we close it out with unnecessary roughness with Glick and a few other guys talk about the football. So yeah, again, check us out on our bio links, wherever they are. Where the heck did I just, oh, there it is. Right there, bio And then on where you can get merch of us to put onto you.
With that being said, let's get into the rating of the movie that we just got to watching planes, trains and automobiles. So, as as always, being that I'm the guest, I'll go first. I love this movie. It is almost perfect. how recent As a as a comedy, this is almost perfect. So for myself, because I grew up with this movie. you know i you know I was born in 80. I've seen this movie since like 93, and I watch it every year. This is my Thanksgiving movie. um I have you know Christmas movies yeah where it's not Thanksgiving until I see this movie, or it's not Christmas until I see Die Hard. So for this movie being... and they
if If you really get in the nitpicky part of this of this movie, it does have its faults like all movies. So for myself, I'm giving this a four point five. That's right, guys. I updated the ratings. The goal are our our ratings only go to five now. um So, you know, be that as my five being a perfect movie, one being this absolute dog shit all um i'm calling this a 4.5 there's no such thing as a perfect movie with the exception of maybe one or two um and and like i said when i was a kid i was 100 against deal page and steve martin i thought he was complete asshole as an adult i'm like i i'm with him shut up john candy stop talking it was always interesting
It's always interesting to rewatch a movie from your childhood. Exactly. Because you know, through life we gain different perspectives and we learn new things. Yeah, the perspective of of an adult watching this, I'm like, yeah, fuck John Candy, I got punched in two. Before I get into my rating, you know, whatever I got to do, I meant to do it before the first break. Oh, yeah? Movie lingo. Yeah, there you go. Tonight was Money Shot. The show was brought to you by the Money Shot is is any climatic moment, revelation, or image that gives the audience their money's worth, even if it costs more money to create. Also known in the porn industry as the money shot. It's the same thing, though. What would you say tonight's on what money shot was? Well, I have a sentence. Dick Slick's final facial blast was a money shot in the adult film, The Silk Road.
I think the money shot for this movie to bring it into context is Neil punching Dell and in the gut. Because he finally gets that good jab, you know? He's like, fucking, you know? Because throughout this whole movie, as an adult, I want to punch John Candy the whole time because everything he does fucks everything up. Don't be wrong, I still love him, but it's like, I had to punch him multiple times throughout the movie as an adult. As a kid,
but the I think the money shot in the movie was at the end where the wife was crying and that tear going down her eye. Yeah, it is emotional. Yeah, I get with my rating. um So I'm not the hugest John Hughes guy movies are good. They're not the greatest and when it comes to my my, my forte, I guess.
But it was good. It made me laugh. it was It was something I hadn't seen for a while. And I sat down last night and watched it on Thanksgiving. So it was kind of nice. So I'm going to give it a four. Four golden leaves. Yeah. There you go. Put you down for a four. Yeah, like I said, this is yeah this is a movie. You have to start the averages over again.
what this second with the exception of the cursing scene, you can watch this movie with anybody. It's not like Terrifier. You can't watch it with the kids. And God forbid you watch it with your parents. This movie, it doesn't matter who's in the room with the exception of the the airport scene where he's, or the marathon scene where he's cursing out. Obviously you don't want the kids with that. I don't know. I mean, I think it, I think it adds to the movie. I wouldn't, I wouldn't disallow my kids to see this.
Oh, no, I agree. umm ah But my point is like ah my my own. I remember my uncle had recorded this on the TV and we were rewatching the VHS tape. And when it came to that scene, he turned down the TV. So the recording was really low. Oh, so he muted. He he like not. muted so He censored it himself. Yeah. And I was I was always mad at because I would crank up the surround sound for it. like Well, fuck this guy.
You know, but, uh, yeah, so there you go, folks. Great points at automobiles. Definitely a watch me movie. It is, uh, definitely a popcorn movie. I, before we, we sign out in the screen next week, we're going to do something a little bit different. Um, as I've been going through these fan films, I've been finding some ones that are like long. So next week I'm going to pick two ones that are about, about around the 30 minute mark.
give or take. We're gonna, so we're gonna do a double feature and they're gonna be common and creative. So we'll be able to show them on screen. Nice. Watch them and comment and react to them when we watch them. Cause I'm not going to pre-watch these. I'm going to find them. Okay. and Wise. And if there's a trailer for them, I'll, I'll air the trailer sometime during, Oh, we can make a trailer. Um, so what they are, I don't know yet, but I'll know when you find them by hopefully Tuesday.
I'll get it all out there for you guys. So it'll be a double feature. We don't have to fuck with Discord um unless you guys want to chitchat. So we'll be able to watch it on screen. I'll even throw the link down so people can come up as well. So, Jeff, you got anything you want to close us out on? No, ah once again, as I said, this is a a movie you can watch for the whole family. And until next time, we'll see you at the movies. And bring your own fucking popcorn. Bet.
Nonsensical network, different flavor every day Movie talks, new flips, hidden in display Microphone magic, musicians spill the praise From reptiles to motorsports, burning rubber craze Football crashes, touchdowns, epic plays You spin it, catching on the urban stories we embrace Tune
nazis but the vo just write tune
There we go.