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Nonsense and Chill - Grandma's Boy

Nonsensical Network
21 Plays3 months ago

#podcast #comedy #movie #film #funny #nonsenseandchill

Tonight, Blaze and Jeff review and talk about the hilarious stoner comedy, Grandma’s Boy. This 2006 Happy Madison production stars Allen Covert, Peter Dante, Nick Swardson and many more funny actors. 

Also, we are changing things up and showcasing three fan film made movies instead of the normal Retro Ads Breaks. There links are below. Thanks for joining us! Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. Don’t forget you can join our discord, Nonsense and Chill Movie Club and watch the movie with us.

"Don't Blink


"Skywalker Shadow of Evil"

The Goonies II (Sequeled Fan Film)


Introduction and Guest Lineup

What's a chicken? A pinhole?

'Grandma's Boy' Overview and Streaming Options

Dude, hit the button. Yeah, it's another Friday night here on the network. How the fuck is everybody doing? I am excellent, sir. Jeff, Jeff in the house as usual. We got Shaka joining us tonight. Hello, hello. And we got Lazy is in the comments. What's up, Lazy? What's up, Lazy?
What's that? So everybody's going to have to forgive me tonight. I have a piss port internet connection. So Jeff might be writing this one tonight, but we do have grandma's boy on deck for tonight. But before we get into it, Jeff, you got anything you want to go ahead and open up with? Uh, yeah, you know, we, we were talking about this before we started. Uh, when I first, I, I don't remember ever seeing this movie.
prior to watching it yesterday. um But it was like one of those things is like, I always thought it was a different movie. So I was like, I thought that movie because the who I thought was in it. Yeah, it turns out they weren't in it. And I was like, fuck them guys. I don't like them. guys ah i I gotta say, I did enjoy it. But I think younger me would have enjoyed it way more.
So All right, so if anybody wants to watch along also there's a very hilar it is a stoner flick picked by none other than the networks resident stoner Shaka do you have anything you want to open up with who we get into the movie?
ah No, if anybody wants to watch along, they are streaming it on Discord. You can either ah scan that QR code right there or in my on if you're on my channel, I did drop the Discord link. You go in there and then you would have to click on Blaze inside the Discord and he'll ah grant access to watch this ah while we watch it. Yeah, that way you can watch it along. Or if you're if you have it because it is currently streaming on, and I had it here, I wanted to bring this up,
is currently streaming on Hulu. ah You can rent and or buy it on Amazon Prime and is also on Amazon. So you can get there

Cast and Ratings Discussion

as well. It is a 2006 movie by the Happy Madison production company that is the one owned by none other than Adam Sandler. When you watch this movie, guys, you'll see a lot of familiar actors from his from all of his other movies, especially his... Go ahead. Speaking of that,
it's It's almost like Adam was like, I can't be bothered to be in this movie. You guys do it, you know? ah Because- I know. Why wasn't he in it? Why wasn't he in this movie? It's an Adam Sandler movie without Adam Sandler. either I think it's one of those things. I think this is happening right around the same time Adam was making another movie. And he's like, look, I got to focus on you know this big movie I'm working on. You guys do this on the side kind of thing. Because it's literally all of Adam Sandler's friends.
So you say every yeah they are his friends and they've been with him since the beginning of his career. And it's always been sort of like a, like a, uh, uh, coming up altogether and, and, and succeed. So I think that's kind of what they did is like, here you go, Dante, here you go, Alan, you go ahead and fucking do this shit up. So right. Exactly. Uh, real quick, the IMDB rating out of 10, this is a 6.9. Haha. Nice.
Uh, popcorn meter. Now the popcorn meter is out of five, but it is audience rating. So the popcorn meter calls a 4.2 out of five. The tomato meter, which is out of 10, this is the critics and the critics gave this a three out of 3.2 out of 10. So fucking pretty critics, critics. And then the popcorn meter percentage is, uh, once again,
fans 85%. So it's up there. So it is a movie. If Adam Sandler wasn't this, I don't think it'd be good freezing. Really?

Pop Culture References and Trivia

You don't think it would be as good? I don't think it'd be as good because right now it's classic like it. I think it would just be. I don't think it would be a classic Adam Sandler movie if he was in it. I don't think so. and what You think it would have distracted from the actual movie? Yeah. Yep. Okay. Okay. I see where you're going there.
OK, so Blaze has got internet issues, so he's going to drop down and come back back up. Yeah, ah real quick, ah while he's doing that, we were talking beforehand, there is a little bit of trivia I want to go into. um So the game featured in the movie, ah demonic, which obviously shows up the end, was actually going to be a real game for Xbox 360. Unfortunately, the company making said game had financial troubles and the movie name never came out.
um One of the things I thought thought was funny, that WatchMojo, we all know who WatchMojo is on YouTube, they put this in their top 10 hilarious movie masturbation scenes, which I was like, okay. I totally forgot about that scene too, with the toy. And you know what? yeah there There is an unrated version of this film that includes extended scenes. I don't think we have that one.
Do we?
like he's right there he's he's ace f frozen again i think I think he's still set and re-coming back up. Oh, there he is. um yeah Yeah, it's real bad. I don't know who you guys are, but I'm going to go ahead and press play on the movie. Yeah, go ahead. go ahead and We were vamping. We were vamping. ah So we are starting. the what What is that game they're showing in the opening credits? It looks like Galaga or something like that. Yeah, it's a real Galaga style.
open ah like i find that and And that apartment just looks shitty.

Character Antics and Game Trivia

The product placement of Xbox in this movie is ridiculous. Do you remember the movie with Seth Rogen and the guy who played Ant-Man and they're like, you know how I know you're gay? Oh yeah, you know how I know you're gay? Yeah.
yeah You know, it's almost like Seth Rogen saw this movie. He was like, you know what would make this movie? We just made fun of each other for being gay.
ah this that that That big guy coming in right now in the black shirt. He's a wrestler. I don't know his name, but he also shows up in the Punisher movie. Oh, God dang it. What is his name? I think Blaze is Bros again.
oh Have you ever done this unplugged your buddy's controller and it beat it? I've never done that. I never thought to do that. I would probably get punched in the face for it. Definitely. Definitely. So do that all the time when me and my brother would play. so like
But I love how the big grassland dude is literally just eating cereal out of the box in the kitchen while they're packing up his shit. And he's like, what are you guys doing here?
Your landlord's kicking us out. That's fucked up. Ladies and gentlemen, Rob Schneider. And another one of Rob Schneider's accents. I forgot he was even in this movie. i I kind of saw it coming. I just didn't see him. I didn't think he would come in this early in the movie kind of thing. You know what I mean?
The ultimate in me gives up. I'll give you five minutes. at six that he will rip your balls out for your rope.
The rest. Oh, Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash is the wrestler. Yeah. Kevin Nash. There you go. Is this guy supposed to be me? Like he spends all his money on the strippers. They're not hookers. They're the massage therapist. I emphasize your cock for money.
I like that. Dude, I would never mouth off to Kevin Nash. I would die. that's You know? Yeah, if he was in the kitchen eating my chips, he'd be like, oh, you want some pepper? There's coke in the fridge, buddy. I'm just saying. Kevin Nash is a big motherfucker, too.
That's something else I don't think I can get away with. The whole smack on the face of Rob Schneider does there. I don't think I can do it. Like I it's one of those things somebody's going to pull my hand back and break my hand or something. What are you doing? Smacking me on the face.
That's how much money is that dude spend at the fucking strip club that they're letting him stay there? Was it a strip club or is it a massage parlor? It's a massage parlor, sorry.
because you forgot Smoking Lab. He just ruined that bomb. No, it wasn't expensive. It was a fucking blast bomb. I want to say this very bikini kill-esque, the opening song there.
that Okay, like I don't know if it's you. his wallet phone with the antenna. I like that. Well, that's the thing. and It's one of those things like that's the problem with older movies is when you see a flip phone instantly dates the movie. Yeah.
back sir That is not how you respectively treat a ball. I'm just saying. No, this is not how you open answer the fucking door in the news. I'm telling you, you guys never come to my house. I'm opening the door like this to see a reaction. Hey, dude's got a solid tan, though. I'm sure Jeff would have nothing but fucking the farmer Dan.
Oh yeah, just a big white spot. you know so I like like in this scene, he's like, you want to take my birthday suit? He's like, no, I'm not that brown. He's like, this is bronze. This is bronze. No, what's worse, he's sitting there, spread legged. He's still naked. the like too well as well I can't. the yeah I mean, that's kind of like you put some fucking shorts on. Hey, this movie has has a lot of other movies bit from this movie like this. The Pineapple Express. James Frank. Yeah. That's what I'm telling you. Seth Rogen watch this movie was like, I got an idea that we can add to our movie. So I think this is a good steal from movies. You know what I mean? That's a good beer. Sierra Nevada. That's a great boy. I like Sierra Nevadas. I've never had it.
So the bong he has, I had a buddy in Phoenix. I had a green one just like it, but it had like Bob Marley on it. Okay. Oh, that big blue one? Yeah. and It was a big green one. It's a Buddha ball. That dude. That dude.
I'm wrong. Dude, if I'm ever naked in a movie where you're just seeing my ass, I'm doing squats for like three months prior to the movie. All that dude is a peak physical shape. Yeah, yeah exactly. i want to like My ass is going to be shown on screen. I want it to look good.
just so mindy How's it going, Benji? Benji, check out the QR code. You can come up and watch us on Discord. I know you don't. I don't think he has Discord. Yeah, hit the QR code. Also, there's a link on my side. If anybody does, Benji will, because he used to do gaming. so Oh, OK. I did not see this coming. The the grandmother is played by. Betty White. Ray Romano's mom. in a Betty White. Everybody loves her. That's not Betty White. I wish it was Betty White in this movie. If Betty White was in it, I think it would have made a better move.
She's like the Timo version of Betty White. She's like every time I see her, I think of everybody loves Raymond. Yeah. That's what she was in. Yeah. Yeah. But she seems like a cool older lady. You know what I mean? I thought so. He's wearing a polo shirt with a tie. With a tie. I didn't see that. I did not see that. Polo shirt with a tie.
Well, you know, in i play second I fully expected him to, you know, that that most of these movies, these comedy movies, the trope is they start out as they're basically a man child and then they become a, you know, suit wearer and bat.
fucking Nick Swanson and them fucking footy pajamas. But see here, it but this dynamics different because he doesn't start off as a man child. Like he says. He stays the same. Yeah, but see, because he already has a good paying job. He had an apartment. He just had a man child for a roommate. Right. He's actually responsible and does his shit. Granted, this whole couch surfing thing he moves in with his grandma kind of fucks his work schedule up. Well, and and here's all he's got his shit together.
ah How does he not have money saved up? To get another apartment. I know I realize it doesn't take that it takes a little while to get a new apartment Yeah, but the whole movie he doesn't look for a new one. I Think he was after i don't know i mean that was like that's what that's one my favorite lines re saw nicky's always watson's lineme eat car sweet car why is And he says he says here he says ah My my My roommates are going to give me rims for my bed for my birthday. And I was like, really, dude? And and I'm sorry, but I want one of those bed, but king size. My wife will let me have one. So it's a toy. It's a toy. I I want one. I think it'd be cool. The fast and the sleeping. Yes. The furiously sleeping.
it did See, I'm not mad at Nick Swanson's room. apartment Like looking for an apartment, it's not just call it the next, like, yo, yo, I need an apartment. I get that. And it's LA, so it's not super simple. And you got to think about it. I mean, this happened at a point where the company's working for has got this deadline. So he's in the bathroom jerking off to. It's a Laura Croft doll. Laura Croft doll.
Yeah, yes. But it looks like a homemade lower crop. Yes, because it's actually got anatomically correct boobs on a toy. And you can tell it's like a Barbie doll like with like, but but it's been it's been modified. Like it's 100% modified. um Something you would buy on it on an internet website that we can't show on here. That's my that's what that's a crazy amount.
I can't stop coming, he says. I can't stop coming. It feels so good. And the weird is his mom was like, okay for him to stay. She says he can stay the night. But I agree. Then what he says here to Nick Swanson's character, he says, I don't want to be here for the morning awkwardness.
that turtle um dull sick This is our DNA. What's going on, man?
You can leave before breakfast. I'm sure you can get them off. a couple hour There's a couple of websites you can find them. Yeah. Probably like a life-size one, too. Dolls of Whore. My Dolls of Whore. That building is way too big to...

Kevin Nealon and Set Design Nostalgia

Have you guys ever... so Okay. The owner of this corporation is played by... Kevin Nealon.
Kevin Nealon, Kevin Nealon, Nealon, Nealon. I'm fucking that name. yeah I would love to have this chart. Right. guys That movie, we are that show weeds. He plays in that as well. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We do this huge stoner actor. Oh, he's massive. But he's also he's in that that, you know, he was on Saturday Night Live with Adam Sandler, so.
It's one of those things like you got to throw Kevin a bone every once in a while, kind of thing. Oh yeah. So this lady, this, so we were talking about Scooby-Doo the other week. She played Thelma in Scooby-Doo. Yeah. Or Velma. Oh, she did? This is the actress that played Velma. Is it really? Yes, it is. Yep. I was going to say she's original. Yes, it is. She looks completely different here. But yeah, that is her.
She was also legally blind. You get it. You get it. She's what? What's that, Jeff? She's she's in Legally Blonde as well. Was she? Yeah, she actually played the stepdaughter of what's her name? ah the The blonde that goes to jail in the movie. Dumb out. you She's the one that killed the father that the whole courtroom scenes debated on and legal um thinking about
but race sponham goes to harvard becomes a lawyer Yeah, I'm I'm looking that up. I didn't know uh she's in legally blunt. She she's got a big afro style hair in it. What's her? What's this lady? I don't think she was my dude. Linda. Linda Edna Cardellini. That's that's her name.
a number two one ten She's in Legally Blonde. I promise you. Alright. There it is. She plays Chutney in Legally Blonde. Okay. 2001. I don't remember her being in that movie but I really was never. She looks completely different in the movie. You know, I don't see her in that movie. Was Brittany Murphy in Legally Blonde? No. That's who I'm confusing her for. She was in another movie with Reese Witherspoon that I'm confusing couple of Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry. did it long as she isn't What are these guys? What do you, what do these guys do all day? What do they do all day? It looks like there's they off all day like game testers. Yeah. I get that, but beta tip they don't do anything. They do like 90% of the work work they do. They do off the clock.
well while they're at the office they're goofing off in this game room and they have this together and eating yeah they have a very progressive workflow well not only that as long as they maintain their deadlines i mean they can play video games and fuck around all they want the boss don't care as long as he makes money well and with Kevin Nealon as your boss do you really have to worry yeah hell no he's just in there doing yoga on top of his table They also, are they all by the by their weakness in person? has As they table, doesn't it look like somebody took a really big conference table and cut the legs off? Yes. Because it's a really nice coffee table, but it's only a foot and a half off the ground. It's one of those Namaste tables. I guess. So what's wrong with the floor, Kevin Neland? Gray Bush, yes.
What was that, Jeff? haven What about Neil? Why can't I pronounce his last name? um but I'm just saying, what's wrong with sitting on the floor, Kevin Nealon? You don't have to sit on the table to do your yoga. murder This motherfucker. All right. So this character. begin yeah yeah ah What is his real name? He is. He is the epitome of an incel.
That is Joe David Moore. Joel David Moore plays JB. The robot voices he does fucking cracks me up throughout the whole movie. don and and He lives and falls up in a fantasy world. But the balls on this kid to walk around fully dressed as Dio all the time.
You got to end it to it. You know, I would not have the balls to go out dressed like this ever. I'll give you all of my numbers. I don't think he has any balls at all. Well, he's around the office. introduce her I've seen him playing other things. He's he's been in a couple of days. um Yeah, he's not a big, big actor. Well, no, but I've seen him in things that I'm like, why do I know that guy every time you see him?
ah He was in Bones. That's where he's mostly known for. The TV show Bones. ha That's where you know him from. Oh, Dodgeball. Dodgeball. He was in Dodgeball, too. And he was in Avatar. He was in Avatar. I do remember that, yeah. Dodgeball. Oh, that's a movie. Dodgeball. It's very obscure reference for him, but he's he's he plays the biggest
nerd in that movie. So in the fact that he has such disregard for his peons, I'm sorry, these are the guys testing your fucking game.
Yeah. So he's like the ultimate game designer. Like he's designed the game. They're all testing. Well, he's a protege. making And he's got this huge narcissistic ego that like he's like the god king of all video gamers. And yeah, because well he down with people and and and and he kind of like steps on them. Well, he tries. He tries. Oh, he tries. He usually fails and pretty much makes himself look like the butt of a joke.
Well, he thinks he should be king of the geeks for the simple fact because he's a prodigy. He's been designing games. So me and my brother used to always say that. what What's his name? Nick Swanson? Swanson? Now he goes, shit, sweet. The dude is awful crazy. He's still active. tea's I think he's on tour. How are you? Just got done with the tour. The dude, he does a lot of writing.
Benji missed his car talk, by the way. You might want to get with Benji about Jeff's garage. I know. The 28th, buddy, I got something to plan. So if you want to come up. but Dude, working working as a job is just a video game. Tester would be fucking badass. That's like the ultimate. I forgot Jonah Hill was in this movie, too. I know. And it's it's the big Jonah Hill. The big Jonah. Yeah. This is like a big Jonah. Just before super bad.
Yeah. Is it really? Yeah, it's super bad. Like he's skinnier and super bad. Yeah. Well, yeah, but he also looks younger and super bad. He's 21 when he made that movie. Really? Yeah. When did super bad come out? This was the 2000. Superbad came out, I want to say in 2009.
He was in 40 year old virgin in 2005. 2007. So this came out a year after. Yeah. Or that, that came out a year after this movie. So yeah, this was before. Yeah. I wonder if this was his first movie. No, his first movie was called, uh, I heart. I'm not familiar with that one. I'm not either, but I was just on his IMDB page. That's why I know that. why i didn't know Um, the fact that Swanson's mom picks him up. His roommate. Yeah. His roommate.
And that jacket, that jacket looks like his mom dresses in too. you know well This is something that, if if you're ever gonna live with your grandmother, this is what you say, is I'm staying at this chick's house.
you know with two has an i hady Yeah, waves at her she looks so shamed he waves my comb all over you all Alright guys a you guys ready for a break Yeah, let's go ahead and hit break down. Take a break. um So usually I do retro ad breaks, guys, but and tonight I'm doing something a little bit different. These are Creative Commons fan made movies. And the first one I'm going to play is a, it's called Skywalker's Shadow of Evil. It's a Star Wars lightsaber dual fan film in 2022. It was entered into the saber competition.
of 2022. Apparently, there's some filmmakers who get together and they do like lightsaber choreography and they do like competition like film. Some of these guys are badasses with like, yeah, I've never heard of this. No, it's a real thing. It's like can the place that do the place Darth Maul in the Star Wars movie. He goes to those conventions and then shows everybody up. Oh, yeah. Let's check it out.
And welcome back. No. So that was from the Mike Skywalker YouTube channel. um There is a sequel to that out right now. So nice check it out. I was going to I was going to play it next week too. Absolutely. yeah so I enjoyed that. I'm sure where all those guys live in their mom's basement. Probably. And of course my wife came in and she's like, what are you watching Star Trek? I was like, woman.
ah that's the
before we roll on i want to go ahead and give a shout out to the rest of the weeks line up on this network on the non physical network. We got Mondays, we have Speedway stories and cold blooded conversations with Wally.

Network Show Schedule

And I think this Wally have a co host. I don't know. yeah No, I think he's gonna be doing interviews with people that okay, cool. They either build race cars or drive them or and then of course, the reptile thing. Yeah.
And then after that is Men Caring for Men with Connor. Tuesdays we have Glick's House of Music where he's always interviewing someone new and old. So there's always some repeats that come back for for for more interviews. It's always nice. Wednesdays we have What the Fuck News with Jeff and Glick as well. If it's gonna make your jaw drop, hit the ground, they're gonna talk about it.
my god up by ah Thursday nights. I guess Jeff is reclaiming that for Jeff's garage. Yeah, actually the twenty-eight I'm interviewing a company out of Australia called Arctic Blast. Well, they they use dry ice to clean underneath your car and it's like when you're done impressive stuff. and down You guys are chowing down on your turkey that day. You guys can watch some Jeff's garage about dry ice.
Um, Friday nights, uh, you are right here with us on nonsense and chill where we watch and talk about a movie show some other old commercials and well now fan films. And then Saturdays, uh, we go into God, it was Saturdays. It's just nonsense. do Saturdays is, um, Saturday morning is, uh, Cassius corner. That's right. I was new i in the morning, right around noon.
And then nonsensical nonsense in the afternoon at about seven o'clock, where we do the open door challenge, where we talk about whatever we talk about. Whatever is open. And then Sunday, we go ahead and round out the week with unnecessary roughness in the morning with the Glick and a few other guys talking about the old foosball. And then, uh, then that's it. That closes the devil foosballs, the devil.
Yeah. And don't forget slash nonsensical network where you can find all our social medias. That way you can find us, of course, on YouTube as well. We need to add the discord to that. We need to add the discord to that. I need to send it over to Glick to have him do that. On nonsensical dash is the link to our merch store. More and more t-shirts are coming soon.
I, we got to get with Nicky and get us a nonsense. I ordered a hat and it was supposed to be here today and it hadn't showed up. So I'm a little upset about that. I would yell at Nicky. So, remember. Yeah, don't forget to spread us on you. Yes. QR code is down in the corner for discord. And where, where do we leave off? Leaving off with, um. Uh, so he's actually just down moving into grandma's house. Grandma's house we go. And grandma's got a dope pad.
Grandma made me not freaky. Yes and hit that like share and subscribe button guys. Just in case. If you're feeling a little froggy hit that bell. I you know whoever did the set decorations for this like must have spent a lot of time with their grandparents because and but that woman's fucking tackle box of pills. No shit dude. She eats her pills like a mill like she'll decorate her plate with them.
And at breakfast, she'll put them on her plate and that she adds syrup over her pills. She's a fruit. I feel like when we're all old and and all in a nursing home together, you'll have one of those, but it'll be just weed and shrooms. I have a attack small attack different strains of weed.
when not and sub gave do um ah So okay, so I think I so each is his grandmother has two roommates. Think of them as the dysfunctional ah golden golden girls. Yeah, you have you have his you have his grandma. This is kind of, you know, gullible, absent minded, but loving and affectionate.
Then you have her other roommate that's been around the block. She's a very experienced woman. Yeah, she is. She's romantic. She's sophisticated. And she's very, yeah she loves to sex. Do you know what that man looks like right there? What's that? The the the one that's not lucid?
the the one with the pills that with the happy face. She looked like the there's an Adam Sandler movie where a Lady jump falls onto the front of his car and she's like, I think that's the miss lady. Is is it her? I think that is. Hold on. Her name is Shirley Knight is her name. Her character is this crazy woman taking a lot of pills to keep her. Her dementia, at bay I guess. I don't see she was in hot Cleveland.
Uh, no, she was, she is not the mistake. Look at that. Look at that TV from the thirties with the fucking aluminum. I want that. I want us on the rabbit. She's not the meetuses lady, by the way. She wasn't. Uh, but I'm looking her up. Uh, Hey, Jeff, what did, what do you think about that mall mall?
Paul Blart.
Sorry guys, I'm going to be sick this week. Yeah. What'd you think of that movie? I love it. I love the first one. The second one's a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. You're fired. That movie sucks. please yeah
That movie sucks. That movie was hilarious for its time. So his grandma, his grandma sneaks in the room and is going to let me like. So she shows in his room, she shows in his room and and she's he's like, wait, your old roommate didn't die in the bed. She's like, no, she died right here on the floor. Then sneaks in at night to fuck with him. Like she was the ghost of her old roommate. I'm sorry. You don't do that shit to potheads, man. We will fucking come up out of that bed unglued.
this This house looks like it smells like a grandma's house. Right? Muffballs and... Yeah, the muffballs and hard rock candy. In hard rock candy. You can't open up that grandfather clock.
Usually you don't put a godfather or godfather clock in your room. It's usually somewhere in the bigger part of the house. Well, I think what it happened was just like, Each one of the old ladies, you know, they, they have. look at this So for breakfast, this lady is on her plate and she coats it with honey. Oh, I thought it was mustard. No, it's honey. That's a lot.
This is fucked up. What is that? not a problem what do you The chores they give him. Well, I mean, he's not going to live there for free.
i mean Yeah, but I'm sure he makes enough money. He can pitch in. You know what I mean? Maybe.
Because let's let's be honest, it's not like he's he's hurting for money. You know? Well, no, but I mean, it's also his grandmother and his grandmother needs some work around on the house and he's not gonna tell her no.
Now she picks up the paint. So this is the crazy lady she starts eating the paint. the And and him he's he's smoking a joint on the ladder. He's like, she's she's out there. Dude, that's fucked up that there's three dead cats underneath the couch and he leaves them. I miss that part.
dude I saw that and I was like, o ah because he's sweeping the floor, he's got that vacuum and he sees what what looks like something sticking out from underneath and he lifts up the couch and there's three dead cats, and completely petrified.
that' funny ah you'll cover forty six yeah no i can do that up i don't understand how this data technically works seventy nine so much So during the game development, there's different parts of the games where each one has to like,
play the levels, make sure the levels play. I'm assuming they have a cheat code to get past the levels they don't need to do. No, I mean, they might. But I mean, they go through, they play the levels, make sure it plays right. Looking for glitches and glitches and shit like that. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm just I'm i'm guessing i'm not a I'm not a gamer. I wish I was. I mean,
I think if anybody was going to be able to answer that question, it would probably be Chaka. But there that's what you're right. Our resident expert of video games. If g clickck if Glick was here, I would have said Glick. No, OK, so him hitting on her is cringe worthy. He just said, I want to get you a black Cobra.
put her out that's this is for a minute I was like, is that some weird euphemism that I don't know? I figured this is like where you got your your pickup lines from. Alright, so this game, we were talking about it earlier. This game right here, demonic, is a game that he's working on on his own.
And how are you getting it to play on that TV is beyond me. But that movie, demonic, was actually supposed to be an actual game that was that was supposed to come out but in yeah on the 360, but ended up getting scrapped. Which is knowing that now is kind of sad. it's like Because it looks like a cool fucking game to play. Well, I think that knowing that demonic would have been a huge fucking game because of this movie. yeah You know what I mean?
Yeah. great And I love the fact that she's so good at it. you play a demon who's been summoned from hell to clean out this me they shuttle just somewhere so the game is's like this weird tourettes thing going with our dimension brings up your magic spell venue and the left So in this game, you know what I ever forgot to say how I have to get to it before next break.
okay go this Summon from hell to clear out a meth lab. Yeah, that's you like a waste. That's kind of like a waste of summoning powers. I'm just saying. You would, you would think if you were going to summon a demon to wipe anything out, it would be churches and to preserve the meth house. Oh, that's a good point. I didn't think of that, but I see where you're going with it. Yeah. It's a drug dealer. Just kill them. Yeah.
It kind of looks like a predator. I was going to say, yeah, it looks like a predator. It's got a real predator vibe to it, yeah. With the hair, the red line thing. They are in production of a new Predator movie. I saw that. And this one, the main Predator is supposed to be playing the protagonist. Interesting. Yeah. I love that. I like Prey. Prey was pretty good.
It was. I've never watched any of the Predator movies except Alien versus Predator. that You. I've never, I've never said that because like, they're just not my go-to. You know what I mean? Fair. I think the original one with artists was really good. Buddha Bong. Okay, that's what I was saying. My room my old roommate had a woman like Bong like this.
and you know who that is with him. He had never seen that. That is Chocolu. He goes up and that's my boy as the priest. Also, he's in uh blended. He's when he keeps calling him different names. He's on mister. That's right. Yup. Yeah, cuz he's yeah. Um so uh but yeah, when I saw him because they call him Doc Chocolu in that's my boy last prado okay
that She's supposed to marry. She's like, doc shockkaoo get up here. He's like, I gotta to be part of this **** This weed will turn you into a deer. with pleases I have so many questions about this part of the movie because I'm like, is that a thing?
always okay can you give eyes some do know No, no. i'm just went at lu je bro However, I do have a story for when I went over to one of my dealers in Arizona to pick up a bag. All right. It was this guy I was going to school with and he got all his fucking mists. We were in Arizona. He got all his weed from California. Him and his brother was living with them and they were fucking slinging weed, you know, on the side. And I go over there one day and they had just started, um,
blowing their own wax. You know what? Making your own wax is like with the glass tube and shooting the butane through and all that shit, making their own fucking dabs. Yeah. And I had never taken one before and I just got done grocery shopping. I was like, I'm gonna go a grocery shopping, swing by fucking old dude, grab a sack and head home. And I go upstairs. You're like, dude, have you ever taken a dab? I'm like, dude, I don't even know what that fucking is. So here, I'll go ahead and torch this nail up.
And then as soon as I tell you, you inhale, I'm like, okay. And so he torches that nail, he drops that wax, he's like, okay, now inhale. oh my god remind you i had just i had just got back into smoking weed because i had just recently got out of the air force so my tolerance wasn't there dude i was like okay i gotta leave right after this dude an hour later i'm sitting there i'm like oh my god i got fucking groceries i have to get home so for those who don't know what it looks like rock candy that's not hard yet
Well, there's different types of, there's shadows, there's wax, there's like, there's different. I've never, I had never seen it before. And we went over, my wife smokes. for Basically yeah it's THC concentrate is what it is. And, and the ways to make it. She took a hit and we literally, I was like, can we go now? And she's like, I can't get out of the couch.
and So he comes home with a bong and a box of, I'm assuming other paraphernalia. just a bunch of his no son dude sold him a free cable free cable shit yeah yeah yeah you free cable and all and this is when he gets his grandmother and her roommates hooked on antique antique roadshow
So, this ah is the truism when it comes to weed. When it comes to munchies like I have came home and I've opened up the fridge and pulled out a bunch of okay wait because there is a mor board there's a movie mistake here that they mentioned on IMDB. When he puts everything in the oven, there's a banana in the corner but when he pulls it out, the bananas gone. She doesn't have a mind she doesn't have a microwave. That's his problem.
He cranked it up. and you put it So he takes a bunch of leftovers. He throws it onto a baking tray, just sits it in the oven because there's no microwave, goes back upstairs to smoke weed. Right? I mean, something he's like, it's going to take a while. Now, very important part, he puts the leftover weed in this like weird antique tin can thing. Yeah. Because that's going to come back into play.
ah That is a pretty long. Actually, I don't think I shared. The banana's gone. So there, there it is. oh
so So he goes to pull the food out of of it and we get spot holders.
You guys that because I've done shit like that. Well, actually pause it real quick because I have a quick story. You know how many times I've like left something like a box of cereal in the fridge? Really? Oh yeah, I've done that. Go ahead. No, so ah g but a I was reading something like I was watching a TikTok and this lady said she went on a first date and this guy was like, let's just go in my house. I'll make a pizza.
And they're sitting there watching the movie and all of a sudden the oven dings and he goes, this is the worst part. He goes in bare handed to grab the tray that the pizzas on to set it on the counter. Dude did not know pot holders existed. That was her first and only date with dude because he didn't know pot holders existed.
And I was like, second i mean Oh my God. Like he's like, this is the worst. He'd literally, they hear the oven ding and he goes, this is the worst part. And she's like, what's the movie? He's like, no. And he goes over the oven. It's a bare handed, like full on. oh boy I was like, I was like, how sweet is food smoke?
Since we have a pause, and I did remember what I said last week, Jeff, I'm going to start doing m a movie lingo every week. So today, the movie lingo word is antagonist. It's a noun, a person who actively oppresses or opposes or is hostile to someone or something, an adversary, sort of, you know, in a movie, the villain or like a group of villains.
And if you use it in a sentence, it's Jeff is the mischievous antagonist in the story, Jeff's mystery meat pie. And if you want that story, drop me a, just get a hold of me offline. I have a copy of it. i need it i need it There is a story that is called Jeff's mystery meat pie. I made it up earlier. but it's Sure you did. And by the way.
The meat is not what you think it is.
So in grandma's boy, the antagonist is JP. JP is the antagonist, absolutely. I get a gold star for today. Thank you. You did a gold star. So he's back at work and he's obviously had a long night.
like i got any level And he's playing it off to his friends that he's been forking all night. Yeah. but He's been what? He's been forking all night. I was like one of those cats. Because he doesn't want to tell his friends that he's living with his grandmother. No. I didn't hear what excuse he used for his hands. I didn't either. I can't remember. Well, I guess it was like they were into bondage kind of thing.
o that was a fire and i i was trying to save it from this was a fire I was trying to save it from this baby. I to save it from this baby. wow I didn't get that earlier.
very smart because your work smart oh I would not be upset and this is going to sound misogynist, but I would not be upset if she asked me to come to her office. Just a little bit I'd be like I'm on my way boss I'd be the asshole getting in trouble so she can yell at me He gets kicked in the leg yeah dude Her office is way too big Oh She's giving the old
Leave the team speech. yeah yeah yes everything the whole or years a ah experience You can't be a child anymore. ah Look at this. Look at that phone and computer monitor from 2006 compared to what we have now. like twenty
but five Technology man freaking. it It speeds through. Well, that's what I was saying. When you but you saw him with his flip phone, it instantly dates the movie. You're like, wow, this movie was made a long time ago. But it's not that long ago, if you think about it. No, it's within this. Like us watching this movie is like our parents watching 40s. I get it. But you I mean?
it The technology moves so fast that when you see this, like if our kids watch it, our kids are like... So, JP is standing up against the black wall thinking that nobody can see him. Like he's... Is that what he's doing? I thought he was doing something like like he was rubbing his power. Listen, as as old dude walks away, he goes, how did he see me or some shit like that?
oh Did you guys notice the posters? It says gay robots. And then the other one was, I think, fedora's quest or something like that. ah I saw those. Did you say something? It does say gay robots. Fadrian's quest. You're fucking weird. You're fucking weird. You know, let's be honest. We all know that one guy at work does that stupid shit. See, how can he see me?
Holy shit. so Yeah. Yeah. He's that idiot that fucking put lemon juice on his face thinking it was the cameras weren't going to see him when he robbed a bank and he got caught. Did you ever hear that story, Jeff?
no but i mean was about to the dude the Okay, so this there was this old internet myth that if you put lemon juice on your face It blocks the cameras from seeing your face or identifying you did you did it walked in a bank Rob the bank and got bust he's like I didn't know you guys could see me like seriously that so that point of I missed this when I watched it yesterday the fact that he turned them on to antique roadshow kind of blows my mind Why is that?
because like my grandmother showed me antique roadshow. It's not something his. He he is a right owner man he is a stoner. You got to realize, man, when we're up late, fucking flipping through channels, smoking weed, we'll watch any hot. That's a good point. Now, later on, when he's staring at the TV, playing Xbox and the TV's off, I almost died laughing.
and OK, I have a problem with this scene. Why is his screen over here? But he's looking over here. What do you mean? He's looking at the screen. No, the screen is facing. Look. He's got two screens. He's got two screens. He's got two screen he's got a laptop open, too. He's got two screens. He's working. Working or recording? Could be screen recording again. Once again, could have been done at work instead of goofing off.
But I get it, as a gamer, like if you're a gamer and you game test, don't you want to just go home and play video games at the end of the day too? Yeah, but look at where they work, all the cool shit that they can do. Why would you work at work? You can just do work at home where you don't have anything to do and then you go... Exactly. Fuck all that. No, it makes sense. Dude, he was laying on the floor.
So he wanted to work on his video game using that TV, but the old lady stayed up all night watching antique roadshow. And so he's got no work done. So it's really like, it's not that he's like this, this man trial that is not responsible. It's just like in this part of his life, shit happens, kind of fucked it up. Well, yeah, but there's only one TV in the house, but in their TV in his bedroom. Yeah.
I know. He can hook up the Xbox to their old-ass TV. Why can't he hook it up to his old-ass TV? So his grandmother finds the bong in his room, cleans it out, thinks it's a flower vase, and what uses it as a spare piece on the table. Yeah. Yes. I want that triangle. We're going to pause where we get into this scene and go into another break. Yeah, that's fine.
i But I want that blow up Cartman. I want one. The blow up Cartman? Yeah. Yeah, you know, Nick Swanson's got a giant blow up Cartman on his desk. I'm just loving the the background posters. You got no effects back in. You remember you guys remember them? Dude, I still listen to them. I was jamming out to them last week. Dude, the posters are, I love i love it. It looks like a one off working.
So this is gonna be, this one is called Don't Blink. It's a short film by Adrian Huff, released July 9th, 2017. You can check this out on his channel, Adrian Huff. Just a little short, one and a half minute. it's It's a spoof on another horror movie. It's a couple potheads that made this. It's cheaply done, but I find it funny. Anyway, here we go.
it's fun
Hello? Yo, bro. Guess who's on its way over right now. Bitch! Peter, right now is not a good time. What the hell, bro? Thought we were gonna get our smoke on. I-I-I can't. You got someone over there? Kinda. Don't worry, bro. I won't embarrass you. Do not come over. Bro, this cloud I'm looking at right now looks just like a penis. What? Where? Aw, damn. I know, right? It's huge! Alright, I'll be over there in a second. I'll talk to you in a minute.
What's up, bro?
Bro? Earth to Allen? Hey, a little harsh there, buddy. Just whatever you do, don't. Hey, who's that guy over there? Oh my god, you fucking idiot. Hey, hey, is that your side piece? No! Every time I blink, it gets closer. Whoa. Alright, so I'm gonna head on inside. you Don't look away! Why?
Did he not get closer? Nah. Weirdo's been standing there ever since I got here. As long as one of us is looking at it, we're safe. Okay. Quick, look at it. And whatever do you do, don't blink. Don't blink. Yeah. Got it. Ah! Is this hurting my eye? It's okay. Just give me one more second.
Okay, are you ready? You can go ahead whenever you want. My eyes are already closed. What? You said give it one more second. Idiot, that was a figure of speech! Yeah, I don't really know what that means. Idiot, what do we do? Only one thing to do. We fight it. What? We fight the son of a bitch. To the death. To the death? To the death. This thing obviously has some kind of supernatural powers beyond our understanding. I do not think that's gonna work. Don't worry. I've got a knife. Great! You got a knife!
Uh, oh wait, no. Actually, I think I left it in my bathroom. Why was it in your bathroom? What are you doing there? Lots of stuff. Getting off track, let's figure out how to get out of this. How close is he? You don't know? Nah. Open your eyes. No thanks. I kinda like the darkness. We've really gotta work on you if we get out of this. True. Let's both open our eyes at the same time. Okay. One. Two.
Where is it? I don't know. It really means a lot to me that you actually opened your eyes and you didn't try to double cross me. You know, you were really great. What? Okay, don't freak out. Don't tell me not to freak out! You tell someone not to freak out, they freak out! It may be right behind you. But What? Look for yourself.
What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare? Yeah. Were you dreaming about vampires again? No. No, worse. I'm sorry you had a nightmare. You wanna go back to sleep or you think you're gonna be up? No, I think I'm up for the night. Okay. We'll switch on three, alright? Okay. One, two, three, switch. Goodnight, bro. Hey, goodnight.
Go over and check Adrian Huff's stuff out. What's that? Isn't that is so weird? I don't understand why they're in the same bed. I really don't. Because you were up all night taking turns, keeping their eyes open or shut. Yeah, but dude had sunglasses on. I thought he was blind for a second. I thought he was blind too.
see he liked the dark and then when they did the whole switch thing it reminded me of uh uh that uh the Adam Sandler movie where they're looking at what's the name's daughter and they all had to switch yeah he's like and grown-ups well you give you give a couple stoners ah a a camera and something to do i mean that's what they come up with i imagine that's amazing you don't see more of that stuff on youtube oh i think that's what youtube was originally meant to be is a bunch of stoners making videos and You get idiots like Jake Paul, but anyway. We're going to get back into this. It's the next day or no, this is when he goes into work and he's his buddy played by Nick's Worsons about to get the the video game challenge at work. It's pretty funny.
yeah ah take it to Well, yeah, earlier on they did the video game challenge where they challenged the main character. dance revolution And now they got another game.
so Dance Dance Revolution. Right? Dude, I've refused to get on that game. So originally the company didn't have this game, but the guy making the challenge say, hey, we got it now. Nick Sportsons playing like, oh, I never played this game. like yes well no I think he's he's talked about a lot like like he's great on it. That's why dudes challenging him. And he's playing it off like he's he just made it up.
You know what I mean? Metal Gear Solid 3. Right? Oh, i love I love those games. Yeah.
i can't I could never get on one of those. Dance Dance Revolution is like karaoke, but for dancing. And yeah, yeah you're either good at it or you suck at it. You look like an epileptic on meth when he's dancing here.
stuff bob He's doing a weird edition of the Crip Walk, maybe. Yeah, and he he's got his tweed jacket on like he's a fucking substitute teacher or some shit.
Mr. Rogers. Right. And then Swarson just knocks it off the park. Fucking kills it. Kills it. the What is that move called? Oh, my God. I don't know the Swarson name. No, he does that.
He switches from leg to leg ah with his hand on his hip. And then he looks at his watch. I don't i don't know the dance moves. All I know is he kicked. He kicked that dude's butt. That game is fun. What does that score mean? Is that bad? ah Just trolling the shit out of him. Here's the first couple of these.
Okay, can we talk about dude's office? I do kind of want his share. Oh, that's badass with all the screens. Right. And he's reclined the whole time. I'm in. And then he's listening to weird trippy matrix style music. Techno. Techno. Yeah, it's not even good. Yeah, it's not even good. Techno. But he makes a comment about it in this scene. Does he?
Yeah. He's really got the matrix vibe going with the doors like that. That was cool. He does. 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0.
the The funniest is when JP talks to himself. In that he's like, shut up. I did knock. Oh yes, we tell him. Oh my god.
It's so weird. What if you had a robot ears?
What if you had robot ears? He he talks about himself like trying to like turn into a robot. He's like he's getting artificially upgraded and shit. It's weird. Yeah.
like orland look six um um a helicopter Helicopter The chair he's sitting on is that not out of a helicopter but No, I don't think so. If you look at the back of it, it's it's very militaristic built. Well ah fair but so some I Mean it it's yeah, I think there's something yeah, I think those are speakers next to his head. but Yeah But it looks like a modified
hello look at it looks like okay i see what you mean yeah which i'm still not mad now it looks ergonomically comfortably fucking good i dig it look at it yeah dude is not right in the head man like all those pills i don't give it wrong i've talked to myself but i don't do voices you know what i mean to my Oh, we're not supposed to do voices when we talk to ourselves. Apparently not. equal Maybe we should. I don't know. Maybe I should. Maybe I'll keep the conversation straight. He talks like he's from the Renaissance sometimes too, my lady. Well, he does mention later on that he does the robot verse voice when he's nervous. um So he's just nervous all the time. Like all the time.
Which character do you think Adam Sandler would have played in this movie? I'm guessing that guy. No. Because of the voices. If Sandler would have been in it, he would have been the main character. Only because Adam Sandler is the main character in every movie that he does. You know what I mean? Yeah, I guess if he was the main character, he probably would. But let's say if he was just doing a cameo, he would have replaced Kevin Nealon. I think so, yeah.
Okay. And if Adam Sandler was in that, her first name and last name would start with the same letter. I'm just saying. no Because every movie Adam Sandler does, the girl ends up like Veronica Vaughn and, you know, Vicky Valancourt. And they're all with double letter. I'm just saying. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. You've never noticed that? Oh, it's a huge thing on Reddit. guys What did weirdo say about that?
I know that was a thing in I know that was a thing in Marvel Comics with Bruce Banner. and Yeah, Barry Barry Allen Peter Parker and so Britney Spears doll in the back Oh,
i see a british spear poster oh it is a Britney Spears doll. Holy shit. I saw it. Holy shit. I looked at the poster It's hotter than the Lara Croft. Is that a brown sugar fucking poster?
ah There's a brown sugar poster. Brown sugar. not Oh, yeah. right right yeah is yeah now it's Nice. This movie is like bull, like pulp culture from around that time. Easter eggs. Yeah. There's tons of Easter eggs in this movie.
<unk> a negative Like there's, there's Kyle to blow up Kyle from South Park. That's why I said I want one. That's no, that's Cartman. You can tell by the blue hat.
No, there was Cartman and a ak Kyle one, too. There was a Kyle. Oh, was it? I didn't see the Kyle. Yeah. So the grandmas go up at his work to bring him lunch. That'd be nice. to bring and like and'd be nice That's a nice grandma. Right? I wouldn't be mad at that. Mm-mm. Plays video games, smokes weed, has parties. I don't get what they're doing.
They're just playing. They're goofing off like a bunch of fucking kids. They're like man children. They're video gamers, man. Their whole life is fucking D&D and, God, are we talking about that? These guys are the weirdest nerds. Like, you see his shirt, choose your weapon, and it's fucking D&D dice? Mm-hmm. You're the reason Alex has been tired he's just putting in this is when everybody's finding out that he's living with old low women as opposed to hot women his age and he's been telling they still think he's forking him they still haven't realized that he's not forking him he's hiding under his desk just listening to it all no because he's sleeping because he was so tired he's sleeping under his desk
thing with his new toy all more play with this new toy all morning. yeah See, they're grossed out because they think they're talking about sex. <unk>s all right boy hey that's enough i'm um here you are There's Kenny in the background too. There's Kenny right there. Yeah. so not You can't can't there's Stan right there. to the Yeah. Yeah. Kenny, Stan, there's a Kyle, there's a Cartman.
Yeah. I think that's all. The whole gang just gets around the office. There's Cartman right there. I know they'll show Kyle again.
See, he's still, he's like banging your grandpa, grandma. He's legendary. I'm not banging my grandma. And he's still revered for it.
oh my god so lot low lunch They're still watching. Have you ever actually watched Antique Roadshow? I've seen a couple episodes. Not whole episodes. There's some interesting stuff that's like, wow, that's worth that much money. Oh, shit. Yeah. It makes you want to go like, rob your grandmother.
Right? Don't do that. Grandma, let me go so let me go wrap rumble around in your attic and see what you got hidden in there. like a dig a smart A smart meth head would rob his grandmother and take it to the antique road show and get some real money. Right? Don't do that. Fuck the pawn shop. Oh, so he bought them tickets to go see the antique road show.
So they're watching the TV and this is the news where the lion got loose. Remember, Dante was going to get a lion. Right. Which did make sense. And then he's trying to play it off. Like, I don't know how it got out of the in the neighborhood. His fucking hair, dude. He's got his hair in fucking pigtails.
That's hilarious. we have I almost think like the costume designers was like themselves. Just dress yourselves. Yeah. Is it almost shit? And he's cursing like a sailor on TV. He's like, I almost shit my pants. Time to get some levels done. He's only got three levels to deal with. See, kids, like I think later on he's he's explaining the story where he was an accountant and he got bored of it. And he's like, I wanted a job to where I can make money and smoke weed.
Yeah. Literally. What do you want to do? Yeah. I'm not mad at that. Dude, I'm out, dude. One of the grandma's friends. She looks so familiar. I'm trying to figure out where where I've seen her from. The tall, the tall, attractive one. The the crazy one. Oh, the crazy one. Her name's Shirley Knight.
um She was in As Good As It Gets. She was in Paul Blart. She played Blobart's mom. Hello.
so figure is came Other than that, I know it's Friday, but it hasn't kicked in that it's Friday. Right? It's been a weird week. I don't see anything. Gray Bush.
That's where that Gray Bush joke comes from. Well, his last name is great Gray Bush.
I know where you know her from, Chaka. She was on Murder, She Wrote in the 90s, by the way. and Maybe. I know what it's so somewhere. She's been a ton of shit, dude.
not You're all caught up. Great. great Yeah. Well, he he was able to get while they went to the antique roadshow, he did get some work done.
Have you ever met anybody like this that was all into spiritual sage burning and crystals and shit like that? No, but I would, I would, I would perfectly ban myself. Oh man. When people start talking about fucking healing crystals and pyramids and shit, there was a, when I first moved to Oregon, I, it wasn't recreational legally legal yet. So I ended up hooking up and, uh, having this one dude that grew his own shit. And I would just go over and pick some up.
first time I went over there that it was the second time I went over there. We were starting to get to know each other and he pulls out his pyramid that he puts on his head. He's talking about this crystal **** and dimensional **** healing and when you said Oregon, I believed every word do and I'm sitting there thinking myself. I just want some weed and I want to go right right **** pyramids and **** but the dude grew some **** all about believe what you want to believe but Once again, I don't need, I love that he's like, I got the new season of Buffy. Like that's going to impress her. So if you notice, he's not wearing the long black trench coat anymore. He's wearing a suit coat, but it's a long trench suit coat. Is it? It is. It's not. Oh, okay. It's not leather. Like the one he was wearing. I didn't get it. I didn't catch that transition. e He still has hair. li he' still All black.
He's not Doth or he's not emo. He thinks he's Neo. He's definitely The Matrix, yeah. Yeah. Like he's watched The Matrix like 4,000 times. He quotes it word for word. And jerks off to him every night before he goes to bed. Oh, Neo. Oh, Neo, you're the one. I'm coming. I can't stop coming. I bet he loves him some trinity, man. I'm going to tell you. Dude, I'm not mad at that jacket, though.
i saying You would, wouldn't you? You would dress like that. Go out on a date. and Maybe not on a date. thank you Just to the bottom. Why did they go to this vegan place in the first place?
Okay. So to celebrate the, f also so yes. This is a celebration for them making the, the, the due dates on their assignments and all that. So he bought them all dinner at this vegetarian wheat grass restaurant. And guess who, right? David spades. One of the is the waiter is the waiter. David said he is in this y'all dude. I love David spade. He freaks the fuck out on him too.
it was a shock
don't eat tofu cakes. So, you guys, you guys like eat tofu **** instead of like, no, i bro I'm not a big fan of tofu. your first time here at r lady he Our lady health is the name of the uh so know David Spade's characters gay in this scene. That's weird. I know he's got a list and everything. Like he's like, welcome to beagans health or whatever it's and Yeah, this is where it starts. ah The. Yeah. Yeah, just here. But he's just. Yeah, you have to reappear. So, they eventually ditch the place. Oh, you're way too far. Keep going back up. Keep going. So, they ditch the vegan joy. And they go for. give it a chance Hey, fella. god
ah weak yeah that's right they i' call that joint to you Yes. but do you You know fuzzy about is the bean sprout quesadilla. Bean sprout quesadilla for an appetizer. That sounds like the most nastiest fucking quesadilla with green sprout. Like I'm not against bean sprouts on my salad, but you put that shit on a quesadilla and shit, it's all string.
Oh, this is custom. like there There are dead Mexicans rolling over in their grave right now. so yeah Have you ever been to a vegan restaurant? No, because i am I'm a carnivore. So, I, Bend had a... And I date women. Bend, Oregon had like, all right, so there's this big thing with like food trucks and shit. and it's Right, right? Yeah, Bend had a whole bunch of them. There was one that was a vegan place. I forgot the name of it.
Angel spokes. I don't know. The only one thing the one thing I would order every once in a while for breakfast is they had this vegan biscuits and gravy. That was amazing. It was just out of your world. Fucking amazing biscuits and gravy. It was just all vegan. I know. So they I know it's weird, but it was so good. So the grandma's everything on a vegan, I had to drink tea. Oh, this is where they find the stash. Yeah, they eat.
she makes tea out of his weed. Which makes no sense because... i've done you This is where I bring on your expertise.

THC Discussion and Car Enthusiasm

Yeah, you can't just steep tea and water and mate and get high off of it because THC is not water soluble. Now, if you add milk to that and you boil it in the milk or simmer it in the milk, like a milk and tea mix, it will because it's done it's fat soluble. It attaches to fat cells. See, that's where I was like,
would that even work? But so they know they they ditch the vegan restaurant, they go to a place that's got burgers. Do you see the Asian guys cars a fucking Supra from Fast and Furious? It is literally the car from Fast and Furious 2. The black fan is so big. The fan on that car is so big, you can literally sit on it like like a fucking eating tray. Yeah. But that is actually the car from Too Fast Too Furious.
is it really good when they when they're jumping the bridge in the beginning of the movie dude wrecks into a sign with that car oh no it's got a hair pick on the side is it the actual same car the actual same car because it's got the same hair pick you'll see it later on the movie they show this side view of the movie the car it's the exact same from the movie you have to find the one from fast and the furious yeah not now but No, also so i'll I'll show you maryland script my wife actually went to go get me a burger and fries. I bet you I'm so hungry right now. This place is making me even hungrier. This place kind of reminds me like an in and out kind of feel. Yeah. Oh, you got in and out where you're at, man. I'm jealous. My son works at it now. No, she's some I like the animal style.
So they leave the burgers joint and they go back to his his

Intoxicated Evening and Humor

place. There's grand grandmas place. and they are fucking off their asses. Watch an anti-grocho. Real quick. Look. So this is what I mean. That's the car. They got a 12 pack of steel reserve. Oh, shit. I know. No, they got more. And and the one who's got a six pack of like red stripe, which is just like this is this is this is what I don't get. Oh, that's loading. Look at your screen here, Blaze. That's the Supra.
that is the same fucking car. I told you, I know my cars. I know my movie cars. That's cool. So the one lady on the far right that fell out of the couch, she's like the experienced one. She's the one who be like. but She says she gave Charlie. How does she not realize that that's weed? You know what I mean? Right? Yeah. She, she, she claims later on that she gave Charlie Chappen a handy. He wasn't silent.
that's funny he's like was he silent which i've died so not that time look that's red stripe beer red stripe's pretty good i like red stripe that's jamaican beer boy Here's a store here that sells it. And they're they're watching the, like, Telemundo's panel. Oh, they got two 12-packs of steel reserve. Gross. Yeah. Gross. Well, you got to remember, they're nerds. They're not connoisseurs. But you would think it would at least be Bud Light. PBR. Well, I think it comes down to sponsorship. She's got a six-pack of red stripe too.
Grandma crushes this beer, dude. Damn. She crushed it, son. Some party animals coming out. I wonder why she almost threw up.
And then we had a pot of Sophie's tea. Sophie's tea. And Sophie was the woman that lived in the room he's now staying in, which is where he hid his weed.
That's where you got it from. So, you know, you want some soup? Dude, he literally just brought this whole party scene keeps bringing up food. and i dr on like They drank all his pot. All his pot. So they steeped all that. we only people get to say that in their lifetime But honestly, when they when they showed him putting that bag in, it didn't really look like it was it was like half a bag. Yeah, it was like having it looked like maybe a about a gram or so. but But once again, would you really mistake that for tea? I wouldn't know. I don't think I would. Maybe oregano.
right Depends on how I mean, I don't know you. but
usually when you buy it's not all fucking shake right purposely buy shake which you can go to dispensaries now and buy shake it's cheaper yeah I was gonna say maybe maybe it's pre ground oh what is just shake and shake I'll buy shake from dispensaries when I'm making edibles cuz I don't have to do grinding I just fucking I want my hair to look like that they don yeah the 80s
So, Jonah, Jonah's character in this at the party runs into this fucking bombshell blonde chick. Holy shit. With some huge man and he sucks on her tit. For 13 hours straight. For the entire party. Yeah, until the next morning. Did you notice on the um the African dude, he has the all-seeing eye under his uh yeah and so shockallu
so he just pulled all my girlfriend i call you on the news i love it He's like you your girlfriend a piece of rabbit fur you rub on your dick he's like yeah
that's why i dr shockers for example with the um' gonna teach a type though so Oh man, a monkey, a monkey that learns taekwondo. See, now they have better beer here. that That dude's got some Guinness. Well, I think other people fucking cereal at a fucking party. She, she serves everybody's cereal. I love this. I love this. This guy starts talking. I'm like, I'm so cute. I'm a Jana, a mohawk.
guess what else you're not goingnna do kernel crackers. she steals inere he's like you talk about she's like yeah that is big guy from niolas yeah yep okay want to smoke it i want to smoke so it's jp's phone number a prak call like and they do we got like he's a fucking psycho okay
Dude. Okay. The office. ja on break Understood. we got talk those He's working out of where we come back. Cool. Um, next movie. any movie Mini movie is called Koji. It's written and directed by Robbie McFadzine, Glenn Johnston. It was the winner of the blenders Suzanne ah award for best short film.
2024. This is an animated and yeah, I think it's pretty fucking dope. I started to watch it.
And that was Koji. I like that. That actually gave me, that gave me sucker punch vibes. You ever seen a movie sucker punch? I have. The sucker punch, the blonde chick bites that giant thing. It was good. I enjoyed it. Yeah. It came out this year. Like I said, it won an award for best film in the news and something awards. You're gonna have to.
Where is it?
Blender's Susan Award for Best Short Film 2024. Just as a reminder, everybody, all these films that I am showing are linked in the description. So please go check them out and check out their other art as well. That right, Mick J, it was, dude. That was pretty cool. Yeah. I'm glad y'all enjoyed it. Before we get back to the movie. I don't want to talk about this scene, yeah.
Well, bio slash nonsensical network to find all our shows and all the things we do here at the network. And then, of course, don't forget, nonsensical dash nonsense dot to find all our merch. So. About this dude's office, I kind of want it, but for like only a week. After that, I have to start decorating because it is a room with a white floor. It's very matrixy vibes.
Do you know what it reminds me of? Batman. Batman in the second one. Yeah. It's kind of cool. Complete waste of space for one year. So it's. du weird i say like Would you say that looks like.
Dude, I could put 15 offices in that room. Yes. And it's all just one desk with a TV, computer, I'm sorry, computer screen, ah two computer screens, and of course, a a segue. Yeah. sweet Later on, you see he's got a couple other things in there. But he literally rides that segue around.
That's not even like a flat screen TV. That's a, like, one of those Sony Trinitron's. Yeah. Yeah. The first flat screen. And he's wearing a lot of makeup on this. Yeah. And he's having a conversation with him. So because he's so weird.
and this is where they prank call him but he didn't catch it because he just threw the phone across the room she does some really big prosthesis and this dude's about to about to suck on him all night long and she's apparently into it
but they're key to the plot. It's like he pulls them over there and pulls them out and goes start fucking. I've never been in a party that happened to me. No, just saying they're not natural. um No, they don't look. No, they are. They're as big as you got the dog. You got the shaman on chocolou. Yeah.
Those dogs and kids. You would think that he would have to wear with all to like maybe actually do more than suck on her boobs, but apparently not. I'm not mad at that that scene either. Right? Dude, the ice cream sandwiches, she put ice cream on a whole wheat toast with lettuce. Yes, that was her ice cream sandwiches. That's how stoned she is. That is a stoned thing to do. I'm just saying. He's just like, yeah, we're not having it, grandma. We're good.
You can always, are they playing Tekken? Yeah. Oh man. They got a lot of good beer there now. They got, they got some look at Sky vodka. No, that's Siroc. Is it Siroc? Siroc. He's, he's like, you've been ever around for everything. World War II, Tupac.

Pranks and Office Description

what after i was done with him Oh, this is when he got insane yep gave a hand job to Turley Chapman. Well, she also talks about how they she forked Abbott and Costello at the same time, too, when they're looking through photos.
Cabo Wabo. Wabo. Hell yeah. I'm not a huge fan of Cabo Wabo. This is such better tequila. Agreed, but it's it's it's the name brand thing. Yeah, it's a popular
affordable to kill. That's funny. You know what's funny? They don't have it in Cancun, but they got it in Cabo. Obviously. Oh, makes sense. But you can't get it in Cancun. I do too. I'm sorry, but she's not bad looking either. No, she's, she's never looked bad looking. She just has to move shots back. Ooh.
yeah Someone has to get laid tonight. And she doesn't disagree. Dude, he just shit his pants. Yeah. And at points of the age, dude. I did. We're not in the rainforest, man. I drank some beer and had pizza last night. I'd be kind of o all day. You'd be wrong. Look, Abbott and Costello. Which one did Both of them. Which one did you nail? At the same time. I tried both. You're a dirty old whore.
You're a dirty old whore. What do you mean, we're... Okay, the big question. You're Nick Swanson in this scene. You've obviously never been with a woman. Do you go for it? Yes. I'm in. I mean, you know, she's got something weird going on, man. She's a gilf. She's a gilf. So, I noticed this right away.
That chick that Jonah Hill is sucking our boobs is showing nothing but he's barely, he's like tapping her skirt as opposed to smacking her ass. If you're loud, it's like he's doing it awkwardly like he doesn't know. yeah yeah Like he's an awkward dude trying to undo a bra for the first time. He uses all the fingers. But like he doesn't evolve throughout it. You know, yeah he has no game about it. No.
Hersing and salt and pepper here.
I can't tell if it's good or bad or just because she's drunk. It's karaoke, man. It's either good or bad. but She's into it, man. She's. She is. I'm not. The Asian dude's ready to fall over.
Damn. Was twerking a thing in 2006? I can't remember when that started. why It was, but it was called something different. What was it called? ah It was Back That Ass Up by Cash Money Records.
Twerking originated in the 90s in New Orleans. Origin twerking has its roots and African culture is derived from dance performed by Bantu speaking Africans in Central Africa is influenced by earlier Black news. Oh wow, that's interesting. Interesting. He wakes up the next morning after this party and we we we did miss the the old lady doing the Frankenstein. But he wakes up on the counter
Which means he didn't try to make a move on the block. No. but How do you fall asleep on the counter and not fall off? I agree. I don't think that's something I can do. Like, I think he maybe but was sitting on the counter and then laid down. Oh, yeah. But he would have definitely fallen off. So she did stay the night. But yeah. She must have had that somewhere else. Great old girl. Yeah, so look at that old baby pictures of him.
Yeah. Well, not just old baby pictures because am dress and the eighty s in the in the eighties. Yeah. like You can see his peepee. Oh man. God, I'm so i mean. if I'm glad photo albums. This is where where grandma alludes that he's smarter than he, he leans into high school.
Yeah, yeah yeah yes that's what I mean. this This wasn't him starting out being a man child. Like he has his shit together. You just hit a rough spot. should yeah he just He doesn't want to work a normal nine to five. And why would he he? Because I'm sure game testers make decent money. I mean, that seems like a ah job you can keep doing until, I mean, up at least until you so you retire. in yeah I mean, like you can do that in your 60s.
I love you. I love you.
No lie. Like, if my grandma was that cool as a roommate, I wouldn't mind. Okay. Oddly enough, game testers only make about $38,000 to $45,000 a year. Oh. I did not know. I thought it was a lot more. you going oh But for 34 grand a year, back then, shit. That ain't bad.
ah got more but the ninety s No, and sometimes you know, it's it's and I'm I'm this car and' um It's not about it's not about like being rich at my job. It's about being fulfilled He's still sucking on that tit ah Just eating cereal while he does it outside He does the West Side he's like fuck it.
Then later on, here so Nick Swanson wakes up with the guilt. he fashion And he's like, you're my first. You are my first. Oh, wow. And she goes, oh, I guess that makes you my 3000.
And his his face when he rolls over and said, I should have wore a condom. 3000 something something. He's like, ah, great. He rolls over. I should have wore a condom.
want a car It would have been so much funny if he started scratching his balls or something, you know? It's funny. and um In Phoenix, in the Phoenix area of Arizona, there's this retired area called, I think it's part of Scottsdale. There's a huge retirement community. There's old people. They had the highest rate of STDs out out of that. Oh, yeah. All retirement homes. Oh, yeah. Fucking orgy, fucking hot tub, orgies, all that shit. so So he takes her back to her apartment, which is actually really nice.
And as he walks away, he he goes, oh shoot, I forgot the ticket for my parking. It looks like a hotel. Yeah. It looks like a hotel. But it's not. um Maybe it is. Oh. She started at the beginning of the movie. Oh, yeah. So she started with it. Did that make sense? No, I think it was kind of like, they were both, they were both working with each other.
No, no, I'm talking about that's why she doesn't have her own place yet. She stayed in a hotel till she finds a place. Oh, okay. So I was right. It was okay. I thought it looked like a hotel. It looks like a hotel because she used a key card to get in.
Okay. He's got a pool table on that thing. Yeah. And a weird, everything's white, everything, including this. But he wears nothing but black, dude. It's so weird. Ew, gross. He's like monochromatic.
I must ingest more. Like people like this man need need need more friends. Do you guys ever meet a JP individual? Just be their friend. Help them be more.
Did he make saki out of powder? I don't know. What was in that powder? I have no idea. but the shocks is thinking He has a briefcase with Sushi in it. Sushi in it, yeah. He's eccentric. Because as a game artist, he makes the most money. Yeah, he's he's the creator. ah How much is a game creator, man? Let me check it out. I got it. I got it.
i canno not you
yeah correct she gave charlie Holy shit. Yeah. Next question. It depends on how long you've been in the industry, but the first four to six years, 101,000 increases as your experience increases, like 15 plus years. We'll go ahead and get out 134,000 a year. Yeah. So and think he's been doing, he's been creating games since he's like 15 because he's technically prodigy. So he's got money. Oh God. Yeah. Plus I'm sure money then.
or has more money than the guy who owns this company. Brainy brainy brainism. Well, maybe not because it's not their only game they put out. You know what I mean? No. Well, that's true. But you got to figure out his office. He didn't pay for the company deal. So.
no whats Oh, Yeah, this is where he's jealous. That's right. He's jealous losing a his mind. And of course they always laugh at him. That's the thing. Like he walks around, like degrading all these people, stepping down on them, making them feel small.
that all he is is a butt of a joke. Do you really think he's making them feel bothered? Just like, yeah, sure, buddy. Well, no, no, no. It's like they're four people making fun of you. You know, it's not funny. It's not even remotely insulting. See, and now he's working on a laptop instead of the computer. Like, why couldn't he have done that before? Agreed. Yeah. What the fuck are you doing here? What the fuck are you doing here? So JP shows up at grandma's house.
cri he's Look at the size of his combat boots. Like, they're not even tight around his ankles. So they're not tied properly. Well, it wouldn't look cool. Oh my god, he's drooling. Ooh, gross. Oh, gross, dude. He's, he's, ooh. He's cry-solving. It's fake, though, dude. It's all crocodile tears. Oh, yeah.
He's like acting like he's playing the victim card when he's not the victim. Yeah. mean Dude makes a hundred grand a year way back then. The bully gets rejected and cries. Fuck yeah. thanks Yeah, but is he really? everyone I mean, like has this guy ever gotten a chick? Probably not. Unless he paid for it.
nickwarrson Nick Swartz, Nick Swartz's character has more fucking ways than he does. Yeah. but Oh, so this is that's right. This is where he steals his fucking game. well he He sees his game. Well, doesn't steal it. But well, he says he says, oh, let me let me borrow it and and I'll give you tips. Takes it into into work and pawns it off as his own, which which is really weird because he doesn't have a backup copy of his own game.
That's something I found weird. He doesn't have a backup copy or he has zero proof and it's all on a disc. Yeah, no. Not, not, not a very smart thing to do as a game creator. And he, I mean, Grant is probably just written into the movie like that, but still, I mean, in all honesty. Once again, wouldn't he have save points on his Xbox?
actually but be really cool like to prove that it is. I would assume so. Because grandma's excellent at games, she's made a bunch of checkpoints. Do you think that Xbox is modded because he's playing his own crazy game? It's got to be. Like, know I don't think like the Xbox they give game companies to test stuff. They got to be modded for that so they can fix stuff. Yeah.
careful so much Well, I mean, this is like his own game that he created. I mean, right. so yeah I mean, I don't know how that worked. I mean, i yeah I know it's the type of code you write, but I mean, i he would think the console has to recognize the game's copyright. Right. family Oh, this is a. So this is where the dude has already got the monkey. Yeah, they're back at Dante's apartment or house basement. Does he live in a basement? He hangs out in the basement, but he has the old upstairs, too.
Oh, not gonna lie. I probably do the same shit, dude. I agree. Like, he's got a cool man. Might as well use it. That's where I would hang out. He's got that 70s fucking stoner vibe, too, with the couch and the table. it looked yeah i'm talking on the dude um mr lee I love how he can't talk to the Asian dude that's there.
go so He has to have Doc Chocolatoe do it. So Doc Chocolatoe has to translate from English to African to a whatever. Tae Kwon Do, who was that? Well, well I think it's Mandarin. Okay, that's close. So that, so that the ace back, don't tell the monkey, want you stop.
Yeah. He's Chinese. Yeah. So, Mandarin. The monkey kills the dude because you never see him again. You're right. Did the monkey kill him? I never thought about that. I don't know but I never thought about that. You probably see the monkey again but you never see the Asian that was teaching him quite on quite on quite on go. Look at that. Taekwondo. Taekwondo.
yeah this is where it was yeah but but that's the thing so so did did the monkey kill the asian dude yeah you rewind it here yeah i had a reason i had back it up again it is little replay what's that question no but like that's my thing it's like you only meet was lee ho is his name and lee ho goes up to tell the monkey to stop making a mess
And the monkey kicks his ass. But did the monkey do it? Because he never shows up again. Oh. He holds the real deal. He's full on Chinese. Because you hear it. He hears the real deal. He's full on Chinese. That makes a difference.
but Oh, shit. A million Asians don't know Taekwondo. Oh, shit. OK. He runs. All right. He's wearing a yellow belt. And that's so funny. Well, he said he he got his yellow belt earlier that day and the monkey's already a red belt. So the monkey's that good already. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what I felt. I don't know what I was trying to do here. Oh, I think I was trying to get it to buffer through. Yeah. Which is fine. Since we have such little time and it's buffering. We do need to take another break. Yeah. Yeah. So...
While you're prepping that. The last one yeah last money I have, what's that? slash nonsensical network. Find all our info to see all our shows. We're going to get clicked to add our Discord on there as soon as possible. So you can watch the movie with us.
Go ahead, sir. Now pause it. There we go. So but the last fan film movie we have for tonight is Goonies 2. This is made by a production company called Sequeled Fan Film. You can ah find other ones, other sequel movies that they've done on YouTube. This is a movie Movie Nerds YouTube channel. And again, the link will be in the description if you guys want to watch it and check out their other stuff.
I'm not mad at the bones because that's a total goonies thing. That's awesome.
It's a map written in Spanish. It's very old. It's probably in a frame.
um and Will! Over! Crap! Mr. Walsh, I mean your dad is coming home! I've got it! Are you guys
is this my inhaler but you don't have asthma but i could one day Look, I think I found something, but I just want to let you guys know that I'm about to ruin this ancient artifact. Not to mention priceless. Guys, come on. If you think this is it... I can't look like a young blaze. I'm just saying.
I knew it.
Guys, you're not gonna believe this. And there's so much more to this map than your dad thought. Well, I don't know if we should be doing this. I've got school tomorrow. Specs, am I reading that right? Do you need a name?
Yeah, according to that map, there's a second ship. The inferno wasn't the only ship. No, they built a second ship to follow the first one, but it says it's manned by the dead. The dead? I couldn't possibly say that. Cuitado el paco zaparada las manas tatas muitos, but where the ship will set sail by the hands of the dead.
Yeah, I'm proud to get to cheerleading practice. Since when did you... Shut up. Guys, come on. We're inches away from our future. This is it. A chance. This cave is the key to the rich stuff. We can fix everything. Today, here, right now, we've got a chance to prove our parents right. This is our time. Goonies never say die. Come on.
I'm not mad at that. And I kind of want to see them find the treasure. I kind of, I kind of liked that idea that there was a second ship besides one on Willie's freaking ship that was following. And they haven't found that one yet. I thought that was pretty interesting, but what I thought was really funny was the kid with the glasses, his nickname was specs. Right. He's supposed to be like a supposed to be like data, but the nerdy like between easily. He's a mixed between data and chunk. I was thinking more of, um,
ah the Korean kid. I can't remember who was yeah data the original. Oh, was his name data? Data. Oh, you're right. Okay. I love the Goonies dude. The Goonies was my jam. making the day We'll have to put that on the list. So we had about another 10 minutes left of the movie or so. So let's go ahead and finish this up. So they're back at the office the next day. believeevable that what actually happen I forgot where you got the black eye.
No, I think what am I doing? What am I doing? Yeah, because you jumped it forward, or you jumped it too far. Yeah, the monkey obviously got down there and beat them all. That's what it was. I'm surprised he didn't rip any fucking feet off. And Nix Watson's teaching the other guy how to make the armpit farts. That's something I forgot about.
I haven't done that since I'm a kid. You can't do it now because you got hair under your arm because you're a man. Back when we were kids, we could do it because we didn't have armpit hair. Is that why I can't do it now? Why am I not just shaving my armpits? You also have to put your hand in your shirt, not over your shirt. Just saying.
Obviously. So apparently, Nick Swanson does armpit hair. Yeah. i repeat jack love copy
OK, yeah, this is where J.P. showing off his new game, quote unquote. Well, he sent

Game Design Conflict and Resolution

a copy to it to Kevin Meehan's character. Turn your attention to the monitor. Did J.P. really think that that the main characters get away with us? Yeah. Right. be Well, this you mean you're talking about the same character. You're talking about the same character you thought he was going to be invisible up against the black one. So that's.
this is my game this is my game motherfuckers what are you saying three years he's been working on years but by himself though so he designs it he data tests it he does all of it on his own but he has no data on himself so but he's mainly he was afraid the entire time that people would make fun of him which is really weird because he works in the gaming industry. You know what I mean? Right. Like, you I mean, he was self-conscious about, well, it's just like when, when Blake and I first started that, we were kind of nervous when we first started the network about what are we going to sound like? What are we going to talk about? You know, so I get the anxiety about not showing it off.
approve probably be co it and learned all the moves in one night mr cheeseel this is sad That's a lie. That's a lie. um you Dude, I think I would've went over the table a lot sooner than that. I would've let him, I would've said nothing, I would've jumped over the table first. Well, because he comes over, he fucking cries. You try to be his friend. You let him borrow your games so he can check it out. Give you some constructive criticism. Winners. Fucking stills are from him. I would've knocked his ass out. What a fucking piece of shit.
I don't blame him for quitting and walk down. Now look, the monkey's braided dude. They're tapping on dude's head. The Asian, Lee Ho, not there. green monster the bling and the bling boy i want Now this is where... no and ever been brave ah Seth Rogen got the idea. So I would, mixing strains, that's not really some big new idea. I mean, that's something. No, no, no, no. The scene, the scene in, in Tropic Thunder, or not Tropic Thunder, what's that, what's that, uh, where they, where they spoke that cross joint, that's where he gets the idea because it's a bunch of strains put together. It's going to just fuck you up completely.
I would, I would go to the dispensary in Oregon and I would buy three or four different strains and I mix them all together and i was but I see it. That's the same super. I would call it the Oregon bud salad is what I would call it. That is the exact same super as that lady. You're absolutely fucking right. It is. That is so fucking cool. When, when, when you actually when you find out was, was this in the first Fast and the Furious movie? No, it's in the second one. When did that one come out though?
um'm curious I'm curious. Fast and furious in fact two fast du Furious came out in 2003.
think but So yeah, that's before this. Yeah. Oh wow. Oh wow. yeah There's a little bit of crossover there for you. You think this movie and the Fast and Furious are in the same universe?
That's one fucking joint. That is huge. I had a buddy that would roll fucking hog legs like that, dude. He's fucking take six different. That's the biggest joint we've ever seen on screen. But it's not the biggest fucking joint I've smoked either. You ever seen those big long ass raw cones? Like this fucking long. I saw those. Dude, we'd stuff those up. Pass them around. So the what's her name? The blonde.
yeah is girlfriend Samantha. Samantha went and got the grandmas because grandma's a hell of a player on this demonic game. So, where's Alex? You don't know. She knows. She knows. Which is funny because she understands that the game is not stolen. So, why can't her word be enough? Because it's family. Like, hey, Grandma. No, I mean, Samantha, this is when they're staring. This is when they're playing video games on a blank TV. On a TV. is suddenly the tv and ha
They're so stoned on a TV. people What is that ringing? And he turns the monkey, he goes, this monkey's killing it. Oh my god. The phone rings, and Donte's like, where's that ringing? Do I have a tumor? is That was funny. he And I love how he gets him over here.
Only problem is. I quit there months ago.
It was like that morning. Well, he's so stoned that he thinks he's been there forever. He's like, I just did that job months ago. The Bruce Banner, the bling, the bling bling. How big are you right now? Yeah.
What do you say? Fat Albert. Is this this Fat Albert? So torched. grand' gonna eat her soul out of Yeah, a little tally action. I'm saying. Oh, very tally actually. How much time do we have? Grandma's still on it, man. She's ready to get it, boy. Enough time to sixty-nine. We gotta give it a run. Nice. so She calls him Don Knotts. Oh. The fact that she calls Don Knotts is kind of creepy. So, they have to get to the

Comedic Conclusion with Stoner Humor

at the end of the office, they're Dante and dude is too stoned to fucking drive so they let the monkey drive. The monkey drives, which... Very stylistic, very aggressive. Fuck it. Kevin Neland's character's an idiot because he's like, he's like, yeah, you can tell a student's lying. Yes, ma'am. You don't care. The fact that I sat there and played it out of his house. Well, no, they were playing Tekken.
yeah I thought Samantha knew about the game though. No, so she found out about about that meeting. e you what he did he The only person he ever showed was grandma. and That's right. okay Let's do this. They're going to have a game on. Dude, her friend still has all her pills lined up there at the office. Yeah.
They got this set up as like a one on one ah versus mode. Yeah, it's versus mode. But that's very cod. ah Like when you get the gulag. You gotta fight your way out. He's over there. I was waiting. I was waiting for him to be told it was like wax fruit and keep eating.
done right? That would have been a funny setup. But that's all he's doing sitting on the couch eating fruit. We're talking about Dante, by the way. Yeah. And I seriously thought Dante was eating waxproof and somebody would tell me like, whatever. yeah You know? so and of course Make it out with a gill. I'm a prodigy. Vitamin. and They got vitamin. tell If you have to tell people you're a prodigy, you're not really a prodigy. You know what I mean?
and so she just moves up She does this move on the game that JP doesn't know about. Yeah. And whoops his ass, tears him apart. Well, grandma's got a couple, I would say grandma's got 50, 60 hours on this game. Oh yeah. Then of course JP. He's only at the 94. Yeah. Yeah. He shuts down like a fucking robot running out of power. Like a dumbass.
I'm so sorry. Namaste. Oh, shut the **** up. came This is why I would. done This is what this is when we find out that he buys with his weed from Dante too. Yeah. Which meant that I will underestimate somebody very close to me. Oh. Where do you get your weed? You Dante.
why mr teasel
JP is so baked all the time he doesn't he doesn't realize the cheese will buy his wheat off him. Dude, there's a few actors in Hollywood that played the best donors. Fucking Peter Dante's one, Brad Pitt's another one, Seth Rogen, James Franco, of course, those are some obvious ones. Right. like to So six months later, demonic's been released, it's but obviously a hit.
I guess it's the like after the release party. Yeah. Oh, there's Mr. Ho. Oh, he's alive. He is alive. Damn. And the monkey's drinking champagne, too, or at least he's licking the glass. Yeah. No, he drank it. get so stole you shit Would you smoke weed like that? You get so stoned, it's it's called a brown bomber. I won't smoke any weed. You smoke, get you so high, and make you shit your pants.
Dude, I have to worry about that if I drink, if I eat ice cream. I'm not going to fuck around with weed that's going to make me shit my pants because I'm lactose intolerant. So I'm with Jonah Hill. I already shit my pants this month. I'm good. If someone came up, like dude, if you smoke this weed, it'll make you shit your pants and like challenge accepted. You know what? I'm out. to say Like I'll prove you wrong. I'll be like, let's get Blaze involved and let him smoke and see if he'll shit his pants. So I can make fun of him forever.
You know, I want to smoke with Ricky from a trailer. They have an elephant up there. he He bought him an elephant as a present. So that is the end of the movie. um I. I like it. It's a good movie. It's a good funny story. It's a stoner flick. It's a I mean, not a stoner. So I mean,
might have a little bit more finicky story. But i can I can I can appreciate a Splinter movie like Chi-Chi Jong-up is Moog is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is fucking hilarious. However, for my ranking on this, I am going to give it six. Six Blaze and Jay's. The reason why is because as I said when we started, high school me would have I would have been all over this.
Unfortunately, it was like I said, I got confused with another movie and I was like, Oh no, I won't watch it because fuck those guys. And then when I realized it wasn't those guys, like I actually gave it a chance. Um, however, something we need to add on to what we talk about during the movie is who you would punch in the face for this movie. And I'm sorry in this movie, it's Kevin Meehan. I would knock. No.
I can deal with JP because, A, he's going to get his ass kicked by somebody by the end of the movie anyways. Fair. But Kevin Nealon with the whole I'm going to do yoga while we're having a meeting and I'm going to talk about I was just naked. I'm going to knock you the fuck out, dude. I'm sorry. Fuck you. Shut up. Give me my weed or give me my paycheck. Let me get back to work.
So for me, my my
My hated character of this movie is Kevin Neelan's character. I have nothing against Kevin Neelan, but the the the the the new AG fucking. Oh, I hate people. Yeah. It drives me insane.
Well, ah since this was a stoner flick, so I'm going to say I'm the expert on this movie. I'm going to give it, I'm giving it a ah seven seven. Seven. That's a seven, which is about what IMDB gave it, but I'm giving it a seven because it is not the best stoner flick. I've seen much. Agreed. But it is still one of my favorite stoner flicks. So. So for you. Yeah, it's a seven. This is right up there with the Ministry of Ungently Warfare and Terrifier 3.
and great outdoors. Oh, wow. I'm very consistent. ah For me, being a six, the ministry or sorry, Terrifier one is a six for me. And I have no other sixes. You know, eventually we're not going to be able to do this because we have so many movies to list that are just redundant.
yeah redundant But yes, so I want to thank everybody for joining us tonight for grandma's boy and I hope you guys enjoy those little short fan films. I know I did and I plan on showing some more. I like that. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm still going to do, I'm still going to do retro ad breaks, but I'm going to mix it up a bit. So I might do a little bit of both, but it was easy to pull some movies and show those out. Yeah. Well, we've been talking about doing that for a while too. Yeah. So any last words, Jeff? Uh, we'll see at the movies. Cause this, like I said, this wasn't terrible. No.
And remember, bring your own fucking popcorn.
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