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Men Caring for Men - Intrusive thoughts

Nonsensical Network
17 Plays3 months ago

We are here to with our ears! We will talk per usual but we want to hear how you are!


Setting the Tone with Music

Am I too obsessed with my face?
I just wanna feel better
Well, well, well, that's always such a good song to to start off the show, man. I love, I absolutely love that song for Monday nights. I need to put it on my Spotify. It's it's so good. jewel That was Jules in the Howl singing, I just want to feel better. I just want to feel better. Anyway, it's Monday nights, y'all. Welcome in. Pierce, good to see you.

Introduction to 'Men Caring for Men' Podcast

ah This is the men caring for men podcast or if the men caring for men show on the nonsensical network Tonight we're gonna have ah an interesting conversation that I think a lot of us think of but no none of us really talk about and we'll get into that a little bit later tonight um But Jeff don't tell them where they can find us So you can go to bio dot link slash nonsensical network scrolling at the bottom of your screen where you can find all our shows, including the link to our merch, which is

Light-hearted Debates and Open Conversations

And you can spread us on you. I don't care what anybody says. No, fuck you. I don't think it sounds creepy. So screw you guys. You don't have to think it does for it to sound creepy. There are a lot of people who don't think what they're saying. I bet Jeff Dahmer didn't think what he was saying was creepy. But I'm here to party. I don't think what he said.
Hey, I like to party already, buddy. I'm just saying. I just want to watch a movie. But now.
is just Chris Chaka Chaka, why are you in the comments? Chaka said he'll be up in about five minutes. He's I think he's getting stuff set up. He'll be up here. I already sent him the link. I already sent him the link, buddy. I'm on this. Speaking of the link.
Monday nights is an open panel. I got you. Oh, you got it. already gone um madness don't Don't start with me. But Monday nights is an open panel. Listen, we want to hear from you guys. The whole point of this show ah on Monday nights is to care for each other, to be the ear that a lot of people don't always get. So we want to hear your thoughts on the conversation.
We want to hear what you have to say. We want to hear the extra substance in here. And if nothing else, you leave feeling maybe just a little bit better. And if you leave feeling worse, then just unfollow us. Forget about us. I have to bring up the elephant in the room of my new sitting position. Dude. It looks like you're wearing a skirt. going It's my keyboard. like john But going from sitting on a hard wooden chair, you're sitting on the couch, my reclining couch, as you can see, I'm kind of reclined. Oh my gosh, it's it's a game changer. Buy a nice buy a nice desk chair.
I've had desk chairs. The problem is I spend so much time sitting at my desk, I end up breaking desk chairs. I have like four broken See my favorite desk chairs are the are the but nice leather ones That have the extra cushion and stuff I hate that like the one that I have now has that mesh back with the lumbar support And it's fucking terrible. I absolutely i loved mine. I loved mine and then the fucker broke No,
you are because I I tend to lean that lean back on you know, I you know, i'll put my feet up and you know and you know this I literally have like a I have my my foot rest. I got everyone. I'm comfy now. Yeah, I'm good. ah Not to mention, it's got a cup holder. Yeah, I will say, though, it looks like you're renovating your living room. No, you know what it is? You see this? That is from the kids. That is

Personal Life and Weekly Recaps

that is where the kids have scratched away by moving the couch multiple times. It looks like they took a a fucking ah power sander to it.
Yeah. Well, it's here you go, dad. We'll help you out so that you can read. Yeah. Every couple of months. So it's on my list of things to do. That list never ends. My honey do list, as they were. I was going to say, speaking of those honey do list, how was your week? Not not starting tonight week, but from last Monday when we talked to you last to now. Because every time I say that, everyone's like, oh, it's fucking Monday. Actually, last week wasn't terrible.
um the weekend was yeah so so i i actually caught up on some some shows i've been wanting to finish um because i really don't do a whole lot like during the day like after work i do this yeah hence the new comfy spots but um Because, fuck you guys, I'm not going to sit for like Saturday. Saturday, Blaze and I had a blast on the show. I know. How's the wife feeling, by the way? So, I think that she had just like an anxiety attack. And she made herself sick and everything. She went to the store. Mary, Mary, you totally understandable. She went to the store with, I think, with both boys. And when she got back, she was like,
I am, I'm hyper aware of every noise right now, every single sound, like just everything. She's like i walk up to my world like, I just feel like something's about to go wrong and I don't know why. She's like, it doesn't make sense. I was like, Welcome to my world. Yeah. It was like, I feel like I've said those exact words. Yeah.
Well, you know, she went to the bathroom and she she was in there for like 30 minutes. I'm like, damn, I wonder if she's OK. So I walk in there and she's sitting on the toilet and she's got the she's got the trash cans emptied out sitting in front of her. She's like, I can't tell if I'm about to continue to shit my brains out or if I'm going to throw up or both. And she ended up like throwing up everywhere and fucking shit. And I was just like, it's just I think it was just stress made her stomach all fucky. But I was like.
I'm going to take care of the kids while you do this. That way, you know, they're not tearing up the fucking house, but it is. Yeah, it's one of it's one of those

Navigating Family Dynamics and Parenting Challenges

things. It's like, welcome to my world. Now, you know, your hat and in your badge is in the mail. Because, you know, love, dude, we've got, yeah we've got a brochure and everything.
You can get all sorts of merch for it. nobody That's the thing. and and like where you know ah where We were discussing before we started on topic for the night. and We kind of went it with intrusive thoughts. I changed the title, by the way. so but Thank you. yeah i was I was struggling trying to put it together. it's been a We'll get into my daily. You literally have my phone number. I'm just saying.
I was up until I was up until 4 a.m. last night trying to get my daughter to sleep because she's sick. Oh, so I literally got to the point where I brought the full size mattress down from the third floor, put it on the second floor in her bedroom, and I just sat it away from her bed so that she wasn't fucking with me. And I just I just slept in her room because she was she kept waking up. I was like every 20 minutes she would wake up and fuzz. Oh, my God, just sleep.
You know what? I could barely fucking. It's one of those things. That. You're not there yet. But when they're older and they don't do that no more. Oh, my God, are you going to miss it? Oh, you hear that. You hear that now. And you're like, yeah sure, I will. Oh, I've got I've got two older boys that since their creation didn't care very much for dad.
Because I was, you know, I was always gone. I was, I was working with the military and shit. And so I was at home a lot. So everything was, I'm going to go to mom. I'm going to go to mom. I'm going to go to mom. And now I have that with my daughter and I'm like, man, what the, these kids are assholes. They just didn't like me. And now the boys are like, well, dad's home all the time. Oh, Hey dad. Hey dad. Hey dad. I'm like,
I went from not having it all at all to being smothered. And I kind of elevate and to hate it. it's yeah it's it's a It's a love hate relationship with that. It's not it's not something you ever get used to, but it's it's like living near an airport. The noise and the craziness, you miss it when it's gone. You miss it when it doesn't happen. Like, you know, the kids are at the gra grandparents this week just because I need to go fucking for it.
And I was sitting here, they they left on Friday night before Blaze and I did the show on Friday night. And this weekend around Sunday about noon, I was like awful fucking quiet in this fucking house.
going back to sleep and nobody can stop me. It's so weird when because every once in a while Nikki Nikki does a good job about it. She'll she'll take all three kids and I'm like just take one or two of them because you're going to come back pissed off at the world because I deal with them all all three of them as soon as the boys get off it too. I'm dealing with all three of them for the rest of the day and Nikki gets home somewhere between five and seven.
I'm like, i believe me, I know you're going to come back pissed off because they they won't listen. I'm like, just take. Like herding cats. Yes. And I was like, just just take one or two of them. But she'll take all three of them, and the house will just be silent.
yeah And I'm just like, I don't even know what to do, right? Like, I'll play video games for a half hour. And then I'm like. But you have that you have that worry, like, wait, I'm not hearing anything. They're into some. Oh, shit, they're not here. Yeah, you know, exactly. Exactly. I can't wait. Yeah, it's too quiet. They're in. They're not here. They're at mom.
I'll say something stupid to my wife. Like I can't wait to be empty nesters at 40. Like it'll be so nice cause we'll still be young and able to enjoy it and all that. And she's like, yeah, but we're going to miss the kids so much. I'm like, don't ruin my fantasy fucking. well you know yeah My daughter, my oldest daughter is, is 19. Uh, she lives with the mom of Mexico city and When she was younger, oh my gosh, my phone would blow up all day long. Dad, i mean you know dad dad now I'm lucky if I get an email once a month. you know yeah i'm like I sent her an email the other day. Hey, you still alive? Yeah, dad, I'm fine. All right, you need anything? No, dad, I'm fine. All right, bye.
Uh, I feel bad. I do, I do that to my, I do that to my parents. I'm not, I'm not good about it. And my mom will call me. I usually like four or five times a week to try and check on me because she knows I won't call her. And I feel bad because I answer and like a part of me is like, this is. Oh, like, you know, cause I know she's doing it. How's everything going? I'm like, well, everything's going. It hasn't changed since yesterday or two days ago.
You know, but but they're not here. It's they mom misses. the that I was a kid. I think she saw everything. She knew when something was up, all that stuff. And I'm. Yeah, I feel a bit like a dick sometimes because. Yeah, but it's like, you know, I feel like. As an adult, we get the the the it's not like we're ignoring our parents.
because we want to be assholes, we get caught up in the day to day. Yes. A hundred percent. You know, like my mom called me yesterday and she's like, Hey, I haven't spoke to you for like a month. Are you okay? Are you alive? I'm like, yeah, why? She's like, I was just wondering. I haven't, you know, she's like, I see you post on Facebook. I'm like, well, you can stop in and listen to the show. And she's like, yeah, I've heard your guys's shows. Not going to happen.
different Smart, smart. was I told and I told my mom, you get the good graces of the church, you know, I was like, if she wanted to, she could listen to a Monday night. Those those are the like tamer versions of our show. I was like, but just don't stay with Saturdays. Yeah, don't even. Don't even click anything. but Anything Jeff is a regular on, which is terrifying because you're becoming more and more of a regular on Monday night. Well, you know,
Which I'm not mad about. I'm not mad about it. I agree. You know, I think I see this show as me showing up on the show as my decompression day. You know, because technically for me, every... Go ahead and grab that. ah Every day, my my week doesn't start until I say it does. You know what I mean? i ta ah hi body so bicycl If I wanted to my week could start on Tuesday, you know that, you know, not everything has to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you know, because I make my own fucking schedule because well, I own the company. I'm allowed to do that. But like, when it comes to ah she I literally kind of picture my day of Wednesday starts my week.

Using the Podcast as a Stress Outlet

So Wednesday to Wednesday kind of thing and this is The the past couple times i've been up here on monday. So i'm like This is where I can be impressed. I don't have to quote unquote help lead or help I could just I could be quiet old fucking time if I want to Not that I will but you know, let's be honest Yeah, no, you're you're very good about this speaking up and speaking your mind I like that about sometimes good or bad Well, it's good or bad Again, I think that's where Monday nights are. I think that's the that's the glory of Monday nights is I don't I don't. Yes, this is a more professional and a more team show, but I don't want your filter. I want I want you to never get a filter. um But not just from you, not just from you. I agree. But it comes up here like I want the raw. Hey, my week was fucking terrible.
You know, dude, my week was great and I was struggling with this. This is where it flipped around. I don't want you to beat around the bush and and keep it to yourself because you're too much of a fucking man to speak up about it. I want you to talk about it wrong. No, but I want you to talk about it because that's the glory of Monday nights. You'll never see me on a Monday night with a box of tissues crying. But yet not yet. I feel like you'll drop down if that ever happens.
Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, because I'm not that guy. Like, even like, well, you and I were talking about before we started, this morning until about noon one, I was like, where can I buy a bullet and rent a gun? ah You know, and and then I had a conversation with with someone, a colleague,
And they pushed it in perspective like they didn't mean to it wasn't wasn't it's not like I called him like hey man I'm having a shit day no they were just like hey I have a question about this and then we got to talking and I got done with the conversation I was like but ah maybe I don't need to rent anything or buy anything I just hmm I'm good. but Did the conversation just evolve into something that Well, it was touched on what was what was going on and why you're upset or what did it so if you feel needed it No, not necessarily to feel needed but it was one of those things where it was like Mike the colleague and I were talking about the plan for the new program that we're running well and
And I was, you know, I was stressed out about it because the talk has been to one of the meetings he's seen. it it's It's not something that I can call everybody and be like, you need to, jump well, you know about it too. I can call you up and be like, hey, get on this. And you're like, yeah, come in, whatever you say. That's not ever going to happen. I don't care what you're selling. ah Yeah, she is. um But that's a very different night.
um Well, actually, there's I'll talk to you about it off air, but it's, it's, there's a development with that too in a good way. Um, but it's like we, we got into a plan of over the next X amount of days, we're going to do this, this, this, and this. And I don't have, and I found out today, I don't have to do it all by myself. And I was like, you want to talk, take it about taking the weight of the world off my shoulders.
I felt like I was able to breathe for the first time in two months where I was like, ah ah I started seeing sunshine and roses again. And then I stepped outside and it started raining and I was like, well, fuck that, you know, but it's, it's, there's a hurricane off the coast again. yeah So I have to deal with weather, but I don't leave my house most of the time. So I don't have to worry about it that much. Yeah. But no, it's, it's, it's, you know, you, you were talking about before we started, uh, we were talking about intrusive thoughts, you know, which is, uh, the things we think, but God forbid we ever say them out loud or follow through or follow through. Oh, agreed. You know, it's,
People don't realize that even just a normal conversation, like if I called you up and we've just started talking about the fucking weather, whether you know it or not, during that conversation, whatever comes up in that, God knows how long we'd be on the phone. Couple hours. Could could alleviate something that we didn't even talk about. Yeah. But it's like, I got my mind off of what I was thinking. 100%.
and the everybody should be able to have that one or two or a couple of people were like, let's just shoot the ship for 20 minutes. Like I like right before we started the show, I was watching ah Wally do his show and I saw Benji was on there and Benji and I ended up jumping on what's happened, calling each other, and having a conversation. yeah Because we need to teach Wally how to use the chat and read it. But da it's fuck ah and So, you know, Benji and I were sitting there shooting the shit about stuff and he kind of even that conversation Where I don't have to talk about work. I don't have to talk about the shows. We were just shooting the shit Hey, man, what are you doing? And we don't have to worry about the content We don't have to worry, you know, and it was like that little bit of what was just like oh
get whatever I have on my brain off my brain. He really does. joy He really does. He's good. He's a good fucking he's a good asset. And dare I say, dare I say not a maybe not officially, but he's a great part of this network. Ouch. Thank you, Joy. Thank you, Joy. what Oh, oh, yeah, no.
yeah yeah con of easy pick I compliment you too. Thank you, Joy. Go fuck yourself, Connor. Yeah. Fuck you, Connor. That seems to be the seems to be the standard around here. I would really look forward to this Monday. I needed this Monday. Yeah. I was going to ask you, how was your training? I had a fucking great, fantastic fucked up week, dude. You guys have older children?
Uh, my daughter's 19, 19. Okay. So I have 24, 20, 24 is my daughter. 21 is my oldest son. I got an 18 year old who's my fighter and then my 13 year old, 18 year old still at the house, 13 year old still at the house. So those are the 18 year old but one right now. He's, he's the one, he is the one he is. ah He won the award for the reason I'm here. on this mo up of the week mother but he's a He's at the age where he's wants to be an adult.
But still does little kid things, still does kid things. It wants me treated like that. I'm 44 years old and I still do that shit. Wants rides to go everywhere. want Wants this, wants that. But hey, we tell them to do something. I'm a man. I don't need to. I'm a man. Where are you going? I'm a man. You shouldn't know where I'm like to go. We've been, we it has been a week. It's been a fucking week, man.
and you know that and trying you better watch your mother now home when you talk to me well know if there's There's something that I've kind of adopted a philosophy that I kind of came up with I Was thinking about it one day, you know from the age of 18 until about 30 You think you know everything? Well, let's say from 13 to 30 you think you know everything And one day in your thirties, you wake up and you go, wow, I don't know fucking shit. Yeah. And and I try to have that wake up moment. Nobody can tell you. I try to rewind and go back and put my my ah brain back when I was um wrong.
Yeah, well, yeah. Well, you know, I think you're going to ask yourself, don't mind me. Don't mind me. Yeah. I tried to go back and think like when I was 18 and I knew I'm shit, but but I was different though. And every parent's going to say that, but I was already moved down at 17, had my own apartment, i had my own ah vehicle, had a nice job that I would be able to support a family with at 17.
He's 18 still living here. I was still figuring it out. Yeah. Yeah. but now i'm still But I was still figuring it out, but I was still figuring it out. So I'm trying to it's hard for me to go back and and and put my 18 year old mind in. And I'm like, OK, still, he's still fucking up. even Even if I'm thinking like an eight year old, I mean, he's still fucking up to me. I'm like, God damn it. Yeah. But, so you know, there there is the that rule. You've got to let him fuck up every once in a while. He's got to fuck up. He's got to realize it because he right now he's he's And this is me. I'm learning. This isn't something new for me too, because he's my first rebellious kid. Really? So this is, this is a new thing for me. Other kids were very, uh, if Ziki, if you're watching this, your brothers were very respect, your brother and sister was very respectful and you're not. Yeah. But so he's a sexy testicle. Isn't he joy? Chucky still look great. Oh, thank you. I used to have long, beautiful hair. And then. You know, then you have kids. Yeah. It's like just like mike Tyson. Father Time gets you. Father Time will beat you every time. Tyson got his age like that. Yeah, so Mondays is ah this is good this is a nice. ah wo saw It's you know, yeah, it's a real decompression day like, you know, when this past week with Glick being off. I did every show, but Tuesday,
because we it was recording.

Challenges of Hosting Solo and Audience Engagement

But it was one of those things like I knew I didn't want I i never wanted but anybody to do a show by themselves. Yeah, because do the show by yourself fucking sucks. Yeah, it's hard. It's not, you know, not having a sounding board is like, oh, Jesus.
um yeah you You can't play off of other people and they can't play. Exactly. You're sitting there talking to yourself and hoping that what you're saying is resonating with your audience. If you even have it. Agreed. Agreed.
But, like ah like, I don't know. I'll talk about how you do it when you do your TikToks and stuff, because you do a full-on, hey, this is what's happening in crypto today. And, like, not having a sounding board ah the sound ah like another person in the in the in the room or on the beach. See, well the the good, I guess I'm just lucky cause I got all day, kids are at school and the wife goes and does her job. So I've got, right and I worked nights. So I got during the day and in my office, I i got soundproofed fairly decent except for the dogs. So it it seems, I can knock it out pretty, pretty quick. No, but I'm not talking about like,
I'm talking about like you go up and you stare at a camera as opposed to I can see you. I can see Lieutenant Dan up there. You know, ah it it's it's a different format. Like when Glick and I first, before we started the show, we we reconnected on TikTok and I, you know,
I was like, dude, how do you go live for hours at a time? What the fuck? He's like, oh, I talked with the chat. Well, that first 20, 30 minutes, if you get somebody in the chat, yeah that's a long wait where I don't, i let's be honest, I've never planned anything. Like the most planning I do is Wednesdays. Yeah. If it wasn't for like the OGs, like you got that guy, NK, everybody, and then and even Karina Joy, everybody's in the chat right now. i'm like They've been showing up. if i really yeah that's off which I really appreciate that. Yeah, it's hard. All you guys who come in here on on Monday nights and Saturday nights, Wednesday nights, all throughout the week who join in to listen to us as a part of Chaka's community, who decided to come over here and listen to us. I genuinely want to say thank you.
No, I agree. It is a super, super, at least for me. I know Glick always says, oh, I don't look at numbers and nobody ever looks at numbers. But when I see actual engagement and I see new viewers and I see the numbers of people watching us during our live, it gives me a little more output. It makes me want to be here. great So thank you guys very much for for taking the time out of your day to come over from his community to listen to us.
Well, there's nothing worse to be sitting here live and look up at the numbers and see zero. Oh, my God. What am I doing? Mm hmm. You know.
About except for Connor, he's still in his 20s. Twenty seven to get out of here, Joy. He's I know that my beard ages me. you're forty but too Right. I said the same thing. The problem is he was in the military most of his life. So he looks like he's 45.
Yeah, from the time I, from the time I turned, well, I guess I wasn't even 18 yet. I joined before I was 18. And then I got out just over a year ago. So yeah, it's been, you know what, I thought you're older, dude, but not not

Military Experiences and Civilian Transition

your looks. hang out like but of The stories you tell you live some life, bro. Cause you tell some, um shit and I'm like, I'm like, this guy's got, I thought we were the same age.
right No man, i've just I've got some experience. i I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two. Like I tell Glick, all my trauma came in my adult and my adult part part of my life. so yeah So that's where I started seeing things.
but What I want you to say is like my ah my brother hit me up. He wants to jump up here one day. He's like, I want to go up. And he he wants to come up one day too. I was like, dude, come up, join us. He's never showed his face on YouTube before. He wants to do it over here on a Monday. Always welcome. yeah the The beauty of ah but ah chiook shows like this, it's not about the host. It's it's it's literally about who's watching and dealing with the shit, the day-to-day bullshit that we all go through that just makes you like, so I can bury that body. Nobody will ever know because I put wildflowers. Yeah, well, yeah. they don't let me started
There's a reason why I don't leave my house. I'm just saying. That was an interesting conversation that I had just yesterday. Jeff, I was I was out with one of my buddies. We were grabbing Burger King, bring it back to the house. He brought his son over and you know, kids are playing and everything. but He's an ex ex con and we're at the Burger King and dude i'm I'm fuming because there is a whole situation with.
Fucking door to ash didn't somebody grabbed our order So we were sitting there waiting 45 minutes cuz nobody realized and I had talked to him like seven times I'm fuming. I'm pissed. I'm just dude. I just I'm starting to get a point where I just want to fight somebody Well part of that's hunger Calling it now Well, no, I actually I eat breakfast that mojo don't ever don't ever cut in front of me in a fucking fast food line obviously That's not but that's not cool but I was I was starting to get so mad and I'm like, dude, I I need to step outside for a minute to calm him down. He was like, look at me. He's like, you don't need to be that guy anymore. Facts. I was like. Who the fuck are you? It's little shit like that that hits you and you go, you got a fucking point. Right. Because it was such a simple thing that he said, you just don't you don't need to be that guy anymore. I know that a part of you wants to be that guy.
because that's that's fucking, that's manly, that's you. That's tough. Yeah, but you were that you were that guy for how long? i Yeah, that guy for just shy of nine years. And it's just got- It's a hard switch to turn off. It is. And he's like, you don't need to be that anymore. Yeah. Because that's that's one of the big things that i've been I've been struggling with and Jeff knows since I got out is I want to be them.
I want to be the mean motherfucker that nobody wants to mess with. But I'm also a father. I'm also looking for a civilian job and they don't really care. Yeah. And neither does the rest of the negative. Neither does the rest of the world. He was like, you don't need to be that guy. You're not in prison or not in the military. You're not doing that anymore. Be soft. Yeah. Relax. I was just like, oof.
I was like, oh, I'm a little heartbroken when he said it, too. I was like, fuck. But but it it got you to think, though, didn't it? Yeah. You're like, you know, you got to fuck with, you know, my wife gets on me about smoking. I said, honey, I smoke to save lives. And the first time I told her that, she was like, what are you talking about? I said, because without my cigarettes, I will kill everyone.
so Because, you know, like I said, you come in front of me at Burger King or so. Oh, you get just lost. You just. Yeah, you're gonna going to go it down. You don't. I to be that guy. I got to be that guy at work. I'm a deal to be.
That's why I started YouTube. This is kind of my outlet. I can be myself, you know, and yeah I got to be that guy with the family because I got, you know, we're always wanting to look out for your family. So I'm i'm like that. Well, I originally think that's why Glick talked to Connor about doing this show, because whether he meant to or not, Connor needs that outlet.
yeah Talk about you in third person. Shut up. But it say it's one of those things. It's like, I think it it may not have started that way. And I know you were hesitant for a while of of coming up every Monday and stuff like that. But I think it's become your little, this is where I can be that angry asshole if I need to, or I can just let everything go that over the past weekend or week or whatever has been driving me insane so that I am a better father, I am a better husband, I'm a better human being. Look at me again, Dean.
yeah he It, when you have a chance to, to use an outlet for your anger, for your quote intrusive thoughts, for your, you know, your your little things that keep poking at you all fucking week, all fucking day, every fucking day. And once a week, you can just let it out. You can relax. You can, you can talk about it, or you can listen to other people talk about it and realize you're not alone. That, that is definitely like, it's a big reason why I love doing Monday nights.
You know, even even when I wasn't coming up on Mondays, you know, well especially when I was super busy and working like till 10 o'clock on Monday, I'd have you guys to show on in the background. So to remind myself, you're not the only motherfucker going through this shit. That you may not be going through the same thing and as Connor, you may not be going through the same thing as chocolate, but you're going through something that And the the old adjective of bottle it the fuck up and wait till you explode is not cool because that's how people climb on water towers. I'm just saying. Yeah. You know, I'm too old i'm killed to climb a water tower in therapy.
but I, I, I, I am, I am angry. I'm an angry person. I have, I have a really short temper and I'm, it's, it's not a, it's not a good quality to have. I feel terrible. Last time, the last time I tried those patches, I was wearing them like a belt, like Chewbacca.
ah so Dude, I tried the gum, and it's fucking terrible. So what that all got me what got me to quit chewing, because I've chewed tobacco since I was 15 years old, was these right here. It's called Black Buffalo. It's no tobacco, no nicotine, 100% leaf. No nicotine. No, nope no nicotine, no tobacco, nothing. It's called Black Buffalo, but it tastes just like. It's like non-alcoholic beer. And it works for me. I'd rather shoot myself. I'd rather look at ashtray.
They got me to quit you a little. Oh, ah good on you. I did quit ah smoking for about. I think it was like six months and then. I had a I I went through something that happened. I don't remember what it was, but I was like, fuck it, I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes. And.

Quitting Tobacco and Managing Anxiety

yeah and that was the end of it. Now, I go through like a pack a day. <unk> Isn't that a fun progression? You quit and you crave it and then the cravings go away and then you have that one day. One thing. And you're like, you're like, fuck it, dude. I just want a cigarette. Fuck everybody. I don't care what everybody says. You smoke that one cigarette and you're like, you finished the pack. I need another one. I need another pack. I need another. Yep.
I changed smoke, dude. I used to sit out the smoke that what was in the military and smoke three or four at a time and finish up, come back and my fucking supervisor would be like, where the fuck have you been? I was like, has anything changed since I left? You know, everybody's still alive. Does it matter? Why the fuck does it matter? Now, I'll have a nice cigar every now and then. I have a cigar. i lovear I can't. My budget doesn't allow. Oh, two, three dollars.
michael cousin bro things from i wish i could get them for two dollars
Unfortunately here there it's like $10 it's gone because they only sell the good stuff Like you're like I want a cheap one they're like this one's $12 you're like motherfucker and I said cheap they said we don't do cheap Copy that ah And if I spent twelve dollars on a cigar my wife would shoot I'm like, yeah, let me go spend, go buy two, just in case. But this is, this is the place to, this is the place to ah let out all that pent up anger and frustration and depression and all the, all the things. It's been a, it's been a week.
Yeah, oh I'll be honest. I asked Jeff and Chaka about their weeks. I'm going to all spout my week. that was numbers it's been an It's been a calm week events-wise, but it has been anxiety-ridden, and I don't know why. I'm not answering that. I don't get that luxury here of trees and woods.
We have a jungle with snakes the size of you. Just saying. I like Cancun is literally called the snake pit. Oh, yeah. Fucking. tell Yeah, but it's it's just it's been anxiety inducing and I don't know why I was outside last night and it was probably around 11 o'clock. It was before my daughter started waking up and throwing a fit. I was outside and I sat on my fucking porch for about a half hour just looking around.
oh yeah i I wanted something to happen. And I felt like I knew something was going to happen. Like, you know, when you have that, that feeling, like something's, something's bound to happen. So I want to go outside for it so that I can be ready to so do something. And, you know, your, your logical brain really isn't thinking right. and It has been that way for like five out of the last seven days. And my wife's like, you've just been really quiet lately. And I'm like,
ah and So I sent Jeff, I i sent you that that TikTok and I was like, dude, i I'm on that right now. Like it got me at the right time. It was an interesting one. No,
so go ahead. i um was no that was fun ah that that's That's been the extent of my week. I mean, I'm just getting i'm getting bored of being a homebody. So I'm excited to start working again. but I'm also doing, I'm plenty busy. I've got school stuff going on and I've got, you know, the wife works. baby got a lot to juggle on And then starting in December, I get to start working. So that'll be my vacation from the fucking four walls of this house. You know, as much as I, as much as I would love to actually go like be in an office with a bunch of people, I don't want it.
Because, like, I don't like people. You become an HR agent, too. Jeff. Oh, yeah. I'm HR's worst nightmare. That's the third time you've been sent to HR this week. It's Monday. Yeah. What's your point? See you tomorrow, Bob. What do you even do around here, Bob? Yeah. God damn it, Bob.
No, but it's like, and and it's it's it's not that I don't mind. Like, for instance, and if you, me, Glick, Blaze, you know, all everybody of the nonsensical network, if we were all in a room, I'd be fine. I don't like new people. Yeah. I don't like crowds. I hate trying to make new connections.
I don't want to make new connections. That's what I know. You know what? I don't like this. My wife does this. OK, she'll make a friend and they're good friends. This friend has a husband and she's like, I don't have to. You now have to be his friend. She sets up these fucking barbecues and like it's like I'm like, hey, how you doing, girl? My four years old set me up a fucking play date. Yeah, exactly.
I'm like, you want to be here because we're trying to get drunk to fucking get to know each other. my My wife's best friend that she grew up with lives out here. Well, she lives about an hour north. We used to live 10 minutes up the road from him. And the first time that they came over to our house, Nikki was like, I think you and Henry will get ah get along great night.

Social Dynamics and Friendship Dynamics

And we sat there, we drank beer. And I think we said 10 words to each other. And he said, you know, we're not Kamala Harris t-shirt. You're like, I'm going to know that he's a poor guy he's a friend he's country bumpkin.
And he's a he's he's just he's like me. He doesn't care to make a whole bunch of friends. Yeah. And yeah, we're just sitting there fucking staring at each other. And I'm like, you want another fucking beer? Yeah. I'm like, that was the extent of our conversation for three hours. And Nicki's like, did you like him? and I was like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We get along great. He hands me beer. Great. That's that's the basis of a relationship. He had extra cigarettes. I like him.
Oh, he had a liner when I needed it. He always has my camel crushes. He always, he smokes my camel crushes every time I see him like, Hey, hey, want to, but, but the, the, you, you, when your wife meets somebody new and they become friend, past friends and their husbands and like a moron or, or. to have nothing in common. Those are the longest play dates of life. You're just like, yeah, this guy. Yeah, it's like. It's um it's amazing to me that click and I get as long as much as we do, because super sports guy, not sports guy. At all. Every time he talks sports, I fucking tune out.
Oh, he's he's all a Bennett. He's all all sports. You know, ah when when the tables turn, when the tables turn and I bring the dude from work, you know, he's cool. We start hanging out and shit. Hey, let's go. let's Let's go grab dinner. Let's bring our wives. And I try to introduce.
Oh, no, you're an asshole. Oh, oh, I don't want to. She hates her. But I'm like, she's fucking cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's called a power struggle, buddy. You're never going to win. You're significant other ever try and get you to like one of their friends and you just don't drive with all. I hate all of her friends. I hate all of her friends. So God love you. I've yet to meet one of my wife's friends that I like.
My wife's old boss, honestly, great person, super nice, super sweet, fun, bubbly personality. And my wife absolutely loves her. I'm just very meh about it. And she was like, hey, Missy's going to be over blah, blah, blah. And she brought like three of her her girlfriends from work. And I'm just like, so the kids are out.
and we have a whole bunch of people over at the house that you want me to be friends with. I don't know any of them. Some of them are very politically forward and I don't care who's part of the house. I don't wanna play that game. And I'm just like, i she's super sweet, but I have no interest in hanging out one-on-one with any of your friends. I just don't. I love you and they're they're nice people, but I can't.
Have you ever had a couple with kids that bring their younger kids over and that, you know, maybe their kids don't know how to behave. Yes. Yes. And then like, how do you go about that? Are you like, Hey, I bring the dog cage inside and I said, I throw a toy in there until the kids go get it and then lock the door. Like I didn't do it. They did it.
Yeah, i question like my youngest kid tries to keep kind of got it now to where I just got to look at him and then he'll try to take care of it a nonchalant way. But I have no problem. be like hey Can you get your your fucking kid? He's not supposed to be in there. Why is there jelly on my DVD player? Yeah. Yeah, yeah we the we we are really good friends with a couple that we met while we're in the military um and they have a daughter and it's their only child and it For a father, there is a special there's a special way that you treat a daughter. it's just i I can't explain it. It just is the way that it is. But she's also the single, the the the only child. I love this couple to death. They are great people, but their parenting style makes me so mad because I would sit there and I'd yell at boys.
I'd yell at the boys for for doing something that she does the exact same thing. And they would just be like, I'm going to count. I'm like, why are you counting? yeah she Everybody's got a deer right now. What are you doing? It was never to that extent. But I i thought i love her. I don't love them. They're so gentle with her. And I'm so heavy handed with the boys. And I'm sitting there going, oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
But I guarantee you, you're not as heavy-handed with your daughter as you are with the boys. I'm not, but I'm still fairly

Parenting Styles and Family Interactions

sick. I'm the biggest pussy when it comes to my daughter. Oh my God. I'm like, ah my son can do something. My daughter did the exact same thing on the other side of the house. My son's going to get his ass. what My daughter, don't do it again.
so happy your brother my and My daughter's relationship. she's my She's my first child. Oldest kid is my daughter. So she yeah, she was raised different than the boys. My daughter will walk up to one of my one of my boys and she'll just rip a toy from their hands and they'll because their kids, you know, they take it right back and they were playing with it first and I'll walk up and I'll just see her crying.
I'll be like, what is going on? What are you doing to your sister? She took the toy from me. It's her toy. Give it to her. I don't care. I don't care. She's two. She's two. And that's her toy. Anyway, you give it back. But if they do it to each other, I'm just like, figure the fuck out.
you can yeah i No, no shame to the parents that only have one kid. But you're not a parent unless you have two. at least because having an only child is technically easy parenting. When you have two that are arguing about something that's so not fucking important and they're arguing like it's the end of the fucking world, then your patience is tried. But if it's one kid, you're like, yeah, i just give it to him.
So ah cheryl's Cheryl, Cheryl in the chest is what's your reasoning behind not liking her friends? Bad influence rowdy. Now there's a very few of my wife friends that I really don't like. There's maybe like actually like one or two. And the reasons I don't like them is just because they, they are the type of person they're there. They, they really talk. You can be in the room with them. My wife can be in the room with them and they'll be talking just fine. And then my wife will leave. They forget I'm there. And then they start talking shit about my wife.
they're They're that type of person where they just will talk crap about anybody is usually the room. That's the reason for me All my wife's friends are single and no kids So they don't know when it's time for bed like Yeah, you know ladies. It's two o'clock in the fucking morning I got kids asleep. You want to shut the fuck up? you know or or or You know, oh, God, I'm tired. Oh, we'll be quiet. You go. No, get the fuck out of my house. It's two o'clock in the morning. I'd like to hug my wife and go to bed, you know, ah because God forbid I go to bed without the whole end of the fucking world. Oh, see, i've I've crashed out. I've gone to bed. Yeah, but you work nights. It's it's normal. but enough You know, but but there's also like
they will, my wife is so independent, but if her friends are like, let's go to the club until like four o'clock in the morning, she's like, I don't, okay. I'm like, well, you didn't even put up a fight.
You said, i okay. Me me me and my girl, we like, we like to, we we're probably usually the ones that are up till four o'clock in the morning, partying up. and Oh, don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. If, if, if like,
If her mom's got the kids, oh yeah, I'll go with you guys. i yeah Granted, I'm going to just sit at the end of the bar and drink beer, you know, or I'll be the DD or whatever, but it's, it's her, her, well, we've actually, I used to do the show up in the bedroom and my wife would have her friend over. We're talking.
going through doors through concrete walls and you could hear these bitches. I could say bitches because I know my wife's not listening. ah yeah You can hear them on the show through three separate concrete foot thick concrete walls and doors. And they're so like, I'm like, Hey, you want to show here? People can hear you.
you know, i I was I wasn't really like I had a time where I wasn't doing a show. I was just like live streaming, and hanging out. And ah my wife had her friends in the living room, which is right next door to my office, full on karaoke with fucking these huge ass speakers that her friend

Home Office Innovations

brought. I'm just like, fuck here we go. and They ended up coming in here during the live stream. I was like, hey, it's party. I've done that as well. Like the when I used to work out of the office and you weren't here when I was in my office.
but this I say boffice. So I have ah behind the screen that you can't see, I moved my screen so I'm in a different spot. But yeah like last week when my screen was sitting on the kitchen table or living room table, behind that is a concrete wall and a half bathroom. Well, I took everything out of the half bathroom and turned it in my office. So I called it my boffice.
It's a bathroom slash office. yeah So i can I can literally do the show while taking a shit. If I wanted to. You know, drop the camera and just drop towel and sit down. You'd never know the difference. Except for the fact my camera was off. And I soundproofed the whole room. So I could, you know, it's not that big and it didn't cost, that but I think it was like 20 bucks to soundproof the whole room. I could close the door and you could sit there and scream I had to put a light. Cause I'd locked the door as well. I had to put a light in the, in the office so that somebody wants my attention. They got to turn on the light. Oh, wow. Oh, I see the little red light. Oh, it's something I'll be right back. And then go out. What do you want? We're we're ordering DoorDash. Are you hungry? Yeah. but Give me a burger. I got, I gotta go back to show. Uh, but the problem with the office is it's, it's a half bathroom. I, I,
There's no way to put air conditioning in it because it's in the center of the house. And the fan that I had in there, I went through nine different fans because they would burn out. Because I'd be in there, I would be in the office from 8 o'clock in the morning until midnight. Whether it was working or doing the show, because I'd go right from work straight to the show. And my fan had burned out. And I got to the point where I was like, I'm not going to buy another fucking fan. I'm just sitting in the fucking living room.
he You see Steve's comment right here. He said, but if you're taking a poop while you while you stream, you're pushing shit out of both ends. That's risky. Exactly. Oh, no, it was great. Because like, I didn't even like I use a corded headphone because I hate Bluetooth headphones. I don't even I didn't even have to take my headphones off and I could just turn it aside, just off camera and sit down. Now it's just a storage area.
And Joy says, I have cameras in my house. If I don't see my daughter up around six a.m. I put an alarm that goes off. She's always. Good morning, mom, I'm up. My kids really don't get up early. They really don't get up early. if They do. They'll go raid the fridge real quick and then they'll go back crash. Oh, good God. I there's times like on a Saturday, you know, all week I'm up at Ask Crack of Dawn at it.
you know, and then I do the show and then I watch a little bit TV and pass the fuck out. And there's times where on a Saturday or Sunday, I'm like, I'm gonna sleep in today. you I'm gonna sleep until 10 o'clock or nine o'clock or something like that. And 8am man, I'm kids are wide the fuck awake and God forbid they be quiet.
yeah my My kids have no concept of The TV doesn't have to be a ah hundred percent. Yeah. You're four feet from the TV. You don't have to have it that loud. You know, mine's usually not the TV, but I got them all these JBL speakers, those big loud ones and that they'll hook up their phone

Family Music Habits and Show Breaks

is just different. A variety of music. You walk through our house, it's it's different. It's like walking through 40 different clubs. and he' just like oh yeah But trying to sleep through that shit is not going to happen.
I sound for the bedroom. Wake up dancing. Real quick. I ah honor think he had to step away for a minute, deal with kids and wife stuff. Let's go and play real quick. No, that's fine. Take your time. I'm going to put us on break. um This is, who is this? Jay Valor. His cover of knocking on heaven's door. We'll be right back.
don't me But these footsteps stepping gently They don't want me dead, evidently Ask who sent you, they ask who sent me
Fearing that the little boy knocking at heaven's door? Did I spend my course searching for metaphors? Trying to
telling me don't be
I like that, dude. I haven't heard that one. Yeah, that's Jay Ballard. I think that's not I think that's on his previous album. I'd have to ask Cliff, but that is knocking on heaven's door. I like that song. I'll give a shout out to ASMR fan in the chat. Appreciate you showing up. She's awesome. Don't forget everybody. A little station announcement real quick. Bio dot link slash nonsensical network. Like, share, follow all our shit.
yeah yeah And then of course, uh, nonsensical dash nonsense dot my spread You can spread us on you and we are back. We're talking about in it intrusive thoughts and, you know, going through our weeks and all that fun stuff.
one fun seemed whisper Yeah. Oh, sorry. Intrusive thoughts. You're here. How are you? and come into that Yeah. Yeah. but
well what' What is it day-to-day that you struggle with, Thomas? I don't know if you want to go into what you were thinking at the library, but oh but I think it's a perfect example.
I mean, I can get into it a little bit. When I think of intrusive thoughts, I think of all the times where i have I want to have the inappropriate reaction. Because I know that the inappropriate reaction, although inappropriate, will solve the problem. Oh, 100%. So i actually, i just had a ah I just had an interview and just got a job.

Workplace Experiences and Professional Persona

So maybe I should be careful what I say.
just got a job working working in security for the library down here. It'll be part time, so I'll start playing time to do other things. But during the interview, they were like, you know what assets do you, what do you think you bring to the table? And the first thing that came to my mind was like, well,
I'm really good at it security, quote, unquote. like Like, how do you put this in a way, like for the last nine years, I've been taught on a daily basis and told on a daily basis, anybody in the wrong area gets put to sleep. Yeah.
Now, that can't be what you say to an interview board of five professionals when they ask you, what do you think you bring to the security job? Oh, five at once. Oh, yeah. I can take most three. Wow. I've never done more than two. Have you never done a promotion board, Jeff? God. Our promotion boards are three. I didn't think of that. Yeah, promotion boards. I was talking about private sector-wise. Private sector, I've only done two.
that's it wasn't like It wasn't that one than the other kind of thing. That's the first board interview private sector that i've I've had, but it actually went really well. Obviously I got the job, right but but I'm like, how do I say that I'm trained to stop people in a way that makes sense to normal people?
Yeah, that's what's going on. You throw it out there and see if it sticks. Like, hey, I will stop some shit if it shit shit pops off. Just trust me, you guys want me here. And then um drop the mic. If they call you, they call you. but Yeah, they did ask me, um you know, has there ever been a a plan that you set in place that you had set in place that you implement and was successful?
And this was like two days after. I got here, didn't I? This was two days after we had the shooting on our street. Right. and i will recently this That just happened. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And they were like, you know, they asked me a question. and I was like, um I've got the perfect example.
It was like my kid, my kid heard the gunshots, yada, yada. So we had the boys go down in the basement. My wife sat at the top of the stairs with the police scanner on. And then I stood at the top of the stairs with the 308 by my side and with my pistol in my hand. And we sat there and waited for the police scanners to say that everything was cleared out. And everyone kind of like turned their head sideways a little bit. And then the, but the, uh, like you're hired.
a superintendent or whatever her name is. i I can't remember what her exact title is, but she's like the director of the library. but She's sitting there and her head kind of goes, hmm, like that's, and she starts writing. She was like, that was, like, yeah el die sideways like when everyone else looked at me sideways, like,
That's there. Nobody's heard that fucking before. But what you don't know is what she was writing was a letter to the partner to be like, does he know he's working at a library? He knows he's a library, right? A fan fan in the chat says library, is that why you're whispering earlier? And then she says, you're going to whisper, hey, you stop right there. I'm going to whisper. Hey, what's funny? She does ASMR. She's got it. He's going to sneak it. He's going to sneak up behind people.
kind along here is Steve, just check it. We've only got three copies of catcher in the rye. You can either put it down or go home in a bag. i pickle or using a card really stuff. There's the but intrusive thoughts to me is all the times when I there's there's a certain emotion and I have a a way that I want to deal with it versus the way that I have to deal with it. Otherwise, i I get in trouble or I go to jail or I look like an asshole. Well, you know, I actually have that same issue. I agree with you on that. I have that, you know, unfortunately for me,
And it's it it shocks people. This shocks people. That when I'm at work, I am the most professional motherfucker on on the air. Like... There's a switch. Yeah. like you When I'm talking to a group on Zoom or I'm... i people I've had people hear me on here curse like a sailor and...
tell weird stories about something I saw on the internet, and then see me in a meeting and go, Where's that fucking guy? No, it's on the shows. Because that guy's weird. Catch me one on one. It's a different story. Yeah, it's a it's a whole, it's a whole different ballgame. And my wife said something the other day, she says, the minute you put on a tie or a button down shirt, you're 100% different person. She says,
you know, because I used to work in ah in a field where if you didn't show up with a tie, like, you know, 400 fucking degrees outside, but I would show up in a full on fuck you suit. I have four tailored suits upstairs that haven't seen the light of day in over two years. But I would show up anyone that you're four foot two.
I was gonna say, you might be able to fit your leg. The time will fit you. I love a good suit, man. it you know And Connor, I think you and I love a good suit for the same reason. It's like putting on a uniform again.
I, it feels like when I put my blues on, yeah when I put my dress uniform on. Yeah. and I put my whites on or I put the blues. Yeah. money umm i'm a sssuming that's what small other that's the that's the Yeah.
right yeah Like if you see, if you see in our, in our uniforms, we have a class A and that's our, that's my form of gear that I'll wear out in public. i say fucking sailors weirdos Well, that's not, I'm not in the military. That's for, uh, I know, but that's sailor talk. good Yeah. close on Thank you. I wear your whites and your tans. My mom, my mom and I wrote a video called today. She's eating who your classics. You're still hanging in my closet. I'm like, all right.
but She's like, what do you want me to do with them? I don't know. Bag them up. But it's like, you know, I put on a suit. And I used to do time shift, you know, million dollar deals. And walk in with a suit on and you know my tie costs more than some people's cars and you just it's a whole different feeling and and I've instantly become that guy.
you know, where I'm putting on the $6,000 watch and I'm putting, you know, I, you know, the fucking handshake on planet. Oh, oh yeah. You, you think I was fucking, that cigarette's just stiff and you're like, Hmm. No, back then, back then when I, so the only reason I don't sell timeshare anymore is because I fucking think timeshare is the biggest waste of money on the planet. But, you know,
I almost the exact opposite of the car salesman. A car salesman buys the cheap suit off the rack. Every one of my suits were made for me. You know, they fit way almost as good as my class A's did. It's one of those things, it's like the professionalism just way up there. I get on here with t-shirt shorts. Yeah.
that's i for when i want cause I put on my uniform and then I put on my belt. Since I start putting my equipment on, it's like it's go time. Even if it can be a switch, it's um I'm in the zone for eight and that's exhausting to be on high alert for **** eight hours and then it's not doing nothing but as soon as you're done, you're like, god damn, I'm **** tired. Try 18. Try 18. Yeah. oh Yeah. 1824. I was about to say 24. There's a lot of times thirty six that one lot of times I'll do sixteen hours That's just tiring. Yeah, it wears on. You know, people that have never done a 36 or a 24, where you're on high alert the entire time, don't get it. They're like, wow how? How? It's like you're dealing with a spike the whole time. You're on fucking fight or flight mode the whole fucking time. And then you finally come snap back and you're like, goddamn. Everybody could do something. Everybody.
Yeah, yeah, that's where I that's where I run into problems now is I still feel that way. I just so I don't trust anybody. My wife's like, why can't you just turn it off?
ah you I got it. I got a documentary for you to watch, Connor. I think you'll you'll **** your pants, dude. So, what I got diagnosed with, it's it's it in the good way. It is the ah correctional form of PTSD. It's called ah correctional fatigue is what they call it when it's in corrections but it's PTSD. I can't go out there and just call it PTSD. Just call it what it is **** PTS. Yeah, they call it correctional fatigue. I'm like, I'm not fatigued.
I'm wide awake, motherfucker. i we come wide the fuck awake Back the military, we called that a Monday. Fucking sit there and shotgun a Red Bull at two o'clock in the morning. You've been on since four o'clock in the morning, two days ago. And some dude walks by that you've never seen before. Hey, can I help you? Yeah. I'm just visiting a friend. Not here. well Get the fuck out. Not today. ah Hey, can you calm down?
No, I'll calm down when my shift is over. No, motherfucker. When my lead gets here, I'll calm down for about three minutes. I just don't need to be. I am. Yeah, you know, you know, ah you were talking about that vibrate thing, you know. That.
I'm ready. Ready? Yeah, you're where your heart's not beating you just vibrating. but but It's constant. That's that's ready to walk through walls, baby. When we had that situation here on the street and like everything, every alarm bell in my body was going off. yeah And je I messaged Jeff about it because it happened on the show. I messaged Jeff and I was like, dude, I'm so sorry. I had an adrenaline dump after it was over. And I've been throwing up for like the last 30 minutes. yeah Like it it just took everything. you i get that away here um I went from the highest being on the highest alert to being
It just all went away. I actually, I had that one day. So, so right before this show, about an hour before the show, I went to the store and I was like, I'm going to pick up stuff for my dinner. And I'm walking back and I didn't realize it, but this guy was, he's following me. He's driving super slow. And I was like, Oh, it's about to pop off. I turned around. He's on his phone, looking at his map. He was lost, but I was like, what are you, what are you doing?
He's like, I'm lost. where How do I get here? And I was like, well, the fuck you have no idea. oh I was coming through your window because he's creeping along behind me like as the half the speed of smell. And I'm like, dude you're about to fuck with the wrong dude. Yeah. And it was one of those things where I got home and I just sat here going. And then I read Conner's text is like,
Sorry, I put I put 5 45 and says you motherfucker now. I gotta sit you here and fucking bet by myself for an hour ruminate Dude, that's how it was last night on the fucking porch man. Everybody that walked in my general vicinity. I was just like Let's fucking go let's fucking go. I know you want to let's do it. So I have that experience maybe is similar,

Security Incidents and Vigilance

something similar. Probably about nine years ago, we lived in another house. This is the reason we moved. So we lived in a cul-a-sac, right? And apparently across the street, so we we lived in a cul-a-sac, across the street, an older lady had some, and went right off the highway. An older lady had two young, younger guys trying to break into her back door, sliding glass door, and you know and then trying to break in.
She called the cops. So they jumped the fence, jumped the fence, jumped the fence, ended up in my backyard. I was, I think I was making like steak or something. I'm in the kitchen. My wife and my daughter is watching Saturday Night Live. So it's on a Saturday. It was fucking late. And then we had our Glass door open, I screened or shut. Nothing ever happens in our neighborhoods. We left it open. And the boys were in the back room. And then all of a sudden I hear my daughter and my wife screaming at the top of their lungs. What I was cutting the meat with was a red knife. Okay. So this is important to remember it was a red knife. Well, I look over and this dude's at the window and he's he's masturbating. So I told my wife, my kids go to the fucking back. I ran through the sliding glass door. I ran through it. The whole thing fell off. This kid jumped my back fence.
There's nothing but new construction, and it was foggy that day. So I didn't catch him. I touched his foot, and he left the Chicago Bulls hat in my backyard. Red knife, I still got in my hand. Probably, I don't know what I would have done, but kind of thankful I didn't catch the kid. I go out to the front yard to see, first I made sure my wife and kids are good. I go out in the front yard, still got the red knife. I'm clenching the shit out of it. It's bleeding almost. It's a red knife. I go out in the front yard, the cops were across the street talking to the lady about the guys breaking into her house.
I got my red knife in my hand. They turned around, looked at me, freeze, get down. I said, no, I'm like, whoa, whoa. And I'm bleeding. I'm like, it wasn't me. And it was my backyard. And I'm on the fucking ground. I'm like, Jesus. Oh my God. If I see a dude masturbating in my window, I'm going to walk up to him and ask him if he needs help.
but he had my gun out and blow his fucking dick But that night, I stayed up all fucking night just sitting there with oh everything. Just waiting. I was like, he's got to come back for his hat. I left his hat and right there in my backyard. I was like. And he's leading up to that. Oh, look that. Oh, look at that. Please get your hat.
No, but I actually have a similar story. Like my, but before I met my wife, I was dating a Canadian woman here and we had, we were living in a, I think we were a 20 minute walk mot walk from the mall and it was four apartment buildings with a center, like garden park thing, right? in the And there are only six apartments per building, two apartments per floor and per building, six apartments, three floors. And we're on the bottom floor and there's a guy rubbing one out in the, you know, staring at my girlfriend at the time who's doing dishes. Now you can only see this much of her and she screamed. And another reason I love that I always have my shoes on.
I went chasing after this dude. It was like chasing fucking the road runner because he was gone by the time I got to the door and I chased him. And by the time I got back, she had the cops there because they were just down the road. And they were like, what happened? Where'd he go? And I was said, I know exactly where he went. And I'm not going to tell you because if I find him, I'm going to jail. So you guys won't find him ever. And they said, well, we're going to put a patrol out here just in case.
But I stayed up the entire night, I dared to come back. I sat there on a porch, smoking cigarettes like it was my job, going, come back, fucker, I dare you, I want you to come back. And you know what, dude, I have been...
in, in, you know, at work, been in a lot of riots, crazy situations that my adrenaline hasn't spiked up. Something about hearing my wife and my, um, I hit a whole nother level, dude. It was crazy. I was straight, uh, tunnel vision. I didn't know what the fuck was going on. ye see That was, that was fucking, it just felt really wild at the time. Cause my wife came up and nonchalant was just like, Hey, Carson said that he heard, he thinks he heard gunshots.
I was like when she was like, like less than two minutes ago, pulled up the camera and I heard three gunshots. And I heard both of my kids because my camera is up against the garage. I heard both my kids in the garage. I was like, where were you when this happened? Or like we were in the garage getting food from the deep freeze. I was like, yeah, it's fucking on. Right.
It's, it's, I was like, it's go time. I grabbed, I got my, go I got my fucking go bag. I've got my fucking med kit. I've got everything. And I'm just like, I'm ready. Please come through my front door. Yes. Because in my head, it was my kid could have got shot.
Well, that that likelihood is super low, but but possibly really still there, though. Yeah, I mean, but people you can shoot through a garage door like it's fucking. paper Yeah, time I don't know if it happened for you, Chaka, as much. But, you know, Connor and I have similar background, but you ever walk around going, I wish a motherfucker would all the time.
That's a daily occurrence. Like every time I walk by, it there's a, there's a couple places I have to walk by to get to the store. Then I'm like, I wish that motherfucker come. And people, I have a, there, there's a, there's one house nearby where the one guy that lives there, he's always a problem. And I buddy of mine lives diagonally across the street from him and I'll see him. He's like,
and And he'll see me just going, he's like, dude, it's not worth it. I don't know where he doesn't say anything. He doesn't say hi. He's like, it's not worth it. I'm like, all right, just checking. I wish they'd fucking come out and do something. I would. Oh, God. That's that's where that's where I was the other day when we were at that fucking Burger King. That's also because I live in a shitty part of town. It's also in a shitty fucking neighborhood. And I'm just hanging your fucking realtor.
I wouldn't go that far. I'm quite upset about it, but I won't go there. so mean I was I was already mad. And and he leads over to me and goes, this is a bad neighborhood. Are you carrying? And I was like, dude, I'm always fucking carrying. And then at the at the end of that little interaction, when I was like, dude, I'm I'm I'm on one right now. Like, I don't know what's going on. I can't I need to calm down. That's when he was like, dude you don't need to be that guy. That's like him saying, you know, it's not worth it. Yeah. Like, you don't need to be that.
It's, you know, you know sorry and I I gotta give a shout

Interactions with Influencers and Celebrities

out to Jovell in here. She, if she does an amazing karaoke um ah show and she seems amazing. Gotta give a shout out to fan. She, she does an ASMR channel. She's got like two, almost 3 million followers. our slide i need you So shout got to her having them in the chat.
i'm one of those weird dudes who i'll listen to asmr to go to fallly oh i'm you too it like it tickles that part of my brain that makes anything about calm down so funny thing about ha smart fan is okay so i'm in the crypto world ah oza austin he he was in the crypto he wasn't talking about crypto at the time So I met him and I started talking to him just through YouTube and stuff. Come to find out the ASMR fan is his wife. My wife listened to fan, like like she was a huge fan of fan. a lot if so There was one day in chat where I was like, I said something to her in chat and ASMR fan responded back and I told my wife, look, I'm talking to to that girl that you listened to on ASMR. And my wife thought,
I was freaking talking to the celebrity and I was like, guys you know, that's cool as shit. Yeah, I, you know, I actually had an experience like that happen the other day. I'm trying to set up interviews for Jeff's garage so I can bring it back. And there's this chick I follow on Instagram. She she does raps for cars. And she posts a video on fucking in, you know,
And she does an amazing job. She just she did a a car for she did a car for Halloween so she could dress. do So she matched her car with her Halloween costume. And I was like, this is the coolest fucking thing ever. And she read and I reached out to her. I was like, hey, um I do a podcast, which is like beyond. And she she hit me back. She's like, send me a link. I'll check it out and see if I'm up. And she hit me back today. She's like, you know what? I'm in.
You know, let's set up a game, so we're figuring out. da And I was like, this chick's got like five million followers. Like, I'm a peon. You know, I hit the fucking lotto because even if she wouldn't be on the show, I'm still like, this is fucking cool. I just I just got Jay Leno, you know, kind of thing, you know, when it comes to cards. But she does amazing work.
I made good reach out to ah to a guy who i I found on TikTok who does, he's an artist, he's a musician named Jack Kays. He is, I don't know what happened. I watched like two of his TikToks and then I looked him up and I got into his music and now and I was fangirling over him. I was like, Glick, you have to reach out to him. I don't care. I'll reach out to him. I don't give a fuck.
And he hasn't responded back yet, but ah like all I'm all doing is sitting here going, oh, it would be so cool to have him on like fucking on on Glick's House of Music. I was like, dude, I will be on that show yesterday. That's cool.
how but like Chaka and and Jeff you guys talking about Essentially talking to what you see as a celebrity. Um, yeah how cool would that can be to have somebody that you Are you love watching their stuff and they've got X amount of followers and all this. Yeah giving you the time of day and So i I'm sending you her her Instagram Okay, she's got about 45k on Instagram, but she's got a ton on YouTube and shit and She did. She has ah one of those BRZs,
which is Toyota. Basically, it's kind of like the new Subaru. And she wrapped it pink and she went as Barbie for Halloween. Oh, wow. And it looks cool as shit. ah It also doesn't hurt that she's a she's like a looker boy. Oh, what? What's looker like? I just said, I just said you her profile. Take a look. but Like I had another I had another experience. It was going to come on until you said that she's watching. Yeah, she's like, yeah, fuck that guy. You know, I don't care. I got to talk to nobody. But like. I definitely want to have the debate with her about rapping versus paint, because for the longest time, I was like, yeah, rap, that's kind of the poor man's pain. But rap has come so far.
come and wrapped can be temporary. Yeah, that's the beauty. It is way easier to change a wrap than it is to change a paint. Agreed. But oh, shit. ah but got Lucy. Hello, Lucy. How are you doing? yeah Yeah, I have a similar experience with through through crypto. I created something on my own, my own project and everything. So we we're sponsoring. I got actually had the opportunity to sponsor a professional boxer.
His name is guermaff like a literally special boxer. It was first time I ever did this. It was the coolest freaking thing ever. And then I was like, Hey dude, um, do you want to jump on my channel? And maybe I can interview you after and before and after the fight. Yeah, no problem. Dude. I interviewed a professional boxer on my channel. It was the coolest freaking interview. I think I've ever done. It was, it was, it was awesome. Yeah. anyway You want to talk about boosted ego. Well, there he is. because I'm talking to a celebrity. Yeah. You get so many fucking. And it won me some points, too, because it was right when my son started wanting to get into fighting. So I was like, and we know. Right. and Just ah interviewed a professional boxer who was ah fighting for the Internet Continental Championship Bill. Right.
That's one of those things it's like. ah And then, of course, you know, I talked to a ah guy about me on interview. does they they They make a machine. It's a tool that you can use. And I've been interested in this brand for like 10 years. And they hit me back like two days after I messaged them. And they're going to be on the 28th. They own a company called Arctic Blast. it's ah it's It uses dry ice.
to clean the under like as opposed to sandblasting oh oh my god dude i was like they're out of australia uh really cool concept so i i'm looking forward to that on the 28th when he said arctic blast it reminded me right now of a drink that my wife just bought you know the mountain dew baja blast Yes, they have an out. It's an alcoholic version that has alcohol and Baja. I didn't hear about that. She just bought me like a 32 ounce. It's in the fridge. I forgot about that. That's why when you're done, it goes, Baja, Baja, Baja, Baja, Baja, Baja, Baja. What's going on? What's going on? Everybody in the chat. I appreciate you guys. You guys are all fucking awesome, man. Yeah. But this this this conversation has gone off the rails and we're we're interacting and I love it. And then over here on Twitter, we got 18 rocking with us. You guys are all awesome over here on X. If you want to join the conversation, come over to YouTube and hit the link and jump up on stage.

Ego Boosts and Fan Interactions

Yeah. You know, let me drop that again. Just smash that link. Oh, I got to copy it again because
complain with other stuff. ah No, it's like that you want to talk about getting yourself out of intrusive thoughts. When you get a message like that from just kind of bring it back around. See what I'm doing. here so When you get a little round of applause.
ah's such a idiot But you get a message like that from somebody that you've followed for years. Yeah, where they're they're willing to jump up on the show and you know, they don't know you from fucking Adam.
or a hole in the wall, but they're like, yeah, I'll give you a shot to, you know, let's have a conversation about what I do. So, you know, that, that, the only way to say it is the ego boost is like, once again, it's taking that weight of the world off your shoulders, even if it is for this ah few minutes.
Not only, not ah another cool thing is when you're in the chat in these YouTube chats, for like for me, when I first started joining chats on different YouTubers, the really big ones that end up becoming celebrities in your mind, you know, because you watch them every day, they got millions and millions of followers. Kind of like us. Yeah, like you guys. Yeah, like we've got like 50 followers. Yeah, I'm in the chat and then they respond. It was like, oh, shit. They fucking say they say hi.
Well, you know what? ah we go yeah Okay. Okay. Really well kind of a cheap one for me is leggy leggy will go live on tiktok and any if i put something in her chat i'm like hey leggy and she's like hi dad and i'm like oh she called me out and she's got like i 80 people watching she they're all commenting she said my name fuck you all i'm more important my wife does that on she's always on tiktok so she she she watches it live and she says hi and i hear the person says hey and says my wife's name my wife flips out it's funny yeah let's go through the comments now and shout everybody out what's up that guy
Karina joy MK jr. Don't even start about being a fangirl mister. Oh my god It's coming on the show jesus Christ you want to talk about somebody was going to fangirl out We got black No Glick he put in the comments. I was gonna say or did you did you do that? I didn't do anything. No, that was blick He was talking about us being fangirls and fangirling out. like When we got, when we got. You guys just got glitched. That makes me uncomfortable. Can I press charges for that? I feel dirty. You guys just go. I feel dirty now. You need to make ah some kind of graphic every time. I work on that. Quit glicking me. I don't like it. Actually, I have one. I have ah i have one for that.
I actually made it today. Stop. Don't click me there. That is me. Yeah, I don't know. Barney Fife actually came off. Barney Fife, that's the score. Nobody's like, you know, talking about fangirling out when we got Black Dot Mojo to come up on the show. The first thing I told Glick, I was like, dude, you're going to fangirl the fuck out. And he did, but not in a crazy way, because We were all over, like when we first started the show, we were all in on Blacktop Mojo. We still love him as a band. And then Glick got to go to one of the shows on Saturday. Blaze did the break. And he's like, oh, that wasn't the greatest video. I said, that's because Glick shot that video. He set up his phone while he's sitting there and did everything he could in his power not to sing along.
oh That video yeah, I remember that video so that was like was an at that concert. It was like at a bar It was it was close by it was like only an hour away and I think it was even before click was with Nikki officially and Yeah, see let's make this a glitch dream let's talk about everything we know about click oh i could go for click and let's tell glick stories i don't have any vaisticsop maniac But he's actually doing it because he's self-conscious this one time I'll show you on the doll What's your best of Glick a best of Glick a YouTube stream, but oh, let's not say we did pretendly had fun but yeah But it's it's one of those things it's like when I saw Connor and had the daughter handed to him
uh no she's breaking out in the hive so we don't know why oh no that's not that's no that's no bueno allergic to any cats or anything i don't know we're gonna and i'm gonna go give my daughter a bath here in a minute and uh see if she does but i'll uh i'll end the show out and unless you how how much longer you want to be up here jeff Oh, not much. i'm I'm pretty much done for the night. OK. If you want. yeah I mean, or unless Chaka, you want to do like an after show, we can hang out for a little bit. ah Yeah, let me see. Let me get see what I got going on. I know the wife's cooking in there. Let me see. ah Well, that's the only thing is like I kind of need to eat.
Throw it away. It's clearly defective. Yeah, there you go. That's what you do with your daughter. Throw her away. Get a new one. Well, no, because I'm fixed. I can't find over at this point. I can't I can't get a new one unless I steal it and I don't have the money to adopt one. It's like that's expensive. I know, right? It's like tens of thousands of dollars to adopt a kid. Fucking wow. du I've been drinking so much off screen. It's hard to hide it. ah Do you guys ah want drinking on your Monday streams?
I don't give a rat's rear end what you do. god like i've been I've been like, dude, I drink on Monday. That's how Connor shows up. Connor shows up after 3D,

Nonsensical Network Weekly Schedule

just in case. And then on the break, I was like chugging beers. I chugged one of these, and I had a bunch of, you know, like I got to do it off stream. That way, I don't offend them. ah Look, if you're still in here, do you have somebody youve set up for tomorrow? That's what he said, I thought.
I was, that's what I was checking. I was, I was going to do it in an announcement. So, you know, since we have all these people listening, uh, people listening here, tell you, well, actually, if guys, if you're into ASMR, apparently there's a really popular ASMR girl who's listening to our podcast, ASMR fan, go check her out. Hopefully she yeah good we did. She's awesome. She's awesome.
Give a little, get a little. But anyway, I'm actually i'm actually going to check her out. But um I think that we are going to end this stream. I've got some stuff to take care of. And we're kind of going off topic here a little bit. ah yeah Jeff may have announced. Luke Angel. There it is. Luke Angel is joining Click Tomorrow at Glitz House of Music. um wow I'm just waiting for something to process because we are going to do a little shout out to the network.
It's just taking so bear with me for one minute, six seconds. If your week feels dull, you're probably not tuning into the nonsensical network. Let's spice things up. Buckle up because on Mondays we kick off with Chris's speedway stories and cold blooded conversations.
Fast cars and chilling tales, what's not to love? Next up, Lieutenant Dan, Connor, that is, brings you men caring for men. Yes, even tough guys need a little TLC. Tuesdays, we've got Glick, our Sasquatch's second cousin, rocking Glick's House of Music. Tune in for some legendary jams. Wednesdays, Glick teams up with Jeff for WTF News. If it's weird, wild, or just plain wacky, they're on it. Thursdays, it's all about Jeff's garage. Think of it as a man cave with a microphone.
Fridays, our resident stoner Blaze joins Jeff for nonsense and chill. Grab your snacks. It's movie night. Saturdays start with Cassius and Cassius Corner, where Minnie Glick talks wrestling. Then it's the open door challenge on nonsensical nonsense with Glick and Jeff. Expect the unexpected. Finally, wrap up your week with unnecessary roughness on Sundays. Glick and the boys break down all things football. So tune in and join the madness. The Nonsensical Network, where chaos meets comedy.
There it is. That way I don't have to say it all the time. yeah So yeah, tomorrow, don't forget Luke Angel on Glick's House music starting at seven Eastern. See how I did that, Connor? Eastern? Eastern time. This motherfucker. I'll set up the studio at 5.45. I look at it. It's 5.49. And I'm like, oh, I'll give you three minutes. I'll be right there. I go to turn it on. Where's the fucking studio? Oh. You know what's funny? look quick you know You know what's cool is my wife watches you guys stream because I was out yeah getting beer. And she called she called me, hey, the stream's on. She goes, I thought it was going to be fun. I go, fuck, fuck. That's why I was late. I told you I'll be on in five minutes. take what call you don't Sorry. Uh Glick said 8 PM. There you go. So, 8 PM. Eastern. Eastern. Uh you'll have Luke Angel. Glick's going to interview him on a house of music. So, be sure to tune in for that and tell him Connor said shit because you know, just cuz I did that. that would love me Why not? That way, he yells at you. Not me. fuck It's called passing the buck, buddy. I'm good at it.
hey look a bus yeah Anyway, honor look, go catch it. Look, a free pair of legs. I'm gonna get a bad beer. Almost lost my beer. We were talking about, we were talking about on Saturday, we like, what do you guys look, I'm gonna get enough money to fly everybody out to Cancun. And I'm gonna get a van to pick each one of you up and yours is gonna say free legs on the side. Just a panel van, free legs.
You got to make sure it's a free barbecue. you know i'm free smoker if we If we do that, I'm going to show up with an electric wheelchair just just to keep going. oh Dude, I'm going to have somebody meet you at the gate with one of those fucking wheelchairs so you don't have I'm going to have to fucking hover around and everything. But ladies and gentlemen, you thank you.
why is he ah bu down scoter um Thank you for coming up here and listening to us yap around about random stuff tonight. We started with a good plan, and per usual, it kind of went off the rails. But that is that is standard for a show on the non- nonsensical network. If you get a chance, click that bio slash nonsensical network.
and go check us out, give us a like, give us a follow. If you would, share us out, tell your friends about us. We do our best, we're not perfect though. So we're gonna we're gonna end this out. ah Chaka, do you have any ah any final words for all the people? I have nothing, I appreciate all the support. Everybody on X, everybody on on YouTube coming in and checking out Nonsensical Network every Monday, come check us out. I appreciate you guys, you guys are fucking awesome. Yeah.
jeie It's not worth it. Just remember, it's not worth it. Jail time is a long time and then you gotta stare at Chaka's face all day. Yeah, let me stare at me. Or you gotta move to fucking Cancun. And I'm not gonna treat you nice. And I only have so much room in my house. I'm just saying. Exactly. Well,
Ladies and gentlemen, one more time. Thank you so much for coming in here. If you came from Chaka's neck of the woods, we appreciate you taking some time to give us some love. Show us some love and and be over here. Feel free to share us out. I don't have any good final words of wisdom other than you don't have to be that guy or go. You don't have to be that. So just try and soften up a little bit. Let yourself but yourself take some heat and just leave people be.
That's it for us here at here at the Nonsense School Network and Chaka. Y'all have a great rest of your night and we will see you next week or tomorrow if you're going to Glick's House of Music.
Is there campfire alone?