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Nonsensical Nonsense: What if...

Nonsensical Network
14 Plays2 months ago

Man ya just never know what gonna happen here on Nonsensical Nonsense one simple question and thing got twisted real quick plus so much more craziness from the open door challenge

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better look the **** out today. My crayons are short. The box is full. My bottle of glue is topped off from my helmet's on tight, baby. We bought the rhythm with the tism. Let's get with it. Set my deck and eat my **** you sons of **** What
Yeah. Yeah. What the crazy bearded guy. **** it. Suck it! Suck it and eat it! Yes. ah nom nom nom nom no um take A
shock dick than and and Well, what is going on, everybody? Happy Saturday. Long time no see nonsensical knuckleheads. We're talking to you, the fans. I haven't been around for a hot minute. I've been, uh, been, uh, yeah, I took that break off and then, uh, then Wednesday you, you, you one out and correct me if I'm wrong, but you, you were going to a concert and then it got canceled or I don't 100% understand.
ah We were going to go out. I totally forgot about the show Wednesday. I'm not going to lie. No, that's what Blaze told me. Yeah, we were going to go out. There was a band that was playing down the road, and I wanted to go see them. And then last second, Nikki changed her mind. She didn't want to go out. I was like,
who So you're all pissy and and you're like, well, I'm not going to the show. It'd be an asshole for two hours. fuck pan on and here is how Yeah. So we, uh, we wound up watching. Uh, what did we watch?
narrative gayborn i get it American Horror Story. So we watched like the whole like newest, right? Honestly. Yeah. Well, we finished the cake. We finished all the cake in like two days. Yeah. It doesn't take long. Get through. I have not watched season two yet. We're trying to, we're trying to, uh,
get shows done before I introduce her into Dexter. Because I mean, that's like 11 seasons. Oh, yeah. And that's that's like you've got the the the depth that Dexter goes. Well, it's 12 seasons if you count new blood. yeah Well, that's right. That's what I was counting the new. And I think there's because there's only two seasons of new blood, right? There's only one. Is there a more like a mini series?
more like a mini-series than a, it's kind of like a follow-up of where Dexter is and what life is going on to. Yeah. So I enjoyed the shit out of it though. Nikki's never watched Dexter. So I'm going to introduce her to the Dexter world. I actually never finished the series. I never finished the series. So there's that. So she's going to get introduced to it. It's one of those things we talked about a long time ago about shows that if we could watch again for the first time,
That's up there. You know, definitely. So, but we're trying to get like we had Tulsa King. We have American horror stories. There's a couple of stragglers. So we're trying to button those up. Right. And then that we have no distractions. Yeah. And then we're going to dive into Dexter. So yeah. So Wednesday, I like, I was like, if I get, I don't know, I wasn't going to be able to show, uh, might as well do this. Uh, and I wasn't, I haven't been feeling the greatest the last few days. I think I'm kinda, uh,
viceie heard yeah cold or something got a cold or so menopause anybody but he could be a You know, that's, that's the thing, you know, I transitioned, uh, you know, and, uh,
You know, well eight eight oh and by the way, speaking of that, if anybody asks, we identify as black because I accidentally posted, uh, I shared us onto the black podcasters group and Facebook. So if anybody asks, one of us identifies as black second that way, nobody can complain.
scream That's better. Okay. I had to change my lighting because that, that bright light to be looking like, yo, yo, yo, what it is my peeps. We're off the hissy for shizzy. I'm just saying I, I, I keep doing it and I'm like, Ooh, somebody's going to get butt hurt because I'm posting on a group that is for black podcasters. I identify as black as of right now. So.
Yeah. Well, either way, what do you get it? I'm a black lesbian. Hey, there you go. But nonetheless, welcome to Saturday night. Welcome to not sensible nonsense, everybody. The boys are back in town. I'm back in business. oh If you're not already good, check us out on the social medias. Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok shows are live Monday through Sunday. You may not have noticed I started throwing them back up on Twitch and Facebook just for shits and grins.
ah ah so So... Rumble, you prick. well'm here with her Rumble is... You know, Rumble's one of those things like... Okay, I have a question. When you put stuff up on Rumble, do you really, like, hashtag the shit out of it and all that fun stuff? Or do you just put it up there to put it up there?
I'll answer that question in just a second when I get done. But you can't watch the shows Monday through Sunday, whether it be on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Rumble, if so, we decide. But you could always listen anytime, wherever you listen to podcasts at, all at the Nonsensical Network, or you can simply go to bio slash Nonsensical Network.
Uh, got all those links there, including the link to our merch store. Check us out. Give us a follow, give us a like, give us a share if you'd be so kind. Uh, maybe tomorrow we'll see what happens. Uh, Nikki and I are going to jump online and do a little discounted code on our March on our merch, uh, combined a little black Friday, a little cyber Monday, a little small business Saturday, whatever you want to call it. Maybe we'll run a week long, maybe a week and a half long. Uh,
little discount on merch. So, if anybody's out there wanting to get anything, just know. As soon as we get on the old line. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that. It does look pretty good. Uh uh.
extraordinary Uh but uh I went out and I actually bought a hoodie. I'm gonna not not off the merrk shoulder I bought a plain hoodie that I'm gonna have Mickey do a design on for me because Oh yeah, he's got all that equipment. Might as well. fuck now one yeah I wanted a big oversized hoodie and unfortunately until I get on a regular schedule and get into the gym regularly and I start to lose weight.
I don't have a big oversized comfy hoodie. So I went and bought one yesterday. And I said, Hey, if I buy a clean one, um so can you, can you, uh, throw a design on that for me? Sure. So whether it be Glick's house of music, not sensible nonsense. One day, I don't know how I don't know. I don't know when, but I'm going to raid your closet. So everything I have is oversized. but If you put any of mine on, it looks like I'm wearing a blanket all the time. You know, like I'm wearing a giant parka.
You know? Yours or Chaka's Closet? I'm going to raid them and just kill a bunch of crazy stuff. So, oh to answer your question about before I go into my next tier, about Rumble. Now that it gets Rumble, I like Rumble as a platform. um But I think with Rumble, you know, we get views and stuff on there. I think with Rumble, you got to have kind of a following on there. And we're not, let's be honest, we're not on there enough.
You know, how I don't think anybody. The only thing we do is put the show up there. It's not like we put our our shorts and stuff like that, because all of us, honestly, all of us kind of ignore Rumble and tilt Showtime. yeah exactly And I don't think any of us are are going on Rumble to watch videos or watch shorts or anything like that. So, you know, rubbbel in is right it's annoying.
It's a, it's a, it's a cool platform. Uh, no, no, no shade on rumble at all. But, um, you know, it just, uh, there's, there's bigger platforms out there. Uh, I noticed, uh, I noticed that, um,
some people will watch the hell out of us if we're live on Facebook, but absolutely refuse to go to any other platforms, which is weird. Yeah. I noticed that myself. Yeah.
Speaking of that, I was actually just getting ready to say it is the open door challenge on a Saturday night. We have that link in the Seattle box for anybody who wants to pop in and hang out with us. You are welcome to, uh, all we ask is that you turn the camera on and, uh, please keep your, uh, penis and butt hold of yourself. Cause we don't want to see it. Well, you can send it click. I'll send his WhatsApp. Yeah, it's nice. Yeah. I'll send you the look. I'll send you a WhatsApp. Uh,
F1 year for the kidney you should order some nonsensical nonsense gear for the kidney for the kidney is what you should do We'll put that one logo on it. I'm just saying Because uh somebody mentioned uh, I think uh, uh, uh, I can't remember who it was Uh, you could put your name on the stuff that you buy here Chris, Chris technician. He's so, he's, he's so dead. he He's so dead set on not that he's ordered anything, but he's so dead set on putting his old logo on our stuff. And I've already told him it's not going to happen. I mean, if you buy it, whatever you do with it, after you, after you buy it, I don't care. But you're not going to go onto the merch store and then customize it for your own shit. Like you're, you're, you're buying our merch. Yeah. No, but like,
I thought it would be the, what's cool about that is like, you know, Ben, or Blaze bought his hat. He was like, you know, I wish I would have thought of that. Cause I had to put, he would have put Blaze on the side of his hat. And I was like, that yeah I think you can, I think you can put your name on it. If not, I'll tell you what, if you buy a hat, you can go to, uh, you can go to lids and they'll rock it out. It's like 10 bucks.
or take it over to grandma's house and say, grandma started burning woman. You know? Yeah. That counter scruff cross stitch going. I don't know. Like I said, I might be an asshole, but why would you go buy our merch just to throw your own logos and designs and shit like that on it? It's a super collab.
Just if you're going to buy it, just buy it at the end of the day. Right.
ah do have a few things i would like to say starting with this one yes once we get
I do have a few things I would like to say. Starting with... Is this one? Yes.
You know, it's funny if you would have told if you didn't tell me that that game was today, I would have never known. but Wait, there's more.
Ohio. Y'all fucking suck. y'all one to y'all Y Y We own y y'all. Let's see if it's still a rivalry. Is is is it is it still a rivalry? They was talking all that. Oh, did y'all chance to come back? Did y'all chance to finally get it? You see that? Back to back to back to back. Y'all suck. Ain't nothing good came out of Ohio but LeBron. And that's debatable. Suck.
That's debatable. You know, I had to watch the video today, um ah and and I don't normally watch sports stuff, yeah but it was a video of this kid saying LeBron was the GOAT, and somebody schooled him for 20 minutes on how MJ's the GOAT, and I was like, you know what? You can't tell me different, because I agree with that. You know, I'm not the big sports guy, but MJ's the GOAT, and that's... It's different. um It's two different generations. I agree. You know, um but you put those if you put both in their prime one on one who you call winning. I'm putting my money on MJ. no kind about my money and I probably put my money on LeBron. Really? ah yeah cause i'll make your money lets name to People people people seem to forget they think Michael Jordan won all name championships on his own.
Like nobody else was there. I agree. What would say you say? like Yeah, but doesn't Jordan have more in less time than LeBron does? Yeah, but you can't you can't dictate who's better than who based off of championships. Yeah, that's one factor. But that's like discarding Dan Marino as being one of the best of all time because he never won a Super Bowl. Dan Marino is great because he was an Ace Ventura, period. That's the only reason he's great. But awesome. Awesome. I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet.
No more videos. I mean, I'm not. but I have pictures. and pictures football score oh yeah I It would be so much better if I actually gave a shit about the the game, really. You know, so much that you do. There's there's people that I know. I know there are people that watching that, you know, there are people that do. And and and I just that is cool. I do like that. The I in Ohio being a middle finger.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Yes. you know what they could do they could suck it and eat it take this shot take it did your shot tin his dick ah no ten one ohio state Oh my god. Twenty-two million dollars you guys spent. You claim to be the off season champions which is more ridiculous than me claiming to be the champion. You said you are going to win a big ten. Finally, finally, you admitted it. I didn't I didn't admit anything. I just said three years. unless i more that hely I'm still the champ. I'm the greatest champ of all done there's no denying
Oh, there is. You said you said you were going to win a big 10 championship. You said you was going to win a national championship. You said you were going to beat Michigan. You said you didn't do. You're not going to the big 10 championship, so you don't even have a chance of winning that. You're probably not going to. You're going to be lucky if you sneak into the playoffs at this point by taking the L that you took today. And. And you're still.
0-1-4 against Michigan. When's the bowl? When's the bowl? The playoff committee will announce it next week. Oh, okay. Nothing I'm going to watch, but that's what turns me off when it comes to sports, especially college football. 400 Bulls. There's the George ball, the Rose ball, the fucking ball for my horse. So, you know, I don't know.
Yeah, there's uh, but they have the 12 this is the first year for the 12 team playoff system in college football So your top 12 teams make it. Ohio state was ranked number two, but they took a a big l today to michigan unranked five sense You know you have those bowls and then whoever wins those balls go into another set of balls and whoever and narrow it down to one fucking team eventually Well, they do. that's how but I mean, they have all the other Bulls. See what the Bulls do for college teams is it brings a lot of money and revenue to the schools. So so that's why they do the Bulls. And before like the playoffs, and so the playoffs are still and played in ball games. OK, and then and then every, you know, so.
But you but they don't they don't narrow it down like the Super Bowl is the end all, be all for football. Yeah, the national championship is the end all, be all for college football. Yeah, this is the first year for that. There is a chance, being a long shot, that Michigan like takes a championship. No, because you have to be ranked in the top 12 to make the the the playoffs. See, this is why it's so confusing for me, mainly because I don't give a shit.
But yeah call and ah NFL is is is based off of win loss and everything like that. They still have ranking in the NFL in college, so your ranks one through 12 will make the playoffs. and But like I said, Ohio State, Michigan was six and five one in today's game. They didn't have a good season. Everybody expected that. That's a Michigan fan because we lost again record setting 23 players to the NFL last season.
And we have a whole brand new coaching staff. I expected Ohio State because again, they went out in the offseason and they tried to buy a championship. They got top players from top schools and paid a fuck ton of money for it.
and they dropped a huge L at home in Columbus, Ohio today. I also want to say that Buckeye fans are just disgraceful. Take the McLaren Benji all day and fuck for us. And terrible human beings. One one kid may be facing a permanent ban from Ohio Stadium because he was above the tunnel where the Michigan players were coming out and he was spitting on them before the game.
That's an asshole move. Like that man that kid just needs deserved punch in the face. And then after the game, you know, it's all fine and dandy when Texas does it to Michigan, when when Texas beats Michigan and they run out and plant their flag in the middle of the field.
But Michigan does it to Ohio State and some commentators want to start running their cocksuckers about Michigan being disgraceful and not respectful. Well, first and foremost, those commentators, you guys have been riding the Buckeyes dicks for years and nobody gives a damn what your opinion is. Second of all, your football team wants to run out there and pick a fucking fight because you're sore losers. Yeah, I'd be mad too. The best thing you guys could do is tonight when everybody leaves, climb up to the top of the horseshoe and take a head dive off of.
Do the world a favor. that And there was a huge brawl after the game because Michigan, as you see in that video, came out and planted the flag on the, on the block out in the middle of the field and Ohio state players came out. We're going to defend our house. It's not your house that belongs to Michigan because Michigan owns you. Ryan Dave said four years ago that he was going to hang a hundred on him before he lost his first game to him.
I'm assuming it's a five year plan because in four years, i was saying four points so he's only put 84 points up combined in four years, but it's some Buckeye fans are the worst. I haven't talked shit to Wally and I didn't talk shit to Connor. Connor and I were talking throughout the whole game. we were It was funny because before the game, it was like, look up the LT.
Before the game, it was like, oh, man, Connor, you guys are going to fucking kill us. I thought Michigan was going to get killed today. But as the game progressed, it was like, oh, this is how we're going to lose. This is how we're going to lose. No, this is how the Buckeyes are going to look like. We had every scenario of which he was going to fuck up. and Speaking of scenarios, I hear a little birdie told me that you want some money, sir.
break down any did call please I did. Yeah, I did. I did. Michigan had the ball. I'll get to that here. Michigan had the ball late in the red zone. They were like on the four yard line and I was like the clock was running down in the fourth quarter. I was like, don't do anything stupid. Just run the ball. Run the ball. Run the ball. Don't throw it and have one of them fucked up interceptions in the end zone soon as I say that Michigan drops back. There's the ball intercepted.
right? You gotta be kidding me.
No, we didn't do it like we used to. No, I'm not mad at that at all, Benji. I don't know. I would take the it's it's gorgeous. I just looked at Chevy Silverado 2500. Is that an option? No, because it's not a super car. It's hard.
um We're talking about superhero cars. I would take the Batmobile dude There's a there's a there's a guy and I'm not sure where he is, but he built a tumblr like from scratch The Christian Bale tumblr like to scale Yeah. And he's selling it if you want to buy it. It's only 2.5 million. See, Benji agrees. Oh, it is. It's an amazing truck. The ZR2 is even better. Yeah, I want the I want the Rocky Ridge edition. I think that's what it is. When I get my big fuck off 2500. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, they got the trail lit good. Yeah. Yeah, so. I want the ZR2. I think it's gorgeous.
You know, uh, been a lot going on, been eventful weekend. You know, we, we Thanksgiving was Thursday, happy Thanksgiving. Hopefully everybody enjoyed time with their, their family or hated spending time with their family and got drunk off of their ass. Yeah. You know, um,
whatever the case may be. Hopefully you guys ate good, had a lot of good food. Nikki and I had a nice little, uh, you know, I had a fun little low key Thanksgiving day. Just the two of us here at the house. She made a, she did some Turkey breasts and some, some taters and whatnot. We had a nice little dinner together. Actually it was her first time ever cooking Thanksgiving dinner. She's never cooked there before. So we hung out here at the house and Watched football all day long, which was nice. I mean, i we talked shit on Sunday about the four o'clock game because it was between Dallas and the Giants and they're both horrendous. But it actually turned out to be a pretty good game. work for even though but timess are really big and Even though both teams are really bad, still a good game.
i however downloaded a couple of weeks ago and I hadn't made a better. I made one bet and I downloaded DraftKings Sportsbook. Right. And I was feeling a little froggy on Thursday and I missed the first game and it was too late into the second game. So I was like, I got the night game here. Let me, let me, cause I don't know anything about Sportsbooks. I think you and I talked about that before. I don't know the point spreads the blah, blah, blah. However, I do know anytime touchdowns,
yards, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right. So I had, uh, draft Kings, when you're a new customer, you get a, you get a $25 a hundred dollar, whatever it is free money. Uh, after you place your first bet of $5, which, you know, when I opened up my account, I made that first bet $5, I didn't win anything. not big dealle like and whatever I'm still figuring it out.
So for the Thursday night game, Green Bay versus Miami in, uh, in, in Green Bay, I was like, yeah, I'm going to jump on this little four leg parlay here. And I'm learning the lingo. So I'm going to, I'm learning. Yeah. Hey, yeah. Hey, I get it. I get it. My, my buddy used to, he'd be like, I'm doing a parlay with Justin isn't like, this whatever dude, just tell me how much. So you don't care about sports, but he likes to gamble and I can speak on sports.
i do like i very sport um um' um I'm learning I'm gonna be fluent in gamblies before long. So I had me a fourth leg parlay anytime touchdowns ah for Devon ancient a running back for Miami time we kill anytime touchdown wide receiver for Miami The running back for Green Bay and a running and and and another touchdown for for read a wide receiver so I got two running back on each team wide receiver on each team just need to go score touchdown anytime throughout the game okay Green Bay they yeah they have to actually be in the end zone they have to score a touchdown right not like throwing a touchdown yeah okay great yeah so so uh Green Bay comes out and like the first four minutes of the game boom boom the two players I picked here I'm like hell yeah let's go yeah that's how you all right Miami I know you guys can do this
And it's after the half there, they come out, they drive down the field. I'm like, come on H and give them the ball, hand them the ball, hand them the ball. Boom. They hit him the ball touchdown. I'm like, hell yeah. Plenty of time. I got one more. I got one more. You know, I'm getting, I'm getting ants. I ain't never cared about him. You see how gambling makes sports so much better. I ain't never cared about a green Bay, Miami game on Thanksgiving so much in my fucking life.
I'm watching that game. Every time Miami gets the ball, they're going down the field. I'm like, Tyree, Tyree, come on. Throw the ball to Tyree. Throw the ball to Tyree. And they get down and they're in the red zone. And I'm like, all right, come on. Let's go. Come on, Tyree. But I'm like, fuck, Danny. Four down. You know, the four down's got to kick a field goal. God damn it. Time's running out, man. Like, I'm like, God damn it. I'm going to miss out on this. They're like, all right, Miami gets the ball back. I like, whatever.
two minutes left in the game, whatever. Come on, Tyree. Come on, guys. Don't let me down. You know, they marched down the field to a jobs back. There was the football where they're fucking tight end, not the guy that I needed to catch the ball in the end zone. Right. Well, he a ball hits his hands and pops up in the air. And I'm like, fuck, there's two defenders there entire extended by himself in the end zone, right?
nice look at tarif like an angel reached out and said bo but falls back into the end zone touchdown I'm like a $25 bet that was given to me from DraftKings Hit the pot, hit the four leg parlay. Five being body boom. I walk away with 450 cash in my pocket. I'm like, let's go. I did because we all share the same email. I've got the notification that you moved to 450. And I was like, damn, he made some money. Good for him. But I've been telling you for years. Yeah.
betting on sports makes sports so much better. Well, that's the same thing with like fantasy football. If you're a fan to begin with, even a casual fan, when you have when you play fantasy football, you pay more attention and you get more involved in the games that you typically don't get involved in. By the way, speaking of fantasy football, shout out to Connor. He did beat me last week. You forget. which check um
put the tie for first place back on, uh, on, uh, uh, Justin and I. So I'm going to need Connor to repeat this week and beat Justin. So I can go back into sole possession of first place, uh, because I'm playing cam this week and he's going to get his dick knocked in the dirt.
on Unfortunately in fantasy football, uh, Derek, Jeff, and the Hammond-Agers have officially been eliminated from playoff contention. Oh, no. I mean, I actually don't have to pay attention anymore. I completely i keep forgetting. When you're not here reminding me, I literally, I have the app. You know you know how you have multiple pages for your apps? It's on my second page, so it's not my first thing I see.
And until you're on here talking about it, I completely forget. Yeah. We have two weeks left before the playoffs start. You're playing Derek this week. and e how you living And then next week, you're on a buy to end the season. Yeah. I'll win that one. Ah. I'm going to go in there and pick a whole bunch of free agents. so So I'm the only asshole that loses against the bye week. Yeah. I'm leaving to chat on the bye week.
up a highway account and you get that one yeah Yeah. Uh, that ah yeah. No, Connor, Connor did, uh, Connor, I do. I, I, I, I, I, Tony's league. I took sole possession of first place and I lost in my league last week. Uh, I lost in our league last week, but I won in Tony's league. So my.
My 8-9 game streak came to an end in a couple of leagues and I'm still standing tall. However, in my personal league, Cam is eliminated and from the playoffs. And somehow, someway, Nikki is still alive. She could potentially make the playoffs.
i'll be Damn, she needs a couple wins and a couple losses from people. I have clinched, not a lot of players, but the division. And this is not a diss on Nikki. And I'm sure she's not like, hey, we got to watch the game. But you having the game on the background is kind of an advantage for her. she watches She watches football. No, I know. You know what I mean, though? Like, even if she's not paying attention, she's at least hearing.
Yeah, well and I you know and plus I'm right here so I'm like, hey, don't forget to check your lineup. Hey, don't forget to check your design ah but but kind ah you always took one raker Yeah, no yeah you don't want I know the one time I don't pick you and no i did i knew things Yeah But like even Thursday I said hey don't forget we've got three games today and there's a game Friday so make sure you double check and make sure you're all set to go. So, but no, I was, ah but I was pretty fucking stoked.
ah winning that winning that money. of mean because either I cause I watching of that game and Austin. I've been telling you for years, the only time I watch a game is if I got money on it. And when I'm watching it, I become you. Like I know everything about that fucking game. Like I know every stack these motherfuckers got because I'm like, I got $3 on this shit. you know um ah Austin and her boyfriend came in.
from doing all their things, you know, running around and they were like, they're like, I got money on the line. I got away. There's money. I didn't even he stood delivered and watching the TV. He's like, what do we do? What do you need? I'm like, I need Tyreek Hill to get a touchdown. That was all I needed. He didn't even move. He was just standing there watching. They're like, sit down. and He's like watching it. He's like, oh that's got because of my move. He will never get the ball. Yeah. It's like this is good money. Yeah.
But, uh, yeah, when Tyree got that touchdown, dude, you'd have thought I was the biggest Miami fan of the world. Cause I'm like, dude,
du I think you would really enjoy actually going to a sports book to watch the game because everybody's like that. Yeah. On every great game. Yeah. i And the way they do a sports book here, super nice recliners, you know, they got waiters bringing you food. Oh, it's fucking awesome.
Yeah. The couple, the only way to watch but couple, couple casinos I've been in, they, they're, they're sports book areas set up like that. It's real nice, real cozy. I know you can get in there and you can get comfortable and hang out. What's funny is the casino that, that where the casino is here, the one I go to anyways, it used to be a movie theater. So now so it's stadium style seating and they're all series like twin recliners. Nice. now So with little tables in front of them, so so it's like stupid comfy like they're all just there's like 45 lazy boys to a room yeah with like thirty five tv isn't this fucking awesome something look at yeah Amen of that right ammen to that about candidate light is a game and beers better than water facts on tax on facts
uh but yeah no i uh uh you know i i'm gonna yeah i've always been really good about when it comes to like gambling and not going too crazy so i'm just gonna keep that up on you know i'm gonna yeah you know i believe that's that's the key uh the key to to a successful uh gambling non-gambling is set yourself a limit i would like for instance when i would go rolling dice, I would say I'm going with 20 bucks. Because if I were to go out to eat and all that shit, and I'm going to spend 20 bucks. So I'm going to spend 20 bucks. If I lose, I go home. But if I keep winning, it's a win. Yeah. And and you'd be surprised how far 20 bucks will go sometimes. Yeah. I mean, mean i mean you get hot. I mean, hell, when I opened up DraftKings, I deposited $25 into it.
I made that first $5 bet. I got my free $25. I made that, that's what I won that bet. Well, and this is the thing that kills me, all right? See, here's the downside, ladies and gentlemen, um of a parlay. I bet that $5 on my first bet. It was the Brown Steelers game. It was a six leg parlay, $5. Had I hit all six of them, I would have won 15 grand. Yeah. I hit five of the six.
When I knew I was done early because I had picked Najee Harris for the Steelers to win the, or to, to get the first touchdown of the game. And he didn't. Cleveland would scored the first touchdown of the game. Dick Chubb did. And I was like, father and then i'm that one as the games go, I'm watching every other fucking parlay hit.
big Yeah. And I'm like, motherfucking it. That's why when I've been on a game, if I were to bet on a game, my first thing I would do is call you and be like, OK, who do you like to win? I don't even know. But but and then I would ask you the same thing I always ask you when I'm betting again would be i broke me what would your what would your guesstimate be for the final score? And then I would take over under. his grand yeah
because I only bet on the over under because it's not like who wins. It's solution the combined score. Is it going to be higher or lower than, you know, a hundred points or whatever the, yeah of hundred well and you know, i that's like, you never, you never know. Because like, say for instance, today, the Ohio state, Michigan gave me over what is like 57 or the under over was 57.
like So that you we'll say, we'll say, we'll say, uh, 35. Okay. It should have been an easy lock. 100%. It's definitely going to go over combined score was 23. Yeah. Yeah.
so you never brought yeah and But that's why, that's why I wouldn't, I wouldn't just walk up and go, what's the old runner? It's 40. hold on let me call click and click what do you think the combined scores are going to be on tonight's game and you're like oh dude it's going to be a hundred point game easy or it okay i'll take the over you know uh but if you're like oh it's they got really good defense or you know this it's a really it's going to be a long fucking game okay i'm gonna you know you got to see this
But if you go into parlays and some of that shit can get really in depth, where if you you can literally get over your head so fast. Yeah. So, when I bet, it's over, under, or who's going to win? As long as... four I like betting on baseball, and I bet 0-0 each inning. So, if nobody scores an inning, I make money. but You choose to do it.
yeah i yes thats my grid like more all like a take your word What's up, Benji? What up, fellas? Oh, Glick just stepped away for a second. Stealing with kids. You got to hit them hard. That way they listen one time, not twice. Exactly. Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver. I'm just saying. Correct. I did look up that LT, 600 LT. That thing's nice.
cool Top exhaust. Oh my God. That reminds me, I got to send you a YouTube channel that I think you'll get a kick out of. This chick's got an rbi um RB, yeah RB, RBW wide body kit on her Ferrari. Yeah. Gorgeous. You, you, you had most of that correct. for here So RBW is for Porsche. Well, it's the same guy. No.
chip maybe it's a liberty walk i don't remember what she's got liberty walk okay that'd be for might be a le walk anie ferrari okay yeah arbi do is will be force on she's got she's got the Ferrari you want in in Ferrari white and then she's got the liberty walk body kit on would that be and would that be Emily yes yeah yeah yeah yeah she's she's got some good content you know she just got offered 350 She stopped offering $3.50 for that car. Really? ah Somebody really wants to buy it. Yeah, she was in a movie, Gran Turismo. Was she really? focus you but know That was a really good movie. I think people should watch it, man. It's one of those movies. i didn't i It could have gone really bad, really quick. but It was an excellent movie.
and it it the way they brought the game into the the movie, flawless. I don't think you have to be a car person to like the movie, because it's more about the person getting to where they needed to go, and the struggle they had. And one part was like, it kind of got you in the feels a little bit. That wreck scared the shit out of me. Correct. I was like, holy moly, if this really happened. It makes me think twice about driving the Nuremberg ring, let me tell you.
Because that's a the goal. That's that's that's like. ah Bucket list running the man again like it'd be a lot of people's bucket list, but what happened to this guy during that? It would not only does a nerd change your life and then what happened to that changed his life and it was like.
What do you do? It's based on true story too. 100% except for the dude didn't go. He didn't have that crash as bad. He had a crash, but it wasn't as bad, and he didn't get as high-ranked as he did in the movie. but And he wasn't like as successful as the movie played it out to me, but he was pretty successful. It was a good movie, though. I enjoyed the show. Yeah, it was a really good movie. I actually would recommend it, because I actually watched it in theater and was like, I don't have like really high expectations to come out and was like,
Yeah, that' that I was the same way. Pretty good. Seriously low expectations, and it exceeded and went beyond. It was amazing. I would agree. And it would it will touch you in your feels a little bit. Mm-hmm. And the guy that plays his dad, I love that guy. That guy's awesome. That's the part that people can relate with. like As you're growing up, that you're not like you don't communicate with your dad well. You don't communicate with your parents well. and you've got your rules the only way my dad and I would talk was either cars or tools you know but you know you go into like something like that to where you don't relate
to where it's not quite cars, like it's cars, but it's not white cars. Yeah. It was, it was a real, like he doesn't understand what what his son was doing. Kept telling me he did a real job kind of thing. And yeah, I enjoyed it.
Someone told me that that, someone told me that was what that kid was doing was their real job. You wouldn't believe it either, right? no Right. I would side with the dad, like that's not a real job. Right. However, that son got lucky to do that at that specific time. And then. And it was good enough to succeed. The fucking stars aligned. for the in yeah
Yeah, I know I enjoyed it. He only went as high as like you he didn't go top tier, but he went like 30 years. He's had a career. He doesn't have to worry about money. Let's put it that way. No, he's still going. I think yeah a little bit for the most part, but did he win?
yeah i would say he won yeah in real life obviously he won because he got to he started out playing a video game and now he drives race cars for a living the only part i will say he didn't win is the one specific part with the Nurburgring and an accident that happened That's the part he didn't win at all. Nobody wins in a crash. No, and I actually feel for him and I feel for the people in that accident so long now That is, that is, I think any bucket list I have is Nurburgring. I'm not even talking about like top speed. I'm just talking like, I want to make at least one lap. I don't care if I'm doing 40. Well, you can you can make as many laps as you want in that day. yeah when it's and When it's like open road, you get it and go, like there's tons of videos. It's like 200 bucks. I don't even know, is it even that much?
I don't even, I don't know. I don't think it's like crazy expensive like people, like the Nuremberg Ring, part of it is open like all the time. You just drive on it like regularly and then they shut part of it down to where you can like wide ass open, open to the public race course then. Right. If, but in order to pass people on the Nuremberg Ring, you you have to have a race license. When they have it, why subtract?
NASCAR has a track. I think it's in Kentucky that you can go, I think it's like two, two 50, but you can pay to drive a NASCAR and you can do laps and stuff like that. You can drive it as fast or as slow as you want around the track. Yeah. But the difference between a NASCAR track and Nuremberg ring, the Nuremberg drink ring is literally the fastest lap ever is six minutes, 28 seconds.
Who got that? Was that the AMG 1 or Valkyrie? I think so. I think it was the Valkyrie. It's either Valkyrie or AMG 1 at this point. But ah it's one of those things it's like said ah the Nuremberg ring has every curve you can think of. Plus two carousels.
The Paracel is just like a NASCAR track, but it's more of a slingshot than it just a bank current. And I think like the biggest track we have here is probably Coda in this in the States. Right, right. Well, what's the one that everybody runs? ah It's out in the desert. Damn it, I can't remember. I think it's in Utah.
I don't know. So the one that's like sub 90 minutes for my house is called Virginia International Raceway. DIR is what they call it. It's pretty popular. I need to go to it next year when I kind of found out that it was pretty close to me. I ended up missing one of the races and I was like, ah, you know, I was like, well, the fucking hurricane came through. So the hurricane came through on a Friday. So I figured the race is going to be canceled on a Saturday. I wake up at 8 30 in the morning and the race is good to go. And I'm like, like,
fuck but's like i' been't planned on it not mean i believe I've driven on Mid-Ohio twice. okay Once on a motorcycle, once in a car. is ah courseset like its a rogue yes middleow Mid-Ohio raceway is is technically remain a road course.
It's in Gran Turismo. It's also, it's only about an hour from today. How far is Mid-Ohio from? Mid-Ohio is in Lexington, so less than an hour from today.
and you look lot you know Mid-Ohio Raceway. It's in Lexington. Ohio. It has been an hour away. That's not too bad. Yeah. ah But like for me, I can get from my parents' house when I lived with my parents to Mid-Ohio Raceway in less than 30 minutes.
man like what I was driving. so So this is why I think they mind like Europeans like just it's just the whole European market, right? It's better at racing than anything in the US s is because we have like just a few tracks on a road course and everything is road course over there. Like we have like another left turn here and it's like why don't we not have like such a huge like young to old like people into racing. And it's like, to me, this is why. Because they're doing different elevations left and rights and straights. Like it's so much fun to watch. Every fucking Sunday, I am at either two places. I am on my lap or my iPad watching the F1 race. I am in Apex, North Carolina at Apex Racing Labs watching the F1 race. Like I am all about road courses. F1 race is super fun to watch. And I like- This is Mid-Ohio.
Oh man, look at the straightaways on that bitch. For sure. It's not a very big track. I think the lap time is like, fastest lap time is like two minutes, something like that. It's got some good straightaways though. Yeah. what I want to know what the mileage is on that. The popular decision, but it's a smart decision by the way. Lastest lap on mid-Ohio is, um, go One minute six. Holy hell, what? In a four minute one car. What is it like a 1.5 mile race track? It is 2.2. Oh, they're cooking around that bitch. Yeah, it's a four minute one car.
something But it used to be. It used to be. So so it's definitely not 401. If anything could be. I think they do clearly a three there now. Yeah, I was about to say there's definitely not F1, F2. There's no way. but but But I used to date a girl that that her family owned land which what' was going to do with that about a mile from the track and then you know, they had owned the land for like 100 something years. And then mid Ohio came along and built the track. So they got lifetime passes. Well, they're not car people.
power So, you know, I was helping them clean out something one day, and they had all these track passes. I was like, what the hell is this? They're like, yeah, we get those every year. I'm like, you guys got like 70-something hours of track time here. They're like, yeah, we don't use them. I'm like, I will. Oh, my God, right? Okay, you see me?
So I took my I had a I had a YZF R6 that I took on it because they do motorcycle racing there. I took an R6 on it and then I took a BMW M3 on it. Hey guys, welcome. to jess garage pretty all right now right and neglect couldn't be anymore more Uh, well, he talked football for, for a good 30 minutes. and I got, I got this next. thirty First and foremost, it's my show. I'll talk whatever I want to talk. Second of all, you have a garage so that you could talk about cars to you until you're blue in the face. It's not like that today in between Ohio state and Michigan, right?
oh we We literally just spent 30 minutes on that. I don't wanna spend any time on it, but I'll say for a person who pulls for neither side, hell of a game between them. It was straight up 10 10 to the last possible fucking minute, they'll go and then the freaking flag in the middle of the field fight happens. I loved it all. It was great. i Some of us who one some of us who who enjoy college football had a good day.
Others like Cam, who's been talking batshit for the last few days, watched his team take a big L to South Carolina. I could care less about college football, but but rivalries are rivalries, right? At the end of the day, rivalries are rivalries. The biggest rivalry in college football. I don't care what anybody says. Nobody cares about all your other fucking rivalries. The game, the biggest rivalry is Michigan and Ohio State.
And that's the bottom line. And today get played up to all the hype, right? Well, I'll say this much. Uh, expected because Michigan had a bad season this year. I expected them to lose a buy a lot. Um, you know, as I said, Ohio state spent a lot of money to build a national championship team and they just did not. I don't know if Ohio state played really bad or Michigan played really good. ah Michigan played exactly the way I expected them to play.
But Ohio State looks like ass. I don't really care either way. To me as a fan of just football and definitely not a fan of college football, it was fun to watch. And just so you guys know, um I have a co host over here. Hey, pay attention. He didn't pay attention.
way does yeah now i morning That's the one I was talking about. Let's see. I'm about to walk two miles for a lighter. Why the hell are you walking two miles for a lighter, untrackable? Because that's the closest gas station he has. He's already started drinking. I'll tell you what. If that was me, I'd go in and fire my stove up and light a something whatever off of an electric stove. I'd lit it off a fucking cup.
toaster. I got a toaster motherfucker. yeah Could you imagine I'm pissed off and willing to walk two miles already and by the time I get to that two miles, I'm furious. I'm going to be.
right? You can call it delusional all you want. I hate to break it to you. There's not a there's not a rivalry in the SEC. There's not a rivalry in the ACC. There's not a rivalry in the Big 12, the Pac 12, in the Mac, in the WAC, in the USA Conference that compares to what Ohio State and Michigan rivalry is.
I know that they can be a free game is big, but I will say that only applies to football because then you can go Kentucky, Duke and basketball. well Yeah, college football. That's why I said I specifically said college football. College football. I'll say I'll say Kentucky, Duke and basketball. Maybe Kentucky or maybe Duke. NC like NC Tar Heels.
maybe, but like when it gets down to like the final four, yeah think it's got to be Kentucky Duke. Yeah, and i will and I will say this. I called it. I called it and I've been saying it for years. As soon as they put a legitimate playoff system in college football and they get rid of the committee that is majority vote ESPN who is in bed with the SEC, the SEC will become obsolete.
And as of right now, you've only got heard this ratck before i'm just actual SEC programs in the top 12 this year that will make the playoffs. And the other one, the third, is a brand new team to the SEC and that's Texas. So, and if you look at the top 12, it's kind of ran amok by the big 10. Well, you you always had to go to something other than the top, like the top four, right? It was a committee.
Yeah, it was a committee, but. like Like you don't ever, I just, this this is what's BS. This is why I've never been in the college sports because it was always through committee. Who votes and says blah, blah, blah. Your record doesn't make a shit. yeah let's Let's just, but if you've got the best record, let's go in. I don't care if you schedule and someone agreed to you to play like 10 BS teams.
You got 10 BS teams agreed and at the end of the day, those 10 BS teams agreed to make all that money. Everybody **** wins in there, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's the cool thing about like, like, you know, now granted, there's what are they up to now? Seventy teams or something like that that make it into the basketball tournament. You know, it used to be 64, 64 teams. No, it's 84, isn't it? I don't know what it is. It's like we did it with some out.
And that's what makes March Madness fun because you have all the different tournament brackets and you, and you window it, but there's no committee to vote those teams in. You get in all based off of your record college baseball, same way, but that's the way it should be. The only sport who ever had a committee that voted on who made it to the national championship game was college football.
and then the voice sounds yeah and and and and like I said ESPN hold has held the majority vote ever since or since time began and they've been in bed with the SEC that's why you have so many pis people pissed off because you've literally seen nine and two and eight and three Alabama and LSU in a national championship game Because the committee says the SEC strength of schedule is tougher than anybody else's. So you've got undefeated teams that are left out every year and it's like SEC don't play anybody. And when they do step outside of their conference and play an actual or real school, they usually get beat by that school.
look And then you got people like me who don't watch at all and realize it's literally about money. Oh, well, it's not only Yeah, it's about who's got the most fans and how many of those fans are gonna watch? So it's it's so gross. It's ridiculous.
and you get people like me as a non sports guy. answer I can see that's corrupt and that's why I said the great thing about who are fair weather watchers and it's like I want to watch something that means something but then I turn on a college game and I know it doesn't mean anything. So, it's like **** it. I don't know. That's why you got guys like me this year. Super excited for an actual playoff system and my my Cinderella pick at the beginning of the season, a team that everybody knows funny me about was SMU. Ricky and I talked about it and joked about them being in a week conference before we realized they just joined the goddamn ACC and they're actually in a big five conference and they're running the goddamn gambit. They've got one loss on the season and they're in the top 12. I said, that's my team, man. SMU was going to, they might not win it all, but they're going to go far in and the playoffs.
I'll just be honest with you. I don't even know what SMU stands for. Neither do I. But I think it's southern Mexico. I have no fucking clue. I don't know either. I'll tell what. South University. Dude, I'll tell you what. Something freaking crazy ridiculous. So I am like non-religious, right? Like I don't celebrate holidays. We're non-religious. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm cool for like...
Oh, is it 84? Damn. Okay, baby. Thank you. Ladies every year. 84. That's my fault. Yeah, it's like a ridiculous amount. I pulled for team. What's up, guys? They can't hear you. Oh, I don't know. You can hear him right now. Oh, wait. They tell my, tell Wyatt to come here. Hold on. How the **** can you you shouldn't be able to hear me because this is muted. I can hear you. he's or it's broken Tell him to come here. No, fuck that kid. Hey, what? I got something for you. His game's actually on right now.
that's all right. He was talking **** to me earlier. He's a Texas fan. He's a Texas fan. He's a Texas fan and earlier, Rick sent me a Snapchat, a Wyatt, and an Ohio State hat that he still has on and an Ohio City. Then he said, **** you, Glick. Go Bucks. So, so was Texas like Texas A and&M? No, that's what they're playing. Texas long runs are playing a and m and okay and i say that got fuck i don't even know if that's even all deecon area or tv
fuck is like go ohio that's why they lost they're so sex Yeah, I got something for why I'll just make sure what you're doing This is what I want you to do any questions Hey, this is what I want you to do any questions Yes, they watch this video. Why?
yeah Ohio, y'all fucking suck. Y'all, 10-1. Yo, y'all fucking suck. We own y'all. We own y'all. We own y'all. Let's see if it's still a rivalry. Is it still a rivalry? They was talking all that. Oh, did y'all chance to come back? Did y'all chance to finally get it? You see that? Back to back to back to back. Y'all suck. Ain't nothing good came out of Ohio but LeBron. And that's debatable. Suck.
So here's the thing. The best part about that video was at the end. The only thing good to come out of Ohio was LeBron. And that's debatable. That's debatable. I still debate that. ah I love that little lie they that that last little big. What are you talking about? I came out of Ohio.
We don't count. We're not okay. there We're infamous. We're infamous, not famous. Got you. And wouldn do according to. No, you're not fucking drinking another monster. According to the amigos. So, I don't know how untrackable is using his phone and not being untrackable. Right? He's not trackable. Look, he's on the move.
Yeah. No, no, no. There's Bluetooth and it leaves a little footprint as you go. Yeah. So he's got a special security device. So, you know, I beat the end. Did there win? You guys to be bowl eligible. We were eligible before the game. You only have to win six games to be bowl eligible. So, you know, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's bowl eligible?
that's true you get to Go to a bowl game at the end of the season. no you could be half game You said bull you said bowl. I heard bowl as in like but say animal and I was like I don't get that but you know what it did do. It did not go higher state out of the Big 10 Championship. It did, but I don't know that it's going to knock us out of the playoffs.
We'll see how much i that they're going to drop. I don't think they'll drop out, but they're going to take a big hit. Yeah, but it's going to be hard for them to take a big hit, and George, it's a nod, considering it to took Georgia eight overtimes to beat unranked Georgia Tech. But they did win. But what's going to help with that is 40 plus points on them. Hey, Jim, I'll put this in you and I terms. You know what bold eligible means is like half good, right? Yeah. This car I got is half a career.
that's what all eligible means sort we call nothing
and means you just have to be most of the with i don't apologize then diesel ven diesels at it best doesn't matter if you win by ni or mile wins win shit what up brand is i try to um what are you apologizelogizinging for
but i would I would like to say that i Yeah, I would just like to apologize that if my name or my avatar gives people different oh i ideas about me, but I'm just a dude being a dude and I enjoy talking to people so ah take it as you will. that mean I see you as a regular dude or a homeless dude walking in the park a lot late at night. He looks like a homeless dude when he's on camera though.
I'm not here to take anything. I'm only here to for for you to represent what you are. What the fuck are you doing, you weird ass kid? Untraggable is streaking to the store.
bold so with ever cer we got the massage in v we we stop yeah exactly k un trackable amen what state you in the race and end up with umous but um it's not cold i didn't hear what he said he' said He's in the state that he's in Well, then that doesn't narrow it down. you He won't narrow it down for you. That's the problem. He's in one of 50. He's in the state. I mean, he's in Harris-Teeter. I'm not always. Harris-Teeter's in a bunch of states. They say Harris-Teeter was in South Carolina. Harris-Teeter's in North Carolina, too. Harris-Teeter's in Kentucky, too. it's It's not that many states. ah But that's not three states.
it's you know it's in i gotta find the slide i be yes internet is about as good as they good by outside i gotta to go buy this line okay went all the way to get a
i don't hate all that
I mean, he uh it's a subsidiary of uh Kroger but it's in uh Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and DC. Yeah but again, it's nice. It's like pretty isolated East Coast only. Right. Well, yeah, so is Kroger's. Kroger's was actually for the longest time. Kroger's was only an Ohio grocery store.
Yeah, but it's probably Kroger's is probably bigger than Harris Teeter, I would assume, right? I've never heard. Did you know that Kroger started? That's where um Jimmy Hoffa started the Teamsters? Really? Yep. It wasroger that he used it was that he refused to accept the delivery of strawberries because he wasn't getting paid enough. And that was how the teamsters started.
Kroger's is now in 35 states, including the district. See, there you go. I figured Kroger's was bigger than Air State. However, I am conveniently located because I am in the state of North Carolina. I am trackable. um I don't have no reason to hide.
um louis You should definitely, if you have a Harris Teeter near you, try Chipotle bacon. Stupid beyond stupid good. like gives you Dude, it is beyond fucking good. take the My wife and I will cook just the Chipotle bacon and but cloudy it is it that good. Yeah, I was going to say on ten o'clock Kroger for a long time was was mainly in Ohio. Read it. The grocery store. I know. Well, that's where i that's where I knew Kroger from, right? yeah Because then when I came, then when I came south, then I knew like piglet wiggling and things like that and then Kroger's finally started expanding and then Harris Teeter has a distribution in South Charlotte and then
then that kind of took over between Food Lion and Harris Teeter. So I think that Harris Teeter, Food Lion, Kroger, Piggly Wiggly kind of situation. Yeah, Harris Teeter is a subsidiary of Kroger, whatever the hell that means. but I still have a Piggly Wiggly. when yeah When I was down in Charleston, we had Publix, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, and phillo which is it which the same area I was. So, we're in that all that sub four hour range. So, anytime there was a hub there was you and I had. Do you have a do you have a loves now in North Carolina? Do you have a loves?
no my mom does down by her part of North Carolina. So I think there's like a loves gas station or something, but I got my phone right here. I'll look up at truck stop. It's a grocery store. My mom's going down by my mom's going down by Calabash. Yeah, we have a loves like gas station, but not could be.
So where I'm at, I've got Food Lion, Food City, Publix, Burger, Walmart, Lidl, Aldi's, Food Depot, higgly Wiggly Wiggly. Those are the places I can go to just around me. I'm in Georgia.
What was crazy is I was just in Marietta a couple weeks ago. I work in Marietta. Yeah. much Yeah. I run. So, I am GM of cross-base operations out of Raleigh, Charlotte, and Atlanta. What's what's crazy is, you know, we have giant Eagle up here in Ohio down in Charleston. We have Bilo. That's the exact same **** store. Exact same store. Exact same. Did you know? Did you know Walmart's biggest competitor in this country is Aldi's?
um There's no doubt about it. You know why? Cuz you can get an oil change on aisle seven and **** all these. things
Yeah, man. I, I, I, we're fans of the, we're fans of the oldie. Do you hear it now? I'll, I'll say this that when it, when it comes to certain things, the the merchandising means less.
And the availability is logistical. So yeah like, if if you, if you want something, if if you're going to be sold by someone on an end cap, uh, Hey, that store is one mile away. But if if you're just going to buy what you're going to buy, but you're willing to drive two miles, you might say,
coming from so see as internet's going on out There's no there was no presentation in not considering all but there's no I You see the newest injury click
university of texas settle bachelor
What'd you do?
yeah yeah there what You learn to be ambidextrous, buddy. I'm just saying. What? Amidextrous. She's the newest injury. an arms The hell'd you do, man? Dude, you're falling for her. Bro, I go from a bust busted ribs.
to spring in the ankle to getting really sick to now a broken hand. How did you break your hand? So I was driving at work and I had my hand on the middle part of the steering wheel and I hit a nasty fucking bump and my hand went through the steering wheel with the dashboard and while I was in there, the wheels spun. Jesus. Is that trackable tracking someone? It be.
Okay, what's going on with you, Bubba? Jesus Christ, dude. We're gonna see if you can drag you out to a field and put one in you. All right. Well, this is what happens when you're left unsupervised. you don't I wouldn't know anything about that. I agree. You were left unsupervised a couple of weekends ago, and how did you make it through? By staying stationary on the couch?
you I think I've lasted so long. yes play there Sit there, play Call of Duty. Nothing bad can happen if I don't leave this spot. I'm telling you, bro. Have you played at the new prop hunt on God yet? Bro, so much fun.
I've never been the biggest fan of prop one, but I also just get on there and kind of do my dailies. So much fun, dude. Cause you get have three changes, but they're already predetermined. Dude, we were playing and this one dude was on his second change. And when he hit his third one inside the house, he became a pickup truck in the living room, like um hide a car in the house.
um Definitely not this giant. You've obviously never been to West Virginia, buddy. That was so funny. Yeah, i I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I usually get on there and do my do my dailies and I haven't really had any time to sit on and sit down and play for a long a long extended time period.
um we yeah call a duty like up six Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They just dropped the prop hunt finally. up Yeah. I sent you on there. click I just I haven't downloaded the game. oh Yeah, you know, there I do my dailys. It takes me a little bit longer to do my dailys now because you know, now where you start all over again and then the moment you prestige, you start back at one again and you don't have any of your, I'm like, this is some bullshit So, I get a gun completely maxed out and set up the way I like it. And and it's like, oh, would you like to prestige? do they Do they not have the thing to where you can unlock something that doesn't matter if you proceed? Okay. Yeah, you just you just have to you just have to earn those tokens. And I've got one or two of them right now. So, um right before I prestige next time, I'll oh
do the unlimited lock or the permanent unlock. Always did the permanent unlock to the Red Dot site. i see the scene in ohio Yeah. What you do is you have a piece of Scotch tape and you put a little X on your TV. And so I actually have I have a friend who is visually impaired and he plays Call of Duty and he put a glow in the dark dot in the middle of his TV. Yeah. So, he knows where the center point is on his TV. Uh Garrett, he's **** me up every time he plays. Yeah, because I've i've been seeing people on Tiktok. That's how they quote unquote cheat but I'm like, it's not cheating if it works. You know, it's only cheating if you get caught.
who yeah
of course it's a great, i I've, I've seen, and I, I don't know how recent some of that stuff is, but I've definitely seen people draw grids. They have literally drawn grids on your TV rather than use the, the, the vision of the the game. So it's like the center of your TV is where you're shooting. You know what I mean?
That's just that's just too much. I don't have a designated like gaming room either. So like my TV that I gave one is the main TV. You know what I mean? Like a clear scotch tape and you put it on the X in the market and then then you can peel it off when you're done. You know, you know, the difference between those guys and myself, I go to work. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think a good one.
for a wife of kids and be like what is this on the screen i don't do any of them i just go to work henry and make a good live yeah i think zeki made i much I'd much rather lose than spend good money on tape and put it on a good TV, you know what I mean?
right I think Nicky would stab me if I'm out there just putting a... What the fuck are you doing? I'm putting a great spot in here. Don't worry about it. Why'd you build this woman? Don't create your kindle, Nick. I have 100% question. You'd be like, what the fuck are you doing, dude? the the the the the the the the the the the the the
look look i i got one thing to say to you woman mind your business give this shot but just
yeah i don't i don't take i don't take game in that damn serious i mean i just get up there i fuck her out i do my dailyilies i get pissed off at the fucking zombies because they i can't get past level eighteen and yeah Well and see I see that as ah kind of funny also because um Yeah, I do love the shooters But at the same time I'm more of on the ah on the racing side um because i love because you you play a shooter you could play a shooter for a minute and you get killed and you just kind of eat that but then you only played for the minute right where it doesn't matter untractable like definite is crazyy i want to get it but when it comes get follow but but when it comes to race cream it it doesn't it doesn't matter when it comes to racing it doesn't matter if you fail
on the first left ah you still got the rest of the ris to go and you may have a chance or you may not unless you're driving eighty six on for driving ferrari but whatever but what but what are you going to do are are you going to be a quitter i mean this's one thing to it's another thing to quit But they have this, they have this, they have this great thing in the shooter. So it's called respawning. So just because I die once doesn't mean it's the end of the game. that i Yeah. pass one And then I come back out and I kill 75 people. know All it took was 74 response. No, I actually, I'm actually, I, my KD is actually pretty good. I got a pretty good killed kill to death hor ratio. Most games.
i little sometimes I surprise myself like the other night I thought I was playing like shit the game ended and I was like 75 and 20 and I was like oh people not holy shit that's freaking good like i had one mola but I had one I think it was yesterday no it was a couple days ago I had to take a picture of it and send it to Wyatt and now for the life of me I can't find it but I'm i'm so there it is like rank however forty one and fourteen
holy hell that's good and i wasn't even top of the board i was second so back in my day i was to ancient lunch but
I've never played Call of Duty. I played the real game. Hold on. Is that him? It's all. Why can't you listen to that? You're talking about sim racing um you should You should look into eye racing.
Yeah. See, you guys talk about iRacing or SimRacing. And I literally go to a place every Sunday called Apex Racing Lab. Yeah, but that's a go-kart, dude. Every Sunday, I go to this place. Yeah, it's a go-kart. I go to races and hang out in this place. I want to see some legitimate stuff from you guys. iRacing is what a lot of the drivers do in the off season. Kyle Larson actually got suspended from NASCAR.
for something that happened on i racing really yeah i would see up this stop but i would say the nword that'll do I would say didn do Do not discard the lower levels because that's where the higher levels come from and that Movie that that movie Gran Turismo And um brought them up ah Yeah, it it was one that could handle it yeah This is wild to think about. That'd be like the military recruiting Call of Duty gamers to join. them feel like Hey, yeah you're pretty awesome at Call of Duty. We want you to come fight.
you're the town well you know there's a would you like to be an navyc Yeah. Well, that's that's the thing. Like, technically, you could take Call of Duty guys and you've given them Tesla robots with guns. It's like control this robot and go. That's been thatch on the whole thing like all along. That's what they want to do because wars going into the future is not like person versus person. yeah It's not going to be me versus you.
It's going to be my robot versus your robot. example i'm I'm really, I'm really, really good at Madden and the NFL has not come knocking on my door yet. I'm just saying. Yeah.
i mean we slight difference they're buddy all listening because you got a michigan you know On that same coin though, Chris, if you, if you take the Tesla robots and you make them a football team, you can control the robots.
oh yeah yeah I mean, but at the rate they're going to the NFL right now. Million dollar idea, right? You're joking. If you could learn, to you could make it. Yeah. Because their kickers right this year suck. Boy, don't they? Jeez Louise. But I would say this as well. It's that you can add technology to any fight, but you will never replace the Warriors.
Well, that's the whole point of the exoskeleton that they' they've integrated, correct? Yeah. Well, they're working on it. It will not replace the worldviews. Yeah. It will never replace the desire.
but you Well, the thing about the exoskeleton is it's basically an Iron Man suit. but Correct. Because you need free thinking to control the exoskeleton to make the best decisions possible and not have like analytics involved.
right You need like a forward focused person from whose' pro whoever country they are to make the best possible decisions. Well, not only that, they they also, when you have a they do person in the suit, they also do critical thinking and and worry about collateral damage.
It does it does become a problem because it was going to control the program. versus the, you cannot replace the skeleton. That's the whole point of the the exoskeleton, right? Because you're not a program. You're only, you're the main accessory to the suit. Yeah. It's literally, well, there was a guy and he built an exoskeleton suit where he could look 500 pounds like he was picking up a tissue. like
but but then is whatever you create ah it seems to be the of how the individual can overcome um whatever science um back go ahead and create something it it may take fifty it may take hundred or it may just andre to
You're cutting it out. They and take it down the body. la gentlemen You're cutting it out. I'm sorry. Are we taking a break? Yeah, I was just looking at that. I was going to say, well, we yeah take a real quick because I got um my back teeth are floating. You know, you can get up and go to the bathroom. You know, I know. but Well, you're paying. We'll survive back in the house.
Uh, but yeah, let's uh, let's take a real quick break. I got I got lots of new music I got something for you when we come back About the Ohio State Michigan fight It wasn't the only one well, you know that broke out
the flag. The guy with the flag stabbed an Ohio State player in the leg to move him off the hill. Oh, i love that yeah same the same thing happened at the NC State UNC game. They took the flag and tried to stab the fucking running back. and there hold the fight broke count she felt they're gonna ban that they're gonna ban that going in the next year I guarantee. I really hope not because that really takes away from stuff like that flagpoles a weapon though in these heated rivalry games. Yeah I think at the end of the day the players know that they can't use that as a weapon right but they did yesterday they did oh so they really that's how both these fights broke out.
Like the flight, the fights are one thing, but you can use that as a weapon? It's like, come on. That was what started him was the Michigan guy stabbed the Ohio State guy in the fucking death knuckles with the flag.
and until there's actual video proof of that, I'm not going to believe anything that probably goes from a bias report. part but' on facebook yourself on facebook so yeah okay exactly so the the reliable source But then I saw the drop down of the NC State UNC came from the NC State flag bearers stabbing, like jabbing at the UNC guy with Yeah, if you're like jabbing Adam or whatever. Yeah, he actually he poked him in like the rib or something like that. Well, what I'm saying before we go to break, let's let's see if we can see anything here in this video footage. I don't know.
Probably not going to be able to see anything. I don't even see any red over there.
i yeah yeah I don't know. I know that's why the one guy grabbed the flag the second time was because the guy was starting to use the pole as the weapon. Well, it was probably after the fight broke out, which. Yeah, that was the second time they scrambled together. Did you see the two Michigan players got pepper sprayed in the face?
I did see two people staying on the sidewalk with water. Yep, there was apparently there was like seven of them that got beverage sprayed all together. To me, that's fun. If you want to get people like me who are fair weather fans to watch, that's what needs to happen. Yeah, no I'll watch. You can't because you're talking about finely tuned athletic machines whose potential losses depend on staying healthy.
I'm I'm I'm I'm out then, right? If one of those guys separate spray has permanent vision damage, that police department's going to get sued. I guarantee. Well, yeah, and they're already investigating. You got to worry about lost wages. and Yeah, they're already they're already investigating to to look and see. I did see that come out. There's just too much other stuff. They didn't come from a from a scuffle like that. See, thats yeah that's how you get my attention. I want to see Ohio State people involved.
Michigan people about the police department. I want to see everybody involved. but du that's Some of the OCs are the guys on the sidelines. They're like 60 and 70 years old. A 23 year old 350 pound lineman flattens a 70 year old dude.
Come on. was you I'm out there for that. so ah which that the lineman got laid out in i need from my project was that that game it like From my perspective, it it wouldn't even concern football at all. It would be from the the drama of either drama on the field.
or the reactions of the officers that may have had to interact with how would out but it But this interaction would not attract me to ah football or ah specifically the teams at all. Well, that's because they don't have a lighter. It was like your player said, Blake, they have 60 minutes on the field to fight. Leave it there.
You got it, man. Harris Teeter is somewhere between Maryland and Florida at a lighter for you. ah I agree. You know, you got 60 minutes on the field and you're fighting out there. agree Let's ah let's take a real quick break. We'll be back here just a few minutes. I got new music.
from our, we you know, since we're talking about breaking the law and committing assault and battery, let's do my boy James Luecker with his brand new shot. Damn it, man. I was really hoping for a werewolf in London. Right? I haven't heard that in forever. I don't know if it's still saved in there or not. It should be, but we'll be back here in just a few minutes to carry on with the carrying on.
I'll fix it
It is down to competition
Hey, welcome back to nonsensical nonsense. Everybody have a Saturday night. Lazy Jedi get caught up. You son of a bitch. That was my boy James Luther with his newest song outlaw way. Shout out to James. Love that fucking song. James is watching. Oh shit. What's up, brother? I didn't even know you was in here. And I told you I got you in. I always got you. You know, I'm in your corner.
Appreciate you watching. Appreciate you, man. Uh, if you guys aren't already good, check us out. We're everywhere on them socials. We're live Monday through Sunday. You can find us live and you can listen to us anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts, that all at the nonsensical network, or you can simply head on over to bio slash now sensible network, get all them links, click them, follow it, like it and share it. You know, the drill.
ah let's do this shit it is Saturday night don't forget it is the open door challenge we got that link in the chat DJ Jeff dropped that link one time son you can come in and hang out with us like big rick and our boy on trackable in the building after his long trek to the harris teeter for a lighter it was the last lighter and left it like this lucer says uh he's got an he's uh filming music video yeah oh yeah man nice did it I'm here for it all, brother. ah dude I really do. I love his music. That's a good song. I liked it. got the album was I listened to the album several times. Looking forward to the new stuff, seeing the videos and all that all that fun jazz. He's on Spotify, right? Because that's the only place I listen to music. so
yeah Yeah. You can also find them on all the social media. Just, just Google, just Google James. lucker You'll find them. I like Matt Mason. So I might have to look this up. right pe yeah Matt got some killer songs.
Boy, Indiana is taking it to them. Spoiler makers right now. twenty yeah I figured as much. I figured as much. Well, gentlemen, I'm assuming you're done with your intro. Yeah, he's got Benji. Well, he actually said he had to go to bed because he's got a Formula One race to go to tomorrow. So ah you can say what what you want to say about me being a football fan. You will never find me saying, oh, boys, I got to get up. I got to go to a bed early. I got to get up and.
go go to bed at ten o'clock at night and i'll be ed pittsburgh next sunday for the Pittsburgh Cleveland game and I still if I'm here, I don't know what's going to happen. Bro, I wish I was home tomorrow. I wish I was home tomorrow night for the game in Buffalo. The **** snow bats they're getting right now. as bro and Hey, I'll I'll tell you this um that we we just had Thanksgiving, right? And and and I but please I laid myself down at like 3 30 in the morning. And I probably close my eyes until 4 30 in the morning. And the last time I saw the clock, it was five o'clock in the morning. And I had to be at work at 5 30.
what they app martin said i made it to Well, going well not to change next course to be but it's driving me crazy so i have a question for you gentlemen because niy's parents can us ares example and take the what I have is is I have a little video to go with him. Oh my god. You're so cool. He goes from one to the next. Yeah. Let's take his jersey off. Just have another **** stupid blue and made shirt on. Let's go. bo Did a feature on a rock band recently. Just came out yesterday. Shout him out, man. Tell him to hit me up. We'll have my, I'll have my show, James.
yeah we and yeah if you want bro I have a question for you, gentlemen, and I got a video du to go along with it. So here's the question. how many ten year olds we take on at once for one hundred thousand dollars for each one you defeat you're placed in a stadium where you'll face off against a group of determined ten yearolds each one eager to attack and unafraid of seeing others get hurt You can choose to face as many or as few of them as you like. And for each one you knock out, you earn $100,000. However, there's a catch. If you don't manage to defeat every single one you choose to face, you leave with nothing. Once a kid is knocked out, they will automatically disappear from the stadium as to not get in the way.
To help even the odds, you're allowed to use blunt objects like a baseball bat or a metal pipe, but no firearms or explosives. The kids won't have any weapons. Once the match starts, you won't be able to lower the amount of kids you're facing and will have to stick with your choice. There's no risk of injury or lasting harm to the kids, and you won't face any legal consequences for your actions in the stadium. So tell me, how many 10-year-olds do you think you could take down?
that is the the the I would pick, uh, probably about a thousand.
Here's the question I've got. You got a straight a thousand times man here's the question i've got oh you only, you only got to grab one and swing it around. And then when.
but when You feel done with that when you pick another one gotta knock him out No, because they dis yeah once they're knocked out they disappear But as long as yeah that you're using a weapon doesn't get knocked out um ah yeah As long as I'm holding that child as a weapon I did not bring it into the field My thought is golf club no youing driving right man yeah you in maybe twenty most me maybe i know maybe we got written and you just interpret it I thought you couldn't bring I understand that don't bring a firearm, but i will I would pick a child up and use the child as a weapon and a heartbeat. but So and that here's my question. This is a really important question. yeah
are they coming at me all at the same time see that's the one thing it's not brought up in that video if there' coming like my thought one at a time I can do it all day long I'll just hit fucking line drives man but if they're coming at me all at once That's a problem. Yeah, because while you're hitting one or four, you got 20 more behind you trying to jump on your back. So that's the question. Is it a one at a time? and being like or is I'm staying a maximum of three at a time. where you you
So at three at a time, I can take out three at a time. um yeah for help That's the thing how long I'm only gonna hit my my max on that because Hey, it's not about the ingredients about how fast I will get winded. Okay. Here's my 20 tops Here's my next question at what point do you lose? Do they have to knock you out or do they have to kill you? Oh, I think it's just not Oh No, you got to kill me because I'm gonna keep swinging that other kid. Yeah, but if you're knocked out you automatically lose
I think it's a knockout. Again, there's a lot of what-ifs in this scenario. I'm not greedy. I'm just going to say 20. I'll take my 2 million and walk away. Exactly, right? Well, as the champ. Not really, but you just want to toss. As the champ. I know you're going to go up with a fucking number. This motherfucker's going to say like 50 or something. Watch it. Watch it. And being the champ, being the biggest in the panel, probably being in the most shape in the panel.
ah And the fact that we can use a blunt object. i' gonna say I'm gonna say an even, yes, I know Rick, round is a shape and you are in the shape. However, however, Rick, you can't step out of a truck without breaking a rib or drive down the road. Exactly. Let's be honest. Rick's going to go 10 tops because he's going to hurt himself. I'm a little worried for Rick and I got to make sure my guy's okay. So I'm going to add to my number. I was going to say 30, but I'm going to add an extra 10 so I can make sure I can throw a million. Rick's way. Well, here's my question. How old's cash?
He's 11. How many cashes you think you can throw hands with at the same time? About 150. Oh, geez. Are you saying cash is a pussy? No. No, I would say, I would say, I would say 40. I mean, if it's just they got to knock me out. And I say this because I know I have a very strong chin. and And I've met a lot of kids in my life. It's not even met a true kid. Stand up and get a cast in, face to face with you. You've got to reach the edge. You could get knocked out by one once that one just hanging around your neck and you know It's an argument is what is the kid are you talking? up to seven ten years like
so no like ten minus yeah ten years old and zero ten yeah um I'm say I'm gonna say a nice even I think I could do 40 I I think I go take out a hundred. Uh, 39 and then you, you're, you're winded. You can't keep going. Yeah. But I'm going to say, i could like I said, I get a blunt object. That's what I'm saying.
um yeah shaking a drive I'm going to take I'm going to take a I'm going to take a ball bat and I'm going to get at least twenty five of them with that ball bat. I'm not swinging a ball bat that many times. No **** you. That's why I say.
but but here's the forget for ten year old that's when you rip the the the the and then you ah emmer from another and then yeah you can have but and then you can have a star po but so now you have a blu object and a sharp object I'll see you. You rip their rib cage out. You use it as a shield. You tear it on legs off and you use it as a sword. Bro, you beat your stick.
You failed at saying you failed at saying shield because not a one single one of these ten-year-olds Is going to make him pass the skull in them in the femur? north does says These kids have no fear. Yeah, they they so they don't fear what they see the other way. They don't fear what they see But no matter what you do, they're still coming Well, what do you wear? I'm taking a golf club You have no fear and you have a sharp object and a blunt object. What do you have? If you want to play the game, then that should have been stated before you signed up for it. but the the gate The game went from knocking kids out to a trackable, dismembering them and killing them. The whole time he's dancing the vibe. I'm trying to solve a problem.
If you're gonna put this hypothetical out there you think I'm not gonna die to save my life mid trackable but What you want me to do What we've learned is untrackable wants to murder kids and use them as weapons yeah I'm just using um used the logic of a ball bat being like Alright. I don't have to do a full suit I can do like half a power and crack a kid in the head and knock him out. Oh, that's me. And maybe not even half. Wouldn't baseball bat like it's like aluminum? Kids is up. You No, but i I'm I'm sticking by my answer. like Shit. And I'm sitting there and talking to the job all day long. The best beater stick that I've ever used in my life.
is a two and a half foot long piece of overhead power lines wrapped in electrical tape. That's specific. It was what I had behind the seat of my truck. It's very specific.
Bro, it's lightweight. It's I'm just saying, Rick's played this game before. ah You should see the damage it'll do to a vehicle. There's like 15 kids somewhere missing because of the damage it'll do to a vehicle. That piece of power line wrapped in electrical tape will do some damage to a car.
know but and something like Hey, Rick, something like that. um it it can be considered legal or non-lethal based off of how you would explain your intention of using it. Like you said, you can also go into the arena with a sock full of corns. So you know, when you get pulled over to cop goes, what's this? Oh, that's just a piece of wire. Yeah. Case by truck breaks down. Now, if you were if you were to end somebody's life with that thing,
you would the gi your work to defend your actions now if you like you said ah against the vehicle like hey ah you know cut me off you're you're driving crazy and and i'm gonna use this on your vehicle um a thing like that it's not going to disable the vehicle but it will leave a mark I swear to God. What's better is you can hide all marks on it by removing the electrical tape and now it's just a piece of wire with no marring. Yeah. There you go. I don't know anything about that I'm just saying. Rick's the kind of guy who's got a sock on his baseball bat I'm just saying.
ah what you a sock on your baseball bat ah mean but that way if somebody catches it you got another swing and i mean um and also i'm going to throw a you know ah pair of brass nooks in my pocket so oh yeah hundred do but when i do get tired of swinging the van i just reaching my pockets doublenued up and just you little fucker you see the rings you wear why do you need brass knuckles I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
You can put your ah elbow in somebody's neck or you can put your hands around somebody's neck. how think that an open I think it ultimately boils down to what's going on.
and what your intentions were with that. I'm going to say this once and once only. Jeff said, it's a ten-year-old. How hard is it to take out a ten-year-old? He's obviously never been in a wrestling match with a ten-year-old and four of his buddies at the same time. Because, bro, it becomes a lot more than you think it does. I don't know about you, buddy, but I don't wrestle around with ten-year-olds.
i have nothing you up that that's why I said one ah list and swing them around you'll knock all the other 10 year olds out in all the
swinging around a ten year old would get tiredre or some yeah yeah like i said like i said you also had to remember jack gun ten ten years yeah if you can take out your hold tenurere one over more i say it's a fair fight if i do the then you pick up another one and then you pick up another one hey and and if you're not worth that then you know you're going to get the hundred thousand per the hundred thousand but bro you got pick you're picking the fourteen ten olds weigh about a hundred and ten pounds
yeah youre sweeting that don like justling i think i think you're i think you're a little off on that one bro and track and remember we're smokers dude we do that much work I by my number. i stared by 40 for 4 million I stand by. I think I think I would have to go with like copy. I'd be somewhere between 30 and 42. I think I'd max out at 20 just just because if if I fall short, I'm not.
oh all All I know is irenna look at I'm going to look at the other arena where Untrackable is and there's going to be body parts and limbs and heads. Oh, I see. Look at Cash. Cash is a pretty stout sized kid. You know you think Untrackable is going to spin him around and hit other kids for 10 minutes? That's what I'm saying. I don't think it's going to happen.
you're gonna say cash is not a small kid i mean he's damn near taller than both of his sisters and eight thousand now you're adding different things into there are the kids different uh dynamic and use his big ass legs to beat the other kids to death your average 10 year old average table probably weighs about 100 110 pounds no not that let that no Not that I want this in my Google search history, but fuck it. The average size of a 10 year old. are gonna get How many 10 year olds can let's put in a bag? It's going to come up in like two inches. Okay. So the average, uh, a 10 year old's average height and weight is anywhere from 50 to 59 inches for females and 50 and a half to 59 inches for males.
Okay. Our weight is anywhere from 54 to 106 pounds for females and 54 to 102 pounds for males. I don't think cash is are over a hundred pounds yet. It might be. Um, I think, I think if you, I think you will get the momentum, then you can swing a hundred pounds in that circular motion. That's how we got talks.
files And if my sister could toss my 50 pound ass and I think I could toss 120 pound person. yeah and yeah for wing get a light like that yeah a minute yeah You're talking a thousand kids let's i mean you do you remember how somebody used to grab you by your arms and spin in i said i could handle i would feel like un trackable is falling down two minutes into as dizzy as yeah you're gonna get dizz as fuck i' go to say that they're literating my ten year old yeah yeah Each kid I pick up I'm spinning a different direction
even worse he's definitely getting killed by so then say oh go say trackables ah dragonable's getting winded he's getting dizzy he's gonna fall down on one me but what's your answer was gonna know got tired and yeah he's like a bad guy i a what What if I do a spin and then I separate myself and move a 5k and let them come at me and then the first one is I okay. I got my five K.
oh it Yeah, we heard you breathe and walk in across the parking lot bro. You walked to five K. oh why don't you you Start with 200 feet. i mean i Just walk two miles right in front of you ah you guys laugh yeah i try a a deposit ah jackable i i love your ambition bro yes are you go a fucking eight but
so so i think on your computerile you say don i talk hypotheticals And you're gonna clown on me well you put tea of a ten year old yeah that's the other thing You're gonna try and run five k away right god forbid somebody switch up gatorter in for red bull not you're going to be winded and dying in a mile and a half these kids are still gonna be in a dead ass Yeah, you're not getting away from us like i mean you know i i will pick up My last weapon and I will carry it on my back and if they catch up to me I will swing No,
they just never run out of fucking energy no they don't convince the energizer bunny is based off a fucking ten-year-old kid like by the time you're by the time you're on your 10th wind they're on their second yeah and they're like i'm my old guy we're gonna get you Yeah Well, then then look up that look look up how many 10 year olds ah run 5k's because I understand like the high school athletes and like that your first five week up I think I was 21 when I ran my first 5k I
My kid sitting right in front of me was somewhere between eight and 10 when she ran in her first 5k. She was doing one mile trot runs with the underage kids from the ages of five days, seven or eight. And she was finished. What were the times? What were their times? What was the time on your 5k? Do you remember? I can say I did mine in about 20 minutes. Yeah, but, but you were 21 at the time. You're not 21. Your brain might think I'm 21, but you're not. jane denial No, I was 21 at the same time. I was a grown ass man. I think she was up around a 13 minute mark on the 5K because it's only two and a half miles. So she was averaging about six ah between a five K ah five K is three miles. when i yeah He was she ran the whole thing with a girl who runs all sorts of fucking marathons. And I know she finished in the early teens in the minutes.
like i wonder in the early t you can depict the kids you want like i want all the fat kids that because i could
I wonder could depict the kids want. I want all the fat kids play video games. the oh it it storage sixty one be It's 46. I'm 44 years old. I don't need to run at all. It's 35. I'm not trying. I've got a driver's license, so I didn't have to run anymore. Like zombie apocalypse happens. I'm getting a bicycle or a horse because I'm still not ready. Right. Hey, please fellas. Um, if, if I turn this type of way, uh, I apologize. I do enjoy you all. Um,
I did not want to get like a contentious. um no you good man you're good I just find it amazing that you're like, I'm going to knock the kids out. I'm going to murder em yeah you made that knocking them. out and They disappearing to blood everywhere. Kids with other kids body parts. all And I do a pop. No, that was awesome, dude. You made a conversation. I saw this movie. It turned from just knocking a bunch of 10-year-olds out. And we're already having the conversation about knocking a bunch of 10-year-olds out as grown men, which is weird as it is. And Jack was like, he's talking about going deadpool on them and using bones to kill them.
he's like oh yeah watch this watch i'm gonna i'm gonna go all in and i'm gonna go board on comment on these little bass he's fatality of every child out there i have done some things on live before and i i don't want to make it about like oh oh we narrow it down to what will you do online before uh i i don't want to make it about that but yeah in in the hypothetical yeah tear the kids apart, swing them around, whatever. yeah Are you still going to the hundreds? Are you still going to the hundred kids? thousand Oh, man. I might need a 12 pack to watch that one. more than the topic Like I put him in a stadium. I want to sit up in his latestest chair in the stadium and watch. It's going to be entertainment for hours.
And it's just a chagable, you never have to apologize for anything on here as long as you don't come out being like super racist or like. and anything like that. we yeah you're following we We've established that he hates kids. i'm just so second apparently yeah kids are not word both un trackable It wasn't it was an apology. It was not an apology of ah violating any rules, yeah but I think um I think what you guys are trying to do this evening as what you do always is have a good time And yeah and I'm down for a good time. Why why would I say anything different? So and a good time right If you're having a hypothetical dream but no I'm down for I'm down for fun. So so thank you guys If you're still having a good time, we're still having a good time See, by the way, he said dady Don't piss this guy off i found that audio
a week ago on TikTok after we finished last Saturday and I was like, oh, I'm saving this because I knew this was gonna be a great discussion because it's one of those, it's obviously it can never be proven, but it's one of those things it's like, it's ah it's a great thought experiment because in all honesty, I think 20 is my limit because I'm a heavy smoker and I don't do exercise because gross.
but if you live in mexico and you can't go outside of your yard from your cartel we get it no cartel doesn't bother me i'm just saying i i don't want to be around that many kids i don't be around that many people so just jeff i'm watching you around kids yeah you're not allowed within 100 yards of kids we know um jeff i'm watching a new show that steadily has actually had you in my brain
it's a queen of the south on netflix rain of the sword no queen of the south yeah rain of the sword yes have you watched that show yeah it's a telenovela my my in-law my my mother-in-law loves us or they were she like tries take over the cartel from inside oh she does don't tell me because i'm not into the cold season yet but dude oh it's fucking that dude with the mustache is like my spirit animal with the 1911s in his back belt, that guy that is a total badass.
That show's been around forever, dude. He makes everybody look like a bunch of pinchemen dejos. Yeah. No, I've never watched full episodes, but like, you know, if I'm at my mother-in-laws and she's got it on, I'm like, I guess. Yeah, that's a wild ass show.
Oh yeah. Hit him again, fuck him. You know what's crazy is is about a 10, I would say 90% of it's probably true. Oh yeah. I don't doubt that in the least. At least like the scenarios of it. You know, you're the main girl, El Reyna. She actually dated El Chapo.
And my my brother, my brother gets me watching it and I said, dude, you would get me watching a show full of a couple of hot Hispanic chicks. What the fuck, dude? Right. Well, she actually dated El Chapo in real life. That's great. I thought you were going to say that your brother dated El Chapo, but I wouldn't doubt that either. I work with a knockoff amigo we call El Chippo. Yeah. Oh crap. And Jeff's El Chippo too.
Did it kill them? No, they're still in there. I'm frugal. I'm frugal. There's a difference. Good kill. My kids playing Fortnite right in front of me. Everything I wear is free. How does that work? I don't know.
Carefully. Well, just raid lost and found places? Well, he's got an Avis beanie on, so let's see, works for the car rental company. That that wasn't his to begin with. He did it one time. That's how it works. You get a job that pays the uniforms and you just never return them. He job. He loved my job. I swear to God, I get four t-shirts every two months.
I've got like seven hoodies from last winter alone. I'm like, I tell my boss, I'm like, dude, I've got more hats, hoodies and t-shirts that I can literally wear in a month without doing laundry. Why do you continue to give me clothing? Cause they're free. shut up hey perfect You know what I've complained about? And, um, I, I think maybe I made a point, uh, more recently was like,
hey you guys give us t-shirts hoodies beanies you guys give us all these things ah you know we need pants you know we need pants too oh see my boss yeah he tells you you can always use the cup credit card money you and but hey if you're giving me what you're giving me and it makes sense like a you can argue for more money all you want but hey if you're give me stuff gi me pants yeah right speaking of that the mc the mcdonald's here everybody at McDonald's they they're they're of course you know when you work at McDonald's in the states they give you their shirt well McDonald's they give you jeans they give them jeans too with the McDonald's logo in the pocket so my boss will tell you he supplies two pairs of jeans a year
and one pair of boots every year. And all you have to do is use the company credit card to order it or buy them and turn in the receipt to him and you're good. Go get them whenever you need them. I do the same thing, similar, but ah like all my clothes are write-offs because I use them for work. Speaking of which, I haven't even got the chance to tell. I don't even know if I gave Glick the whole skinny out of yet. That whole family looks lost and confused in a football game. yeah No, they're watching raffling. Oh,
So I, it looks like I got offered a new position at work officially. um nice will be it's the first of the year I'll be moving from driver to inside sales. Nice. It's going to come with a, it looks like about, uh, 15,000 a year raise and move into salary nice and a $450 a month fuel allowance.
You get you get commissioned to or I get salary plus commission plus bonuses quarterly. If I a way to do it, that's the way to do it. Um, so just to give you an idea at the end of this year, if I would have stayed on track with my hourly pay 72. That's not bad. Add another 15 to it. Plus the four 50 a month in fuel allowance. Nice. Yeah.
Well, depending on what you drive, you can run through that quick. No, that's factoring me at $80 a week in fuel with my Ram 1500. Yep, that'll do it. And actually that's given me $110 a week fuel allowance and I only use about 80. That's not bad. Well, you got to factor in cigarettes for that too. Yeah, but those that would come out of my regular pay.
So that was just factoring my food. Only if you tell them. Well, yeah. Do you know how many mornings, do you know how many mornings I use the company guard for breakfast and fuel at the same time? and I just go inside or get two back cigarettes, two monsters, two breakfast sandwiches. And then I take that total and I put it with whatever number equals to 40. And that's what's left that goes in my truck. Oh, yeah.
So if it's like, if it's like $18, okay, cool. I need 22 on pump six. I fell in love new truck. I'm not going to buy it because got who's got the budget, but have you seen the program? Yes.
Oh, I think my boss secretly has a second truck because he, I've seen him drive this one to work four times and it kind of irritates me because he just bought a brand new 2,500 diesel Laramie that is fucking. Oh my God. But when he doesn't drive the Laramie to work and he says it's in the shop, somehow magically he's in a fucking TRX.
yeah what the year the t rx is a great truck but that mammoth is ah thousand horsepower sos the trx no the t rx is only eight hundred i don't really need that mean no fire out a pickup truck you know a toyota can is is's pretty amazing itself you're not all it not wrong the beauty of a camera is but mean you can literally but brand new and ever own another vehicle tree like
cause i owe on
but no i talent pi desire a by he i'mwi right now yeah xs and they add a boy pull and and better suspension you're what now track
the the the for you for that, that, that bad ass thing. just Just know that there are us that are out there that pay next to nothing for gas, even when gas is high. Well, no, I get that, but it's like in order to buy the mammoth, it's 160 grand. Yeah. It's a fucking house. it's Yeah. My, but my, my car costs nine, nine grand. Yeah.
So my truck, and it's funny because everybody gives me shit about my Ram because I didn't get the Hemi in it. My Ram has i money my Ram has the GP six motor in it because I needed the bed space and I needed the four door. I didn't need the Hemi fucking 12 miles to the gallon. So on the interstate, which my drive to work is 54 miles one way. Right. And 41 of it is all interstate.
When I'm on the interstate running 80 miles an hour, I get 22.3 miles to the gallon. Yeah. Why are you going 80 miles? Because that's about what traffic moves at in Georgia. The speed limit is 70, so I run an 80. The speed limit is just suggestion. I do understand.
because I have a 20 mile commute and the speed limit goes down to 55 in the tough zone, but the speed limit of community does not change at six o'clock in the morning. Yes, like at five, when I leave for work, the speed limit 70 on the interstate, if you're not running 80, 85, with it being as wide open as it is, you will get run the fuck over. It doesn't matter what lane you're in, because all lanes are haul ass lanes.
Yeah, everybody wants to get, yeah yeah but but there, I will say there that there are those who are going, uh, I always say get in the lane. You need to be in to get to where you're going. And, but there are those that are out there that will try to, you know, do that one up.
And it's like, hey, go ahead and do your one up. I, ah you know, but I've seen people take four or five lane changes, like going outside of, uh, uh, uh, outside of on that Atlanta loop. And they will go from the outside to their exit in one swift motion. They just, they just say, good luck everybody else.
Yeah. So, so to to go with what you're saying, we're all, and we are all going well over the speed limit. So if it's 55 on two 85, um, but, but they will cut across that speed to get on, get all the way over to the left.
And then they will come all the way back over to the right and they are staying within it, you know, Atlanta proper. When you're just trying to, uh, going back up straight up East, you know what I'm saying? Right. Yeah. So I feel like because you know, the two 85 area, much like me to put it into perspective for you, I drive a commercial 10 wheeler around two 85 all day.
So when I tell you, I know the traffic, there are spots at 285 where the speed limit says 55. And even at 30, you're not safe with the roads as beat the fuck as they are. And there are spots at 285 where this be the speed limit says 55 and they've paved it in the last three years. So the speed limit's actually 90. Yeah. Yeah. Well, like even, even here, there's the road from here to Playa O'Connor.
It's only an hour trek if you do the speed limit, but they pave it every year. And I've never done the speed limit off because it's just, nobody does the speed limit and the speed limit changes every 40 feet anyways.
And and I always get the excuse that I'm sorry. It's in kilometers. It said 100 So that's what I was trying to do my cars in miles My eclipse is actually from Canada so it has miles an hour on it So, you know, what are you gonna do? It said a hundred I was doing a hundred correct ah man, I mean but yeah the i the the accident the The accident that I got in last year, uh, last August, uh, I had an old four Honda Accord and it was honestly having that car was a blessing because that was last year. And it had miles on it, but it cost me a thousand dollars.
it It was a blessing to have zero payment and whatnot and to have that car yeah um An accident on our 40 caused me to stop and wait and I'm I must have parked a car away from the car in front of me
because we were stopped. It was traffic, you know what I'm saying? And we knew that that there was an accident.
I got hit by a box truck in the back of my car. That'll do it. Hey, I wanted my car back. I wanted everything to save that car. It probably still ran being a Honda.
someaka i mean it was enough to pull over to the side of the road but they said bested off of the frame mean yeah he money stop that car from being safe right Well, and that's the thing, you know, uh, you see all these cars in copar, like right now, copar is the place to go to get a cheap car because they have all those flood damage cars from Florida and and and all that. Like they got some nice fucking whips for like a couple thousand bucks. now Well, I mean, that that's something to be said because I got this car for a thousand dollars. know Right. And.
I mean, you're at the at the point that it got crashed into that is a 20 year old car with 200,000 miles on it. And after the thousand that I paid for it, it it got $7,000 worth of work done to it. That that's what made it worth it. Not, not the money value, but the keep it alive of value because it was totally worth it to do that, to that car.
for them and give me $4,000 for it. Yeah. Uh, you did not replace what that part needs to me. You, you, you replaced the property value, but you did not replace what that car meant. Well, I mean, that's the thing. It was like sentimental value of a vehicle is, is always going to be 10 times what the vehicle was worth. Oh yeah.
you know, you can't put a sentimental value price on a vehicle. But you know, yeah what I was saying about like, you know, the the big the Ram mammoth and and and and what's what's uh, they got the I can't remember what the Raptor version of the the Hennessy Raptor, which is like 900 horsepower. Yeah, they'd be great to have. But They're there for people that's got more money than brains. And on i mean if I had that kind of money, Oh, I'd be driving that thing day. I would daily the shit out. um I'd have the first Ram mammoth to have a hundred thousand miles off just because I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to take it to the store. I'm going to take it. I'm going to drive to Ohio. Yeah. And and I can say, uh, it took me a year.
But I found a replacement for the way that I live. And I have a Toyota Camry now. It's an old seven. And that it just hit 130,000 miles. your amher so wait When you talk about these special things, yeah, I grew up- Would you pay for the Camry? 900?
yeah nine hundred that's not bad o no you can't get a toyota or a honda here for less than three grand i don't care what it is because everybody knows toyotas and hoda will last you a lifetime i did have to finance so i think it was like in the the nine grand
86 Honda and sell for three grand here because people will buy them all day long because they'll last forever. but up chaka Welcome back, baby. right and all right and like im dead wat rasling Yeah, so it was the main event and I had to kind of lock it in focus.
Yeah, she was a good finish, man. word for it I won't watch. Was it a big review tonight? Yeah, Survivor Series. War Games. Oh, no shit. Maybe in the Survivor Series. What? Those tonight. That reminds me. Glitch, you saw that. Hell, the replay. I saw that.
that tick tock I sent you with the dad with the money uh case the u um go get so that when you have your belt out I can have my money case the money bank I'm not worried about you cashing in money at the bank and getting my belt again I said I could take 40 10 year olds you're the equivalent of a 10 year old size wise I'll smack you in the butt just as easily ah I'm more cunning than a ten-year-old, I'm pretty sure. yeah I know it's debatable, but calm down. That was a cool video, though. I thought it was funny. I knew you'd get a kick out of it, which is why I said it to you. I got a show. I got a show, Cash. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Where did it go? I saved it. And now it's not done anymore. Oh, no. Where did it go? It's not on your TikTok anymore?
no No, no, no, no, no. The the video that that you sent me earlier. Which one? Really? i'm donelining Yeah, I I scrolled it up to the top and now it's not there anymore. Which one? Oh, yeah, I removed it because I needed to put something else. sir I got it. I can throw it back up. Well, I was just going to I was going to tell you I got one thing to say to you. Set my deck and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
And I guess I guess I will do it. It's play because I was going to put it the other way. No, I wanted to keep that um fun with that one. Oh, I got it. I'm putting it back up right now. I needed it to put up that earlier videos. pop maybe he said you You might be more cutting than a 10 year old, but have the agility of a 60 year old.
Oh, wait. That's a fact. Look, I've heard Jeff, after he walked up a flight of stairs, Jeff would make two moves towards me and be like, hold on, hold on, hold on. Are we done with it yet? Ta-da!
good There's no timeouts in fighting, you son of a bitch. Right. That's fine. I'm OK. That's OK. Time out. I learned this trick from Untrackable as I rip his arm off and start beating me into death.
Well, Oregon is unsurprisingly smacking Washington right in the fucking mouth. think i go yeah the car Yeah, right. maybe find a car do Ohio State. Watch Oregon and this is how you handle a six and five football team. Wow.
They're up two scores. Wow. Oh, what's going on? Texas, Texas. Oh, Rick, you'll get a kick out of this video. I'm uploading right now. This is the one I said click on because it just instantly reminded me of glick my frame when I saw it and I was like, oh, Francis, 1827.
one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven. That's all I have to say to you. You know what hurts my feelings more than anything? Y'all came into the horseshoe and did that. the That's that we own the horseshoe as of right now. That's our house. Yeah. Yeah. That's our house. That's our toilet bowl. Your toilet bowl, he says.
We came in there and shit it all over you. Yeah. yeah well I was having a discussion with some of my friends earlier and they're like, yeah, we're ten and two and you're seven and five. And I was like, that's nothing to brag about because you had just lost. yeah Right rick here, you'll get a kick out of this.
Oh my god, no way! No way! Craig, what did you get off Santa? Look! I got a WWE belt! Oh wow! That's so cool! Isn't it? Now I'm the wwe WWE champion! Yes you are! I'm the best champion! He's the best? I know! No one can beat me! This is the best Christmas present ever! Aww, I've always wanted one of those belts. Did you not ask Santa for one? No, I didn't ask him for one. Well that's just stupid because this is awesome! I did ask him for something else though. Well, whatever it is, it's not going to be better than the WWE belt.
Dad, what is that? Oh Craig, I think you know what this is. Of course I know what it fucking is, what are you gonna do with it? You see Craig, all that talk and that talk and running your mouth and saying you're the best champion, now it's time to find out. Bro, bro, you can't do this. Ma, I'm telling you, you can't do this. Sorry Craig, it looks like your dad is cashing in his money in the bag. No, please, no, no. I've only had it in a minute, let me hold it longer, please. Guys, it's Christmas.
What This match scheduled for one And No.
shut up it rate fucking bell what the fuck yeah i saw that other on tiktok and i was like that's click every time he gets a new belt um w w dot buthood gar brez is a question what's What's more important the belt or the money but money every time the money yeah You got that money in the bank. You got that money in the bank for your face. You can challenge any time. Muhammad Ali didn't feel that way. He said, hey, you gave me an award. I'm going to throw it in the Cincinnati River. Speaking of Ali, did you hear there might be a Jake Paul Tyson rematch?
No. I didn't hear that. There's a chic in in Dubai that offered $700 million for a no holds bar. They'll never do it. They'll never do it. They'll never do it. Jake Paul would never agree to that. No, because he always get his ass kicked.
a I'm just saying I hope he **** takes it. yeah i to do tyson held back and i'm not mad at at them ah either of getting their money but um i believe from the beginning and i still believe that tyson would but murder jake paul please exactly hey good same seven hundred million dollars payday i'll jump in the ring for with ty
go like But if Tyson got the numbers are out there, but I'm not mad at Tyson if he got $20 million just for fucking showing up, you know what I'm saying? I'm not mad. As long as he lasted, he gets it. I guess Denver tomorrow, do you think JMO is going to throw at least 35 attempts? Well, they're not playing tomorrow, but they're playing Monday, but okay. Do you think he'll throw at least 35 attempts?
35 attempts. who ja Hold on one second. Do you think he will make 35 pass attempts against Denver? Hold on a second. I want to check a little something, something here real quick before I, uh, cause I know you're betting. His average is 34.2. Yeah. I was going to say somebody's making a bet.
Hey, I
I mean, uh, bet for years. He finally did it.
Hmm. Against Denver. Yeah. But they could find themselves in a hole real quick against Denver. Yeah. And I know they're going to run games and try to run it out. I'll say they can get behind real quick and in a hurry and then they're going to start swinging it. Um,
you have a denvers a retreat in amazing I would say if you have a problem gambling, call the one eight hundred number at one eight hundred. blah but bla Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Thankfully, I don't have a problem with it. What is it? Plus thirty five. It's over problem gambling. I have a problem when I lose.
Yeah, man. Or or would you go Bo Nicks over under thirty two and a half?
32 and a half. 32 and a half. I would probably go over. I'd go over. I would probably go over on both of those. But I'm a little. I've got a bad habit of going with over and getting fucked on it, too, though. Because you're on prize picks, and they do that half bullshit. So if James is 35, you don't get it.
Yep. That's why that's ah that's why I go with my nice, um, easy picks, uh, and, and, and walk away with, uh, 450 large touchdowns. Oh my God. You did it. Still walked away with 450 large but for the past four years. I've been telling him, he should be betting on football because, and I've also said that if I actually start going back to casino, I'm going to call him before I go.
And if fucking Pittsburgh would have showed up to play against col Cleveland, I would have hit that goddamn six-leg parlay for 15 grand last month or last Thursday. Right. But it's like a double-edged sword. I'm a little bit more upset that I didn't get the 15 grand, but I'm also extremely happy that Cleveland beat Pittsburgh. I have a little more, yeah, double-edged sword. That's 15 grand in my pocket, but...
yeah like devil what would you like but fifteen brand it just it's it's a It's a never ending road sometimes. I tell you exactly what I would have done with that 15 grand i would put a down payment on a nice truck. I'm just saying I would have went and put a down payment on the house is what I would have done that nickki a car and traded mine in and got me an upgrade. You think 15 grand is going to go a long fucking ways.
Well, considering in I can put a couple thousand down for a car on Nikki and my car, I could easily trade in and probably get it paid off. And and then some trade up. I'm not getting brand new cars, you know, uh, and then drop a nice little Nice little bag of money on the, on the down payment on the house. You don't know. du I don't know what your houses are going for, but 15 grand wouldn't cover 5% area in the, georgia in the state of Georgia, wouldn't cover 5%. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Where I'm at and where we're looking to say it, if I, if I walked up with 10 grand cash to put a down payment on a house, like a, I could get a
And I could get a pretty nice house in our area for about $200,000. They're going to be like, all right, let's sign the papers. Like where we're at and where we want to stay at. I could get off. I mean, my parents had a really nice house.
and they sold theirs a couple years ago for 180. My mother won't let me have the rest of the night like that and I don't need that. I'm not talking about. I'm not just I see a big minute and it's going to be an hour and that's three bedroom four bedroom with a basement and a garage and at least two bathrooms. And if it's got one bathroom as long as it's got a basement, guess who can finish the basement out and add a second bathroom. Exactly. Yeah. So I get it.
Yeah, $10,000 down payment on the house will go a long way up here. Now, in our area, now we go over to Johnstown where my kids go to school, and I'm like, I got 10 grand for a house for down payment. They're going to go, here's your shed. Come back when you got another 30. Yeah. Here's your $600,000 shed. Here's your garage door.
because like where my were my where my parents grew up at, my family grew up at in Johnstown, we still call it the new addition, but the some bitch is like 70 years old at this point. Them fucking houses are going for two or $300,000 and they're like a 900 square foot slab ranch.
yeah just because and and all And it's all because of Intel building their multi-million, multi-billion dollar factory, right? right on the edge of Johnstown. So, but yeah, no oh yeah i I had plans for that 15K and I was like, and the shitty part about it was Najee Harris for the first touchdown of the game and they were in the red zone. And I was like, here we go. Najee's gonna get it. I hit all five of my other ones. You gotta be kidding me. Texas is doing okay against Texas Tech, I see.
What else we got going on tonight in the football world? Oregon's beaten Washington. Nobody cares about K state or Iowa. Right? Nobody cares about Wyoming or Washington state.
and What's going on with Oklahoma and LSU? That's Mandy's team. Mandy's a tiger. 3417 LSU. ah You sucks boomer sooner. Again, this is how you play a team that's six and five.
This is how you handle a team that's six.
if OK. I mean, I'm an asshole, but I'm going to be moving fathead linked quickly. We went up to the gas station. I had to get gas and I had to grab some I had to grab some beverages after the game cash went with we went and picked up McDonald's.
And there was a guy walking out of the gas station at all Ohio State here and he looked at me and he's like bullshit. It's like go blue bitch. Then we went to McDonald's. and and this this This manager is cool as shit at this McDonald's.
You know, Nikki's interacting with him a couple of times and I was telling her about him and she's like, oh yeah, that guy's cool as shit. We pulled up and cash and I got our Michigan gear on and he was the head to start drinks. And I was like, yo, can I get a drink carrier, please? And he was like, I ain't giving you shit just like that.
And I was like, oh, don't be mad. Don't be big bad like that. if So he's fumbling with the drink carriers. I was like, yep, see, that's what you get. I'm making your, I'm making your night ah harder because you're talking all that bullshit. He said, shit, my life ain't hard around here. That guy,
that guy bullshit. you saw good You suck at your mom's a whore. Dude, I almost, I got a chat warning on cod for that the other day. We're telling somebody. No, because i kept I kept running this, trying to get this camper and he kept getting me. And every time he'd give me my death comm was your mom's a ho. Your sister is too with your dad. Your mom's a whore. And then I got an offensive chat warning. I was like, fuck, apparently you can't call somebody's mom a whore. I did call somebody's dad a slut.
and Yeah, but you don't you can do you can apparently call somebody the n-word nine hundred and seventy-five thousand times and not get a fucking champion about it. Ain't that something? i love them What's up? Funny how that works, isn't it? they're whoopin ass yeah Not like them ducks are though. under Not like a house. Shut the fuck up. She only gave you one hour. I can't go right now. Just leave it on Apple Music on the TV. Don't worry about your phone. So once I can't go, it gets hot.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying to you, Dick. Doing that trend. but chair and No trends allowed. She's doing this trend dance or some dumb shit. Play the law now. No trends allowed. See? Tell her this is the trelea house and yeah pagan a trend-free house.-free house. Pay N.
I don't know, dude, we might still make the playoffs. time There's a lot of nine and three teams. and we are like a team now I don't think they're going to, I think they're going to fall out of the playoffs, but they're going to take a hit. and yeah Hey, uh, Rick, Rick, my wife tried to get me on a trend one time.
And she did not like my reaction because ah it was it wasn't like the common reaction. Yeah, did it did not fit inside the repertoire which would be acceptable. so if just um yeah I imagine ah got one for that. You weren't supposed to do that. And I was like, I wasn't supposed to do what?
that she's like, I'm recording you for this TikTok. And I was like, oh, fuck TikTok. Bro, I got one for that. Hey, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you remember the red silhouette challenge?
Yeah, let's see red and then the screen would go red and it would just be the silhouette of them. So I did that, but I took a zucchini and tucked it up between like in my but my back pocket. So it looked like it was coming out of my ass while I went to the fucking thing. And I was like, everybody's like, that's not how you do it. I was like, yeah, but it's fucking hysterical. Because it looked like I was shitting while the fucking thing went to the silhouette. It was awesome.
That's like that's like all the trendy shit that I ever did because Glick will tell you when I made tick-tocks It was never really trendy like I didn't I just made stuff. They made me It does make sense to me. It's like a Trend this motherfucker. Yeah so like I I don't know man I got I Got one of them save that comes to mind. It makes me laugh every time I fucking watch it. I It's a unicorn you like remembers my unicorn and oh they The inflatable unicorn ones either the inflatable unicorn suit that I had that was eight feet tall and my doorways rolling six foot So anytime I went through a doorway that had got bolted backwards.
I Did one and I ah try find it real quick because I'll be able to show to you right here on the screen and it was fucking hilarious and I did uh I did uh I did like uh I don't know 456 videos with my uh with my T-Rex, my inflatable T-Rex. Yes, that's what I'm looking for. Oh, I love that one. I know it's not so big. It's like much like the unicorn eight foot tall. Also, it's like I crossed the ceiling in my my old my old apartment I had and and fight You know, when you don't have any family, you don't have any friends, and you spend Thanksgiving alone, and you cook your own Thanksgiving dinner, and the whole time you're cooking, you're drinking, you do questionable things at the end of the night with the t were an inflatable T-Rex costume. Let's be honest, that that video wasn't the only thing you made with that T-Rex costume. I sent that to you, and that was supposed to be our secret.
No, I'm just saying. Scarred for life. Jeff loves my current TikTok videos. Jesus.
Nothing worse than when when you're you show up on my FYP and I'm like, oh God, haircut.
It's like a train accident. I can't look away though. I'm like, I gotta see what he did, but I don't want to see it. and i can't but help I can't help but watch a hundred times. Thanks for the views, Jeff. I appreciate the numbers. and Maybe if I watch it, maybe if I watch it 40 more times, it'll change and it'll be better.
Bad news for you, little buddy. You know, so so one of the ones you did, you did one in the shower where it's blacked out and then it shows you. And I was like, I didn't even see it was you. I was like, why is this? I didn't think my tick tock was working like, like, like the, you and then um it's you. And I was like, Oh, I wasn't in the shower. It was just a few pictures. You see my Thanksgiving one.
but I don't actively search it out. ah You should uh you should go look it up. hey You would like it. Oh, you would love it though. Take my man on the show. I found the video.
ready was un trackable um
did you see it smack the fucking door james i ran through the fucking kitchen the head goes boom as i'm fucking running can't have way too much time to do it i lived by myself and uh at my other room house then and shana's playing yachty Yeah. I mean, well, that's what I said. This was, this was God. This is a few years, few several years back at this point. And I lived at home or, you know, I lived alone. I don't have friends or family that I celebrate Thanksgiving with. So yeah, I was, uh, I got a little bit, uh, what else is this one?
Peyton, where are you going? I don't know. They're on the other side of the map from where you started. I challenge you to a fight. What are you bringing?
No, you're T-Rex. Yeah. yeah judge Don't judge me. I have no adult supervision. What, Wyatt? I want another one of those incredible things. Sometimes I miss making TikTok videos and other times I'm like,
God damn dude, you would do anything for a little bit of attention at that point in your life. It wasn't so much the attention as much as I did. It was just something to do out of boredom. And it was like... I was terribly depressed. So for me it was the intention. Yeah, I mean, I didn't need the intention from anybody. I was just... i Didn't have any like I said, I don't have friends. I don't I don't have family look like local I don't really associate with my family at all and Sometimes I just like making tiktok videos now i'm doing doing it for other reasons, but yeah, like I just I don't know man. I just Sometimes I miss it. Sometimes I don't contractable struggle struggling to the private
I'm head on some beat. I'm head on bonuses. But it's been watching you guys in the tick tock. I'm telling you, right? Yeah, right. Call it. What's this pick up game? He was like, Hey, Jeff, what's click stick? I'll be back in a I see these videos we're talking about. Funny. I see this.
Those all tomorrow? Yes. Good job. I made my full fix for tomorrow. What are they? I got Mayfield over 241 passing yards against Carolina. Yeah, that's a good me. I got Nico Collins with at least one rushing or receiving touchdown against Jacksonville.
yes I got Bucky Irving. rushing over 58 yards against Carolina and I got Jackson Smith and Jigba with five receptions at the Jets.
Yeah, one might be a little. Nothing than against in Jigba because I like him. He's he's wide out number one for Geno, so yeah.
Uh, but, uh, I can see that. I can see that happening by five catches. I mean, it's 200 if it happens. So I'm good with it. Yeah, I'll probably place my bets tomorrow after the show or something. but No, but that would be cool. I like to do the end game parlies and stuff like that. Oh, where you do them as they're playing. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, it helps you gauge a little bit better, you would think? Yeah, because you see the trend of the game right now. Like, I didn't want to take any of the bets on Josh Allen for passing yards or passing attempts, because I don't know what the snow is going to be doing there tomorrow night. But I know what it's doing there right now.
Yeah, for all you know, completely dry up or get 10 times worse. Oh, you know, well, that's like a fact. So, yeah. Yeah. Dude, they're supposed to get like 65 inches. somewhere They've already shut down the fucking interstate from the Pennsylvania state line all the way to the city of Buffalo. That's like, that's like 60 miles of interstate shut the fuck down. Jeff, you like, like look up on TikTok. I know you're always on TikTok. You want to do it right now.
But look what's going on, like up in Erie, PA and New York and shit like that. Well, dude there go yeah there's the road closure. They're getting fucking. Mickey was saying they're supposedy like 65 inches of snow. I don't think it's that much. Well, that.
65 to 81 inches of snow and she's following it. She's she's following it like crazy. My sister is living in it. You know what she's getting? She hasn't seen so much as a flurry pneumonia but on the north side of Buffalo. She hasn't seen so much as a fucking snow flurry yet. I would ski I would say if you're scared, say you're scared and get prepared.
But that's because it's called lake effect for a reason. Look, it reaches out like a finger and just dumps snow right there underneath that. That little dark, that dark blue spot will not move for hours. As of 13 hours ago, Erie International Airport, which is Erie PA, has gotten, has at that point had recorded 22.6 inches of snowfall.
Yep. Hey, uh, have you ever been fingered before? Uh, be prepared for the next one. I don't know what to tell you. Well, I've never been figured before. I'm just saying, uh, untrackable. Uh, you just hit with a little nugget out there and not expand. Uh, you care to, uh, share your experience with the rest of the class, sir. Yes, I will. It's called weather. Right.
You've been finger-fucked by the weather, huh? A little chico-pico action. butp pickable like ah honey i want to try something A little A
I was making it about the weather, but y'all, the weather's we can figured be, but it's much in the face before you said, I'm going to put my finger in your ass to celebrate your job. Don't knock it until you try it. So all I got to say is, is the risk worth the reward? Don't knock it until you try it.
for another couple weeks so i don't judge um as as i told her you've heard the
a texas sa with yours there will always be consequences to where you live yeah life Life is like a choose your own adventure book. Sometimes you make good choices. so Sometimes you make bad choices. as jeff rare so oh yeah right under those pictures but But just because you pick where you are and there's things that happen that are significant to where you are, it doesn't mean that these sometimes extremes ah are significant. You know what I mean?
Hey, sometimes I can't watch my child play video games. He's in the van. Sometimes you have to go to the extremes. Jesus Christ. She's playing. I mean, she was the printer and she put herself on a wall inside of a movie, the a movie video score as a printer. You dumb son of a bitch. I mean. I've seen some good hide. I've seen some good hiding spaces before.
Yeah, but not a printer inside of a video rental store. That doesn't make any sense. Yes, it does.
Oh, A&M just went all the way down the field further. I mean, you're not too far off from our age. I mean, back in the day when you would go to the movie store. There was never a printer in the middle of a blockbuster. They used to print, well, not in the middle of it, but at the front desk. It was in the fucking corner of the store back between two video racks.
and and you're dumb um i've i've seen in real life pranks that are pulled like this and they they do like the um what do you call it like the the the tubing that it's like ah yeah tuing like that put it against side of the building yes and pay and you're done where when like these guys get weeks to build their they were out and Well bucket of water on these people and then they will become the tubing and they will connect themselves ah as they were Everything looks normal because this piece of tubing is connected to You know the wall a concrete ah Yeah, it's it's connected to a wall empty
No, I saw, I saw a YouTube video about this, this Japanese game show where they were, they were, you know, the one dude hit himself as a part of the stairs pal or as a part of the gap where, where if you walk by it one week and it looked a certain way, you walk by the next week, it looks exactly the same, but he's built himself into a hiding space and they play hide and seek like hardcore. Hmm.
It's so funny watching broppin and blam broppin like some of the things they give you to be our fucking hilarious All right, but she's shooting a billboard that's running across the parking lot right now And it can be different ah Because like what I was saying was about like that reach out like hey, um I'm gonna I'm gonna touch you and
and you're going to be a refrigerator in the middle of the street. Yeah. Oh, and somebody was an ATM. OK. Hit the triangle button. Hold on. Let me see what she's got. All right. You're going to hit it one more time. All right. Now go into the movie store. Be the ice cream cooler in a video store. She's the ice cream cooler, like a side by side that you open, that you slide open yeah like the ice cream. Yeah, we get the ice cream. No, no, go.
right there back up against those boxes. Nope, that's not gonna work.
and just I just, I can't play video games all day. It just drives me insane. It would drive me nuts. ah I love video games, but you know, if I'm gonna do,
if If I'm going to do war, ah ah even even in a game, I got to, I got to have some sort of trust and camaraderie with my teammates. So right my son and I, we play with the same group of guys all the time. So we have the good communication. We, you know, we got calls, we play, we win a lot more than we lose.
I get that but it's like um I'm okay with randos because ah when it comes to that type of stuff like I am no specialty I am ah constant a as you work take it as you will I'm not going to kill this person and communicate but communication has levels and what somebody takes is this you know hey sometimes random and you are Leroy Jenkins Leroy Jenkins before in God
that's what it all way every day But if you are not Leroy Jenkins, but you have one on your team, ah these become situations. You know what I'm saying?
right why it's the last one left at prop hunt. He's the printer and he's pinned against the wall right next to the time the time clock. So he's got a good spot. He's just got to not move and hope that they don't walk by and shoot at everything in the fucking hallway. He's got a minute and 38 seconds left to live, but I can't see very well because Peyton's fat fucking head's in my way.
I am. ah I am Leroy Jenkins all day long. The only difference is. I don't get that much. Dude, look, go go to like TikTok or YouTube or whatever and look up Leroy Jenkins. But I'm actually good, so I can I can run out and be like, fuck the world here. i You know.
Yeah. So, I was playing stakeout yesterday and I got fine. I got the the game cam because I jumped in the hallway and slayed seven in one **** mag. Just laying them down. Damn. Would you move to the couch or to the corner of the **** table so I can see the TV, please? No. Why? Did you get the **** out of the damn way?
I got to say, I haven't played a shooter in like three years, but, um, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm even a racer right now. I made the only place hall of duty. Uh, you know, but I don't, I don't get a lot of, like, I don't have a lot of game time, so I don't get on there and play a whole lot. Um,
So it's mainly a call of duty. Uh, everyone's a wild cashing all the place from wrestling. news They got him with six seconds left. Uh, dude ran in his shot right at the printer. He was the last one alive too. like got like No, off on weekends now.
I want to get into airsoft. Austin's, but the liability insurance causes so many places to not allow you to do it. there softly yeah Wait a minute. Hold on a second. And airsoft arena won't allow you to play airsoft. No, there's not a lot of them because of liability insurance on them. Like we had, five war and they all closed.
When, as soon as I have the money, I want to take the kids and Nikki and I, there's a, there's a NERF arena here in Columbus. and you can have like an all-out nerf and dude they've got every goddamn nerf gun on and I was like you know as soon as we have the extra money once we get past the holidays we gotta take the kids and do this like that would be so much fun to go have a nerf war we have like a mall here that's got like six stores left in it
And I keep, I keep telling people, I'm like, could you imagine if somebody bought that mall and made it like a gigantic full mall airsoft arena?
or paint all them Like um nerve manre so tur the liability insurance that those companies have to carry to let people do that is ridiculous. I can't, I can't believe, I can't imagine that it would be that bad. I mean, look at these, uh, look at these trampoline places. I mean, they're like all the rain. You've got to have some ridiculous level insurance for those trampoline places, because look at how many people can, you know,
Do so the potential of injuries. She's an insurance claims adjuster. And so, but she does it for the local municipalities in the state of Florida. um The things that people will sue for would know you fucking head spin. yeah yeah it's Yeah, it's, it's like that everywhere. I mean, the things that, I mean, well, I mean, for instance, yeah, but years years back, look at that lady that sued and won against McDonald's because her dumb ass milk coffee in her life. This is dumber than that. The one that I'm going to tell you about, and it's over and now, so I can tell you about it. A lady sued a city in Florida because they had just redone the, um, the playground with that rubber matting.
She let her two-year-old walk across it in July barefooted and sued them for the bird feet. That'll do it. In Florida, where it's like 190 degrees. In July. Yeah. And she sued the city and got paid so they could settle out of court.
Dude, there's stories out there where- Once again, but I'm not mad at her because I would grab my young kid and like the walk across it now. That's the problem with the world today. There's there's rewards for being stupid. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's people who have sued buffets and won because they bit their tongue while they were hoovering food into their big fat face. Or because they were asked to leave after they sat there for five fucking hours. Yeah.
Hey, all you can eat means all you can eat. Fuck you. In a certain timeframe. No, no, no. It didn't say timeframe when I sat down. Fuck you. You know, I learned something. I learned something new. Nikki and I went out and I learned this back ah in July. We went out for her birthday and she wanted to go to this place that's, I think it was her birthday.
um it's it's ah It's got the seafood boil and it looked really good and she really enjoyed it, but they have an all you can eat you know, that you can buy. However, and it's like, you know, the all you can eat, I think it was at a discounted rate or something. I never knew this about buffets, some buffets, or some all-you-can-eats. If you leave leftovers, you can't take them with you, and you will be charged full price per pound. Yep. Where was that here? um most recruiters has Most Chinese restaurants do that.
Hooters does an all you can eat wings on Thursdays, but they only give you 10 at a time. Yep. Chili's. You have to empty what you have. Yeah.
or you have to not like that f flavor. Like you can tell them, Hey, I didn't like this flavor. Um, you can, it's not that like whatever like that. So that doesn't work for me. Cause I'm like, I don't like barbecue. Can you bring me barbecue? Yeah. seeing yourre done The Chinese restaurant, the Chinese buffets down here. Um, if you want to take your leftovers with you, they will put them in a, in a star foam and they will weigh them and charge you for them. Yeah. Yeah.
I have never done that before. Because, well, if you think about it, it's it's smart on their part because, oh, I'm so full. Let me go get another full fucking plate. Oh, this is my leftovers. You know? It kind of makes sense. So, they're I'm not mad at them for that. I mean, that makes sense. um Unfortunately, they used to have an all-you-can-eat buffet here.
And it closed during COVID and it's never reopened. And it's seriously upsetting because it was actually really good. They had some of the best macaroni and cheese I've ever seen. Nope. Nothing over there. I actually found out an interesting fact about macaroni and cheese, by the way. Do you know how it came from the US? It's not macaroni and it's not cheese. No, no, no, no, no, no. No. Do you know how it became popular in the US?
li on me it was It was actually a French dis dish and ah Benjamin Franklin, when he went to France, he had it and he found out the recipe and brought it back and he started serving it to us to get guests. And it became an American dish after that. No shit. Yeah. So so when do you think about it, when you eat macaroni and cheese, it's not an American dish. but Well, i would see this I would say this too, that from what I know,
that there is a thousand i would as we learned fucking thursday night that doesn't matter after playing that goddamn game with she's 19 it doesn't matter think i wanted he would no but What do you guys argue about? I don't know. You think I wanted to know if my 18-year-old daughter and her boyfriend knew half the things that were on them damn cards? like there yeah to me Right there. me okay It was Inko here. Oh I'm go die in the bathroom for a little bit. That's true. Oh, wow. Well, you still got hours left now. No, she's not. What?
okay Jeff said somebody's been drinking. I said, I should. I should. I'm going to die in the bathroom. It's usually you're it's usually both of you are your your go to. but for jeff That's for Jeff. No, it's it's it's the cold weather that's that's kicking off. So it's her body and stuff like that's hurting. Now, what were you saying? Trackable. but Yeah, what were you saying about the macaroni and cheese?
We've got like a thousand something like we've got uh three more hours. It's good to shut up. And the fact that I drink. Show me two just in case. Friday and this Thursday to last me like six months. Show me two fingers. Gemini just in case because we want to make sure you're real. He's hanging up. Friday and this Thursday 22. He's good. He's cheers to you. Copy that. He's like, I'm trying.
help i was asking Guy who popped in to show two figures and he's like cheers the best and he's like to fight your brother buy my glass You're muted or you're I can't hear you from somewhere topicic tv What So can't hear you No, I was going to say about, um, when it comes to pasta. Yeah. I mean, mac Macaroni is a style of pasta and I was, I was taught, uh, uh, that it was a very important poster. And, um, yeah, there's a thousand ways to make, um, flour into water, into
you know, fat and um and turn it into and and turn it into pasta. There's there's so many ways. Well, it's it's the the Japanese use eggs to make the pasta. Oh, okay. Yeah, but no, but what what I'm saying to the the macaroni and cheese, it was not. I mean, we're talking, you know, way back in the day. I mean, Benjamin Franklin brought back to France.
So that's a, that's a, I just thought that I saw that the other day. and I thought that was interesting. um Yes. it And it is interesting because it it can be considered, uh, from what you know, as macaroni and cheese. Uh, macaroni is a, is a cut of pasta. You could do the same thing with shells. Uh, I grew up with a lot of that.
They got spaghetti and cheese. That's basically macaroni and cheese. But you could do the exact same with ah egg noodles. You could do the same thing with stringy noodles. And the stringy noodles, believe it or not, have ah measurements to them that give them different different names. Does it matter? Does does it really matter? Or are you just eating pasta?
but and cheap I like I like pasta period being passed on cheese I Love pasta What's up with your bed Jim and I don't know if you're floating around down there we couldn't hear you earlier Yes, welcome yeah, youre I can hear you just but just barely Yeah,
yeah it's weird hear barely yeah it's like it's almost like you you ran to the living room and left your mic arm yeah how the say he is mic volumes all the way up he might hate their good sleep A fucking tree. And she went back to the last one left. Was she a tree hanging out in ah in the middle of a garage? She put herself on the corner of a map by a fucking by the edge of the map and and a wall. They shot her like seven times, but couldn't realize where the eight mark. As a tree. Oh, yeah. Yeah,
I just, I just can't play games like that. but It's so much. And Glick will understand when I say this, it's so much less stressful than getting stuck on a sweaty lobby where you spawn and die 45 times before you can get anything done. Is that better? Gemini. Well, that's, that's something that is attractive to me to racing.
because, uh, uh, when loser draw this, this is a 16 minute race. Right. Well, it it doesn't, know it doesn't matter. a It doesn't matter if you touch somebody's bumper and send them off. It doesn't matter if it was your bumper and got you sent off. Well, what I like my like ah time, let this on the car.
you looking real most well I can I can play Gran Turismo for days and never actually do a race Just try to drift around the whole track or Or try to set my best lap time or or like, so look you know the point of the game get into a race I can do that for days but a shooting game. but I'm like 15 20 minutes. I'm gonna I'm done but but i it makes a bunch and and here feel free to hop back in But what makes sense to me is that I'm talking to you and I, yeah, I could do the NPC and the the CPU. I could do that all day long and get mine.
Right. But when, when I'm here talking to you, uh, it's not a race necessarily, but, but I'm with you. Right. you need Does that make sense to you? didn No, it does. it's it's one of things like you under When it comes to yeah any gaming, if I'm not like a hundred percent in it, I'm done. um I might as well shut it off and go watch a movie.
oh yeah Uh, you want to take another real quick break? Uh, yeah, we're gonna take another break. I got new music. I got plenty of music here. We got, we got, uh, we got new music. but Yeah. Gemini, if you're still floating around out there in the sphere, uh, feel free to pop back in, man. I would love to love to chat with you. We always like seeing new faces pop in.
I just also like to hear you. um Got new music from our boy, co-host of Unnecessary Roughness, Dirk that made Douglas. that Yeah, i cant I can barely talk from that topic. I couldn't try it. Nobody went, oh, Rick sings, not once. Not enough, Jeff. Rick actually used to sing.
Yeah. Well, nobody wants you to be singing in the shower. About 10,000 gardens and cigarettes ago. Yeah. Now we've got new music, brand new music from our boy, Derek Wayne Douglas. You can find all of his music and find him on social media at Derek Wayne Douglas, or you can find him Saturday or Sunday afternoons hanging out right here on this network, talking a little football and having fun on unnecessary roughness. And, uh,
ahead and drop a brand new song last days it just came out a couple days ago
Derek Wayne. There was our boy, Derek Wayne Douglas with his new song, Last Days. Good shout out. Give him some love. Follow him everywhere at Derek Wayne Douglas. Running on love. Like I said, like I said, you can also see him live and in person every Sunday right here on the Nonsensical Network on unnecessary roughness. Making boneheaded decisions and tightening down. Tightens down but they were up this week.
Let's not talk about that until tomorrow. Speaking of Derek Wade Douglas, go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, XA and Tik TOK shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can check us out and listen to us anytime, any place where you listen to podcasts, all the nonsensical network or simply go to slash nonsensical network.
Oh, it's Saturday night. It's nonsensical nonsense. We're having fun. We're having a good time. We're hanging out. Don't forget. It is the open door challenge. We got the link right there in the chat for you all. If you want to come up here and hang out with us, all you got to do is click that link and bring your ass in the words of Tony D. Bring your ass.
bring your media
We'll just cracked up forza. Yeah, yeah he did. for Oh, that shovel had to get on my nerves. I would be like really right in front of the day. Yeah, that would drive me insane. No, you can't. Why? I don't have it. It's an Xbox game.
yeah ah You can get it for free if you got the Xbox game pass. ultimately sorry yeah why It's Yeah. i mean oh Let me tell you, if this if this is causing a problem for y'all, please. oh No, no, no, no, no. No, that is.
Yeah, I was going to say, in the middle of your screen, it's fucking wild. That's driving me nuts. Yeah, the only thing that's called it a problem is, like, the goddamn shovel handle or whatever that is. Games are supposed to be relaxing and fun, and I'm going to be like... No, I'm having an anxiety attack by myself. And I would also be too lazy to get up and move it myself. I'd be like, God, who puts a fucking handle right there? I would find something to poke it and move it out of the way.
send a kid to do it. What? Yeah. Yeah. attorney d every once in a while do i heard you um um mentioned yeah he came He came up a couple of weeks ago or last week, last week. last week and I don't know. Was I here last week? I can't remember. I have no idea.
I might've been here, I don't know. I don't know whether I'm coming or going. You were here in person. yeah I don't know about here in the conversation. I was here in conversation. If I was here last week, I was here in conversation. I'm always here in conversation.
I'm the man. My hand is achy. What? My hand, it's achy. Like it doesn't like on a, you know, the doctor draws like, what is it? What's your pain level on a one to 10? This is like a two. It's just a dull steady eight. What's, what's, you know, what's your, what's your pain level on a scale of one to 10? I don't know. Fucking obnoxious. Yeah. like It's not, it's not just run up where I know it's happening. And it's annoying. Yes. Just fucking obnoxious, man.
Give me, uh, give me something to make the, uh, make that go away. Give me some math.
Math is always the answer. Just so you know, Jeff, that's not going to help my fucking hand. I promise. Oh, I promise you. will You have enough. You're just not educated properly. I promise you math, crack, cocaine, heroin, and they're all going to make you.
feel better. You're not going to think about your hand. LSD, mushrooms, DMT. Yeah. Last thing you're going to think about is your hand. right I'm no expert or anything. I'm no expert, but if I had to guess. Right. and i throw My two cents out there. I'm just saying.
If I was a betting man, I would say any of the above $425 says I'm a bad man. So 450. Thank you very much. 466. I thought no 450. It was 450. Cause I got the text. I got the i got the notification that, that the 450 was moved from, from one into the paper. I had, I had 466 on my account.
Yeah. Um, cause I had, uh, I had placed another bet.
know can you get a t yes see hey Yeah. Like I said, I am not mad at house money giving me more money. Right. Did he poop? This child is really lucky. She's pretty because she's really not smart.
no but she has tried all day long to spell the word treat right and has fucked it up a different way every time so if i is's not my kid i'm just saying she got she got the brains from her dad and looks from her mom i've never seen her mom so ah yeah well but i know her dads always by judging from her dad she didn't get dad's looks i'm calling it now
I've seen pictures of her. She doesn't have the big beard. sos just yeah Yeah, but neither does Wyatt. yeah well whats He's a child. He's not supposed to. but Listen, we talked about why I have a beard.
see Triple trend thing, I know. hey You know, sometimes, you know, beards ah didn still in love with she beards do wonders for ugly guys.
I'm just throwing that out there. um I don't have that problem because i'm I'm a good looking guy no matter what. Beard, no beard, whatever. So you lie to yourself all day too? He does. I'm handsome all the time. rick shit vote whyat
Connor's mom tells me I'm handsome. That has nothing to do with conversation. Luke's talking about Connor's mom. And you're talking about Rickish and vote Wyatt. like Yeah, vote Wyatt. Don't tell me. I don't even like Wyatt. You said, I don't even Wyatt. Oh, man. He said, oh, oh man god all man. Oh, Oh, damn. Come on, Mitch. Jeff's in Mexico. it Doesn't matter what Jeff likes. Jeff likes. hey hey why news break jeff likes all little boys That's I'm just saying, why you haven't seen my van. It's not a badge of honor for Jeff to like you. Jeff said, why? You haven't seen my van. What's in it? Candy, why he's in Mexico. Jeff likes all little boys.
a It's not a badge of honor to be a little boy if Jeff likes you. I'm just saying. Tater better be able to come with me. Sure.
to more than just like the dog because in Mexico that's legal I'm gonna be gold bringing the dog but he did now just like man dog small child whatever I'm in yeah but I can't believe this Texas game is as close as it is It's not. It's really not that close. do this what bens worse It's been solidly 17 to 7 for a while. Yeah. i mean i had it Which one? I don't know. you word for it Is he though? Or did Untrackable just pass out? No, he's changing the screen. He's playing. He's like, I'm going to play some fours up.
All this gaming talk got him wanting to play his video games. yeah but <unk> Jesus Christ. Organ is smacking the dick right out of Washington's mouth. did they really Are they really? It's 49 to 14. Oh, my God. That'll do it. With three minutes left. I see Army one today. Yeah, man. It's Army one today. Yep, they beat UTSA.
see When's the army Navy game? Uh, it already happened. I think awesome this is why it because I always miss them anyway. ah I will say Oregon's got some pretty sick, uh, black unis on tonight. by That's just his turn. Oregon's rocking some black uniforms. Yeah, they got black and gray and the black jerseys have the green lettering.
What are they on? What are they playing on? They are on NBC. ah you Oh, shit. And then they got it they got chrome fucking helmets, bro. Yeah, Yeah, they got chrome fucking helmets. BYU and Houston just started, by the way. Yeah. in Oregon, Jeff, Oregon, like one of their biggest boosters, one of their biggest alumni is the owner of Nike.
did i Oh, geez. So, yeah. So Oregon, Oregon has some of these sickest you don't ever see. They every game. Airbrush ones, we saw. It's VR, you dumbass. Oh, no, that was that was good. Who was that? They had them ugly ass uniforms on against Michigan. Yeah, but they had those dope helmets that are airbrushed. Yeah, the helmets were airbrushed like the leather helmets. I can't remember who that was.
Uh, K-State and Iowa State are in a little bit of a barn burner here. yeah are you feeling
Oh, got a close game there. washington and airing games got a media say you it
You know, dude, Oregon, I they like they have a different uniform every game. I think you can appreciate that, Jeff. Just like watching for that. That's pretty cool. They've got like these bright neon green ones. They've got all green, all black, silver. Why are you putting that on there? They've got gold helmets, pro helmets. like it's It's insane. But I do like the idea of a chrome helmet, but I would think that would get outlawed really quick if they're if they're super shiny.
No. Oh, no, they're shiny as fuck, too. No, they can't because they let Notre Dame wear their gold ones. No, but the reason why I say chrome, because like, wouldn't it like reflect really bad? doesn's pun i mean that That would be a I don't know. Did you bail out of God? Yes. sit Why?
it would be Kind of a suck situation it's going up against the team with a chrome helmet because you know the Sun hits, yeah right? look well it's also let me look at the night and and i play it and and night game i think it um and And I think they're playing in the in a dome as well. he's Exactly. Well, I see you pushing me on my guitar or whatever. now i argue you validad and thanks i'm fucking alive I don't mean to make you feel like an asshole or anything, yeah but no but but you know what I mean? or Like my it might when I think of a football game, i'm ah I'm like, so it happens at noon on a Sunday, right? You know, like.
Well, they, they games start at noon. However, you got to figure like the West coast teams. It's, so it's only, it's not even eight o'clock over there yet. Or it's, yeah, yeah it's it's barely eight o'clock. Hence why, hence why he just said BYU and somebody else just started. listeninging yeah Hawaii, for instance, they'll fucking, they got games that'll start at like one o'clock in the morning. Yeah. Jesus.
They wonder why they don't have any fans stateside. It's one o'clock in the morning for us, but out in Hawaii. But it's noon for them. It's prime time or whatever. I mean, that's why like on Sundays, because the NFL has started doing games and like they several years back, they do games in London. Now they do games in Germany and shit like that. They're on at nine o'clock in the morning here in the States. Right.
because, you know, over there it's noon or one o'clock or whatever. So they're starting the games according to their time zones, which doesn't stop people here in the States from getting up early after a long Saturday night. And fuck that watching. Let me know who wins, you know, Jesus. Watching the uniforms. I'm not saying I'm this game because it's garbage.
This game was over a long time ago. They they were up 20. When I first looked at it, they weren't even at the half yet, and they were up 28 to 14. And it's about to score. I'm putting that game back on right now. ah Yeah, the the London Jaguars. Yeah, right. I like your idea, though, Rick. You have to win to leave.
That would be great. Can we send like Jacksonville, Miami, the Jets, New England? Can those be the teams that go over there and start it? Yeah. All right. You have to win if you want to come back to the States. So yeah I don't want to get into sports. I will do it tomorrow. So well, no but here's my question. So the the the teams, the teams that are in Europe,
They're on the team today. What the **** are they playing in Europe for? They just go over there to play over there. Because there's a **** bad base, dude. That was literally like it could be the Jaguars play the Dolphins and you've got Tampa Bay jerseys, Philly jerseys, **** Arizona jerseys. Last year, last year, Tampa played in Germany and when tickets went on sale, they sold out in less than five minutes.
Yeah. Europeans love American football, dude. That's because if you've ever watched soccer, you'll know why. I'm boring as shit. No, yeah. yeah it's That's a lame fucking sport. So yeah, I mean, there's, there's, there's, there's my, I lived in Mexico for almost 20 years. I've went to one soccer game and about 30 seconds in, I was like, is it over? Can we go home? Well, I, there's beer i've been I've been to, I've been to two professional, like major league soccer games. Uh, when I lived in Charleston, only two soccer games I've ever been to in my life. They were actually pretty good. I'm not going to lie. It was a lot of fun. I had no idea what was going on.
Right? And God forbid the clock count down instead of up. That's the most annoying thing ever. The clock is confusing. I had no idea what was going on. But I had a good time, man. I had i had i had fun. Soccer fans are cool people. Hold on. Go back. like most Much like most sports fans in general. But soccer fans, are one they love their teams, man. They get loud. They get crazy. They get rambunctious.
I had a good time. I kind of want to go to a Columbus screw game. ah You know, at some point in time, just I more want to go. I more want to go to the stadium because they've got a really cool brand new fucking stadium that the crew plays in here in Columbus. Well, my thing is, like, I think if I, you know, obviously it would cost me a fortune, but if I could go to the games, I'd be more in.
But because I don't want a game, I don't want to watch it. But out of curiosity, no, I'm not watching soccer on TV. Gross. No. Yeah. I want to wake up and that's it. and Out of curiosity.
um If you, I don't know if you can do what, what do you guys have a professional soccer team in your area? I'm assuming you do. Yeah, maybe we do. I don't know what it's called. We have a professional basketball team. We also have a professional baseball team. no but do know i' go islywood yeah yeah know There's a stadium with like 30 minutes from my house for the baseball. When you say, when you say professional, I'm thinking like major league baseball, like that's, you know, it's a, it's a, it's a Mexico league, but it's, yeah, it's like major league baseball, but it's, but it's a Mexico, Mexico league baseball. Uh, I think, hold on.
that so can it's in Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the MLB, Glick. Yeah, you're right. It's the Mexican League Baseball. but No joke. Major league baseball. They are... They they've got... 2015, they won a championship, by the way.
um Nice.
Uh, professional, there's a Mexican league. Yeah. Mexican league bay based in Cancun, Mexico. The team is part of the Southern division. Uh, team won 12 championships starting in and 2015. Hmm.
Interesting. that Yeah.
where'd he go? I could, uh, I could beat a, uh, Mexican professional baseball team. it because youre dollar I Is it pretty good? No, dude. get a the Latino people do. They're great in baseball. You look at major league baseball and just look at half the rosters are either Asian or Latino. There it is. but kind ofro tiger she grace tire came two plays can you ru next at QQ. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. That's what I was getting at. Yeah. Like Cuban guys, Dominican guys, uh, you know, Mexican Puerto Rico, like central American guys fucking are killing it in baseball right now. Yeah. As I said, you look at a, you look at a major league baseball team roster and half of it's going to be either Asian or Latino.
Yeah. Look at like one of the best players, two of the best players in baseball right now. One's an Asian show. This is our stadium. And the out source kind the other one is a Hispanic Ronald Acuna. Yeah. Who literally doesn't speak a lick of English. I actually, I'm actually part of these tennis courts. I actually have a membership to go play tennis on these tennis courts. Wow. It's like a hundred bucks a year. Not that I go, but I, I pay it because it's auto pay.
And have to actually go there to stop the payment. I love it. I love how Ohio State fans aren't talking shit back to me. They're just like, fire Ryan Day. Yeah. Bro, he's done. so He's done. He lost three times now. He's not going to. He can't win every, which he has. He's like 47 and three now. And those three losses are going to cost him his job.
He's he's 47 and one against the rest of the Big 10, but one in three against Michigan. Yeah, yeah, like that's going to cost him. It's crazy to think that that's going to cost him his job. Well, well, as I said earlier, you know, four years ago, Ryan Day said we're going to hang 100 on him. What people didn't realize is that it was a five year plan because four years later, he's only put 84 combined, so.
Crying Ryan, man. Crying Ryan, baby. Gotta love him. I hope he signs a 20-year extension. You're going to start. Just because. Where? Right there. Just throw up. Which one? Never mind. Jeff, why do you have a membership to their cities? He's standing for any of you. Hit your L1 button. It's the nicest tennis court in town. So when I go play tennis, you buy a membership.
And I would go like 14 times a day if I won. Oh, they got you. How long did you go play tennis? It took too long to switch in props. Well, when I used to go, I would go like twice a week. How long ago was this? ah Like a year ago was the last time I went. We've been doing this. We've been doing these shows for three years and I ain't never once known you to go play tennis.
Oh, I love playing tennis. I'm actually, I'm actually not terrible at it. By the way, not terrible the Longhorns stopped A and&M and didn't even let him get a field a goal up. Yeah, I see that.
I'm not, I'm not good. um I'm actually not bad. What are we talking about? Yeah, playing tennis. oh why No, I'm not terrible. I mean, the my thing is, is like when I first started playing tennis, I will hit the ball so fucking hard because i my first thought is like, hit it like a fucking baseball, just knock the shit out of it. And I would literally, you know, go over the line all the time. So I've gotten better to the point where if I play somebody, it's a challenge for me and them.
However, I constantly get yelled at for smoking on the court. Because I'm an asshole. And I'm like, fuck it. We're outside. What are you going to do? Stop me? No. I'm trackable. You are. Peyton. I am. Peyton. It's not what my name was before. That is your name. Shut up. She said my name was Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning.
they are ba and man Oh, she can hear you. Never mind. No, he just had pickles in his mouth. He's a handball guy. Jeff plays a handball. No, I don't. I don't understand. it Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. you do. Jeff, I'm setting balls in his face. Yes, I do.
yeah i But yeah, we we do have a basketball. I guess you would call it a semi-pro, but it's technically a professional basketball team. It's called the Challenge. It's actually called the Kingdom Challenge. There they are. That's the team. And then this is the the inside of the court, inside the stadium.
Looks like a high school. Yeah. Right. I mean, I'm not throwing shade. It just looks like a high school. It's not it's not very big. Yeah, but they they have a ah the this. No, I guess you would call it the stadium or the court or whatever. It's it's actually in. Next door in a college right now. I think it's kind of the same space. Remember, what remember when Kenny Powers played Mexican League baseball?
yeah but actually, one of the guys on the. You call out the Hogan's theme song. One of the guys on me lo my favorite one of the.
On the the basketball team, I met him at the like, I have free tickets to the Mexican basketball league anytime I want because one of my friends that I met at the casino plays basketball for the team.
but she' And he's like, you should come. I'm like, yeah, I'm good, dude. He's like, oh, you should come. You can watch me play. I'm like, no, I'm good because it's basketball and I don't care. You're right. That's weird. yeah I guess there's a women's league too.
there There's the Mexican challenge or the Cancun challenge, which is the men's league and then the the women's challenge. which is also the the female side of the sport.
Nobody, I didn't know that. Hmm. I've never gone to a game because once again, I don't care. But if you drive by the baseball field, you know, during it, like, it's fucking packed. The baseball field is actually not par, it's like, it's like a three minute block from the Costco.
Mmm, Costco. I love Costco. Is there a question? you and Costco in Spanish is still Costco.
yeah El Costco!
You're right. She's not very bright. <unk>s It's a good thing she's pretty, Rick. Yeah. For sure. For sure.
What is Costco in Spanish? Costco? Costco? Love my kid. Costco? Yep. a No, you know, what's funny, you know, it's all your fault. This is no joke. It's spelled Home Depot like you and I know it, but everybody calls it Home Depot. Home Depot. That's what we call here in the States. Yeah. Nobody says Depot. Yeah. Home Depot. That'll work right there. mount and Of course, there's the auto zone in front of the Home Depot or two. Hmm.
There's so much oh who un trackable how you do but not was here there There are so many words that are contributed to French oh ah Especially our middle our military because do you know where corporal sergeant private comes from? Yeah, it's French It's it's all French. I'm inside of the thing. Yes, I know. General, you know what I mean? Yeah. Federally. Oh, that's Mexican. That's Mexican. It's actually not Mexican. It's Spanish, but OK. Satan, you're dead. I was. Yeah, because you weren't in the fucking screen. Because they used to. Years ago, back when I used to work security.
and I've talked about this place before this apartment complex where I used to work at where like the front was we called it little Mexico because it was all all of Mexicans that lived up there. I'm like the middle. You want to go?
yeah and it You get your own like you don't get the two things. They did give you three and that's it. I think two or three.
chances to get something new like it's randomized hmm gotcha oh yeah i have to get out there and try to play around but uh it's kind kind of like i think it's only one map and inside this little like you know like those like places like with a bunch of stores like a mall no like a shopping center he's talking about rewind the shopping center yeah rewind but yeah
The mall. You're such an asshole. You mean like the mall? What is currently a sheet of plywood? But but yeah so so like we we work security like we call the front part of the comp this is a big fucking complex like from front to back it was like three quarter of a mile so this is a big complex. So they're like the front portion we call little Mexico. And then in the middle was Somalia, like a little Somalia, it was all Somalians. And then and in the back, it was just trash, like it was just white trash, ghetto trash, just trash, human beings.
But when we used, we they quote unquote wanted us to walk the apartment complex. du You should have stayed up top. I'm like, I got my truck. My partner was Puerto Rican. I was like, Lex, you can drive my truck. I'll stand in the back.
And when we would go through the front portion, all the all the Mexicans used to call us the federal, allli because they said, I look like a federal in our uniforms and my white cowboy hat. I always had my white cowboy hat on. So they're like, you look like the federal here. That's funny. We fucking love those people. And the Mexicans and the Somalians were the best. The Somalians called us Shrek and Donkey because Lex was so much smaller than me. yeah We've got there and played basketball and stuff with them. They're like, it's strict. And okay. with Nothing better than a Somali kid trying to do an action.
but man It was great because the Mexicans, man, we'd get in there for our shift at two o'clock and they'd bring us lunch over to the office. And then around dinnertime, they would bring us dinner, man. And like, if we were ever dealing with something, that the families always had our backs and they would Night, buddy. Love you. And they would like, come over and let us know when some shady shit was going down and they always had our backs. The same with the Somalian people, man. Like they always had our backs. So it was like, I don't need the fucking cops to come out here. We got this shit. right but it was always funny because we'd pulled out into the, like as soon as we'd come into the portion of the complex where all the Mexicans land, they'd like, you want to watch them run from a gas station in Georgia, pull in there and yell, the roads is going to like, come on. But we had like in the front portion, there was like, there was like 30 buildings and like 19 of them was all the same family.
Yeah. And there was like 10 to 12 apartments in every building. And they had over half of the buildings was one family. And that was a fun job. I mean, they probably got paid more and didn't have to deal with the the the the yeah office bullshit, the the corporate bullshit and political bullshit. We got fired because they liked us there. The community liked us is why we got fired.
They fired us and put in place two racist fucking scumbags that were just doing all kinds of dirty, shady shit. But they suck the dick of the corporate people. I'm like, it's never been so peaceful here. And it's just me and Lex. It's just me and Lex. And it's never been so peaceful. And you're going to fire us because they like us. Get the fuck out of here. You got me fucked up. what Right.
But hey I got to give them credit. They're not giving up. But that was a fun job. I enjoyed that job. so el I always enjoyed doing security work. I mean, I know it's not the most like glamorous job in the world. It doesn't always pay the best. But i always ah I've always enjoyed working security. it you know it it's It's one of those jobs where you can do the least amount of work in a, in a day, most days and get paid the most for it. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I, I mean, I won't lie. When I worked at Abercrombie with Connor, I mean, the pay wasn't terrible. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. And it was super easy at Abercrombie. I mean, half my day was set out in a truck gate and it was like, Oh, let me sign this truck in. All right. Let me sign this truck in. Oh, gotta sign that truck out easily. Even like, you know, that was, that was four hours of my eight hour shift. And then the other four hours was.
I guess I'll go inside and hang out at the office, walk around the, uh, the, the DC a little bit and say hi to everybody. You know, do a easy job. Yeah. This guy's a job. what What? What do you do? Peyton got prop hunt on Nuketown. Nice. And she's a golf bag.
So I had her go up into the bedroom and stand next to her, post up by the window next to one of the mannequins. So he ran up and he was literally this close to her and he turned around and ran and jumped out the window. nice as though As the, as the prompts, do you still get like the flash bangs or whatever? You get two flash bangs, set up a flash bang.
I won't. Never mind. She doesn't. She doesn't listen and do things fast enough. There was two people in the room. I told her to set up a flashbang. If she'd have done that, they'd have turned and left thinking she ran out of the room. Yeah. Right. But she didn't listen to me when I was speaking. As as we've discussed, who's left multiple times. She's not the smartest. She's not the brightest bulb in the box. she just doesn' say It's a good thing. She's good looking. She just doesn't know your what, which is really depressing because they're on the bottom of the screen.
back to that yeah Yeah. I mean, yeah. Come on. pay and She's more worried about what music is playing in the background on my PlayStation than she is about the game. Yeah. Come on. She's like, I struggle to watch her play video games because it stresses me out. Yeah, I do that. I'm like doing a racing game with the kids. It's like, oh, my God. Give me her.
Does you watching her play video games make you contemplate unaliving yourself? It gives me anxiety. And it's super laggy right now, too, for some reason. I will say it's it's kind of fun watching cash play video games because he's getting better and better. Okay. Peyton is not getting better. ah Yeah. And he's still moving to the Call of Duty world. I'll watch you play Fortnite. He's actually pretty good at Fortnite. I'll give Peyton that.
Peyton's gotten significantly better at Fortnite. This kid is always talking shit. I don't even that they can have a headset on. He doesn't even have to have a headset on, and he's talking shit. Like, he plays this game, Goat Simulator. Have you ever have you seen that? Goat Simulator. My kids want to play this game is wild. Dude, this game is wild. It is insane. And he gets out there, and he plays it, and he talks so much shit. His goats got Crocs on, and a cape, and a tuba, and all kinds of wild shit. He's got a flamethrower.
right? It's funny. It is a wild game and he just he just has fun and talk shit. I enjoy watching him play video games. Buggy will play World War Z, which is our boy Benji. That's his game, right? And she's like fucking zombies. Buddy, they all fucking suck. Houston's beating BYU right now. Ten seven. Jesus.
Yeah, she's like, ah these teammates suck. They don't ever do what I want them to do. And I'm like, put the headset on and yell at it. I was just like, no, I don't want to talk to him. He's a mannequin. Well, I don't know what to tell you at the end of the day.
CBYU took learn from Ohio State on how to deal with things. Oh, my God. I have to listen to this for at least a week. ah free Probably a year. I'm going to slide digs in. 1827. Not only was it wasnt a great year, but it's also the amount of days since state beat Michigan.
um and by go Right back.
I gotta tell you I gotta tell you it and I know I'm gonna be obnoxious and I'm not really talking I'm really not talking a lot of shit to you much like Connor and Wally because you know we could have conversations and we can talk like men and human fucking do they get all ass hurt and wound up about it.
No, no, no, they don't that con like Connor and I were talking the whole game. And I was like, I'm about to talk so much shit, but not to you because you're cool. And Connor's like, yeah, we deserve it. But i mean yeah this year was so much sweeter because it was just like our team's depleted. We got a new coaching staff. We've got basically a whole new team out there. And then it was and two of our biggest stars were out. That one. That's a deep.
And, and to go in there and not play very good as, you know, as a team, I'll be honest, Michigan didn't play very good, but they played good enough. It was, uh, it was really like, it was definitely one of the better games of Michigan's played this season. And aly the worst game, Ohio state's played this season. Oh, it was 100% the worst game they played because you guys even played really good against Oregon.
Yeah. So it, it, and I called it at the beginning of the season. I said, working as the team this year. Yep. And we were in a fucking dog race with them the whole fucking game. So to go out and lack points against Michigan the way we did it, uh, I don't know. It was weird. It was just a completely different type of game than I could tonight. Right. Right.
um I'm telling you, it's gotta to be because he, he can beat anybody else for the most part. Yes. Check that box. And I'm not the Indiana game was going to be better in Indiana. Just shit themselves. Yep.
so So yeah, it was crazy. Kind of love sports, Jeffrey. Nope. I like, I don't even watch motor sports.
Yeah, you like but yeah but he plays tennis. yeah ble not Once again, that's the thing. If I'm playing, I'm all in. Like, you know, like when we were in high school and you played baseball or basketball during during gym class or or recess or whatever when you were a kid, I was in. I mean, yeah there but to watch it on TV, I'd rather shoot myself in the foot and then stand in line to for a beating.
Yeah, it does nothing for me. You know what I mean? Don't shoot the car. It'll blow up and you'll die. is that now i know id be a little light Why would the car blow up? Stop and listen.
Wait, the car blows up if you shoot it? Yeah, if you shoot it too many times, it'll explode. Yeah. Sorry, buddy. That's not realistic. but yeah had If I could shoot a car a bunch of times, not make it explode. It's just the way the game works, man. That's why so many kids nowadays don't know shit about. Yeah. Yeah. If you shoot it, it'll explode. No, it won't! Listen, however you right around I'm with the kids thinking they shoot a car, it'll blow up. Totally good with that.
I'm not OK with that. I'd rather them not shoot my truck to see if it'll blow up. I'd like to see what happens when they do. They'll get shot back. Exactly. like That's what I'm saying. You're going to teach them. Teach them a lesson.
All right, you're a wrap. Let's see what you are. You're the golf bag again. Flip. Try and just trust me. All right, Sammy. Can you get to the other side of those? I. Right, I just don't have. I can't understand how that could be that far. It's literally hiding seat for people that can't leave their mom's basement.
And then go to the others back over where the guy was. In our two. paul and That's basically what what she's playing is hide-and-seek for kids that can't leave their base um kind of Yeah, like right now. She's a sandbag and I Mean don't be wrong. I think if I was a kid You know like you know 14 13 14 stuff like that. I play the shit out of it yeah gentlemen i were forty years old i'm like yeah i' good but's up good gentlemen I think we've learned anything. All I heard was something about somebody shooting Rick's truck and see if he'll explode and teaching them consequences. If we've learned anything tonight, we have to take from our good friend, untrackable down there, racing away. You must set an example by ripping their limbs off and using them as weapons.
i want i don't know and i to artana who was shooting oh he should he told he told peyton Don't shoot the car it'll explode and I was like, well, that's not very broken realistic i mean why Have you have any cars have you shot a couple I if you shoot it, I think if you shoot a car enough it would explode. I don't know what this guy is. I don't know that. I don't care. I don't care if you use tracer rounds and shoot at the gas tank. It won't explode. It don't catch fire. But then it's going to explode after it catches fire. No, it won't. Oh, he's waiting for her to go away. It's not that hard to figure out. I've shot a couple days. Oh, that's a really long experiment. MythBusters already did that, by the way. You got some nice smell about there, don't you? I got my e clips out there, too.
I didn't say anything about your clips. i did You got your wife's mouth out there, right? So, number six lost today. Actually, number twelve lost today. Georgia had to go to hate overtime eight Eight overtimes. It wasn't eight, was it? Oh, it was. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. The game went to overtime at thirty-four thirty-four.
In all honesty, in all honesty, with the shift, and so I wouldn't be mad if somehow, some way, the Gamecocks found a way to hit 12. I don't know. That's not gonna happen, but I wouldn't be mad at it. Oh, balls out! What do you mean? What do you mean? You got up blank ones in the Oh, rankings. Oh. I don't think they will. so sok South Carolina's 15, and they beat Clemson, who's 12. Yeah, they might.
they might rotate. So, I'm calling it now. They won't. I think South Carolina has a better record than Clemson. And as if anybody knows anything about sports, it must be me because we should take. We should take my word for it.
has he actually was if You're take sporting advice from anybody. You take it from Jeff. You heard it here first. That's right. You heard it here first, folks. miami's been Miami's going to take a hit, too. Miami's going to take a big hit. Yeah, they are. Yeah, comes consider South Carolina have the same record. And I would be willing to say that South Carolina has a harder schedule. He's going to.
They played one, two, three, four, five, six. Oh my god. They played six ranked opponents. Seven ranked opponents. It's only got 10 seconds left. This dude ran around as a mannequin for the last minute of this match and he's actually made it through the whole last minute he's gonna make. He wins. Yeah, he just got it. He was the last one left.
Clemson played Clemson played two rank up ranked opponents all season and lost to both of them. That being in Georgia and South Carolina. Yeah. I don't know how they rank so high because they're fucking overrated. They didn't play my boys. They didn't play my boys out at SMU. Well, no, they should have though, because they're ECC. SMU baby. So now who's in the championship against?
SMU because Clemson lost in Miami lost. Ooh, that's a good question. Would it be Syracuse? Because I think Syracuse is 8 and 4. Hold on a second. Let me take a look at the ACC. Is that the Atlantic Coast? Yep. Standings. Oh no, it'll be Clemson, because Clemson is 7 and 1 in the conference. Still? Yeah.
Miami lost two conference games. Duke lost three. Syracuse lost three. Louisville and Georgia Tech lost three. Bro, this Houston BYU game is fucking nuts. These guys are playing. Yeah. ah So yeah, it it will probably still be. Yeah, that's what happens when people play sports, Rick.
They're playing. don Shut up, Jeff. like I'm sorry. we say something Stupid. I'm going to call you out on it. yeah well You guys can stay in here. Yeah, it'll be it'll be Clemson. And I will think, you know, I could be wrong. I mean, don't only think why it has that.
don't quote me on that, but I would think Georgia is going to be our SEC is going to be Texas and Georgia. Yeah, I'm going to be in the Big 10 now though. you indian and oregon Oh, never mind. Never mind. Tennessee did lose to Georgia. That's there. They already announced that it's Texas and Georgia. ah came ah i't screen near in the jack game I don't know who the Big 10 is going to be, because at the end of the day, if you if you look at it,
ah I think Ohio State still has the best record in the conference next to Oregon. No, they're they've got two losses. Is he really? Yes.
Ohio State, so they have listed here. They have the standings in the Big 10. Oregon, Penn State, Indiana, Ohio State. Ohio State 7 and 7 in the conference. Because they lost to Oregon and Michigan. However, Ohio State beat Penn State and Indiana.
and Yeah, I don't know who's got the world is Penn State's on the one off, aren't they? Penn State in Indiana, both only have one loss. They're both 11 and one and eight and one in the conference. Yeah, I don't know. And they've both lost to Ohio State. But right now it's listed as Penn State is number two. That's okay, but I'm saying good night out here because I'm getting out of bed. Are you going to bed really? No. Are you going to put a movie on or something? go Yeah, Nope.
He's going to go get comfortable and get under his quilt and he's going to be asleep in the next 20 minutes. I bet for all the dolphin. All in it. What? Why? Take that hat off right now. He's not going to do that. Do it. It's not going to happen. He said, why? He said go. Why? Yeah. So hold on. Hold on.
Let me promise this. Just give me a little longer on the symbol. OK, I respect you now. So do you want to know why they lost today? Because when we were first talking about it, hold on. When we were first talking about the game this morning, Wyatt looked right at me, and Peyton and I were like, go Buckeyes. Wyatt was like, go Michigan.
and I was like, your blood f pro you so i told't if he go outside he wasn't loud house no more i knew I knew he was a good kid. I knew that he sent that message under duress. Then he tried to take it out. Then he tried to take it back and I'm like, no, it's too late. I'll be back.
I knew that message was sent in the duress. I got I got a Snapchat that Rick sent me from from from why he said, fuck you, let go, Buckeyes. So I sent a message back and said, fuck you, Wyatt, you're adopted.
the night I was going to ask. I was going to have cash send the message back. But cash had already dipped outside. He was like, wait. Cause I already, I already did the conversation. I'm not going to say the F word, dude, say the F word. I don't want to say the F word. You're allowed to say it. I'm giving you permission. I don't want to get, dude, you're not going to get in trouble. I'm telling you today. Yeah. I saw that coming. He's like, no, not doing it, dad. Not doing it. Yeah. He was already, he dipped outside to go play with his friends. So I, I spent more time outside than he does. in That's not a bad thing though. No, it's not.
That's a good thing. I mean, too many kids spend too much time inside on their phone or playing video games, man. Like go outside and play. He's always outside. That kid loves being outside. Good on him. The only reason that he came back in today was because none of his friends were allowed to go outside and play for some weird reason. Like these goddamn feral monkeys are always outside running around.
I don't let my kid go outside because he can't keep his low ass out of trouble. Oh yeah. These for the most part, the kids all get along out there and if they do have a dispute, they, they take care of it on their own. You know what I mean? And now well I'm not talking about this dispute. I'm just talking about like there, they'll end up in somebody's yard. They're not supposed to be in the, you know, they're messing with stuff, you know, nobody, nobody really could play. Yeah.
Nobody really, the kids just, as I said, they're all feral. They're all like a bunch of little feral spider monkeys running around. You know, they just do their thing. They're not hurting anything. So they're not causing any problems. So nobody, it's not like my kids called problems when they go outside, but like.
each house, you know, separating the houses. yeah I have an asshole neighbor. They're like your kids in my yard. I'm like, yeah, with about 40 other fucking kids. Calm down. Yeah. Yeah. We're here. Nobody cares. As long as the kids are out there killing themselves or exactly. it's like And that's that's what I the one that was yelling about it. She was like, your kids are in my yard. I was like, is your yard still there? Is your car OK? Yeah. OK, then shut the fuck up.
Yeah. Yeah. Nobody really, nobody gives the kids any grief around here. They just let them go play, man. And that's what I do. They're just out there playing, man. They run around, they're playing all over the place. They're playing their little games and they're having fun, man. And they're not hurting anything. Exactly. So, and there's so many fucking kids here. The problem is because my neighbors are such assholes that, you know, when people start bitch about it, I come outside and then it becomes a big problem.
I don't know why, but because I'm the asshole going, let's, you know, go 10 toes. We'll play this fucking game every time. Well, that's why you're the asshole. It's not my fault. People can't mind. yeah but but I also understand. I also understand your little guy. You got Napoleon syndrome.
there's a big difference between you and I walking out. However, I will say, I will say that since I went to jail, I haven't had a single problem with any of my neighbors. no it yeah' but pay that one bill Yeah. There's a big difference between you and I going outside. I go outside and I'm like, Hey, and everybody freezes. You go outside and you're like, Hey, actually that happens now when I go a outside, everybody's like, Oh,
Everybody's like, yeah, whatever. I'm going to fight somebody. Oh, shit. The little guy is going to fight somebody again. I've learned the ways of untrackable. I'm tearing somebody's limb off and stabbing somebody with with a fever. Turn anything off of anybody. I just broke. I'm going to rip your fever off and stab you with it. We're in the same way.
I'm going to report Hayes beam or often stab Hey Zeus with it. I'm not saying it was the best idea, but it did work. Hey, I am a firm believer. And sometimes you have to go to the extreme to set one example. Is that one example? Not a problem. Yeah. With our guy and with our guy at triangle, sometimes you have to go to the extreme to set an example.
You know, maybe in this scenario that we were talking about earlier, and he said he's going to take on a thousand 10 year olds, the first 10 to 15, he's ripped slim from limb and the other 9,990 are like, you know what? Maybe we should just knock ourselves out.
the fifth
but use your bodies against which if if that's the game we're playing hey i i have no i have no beef but if that's play I think I won't play it to the fullest, you know what I I came to win, bitches. If you ain't first, you're last. Right? You ain't first, you're last.
yeah but but and there There is no other way to do it you either ah abide by the rules of the game or What the fuck are we doing here? there was no rules of the game you just start you children as As the late great Eddie Guerrero once said We lie, we cheat, we steal. If you ain't cheating, you ain't winning. All right. Yeah, I've heard that. it If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Yeah. go Good luck. Good luck to us all. Untrackable pulls a full on Russell Crowe from Gladiator. My name is Maximus Decimus Eridius, untrackable.
I can see untrackable now. he He takes out all these kids with the most brutal deaths on the planet. He's like, are you of jail going to jail? This was part of the game. Wasn't it? No. You take the take the biggest, most bravest one that comes at you.
and And you turn them in the midst meat and you just beat the rest of the kids to death. with oh it down on kids You find the biggest baddest one and you kill it. Hey, daddy, did you write? Hey, your daddy did you write? And, uh, he taught you to stand up and and and be the big and the brave, but wait but when you stand up to the biggest, baddest thing you've ever stepped up to before. biggest he he says He said, he said, when you stand up to the biggest, baddest thing you've ever stood up to before, mind you, we're talking about 10 year olds. yeah the biggest If the biggest, baddest thing you've ever had to stand up to was a 10 year old, you've lived a pretty good life, sir. I just have to say, I'm so happy that I played that video because it's gone so much better than I thought it was.
yeah if you guys thought i was gonna be the crazy and you guys thought i was goingnna be the crazy one hey who just saying like if If your if yourre son or or daughter stepped up to you in the way that we're talking about stepping up to somebody um how you going teaching ah yo I'm going to say this. My 11 year old son stepped up to me like that. The last thing, I might punch you with the face. I'm not going to tear him from looking though. I'm not going to look this hard. That goes to a bit of a different level of extreme. Untrackable. How many kids did you used to have? Less than the older level, buddy.
but jackables like i used to be a dad live little sort of pitches stepped and i catch up one and i set an example the other ones didn't learn had to kill i'd put him down I'm a father of a daughter and I have to put myself down many I think you need to go collect something. There you go. I don't know what you're going to do with it. I don't know how old your daughter is. She's going to get a little bit older. And you're going to be like, let me tell you a little story here. Watch this clip from this podcast with my friends that I was on one time. If you ever get from this little girl, just know.
ah Just just know that I talked to these dudes about this so this is how many times has already been played out young lady i'm just saying traditional i don't know what the point is and I'm capable penis things you don't want to do that though I would rather teach her about playing video games, but you know what you want to talk shit You want to go cost me money that I didn't deserve to spend? hey how how ah we how where We just go hand-to-hand and you know and solve it this way
and man I'm just saying I feel bad for your daughter's boyfriends.
machine Don't start that shit won't be no shit. You better check it. You check yourself before you wreck yourself. Grab one of those things and take it and throw it in something. Grab one of those things and throw it in something. He's playing this fucking weird ass game in but and we don't know what. Oh, I believe it.
Oh, Fumble. Oh, wait. That's a replay. Never mind. God, I I hate. I hate.
I'm still. da like i char them limb from limb you're just supposed to knock them out bro all you gotta to do is knock it out no i must dominate and kill the lord they're all to die yeah all set the Oh, witnesses in your case. yeah witnesses yes Ask no questions, leave no witnesses. All right, gentlemen, I think I'm going to take off for the night. You just want to go show up your daughter on a game, don't lie. No, she's playing some potato game. She runs around as a potato with arms. I don't fucking know. I've heard about that. It's called fall guy or some shit. Yeah, Mike is about that.
That's about on her intelligence level. She's a potato. Pat and the potato. Yes. Pat and the potato. That's correct. but Well, we'll peace to you, sir. Take care of your business. We'll see you tomorrow. Yup. Hey, buddy. Noon tomorrow, right, Glick? Yeah, noon. Yeah, I'll be there. All right. All right. We'll see you all tomorrow. See you later. Bye, Mike.
or will i handss on run trackable just kills us all because he's got a win somebody many to say height I mean, I am the mighty untrackable. I'm not all the children and no one will be able but to find me. yeah
but um But I'm, but I'm Christian initial.
God, you're a great addition on track. We're so glad. We're so glad you come in all the time. You're goddamn awesome. What the hell? Addition. There we go. God, what? Yeah, no, ah I I I wipe my feet at the door and I am thankful for you guys. How about that?
Whatever you say, just don't murder us. Just don't stab me with Jeff streamer, whatever you do.
No, seriously, I want the best for you all. But I mean, if that's what it comes down to. just ready He's like, I'm on it. ah I'm on this shit.
if i have to i will do anything i don i know i know how to fry some eggs but um if i gotta use chicken bones to create you know the rest of the meal just it may come from the contestants that don't want us to cook
it's good times ah but you know everybody should eat everybody yeah not everybody should eat this is for sure
everybody does i won
Right. Hey, you can't take us anywhere either. Trust me. We are kind of serious, my friend. We've been banned. Banned, banned for life.
that But hey, every Saturday evening, uh, night, I think we're, we're pushing out. I'm on the East coast and we're we're pushing Monday morning.
but I'm down. You guys are doing your thing. And, uh, another hour and a half. Yeah. Oh, well, don't threaten me with a good time. No, we, we, every Saturday, we can't do more than six hours in a single episode because we have to cut it up to put it up on Spotify and all that fun stuff. So what's up, Chris?
what up chris nile no You're not late to the party. yeah Yeah. Trust me. If we've learned anything tonight, the last thing we're going to do is threaten you that's right eleven year olds are thinking about it. 10 year olds are like, no, we're good. I will destroy all. You know what?
the the the looks like a thing but if i were to say the same things without the beard you what we go and do Yeah. Actually, if you said the same things without the beard, it would look a you would look like a straight up cereal. See, we can laugh and joke because the beard it's it's not so it's not so scary. You know, especially this time of year, the beards are like, oh, you got like a little Santa Claus vibe. He's joking, having fun. But if you shave the beard off and say those same same exact things, all of a sudden you're throwing out Jeff by which is serial killer. Right.
I'm just saying the beards that the beard is a is a great safety net in a lot of situations. In Rick's case, it hides his fortunes. Hey, y'all can can I talk to you all for like for real for a second? Yeah.
Um. Don't tell us you don't have a kid on the way to the store. i'm just such a No, um, I don't want anything from it. Okay. But, but I would, uh, next Saturday, because you guys do the Saturday thing,
I will say goodbye to this beard. Oh, you're going to cut your beard off. Um, but it, you know, it'll be a thing. Glick spirit, but Nikki threatened to kill me.
She tried to kill both of us. You know what? I'm not I'm not down for anybody that's not for what they don't want to do. But um ah I've had enough of this thing. Really? And um trust me, i've ah I've I've had some. Conversations with some people.
And, um, if it is worth your wild, not y'all don't have to do nothing for me, but I want your people to next Saturday. When, when it's free and fun like this, um, to participate, if if you will, because Uh, the last time I shaved my beard was, it will always grow back. yeah That's the dead. That's the Deadpool realm. It will will always grow back. I don't give a damn.
Well, that's you murdering children. That's right there. If somebody.
Yeah, you're you're yeah, your beard will always grow back. Oh, yeah. Agree. Are you going to do it live on the show? Or are you just I mean, that's. No, I think that's what I'm suggesting is that if if people want to see it,
then um maybe throughout the week. I know you guys do your shows. oh yeah I don't have to be there throughout the week for the suggestions so to come about. and And that's why I'm saying this now is because if you and I can come up to some sort of hey what what if if i can help your channel if ah or the the directions in which you're going right right i i'm i'm willing i mean i am willing because it's going to happen within the next month or so you know what you need to do but have you ever seen this go there can be a suggestion that hey um
somebody with a bunch of hair on their faces, they're going to take it off. Um, where I do it and, and, and I want to do it for y'all, but at the same time, I want the people that watch it, uh, to understand that I have a suggestion for you. I've never seen show how I met your mother. Yes.
In one of the episodes, one of the last seasons, the main character Ted gets dumped and he grows a beard, and then he's having a conversation while shaving his beard, and each time he comes back, he's only shaved a portion of it, and he comes back with like mutton chops, and then he comes back with just the mustache. You should totally do that. Just slowly take off parts of the beard,
So that like you have mutton chops and in the full man shoe and then, you know, work your way down to the Hitler mustache and then nothing. Well, that that's kind of how it is. No, it's not spontaneous.
That's kind of how it went when it was spontaneous, but it was also live. So um when somebody said, I mean, I said, hey, I'm going to do this and nobody will believe me.
But then when I brought out that razor and I, you know, did, I took that first chop off. They were like, Oh, you know, you could do the Wolverine. You could do this, right but at the same, but, but at the same time, um,
you can only request things as they are possible. So the first ones are the ones. that are going to be, you know, the more, um, uh, applyable or, uh, uh, available. You know what I mean? You know, you need to do for like three hours, just go to full on for Reynolds porn stash.
Well, to just have a mustache would mean to get rid of a whole bunch of that is. You work your way down to just the porn stash and then go with a porn stash for like a week.
I mean, um I'm not scared of holding on to something, but. The the way in which it gets down to that ah to just have a mustache.
ah There's a lot, there's a lot of trimming that, um, it does. It's involved from, you know, I, actually well I'll get like, uh, for a while, I, I had a beard on the show that was a lot bigger than it is now. And then I just get bored and I shave it off. I don't, I just, I'm like, fuck it. I can't be bothered to with it anymore. And I shave it off.
most things in life with you jeff ball down to the fact that you're a lazy facts like i'll grow a beard you know like i'll grow a beard but i'm not going to take care of it because that's too much work it's so much easier just to shave it off no yeah like before the show tonight i was cleaning up my face i was edging everything up and trimming my mustache. My mustache was getting a little bit long. I don't like the long mustache with my beard. I don't either. You know, nothing against it. I wish I wish i did like it because it does like, like a trackable. His, his mustache looks great with his beard. I just, it just, once it starts to get so long, it drives me crazy. Yeah. Agreed. Like it, it looks good on it um pretty much anybody with a full beard with full mustache, but it's, it's insanely annoying to me.
Like, yeah especially like when I can feel it covering my lip and I can feel it in my mouth. I'm like, okay, time to cut it. Yeah. I've, I've said that before was, um, you, you ever feel like you got us, uh, uh, a spot of spaghetti, like long spaghetti going down your throat. you You ever have that choking feeling and then you pull it out, uh, except it's not spaghetti.
It's still connected to your lip. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's my life in a nutshell. Yeah. Today, after I, uh, after I, uh, cleaned up my, you know, edged everything up, cleaned up the scraggly and shaved my mustache down. and We were, we were just getting ready to start to show. Actually, I think the music was playing and I had one stray mustache hair that was left.
And it kept like curling right into my mouth. It was like, ah. So I was like, jump up real quick and grab my little edger tool. I was like, yep. Get rid of that motherfucker. You have to go. Because I would have sat here the whole show and I'd have done it. I'd have sat here the whole show going. Right. Bite not it. Trying to get a grip on it and be like.
Look at like a look at like a fucking. But not only that, when you do that, when you do that, the slow pull of when you're pulling a beard hair out with your teeth, the slow pull is is mild. It's it's it's not painful. Like, oh, my God, this is unbearable. But it's like that annoying. Oh, just fucking break already. It's called. Yeah. It's super fucking annoying. Yeah.
If you if you think I don't know what it's like to just do a finger of a finger through yeah very good to me And um Yeah You might you might come up with something and it's like okay that let go yeah But when you get there since And it's like oh, oh we we we we have a problem here
What we have here.
it Yes, and it's a hair and um eating is a problem. I'm not going to deny. I'm not going to deny that this shit that covers my face doesn't resist against um crab dip.
Right. Yeah, there's nothing cranber no matter what cran you do if you got a sauce like you If you eat anything that has different you look like a slob afterwards because you got it in your beard Mm-hmm. Oh, there's several times where? yeah we we'll be so oh yeah Yes, I can take the compliments but at the same time um None of those compliments reduce Um, and the ass of having a beard it's a pain in the ass and it's a so lot of work. You, you, you have, if you're going to have with a great beard comes great responsibility. I think that's what Uncle Ben said. Something like that. There you go. There you go. that' That's a first state.
Yeah. You can't just willy nilly grow a beard out. And this goes back to Jeff and his laziness factor because he thinks like, he'll be like, ah, fuck it. I'm going to grow my beard. But there's no, there's there's no, he doesn't take care of it. Then he's like, ah, fuck it. I'm not going to take care of it. Then he shaves it off. Yeah. and you i lost that keep Everybody guessing. Will he show up with a full beard or will he show up clean shit? Both, both situations.
are and and i'm not taking shots at jeff or being a dick it's just it's the truth of the matter is he grows a beard because he's lazy and then he shaves it because he's lazy yeah i've said that to several people who like you're just mad because i got this great beard i'm like your beard looks like ass because you don't take care of it bro like run a brush to it you know like nobody's jealous of your goofy ass homeless man beard Yeah, but at the same time, I could shave my lip off and just concentrate on, uh, the, the chin hang. You, you feel me? Right.
like when i think my be out I'll just the side. Well, I got mutton chops and a goatee and then I'll shave just the bottom. So I get the food man too. And then I'm like, yeah, okay. Take it off.
I have been threatened with untrackable level violence if I shave my beard. So, Nikki has made it very clear that I am not allowed to shave my beard.
It's probably. Are you hiding another chair? Are you hiding another chair? We hide another four. Jeff has a picture on me without my beard. Somewhere.
OK, I'm not fucking with you. I'm just saying. Yeah. Yeah, Jeff, Jeff has a I'm actually with Nikki and I shortly after Nikki and I first started dating or whatever. This conversation came up um about guys and catfishing because of beards. And and I sent her a picture of me without a beer. And she was like, yeah, still pretty. Well, hey, if I could.
This beard off, which it's going to happen that I am going to cut this beard off. Um, the only thing that's under it is a skinny neck. You know what I mean?
Uh, I can get all the praise for my beard. Oh, oh my God beard. I see it everywhere I go. Oh, beard, beard, beard.
But guess what? What's under this beard is just a skinny neck that's ready to grow another.
you' Ready to grow another beard. Yeah. Well, I, I, we want to do, we want to do a, a charity thing down. and And we talked about doing it it this year, you know, shade, shave or don't shave. And.
Hey, what you do is you donate money to whether you want me to shave my beard or or keep my beard. And we're going to donate that money to a local charity. You know, whether it be something to do with kids or veterans, one of the two that Nikki was like, not until after we're married, because I have to have the beard at the wedding. And I'm like, like we're talking about starting it in like November or like like October so we can get the donations in and then like December announced whether I'm shaving or not shaving. And then we do, I'll do it on the show and we'll be able to post it on social media and stuff like that as well. I was like, even if we shave my beard today, it would do back by next October. You know, like she's like, I'm not taking any chances. not delay we get And if you need an example of somebody that's willing to do it before you're willing to do the thing that you ah like, what,
Wanna portray. Oh, he's willing to do it. His wife, his girlfriend as well. Beyonce won't let him do quick. Oh, okay. Yeah, know I know. After the wedding. and But as far as a channel is concerned, if, if you guys want to watch somebody do something like that, I'm not asking y'all for anything. um I'm asking your viewers. They're like, Hey,
you want to watch you You want to watch somebody go from eight inches to zero? I'll let you boy. Because doing them I'm not doing it for me. Doing it for shits and grids, God damn it. Right? Exactly. but But if it does help, yeah you know, let me know. Yeah, we'll put it out there.
i'm I'm I was doing something. I forgot what I was doing I'm working on like 14 things No, I found a I was looking up different beard styles And trying to find a good one Hey,
but I will say this because I have done it before it's um once it cuts made You can't go back. Well, it can. It just takes a long time. And that's why every ah slice is is deservant of um what what somebody's willing to give. You know what I mean? i brush just looked out It my bag. Yeah, you farted in your face, didn't you?
She's in the bathroom. I went in there. I went in there. I went in there and took a piss and was like, yeah, called it. There you go. Tore, tore 100% ass. And she was like, you keep your ass trumpet out of here when I'm in the bath. Oh, what up, Steve? How you doing, man?
to sam senator What's up, Steve? Well, I'm much a man. He's ah he's part of the fake nonsensical nonsense. Oh, yes. Yes. yes With with with ah with PJ Dill. Yeah.
The fakers and wannabes. Yeah. there Oh, my goodness. Well, how there we go. Oh, the joys of getting nervous.
Chest congestion and sinus crap. All that just junk build up right in your chest and you're like, stop blowing dudes.
Well, he's isn't here tonight. the same um and You know, I will say that beard a beard, a beard really does hold a bunch of everything that you've been through.
and butter So, uh, you can just, when you, when you have a beard, you can just blame it on that. But when you don't, it's like, oh Hey man, I swear. ah and some sub you The kids the kid kids are always yelling at me because we'll be like, eat better. Like there's things in your beard. I'm like, okay I'm saving it for later. Leave me alone. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, this is a to-go beard. Yeah, this is all to go. This is my this is my snack tray. See, I just take it. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, macaroni and cheese. I love it. But at the same time, I ate it. It's not your friend. My potatoes were my my coveted baked potatoes that I enjoy on Saturday nights after the show. I don't have that problem.
well And I still technically have a beard I'm just saying yeah, you have facial hair you don't have a beard It's not it's not just a beard It's not just a beard. It's that overhanging lip hair You can call it a mustache if you want to but it's it's not really a mustache. <unk> It's just long ass lip hair and when when it has to go past that gullet, you know what I'm saying? When it has to pass through here, um the shit on your chin, it has nothing to do with catching the cheese. Yeah. No, that's the worst part about having long, long, you know, beard and mustache is like everything you eat, you're going to taste it again in about 10 minutes because you're going to, you know,
go to clean your facebook act Well, I mean think it's the its excuse me crazy If you get droplets and and they hit down your chin That okay. Yeah, your beard your beard may have some flavor to it. But if you got lip curtains ah but You're gonna have cheese and whatever you're eating all over lip curtains
It doesn't matter how much you open your mouth, you will have mac and cheese. like yes was ah you upstairs you know i bed with her acting all kind and everything and i fought Oh, she's the least. I'm surprised she didn't kill you. i didn she I just want to never go pee and nii's in the bathroom. and I just farted and she yelled at me. ah
great you christ The ass chuppeteers. Yeah. Only to stop eating Taco Bell. I'm just saying Taco Bell in like a week.
I'm just saying. Hey look. Yeah. As, as, as, as Shrek once said, better out than in. I bet. You know what I'm saying? What do you say? Hey, out is proof. Out is proof. Do what you got to do. Right?
You just got to do what you got to do. It is what it is.
you Better out there, my friends. Better out than in. Yeah, but Denise said that about a burp. Yeah. So, I don't know. Maybe. I don't know. You got to release the Kraken, Jeff.
Release the Kraken. I'm just saying.
Don't act like you don't know. We've all been there before. Oh. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have no problem releasing the crack.
But if you release the crack and you have to be ready for the consequences, getting yelled at. That you might shit your pants. Well, that too. Cause as we get older, one thing we know is older gentlemen,
You cannot always trust a fart. You cannot trust a fart. You just can't. There's a lot of things in life you can trust. Benedict Arnold, Adolf Hitler. A fart, not one of them. Not a fart. Hey, Adolf Hitler.
Did you know? so So there's a, there's a guy. Well, all I'm going to say is the man literally wrote a book and said exactly what he was going to do. And no, and then did if anybody was about doing it and not saying it, he was that guy and everybody was like, Oh, crazy. Eight all over there. dooo do yeah Okay. Here he are, buddy. As bad as he was at least, at least he was a man of his word. Yeah.
Hey, that's kind of contradictory because he had a friend like Glick that just said, stop talking about it and be about it, bitch. Millions of Jews died because of somebody like Glick. I'm just saying.
Sorry to my people. yeah What were you going to a trackable but Just gonna say I have so much fun with y'all and think for thank you for having me always i'm go hang around You guys oh Just hanging out the dudes doing shit. it may It means a lot to me. So thank you. I have a question Hey, we we appreciate you being here brother. I agree. I have a question. Can you imagine being Related to Hitler
after the war. but That's not at all. Like, aren't you going day one to go get your name changed? That's not at all what I thought you were gonna say. I thought you were gonna be like, could you imagine being related to Glick?
No, but you know what I mean? Like, like, if you're Adolf Hitler's cousin to your last name Hitler and you're like, I'm rude. If I existed today with my exact resume, but my last name was Hitler.
Um, i think yeah I think other people would have a harder time dealing with it than, than, than I would, you know what I mean? That's what I'm saying is like, you could cure cancer, but if your last name is Hitler, nobody fucking cares.
Yeah. Oh. Because you're automatically an asshole. That's a it's a it's a lose lose situation, man. Yeah. I would rather. ah oh What do you call it? An indistinct. ah You have nowhere where I'm coming from asshole. Right. Then be then then be a predetermined asshole. But at the same time, ah I get it.
I'd rather be an asshole for a reason. Yeah. You know, if I'm an asshole, I'm going to own it because I've, you know, worked at it my whole life. But with your if your last name is Hitler, you're born an asshole. It doesn't matter what you do. It doesn't matter how, you know, you could save a million orphans from ah from a burning building. And they're like, yeah, but aren't you related to Adolf Hitler? Like, yeah.
up him You guys you guys are doing really good at your channel thing However, I have been to places that have said um This is not as as free as you are to speak ah um We are or I am the Distinction of what you can and cannot say here. So it becomes a dictatorship and You know what? When they lay down the law ah Don't forget where you are. Oh We don't have a dictator here, but we have Jeff and he's a dick taster. Yes There's a reason why right stickers upside down
And I get that as a joke, but... You've never seen that meme, Blake? You've never seen that meme? Holy shit, you gotta see this meme. That came so far on the left field. You've never seen that meme?
there's reason There's a reason why I eat stickers upside down. What? You've never seen that meme? No, I have never. I have no idea what you're talking about right now. Hold on. Hey, Jeff, if you if you have it, please show it. I literally just looked it up. It doesn't take long. Here it is.
Never mind.
I thought that's not at all what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was like literally somebody like hanging off a bed upside down eating a sticker. No. If you eat a sticker upside down, you get the veiny texture. Yeah, you get the veiny.
That makes so much more sense than what was going through my head. But it makes you really think about how you eat a Snickers from now on. Every time you pick up a Snickers, you're like, right, tight up. Got it. You've never seen a dude eating a Snickers upside down. yeah There's a pretty good chance he likes the bean. I'm just saying. Yeah, I was but set picture hanging off the side of your bed those down he justs your heart
like you're eating it right side up but you're hanging the upside down.
so It really makes no sense. but that's started laughing i like give you fucking sit why would you take i psy the stickers I stand on my head to eat stickers. yeah That's how I do it.
i'm just weird and Hey, what, what if you don't know that I'm upside, upside, upside down? Does that not make us think? I saw that on, on Facebook the other day, somebody had posted that and it was like, if you know that, that Paul Rudd and, and, uh, what's his name or they're like, you know how I know you're gay.
It was one of those meme things. It was like, you know how I know you're gay? And then everybody dropped a bunch of memes and somebody put that in there and I gave him their guide. I laughed so hard. It was like, you know how I know you're gay? You eat stickers upside down. And I was like, wait, what? And then they posted the meme. I lost it. I laughed so hard. I was like, oh, I'm going to use that. I need to use that on the guys. I've been saving it for like three months trying to find a way to sneak it in there.
and I'm just saying that's not at all I'm like, I don't know what that has to do with being gay, but whatever which teacher are I eat my side up I guess I'm straight ah You even you you ever eat a corn cob upside down No ah How do you know bag it. so but Well, that reminds me. I got a question for you. If you're in a room full of cocks, how many are you choking on? All of them. Yeah, you are. duddy yeah of you some bites And the one I used to do a lot on here is like, if I clean my dick really good, will you suck it?
Well, of course. Well, okay. Cause you don't like the dirty cocks up and I get it.
If I can find, if I can kind of find a way to contradict the nastiness. Yeah. I'm all about it. You know what I'm saying? You better you better be clean because somebody in your driveway with the clean dick and it's like, yeah um
yeah yeah so just to be clear mcdonald's chris ah just to be clear of
but but yeah
ah yeahs like you dirt your nat sir I'm so disappointed in you. I was like, but so funny because I'm like, this don't make any fucking sense. Why would he do that? I don't make him gay. That just makes him a dumbass.
like might weird but be careful might fall off the side of his bed and crank his head on the the got i can press i can preface this i can preface everything i say with the last time i was in prison was
That's a different kind of Snickers bar, buddy. but Yeah, that's a it it rhymes with Snickers. Yeah, it
Hey, you thought an upside down Snickers was tough? but ah
you and somebody's going to go over here and kiss me on maha i like you how won't you um on take you
mama yeah ever seen that movie big sta um not even go but this is clippable If you don't know what I mean ah I just I didn't go back and see the moment when what when what I told Blick about eating snickers upside down. I want to see his face, but he's like, what, what? but Just the complete confusion on is it. Oh, well, you got your fucking handstand and around like somewhere between four and a half hours to five hours and eight minutes, you got to
You gotta do research for that. Oh, that's hilarious. Oh, Jesus. Hey, I'd rather be time stamped than tramp stamped. You know what I mean? Right? You know, I used to work in a tattoo shop going tattoos and body piercing and I've seen some weird shit. But the out of all the things because I used to do body piercing.
The weirdest thing I've ever had a guy come in and want pierced is his belly button.
That's the weirdest? No, I mean, like, I've had, I've pierced every part of the body that can be pierced. But for a dude to pierce his belly button, that's like, what the fuck, man? That's just weird. Like, you know, you know, Glick and I have talked about the friend we he had in high school that had Jacob's ladder.
and And we've talked about, you know, I, you know, I've had both my ears pierced and had it stretched out and all that. I had 10 piercings on my face. Normal shit. I pierced my nipples, you know, the normal shit, but a dude to pierce their belly button is just fucking weird. It's like, it doesn't compute. I had a girlfriend that had, um, I don't know what you call it. Maybe you do. Um,
the the little the little pinchables on the the the on the back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it there there there's a name for it on the face it's called snake bite but on the back it's uh oh i forget what it's called it's on my head it was on the top of their um
I don't know what that bones call it, but when you but when you have your pelvis turned back it it creates that that muscle pinch and um Well, I actually had a the back of my neck used So it's like the back behind her neck. I actually had a flexible Uh, it's a it's a a piece of um PVC flexible i will also so I will also tell you I am ahead. But I'm cool with it. Well, it's one of those things like when I first started doing body piercing, I, the first thing I ever had pierced, you know, not counting my ear, because we all did that in high school at least once. Uh, I had my eyebrow pierced and then I got a job doing body piercing and tattoos. And then you get slow days where nothing happens. So you just get bored and like, I'm going to pierce my eyebrow.
or I'm going to pierce my ear again. I'm going to pierce my tongue. I'm going to, you know, I never pierce my nose because once again on a dude, kind of weird. I, I, I got my ears pierced. Both of my ears are done twice. Right.
um were don about yeah Don't say everybody had their stuff pierced because so I had my eyebrows split before.
And uh, it happened twice and um, I know I never once uh put up peter's again The cold show no, they're fine. It's all the same. Okay. Stop crying then and they're crying I just forget that you mexicans don't speak english Gracias seรฑorita yeah grassy edge I thought you went to bed like three hours ago no i'm gonna leave a food you i bared on her well bla that yeah Then she walked when she said she had to poop and She's messing with the wrong one. That's the middle one. That's buggy. We've had the discussions. We know buggies gonna be my share play that
We nobody's gonna be my serial killer and that might be her first victim. I'm just saying on that backup well lets me on know second there's no yeah sir is The hell there's not isn't Looking in right below right below that one. You're do it. My wife does take a picture of your phone and show me Oh ah that what yes
No, no, on the porch.
That's how lazy I am when it comes to my kids. They're like, it's not in the fridge. Take a picture of it with my phone and bring it here. And I'll show you. I'm that kind of I'm not going to get up and go to the bridge, but take a picture of it and show me.
no so you're music ah new not you it's cold it's It's cold here. So, so we don't have room in the refrigerator for our beer. So you put it out in the backyard. So we put it out on the porch on the porch. We have these plastic, we have these plastic shells on either side of the door. Yeah. Well, said plastic shell has 12 pack on top that I just bought tonight. And then it has a box from Thursday night yeah what's called and news and on the second shelf.
there's not a box there and I'm like, can somebody really steal the beer off the second shelf and love the top shelf alone? Like, right. Yeah. I open the door on the edge of the shell. You can't miss it. On the edge of the shelf is a giant box, a giant box that says Miller light. And they're like, Oh, we didn't see that. Not one, but two surera yeah said they didn't see it. It it was a goddamn rattlesnake. They'd both be dead. Right.
It's just like, the fuck is wrong with you kid? but Oh, we didn't see that.
Yeah. And Jeff seats, his Snickers hanging off the side of his bed. I don't know what to tell you. yeah only live once Don't knock it till you try it, they say. I put these off the side of his bed and eat Snickers. And on trackable, only had to knock out 10-year-olds, but he's tore them limb from limb. I don't know. It's a crazy world we're living in. They stole just the beer on the bottom of the dish. They stole the cold beer and left the warmest ones there. They stole the cold beer that's been out there since Thursday. They left it. The beer that's been out there since earlier this afternoon. And they're still sitting.
even in a slipp um does it make different doesn't make a difference that I got a cold beer in one hand and a Snickers bar in the other hand and I'm still like karate kicking 10 year olds. Does that make a difference? Until you stand on your head and eat that Snickers, I will not be abreast. You have to stand on your head with that cold beer, eat that Snickers and karate kick 10 year olds all at the same time. We have standards here on nonsensical nonsense. Hey, I would say hold my beer, but then that would defeat the whole purpose because the whole purpose is to open my beer. So I got to hold my beer. I got to eat my Snickers bar and I got to do some sort of like a helicopter handstand.
and take out all these things. That thing is not possible. It's not practical, it's possible. I still say a hundred.
this is We don't make the rules around here, who you know? We don't make the I said a guaranteed 100. You said a thousand, sir. We have... waiting Somebody's not feeling so confident in himself. Hey, I drew a line somewhere, just like y'all did. I drew a line in the sand, God damn it. Wait, so that's a line?
yeah a hundred 100 Um, you know, I I gotta to go to work tomorrow Why no, no, I don't really have to go to work tomorrow, but you know what I mean like ah you're gonna walk To us now you're gonna lie to us now now you're gonna Yeah i do have some reservations about how far i'm willing to go and so
i got do a show tomorrow i know what are we doing here but don't question my date of rest
Look, Jeff's going to fall asleep in the exact spot. He's in in the same position. He's in and wake up tomorrow afternoon at some point in time and turn on Netflix. I mean, I don't know what we're doing here. have some reservations
Jeff hasn't left that spot on that chair since last October. Right. but I love this. city This is a great space. Hey, that's okay. I'm in my garage. Shout out Jeff.
I'll be in my bedroom. So the great thing about doing the show by bedroom is a nice garage, man. That's a big ass garage, bro.
I used to use my shoes in my garage. I got you. I was going to do an A.I. photo of untrackable kicking kids and drinking beer and eating a Snickers. But it says we're sorry. We're running into issues on on the AI generator. I'm so upset. You're going to rage quit. The AI doesn't want anything to do with me. They're like, hey, oh this this dude will wreck your life. I'm so mad that it did that because I typed all that out.
You know how hard it is to explain all that into an AI? They're very, playing with those AIs, you know, Chaka got got Blaze and I hooked on this one AI generator, image generator, and we keep playing with it and we keep finding weird shit. Your AI is fucking weird, bro.
Yeah. i don't know The internet it's fucking weird, bro. Oh Oh, I don't know if you'd listen to Wednesday's show that you missed but that story that fucking blaze told Which one dude we all he he found it, you know, he did instead of doing a penis story. He did a scat story Yeah, and he did a couple of them and he did a story about this chick that I met a janitor at her college and did all sorts of crazy shit with this dude to the point where Chaka, myself, and Blaze were like, yeah, when we're done with this episode, we're all taking showers. This gross. Wait, hold on a second. Hold on a second. Wait, what? Hold on. Repeat that. Go rewind. So this chick went on to Reddit, and somebody's like, tell me your crazy sex stories, you know?
This chick did like a book. Like it took Blaze a good 35 minutes to read it all. Jesus Christ, Blaze. He did a jump move. Right? And, but it was like one of those, it was like a train wreck. We had to find out where it ended. Where she, she started flirting with this guy and it he was obviously an older gentleman. She was a freshman in college. Hmm.
and when they finally hooked up, it went dark really fast. Like to where I was like, okay, that's the line. Oh my God, we've crossed it about four miles ago.
Like you guys are not allowed to call me depraved and ever ever again after hearing that story because like to the point where this chick was licking this guy's worm infested ass.
Um, Jeff, I've known you for almost 30 years. I will. in there I'm telling you, i mean I'm telling you, I'm telling you, go back and listen to the last 45 minutes of that episode of what's the fuck news and you will literally get done and go shower. but But that was somebody talking to you. That wasn't just a story that popped up, right?
It was just it was a story that that Blaze found because, you know, on Wednesdays we do click does ah penis stories or or or yes penis lifts. Respectable. I do respectable stories. I agree. And Blaze's defense, when he found it, he only read like the first paragraph and he's like, oh, this is interesting. And then on the show, unbeknownst to himself. Of knowing how bad it would go,
read the entire thing to the point where the comments, Chaka was like, i have I'll be right back. I have to go get my computer. I just threw it out the window.
ah That is a quote. and like It was so disgusting that I was like like, I'm not the guy to watch that super weird porn, but this was like on a whole other level of two girls, one cup.
Like two girls one cup is tamed is tamed compared to compared to Hey, a little pretty day Christopher. It's like 20 something here eight was but these five yeah Hey oh Because you know I recognize how you guys do what you do. But was this in chat that you got? No, no, no. So so what happened was is like because Glick goes on on Wednesdays, we do weird fucked up news stories and Glick couldn't make it because he had a date night that ended up all through whatever he pouted. um So Blaze, being our resident scatologist,
went onto Reddit and found stories that people had submitted on Reddit about their dealings with scat sex, as in sex was shit in it. And he found a couple of stories. The first two weren't so bad, but that last 45 minutes of the episode, I was like almost throwing up. It was so detailed and so gross that I was like,
And then Blaze was like, hold on, it's not done. And I was like, are you fucking kidding me? Like it was gross, dude. Wednesday's show was the grossest thing we've ever aired that didn't show anything, you know? Hey, but if if you can say that it was a joke. When I'm saying that, it's bad.
Well, we did specify that, the you know, it's like with BuzzFeed, what they do is they they put out, tell us your weird sex stories, you know, or well, they clicked into one about micro penises. And people wrote in telling their story about a micro penis or dealing with a micro penis. It was the same kind of concept, but this one was dealing with scat stories. And it was just how it happened to be on Reddit. If you've ever read anything on Reddit,
You will find some weird shit, like to the point where you're like, wow, I've gone too far on the Internet. Delete, delete, delete. Yes, I have found, you know, um way, way too much on Reddit. Yeah, Reddit is a scary place, dude. It is the last unbridled part of the Internet. It's not a scary place. It is. ah I found what I was looking for and didn't expect her to go that far. Yeah. um Yes. i We determined after Blaze read that story, we determined that whoever wrote that. I made it up. Because there's no way this chick did all the things she said she did and liked it because it was so gross that I was like, yeah, I draw the line.
at the first paragraph.
Like it ah du it was entertaining to the point where we were like, I have to hear how it ends, but oh my God, it's not done yet. It was like watching a train crash in slow motion. cancel old Right? Like it was,
Oh, like it scared me in a way where I was like, I'm not going on for Reddit onto Reddit for like six months easily. And, and I told Blake he needs to, he needs to burn his computer because his Reddit searches are fucked now. Like if he goes onto Reddit, he's going to get nothing but those stories for like six months. He is our resident scatologist. So, uh, maybe we'll, um,
All I know is it was, if you listen to the last 45 minutes of Wednesday's show, this is the first time of four years of streaming onto the internet that I went, I feel dirty.
I seriously was like, all right, I'm go gonna take a shower.
just Just as I put myself out to y'all, I visit other places and ah I am no stranger to Reddit, but I would say um conduct yourself as you will always. so Some people go to places for witness and some people go so theyre places for to think that they're going to make a difference. This story was so outrageous that I was like, even ah um Chaka sent a photo in to me on on what's happened. He says, this is the person writing that story, I promise you. And actually I have the picture here.
um he said this is the person actually writing that story let's be honest you know just a big fat guy it's in his mom's basement you know covered in food because it was And I described it, I described it as, I've, I've talked about this before. There is a whole series of stories that people have written. They're called sex stories where it's like a, you know, dear penthouse. I, you know, once a cheerleading bus broke down in front of my house and I ended up sleeping with them all, but they go into into major detail. This was like one of those stories times like 50. It was so unbelievable that
If, if that chick does exist, I hope to God, she doesn't breed. Yeah. Yeah. That was one of them. One of them things. It ended with the guy Kurt Cobaining himself when she left. Well, I mean, it isn't the day he knew he wasn't ever going to find somebody to do the things that she did.
Well, he at one point he's whoring her out at truck stops and dudes are sitting on her face and shitting in her mouth. And I was like, dude, whoa, did you go a bit far your blades? But he's like, oh, there's more. But Yeah. but I was like, dude, if this doesn't cancel us, nothing will.
We can drop 50 end bombs tomorrow and talk about Hitler for days as our personal hero and not be canceled after this. I have said it a million times at the end of the day, this part of the game, we are Teflon, baby. Right? We got bullet we are bulletproof and we are Teflon. Do you know you know one thing that Hitler did good that nobody can else can claim?
He killed Hitler. and we out aid thanks so big Well, I'll tell you what i tell you about a redeeming actor What what Hitler didn't have was hit Hitler couldn't blame it on me, you know what I'm saying? yeah have somebody Blame it on If y'all need a scapegoat No, just just highlight your boy
Just, just make sure it's about me to do whatever you got to do. Don't, don't take heat for anything. just Just have deniability. Just put it all on me. It'll be okay. Cat Williams said it best. If you don't have anybody to hate on, be free to hate on me.
it's it's It's a very good statement from people that, um, are very comfortable. You know what I mean? Yeah. ah um i Some people want you some people want the attention and some people are like hey I'd rather burn in hell before I let some Somebody that's just talking about shit oh that shit i will murder a hundred children And use their ribcages of shield
Hey, I am a nobody and I'll be a nobody so if you need somebody to burn at the stake You can put it all on me and that's what 50 Cent said But no seriously that story that he read like it went on forever and I was like dude You're killing me because I'm gonna have nightmares for a month Like it was so fucked up Yeah. There's some sick people. and mean you've You've heard those stories, like guys sitting around like, yeah, I, I, I banged this chick and she did this and that. And you're like, yeah, okay. Calm down. Where it's like, okay, that's believable, but did it really happen to you? Or did you make that up? This there's no way in hell, this story could actually be true. Uh, dude, it's 100% true. You think?
I didn't even hear it and and I have no time in my mind. I promise you you, if you listen, if you don't listen to anything from that show on Wednesday, that last 45 minutes. Yeah, just from the highlights. Did I say this because I know how fucked up this world is that we live in. i yeah why would so If I was a betting man, I would put money on it that is 100% true.
I'm all I can say is I hope not Because I think even lazy Jedi said she needs to skip the the Prophylactic and go straight to a IV drink i mean a Penicillin because it was like dude I've read some weird. I've seen some weird fucked up shit on the internet and This was the weirdest craziest thing I've ever heard. And if it's true.
and that What's odd is this chick claims. You know, it was anonymous, obviously, but she claims that she's now married. And I'm like, God, I hope you don't have kids. That makes a whole lot of fucking sense. I mean, I get was.
And apparently went on for four years, the entire time she was in college. and But it did say it took place in, we determined it took place in Europe because she didn't say college, she said university.
a And I'm just saying, had there not, I mean, a lot of people had there not been video evidence would have probably said two girls, one cup never existed.
because it's so far back right now okay i see where you're going yeah that makes sense but this was just like seriously this makes two girls one cup looked like a mickey mouse movie i mean the saying that that's a good picture right there it it makes it seems like a a far-fetched thing because uh i believe like i I feel like that was pretty extreme of, Hey, look at me. Right. Like if that story was what you would call the worst thing you've ever written, two girls, one cup would be on Disney junior tomorrow. I'm just saying, you know, don't, uh, don't, uh, I mean, this is, we live in a, in a mad, mad world.
i know go like i got fun yeah I got done here and I instantly got in the shower and like Brillo pad scrubbed myself I'm just saying that when it when it comes to um the things that people can do um ah sad from like no can has been up Aside from a snuff film If you can understand that yeah is Yeah,
ah yeah well that that was a movie Well, I know but no it's true I'm sure snuff films exist I don't want to see one because But but did watch that other thing then um you know that that that that is like to me the the The next possible thing that everybody saw. Right. And I don't mean everybody, like everybody, everybody. I mean like everybody that's looking for. It circled the internet a lot because yeah everybody was even doing like, I think it was like on Vine. I don't think TikTok was a thing yet, but it was like people were doing reaction videos to them watching it.
Well, yeah i be I think I, before line yeah I think they also attack certain things to that because, um, uh, I had already seen it. And when we're filming, I'm not a, I'm not a multimedia guy type like that, but when, um, uh, we pulled it up on,
an Older laptop, but it was like the first time my wife saw it My sister-in-law saw it my brother-in-law saw it my mother-in-law saw When we turned it on um By the end of that that that entire computer was just like popping up with oh, yeah Infiltration if you will Mm-hmm. Yeah, it was yeah Yeah, it would have cost it probably would have cost the grand to make that computer usable again by the time we watched it. It's one of those things is like, you know, there was, there was a couple of websites that had it like, you could down, you could download it, which would definitely fuck your shit up because of the simple fact it probably had some mal malware in it, but there was a couple of websites that showed it. I think it was like three.
And, but I remember when I first heard about it, I was like, there's no way the hell this is true. This is just everybody's trolling. Everybody's in on the Joe and I've searched for it and it took me three days to find it. And when I found it, I will be dreaded looking for it. Yeah. Because i will I will say that I will say this much. Yeah. I never seen it. I never seen it until blaze. put And I was like, what is this video that I was like, oh, this is the and I turn and I and I still outside of realizing what it was and instantly letting the snaps our group chat. Yeah, I am. I see it. I am one of the few people that can proudly say. I've never seen it. It's one of those. It's one of those things. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Like you'll never forget seeing.
I would I would I think I'd much rather watch untrackable here. Decimate and dismember. Oh, dude, I was the swingline like, I'm booking the stadium right now. I'm on another site, but the stadium. I'm trying to find 110 year olds willing to die, you know. Like, hey, you guys want to fight?
untrackable like who like don't worry about it you want to fight I just started to go fund me help pay untrackable a hundred grand for every kid he kills that's the paper review that's going to make us billions folks I'm calling it now no like that That story was just, oof, it was a lot.
Like, and for me, and like you'll vouch for this, for me to say it's a lot, it's a lot. Oh. Yeah, it's a, hmm.
Yeah, I'm the guy. I'm the guy that's like, yeah, I've seen that. No big deal. But like, I don't want to see the video remake of that story. Because I will curcumin myself. Yeah, you do. You're a liar. I'm remaking it this weekend.
You're lying ass. Good for nothing. Like, I'm pretty sure you're not going to go back and listen to Wednesday's episode for that. But if you do, the last 45 minutes. Well, then, definitely.
Like, at one point, I was like, like, do you remember as soon as we had that, like, last weekend or the weekend you weren't here and that anti-semite dude came on here and kept spouting off X in his knees, and we eventually kicked him. The next show you were on, you're like, yeah, well, I don't love racist stuff on the show. Okay, I was expecting you to be in a chat, be like, dude, stop, like in big bullets. And it didn't come, I was like, oh, fuck it, keep going.
i know what he can do
Let it roll. It's what the fuck news this will make. This will definitely make you say what the fuck at the end of the day, right? Well, I mean, like to the point where I i have a part time looking at blaze now, yeah he read me that weird story.
if if If you're going to have a hard time talking about, um, how we go in in these most brutal ways. um ah The anti-semite thing kind of goes out the window in my mind because, hey, ah there's there's plenty of books out there. you You pick yours if you want to, but did we not just talk about children?
yeah he so but second thing and um'm and i'm a i but i'm more of a part of killing children i had no part in and picking which ones ah we go said knock out and you're like i'm goingnna kill them all but i mean this is true
And those were children. I mean, imagine if those were adults, I might actually have to fight for my life. You know what I'm saying? Right. Dude, if you go up like a hundred kids, you're not going to make it. I'm telling you, I don't care what you're doing. You're going to get well or out. I think I even think like 40 asking much because we're in our forties.
you may I'm walking up the stairs before I get winded. You may have a hard time. I may just whisper a secret into one of those kids' ears and then they kill themselves. How about that?
um Don't, don't, uh, word of advice. Don't whisper secrets into children's ears. It's weird. Yeah. Yeah. Put you on a list, buddy. You whispered things into little kids' ears. You're getting on a list right there.
Jeff knows. You think I'm not not on the list already? Just look at me, man. i I'm not fucking around with people. When I want to win, I, hey, you think, you think, do you think I care about the rules? They won't let you buy a van.
You brought a loan with you um this may be a problem you have that much cash um that a just ah window stop and of where jimmy drink candy on the side Do you not know I'm about to run through a crowd of children Do you not know I'm about to run through a crowd of children mean jeff did see be bring blu objects, I guess. ah But the show, the video even said the kids will not be harmed because they they're they're almost like clones. I like it's a weird concept of of what the video said, but it said once the kid is knocked out, it will disappear.
So it's like, wait a minute. So they're they're holograms. Sounds like, unfortunately, for the little bastards, they're definitely gonna be harmed. They're definitely gonna be armed here. Yeah. They're definitely getting harmed when they come home against Untrackable. I'm saying, if my kids ever misbehave, I'm gonna threaten them to send them to Untrackable's house. Don't make me send you Untrackable's. No, we'll be good.
We'll cut the grass and watch your guard, too. Hey, you bet your action bill. I bet y'all sweet ass you are, you little son of a bitches. Hey, if your kid survives my house, they may come to you being like, Daddy, why are you so fucked up? That man didn't, that that man didn't kill me. um Maybe you need to be better, you know what I mean? My kids come back from your house, I'm like, wait a minute, you lived? Oh shit, this kid's dangerous.
I have to call and try what? You still alive, bro? Because they made it back. I have to worry. Don't make me look like a failure. Don't make me look like a failure.
Don't you dare make me look like a son of a no. now Now the mission has changed. Yeah. Oh, no.
Oh, fuck you guys. that This has been fun.
make be a weird serial killer by but fuck about you guys thiss been fun Fuck you. lick Fuck you, Jeff. I'm on track, little bitches. I'm ripping kids apart. What? throw um If you can't have moments like this, if you can't have discussions like this, if you can't be as free as you want to be. That's why we started this show. So we have these weird discussions. Let's be honest, because our wives and girlfriends at the time were like, you fuckers are weird. And I quote, and I quote from the legendary attractable, fuck your 10 year old. but
I'll tear his arm off and stab his friend with it. Hey, what's the matter with you? Oh, you you would have bring these 10 year olds to me. Of course, I'm good. Wow. That was just really bad. Wow. That was as good as my Chris. We're walking there, buddy. Yeah. and that was That was pretty bad. Usually I'm spot on, but that was pretty bad. And I realize that you're not going to be here.
I'll stab you in the face with a southerner. See, I'll stab you in the face with a fever. See, you think you're tough but what if i take your friends off and break it off and then you know do the thing ah shove it through your eyeball and then you can't see anymore what so trying to anybody let's go unreable pretty loses that your see that was a good walking that was a good walking on a track my my walking is spot ah just like you
Yeah, he was a nineteen. Talk to my. Talk to my guy. I was like, what are you doing, Jeff? It's my walk. Walk and walk around the block.
you know what's funny is like I've been watching that show boardwalk empire and they all talk like that like obviously not as you know profound as yeah but they they all do that like
50s gangster thing because it takes place during prohibition, but it's really like I watch it for no reason. I just start laughing. I just got a shot in the face, but somebody said, see, start losing well, i i don't I don't know if you guys remember, um, uh,
What was his name? um Dave Chappelle. He did a standup ah that that really, it it really messed a bunch of us so youngsters up. It was like, i he did the, yeah, I'm a gangster. You're saying what you're saying? I'm saying what you want me to do? Yeah. and he did He did the whole 50 gangster thing.
And it was like, yeah. say what big You know, it took effect considering we, we never watched any of that as far as like, uh, the movies. Uh, we, we, we were never part of that, but no, we all got it. I think most of us got that whole, we got it from cartoons.
I got it from Dick Tracy. Well, Dick Tracy and then there was there was a Scooby-Doo cartoon where one of the bad guys was this weird fifties gangster, the ghost, and he would talk like that. But the one day we were we were trying to do impersonations of Christopher Walken and I did that as a joke and it became a thing that that's my Christopher Walken.
And because we did, we were doing the Christopher Walken from ah Joe Dirt at the end of the movie where he's telling Chris Rock, he's going to stop stabbing, not Chris Rock, ah Kid Rock. Well, he was the, yeah, but Christopher Walken was the janitor. Yeah. Yeah. But in the movie, he's like, you're talking to my guy on wrong. Do it again. I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron. There you go. There you go.
And I, but I embellished it and I was like, you're talking to my guy, I'm wrong. Say, starting to people southern iron because there's a fine line between walking and that say, you know, it's like, if you, if you get walking in that zone and you just throw C at the end of thing, anything he says, you can get that 50 skankster out. lisa Well, I mean, I,
I can say um i've been play yeah now no no um' a club I've been, I've been plenty of on plenty of open panels and I've i've been made fun of for the way that I talk and whatnot. Uh, more so than the things that I say and, you know, Hey, have at it as you will.
but you know what I tell people like that you know what I tell tell people when they do that I tell for coffee cake liketime but off you fat I say take take me as you will because you are just susceptible to screaming as sorry you know nobody is ah above the I can make fun of you line
You know, there's fair game I don't care who it is. Somebody's got an extra interest somewhere that you can, you can just demolish them. Yes. And, and for to that, we always say that you're and I want to fuck you. Let me ride that.
he he buy me dinner first god damn no love me i did give me your stickers bar upside down
i'm gonna do a headand give me your stickers my away what thell yeah i mean dinner first you saw bit I wish I could see a visual in your head ah what i why you trying to figure out that yeah
Hey, that's why i was it was a good time. We'll be we'll be best friends. Just threaten me with good time. Yeah, I love us. Trust me. I'll eat it upside down. I'll eat it on the right side up. I don't care. Yeah, trust me. The the visual was walking in and seeing you hanging off the side of bed eating the stickers. We're going see them do worse. So it's Tuesday, I guess.
Not the worst thing I've walked in on him doing. Hey, wait, did you just say walk? Walk in? Yeah, I see where you're at there. Well, gentlemen, it is about that time. Yeah, see? Look at him, see? Yeah, see? I'm going to get my sticker's bars, see? I'm like, oh, upstairs?
Hang off the head of the bread. See.
like There's been another Saturday night of shenanigans and fuckery. What everybody, Hey, shout out to a trackable man. He's been here like all night. Yeah. We enjoy seeing trackable here. Untrackable here on the network. We enjoy having to hang out with us. We enjoy, uh, him being a part of the shows.
uh but uh no real quick shout out to everybody thank you guys for listening thank you guys for hanging out uh you know uh shout out to uh we got we had brand new music tonight from our boy James Luker we had brand new music from our boy Derek Wayne Douglas he'll be live with us tomorrow uh in 11 short hours Derek Wayne Douglas will be on unnecessary roughness with myself and big Rick who was here earlier Shout out to the panel something to the chatters box. You guys are awesome as always and everybody listening on the replay We appreciate you guys and if you're not already go ahead and give us a follow a nonsensical network We are everywhere Facebook Instagram X and tik-tok shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube getting the chatter's box It's always open and we will see you next time
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