Episode 022 - Flaccid Bacon 🥓 image

Episode 022 - Flaccid Bacon 🥓

S1 E22 · Just Shillin'
48 Plays3 months ago

We're getting this weeks episode out a little bit later than usual because Shawn was wrapping up his travel adventures. We catch up on life and all of the goings-on since we last spoke.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello and welcome to the long awaited episode number 22 of Just Shillin. I am your long absent and the reason this episode is late. One of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I've been, I'm your other host that's been patiently waiting here for three days in the same room, haven't moved, i haven't showered yet, haven't eaten for three days, Andy Bell. I mean, then maybe that's why that room is so hot in my guy. Like you need to like leave. Yeah, yeah, I'm quite comfy. I've got my, I've got my ass groove going on in my cushion at the moment, so I'm actually quite comfy. I could live like this, to be honest with you. Speaking of which, man, I've told you before how I need to get a computer chair. Like, I don't know where we got, I think we got this at Costco. It's like a bulk, like a bulk supply store. i got a new I got a new seat cushion. Ah, this is amazing. One of these days, I'm gonna get a real computer chair. Is it good on the glutes, as they say?
It's it's better than sitting on the fold out chair that I'm always sitting on. So it's good on it's good on the glutes. It's good on everything. Excellent. You think one of these days after off after all these years of working in on computers all day and working from home that I buy a proper computer chair and not like, dude, likewise look of this thing. yeah umm um ah I'm on I'm on something that was built. It's an IKEA captain's chair or something built that you shove in the corner of the room and not actually use. But for some reason, I still haven't got around to actually getting myself a decent chair. And I'm a decent chair. Yeah, I'm sitting on like a fold out wedding chair. And so I can then I wonder, it's like, man, why do my shoulders and neck hurt all? this um But at least but at least my desk goes up and down so I can do that. That's nice. At least.
Helps a little bit. But anyways, man, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for some. I'm sorry you've been stuck in that room. for like I have missed you. I have missed you. It feels like it's only been an extra three or four days, but it feels like an eternity because so much has happened on my side. And I know that you've been extraordinarily busy. um So, yeah, there's a lot to catch up on, man. It really has been. um I mean, on um as a bit my my little bit of preamble um caught up with Josh Catherine and Matt again recently on this week's Star Wars spelt out to give our first reactions on the acolyte which I'll save until we talk about it but it was good to catch up with those guys again
And I've literally this evening just finished a um um guesting on our buddy Rick Villanueva's podcast, Jam Transmissions. And I caught up with him only a week or so after we last spoke to him. um And it was ah a good time. So while I have missed you a great deal, I've been trying to keep myself preoccupied as well. And now And now I'm really getting into vacation mode. So I'm where you were a month ago, where we've got a week or so left of work.
You know what it's like when you're about to go on um holiday, you you pretend you do a bit of work, but really just getting excited to get away. You're putting some things up. yeah Exactly. So hopefully um a week from today, we'll be enjoying some of your climbs, although it's pretty good weather here at the moment. But anyway, ah certainly hotter climbs in Portugal. So yeah, um'm yeah and we're kind of kind of spending our time doing that at the moment. But yeah, so that's that's pretty much been um the last week. Oh, no, no, no, I do apologize. There is one thing missing. And unfortunately, you couldn't make it had um had a really, really fun time with some of our friends um in a Google meet last weekend. So the weekend prior to this one, where a whole bunch of us got together,
I believe it was very similar to how you guys used to enjoy yourselves during lockdown, um just chewing the fat and chatting away, um thinking to myself, I'll join for an hour. Anyway, just to give you some context, I joined at 10.30 my time, 10.30 in the evening, and I went to bed at 3.30 the following morning. So basically, for pretty much for five hours, I was um drinking,
talking, chatting, laughing, singing, crying with a bunch of our friends from Emily, Brit, the Scruffy Boys, our friends over in Australia. Catherine joined as well. And we had a guest appearance from our friend, Horse. And it's the first time I've met Hawes face to face, albeit in the virtual world, it was which was fun. He couldn't stay for long because obviously he had he had a very busy agenda jumping onto his his Twitch channel after about half an hour or so. But yeah, it was good to meet with him as well. And we got into the rather convoluted discussion and heated debate, well, from Emily's perspective in particular, around the difference between British and American bacon.
It was quite the topic of discussion and, um, uh, many, many people have an opinion about what, which bacon was better and why it was better. But yeah, I've, I've got a feeling we didn't actually reach a conclusion in the end. And this will be a long, a long, a long running topic of conversation, but joking aside, it was a damn good laugh. Can you give the TLDR, can you give the the bait the high level of like what the difference between British and and American bacon is? Sure. So um British bacon is is grilled or fried, similar to to to the US, um but we don't make it crispy. only the Only the fat or the rind around the edge is is crispy. So the actual meat, if you like, itself, the actual
the that the the pork is um isn't crispy, but then again, it's not flatted either. but But it's not it's not crispy. we do do We do have crispy bacon, but it's crispy bacon. our main Our main staple variety of bacon is not crispy. So yeah. So where do where do you stand on that? im I'm curious now. British all the way. Although Emily has ah has an opinion that if it's not crispy, then it's it's just gammon. But gammon's the cut, not the not there When it's all, it's all, it's all pig, right? It's all pig product. But, um, yeah, no, I understand. i but I just think you haven't had good crispy bacon. That seems like it seems since you're i picking, so make you know, you know, that's exactly what she called it as well. You know, I spent a lot of time in the, in, the um, in the States and, uh, I do enjoy a bacon, but I prefer ours. That's all I'm saying. It's all I'm saying, man.
for me. So i when I say I like crispy bacon, I don't like that like buffet style crispy bacon where it's like real thin and it's like it's it's there's not even it's not even meat. It's just like a ah you could see through it. yeah yeah now i But I do want my bacon crispy. I wanna be able to hold it up and hold its shape like a pencil. And I wanna be able to hit it against something and it just shatters like glass. I want it to just explode into a billion little pieces. uh that is that is how crispy i want my bacon to be put it on a okay sandwich with some mayonnaise and white sugar bread and some lettuce oh maybe a little tomato blt welcome to jimmy dice's blt hour to be continued i don't think we'll have a i don't think we're going to agree on this tonight mate it took it well this way if i couldn't agree on it for five hours uh last weekend and i'm certainly not going to agree with it uh with an hour or so with you now
um but does that bacon cook off What does that to have on at some point? The point being, it was a lot of fun. It was a heck of a lot of fun. And I haven't laughed as much as I did that evening for quite a while, which is which is always a nice place to be. And um yeah, so five hours later, I i i am i put myself to bed. um Unfortunately, how I had to get up early the next day to clear out um Lucy's office in the house because it's being refurbished so I had to remove carpet at 8 30 in the morning the following day so I didn't get an awful lot of sleep and I must admit I felt like crap.
yeah' I'd like to pretend that it was because I went to bed so late but I've got a feeling I i probably drank a little bit too much that evening. By the way it was it was it was a good crack.
That's so that has been that has been really live once My week or so since we last spoke so apart from a book. I've got a few toys on I won't talk about them now because they haven't arrived yet, but I've got a few ah In my holiday in my holiday vibe. I've been I've been raiding eBay and buying a few Vintage toys and stuff that I really shouldn't be doing but there's one particular Chewbacca figure that I've been coverting for quite a while that came up at a really, really good price. It's not even vintage. It's, well, well and unless you call Power of the Force vintage. It's a Power of the Force figure, which I love. I know other folk are involved. I love the love the um
um the originals but the absurdity of Power of the Force is the reason why I love it because it is so ridiculous and there's one that I've been coveting for quite a while that came up a good price and it's on its way so I won't talk about it too much because that's still in transit hopefully safely um um but yeah I've been spending a little bit of money as well which again there's a bit more to that I'll talk about that later on What about may you, mate? You are the focus. You are the focal point of this episode because you have had yet another mental couple of weeks. It's getting back to the lovely Lake Tahoe. What have you been up to, mate? Dude, it's been crazy. ah i'm glad that I'm glad to say that it's finally over. not not that I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean, I am exhausted, but...
Where we left off was I was in Indiana. um We, we managed to fly back but I flew back with my mom and my nephew. ah we We do this thing when like all the nice, all the, any of the nibblings um get to be around a certain age, though we'll have one of them out with my mom and kind of do like the tour to California, the West Coast kind of thing. You know, just kind of fun thing to do to get the, get to visit with them individually and things like that. So we did that with one of them. And so when we do that, we usually kind of pull all the stops and and we'll do it for about a week. um And that's and that's how I missed recording the episode. I just watched the acolyte this morning. um So I'm kind of I'm kind of like a little time capsule.
I don't know. I don't know any, I'm like 33 podcasts behind. I haven't been on social media. I haven't been anything. So it'll be interesting to see, uh, catch up on all this. But, but no, so like we, we came hat, we came here, we flew back with the cats. The cats did great. They're happy to be home. Um, we, we spent a couple of days here. We did some hiking. We did, uh, God, it just seems like so, so long ago. It feels like I haven't talked to you in like a month. did ah Did a bunch of hiking, did a bunch of stuff like that. Then we drove down to Yosemite National Park because that's just an hour or so away from us. ah Spent a couple of days in there doing some like 10 mile hikes, hiking up some cool waterfalls, doing neat stuff like that, eating a lot of pizza.
um <unk> Whatever we go on these trips, we always try to make sure to eat a lot of ice cream because that's my favorite thing in the world. So we did that. I always loved going to Yosemite. It's a beautiful place. It's one of my favorite places in the world. And then we went to, we packed up and we traveled to, so we do, Madison's got this like thing where when we travel, sometimes the people will do, it's called, ah she calls like rough and regal. That's where you start the trip, like camping or like hiking or whatever. And then you just slowly you slowly work your way up to like nicer venues. Nice.
And ah so you just kind of appreciate it more. I don't know, it's but it's fun to do that. um Because then you just show up to the next place and you're like, I'm ready to check into my, my hotel and you're just dirty. And they're like, Please don't use our white towels, but it's good but's a good time. So then we went to Santa Cruz, California, um which if you're um familiar with our awesome friend, Chris Hall, his severed hand lightsaber graphic, it's based off like the the Santa Cruz like boards, screaming hands, like therere all that stuff was down there.
um We went to the boardwalk, played lots of arcade games. I had giant corn dogs, lots of ice cream, lots of fair food, deep fried Oreos. We rode some rides. um I rode a wooden roller coaster that was one hundred over a hundred years old and I'm still think my back is not recovered from that yet. Um, did all that. Then we, then we traveled to San Francisco and spent a couple of days there. Um, nice. Went and did a night tour of Alcatraz Island, the old prison, uh, rode our bikes. We got, we rented e-bikes and rode them all around San Francisco, rode them across the Golden Gate bridge, rode around the headlands, uh, rode our bikes and Lucasfilm took a photo with the Yoda fountain.
Caught the ferry, rode the ferry across. We did a lot of shopping. ah did all that Did all that stuff first for ages. And then- Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. You scared over that pretty quickly, mate. You got to Lucasfilm. Yes. We couldn't go in, so I've been i've been inside before, because normally when they're when they're open, you can go inside the lobby and they have like R2D2 and like a giant K2SO and like other stuff in the lobby where you can like come and go in and walk around. ah But since we were there on Wednesday, which was Juneteenth holiday here, and everybody had it off, the offices were closed. But we can still go to the parking lot and take a, we can still take a photo with the Yoda fountain and stuff. You can still look in the windows and see R2D2 right there in K2SO.
So that fountain is so that fountains not that's not Skywalker Ranch, is it? No, Skywalker Ranch is is up north of San Francisco, beyond the Golden Gate Bridge up in the Marin Headlands area. It's like it's in for the people who aren't familiar with that area. It's it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, it's it's north. it's it's a It's a literal ranch okay okay okay out and out in the out kind of in the the the foothills. It's a beautiful area. You can go out and do like day hikes. like You can park across the street from it in these open lots, and then you could like hike the hills around it and see it like over there. You can't go in, but you can see it. You could drive by it and see where all of it is. we We used to frequent that area quite a bit when I was there. I ignorantly thought everything was there now. I didn't realize that Lucasfilm and
Skywalker, aren't you two different things now? Or two different? Yeah, sorry. Yeah. So Lucasfilm is in a place called the Presidio, which is I'm going to get this wrong, but it's it's it was built a very, very long time ago, as a military installation kind of on the northwest corner. of San Francisco. um And it's in kind up kind of and these old buildings up in the hills and ah and in the densely populated San Francisco kind of area. right um Skywalker Ranch is north north of the city, kind of out in the middle of nowhere on um on a literal ranch. yeah ill with and And it's pretty cool. The Yoda fountain's always fun to do, especially since if they have it outside. Anybody can go up to it. He's pulling the parking lot. and
climb up on there and take a picture. It's pretty neat. But it's pretty unsuspecting. You wouldn't know it was there. It's not like they have a big sign that says Lucasfilm this way, or anything. So you just kind of have to know it's there. And what's there? Are there studios there or are they just offices? I think it's just offices. I think that's where they used to film the Star Wars show, I believe. I could be extremely wrong. But I thought they had some stuff there. But I think it's mostly offices. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, I'm a disillusion now. I thought the whole thing was like, um, I thought, I thought everything was based in Skywalker ranch and it was a bit like a working version of Disneyland. Do you know what I mean? Where? I think Skywalker Ranch is like that. Okay. But but yeah we don't get access to that. Cause Skywalker sounds there. Um, you know, all the phony guys are there. they're They're all at the ranch, aren't they? I believe so. Yeah.
Okay, which is weird because it's so far out there like I do people drive to that every day. I don't know. It's very weird. um Maybe they maybe they live there. Maybe they're not allowed out. It's like a it's like ah Oppenheimer. They have like the main project town just like yeah on top of Walker Ranch. You can't leave. You don't have the codes. You don't have a pass to leave. To be honest with you, I'll be okay with that. yeah would be a cave it's a beautiful it's It's an absolutely beautiful area too. like It's not like, oh no, i'm stucked I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, boring town, wherever. It's like, no, you're in the Marin Headlands. it's That's an absolutely beautiful area. Now, if I offer a job, we want you to come and work for us at um
Lucasfilm, you're going to be based out of Skywalker Ranch and unfortunately you're going to have to live here. Okay, no problem. I saw Madison, I was like, I should take my resume and just slide it under the Lucasfilm door. What are you applying for? It's like anything, whatever you want. Yeah. ah I'll du clean the toilets. oh um not ah I'm not above it. I will do whatever. um like Give me a feather duster. I'll i'll dust off them. Whatever. Anything. I don't care. I'll clean out the the Yoda fountain filter just for you guys. Yeah. yeah I'll be able to throw the paint brushes on Sunday nights. Just like, you got to have it ready for Monday. Clean up. Brush his teeth. ah Besides that, um yeah, that was fun in SF. It was brutally cold in SF around that time.
um But then, so then after that, when we left there, we went to we drove east across the San Francisco Bay and out into the Central Valley where it's usually hotter than the surface of the sun. It's like 100 degrees hot like out there. Well, it's brutal. um But we went to on a tour of the Jelly Belly factory that is in Fairchild, California. Do you I assume you guys have Jelly Bellies? You don't know what jelly beans are. Yeah. Yeah. but So Jelly Belly is like a big, I don't know, like a big popular jelly bean manufacturer here. And they have all the flavors like tooty fruity toasted marshmallow butter over here. i had I had to I had to find the logo. Got him over here. Yeah, no problem at all. And they're all different flavors, right? Yeah. And so we went and we did a tour of their factory. Excellent.
and And it was awesome, ah which the tours are free. You can go and walk around it for free, but we did like a one where they have like a docent. And it was just, it was funny. And you get to get in this little train and drive around the parking lot and they give you free snacks. And they also make those like Harry Potter ones where it's like, Oh, is it going to be, is it going to be barf or is it going to be peach? but say look'd Screw that. I was really into it saying until that point. No, but I mean, we didn't, we didn't buy any of those, but they also make those like dirty birdies, bots, beans too. Uh, but we did that and we, we ended up, they have like warehouse sales.
ah So for anybody out there who likes Jelly Belly, the way to do it is go get their belly flops. That's what they're called when they're like the set the factory seconds where they're like two of them mush together or it's like a misprint or their onion that are like flawed. You can get them like a tenth of the price and you get them in these big like one pound bags. That's the ticket. That's how you get them. So we went to the warehouse and I think we all came away with probably like a million pounds of jelly beans. And so that was fun. And then we we dropped them off in Sacramento so they could head home because he's got high school things to start. And my mom was probably about tired of us.
Uh, and so then, so then we were finally free, finally free a little bit. And then, so then yesterday, um, we had to pick up the cats. And then I, we also had an all day festival here in Lake Tahoe, which we never get. Uh, and it's one of my favorite, favorite little festivals that they've been putting on, um, with a bunch of my bunch of bands. I loved growing up. Uh, Lake Tahoe is for lovers. It's a bunch of, uh, like early two thousands, like. emo pop punk bands, putting on like a festival like right on the edge of the lake at the casinos and like they always start their their festival here. So I got to see ah like a couple bands like Hawthorne Heights or like all American rejects were there yesterday and just a bunch of others and it's it's a really cool time because it's just right on the road from us. ah It's fun. It's just an outdoor venue.
Right on the road. We yeah we never get cool acts here. So we always have to go like to Vegas or Reno or Sacramento. wherever but's So it's cool that they finally. But we're but we're seeing some love brought our way, but, uh, yeah. And then we, we did that from like 10 AM m to like, I don't know, midnight, 12 30. We finally got home and, uh, nice evening in the morning. And so, yeah, got home. Then I got it this morning, you know, feeling, feeling like liquid death. Um, and you know, finally watched the acolyte now that I finally had some time episode four, good stuff. And then, uh, and now here I am, here we are shitty cat about what's, what's new, man. It's, it seems so strange. It's only been a week and four days.
But you've done an awful, you've squeezed a lot, you guys, into a week. I'm so tired. I bet you are, man. But listen, let's let let's let let's crack on regardless. um I must admit, I'm surprised you wanted a record. I thought you'd want some downtime, but the fact that you, you know, we're going to try and OK, we might be a little bit loosey goosey with the dates, but but if we can try and be consistent on recording every single week, that's one hell of a testament to you, mate. Thank you very much. What about what about some news out there? I mean, I picked up a couple of things while you've been gone. No, that's the wrong tune. um But while you've been gone, I picked up that. um I mean, the worst thing for me was that Donald Solland died. I mean. Screen legends, Donald Solland.
um In my mind, you know classic films, Don't Look Now, MASH, the original MASH, obviously in in in recent years, the Hunger Games series, but those original 70s and 80s classics were Kelly's Heroes. Kelly's Heroes, he was amazing in that film. But yeah, that that really that really got to me. he's He's one of those guys that I've always felt that it's really strange, isn't it? It's like when he was old when I was young, but we felt old when I was young. but When you consider that people that were mainstream for me when I was young are now starting to, dot that that next generation are now starting to to leave us.
It really, really lands home because up until now it's been pretty much my my parents, you know, film movie stars and and um um bands that they used to follow and stuff like that. It's it's it's it's really, really weird that folk that I recognized when I was a kid and now starting sir to leave her. So that that was that was sad.
Sorry, go on, man. No, it's kind of eye-opening. It makes you realize you're not promised tomorrow. No, no, no. How much time really goes by and stuff for granted. Yeah, exactly. There's only one chance of this and there's no rerun. Absolutely. Yeah, the thing I picked up, but I must admit, I've been so stoked on going on holiday i haven't really done much research isn' that's the excuse i'm going to give and i'll stand by it anyway um but um rebel moon so my birthday every year is always a second just thought i'd let you know um but um my birthday every year is always a second and on my birthday the amazing zach snyder has is giving me a personal birthday gift in that he's um releasing uh re-releasing parts one and two of rebel moon
And he's doing he's doing it as a director's cut. So that's coming out, which is met which is really, really cool of of him. um i'm I'm I'm I'm joshing, obviously, you know, visually expect it's very, it's really, really impressive. And hopefully, um a little bit more narrative, and a little bit more explanation, and a little bit more character development is the main thing, um will will will make it a little bit more palatable for me. So that's coming out. um Watchmen. And this this this this surprised me. So Watchmen being one of my favourite graphic novels of all time, and another Zack Snyder film, which I actually thought was actually quite good.
albeit a little too close to source material that it didn't really blow my mind. But anyway, a very, very good film nonetheless. There's a two-part animated movie coming out, um apparently. um So that says that they're actually redoing the film. of the graphic novel as an animated movie in two parts, which is interesting. um okay And if it's done the same way that they did the, I don't know if you've ever read the Dark Knight, the um DC um published or or created an animated version of the Dark Knight and it was really, really good. It was it was almost identical to the actual graphic graphic novel itself.
um the original Dark Might, sorry, not the um not the Christopher Nolan film. Anyway, point being, yeah, the eat it was done really, really well. So if they do it, if the same studio, Or sorry, if the same philosophy is being adopted as they did with the DC, as the DC studio did, it should be quite good. A little bit disappointed. It's nothing new though. It's kind of like a, it's, it's kind of a redoing of the original graphic novel again, albeit as animation.
um And it makes me even more sad that the TV series that they did a few years back, um I think it was on Prime, um which was called Watchmen, but it was it it was it took place many, many years after the main event. um and took forward the story with an awful lot of vigilantism going on and it was really really good fun and they cancelled it after one season which I'm gutted about because I really ah really thought it was quite a um
quite a unique take on Watchmen, but also continue the story beyond the ah pages of the the graphic novel. So there's that going on. And then lastly, um you know just for shits and giggles, i'veve I picked up that um ah that there supposedly is a Lethal Weapon 5 in development. Now, I know you've been looking forward to this um for many, many years now. um ball joking aside um yeah there's a lethal weapon left with lethal weapon five coming our way i'm i'm yeah i'm i'm a bit surprised um that that that's going ahead but um it's going ahead is it with the original cast like the one i don't know i mean finally
you know Danny Glover can finally say I'm too old for this shit, and it's probably actually probably really is too old for this shit, but um I really don't know. it's It's something that I picked up um relatively recently, and I thought, oh, I'll sit that in my notes so that it looks like I've done some work.
What about yourself, mate? Did you pick up any news? I mean, you haven't had time, have you? Have you picked up any news? I mean, I haven't really had any news. I mean, besides some minor, super minor things. This is very, very different than ah our normal. Our normal ah run of topics, but I was big into baseball growing up. I played forever and it was like my, what I always loved to do. Um, and recently, uh, a legend Willie Mays passed away. Um, yeah let so when we were when we were in San Francisco and it's kind of kind of rolls into something that we did when we were there, they opened up the park, like the ball diamonds.
So people but co like honor him. So like we actually got to go like walk out and like sit on the field and like be part of this big tribute thing. And it's like, no, it's just really cool. Like he was he was really good for the game. He had a lot of accomplishments. If people aren't familiar with it, they can look into that. But no, he was ah an absolute legend ah and a name you always heard growing up when you played. But. ah No, it was a cool experience to get to be part of that. I don't want to say right place, right time, because that sounds morbid, but we just happen to be right there. And they're like, yeah, you can come into the park and sit in the field and watch the game on the big jumbotron and just be part of a celebration of life. So that was kind of cool. The other piece of news. I was just going to say, I picked up on a lot of you guys on Discord.
Commiserating. Commiserating? Commiserations, yeah. Commiserating, um, um, is his passing. And, um, yeah. And so I naturally looked him up and, uh, yeah, it achieved a lot in a lifetime. So, uh, fair play to the guy. Yeah. In 93 years is a, is a, is a, a life tonings as we say, it's a good innings. It's a really, really good innings. The other piece of news that I have is, uh, Uh, we're, we're, we're topping, we're topping the charts on good pods. My guy, like we're getting, we're getting rankings. We are me and you.
i And go. Uh, our good friend, Rick happened to send me some information. He's like, Hey, look, you guys are. You guys are doing, you guys are killing it too. Like ah us and all of our friends, we're all, we're all badging. I think we're like number, number 90 in the top 100 TV and film monthly charts on good pods. Number 58 and top in the indie ones monthly. It's like, dude, hell yeah. So for all of our friends out there rating and reviewing us on good pods. Hell yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's, um, I died. ah I'm not sure if they're worthy, but I'll take it. Thank you very much indeed. To the top! To the top! To the top! They'll know my name.
oh and the the final piece is And the final piece is not a piece of news, but this might be news to some people. If you ever come to the Sierra Nevadas in California, make sure you lock your car doors because the Bears will get in your car. ah We've had lots of adventures over the past week and a half of following bears around with my nephew on bikes and watching them get into people's cars who leave them unlocked. And so, yeah, that's just a good public service announcement that if you're in an area with bears, clean all the things, smelly things, including things you put on or in your body out of your car and lock your doors because the bears will get in. Wow. I thought you're going to tell me that he got that they got into your car, but I'm assuming they had they have before. Right.
Madison left the car on door, unlocked it one time and they climb in and they got in the backseat and they the only the only sign besides a little bit of dirt was a single claw puncture hole in our center console from it climbing back to the back. There's just like a little beep beep hole. They've been in our car. Wow. So apart from the obvious with, um, I still can't get over that. I still can't get over those rankings.
That was insane, dude. Anyway, wait till I tell my kids, I'll be laughed at at town. um Right, okay, so what about, what about, have you, apart from the obvious, being the acolyte, which we had to talk about, What have you in your travels? Have you had any time for reading? Have you any time for listening to stuff? I mean, you've been pretty active and you've also had guests. So I'm assuming you can't stick ear pods in your ears and just zone out for an hour or so. um But have you have you have you caught up on anything in the last week or so?
I haven't watched anything besides the acolyte and maybe like three YouTube videos this morning, none of which are notable or worthwhile. I did start one when you were met when you'd called me. I was in the middle of watching one from like the New York Times or Wall Street Journal where they were taught deep diving the tech that like Disney Imagineering floor tech, the moving. I started to watch that and I was like, oh shit, Andy's messaging me. Oh my God. um um The idea, I did have listened to some some stuff. I went, we went to that concert and sure we, since it's small and local, we'll like do the VIP experience thing, since it's like, it's right here. And it's it's a small show. And what that gets you in, it gets you like,
you get to show up early and they give you like a Nalgene model with a like the custom printing and stuff on it and like and you get to meet one of the bands and they'll come in like it's like 40 of you like outside playing cornhole or like getting donuts and coffee and then you're just hanging out the band getting pictures and stuff. um But it is it all this this year it also included like we got to watch their whole set on the side stay like on the stage with that and so I was this was chap that That was, I genuinely, genuinely thought for a second that you were part of the, I mean, because I hadn't heard from you either. And I saw these photographs and I thought, oh, he's got, it he's he's given up his job. he's sold He sold the place in late times, become a roadie.
Yeah, I happened to get a perfectly timed picture where like the band had put all the stuff, like they just finished their soundcheck and they put all their stuff down on the ground and there was nobody in my way. And I just took a picture like straight out of like the bass guitar laying on the ground and then like the crowd. I'm like, it's my time to shine. Here I go. Wish me luck. What the hell is going on? did you did you did you have a Did you have the slightest of temptation? to get out there. and st did They had a very clear, like bright yellow duct tape line on the ground. They're like, do not cross this.
if you if If you do, these two dudes right here will tackle you. Because I kept trying to convince Madison, I'm like, I'm like, Madison, you should just run out there and stage dive into the crowd. just You've never crowd surfed. Just, just go. Just jump. Just launch yourself. You can make it. I believe in you. And she's like, no, no, I'm not gonna do it. I'm glad she didn't. man, it was, it was hot. Yeah, it was hot yesterday. And man, people were, I don't think people are used to that's another public service announcement. If you're not used to elevation, and you come to somewhere with elevation like this, and you're drinking heavily in the hot sun all day, one, the UV index is usually 10 times higher than the index 11. And the sun is more brutal, and your alcohol tolerance isn't going to be the same because the elevation
peep it was it it bore It got borderline unsafe for some people yesterday. like People were dropping flies. you know Luckily, there was a good staff. But no, that's what I listened to. I got to watch their set on stage. It was kind of fun. Got to do all that. and But other than that, i don't i I definitely didn't read anything besides like the signs at a national park telling me how old a tree is um and road signs in San Francisco. but like pedestrians on the right bikes on the left um kind of things. But other than that, that's I think that's all I got.
Yeah, I have a lot. but it Actually, no, I do. Sorry, I do. So I finished watching. Do you remember me talking to you about Eric, um the show about Benedict Cumberbatch playing a father of a child that's been abducted and he's ah he's a bit he's not here. He's a muppet creator. He's an animator animator. So he's a puppeteer. He also creates them as well. And it's a compelling story. It's it's really frigging harrowing. Anyway,
is The series resolves itself and he makes the the imaginary puppet that his son had had had had dreamed up um and that being his coping mechanism to try and get the boy back. and it it it Does it work? I guess so, because the boy gets back. Don't want to ruin the story for you, but but ultimately, the boy comes back. um It's a quirky, quirky drama, really quirky drama. And I do recommend it for someone like yourself that enjoys the Muppets, or albeit that
the they don't, they're kind of ah a tool or a conduit to to to try the story forward. So that was all that, that was great. Finish watching, or sorry, watch watch end to end the in betweeners. Now, I don't know if the in betweeners is a thing over in the States or not, but it's basically a UK TV series um which ran for three seasons they made two spin-off movies subsequently of a bunch of juvenile relatively repugnant um kids boys four boys that get to know each other at school it's about the trials and tribulations of what it is to be a teenager or a late teenager
as he learned to do things like drive and you know, score with girls and experiment with drugs and everything. They're pretty obnoxious and horrible smelly little boys. um But it is so funny and and some of the humour you wouldn't be able to get away with and and today in today's environment but it's it's good fun and we had a pretty, I don't know what it was but the yeah We're going through this whole election fever at the moment because since since yeah the last couple of weeks, we didn't speak about it last time we spoke actually, there's this amazing rush election going on at the moment. We thought with our our elections would align with you guys in the in the fall or in the autumn, um but there's ah an election week after next. It's happening week after next. and um
with our current government thinking if we sneak it in under the radar no one will be interested and they won't turn up and we might stay in power. But it's a pretty dour situation at the moment in in the UK with all this um politicking and false promises and all that political bullshit going on. So we just watched something like Hardid. So we watched that. Started watching The Voice. So um saw the first week one to three and then subsequently because we haven't spoken, um we didn't speak on a normal date last week, we've seen we seen episode four. It's all right, it's okay, same kind of stuff. I'm um kind of glad that they've announced that season five will be the last.
I don't mean that in any way because I still enjoy it. I still do enjoy it. But it's almost like they've almost run out of room for shop factor now. so i have a I have a question. I've heard somebody describe it this way. And I'm curious if this is your take. And maybe this will help clarify. your statement I've heard somebody say that the boys has become everything that it was parodying in the beginning. And now it's it's it's become those tropes and it follows that mold instead of being an ironic take at like superhero tropes and things like that. Like it's it's almost, it's now in that category instead of kind of
pointing their finger at it and and and like laughing at it in its face. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, i mean there is there is a bunch of discord going on at the moment with with a certain type of person, in you know with with certain types within within the fan community that don't didn't realize the whole thing was a satirical jab. ah US politics and US corporate influence.
And they're only now just getting that getting that point and they're kind of not happy that they've only just switched on to that. So don't I don't mean it in that respect. it's it's the it's the ah shot I don't know whether I've got numb to it, to be honest with you. I don't know whether I've got numb to the the shock value that was so appealing um in the first three seasons, the gore and everything that they're trying really hard to up the stakes. And of course, there's only so far you can go and it's
I mean, the story is great. The story is absolutely fine. It's continuing naturally. Nothing seems forced. It's continuing naturally where that where they where they left off in season three. It's just that um I think that they're being really smart in ending it with season five. So it ends as a complete series, sorry, that can end with a bang rather than something that overstays its welcome, as already I'm saying. House of the Dragons kicked off, so we saw season two, episode one of House of the Dragon. Good stuff. Not particularly action-packed, but set the scene for a whole bunch of gnarly, a gnarly fight that's going to happen between the two houses.
and I'm looking forward to the rest of it. As you know, I, you know, i've I found this, my my preferred, um my preferred media, my preferred see series over the Lord of the Rings stuff at the time it came out. And so I've been looking forward to this for a while now. And it's, yeah, it's gritty gnarly and all of the above and um our friend, um Doctor Who is is out there at the moment um doing some pretty nasty stuff to folk and making his own decisions and typically screwing up along the way and making the situation worse. Still watching Dark Matter. Dark Matter is, um again, a series that I'd recommend. But good God, I'm only one or two episodes away from the end and I'm really struggling because the, the and I had a chat on I Am with our buddy Turbo about this.
And I think I already spoiled a certain amount for you in that this guy has found his way to travel or or or to to to discover the multiverse and an awful lot of the stories about him trying to get back home. And it's really harrowing in places. And so it's really hard going. And so I'm finding it really hard to find the impetus to finish off the season. But I really do need to finish it off because it is very, very good. um Listening to, just listening to our buddies as we normally do. I haven't listened to anything particularly new that that that's that that's ah that's really, really blown my socks off. um Have done no reading. However, I have bought a bunch of graphic novels for the beach. I think I spoke about this in a very, very early episode that we had.
i have fallen off reading novels, reading books for quite a while now, preferring audible or preferring, preferring, sorry, audio books instead of, instead of the, the, the, the paper kind or the Kindle kind. and um But I have really got back into graphic novels again. So I've bought a bunch of graphic novels across Firefly Road Trooper because Road Troopers coming out as a TV series. We talked about that again in earlier in an early episode. um What else have I got? um You buy these physical, right? Yeah, physical graphic novels. um and Don't get me wrong. theyre get me wrong i'm i'm I'm using the the the E
electronic versions as well, yeah which you kind yeah which you kindly help me out with. um But there is something about being away from my phone and having the physical novels there. um And um I've bought ah some Blade Runner graphic novels that were critically acclaimed as well. and And they're meant to be pretty good about the origins of the Blade Runner program and and how Tyrell got into power and stuff. And from the from the um the reader score it looked they look really really good so i thought yeah i'll try that out as well so this whole bunch of stuff that's going to come my way and it's all currently spic and span in lovely salivane i'm going to be wrecked on a very very hot beach next week so um but i'm looking forward to it looking forward to it and that's kind of been it uh in the last week or so so ah not bad not bad not amazing but but certainly not bad at all
Oh no, sorry, one one last one, one last one. Chloe's come back for the weekend, so my eldest daughter came back for the weekend and she's come back just to chew the fat um because um ah she needed to grab a few things from our place and she needs to take back to London with her and she also kind of came back and wanted to start packing for preparing for the holiday as well. And she'd never seen Good Morning Vietnam before and so we we treated her to Good Morning Vietnam and Good God, that's an amazing film. And it's been an absolute god's-ation since I last saw it. And it was... We watched that last night and... Geez, Robert... What a loss. He's gun god he's a either treasure. A true treasure. that that guy's That guy's talent is absolutely unbound or was absolutely unbound. And it's so sad that talent like that and it made me think of...
Philip Seymour Hoffman as well, and other people that have just had these, you know, these very disturbed gentlemen that have felt so lonely and, ah, yeah, it really got to me last night. But what a film. What a film. Sorry, that that was it. that that That really is it this time. Sorry about that. No, the words no worries. No worries. I had a couple of things I wanted to inject, too. I didn't know where to put them, so I'm going to put them right here. I know. Then I got me thinking about Robin Williams. like Dude, he was, like, every movie he's in, is like a gem. It's insane, isn't it? Absolutely insane. And it reminds me, it just reminds me that because like, there's obviously like in San Francisco, they have like the Robin Williams, like Memorial Tunnel. And yeah, it's all cool. And so it's like, that's top of mind, fresh and fresh in the mind there. But to change pace a little bit. um I did, I did, I didn't listen or watch, but I played some games.
if that counts in this if this counts in this section. um So all those different places we went like the Santa Cruz boardwalk, they have huge arcades. um I played a lot of miniature golf like putt putt. It's a huge, huge fun thing for my family. um Especially like the cheesier the thing but the arcades I got the I got to play like the old the Star Wars battle pod with my with my nephew, the ones that are like just the most insane difficulty ever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or does coin eaters just complete garbage? um But they're still fun to get in there. Played a bunch of modern games, too. But my favorite in this, and that um but I will put a link to this in the show notes or maybe I think about creating a post with a bunch of stuff in it, too, on the site.
um If you ever if anybody ever gets to go to San Francisco, up up near the northern kind of this really touristy area called Fisherman's Wharf, it's on the like the northeast side. but um There is a place, I think it's like Pier 45 or something that called translated, I think it's like the the Museum de Mecanique. It's it is a place that is free. that has a ton of old, very old, like arcade games um and like whirlitzers and. um Like, oh, that's cool. I put a quarter, like you put a quarter in like the whole like. guy a f moving way yeah looking Yeah. And they have and they have and it's all like the really old. They have some modern stuff in there, too, but like a really old.
It's a bit like Pike Place in, is it in Seattle? Pike Place, where the piers in Seattle are a little bit like that as well. that's that's the way ah bit like they call it It's not Victoriamo, is it? it's um I know what you mean, though. it's It's yeah, like that really old everything's mechanical and then though some of them they'll have like open up and they try to restore them and it's all free to go in but then you can get quarters and play them and they have this one that if I ever if I ever get like that podcast ah ah what dreams are made of if I ever get their money, I'm buying one of these machines. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like a baseball field. It's like, ah it's like a big box about the size of like a computer desk. And it's like a baseball field. There's all these little players. You put a quarter and you have a little lever in the front that swings your bat. And there's a pitcher, like a metal, a metal ball and a cup and you'll fling it at you and you swing. And there's like, ah and along the outfield, there's little holes where it's like, Oh, to one bay, what single base hit second to base hit triple home run fly out foul balls. And they're all these little holes and all the players have little holes in front of them. And it's so fascinating to me because you hit the ball and like, Oh, if it hits a player's hole, it becomes an out. And then the ball will drop down and there's like a scoreboard thing on the right side. The ball will route its way through and blend in like the outs column or like runs so or a track of strikes and balls. And it's the, the pure mechanics of it.
I was just like, it's fascinating because it keeps track of strikes and balls and like, oh foul ball, it's a strike and this and they get all the balls route to the right place. Like, oh, if you have a person on second, it puts like, oh, a runner is on second base. Oh, you hit a home run and you'll see the balls just go ah clok clunk clonkluk to be like scoring to run. it's It's amazing. It's so fascinating to me. Like I have to get one of these things because I just want to like open it up and like look at it. um But no, they have a bunch of old stuff like that. It's really it's really kind of cool. That's cool. But yeah, there's that. ah The other thing i ah that's going on is i got I got some stuff. I know I haven't been here, but I got some things. um These were on my porch when I got home. And so one of them is a big, a big, he's not big, he's four inches tall, a cookie monster.
I think he's with his cookies, Madison has since stolen him. And that's why I had to go get he was in her office. She's like, Yeah, that's mine now. um So I got him from super seven very happy with that. I did not go for all the all set. And the other thing that came was Uh, something I forgot I ordered a long time ago. And it's just like, you know, when you order those things, you're like, Oh, it's pre-order. And then it, you forget like two years later, it finally. Yeah. You've done that a lot. Yeah. You do that a lot.
Yeah, as long as I pay for it at the time, I think it's all it' fine. As long as it's not like two years later, then all of a sudden you get a random charge. It's like, well, what is this? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I budgeted for that two years ago. ah But this one is a Power Rangers Megazord model kit. The size of The best part is it's a model kit, but it actually can be the individual pieces and like do the transforming to Wow. And so I'm there. I still got the plastic on. I haven't even opened yet. But I was telling you last time that I'm getting the itch again, like I'm getting. I'm getting I think once I get everything in the house, like put away, hopefully today or sometime the next couple of days, I'll be able to like finish that turtle that's out there just staring at me going, don't forget about me, idiot.
um finish that one because I do have that new rule of like I really have to finish start finishing them when I start them before like let's just get it done move to the next one so yeah well knows you need to we need to you know you need to set some sign up with Chris as well because he's he's back on the right he's back on the wagon back on on the wagon off the wagon I don't know he's um he's got three on the go at the moment he's got three new scratch builds on the go Hell yeah. Yeah, it's I briefly spoke to them and told them when I got back, I'd reach out and see if we can get some some exciting future stuff planned. So now that I'm home, I need to i need to get on that. Excellent. it's my Oh, funny story. My mom did ask about my wig. All right. I hope you didn't explain it. you just you just you just You just left it ambiguous. So she's gone home thinking what's going on with my boy.
How the hell do I explain it? How much time do you have? She's like, what is that? I'm like, don't worry about it. What can I tell you, Mo? She's like, are you still doing that internet streaming, Twitch streaming stuff? I was like, not with that wig, but I'm going to make a note. Write that down. No, I didn't tell her all of this. Excellent. Was there anything else? I don't believe there is. Not that I can think of.
I saw so many Cybertrucks while we were out. They all look so stupid. um I don't care if I lose one listener from this. The Cybertrucks look so dumb. Oh, when you were on... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know we'll never get them over here, don't you? there's no there's the They've pretty much failed every single... EU regulation and and whatever it is, classification. So it's going to be hard. Sorry, I say never, never say never. That's a ridiculous thing to say. But um at the moment, it's it's very, very unlikely going to make its way over over this side of the pond. You're so lucky. and but Yeah, yeah, it's a it's a it's a weird concept that a truck that you can't get wet, a truck that
It's a 10,000 pound razor blade. Yeah. very And they're all wrapped. All of them that we've seen, except for like one or two, they're all wrapped in stickers. They've all got some kind of de decal wrap on them. It's like, that is so dumb. Like, I bought this giant stainless steel box that will rust and now I'm gonna put this adhesive. So i worked I worked in the sticker industry. I've worked for multiple sticker places growing up. That was my first job. Yeah. When I first started tech. These people who think that they can put this adhesive on their car, their stainless steel car, and that it's not going to do worse damage than water getting on it are in for a trip. The stuff that is an adhesive is going to eat that car. It is going to be awesome. I love it. Anyways, I'm not talking about cyber trucks anymore. Sorry for that random tangent. It just popped in my head. How many of those stupid things I've seen? Accolite, dude. Accolite. Season one, episode four.
day day can I just say I have I don't think I have enjoyed a Star Wars experience quite like what I am getting right now in a while because I have been so detached Like, I mean, I'm, I'm insanely behind on pods. Like not the same that my friends are the one, like they don't contribute to my, my feelings towards the Star Wars fan base. But like, I know, I know, I hear rumblings, like some, like one of Madison's gold coworkers messaged her about something. She's like, Hey, someone, someone's defending the neckline. I'm like, I don't care. Like but um that's awesome. But like, I don't even want to know what they're defending. It's like, I am just having a good.
time like I'm just watching it I'm just watching it and I'm enjoying it I'm like and I can sit there and be like you know that was that was a bit cheese dick at that point wasn't it but it's like who cares good I just haven't I'm having a blast man you haven't you haven't missed anything you haven't see I don't know how I feel about it well I know how I feel about it it's it's it's just inane childish crap but um ah ah you've You've done yourself a favour by staying away from it all. It's really, really bizarre. It's got to a point now where... um i it's It's not even logical anymore. if is the the the The hate towards some stuff isn't even logical anymore. There are people that have been brought to my attention in the last in the last week or so.
from our friends that um is basically venomantly angry about, or very angry, sorry, venom that that that his um his hatred towards Star Wars it all stems from ah ever since Disney took over. took over Lucasfilm and yet the same guy is also associated with the hate that George Lucas received during um during the prequels because he's older than me. He's actually even older than me and yet behaving with really childish and to the point where <unk> integrat you get to a point in life where if other folk are calling you out,
and going through, I mean, fair play for going through the forensics in the first place, but going through the the the trouble of finding old old facts about you and calling you out and that you still dig in. and keep digging, and keep digging, and keep digging. It's like, I'll read the room. It's not a good look, my friend. just Just leave the room, retire gracefully, bow out, and and and just... it's it's It's horrible. And I really feel for the other... ah
I really feel for our friends and so some of them have feel so strongly about it that they're trying to create this positive energy on on the socials at the moment. And I really respect it. But the point being is that, is that, you know, we're having to, they're having to counter general ass-duggery with, with yeah with, with positivity. And it's like, I, I don't have the, I don't have the, the energy to even acknowledge this. You can't fight an emotional argument. You can't find an emotional argument with logic and reason. Like, but it's not even, an the emotion it's not even an emotional argument. and it's It's like, um,
But they're emotional and they're making shit up and it's like you can't comment that with facts or different opinions. I don't get it. I really don't want to spend any time. We don't do this. We don't talk about this kind of stuff. This isn't what we're about. But I can understand young, probably being naive in this expectation, but young people feeling protective towards a property or a franchise or an interest that that that that they love um and really, really feeling quite strong about it. I don't expect fully grown adults that that are, should we say, on the mature side of of life so to to behave
and like this and to placate it and to be seen stoking it. It's like, good God, it's not a good look. It's like it's like like taking your granddad to a nightclub. It's like, don't do it. don't just it's not a It's not a good look. You're not yeah not cool. you know You're not rad. You're not making, you're not making, you're not making friends. You're not making real friends. I just feel, I just feel sorry that they're not, You're they're not totally self unaware. Do you know what I mean? You can't, you can't see it. It's not a good look, man. It's not a good look. On that point, like I don't, I don't want to like talk about it or get these people. The jeans and flares went out in the 70s. You know, just, just, just, just leave it, man. Leave it.
yeah And I don't want to talk about it as a way to like, talk about the negativity. I do mention this to say that I know we're small right now, but you never know who's listening. um That I think acknowledging it is is one thing like what we're doing now and say and in a means to say the tribal the over like hyper tribalism and like pick a side isn't necessary like you can enjoy the fandom if you find your group like what said it a million times like finding this group or kind of like multiple little subgroups that we have here is like it's honestly probably saved my passion for fun Star Wars because it gives me a place it gives me a sense of community
It doesn't, I don't need to go to social media to go and be like, hey, anybody here like hashtag Star Wars? um Or whatever. And like, I think that's what I like. It just reminds me when I was in New York a couple weeks ago, and I met met that ah family, blah, blah, blah, whatever of the then an individual at the wedding, who I think is in the midst, very young and I think in the midst of struggling with their, their fandom, and like, it's kind of in that entry stage of like, Oh, I kind of want to get into costuming. Yeah, like I did i made it without like cardboard and plastic or whatever. And it's like, it's easy for people like me to be like, Oh, yeah, I yeah i have friends who do this, like, Oh, yeah, just, you know, um get a job and make a bunch of money and and then then buy a kit and whatever. It's like, but it's stepping back. It's like there are people who are interested in the fandom who don't have these circles. And it's like just
they are out there you just have to find your right group I do think podcasts are some of the best ways to do it ah or discord groups or whatever your other print groups are it's like there is there are pockets we may be quieter and that it's not all just shitbag duggery bullshit like no no i mean tu I mean if you like our if you like our shtick and we talk crap most weeks. But if you like our stick and you like our attitude, reach out. I'll be a friend. Sean will be a friend. you know we this fire the I'll put fire emojis on your Discord comments. I'll be like like, you like Star Wars? Fire, to love it. Exactly, yeah exactly. Fire. I just feel sad. and it's it's it's great
I don't know what the objective is, because it's not going to go away. it's it's not it's it's not and this This content is is not is not going to go away. and And if it does go away, will they be happy that they somehow won? They feel that they somehow won. It's the first time I've actually probably spoken probably spoken about it since we started the pod, really. But it's just I just it just ah just feel flabbergasted. I was talking to yeah was talking to Rick earlier on um today, and on jam transmissions to Jing. Anyway, point being is that you know he he and I disagree about certain things. He he didn't like the bad batch
who didn't see the bad batch the same way I saw it. or didn't read did yeah But that's fine. That's fine. I respect his opinion. He respects my opinion. We talk about it. he um And we move on because there's stuff that he likes that I don't like. ah stop but we respect each other's opinion and get pleasure out of somebody else having pleasure from something that I i couldn't get pleasure from. It's it's a it's like crispy bacon versus soggy bacon. like We can like whichever one we want. Exactly. It doesn't matter. We just don't respect each other for it. Although it's not soggy, but yeah, i I know what you mean. I know what you mean.
It's, uh, I'm about to say flaccid, but that's probably the ah but even worse word. But yeah, it's, it's, yeah, yeah, you know, you're absolutely right. yeah You're absolutely right. Limp bacon. Limp bacon. Limp bacon.
That's the name of this week's episode. likeysfunction
limp bacon um okay so that but but yeah no no it's just's just i just't just don the second thing that changed for me with ah with a lot of it was realize sorry i mean on ah It's not about Star Wars. That's that's all I'd say. It's like it's not about Star Wars. If you do you zoom out and people are pissed off and trouble about everything. It's not about Star Wars. It's about everything else and picking sides. so what i like about What I typically like about having friends of mine that I can talk to and have a different opinion about stuff is that they may well, and this this is almost verbatim what I was talking to to to Rick about earlier on, is that by
by appreciating and getting joy out of their fun that they're having, they may have a different take on it and open my eyes and and have and and allow me to see something differently that I hadn't considered before, um which may well or may not change my opinion. But having a different perspective, having ah having a having the time to consider somebody else's take on something, um is can be quite liberating and as i said it may it may well um
changed my opinion of something. But anyway, I listen, we've gone. I hope this is the one and only time that we spend some time on this kind of stuff, because it's it's so sad, because it's just. You feel bad anymore. As my grandfather used to say, I'm just so disappointed and I'd feel gutted whenever he said that to me. I'm just so very disappointed. And that's how I feel. So episode four, mate, episode four, day.
without going through line by line or or or or moment by moment, what were your what were your gut thoughts on the episode itself? And what really stood out for you as being a highlight of that episode? so So like I mentioned before, it took I'm kind of like a little time capsule. It's almost like it's it's Wednesday or Wednesday morning again, because I just watched it and I haven't, I've i've been very strict about not Like I've muted all discord and I've only been in certain areas cause I didn't want to have any like sway on any of this.
um it It's I've really, I really enjoy it. um The. I, there's something about the show, like the pacing of this one, it's very, it's very fast. You could tell like they're, they're trying to do a lot in eight episodes. And so I noticed that the pacing is very fast. There's not a lot of gaps, um which is fine. That's not a negative or a positive. It's just something that I'm noticing. I'm feeling the sense of urgency as we're watching the show of like cut to the next scene, cut to the next scene, cut the next scene dialogue and the immediate cut. I liked, I liked the use of wipes. There was a lot of, uh, uh, uh,
visual white transitions use which I thought was cool. um I like the um the Coruscant view that we got. um I thought of you and I'm like, Hmm, is it smaller? I don't think I think they need to I think that maybe be it is, it is smaller. I think they they do an addition. They do like a little expansion later on, you know, make it taller. Cause I know you'd mentioned that before, you know. No, I, I did. ah I did. When we, when we spoke with Rick, I did a side by side comparison and I was talking absolute crap. So I'm sorry for that. So maybe, maybe I've created an illusion. Maybe I've somehow through suggestion I've actually created. um I do trickle every time I see it though. I'm like, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, in belly's mind. Yeah, it does. Yeah. Maybe they do one of those things like were with old houses where they, where they, where they jack it up. Like a cop just lifted it, built floors underneath. Yeah. but Yeah. No, no, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's move on. Um, I thought I, I'm really starting to. I'm giving big props to Amandla Stenberg. Amandla. It's Amandla, I believe. Yeah, Amandla. Amandla, yeah. Because her acting when she is of two different characters is phenomenal. Like just the way. ah They carry themselves like they're just yeah like the this the head and just the posture and everything about it's like they feel like two different
people. ah its isn't act and It's not very subtle it's not it's not it's not over. I mean, it's not it would be quite easy to go. I'm Hello, I'm OSHA. i may i'm innate me and nasty No, it's it's it's a lot more. Of course, because the twins they stay, they share an awful lot of mannerisms. But yeah you're youre you're dead on there. You're dead on there. I think she's a very, very clever young lady. Oh, and it's I know there's some of it that you can chalk up to cinematography to the way they do down shots on Nae and how she's she's always kind of at an angle and kind of in a posture, but you can see that she's doing that as well. I love, I love, love, love that. um yeah I'm keeping it high level. i'm I'm working on my keeping it high level stuff and like the things I noticed and saw. ah the The episode is beautiful. Yord, like I know there's the Yord Horde, like i I do enjoy it, but man, i he he is,
He's not my favorite. I don't dislike him. but it's like i i don't i don't i'm not on I'm not in the yord horde. I'm not in the fanboy group. like He's just kind of ah say fun sucker ah fun sucker a fun sucker. What do you want what do you think I was going to say? Well, I mean,
funny enough, Rick earlier on thought that it would be apt if um his his master was Kiari because he's because in my mind i'm not i like your an awful lot because as i put it the words i use was deliciously pompous he's he's he sew up himself and deliciously pompous but he's but he's harmless he's not he's not um See, but I get the inkling that he's not. i feel I feel like it's all like, I was going to use your language and be like, he's a bit of a twat. Like, and it's like, I just feel like there's, there's, it's like this wave is building. It's like, Oh, he's harmless. He's harmless until he's like, there's going to be a decision that he makes. And it's like, you D bag. Why did you do that? But he's, he's, he's, he still reminds me of
a young man that's in a position of authority for the first time in his career. He's trying to your manager. He's trying to he's trying to find his way in this new role. And it's kind of like he struggles between authority or being ah authoritative and and and just and relaxing into his friendship that he used to have with Osha. Osha still likes the guy. She's very, very warm towards him. And she's you know this there's clearly a a loving relationship of some sort. So if she can call him out and see through this
image or this or this masquerade of him being a very important Jedi. um The rest of us can as well. He's harmless, man. he He's harmless. He's harmless and pretty much ineffective. Let me let me let me clariy my I think I think you've helped me see like clearly with this now. It's like I think my issue with him my minor my minor issue and be very clear I have a very extremely nuanced minor issue with your I think it's because of my life experience with like working on teams and then like you have a new manager who was on that team and then they were promoted the manager and the first thing that they do like other whatever and they're like guys I can't I gotta be I gotta be like
ah Manager now. I'm a manager. I can't be yeah it's like the stuff you did two days ago does not we're go That is changes around here. Now. I'm in charge. I know what you mean yeah guys I can't I can't smoke blunts outside the club like I did two days ago. I'm a manager now. It's like my guy You're the same person. Yeah ah Yeah, I'm talking to CEO now. I'm real important He's harmless man. He's all right. so what maybe make it um ah The ending was super cool. That's all I'll say about it for now. I was like.
that what what a cutoff, like masterstroke. I normally hate cliffhangers. Like I'm the guy who's like, I hate the week to week cliffhangers and shows. That's why back in the day, ah like so I grew up with my mom being a babysitter out of her house. She was big into daytime soap, like the the daytime. Did they call them soaps? I don't know. Do they have soaps? We have soaps. um yes so And it's like the show's been on 50 years and like nothing has progressed in 50 years. Like I haven't seen those shows in 10 years. I could probably turn it on. It's the same actors, the same storylines. It's like nothing happens. But there's always like a stupid cutoff. Like I think that's where my aversion to this stuff comes from of like I just don't like a cutoff at the week cliffhanger like the Rocky and Bullwinkle. And the next week it's like it barely covers it and then another cliffhanger. But this one what I loved because I was like, what a masterstroke like that is
It gave us a little, like it didn't just like show the ghoulish float down thing, which loved awesome too. That was amazing. We know it we know it goes further as well. i mean We know it's not just, I mean, the cliffhanger itself at the end was was the start of what's going to come because we've seen, we've seen I mean, spoilers, everyone. if I hope you hope you've all seen that that the trailer, but we haven't seen that the the red lightsaber flying through the air yet. I mean, that that there's clearly, you know, this is going to... Oh, there there's some cannon fodder Jedi out there. this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah They might as well dress them in red shirts.
Uh, I, I was happy because like, if they would have just shown like the ghoulish black figure in the background, like floating down and then it would have cut, I would have been mad. But the fact that they gave us a little bit and we we're like, it's about to be, it's about to be on like Donkey Kong here in next week. I loved it. I love that ending. Um, sucks for Kalanaka. But the, there's something I liked Basil. He was cool. um there's so I have a note from the very beginning that i've i've I keep forgetting to say, but it's so still sitting here. From episodes one and two, the alien quality, this is what I wrote originally, alien quality is there' feels like there's something lacking or there's something different. I don't mean that as a negative or a critique.
Like I'm not the kind of person who's like, I need to see more Rodians, give me more Greedos. But there's, I feel like in recent shows, there is something that the Creature Shop has been doing where they've kind of gravitated towards these like certain types of aliens, um which is amazing. They're ah amazing and they're beautiful, but like there's something like they're making them very anatomical, they're making them bigger, bulkier. ah <unk> We're getting a lot of more like mammals, rodents kind of things. um But we're kind of, I feel like there's something lacking in the like
roughness of like some of the weird oddball stuff. Yeah, the guy, so the people on that prison ship and they are the beginning episodes though that was like weird Star Trek aliens kind of like those those were wild. So not necessarily those but there's something kind of I don't know latexy that feels like it's missing from some of the aliens like it's not It's not a critique. It's just like ah something I've noticed. So when you see Basil on the screen, it's like, it's another kind of rodent, mammalian, mammalian, whatever the word is, mammal kind of thing that they kind of keep going towards. I like it. It's good. I love more Star Wars creatures. I love all this stuff. I think they're great.
um I thought it was weird that they like posted all about him on social media, because I did see that like when I was doing something. i put I got online for a day, and they're like, in this upcoming episode, here's Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, Basel, and like all these 3D renderings of him. It's a weird marketing thing that they're doing, but I liked him. um it feels very The episode felt very willow, i like and I like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. the, we're going on an adventure, kind of like zoomed out shots, kind of stuff. Or Lord of the Rings. I mean, that, that, that shot with that, that single shot where, um, Basil is, um, tracking Kellen Arca. Yeah. Kellen Arca. Oh, Kellen Arca. And, um, and all the others are behind him felt very fellowship of the rings.
I think Josh and the team last week, I was singing the the you know the the Fellowship theme from Lord of the Rings, from the Fellowship of the Rings at that moment in time, because it felt very... da da It felt very, very, very epic like that. um The and music went along with that, too. That that was cool. Yeah, yeah no, it was it was. It was very Lord of the Rings. um There's a lot of... um lot of um
a lot of tropes this week that lent itself from that, or to you know to your point, Willow, or indeed, I mean, we picked up on Harry Potter in in some of it. I mean, the the forest, for example, forest felt like um the dark forest in, I can't remember what it's known now, but in Harry Potter, where it where the big spider is. Or Fangorn Forest in in in Lord of the Rings. Yeah, there's a lot going on. but um Shall I go through my list? Because i want I want to talk to you about the ending and a few theories that I've got that I'm changing. yeah I'm changing. I'm changing my mind an awful lot because and that and it's the first time we always speculate. You and I have always speculated. Whatever we're watching, we will speculate. That's my favorite thing to do. Yeah. that that but but But this one is i I just don't know. And it's either I love that. I love the fact that I don't know.
um i does not so cur water I see the curveball of May kind of being like, I'm done. Like that was a curveball. no This is it. I mean, this is it. um go do like mean here go Go through the go through list. So it's the first thing. and And this is this is as it happens. So I'll just I'll just read them out. OK, so we start with Kalnaka. We see May's symbol as graffiti on the walls of his crashed starship.
Yeah. um We see a bowcaster, not his not his lightsaber. We actually see a ah a chewy bowcaster, not a Kashyyyk bowcaster. And what I mean by that is it's not the wooden affair that we saw in but Revenge of the Sith. It's it's more of a black metallic um arrangement that that that is synonymous with Chewie. um
Things that the the next The next comment I made was, I thought they were on their way to Kalanaka's planet. So what I mean by this, and I was brought it up with Josh last week, and he kind of explained to me that it was covered. was that um we knew at the end of episode two that May was on her way to that her next target, which was going to be Kalnaka. I naturally thought that there was therefore a race or a chase going on as to who which team could get on to get to Kalnaka first, but they went all the way back to Coruscant.
and even had time for a little bit of Jedi training till they worked out what to do next, which which threw me a little bit, but Josh did explain it. I just can't remember what he said. What is interesting is that um also Kel Naka has been there clearly for quite some time. I mean, look at the graffiti on the walls. Look at the state of the crashed starship he's live he's he's living in. I'm assuming that wasn't his starship. I'm assuming it was um already crashed and hence all the growth and the um um the debris everywhere and he's just using it as a home which is fine but the point being in the graffiti on the walls which are very very akin to the the imagery and certainly the tattoo that's um
on May's forehead of the Coven suggests he's been there for quite some time, and yet he's been out of communication with the Jedi for only a year. This is where I get confused around the timelines. It's a little bit like we knew and we spoke to Rick about it when he was on the pod. It's a little bit like, well, the events that we still don't know what truly happened, happened 16 years ago. The Master Torbin went in, has been in a deep trance for 10 years. So why wait some, you know, did something else happen? And what I mean by that is that what, what what so so you've got six years between the event, shall we say, and Master Torbin going into a trance for six years, he waited before he went into a trance. And then you've got Kel Naka,
despite being in this self-imposed exile, still talking to the Jedi up until a year ago. So it may never be explained, but it all seems weird. The timelines seem a bit weird. um I just hope it's not like an interstellar thing, like time news differently on that plane. I don't think they would do that. Nah, they would do that. i but hope i would i i i I genuinely don't think they'll do that. um I could be wrong. I'm wrong about many things, but I can't ah can't believe that they're getting those kind of physics going on. um Not with how completely complicated it already is. I can't believe they're going to inject the level of complication like that. ah May ship for the for for you, I thought the May ship looked like a little bit of a crude sith infiltrator, so I like i enjoyed that.
Um, they talk about a splinter order, so they're still not, overbacking Coruscant, they're still not acknowledging that this may be Sith, and it may indeed not be Sith. And I'm starting to lean towards it not being Sith, um, and something else. And it may well be, in my mind, something that might lead to Sith going forward. Anyway, listen to, I recommend everyone listens to the latest, um, episode of Jam Transmissions where Rick and I talk about this. um Plug plug, chiching. And then, of course, um the big elephant in the room as we get and the biggest cause of ah social discord, um and that's upset an awful lot of people, is we get to see the reappearance of a character that had between three and four lines in the prequel trilogy, Kiari Mundi.
Um, clearly a very, very important character to the whole Star Wars storyline. Um, make his, uh, his reappearance in, uh, in Star Wars TV. How did you feel about seeing Chiari Mundi again?
They're just they're my my my initial like reaction to you now is like, man, they're really doubling down on him being a a D bag like just head a coke head in the sand head in the sand like an ostrich. Yeah, that same just kind of. yeah And like to your I think it kind of boils into that so that point you made a minute ago about like what is happening in like how we're kind of getting all of our speculations and like we're not sure where things are going to go. Yeah, I'm i I'll say what I'm gonna say real quick and then it kind of leads into but gives context for I'm gonna say it's I'm still doubling down on like, that this is going to be like one of those memento style things I think this will probably be one of the most rewatchable
series that they've released, like in terms of I think we're going to get this episode eight, and then a lot of people are going to rewatch the entire series again, knowing what they know, and looking for pieces and the changes and nuances. I think that's those clues. And I think that's kind of like with
Kiadi. Yeah, I think you're right. It's like, oh, he's there. And it's like, yeah, because I know it's like, oh, part of the discourse in the beginning, like, it can't be said, because then Kiadi Monday and Phantom Menace said, we have a state of blood with a sense of millennia, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, yeah, then now how funny it would it be if they showed it's like, yeah, he knew but he was like, defending against something that he was a part of. But they didn't want it to get out. Like, It's it's so it's so spicy and I love it that like it's all like this real political like, you know, ah you know, I'm never been like a, like, not that I'm anti Jedi, I'm pro good, good guys. But like, I've always felt like they're rule followers stick in the muds and like, and I'm glad that we're kind of diving into that. And I think we're really, we saw that in that meeting with
that they that they had, where it's just, it just reminds me of work. Like when you go to somebody is like a boss and they're like, this is what we're doing. We're not having a discussion. It's like, then why do we have a meeting? Like, what are we doing here? It's like, we just need to brush us under the rug and move on. It's like, well, that was well, I mean, they admit I mean, they I mean, they when they sit on Coruscant and Kiai's in the room with them. I mean, they all say, you know, do we go to the high council? No, no, no, we don't tell the high councilors. It's like, well, guys, you've got a relatively castattro yeah know You've got a relatively serious situation boiling up here. You've had you've had two Jedi already that have been killed.
Oh, sorry. You've got but one that's been assassinated, the other one has taken his own life. You've got a third potentially on the on the on the on the risk. of the Do you not think this is important enough for the High Council? So the fact that they're actually already think considering the idea of keeping it from their management is spicy. It's spicy. I thought it's i think it's interesting that they keep saying that May killed Torben. Like, it's like, but she didn't. They don't know that, do they? I mean, at the moment, you know, you've got, you've got the first, the first, they have no idea. They didn't know, you're right, you're right. You're right. Sol says, he took it himself. She wouldn't be able to get through his field. Yeah. She wouldn't be able to get through the force field.
Yeah, no, no, no, you're right. He does. He says, he actually says he willingly took it. He willingly took the poison himself. Mac, I know it's just like a pedantic detail, but like, I was just like... No, you're right. You're like, you're right. She killed two Jedi. It's like, well, she really didn't. Like, uh... No, you're right. You're right. The, uh, let's finish your list. I want to make sure we get to your list. Well, no, um, what is interesting is that, um, a few There's a few, clearly, Sol has an awful lot of love for Osha. And what I find really, really interesting is despite that, he doesn't want her to join the rejoin the Jedi. I don't know if you noticed in the journey too, yeah ah he still said, well, you know, we're not talking about you coming back to join the Jedi. So it's like, ooh, that's a bit harsh. I didn't expect that. Not officially join, rejoin. Yeah, exactly.
um I think he's got a spicy secret. He's got a spicy secret. Well, I think he's, I think the fact that he was only, the fact that he wanted her to go so that she could, so that she could help root out May suggests that while I do think he loves her a great deal, He is using her as bait. He's using her as bait, which I found really weird. The other thing I found really weird as well. I think it's his penance. I think it's his penance, and I think he knows his time is short in that he's he's using her, like, selfishly, but also, like, he's trying to, like, make it right, like, make the world right again, but also selfishly to, like, clear his own gaze and conscious, because I've everything I have.
um I've written here Basil is Ace um and an amazing tracker. I made a note that he's wearing the same civilian uniform that that that they made OSHA wear as well, which I found really, really weird. The fact that they get civilians in their team to wear this particular, it's like prison uniform. but it's it's it's a While they can walk around in their grand robes, they get the the civilians within that. And they call them civilians within there within their team to wear these these gray, rather dour overalls, I thought was a bit weird, a little bit strange. But yes, wearing their choir, their choir boy outfit, their city. It's a bit it's a bit elitist, isn't it? It's a it's really, really weird. I mean, again, it goes back to the first couple of weeks that when we reviewed the first two episodes. And I found it really jarring that
These these folk that a hundred years from now are wearing very meagre and very humble Monk like type of robes to demonstrate humility I guess are are wearing these amazing amazing costumes and yet they get their the civilians to to walk around in um Well, it just reminds me of church again. It's like you got the priest here all decked out. Then you have the yeah and altar boys and just their white white robes. It's like, no, you don't get a cool sash. You just stand there with your rope belt and be quiet.
Um, again, I'm more Starship porn. Uh, I picked up on the, even more this week, the, the configuration of, of soul ship looking. I love the whole hyperspace ring type of concept. It's a weird, it's a weird, it's a weird ship. It is a weird ship that the whole, you know, half the ship detaches to land. It's like, well, why don't you take the whole ship? Why don't you design a ship, take the whole thing down? I get it. I get it because the hyperdrive remains in orbit, but.
it. Yeah, I don't know how much of it is, so you know, it's practical and how much of it is, oh, look, we can do it um for special effects. The ah one thing I picked up last week with the guys the with ah with our Aussie mates was Oh, ah what's her name? Come on, the youngest the youngest of them all. Lecky, Jackie. Leck, Jackie, Jackie. She has some sort of universal translator's advice when she speaks to the local of try and find out the location of Kalnaka, where he is. She's got some sort of handheld universal translator. Again, something else that reminded me of really being quite star trekking. and We'd never seen it before, certainly without a clinical drug.
Yeah, like a protocol droid later in the year, like later in the timeline. Yeah. But they've had these handheld things the whole whole time. Yeah. yeah that's Very strange. Very strange. I wrote down Lord of the Rings, you know, Lord of the Rings. The fellowship is is walking across the um the mountain crest there. um The bugs were exciting. The bugs that we saw in the forest were exciting. Not much of a threat, I must be honest with you. um Bearing in mind that they've been written as a story point, I reckon we're going to see a lot more of them next week. Maybe the the the the means for either the Jedi or indeed the yeah the but the bad deed to get away.
um might involve somehow disrupting the um ah the bugs that were hanging onto to the trees there. She talks about her final lesson. um And I've written again, this is before we before she did the heel turn. I've written down again, I'm not convinced she's Sith, I'm not convinced she's Sith because she's there's so much
raw I wouldn't say raw emotion because that is very Sith-like but not there's so much compassion and feelings um in her outlook oh at the time um and then of course we see her loyalties change and now that she's got this connection with her sister back obviously that's her primary focus and perhaps the revenge side of things um was um was ah less important. I wrote down that the force is returning to OSHA. And I think in turn that had a positive effect with May. So the energy I've used in in two other podcasts now is that I see May and OSHA as like acid and alkaline. And when they come together, they kind of cancel each other out. They balance each other out. They are
maybe a dyad, maybe not. But either way, um the fact is that they when they connect, you know, spiritually, empathically, not just physically, um they kind of cancel each other out. And there is balance there. And I think that's not only contributing to may standing down from her vengeful, her vengeful position that she'd been in, but also um the reason why she's she's um um
the reason why osha herself is also returning to touching the force again balance and balance that things are things are balancing yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly um Kalnaka was dead, killed by the master. Now, my only thought there is obviously that happened quite recently because you saw the flesh was relatively, um relatively recent. And and indeed, the the wound was still smoking. So that had happened. And my only thought there must have been, well, because she was no longer going to kill him, and she was actually going to hand herself into him,
That's what made the master go ahead and kill him. It's almost like if I can't have you, no one can have you kind of kind of thinking whereby I'm not having you handing yourself in and giving all of your secrets about me away or what it is. And so that's naturally what I thought there. um
Lots of, I've written down lots of Jedi red shirts. um
I don't even get their names. We're not getting any names at all. Well, we don't need to because we know where they're going. um And then we get to the final the final part, which is the bit that I want to spend some time on with you. um we We hear the screams and i needed I needed Josh last week to explain who screamed first and why they were screaming because I thought you know, May hears the scream and then and then um the Jedi hear the scream, the Jedi hear the scream first and then May hears the scream of um of Khmer. And I thought that they were the same screen and it was just different. It was shot differently because obviously it was from different people's perspective. It wasn't. um It seems to be that
um may scream first to get Khmer's attention, to it alert him to the trap, yeah and then he screamed, which then got the Jedi's attention. um That's what I think happened, the way it's been explained to me anyway. And then we get the dude coming down, or the the the the master coming down, this very slight frame, this very spooky frame coming down, like a dementor, into the frame. And before we talk about that in particular, I was going to ask you the question, why doesn't he kill OSHA straight away? He, she, or they? Why don't, why doesn't that person kill OSHA straight away and simply moves her out of the way? I've got a theory, but I'd love to know your theory. I have a theory. It kind of, I think it's kind of a bigger, like is your, does your, is your theory kind of a larger,
um I don't think they're Sith. I think they are emulating a Sith-like behavior for the purposes of distraction or making it seem like it's something different. Um, I mean, I'll just, I'll just jump straight into it. I, my current, I think the, the currently what's happening in my opinion, I think we're about to get like, different but okay. So, so so first, third first things first, who is the, who is the master? Who is it? Who is the the the, the dark shadow? Is it, is it come here? I think that's what they want us to believe. I think they want us to believe that there's going to be a turn and it's going to magically be him. I don't think it is. I don't think so either.
Two obvious. My gut, my gut right now is telling me, this is this, I don't know. I haven't heard anybody's podcast. So I'm like, maybe I'm the only one who thinks this. Maybe everybody does. I wonder if it is. Right. I've got a theory. So, so and I haven't spoken to anyone about this. I've spoken about it with other people. Let's count to three. And you tell me who you think it is. One, two, three. Mama. Mother. Mother coral. like Okay. Yeah. Okay. We're on the same page. We're on the same page. Okay. Cool. Different people. you same page Yeah. I think it's, I think it's one of the witches basically.
i don't know mom's name but you know you know she You know, they call, they call one of them mother coral and the other one's mama. That's the one I think it is. You think it's the other one either way. We're on the same page. You think it is Mother Anaseya? Yeah, the one they call Mama. Or I'll settle with Carl. Either way, it's one of the two. And then the reason I say that is because of some of the things that have happened in the episode, specifically the ghoulish float down, the powers that we've seen before where they can control people's minds. Yeah. um I think there is not just a controlling people's minds, but I think I have a feeling there's a controlling people's perception
Uh, kind of thing going on. So like, I think that's why the Jedi, I think she wanted to fight. I think she wanted to fight from the very beginning. And I think she's taught cutting off loose ends now and trying to get the girls back together and to help. Kill all the people who are involved, but also get OSHA back at May back and like, get people back for the things that they did, but also sever all the loose ends. um And I think she's probably mind controlling or something, Khmer, or he's just a ah bystander who happens to be the Patsy who's kind of floating along with the story. ah I can dig that. i'm the only reason why i' like i'll accept that i I would accept that as ah as ah as a really, really good twist. um And you're right, there were signs that she was always the one to kick off. However, knowing Leslie Headland,
What would be even more of an outrageous and outrageous um suggestion would be if it was the most passive person that we've seen or the most level-headed person that we've seen. And that was mother, mother I call her mama. Yeah, it would be her because she was the most level-headed control, it control person of all. And typically that comes from confidence or comes from a position of authority or a position of power. That's the only reason why either way you and I are on the exactly the same page at the moment.
Exactly. because I don't because because everybody keeps everybody keeps calling the master of him like oh, who is it him and him? him It's like I don't think it will be. I think that yeah i think that's the but one we they want see we've seen that before with Enfys Nest. Enfys Nest was seen it was was always called him. and yeah we've we've we've seen that distract We've seen that distraction before, so I'm not i'm not um not going to get hung up about pronouns at the moment because I think that i i think everybody, all the fans are so convinced. It's like, oh, and yeah yeahs like i think it's I think that's where people are going to get tripped up and they're all
in like a different I think i for for me, it's the least likely person. And that is that is that mother. um The other thing I think it also like how they knew May was involved. Like how else would somebody know that May's pissed off and all this stuff? It's like it needs to be somebody who's like connected somehow, not just a Sith Lord running around being like, Oh, you look mad. um with The other thing, yeah, I don't know, you're right. The the other thing that I am still hung up on, and I know that Rick kind of um gave a really, really compelling um explanation to this. But one thing I can't get out of my head at the moment is that when the two girls, episode three, were across the chasm to each other, and they kept saying to each other, what have you done? What have you done? What have you done? What have you done?
I still question where Mae was coming from when she said, what are you done? Because I think that. OSHA quite rightly was saying to her sister, what have you done? Because she started the fire. The fire did not kill the community, did not kill the witches, did not kill the coven. It was still relatively controllable and relatively me mediocre blaze going on when she saw all the bodies on the floor. And I can't help thinking, I can't help thinking that, that, that Osha did something, whether she knew she was doing something or not, is it could be a different, a different point. But one of those, one of those points that, you know, we think
When Mae is saying to Osha, what have you done? She's thinking, I've seen all of our people dead. What did you do? Cause I didn't do it. All I did was set the fire off. Yeah. But you've got both of them saying, what have you done? And from Mae's point of view, she actually means what the hell have you done? Yeah, you know what you're out of your room because you're out of your room now and everybody's dead. So you're out. I didn't do this. Well, you never know. The only reason left is you. Yeah, exactly. And you never know. I mean, things with, you know, you you put somebody in a you back somebody in a corner, they get afraid, they lash out. If these girls are as sensitive as we think they are or as powerful as they think they are, maybe just maybe something happened.
in fear that OSHA did subconsciously, that she didn't even know, you know, we've already seen that these witches can control people, maybe just maybe in a fit of fear, and trying to get ah it because of the fire. Yeah, maybe OSHA did something that she doesn't even know about that killed the ah community. Well, because her power is raw, because she has also the acolyte moon. prop yeah Exactly. But yeah, no, but we're up it's it's interesting. And I think I think we're on this. I think we're on a similar
on a similar way of thinking, I think that and again, we could be wrong by this time next week. So who who cares? So so the I think the fun question is, it's like we're only four episodes and we got four left. And like we we are hitting some some some some high points that I didn't think we'd be hitting this early. Yeah, like no, absolutely. How do you how do you see what's your prediction for how you see this shaking out? I mean, it's just I know we're just shot in the eye and in the window a little bit. But what do you how do you think this goes? So I think this is going to be ah end up like, a I called it i called it i it, it feels like a murder mystery at the moment. It feels like, ah despite all of the action, it feels like we've seen a narrative play out in episode three with all the pieces missing. It feels like Glass Onion or or or um Knives Out, where we're missing bits in between that happen that need to be filled in over the next four episodes.
Yep. Or at some point. So we'll see two different perspectives or three different perspectives or four different perspectives as to what happened. um
Funny enough, Rick. yeah had a better analogy. He called it ah only murder in the temple, which I thought was a genius analogy ah how nice um and a lot better, a lot easier explanation than than i than I gave. But I do think that there's going to be some time spent. and Don't forget, they've got some big names here. They've got Carrie-Anne Moss. They haven't used her at all. apart from a little bit of the first episode well the first scene of the first episode and a little bit in the flashback and even then in the flashback she was in the periphery of the of the of the whole conversation that was going on you then got kalnaka we know from the trailers that there is something else that happens with kalnaka we know that he is in
Active fight maybe with or against one of his own his own people so I Think we'll see more flashbacks, but I don't think it will be episode episodic flashbacks. I think it will be in Strategic or tactical points in the next over the next four episodes to start building that story but bearing in mind but bearing in mind um you know, pretty much May and Osha's story is nearly sewn up. They found each other again. May's turned to the light side, or she's she's she's done a heel turn and and and and because she's got her sister there. And again, it goes back to the fact that the dark
The master, whatever it is, the ghoul, did not push her out of the way and did not assassinate her. I think there is more to that and I'm more... So who makes it out alive? um i more I'm leaning on um leaning on either either that the master wants both of them. because it is one of the mothers, it is one of the mothers and her raison d'etre is literally to bring them back to safety and bring them back to to rebuild the covenant and whatever it is. Or if it does go down the rather disappointing route of them being Sith, then if that person can't have Mae, then they'll accept OSHA as an alternative.
um But that's my least favorite speculation at the moment. I'm perfectly honest with you. Sorry. You want to hear you want hear my hair brain shit? Go on. So I think it's a mother. I think it's mother coral or whoever. I think they need, I feel like they need both of them to do something because they are gifts of nature to force. They need them for some reason to rebuild the covenant. But they're not gifts of nature. They're abominations. They're not gifts of nature, which is the reason why I think actually it adds more credence to our theory that it's one of the mothers, because these children... But I think they need them. Exactly, because they were created. You don't create something like that without a purpose, having a purpose for it. I think you're absolutely right. Yeah.
i think they need I think they need both of them so they are unwilling to take just one or whatever. I think Saul is short of this world. I think he's his time is short, yeah specifically for his comment where he made right at the end where he's like, we will I will tell you everything when we get back to the ship. It's like, ah, he's we're about to have it to my opinion. We're about to have a sec. We're about to have a Severus Snape moment where like he's about to get wrecked and he's going to have a dying breath comment to OSHA about.
Like we were wrong, something, something, something. And then the rest of the series is going to be Jackie. And then I'm just going hard in the paint. Jackie, Yord, Osha, and May all together tracking down what the hell happened. Who is this master? And it's all going to culminate in ah like a big showdown, realizing that it's going to be a mother. And then the two of them being torn and either a self-sac. I do think Osha is going to have her like explosive force moment of like, let's let's effing go and just like reckon, reckon somebody. And I don't know if it's going to involve a May sacrifice to I feel like that's a little Star Wars on the nose, but
It's and then I think the the other than the only people who will be left will be like Jackie and your and it's gonna be like everything's been neutralized nothing to see here and then it all just gets swept under the table by politics as a closing um because I think they'll destroy the mother and be like this isn't how we do things but they'll get the answers and I think it's gonna be yeah it's gonna come to find out that's like mother coral was like they They instigated it because they thought they were going to beat the Jedi, but then the fire got out of control. Things got crazy. She controlled Kel Naka or Torben and they started fighting and things gu got really, really out of hand. And then people were dying and then she was super pissed and was wanted revenge on the Jedi and to rebuild the coven. That's my current standing. It'll all change in three days. um But.
And I'd be happy with it. Normally way my speculation is like, oh, I want something different. but like I think I'd be OK with that. I think it'd be cool. We got a lot of episodes live. This is why I like this. i' really I'm really enjoying this. It's because it's low risk. There's no stakes. There's no stakes. yeah it's it's like It's outside of the Skywalker lineage. It's outside of anything that anyone really, really needs to get emotional about and not not concerned about. They can go anywhere with this, and I'll probably be fine with it. um Well, that's the best part. They've already introduced the concept that I know a lot of people don't like of like, just because somebody said something in a future movie, like it's like real life, people can say whatever they want. There's corruption. We also know just believe one thing. We also know the life. We also know the Jedi lie. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, let's let's let's not
Let's not kid ourselves. The biggest liar is probably one of the biggest heroes in the original, in the OT. Obi-Wan Kenobi lied to Luke. You told me my father was. R2-D2 knew shit the whole time. yeah He knew everything. No, but my point being is I'm talking about the Jedi, you know, these these amazing people that should be taken, you know, that that should be taken culturally. And it's like, yeah they they they lie, they they lie and they they lie a lot. And it actually makes them more interesting. yeah It makes it certainly makes the the Phantom Menace a lot more interesting if if we know that
There's a little bit of scalduggery that's been going on before, you know, 100 years prior to this and that the guy that we already think is a bit of a cockat is indeed a cockat. Yeah, people are going to cover their asses to try to make things okay. You don't want to get Paul. It's like real life. Yeah, exactly. And I think that's what makes them more interesting. It's like it's not that they're bad people. It's that they're trying to do the right thing without you know, ruffling feathers and getting other stuff because it'll have bigger ramifications. The next thing you know, one little lie here, one little lie there. Or, you know, you tell people nothing happened and those people carry on and say, well, no, we haven't heard seen the sith in 1000 years. It's like,
That's what they believe. And there's no proof. It's not like there's, they don't, like, the Star Wars historians don't have the visuals and perception that we have. You don't think everybody just goes back to the office and says, well, here's exactly everything that happened. Like, no, I love it. It makes it more real. It's it's bit awesome. The other aesthetic thing that I thought was quite interesting was um when the ghoul comes down, i've again, I've spoken about this wax lyrical that I asked a couple of pods I've been on, but um underneath that those robes those those raggedy robes andy bell they've got hot right now they've got um they've got um shut up they've got they've got bare arms they've got bare arms arms and hands um with the exception of that with that exception of that bracer that ornate bracer which rick has i think you check him out on jam transmissions uh apart from that ornate that ornate bracer um
yeah There's no armour there, there's no there's no gloves, there's no gauntlets, there's no armour of any kind. They're un-Sith-like underneath that dark robe. Which is the reason why I'm leaning... Another reason why I'm leaning towards thinking they might not be Sith. Second. sorry Yeah, I think. Yeah. Because like it's on a say up as she was very ornate with with all of her stuff too. I don't think it's I think that's I think that's what makes it so much better too. It's like it's not Sith people. There's other bad bad people. There's other force users that are not
Sith and Jedi, you could be dark side, you can be light side, you could be a witch, you could be a night sister, you can be all these things. It's like the force. Like if you go to the comics, there's the rock throwers and all these other things like the stacks the stacks and half. It doesn't have to be a Sith. We can have more stories besides those. And I love it. I just love that. It's I hope it's not a Sith. Like, just like I hope that the stuff we were talking about, the bad bachelor, it's like, God, I really hope it's not a something. So I don't remember what they were anywhere. I was like, don't do that. That's what it also gives them. It also gives them so much potential to go in different directions in the future. At the moment, you know, they've made the ball. They've already made the bold step of this sitting outside of the Skywalker timeline, which I think is exactly where we need to be right at this moment in time, either for either either, you know, hundreds of years in the future or hundreds of years in the past. Either way, it clears it all up.
um and it's a fertile ground for but but creativity. um And then you've got on top of that, you've got the idea that not everything, you know, if it was Sith, that would then find its way to what we know and love in this in the Skywalker timeline, which is like, but if it's not, you could go into a may it could be so much, you know, multifaceted going forward, you can go in any direction you want to and give us the freedom that will give or have the freedom that pretty much everyone, I believe
is asking for that's right of mind. um you know it's it's yeah i tell your face but um I do find it a bit strange though that you know some people are asking for you know new stuff and then it doesn't feel like Star Wars. It's like, yeah, but you're asking for new stuff. Yeah, but it doesn't feel like Star Wars. Okay, fine. What is it you do? No, they just want lightsaber fights and and yeah yeah the same, but with better graphics and just crazy whatever. We want to hear my crazy, my crazy, like and everyone to like have a theory that I'm like, what would what would piss off people the most? Like, what would really like, in it like, and not in a like, political way or anything like that, but just like, what, what somehow could happen that would just really get stuck in somebody's craw? And I'm like, Oh, what if, what if everything we talked about already happened? But then at the end, mother corals not actually dead.
And then she performs whatever ritual it is again to create. She's so pissed that she just creates Darth Sidious inside of her belly. And she then creates him as an abomination. And then that's she's like, Oh, I'll get you. I'll really get you now. I'm going to create the ultimate evil to come get the set to come get the Jedi. I think. The internet would implode. and i I would laugh. I'm like, that's so ridiculous. But I think it's hilarious. And I would love to just sit and eat the popcorn. Yeah, I was going to say wow the world burned. thing I was about to say that would be on that day. I put my feet up and just watch. Watch the apocalypse in real time. Yeah.
Maybe, maybe, maybe Mother Cole is playing us. Oh. Oh, oh, maybe she's maybe maybe she's a shapeshifter. Yeah, yeah, you never know. You never know. Oh, we need more. We need more shapeshifters back again. but Yeah, that was quite cool. they Never really went anywhere after that, did it, after the attack of the Clones? Did we get did we get them again? Apart from the Clone Wars, obviously, they're in the car Clone Wars, but no, anything we did.
Anyway, dude, two hours, two minutes no it's a record. I'll get that next next week. I'd love to talk to you about self driving cars. Oh, don't know. No, no, no. You showed me the photographs and yeah, we will. We will talk about self driving cars next week. But no, you're on your own there, mate. There is no way driving an electric car myself at the moment that is based off. um Android auto or Google, you know, with Google what it's anyway
Anyway, with me driving it, it's extremely unreliable at the moment and requiring many, many software updates. So put me in a driverless car, no chance. No chance at all. You're on your own there, buddy. You're on your own. Dude, thank you. It's great great to have you back. Great to have you back. we' were ah ah we Are we recording in literally three days from now? I planned on it. I'm not going anywhere. Nice. Nice. Okay. Then Dave, we've, we've, we've, we've broken the seal and we've done two hours straight. So that's, that's great. Um, yes. Take us out buddy. Cause I need to go to bed. Thanks to everybody who watched. Uh, I appreciate everybody who's, you know, ranking our episodes on King Tom looking at you. Thanks. Thanks buddy. You're a.
pulling pulling the weight of the world with you. But yeah, dude, good pause rules. ah Go and vote, rank all of our friends. Like, if like let's let's let's boost them on the charts. But yeah, I appreciate everybody listening. Thanks for holding out. You know, I'm sorry I was all over the place and gave out a late episode, but ah hopefully we got some interesting tidbits in there. ah Check out our website, justshowin.com. I think I'm gonna put an update, a post up with some some different videos or pictures and stuff that we talked about. and some, some different things. So keep an eye out for that. Um, yeah, check out our friends, check out Andy on all the podcasts. I'll put links to all those in the, in the, uh, in the show notes, if it'll let me put that many characters in. Uh, but yeah, a good time until, until three days from now. Take care folks. Look after each other. Thank you so much for listening. like Hey, shop, like I'm what you like and keep it up until then. Bye.