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Red Panda Koala - Historical UFOs & Documentaries

Anomalous Podcast Network
1.4k Plays1 year ago

Red Panda Koala is a UFO researcher and documentary filmmaker. His films cover a lot of historical cases and eras in the UFO subject.  

Red Youtube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@RedPandaKoala  

Red Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedPandaKoala

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Introduction and Upcoming Guests

Welcome back to the channel, everyone. Apologies there. I just had a slight technical issue, which we fixed. And so here we are. Good to see everyone. Thank you for being here. Great to see so many people in the live chat. Before I bring on my guest, just a few things. First of all, Katie Howland was unable to join me for this interview today. It's just the way it goes when it's time zone differences and things like that. But she will be coming up in the next few shows. We've got a lot coming up. It's been a busy week or two with everything that's going on.
I haven't covered it yet on this channel, but I am recording an interview with Chris Leto tomorrow morning, which I'll probably release tomorrow night or maybe Saturday. So look out for that one. Yeah, there's been so much. We just had President Biden's speech.
Personally, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for more, but at the same time, I'm not surprised that we didn't get anything. As always, guys, please keep the chat cool, calm and collected. I appreciate that. Just a quick message from the sponsor. If you're into reading, please check out 29 Degrees North. They are the sponsor of the channel. The book is amazing. If you're into reading, check it out. The links are in the description.
If you have a question at all through this interview with red panda koala, please leave it in capital letters. Alternatively, super chat is available and yeah, let's get to it. So yeah.

Meet Red Panda Koala

I'm really looking forward to this conversation. I'm a big fan of my guests work. So please welcome red panda koala red. How's it going? Great. Exciting couple of days. So we were saying that backstage and yeah, just so much going on. It's hard to keep track of it all.
It is, man, it's crazy. The amount of publicity and press, I don't think we even saw this back in 2017. So yeah, crazy, crazy. But for now, we're here to talk about you. I can't wait to dig deep into your history, background, your work, your documentaries. So I suppose the first question would be, where did it all start

Red Panda Koala's UFO Journey

for you? Where did you get interested in the UFO subject?
So yeah, I'm like a light bloomer person where it's like the 2017 stuff got me into it. Um, I didn't really like taking a deep dive before that. So when that happened, I was like, what's going on? And then yeah, just reading and reading and reading and then trying to piece it all together. And yeah, the 2017 is where I started.
Cool. And do you have a background in filmmaking at all? Because obviously the quality of your documentaries are so high and so well produced, it just looks as if that's something you've been involved in before. Oh, no, actually, no. Thank you for that. And to anyone, maybe who's thinking of starting it, like start a channel if you're feeling compelled, like if you look at my first video, like the editing is really bad. And I feel like my last two, it's like starting to get there. But
Yeah, with the internet and stuff, you can learn so much stuff online. And yeah, there's a lot of people I feel like would have really good channels out there, like in a UFO land and stuff like that. So just start today, right? You did it, right? I'm sure, did you have any kind of background in interviewing or? No, nothing at all. Yeah, right? So we're all here doing it.
No, that's cool, man. Yeah, it's awesome to see. I didn't notice any difference in your editing. I just thought it was sharp and clean from the start. So kudos, man. But you also cover many different aspects of the UFO subjects.

Historical Research and UFOs

And for me, I think it's really vital to look at the historical aspect, which is interesting that you came in only recently, but then you decided to go right back into the more historical stuff, which I think is definitely good to understand what's going on now.
Can you tell us a bit about the process of putting together something, something new? Sure. Yeah. Um, and then yet to the history thing, like I do love history in general and actually was starting, I wanted to do a cold war history channel before the 2017 stuff broke. Like I was actually like saving for money and stuff. And then like send money for my computer. And then that happened. And then when I was looking at the history, there's like so much overlap of like cold war names and lore and stuff like that with UFOs that it kind of just seemed like a perfect
time and fit and stuff like that. And I was just obsessed with it. So kind of helped my obsession with it. So basically, I just have files that I keep on my phone and on my computer. And any time I come across something interesting, I just put it in there. Because I'm sure you know, and everyone knows he's into this subject. You start reading about one thing, and then before you know it, you have 300 tabs open of different things that range off from it.
So that's one thing it's important to like really just keep filing everything away because like you'll lose it like you know those sites like some info you'll find on some random site that you'll never find again probably. And then once I have like enough stuff for like one like concept or area then uh and I feel like it would tell like a good story that's when I decide to like okay I'll make a video about this or if I feel like it needs to be made um like two ago I made um how the stigma was created which I think is like an important aspect of like this whole thing of like

Societal Stigma and Verification Challenges

does society like how does something like this um how is a lie like this put upon society and it's like all the different aspects of that I find like fascinating like even separate of UFOs like that angle itself is just so interesting um so just showing all the ways that like yeah the stigma was like the reason why we have to get rid of the stigma and that's what you heard them say at the congressional hearing is because like it was
put in place you know so and so just stuff like that and like like yeah so like that i think that's like an interesting aspect for people to understand too aside from just like um like that there are UFOs it's like these are the actions that were taken by the government to like get us all to think that way for whatever you know what i mean yeah absolutely man so when you're like looking through like um documents and and other
aspects of the research. How do you, are you cautious about what information you put in if it can be validated? Like, how do you deal with things like that? Yeah, no, definitely. Um, yeah, and especially right with this subject to where it's like, it's not just like traditional history, like traditional World War Two history channel or something that's like, we're dealing with something that's been like intentionally obfuscated for decades. There's been like intentional misinformation and disinformation like going back decades. So, um,
I guess like a good example like for this kind of thought is like Nino Kulagna did a video on and she was the alleged psychic telekinesis lady who they were studying. She was kind of a big proponent
are a big factor in the psychic spy, psychic cold war that happened, which is like, then you get hot hot put off and company tied in. So for that, right, you're dealing with like psychic phenomena or whatever. So I just, I throw in a lot of like, allegedly, or like this person said, like, not saying for sure. I think I even really mentioned to you, like, this could all be dis info, you know what I mean? But these are just
This is what this like accredited Russian scientist said about it. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, it's difficult. All right. Like, yeah, what do you do? How do you there's a lot of weird stuff in this topic.
Yeah, no, absolutely. You sort of said it there that you need to kind of caveat a lot of these things with, like you said, allegedly and say that you're speculating maybe. So I think you pull it off there, man. You know, I think you did it, did it justice in all of your videos. So yeah, that's great. So obviously digging through historical files and I'm sure you've come across obviously the big cases, obviously Roswell probably being the biggest. I just love to hear your thoughts after kind of going through so much information, what your thoughts on Roswell are.

Roswell Incident and Nuclear Connections

So I feel like I haven't really done the deep, deep dive. But obviously, I'm going to probably make a video about it one day. And just based on everything I've read, reading about other stuff, I would say probably, yeah, something happened there. There's just a lot of statements and the timing of everything and the names involved. I would say so. And then even going to today, what you hear some people saying and referencing, and not this NDAA, but the previous one, they
harping in on the July 47 date, I believe. So it comes up a lot. Yeah, I would, I think something for sure happened, right? And then yeah, you even have it going to the 90s where they did the, they brought it up again, and then they introduced the, the crash test dummies. But those dummies weren't in use until like the 50s. So it's even to the 90s, and even to today, there's still this gray area of like, what's going on here. And yeah, even with today, today, you have the Crota, right, which is allegedly
supposed to be the army crowd with TTSA that Tom DeLong harpens on that hasn't been dropped yet for a reason. And that piece allegedly came from her as well. So I don't know, it keeps on coming up. So I kind of lean towards, I lean towards yes, as far as specifics. I don't know, but I do know there's a lot of weird like, I can't tell you the names right now off the top of my head, but a lot of weird general movements around that time and like people like flying around on planned trips, you know, so
Those, I think, are pretty interesting aspects. What do you think, actually? I'm like you. I think something happened. But the more I've tried to look into Roswell, the muddier it gets, the harder it gets. There's so many nuances and different angles. And I think there's definitely a lot of misinformation or disinformation thrown in there over the years that it just becomes one of them cases where I find it almost impossible to come to a definitive conclusion.
Boy, yeah, it's an interesting case, absolutely. Yeah, it's all happening now, because like, it's probably why it's happening now. But imagine if this would have happened like 20 years ago, you know, like so many of those people are going like, it's kind of almost lost in history.
Absolutely, man. But obviously after Roswell, it leads into Project Blue Book, which leads into the Robertson panel. There's clear obfuscation coming from the Air Force especially. I mean, why do you think they chose to go down that route and just not talk or be honest with the public? Why would they not just want to be truthful? What do you think on that?
I do kind of like Tom DeLonge's assessment of the situation where he's like, they didn't really know what this was and it could be a weapon, it could be this, it could be that, like in terms of like understanding their thought process, not like saying that that was the right thing to do. And then something I also think about a lot too is like, and so I sort of ask people when they get mad is like, what would the secret or the truth have to be for you to condone the cover-up?
which I personally think has included like murdering people in the past and stuff like that. I think a lot of us were always like, oh, people can handle the truth. But I feel like none of us really know what it is. So I think that's an important just kind of like measure for us all to have like, what would it have to be for you to say like, actually, you know, I don't think people can handle this. So yeah, who knows? Yeah, I mean, it's funny because it all seems to be centered around the beginning of this.
subjects and the lies and everything being hidden from the 40s and 50s. But that was also the time when we had the nuclear age with the atomic age. And so, you know, a lot of people make this connection to UFOs and nukes. You've obviously covered it really well. So again, what are your thoughts on that? And do you think there's definitely a connection there? Yes, there's one second. One second. I'm live.
Okay, can you hear me? Yeah, loud and clear then. Oh, did you hear that too? So about the nuclear connection? No, that's actually really interesting and like my current video, so ties into that way more than I originally thought.
like this current video is almost like the final in the trilogy of like what the previous two were you know because you could watch the previous two like in chronological order yeah um so for two ago the first thing that trilogy it was like the project sign project blue book everything right and then it goes into like project blue book the propaganda stuff and then this next one is like the end of project blue book and um how did the scientific community get like
endorsed or get on board with this topic and so a big part of that is Edward Condon right and some of the research I've been doing lately it's it I think personally that Edward Condon might have even been involved with EFOs going back like to that time period because he had worked out he helped found Los Alamos lab he worked under Oppenheimer during the
Manhattan Project. And if you look at the recent NDAA, they specify that 1945 date, which people are all saying relates to Trinity and stuff like that, which was the nuclear test site like Ribilos Alamos. So and then you have that tie into a lot of those scientists were the ones that were arguing for the Atomic Energy Act, which created the Atomic Energy Commission, which turned into the Department of Energy.
which, you know, everyone always says, and it comes up all the time in like UFO lore. So yeah, I just think like that nuclear connection is really big, but you have Rendlesham is pretty like a case with like a lot of like supporting evidence of like John McCain got those people healthcare and stuff like that. So there does seem to be this big connection and they're flying over like a lot of the Manhattan Project sites, other than Los Alamos, I think about like Oak Ridge and the Hanford site. So
I think there's definitely, definitely a connection there. And do you think there's a connection as well between what happened in 1952 with the Washington DC flyover? You know, could it be that, you know, I think that was the year that we had the hydrogen bomb as well. Do you think that was some kind of potential? Yeah, I think so. I think, I mean, I kind of leaned there, you know, because like the, the activity did pick up when we were starting to develop the like,
the first bombs but and then yeah 1952 is when we dropped the first hydrogen bomb so I mean makes sense to me but who knows right that's the whole other thing it's like who really knows what even is behind the phenomenon what their intentions are their thoughts are like it's just it's crazy like I feel like sometimes we even get lost of like yeah there's actually something you know what I mean it's like it just seems so crazy you forget like all the different aspects of it
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, a lot of people make the assumption that these beings are, or whatever they potentially are, would be here to protect us because we're dicing with such deadly weapons. But could it be that simple or do you think there could be some malevolence in there as well? I mean, what do you think?

UFO Intentions and Media Coverage

Well, yeah. Like, um, so I did a video series on Colaris and that, that's a, I think one, I think that's like the best documented case look like generally, like not even just like,
any qualifiers. But then also like that case is kind of a malevolent case where it's like over like two months, three month period, you have multiple UFOs reported by like hundreds of people at every facet of life. You have police officers, politicians, mayors and stuff like that. And yeah, these UFOs were like intentionally are
I don't know if I could say intentionally, right? They were hurting people, though. The people were getting radiation burns. Some people were put into cardiac arrest, and some people had their blood taken. So when you look at something like that, it is hard to be like, oh, they're all nice. Even if it wasn't intentional, maybe it was just a byproduct. But I think that's something we have to keep in mind. We want the truth, right? So even if it is bad,
if it is like abduction stuff you know and then uh something i think about a lot too though is like um a lot of us like eat meat you know i do too and like there are a lot of sentient animals you know like so it's so a circle of life thing i guess kind of like you know like can we really complain about abductions when the things we do to other animals for like you know yeah that's a good point that's a really good point you know we we always just assume that we're
top of the food chain. And we've heard a lot of people, especially Lou Elizondo, talk about it. What if we're not? It would change a lot of things the way we look at ourselves and the way we look at other species. So yeah, I mean, it's a really good point. And one other thing with nuclear weapons is, what are your thoughts on the fact people have talked about the potential of using nukes for baiting UFOs on purpose? I mean, I feel like if you were whatever intelligence
agencies behind like researching this, I think that would make sense. Like, like you see them all the time around this thing that you have, like, let's put it this thing that we have there to try and be it to study. Kind of like how we do with like a lot of other animals. So I guess that would make sense. I hear people talk about what starfish prime a lot. Yeah, I guess that was kind of a new UFO story thing. Yeah, I don't really know for sure, though. Like if they've done it, hopefully, like all this stuff comes out eventually, but I'm
We'll see, we'll see how they continue to roll this out. Yeah, absolutely. These past few days have been kind of surreal. It's like, dude, all the different statements we're hearing and stuff, it's like seeing it play out in real time. It's pretty wild. It is. And like I said earlier, it's just that we've not seen this kind of media coverage, well, possibly ever when it comes to the UFO subject.
it seems to get more confusing the further we go day by day, you know, with no one making clear statements, just acting like they don't know anything. And that throws to me the thought that they have such advanced sensor systems both on the ground, you know, in space on these, these jets that are shooting these things down that surely there's got to be some gun camera footage or something somewhere, wouldn't you think?
Yeah, I mean the the tic-tac footage has existed before 2017, you know what I mean? So I'm sure there's more of that what there's the infamous 20 minute video we're all waiting for. Yeah, I think they have more. And even with Biden, I've been saying this a lot too, Biden has connections to this stuff going way back here, when his family died on a like super tragically, when he first became a senator in the 70s, his mentor in the Senate,
was a person named Claiborne Pell. And that senator was tied up with ION's Institute of Noetic Science, which Edgar Mitchell founded. And that senator was also a senator that was getting funding for the remote viewing program through the years and helped declassify. So I think Biden knows more than he lets on. It's weird. Every president post Truman has some weird little tie-in to UFOs that you wouldn't expect.
Yeah, absolutely. We'll get into a couple of those in a little bit. But you mentioned Edgar Mitchell there. And again, one of your films really focuses on his importance to the UFO subject. So can you tell us a little bit about his story and why you felt it was important to highlight him specifically out of the astronauts? Yeah, Edgar Mitchell, he was one of the Apollo astronauts and he was a big disclosure advocate for his entire life. And his was really fun to make and interesting to make. I say he's like the Forrest Gump of UFOs.
where like every little chapter of his life there's some like little UFO connection. For example, like he grew up around Roswell and he was like a teenager when like
that thing broke out, and he and his friend were going to ride their bikes over to go check it out before they said that it was a weather balloon. And then what else? He was in the Korean War, and he didn't see anybody. He'd heard of some reports of UFOs and stuff like that, and that would have been during the Blue Book era. Oh yeah, another reason why he's very interesting, I think, is because he kind of ties in the
the UFO psychic studying, I guess you would call it, overlap, where he was like into UFOs. And at the same time, he was also like helping connect people like Hal Pudov and Andrea Puharik and like that whole scene of like the SRI remote viewing program. He was helpful with that. And he would, because he was an astronaut, right, like he could get in a lot of places, a lot of doors that open for him. So he was constantly like advocating for those programs and stuff like that. And for disclosure,
Um, so yeah, it's pretty, uh, it's pretty sad actually that he, I feel like he didn't get to see at least the 2017 thing, but I did think it was cool. And I'm actually probably going to redo that video because some of the audio on that's really bad. I thought it was cool that they mentioned, uh, Wilson Davis memo and the congressional hearing, even if it, I don't know. I really don't even know what to make of that, but just knowing that came from his like a state, kind of a part of it, you know, but he's just a super interesting dude. His life is just crazy. It's like, doesn't even seem real sometimes.
Yeah, absolutely, man. And it makes you think, you know, what did he actually know, or what was he told that maybe he never really got to speak about publicly before he sadly passed away. And you mentioned that Wilson Davis and coming from his estate, and I mean, that's another story that

Crash Retrievals and Religious Pushback

you know, it keeps evolving slowly, but surely, but it is still very confusing. So, I mean, I was going to say what's your take on it, but I guess you pretty much just said, then you don't really know. But in the grander or bigger picture of crash retrievals, is that something that you have come across in your research? And if you do, do you think that the US government or private contractors have UFO materials or even a craft?
Um so like I couldn't really like point anything specific but maybe just from like a general sense I would say yeah it seems like they went to Lockheed Martin at some point um I think there's one memo where it like uh what's it like 46 of second or something like that there's this one memo where it's like it kind of implicates that like blue book was just like the public facing thing but like whenever something really went down like
it was this group that would go and get them. And that'd probably be an interesting place for like people with like congressional subpoena power or something to look. And then yeah, like the whole like Lockheed, Battelle, Engel, the Department of Energy stuff. I don't know. I just kind of leaned that feeling. Yes, we have something. You know what I mean? I don't know. What's your take on that?
Yeah, I mean, I suppose if I had to make a sort of say something on it, I think there's probably the possibility that we do have something.
if there is a back-engineering program, I doubt that it's been cracked from conversations I've had with people and research I've done. You know, we hear this story about them bringing out this technology every 10 years to have another go and see if our technology is caught up enough to be able to sort of make some progress with it. I think that's possibly more likely, but again, I mean, we just don't know, do we? That's the problem with the majority of this subject is we don't know, so it is a lot of speculating.
What does make an interest of those like all the the politicians speaking on it because it's like there's so much money that goes into politics. You know what I mean? Like pulling the strings and stuff like that. Like I don't think like somebody's telling them it's advantageous to talk about it or like it's OK. It's acceptable. Like if if there I feel like if there is truly, truly nothing to it, like by this point, like
kind of all would have stopped. We wouldn't be having more and more politicians speaking on it kind of situation. So we'll see. And like, yeah, the Wilson Davis memo was mentioned at the congressional hearing, right? So hopefully whoever got that info to, who was that Gallagher? I think. Yeah, I think it was Gallagher. And I think Gary Nolan was the one that brought it to his attention. Cool. So I'm hoping like, hopefully they know more than we do. And it's like, this is a sure thing there.
Yeah, absolutely, man. Another aspect I think that's been an issue within the government and possibly the military as well is religious pushback. Is that something that you've come across? Yeah, like to a degree. Yeah, definitely. And yeah, like the Collins Elite thread, I guess that you see coming up all the time. And one of my favorite like UFO stories, right, is that Ray Boucher story.
where he says those guys contacted him and stuff like that, there's a weird angle to it. And there is some stuff where it's like, even Project Blue Book did some channeling stuff, where it's like, that almost kind of seems like a religious angle on it. You know what I mean? Even though you're trying to be scientific with it. So it doesn't make sense. And I do kind of worry, just going forward, all of us, you, me, everyone in our community, how we're going to be
like, perceived, you know, like, I'm sure you saw, like, as this whole stuff was broken, it's like, there's the Project Bluebeam, like, don't fall apart with angles. Everywhere.
there's the, this is all demons angle. So I'm, I'm just worried that like our community is going to get caught up in like, it's going to happen, but like, we're going to get caught up in that and stuff like that. So, uh, that I do see the religious pushback and everyone's kind of viewing it through their own religious lens. Like I'm sure, um, a lot of the like, um, Muslim people have talked about this view it through like the gin lens, which I think is a pretty solid lens. Um, and then, but you do see a lot of like, um,
Christian podcast have like that speak on this will and I think all of them, but we'll say like kind of view it through a demonic lens, which is, you know, it's kind of interesting. It's gonna be wild as we uncover what's actually going on.
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, following Project Blue Book and all that kind of stuff going into the sort of the 70s and 80s, it feels like the subject took a bit of a quiet period. And, you know, yes, there could potentially have been some secret groups, you know, MJ-12 type things, although, you know, I think with MJ-12, obviously, that's a very controversial thing. So what do you think? How do you think that
I don't really know how to phrase it properly. Do you think MJ-12 was based in some kind of reality that there were possibly some groups looking into this that we just haven't heard of? Yeah, I think I like, that's another one where it's like, eventually I'll make a video on it, but everything I've read, I do think there's definitely something like that.
And even a lot of the names on that I would probably agree with, like Vinavar Bush and whatnot. There's an interesting thing that I learned recently that I'm pretty sure it's true. Hopefully, if not, someone in the comments can correct me. I think there was a memo by Wilbert Smith that had been released through official channels that named Vinavar Bush as the head of this UFO secret group or whatever. And it was after that that the MJ-12 documents were released. So it was almost
potentially might have been in response to those being out to just kind of muddy the waters there. But I'm pretty sure that the Wilbert Smith who ran Project Magnet, the Canadian small little UFO study, I'm pretty sure that's like an official document. I think people do argue about whether or not Wilbert Smith is legitimate. But so we do have like Van Aver Bush renamed on the UFO document, which I do find interesting. And you have what Benzel was in that document, who I'm pretty sure like he was a blue book debunker. So I'm and he was kind of like a big
He was like a J. Allen Hynek, a big scientific public face of debunking the subject. So a lot of those names, James Forrestal, too, I would imagine would have been on whatever, whoever they contacted after Roswell, you know what I mean? Or once they realized what was going on. So I do think there is something there. Yeah, no, I agree.
you kind of nailed it there that these big names must well they were connected in some way but whether they were as connected as forming this full group of people not so sure there but definitely think there was some some connection involved so well let's bring it back up to sort of more recent times and talk about you know when it all kind of changed for the the subject and became a bit more mainstreaming on the 17th of December 2017 do you remember that day was that something

2017 Revelations and Media Mainstreaming

you were like oh my goodness what is this? Actually I do because I like the news a lot and I like history a lot so like I was always reading and stuff like that but I just never like deep dove that subject and then I remember I saw the David Fraver interview on Tucker Carlson and for me when I saw that interview like on mainstream media being like seriously addressed
I was like, what it, uh, what I say is it reminded me of, um, the beginning of arrival when everyone's like stopped and stuff like that. Like that's all I felt personally, like no one in my real life did. Um, but yeah, I do remember like very vividly being like, what the heck is this? And I watched, um, I think like an Elizondo interview after that. And I was like, what is this? And then like, so this has been nonstop since that day of like every day, at least reading about this a little bit, we're trying to learn something new. So what do your family and friends think about it?
supportive at first a lot of them didn't understand and a lot of them didn't like talking about it which makes sense because the stigma and it is an uncomfortable topic for some people and then yes as more and more stuff happens like I'm getting more and more messages of like oh what do you think about this what do you think about that it's like okay that feels good like uh but yeah for sure at the beginning too a lot of people were like uh what are you doing why are you wasting all your time on this uh but now I think we're good
Yeah, now obviously around that time, a lot of this was to do with Tom DeLonge, TTSA, and that in itself has been quite controversial over the past few years. So what are your thoughts on what was first sort of promised by TTSA with the technology that they were trying to promise that they would bring to the subjects and then how it all changed sort of during the pandemic? So what are your thoughts on that whole company organization and do you think there's anything nefarious to it?
nefarious, maybe perhaps, right? Like it's like the intelligence community has been all over this subject and even like mingling with the UFO community since the beginning, you know, was it J. Allen Hynek was tasked to go out and ask a bunch of the different early UFO groups to like, that he told him like, oh, you'll get secret data if you go along with our narrative kind of thing. So there is that and when you look at TTSA and the lineup and like the intelligence like there, it's like,
It's like, I understand why people say, Oh, there's red flag there. Um, and then there's the, the, the vehicle part I thought was a little like, yeah, that's very suspect. Like, I don't know if like, Oh, maybe they do maybe just possible with what they're looking at, but I don't know about that, but to the whole, like reducing stigma, having congressional hearings, getting this subject like to a place where it can be discussed.
Like, yeah, I think they deserve like all the credit for that. And, um, it's kind of easy when we're on this end of it to be like, what have they really done? Which actually, I don't even think it's easy, but there are a lot of people who have that, um, take, but because like I spend all my time like reading about history and like reading about all these people who like wish they could be living through what we're living through or wish like the subject could have gotten the attention it's getting now. And who just their whole lives try to get that. And it died without ever seeing any of it. It's like.
they did do they accomplished like that and that is no small feat in my uh in my book um so yeah like kudos to them for that and like yeah all the the flight safety stuff even if it's not a ufo ufo it's like those are all um really important and um they deserve all the credit for that for sure yeah absolutely i mean for one thing i think about is if time too long was used whether it be by i don't know the cia or the government or anybody
All it's really done is thrust the subject into the mainstream, which is why would they want that to happen? A lot of it doesn't make sense to me. A lot of people saw there are people out there that think it was just a money grab. But I mean, the money that we're talking is just a drop in the ocean on the grand scheme of things. So again, it doesn't add up to me. So, yeah, no, I appreciate your take on that. And again, around this time, we've got Donald Trump in office as well.
You've really done some digging on Trump's connection to the UFO subject. If you wouldn't mind just laying that out for us, because I found that really interesting. Yeah, for sure. So somebody like him himself, he was president for a lot of the...
initial rollout. One of his, his chief IT person went from the White House to TTSA. I forget his name, but he was like a bold gentleman. And that was never, that wasn't really reported on a lot, even in a UFO land. And then yeah, his uncle, John Trump, it's like, there's not like any like confirm, confirm connections. But when you look at him as a whole, he was part of the MIT Rad Lab during like World War Two.
He helped develop an American radar. He was the scientific advisor to a lot of the Air Force generals, including, who was it, Carl Spatz, who is one of those generals, like we were talking about earlier, that they have kind of an interesting, like, weird flying schedule mishap around the Roswell time, and who was like, yeah, one of the top leaders of the Air Force at the time. So you would imagine
Oh, another thing too is that he went through Tesla's files for the government. You know what I mean? When Tesla died. So yeah, you'd imagine it. He was thought of as smart enough to be the person to analyze all of Tesla's work. When Tesla died, he invented or he helped invent radar. And he was an advisor to all these generals, like I think. And he was like friends with like Condon and Oppenheimer and Vanavar Bush. So it's like, his name is like right there with all the different names. So I would assume
But it's not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure his uncle is involved at least to some degree. Yeah, you can certainly see the links there with the people, the names that you named. And another thing with Trump is, you know, there's that sort of famous video clip of him and his son talking about Roswell. Do you think Trump genuinely knew anything? Or do you think he was like just hyping it?
See, that's the thing. People are always like, oh, Trump could never keep a seizure like that. But I don't, I feel like he kind of didn't know. And then, oh, there's another connection too, where his connection with, and this is also another one where it's like, not confirmed, confirmed, but it is interesting. Some people say that there was a, the whole McCarthy hearings, that there was a,
a UFO underpinning of that. Basically, there was a UFO underpinning of the Manhattan Project, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the McCarthy hearings. When you look at the atomic scientists, for example, that's where Condon lost his clearance. That's where Oppenheimer lost his clearance was in those. And Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, who was part of that whole thing. And they were investigating some of the different Manhattan Project sites for that.
wherever UFO sightings, and it's not confirmed by any means, but there's that. And it's like, uh, the Nixon, um, with, uh, what's that guy's name? Trump has some connections with Nixon too. So it's like Trump's, Trump and his uncle and like some of those legacy connections, I would think he kind of knows, but I'm kind of get the feeling that maybe at the time of like 2016, 2017, the, they weren't breathing him on everything, you know?
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you can name so many different presidents that could be connected. Jimmy Carter, you know, was a big one that always comes up with having his own sighting. But it doesn't really point to whether he actually knew anything or not. But I do find it interesting. And, you know, there's been some great work done on UFOs and presidents over the years. But I feel like we're just at a point where we need more now. It's it seems to have been it's getting a bit stale.
Yeah, maybe for sure. But it kind of seems like it's happening though, like, like, yeah, these past few weeks, like just the coverage of it, the media, you know, because I feel like media is fairly controlled. Like, you know what I mean? Like the there's a million things that could go on the news every night and someone decides what and what doesn't, you know, and how it's framed, like what words are used. So there's been a lot of like UFO language lately, you know, so
yeah like you were saying like i don't think that like when is the last time there's this much like separate ufo coverage even if it ends up being prosaic on like ever like it's like 1952 wave level of like coverage yeah absolutely and you know we have had the
the ramping up of language in the National Defense Authorization Acts, I think for the past three years. We've had these multiple UFO offices since ATIP, so we've had the UAPTF, AOIMSG, and ARO now. But also on the other side, we have had a lot of sort of citizen initiatives cropping up. What are your thoughts on that? I mean, do you think that that adds value to the subject? Do you think that we're just as likely to get results from that side of things?

Citizen Initiatives and Future Projects

Yeah, I think that stuff is really good. All the people making content, I think, helps the cause. All the people holding Twitter spaces or whatever helps the cause. Things like the big phone home, like when everyone collects their
their political power, whatever, and like starts calling their people or tweeting at their representatives. I think all those things do help. Um, so yeah, I think, I think they help. I don't think, yeah, I don't think it's like the only thing, you know, like a lot of it is the behind the scenes stuff with melon and Elizondo, but I think it's a, it's a group effort. It's a group collective effort. So yeah. Cool. No, I appreciate it. So what's next for you, man? Are you working on anything particular? Do you have a focus that you want to do for 2023?
Yeah, so I'm hoping to finish this one up. It's taken me forever, but it's about to be a long it's like a two and a half hour video. Wow. Because it's it kind of closes out the whole like blue book era and like, like that question of like science, like how did the scientific community lowkey drop the ball like this hard, I think is a really important one for like even scientists understand, you know,
Uh, just like you guys aren't infallible. Uh, like, you know what I mean? Um, and then after that, I think I'm going to do, uh, a news recap one, which I'll probably just kind of make like a good, like a recap of the past five years, even including this balloon stuff. You know what I mean? And then after that, I'm kind of working on one that's talking about like, um, internet, like the internet's impact on UFOs and like, um, some of the early hacking stuff that happened, like your McKinnon is like a big famous one.
And then there are a few before that that I'm working with a friend from Reddit with, so that should be cool. And then after that,
I don't know. I think I'm gonna go so I like I kind of have broken up into like different sections on my channel It's like the blue book era stuff the the in-between which is like, you know post blue book pre 2017 like Stanton Friedman or like the Edgar Mitchell one would count in there And then like 2017 post and then I also have kind of like the psychic angle So I kind of like to go like one of each, you know in the pattern so Yeah, it should be hopefully
Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be able to quit my normal job and I'll be able to do this full time and then I'll be able to push them out faster, I think. But they just take so long. I can imagine, man, with the research, the editing, everything. Yeah, absolutely. And I'm sure you get this too. You don't just have to learn about what you're making a video about. You also have to learn about all these tangential things to make sure you're not saying something wrong in a throwaway line. Yeah, so it takes a long time.
That's the thing it is, like you said, it's the behind the scenes stuff that nobody sees, you know, they see the polished product. But yeah, the work that goes into doing most things in this subject is it's crazy. Read your guest books and stuff like that. Or you know what I mean? Watch a lot. Yeah.
Exactly, which is great. You know, I love it. I love it. But it's just there's not enough time in the day when you've got many other things that you're trying to do at the same time. So I'm glad you appreciate that. But listen, before I let you go, there's a couple of questions which I like to sort of generally ask people is, out of all UFO cases, do you have a favorite that stands above the rest?

Favorite UFO Case and Theories

So, yeah, I guess it's the Colaris one. It's like favorite in a sense of like, this is the best one I like to present people with because there's so many different aspects of it. Like I said, multiple months, health effects, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of like newspaper coverage articles from the time, what else is there? And then, yeah, part of that case was they sent out the Brazilian military
And they were expecting to just come and like witness mass hysteria and then like all the people on the military team saw stuff. And then you also with that case you have a cover up which you have the Air Force at the time said it was lighthouses off on shore.
Um, and then what's also important is you have, um, so basically like it was covered up in 78 79, um, the official report or parts of it were leaked to like the UFO community then. So you kind of have this aspect of like documents being leaked. Are they real? Are they not? And then you started to have some of the military witnesses like, um,
commander and stuff like that, they gave their testimonies in between. And then what it finally closes out with is like in 2004, A.J. Gevaud, who passed away, unfortunately, this year, rest in peace, he like helped lead this political action movement, I guess, to get a lot of that stuff declassified. So, you know, like an official acknowledgement of a cover-up from the Brazilian government, and then you also have these
documents like officially released from the resilient government. So it kind of has everything. And it's not in America, because you always hear people say like, why is it always in America? So yeah, my go to for whenever someone like wants a good like case. Yeah, absolutely. And I think you did a three part on that one. And I recommend everybody go and check it out, as well as all of Red's vids. And what do you think if you had to speculate that if we are genuinely being visited, or there is a non human intelligence here, of all the potential origins
extraterrestrial interdimensional and that what sits at the top of your your list at the moment if you had to say um i do think it's like a mix but i do kind of like the interdimensional stuff uh although i think yeah i think it's all kind of there i like the chains of the sea the lu reference where it's like yeah it's like interdimensional low-key ai has already been sentient on this planet for a while we didn't even realize and there's also like extraterrestrial um
Some of the orb stuff feels more interdimensional and then maybe like some of the like some some cases do kind of maybe seem extraterrestrial but then also at the same time I do think there is a deceptive aspect of the phenomenon so it's like who even really knows it's the that Jacques Vallee book cover.
or it's like the alien holding the different hands, mask. And then even that was like its own separate hand with something off book, you know? So. No, that's cool. It's a tough one. Again, yeah, interdimensional, maybe something that's been here all along.
You know that kind of it sits above extraterrestrial for me at this stage But again, it flips and changes all the time and it's so difficult to sort of be able to say well I think it's this because there's really very little to kind of show for that that reasoning so Listen one last

Origin of Red Panda Koala's Name

question. So I've seen it in the comments a few times now and I'll get butchered if I don't ask it is where does the name red panda koala come from and
Um, I just like, I like red pandas a lot. The animal, it looks like a little red, uh, what raccoon kind of thing, but, um, and then yeah, like qualities too. And I didn't really want to put a UFO name at first. Cause like, especially in the beginning when I was like learning how to edit and just kind of like making a, like getting a sense of like, what is even going on here? You know what I mean? Yeah. I didn't want like, um, I don't know. I just felt like that would have brought in on like a lot of eyes, like right off the beginning, you know? Um, so I like that. And I like, uh, I like the way, like,
RPK sounds like when it's just the first letter and stuff. I like it. It's brilliant. It's great. And it's so memorable now in the community. That's it. You can't lose it now, man. You're stuck with it. So thank you so much for joining me today. I really do appreciate it. Thanks, Vinny. I'll catch you around. Hopefully. Are you coming to the States soon or something like that? I am going to be in Roswell in June. Yeah.
Thanks again and thank you to everyone in the chat as well. I really appreciate it. Look out for a video from me in the next couple of days with Chris Leto where we will be covering the last couple of weeks incidents in more depth.
And then next Wednesday, the 22nd of February, I'm going to be live with Dan Zettstrom, my good buddy, who is currently in Mexico, visiting lots of the archaeological sites. So we're going to be discussing that and more. So, guys, thank you so much. Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll see you soon. Goodbye.