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James Fox - Moment of Contact

Anomalous Podcast Network
782 Plays1 year ago
James Fox is a UFO investigator and documentary filmmaker. His works include the highly popular 'The Phenomenon' and his new film 'Moment of Contact'.

Moment of Contact is an exploration of extraterrestrial encounters, this one centered on a series of events in 1996 when citizens of Varginha, Brazil, reported seeing one or more strange creatures and a UFO crash. A number of locals, including a group of girls ranging in age from 14-21, had a close encounter with a being described as about 4 feet tall, with brown oily skin, a large head and huge red eyes.

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You're listening to the Anomalous Podcast Network. Multiple voices, one phenomenon.

Unidentified Technology and Secret Programs

One realizes very quickly we've been seeing this technology for decades. I had access to all those programs.

Eyewitness Account of a Wingless Object

windows, no real wings or control surfaces, no obvious signs of repulsion, and yet this object is witnessed now by four separate individuals and two separate aircraft. Welcome back everybody.
Good to be here. Before we bring on my guest, we'll just go over the usual things. Everyone in the chat, if you do have any questions throughout the interview, if you could just pop them in capital letters, that gives me a better chance of seeing them. I can't guarantee I'll get around to them because I do have quite a lot that I've already pulled in from social media and things like that. But I'll do my best. And please keep the chat nice and calm. Let's not have any drama. We can all have differences of opinion if needs be.
but we can still be polite and courteous about it. So one thing I will say is James just joined me a few minutes ago and my internet just suddenly dropped out. I have a really strong, powerful internet connection. I don't know what happened. If it happens again, my apologies. We will just have to work with it. I'm hoping it was just a one

Guest Introduction: James Fox

-off glitch.
Yeah, that's about it, guys. Let's jump straight into it. My guest today is James Fox. He has been highly influential over the years for me personally in my early days watching his documentaries. It really made me start asking some of the questions that then led me into more research. So, you know, that's just amazing. So anyway, let's get to it. Please welcome James Fox. James, how are you? Thanks for having me on. It's my pleasure.
It's funny, you know, when you said that, you know, the film's out of the blue and I know what I saw had inspired you. And that's a beautiful thing to hear. You know, I never try to pound my drum and get people to join my cult of believers. That's not where I come from. You know what I mean? But I do feel there's enough compelling evidence that tells an extraordinary story that
Perhaps we're not alone. And so that's what kind of keeps you going. And it's nice that other people are picking up on that because it's kind of a big deal. I agree completely. And that's the thing. It was watching those documentaries which left me with so many questions. So that's when I spent a lot of time trawling document archives, just seeing if I can add to that curiosity and maybe answer some of those questions. And here I am over a decade later still asking the questions.
And I love it. And I'm not going to stop. Well, here I am almost three decades later. And I'm

'Moment of Contact' and Its Reception

still asking the questions that I'm still like, I don't really know what the hell's going on. Yeah, absolutely. Now it's been about a month since the release, the global release of moment of contact. And I guess the first question was been, how's it been received? And are you happy with that? You know, I was a little
I wouldn't say reluctant. I was a little concerned that this story was a bit of a bar stretch because I know when I heard about it, I was making out of the blue and it was late 90s and it was my second documentary I was working on.
And my fellow co-producer, this guy, Tim Coleman, he's British. He was like, oh, mate, you know, I've got to look into this case and it happened in Brazil just a couple of years ago, you know, and this UFO crash and the aliens are walking through the town. I looked at him and I said, Tim, I might've picked the wrong partner here. I don't know.
But go sell crazy somewhere else. And I shut it down faster than you can say how to duty. I mean, I'm not getting you. So I know as someone who is making documentaries on the UFO topic, or UAP at this point, how quickly I dismissed it. So I knew kind of what I was up against, and I was putting my reputation a little on the line. But I think overall,
I don't think I got to put this film out 10 years ago. I think after the 2017 New York Times article and the UAP task force, and there's been mention of recovered debris, not a lot, but there have been mention of recovered debris and things of that nature in mainstream outlets with high level government and military officials discussing this stuff, that I guess the climate is,
as best as it's ever been, but still, you know, it's a tall tale. I mean, I wouldn't have put it out there if I didn't believe it actually happened. I wouldn't have spent 12 years making it if I didn't believe it happened.
But here we are, and moment of contact is out there. And I think overall, it's got great reviews. We were the number one film and independent film on the platforms for 10 consecutive days. And that was encouraging. But time will tell. And I think this is a story that's unfolding. It's developing. There are more people coming forward. There certainly have been in Brazil. And we'd really look forward to seeing that in the United States.
Excellent. Yeah. And congratulations. I think one thing that's maybe difficult with it is that it does rely on witness testimony, you know, for the majority of it, everybody would love to see proof and evidence, you know, and it's been discussed and we'll get to that a little bit later on. So, you know, I understand. There's nobody out there that wants that proof more than me. I know, I know how, you know, yeah.
Don't give up. I believe that. I believe that. We will discuss that slightly a little bit later on. But I'd like to just go over a bit of the actual case, the Virginia case itself. And one thing I'd like to know is how much media interest there was around the case back in 1996, not just in Brazil, but sort of globally.
It had a pretty big impact globally, a little impact in the United States. A couple of researchers got notice, John Mack, Dr. Roger Lear. There was an article written in the Wall Street Journal by a guy named Matt Moffitt. He kind of
It's a bit of a silly article overall, but it was still an article in the Wall Street Journal. But apart from that, in the United States, it didn't get a lot of attention. I think there were a lot of high level US researchers, like John Mack, I'd mentioned earlier, that were taking it seriously and sticking their teeth into it. But it hasn't gotten a lot of exposure in the United States at all. In fact, a lot of American researchers and enthusiasts
said, are you sure you want to spend time on the Virginia case? I don't know about that one. And I said, well, we'll see. I think there's something going on. And I went at it back and forth multiple times over a 12-year period to Brazil. And now I'm absolutely convinced it happened. And look, I don't expect your audience to believe it. I wouldn't. But I do say,
Listen to the eyewitness testimony. We were talking like the vast majority of people

Virginia Case and Its Impact in the U.S.

in the town of Virginia heard something, saw something, knew someone who saw something, from military blockades to the threats to the creature in broad daylight. How many people do you know or how many cases do you know where multiple eyewitnesses see a creature from 8 to 10 feet away in broad daylight
alive, a sentient being, right? And you got reports from the fire department, you got reports from the police department, you got reports from the the military, the Brazilian military, you got reports from citizens, doctors, like, it's all there. You know, and it makes a very compelling story that something crashed, and there were occupants recovered. I believe that. But yes, wouldn't it be great to have that definitive piece of evidence, photographic evidence,
documentation from the Brazilians.
It would be great. Believe me, it'd be great. Excuse me, I'm sipping on some coffee. Oh, no problem at all. And, you know, we heard early on in the documentary that the command, commanding general at the time was just denying the whole thing. Yet we've seen so many military witnesses come forward and A.J. Javad considers this the most well-kept secret

Key Investigators of the Virginia Case

in the military circles of Brazil. I mean, have you spoken much with A.J. about his involvement over the years in the case? And has he helped sort of you in the process?
There were three primary investigators on this case. Clodio Covo, Brazilian engineer, UFO researcher. Ubitajada Rodriguez, he was a lawyer, a high-level lawyer in the town of Virginia, also a UFO investigator. And this guy Victor Pekacini, who's also Brazilian, who was living at the time in the state of Minas Gerais, which is where all this stuff took place.
There was also A.J. Geward and a handful of others, but the three primary researchers were Clodio Kovo, Ubinajana Rodriguez, and Pacaccini. And I have taken their private... So let's see, how do I say this? Clodio Kovo died.
but a genre Rodriguez and thinking 2005 or 2006 right after his book came out regarding this case and he's all over the archival footage in the film and He did a 180 and he refused to even talk about the case anymore Pacaccini disappeared for 18 years because apparently because of the threats and I kept when we were in Brazil It's like where's this guy? Pacaccini? Where's who but a genre? Clodio Covio I knew had passed and and Pacaccini
disappeared, like I said, for 18 years. He just resurfaced as his film was about to come out for the first time in 18 years. And he's made some pretty startling... shared some pretty startling revelations regarding his involvement, the threats he experienced, the 35 second video that he was shown,
who he has the name of and the location and all of that stuff. And he describes in vivid detail for the first time ever, just a couple of weeks ago, to the New York Post, along with another eyewitness account about this alleged photographic evidence. And so there are

Ongoing Developments in Virginia Case

new aspects coming out. I'm hoping that, you know, over time, it'll just keep unraveling.
So are you still in touch with him, Pacicini, just to see, get the latest? I'm in touch with Pacicini every single day. Wow. We're communicating every single day because there are efforts behind the scenes taking place. We're very fortunate that Pacicini is back on board. He was one of the leading investigators. Pacicini, let's just say Pacicini had more traction on this case in 1996 than any other researcher.
He did some amazing things. I'd have to let him share all the details, but suffice to say, you know, a lot of the military people that we met with that refused to go on camera from the front and reveal their identity just from the back and Skyves in their voice, they all knew him. They all shared things with him. He was in the loop with them back in 1996.
Yeah, I've been keeping my eye on this discussion about whether we're going to see any of this amazing evidence. And sometimes it's looking positive. Other times it sounds like people might be too scared or there might be repercussions. So has it been like that since he's come back on the scene for the last few weeks? Has there been ups and downs? There's ups and downs. I'm confident that it will come out. The only question is when. We're in touch with the people who have it.
It's just a question of when, not if. I'm told that they distributed the photographic evidence far and wide. They couldn't just go to one house and destroy it. Oh yeah, yeah. They sent it out, broadcast it out. So when the time is right, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, I really don't know. I am told unequivocally that it will happen.
the the
gentlemen that were involved in military operations from as a military base and they went on the record on camera and it was not to be released until 2030 but they went on the record on camera as a sort of security for them that if anything happened to them those tapes would be released and the military knew that and those tapes were distributed far and wide as well and I've seen them.
They're not, excuse me, they're not to be released now, but I've seen those, I've seen, I've seen those days. I'm like, what do you mean I can't use this? This is amazing. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure you've seen in the past few weeks as well. And I noticed, give a shout out to Ryan Sprague. He's here in the comments with the question I was just about to ask. There are lots of other photographs that have been cropping up over the past few weeks claiming to be images of the Virginia creature. Have you generally been, been looking at those and keeping an eye on things? I mean, I saw one pop up today and the person was adamant that
Don't write me some lengthy email regarding your sighting. I'm tremendously interested in hearing about it, but not now. Right now, I got a laser focus on Virginia. And if anybody has any leads or they have a still frame of something, I send it directly to my contacts in Brazil and make the determination whether it's fact or phony.
that's what it was
Excellent, there you go guys so you heard it here and I will if it's okay with James pop that email in the description below and I might write a little statement just what you said there please don't send your big lengthy stories at this at this time. Now the case obviously involves multiple events we've got the kind of the distressed craft we've got the crash itself and we've got the being so how did you go about deciding how much time to focus on each or did you just follow any lead that came in
And also, were there any dubious leads that came in that you really didn't want to go there? Not a single lead came in. We tracked down all the witnesses. Not one person approached us, not one. In fact, the vast majority of eyewitnesses took years and years of haggling with and massaging relations with military acts.
He said, all the amount of money in the world will not get me to come forward. That's never going to happen. But we kept at it. We kept at it. We kept at it. Marco Lael deserves tremendous credit for all of his work, groundwork in the area. Marco Lael is the star of this film. I mean, he really spent a lot of time. And even his own family is like, son, come back to planet Earth. What are you doing chasing this crazy story down?
So we tracked him down in some cases, like for instance, Dr. X, who was filmed for the backside, he took the X-rays. That guy we found, I think eight years ago, he was still working for the regional hospital and he's like, yeah, he confirmed the stories, I'm never coming forward. Then he retired and four years after he retired, Marco hit him up again and ultimately got him to come forward for the first time ever. Military X got him to come forward for the first time ever. I could give,
the fifth
I feel like we created a body of work that could present it to a court and that would sway a jury that something indeed extraordinary took place. There's just too many witnesses.
Yeah, and I suppose now you've got it out there, the documentary, I suppose it would pop up on a lot more people's radar. So maybe that could have been the next step in other people coming forward. I mean, are there other names that you know are still alive and who might know something that you haven't been able to track down or have refused to talk and you feel like that they might come out soon or in the near future?
We have to answer your question. Yes. And like, for instance, the firemen that were involved in the first capture on the January 20th, we have actually videotaped statements from them, but we were not to be they were not to be released in the film that were directly involved with the capture of the first creature.
We have other statements from other people that will remain anonymous that confirmed the events of the second capture. So we felt quite comfortable, everything was accurate. We worked behind the scenes with some researchers with some former Brazilian military people. I even sent this out months and months ago to some people within

Documentary Release and UAP Task Force

the intelligence community in the United States and not one of them said this didn't happen. Wow.
So I felt pretty confident that we were on the right path, and I still do.
You mentioned recently as well that you've obviously got sources within the government and intelligence community, but you mentioned that you'd spoken to someone recently in the UAP task force who said that the timing was good for the release of the documentary and that possibly something would be coming at the end of October, which has now passed. Are there any updates on that? Have you spoken to this person and said what's happening? The updates I'm getting is that it's coming, it's been delayed, that it's coming. Is this the UAP report that's been?
It was something, you know, the language that he used wasn't definitive, but it gave me the impression that my timing with this case and crash retrievals was spot on. So we'll see. We'll see. You know, I'm feeling a little bit lonely out here.
I mean, I feel like I've kind of put my credibility on the line. You know, I mean, the last film, the phenomenon, I had a lot of back. I had a lot of backup. I had former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. I had former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon. I had, you know, Lou Elizondo publicly endorsing the film.
and the list just goes on and on and on, right? With this one round, there's been a lot of chatter behind the scenes, but so far there've been very few people in that community that are willing to come forward and say this thing happened. I don't really blame them quite honestly. I mean, it's a pretty out there story. And I think that this is just, I think this film is
This story is just gaining traction and I think it's a developing ongoing thing and I'm absolutely convinced. Look, when I did Out of the Blue, the first version, we had lots of
information eyewitness testimony on the infamous Phoenix Lights. If you call it Phoenix Lights, people will say, no, it's the massive UFO flyover, but it's commonly referred to as the January 13, 1997 Phoenix Lights.
but it was a massive boomerang shake craft. More information, like significant information came out over the years after that first version of Out of the Blue, and I revised Out of the Blue, and I put in the governor, I put in all this additional eyewitness testimony, I even put in some videotaped evidence. I think that came in, that might have come in with, I know what I saw. Excuse me, but in any case, my point is, is that
He puts something out in the world, hey, look, will we like that definitive piece of evidence? Will we like a piece of documentation from the US government? You're damn right we would. But am I quitting and just going to move on to the next? No, of course not. I mean, this will be ongoing. And believe me, I'm not giving up anytime soon. And it's coming out.
Excellent. I like, I like that. I think any good case is always going to remain open. What do we have on Roswell? You have a lot more eyewitnesses on this case than you ever did on Roswell. Yeah. You know, so I mean, we never, other than that bogus race and Tilly footage that came out, you never had any photographs of any aliens in Roswell. And yet here we are all these years later and everyone's talking about it. So you got to start somewhere, you know. No, absolutely completely agree.
And just coming back to the case and obviously you spoken to the three girls in Virginia before many years ago and then you know you repeated it in this in this documentary and.
You know, they were there. I think they were the first to see the creature, if I'm right. But the crash had happened, was it a week earlier? What are the theories on that time period that week leading up to the first sighting of the creature? It's one of those aspects of this case. It's a little bit ambiguous.
There's been speculation because I asked the very same question. I did aerial photography with my drone looking straight down at all these different, you know, alleged, you know, the encounters, the military blockades, alleged capture, and you look at a certain proximity and then it's like, okay, well, here's we got
Very compelling eyewitness testimony of an encounter with a strange creature. Then a couple blocks away, you've got this other alleged capture with two military police officers, Eric Lopes and Marco Charisse. Then you've got military blockades and you've got the people, the family, if you remember this, that scene where the family saw a flying disc.
doing a grid search. We have all that from the air we've captured. But then, inexplicably, you've got the crash site, which is, I've heard six miles by the crow flies, you know, up to 10 miles. And some of the researchers said, well, there's some speculation there's a river that flows near the crash site, and it winds up just a few blocks away from where the girls came into the counter. Did these things go in the river?
I don't know. Maybe. Was there an escape pod? I don't know. Maybe. I really don't know. And I'd love to know. And there's also sightings. There were pretty good reports regarding lots of other people in the town that saw these strange creatures. And none of the people in Virginia ever said alien or ET at the time. They were like, there's something really weird out here. And they're calling the authorities.
They're calling the fire department, they're calling the military police. It was a pretty chaotic scene, January 20th, 1996.
And that area where the girls saw the being, you know, in the documentary, we see this big sort of heavy door or gate with a lock on it. Was that more open back in 1996? So it was sort of freak. Yeah, same cinder block wall door was not locked. It was more open and they were walking through that field at about 3 p.m. Saturday. I think it was on a Saturday, a very hot Saturday, January. Remember January in Brazil is summer.
So it was January 20th. And these three girls, it was Katya, who was 21. And then the two sisters, Volkeria, 14, and Liliani, who was 16. And they were walking through that little field. I guess the grass was maybe just below their knees. And they saw what they initially thought was some kind of statue or something that was kind of crouched next to the wall. They're looking at it like, what the hell is that? And
They got a little closer and a little closer. And then they got between eight to 10 feet from this thing. And I think one of the girls realized that it looked like it was alive and

Details of the Virginia Creature Encounter

she let out a yelp. And at which point the creature turned and looked them right in the eyes. It was sitting, you can still hear me here. It was crouched.
against the wall with his hands between the legs, feeble, weak, cowering. It was just kind of crouched like this against the wall. And when the girls screamed, according to them, all three of them, the creature turned and looked them right in the eyes.
Two sisters, Volkeria and Lilliani, 14 and 16, grabbed each other and just hightailed it out of there. Katya, who's 21, was frozen in her tracks, locked eyes on this thing. Lilliani realizes she gets about 100 feet down the path. Oh, Jesus, Katya's still there. She's probably in imminent danger. They thought it was the devil. She races back, leaves her sister alone, races back, grabs Katya, yanks her out of there,
And that was where the film title came from because I was in the field discussing this. And I thought, how many people do I know that I believe that came face to face with a creature, a sentient being that locked eyes on this thing? I said to her, you know, put me during that moment of contact, when you locked eyes with this creature, what did you feel?
Was there any kind of communication that put me there? And she said that it was communicating with her that it was scared. It wanted help. It was feeble and weak and suffering. That's what she said. And like I said, you interviewed these girls many years apart. And did the stories remain the same from the first time you interviewed them to the second?
I've got tons of archival footage from Dr. John Mack, from Roger Lear, from all the local TV and news stations in the town of Brazil, interviews that I'd done 10, 11 years ago, modern day interviews today. They're absolutely perfectly synced, identical. Not a single word has changed in 26 years. That's very compelling, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Then you've got the mother, right? So the girl's right home.
They get back to the house and they're screaming, we just saw the devil. We think we saw the devil. And the mother's like, what are you talking about? Where, you know, and the mother's like, let's go. And the girl's like, no, we're not going back there. So she talks, the mother talks Katya, who's not one of the daughters, who's a friend, a family friend to go back to the scene.
And when they got there, that stench was present. That really strong ammonia sulfur stench was at the scene, according to them, according to the mother. She said that got into her sinuses. She couldn't get it out for weeks with rubbing alcohol.
And there was a footprint right where the girl said the creature was. And the mother drew the footprint for her. But it's basically two digits with one that looks like it would come out when it's bipedal when it's walking that could come out and kind of stabilize its walking. But it's basically two digits with a side one coming out the side.
Oh wow, that's interesting. I've had a question here from someone that says the footprint sketch by the girl's mother shows three toes, but a witness who later saw the body said it had two. So is that what? Yeah. So you got this, right? And then when it's walking, you've got a third one that comes outside to stabilize it. Okay.
That's interesting. You hear inconsistencies like that and it does throw up a red flag, but that's really interesting. Not far from where the girls did witness the Bing as well, we had this military blockade and we had press asking questions and I think all they got was that it was a matter of national security and that they'd even be arrested for asking more questions. When speaking to people, is that normal in Brazil for the military to be that
aggressive let's say and did anybody ever get to the point of what what they were meant by national security, what was their reason or excuse that they were using. There was a lot of.
inquiry, particularly in the country of Brazil, there were some very big media personalities that were looking into this case and asking questions. I feature some of them, some of the coverage, the media coverage in the movie.
And ultimately, there were two statements made. One of them, I think, was trying to remember. I think it's Lima, General Lima, who was head of the as a military base. And he did the standard dismissal, you know, which is actually quite revealing. It's in the movie as well. But then there was this other guy who apparently got reprimanded for it. And that was I don't know if that was a little bit later or if it was a little bit before. I'm not entirely sure. But he made up some story that it was just like
this handicapped midget that was homeless and had some mental health issues. And of course, everyone just, you know, I mean, apparently he was the laughingstock of Brazil. And he apparently got reprimanded because that was more unlikely than what actually supposedly happened.
But other than that, as far as I know, there were no other statements made, just a complete denial. In fact, there is a very famous statement. Let me think about that that happened in the US. We are not hiding anything. Who was that?
It'll come to me, but it was like the head of the Secretary of the Air Force, Harold Brown, I think it was back in the 50s or 60s, probably the 60s. You remember when they had congressional hearings in America in the 60s? And again, the eight and Harold Brown gets up there. We have not been hiding anything. We've been totally honest. There's nothing to any of this. You look at the guy, you go, you are so clearly lying. This is not a shred of doubt.
And they gave a very similar press conference in 1996 where you're going, oh, my God. And the press is just peppering this guy. Right. And, you know, what were you doing on that day? Prove to us what you were doing. What we were doing was, you know, for the working for the nation. You know, yes. But tell us the truth. What were you? I don't have to tell you anything more than that. Well, come on. Don't you want the truth out there? No. Stop asking me any more questions. You know, it's in the movie. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, but I was laughing. I was like, Oh my God, that's exactly what happens. That's exactly what happens. You know, I'll share something one more thing with your audience. That was something that was not in the film. That was a it really kept Marco Lael and myself hot on the trail. It really kept
propelling us forward and it was the kind of motivation that we needed and it was... I don't remember if it was 2013 or 2014. We met with Jose Carlos Pereira. He was a Brazilian, they call him Brigadier. I don't know if it's the same in the United States but Brigadier is a high-level Brazilian Air Force officer and he was willing to talk with us about the reality of UFOs in Brazil which was great.
We interview him. He said, if you ask me one question about Virginia, this interview is terminated. We thought, Jesus, okay, well, gosh, why don't you just deny it if you're gonna, you know what I mean? We'll just get you on camera denying it. But he said, if you ask me, it's over. I'll get up and leave. So, okay, well, I might as well get what I can out of this guy. And at the end of the interview, and I liked him, he was a likable character. Well, he has since passed.
And so I am now going public with what happened after the camera stopped rolling. Marco and I, and I've got photographs of this as well. We were literally like begging him, pleading. He had a driver waiting for him. And I swore up, I looked him dead in the eyes and I said, I swear up and down there are no recording devices, no cameras rolling. Please, please just tell us about the Virginia case. Please, we wanna know so bad.
And he walked back to the car with Marco and I, Marco was there too. Walked back to his car, he had a driver waiting, he sits down in the back seat and

Brazilian Officer Confirms Virginia Case

he looks up at us with the door still open and he said, it happened. Close the door, off he went. Marco and I looked at each other and the hair stood up on our arms. I mean, it was like, it was electrifying. We looked at each other like, whoa.
Wow, that was a level of confirmation that very few people have probably ever had. Why on earth would he like, you know, why on earth would he say that if it weren't true? So that
That really kept this case alive. And Mark and I never forgot that, man. In fact, I'll never forget that moment. And I wouldn't share that moment with the general public if he was still alive, but that happened. And he's in the movie. You'll see him in the movie. He says, when governments can't explain something, they will cover it up.
Yeah, very powerful indeed. I mean, you know, to be that resistant towards you, but then have to pressure by you to then say that it kind of speaks volumes. I was on the verge of kissing his feet. That's how much I was begging. I really was because I could see in his eyes. He knew, you know, I mean, I just remember I was like bowing down, please, like I look right in the eyes, please, just tell us, please, off the record. You know, it happened.
Off he went. Wow. Wow. That was, that was something else. Yeah. Yeah. And speaking of military and military witnesses, were you ever concerned anywhere along the way of these witnesses coming forward with a pre-prepared story that may just muddy the waters? Absolutely not. We chased them down. We knew who they were.
We knew their involvement. We chased them down. Not one witness came to us, not one. We knew who they are. Marcos done due diligence. He's been in touch with Uber to Jara. He's been in touch off the record with Clodio Cobo back years and years ago. He's seen the tapes of the testimonials that were given in 96. We knew who we're going after.
And we knew it very carefully and we spent years and Marco in particular, we're talking years and years to get those people to come forward. Fantastic. Thank you. I'm just going to move on to a few questions that I've got from social media. So James four one two five asks, does James think the other policeman who saw his colleague capture the alien will ever speak out? Very good question. You know, that was a pretty hairy moment in production and
This guy had been in hiding for 26 years. All he ever had to do was come forward with a statement to the media and say, this is fantasy. This never happened. It's all make believe, but instead he never did that. And he never gave a statement to the family of the deceased officer who was also a friend of his.
and every time Marta, the deceased officer's sister, she told me this on camera, anytime she would talk with him about it, begging him like, come on, he was sweating and smoking cigarettes back to back is what she said, like sweating and nervous and smoking. Now I know that other military witnesses were threatened because they told me, the doctors, everybody. So clearly this is a key witness and he was, they said something to him, because he, look,
People also criticized us for doorstepping the guy. Well, I have to remind those people that every other possible scenario had been exhausted for 26 years, contacting his wife, contacting him directly at his home, like emails, letters, phone calls, the family of the deceased officer trying to get him to make it up. The only thing left was to doorstep the guy. So with the help of the local mayor, we found out where he was. And boy, that was, was that guy off the beaten path or what?
Like, if you wanted to find a place to hide, he was doing it. I mean, look at that place. That was crazy. And he threatened to shoot everybody, but he could have just stepped outside, you know, and just said, look, again, there's nothing to this story. I was not driving the vehicle. I didn't see anything. I didn't hear anything. It's all make-believe, but he didn't do that.
Instead, what he said when we rolled up, all they said is the translator guy, Homolo, who's a lawyer in Virginia, Eric Lopes.
And he said, we're here to see Eric Lopes. And his response was, Eric, if you're here to talk about the E.T., Eric will never talk or he will never talk. It's like it's kind of like that situation where the police show up at a party and they knock on the door and they open up the door. And then the first thing the guy says that open the door when he sees the cops, there are no drugs in here, sir.
You know? And so right off the bat, I thought, that's odd. We didn't ask him about an ET. We didn't ask him anything. Just Eric Lopes, we're here to see Eric Lopes. That was the first thing out of his mouth. And then it was like bullets are gonna start flying. You guys are gonna get in trouble three times. So subsequently, after that happened, we contacted his wife with the help of his sister, Marta. Sorry, the deceased officer's sister, Marta.
And we said, what's it going to take to get Eric to come forward? And she said, bring my brother, my brother, because he's, this is another aspect of the story, which is crazy. So Eric Lopes is married to the deceased officer's sister. Marcus Raisi's sister. Yeah.
Margaret Tracy has two sisters, one of which is Marta Tavares. She went on camera for us and talked about all these things of the project. And then he had another sister, her name escapes you right now, but he married her. And Marco and Eric Lopes had grown up together and they became military intelligence police together. And the night in question on January 20th, according to the family,
Eric Lopes came to the house and said, hey, I'm on this crazy mission tonight. Marco Trizzi wasn't supposed to be working. I'm supposed to be looking for something really strange and unusual. Do you want to join me? And Marco was like, sure. And he jumped in the car and off they went.

Death of Officer Marco Trizzi

And, you know, and all rest is history. But we contacted his wife through the help of his family. And what will it take to get him to come forward? She said, bring my brother back to life, and then he'll talk to you.
That sounds pretty yeah I mean I was gonna ask about market raising, since we mentioned him is what are the big questions, do you think that the biggest questions that still remain over what happened to him because it was all a bit shady I mean he was buried really quickly and there were just things that.
Well, we were very fortunate to get Dr. Cesario who worked on him on camera. I think we're the first people ever to get him on camera, any production. Cesario who's still a doctor in Virginia and he said he'd never seen anything like it prior or since.
He said that he had a scratch to kind of scratch like here in his arm. And it's it's assumed that it was when he captured this creature with his bare hands, that it kind of just scratched him a little bit. But he had this weird like oil because everyone talked about this oil on this brown creature that really just really oily.
And it was smelly and oily. And apparently Marco, Theresa was rubbing his body down with rubbing alcohol afterwards. And it got apparently worse and worse. And then he got like this infection and he admitted himself a few weeks later to the hospital. Dr. Cesario was working on him. Dr. Cesario said that he revealed his involvement. He says it's on camera with the case because he was trying to save his own life. And that
He gave him all the antibiotics that would normally treat an infection, but his immune system just failed. He was a healthy 23 year old military soldier and he died.
The on-call doctor that day wanted to get him in the ground according to his family as soon as possible. Which leads me to believe like maybe he was worried that Marco had something on him that could spread. But you know, it's all speculation really. But they did have the autopsy report which indicated there was some kind of unknown substance, 8% of something that was unrecognizable. It's in the film, it's in the films. The sister talks about it.
Yeah, I mean, and we mentioned again, doctors and nurses, hospitals and that there, let's talk about when the.
the body of the creature is at the military hospital and x-rays are taken. I mean, I'm assuming that x-rays like that are buried somewhere deep within the military, but did you search that out? Did you ask many questions about the whereabouts of those x-rays? So the doctor that we interviewed, and he verified what we knew for a fact that he'd worked at regional hospital,
And he said that it was the first and only time in his entire career where he was unable to verify the x-rays as being good. Because normally, he takes the x-rays and then he examines them. But the military trucks that arrived and armed guards, he said the whole thing was terrifying. The mood in the room during when he was taking these x-rays was just nobody smiled. Nobody looked at him. It was just business.
And at the end of it, he wasn't allowed to look at them. And they took they took these x-rays and off they went. Wow. I mean, I doubt, I doubt, you know, that would be a great piece of evidence to leak or come forward. Wouldn't it be? I mean, you know, those went those stayed in the hands of the military. But there were enough civilian people involved and doctors involved that I'm absolutely convinced. In fact, I can tell you unequivocally that there are doctors that
that took some evidence. Yeah. And one thing that I'm quite baffled about is that earlier on this year, we saw, I think it was Brazilian Senate holding hearings, you know, talking about the UFO subjects. So it seems like they are, as a country, willing to discuss it. I mean, it was, I didn't watch it because a lot of it, you know, couldn't understand, but was the Virginia case mentioned at those hearings? That's so strange. No, you know, they had a,
They had a pretty extraordinary
encounter in 1986, UFOs over Brazil, I think UFOs over Sao Paulo, where there were 12 unknowns that were whizzing around in the airspace and they scrambled all these jets. And then they had a huge press conference and the pilot said, I showed some of this in the film, pilot said that we couldn't get where our job was to, to intercept and identify and he's like, we couldn't intercept, we couldn't even
hear these things, they would just, you know, take off, let alone identify them. But they were, you know, they were fully transparent back in 1986, regardless. But I have to remind, you know, your audience is a very big difference between unknown objects in the sky and beings on the ground. Absolutely. Yeah, it's a pretty big step. Indeed, it is. And we got some questions. So did you sorry, did you, Vinny, did you
know about this case prior to watching the film? I did, yeah. You did? Okay. All right. And how long have you known about this case?
I think it was probably since your original interview with the three girls. Yeah, something like that. But I've always followed foreign cases. I mean, I'm from the UK, so I've always looked at cases here, but also South America having an interest in the country in general and doing investigations myself in Colombia. So I've always been very open
and not get caught up in the trap of it's a US subject. It's a US issue because obviously we all know it's a global issue. So I've always been of that kind of way of thinking. So yeah. Did I expect to see anything on this level of scale on the Virginia case? No. So it was very, very exciting from the moment it was announced to seeing the finished product was incredible. So.
Yeah, because even the Brazilian UFO researchers that watched it and they were like, wow, even you guys got new stuff and you guys got these people to come forward. That's the first, you know, and even having the mayor of the town. That was, you know, that's that's something. You got the elected mayor, not retired, you know, basically saying that he believes the UFO crashed and live aliens were captured in his town. I mean,
You know, I don't think that could be overstated just how significant that is. Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, you were careful in the film as well with some of the wording that you used, you know, you use the word alleged and things like that throughout. And now obviously being there, it probably has more of an impact on you because you're there face to face with the witnesses. It must be quite difficult to not just throw all your chips in. I'm all in no matter what kind of thing. So how did you kind of find that balance? Because I know how difficult that can be.
I feel like I cannot make any definitive statements without definitive proof. I feel like we have an incredibly compelling story with incredibly compelling eyewitness accounts, firsthand eyewitness accounts from doctors, from civilians, from military Brazilian folks that were involved in the operations.
elected officials, a very, very compelling story. And I'm convinced that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of additional eyewitnesses coming forward. I mean, people want to know, and I know there are people within the intelligence agencies that have seen this film. And, you know, not one of them said that this didn't happen.
Yeah, that's, that's, you know, that holds weight. It certainly holds weight. It's nice for me to hear those things, you know? Yeah. I know I'm not like crazy town here. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. No, for sure. Sorry, go ahead. No, I was just gonna say this question from Montana with the kind donation. He says, Stan Friedman hypothesized the creature was cargo rather than the pilot. So any thoughts on that? Yeah, that's what Stan told me the same thing when we were in Brazil.
You know, you just don't know. Well, you know, they didn't have a helmet. They didn't have any, you know, spacesuit or anything on, you know. You know, it's strange, isn't it? Because if you look at the case like Ariel School in Zimbabwe from 94 and, you know, the children witnessed these beings wearing sort of what looked like spacesuits and it's just black. Yeah. Black, tight fitting suits. Yeah. These these creatures, according to the eyewitnesses, didn't have any of that. I know.
Very strange. And then other people have suggested that they were sort of organic robots or would that, you know, what do you call living robots kind of thing? OK, I look, I don't know. I'm just telling you. Yeah, yeah. No, no. I'd like to hear the theories. And I thought to myself, well, according to the eyewitnesses, these these beings were scared. They were scared. They were counting. They were feeble. They wanted help.
You know, it's very unfortunate I didn't get Dr. Roger Lear on camera before he died because he gave me his tapes. We tried to connect in 2013 and 2014. I can't remember the exact date. And I was really busy working on the phenomenon. I was working on Rua. I'd already been to Virginia once or twice at that point, probably twice.
He was super excited that I was doing the case. And we tried to get together and do an interview. But at the end of the day, he was kind of frustrated. And he said to me, well, if you're not going to interview me. And I said, look, it's not a question of me not wanting to interview you. I'm so busy right now with all these other interviews. He didn't say I'm dying of cancer. Get my story on. I wish he had. I would have done it at midnight. But he did give me the tapes. And I also got his book.
and in his book it's just a direct translation of the tapes of the interviews because I have the tapes and I could see and I read the book so I could see you know that he transcribed the interviews and you know did some editing and put in the book. However there was one meeting that he claims in his book
that he met with some doctors at the hospital where I heard that the beans were taken and transported because I spoke to the people directly involved with that operation. So the bean would have been there, according to them. And the doctors met with Dr. Roger Lear, according to Roger Lear and according to his statements in his book.
Everything else was accurate, so I have no reason to not believe it, but I couldn't get verification on it and I didn't include it in the movie. But apparently, according to Dr. Roger Lear in his book, they met with two doctors from Humanitas Hospital that said, or maybe it might have been Regional Hospital, one of the two, where there was a being that was alive and there was some telepathic communication with the two doctors.
And doctors met with Dr. Roger Lear and they wouldn't allow Dr. Roger Lear to film them as he done with the other witnesses. But they said, we'll give you our story in which he included in his book. Wow. That's pretty impressive. I mean, seeing Roger is.
you know, footage in the movie, I thought was really good. He obviously did some great work. And I think he's with Ubejera, is it? And some of the witnesses. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, that was really something to see. So yeah, that was great. Shame. It's a real shame that, you know, unfortunately, I know. And I, you know, then I found out in his book that he was with another gentleman who was a fellow doctor. So I contacted him and then his family said he just died a couple of years ago. I was like, Oh, God.
You know, and then Ube Dajara won't talk to me. So he was the only other person in the room that I know of. Maybe Ube Dajara will come forward. I don't know. Maybe let's keep our fingers crossed. Yeah. Cause I wonder if he could back up what the story with the doctors and the beings. Well, he could, but wouldn't it be nice if those doctors came forward? Absolutely. That would be incredible. More firsthand testimony. I mean, it's like you say, this is the start of something rather than, you know, we did our investigations and this is the end of the,
so i made a conscious decision to put this film out because we had some very solid leads in fact if i wasn't a father with an eight-year-old son and a family um i would be there right now um but we got pretty spooked that last round i mean we were getting close
And it was spooky. But again, I, you know, I would have no problems. If I wasn't a dad, I'd be there in Brazil, and I wouldn't leave till I came home with something. I can assure you of that. But I got pretty spooked. It got things got spooky. And are the witnesses that we were that we either just met with or about to meet with, they were getting phone calls from the base. And they were spooked. And they just said, steer clear of us for six months, which we did. Yeah, scary stuff. Absolutely.
I've got a great question here from RGHUFOs. Did you try and track down the witness from syndactor or hear from anyone from USAF, US-SouthCom, catch-all for all US forces related to South America, NORAD, et cetera?

NORAD's Involvement in Virginia Case

So, uh, no. So the, um, couple of things. One is we spoke directly with one of a Brazilian researcher or Marco Lael did, who wrote a book on the case. And he had a government insider from the Brazilian government that confirmed to him that it was NORAD that gave them the heads up that it was incoming. And then I said,
the film to a couple of people I had on the inside and they didn't seem to have a problem with it. So I left it in, I went with it. So I was based on a Brazilian researcher who wrote a book whose contact confirmed to him, but wanted to remain anonymous that the NORAD had given that signal. It was a tough call, but I decided to ultimately leave it in.
Yeah and just for anyone that's listening or this is the very start of the film where you know it shows that Nora had been tracking something which is very interesting so yeah that's great. I'm just conscious of the time we're nearly on the hour mark. What I'd love to talk about before we wrap up is

James Fox's New Project on Crash Retrievals

your next project because we've heard you say little things here and there on social media but if you could just sort of give us what you're planning and how much you can tell us that would be
that'd be really great thank you sure so uh i'm starting next week wow oh my god uh i'm starting next week and you know
When I met with former Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, it was a big get for me as a filmmaker and researcher. I mean, it was a household name, right? Yeah. And I have George Knapp to thank for that. Thank you, George Knapp. That was all him and actually one other person. But yeah.
He confirmed for me on camera that the evidence that's leaked out, that's gotten out, that was on the front page of the New York Times, and I remind your audience that didn't just happen. Those people found a loophole and walked that stuff out. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
also had mentioned, I think, to the New Yorker that we talked about the aspect of the shutting down on and off the nukes to me, but then also in the New Yorker, things got pushed a little further where he said that he'd heard of this crashed debris, material and bodies. He'd heard accounts of this and for a long time that it was with Lockheed Martin
and that he had asked for authorization for access to see some of this stuff, and they never, they refused to give him authorization. And it's funny, it's like you'd say, oh, there's nothing of any kind there. Instead, it's just a blanket denial of no access. I remember Barry Goldwater said the same thing when he asked General Curtis LeMay about access to the, I guess it called it the Blue Room at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I think it's called the Blue Room.
So that was like a dangling carrot for me, obviously. And then when I went to Brazil this last time and we met with a number of former military personnel, all of which on camera, and they all confirmed for me, they're sprinkled throughout the credits at the end as well, that the Americans were involved. The air traffic controllers come forward recently and said that he saw the United States Air Force land
And without authorization from the Brazilian government, which just like doesn't happen.
the helicopters that went from Campinas, which is where they all told us they drove the bodies to. So this helicopter lands on the 20th of January, and these guys are picking up these bodies. The helicopters go from Campinas to Virginia with the US, and then back to Campinas, right? So you got that. And then all these military guys saying that the Americans were involved, and they took this material back to the United States. Of course, the trail goes cold once the United States Air Force plane left Campinas. And so,
I kind of want to walk the halls of Congress. I want to ask the right questions. I want to find out where this evidence is and who has the authority to release it. Yeah. Also kind of want to explore the idea of, and I hate to use the word disclosure. I know it has a lot of baggage, but if the story did come out on a grand scale, the projected anticipation of the impact it would have on society and religion and cultures and all that stuff.
Yeah, I think it's the right time for something like that, personally. I mean, the crash retrieval thing is everywhere at the moment. So I think that would fit in really well. I'm sure you would be able to take it to another level. So certainly look forward to something like that.
The hunt goes on and I can assure your audience that this is just the beginning. I'm not going anywhere and I'm damn straight not giving up. And if anybody thinks there's anyone on the planet that wants that photographic evidence more than me, I ask you please to reconsider. This has been a nearly 30 year journey for me in which I make all my investigations public with all of you. Because I think we're all entitled to know what the bloody hell is going on, even if it's a little scary.
And so this is just the beginning and I appreciate your support. I appreciate all of your support. I really mean that from the bottom of my heart.
If they want to watch Moment of Contact, I'll quickly say, if you want to rent it, get it from Amazon. It's the cheapest. If you want to buy it, well, if you want to buy it, get it from iTunes or Vimeo because it comes with two hours, roughly two hours of bonus material at no extra cost. You do not get it when you buy it on Amazon. And I had people upset that I didn't tell them that. Why didn't you tell me I bought it on Amazon?
It's like so iTunes and also if your audience could take a moment to rate the film, it's tremendously helpful. Thank you. Yeah, no problem at all. Thank you so much. And the links are in the description of this video where you can go to all of those platforms to, like James says, buy or rent it. James, once again, thank you so much. This really is an honor to speak with you directly.
Thank you to everybody for all your questions and for your donations. Casey 12 and Sean Kettle, I'm sorry I didn't get to ask you questions. I'm going to be back on Friday with a 747 cargo pilot who after six months of chatting with him has decided to come forward with his stories of anomalous sightings and he has some photographs he's going to show us. So come and join us on Friday for now everyone. I will see you soon. Take care. Goodbye. Thanks.