Paul Sinclair - UFOs & Cryptids in the UK, Wolf Lands Documentary image

Paul Sinclair - UFOs & Cryptids in the UK, Wolf Lands Documentary

Anomalous Podcast Network
1.8k Plays1 year ago

Paul Sinclair is recognised within the field of unexplained phenomena for his honest no nonsense approach to the subject. He prefers to follow the research wherever that may lead, even if it means putting himself in locations and situations most people would not want to be in.

Paul is currently working on a new documentary called 'Wolf Lands', about unusual cryptid sightings in the UK.

Paul Website: https://truthproof.uk/
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Witness Accounts of Unidentified Objects

One realizes very quickly we've been seeing this technology for decades. I had access to all those programs.
windows, no real wings or control surfaces, no obvious signs of repulsion, and yet this object is witnessed now by four separate individuals and two separate aircraft.
Hey guys, how's it going? Welcome back to the channel. Good to see a lot of people here in the live chat as always. Um, if you guys have any questions, as always put them in capital letters, keep the chat nice and polite. Even if we have differences of opinions, we don't need to be horrible.

UAP Media UK Fundraiser and Raffle

Um, yeah, I think one thing I'd like to mention before we bring on my guests today is, uh, I'm sure you're all aware of Andy McGrillan and that UFO podcast.
Well he's a part of UAP Media UK along with myself and a few other good folk and we are about to launch our annual fundraiser raffle which we do each year at this time and Andy has already released the first kind of way of supporting it and that is Sean Cahill's track Goblin Problems which is used at the end of each show on that UFO podcast. You can now own the entire track
The link is in the description. You can go in. I think it's a three pound minimum. You can pay what you want after that if you want to donate more. And it all goes to Cash for Kids charity. So we're going to announce the big, the full fundraiser in the next few days. And there's some incredible prizes up for grabs. So look out on my social medias, that you have a podcast, UAP Media UK, and you'll see how you can kind of take part and support two good charities.
So with that out of the way, guys, thank you for being here.

Introduction to Paul Sinclair and His Interests

My guest tonight is Paul Sinclair. I met Paul back in June in Blackpool, the awakening conference. And I said, Paul, I need to interview you on the show. And it's took till the end of November, but we're here today. And it's going to be a really fascinating conversation. So please welcome Paul Sinclair. Thank you all, Vinny. Great to be here. And we'll just share a few bits of information with yourself and your guests.
No, I really appreciate it. Really do appreciate having you on. Now, I think the best place to start would just be your background, you know, and what kind of got you into the whole UFO, paranormal, cryptid, the whole sort of mysterious subject, if you don't mind. Yeah, not a problem with cryptids.
No idea how I got into it. Well, we're writing first book. There weren't an interest there till probably 2015. None at all. Not so I looked into UFOs always had an interest due to my own experiences in childhood. And I don't even think I don't even think you know you've got an interest. It's just there. It just it just comes with you from childhood kind of through and all that. All that stopped probably
at the age of about 17, 18.

Paul Sinclair's UFO Sightings Near Bridlington

And then for some reason, no idea why. And then as soon as I moved to Bridlington in 1993, 2004, I can never get it quite right.
It literally started again. And I don't mean it started again that year or two years after. It literally started within days of buying this property, which was strange. The people who think, I wonder if your life's mapped out. I'm not a subscriber to that, but it does make you wonder. It did start again.
So yeah, UFOs, I mean, I don't know how old I would be, probably five or six years old, lived in a little council house in a place called Old Denneby, a village, and it overlooked Mexborough, the town. And you've got the Mexborough power station to the right-hand side, you've got two great big cooling towers, and you've got this pasture with cattle in it and reeds and swampland and about a mile looking to Mexborough, or street lights. For some reason on this particular night, I'm in this back bedroom, mid-dad,
came and woke me up. Really unusual. He got me up and he showed me this. He didn't say, this is a UFO. He wanted to show me this sphere of light turning. It looked like it were just turning within itself. It were a lemony, lemony white color. And it were lower than power station cooling towers, about halfway up them, but at the side of them. And from that, it traveled and they'd got some really good binoculars. Still got them. I mean, by today's standards, they're not good, but then they were.
And this thing just traveled along rooftops and expra, above them, obviously, and disappeared up towards Swinton. We've since found out now, thanks to a good friend who lives in area, there's a newspaper report, 1966, so that's when it was, and now we're born in 62. So don't ask me, yeah, I'm going to have to get down. I only found out this year and get this. It was a guy who claimed to have took the photographs of the UFOs at Coneysborough, I don't think you've ever seen that picture.
Probably. It's out there on net. It's a famous picture. A lot of people say it's fake. I don't know. I didn't know the guy till he started corresponding with me. Is that the one with like three objects? That's the one, yeah, yeah. And he just got in touch and it turned out that's the guy who took him. And Stephen Pratt, I think they called him. And yeah, there we go. So that's 1966. So we're assuming that's the same one because it was described as being seen outside at cooling towers at Metzburg Power Station.
I don't know, from there, there's just been odd sightings throughout years. And then when we got to Bridlington, up on the walls, East Yorkshire walls, farmers and different people were getting in touch. I think as soon as you start voicing an opinion or showing that you've got an interest in this subject, I don't mean people just come out of the woodwork, but like-minded people do seem to attract and it's like a magnet. They're drawn to you or you're drawn to them.
and that's basically how it works. I think we're all doing it. That's probably why other people wanted to look for this podcast at some point, you know, not because of Paul, just because of the UFO phenomenon, the cryptids, whatever. So yeah, I mean, it's nonstop. We had a brilliant sighting in 2000, I think it was 2002. That's a place called Sledmere, about 12, 15 miles away from where I'm sat now, traveling home from York.
I think it would, I think it would June, I'd got this, we were in a van, I wanted with another joiner called Shorty. And I always say, as on some kind of comedian, but I'm Shorty, I'm so this guy was six foot five, it's Chris Short. So anyway, we're driving up to Leibniz, and it's a little village and it's had a fire station, just one fire engine in it. The reason we stopped there, that's where we stopped, because as we're driving up this hill to, back home to Bridlington, above trees, there's a huge tube. I call it, I likened it to a breadstick.
That's the kind of shape of him. And it were literally above the trees, so I stopped the van and we got out, we're looking at this thing and I'm saying to Shorty, because he's not a very interesting subject at all, you know? Saying, you can't say it works, I'm all of that, you've not seen this. Is it one of them UFO? I can hear him saying it. Is it one of them UFO thingies? And you could feel it. Vinny, you could feel this thing. Oh, wow. Feel it. We're like pulsing. It was strange. We looked at each other.
and said where's it gone? It didn't fly away, it had just gone. I went to Bridlington Free Press and said what we'd seen and the following week another couple, a couple got in touch, they'd seen it as well, which were interesting, so that
I don't know what, yeah. Someone tells me it was 2002. 2014, just over the brow, as you come over, slip me, you go to a place called Cotton. All these are up on walls. The walls is like an ancient term for the wilds. It's just barren land. No good for anything really bad, raising sheep and, you know, and there's not many trees there because it's just, it's a bit wild. And so,
I got going to a few farms in area, get to know them and up at Cotton, there's this particular farm there. And I got a phone call to say that they'd seen a UFO, they'd seen this strange object. This were 2014, I think.
And there's some great big gates, big enough for combines to go in and everything. I used to park there. They got to know me because I looked suspicious. But, you know, it's true when they came up, the two farmers, literally, I will be a guy called Steve Ashbridge. And what are you doing? And when soon as we told them.
everything softened, they'd seen these things, they've seen these strange lights, but after all, they're in the middle of nowhere, these farms. So in, and we, I don't think we became great friends, but he'd said, we were friends. He'd said to me, like, when you come up, don't park on road, just pull off onto farm, make sure it gates shut when you've gone. So when you're old, he told me he'd seen this object, and I went up to speak to him. And these great big gates, he says, my son and my wife, he said, we've just come home,
summertime sorry late evening summertime but not quite dark and they just had a mast to put up at the bottom their cottage or their farmhouse should I say doesn't even you can't even see from road it sort of goes down into a little valley and in the valley they'd had a mast to put up to measure wind speed it's all thin mast he says and sun gets out at car to shut the gate and then I'm not sure which one saw it I think you want sun to show it instead dad look look
And coming up below the brow of this sort of hollowed out area, this valley, is like a huge, it sounds like what we saw, and it's literally probably a mile away, quite, he described it as a jumbo jet without wings on its side just coming up. He said it was in front of the mast, and it's coming up towards them. They could see, there was three people, two of them could see windows in it, the farmer, he couldn't.
They all did me drawings for it, just little rough sketches, and it's coming towards them. Just slowly coming towards them. And the panicking, and then all of a sudden they said, where's he gone? And it had just vanished. So I wonder if we were dealing with same thing. There's 10 or 12 years in between, you know, but it's interesting. And up around these Yorkshire walls and North Yorkshire, these things have been seen for years. There's a farmer up there,
And I believe he's probably got more UFO footage than certainly anybody in United Kingdom. He's got cameras on cams in every window, every upstairs window, just sweeping day and night and collecting this information.

Research on Yorkshire Coast Phenomena

And you know who knows about it? Obviously I know and I'm talking about it. I'm not going to say who he is, but nobody really. He's just obsessed.
is, you know, he's watching all the time. I will say that he's with an eye shot of RAF Stadston-Wold. Literally very close to RAF Stadston-Wold. Seen lots of unusual things, bearing in mind there's no landing strip at RAF Stadston-Wold. You can't land aircraft there or anything like that and they've seen lots of
And we have as well, up around there. I mean, some unusual things, Vinny, I don't know what you'd even term them as. I mean, it could be earth-related phenomena. You know, earth lights even, because I was up there.
Once again, I can't remember a day, but probably 2015 was Steve Ashbridge, back of Stakston World, the radar base, and a guy called Joe Dormer, who would run the UFO Society, Yorkshire UFO Society. He didn't drive and we went and picked him up at Scarborough and he came through with us. And I'd got a Sony VX2100 camcorder, big digital thing, you know, and I'm stuck there with this camcorder and we're looking around.
In the distance, we can see the village of Driftfield and I suddenly became animated because from the ground covering a monstrous area, this huge mushroom shaped turquoise light just went, just snapped into existence. Didn't light the sky up. And I'm telling Steve, I'm telling Joe, instead of putting my camera on, it had gone. It was there. In an instant, it's gone.
So I'm, I should have put my camera on and just filmed the area. I'm trying to tell them, I'm trying to bet. I'm trying to sort of, I'm wanting them to believe me because I've no proof of it other than what I'm saying. You know, and I'm trying to describe what it, what I said, it almost had like tentacles in it. It were really strange. Like a, like a jellyfish that are just on the ground. Anyway, as we're talking about it, it did it again. So then to slow it.
Me and Steve were convinced it were going to be in local papers the next day. It covered such a large area. We were looking at it from our perspective up at Statster wall down towards Driffield. It looked like it covered like a male area. It was huge. Wow. Nobody said a word. I'm not saying that were UFO related, but it's unusual phenomena, even if it's natural phenomena. I've never seen anything like it. And once again, in that zone.
So me and Steve, we probably stayed up on the walls intermittently, probably three or four times a week we'd go up there and observe because I was working time as well for all time and Steve is, well still is and we'd go up three or four times a week and get to all these unusual places where unusual things were happening like Langtoft and Cottom and Sledmere.
And it really is renowned for it. If you look at old UFO reports on net and you do a bit of digging around Yorkshire, you'll see these locations come up. And they come up in folklore as well. Just very close to it, there's a valley called the Beezendale Valley. And they talk about the phantom lights in the Beezendale Valley. But they're all obscure things that you'd have to find in local archives that have never kind of hit the internet. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I wrote about this stuff in Truthproof 1 and Truthproof 2, the first two books.
and I kind of moved away, not from the walls. I think it's like all these areas. The activity started to decrease. And then we found out that there were a lot of activity being seen along the coastline of Eastern North Yorkshire. So we moved. Do you know what I mean? We sort of fell out with walls then for a little bit. Yeah. So, you know, it's just the way it goes. And then like you said, we moved on to
onto the eastern North Yorkshire coastline, which is literally 500 yards from where I'm sat now. There's not stuff seen every day. Myself and Bob Brown and Steve occasionally, we can go four or five times a week. We were up there last night. So I've called the ILFs, the intelligent life forms, about two weeks ago. So two. I went up specifically because the day before, someone was at a place called Hunmanby.
six miles down the coast and they rang me up he said that where I had bought I said well I'm at home he said well I'm on cliff tops with my wife they're sat in a car I think he says there's seven spheres of light out at sea in a light orange spheres of light he said they've just gone off and now they're on on top of cliffs when I say on top above the cliffs but you know they look like they're sort of not far very far above the cliff tops of Benton and Speights and this was early this was early evening it was dark
It was strange because myself and Bob had said we were going to go up there 11 till 1. Normally, we'd have gone up earlier, but we realized we're not getting a lot of success. But as you know, and as everyone else knows, unexplained phenomena does not present to order. You know, when you expect it. And if, as I believe, and maybe other people believe, there is awareness to a lot of what we're looking at.
you're not going to see it anyway. I go out there with a bag of tricks and a lot of people say, well, you're not going to get these things because you're taking your cameras with you. True. You know, it's possibly true. It's not going to stop me because otherwise all I'm doing is sat here.
looking at this computer screen, doing what I'm doing now, I want to present some proof to somebody. If I listen to somebody's account, I'm hoping to see a little bit more than just that. That's why first-hand accounts are always preferable. I don't really bother with second-hand accounts at all, really. But yeah, so we're up there all the time. And basically, it's not happening. But it's 24 hours in a day. And there's a lot of hours that you're not there.
So yeah, that's just a brief sort of outline of the activity. No, that's fantastic. And you mentioned the Earth lights or that kind of type of phenomena. That is something I'm actually personally invested in. I was out in Columbia this year looking at something along those lines, strange orbs. And then I've been researching things like the Longdendale lights seen just off the Snake Pass near Manchester. Yeah.
But you mentioned the coastline where you are. I spend a lot of time up at Flamborough and Clethorpe. Yeah. Yeah. Um, probably four or five times in the last 18 months. And there is something about that area. Yeah. I don't know what it is, but I've always, I always, when it goes dark, I'm out on the edge of the cliffs at Flamborough, just looking out over the sea. So what do you think it is about that sort of coastline? I don't know. I mean, I've gone back. Excuse me. I've gone back into Coast Guard logs and light boat logs. I don't mean every year.
probably to every year and every Coast Guard station but what do I think it is about the coastline? What is it about any place? Is it just because they've got somebody who's invested time in it that these things are being seen and they could be being seen in all parts of the United Kingdom? If you were willing to spend that time, I packed in work as in I've worked really hard for a living and I packed in doing joinery when I was 48. So I've
And I look at this like a full-time job, even though it pays absolutely zilch. But I invest so much time in it that that's what it's like. You see, I would have put five this morning. And, you know, if something was seen and it required me to go out at four in the morning, five in the morning, I would go. What is it about the coastline? I really don't know. But location is key to these things. You know, that's not a contradiction when I've just said it could be being seen all around the UK.
because I do believe certain areas are a lot more prolific for unexplained phenomena. And I seriously believe, not just because I live here, seriously believe that Bempton and Speton are primary locations, probably Speton more than Bempton, because it's so unpopulated
and it's a beach that's, you know, because you'll have been there, it's fairly hard to access, you can only get to it from the speed and church and you're dropping down into a ravine which is 400 foot and it's really steep, I mean locals call it killer hill, not because it's just because it's a killer to get back up. So what I'm saying is for the lack of footfall it's receiving lots and lots of reports of unexplained phenomena
there's no footfall, are we? So you realise that this place is a special place when it comes to
sightings of UFOs and sightings of lights beneath the surface of the sea. And I mean, I'm not going to detail about Ben Walgate's report because it's Ben. Someone has spoke to Ben at Flamborough. I hope I can get to speak to him and told him about an 8 a.m. early morning sighting on bright sunny day of an object leaving the sea near the lighthouse at Flamborough. Yeah, myself and Jason Davis, who has done the artwork on night people,
We saw multiple spheres of light over the sea off Flamborough Head when Jason came up for a few days. We filmed them with psionics cameras. Unfortunately, I'd have preferred Massoni's 4K camera, to be honest, but they don't cope with lights as well as a psionics, but a psionics does not give you a proper representation of the color. You can see in the dark where they can't, but it doesn't give you a proper representation of the color, and these were bright orange. With a psionics, they've come out white.
But, you know, we've got them. I mean, I'm not really showing footage. We've put some in for Wolflands, actually. Yeah. I found a couple of photographs on Facebook of yours. And if you don't mind, I'd like to just ask you about these and show them. Well, I can't see them, actually. But so if I bring them up on the screen, I'll bring them up. Let's have a look, because these really stood out. And I didn't know if they had a Prozac explanation or not. No, they were filmed with Jason Davies. Now, these frame captures, Ali.
Yes, I can assure you if anybody gets to watch Wolflands you'll see these things just appearing and disappearing. They're not flying, they're just literally just switching on and that's the way these things operate. I took an old rock angler up onto cliff tops about two years ago called Mick Sigson
and he's keen to tell, he's a great guy but he's keen to tell you he's fished these cliffs man and boy 50 years, you know he's his 70s Mick and he dropped on us this particular night, if you want I'll just tell you briefly, well we're on the cliff tops, pitch black night, there's no buildings anywhere, it's devoid of everything and there's a lone rock angler
about a mile down coast, we can see his headlight, his torch. And these guys literally, I've said it many times, they literally climb over the fence, stand on the edge of these cliffs, three to 400 foot, cast out in the fishing. So he starts walking towards us after half an hour, three quarters of an hour. I said to Bob, when he comes, gets a bit closer, I'm going to put a light on. I don't want to startle him. And that's what I did. So he stops, he's got his rod and his bag and he's having a natter to us. And he knew who I was, even though I didn't know him.
and because he knew that this guy coming up here speaking to rock handlers and speaking to people around this, trying to gather information. And I asked him if he'd seen these spheres of light. What you're on about, that's the psionics image. So they're bright orange, what you can see in that picture. They're vivid orange, but that's the letdown of that camera.
Yeah, they're bright orange. And the lights that you can see on the horizon are fishing boats. So you can see. And from that altitude, you've probably got 18 miles because that's at Lighthouse, then Cliff's Anto's Eye. So you're looking at 18 miles to the horizon. They're fishing boats on the horizon that you can see in bottom. So what am I saying here? So yeah, this Mick Cigsson, he said he'd never seen these lights. He'd fished there all these years. He said, but I have seen a spaceship.
I said, really? And there's a hill at the back of us where we were stood. So it landed on that hill in 1998 November in a club match, you said, because fishing matches, the Fylie fishing club and the various ones that like to fish these cliff tops. So he went on to explain. I already knew story, but I had a second-hand account, so I'd never written about it. I knew the son of one of the anglers who were there that night.
And he told me that his dad saw this spaceship land. He didn't say on that hill, because he's just relating it to me away from that setting. And they were all frightened. And some of them left the fishing tackle and did a runner. So he's telling me about this thing. He said, I turned around. He said, my first impression was, what's a what's a combine harvester doing up on ill at this time of year? Then I realized I could see between the hill and the object, I can see sky.
So he said with this he starts to descend and there's just a big blob of yellowy orange light, all lights flashing all over on it he said, silent and this hill is about 150 yards away from where we were stung.
That's basically where we are all the time. When me and Bob go up there, he said, and then as it started to land, all sparks started to come off it around it. And when it landed, a ring of flames came round it. He said, and that was it. We left. We weren't staying no more. But what I'm getting at here, so I'm just sort of rambling on a little bit here, Vinny. Sorry about that. I asked him about the orange lights and I've got Bob Brown stood with me.
And as we're stuck there talking, two orange lights appear above us. Seriously, I got the camcorder out, Sony NX80, half decent, switched off. Stand there. We're waiting for it to happen again, it didn't happen. Put the camera away, they come back on. Again, and it really happened, like I'm walking down the cliffs, back to the car park, that's how it was happening. I took a guy up there called Lee Heywood,
Lee's sort of familiar with everything that's in Skype, boats out on sea, could have told you the lot. He's a real switch-down guy. I don't want to put it, yeah, that's his name. So anybody that wants to look for Lee, ask him about it. You'll find him on social media. Really, really articulate switch-down guy. He came to give me an explanation to what I was seeing, an Earth-based explanation. And I didn't mind because Lee's, you don't come at it with a, you're talking a load of rubbish, Paul.
and I'll tell you what it is. It's just a decent bloke. We're driving down Cliff Lane to the cliff tops, asked me what the lights looked like. And it sounds like a cliche like that, and there's one there. Over the course of that night, when we got set up, I set a camera up, these lights presented five or six times at different intervals. When you try to film them,
Well, it's virtually impossible. We got them with the psionics that night. Chris Turner came up with me and Jerry Denning. You'll know Jerry. They're both good cameramen. Right. Yeah. So so you know anybody in chat ask them if they managed to film them. I managed to film them and I got some footage of them. I think I got I think I got about
three five to ten second segments but big time you're looking and you can't quite believe what you're looking at and you're putting your camera on, they've gone. Jerry couldn't get them, Chris didn't get them. Jerry got interesting because he he were measuring the lighting, is it Carl Vins? And he said it were a really unusual light, he'd be better qualified to speak about this light than me. And I think he is qualified to speak about it as well so
Yeah, interesting that, as I say, we took McSigson and these things were turning off. So I don't know what they are. Intelligent light forms is what I call them, ILFs.
yeah fascinating and you mentioned that you've got some footage coming up in your new documentary wolfland so let's talk about the documentary what it's kind of about the gist of it and and then we can go into kind of the the process of actually putting it together if you don't mind yeah well it's evolved more than put together i'm doing the documentary 50 50

Creating the 'Wolflands' Documentary

with Les Drake. It's all my research and all my work, sorry if I'm wrong like that people, but it is. But Les is the guy that's editing it. Les has worked tirelessly. Wolfons, we've been doing it through years. It's a new thing for Les because Les had filmed, you'll not mind me saying, weddings and things like that before. But he'd had an interesting unexplained phenomena. So we became friends. And I said, look, I'd like to do this documentary. I'd like to do something with this.
it just grew, it just evolved and I'd already got some incredible witness accounts so we've just we've travelled from Flickston in the film, in the documentary, it's an hour and 27 minutes at the moment and that's what it'll about finish at so it's not sort of you know something like a 30-minute job, there's tons of work going into it and we started in Flickston
because that's where the first stories of the Flickstone werewolf came to me back in 2014, 2015, writing the first book. That's the cover-up of the first children group book behind me.
You know, we're getting reports of people just claiming to see a fur covered bipedal animal in and around the area of Flixton and Cayton. And it's impossible, Vinny. And I think a lot of your listeners realize that I don't think we've got the landmass to support anything like that or hide it, not around Flixton. You know, we talk about Flixton World and Stakston World and the woodland, but it's not massive. The forests of North Yorkshire are
We've got 525 square miles of forest and moat and lots of its own trod. I still don't believe that we've got something that's permanently living and breathing in those areas. I just can't get my head round how it could be. But we've got these reports from independent people, unconnected to one another, describing, seeing something
akin to what we would describe as a werewolf. Or if you want to call it a dog man, I think. It can't seem splitting. Somebody wants to call it a dog man. And it's almost as though we can't call it that. Who cares? It's a fur-covered bipedal creature, regardless of what you want to call it. And I do believe that these people have seen this, what they claim to have seen. You know, we go back to the reign of Athelston, 937 AD.
84 years ago and you've got the king then having the refuge built at Flickston for the protection of travellers from wolves so we know that wolves would have been prevalent don't we that was without saying but he come there's that other line tagged onto it and an infestation of savage beasts so I don't know is it a play on words is Paul trying to say oh that's what they were
I don't know but the writing is there and then throughout that time I've got reports from the 50s not a thousand and eighty four years ago sorry from the 1940s the 1950s 60s 70s right up to present day and they're not doing it for kicks most a lot of the reports will never get to a documentary like Wolflands they might get in a book with a name change because people
are afraid of the stigma that's attached to saying they've seen something like this. You know, there's a forest not far from Flickston and there's a water course, the River Derwent. Everything seems to follow the Derwent, which is interesting. But there's a forest up there called Broxah Forest. There's three men from Rotherham who loved wild camping and they'd
basically Jim would pick an area, he was sort of the leader, great guy, and they'd go somewhere remote, take a few beers maybe, enough food for what they wanted and they'd just set up camp and they'd do it a couple of times a year and they chose Broxer. And we've got two of them gone on film, they've spent nights in forest with us since 2018 that they claim to have seen this thing, but the witness who won't go on film and that's fair,
he knew it were there before they saw it. They just said that it's an 800 foot ravine into the bottom of the ravine and you've got the River Derwent and they set camp up. They've not been, they're not looking for unexplained phenomena. They're not looking for anything weird. They're there to just have a weekend while this is an old, old woodland, old forest. And he's saying, we've got to go. I don't like it. We're being watched. Something's watching us.
they're looking at him and they can't work it out because it's just out of character. It's getting dark and this ravine you come down on your backside in places. I mean we've been in it, we've spent nights in it and I don't like it, I don't like it and then this went on and on and on and then Jim said and Steve they said we've been sat there for a while and suddenly a huge pair of amber eyes lit up in darkness, no light on.
self-illuminating out. Where's this bioluminescence come from? That's nothing normal to animal kingdom. We know that marine life have it, but what I'm saying is not some living, breathing mammal. We don't have to talk sticking on it and eye-lighting eyes. So he said all the time he's frightened now and they're trying to contain him to think he's going to run off into the darkness. So then in the end, I stood up
And I made a few, took a few steps towards it. He says, I didn't know what it was. They were about three foot off ground, but they were huge eyes. He likened them to the size of a cow's eyes apart. And he said, I had a few hissing sounds and it disappeared. So then I turned around and when I looked at, we'll call him witness C or B, whatever you want. And Steve, he said that just literally jaws have dropped.
So when I turn back, and these are his words, we've been so entrenched in Wolfland, he said, I just went, oh, my God. He said, I've never felt fear like that before. He said, from going three foot in, off the ground, these eyes are now seven foot in air, and they can see this thing. Now, I find that incredible. It watched them all night. It stood watching them all night, terrifying. I've danced towards them.
He turned to one side a few times, they could see a muzzle. Steve said, if you'd have asked me to draw a werewolf, I would not have drawn that. He said, it looked ridiculous. His ears were so big, pointed and stuck up. The muzzle was so long. He said, but it was just incredible. He said, you couldn't fit too many into its size. So then we've got seven miles away.
in a neighboring forest, because everything's linked, but it's just altered by name with Cropton and Stape. And there's a gamekeeper who sees something very similar in 2002. And he's using an abandoned farmhouse as his base camp. His exact words, he said, have gone a bit feral. The farmhouse had been abandoned since 1956, I think. And he came across it, and he's laid in a sleeping bag one night.
He says, doors bolted up, other doors barricaded up, because it doesn't lock. Fire's dead. There's only blowing numbers. He said, no, locked up, and this thing just comes out of the window, and it's looking in at me. And seven miles away, say, but if we remove the names, it's just all one area. You know, you have a bit of more land in between, and rivers and streams.
And but what's interesting, Vinny, the night or a few nights before, I'm not going to say the night because I don't think we're all a bit loose on the exact time frame before, but he's walking back to the farmhouse with his cousin who would come to stay with him for a few days. His cousin went the following day. And as they're walking along one of these logging roads between 10 and 11 at night, a sphere of white just sprout from the ground at the side of them.
He said, that baseball size. He says, I immediately dropped my cousin to the floor and got down. He says, ex marine, this guy, he says, I thought we'd caught a trip by a flare. He said, I expected squadies to come out because we're only a few miles from Filingdale's. Yeah. And what have you. He said, but nothing, absolutely nothing. He says, the next day I got up. So Danny went home, he says, and I knew exactly where we'd seen it. He says, I look for magnesium burns, anything. He said, no, nothing. But after that sphere of light,
He said, Jeff's words, everything foretold after that, that's what he said. He said, I've been walking around, doing jobs around forests. He's got thousands of acres to maintain, so I don't know what he was doing. He said, but I couldn't hear voices. Like, near me, and he says, it was unnerving, it was strange.
Me and one of the other gamekeepers, we could hear a baby crying. Now that sounds Bigfoot related to some of the things that we've been talked about in the past. But regardless, Bigfoot, whatever, it's cryptid related. And we'd walk to where we could hear the perceived infant crying to stop. And it should start deeper into the forest. So there were lots of things happening after the sphere of light. And then this particular night is late there.
And this thing comes he says he stood at the window he says, and this guy's huge massive man Jeff. And he said, twice as broad as me says it was just incredibly and I say that he went about his head I said, we're sat there because we've done all this for wolf answers and just open with this thing's head and he went.
estimated 15 inches. And it was stooping down. It was taller than the window. And then we've measured this. So we know it was over seven foot tall. And then the following night, if he didn't stay after that,
what he decided to do. He said I was going to get the drop on it and he didn't mean he was going to wrestle this thing people. He says I was that curious and I didn't drive. He said I've got a quad bike but to go back home my parents would have to come and pick me up. He said so I wasn't going nowhere. He said so
Back in 2002, you'd got the farmhouse and you'd got 40-foot pines to the edge of it, sides and at the back. And you'd got a clearing of about 30-foot in front of it. The next 40-foot pines. It's all cleared now. It's all been felled. It's all clear fell. So I set a tarp down on the ground in front of it, 35-foot away under these sort of pine branches. And I waited and I sat there.
He says in the early hours of the morning, I'm not sure what time, he says it came out. He says it came out from the left hand side. He says it went down side at Farmhouse. He says his head was above the gutter. Now we're not talking that this is a barn, no standard height, single storey and then you've got the Farmhouse. So let's not, you know, so we're looking at over seven foot tall.
He said, but they're all tufts of grass. This thing were abandoned. They were nothing level. There's no paths or anything. He says, but it just came down in one smooth motion. It didn't. He said, I didn't see no leg movement. It's arrived. And then it stood looking in the window. He says, I packed my sleeping bag with the fire. So all that were died down again. He says, I'm in the sleeping bag, but I'm not. He says, looking in, he says, but
I knew it knew I were here. I said don't ask me how. He says either that or there were another one watching me. He says so I'm it's watching me while I'm watching it.
from a distance he said and he just stood looking in he said I didn't see no ears I didn't see no gnashing teeth I saw no glowing eyes I just saw this monstrous head the huge shoulders and arms and I don't recall seeing legs because he just arrived which is odd stayed there for five to ten minutes and then it went back into the forest he said he waited for 20 minutes half an hour
and then went round the back of the farmhouse. I had to be terrified. I've got to admit, I really, I think I'd have just stayed where I were all night. He says going into the farmhouse was the unnerving bit because he didn't know whether there were anything inside. So he had an uneasy night. He said, and after that he left. And we'd been back. We've spent a few nights in not exact area, but in and around the area. Because I think to do these witnesses justice,
I've got to put myself where they are. Yeah. And it's easy. You see all these documentaries, Vinny, where they'll sit in a cafe having a coffee and witnesses telling them what they saw, and then you get this reconstructed flashback of this thing. Let's get to location. Seriously, I sound like a boast, but I don't think there's a documentary like Wolflands. Certainly never been made in this country. Right. You know, but time will tell, won't it?
Absolutely. And when are we looking for the release date of this documentary? We're finished with, you know, because I've been talking about, oh, we're very close. We're very close for ages. We're finished. It's gone. It's gone to Mick Park now, who's kindly doing the music for us. And, you know, I mean, if you look into what Mick does and has done, you'll see that his credentials. And so we're really lucky. And my daughter's an opera singer or one of my daughters is. So she's doing the harmonies.
So our first trailer and whether you heard anything, you know, so Jess is doing harmonies mixed, wrote the lyrics for it. So it'll just put all build up to it. I mean, it's been on watching it because we've we've ripped all music out of it. We've had music as we've been doing it just to give us some kind of pace and to help less editing. We've ripped all the music out, all the sound effects, because it's gone to some professionals to have that done now. Do you know? Yeah.
And I don't know, we're going to start pushing it like mad. I suppose we're pushing it now, but New Year, January. You know what I mean? And I've already contacted a few people to do that. And I don't know where we'll go with it, Vinny. We're hopeful that it could be quite successful. That's all I can say, really. It could be a... Oh, I'm looking. Ah, no, I'm sure it'll be great. I'm looking forward to it. I really am. Yeah, sorry, go on. No, no, please, carry on. Well, no, I was just going to say, you know,
Les has put a lot of work into it, you know, we've had arguments, that can be as awkward as anybody, they really can, and so can he. But basically, for the amount of time that we've invested, we've kind of rubbed along okay, and he's put himself in them places. When we went into Broxford Forest, 800-foot ravine, this is
Briefly, this is how good these witnesses were, the ones from Rotherham. I received the story. He'd gone looking for answers, Steve. He were looking after they'd seen it. He said, I couldn't close my eyes without seeing this thing. And he appeared on one of our live streams and there were a comment came up on Truthproof live stream. You know, I've seen something in the forest in North Yorkshire, so I contacted him. We got talking. When he told me
He broke down, he was crying. He didn't mind me saying that. He said, apart from Jim, I couldn't talk to anybody. He said, there's nobody I could talk to about this. He said, I just didn't know where to turn. But my point is, the very first time that they agreed to meet us,
We met at a place called Rhys de Bank, which means ransy, basically, which is just below Broxah Forest. And Broxah means, in some cultures, is a shapeshifter, a shapeshifting demon. So they're in a forest called Broxah. So, you know, so anyway, let me get to my point. They drove straight from work an hour and three quarter drive without any food. Metals at Rhys de Bank went down into the 800 foot ravine just to show us where they'd seen it, not to do any filming.
climbed back up the ravine and went home. So that kind of tells you that they're not in it just for some kind of romancing story. But my bigger point is, let's just get back to Les. Les went out that night. Les had been 65. He collapsed at the top of the night. We were all stood around him. He was out. It was that arduous.
We all carried the kit up for him. We knew he weren't well. He probably might not be laughing if he's listening to this, but I don't feel right well, guys. I don't feel well. So we carried it all up because it was hard work. Gets to the top. We thought, oh, thank God he's got up with us. You know what I mean? Having to carry him up. Oh, I don't feel well. And just literally just fell over. And that was it. We thought he was dead. We wish now we'd have filmed him for a bit of drama, thought Phil.
Seriously. So we were putting water in his mouth and he was just running down the side. So anyway, we got his clothes off of top clothes and he'd overheated it when he takes the exhaust off. So we're at labouring point. Les has put Pete on the ground and got stuck in. He's not just sat behind a keyboard looking at film that we've done. He's had a go. So yeah.
That's amazing. Wow. Dedication. And there is something to be said, I think, and I've always said this, that boots on the ground research, there's nothing like it. You can sit in front of a computer and research and look at, dig deep into documents and that's great, but there's nothing better than being boots on the ground, really getting stuck in these locations.

Experiences and Networking at Conferences

So that's fantastic.
And before we finish up, I wanted to speak to you about because we met at a conference and, you know, the conference scene was with the pandemic that was non-existent. So I'm quite new to that. But, you know, I get the idea that you've been doing it for some time. So I just wanted to know kind of when you first started hitting the conference scene and has it evolved since then? Well, first one I did and I get asked to do loads and I turn them down and I really do. And it's not because of the people, the great people.
I prefer to be sat.
listening to people rather, or just milling around at a conference. I don't know, I think it's, I think there's a good bunch of people within the conference scene at the moment. I've not had any kind of bad experiences or, you know, you get, with every, with every pastime, if that's not too of cornea thing to call, unexplained phenomena and people have an interest in it, there's a lot of different factions and people disagree and, you know, it's my way or no way kind of thing.
I don't really come across that. I bet it's there, but I've not really come across it. And there's some great conferences. I really enjoyed the awakening. The threat is really well. Conference organizers, they did that mini, the mini awakening earlier in the year. And then there's the other one, the mini con.
The one we had recently with Manchester. Yeah. Oh no, the mini con in. Yes. Yeah. I missed that. I had COVID at the time. So I was meant to be on the panel. They throw everything at it. Really. And he said, well, what I took away from it is a really friendly atmosphere. Really good. And then, then I spoke at outer limits conference.
four times now i'm not i'm not going to speak at it this year uh but and i've there's a few that i've been asked to do and i'm not doing i think it basically vinnie it's time you know you do you when you do a talk you stand there for an hour and i want i want i don't want to be scratching my head and thinking oh just wait a minute i'll just get that bit of paper and i'll tell you i want it to flow
And you can't do that. Everybody can talk. But when you stood in front of quite a few people, you've got to be as professional as possible. And that takes time. And it's time that I don't want to devote every time, if I'm being truthful. For a lot of these conferences, you're not getting a bean for doing it.
They've been threatening me really well. No complaints at all. But a lot of them, you'll not get paid a bean. So you're investing a lot of time for zilch. And although you do get a chance to sell your books, but I'm not putting a negative slant on it. They're all good. I've had some good experiences from all of them, really.
Yeah and that's one thing I'd say is you know it's the ones I've been to there's an array of speakers they might not all be your sort of cup of tea when it comes to what they're talking about but it's those in between moments when you're networking and you're meeting people and talking you know between the speakers they're just priceless because you know I've met so many good people that way, yourself included. You're absolutely spot on and that's why when I go to conferences I find that I'm not sat listening to anybody
And it's not because they're not interesting. A, I've got attention span of a fly, but I like speaking to people. It's great. It's really good. Funny you should say that. I'm not naming any names here. Seriously, I'm not going to do that. But there are certain people or speakers who I wouldn't be bothered if I never saw them again because of the arrogance feeling so superior to everybody else. If anybody comes up to me at a conference,
they'll get what they give me. And if they're warm and kind, that's all they'll get back from me. Do you know what I mean? You see other people walking about and they're too far too important to talk to people. And you can see people wanting to talk to them and just want to avoid them. I don't get that. Do you know what I mean? We're all the same, aren't we? End of day, we're all equal.
Seriously, I put that out there now. See me at a conference, come up and talk. I'm happy to talk. It's great. That's what it's all about. Absolutely. Thank you so much for being so good with your time and that when I first met you, because I'm new to the conference scene, so it was nerve wracking at first. What's the etiquette?
But no, you were you were totally welcoming. And yes, thank you for that. Well, listen, Paul, that's that's everything for tonight. And I'm so excited for Wolflands. I will keep my eye out. I will keep pushing any material that you put out, trailers and promotional materials. And then maybe next year when it's been out for a while, we can have you back on and see how it's gone and talk about it. And that'd be fantastic. Thank you. Yeah, appreciate that.
Excellent. Thank you. Thank you. And everyone in the live chat, you guys were great as always, sorry. I'm going to be back this Saturday as part of Crash Retrieval Week run by James Iondolia, engaging the phenomena. I'm going to be speaking with Nicole Sircatch about her work, looking into Crash Retrievals, the Wilson Davis memo and more. So come and join us on Saturday. For now, guys, thank you so much. Thank you again, Paul, and we'll see you soon. Take care.