Disclosure Team; John Burroughs - Rendlesham Forest image

Disclosure Team; John Burroughs - Rendlesham Forest

Anomalous Podcast Network
1.6k Plays1 year ago

John Burroughs, USAF Security Police/Retired. A native of Illinois, Burroughs entered the Air Force in 1979 and served over twenty six years in the US Air Force.

He was assigned to RAF Bentwaters in June of 1979 as a base policeman. On the night of December 25/26, Burroughs accompanied SSGT Penniston in an investigation of unusual lights in the Rendlesham Forest adjacent to the base. What began as a routine response to a possible base incursion or accident scene would become the defining episode of Burroughs life.

Subsequent to his encounter with a craft of unknown origin, Burroughs's career continued to provide him with training in law enforcement and investigation, which would prove invaluable in his personal investigation of the events in Rendlesham Forest.

Of key concern to Burroughs are the medical effects resulting from his encounter, which have prompted, in his words, "an ongoing campaign to force the authorities to reveal the truth about what happened and to seek justice for the men and women caught up in these incidents, some of whom have suffered adverse physical and psychological effects.

John’s book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1...

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Initial Sighting and Introduction

One realizes very quickly we've been seeing this technology for decades. I had access to all those programs.
40 feet long, no windows, no real wings or control surfaces, no obvious signs of propulsion. And yet this object is witnessed now by four separate individuals and two separate aircraft. Hey guys, welcome back to another live interview here.
on the Disclosure Team YouTube channel. Quickly before I bring on my guest, I just want to say please keep the chat nice and polite. It's okay to have a defensive opinion, but just keep it cool. If you do have any questions, please pop them in capital letters, but I cannot guarantee I will get to ask them all because we've got quite a lot of notes and things to go through here with John.
Let's jump straight into it, guys. Again, thank you for being here.

Background and Context

So John Burrows is a native of Illinois, entered the US Air Force in 1979 and served for over 26 years. He was assigned to RAF Bentwaters in June of 1979 as a base policeman. In December 1980, John and others witnessed unusual lights in Rendlesham Forest. Guys, please welcome John Burrows. John, how are you? Good. How are you today? I'm really good. Thank you again for doing this. I really appreciate it. Well, thank you for having me on.
So John, I know Rendlesham's obviously a huge case, a huge story that a lot of people are aware of, but if it's okay with you, I'd like you to sort of just talk us through the event over those three nights in 1980 from your perspective and who was where and when and then that just so we can sort of piece it together.
Sure. One of the things I want to give a little bit of access to is that before I go into the three nights that you want to talk about is there have been stuff seen prior to these three nights, different things that have gone on around the base in December, maybe even earlier than that. And even a year before somebody had an interesting sighting at the end of the runway.
And then after our event, there was other things that took place over the next series of weeks. So this wasn't like just a three-night event, which is kind of rare in the first place. You usually don't see things go on, but you have a short maybe encounter or sighting or something. And that's it. It never happens again. For us, the people that were involved, it was a three-night, you know, I call it fiasco. So it started,

First Night of the Rendlesham Incident

We came on duty on our last midnight shift, which would have been Christmas night. Because if you go back and you want to research this, the whole memo that got released to the news that the world was wrong. I've never been able to narrow him down totally on why he did it, but there's speculation. But he said in interviews over the years that he wrote it off our statements, blotters, and everything else, it was interesting enough the blotters disappeared shortly afterwards they were classified.
And then years later, he released our statements and it verified that that happened at 0300 on the 26th of December. We were, I was on duty on patrol with my supervisor, just been newly assigned to the base. It was a dead night, a Woodbridge.
So they wanted to ride around for an hour or two together just to talk about stuff. And there was another caveat that never came out until now when an individual that worked inside OSI openly stated that OSI was running a drug bus thing up at the dorms up by the main gate. And they wanted us also completely out of that area where they didn't want to seen any patrol car, any law enforcement activity
So we were staying away from that whole area. We were down by the flight line in that area. So we were out driving around. And as we went down the flatland road towards the east gate, there was he saw my supervisor saw it at first. He saw some strange lights. It looked like he said what he said is he got my attention was he saw them above the tree line going into the tree line.
So he got my attention to look at it. I looked at it and I've been there a year and a half. And I've been down at that gate at night before even station one was open. And he said, have you seen anything like that in the forest? And I go, no. So we opened up the gate, drove down to the road where there's a T where you can go left towards that waters or right. I forget the village. There's a British village to the right. And he kind of did a U-turn in the middle of the road.
and I opened the door so I could get out. I looked into the forest. As soon as I opened the door, it didn't feel right. It was like an electricity in the air, stagnant. I wouldn't say it felt totally like slow motion, but it just felt like your body wasn't acting, feeling right. So we both kind of got spooked and we were off base. We were off base and nobody knew we were there because we decided to take a closer look before we even let anybody know because
Probably once

Second and Third Night of Sightings

we called in something like that. I was gonna cause a problem it did So we went back up to the gate called on the direct line so it wouldn't go over the frequencies It was Christmas night early boxing day morning. Oh, they were it was mostly it was very relaxed for the type of bass We had they even had one of the channels playing Christmas music kind of to keep people, you know Yes, it's a bummer when you're stationed overseas from your family if you don't have in there with you and Mary you stop
So I called on the phone and tried to explain to the law enforcement desk sergeant who I was friends with, but I played practical jokes on what we were seeing. He didn't want to have nothing to do with it. He figured we were yanking his chain. So my supervisor tried to convince him and he wouldn't accept it. So he transferred us from the desk to the CSC who he then my supervisor explained to him what was going on and he sat down.
the security supervisor for Woodbridge, which was Sergeant Peniston. And he came down to the gate and saw the same strange things in the woods. It was lit up. It was like at one point it looked like there was a bright white light that was in the forest that might have been even coming towards the road down towards the road from where we were at. And there was different colored lights in it. I've said over the years, it looked like almost like a Christmas light display, like blue, red, green. And so Peniston confirmed it and
Then there was a discussion and this is all secondhand. When we were secondhand, I wasn't on the phone. This is what we laid to us. And even there was a brief radio transmission at one point that they, they made some phone calls. They called rap con, which was our radar system. They called Eastern radar, which was the radar system. It was in charge of the entire UK air defense. And somehow he throw tower got involved. I don't know, but the, the, um,
The whole overall thing was they spotted something that was on radar above the forest in that area who disappeared off of radar. So people always question why we went off base. And that's always been kind of tried to be pushed under the rug by our shift commander who did talk one time. He, I don't know who he talked to behind the scenes in our chain of command.
But after the radar confirmation, we were seeing strange lights in the woods. He authorized us to go off base to investigate. The British were, authorities were notified, the British police and the fire department. Now there's been stories that I've read that I don't have a handle, even the fire department, the British fire department did come out to the area at one point while we were out there. But so we went down, there was three of us that went, Penison Kapancak, who was his rider,
And believe it or not, it was his first night on duty. And he actually thought maybe there was a practical joke going on himself because we always used to, they always used to screw with the movies. And then Stefan's didn't want to go. Number one, he didn't like the feeling of any of it, but to one of the two sergeants had to stay behind anyway, because he had to leave somebody in charge at least till the cavalry came, which eventually more people showed up. So the three of us went off into the woods.
and we went down a service road, a forest road. The lights seemed to get closer. We got to a point where we couldn't go in the vehicle anymore and we had to get out and go on foot. It did play like cat and mouse with us a little bit. At one point it was like maybe we thought it was one spot and then all of a sudden maybe it was behind us. But eventually when we got close to it, and this is where all this lighthouse stuff comes up,
which always gets played up into. But I will tell you, the lighthouse was involved through research. We found out it was. And I'll tell you why in a minute. But we had some kind of interaction when we were coming up to it. There was like a berm. As you came up to the top of the berm, all of a sudden there was these lights that were there. And it got really bright white. And then we hit the ground and basically
All I remember at that point, from that point on, me personally, and Kebansack has done an interview for James Fox at one point. He stated that when we got close to it, he drew his weapon. I drew my weapon. I don't remember. I thought I left my weapon up at the gate, but his memory was I had my weapon and I drew it. And then we all blacked out. Now, by all he said he did, which I don't remember anything from that point, but Penison has a completely different story.
Yeah, from that point on, but basically then always said what I remember seeing is it kind of dimmed lifted up something lifted up through the forest and shot off to the coast. At that point, I remember getting up with command sack and penison and we went forward.
across the fence that went into the farmer's field and went out into the two different fields heading towards the coast. Where I actually remember, Penniston split off from us for a little bit, went to the left and we went straight. And I remember getting out by the coast where we could see a lighthouse. Now in our statements,
Ed and I wrote that we could see a beacon at one point, but we saw the beacon after the initial interaction. And we didn't see the lighthouse beacon till we got down by the road from the one farmers field crossing it by these cottages were down there. And contrary to some people's speculation, I'd been there, but I wasn't really
from the gate, you couldn't see the lighthouse period. And I'd never been out in the forest like that before. So I really, you'd heard there was a lighthouse out there, but I'd never seen it before that night. And Ed had just gotten there, so he didn't know. So I can only say Ed and I, what we did, we saw a beacon, but we clearly identified it when we got to this ledge looking down as the beacon. But along the way, we also saw some other strange lights, first by the cottages at the end of the,
first field and then farther out we saw a brief streak of light um up in the sky so so that was the first night and we came back to the base uh there was people there they asked us you know kind of what happened i i did i was fortunate in some ways i didn't have to say much i wasn't in charge i just kind of kept my mouth shut so that was the first night um the second night
I wasn't involved, but the shift commander and the on duty security flight chief, this was the new flight. We went on break Saturday morning, um, or Friday morning. I'm sorry. Friday night, the shift commander and the security flight chief had an interaction and it actually, one of the blue lights shut the shift commander's cheap off, shut it down. She got really the duty and.
From what I understand, I don't remember what happened to her afterwards, but Halt has said that she was removed from the base right afterwards. She left and she had just gotten there. And she actually should have been on duty night three, which was the famous night with Halt being out there with the team in the forest. You know, the tape was made. I met up with this team. I actually found out about night two in the morning
of the third day before the third night happened. I was up on the base and I went to the dorm because I lived up base and talked to a couple of guys I was with that were involved with me. They weren't out there when it happened, but they were around afterwards and with the first night. So we decided to go out there on our own just to go out in the forest to sit down and figure out what was going on.
When we got out there, there was already all kinds of stuff going on. They had people out in the forest. They had lighthouse set up in the staging area. Halt was out in front of the lighthouse with that team. That's where the tape was made. He alleges that was where he made the tape was where we had our first encounter. I don't know. I wasn't there when he was recording it. And eventually I got, before I met with him, and I didn't hear, he didn't talk about it on the radio, but
On the tape, he says there was a beam of light coming in his feet and it shot off towards the base. Well, right, I think right in there, because if you coordinate right before we met up with them and they were starting to come back, they actually, a beam of blue light shot through the trees in front of us where the staging area was, swooped down through the staging area and lit up the light holes that had been working. Wow. And then they went through the truck.
that were one of the guys that came out with me, you know, that we came out together and he jumped in the truck and it went through the truck, shot up into the sky and disappeared. So then I went forward and all this can be verified on the halt tape. You'll hear that they'll say, Emma Burroughs and two other personnel were out and want to come to your location. Sarge Ball comes on and says that at this time we'll let them know when they can come out. Now over the years, halt, it first started to deny that Bostinza and I were never involved.
Then once the tape got cleaned up and released, Bistenz is all over the tape and then my name's mentioned. Then he tried to deny that Bistenz and I went in front of him, but we came up with evidence to support where we were with the interview he did and he slipped up and said we were. So then he's openly in his book admitted that Bistenz and I, once I met up with the party, there were some strange lights that were out in front of us that came down into that part of the forest from the field we were standing in.
And he let Adrian and I go forward and we, we took off, started going towards it. It seemed to be coming towards us. The, um, I was in, we had one radio and as it was getting closer to us, we asked for permission to go right up on top of it. And the, the whiskey tower gave us permission and we started running as we were running, but Stinson went down to the ground.
And I seem to be getting really close to it. And then the next thing I know, I'm standing there and it's gone.

Investigations and Theories

And I turned back and look at the stanza starting to stand back up. Now, in our book, Weaponization of the UAP, Adrian wrote what he saw happen. And what he said happened was I went into it and disappeared. And it actually part of it came over him and touched part of his body, his hand, his arm.
then I reappeared. So that's the essence of the first three nights, the three nights that I was involved.
and I appreciate that. Thank you for sort of clearing that up because it's so blurry out there when you read different things online. I find it a very difficult case to kind of research and piece together. So I do appreciate that. And what I'd like to come back to is the lighthouse, but not specifically the lighthouse, but where it is, Orford Ness. And I'd like to sort of talk about what was going on at Orford Ness and had been for decades before, Cobra Mist and radar, things like that. So if you could kind of...
If you if you look at the history, which is in our book, they actually read, I was developed off the death rate. And that's the death rates of lasers. And they were working on lasers that that that's how they discovered radar. So they were working on that. They also did nuclear stuff down there. And I don't have it in front of me, so I don't want to screw it up so somebody could say he's wrong about something. But they were also doing some kind of nuclear work down there. I forget what it was, some testing and stuff.
So, but when I brought up the lighthouse, what was interesting was the black power, which we talked about in the book is, was the original radar that they developed. And they actually still was operational and they had taken cables and ran it to the lighthouse and they were using the lighthouse as an EM frequency, blasting the forest with EM frequencies during our event. So that involves some of the,
technology they work in. Nevermind. You have models from Heath that during that very frame, same time, which again, people like people will hear an explanation and somebody will say, well, SDI didn't start till Reagan. No, that's not true. SDI was being developed in the seventies, worked on maybe even earlier than that. And after MK ultra happened in the States and all that stuff with the CIA and the mind control and all that that was going on.
All that stuff was being shut down by Carter and it got moved over to an SAP program over to the UK, where they were working, Marsham Heath at the time was a joint Air Force British facility. And Marconi was on the British side working with the Americans and they were actually working on SDI. And if you go deep into this, several of the scientists that were there during our timeframe later on mysteriously committed suicide.
that were working on drones, the EM frequencies and stuff like that. And they mysteriously committed suicide and the speculation was the Soviets knocked them off because the Americans and the British were catching up and going ahead with the Soviets, who at the time actually had an advancement. When this all started, they figured out the Soviets had been working on plasmas and this kind of stuff. And they were way ahead of us. And then when we were catching up, if not maybe moving ahead of us.
So all of this was going on with Aria Boussey and the radar systems. It's all described in the book. And, and Marles from Heath and what they were working on. Nevermind. There was a scientist down there working with a university that they had identified an energy phenomenon, which goes back to what you asked about Cobra miss, which gets misconstrued. Cobra miss had been shut down by that time, but it got shut down because of an inland anomaly that was interfering with the system.
It's right in the write-up of it in the documents. And they brought in a team from SRI, which is Stanford Research Institute, to figure out what was going on. And they actually identified the anomaly. And eventually, they shut down the radar. And it may have been too, because they had better systems developed by them too. But you don't spend that kind of money in that operation. They couldn't make it work right. But the SRI team stayed. And they stayed at Martels from Heath and at Bentwaters.
So they were all there, most likely working on this, including the phenomenon itself, whatever the anomaly was. Yeah. So just so I got it right. So the inland anomaly is pretty much what we're saying the phenomenon is. Well, that's what the, if you looked at the conduct report, the guy that wrote it said some of us were exposed to UAP radiation. Well, they identified, he never identified what a UAP was other than an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
He identified we were exposed to UAP radiation. So therefore, yes, you could probably say that the British were looking at it as a UAP back then. And even when he wrote the report, because he would have had to look at documents from back then to correlate this with UAP radiation and all the other stuff he was working on for the report. But the Americans didn't really change it from UFOs to UAPs.
You know, until Hillary Clinton started making it more famous, you know, along with two to stars. But interesting enough, I dense a FOIA with the MOD and they actually admitted they held back a bunch of files. And when I got some of it, they looked like the MOD started calling it UAPs, I believe in 2000.
Yeah, they actually identified and then the report I believe was and I'm just saying this off the cuff So I don't me have the dates kind of wrong I think the report was written in six and then David Clark got it released because he Found in this before he did that identified something about a report That he actually did a foil on and they admitted they had to report but a lot of it was redacted still so a lot of the report was still classified even
after they released what they did on classified about UAPs this and it says in Condein there's there's an energy force that's out there it's intelligent control it's able to do different things and the engineer that wrote it leaves it with we need to weaponize it yeah no it was 2000 the Condein was first published prior you know
Classified version David didn't find it till 2006 you're right And one thing that we've been trying to do recently is trying to foyer for the unclassified version Which we have been told multiple times has been destroyed. They've not got a copy that's great crazy No, it's just seen that you bring that up. I don't know if you remember this but when they were releasing their files the time from Rendlesham going forward, I forget how many years was all gone and They came back and said oh it was accidentally destroyed
They that that

Health Impacts and Government Involvement

was the thing. Clark even wrote about it. It actually came out and said that the files that would have to do with Reynolds have been destroyed. So it seems like a lot of stuff with Rendlesom is supposedly been destroyed and it went against their protocol, which they had to say why it was destroyed and identify who did it. And there's no record anywhere of what happened with it. So basically what they're telling you is it's still classified. But if you tell you that that draws more attention than they just tell you, oops, we accidentally destroyed.
Yep. Cause they didn't admit that it was still classified. They just told you, just no longer available. Yep. You're right. And we've got appeals ongoing, but it seems like we're just not going to get anywhere with that. But I mean, let's stick with Condein because, and if it's okay with you, talk about your medical effects. Um, because there's a correlation between the, as a lists, you know, uh, professor Simon Holland covered it in a recent interview he did with you that,
So let's jump to how long after the first night, did you start feeling strange effects? OK, well, I want to go into a little bit about the professor. I appreciate what he's doing. OK, but he's not sourcing where he's getting the most of his information from. Most of his information is coming out of the book we wrote and through the research of Winn Keats and James Warrow, you know, and he's drawing a lot of that out of the book and he's never used the word source.
but the source is the book. And what he's doing with it is giving you a brief outlay. If you really want a lot of the details off his videos, which I'm fine with is go to the book. But here's the kicker though. He upset me when he said you heard it from him first.
which is not true. A lot of this stuff was found out by James Wuerl and when Keats already knew about because he had actually worked, he actually had been a pilot in the RAF and he actually worked for the MOD. He actually is one of the few people that holds a dual engineering degree which was only one time offered and it was so complicated and hard to pass, harder than anybody did, so they've actually split it up. So he owns it
a degree that most people don't even own. And he did a full analysis of the area, the equipment, what it would all mean. So going forward with your question on Condein. Okay. Right after the event, I didn't feel good. And went to the hospital, the clinic, you know, I felt, felt crappy. And they just kind of voted off as you got the flu or cold or something. They didn't really know. And at the time, I finally started feeling better. But
The thing that happened to me before the heart problem was discovered after I PCS back to the States was my gums turn white at one point we're believing a little bit and then Going forward from there. I came back to the States after my two years and that's always been misconstrued I did get reassigned somewhere at one point because a rental some but I didn't get yank that a rental some early I got yank to put somewhere I got put over in Asia and Korea after the news of the world story, bro
They wanted to hide me over there. They had me hidden over there in Korea with Halt. Halt was the base commander at Kunsan. I was at Osan. And Williams is the pack half commander. So they stashed us in a spot where none of the three of us could be talked to. Because CNN wanted to come over and talk to us and they weren't allowed.
Go ahead. So anyway, I didn't feel good. When I came back to the States, I was home. I only lived about two hours away. So every once a month, I come home just to see the family hang out for the weekend with my friends. I came home on a Saturday after I worked. I worked Friday night and I got back and I woke up Saturday afternoon, early evening really sick. I knew I was sick enough. It was going to be more than a few hours. It was going to be there. So I had to go back the next day. So I called the base and said, I'm not really not going to be able to come back.
So we'll go to the emergency room. So I went to the emergency room and when they verified I was sick, the doctor started listening to my heart and he says, what's the Air Force say about your heart murmur? And I'm like, what heart murmur? I don't have a heart murmur. He goes, oh yeah, you do. You got a really distinguished, distinct one. You can hear it. He brought the whole emergency room, nurses, all that in to listen to it. So there's been people that speculated, well, they missed it when I came in the Air Force.
Well, number one, I couldn't have come in the Air Force if they identified it. Number two, they wouldn't have missed it because this guy picked it up within a matter of listening, just putting it on my chest. And it was that loud and distinctive. And the fact is, is that it wasn't there when I came in and I've got an intra physical to prove that that was part of my settlement. So I wasn't sick with it before then magically I had this heart issue.
you know, afterwards. So what I did know at the time was I went back to the base and I came in, um, I think it was Monday I went back and I checked in, I took my records to the hospital, they verified that the ER was involved. Tuesday I had to go see a doctor that came in from Wright Patterson and he did an examination on me and he immediately told me that he was issuing orders for me to go to Wright Patterson the next day to have a full bank of tests done.
And, and, and he said, pack to stay for awhile. You may not be coming back for awhile and he wouldn't elaborate anymore. So I went up there the next day and they did echoes and a bunch of other tests, blood work and everything else. And that was in the morning. And then I went to lunch and I came back in the afternoon and he came back and he says, well, the good news is I thought you had the thickening of the left heart wall. We were going to have to do surgery on you.
He goes, so you don't, he says, but you have a valve issue with your heart that we don't know what caused it. And he said, we're going to have to monitor it, you know? And so that was that. And I did know at the time, right? Patterson is where they look at all this exotic technology and everything that might've happened. But you find that out years later, went back to my base. Everything was fine. A couple of years later, I started having eye problems at Arizona.
So I went in to see the eye doctor, sent me to Wilford Hall to a specialist. I can't remember what exactly he was, but he wasn't just a regular eye doctor. He was a Colonel high up in that thing. And the first thing he did when he looked at my eyes was, have you been exposed to radiation before? And at the time I didn't put bentwaters as radiation based. I just said, not that I'm aware of, he says, well, you have. What I found out later was I have a hole in the back of my eye wall.
Something damaged my eye wall. It's a hole. It's not a tear. It's a hole. So anyway, they sent me to him. He actually said with what I had, I shouldn't go to Korea. I had orders about it in the Korea and he tried to cancel them and they wouldn't let him. He said they had to work. He had to do the best he could to figure out what it was, what the treatment would be. And for me to be deal with the flight surgeon on my issues with my heart.
in my eyes when I got over there. You should have seen the flight surgeons looking at me. I walked in there with my records because when you get to Korea, you have to check in right away because it's a war zone. It's still considered a combat zone. It's just not a peace treaty it was ever signed. It's the truth. So I had to go in there and I had to go over to the hospital and they said, well, let's have your records. I go, here's the note. I got to see the flight surgeon. So I went in and he looked at all my stuff. He says,
I can't treat you for this because what are you here for?" I said, I don't really know, doc, other than they said, he actually, the colonel was told back at Wilford Hall that I was going to Korea. There was no withdrawing the orders. I was going to go to Korea. So, and I missed the other part of the story was I'll do real quick. When News of the World broke story, all these people started looking into it and started, I got calls from everywhere. Don't know how they found my phone number because
I wasn't even in the phone book by my name. I had a roommate that was in his name, but they found me. But the guy that found me was Chuck Takaro. CNN called me. I had to tell the base about it. Long story short, I had to go to public affairs on that one. Next thing I know, the next day I'm in the battle staff area on a secure line talking to the Pentagon about how I was supposed to handle the interview with Takaro. They wanted me to do it because the cat was out of the bag with the memo being out.
something happened. So they didn't want to look like it was being totally covered up, but they didn't want me to go into any detail. I didn't even stick to the memo, which was wrong anyway. So that was part of it. So then going forward with my orders, when I got him, I had a friend in outbound that tried to get me out of him. He ended up in front of his commander being threatened with an article 15 for interfering with my orders. And
The thing was is that he looked at the commander and he said, why am I in here? We've done this before. He doesn't want him, doesn't want them. And he was just looking in, inquiring into how he could possibly get out of them. And he says, this is so above him. He said, he told me this was so above his prey grade that he crossed the line with me. So not only that, but the doctor could keep me out of Korea, which I found out later why, which I told you earlier. So, you know, so yeah, there was all kinds of issues early on with my health.
which later on led to my medical records being classified, which I can go into a little bit down the road a little bit as you go on with this. Yeah. So I mean, at that point, I mean, go forward a bit further and this may fit in with what you just said, but am I right in saying Kit Green got involved and maybe even Colin Kelleher and possibly Robert Bigelow. So, you know, they're wanting your DNA and things. Yeah. If you want to be good on this line. Okay. All right.
It started with when I got sick in 10, early 11. It was actually early 11. My heart was acting up like it never had before. And the doctor, when I went in, they found it at Urgent Care that I was an AFib, sent me to the hospital. They eventually shocked my heart back in the rhythm and I had some congestive heart failure. But the doctor said, how long have you had this? And I said, well, this is the first time I've had an issue
like this, but I've had the heart murmur since 1980. He goes, where are your records with that? I said, well, I was injured in the Air Force. He goes, did they do any tests and stuff? I said, well, yeah, in 81. He said, I need you to request the records. And he wrote up a request through the military. I need to look at these to better understand what's going on. Because he said, what you're going through doesn't fit the symptoms.
Normally of what you would have the damage just didn't add the symptoms were worse than the damage appeared to him. So I Requested him and didn't get a response went to my first senator He requested him got told my records were where where they weren't where they were usually would be The aid and most people that senators don't do the work the age do they just use the power of the office So she figured out really fast that my records were classified
So she wrote me a letter saying they were and she said I had to go file for disability to force them to look at my records and admit what's in my records, what's wrong. So we went ahead and I went and filed a disability and came back, gave her all the information. He was getting ready to retire. His term was coming up and he was going to retire. They got nowhere from that point on all the way till
the elections were over and he retired. So what he did was, she said, you can give it to the, it was a Republican that got elected, I forget his name now, and she was going to work with him, or I recommend you give the Senator McCain's office. You know, he's farther up the chain.
especially with this new Senator. And so with the McCain, he got me into at least get a physical. When I went in to be looked at to evaluate whether I was disabled from the line of duty, the doctor starts asking me questions. They started identifying what happened. And I saw an eye doctor too. I'll go into that in a second, but she said, well, let's just see everything you're applying. You weren't in the air force when you, when you said that's when you were injured. And that was the first time I found out that they were actually trying to cover up.
not in the Air Force until 1982. So I looked at her and I says, well, I've got, I pulled out a pay record. I see, you see, I was being paid in 79. I came in and she goes, looks at it. It looks at me and says, I can only go with what I've got here in front of me. I'll write it up as such, and we'll take it from there.
I saw an eye doctor, and now that's when I first saw, I think I saw my records again, because there was this envelope, a vanilla envelope with records that were huge. And I'm pretty sure he had those, but he was a specialist that came out of the DOD. He looked at my eyes and he came back and he says,
Nothing's changed since 1980. He says, we'll continue to monitor. I go, what? I go, that's all you need to know. Get out of here. So then in the summer, I got denied, which, you know, I've got all the paperwork. I've actually showed it in presentations. I got denied my disability because I wasn't in the Air Force in 1979.
So they initially denied that. So we were able to finagle through and eventually prove with, there's a lot of stuff that went online that seems to get approved. I was in 79 because even the AFRPC denied that was in, even though they showed that I was in, but I found out by going through retirements because I technically couldn't have been retired if I hadn't had those three years.
So anyway, we got that changed, and then they made an offer to settle everything based on the new DD form 214, that somehow that got pulled. And they said that, because I had to drop the initial appeal, which when I did that, there was an agency, the state looks at it, and he could see they denied our FOIA's, hadn't given them the proper documentation, they were covering all that up.

Legal Recognition and Compensation

So then we put the denial in or the withdrawal and just on new information. I got a letter after that saying thank you for canceling your appeal. Your case is now closed.
So that's when it got really ugly because McCain personally got involved. He actually threatened to hold hearings and the DOJ got involved in a bunch of stuff, but on, I eventually got my settlement. Now, during all this timeframe, we testified in front of the citizen's hearing, the lawyer Pat Preskonia, who was working with me. And at the time, at that very moment, Penniston was involved and so was I. And we went up there and testified, you know, in front of a mock hearing.
And about, I don't know, several days later, Kit Green calls him and wants to meet with him. So he comes in, meets with Pat and Jackson, Mississippi, talks to him about a bunch of stuff, and wants to evaluate me, personally, do an evaluation and talk to me about some stuff. So eventually he flew out, I was in Sedona at the time, flew out to Sedona, brought Pat and his wife, who's also an attorney and a nurse, brought us all together in Sedona, and did an examination,
and came back and said, well, you definitely have problems that don't look very good. He didn't explain it to me like he did Pap on. As soon as he said, I didn't have much longer to live is what he told Pap.
So he said, what I would like to do is I would like to get a sample of your DNA. We're doing a study of a hundred people that are known to be exposed to UAPs. And I said, a hundred people. He says, he said to me, he says, well, you're one of the few cases that ever got leaked out. So there's a lot of other stuff that's going on where we've got confirmed military activity with UAPs and we're studying their DNA on the effects or whatever.
I said, all right. I said, and he says that we want to do an MRI of your brain. He says, we want to look at the brain and see what's going on with it. And it was just a loose imply that they wanted to see if the brain of mine was a lot like some of the other guys, which meant that we were getting, having this contact more because of that over, or was it we damaged later? Well, couldn't do the MRI because I have a pacemaker.
because some of the stuff they did before they finally figured out, which I'll tell you in a minute, they figured out what was going on and why, was they didn't need to do that. So they really couldn't do the MRI.

Broader UAP Phenomena

It was an MRI that they could, but they just couldn't justify it medically to go in on a theory. It hadn't been a serious medical issue. The DNA, I told them no.
He didn't listen. And when he left Sedona, he actually, they flew Gary Nolan in from San Francisco that next morning into Vegas and him and Colin Kelleher drove down and met with us and flight staff that afternoon. And they tried to get my DNA and I told them, no. I said, I'm not playing. I said, I'm sick. I can't get anywhere at the VA. I can't get any kind of treatment. I says, this is off limits until something gets done.
They were mad. Kit Green was mad. But Pat told Kit, we told you no yesterday. He goes, but you try. So then he turned back around and he wrote a letter that ended up being classified after the fact that he gave to Pat for me to give to the VA and the department, which ended up with the Department of Defense also.
And as soon as that came in the play, because McCain now, I was at least being seen by the VA. All of a sudden the DOD showed up, VA doctors, and they immediately within about three months, I got the surgery I needed because they figured out what was damaged in my valve that wasn't normal. But what was explained to me was you have two leaflets in your valve.
The inside leaflets never damaged. The outside one showed some damage, but not enough damage to create the issues I was having, but the inside one was shredded. Now what they told me, and I have the records approve it is I actually had two leaflets on the inside part. And when I was injured, I would have probably died if I hadn't had that medical condition, which is rare. So the two of them were both damaged, but they weren't damaged enough together to kill me on the spot.
So that all got done. I was handled by a DOD doctor the whole time. They took my blood, they took all my tissue, which I found out later was study, okay, for all of this stuff. And it was done in the study that they wanted, but the DOD was running this one, not, well, they were actually, their contract was through the DOD anyway. But I found out that they got all that stuff anyway. So they got it through the surgery. So that's how Kit Green showed up and Kelleher and Noah.
And then we dealt with him all the way through because at one point we were actually getting ready to File a lawsuit during all this stuff going on the force the government to admit why my number one We couldn't even get a FOIA answer because we identified the classic the classified records section which they have But we couldn't even get to admit my records were there and
and why they refused to answer that for you. They broke the law on that. They refused to deal with the Senator's office on any of that also and stuff. And then so after I got my surgery, I just got a letter. My surgery was in 13. I got the settlement in 15 when we got all this taken care of.
And I got a letter from him saying we're taking responsibility for your injuries because my settlement, which people want to argue about, which I have all the documentation, which I gave to Billy Cox is a journalist who wrote an article on it. He verified that my settlement was based off of being injured in the line of duty during that. Now, what?
What they, and part of the, part of the documents presented were Condi documents, the classified documents and other stuff. But what they didn't say was what, what it was. And I got told that by different, I got told by Kyle's staffer, you were injured, but you're never going to know. McCain's people said the same thing. No doubt you were injured, but you're never going to get an answer. Why? And when they finally settled with me, we're taking responsibility for you.
But we're not going to tell you why or what's going on. And not only that, but my medical records are still classified. So are my personnel files having to do with Rendlesome. And I have to see certain doctors inside the DOD for my heart, my eyes, because I can't even like the VA allows you to do community and care. And where I live, there's not a lot that you have to drive to Indianapolis.
Um, I can't be treated by civilian doctor. They tried once, but they wouldn't give them any information. So they had to kick me back from the VA. In fact, now I have to go to the Indianapolis and deal with the chief of cardiology on my heart. So, I mean, I can see that it's great that you finally got there, even though it took way too long to get, you know, the VA and all that sorted out there. Well, actually it didn't really, because from the time I never correlated all this.
Totally. Yeah. I knew that I got sick, but I never really did all the correlation with the weapon systems, the radiation, all that, until I started getting sick and I started researching some of this stuff. I worked with other people. Then Green showed up because what he said, and he did this on the both top secret, because that's when I knew I was in trouble, that it was going to be payback time. I was told that they were never going to talk about their involvement.
None of this was gonna come out, the DNA stuff, none of it. And it ends up, he goes on a dub top secret when I just told everybody, hey, listen, I got a settlement. The lawyer loaded up as the facto that they admitted that UAPs are real, because the event was labeled a UAP event by the old memo, and then they gave me conversation for it. Well, Green goes on to bump top secret, writes two paragraphs on what it was, terrorists radiation, all these different things that went on.
So then I knew that there was more to this coming down the road.
Then they work with Annie Jacobson. She's a correspondent, work correspondent, or a writer, or whatever. And they talk about the DNA, the DNA study, how this all plays together. So that's been down a whole different road, having to deal with them, to the stars, Lou Elizondo. I got taken down to Hal Putoff's facility, got briefed on Stargate and a bunch of other stuff. So this has been ongoing, even on the side. And there's definitely interest by the government
and people that have had some kind of encounter with whatever a UAP is. So do you think this anomalous phenomena, whatever it may be, do you think that is what people are seeing and have been seeing for as long as they've been reported? Or do you think there may be multiple phenomena out there? Wow, that one's a tough one to answer. There is a phenomenon. Condein says there is.
So that's been identified. The British changed it to UAP. The Americans now call it a UAP. So that's clearly something going on that they're working with and involves plasmas, intelligence, and all that. So that's there. Then you have to look at Roswell, which I don't know much about other than they supposedly uncovered a craft. So if that's the case, then there's something else possibly going on too.
But what I can tell you is there definitely is some kind of a phenomenon that they're aware of. They've been studying it for probably decades. It involves radiation, frequencies, intelligence. And they definitely have figured out how to start modulating it to use it in weapon systems, which are currently active. And they're expanding on it going forward. So is there more than one thing going on? There's a good chance.
but I don't know enough about the crafts and all that other stuff. And if you go into the phenomenon itself, it can make you think you're seeing something you're not. It can mess with your memory and it can modulate radars. It can do all kinds of things, which we've explained in our book, that maybe a lot of what people seen and they thought were craft weren't necessarily craft. To include what they talked about, the indentations in the ground at Rendleson,
The phenomenon plasma can actually create those indentations in the ground. And the thing is, is that lights that they talk about halt probably, and I'm just going to barely just throw this out because we're going to expand on it down the road with all the facts, was there was a report of satellite being brought down during our event that was going on. And that probably had something to do with some lasers and tracking plasmas that were
either created from the phenomenon or we were able to do it. And I've got a declassified top secret document that I've uncovered from the British themselves, the M.O.D. that admits they'd been working on this back in the 50s or even 40s, but they'd expand on this with the Americans, where that may have been involved with possibly bringing down that satellite that came down in the forest during our event on top of everything else that was going on.
That's interesting as well. I mean one thing that just came to mind then was there was obviously an incident at Lake and Heath bentwaters in 56 and I just wonder if that somehow has a similar connection. I'm glad you brought that up. The first time the incident in 56 happened at Bentwaters shortly after that they had an incident at Kirkland Air Force Base. It was a few months later where they had some stuff that went on down there.
Fast forward to our event, prior to our event in the spring of 80, they had a major event at Coyote Canyon, at Kirkland, and then we had our event in December. So both times there was major events that bent waters, there was major events down at Kirkland Air Force Base where DOE's at, Department of Energy. How convenient and coincidental.
And you can just look that up. People will try to say that's not true. Just look up the Betwater's incident. Look at them. There was an incident at Kirkland, the time frame, and then look up the fact that Coyote Canyon took place. And it was around a nuclear storage area and stuff, a bunch of stuff went on. And then down there where DOD works and all that stuff goes on. And then boom,
in December, we had our events. So both times they were there. And I think, and this is just speculation on mine, because I can't get a full induction on the engineer that wrote the paper Conde. But I bet if you pushed a FOIA hard enough, because I can't do FOIA's with the British government anymore, they won't let me. Because when I got too close to some of the stuff, they sanctioned me for what they called, and they're not going to answer my questions anymore.
But I think the guy that wrote the paper could have been one of the pilots that was involved in the 1956 incident because he was a pilot in the RAF during that time. He was a Navy pilot. It was Dr. Ron Haddow that wrote Condein. Right, but he may have been one of the pilots that was involved in the 1956 incident. I'm just trying to think because I spoke to Dr. Clark who interviewed some of the pilots from the 1956 incident and the names never came together. There was no correlation there.
But I think Hado was in the Navy and that was the Air Force that was involved with the 56 case. I'd have to do some more digging just to... Well, I just wondered because of some of the comments in the Condign Report and stuff, different things, I just wondered if he may have not, or at the least he interviewed and talked to those pilots. Sure, yeah. Because he was a pilot before he was an engineer, or maybe he was an engineer at the same time, but he was definitely a pilot in the RAF.

Audience Interaction and Binary Codes

Absolutely. Now listen, John, I wanted to get on to some viewer questions and that before, but just before that, is there anything that you feel like I may have missed on this important piece of the story? Well, have you covered your list? Have you covered your list? I have, yeah, but I jumped around, so I could have missed something. I mean, there's always something I'll re-think of later, but let's take some questions, maybe, yeah. Yeah, I mean, one thing that a lot of people have been asking me about is your views on Jim Peniston's binary codes part of the story.
know, if you're happy to talk about that, I'd love to hear about. Well, I'll keep it brief. Okay. Okay. I work with Penison. I met him back in the early 90s. We did a documentary from England called Strange but True. Okay. When we did that, there was no notebook at all. No mention of a notebook. No, nothing. Now, he tried to come back when I brought that up and say, well, I had it, but they didn't want to look at it back then. I said,
Wait a minute. I was there for all the production meetings. You never brought up the notebook. You never brought it up to them, nor did you bring it up to hold her eye. Cause we all have breakfast together, lunch, everything all the time. Cause we were filming the whole time we were over there. So no mention at all. Now he was already out of the military. So his excuse before was he didn't talk about it. Cause he was in the military. He was, he was, he was retired. He talked about the incident, never brought the notebook up. First time I found out about the notebook was.
20-year anniversary when he did that documentary with Brian Gumbel. I forget what it was called but they did a him and Halt did a document. It was a 20-year anniversary document and him and Halt were involved. He introduced the notebook but the notebook had the wrong data in it. So in other words the night he said it happened it said the 26th. You know I wrote 27th I think it was the 8th. I'd have to go back and look at the pages now. It wasn't the 26th. It was the 27th, 28th,
which was highlighted by some skeptics. Well, why would you have the wrong date in when statements and British logs was the 26th? Well, one of the speculations was he just wrote the notebook later because he took it off the halt, the halt memo, which had, I believe the 27th in it. So that was the first time I saw the notebook.
and nor did I ever see him walk around it or anything else. He tried to take Kvancak out of the story, but later, like a year ago, maybe less, you knew of Jimmy Church. Church kind of caught him off guard. He said, so when you got to the berm and you came over, what did you guys do?
and he identified both Ed and I being together with him when we came up on it. Before he got, he said Ed wasn't even there. So he slipped up with a question. So the three of us were together. The notebook shows up at 20 year mark with the glyphs, who later, some people did some research and found the glyphs on some equipment that the German company sells that does underground detection work. Okay, now, nothing about the binary or anything else until the
was it the 30th anniversary or was it 2010? So that would have been what, the 30th anniversary. That all pops in when we're in Phoenix filming for ancient aliens, which
by the way, was Prometheus, which fit perfectly in it. He claims that he didn't really want it out. But why did he, because everybody that handled the notebook prior to this, which I never had said they'd looked at a notebook and never saw a binary in it was excusal as well. I'd always kept it out. Right? Well, okay. So fair enough. But why did he put it in for ancient aliens?
OK, why did he put it in there knowing we were going to handle the notebook and look at it when every other time he didn't want people to see it, including James Fox, who he did a bunch of work with, and they actually studied the glyphs, right?
So then bam, all of a sudden they see the binary and then they want to talk about it. Well, he claims that he didn't want to and that he didn't right away. Well, no, if you look at the hour piece they did, he immediately went back in and talked about it openly on his own record. No one forced him. So he talked about all this. He gave them some of the pages, but he never could get the pages straight at first, whether it was 12, 15, 16 or whatever. So they looked at some of the pages, they identified an area
off of the coast of Ireland and but that was only because they put the decimal point in a certain place. All that's like starts to get strange then he turns around and they did some more research on it some people did and they found out these all these codes were all on an ancient site that was available three years before he introduced the codes in the first time.
So there is quite a bit of controversy behind the codes. This is all factual. I'm not making it up. Their excuse was the site had been hacked to modify it, to make it look bad. We'll produce the evidence then. Do you know what I mean? It's just like he's gone on now and says, you can't draw a pension, Air Force pension and VA disability. It's double dipping. You can't.
You can't draw both. I'm doing both. He's doing both because he openly said in the hearing that he did with, when we did with acid, he said he was drawing on VA disability. So you can, but then he wants to apply to people like Adrian Bostens and I, which, oh, that was the one thing I didn't talk to you about. Adrian's getting 100% or 95% or whatever compensation for injuries at Rundell's.
I was able to help him with documentation, get the compensation. He was the one who had a close interaction, which people say, well, wait a minute. Why did penison not get injured like YouTube? Well, in the hearings, he said he had art issues. Okay.
Adrian and I were clearly had issues from this when we got close to whatever it was. And if he wants to now say he didn't have any injuries from it, why did he get it if we did in the VA recognize that so does the government. And yet he claims he touched it and walked around it. So leave it for yourself, folks, whatever you want to believe. But if you really want to do some digging, there's a lot all that I just talked about out there for public consumption.
Yeah, no, I appreciate you talking about that because I probably would have got crucified for not be honest with you. I don't believe here's what how I feel about it because he did do a hypnosis at one point and he did kind of come under hypnosis talk a little bit about some of that. So I'm not saying something didn't happen to him. And some people have speculated the government planted it in them.
or maybe he had felt something and then he just tried to take advantage of it by making the notebook because he did get compensated each time they used the notebook in these documentaries. But all I'm getting at is it's not cut and dry. How's that? I'm going to leave it at that. Do some research before you accept everything that you've been

Sedona and Other Mysterious Locations

Yeah, that's always a good rule. Absolutely. I got a question here from Richard. He says, Sedona has apparently been a UFO hotspot for decades. And Jim Peniston's alleged binary code message contains location coordinates for Sedona. Plus, you've even lived there yourself, John.
Do you think or know if there is something special about Sedona? Linda Martin Howard said that she was contacted in the early 80s by an engineer from Martin Marietta who claims that he was involved in constructing a windowless building around a device in Sedona that was there to prevent magnetic fields from collapsing. Okay. Well, let's leave the Linda part out. And when I'm saying that, that's the first I've heard of that. But what I'm telling
What about that part? I've never heard about that. There is or was a facility up in Sedona, and I'll tell you why. There was a facility out in the desert right outside of town called Maricopa, and they identified it as a NORAD site, okay? But it was there, and the cover story for it was it involved the shuttle, but it stayed active many years afterwards when the shuttle program shut down.
Okay, I know about this because I lived in Maricopa and I drove by it all the time. It had microwave antennas behind it. You could see it on the satellite if you looked at the satellite of it. But when I was at Williams, they had the site security manager was responsible for that facility. So it was under the Air Force. When I was at Luke, the Sedona facility was under Luke's purview
for security out there. So there was a facility somewhere up in the Sedona out in the forest area. And when Williams closed, Luke took over the Maricopa site. Exactly what they were doing, I don't know, other than I did find a link one time that said both the Maricopa site and the Sedona site were tied into microwaves that monitored the low frequencies of the Earth.
Right. That was they identified those two sites plus a bunch of other sites around the world. Does that have anything to do with UFOs and stuff? I don't know, but they were real and they were being utilized in the Air Force was involved in the security of it. Okay. Now I lived there for two years. Bradshaw Ranch. I don't know if you've heard of that, but it's like skinwalker and the government took it over the whole thing. I had a weird, strange encounter on more than one occasion.
when I went out there two or three different times, I think it was three, where I went out there with some people where we actually, one night we had the EMA meter peg, we had like 10 degrees colder, and we had weird lights in the sky all over the place.
And then a couple other times we had some stuff. I can't think of the name of the town. It's above Cottonwood. You cut between Cottonwood and Prescott. There's a mountain up there. I can't remember what it's called. And from that side of Bradshaw, we could see stuff flying around in the sky up there where people had seen stuff before. So.
Personally, I could tell you there's all kinds of folklore there. There's a there's a personal portal There's also something else. It's interesting what's most people aren't aware of Buddha put a time travel there only they have a site there that's dedicated to time travel and it's right there in Sedona on the west side of town and They have these different I can't remember. It's a stupa. They have a stupa that's dedicated to time travel right out there by brats all rants and
Hmm that's active and they actually have a medicine world. They built out there, too So is Sedona weird? Yes, it's things that I've seen there. Yes. Have other people said seen things there? Yes. What exactly is it? I don't know other were there at least there was at one point facility out there Yes, was it what Linda molten how that guy brought up? I don't know that part. I really don't know I've never heard that before that was one that kind of caught me off
No, no, I appreciate your answer.

Concluding Thoughts and Future Revelations

That was the first time I'd heard that as well. But yeah, if you want to get a weird experience, go to Sedona. Yeah, you're probably going to see something strange. You know, if you if you go out there by the Brats Hall Ranch area, there's an area out there that's very bizarre. I can't deny that. So.
Excellent. I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever out that way. But listen, John, we've just hit over the hour mark. Before I go, I just want to give a couple of thank yous. This one here, actually, John, if you wouldn't mind, Davey says, can you give my daughter Rudy a shout out? She is reading everything she can on Rendlesham. So I have to say, hey, Rudy, thanks. Make sure you read the weaponization book. There's a lot of stuff in there that'll open your eyes to what we were dealing with. There you go. Shout out, Davey.
good friend of mine. And yeah, you got a good daughter. And finally, Jimmy says, thanks for any one day, I'll have a question. But Jimmy, that's okay. I'll always be here when you're ready. Thank you for the $5 donation. All right, Ed.
There we go, guys. Thank you so much, John. That was a brilliant interview. And yeah, I can't thank you enough. So yeah. Oh, and one last thing. Is there more to come with Randall soon? I can almost guarantee you there'll be more things coming out. In fact, we're going to expand on the satellite stuff next year, more stuff that we've uncovered and are working on then. And please, though, one thing, folks, don't just because people may start
supporting the weapon technology that was being worked on out there and the satellite could have been brought down, which we're going to try to go into deeper. There's still something else out there too. And if you, unfortunately, Andrew Pike's book got pulled and it's hard to find, but he laid out a lot of stuff they were studying out there that ties into this. And there's a lot more to it than just a satellite that could have been brought down, you know, and everything else in weapon technology being worked on.
There is a phenomenon out there. And people still this day still see strange things floating around in the forest out there. Wonderful. Thank you so much. Thank you. And everyone watching, thank you so much for the great questions, keeping the chat cordial. I'll be back next week. For now, guys, take care and we'll see you soon. Bye bye.