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Chris Lehto - Unidentified Object Shootdowns

Anomalous Podcast Network
1.7k Plays1 year ago

Chris Lehto is a retired F-16 pilot and currently writes books and makes YouTube videos. 

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Introduction and Recent Incidents Overview

Welcome back to the channel, guys, for a special video to cover the recent incursions and shoot downs over the US and Canada. I've been covering this over on my Instagram a lot and I've had an awful amount of requests to do a video here on YouTube.

Insights from Former F-16 Pilot Chris Leto

So let's get into it. Joining me today for this one is my good friend, former F-16 pilot, Chris Leto. Chris, how are you, man?
Great, Vinny. Hello, mate. Thank you. Thanks. I appreciate you. I really appreciate you doing this, man. I just yeah, like I said, I've been asked to cover this and I thought, you know, you've been keeping a close eye on the story as well. And so just to get your your take on it would be would be amazing.

Chinese Balloon Incident Analysis

So I guess the first thing is this this Chinese spy balloon
you know, was the first thing that broke a couple of weeks ago now. And, you know, we had China respond saying it was more for meteorological purposes. Do you buy that story based on the payload? Well, we haven't gotten so much information back from the payload. Last I heard last night, I believe, is that the FBI has recovered most of the electronics, they said, mostly electronics. Of course, it's all going to be underwater, but I think they'll be able to determine what
you know, what it was, what the equipment could actually do, but they're not going to be able to get back any of the data, I think. So I think they'll get enough. And my hunch is that it's going to be potentially military use.
But we're not going to be able to tell. I doubt the Chinese would be dumb enough, even if it was a surveillance balloon. And that's what they meant it for, was to pick up signals as it's crossing. That's what I think is the most dangerous, is if it just has a receiver on there, which I'm sure it does, to receive signals. And then it's just soaking up signals. So China could say that it's just a scientific balloon.

Historical Intelligence Comparisons

Meanwhile, maybe an arm of their
uh, of that program, right? Cause we've done that a lot in the, look at our CIA, you know, of course the stuff's going to come back and bite us in the ass, right? But the RCA is attached onto many programs that didn't know that they were doing it. You know, I have a, my friend, his dad worked, uh, down in South America on some crazy farm or whatever. Uh, he sees Tony actually, he's the artist on our UAP society. And he found out later that his dad actually, his dad quit the program because it was led by CIA. The CIA has actually infiltrated it.
So they're known to actually go into other programs, right, as a, you know, whatever university professor or something. I could see that happening where China basically, there's an element of China in the, you know, if it's all government that has, that's using this, sees it as an opportunity to try and get some intelligence. That being said, what are you really going to get? You know, I think that's why the Air Force didn't shoot it down because they're like, look, they're not, they're going to get nothing from

Surveillance: Satellites vs. Balloons

this. You know, I mean, we,
We fly spy planes near China, getting much more information. We have satellites flying right over China right now. They have the same thing. They have satellites flying over the US, as we speak. All countries do, right? You can't stop a satellite from being in orbit. The only difference is that's further away. So now that's going to be at 250 miles is around where your low Earth orbit is, where the ISS is. Yeah, 250 miles.
That's much further away, right? Uh, but I was talking to Mark D'Antonio. I was on an interview with him this week, getting crazy week. Um, and he was saying on the Martin Wells show, he was saying that he was a, he was, he worked on satellites and a geosynchronous satellite, right? That's hundreds of thousands, that's thousands of miles away. He could read a license plate from thousands of miles, miles away. And that's what the geosynchronous.
I'm sorry, not geosynchronous satellite. Okay. So that's the difference. So geosynchronous satellite, you're out at 10,000 or thousands of miles. I don't know the exact distance out, right? But if you're in the same spot over the, over the earth now, you have to be much further away. So those satellites, they can't read a license plate. That's correct. But the low earth orbits, the ones at 250 miles above, they can read a license plate, but they fly over very fast. Okay. They go right over because you're so close to the earth.
Um, they go over very quickly. That's why the ISS, if you run

Challenges of Balloon Technology

out to look at it, you'll see it for, I don't know, less than a minute, I think is what it goes by. I need to actually calculate low earth orbit, you know, how fast it goes by. So on those satellites, they can read license plates, you know, they can identify you is what Mark D'Antonio was saying that kind of, you know, enemy of the state kind of stuff. They're only there for a minute, right? They're only there for a minute. So that.
What would be impressive and abundantly stupid is if China actually threw one of those systems onto a balloon, which they wouldn't, right? It's so expensive. And then we would find it. So it wouldn't make any sense. So I don't think they're really going to get any like good data, you know, really accurate. They're not reading anyone's faces from that spy balloon, you know, unless they have a, you know, a hundred million dollar 10, $20 million camera on there. So probably it's just soaking up electrons, trying to, trying to get, get lucky, but
Yeah, I don't think they're getting anything out of it. That's why the US Air Force waited so long to shoot it down. Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, but I think the initial fear was that because it appeared over Montana, and you know, we got Malmstrom and the ICBM sites that that ultimately sparked the fear that they were monitoring our nuclear assets. But yeah, I mean, it makes sense what you said. And I hope that we do get to learn more, whether they're going to be
forthcoming with the information if they do find anything is a different story. Well, we did the same thing. It's kind of like in the fifties, we had our own spy program with balloons. So I made a video about it earlier this week on my channel on on later files. But basically, before the before we went into space, right before Sputnik balloons was the only way I mean, you had rockets, but it would go up and down. So the only way to actually get up there and stay there, any sort of altitudes is with balloons.
So space balloons, you know, it was kind of the thing before they went on rockets. And so we had our own programs and we sent, it was like 540 balloons over, over Russia and China. And they, and the thing is we only recovered 10% of them. So as far as like an operational, it's a technology, people, people kind of laugh about it and make jokes about it, but it's not easy. It's not easy to control a giant buoyant.
thing in near space. That's a domain we don't know. We don't use it because the technology hasn't been there.
until I guess soon, right? Because I've also heard, if you had a material that was strong enough, right? These balloons are made out of this, like, it's latex. So it's, I guess latex is actually a natural material. I just found this out. And that dust you see on it is a talcum powder that keeps it from sticking to itself. So when it expands these amazing expansions, right, it won't pop. But then any little tear in that latex, it'll pop.
but imagine if you had a material that was like made out of buckyballs or something and inside of it you could suck all the air out and make it a vacuum and that thing if it's strong enough you can make it thin enough so it could be lighter than air so now you could actually put you know a permanent balloon up there not made out of latex but now it's made out of some super material and then controlling it is is going to be probably the most difficult thing you know but
Maybe there's not big wind currents up there in the stratosphere. I don't know the stratosphere weather. I don't know how it works there. I don't think anybody knows. And so that's really kind of cool that we're getting into that, because I really think space balloons is

Future of Space Travel: Balloons vs. Rockets

going to be the future. I think people aren't going to go to space in a rocket. It's going to be much too expensive. So people like you and me are going to go to space in a balloon.
or near space. You're going to go up to 130,000 feet. You're going to be in the black of the sky. Maybe you can see the sunset, and then you drink some champagne or something, and then you'll come back down. I think that's going to be next year, in the 2030s, like people are going to be doing that. So I think it's a burgeoning tech field, and the military hasn't been doing it. No one's been doing it. So China is just
mass expanding right and so i see them just kind of following in our footsteps it's a lot easier to just follow what other people did than invent your own new stuff so i think they're right at that spot where can they control these balloons probably not and if you look back we had the same row back in 57 i think 1957 when the soviets when they caught all of our stuff and they found this camera these cameras on there they were pissed so it started kind of a similar row that we're seeing now yeah absolutely and now obviously the
The conversation has been really focused on these three other objects that's smaller. And what we're being told is that there's very little known about them.

UFO Shoot-Downs and Military Response

So let's start. February the 10th on the Friday, the Alaska object was shot down. What do we know about that one? OK, excellent. Yeah, let me share my screen. I have a map I built. I built a Google project. If people want to load it, I can give you
the link, but basically this is Alaska. And I think I was actually there for four years. You know, I was at this base right here. I'll send air force base as an aggressor. It's probably my favorite fight flying assignment. I mean, just amazing out here. This is a two mile long runway. It was made for the space shuttle. They use it as an alternate landing. And if you look at where Alaska is, right, let's look at it as we zoom out. This is why Alaska is important. I need to get rid of the clouds.
It's what you see here is a, this is the North Pole right here, right? Yeah. Oh, we can't see them now. Okay. Well, let me just scan around. This is Russia. Okay. This is all Russia going around here. And if you go there, now there's Alaska and then America. So from the North, if you're at the North Pole, the earth looks very different. Yeah.
And that's what we learned is that the war with Russia is gonna happen right here. This is where we, I mean, we touch Russia. We have a border with Russia, essentially, right here in Alaska. It's very far. People don't, if you're not from a, even Americans don't realize how far this is. This is like a four hour flight. Like Europe fits right in here. You look, because this is as tall as America, the state of Alaska fits in right here. So it's a really big area, really,
Um, large space. There's no people out. There's no roads out here. This, I mean, this is all, you have to fly to this area of Alaska to get out here. So this is out, out in the middle of nowhere. And this is why it's kind of heating up with Alaska. I mean, sorry, with Russia is that's our closest point. And lately, I guess just this past week, you had some, uh, TU 95 bomber that was intercepted by F 16s again, out of, this is Elmendorf air force base down here. Uh, I'm gonna say Elmendorf air force base down here.
Um, and so the, the Russians actually, there's a program, I can't remember what it's called. It's called, um, I'd have to look it up after this friendly skies or something like that. We have an agreement with the Russians where they fly their bombers over our country.
and you know with and we know when they're coming we set it up obviously we close all the secret doors just like the balloon kind of like the balloon flight you know we know they're coming and then they'll they'll come in I don't know I doubt that's going on now with with all the recent
and issues in Ukraine. But that's what happens. TU-95 came here up to 12 nautical miles, right? Any country can fly their planes 12 nautical miles off your coast. Because that's international waters. So that gets to where all the spy planes are, right? They're going to be 13 miles off the coast. It's legal.
So anyway, now that's to set it up. So this is Alaska. The F-22s are down to here. The F-35s are here at my old base at Ileson Air Force Base. And then this is that Ice Road Truckers. If you've ever seen that show, Ice Road Truckers, this is it, man. This is the road. It's the road up to Prudhoe Bay. Yeah, this is it. So Ice Road Truckers, this is the only road to get up there.
the shoot down from what I understand is they were tracking north. So again, this area, like I just mentioned is really important, right? Cause that's where, that's where the Russians would come from or yeah. Anyone else? And so, um, what they did was is they, they lowered the clutter right after they shot down the first balloon. There was a lot of issues. What are all these things flying in our airspace? So they lowered the clutter on the radar. So now they can pick up a lot smaller objects.
and they track something over towards this area to Prudhoe Bay. And they launched first, they launched F-35s out of here. This is on Saturday, I think Saturday morning. And this is far, right? You would definitely need a tanker. So they had tankers with them. And there are tankers at Ileson as well. There's an international guard tanker base.
So the whole base, you know, the basis of Alaska were oriented towards this, I'm sure. So they had F-32, F-35s came up here with the tanker. I'm guessing with the tanker. And they said, uh, they tried to identify it and I guess they couldn't identify it. And one of them, again, this is rumor. One of the pilots said that it messed with the sensors on a F-35 affected his sensors.
The F-35 is very advanced aircraft. It knows when you're trying to mess with it. So maybe it could be telling him that or picking up some air and signals or something. The other F-35 said there was no issues. So they didn't have any weapons, I'm guessing. Or yeah, I mean, they're normally training. So they didn't have live weapons. The F-22s, sounds like they were on alert. So they had live weapons. And they came up and they shot this thing down.
Last I heard was it was a cylinder-shaped object, but I didn't get a full identification of it. Do you think that's legit? Do you think the pilots wouldn't be able to get good eyes on, or even gun camera or flare? Would it appear on those systems? Yeah, well, they shot it. So I learned a lot of information just by listening to the Lake Huron shoot down.
Let me come back to that question. Don't forget that question. Sure, no worries. So we'll come back to that. But did they see it? Would it be difficult? Yeah, there's definitely issues with that. So then that same day, they tracked another object.
I'm flowing down in this area, flowing east. And interesting for me is all these objects are flowing to the east with the weather. So when I initially heard that with the wind, I kind of just feel like they're balloons. That was my initial impression is, or this is clutter. Maybe it is something, a device that people have thrown up to pretend to be a balloon. Even the Chinese, like I said, they can throw up a spy balloon, but it's just a normal science surveillance film. Maybe it is. And maybe the people that sent it up think it is. It doesn't mean that it hasn't been
uh, also taken over, I guess, or used by the, uh, intelligence agencies. So the second one, um, this is the third shoot down, right? So later in the day they shoot that one down, they track this object, they launched F 22s again, and they shoot this down this time in Canada, right? So this is the Canadian border right here. So they had to talk to Biden had to call Trudeau Prime Minister Trudeau and say, Hey, can we shoot this thing down? Cause it's going into Canada.
Right. And then I think the Canadian F 18s came out. Yeah. My guess is again, again, having live weapons, not normal, right? This is the first time any, any, the US has shot anything down around the US. I couldn't believe that. I thought I heard that statement. I was like, surely that can't be correct. Um, but that's correct. You know, so we never had live weapon, you know, it was training weapons essentially.
Live weapons impart a lot more issues. But the alert birds, the planes that are on alert to defend, again, the country, they'll have live weapons. Or if you have enough time, you can make live weapons. They shot this one down. Initially, it was a cylindrical object. But then I heard, I read that it was a small metallic balloon. That's what came out. Is this the one that was about the size of a small car? Is that that one?
There's so much data, right? From all these different news articles, everyone's writing news articles, like literally every place out there is writing news articles. I think all three of these, so this one, this one, and the fourth one here, I'll talk about, are small from what I believe, smaller than a car. So this one, this is a,
again, flew across, initially on Saturday, I believe it was picked up out here, or near Montana. And then they launched the Portland F8, they launched 15 F15s out of Portland is what I read. Again, who knows if all the writing is correct, but 15 to get over here again with tanker operations to try and find this thing they couldn't, I guess, or identify it. But I heard that may be an interesting engagement.
this F-15 engagement. I heard it may be interesting. They lost it, though. So then it keeps going, travels across. They pick it up again. They believe it's the same object. And then they end up shooting it down over Lake Huron. I can't say that correctly, apparently. All the Americans correct. Lake Huron. Huron. How would you pronounce this? Lake Huron.
Okay, you probably say it correctly. Yep, so then they shoot it down here and there they get a good identification on it. In this engagement over Lake Huron and over Florida, the original, the first Chinese balloon takedown, they were transmitting on open source, so they didn't have the radios encrypted. Again, you're not in a war zone area, you're back over the US,
You're at home. It's pretty relaxed. So we picked up all the communications. So I did a video just listening to the communications on this. And in that video, they talk, yeah, you can hear clearly them talking about how difficult it is to see this thing and to shoot it. And particularly, it's difficult to see with your eyes. So they're able to pick it up. The radars pick it up, right? So whatever radar they made more sensitive out here is able to pick this thing up.
And it's transmitting it to the fighters. And then the fighters are able to lock it with their radar. They say there, I have a radar contact or I lost it. And the targeting pod. So the targeting pod, that same thing you see in the gimbal and the go fast videos, you know, that's what they'll see. And you can hear him describe it in there. He described it as a container, right? So a square shape with strings hanging down. It's black and black hot. And he said it's about the size of a four wheeler.
So based on that, they can see it with their systems. They can shoot at it, right? Because he said that all their systems can see it, right? The tardium pod can see it and the missile can see it.
But it's going so slow that in order to shoot it with the cannon, the cannon is our 20 millimeter cannon that we have amazing weapon. But in order to shoot it with that, you have to get within range. And within range in the gun is about a mile and a half, which seems far. You're like, oh, that's pretty far away. But in fighter speeds, it's not far at all. It's very close, actually. Because if you're going normal fighter speeds, right? Normal fighter speeds is like 400 knots.
I guess in this situation, you can fly slower because there's no real danger. The biggest danger to this is them hitting it, them running into it, or it has a bomb on it or something. So then running into it is the biggest danger. If it goes down one of your engines, you will crash. The plane will crash. And I guess people also don't realize that.
using the guns very dangerous in these situations because they can't see it. And in order to shoot something with the gun, at least the way it works in the F-16, I don't know, actually, it must work the same in the other fighters. You have to actually see the target and then shoot it. Now, the radar lock will help you, right? You'll get a little circle over it. You'll get a little circle, but you still have to put your little, the death dot, we call it the death dot, it's a radar calculated gun point. You still have to put it right over the target if you can't see it.
you know, then you can't shoot it. So I've never heard of that happening before. You know, normally if something's, normally it's big enough, you can identify it. But now we're getting into microtech. You're talking about micro drones, you know, Kinese F-16s, could they even, what if this was a drone, you know, a long-term drone that, you know, it's difficult for them to engage with it. To be fair though, they did shoot it, right? They shot it, but it took two missiles. So the first missile missed.
Uh, or for some reason, and I have a little video to show if my guess as to why, um, I think you just need to switch your tab. You want me to show it? Yeah, go for it. Okay.
Okay, yeah, so I made a short on my channel on why the first missile I think missed okay I don't know but here it is 16 jet involved in the shoot down over Lake Huron missed its first shot according to Fox News a second side wonder hit the mysterious craft The air intercept missile 9x is 9 feet 11 inches long 5 inches in diameter and uses an infrared proximity fuse basically a flashlight sends out a
Infrared light and then receives it most likely the target was just too small to reflect adequate light didn't fuse So the first missile missed the Air Force f-16 simulation. Yeah, so that's my guess as to why it missed is Basically, it's just small it didn't fuse so the missiles have to fuse or it has to spear it Yeah, and these missiles are very good. Actually, you know, I think your modern missiles can easily spear targets and
based on just how capable they are. But if that thing's so small, right? It's not going to spirit like the spy balloon. They speared, you know, I didn't see a frag explosion. I think I believe they took out the exploding part of that missile. All right. Okay.
Yeah. If you're just going to shoot it, if this thing is just the size of a four wheeler and you shoot a missile at it, it, the missile needs to fuse off of it to explode. It needs to know to explode. And I think my guess is it just didn't, or there's some other malfunction. You know, I w I wasn't there. Obviously this is just a guess, but if everything worked as it's supposed to, then I think it's just not designed to shoot down balloons or balloon size targets. Right. Okay. Interesting.
So, yeah, it's strange, isn't it? I mean, there's been so much talk on social media about, you know, this generally could be, you know, UAP from elsewhere. I mean, I certainly have not gone that far with my my thing, my beliefs, let's say, but that just doesn't seem to be something doesn't add up. And I think that's what's thrown up all the controversy.

Public Perception and Media Coverage

So, you know, we had Biden speaking on it yesterday without giving us any any new information. We've got
Marco Rubio and Kirsten Gillibrand really pushing for more funding for the Arrow Office and I think you know with all that connecting to the UFO subject it's just people are thinking you know it's Project Bluebeam and all these weird and wonderful conspiracies and it's just become bigger than it really probably should be. So one thing that I did notice this morning I'm just going to share my screen is we got this article about a hobby club having a missing balloon feared shot down
I mean, look at the size of that thing. I mean, if this is what they're talking about, how could that really fit with, with the descriptions of what, you know, that we do know is that these things were small, possibly the size of a small car. Something doesn't really add up there. What'd you think? No, that's exactly what it would look like. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Cause you got to remember you're looking at infrared. Um, yeah. Surely that wouldn't give out a signature, would it? Like a heat signature. If it's just air in a.
Yeah. The temperature is the same. You're right. Because, um, under infrared, if you remember back the, uh, the rubber duck, remember the rubber duck? Yeah. Yep. That was yours. Yeah. And on that one, it was a latex balloon. If you remember, and, and it, the temperature on the inside was the same as the outside. Right. So it was invisible.
to the infrared, to the targeting pod. I think that's what we ended up, that's what we did, or seemed like the most possible explanation. So I think you're right. If the temperature on the inside is the same as the outside of that latex material, it's gonna be very difficult to see in an infrared targeting pod. But they see it, they're seeing them. I mean, this is still so many confusing things that don't add up.

Military Awareness of UAPs

For me, I'm happy. I think it's great. I just want to say that because it's just showing that they had just no clue about UAPs. I don't have direct contacts with generals really anymore, but I have friends. And I think the generals don't even know about, I mean, couldn't define UAP. I asked through a three-star general to one of my friends.
And never hadn't heard of it, you know, that's a three star general in the air force. So I think they just don't know about it. I, you know, I think we live in this world where we're talking UFO, UAPs every, every day, every week. And so we're like, of course, yeah, it's obvious.
I think it's still just not mainstream. We think it's mainstream, but it's really not. I've been surprised at the reverse. So when I talk to people in the UFO community, like Martin Willis, he's like, I don't think they're balloons. Chris Mellon's like, I mean, Martin Willis said, I think they're balloons. I don't think they're UFOs. Chris Mellon is basically saying these are all
most likely balloons. You're saying, initially, I thought the balloons, it's just funny, we don't think they're UFOs, but then when I go to, there's some, Max Aptimerner, he's another YouTuber. I haven't worked with him all, he doesn't answer my emails or anything. But now he's talking about that they are UFOs, right? So it's like mainstream is saying they're UFOs and we're all like, no, no, these aren't.
It's so funny. And then everyone's like, what do you think? What do you think? And I don't want to, I don't know. I feel bad. I'm like, nah, it's probably a balloon, man. I mean, it'd be great. But like, do you really think we could have shot down the tic tac? I mean, you look at the food fighters. I mean, they shot machine guns from like 50 feet away at food fighters. It just went right into them. You know, it was like, um, I don't know. It would just be a very different, uh,
kind of engagement. So yeah, I would be very surprised if these were UAPs, obviously, you know, and I don't think they would even tell us. Maybe if they found it in Canada, maybe the Canadians are have the integrity that internally, they just have to tell the world. But I think we probably wouldn't find out, wouldn't find out anyway. But either way, I'm very happy that they're just talking about UAPs. Yeah. And you look like the president, so he gets up there and he's like, we're standing up another task force.
It's like, no, my group is like, no, no task force we made. We had the AMS S G AO AIM SOG. We had the UAP task force. We had something else in Terram. We have the NASA task force. You know, we don't need any more damn task force, man. We have plenty of task force and they settled on it. They settled on a great one arrow. It's a, it has a good name, although it has office in the end. So I don't know how you just have to refer to it as the arrow.
But it's still great. I mean, just go to Arrow. So hopefully, when I saw Marco Rubio's comment, I was like, yes, he's so good. Because he was saying that, look, this is no different from what we normally see. We see this all the time. I've looked at hundreds of reports like this. They're not even looking.
you know, around the U.S. So now I think they'll be looking, and Chris Mellon especially just hammered the Air Force. He says the Air Force is just literally being hostile to requests to try and find out what these things are. And so the Air Force, you just see that Air Force general up there just getting pummeled with questions, you know? And so all those times when they're like, UAP, you know, this is an important, I need to go bomb people in Afghanistan, you know? It's like, well, maybe this is important, you know? Maybe we should stop bombing people overseas.
that we don't even know. And maybe we should use that and look around in our own environment, look at our own universe, figure out what's going on on our own shores. I don't know. I think it's UAPs. I see this as a great opportunity to collaborate. Because let's say we can convince the world that there's things we don't know about the universe. And we could actually just, instead of fighting for limited resources here,
we could collaborate to find unlimited resources out in

Global Collaboration in Space Exploration

the universe, right? I mean, I'm pretty sure we're not resource limited. We're hit by the sun billions of tons of how much energy every day. Like we have plenty of energy. The biggest problem right now on earth is us as humans not being able to work together. And I just, I don't know. I think UAPs is a great angle. It's bipartisan. It's science related and educating about the universe. We could really just,
glob on to that. We don't have to be a warring culture despite what everyone says. Yeah, absolutely. I'm optimistic. Yeah, absolutely. And I think I was getting certain comments on social media going, oh, this guy's posting these because he genuinely thinks it's UFOs. And I had to put out a statement saying, I don't think it's UFOs. I'm covering this because it shows it's interesting to see how the mainstream is all over it.
It's interesting to see the public reaction and the UFO community's reaction and the fact that there's very little stigma that everyone's talking about UAP to some degree. And I think that's a brilliant way to kind of push this to people that may not be used to talking about UFOs and things like that. So, you know, I think that was really, I had to make that statement. I did not think it was UFOs. It was, you know, something else more prosaic. It's crazy. I'm just, and I am,
surprised by the, the balloon tech, you know, cause we launched balloons last year. You remember for UAP society. Yeah. Yeah. And I, I got so many questions, man. Everybody is like, why balloons? Why it's just a waste of money. Um, and you know, to be honest, it does cost a lot to send up these balloons, right? Getting them back is difficult. Even if you get back, if you're able to find the payload, um, you can get back, you still lose like the helium and stuff. Um, so it is cheap.
But I don't know. I just feel vindicated seeing all these balloons in the news, you know, and I actually have we've launched balloons. So I know actually what they would be like. And the reason is because that was the primary mundane explanation. You know, one reason was like go fast. I can't argue that it's not a balloon. It's impossible with only one viewpoint.
But now having actually launched a balloon, I'm like, man, I don't know if that is a balloon. So I don't know. I feel vindicated, I guess, for the UAP community in general, just for us, that we've been talking about this stuff for years.

Balloon Technology in News and UAP Experiments

Chris Mellon's been pushing it. His new article, I'm going to cover it tonight on the livestream I'm going to do, just really explains it very well that these things have been going on. And it's finally like we have some general awareness
from the public, at least in the U.S., you know, this is going on. Absolutely, man. Well, I mean, I think this story is not over yet with these objects. I think it will continue to see how it plays out, whether we learn much more as the general public. I'm not really that optimistic about it, but it's interesting. And yeah, listen, Chris, I appreciate you joining me and talking about it. I know you're a busy man.

Transparency and Information Release

So, yeah, thank you so much, man.
Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Vinny. One last point is they do have all the video. We know they have the Tarding Pot video of these objects. And like Marco Ruby said, he said 95% of everything in that room is not classified. We can share that with the public. So if there's any Americans listening, you can talk to your congressman and ask them to share the information. So that's what I would propose is that we push to try and get this information released.
Yeah, I mean, those videos, if we saw them, that kind of puts the story to bed to a degree. Yeah, if it's a balloon, just release it. Yeah, absolutely. They did. They showed the first one, the China spy balloon. So yeah, why not? We shall see. But again, thank you so much, buddy. And all your links are in the description below. If anyone is
had their head buried in the sand and not seen Chris's channel and the UAP Society channel. Go and check them out in the description. Chris, enjoy your weekend and your week and we'll catch up soon, buddy. All right. Thank you, Vinny. Take care. Thanks, mate. Bye-bye.