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Introduction to the Feline-Themed Game Discussion

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Very well put, I would have to say. Now, surprisingly well articulated. Yeah, I know.

Comparing 'Stray' and 'Little Kitty, Big City'

Right. ah Can you guess what we're talking about? There is no world in which I can't use that to narrow anything down. They're like we're talking about little kitty big city. Dude, I actually want to do an episode on that, but I haven't played through the non demo version of it yet. So we're we're yeah later. um But no, we're talking about stray.

Inspiration and Creation of 'Stray'

Oh, yeah. yeah the The horror version of Little Kitty, Big City, honestly. Yes, they genuinely are basically the same game, except one is very spooky and one is very charming. um I'll never tell which. um I have my guesses, but I do want you to explain first so that I can know for sure. OK, so stray stray is a game came out in 2022, relatively recent game. I forced you to play the first like 10 minutes of it on my couch. And it was fun. Two years ago. um It was a great time. It's a good game. It's really cool. You haven't gotten to see the best of it, though. So I'm going to I'm going to sit here and I'm actually going to talk about it. It's made by Blue 12 Studio, which is a French studio founded by two people named Kula and Viv. I thought they were going to be blue and 12, so I was wrong there, but continue. you So Viv did actually do an interview on the name explanation and her explanation was blue is like the seven last digits of pi and 12 is like the 12 fingers on one hand of course.
you You kind of had me in the first half there um until you didn't. The last digits of pi. It's an infinite. Yeah, i like exactly. yeah None of it. And I was like, I read it and then I read it again and then I read it again. I was like. okay Why have the distinct feeling I'm being lied to right now?

Expansion of Blue 12 Studio

um they the The two founders really liked their cats. They thought that their cats were really cute, got up to a lot of mischief, went on little adventures because they were outdoor cats. and They liked the idea of like the adventures their cat could get up to, so they made stray based on that.
um And they actually put Blue 12 the studio into the game. There are a couple of different places, like there's a food company called Blue 12 in the game. And then there's also a robotics company that's B12 Robotics um named after Blue 12, which I thought was really cute. um Yeah. their their ah studio actually expanded it started as just the two of them with like kind of a gray box and then after they got a little bit of funding it expanded and now has like 20 something people in it. um Stray is their only game so far they are working on something else who knows what but Stray is their their first and only game.
um But yeah, there's a bunch of stuff that I really

Gameplay Experience and World-Building

liked about this game. One is a kitty time. Kitty time is good time. I like being kitty. So anytime I get kitty time, good time. um Cat game fun. and Cat game fun, getting to be kitty, good time. yeah um I also really love the world building and the environment design in this, the the world that they build for you to go be a little kitty in. Great, great world. Honestly, some of the like the NPCs are great, the story is great, the environment is phenomenal. And honestly, the story is really unique. It's a really, really incredible and really fun tale that you get to work your way through. I'm going to try and not spoil anything.
I understand the joke. I actually did that unintentionally and I am going to take credit for it wholeheartedly. but convinced me that was unintentional and genuinely um but yeah it's ah It's a really unique story of like honestly just the idea of like you get to start out being a cat. that leads itself to ah some pretty unique areas because not a lot of places let you just be an anatomically correct just regular cat. Usually you're like an anthropomorphic like little cat animal crossing character or something but like this one you are just a cat.
um You get to ah you get to scratch up rugs and couches. You can spill paint and step in it and like leave little footprints all over the place. You can be a little weirdo like at one point they put like a little jacket on you and you don't like walking around in it and you just kind of flop over to your side and you walk and you do like this weird like crouch walk and it's like real slow moving and you can't like sprint or anything. yeah um You can get a bag stuck on your head and it like reverses your controls on both sticks and both axes. So you just.
I have no idea how to control yourself anymore. um You can curl up and just sleep next to people playing music or talking or like on a comfy little cushion. Like you really are just like a ah cat and it's great. Like it genuinely is such a fun time to just be a little kitty. um But within that, they like give a lot of like really fun movement and platforming and puzzles that feel great. It feels like what it would be to run around as a little cat. I know you've gotten to experience at least this part of the game, so I know that you you understand. like it It is just a fun time to run around and platform a little bit as this little kitty.
Yeah, I distinctly remember it was it was a very beautiful game. I do know that. I mean, it was running on what, the PS5, right? Yeah, it is a PS5, PC, Xbox one. I did not make a games list. I should have done that. No, you're you're good. But yeah, I do remember like it it was very fun and and very like interesting to just be a cat and do cat that and not like It wasn't overly video gamey in a way that a lot of games like that I think can be. I don't know if that's a fair read on it for like later in the game, but yeah, it it was a very interesting just kind of like being a small creature running around a very like well rendered realistic feeling, but also very like large and just kind of sci-fi environment. Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Yeah, it is a really unique setting as well. You're in like a quarantine zone underground that ah has had some shit go on. um And as you go through, you kind of understand a little bit more in the story of like what exactly has happened. um I'm going to hold any spoilers for the end, just in case anyone who wants to play this. is listening. Definitely. I will give warning before I'll give any like actual spoilers away. But like getting to be a small and agile creature like a cat, being able to jump and crawl and duck and squeeze and weave your way through walking on tiny little ledges, perching on top of like a lamp posts and signs um gives you a lot of like mobility, being as nimble and as quick as a cat as well. the The movement in it is very, very interesting. It's it's not what you would typically expect. It feels a little like an Assassin's Creed, but you're tiny. um It's very fun. I

Platform Availability of 'Stray'

also looked it up. It's on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, Mac and Nintendo Switch. So it's on all of the latest gen consoles, it's PC and Mac. And they did add it to Switch recently. It does not look as good, but cant have answers
here's fingers crossing to switch to improving on that here in the next like several months because the rumor the officiated rumor is that it should be coming out before April next year. ah Didn't we basically get it confirmed by the information during a like an actual official event that it was happening sometime in this fiscal year. It was two weeks before the last Nintendo Direct. As of recording this, they announced that they would be it would be coming out before the next fiscal year. But the upcoming Nintendo Direct will have no information on it. Right. So they announced it to say that they're not announcing it. Exactly. Which is still something.
Yeah, I mean, and it's happening. Everyone knows it's happening. It's happening. They confirmed that it's happening, but they don't have anything to actually give us as far as like hardware specs. Yeah, perfectly fine. Cool, cool, cool. Whatever. Give it to me as soon as

Emotional and Narrative Depth

you can. But it is on all current gen consoles as of this recording um and PC and Mac, which is really nice. um But yeah, one of the things one of the things that I really wanted to get into with This game is a thing that is near and dear to my heart because it's a thing that I like really focused on whenever I was in my my ah school and era of environment design. The environment in this game is yeah genuinely breathtaking. It is so beautiful. um The moments that really get me is throughout the game, there are several little spots where there's like a space where you can curl up.
And you'll notice when once you curl up and like lay down there that you'll find like a cushion or something. The camera starts panning out very slowly and then it stops at a point and you get this like little vista and it tells a story sometimes of like there's one that's on a dock. And this is a mild spoiler if you want to go and see this yourself. I guess it don't listen to the next like 20 seconds of me explaining this situation. But like, it it has no plot relevance. It's all just lore building. But you like zoom out and there's like the sewer and these horrible things but there's a robot who's sitting there
But it's a corpse of a robot or like a husk of a robot that's been sitting there fishing and they've like slumped to the ground and their heads falling off and they're holding like a little fishing pole. And like you get to see like this person has been that robot's been there for a long time. and This place has never been really great, but it's the only place that is like this. There's the only place with like a significant chunk of water. And at this point, you've learned a little bit about these robots and they've got some interesting and quirky qualities to them. And this one seems to like have picked up I'm like, I don't know what to do, but I want to fish. And there's nowhere for them to fish. There's no fish anywhere in this. But ah that's what they do. they' They've latched on to this idea of this like remnant of a memory of ah of a half of a half of a half of a twinkle of a memory. um And you just see this like a little shack that's like put up of a tarp and some sticks and you're curled up on a
little mat in it or like ah you your you curl up in the lap of a husk of a robot and it zooms out and you see kind of how they like fell to the wayside and rotted and you see the environment around you and it just tells you a little bit about what's been going on in this area um and it's just so beautiful to see the environment really taken into account. Every little detail, every little bit is so purposeful. There's no like, I don't know, it just doesn't feel like it's the same forest you've been in 12 times. it is It really feels every single building, every single place you are has a purpose and ah a meaning. And I really love that about this game.
It sounds really, I guess, it is it fair to say that this is a very emotional game? Because it it sounds very much like it has a vibe. It definitely has a vibe. Yeah, I remember that environment being a big part of like why I enjoyed the the the little bit of time I did spend with this game and how it just kind of makes you like you, every once in a while, even if you're not at one of those points, I don't recall getting to any of those myself, but even just like, kind of Taking a step back for a second and seeing everything going on around you, even if there's not much actively happening, just the scope of the world and the detail of everything around and the way everything feels like it's been there forever and has a history to it is very, very well um assembled.
Yeah. Um, this game does definitely have some somber moments. It definitely has some horror moment moments and some tense moments. There's a lot of especially later game. There's some like gross out moments where I'm like, oh, wow, I don't like being here. This is like kind of gross. Um. I will explain that a little bit further on as we as we get some detail, um but genuinely such a such an incredible, incredible vibe, an incredible way of developing a feeling over the course of this entire game. it It is definitely something that builds because you start in the in this like outside area with a bunch of other cats and you're like, OK, cool, like this is fun. We're all following each other. We're chilling. And then like within the first five minutes, you get separated from the rest of the cats and you're not going to see them again for a very long time. You are heavily and thoroughly separated from everything. And you have this feeling of isolation. And then you get a buddy and you have this like a like, OK, cool. I'm not alone anymore. I have someone who is with me.
And you can feel these moments change. And there's like definite moments where the feeling around you has just ah like basically all of a sudden dramatically changed. um And it it can be for the better and it can be for the worse. It can be for ah like, oh, I'm in this little town and I get to meet all of these NPCs and they all have their little quirks and their little interests and get to talk to them and they all interact and weave this actual like City that you can tell everyone has a job. Everyone has been doing something and it is so incredible to see everyone interacting and Being a part of this thing This person runs a library and this person runs a bar and these people are moving these cans of paint so that they can go and work on this other part and there's this other faction and like
I like that there aren't too many NPCs. There aren't any filler NPCs that are just there to fill out and make it feel full. um Everyone has, ah again, a purpose. Everyone is put there for a reason. And if someone didn't have a purpose, they're not just there to be background a la like a cyberpunk. You need like a billion people just to fill out a city. And 95 percent of people don't have a purpose. They're just on the sidewalk. Yeah. Thinking like a GTA type, there's just civilians around that do genuinely nothing except could skyra sometimes get run over. yeah lot Yeah. I think Skyrim is like, has a little bit less of that than some games that are really, really bad about that because Skyrim at least attempts to give everyone like some kind of schedule and like system, but, um but yeah, even that, yeah.
There are so few NPCs to interact with that it actually feels every NPC has a purpose and every NPC feels grounded and interconnected and like there's so much going on that it's and it becomes very heartfelt and very easy to get attached to some of the NPCs because they use them so sparingly, I think. Yeah. Can I just say I think that's a really interesting talking about the NPC thing specifically for a moment. I think that's an interesting um result of because a while ago that would have been not really noteworthy at all if we're talking like a decade ago. I feel like games for a while were really pushing. Oh, look how many characters we can have. Look how many interactable people there are, even if there's no depth to them. I think the fact that it's notable in a game like this that every NPC has a purpose really says a lot about how like the approach to making games has changed, where it's no longer about like pushing technology to have as much crazy stuff going on as once. it's ah Or at least for for some games, NPCs are more interested again in like
the quality of the way things are and the way they're designed and the placement of things and a well curated experience instead of just like, look how much of it there can be. Exactly. I feel like that's a shift that's been happening for, I mean, quite a while at this point in games, but this is a good kind of example of it where it's like, and we don't need so many people in there. we We just want intentionality and we want everything. We want things to feel like it exists on purpose. Exactly. I really like that aspect. and like Don't get me wrong. I love me GTA. I love me some GTA. I'm excited for GTA 6. I'm going to play the hell out of it. um But there there is a different vibe. I'm playing this for a very different reason
and i feel like it is a thing that is like very much more seen within like an indie game where you will have some someone actually put that intentionality and that like thought process of like okay cool we're not just gonna put an NPC in here for no reason we are going to give them a purpose and like oh a goal or and like a reason to be there to talk to and to push you in a direction or something. And I really, really like that aspect of, yeah, everything kind of serves everything else and it it

Compact World and NPC Interaction

grows. And as it grows, it also grows intentionally. um The later areas have more NPCs because of plot reasons. um The earlier areas, you're going to run into like
a whole city full of 12 people. um And there's a reason for that. And like, it's it's really great. I genuinely love the way that this game actually does its lore and world building. I think that that is like one of the most incredible points of this game is the world building, the world that they have built within this is so incredible. And it's so succinctly wrapped. It's like I don't feel like there's going to be a stray two or a stray three, or this is going to grow into this massive like franchise of a thing. It's very compacted into this thing. And you get to just exist in this world, enjoy it and explore it. And then ah once you're done with it, you're kind of
done there is still more to do and like it is still fun to revisit but uh i i just really enjoy the intentionality of it and i think that that is one of the things that it does kind of sacrifices once you've 100%ed it there really isn't a lot more to there's not a lot more for replayability which kind of stinks but i do really enjoy I have gone back just to re-experience the story just because I think it's so incredible. um I am going to start getting towards more story details. So if you're sensitive to that, tune out now. James, sorry, you're locked in for the long haul. um I'm being spoiled. I know.
oh I still think that the story, no matter what I spoil, actually getting to experience it is very different than anything that I'm going to say. Um, but it was a lot more intense than I expected going into it. Um, I really expected like, yeah, kitty game. It looks fun. It's like a weird sci-fi kitty game, but I'm kitty, like kitty game for kitties. how how how How crazy can a game where I'm a little kitty be? I'm guessing very. Yeah. um The main thing that you kind of come to figure out, ah I'd say...
two and a half ish hours into the game, not like anything super deep because this game can go for a little while. um I'd say there's an easy 10 to 15 hours of gameplay here, maybe even longer if you're being really exploratory. ah If you're if you're kind of speeding through, it you could probably get through and the four or five, honestly. But um I love an indie game that gives me like a good like five to 10 hour experience. Honestly, I think that's like a highly one. Yeah. Yeah, let me just sit down, get through little Gator game or game or ah what that what was that other one? the yeah hi Yeah, short hike. Yes, yes, yes. It's a good like two and a half, three hour experience. Mm hmm. Like a one sitting game. So good. I love that compact. it It hits you where it it needs to. It does what it needs to do. It says what it's got to say. And then it's just like, all right, we're good here. Yeah, again, intentionality, it doesn't draw on just to pump the game time so it can have a higher price point. It really just gets in, gets out, doesn't draw itself out more than it needs to and makes its point and continues on. But ah as you find out, like a a like an hour or two

Impact of Humanity's Absence

um humanity kind of moved into this bunker and humanity is gone. ah You find that out pretty quickly. All that remains are some of these robots and you don't really know what's up with them, but they're kind of quirky. They're a little weird. They're a little interesting. They all have like their own little thing. And it seems to be kind of like a remnant of a memory of either like a person that they served or something you you don't really know for until basically the end that that part is ah i'm not going to spoil there's there's interest there like ah a big point it sounds like
ah kind of sort of not really. It's it's interesting. i'll I'll leave that as it is. But ah humanity tried to solve like the sickness and they made essentially what is the Grey Goo. um If you know what a Grey Goo is, it's cool. If not, then it's ah basically a thing that can a feed on anything and replicate itself so it can take matter and turn it into more of itself to take more matter to turn it into more of itself to take more matter to turn it into more of itself and it kind of just it's a bad time isn't that kind of ah a trope in a lot of sci-fi horror where it's just like this this biomass that is like overtaking everything and it can kind of just consume whatever is in its path
Yeah, ah the way that it comes about in this is kind of interesting. And I will say that that that is a little bit unique, but that is kind of the the source of your main like antagonist. But you there are like several like serious chase sequences. There's like ah some very heartfelt stories that actually had me tearing up, but that's not really a hard goal for me. I tear up pretty easy. I'm not going to lie. I'm a sensitive. um I like there are some really, really interesting things and like there are robots running society for reasons that they no longer understand. Humanity has been gone for somewhere like 20,000 years. um And these robots are just kind of on autopilot. And after iteration of iteration of iteration of iteration, they're kind of just doing
something. And they don't even really know why they're doing it anymore. But things have kind of just evolved into the way that they are. And it has a really interesting meta narrative of like, there are some, like I said, you'll come across this town of like 12 robots that are all like running the society together. um I think there's a little more than 12. I think there might be like 15 or 16 all within this huge town. um And they're just like doing the best that they can. They protect each other. Like one of them knits clothes for the others using cables. um So they're they're cable knitting. Yeah.
um One of them likes to play music so you can find like sheet music and give it to them. They're like, yeah, I want to be a musician. I don't really know why. But like, if you find me sheet music, I'll play it for you. um There are some that one that's like a defender and some that are like philosophers and like some that are like, oh, there's an outside and they're like, we haven't seen an outside and ah forever. There's no such thing as the outside. That's just a made up wives tale. Yeah, that can't be real. Yeah, it's like, ah and like everyone has their own little place within this tiny city and everyone like has a ah a role, but they're like, yeah, ah darn to the the the people who live in the upper part of the containment facility, because they just keep throwing their trash on us.
Why are they doing that? And then you get up to the top into that city up but in the top and it's a bigger city. There's like 50 people instead. um And they're like, yeah, we keep throwing our trash down to the people down there who are designed to handle it. That's like their whole role is they they compact and like handle and sort the trash. um That's been long dealt with. That's been long stopped. No one remembers to do that anymore. So they're just mad that the upper dwellers are throwing their trash down. The people who are in the upper area living like a life of luxury are like, yeah, we just always been throwing our trash down there. So we keep throwing our trash down there. And it's like, yeah, they're supposed to deal with it. And it's just these two halves that don't talk to each other and can't talk to each other, both dealing with their own struggles that are kind of caused by the other one. But no one can really figure out why it's happening. um It's really interesting. It has these layers and that's just one layer of many within this story that interweaves and tangles within itself. And as you talk with these NPCs, you learn more and more about this world and every NPC has something to teach you about the world just a little bit. um And it all builds on itself and it all develops into this really, really incredible story as you're trying to figure out how to stop.
The Grey Goo, essentially. um The Grey Goo, I think, is like the most like, OK, I've heard of this like trope before, but everything outside of it is like, wow, this is I've not seen this within a video game. um And it brings together so many different disparate things that I think are so interesting. and I just I really loved it. It was such a good time. Yeah, honestly, it sounds right now like you're describing a lot of individual like threads of thoughts and ideas and like concepts. They sound like they could intersect in a really interesting way, but it's not really clear how. I'm doing that on purpose. I'm trying to keep it as big as possible. Exactly. yeah and like the The picture it's painting is very like engaging. It's very much like, okay, I want to understand how all this is happening like at the same time in the same place, um which is you know why why a person plays a game in the first place is to figure out what it's about.
yeah Let me ask you this, and you don't have to answer with much detail if you don't want to. um Does the game touch on or really even like offer an explanation for why humans have been gone for however many thousands of years, but cats are there and largely the same as they always have been?

Themes of Human Self-Destruction in Sci-Fi

Yes. There is stuff that touches on that. It's well towards the end. I'm not going to get into it. um It is interesting. There is kind of a thing that happened and ah I don't think that this is terribly surprising as it is with most sci-fi where humans are gone. We kind of did it to ourselves. That always seems to happen, doesn't it? We tend to we tend to like to do that. Those dang people making people disappear. Damn. Humans leading to human extinction, not in my sci-fi horror. Can't be right.
But ah it's it's kind of hard to tell whether it is a wide scale extinction or a small scale extinction of humans within the zone or humans overall. um But you were quarant like you're in your cat. You snuck into this quarantine zone that is supposed to be holding in the gray goo um or holding out the gray goo. It's kind of difficult to tell. um at least early on. um I am kind of trying to vague speak so that I don't give away a story. Play the game. You should play this game. Of course. It's got this really deep, really engaging story. It's got these NPCs that have these really in-depth and interesting interactions, these purposeful interactions that really have you actually caring about their well-being and what happens to them when you get separated or when I get separated from one of the ones that I care about. I'm like,
Are they going to be okay? Are they coming back? What happened to them? Are they like doing all right? What's going on? um It has these mechanics that lead to a really fun movement and platforming some really interesting and really engaging puzzles. It has some really incredible world built puzzles that just mean a lot. um You get to be a kitty. Being kitty is so fun. You get to tear up people's rugs. You can tear up their carpet. They can be like, oh, I'm here to just paint and they can knock over for all their paints. They're playing a board game. Haha. Jokes on you. I'm a jump right in the middle of that mahjong game. And there's nothing you can do about it. I'm a kitty. Yeah, it's great. it's It's such a good time. I highly recommend it. I just.

Purchasing and Availability

There's a lot I could say about this game and a lot that I have said about this game. But the truest thing that I can really say is that you should play it and just check it out for yourself. It is such an experience and such a ah wonderful time to just delve into and learn more about this little world that these people have really flushed out so well for you to just explore and enjoy. Yeah, i I really want to just kind of learn more about this this world and the story. So I I know I've given it I've gotten a little bit into it and and then I never continued really through no fault of anyone's but my own, which seems to be a common theme as far as why I haven't engaged with things that I should. But this is yeah, it it.
I have a lot of questions now and a lot of curiosities um that I suppose maybe could kill the cat, but I will have to get there to to figure it out. i'll never tell I really am interested. I will say this game, sadly, not on any subscription service. You can't get on Game Pass. That's not a thing. You can get it for $30 full price. It does frequently go 30 to 50% off on sale so you can get it for $20 to $15 if you're at a good time. um It's August. I know that sales will be happening at some point. um I highly recommend
going and going and grabbing it. It is such an incredible experience. ah Whether you pay the $30 or you pay the the discounted rate, I think both are genuinely worth it. And it's got a really great soundtrack as well. I didn't even get into the sound design.

Sound Design and Reception

um The soundscape is incredible. The sound design is so phenomenal. um the da ah The gray goo is kind of mixed with human DNA um in a way. um And it's got this fleshy, squishy, awful sound when you step on it.
Ah, yes. Gross. Yeah, the sound design is well done to the point to where it made my skin crawl. Oh, God. And then, like, you have to get through it. And it's like, oh, I hate this. But like, so that's the goal of it. It's so it's so. So well executed to the point to where this has a 96% overall or 97 overall overwhelmingly positive on Steam. It's got a 10 out of 10 on Metacritic. It's literally so well reviewed. It is like was one of the best reviewed games I think we've talked about.
70, 70, 97 percent liked on Google users. um Metacritic is like super high. This is like one of the highest reviewed games I think we've ever talked about. I was going to say, I remember there being a lot of talk about this game when it came out, but people kind of doing the same thing that you've done here to a lesser extent of just like not wanting to really talk about why it's great because it has to be experienced. Yeah, I i very much I'm saying as much as I can to try and reel more people in while staying as little as I can to keep it still interesting and keep you having some questions to figure out more want to figure out more stuff because yeah there's so much here to like I genuinely think that like
Yeah, just go into it. Go, go pick it up, figure it out. It's it's such a good time. I cannot recommend it any more than I i already have. So I'm going to leave it here. You should play this game. All right. Yeah, we'll do. yeah Yes, ma'am. That's my goal. I just saluted. I don't know what that was about. ah a kitty game I must play. So that's the well absolutely 100%. But yeah, I would i would say we we've towed a good line here between, cause I still don't know exactly what's going to happen here, but I know I'm going to be very interested in whatever it does. So I'm um ah on board.
Go explore, go enjoy yourself. Um, but yeah, I think that that's where I'm going to, I'm going to leave y'all. Um, if you like this episode, shoot us a ah like on Twitter. Um, that's not how that works. I mean, you could like the tweet where we announced it. Um, that would be really nice. Messes me on Twitter. Tell me all about your experience. I'd really love it. Uh, if you did. Hey, can I talk to you over here real quick? Let's go. Okay, everyone, hold on. Just give us a quick minute. Sorry, we'll be right back. Just occupy yourselves in the meantime. Hey, Allison, I haven't been announcing new episodes on Twitter for the last, like, quite quite a while um because I'm here but' so terrible about that. And it's basically just a platform for people to to reach out.
you've um You've been moving and also like it's it's fine. don't I also just sort of don't exist when I'm not actively talking about video games and that social media is tormenting my mind and soul and the less time I spend on it, the better. Yeah, that's fair. I had Twitters. Honestly, hey, ah going back to the the the group here, everyone's still near. ah Take your earbuds out. Use less Twitter. If you want to follow us on Twitter, sick, but also probably use less Twitter. um Yeah. I mean, straight up, we, we get a lot of interaction in like the Spotify Q and A and things like that. Like just but like Twitter is all well and good, but it's really cause we get notifications when people reach out and things like that. That's more why we're kind of having this conversation here. it's less about what yeah yeah engagement. yeah It's more just like, hey, if you've got something you want us to talk about, or you want to talk about it yourselves and let us know, or like you just want to chat about something going on related to all this, we we are very, very happy to hear from you all at at any point in time. um Some of my favorite um things that we've talked about here have been at the recommendation of other people.
yeah And we actually, I have another one of those coming up soon. um yeah every Every once in a while someone reaches out and is just like, Hey, I want to hear what your thoughts are on this. Or I i had this thought on this that I think you'd appreciate. um And that's that's just, that's so much of fun. And we love that. Exactly. Also, if you, if you want to come and bug me, come and find me on my streams, I stream at twitch slash pika pew p i k a p e w w. There are two W's there. It's important. oh But yeah, come and come and check me out. I like hanging out. I like chatting. I've been working on getting my little pngtuber for while I'm moving because James just moved. So just to make it even more complicated, I have to move now. Exactly. Yeah, we have to stagger it. So it's never comfortable for everybody at one time. Everyone's always in a state of settling.
God, yes. um And then I have to go to, I've got to go to a whole ass different city. I've got like a 250 mile drive for work ah next week. So that'll be fun. Next week. So we're just out and about. yeah we're we're We're around. ah All of the Torontonians hit me up in the next week. I'm getting my pngtuber set up so that way I can still stream on the road because I'm trying to figure out that. um But yeah, come and come and hang out with me, ask me questions, put in a game request. i'll ah If you want me to play a game that you're like, yeah, I think that this would be a really good one to check out on stream on stream or on podcast. I have a game request for him. Go fill it out. and Go. Go tell me what you want me to play.
I'd love to hang out and chat with you while I do. um Other than that, um the only final notes I think I have are meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. And really, I think it summarize very beautifully what we've talked about here today. So I really, I don't think we have to elaborate any more than that. Yeah. Meow.