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Dungeon Mayhem - Ep 88 image

Dungeon Mayhem - Ep 88

E88 · You Should Play This Game
33 Plays6 months ago

Hey, we're just here to play a fun D&D party game with Lord Skindershanks and his crazy crew. Just chill. 

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


The Fetching Saga and Canine Card Games

The dog needs to play catch. Don't we all, though? Yeah, I love playing fetch with the dog. Yeah, especially whatever. Yeah, I was going to I had a whole intro plan. we're We're going right now, so I'll just roll with it. I had a whole thing I was thinking about doing. It wasn't very well thought out, but I wanted to let Bailey say hi instead. She's. Hi, baby. Everyone say hi to Bailey. She's my dog. She's my favorite. Hi, Bailey. And I bet she's never played dungeon mayhem because she's a dog and can't hold cards very well.
August playing tug with me right now because I've got her gator Can't play this yeah, I don't think Riley's ever even played dungeon mayhem right. Hey Riley. Have you played dungeon mayhem? She seems very excited, but I don't think she had I think she wants to try though Bailey actually did. to i So I take that back. She absolutely took me to school in Magic the Gathering the other day. Oh, dude, ah dude, dogs are really good at Magic the Gathering. I don't. I don't. I threw a toy. It landed in the chair. She spun the chair and it fell out literally like literally right next to her. And she was looking at the chair and like jumping at the chair and trying to get it out of the chair and it's not in the chair anymore. And then she like looked at the chair, looked at me, looked back at the chair and looked at me and then she's like, Oh, I guess it's not going to happen anymore. And then she saw it on the ground. She's like, got really excited and jumped up and like grabbed it. And I was like,
I love my dumb dog. She's so good. Nope. People don't love dogs because they're smart. They love them anyway. they My dog is so smart and she's also so stupid, just like her mother.

Dungeon Mayhem: The Game Breakdown

that's That's how it goes, but luckily that's that's actually weirdly one of the the things that I like about this game is you don't have to really be too engaged, too too locked in, too smart or observant to really ah get into it. It's more of a fun ah party game.
Oh, yeah. Oh, I love a party card game. Those are so rare. Like a good card party game is so fun. That's not just like ah ah a l LOL random game, like a muffin time or something like that. Exactly. Yeah. This one actually has some like game elements. Yeah, it's it's it's like it's light in that way, but it's still a lot of fun. And its like you you kind of have to take a minute maybe to understand like what the concepts are. But then you just get into it.
um and The other interesting thing about it, and the thing that kind of caught my attention first and foremost, it's a licensed D and&D card game. It's published by a Wizards of the Coast. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I already said the name of it, right? Dungeon Mayhem ah released in 2018. Yes. Okay. You told me that your dog couldn't play it. Yes, that is true because she can't.
watchingvissos has and the role Exactly. I don't like who she becomes when she drives. But no, it's very, very, very easy to pick up and play. um I just had the chance to to play several rounds of it um this past weekend.
you yeah it's the the original The base game is there are four decks of cards or or or four ah sections of cards. Each of them represents a different character. You've got your wizard, you've got your barbarian, you've got your rogue, and you've got your paladin. And they're they're literally called that. they're They're built after these archetypes in in D and&D, these classes.
Um, but they're, they're fairly similar for the most part. Uh, everybody has some, uh, you, you take the, the first two cards, flip them over and they're your little health tracker. Everyone's got just 10 points of health. Um, everyone's got like a little rules card that kind of shows them the reference. Um, and you just have, um, your goal is to be the last person standing. You want to have your health as high as it possibly can be while you ruin everyone else's. Um,
There are a couple different ways to do that. They really mostly revolve around um attacking. So most of the cards that you pull, you'll you'll you'll have three cards in your hand, then you have your own little deck over there. And then what you'll do is you'll just on your turn, you'll draw a card, you choose one you want to play, and then you resolve whatever happens on it. Most of it's pretty simple. It'll either be, oh, this card lets me do three points of damage. And then you you play that and you say, I'm attacking the the paladin.
and the paladin moves their little health tracker down three points and no we're having a good time exactly yeah you hear the numbers tick down suddenly you're in a game of earthbound everything around you is crazy um i was trying to do the like the yugioh life point counter sound ah yes well you see I'm immune to Yu-Gi-Oh! references on account of being stupid. Did you ever watch the show? That's probably the other reason. ah Yeah. But yeah, that'll also do it. i ba
Yeah, so your most cards will will let you attack some number of times or or do something like that. um A lot of cards will also give you a certain number of defense or they they look like little shields. We've just called them shielded. if If you play one that gives you defense, you just set it in front of you. And then if someone hurts you,
um And you still have some defense left you just put a little marker down on the card instead of taking the damage directly to yourself And then once you've taken all the damage you just put that card away, and then you start attacking your own self again So it's pretty pretty straightforward there um There are somewhat more rare cards that let you draw some more cards into your hand so you have more options. They'll let you play extra cards in one turn. um they'll They'll let you heal or or some some combination of these. Each character is a little bit different in kind of what it does more and what it excels at.
um And then the the other main difference between these these characters, these decks of cards, is that they have some special abilities

Character Skills and Abilities

too. um the The Paladin is pretty good at attacking while they're healing. ah The Barbarian has some some special things that come up every once in a while that let them just do a ton of damage. um The Rogue will will but just burn through a lot of cards and they can steal sometimes other people's cards and play them as if they're their own.
Um, which is I think a lot of fun. I love like that. That always makes me so happy. Absolutely. And my, my personal favorite, the wizard, um, these characters all have names too. I couldn't be bothered to take a look at what they are right now. Cause that's not the interesting thing about them. Um, but the, the wizard has a, uh, a fireball spell that'll come up sometimes where you hurt everybody, including yourself for three. Yeah. yeah Yes, it's perfect. And then it ah he also has some um some spells you can cast too. You can switch what your HP counter is with somebody else and stuff like that. Oh, dude, that's great. Dude, that's and I like a lot of these mechanics. That's that's so fun.
Exactly. And they're they're pretty straightforward. And it's not like you have to really think about all these different rules at once because you you have a reference card and for your character, what your special rules do are also right there. It's like one sentence each. So it's it's pretty understandable. And once you've played like a game or maybe two with your deck and each of these games are going to last like 10 minutes or so, it's not nothing crazy. If not sooner, honestly.
I would say ah my average was probably closer to five minutes, but yeah your mileage may vary, but pretty, pretty short rounds. And then once you've played a couple of rounds with whatever character you're using, you've got a pretty good idea of what they're going to be able to do and what they're good at um and what they're not as good at. So you just kind of like, you know, you switch it up whenever you get bored of one character, you move on and it's it's a lot of fun. That sounds like a blast, actually, it it sounds like short and sweet, like pretty easy to pick up and understand, but also really good at kind of getting the gist across as you're as you're moving through this this thing. And then once you like really get a grasp for it, as with all party games, once you once you figure out how the game actually works, you can really do some incredibly fun stuff with it.
Yeah, exactly. And they're always fun like, yes, good, good tech, but not complicated enough to where you really have to like analyze it. You can you can have little strategies set up. But honestly, the the games are so short that once someone rolls out their first like big strategy, that's probably going to be the game winner.
Yeah, that's fair. That sounds that sounds like a blast dude. I want to check that out so Dude, I just love card games. I love getting upset around a little deck and cast my little spells Yeah, um but yeah that sounds that sounds like a blast Yeah, I

Expansions and New Adventures

absolutely adore it. It's a lot of fun to just be like, Hey, we, we have some nerds at the table. We want to play a ah quick game or of something or other. Um, it's a lot of fun to kind of just like get ah a quick layout of the rules and go like, Oh, okay. I want to, I want to be the wizard. I cast Lightning mode. And everyone's like, oh, no, no. And then you just kind of move on. doesn't It's not like a heavy D and&D thing where it's like, I need to know the exact rules and calculate my saving throw and all that. You just like, I do three attack to this person and they get hurt for three and we move on.
The art on this looks really cute as well. It's very charming. Yes. And especially I thought it was pretty standout and the the game itself, it was pretty standout um with some expansions that I also got a lot of expansions. I was going to say the there were really only the two main expansions that I saw come up he just comes with a bunch of stuff then.
It does come with a good chunk of stuff, especially the second expansion. okay sorry i yeah i was looking up pictures but no it just comes with a box that has like a bunch of like i like that it has little deck div dividers so you can have all your cards like laid out real nice that's really cool didn't know if those were expansions or not but and I believe that is exclusive. Yes, I believe that's exclusive to the the second expansion. e ah So the the first one I'm aware of is the it's the battle for Baldur's Gate expansion, which I'm not too familiar with that. I didn't really try that out all that much, but it adds two characters that presumably are recognizable from the Baldur's Gate series. um I I think I've said it before. If not, I'll say it for the first time, but I'm happy to say it again.
I haven't played Baldur's Gate. I know I need to. i'm a I've committed a gaming sin. I haven't played it either. that ah Mostly because I know it will take so much of my time that I don't want to like lose my life to it. But also, I really want to lose my life to it. And that's part of the problem. Exactly. I don't have the bandwidth to be absorbed by a game right now. And so I i haven't done it yet. But I believe the characters here are are recognizable from there. um But the other expansion, which is a little heftier and one that I really got some enjoyment out of is the monster madness expansion.
the deluxe edition i was looking at that's the one that i was looking at that has like all these different little like uh like different color coded or maybe it's a monster madness deluxe edition that comes with the little like card things Maybe Monster Madness does not come with that by default. I don't know, but it looks cool. I believe it should. to There's some version of it. um I believe all all the versions of it. I'm not too familiar with like what the different ones are. um But the yeah, i think I think all the versions of Dungeon Mayhem, Monster Madness come with the the little dividers because it's the one I have as well.
That's the one that the the person who introduced me to it also has. um But it also adds like six new characters to the game. So it's always double all of the other content we've talked about so far. That's incredible. Yeah. And they are like the title suggests, they are not ah D and&D classes. They're not heroes. They are different monsters. You have a ah You have a dragon that is kind of just a capitalist like businessman and their powers are based on like, OK, everyone around the table do this one thing and now I get to benefit from it kind of thing. um Yeah, there is an extra business. Yes, exactly. Lord Cinder bottom.
I love his tiny little top hat. Massive dragon, tiny top hat. Very good character design. Exactly. Lord Cinder, who Cinder Chef, Cinder Fluff, Cinderman. Lord Slenderman is the name of the dragon. I'm actually not taking any feedback right now, so that's until further notice. That's definitely what it is. ah Lord Cinderpuff. Yes, that can't be true. That's that must be. It is actually Lord Cinder... It could be a misprint. Honestly, the set probably worth a lot of money because of that.
Exactly, exactly. um the The but yeah, there's I mean, there's there's a um a beholder that's kind of like got a charming thing going on like a little cutesy little, um you know, eye rays. There's an owl bear like performer who a lot of their cards is is about like adding a bunch of people and doing like neat tricks and things. The owl bear's name is Hootz Magootz and I love him. The names are fantastic. Lord Slenderman aside,
ah The yeah, the there's a Delilah death ray is the the beholder. Yes, there is a mimic whose name is I believe Mimi Lachey. Yeah. um who Who is just various pieces of furniture and a lot of their cards are like, this is definitely just a chair and you get to like mimic somebody else's move and stuff like that. Hell yeah.
There is a garbage deck for people that are terrible and suck and want the game to be awful, which is the mind flayer. Yeah, his name is Blorp.
yeah no Sorry, Dr. Tentaculous. Yes. Dr. Tentaculous is the mind flayer. He has a lot of like, Oh, I'll do this mind blast every once in a while. So if someone has a lot of cards in their hand, they'll get a ah big old blast. stuff like that Gel cube borp is my absolute favorite. He is a gelatinous cube.
And he's just here to have a good time. And he maybe doesn't know that he is dissolving players defenses and like absorbing them and and just like being acidic to them. He thinks we're all just hanging out. I really thought he was a block of tofu. ah He does also look like that. I like him. He's a good guy.
Yeah, but um but yeah, all the all those characters have their own new kind of somewhat unique mechanics, but they still obviously fit into like the the rules of this pretty simple game. So it's not hard to to pick up and play very, you know, you you take a look at a new character you're like, oh, OK, I see what their special abilities are. So when they come up in the deck, I'll be like, oh, I do this fun little thing.
Um, and it's it's so well built that like once you play it once or twice, you'll kind of get a feel for like, okay, I want to play these cards alongside these cards. And when someone does this, my, my character's best counter for that is this or something like that. And, but it's pretty, uh, straightforward, mainly.
I hear your dog is just grumbling and scrumbling back there. She's just starved for attention is all because she wants to play the gelatinous cube character. So that's fair. I feel like a dog, if they were to play this game, if they were ever to be allowed, would probably relate very well to blurb. I hear your dog licking. Are you a Mimi Lachey's man? I knew you were. All right.
Anyway, I would play Hoots Magoots if I'm going to be honest. Oh, Hoots Magoots is so fun. i I had an incredible turn as Hoots Magoots that left everyone in shock. I'm a very upset cow over there. I'm OK. Hold on. I'm going to take a moment to address this. All right. We're all good. Sorry about that. I thought my dog was trying to um tell me how bad she could school me in this card game, but apparently she just had to pee.
Oh, dude, honestly, it's that's really hard signals. Those get mixed up really well. Exactly. Yeah, I know. those Those are two wires that get crossed all the time, all the time. um So I think i'll i'll I'll leave off with this final warning. If you play this game, it will be a ton of fun. It'll be a great group activity. um You will occasionally think about peeing yourself um and you have to be careful of that.
Honestly, valid and fair and totally. i Yeah, it honestly seems that I would definitely want to. ah Honestly, I would play. I'd still play. It'd be fine. Yeah, I'd be good with that. Exactly. I think I did see in the updated rules. So anyone who goes and purchases it now, I think they did remove that from the game. Oh, there was a new additions.
Yeah, to close expansions maybe I would say any version that's on the market now that doesn't look like it was cursed by a sort of fae creature, that's probably going to be the one that is safe.
if you do find one that was cursed by a fake creature i do know who did that and it definitely was me i did i i just i thought it would be fun for a couple of them just like one or two hey listen it was and honestly those are pretty rare now so they go for a good deal but um For most of you out there who will only be able to find the ah the the modern, updated, non-cursed version of this game that doesn't make you pee yourself, um it's it's even that much more fun.

Strategies and Styles in Gaming

Hell yeah. I definitely want to check this out. It does seem like a really fun little system. It seems like a really fun time to just like pick up, play, and I like the idea of having like a bunch of different characters who have like different styles of play and have like different different methods of like
kind of annoying your friends, which is honestly the biggest benefit to playing a card game is just you get to, you just get to kind of bully your friends just a little bit and then your friends need to bully you back and then you just have a good time and everyone is definitely happy about it in the end because one of you is definitely not better than everyone else. Exactly. And no one can hold that over anyone else's head for years. and Oh my God. like just so long garage and yeah, that can't happen. I don't think I don't think there's a possibility, but you should definitely play this game. This sounds like fun. I want to play this game and I've never done it. And James made it sound like he owns it. So I'm either going to rob him or make him play this with me. I'm not sure which yet.
So I would encourage you to do the play it first and then considered theft later. Just so you can kind of feel out how you're how you're feeling about it. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually that's a really smart idea. Actually, you'll want to steal it though. So I'm not saying don't I'm just saying like probably take it one step at a time.
ah Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable. Understandable.
yeah here to say hey that's perfectly that's valid your feelings are valid i'm not telling you no i'm just saying think about it prey on it go meditat Go meditate um god I think that's all I've got to say. If we hit like a hundred followers on Spotify, I will buy bi-bilopoly and me and James will play it on stream or something. If we get 200, I'll go meditate. Dude, it's really good for you actually.
I, right. That's why I'm very good for you. That's why I'm locking it behind 200 followers on Spotify. I'm like not hitting self-realization or actualization until I have like some sort of following behind me. Exactly. I'm holding myself hostage for viewership or listenership, I guess in this case.
Thank you for listening. um I'm going to do James' wrap up for him. Thank you for listening. You're so close to saving my soul. Oh, God. Yeah. Follow to save James' soul or don't. I mean, we'll figure it out someday. He might be cast into the eternal flame, but if you listen to the last episode. and like There's a chance for redemption, you never know.

Followers, Fun, and Philosophy

Yeah, exactly. um But yeah, you actually get bonus points if you just send us an interaction, hit us up on Twitter at ah yspdg underscore pod. um you ah That counts as one and a half viewers towards um me actually going on something resembling a journey of self-improvement. So hit us up there. um Or, you know, however you want to do it. just
just Just be smart about it because this is my life you're holding in your hands. honestly If we hit a thousand followers, I will break free of the samsara and like fully escape the circle of life and like the ah the circle circle nature of life and reincarnation and just like fully ascend into nirvana and like, I'll do it. We just have to hit a thousand followers first. And remember to ring that bell.
get way into buddhist and hindu teachings but like i stream on twitch like x talk more about buddhism like i'm I'm down. I'll talk about the Dow. Like we can, we can, we can like hang out. out Yeah.
I'm mostly just playing video games, if I'm being honest. We don't usually get into but Buddhist philosophy or like Taoism or that just Eastern religion, but we can. It's never too late to start. Just like come and talk to me about it. I'm here for it. Oh, yeah. I won't really call you off guard.
I think that's where we can go ahead and leave it for today. I've been James. I've been i've been Allison. And we'll see you all in Nirvana. Goodbye, everyone. That smells like teen spirit in here. Bye.