Humorous Gaming Moments
Chuck E Cheese says Poggers. That should be pretty straightforward. I'm going to send you that link without double checking it. Charles Entertainment Cheese. That's right, because he's playing fall guys in the middle of it. He just like. Poggers. Looks around like he's worried he's saying something offensive and then he just like leans into the mic. Poggers. Yeah.
I've I've never seen the rest of the context for that clip and I hope I never do as long as I live. Yeah, I don't want the rest. Oh, God, I got the like defaults. Um.
YouTube Recommendation Chaos
I forget how tailored my YouTube is because I just got the default YouTube recommendations out of Discord because I'm not logged into my YouTube account through Discord. And I hate every single thing here. Oh, my goodness.
That is the most. colorful emotive pile of just digital slop I've ever seen in my
Overwhelming Digital Content
life. It makes my it's like oh it's fall guys among us talking tom the like app from years ago mr beast chucky cheese it's like everything that like a ah seven-year-old on youtube desperately needs to see but also Oh, this is what happens when a Gen Z like unicorn tech influencer throws up onto a keyboard. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. I hate it. Thanks for cursing me with that. And no welcome to another exciting episode of usually this game.
We're back, baby. We missed a couple of weeks, but we're here. We've we've been taking a hiatus because, you know, life exists. And yeah as as much as this is a ah very fun thing that I love doing, um it can sometimes take a backseat to, you know, real things having to happen.
Streaming Privacy Mishaps
um But i'm I'm so glad we're back. I i legit like.
Legitimately actually factually I docked myself like four times while I was at my last apartment What do you mean? While I was streaming I actually like fully docked myself I said the intersection of the roads I lived on like twice the people in chat because they're friends of mine who live nearby I was like oh we should hang out this is the intersection I live at I was like wait a second I'm streaming one time I was like I all of these have been redacted and like removed from the internet thank god but like One time I was streaming a product opening, I slammed a package down and it just had my full-ass address on it. And then I had to in-stream, cut that out, delete it immediately, and then start the stream again after ripping that label off the package. Yeah, so I docked myself so many times in my last apartment. I'm now in a new location. Hey, there you go. A secret location. That's not... No one knows. secondary location. No, or it says my primary location now. Well, we're we're back at it again after two, three weeks being out and I'm wrong and confident. So let's get right in. Let's get into that.
Uh, we did not decide up top like whose episode this is and it doesn't really matter. Do do you want to? I and believe you are up next. Oh, sick. Okay. you Yeah, I can definitely do that.
ah um Okay, so I have a choice to make.
World of Warcraft Addiction
I can either go with an episode that's going to be a long time obsession of mine or a long time obsession of mine, um both of which I could talk about for a very long time. But I think I'm actually going to start with um Have you ever have you ever fully lost your life to a video game before? Have you ever just like really just sunk your whole ass into a video game and you're like, oh, I haven't done anything else for like a week. I am afraid to look up the number of hours I've spent playing Monster Hunter World. I don't know. I know the the bar is different for everybody, but I feel like I can confidently say yes.
Okay, cool, cool. Because I'm about to talk to you about World of Warcraft, um the the life stealer. yeah yeah
I cannot tell you the number of hours across decades of me playing this goddamn game. It came out in 2004, so it's been around for literally two decades. I've been playing it since vanilla um back in like 2000s.
oh it Had to have been like 2006 2007 it must have been like right when ah the first DLC was coming out for it, but our expansion sorry expansion because ah for was called like You calling them DLCs? um Yeah, it's it really is just a DLC, but it's fine um It's downloadable content you download it and this content except for it used to come on a disc So it was actually not downloaded. Well, I mean you downloaded it or This is neither here nor there. um WoW came out 2004. It's made by Blizzard. I'm not going to get too deep into the history of this game or like the development process of this game. and Someone else has definitely done a better job of that than me. I'm just here to tell you why you should play it,
WoW Game Mechanics and Tips
honestly. I think WoW is great. I think it's a really neat game. i Please leave me alone, Windows Defender. um No. I will defend you till my dying breath.
ah I like WoW because dopamine fest, which is literally the thing that I have ah written in my notes is dopamine fest. There are a thousand different ways to play it and the new expansion is the reason why I wanted to bring this up. It's genuinely so good.
um And as coming from a WoW, ah I would say that I'm not necessarily a WoW hater, but I am not an apologist for by any means. I will tell you, like, I tell a lot of people, you don't need to play WoW, you don't need to pick it up. If you really want to know the story, go go to YouTube. If you really want to, like,
lose your life you can find a different video game for it that doesn't cost you a monthly fee like you don't need to play well but this one i actually think is really really good and i would recommend checking it out if you're interested in playing an mmo i I have to say, I feel like that's a surprisingly common sentiment among people who play this game. I've never heard of anyone who plays wow who says like, yes, you should also play wow. It's usually with some amount of like big grudging. Yeah, I play wow.
And that's what I do. Yeah, I don't I don't necessarily recommend it. I love it. I love every moment of it. And if you're willing to like if if you have the time and the life and the everything that allows you to play a World of Warcraft.
by all means go for it.
Questing in WoW for Beginners
I don't recommend subscribing actually. World of Warcraft sells game time without a subscription. I spend 30 bucks for two months and i I get my two months and when the two months is over it doesn't renew. and's That's it. That's all the game time I get. If I want to play more I'll pay for more if i don't want to play more I won't, but I don't recommend subscribing because my ADHD ass is going to forget that in a heartbeat and then spend like yeah three hundred dollars on World of Warcraft that I haven't played in like a year. um Because it really is one of those things that you pick it up and you put it down. You never you're never done. You're just taking a break. That's that is the wow sentiment. I've heard that many times of like you you're never you never quit. Wow. You're never done with wow. You're just taking a break.
um But yeah, ah getting into it, some some of the things I really like is there there is a really good guided experience for new players if you have not ever played WoW. It is free to play up to level 20.
And if you have no expansions, you can download it for free. It'll give you several of them for free. And then you can kind of see what it's like for the first 20 levels. Just dip your toes into it, see if it's something for you. um It's got a really good guided experience teaching you how to play the game, how to play the MMO and kind of the basics of questing, which is one of the many facets of this game.
um it the questing keeps you moving the quests are very short they're really quick they guide you really easily like hey you need to do this thing go over there kill these guys we've highlighted the area that they're gonna spawn in go kill those guys as soon as you kill them we're gonna put a beacon on the guy you need to turn it in on so you can just follow that little yellow dot all the way back to that person turn it in and then you'll see another yellow question mark go talk to that person and keep the keep the ball rolling um Or exclamation point, I think. I don't remember. It's question mark for new quest exclamation point for turning in a quest, or vice versa, I don't remember. um You see a yellow thing above someone's head, you go for it. That's that's all i you really need to know. You click the person, you go do the thing, you come back. it's It's easy peasy. That's questing. Questing is super easy, super fun, really quick, and it gets you good levels really fast.
So WoW sells character boosts up to
Playing vs. Paying in WoW
level 70. They're like 50 bucks. I don't know why any sane human being would pay for one of those because genuinely I have I myself recently have spent three hours playing a game and in that time gotten a character level like 45 50.
which is like most of the way to like getting a level 70 character. Like why would I spend 50 bucks to something I can do in probably like six hours? Like now it saves me a little bit of time, but it's I don't know. It doesn't let me know how to play that character. So you would only level boost a character that's the same as the character that you already know how to play. In which case, just play the game that you already know how to play. I don't know. It's right now. Let me let me say this because it feels relevant now where it maybe didn't before. The only real exposure I have to World of Warcraft and even this is not very much because I did not watch the whole thing.
But I do know a good long while ago the. ah Bear with me here. The the Game Grumps did do a trying to get everyone into WoW and understand it miniseries, where they did exactly what you're talking about. the I believe it was Ross who was kind of leading the charge. and he One of the first decisions was, okay, we're going to give everyone like these leveled up characters because you can pay to jump straight to the the level up.
And I always felt like that kind of did a disservice to people who are trying to understand the game. Why would you not start from the basics?
Diverse WoW Playstyles
100% I actually think that is part of the reason Ross spent like a ton of money on that because he bought specific mounts.
that are really rare. um He bought it is a game that he loves and he wants his friends to be able to play on the level that he is at. um but But he just jumped them to the end of the line and they have no idea what they're doing. But that game that show that.
whatever of Game Grumps playing WoW is what got me back into WoW after like a four year hiatus. Like I had fully kicked the habit. I watched that and I remembered how much fun WoW is because if you watch Ross, try and herd cats.
I mean, really, it's painful to watch. Yes, it is. But it is the thing that I love about Wow, which is honestly my my second like talking point is there are a thousand different ways to play. You can you can be a high level raider or dungeon runner who like has the best gear and is going for the top item level and wants to be like one of the first to complete a new raid or something like that, which is what Ross does.
Or you can be like Susie who wanted to go and be silly and play a bunch of different quests. And she found a quest that let her like fuck catch frogs and squeeze them. And she liked getting to do that because she thought it was funny. Or ah Aaron who just wanted to go on a cute date with his girlfriend. So her, him, Aaron and Susie both went out to go like Find a nice little spot and they were like hanging out and then dan was like, oh i'm a hunter So i'm gonna go get a pet and like went and pet hunted which is what I like doing Um, there's tons of different ways to play this some people like to explore different areas Some people like questing some people like dungeon running. I love pet. I I personally play as a uh pet collector and a uh
mount collector so I will I play a hunter or huntress and I will go run around the world and there are different ah there's a class of in ah enemy or NPC called beasts so as you're fighting any beast that's in the world can be tamed by a hunter which I think is really neat it's basically pokemon You get to run around and there are certain creatures in this world that I can go up to and click a button tame and then I have that one as my partner. um You can do this with like raid bosses and just have a raid boss as your hunter pet, which is really cool.
Pet Collection Achievements in WoW
It like shrinks it down to like a normal size. You don't just have this massive raid boss, but it is the same skin as the raid boss because some of them there's a there's a
a website that I use a lot called Petopedia and it has every single tamable creature in all of WoW and all of the different variants skins, rare ones, all that like listed out for me. So I can go in there, look at different things and be like, oh, I want to go catch lightning paw, who is a really rare and fox that spawns out ah outside of Stormwind. There is a it's in. ah Oh, God, what is the name of that?
And now that I'm like trying to talk about it, it's just never going to pop into my head. I got to say, though, lightning call is also coincidentally maybe the name of my warrior cats OC. So now that's a point in the wow column. That is that is a great work at OC.
Lightningpaw is a rare NPC that is an exotic creature that spawns in Duskwood. It has like a two hour respawn time. You're running around looking for a literal invisible fox that all you can see is when it runs into a bush, its eyes will glow at the bottom of the bush so you see see two little yellow dots.
It's a bitch to find. It took me literally two weeks to find this little guy, um which it's like wow. It's like Pokemon on steroids because I'm actually like running around in
Customizing Appearance in WoW
a world trying to find a thing. I find it so enjoyable and they're like I spent another ah two or three weeks finding a bull vinkle who is a spirit moose.
in one of the non DLCs. Around them are little squirrels named Rocky. Yes, it is it is a reference. i love it But it only spawned once a day on a server. So I was server hopping and killing it as part of a quest line. So if anyone who wasn't a hunter saw it, they would just kill it. And then you have to wait a whole day for him to respawn or hop servers or just reload and like it's a pain it was a huge pain but I have him and he's cool and he's my best friend I named him chocolate so he's my chocolate spectral moose um and I love him so much and I worked so hard to get this little moose and it's just a bunch of stuff like that
Like you're just going through and finding different little pets and you're finding different tamable looks and finding some really cute stuff. They just added some new creatures. There's little mud skippers in the new DLC and i I'm so excited. They're so cute. I want a little purple one. um But like.
There are so many ways to play this game. um And there are so many resources to help you play it in whatever way you want. I like pet hunting. I love Pokemon, and this is just bigger, more in-depth Pokemon. There's a website to give me my little Pokedex, essentially, where I can go through and I can just collect all these crazy little guys. um You want to do mounts? They have partner site to the Petopia.
um That is like, hey, if you like this ah pet, there's a matching mount. So if you go to this website, you can see the mount that matches that pet. So you can have a mount that matches your pet and it teaches you how to get that mount. So I like getting mounts. I like getting pets. That's like my two favorite things to do in this. And then also I like transmogging, which is I love World of Warcraft system for their armor.
So I can get all my armor and typically, you know how like in most RPGs when you want to like stat max, you end up looking like a fucking crazy person where you've got like ah ah ah like flippers from swimming and then like a bathing suit and then you're wearing like a top hat and like all of your stuff just doesn't match.
isn't that zo he made a bed yeah Yeah, it yeah feels like a pretty recurring meme where it's like, oh, this is, this is the armor that looks the coolest, but it's got absolute garbage stats. And then yeah the armor that that works the best and will keep me alive the longest. And it's just like a guy with like a snorkel and like slippers. It's just like, this is the the most while little mill technically But I look like an idiot. exactly Yeah. yeah um World War Craft has combated that. They have a system called transmogging. So I am allowed to go and transmog any of my clothing with any piece of clothing that I've worn before. any Anything above a common. I can collect appearances by putting it on and then I can sell it. I can get rid of it. I can do whatever I want.
It becomes sold down, so I have to sell it to a vendor and not to the auction house. So I lose a lot of money, but I get to collect that appearance. And then I have a catalog of all of the things that I've ever worn in the game. And then I can change the appearance of any piece of armor I'm wearing bit by bit, shoulder pad by shoulder pad, literally individually shoulder pad by shoulder pad. I don't have to wear the same shoulder pad on both shoulders. I can mix and match.
um with any piece of armor in the game that I've worn before that fits my my armor class. So anything that's male male or leather, I can wear. Anything that's a bow, a crossbow, or a gun, I can change my weapon into. So I can fully redo my outfits. I can save different outfits based on themes. I can set up multiple themes and switch to them quickly.
They have like a whole system for that, which I think is so nice because it's like, yeah, I want to look good, but I also want to not die every 10 minutes. And some of my favorite armor, like I have a pair of sunglasses that are really cool looking. They offer no armor like they they literally offer zero armor. I think they may offer one armor, whereas like my helmet that doesn't look as cool.
Offers like 160 armor so like I'm not gonna wear the sunglasses ever But they found a way to let you wear the sunglasses and still get all the stats that you need Which I think is just really nice you lose out on nothing and you gain a ton of aesthetics um And yeah, I just I think that there's a ton of different ways to play this. I've even seen people go around and literally just look for scenic places and basically play photographer because you can go first person in this and you can get rid of your HUD. So they will just go first person, get rid of their HUD and run around, be like, oh, this scene is really cool. I'm going to take some pictures.
They just sit down, take a couple of pictures, and just hang out. It's really cool. I've seen like aesthetic blogs and stuff like that of people who are like, yeah, and I'm a World of Warcraft photographer. Here's my blog. That's kind of neat. That made me feel a certain way to hear those words altogether.
It's not like it's their job, it's just their hobby. right But like it's just cool. I really like that someone's like, yeah, I like this
Building Connections Through WoW
game. I like questing. I like doing all the other stuff. But like whenever I'm done questing, when I've gotten my character to max level and I've gotten all the armor that I want, I still like like being in this world. I like getting to explore and go do things and I can't afford to go like drive across the country or fly somewhere in the real world to like go take pictures of the Grand Canyon or whatever. When I can hop on a mount, fly to somewhere cool in this place and take pics.
sharing with my friends, be like, oh, I found this really cool place. And then like, I've seen people be like, yeah, here's some like date spots because it's an MMO. I've gone on dates with ah partners before and, and well, because like, I've had long distance relationships and one of my girlfriends lived in Portland and I live in Texas. So.
We met up and wow, I found some really cool spots on like some photographer's blog and I brought her there and we had lunch together. It was cool. We hung out for a while and the voice chat. Yeah, it was really nice. It was a really beautiful like little place. There was like a little secret hidden waterfall. There's like a little bench, a bunch of flowers.
And yeah, we just hung out. We didn't like do anything, but that's an MMO. It's just like friends hanging out with friends. It's it's so cool. I really like Wow. And I know I've talked about MMOs before. I've talked about RuneScape and I'll probably at some point talk about Final Fantasy 14. Yeah.
and They're fun. I like MMOs. It is it is a type of video game that I like. I don't think I like any more than I like. Wow, because I really like the pet hunting. That's like the main squeeze of this game for me. And no other game has had that for me. I've never seen another game have that because not only can I go and tame any other creature in the in the game, I can battle with them so I can get my I have an oxen, a six legged flying oxen that I named Appa.
and me and Appa who is a tank will go into battle and I can have him tank for me and I play ranged dps because I'm a hunter so I can range dps he can tank and I can just not worry about my squishy self and I can solo it's really nice it's actually really cool they have like a lot of different modalities of playing I think that it's really really neat I've seen some people really break the game in some really creative ways and stuff like that but that's not even getting into like I the whole reason I bring up Wow now is the new expansions actually really good um
we're're We're finally getting to the the the part that made me even want to get back into WoW is everyone I've heard from that I know that's critical of WoW and like I don't play WoW anymore is all like this expansion is actually good.
New WoW Expansion Praise
Like genuinely very fun.
um And it really comes down to they focused on story. There are more voice acted lines in this new expansion than basically any before it because they wanted people to actually pay attention to the story. And like I said, wow is a dopamine fest and you click on the person with the exclamation point. You get the quest, you go to the quest, you cash it in, you do it again. You don't really read through anything. You just go, go, go, go, go, go.
Yeah, but they wanted to break that cycle. They wanted people to actually pay attention to the lore. And there are plenty of people who dive through this lore like crazy. I love watching the YouTube videos for it.
I don't really do that, but this new expansion genuinely has me, I almost said wowed, but ah pun not intended. um like it hast tended now that's fine okay yeah this This new expansion has me like genuinely floored.
um Okay, well, you missed that buzz. I'm um am' not taking it. i ah But like genuinely it's so good and they really focus on like bringing new people in, getting you caught up to where everything is, and then telling you a really good story. And WoW hasn't done that in a long time. WoW either assumes that you already know what's going on, it kind of breaks its own lore, or it retcons some shit.
or it's dealing with like multiple timelines and it gets really confusing and they're really trying to rein that back in and just tell a genuinely good story and create some really cool new spots for you to explore. There's this new zone that has this giant crystal floating in the sky and Every so often, it's completely random. um Every couple hours, that crystal gets infected and it completely changes the entire zone. The crystal will like do this giant pulse of like bright light and then go purple and you see that like the purple creep up it and crawl around it as the entire place goes dark and the trees change. like It changes everything. It's so cool.
um it's such a cool place to hang out and like you never because if you want to see everything in it you gotta spend like a decent chunk of time there to see both sides it's really neat um it's stuff that i've never seen in world warcraft before and i'm really excited to see them playing with new stuff and like actually genuinely continuing their story in a heartfelt way, really caring about the characters and making such a unique and interesting expansion. It has been such a good time to get back into WoW and I thank Lily, my girlfriend, for purchasing this DLC for me because if I just moved. I am kind of
um, lacking funds at the moment. And she had heard me talking about it so many times that she's like, here's some money by the expansion and a month of wow. Enjoy yourself. You've been talking about it nonstop. Just play the goddamn game. I'm like, you're so sweet.
But I'm having a great time and she's been watching me and she she plays RuneScape on one monitor and I play WoW on the other and we're such nerds and it's been such a fun time and like it genuinely just if you're ever if you've ever been interested in World of Warcraft, if you've ever been interested in like what is that massive game that ah millions of people have spent thousands of hundreds of thousands if not millions of hours in um is all about now has never been a better time to check it out like genuinely it's it's it's such a great game and such a great time to to look into it and i think that's all i really have about it
um if you if you have any questions like feel free to shoot but like i just genuinely think that you should you should check this game out you should play this game yeah i i think really my only question and maybe my biggest question is We you've talked a lot about how much there is to do in this game and how expansive it is and how many different things there are that you can like go do, see, fight, collect all the all these different activities and how how much you can sink your time and into it. You know how I am as a person and how but how my brain works and is
Could this get overwhelming? Is this the kind of thing that you need to be prepared to just have a lot thrown at you at once or is it manageable?
I'd say it's fairly manageable. I would say the the genuine beginner starting line is questing. You quest until you hit level 80, which is the new level cap. um And then once you hit that, then it's like, oh, what do I do now? Because it really, like I said, it it has a very guided experience from for beginners.
um It'll tell you there are like beginners guides for it built into the game. Like you don't even have to go to a website built into the game. There's a beginners guide for specing your um abilities. So like there's a there's a skill tree and it's if you don't even want to think about it, you just put it on beginner mode and it just handles it for you. You don't ever have to think about it. um and you can just kind of click your way through and just mindlessly play the game um and you can get through it without having to ever really like consider like what is my end goal you're just like playing through quests once you get to level 80 and you're out of quests that's when it becomes like oh
What do I do now? And that's where I kind of sat with my first playthrough of I played a hunter and i I had a couple of pets and I was like, all right, this is fun. I hit my like mostly just gathering things as I went through the world, though, like as I as I traveled through the the expansions or as I traveled through whatever I was doing to get to to my max level, I um I just kind of picked up a couple of things. If I saw something cool, I'd i'd grab ah i'd grab a cool pet. And then I hit level at the time, it was like 120 because they had a level shrink recently and then it's been growing again. I hit level 120 and I was like, all right, cool. What do I do now? ah I beat the most recent expansion. i've I've done all the stuff that I need to do.
What do I do? And then I was like, well, I got all these cool little little critters. Let me let me go find more. And then I spent a lot of a lot of time looking up more pets. And then that just became the thing I did. And then it became the thing that I always wanted to do. um Also, I just like mounts. Ever since the beginning, I was like, oh, I want like a cool mount, especially at the beginning when like from levels one to 10, you have to walk. You you have to like earn the right to get a mount in the first place. You just don't have to buy one.
ah You don't you don't have the level for the skill you need to be level 10 to get this the first writing skill So unless you've played the game a lot in which case there's a whole thing. There's a very funny way to get around that um They have a system called heirlooms um That you can get at higher levels that give you an experience boost Depending on how many pieces of an heirloom set you're wearing and you can get those as a high level that you can't wear Because you can only wear them up to a certain threshold And then you get them above that threshold, but you're able to keep those and pass them down to your new characters. So your new characters start off with really good scaling armor that gives you experience boosts. So it makes scaling and leveling new characters faster. um Which again, why would you pay $50 for a level?
Regardless, um, yeah, that's that that seems like we're like offering that and It's just I just don't get why any human being would spend that money I get it like you probably got like a job and you got you don't have the time to spend but like it doesn't even take that much time You probably have real life things going on where you can't devote eons to this video game. But like even still, it defeats the purpose and the fun of like playing the game if you just jump to the max. It's whatever. i Yeah, I've never fully understood that concept. But yeah, some somewhat unrelated. It sounds like that's not there that is not critical, not it's ah encouraged and and not like part of the experience.
No, um but the there is an heirloom mount that you can get if you get enough heirlooms, which I think is cool. You get it for achieving. I think if you get 20 heirloom pieces, you get the heirloom mount for free.
um and the mount you get from level one, but you're not allowed to drive a mount until you hit level 10. The way they get around you not having the mount skill is that you get a chauffeur. So it's a motorcycle with a sidecar and you have like a butler driving you around because you can't drive yet. And you think that that's really clever and really stupid. Yeah. Of like, yeah, you don't have the skill for that. So technically we're not allowed to to keep the like cannon cannon you're not allowed to drive so the way we're getting around this is we're giving you a chauffeur to drive you around until you hit level 10 and then you can go get your own mount i just think that's a really silly way to like get you a mount early but like still keep the like logic it's it's dumb but i love it and wow has a ton of like tongue and cheek stuff like that um
and i like I also have a couple of gripes that I could definitely get into. WoW is not a perfect game. ah Despite what anyone might tell you, it has loads of flaws. But I do genuinely love the game. I think it's a really fun time.
um i Yeah, ah but yeah, if you if you're going through the questing, you kind of find what you want to do as you're going through the questing, what interests you of like, okay, cool. Like as you're doing quests, I think it's at like level 20, 40 and 60, you get access to like different dungeons and raids. So they'll ah you'll get like a a dungeon quest. So it'll be like, all right, cool. Here's a quest that you can go do that is to go run this dungeon with the dungeon finder.
Or the the group finder so you hop into queue go run a dungeon and then if you're like, oh, I really like that That was fun. You can go run more there It opens up a ton, but it makes you just do one real quick just kind of dip your toes in so the the quest line as you level up kind of dips your toes into a little bit of everything to kind of They're trying to figure ah It's like ah a peg game like the pet, not peggle. What is the what is the game with the Plinko where you got the like the token, and you're like you've got the token at the top and you like bounce all the things and then you land in like one of the slots at the bottom. It sounds like the janko.
Pachinko is like the gambling one. That's what I'm talking about. Like, I think it was on like Jeopardy or something like that. I don't remember. Yeah. like like I'm just imagining pinball at this point, which I know is not what you're talking about. Not at all. But like it's it's kind of the same thing of like they're bouncing you around to a bunch of different things to see if you'll fall into a slot and then eventually you find a slot that you like and then you just kind of ride that.
um like i went through this world i collected a couple of pets and i was like yeah it sounds like fun let me go do that more or like i found out that i really like the mount so i i went after that but if you're if you want uh there's a toy box that gets you all sorts of weird things like i have like a grenade that makes everyone in my vicinity dance um and a slide whistle and a football that I can just throw at a random person. I can click another player character and throw a football or a ah kick a soccer ball at them and then they have on their screen a button will pop up of like, do you want to kick the soccer ball back?
um And you there's like a ton of toys in the toy box and you can go and collect all the different toys. Some people do that. ah There's like tons of different little things that you can just be like, I like these things. Let me go do that. I want to be the most fashionable person in the game. Let me go collect all of the clothing.
um It's really interesting to think of the main like getting levels and going through the quests of the game as like almost sort of a tutorial and the game not like you and not it doesn't sound like necessarily the game doesn't open up until you hit the last level. But it it sounds like it it really like once you hit that last level, that's when you start kind of narrowing down why you like playing the game that you've played for up to 80 levels.
Yeah, that's that's a MMOs, baby. Once you finish the actual game part of the game, then you got to figure out like, all right, cool. Do I stop playing here? But I actually like like this world. I like crafting things. i want I want to be an engineer. I like manipulating the stock market. So I'm going to like go i'm going to be a miner and a leather ah skinner. And I'm going to go like mine some of the most valuable stuff and then sell that on the ah the auction house. Or I'm going to go skin some like really good stuff. And then I'm not going to craft anything with it. I'm going to sell that because that crafting material is really valuable.
or i'm gonna actually like ah be an engineer craft guns and mounts and stuff like that and then i'll sell those to other people and make a bunch of money or i want to like have some of the best guns so i'm going to go through engineering and get a a good gun or.
I want to do ah disenchantment so I can re-enchant things with different things and like level up my guild's armor for whenever we go run raids. or ah like There's tons to do outside of just the main quests, but the main quests are really kind of gearing you to figure out where you want to sit outside of just the questing.
WoW Professions Overview
um Yeah, I got to be honest with you, that is a staggering number of things that you just said off-handedly.
Yeah, ah that's that's just professions. That's like only like three professions out of like, I think 20. There's there's a ton to this game. There's so much and there's that is the thing I like is there's something for everyone. If you think that this game isn't for you, there's probably something in there that you'll find fun.
um I'm one of my biggest like peeves with the game right now. I've heard this echoed on online a couple of times um But I I think I've heard pirate software talk about it, ah but I don't like that right now, the way that they get you to like level up and do your questing thing is you pop into the game, you do your first 10 levels, and then you get to your capital city for whatever your faction is, alliance or horde. Sometimes it's a little different because I know that the like the undead don't go to Orgrimmar, they go to the under city. Everyone has their own like capital city.
um But you'll go to your capital city you'll talk to someone and then they'll give you a quest of like hey go talk to chromie who is ah Part of what are called the time-walking campaigns um Which is a really neat feature, but it kind of makes me sad because for new people who haven't played this game From its kind of conception you miss out on a lot of it because it's like hey we're going to get you to the level 70 because 70 is where you need to be to start the new expansion. So we're going to get to level 70. And we're going to do that by dropping you into one of the previous expansions and letting you work your way through that. And by the time you're done with that expansion, you'll be at level 70 and ready to to do the new expansion. But you only between levels 10 and 70, you only get to do one expansion.
There have been like nine. You've seen nowhere else in the world except for one expansion of your choice and then the newest expansion in the first 10 levels.
So you see so little of the planet and it's a massive, like it is genuinely huge. Um, and you get to see so
Exploration Concerns for New WoW Players
little of it. And I think that's kind of a shame. I really wish they like got to integrate you better into the whole of the, uh, the world. Cause I think that you'd have a ah better experience if you actually like had some like touch with like Kalimador or like, uh,
literally pandaria or like the maelstrom and like actually get to see the story for base wow and then like all of the things that come after it instead of just being like do you want to do pandaria or do you want to do like wrath of the lich king or bring you say daria twice now is that the one with the pandas because that's the one of the wow thing i've seen is that one of them was it is the one with the pandas uh the pandas are actually old they're from warcraft 2 before wow was even a thing pandaria and the pandaren were like already a thing Um, yeah back when there was no world of warcraft. There just was the warcraft. It was just warcraft back when it was an rts and not an mmo Pandarans were there wild but uh, I stopped playing right before pandaria Which now is one of my favorite expansions. I I will take this back from my younger self I stopped playing right before pandaria because I thought
I saw Pandaria, the commercials online. I was kind of hype. And then Kung Fu Panda came out literally the same year. Right. And my brain was like, they just did like Kung Fu Panda, but in World of Warcraft. And that's dumb. So I didn't play it. And I stopped playing well, like altogether.
And that was not intentional on the part of either Kung Fu Panda or WoW. It just, there happened to be two major Panda themed franchises happening at the exact same time. Yes. yeah That was complete happenstance that they had no tie in or like overlap whatsoever. Um, they are completely separate things. Yeah.
ah Like I said, Pandaria and the Pandaren are like really old. They've been in war World War. They've been in the lore since warcraft like World War II. Yeah, they they were in World War II. Didn't you know they're 1948? Like they were there on the front line. They were 1946. They were one of the allies. Yeah, actually. um Well, no, they they they're a middle faction so they can be for the Alliance or the Horde or sorry. I don't remember that happening in World War II.
Yeah. um They're like Switzerland. They're they're in the middle. um They're neutral. um They're a neutral faction. But ah I just I just thought of that. Branigan, those darn neutral.
Every time I get fully lost in a conversation, there's always Futurama to bring me back. in crowd Yeah. Dude, I love Futurama. Can I just talk about Futurama for the next 20 minutes? I got to pad this episode out to be an hour somehow. you I don't think you necessarily have to, but if you want to, I'm more than happy to just chat about Futurama.
uh i could but uh yeah no i i skipped pandaria and i didn't get back in until game grumps played that like it was literally from pandaria until game grumps played world warcraft that i just stopped playing because pandaria was too close to kung fu panda and my like 15 year old self was like that's for kids And then I came back and I played through Pandaria and like genuinely it's so beautiful. It's like one of the most beautiful locale in all of World of Warcraft. It is gorgeous. It's got some of my favorite characters, some of my favorite story, the way that they actually do the world building and it is so so cool. The Pandarans are actually a really cool kick-ass race.
It introduced a whole new class that's really fun for like it's the the monk style um fighting, which is like all hand to hand combat and fist weapons, which is so sick. They've got cloud like martial arc a based. Yeah.
from a bunch of pandas. And you're you're insistent that it is in no way still related to come yeah to a panda. Yes. Yeah, I am. Actually, ah you you see the puzzle pieces fitting together, though. I do. I do. I see I see this and resounding coincidence. Yeah. um And it is really genuinely wild that those two things just so happened to coincide, but they had been working on Both that movie and this expansion in secret for years before they both popped into the public eye right next to each other. At the same time. Yeah, I know that's how that process tends to work. Really, all I'm saying is I don't blame 15-year-old you for getting those two things linked.
ah No, like i I don't I don't blame 15 year old me either, but also like not playing one of my favorite games because it's too much like a Jack Black movie is kind of dumb. um But also like that's what happened. I wouldn't have recently started playing Borderlands again.
Yeah, that's fair. um a God, that movie was bad. We can't talk about the Borderlands movie right now. It will be another full album. I quit quit doing bad movies. He's always done bad movies. He's had some good ones and then there's been the real stinkers. So this is nothing new for him anyway. It was so good. It was. And that's an outlet. He's such a talented actor. And he chooses such buck wild movies to star in. He's like a declaration that he's only doing video game movies right now. And he did Mario Borderlands and and Minecraft. And I'm just waiting for Pokemon to be next or something. He's going to be goddamn like
I don't know. It took us 46 minutes and nearly 47 minutes to bring up the Minecraft movie because that did happen while we were taking a slight break. And I was wondering how long it was going to take for that to come up. I couldn't help it. But i yeah, I think I think I've said everything I need to say about World of Warcraft. I am kind of sad that you don't get to explore the whole world. It is a very large world, though. So I kind of understand that.
Um, I do think that the experience for new players is really good. I think this new expansion is phenomenal I do recommend it to anyone who is interested in losing about a month and a half of their life. Um ah Possibly more uh, because world war craft is just one of those games, but I really recommend it. It's such a fun time Um, but also if you've got better to do and do it baby i'm not going to be mad at you like This is one of those ones like there, there are several times where I'm like, James, have you played Chante yet? Is this a rhetorical question or are you asking me once again? Because I know you have the answer. I know you haven't. There are games that I'm going to be like, I can play that game. But if you know, I haven't gotten around to play playing well, I'll be like, yeah, that's fair.
Chante is literally a five hour play. It's so I understand. yeah's a curse of My brain. No, I know. I know. I know. It's okay. It's okay. and I'll just forever be cursed with the Chante brain. I'm like, you should. you fraud all happened I happen. I promise 100% guarantee before I die, I will play a Chante game. I just can't better.
I'm going to. I'm going to cry. I will actually sob on my deathbed if you if I if I go to my grave and you're still alive because you're younger than me and you still haven't played Chante, I'll be like, James, my dying wish is for you to play half genie hero. God damn it.
I guess I should amend my statement. I promise I will play a Shantae game before either of us die. i I don't want to single myself out there, but all right. Cool. But yeah, regardless, that's a completely different thing for anyone who wants to mark that on there. You should play this game bingo card. and Take a shot now. Yeah.
but But yeah, you should play World of Warcraft if you have the time and are ah affluent enough to be able to afford the game and time. Although I will say the game the base game right now with the expansion does actually come with a level 70 boost. So if you just want to play the new expansion, you can do that. You'll be very confused as to how to play your character. I do recommend you at least play to level 20 to kind of figure out how a character plays.
and then boost them, but you do you, honey. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. That sounds like one of the big things about this game is you can just kind of do whatever you want, even if it's a pretty poorly recommended idea.
Yeah, I mean, like, honestly, you want it. OK, also, ah this is ah after credits. So, like, thank you for joining us. I love you. But also here's some extra stuff that I like doing in World of Warcraft. ah The first week of every month, starting on the first Monday of every month, there is the Darkmoon Fair, which is a traveling fair that comes through town. And you can go to the fair and there's like roller coasters and you can get a funnel cake and you can do like a fishing contest and play like battle tanks.
It's very fun. There's live concerts. um it's It's a good time. It's not actually a live concert. It's more like Yes Boy ice cream. um And if you know that reference, thank you. If you don't know that reference, play Neopets. That's a different episode. i am You fully and completely lost me. I'm reeling right now.
Um, the Darkmoon Faire is great. I love the Darkmoon Faire. It's like one of my favorite weird things that comes by once a month. It's a ghost town most of the time nowadays because most people have already been there. But if you've never been to the Darkmoon Faire, go to check out the Darkmoon Faire. There's tons of stuff so you can get some really cheap heirlooms. So if you want a second character, go to the Darkmoon Faire, you can get really cheap heirlooms that are great. yeah There's also a ton of different like mounts and stuff like that that you can get there. It's really fun. Um,
There are traveling events in the in like all throughout the world. There's there's tons of stuff to do. I have to stop talking. I feel like I've fully lost James and most of the audience. I love you. um Check us out on Twitter at YSPTG underscore pod. um Hi. Can I be real with you for a second? Yeah, I have not opened the Twitter page in like at least a month.
OK, well, I'm wondering at what point do we stop recommending people reach out to them? We don't reach out to us on Twitter. You can find me on ah Twitch at Peekapew, P-I-K-A-P-E-W-W. Who knows? You might catch me streaming World of Warcraft. Probably not, because I did my next episode. That'll probably be what I'm doing for the next like future of my entire life, because, oh, my God, I have so much to talk about. um But ah yeah, i'd come and come and watch me stream. I like hanging out. um I haven't done it in a little while. I really want to. I've just been moving and it's a lot, but I will. Be doing that soon. I'm very excited to get back into streaming. I just need to get my life back in order and it's slowly getting there, actually. Yeah, it's been a very tumultuous time recently, but we get back into the the rhythm of things. Sounds really nice.
100 percent. I'm very excited. I just I just want to stream again. I miss streaming so much. It's so fun. i I promise I will join you on that. Honestly, that's that's probably a good time for that will be coming up soon. So hopefully we'll be able to to join you there. Catch us on streaming. I'm at you. James is at Grant Jam.
Presumably, I need to double check that again. It's been a million billion years since I've streamed. I know I've seen your Twitch handle, but I don't remember. It's probably Grant Jam, but it's almost certainly Grant Jam. Grant Jam is just kind of what I am always. If I'm somewhere, I'm that.
Yeah, it also did make me want to call you Grant for the longest time until I changed your friend nickname in my Discord to just be James so that I stopped trying to call you a Grant. So you are zero percent alone in that. That is sick. Absolutely. Like every teacher I've ever had, every new friend I've ever made, every like person who sees my name written, not you know, the classic last name, first name, like it always supposed to just something about the last name grant makes people. I don't know if it's ah the last name specifically or just the way that I am as a person makes it like, oh, that guy's name is a grant guaranteed. There's no way it's not two first names.
Yes. Uh, for like your first and last name are both first names. I'm sure your middle name also is, but I don't know what that is. I'm sure you told me before. It's a secret. I'll take to my grave. did aiaa James Jedidiah Grant.
JJG baby. Yeah, you're like a JJR token, but your JJG grant. It's actually pretty great. My initials are JPG. So I am just fully a JPEG file. Oh, hell yeah. My initials are AV. So I'm audio video.
And that's why we started this podcast. Yeah. We got the JPEG and the audio and the video. We're all we're all set for a podcast. Maybe. Yeah. I mean, we don't have any video to this podcast, but that's that's a future thing. Keep your ears out. We're hoping to schedule that. I will have to look out for video and keep your eyes peeled for the next episode of sound.
Yeah, um I think we've gone on this outro for long enough. I don't know what else to talk about, but ah it's been a full 10 minutes, I think. Yeah. Yeah. um Give us a rating on Apple podcast and my name is Allison.
And my name is James, and I'm so glad to be back. And that's why we've been just kind of jabbering for the last while about, yeah, maybe nothing. But i'm it's just so good. It's been a minute since we recorded and it's been that I missed I missed doing this. I love this show. Absolutely. And we're about to get into another little bit of it. So until next week, thank you all for being here.