probably going to play as a warlock which gets some summoning stuff i really like playing with a summoner um i like warlock and i like ranger a lot ranger is really fun but we're gonna go with a warlock um it gets me plus three in a summoning skill it gets me a warlock weapon and then it gives me the basic three food rations okay um i'm skipping the intro sorry to all the jamers out there there is actually a really cool lore there's a really cool like world there's a lot of cool story building in this but also i want james to be able to play the game. So we're doing that first. Sir Jamesy. We don't need to worry about any noises of me moving my mic stand or anything like that. Yeah. My Michael stand. Hey, the microphone. But yeah, like I was saying, this game is heavily inspired by Terraria and Stardew, two games that are near and dear to my little baby heart. But it has a couple of quality of life things that I really like that I think are really neat and unique. And it's got a really cool world generation and building system that I think is fun. It's more of a top downdown than a side view, so I do dig that quite a bit. We are in this weird little cave system, and there's like a little intro cutscene, so if you get to watch that, I think it would be cool. Exactly. Also, do you feel that this game is better played with a controller or mouse and keyboard? I like mouse and keyboard. I like mouse and keyboard quite a bit. I would say it's like fairly easily played with a controller, but I would say that mouse and keyboard is just fine. I like it. It's kind of like Minecraft. You can definitely play it with a controller if that makes you happy, but not a requirement. Okay. Okay. I am also, well, two things are happening. One, I'm playing the intro right now, which is intriguing. Two, I'm realizing that when I set this up to record, I did forget to put us on separate audio audio tracks. tracks so there's probably going to be a lot of the noise of me and my dog making background noise and yeah us talking over each other and stuff like that we're learning people we'll take an intermission between these and we should be good yeah Yeah, it's not like a thing. Yeah. It also is saying I am in guest mode. Oh, maybe that's what it is. Let's do that. Oh, okay. Here we go. Try that now? Yes. Yeah. Okay, so you can have a non-destructive friend come by who can't blow up your world because that was one thing that really annoyed me whenever i played minecraft with one of my friends way back in the day of i i started a world i like had a really nice little base and then they blew everything up um so you actually have pretty limited crafting up front if you have you can make your pickaxe shovel torches chest and work And then once you get the workbench, you get another 18 items that you can craft. Oh, you know what I've done? I've made a mistake. I was crafting these. Yep. When you click them, you craft them, you make them, and you grab them out. You have your little inventory bar. One of the nice things I like is you can put torches in your inventory, and if you hold shift it just auto swaps the torch to whatever's in your hand and then you let go and torch goes away okay so you can have torches like in your pockets without having to take up a hot bar slot pretty nice and then i've got i've got my little my little bat that i can summon who's gonna help us out um and then, we just dig. One of the things I like about this game is that you pretty early on get some pretty quick progression. I have found that it is fairly easy to get started in, and that's one of the things I really like about this