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Core Keeper - Special Ep 91 image

Core Keeper - Special Ep 91

E91 · You Should Play This Game
55 Plays4 months ago

In this experimental episode of what is definitely everybody's favorite podcast, Allison tells James all about Core Keeper while they're playing it! 

Check out our Twitch channels for the full stream: 



Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


Live on Twitch: A New Format

Hello. We're alive. Present. I'm alive at least. I don't know. It's hard to say. Yeah, there we go. I've got my little thing going. I know how to. I've streamed once or twice before. I might not have. It's not clear. Oh, yeah, that's fair. Hi. Hi. I bet you're wondering why I've asked you to come here today. Kind of. A little bit. Not really. I know what's up. Like I said, we're live. Yes. I know that normally this is a podcast and we do podcast things that are like pre-recorded, but we are currently live on Twitch. Yeah.

Streaming for "You Should Play This Game"

Hello. I suppose I don't actually know if anyone's actively watching me on Twitch right now, but I didn't really name my stream appropriately. I copied your stream name so we're vibing yeah I don't know um we're streaming now we're gonna use this for recording for the for uh you should play this game our world renowned podcast our very silly podcast man it would be really cool if we had like a a twitter following and like we actually maintain that because then we could have like tweeted out to the like. Yeah. Three people who listen to our podcast that we're going to be streaming. But hey, who knows? They may be at work. But yeah, for for the podcast listeners at home, the people who because I don't are these these are going to be episodes, right? Yeah, they should be. I think we're going going to be cutting them up as normal we'll have you talking about yours and then we'll have me talking about mine but yeah I think that's the plan I don't know we're again we're just kind of playing it fast and loose we're trying some new stuff out yeah we wanted to check some new stuff out so uh yeah we're going to be playing core keeper today that's going to be that's going to be my thing.

Introducing "Core Keeper"

Actually, I don't have my notes up. How dare you? James, I didn't bring my notes. I brought everything else. I left my notes at home. As opposed to how over prepared we typically are. I know. Normally, I'm so like well put together. I know my own name. Oh my notes and my Twitch are in the same spot. Hell yeah. Nice. All right. Cool. So we got the notes. So yeah, this is a court keeper. I don't know if James has court keeper up. I'm not looking at his stream. I'm about to pull it up. All right. Here we go. Game pass game. Yeah. We talk about Game Pass every once in a while. It's very important selling point. Yeah. One of the things I like about this game is you get to pick a little icon for your save. So if you're like making a world, you can have like a little icon for that world to help you visualize it. pick in the mushroom this time a little silly you know this is delightful yeah it's a very cute little game i like it quite a bit and then i really should have done this prior to us playing but we're doing a live no no so one of the things i actually really like about this game just as a as a yspg hot tip um you get to pick a background for your character as you're creating them so you get to pick kind of like a class almost um so this has a lot of like really heavy terraria and stardew kind of influence to it you'll kind of see that as we play you get to pick a background and it gives you a couple of different things that you're able to do from the jump which is really nice i like the backgrounds because they kind of show you a couple of different play styles and you're never locked into just one you can pick up different weapons and armors from different classes and you don't even use them at a lower proficiency you just get a couple little bonus points into whatever stat if you pick a background that has that stat so i'm

Gameplay Mechanics and Progression

probably going to play as a warlock which gets some summoning stuff i really like playing with a summoner um i like warlock and i like ranger a lot ranger is really fun but we're gonna go with a warlock um it gets me plus three in a summoning skill it gets me a warlock weapon and then it gives me the basic three food rations okay um i'm skipping the intro sorry to all the jamers out there there is actually a really cool lore there's a really cool like world there's a lot of cool story building in this but also i want james to be able to play the game. So we're doing that first. Sir Jamesy. We don't need to worry about any noises of me moving my mic stand or anything like that. Yeah. My Michael stand. Hey, the microphone. But yeah, like I was saying, this game is heavily inspired by Terraria and Stardew, two games that are near and dear to my little baby heart. But it has a couple of quality of life things that I really like that I think are really neat and unique. And it's got a really cool world generation and building system that I think is fun. It's more of a top downdown than a side view, so I do dig that quite a bit. We are in this weird little cave system, and there's like a little intro cutscene, so if you get to watch that, I think it would be cool. Exactly. Also, do you feel that this game is better played with a controller or mouse and keyboard? I like mouse and keyboard. I like mouse and keyboard quite a bit. I would say it's like fairly easily played with a controller, but I would say that mouse and keyboard is just fine. I like it. It's kind of like Minecraft. You can definitely play it with a controller if that makes you happy, but not a requirement. Okay. Okay. I am also, well, two things are happening. One, I'm playing the intro right now, which is intriguing. Two, I'm realizing that when I set this up to record, I did forget to put us on separate audio audio tracks. tracks so there's probably going to be a lot of the noise of me and my dog making background noise and yeah us talking over each other and stuff like that we're learning people we'll take an intermission between these and we should be good yeah Yeah, it's not like a thing. Yeah. It also is saying I am in guest mode. Oh, maybe that's what it is. Let's do that. Oh, okay. Here we go. Try that now? Yes. Yeah. Okay, so you can have a non-destructive friend come by who can't blow up your world because that was one thing that really annoyed me whenever i played minecraft with one of my friends way back in the day of i i started a world i like had a really nice little base and then they blew everything up um so you actually have pretty limited crafting up front if you have you can make your pickaxe shovel torches chest and work And then once you get the workbench, you get another 18 items that you can craft. Oh, you know what I've done? I've made a mistake. I was crafting these. Yep. When you click them, you craft them, you make them, and you grab them out. You have your little inventory bar. One of the nice things I like is you can put torches in your inventory, and if you hold shift it just auto swaps the torch to whatever's in your hand and then you let go and torch goes away okay so you can have torches like in your pockets without having to take up a hot bar slot pretty nice and then i've got i've got my little my little bat that i can summon who's gonna help us out um and then, we just dig. One of the things I like about this game is that you pretty early on get some pretty quick progression. I have found that it is fairly easy to get started in, and that's one of the things I really like about this

Cooking and Crafting in "Core Keeper"

game. You can find all sorts of different resources i love the animations like the bending of you attacking the walls and breaking stuff yeah that's very charming squishes yeah bouncy it's kind of nice is this the core that we are keeping this is the core that we are keeping you can see the bosses around it. The three first bosses are this big guy here, this wormist guy here, and this man here. Man. This guy. And then we get like a little crystal and we're able to put it in a slot and it unlocks some abilities for us. And then we kind of build out from there. I working down here i from nine until five o'clock um you can kind of see stuff through walls because you can see the twinkle of it so if you ever see a little twinkle in the distance it's probably some ore and don't you dare ask me or what because i swear to god listen, listen, I will throw a hissy fit. I'm grown. I'm beyond that. I hadn't found a good time to ask it. But yeah, there's no coal. You don't need like a fuel resource. You can just kind of do stuff, which is kind of nice. It takes like a lot of the systems that we're kind of used to and simplifies them which i think is really nice um because they don't have to find a second thing to get the copper bars i just find the copper ore i make it into a furnace i pop it in this little furnace and i got copper bars i don't have to worry about like oh i'm out of fuel i gotta make charcoal or whatever we're we've been trained to worry about i'm seeing some hints of ancient machinery and lore and thing oh yeah we can get cars there's there's some good stuff yeah there's like a whole racetrack biome it's interesting i found that yesterday but here's like a ruined temple i also like that we can like help each other out as we go you can see me on the map as well which i really like oh yeah compared to like a minecraft or terraria you can only see which direction i ran off to and then if you hit m you can like see me run around and you hover over and like i can see you're you're called brogus yes his eye brogus there's there's some markers yeah we can place markers on the map as well.

Indie Charm and Game Development

Yeah, there's also so many little like, like the quality of life features you've been talking about. Another thing I noticed is when you like mine something, you kind of jump to what it is that you just mine. So you don't have to worry about like your spacing. Yeah. One other thing I like. I just upgraded our workbench. We get rid of the old workbench. We put the new one down. And the new one, if you click on it, we'll have a new set of 18 items. But on the left-hand side, there will be a little picture with two arrows above it. You can switch back to the old workbench to get the old recipes. So every new one will have every version of the old one built in. That's a very unique way of doing that. Yeah. Also, can we open chests at the same time? I believe so. I'm in this chest. Are you in this chest? Yeah, great. Cool. That is one thing that Minecraft had that always drove me a little insane of like, can I please just get in the chest? Can you yeah no kidding so when cooking it seems like you have to combine things yeah so you need two different types of food you can do the a food with the same thing so you can do two mushrooms or two peppers but peppers will give you like glow tulips will give you like mana effects to your food the peppers will give you movement speed the mushrooms just give you base like health um there's lots of little little additions that help myself a mushy tulip salad which sounds actually disgusting yeah that happens yeah um good for mana regeneration though as as a magic user. I just read the words new talent available in point running. Yep. So if you hit tab, you've got you've got your character sheet. You can have different sets of equipment over on the left of that. At the top of it, you've got skills. So you're able to spend some skill points in different sections. sections if you have a yellow one you're able to spend that skill point and level up several different things you do have to max out one item on each tier before you can go to the next tier so if you want to get the second tier of perk you got to get five endurance runner to get one of the others and then once you max out one of those you can get the stuff stuff below below it. So on and so forth. Gotcha. Okay. They got full on skill trees here. All right. I dig it. I dig it. It's actually kind of nice. You get some good build up over time. I love the name of the dev of this game. They're pug soft. Oh, yes. And

Comparisons with Other Survival Games

you'll, you'll see like their little pug in a mug. It's very cute. But yeah, it's actually a team of like five people who made this game. And you gotta love an indie game that has just like a tight-knit dev group. Like, that's just, it warms your heart. I've been working on it for a while. It was in early access for like quite some time, i played it a little bit then but it just hit full release in august so it's been really cool to check out but yeah i think this game's really fun because it's got kind of an easier to get into like early game i feel yeah i feel like i'm not i'm just kind of having a grand old time i'm not really too lost or anything i feel like it just like it kind of hands you a lot of the stuff you need to get into it really quickly like all right cool let's not like drag our feet getting into the actual fun of the game with like having a dig for a while before you find any ore or like try and seek out some coal or live off a charcoal for a while that a Terraria or a Minecraft would. I feel like it just kind of is like, all right, well, you found the ore, just go get it. This game is also very not afraid to make it be real friggin' dark, which is something that I love and hate about video games sometimes when I'm like oh yeah it's cool that you're like really making me feel uncomfortable with how dark it is that's neat I like that I like it when when game is willing to to be a little spooky with it and like actually get dark. Yeah, I feel like this game just has generally spooky vibes. Yeah. But like lightly. It gets spookier. No, for sure. I'm fully engrossed in this. I gotta say I... It's a good one. Yeah, I know we were talking about maybe by showing you around Balatro for those of you who pronounce it wrong. I'd say Balatro. Yeah, I think the creator explicitly said you can say it however you want. The

Streamlined Gameplay Experience

proper historical way is Balatro. But because I was told I can do what I want, I'm going to do what I want. But regardless, regardless, I know we were talking about maybe doing that, but I don't. I kind of just want to stick with it. I also don't know how much longer I can be on in general, but that's fair. That's fair. But yeah, like in an hour and a half, we're like pretty suited up. We've got some fun weapons. We're just about to unlock our first pet. You want some soup? We got some soup. We got a pretty decent little base going. We got like all sorts of different like systems. We've got some good armor. We've got some good resources. We beat the first boss. Like in the first hour, you get like a pretty decent chunk of like progression, which is what really got me stuck into it in the first place is that like you really don't need a ton to really get you into this game it's super fun it's super super fresh um i i've really enjoyed my time with it and i think that it's actually a really really fun one yeah i'm really it's it's a very unique because i i'll play the occasional like survival or like mining and crafting game and things like that and it's like okay they've all got their their quirks but this one fills a very different like niche than a lot of other games of its type like it has a very different kind of feel to it it doesn't feel like that different it doesn't feel like too terribly different but it does just feel a little expedited a little simplified yeah it's really easy to pick up and put down i guess that's more yeah what i mean by different is it just like it takes into account different things and like quality of life and things like that in a way that a lot of others don't at least to some extent yeah i think it like kind of eschews the idea of like pseudo realism for expedited gameplay and just like a little bit more of a streamlined experience that actually leads to it being a little bit easier to really get into it's really sucked me in because of that because like like i said we've been playing for about an hour and a half i've got a full set of armor that is like suited for my skill set i i have three different weapons that i like i have a summoner weapon a magic weapon and a uh sl, which is a ranged weapon, all of which do the same type of

Reflecting on the Stream and Game Enjoyment

thing. They all kind of synergize with each other. We've got 10. We're working on progression. But yeah, I wanted to show it to you because I think it's very fun, and I think you should play this game. She said it. She said the thing alright but yeah I think that's it for me I hope this all worked properly again this is very new if not old and haven't done it in a while for me but then just like the format is completely different um yeah yeah i've i'm i'm enjoying it uh we we will probably do this again soon yeah for sure i had
really nice to get to show you a game that i've been really enjoying and hopefully we get to show each other more games i'd love to hear about bal boattro but that'll have to be another time absolutely um yeah maybe maybe another time hopefully soon we'll we'll get it all figured out for sure oh hi bailey oh pape bailey says goodbye to everyone as