I would pay money to add a feature to like a, uh, like the echo Alexa or like the Google assistant to just every once in like very, very low random chance of them just completely messing up and having to start over. Dude, I would be super down for that. If dude, if they just had a flub, everyone's like, sorry, I misspoke. And then just like kept going and be like, wait, what? Yeah, Siri just says like, hey, dare like google that's actually not true. Oh, are you okay? What happened? Did they give, did they unlock the sentence button? Like what happened just now? That's such a human thing is like getting it wrong every once in a while. Like fully recognizing it mid sentence and being like, I fully just, I messed that one up. I'm sorry guys. That's the secret to AI is we have to make them a little bit bad. Less perfect. Yeah.