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Summer Game Announcements of 2024 - Ep 80 image

Summer Game Announcements of 2024 - Ep 80

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36 Plays8 months ago

Allison and James both gush about the some of cool video games that have been announced or shown off this summer!

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
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Emerging from Stasis: Captain America and Underpants

Hey, we're live. Ayo. Time has begun to pass once again. I am unwedged from the the iceberg that has kept me locked in the the stasis of time. I've been unfrozen. I've wiggled my way out from between the couch cushions and I exist once again. It's not unlike Captain America. I am once again among the land of the living. um but Just to talk about it. I really thought you were going to say Captain Underpants. Well, I guess Captain Underpants does also kind of exist in a stasis when he's not Mr. Crump.
Oh, yeah, dude. i I read so many of those books as a kid. I love those books. Those are so stupid. They were incredibly stupid. And um that's the end of the sentence. Yeah.

Summer Video Game Excitement

ah You know, it's not stupid. but Freaking future video games so much so much going on summer and there's so much going on, dude. There's like it's a lot. Yeah, it's like a lot. Oh my God, it's a lot. It's so like this past week alone, there's been so many like, I mean, it's summer showcase season and I always say that right, right off the bat, which it's going to be tough because we also have what steam summer showcase of summer showcases. Yeah, which is cases that have been happening this summer. Oh, my God. There's long story short. Now's about that time where everyone's talking about the cool new games that they've got coming out. The new hotness. There's so many. I OK, I'm a huge nerd for game releases. I follow them all the time. I have talked to James several times about doing a thing with that. I still want to. I've just been incredibly busy with work. And I conversely, on kind of the other end of the spectrum, I'm very excited for when games come out, but I'm terrible about keeping up with the news. I didn't know hardly any of this was happening basically until my Google alert for Monster Hunter news went off twice in one week.
Um, but that's, that's neither here nor there as best as I am as keeping up with it. Even I can't miss that. There's just so much happening and it's all so exciting. It's so good. There's like over a ah hundred games that I've just been bombarded with. My eyes are going to fall out. Just so excited. Slack job looking at all this. And I'm excited to get to talk to you with it and about it and talk with you and talk about it because ah dude, there's so much to talk about. Like there's genuinely so much to talk about. There there really is. And I'm going to preface this as well by saying I most of what I have talking about here is from um recap ah articles and things because, you know, I haven't been very good about like actually catching these things as they happen. ah But

Steam Summer Showcase: Indie and AAA Games

one thing I would say that actually Allison recommended to me and I would recommend to everyone else heavily, heavily is what we actually just talked about. The Steam Summer Showcase of Summer Showcases. It is an incredible collection of all the games that have been announced this this past few days. indie games, AAA games, everywhere in between, especially though, a lot of fantastic looking indie games that I haven't personally had a chance to sit down and check out. There's so many demos. I know. I mean, next fest is either just starting or it's just ended. It ended like a couple hours ago, um but it's been running all day. ah Not today. This episode is I'm, I'm terrible at doing because I have no concept of withholding information, um column but like, yeah, it's in like
Genuinely, if you looked at my Steam library right now, there are over 25 demos that I've installed just today. There are demos on demos on demos on demos for every game. Well, not every game, but like so many games. And like a lot of the ones that I will be talking about will have demos. I'll try and mention when they do. So that way, you can you can go check them out, wishlist them. I also want to give a little caveat of like this isn't necessarily us giving this a full like sample of approval. We think that this is like worth your time. I think it's worth your time to look into at the very least. Let's just exciting check it out. They're exciting. There's a lot going on. I don't know necessarily a ton about these because most of them aren't out yet. But there's so much to talk about that I can't I can't hold it in. I need to tell people. I need to talk about it because no it's so cool.

New Doom Game: Medieval Fantasy Meets Lore

Speaking of cool, I want to get into this one real quick because we both got excited about it not too long ago. So I hot hot presses ah hot hot off the presses, hot, hot and new fresh in your inbox um with full baker's dozen of cookies just for you. um But along with that, the news that there's a new doom game coming and it looks Sick as hell. It looks ah you get to be a Mecca. There's a dragon like it's so it's so cool. Doom the Dark Ages, which is essentially doom in like a fantasy medieval. You're going and fighting demons among like castle ruins and flying a dragon around and just so wild.
So I actually know a decent chunk about the Doom lore because I got really big into watching lore videos about video game, large, older video game franchises. um And this is supposed to take place. ah There are a couple of like parallel universes, but this one's taking place alongside one of the universes where one of the Doom guys gets trapped in hell and can't get back home. And basically he just rips and tears tears his way across all of Hell, but in his pursuit, he kind of loses track of who he is and does. ah If you ever seen Thor Ragnarok, where Hulk is kind of locked away on that planet and he's not like Hulk, he's just this destroyer. Yeah, it's kind of like that. He just gets kind of ah there's like a deity ship who is like, you're scary. Do you want to work for us and kill as many demons as you want, but just not us? And he's like,
I will kill." And they're like, cool. We'll give you stuff. Just don't kill me. And he's like, I will kill. And he's like, you know what? Fine. Just do it over there. so I remember brushing up on the lore a little bit as well. I know there's some lore. I never went back and played Doom 2016. I have it sitting on my desktop ready to go. I just haven't gotten around to it. I know it's terrible, but I remember brushing up on that as well. There's a whole lore of like, who the Doom Slayer is and like the betrayer and a story about like how he got in this relationship with the demons and like his son or whatever. I don't know. Funny and like, yeah, there's a lot like going on. There always seems to be a lot of story for what in my mind is a game that's just about shooting demons and them exploding into big oh yeah bloody messes. And this is so much of, so much of both, which I'm actually pretty stoked on. But it's got a shield now. Oh my God. The shield is ah is a chainsaw. It's ah so.
game is cool already you get a bedazzled gilded shotgun like exactly it's just neat yes send this throw the chainsaw shield and like mow down crowds of enemies yeah oh it all it looks so cool like we're like parrying mechanics which i feel we're like kind Kind of not really a thing in the previous do the games outside of like, I mean, you could do like melee finishers, like finishers. Yeah. When you like open up weaknesses, but actually like parrying and having this whole new like rhythm to it, I think is going to be really, really interesting. I think it'll definitely add a lot. Like I think the shield opens up a lot for that game that changes the way you played just a little bit because now you have cover wherever you are. So like it was a run and gun already. There isn't really much like trying to find cover, but now you have like a source of like I can run more because I have protection. yeah So double the run twice to the gun. Like I that seems like fun. I'm i'm really oh, I got a triple rhyme in there. Hell yeah. I didn't even intend that last one.
But dude, I think the thing that got me the most psyched was like the giant Doomguy Mecca. Yes. Which has kind of no place among the theming of like the medieval world, but it just kicks. It does. I'm OK. The only thing that I'm kind of like. I didn't look into it, I need to at some point. um I don't know if Mick Gordon is going to work on this because id Software absolutely decided to just trash that relationship. um Yeah, I heard about that. Yeah, i I don't want to get too heavily into it. If you haven't heard about it, go look it up. There's a whole like thing between Mick Gordon and id Softwarex. I am not sure if that ever
like got placated in a way where Mick is actually working with them. I don't know if Mick Gordon is doing the music for this. I really, really hope that the soundtrack is as phenomenal as it has been the last two Doom games. But also, I know

Focus on Indie Games: Rekka and More

that there's a little drama there. So I'm kind of curious as to how all that plays out. So there's some tea, there's some gossip in there a little bit. um But that's just one of many. Oh, yeah. No, I've got a couple. I'm talking about more indie games. I've got a bunch of indie games. and We tried to balance it out because I'm a big indie game nerd. I've been following a lot of these. ah One of the ones that really caught my eye that I'm really looking forward to is a game called Rekka. I've been following this one for quite some time.
Um, it's got a demo now, which I'm super stoked for. I'm going to be jumping into this. Um, this one comes out later this year. It comes out August, 2024. I don't think we mentioned the doom one comes out in 2025. Um, yeah. Uh, this one you get to play as like Baba Yaga. So you're like a little witch who has like a house on little chicken legs and you can customize and upgrade and deck out your house. You travel around, try and find herbs and make ah potions and ingredients. You're like exploring the autumnal autumnal woodlands of Eastern Europe. And you're traveling from town to town to like help people. And you build out like a house survival based style on top of your chicken. um And then you have to like do magic and do all sorts of stuff. You can like customize your character. There's a bunch going on. It looks really cool. I've been stoked on this game for like a while. I've been watching it for quite some time. I think I heard about it on Tumblr. Like I was going to say i know four about this game before and it sounds really interesting every time it's been brought back up. It seems really kind of unique. and ah Yeah.
The Baba Yaga, I feel like has been popping up in more games and media recently. I don't know. This is just me. But I feel like that's a bit of folklore that was like kind of unexplored as a as a piece of fiction that can be like interpreted and iterated ah kind of recently, which is it's really interesting to see that happening. Maybe you're not. OK, I'm looking at the description a little bit deeper. You're not Baba Yaga, but you're trying to figure out what happened to her and you have a chicken house that has kind of latched on to you. yeah okay So like you're not her, but you're you're her like kind of second. Never be her. You could never be her. ah But it like it looks really cool. You get to like do a bunch of magic. You get to roam the Eastern European wilds. Find your inner witch and like get to build this house. I like the idea of like a survival game where you get to take your house with you.
um And this is a really unique way to do that because usually you like build out a base and then you have to go somewhere far and you're like either I abandoned this or I have to walk all the way back here and that's a way to like get to have your base have it all decked out have all the stuff that you need and take it with you on your adventure. You can't take it too deep in because it's big. So like if the tree line gets too thick, you'll you'll probably like go in and come back out. But you get to take it along with you at least for the most ah time. But this game was officially announced a year ago, but it just got a demo. So it's getting another round of ah attention. So I think I thought I would bring a little bit more to it because I think this game looks so interesting. Yeah.
Um, speaking of the, the way that you described that sort of mechanic of having a base that you can kind of bring along with you, um, did remind me a little completely different genre and, um, dude, we're swinging around. let's gone everything Yeah. Just revolving door here. Um, Star Wars outlaws. which I hadn't heard much about. I knew that it was

Star Wars Outlaws: Open-World Potential

in development. There have been people talking about it for a while. I know there was some news here and there that I didn't catch up on, but I believe we saw for the first time an extended kind of trailer and some gameplay of kind of what that looks like. um It essentially just kind of looks like an open world bounty hunting, going through space and and doing different kind of emissions as like kind of the the scum of the galaxy type in a way that looks really cool. Star Wars lore.
I don't know too much about. I think it's too deep for me and it kind of scares me because the people who care so much about it care so much about it and I don't want to offend them by being a dumb dumb. but um There's like a there's a. This looks really cool though. Yeah, there's for sure. Yeah, there's like a steep because like a lot of people know a little bit about Star Wars and then you kind of get more and more and then like so a lot a lot of like nerds kind of in my level know a decent amount of Star Wars like watched most of the shows and kind of put a lot of the like some parts of the extended universe together. Yeah. And then there are people who are deep in the pain. I feel that way about the Smash community. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of that going on. I'm good, but I can't say that I'm good because that implies something way beyond me where I'm like, I'm good enough to where I can play with my friends, but I'm not good enough to say that I'm good at the game. Exactly. Same kind of thing. If I'm having a conversation with somebody in real life about Star Wars, I can feel confident that I know more about it they do. If I set foot on the Reddit, I'm going to be blown away. Yes. Uh, the second you set foot on the internet, you open yourself up and it's like, okay, I don't know that much. Let's press there, but this is really cool. And I'm excited to get to be a little bounty hunter in space. That sounds fun. That's all I'm saying. And the concept of it being kind of more open because like, uh, I ended up playing, um, what was it? Star Wars Jedi survivor. Survivor. Yes. There was, there was another one. Yes. Star Wars Jedi fallen order and then followed up by survivor. Haven't played much of survivor yet, but I played the fallen order. I really love the vibes there in this, the feeling you got as like an adventurer in the larger star Wars world. I thought, yeah, the idea of like a Star Wars Souls like sounded fun. So like the perspective I came at it from for Survivor, I was like, oh, that sounds kind of cool. As like a like Star Wars has a bunch of like really cool swordplay and like really cool stuff like that. And you need that for a good souls like in this, like it feels like it went well together.
Exactly. And I think this is a similar thing we're seeing here where it's like, okay, i even if I don't know the world as much as I would like, the genre seems like a good fit for it if you can kind of make it fit. Because being this bounty hunter, where the idea is like you can choose jobs and missions and things like that. That's a good fit for this sort of open world structure. So I'm really interested to see how that works out. Yeah,

Unique Indie Adventures: Mushroom Musume and Starbirds

for sure. That sounds so sony I did not know about that one until you just mentioned it to me. um Let me pull up. What do I got? What do I got? OK, I got one. I got a video verse. It is another one. um That was why is this in the summer showcase? This came out last year. Did they have a big update or something? They just want to tell you about it.
Oh, this is a part of the steam spring sale. Oops. Maybe there's a lot going on right now. Yeah, it does. I clicked the wrong button. um What if I got mushroom Musume, which honestly is another really weird little card game indie that looks really interesting. um It kind of reminds me of like an Oregon Trail style game, but you're like a little witch in the woods and you're doing like ah an adventure. it looks kind of like a choose your own but with like card game elements i've I've looked into it a bit I've been looking at it all day long I love the aesthetic of it it's so cute um and you're growing these little like mushroom girls and you are trying to get through this like fairy tale life sim card game type thing
um It just looks really cool. I think it looks really, really dope stylistically. um And I want to check out more of it. There's like some cool dice elements. There's a bunch just going on. I, I think it looks cool as like a little cute text based life sim RPG style thing. Yeah. very, yeah, I don't know much about that, but it looks very cutesy and a nice change of pace from a lot of the crazier ones that we've been talking about here. yeah It just looks like kind of nice. And then there are a couple of bits where it's like, Oh, that looks kind of spooky. And like, there's, there's RPG elements where you're doing like, some dungeon crawling and you're like actual doing some combat there's a little bit of card game to it um but yeah like i i've been looking at it for a little bit today and i think it's really neat there is a demo out for it so i will be playing more of it but uh definitely something to to open your eye up and look at
Nice. ah Speaking of really neat, I don't have actually a lot to say about this game because it's basically all going to be in the initial sentence, but ah Starbirds is a game that I just saw being announced, um which is made by Dorfromantic, I believe is how you pronounce that. Oh, I know Dorfromantic. Yeah. Maybe you can speak a little bit more on this thing because I'm not too familiar with Dorfromantic, but it is made by them along with Kurtzgesagt. Oh, yes. It's a wild poll. If you're those of you who aren't familiar, Kurt's gazock being the YouTube channel, I believe primarily kind of media from there where they make a lot of graphics. Yeah. A lot of motion graphics, informational videos. They're kind of known for their like cutesy um and kind of simplistic ah
existential crises. I had a life-changing moment that was just listening to one of the soundtracks of one of their episodes in the car at night driving around town. um Literally changed me chemically as a person. They had a sentence that like changed me chemically, but we don't need to get into that right now because it is like a little existential, but it's really cool as a fact. Um, this is mostly about the, uh, the fact that they have the same, uh, narrator for a lot of their videos who has a very like recognizable cadence and voice yeah and the the birds that are always present as like the little characters of their videos. yeah Those birds are going to space.
They've been there a couple of times in the videos. I think they tend to actually hang out in space, I think quite a lot. But is there you're actually playing a game as these birds. So cool. Yeah. You're like gathering resources, building ah little ah buildings and machines and things like that. It looks like tiny Astroneer. Yeah, it' it's very Astroneer. What is it? No oxygen left or whatever that the name of that game was. Oxygen not included. Oxygen not included. Yes, yes, yes, yes. yes Um, I feel terrible. I did enjoy that game. I never remember game titles like that. You're fine. Um, but yeah, it feels very much in that vein. Um, but yeah, you, you said you're familiar with door romantic. Um, I I've seen it a bunch. I haven't like actually interacted that much with it, but I like, I know of door from Mantic. Um,
As a game, i I own it. I haven't like played it a bunch, but it's like this hex city builder. I've got another one to get into, um but it's like a strategy game as well. ah it It kind of reminded me of the idea that I had of um You talked about it, Katan. Like it reminds me of the idea that I had of Katan, but video game eyes for a single player. You're just basically doing like a little city builder, but you only have so many tiles and moves that you get to use. I've been wanting to play it. I've had it for a little bit and I just haven't actually like sat down and like spend the time to actually like learn the game. But. ah
This seems really neat because like from the perspective that that gives I.

New Fable and LEGO Horizon Adventures Announcements

I'm really excited for this game, I think it looks really cool, especially for it to be that like 3D shapes that it is like you're you're working with a 3D planet like a Mario Galaxy style planet. um um Yeah, this looks really neat. Yeah. And actually, if I can, if I can correct myself real quick, I believe Dorf romantic is actually not the name of the developer. Dorf romantic is I misunderstood what they were saying in the trailer. Yes. Dorf romantic is the game. The developer of both Dorf romantic and starbirds alongside Kurtzgesagt is Toucanner interactive. Toucanner is in Toucan the bird, which it seems like the pieces fit together. each could conduct Exactly.
That's so cool. um Dude, there's just so many games, like ah one that I wanted to bring up real quick because I'm a nerd. I i got unnecessarily hyped. They didn't even show gameplay footage. No, they did. They actually did show gameplay footage. um There is a new fable coming out next year, early next year. And I about lost my entire brain. Like, oh, my God. There's a new fable happening in a matter of like months and I'm going to lose my whole entire ass. Um, and they showed gameplay footage. So, you know, it's like actually starting to happen next. I was talking to, I was saying before the episode next year is going to be in.
Incredible for games. Yes We've got going to be wild. There's a new doom. There's a new Gears of War There's a new sieve. There's sieve seven is coming. There's a new gta 6. So why not sieve 7? What are they gonna add? Like giving this in the last three games, I'm curious as to how they're going to change it. Like, what do they need to do? So six is like such a complete package. I'm just curious as to what they need to do to and like continue that series. Like I'm so at a loss. So I'm really curious as to what comes next. um There's a new expansion for a Cult of the Lamb that was announced.
Oh, yeah. Devolver Digital, it's its 15th birthday. Devolver Digital is popping off. Actually, real quick one of the other ones I was going to talk about is um a game that Devolver Digital is publishing. Yes. Possessors um published by Devolver Digital and ah developed by Heart Machine. Legendary, legendary developer. um Oops, all hits. um yeah they dream games Yes, because they've got so they they were the makers of Hyper Light Drifter for those who don't know. um and One of the just straight up best video games of all time. I feel confident putting a period on the end of that sentence. They also made Solar Ash, which I fell in love with. It was a Very fun. Great things about that. Yes, absolutely. Incredible movement, incredible vibes. And that's what this game looks like it's going to be as well. It's a sort of action platformer. They said it was inspired by platform fighters, but it's a very trippy looking kind of somber looking ah gives gives me a little bit. of It's giving Hollow Knight. I've got another one that gives gives Hollow Knight like crazy. I hate it when people say that. And I'm sorry that I said that. And I know I'm using it for the rest of the episode now just because of you.
You can't do this. I've created a hell from which I cannot escape. However, i'll tra here oh no no oh but because ah i I imagine that's part of the plot of Possessors as well. I'm not too clear on that, but it it looks very trippy like Eldritch. It's about this like invasion, I think of Eldritch forces that these ah characters are trying to like navigate and learn more about and stop. Um, but looks, looks very, very cool. Um, Devolver digital just going crazy. Always been a bank. Like always, always been a banger. Um, like, uh, a stick, a stick is one that was announced today. A E S T I K is
I would say giving Hollow Knight so much harder than the one that we just talked about, which my name s slipped my mind already because I have possessors. Thank you. I have I have the brain cell of a goldfish and one thing came in and one thing went back out. That's fine. I got I got that. What was it? Filo? ne It's not FIFO, but that that organization brain where it's just one in, one out. Yeah. ah FIFO. Yeah. First in, first out. I thought that's just my brain, baby. That's was the first thing. And it was the first thing back out the second I started talking about a stick, which looks like it just they were like, hey, silk song just isn't happening. So what if you instead of a bug was an owl and we made silk song? um Because as many games as they just announced, they sure as heck didn't say anything about silk song. It's fun. It happens someday.
But ah yeah, this game looks really cool. A-Stick looks looks really nice. I'm probably butchering that name, but it's very, very Hollow Knight. If you like Hollow Knight and you need something, there's a demo for it. Check it out. um It's coming soon. There's not a date on it. But ah at least there's a playable demo. um But outside of that, i have I have one more that I want to talk about. And then I know you had a couple more that you were interested in. I have two more I want to touch on, but you can go for it. Um, no, you do one in because I just did one, you do one out of mine and then we'll get the last. I haven't been keeping track. I've just been talking and getting more and more excited and frothing a little bit. Um, you should see a doctor about that. Um, but so I, I wanted actually to, I don't know if you've seen this one or if you know what is going on here.
So, you know, Horizon Zero Dawn and so on and so forth. Uh-huh. The famed. The famed open world. ah the The video game series. It's kind of like a Dino. Dino sky Skyrim. Yeah. was but One thing that I found myself asking, I think never all all the time is what if it was Lego? They do have one LEGO set. What? ah I don't understand the intersection between Horizon and LEGO. One of the games announced recently was it was literally just LEGO Horizon Adventures. Yeah, um I watched that trailer and I was like, who asked? Right. Not that I dislike it. It looks like a lot of fun. It looks really cool.
Yeah, I'm not saying I'm not going to play it because I'm going to play it. Yeah, same. I love Lego games, dude. Lego games are so fun. Like they're a really good time. I genuinely have always liked them, but I've always like I mean, I love the the older ones. I mean, the the Lego Star Wars original like you were incredible and I haven't like these games are pretty good. level Lego Marvel games were really good. the Lego Batman games were really fun. Like a bomb and go to one of those games really good. ah The Lego Avengers game i I had a good time with. I'm not even a Marvel person. um Like I don't watch the movies. I didn't. I saw the first Avengers. I never saw any of the ones after that. That's fine. That's the only good one.
Oh, we're making enemies today. I know. I don't even fully believe that. But it was far and away the best one before they kind of got lost in this also. Yeah, no, it was like, oh, not like, oh, damn. Adventures and then Iron Man three. And then after that, I watched like the Deadpool movies and Thor Ragnarok, because that one's really funny. Yes. But that's all. i And then I watched ah the raccoon. Guardians of the Galaxy. Those. is I watched both of those. It's not a raccoon until you watch the third movie. Then he is. OK, well, I haven't seen the third one. I've only seen the first. Exactly. It's such a wild. don' know I like Rocky Raccoon. He's cool. He's a little guy. I love raccoons. They're like Bradley Cooper. He's my best friend. Oh, dude, you got to introduce me sometime. But ah he doesn't know we're best friends, but we are.
Okay, i um next time I see him I'll tell him. That would be very helpful actually. He's got a restraining order on me so I can't tell him in person.
But, uh, yeah, Lego games are fun. They're just a good time. I love Lego games. um Yeah, we got we got back there. ah So I'm really curious as to how you make a Lego game and open world RPG action RPG. I don't like your questions. I get that the LEGO games and kind of LEGO as a an entity, a company and a business model recently is mainly just kind of about taking other media properties, making them especially kid friendly and like putting the LEGO sauce on it of like the building things and the creativity
Yeah, it is a licensing behemoth. Exactly. It's basically a a the world's one of the world's most powerful licensing machines. Yeah. um Just money printers. But um I don't I don't understand how this one made it onto the table, I think, in the first place. Well, I don't know who else while but I'm yeah, I'm definitely going to play it. Yeah. OK, I got one that I think you will think is really neat. I think it's really fun. um It's called Screenbound.

Innovative Game Concepts: Screenbound and Mecca Break

um It is a 3D 2D platformer in that you're holding a little Game Boy and you're playing a 2D platformer on the Game Boy in the 3D platformer game. I've this. It looks really cool. They just announced that there's going to be a custom level editor. If you watch the last video on their Steam page, you can make your own worlds within this game. Yes, I've seen also breaks my brain. Yeah, it's made by Crescent Moon Games. It doesn't have a date yet. It doesn't have. They made Dear God, which is another game that also broke my but brain because I was like, what am I doing?
for the longest time, and then I figured it out. I was like, oh, this is actually like cool. But like, it takes like a minute to figure out how to play the game. um But yeah, Screenbound, really cool game, um really weird combination of 3D and 2D because you're like walking around and doing a 3D platformer, but there are some things you can only see in the 2D platformer on your little Game Boy. Yeah, it's like because it's ostensibly two different things that are happening at this because like you are the person in the 3D world, but you're playing the game. So it's like you're you're taking actions in both worlds at once, which is really yeah interesting. the The way that you design levels around that has to be crazy. I'm actually really interested to see that they have a level editor because but just the structure of that and the way that you like bend your brain around that. um i'm I'm into it. I'm really curious to see where this goes and to see more about like, all right, cool. Like you made this weird thing, you made this level editor. I want to see the stuff that comes out of that level editor because I don't know about you, but I really fell in love with Portal.
Yes. And that is another puzzle game that breaks your brain. In a different way. In a different way. A pleasant way. In a pleasant way. But some of the custom levels that came out of that are insane. Yes. And I want to see what people do with this if it gets a little community around it. because I love when a community gets around a game and then just goes feral. And this has the potential to do that. And I'm really curious to see what comes back out of this. um Hopefully it's not too expensive. It is just a little game that I think is really neat. I'm really excited to see more from it, but they did. and It was in the 2024 wholesome direct. And I had to talk about it because it seems really freaking crazy cool.
What's your, what's your last one to wrap this up? My last one in, well, actually I lied. I have two more cause I didn't talk about the big one that I mentioned at the beginning. I'm very sorry. no I have, I will, I will speak a very little bit. One, one game I would like to talk about for just a second is ah a Mecca game. Oh, yeah, you mentioned this one. Yes, it's called Mecca break. um Mecca in all caps break. Not actually. No, I got that reversed. Break is all caps. Mecca is not. Yes. Unless you're looking at some of the art in which it's all all caps. um I don't understand the I don't I don't get it. It's only to understand it. Don't worry about it.
It's cool mechs. They're fighting. i The appeal is it's it's like a multiplayer mech fighting game, kind of armored core, Damon X Machina style, both of which were incredible ah games for for fans of big robots fighting. I feel like people are and really into big robots fighting like right now. I am so into big robots fighting. It's so cool ever since. Well, Ever since I would say my childhood's love of Transformers, that's been a thing, but Pacific Rim, I think really brought it out of me as well. Dude, Garroso Torro's the GOAT. I love Pacific Rim. Literally my favorite director. I love monsters. I love Kaiju. I love Pacific Rim. There was only the one movie about it. It wasn't that weird that they never made a sequel, considering how good it was.
Yeah. um I I really loved the Transformers toys. I never watched the show, but the toys were so fun. I had so many of the toys. I had two and like three. animals um So, yeah, this is kind of I think my natural evolution of that. This game looks. Sick. You're apparently it's like multiplayer, fighting a lot of big war machines and and things like that. um i The one thing I thought was really interesting that I wanted to highlight was some of the mechs are designed by folks who have worked on things like metal gear, Gundam armor. I was going to say, this looks so Gundam. Like, yes, it looks incredibly Gundam, which does mata was also pretty Gundam as well. I love the like flying Star Fox ish segments.
Yes, like you turn into like a little jet plane thing and you're just like shooting your little laser beams. It it looks sick. Yeah. um Well, you're not really a jet plane. there There is like a section like that, but like this game looks so cool. Yeah, it just looks like you're big robots shooting and slashing and blasting and look very, very fast and flighty and very cool. And i'm I'm looking forward to that. I still need to finish Damon X Machina. It was a lot of fun and I i dropped it for a couple of the games. Um, but very, very much up my alley. I'm very much looking forward to that. Um, and then I have a final, what did you have anymore you wanted to to touch on real quick before I get to my my last one that I've actually already talked about for just a moment. Oh,
Oh, maybe I was going to say we didn't talk about citizen, citizen sleeper, too. But I don't know if there's enough about that to like really look into, because I know I just told you about it but yesterday.

Retro Console Trends and Monster Hunter Wilds

Yeah, I know. I don't actually know much about that. I do. I did really love the first citizen sleeper. I'm really very excited to see a second one. um Very, very cool to to know that that's in the works. Very interesting narrative and like to back it up. Like, ah I mean, we I've talked about it. the I do have one thing to to bring up that I think is really neat. um There is a trend that has been happening recently. i don't i I did not pull up the game like I said I would. But um one of the things that I think is so cool that I've seen happen i like two or three times now, and I hope it happens more, is people making um retro games.
Yes, um I've seen there's a there's a Rugrats game that I mentioned a couple episodes back that is coming out. It was mentioned again recently. Rugrats, something in Babies in Game Land or something like that. Babies in Vegas. regret Regrets Adventures in game land. Regrets say Adventures in game land. It's just an n NES game. It is literally just an n NES game. They're releasing it on an NES cartridge in the deluxe edition. It it will run on an NES. It is 100% just an n NES game on the NES.
But it has a ah a shader on top of it that takes the and NES pixels and turns it into a vector game. um So if you play it on PC, you can play it as like a modern game, but you can take the ROM and pop it into an emulator or pop it into an n NES and it just runs. It's rad. I love that. And then I saw one day and it's just a GBA game. It is just a GBA game with a filter on it. That's cool. That's cool as hell. um I know that Shantae is re-reloosing a GBA game that got shelved and like disappeared forever. And now they're like, hey, we're bringing it back. It's coming.
um So, like, they're making a GBA game and they're, like, keeping the GBA styling for the new Shantae game that's coming out. It's really sick. I love this trend of, like, making retro games modern, like, or making new Game Boy Advance games. They're printing new game. are They're printing new NES cartridges. They have a limited edition orange one. Like, that's just cool. yeah um that's all i to say about it really I remember seeing a like ah many years ago, I went to magfest one year and saw someone in a booth kind of in the corner was like, Hey, we're making a game for to play on the and NES. And they weren't getting a whole lot of attention that was not as popular at the time, but that's coming back around as a way that people make it because like
I mean, obviously, there's nostalgia for those old consoles. A lot of people grew up on those. It's also a really interesting, I think, programming challenge and, like, publishing challenge to make a game for a system that's no longer, like, it's very, very well established and has a lot of limitations to it that breed creativity, especially all these years later, now that people kind of know what the limitations are and have seen some creative ways to work around it um and can kind of build on that. um It's it's ah an interesting time and an interesting challenge. It is. i love I love playing within limitations. It's one of my favorite things in art. Whenever I'm struggling or having difficulty with figuring out how to like overcome a hurdle, I'll give myself ah ah a higher limitation and it usually forces me to think of a creative way out of it. And I love the idea of like, all right, cool. um We have this like tried and true hardware. What can we do that's new with it?
What can we do to revive this in an interesting and fun and creative way? I love them giving themselves those limitations of like, this needs to run on an in NES, but what can we do to make it cool? I sent you a picture in our Discord chat, ah but like, look at this limited collector's bundle. There's a Golden Reptar toy. Like, this just screams nostalgia. It's so cool. It's sold out right now, but like, The physical game won't be or like at the very least, the digital version. Go play it. And if you buy it on Steam, there is a demo right now. If you get the demo on Steam, you can take the n NES ROM of the demo out of the folder. And it's not hard to find. Literally, all you do is install it, right click, manage, ah browse local files. And the ROM is literally just right there, like a dot SF just right there. Ripping is never been easier. Sorry, dot FC. It's a dot Famicom. um But like it's just the ROM is just immediately there. If you buy the digital version, you just have it. So like that's awesome that they're like not hiding it. They're not obscuring it. They're like, all right, cool. Like if you want to play this on an emulator, take it. Go put it on an emulator. You want to play it on your TV? You want to play it on a handheld? You want to play it on your Android phone? You want to play it on your iPhone now?
I don't care. Go for it. It's your game. You bought it. Own it. I don't even give a rat. Yeah. Just just do whatever. I just I think that's neat. I really love that. I love this trend. I hope it continues. As you said, some games have had done this and not seen success or not gotten attention. I want to do my little tiny bit of a part and be like, hey, look at that. Look at it. It's cool. Check it out. OK, that's my last thing. What's your last thing? My last thing. is Monster Hunter. Oh yeah. Monster Hunter wilds got two new trailers recently within I think like a week of each other. If maybe a little bit longer, um, time is an illusion as we discussed at the beginning of this episode. Um, but, um, it's so cool. There's were monsters and the mounts look like they're actually going to be useful this time around as opposed to in world where they were just kind of like
and afterthought, and then they were good in Rise, but they were different in Rise. And you get the the new, like, the way locations work and, like, the all the different small, like, medium-sized monsters that have mattered a lot recently um that are seem like they're starting to actually kind of matter a little bit more now. um The fact that your your mount can hold a second weapon, you can bring two weapons, which has never been done before. Um, looks able to switch out would be so cool. Like I was talking, we were talking about this recently on an episode of like, Oh, uh, what do you think that they'll bring from rise to a game? That's more like world. And from what I've seen so far, it sounds like honestly, a little bit, a little bit, it's cool, but not too much, but like enough.
Yeah, I mean, like what I talked about in the the previous Monster Hunter episodes where I kind of went over that, um the the two teams that they have working on the series kind of concurrently, they do learn from each other, of course. yeah and And so now it's, I think, the kind of the the A-team's time to learn from the portable team in terms of like, well, what made Rise good? What are things that we can put into the more quote-unquote grounded attempt at like hard Monster Hunter fantasy um that we can still kind of keep things fast, keep things customizable like we did in Rise. And I think that's a really cool um approach to that. um Also just the the new monster that they kind of teased at the end of the most recent trailer um for the, I believe that one was for the the Summer Game Fest.
Um, it looks like it's going to be the new flagship. Looks like it's going to be super cool. Um, there's a lot of stuff going on with, um, the sandworm one. No, the sandworm one also looks cool, but there was, there was another one that just shows up for like a second. Um, and it was like, Oh, did you check this one out? This one's going to be important to the story. Oh, it looks like a like a kind of a flagship flying Wyvern, something like that. um Looks like there's going to be a lot of weather based like electricity, lightning stuff going on in the story. um Also, i I think a lot of people have already kind of found that some of the characters in this game um are going to be hot. So that'll be a fun thing to navigate. Yeah.
um That's kind of like a thing with games right now. It's like they got to be they got to be pretty hot and then yeah like damn, but like they don't even have to like, I don't know. This is a whole like full sidebar. But um I've been watching a lot of Dungeon Meshy recently or Delicious and Dungeon for Americans. um Dude, it's cool. But I love that like out of all the people in it, like there's the like the pretty elf lady and there's a standard blonde boy. And then there's like other people and the person that everyone's lusting after essentially. And I love him. Yes.
o But like dwarven, he's he's he's great. Yes. Adore him. But I love that. Like they're like, yeah, we're just everyone's loving on everyone. And like, you got to have that one person that everyone just like has to be like, like that guy. I'm sorry. So right now, I'm just thinking, which is blonde boys doing what blonde boys do. Hey, shout out to all my. All my homies who've heard Blonde Boys by who whoever it was, Super Mega. Yeah, that is Super Mega. Jeez, I haven't watched that in such a long time. Well, by Cindigo, but with the Super Mega. Okay. hellos i just I just remembered I watched a lot of Super Mega like when I was younger. Not even really that long ago.
Super Mega is not making a game. To my knowledge, they don't ah do that. No, but ah lug Ludwig, the streamer, started a game publishing company and he hired Thor from ah ah Pirate Software as his chief strategy officer. Really? So ah this is a whole like real quick sidebar. Sorry to interrupt monster. I mean, this is just new stuff that's happening in games. That's yeah, um I'm interested. Yeah. But ah Ludwig has this company off brand, which is his event company that he's done lots of gaming events. He recently just did a speed running event because he's like, all right, cool. I want to like spice up the speed running ah community, which I think is neat. I really like it. There are a bunch of really cool prizes. A lot of big showcases. It was it was solid. I actually really dug it. It was a fun it was fast 50.
um And then after that happened, he's like, all right, cool. I'm selling off-brand. And he sold his company to the people who work there, um got rid of everything. He's like, all right, cool. I don't own off-brand. The employees own off-brand, which I think is sick. I think it's really cool. He's like, I sold it for basically dollars. Like, I i don't care to make more money. His his statement was, I bought a 4,000 ton... $4,000 tungsten cube and I didn't even like have to think about it or consider it um and at that point I believe I probably have enough money so I don't need to make more so all the extra that I would make from this company I'm just gonna it's owned by the people who make it and they'll make the money
But in conjunction with that, they spun off a games publishing company um and his big announcement was that his chief strategy officer is Thor from Pirate Software. He's like, I wanted to do that because you know that he's an industry veteran. He talks about mental health. He talks about getting shit done. You know that the devs are going to be treated right. They're going to be treated with respect. They're going to get the good end of the deal. Because Thor's gone on record several times. me like The only benefit that a publisher can have is if they make you more money than not having a publisher would. If you make less money by getting a publisher, you shouldn't have a publisher. But I want to make a publishing studio that accomplishes that goal. So now he's got the off-brand backing and money behind it of like, yeah, we're making a publishing studio. So that's really exciting. And I'm really excited because like,
Dude, the first thing that came out of a ah YouTuber publishing studio that I ever saw was like Dream Daddy, and that was really fun. And then Animal Well recently speaks to even more success from that space. I'm i'm just really excited to see where the games industry is headed because I feel like Indie is really getting a a very comfortable foothold. It's finally something people who enjoy video games are making video games en masse. Which I love it. The tools have gotten so much more accessible as well. that The tools are there. The knowledge is there. And people are kind of fed up with AAA on a lot of things, not everything, because we did talk about a lot of AAA today. But there are a lot of stories of like Microsoft buys and shuts down a studio like every month. Sorry for the swear, but like, how dare you?
Ah, it's just annoying. Yeah, it's like a lot of it is kind of retreading. I know I'm getting excited for the umpteenth millionth Monster Hunter series, like Doom and stuff like that. Like a lot of it is worth checking out, but like there's a new Assassin's Creed coming out. Yeah, it looks neat. I like the idea of being a samurai or a ninja or both. Like, that sounds cool. That sounds like what I would want to do in an Assassin's Creed. But also, I hate Ubisoft. There's a new Gears of War coming out. I've never played Gears of War. I've played Gears of War, but I haven't played Gears of War since Gears of War 3. Yeah. It's a prequel. It's kind of, I don't know.
There's a new GTA coming out. That hasn't happened in like 12 years. There's a new GTA coming out. and like fly grand south oh like read the I the driving systems good in that. Like I really do hope the driving systems good in that because like genuinely my favorite racing game of all all time is GTA 5.
You're going to have to put us on separate tracks. You're going to have to have to put you on left and me on right so that people can understand what's going on. It's not worth understanding what I've been mumbling about.
um But I'm so excited. I'm so excited for next year. Like this year has been kind of like a waiting year, I feel. like There's been like this lull. There's been a couple of really good releases. There's been a lot of good indie. But as far as like the AAA scene goes, it's been a pretty heavy lull of like interesting things. There's a new Dragon in Age coming out later this year, which is wild to me. um I didn't even know that was happening until they were like, hey, it's coming out in fall. I was like, wait, what? yeah
It feels like any more run-up to that. You're triple-A. Okay, whatever. Sure. But like like we said, there's been like a hundred plus announcements this last week. um and like I'm super excited for the the future of gaming from an India perspective and from a triple-A perspective. I think there's a lot going forward. and like I don't know. I feel like there's a redemption arc coming. This is just me pontificating at this point because I'm full full speculation, full send on the speculation. Defining, I think is the word. Yeah, fully like divining. But I'm i'm really hoping to to pull another buzzword. I'm really hoping to manifest a little bit of a redemption arc for a lot of this. cause like
I genuinely think there's been such a huge sour pill in people's mouths for AAA for the last like several years. And I genuinely think that there's going to be a little bit, hopefully just a tiny bit of ah a pullback because next year looks really cool. And dude, there's a destiny expansion that came out that everyone's everyone I've talked to and heard of has been actually genuinely really positive on. That doesn't happen. Destiny has been so downtrodden for years. I can't think of the last time I've heard people say anything good about Destiny, the series Destiny 2. It's been a long time. It's a fun game.
Yeah, it's it's a fun game and it's one of those like I will say I like Destiny. I will also say that I don't necessarily recommend Destiny as an expensive hobby to get into. um And I don't want that for my games. Like the new expansion is 60 dollars. It's an expansion. That's 60 dollars. Is it a whole game worth of expansion? It's a whole campaign. There's great stuff they're trying to be like a wow, but like.
It's a looter shooter World of Warcraft essentially at this point, but this is the last one. It's over after this, but it's ending on a high note. People are actually pretty happy with it, and I'm pretty stoked on that. I'm really hopeful. I know that's one example that I'm pointing to, but I'm really hopeful that yeah it continues on this trend and that things are good and that next year of gaming, especially with all the crazy releases we get with a new monster hunter and a new ah I knew everything. a new city i just I'm curious and I'm excited and I really hope that the next year in gaming is but is going to be as cool as this the last year was because last year was crazy. The other thing later this month, because I don't know when this episode goes out, but it actually should have been out by the time this episode goes out, I think.
um but If not out by this time, it'll be out like shortly after this episode comes out. Elden Ring is getting a new expansion. Yeah. And I've heard a like lot of good feedback about that as well. Apparently a complete game changer. Over 100 new weapons. Yeah. Like that's insane. There is like a whole there's a weapon. um Episodes over. Congratulations. You made it to the end. ah Spoilers beyond this point for a thing for Elden Ring. It's one weapon. um If James doesn't want me to talk about it, I won't speak about it. Talk about it. Okay. but it Congrats to making it to the end of the episode. I love you. Thank you for listening this long. Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler.
There's a melee weapon. yeah There's a melee weapon that fully changes the way that the combat works for Elden Ring that makes you have like this flippy like Wukong style melee. It's weird. It's really, really weird. And I'm actually like kind of like, whoa, the combat looks a lot more Sekiro with that weapon equipped. I really, given that they're adding that, I'm really curious as to what the other hundred weapons are between magic and not. But like.
Yeah, i don't I don't even know what more to say about that other than... like That's incredible. Yeah, I truly don't have ah really a frame of reference for that. i um i have and Like I said, I haven't kept up a lot on a lot of the big announcements that have been happening, but I really do think that... like just game stuff is happening. It's this like the second half of this year, and I think ah all of 2025 are going to be pretty legendary in terms of games coming out. I'm calling it now. The cherry on top. I do think Metroid Prime 4 is going to be happening in 2025. You can't stop me from believing that. um And until it comes to pass that it doesn't happen, I'm going to stand firm.
Dude, i'm I'm just so excited. yeah I don't have anything else to say other than like, I'm so excited for the future of gaming. yeah I think it is going to be a lot of fun. But yeah, you should check out all these games. Yeah. that's Again, we we kind of just scratched the surface of all the cool games that have been talked about recently. I didn't even talk about. Oh, my God. I fully forgot one last thing. Sorry. you Way after everything, we might like.
I don't know if it's possible to sc scooch this one back up, but ah there's a game that was like the top of the the most wishlisted game of this entire announcement thing. It's called Tiny Glade. T-I-N-Y-G-L-A-D-E. Tiny Glade. um It is a little peaceful. ah What was that game that was in the water where you built like little towns? It was really cool looking. It was in the water where you built the little towns. That's all you did. You didn't like actually play ah much of a game. It was just like you built like a little town and chilled out and you got to paint them in like a bunch of pretty colors. Oh, God, it's going to bug the hell out of me. I played a little bit of it and I really liked it. But I think Tiny Glade would be beautiful for a TV RPG campaign.
because you can make like little towns and little ends and little like places to exist within and like little maps for like a fantasy setting and have like little sheep and like a little cottage and a little castle and like little fences and it like builds together and morphs and changes and looks so cool. And it is like so highly wish listed. And so like I've been waiting on this game for like four years. I saw it on Twitter like forever ago. OK. And I'm so stoked on it and it got ah another trailer and they're like it is an early access finally and it's it's happening. It was talked about a bunch and throughout all of this. It is like so so happening. I'm so excited. Let's play the demo.
Uh, there's a demo. There is a demo now. Um, it comes out Q3, but, uh, like just look at this team thing. It's, it was announced like last year, but it's been talked about a bunch this year. Um, it's one of the most anticipated games. out soon, and I think it would be a great tool if you're a DM in a TTRPG. I think it would be a huge tool to add to the the pocket, and it doesn't seem like it's going to be that expensive. From what I've heard, it's it's going to be relatively affordable. It looks very similar in kind of vibes to Dorph romantic.
Uh, yeah, a little bit. Townscaper. There we go. I i typed in water town builder and it popped up. Townscaper is the one that I was trying to think of. That's like a water city builder. Oh, my aesthetic. But it reminds me a lot of this, but like fantasy and not based in the water. Um, really fun game, really just like a kind of like a fun toy to play with almost. But I think that Tiny Glade is going to have a lot to do with that. I don't know what the game actually is. Um, but I'm really genuinely very stoked for the future of this. I think has a lot of potential for not just, um,
as like a game that you play on your own, but like as ah as a utility for ah making worlds and like just exploring that part of your imagination. I love environment design. I love building like little places. And I think that this is so cool and so intuitive and so easy to just like throw together, use and like do incredible things so quickly. And there are little sheep in it and you get to pet the sheep and it's great. So i I highly recommend take a look at it. It is it is one of the more sought after games within this year's demo fest. But yeah, I think that that's where I'm done. I got to stop. I got to stop or I'm going to actually like me to go and get a rabies shot. I hear they're cheap nowadays.
They're getting better, but they hurt a lot. ah I believe it. I've never had rabies and I've never gotten shot. So I can um really say speak on either. Good thing you've never had rabies because if you have rabies, it's like a near 100 percent mortality rate. And rabies shots are usually preventative. You have to catch them within like the first couple of hours. If you get symptoms, you're already dead. If you get bitten by a strange animal, folks, go to a hospital. That is fantastic advice for everybody else. I am built different, and so I will be ignoring it, but that doesn't mean that you should do the same. Bring the animal if you can. Or give the animal a gift card. Treat it to something nice. That's fair. It might like some way. At the end of your legacy, you may as well bequeath upon to the creature that killed you your your meaning and reason for existing. Yeah, capitalism gift cards. Yes, currency. What did I?
ah hu Yeah, I want a a raccoon that bit me to be able to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse if I can no longer do so. That's really awesome i yeah mean had a raccoon in it that I was super stoked on to that. I can't remember the name of a lot of games with raccoons in them and I hope that continues as well. Anyway, oh to I think to to end on that note, um there's plenty more we could talk about, plenty more that we haven't talked about, plenty more that you all should go check out through the various different announcements and and ways that people have kind of been keeping track of those. But we got to stop at some point or we may just lose our minds. So I think if you all have your own games that you've seen announced recently that you want to share, that you want to talk about, dude absolutely.
Yeah. 100% go for it. Talk about them. let Let us know about them. Let me know about them. Call me up. Bring me up on my cell phone. um I need to know. I'm very much not in the know about this sort of thing. I love this sort of thing. So tell me and we're knocking on my door. Scream about it. Like I'll like if you show James and he doesn't respond, tell me and I will yell at James for you. That has happened consistently and it will. I will work. I promise. um to those of you who don't know, that is how our relationship. James, did you see this thing? He's like, oh.
yeah That's I'm pretty sure that's how we've started every conversation. Dude, especially like the last couple of weeks, because I've been watching all these games and like, James, have you seen this? scene I'm like, this is a game you like. Have you seen this? and You're like, no, I have now, though. I simply haven't seen things. And when I see them, I get very excited. But I am I'm kind of a horse with blinders on sometimes. I'm just kind of like hanging out. And then when someone says, hey, look this way, I go, whoa. And then that's that's the kind of the only thing I see for the next several hours. Hey, James.
Huh? Bye. Where'd you go? We had to end it at some point. Yeah. It was like, all right, cool. Like we've tried to pull the plug on this like four or five, six, seven times. I'm just going to I'm just going to say the word. That's fair. Should I have stopped recording? Oh, shit. Oh, shit.