I don't know too much about. I think it's too deep for me and it kind of scares me because the people who care so much about it care so much about it and I don't want to offend them by being a dumb dumb. but um There's like a there's a. This looks really cool though. Yeah, there's for sure. Yeah, there's like a steep because like a lot of people know a little bit about Star Wars and then you kind of get more and more and then like so a lot a lot of like nerds kind of in my level know a decent amount of Star Wars like watched most of the shows and kind of put a lot of the like some parts of the extended universe together. Yeah. And then there are people who are deep in the pain. I feel that way about the Smash community. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of that going on. I'm good, but I can't say that I'm good because that implies something way beyond me where I'm like, I'm good enough to where I can play with my friends, but I'm not good enough to say that I'm good at the game. Exactly. Same kind of thing. If I'm having a conversation with somebody in real life about Star Wars, I can feel confident that I know more about it they do. If I set foot on the Reddit, I'm going to be blown away. Yes. Uh, the second you set foot on the internet, you open yourself up and it's like, okay, I don't know that much. Let's press there, but this is really cool. And I'm excited to get to be a little bounty hunter in space. That sounds fun. That's all I'm saying. And the concept of it being kind of more open because like, uh, I ended up playing, um, what was it? Star Wars Jedi survivor. Survivor. Yes. There was, there was another one. Yes. Star Wars Jedi fallen order and then followed up by survivor. Haven't played much of survivor yet, but I played the fallen order. I really love the vibes there in this, the feeling you got as like an adventurer in the larger star Wars world. I thought, yeah, the idea of like a Star Wars Souls like sounded fun. So like the perspective I came at it from for Survivor, I was like, oh, that sounds kind of cool. As like a like Star Wars has a bunch of like really cool swordplay and like really cool stuff like that. And you need that for a good souls like in this, like it feels like it went well together.