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Hyper Light Drifter - Ep 82 image

Hyper Light Drifter - Ep 82

E82 · You Should Play This Game
34 Plays7 months ago

What's Hyper Light, and how do you Drift it? We have no idea, and you won't learn that here, but you will hear James talk about one of his favorite action-adventure video games. 

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


Introduction and Personal Preferences

so for me I wanted to do the opposite of you the intro that you gravitate towards. I don't think it had the same effect. No, I still don't think it scared my dog.
ah oh ah Sorry, if at some point in the future you hear some frogs in the background, I have a roommate now and I've got three frogs in my house and they're in my bedroom. Never apologized for that. There are frogs and there are cats and my dog is not here yet, but she will be back soon. so fri catsian dog Yeah, and and a spider who decided he wanted to molt so he's he's cooned up um I yeah, I didn't have an intro here. So this is

Overview of Hyper Light Drifter

as good as anything. I don't know how to say with this It's just talking about Friggin episode dude Hell yeah
a This is, um, I'm going to take a second to come down from the energy that we've started off with. Cause hyperlight drifter is a fantastic and very like solemn game. It's not a like goofy game by any stretch of the imagination, which I know is unique for me to enjoy a game that doesn't have that kind of goofiness about it. But, Oh man, is it good. Um, one of the best video games I would say of all time. And I'll get into exactly why I feel that way.

Character Design and Development Insights

Um, I, I was just gonna say I have played a total of legitimately five to six minutes of this. I had to put it down and go do something else. And then I never picked it back up again. So I have literally no idea what this game is about other than the little man. um Kind of reminds me of the dead so dead cells guy but he's also in a bunch of other indie games because this was at like a period of time where there were a bunch of like hit indie games that all came out together that like We're all like kind of buddy buddy with each other and they had like everyone's like little guys in a bunch of different games I remember that being a thing
I like that. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, the for reference, this game came out in 2016 and it was yet definitely at and around the height of that. A lot of indie games were coming out with very recognizable characters. So yeah, this guy has kind of been everywhere. um But this is he he is the hyper light drifter, if I understand correctly. um But yeah, the game was made by a Heart Machine, which at the beginning of Heart Machine's existence was just one guy, Alex Preston. um And that, Alex is very and important, like very critical to the story. A lot of this game is based around um a a very particular experience.

Gameplay and Storytelling Techniques

um the The game itself is kind of almost Zelda-like, like a top-down Zelda game. You've got your kind of isometric or top-down view of the character as you're like kind of wandering around in a a um ah ah space. You've got big old open spaces, but there's still, when you hit the edge, you can kind of ah move into the next room. You've got a sword, you've got ah a laser pistol as well, um and you you pick up other equipment along the way. But it's also very Zelda like in the way that it is ah very much just kind of you. You run around and explore this world and you it you're really just sort of adventuring. And this game gets across this idea of you are adventuring a lot better than a lot of other games I've played in the sense that you are kind of going and explain like you have an end goal, but the journey you take there is very beautiful and and meaningful.
um in a ah very, very impactful way. um This is also one of those kinds of games where they don't tell you anything. There is no, aside from the sort of the main menu and the the menu UI, the actual in-game, the speech, the world around you, and there's no text. There's no like, unless you do your research and kind of dig around the the internet and do some legwork, You're not given the names of this character or any of the other characters, locations, things like that.

Narrative Influences and Themes

It's got a very strong design language, a strong shape and color language that helps still keep you on track and know what things are associated to what, what things are good or bad, helpful, important, unimportant, um and help things stand out. It's very, very well designed in that aspect, but it doesn't give you a lot of information. you're You're making a lot of that information and filling in a lot of those gaps for yourself, which I think is also a very, it's a difficult thing to pull off well in video games, but when you can pull it off, it's so impactful.
that yeah like ah genuinely. I love games that are able to maintain that balance and like give you all of these things without having to explicitly tell you what is going on. and like give like Basically, without having to be an exposition machine, you just get to experience. I feel like that experiential method of interaction is what it sits with you a little bit longer because you feel like you've uncovered something or like really gone through something rather than someone just told you a story.
And ah one thing the game really doesn't tell you as well, that you have to kind of fill in a lot of the blanks, um it you understand it more as a story goes along. But at the start of the game, you realize your character has a sickness, some kind of illness or some kind of curse, something going on that is very deadly and dangerous and is going to stick with you the entire time. And you're going to be grappling with that through your entire experience with this game. And that is based entirely on um the experience of ah Alex Preston, the the the sort of creator of and and founder of Heart Machine in this game.
um Heart machine being the company created the the dev development group created for this game first and foremost um It is based on Preston's ah congenital heart disease that he's had for I mean his entire life that has affected him in a lot of ways and it's it it draws a lot on that experience of having this Debilitating thing that you can live with but is going to affect your life ah very profoundly and it's something that you can never really shake and that's reflected very
ah very pointedly in this game, no matter what you do, you're going to have moments where that catches up to you, sometimes at the worst time. And when it happens, the the sound design and the graphics, they really, they hammer home how much, it like despite how how cool you've been feeling in this game, and you can feel very, very cool. You have a lot of great tools to help you feel like you know what you're doing, but this is gonna knock you right down and be a ah constant struggle. Kind of reminds me a little bit of like Celeste in that way of like you're you're doing a bunch of really cool stuff, you're going through this journey, you're you're achieving these goals but you still have this weight that like follows you. ah Celeste it's it's a lot more like directly coded of like she's got anxiety, she still struggles with her anxiety disorder, she's she's having issues but um yeah, this this seems really interesting to like have
Something like that kind of follow you without without much description You just know like this is a thing that is a part of me and that is like impacting my gameplay or impacting my my experience edit the The mirroring of, ah sorry I forget his name, Alex? ah Yeah, Alex Preston. Alex Preston. um ah of Of his ah life experience, of his lived experience is really interesting as well. I always really enjoy whenever someone is able to like
put their experience into a different lens for more people to understand or empathize with. I think that that's really neat. I really i i think that's a really, really cool concept. Yeah, very much.

Art and Music Appreciation

um I it's it's very well told to in a ah very well like illustrated way, because the I mean, you if you go and look at this game, even having played it for just a short time, I also I'm sure you've seen and anyone else, you just load up the title screen and you can immediately get the impression. This is a beautiful game. It is. No, it's very pretty.
Yeah, it it has pixel art that has a very sort of particular color palette to it and very particular look to it. It looks very kind of it's incredibly detailed, but it still has that kind of bit crunchy feeling that you get from pixel art. Um, and this world is a very like, I mean, hyperlight, this like hard light kind of advanced technology feels very sci-fi, a little bit of fantasy at the same time. It's a very unique style that I haven't really seen in many other games, at least in this way. And the, the, the art is so beautiful and layered and deep and detailed. And there's so many scenes where you see different layers of things going on in the back. the background, the foreground, all kinds of different little additions to everything that just make it so, so beautiful. There's so many details to go and explore. It's just a beautiful, beautiful world to live in. And the music of this game really hammers that home as well. That's another big part of it that's also very detailed, very dense, and very evocative. The music having been made by Disasterpiece, who is also known for their work on Fez. I don't know if you've played that.
i was I was really trying to figure out where that name sounded familiar. I did play Fez. um That game blew my mind whenever ah it first came out because they had to they had to create a whole engine just for that so that you could do the 2D 3D thing because I'd never seen a 2D game that moved like that and interacted like that. It was really, really cool. um It's cool that they have like a tie between the two. Yeah, absolutely. And this game is like that in a lot of ways. It's not really mind bending in the way that Fez is. I mean, this isn't like a a tunic or things like that that are, yeah ah you know, ah other games are inspired by the Zelda series and things like that. And they'll go off into this really deep and like a lot of secrets direction. This game isn't so much like that. It's not like it's hiding critical mechanics from you or anything like that.
But it is as you explore more and you you kind of get to see more bits of story and you meet more characters that have interesting stories to tell the stories that they tell are just in pictures their speech bubbles are different little scenes that they kind of present to you um and there's also a lot of story in the environment, where you go and what enemies you encounter in the the places you're at. um And then the the bosses that you find along the way as well, the way that they move and work and the the enemies that surround them, it all fits together to where even if you don't know the details and the names of all these different stories, you you very clearly start to get an idea of like what's going on in this world and where you fit into

Combat and Exploration Dynamics

it. um
The actual gameplay itself is also some of the tightest I've ever played. It's very it's your one of your main mechanics is you have a little dash that you can do. There's various ways that you can kind of upgrade that in that way. It's also kind of similar to Celeste. um You can kind of like dash forward for a short bit and that helps you kind of move around, um reposition yourself. There are things you you can upgrade it to where it helps attack or reflect things, things like that. Um, and then you have that on top of a, uh, an energy sword and you have your, your laser, you get a grenade, you get things like that where you will very often be just sort of plunged into a room or you, you walk onto a screen and it kind of like little laser gates appear and you're locked in this room with a bunch of enemies and you are zipping around and slashing and then firing. And, but then every time you slash someone, you get some ammo back. And so you're kind of.
zipping around and doing all these different little maneuvers um to stay on your toes, stay out of danger, and whittle down the the enemies that appear on screen. um And if you're if you're doing that well, it's some of the cleanest like fighting combat in an adventure game that i've I've ever seen. And it's so much fun to sit down and and play. Even if the the rest of the game weren't so beautiful that sucks you in that way, it would still just be a lot of fun to to interact with on a like combat level. yeah I honestly I didn't really know what this the game style was I never really made it deep enough to really figure out what was going on as far as like that the game the movement was really fun and I kind of felt like it was going to be a little bit of like a enter the Gungeon style roguelike
um Kind of thing instead of it being like an exploratory like Zelda style games I'm kind of surprised to hear that because the combat felt really like fun and fluid and like going in and running around doing combat and getting popped back out and doing that over and over again sounded like good enough to me with the way that the the combat felt so Honestly, when you said that it was like very Zelda um That that really caught me by surprise. I was not expecting it to to be that style of game. Yeah, I would say there's a little bit of kind of enter the Gungeon in there kind of sprinkled in, but I would say, yeah, it's it there's a ah little sprinkling of that with a a very large kind of layer of kind of ah link to the past type um Zelda in there.
um And yeah, just just as much as it's fun to like get into a fight and kind of like run around and slash all the different enemies and wait for their openings and take care of them, it's just as much fun when the the dust settles and the the gates that are shutting you in open back up and you have a chance to kind of wander around and go find different hidden rooms and solve these little puzzles and kind of figure out how to get to the next place. um that's That's just as much fun and it's just as engaging just because of the way everything is laid out. Very, very sharp design to a lot of these levels. Just like the the shapes that they take and the the elements in them help kind of but give you more of that story that you're kind of experiencing without really necessarily picking up on all the the gritty details. So what I'm hearing is that you're telling me that it's just like Dark Souls. It is exactly like Dark Souls in every way. Hell yeah. And now I... I'm sorry.
They risked Dark Souls, switched out a couple of different models, and then called it Hyper Light Drifter, and now we're here. Yeah. Does he have lanterns? He does actually have lanterns. Hey. Dark Souls is bonfires, but whatever. Hyper Light Drifter is my favorite Soulsborne, which Soulsborne is my favorite Metroidvania subgenre. um None of these words have meant anything to anyone ever in the history of time. No, they have very loose definitions depending on who was saying them. But, um, I have always argued that Metroidvanias and souls like games are the same vein as just sort a 2d versus a 3d take on the same idea. This is not bad.
Yeah, I've met ah begrudging acceptance to that a couple of times. um But, you know, it does this does not sound like that. It does and seems like there are similarities, but the same way that there are similarities between a ham sandwich and a peanut butter and jelly. um like Sorry, I'm also a little hungry. ah They both got bread. Exactly. is like yeah and Yeah, they're both video games. They both like show you an environment and you get to explore them. Yeah, there are some similarities, but they they're definitely like not the same game.

Sequel Anticipation and Concerns

But yeah I do like the environmental-driven story and stuff like that, that do like that are hallmarks of the souls. like
games is like, yeah, they don't just go out and tell you everything unless it's Sekiro, in which case they just have a plot and you're like, whoa, what's going on? Yeah, exactly. ah but i I suppose this is like in that way as well, where you kind of you aren't the the story isn't given to you, but it's there if you pay attention. Yeah. I like games like that. I like to get to find the story myself and like i not have someone kind of baby bird it to me and just like, all right, cool. here's Here's the story. So Sephiroth is this twink with a sword. Exactly. And he's like, all right, cool. Thank you. ah Not necessarily. ah I am being very silly. I've never played.
Sephiroth is in Final Fantasy 7. That is correct. a And he is a twink. mean I've seen pictures of him. I know what's going on there. um But i I've never played the game that he is from. So I apologize that i apologize for that because I know people hate that I've never played the only Final Fantasy games I've ever played are 1 and 2. and so I mean, it's a lot to get into. It's very good worth playing, but you really got to give it yeah a lot of time and attention. I want to play something, but yeah. ah But yeah yeah, I am excited to see more from this game because now knowing that is not what I thought it was, it actually has me more interested to play it because I wanted to explore a little world. That sounds like fun.
Yeah, it's a very good game to kind of lose yourself in if you want to just take a ah late night and like get lost in an alien environment. That's you know, you're the the combat is one thing, but just like going listening to that beautiful music and exploring all the different like all the different plant life and little animals and the details that you can't even necessarily interact with beyond like they see you and run away and you can like slash the the play a classic Zelda fashion. There are a little like ah patches of grass that you can swipe and they'll disappear. um Don't necessarily give you anything, but it's it's just ah you can you can do so much um on your way to wherever your goal is that it's just fun to to run around and and slash things and shoot things.
um i I think this is I stood I stand by my assertion that this is one of my favorite video games of all time and hyperlight drifter having been made by heart machine. I have a very high expectation for the sequel that's been announced. and I know you've heard of this hyperlight break. Yes, I have. I'm very excited to see what comes out of this because it seems really, really neat. Yeah, I'm I'm a little bit apprehensive about Hyperlight Breaker because the move to 3D. What we've learned about Hyperlight Breaker is that it's going to be 3D. It's going to have a very similar kind of color palette to it, a similar kind of style to it. But of course, it's not going to be pixel art. It's going to be, you know, a more kind of fully rendered um thing. It's going to have multiple playable characters.
um That is fantastic and I have very high hopes for it. I'm a little bit worried that they're going to try to, um you know, capture lightning in a bottle twice. um the The only reason I'm not too worried about that is because um since then, Heart Machine has made at least one other game that has been fantastic and one of my favorite gaming experiences. I wouldn't quite put it at the top, top of the list, like I'm putting Hyperlay Drifter. But ah Solar Ash was also a and incredible game. Very fluid movement. You felt like you were running around on roller skates the whole time um or or ice skates or something of that nature. Very flowy and jumpy and very active moving around. um And it in in the same vein as this as well, it did the story in Solar Ash was given to you a little bit more clearly. There are actually
um text boxes and logs and characters with names that you meet in game and things are explained to you, but it's still very like heady and kind of a little bit esoteric and um just kind of wild and weird and spacey sci-fi. It was ah a very, very fun time as well. And that was a fully realized three dimensional game that still kind of fit this vibe very, very well. And so I'm not too worried about Hyperlight Breaker um meeting those same expectations. That's fair. um i I really hope that they don't
I really hope that it's not overhyped to the point to where the fandom tears it apart because that that does happen where the people who are fans of it are the biggest enemy of a game like that succeeding especially with the legacy that it has. But I'm i'm really hopeful that it is still a fun experience and people enjoy it and that they don't hold it up to the light of, well, it's not revolutionary the way the last game was so like it's it's not good and it's like no yeah you can still be good even if it's not
a pinnacle of gaming. So even if it's not like groundbreaking, you can still be a fun experience. And this this may very well be groundbreaking. We don't have a ton of details about what the game is going to look like. um I believe we've learned a little bit more about kind of when it's going to be happening. I'm not too sure about that, but um just in general, if it's anything like the first game of its kind, it's going to be incredible. um But yeah hyperlight drift or the game that we do have now um that we've had for about what eight years um Still still stands as one of the one of the best out there one of the best in the business when they go I
i I'm very excited. I'm very excited that this is getting a s sequel and that it's coming soon. I do feel bad because all my brain is thinking about right now. I'm like, damn, do you think Silksong will ever actually happen?
which I just, I want it. I want it so bad, dude. I guarantee you right now. Hyperlight breaker is happening before a silk song. Yeah, no guaranteed. I'm so sad about that. But yeah, hundred a hundred percent. and And I'm saying that fully knowing that every time I say something like that, I'm cursed to where the opposite happens. So you're welcome gaming community. I've just It's dropping tomorrow. Dude, you would not hear from me for like the next two weeks until we need to record again, and then I would only talk about Zoaksong. Like, even if you had already played it, be like, alright, cool, we're doing a joint episode or something. Like, I have to.
But ah you know, this game sounds really cool. I definitely want to go check it out and like hit that part on the backlog and be like, alright, cool. um i I definitely missed out on a decent chunk of this. I would love to like revisit and get to actually have a ah more full and better experience and understanding of what's going on with um Everything hyperlight drifter because I definitely had a misunderstanding of what type of game it would be um and Yeah, I haven't having that having that it's that straight for me and actually has me way more interested because I i do want like I've been wanting a new Zelda game, but ah a more classic Zelda like top-down Zelda um And there hasn't been one for a while.

Game Exploration and Zelda Comparisons

The next one's gonna be the new Zelda where you play as Zelda and I had now said Zelda too many times
um Age of wisdom what what yeah that was just announced recently Yeah, I like the I like the Lynx awakening switch style. I think it looks really good. I love that little toy style I know some people it's very divisive. I've seen people be like, oh this ugly style again. I'm like um it's very very cute Cute I like it. It looks fun echoes of wisdom like goes a wisdom Okay um It definitely fits within the switches like parameters of like not so hyper realistic that this which is going to and spontaneously combust but also like Still like good-looking and pretty and i'm I'm excited for that but in the meantime, honestly I will probably pick up this game and give it a little little look see see what I can find and enjoy myself because ah It sounds like it's like right up my alley, honestly
Yeah, and I will say as well, it's not like this game is you're not going to hop into this game and it's good. Oh, another Zelda. We did it. um It has a very distinct flavor to it, and it's not so much about like, you know, going through dungeons and like unlocking new items and things like that. um it It has a little bit different formula to it, but it's it got a lot of the same DNA in there. Like when you're wandering around a a screen, you'll get a lot of Zelda flavor from it. Okay. I definitely am looking forward to to giving a shot, seeing what's up, and ah reaching back out and being like, hey, you lied to me. You lied to me. This is a bullet hell. What are we doing here?
i Oh, God. Can you imagine? um That'd be so funny. But, um you know, I actually... say ah Oh yeah, they also made Solar Ash, isn't that right? Yes, that was the one I was talking about that's very like roller-skating and very like floaty. Very, very fun. I yeah i cannot wait to to play a couple of these games and kind of get a little bit better of a feel for them. Yeah, it's absolutely like, i a Heart Machine doesn't miss. They have another game coming out. We talked about it a couple episodes ago during our our summer showcase ah bit.
there Everything that comes from that studio is going to be a banger. I i don't i don't have any lost faith in them.

Impact and Popularity

um i I think, you know, they've they've done it twice. They can do it however many times they need to. Incredible game. um Absolutely worth playing. um And I'm sure if you go in and play it as well, like we were saying, you'll recognize the the main character. It has a very distinct silhouette and look to him. ah Yeah. And yeah like I said, this was in an era where like a bunch of really popular
um Really really popular indie games were all coming out like one after the other and I think they even did like a oh Forgive me. My terminology is bad. I think it's called a platform fighter It's not style fighting game and he was in it and like a bunch of other indie games were in it together but no worrymakers but so Yeah, makers something like that um and then what was the Um, speed runners. I think he's also in speed runners because that one had like a bunch of indie games i characters in it. There are a couple of other games that like all came out around the same time. And I think that they were all like talking to each other and. ah Yeah, I want to say the Hyper Light Drifter is a a character in the base game of Rivals of Aether as well as that.
And I miss remembering because I know Ori ended up being in there as well before like the whole workshop character bit. Oh, I know. I just I know I've seen that little guy in like six different games. Yeah, he's he's been around. He may hang out. and It isn't like a really popular. ah Really popular character, really popular game. People loved this game when it came out. It has like a 9 out of 10 on Steam and a 4.9 out of 5 on Apple Store. Like, and it it is hyper beloved. So like, I am really looking forward to getting more into it.
Is it related at all to Dead Cells? Because that game also reminds me of Hyper Light Drifter and I can't really say why other than I think the color scheme. Yeah, the color scheme, the art style is kind of similar. It's also kind of similar in the way it's like very like a heavy story and like a lot of yeah like intense vibes. um To my knowledge, they're not related really aside from like the vibe check. um Also, I was incorrect. Rivals of Aether has a character called Clarin who very much feels like is, has that Hyper Light Drifter theme to them, but is is not um that character.
Okay, he was in Runbow. That was the game I was trying to think of. Runbow, Brawl Out, and Hex Heroes. um But yeah, he's he's been in a couple of games. But ah yeah, and definitely check out, I almost said Dead Cells. Check out Hyper Light Drifter. Sounds like a good time. I want to check it out.

Art Style Comparisons with Other Games

Yeah. Um, also dead cells. Yeah. Dead cells is fantastic as well. I don't think we've talked about that here. I also don't think we've talked about solar ash here unless I'm mistaken. I know I was planning to at one point. I might be wrong. Solar ash. I do know a decent chunk about dead cells. I like that game.
I certainly hope I haven't talked about Solar Ash, because it feels like I have, but I have a lot to say about it, so I'll i'll find more to say about that soon. Go through the castle and find out. Yeah. um So and Enter the Gungeon actually was created, it looks like a year after Hyper Light Drifter, and there is there is the the character isn't in there, but there is a Hyper Light Blaster in Enter the Gungeon that is really inspired by this so yeah um this. This game has done its rounds, yeah. Gungeon's such a good game. Yes. Yeah, definitely check it out. That sounds like a great dime, honestly. um absolutely Yeah, absolutely. You always have some fun little Zelda-ish games. Like, Tunic was such a blast. I loved playing through Tunic whenever yeah I like got a chance to sit down and play. and I never finished it. I still need to, but like... Hey, that's all right. i I get it. The games, it it takes a lot. And now that we both have, like, schedules,
i know i I'm looking at Shantae right now because that's another... On the list of Hyper Light Drifter crossovers, there was one planned for Shantae half-eating Europe. Oh, really? That's so cute. Yeah, I don't think it ever came to fruition. I got so pissed the other day. I sat down to play some Shantae while I was in a hotel and I plugged my PlayStation controller in and I was ready to go. And it's like, yeah, this game doesn't support PlayStation controller. You have to use an Xbox controller. I'm like, my Xbox controller? Really? yeah You have to use like ah a remapper that tricks your computer into thinking that it is a ah Xbox controller if you want to use a PlayStation controller. It's Shante, half genie hero and Risky's Revenge on Steam. Do not support PS5 controller natively. That's kind of bogus. Yeah, I would agree. I think it's kind of wack. I love Shante. It's such a good one. I highly recommend everyone play it, but I will die on this hill.
You know what game I bet does support all controller types? Hyperlay Drifter. Probably. And that's why I think she should play this game. Okay.
okay And all the other things I mentioned, that's yeah that's pretty cool as well. But I mean, full controller support for every different individual controller that that's out there that you can plug into a computer. I mean, that is that is pretty Revolutionary. Yeah. And also probably almost certainly not true, but yeah the other things are still worth checking out for. That's why I think you should actually play this game. Yeah, play because you got a cool story and a a good little dude who's been in a billion games and um exactly it's enjoyable.
Yeah, and just give it a try. Just like sink your teeth into it a little bit. I would say i give it a try up until like go and defeat one of the bosses and see if you're hooked. There are there's there's kind of like the four like main points you can get to in the world and there's more you can do beyond that. um But yeah, just just start with going in a direction, hitting the boss in that direction. See what's up. If you like it, you're you're going to like it. If you don't like it, you're wrong and I'm not going to talk to you and we're done.
And you heard him, we're done. Yeah, we're done. It's over between us, between you and me. The episode? I thought. No, the no are the relationship between me and the listener.

Community Engagement and Streaming

Listen, hey, okay, Alison, if you don't mind just kind of stub it, because this isn't free. Obviously I know we're cool. I'll just be over it. The listener, if you don't love hyperlight drifter, in theummine you're uninvited from my birthday party. inmin
I don't want have a second part to this joke. Yeah. You're welcome to come on back. um but Until my birthday party where you're no longer invited, we'll be hanging out online as well. You can catch us on Twitter, which is definitely just Twitter and nothing else. and yspdg under fraud Huh? I still get to go to your birthday party, right? Oh, yeah. You're still, you're plenty invited. I haven't played Shantae, so you get a pass against me. Like yeah I don't know. That's fair. Um, and you got the gold birthday pass.
I found out I was trying to find out when the game came out. I couldn't figure it out. But ah the Chanté Advance Risky's Revolution, the new one that's coming out later this year, that's a remake of a GBA game. They actually released a GBA cartridge for it. Oh, really? Which is really cool. It's not out yet, but I want it and I missed the preorder. So I'm hoping that they'll do another launch of the GPA card, because if they don't cry, I'm sure they will. And and if nothing else, you can find that and then kind of make it work anyway. When you can find us on Twitter and me on Twitter.
If yeah right p p i k a p e w w there's two ws the second w is very important don't forget about it i will cry go to with one W, completely different person. Impostor, actually, honestly. Are we trying to figure out who it is right now? i literally am yeah Um, yeah, they don't have that. It does exist, but they don't have a channel. There's no videos. They don't stream. There's nothing there. So if you go to PPP with one W you're not going to find anything fun. But if you go to PPP with two W's now that yeah, there's also going to be that fun, but you can still hang out with me there. So like, it'll be fun. But in an effort to not slander a random Twitch user that we don't know, we'll go ahead and call it for today.
I'm not slandering them. They just don't stream. They don't have a schedule. They don't even have it about me. They have nothing on their page. So if you go to their page, I don't really feel like you're going to have a great time. Not necessarily i don't know that they're not having a good time. I'm sure they're fine. But there's not a lot to do there. Whereas I stream every week on Saturdays. That's true. I just recently finished Crow Country. It was the first game I actually finished on stream. I'm working on grinding out stuff in Pacific Drive. I'll i'll finish it someday. Don't yell at me. I'm sure I'm gonna hop on Twitch and just start playing Monster Hunter one of these days, but... Good. Invite me. I absolutely will. Do you have a bunch of others coming out on Game Pass?
I have truly no idea. we'll We'll have to take a look. I think there's a lot to be learned about that. We'll see. Octopath Traveler is on Game Pass now, which is really cool. It's a bad time for JRPG. I've played the like the demo of it little three hour long demo. um that's why ah That's why I said I don't have time for JRPGs, but if I did, Octopath Traveler looks phenomenal.

Game Pricing and Sales Discussion

A hundred percent. Yeah, I played like an hour and a half of it and I was like, this is a lot. I don't even feel like I did anything. But exactly. Yeah. I'll keep that for other twos on here. dan know Yeah. Yeah. They got it all. I have extra time. I don't have for like sure. I looked at isn't ah it's a bummer. It's it's not expensive. though Especially after all this time. How much is it like a couple bucks? Um, probably not that much. I usually look these things up.
on but bucks of sta's really not bad ten buck isn't a Small price a for an incredible game. It's on a little bit of a sale right now actually, but yeah even then 20 bucks. Yeah, still some summer sales going on Yeah, exactly. I knew about that. I remembered that. we We didn't just talk about that and then I forgot it. No, that was the theme of Summer Showcase. The theme of Summer Sale is going on right now. Oh, it's just so many words. We've said so many words already. I'm going to have a hard time keeping them all straight. Yeah, exactly. They're all... It's like a slight sliver. See you next time, everybody. That starts with a C.
I don't have time.