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It's a tale as old as time. Things change, games get updates, and by golly we can make a whole 'nother episode about it. Catch up on some classics with us!

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
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Krispy Kreme Addiction

right, we're back at it. Hey, back at it again, a Krispy Kreme. Hey, Jane. Oh, don't knock down that sign. I swear to God, you've already done that four times this week. I listen that I have an addiction both to eating Krispy Kreme donuts and knocking the other Krispy Kreme sign. It's just it goes so well together. Do honestly just doing your backflips all throughout the Krispy Kreme. You've got such good movement skill, honestly.
Honestly, thanks on my movement tech at the Krispy Kreme. Hell yeah. It's honestly, it's only limited to the Krispy Kreme. tell yeah That's that's a new like ah reality update. And yeah, exactly. And we got a couple of those, actually. Yeah.

Unexpected Game Updates

Speaking of updates, ah this is our fun little update episode where video games get updated all the time, like all the time. Video games come out with updates. I get like seven of them a week on Steam. I know it sounds strange, but it is true. Sometimes video games are patched and updated, which you think who does that? Aren't they supposed to be perfect and complete when they come out? But
Apparently not. No, ah especially in this modern day and age. Also, like quick question. Why does steam schedule their updates the way that they do? Because I'm so confused as to why. One of my video games right now is scheduled to update today is Sunday. We are recording this on a Sunday. It's scheduled to update next Saturday at three forty nine a.m.. It is a thirty nine megabit.
update. You Steve just is busy sometimes and we'll get to that update later. Do it now. Mr. John Steve has to run around to everyone's computer and start the update individually. And so he can't be expected to be everywhere at once. Gaben's doing this. Gaben's son.
David, David Newell, son, John Steam. John Steam quotes Newell is running her out to performing all of these updates to every individual Steam user's computer. And so it's been a little bit. And obviously we've talked about some things here on this podcast that since then have kind of grown or gotten updated and things like that. And we just wanted to revisit them and kind of say so we have some games that were in early access or demos When we talked about them, but now there's full ones out. And so kind of wanted to just catch up a little bit and explain like, Hey, here's but here's where we're at. We talked about some stuff and there's a little bit more to be said about it now. Yeah, for sure. And then some games like.
I have one game that's on my list. I'll start with that one, I guess. It's going to be really short.

Cult of the Lamb Co-op Update

It's called Little Lamb. It's an old episode. We did that a long time ago. I played a bunch more of it since then. I beat the game. Very good game. Very fun game. ah They have an update coming out soon. um That's not what all of this is going to be, but this I'm actually really excited about. ah They're adding a co-op mode, which is wild to me of its two player co-op and they're adding Steam Remote Play so you and a friend can just Play Cult of the Lamb together.
That's kind of sick. That's really cool. I think that that's really fun. I love this game. So you can run a cult together and run the dungeons together. And like, I don't know how exactly that's going to be balanced and work, but I'm really excited to see where that goes. I want like mods for that where I can do like a PVP or something. That'd be so funny. but Cult's infamously work really well when there's more than one person vying for like the leadership role. I think that usually translates pretty well into success.
I can actually personally name several cults where that has happened. I feel like such an idiot now because I kind of figured it's not how they work. Most cults need a second person. um There's always like the the charismatic leader and then the charismatic leader's assistant because the charismatic leader can only do so much.
So they will usually have a second person who actually runs the cult while the cult leader themself is just mostly a mouthpiece to get people to do the thing that them or them in their upper echelon or them in their second person has done. Heaven's Gate is a really notorious one that had two cult leaders. um Yeah. ah ah ah So many cults, it's usually the cult leader and the cult leader's partner, significant other, whichever it be. um But there's usually ah it usually is actually a duo. um the The second person's just usually behind the fold and one person's and at the head of the cult.
God, okay, so I can um give me just a trick here. No, you're fine. I just have to like, I don't know if you have a crowbar actually that I can borrow to just kind of remove my foot from my mouth. we I thought you were going to say to donk that little part of your brain real quick. Just don't don't don't don't. I certainly do. My brain is like an old CRT TV where you got to smack it a little bit to get it right back on track. yeah I feel a fool. And actually, regardless, that sounds like a lot of fun.
Yeah, I am really excited for that update to come out. I haven't played it. It looks like a blast though. And I'm sure massive monsters going to do a wonderful job about it. They've been talking about it a lot. There have been some smaller updates that have come out since then as well. They've added items and balance things and added some quality of life. It is always a good time to get into Cult of the Lamb. It's such beautiful art. It's such good music and sound design. I highly recommend it. Good game.
Very I just I know but <unk> I'm going to say this about a lot of the games that we've talked about because I haven't had the chance to really go back and play a lot that we've we've talked about revisiting ah more than just kind of a surface level. But that that sounds like a good way to play this game that that wasn't really an option before. Yeah, it's a good way to get someone into it. If you like Cult of the Lamb and you listen to that episode because like, yeah, I like that game. Now is the time. Grab a buddy and force them to play it against their will.
Yeah, it's worth it. Yeah, I have. ah So similarly, as far as the games we've talked about a while ago, I've got one as well that I believe I talked about. I want to say back towards the end of 2022. Check this

Sonic Frontiers Enhancements

real quick here, but Sonic Frontiers.
We've been doing this for so long, Jesus. We really Yeah, Southern Frontiers. I remember that game. Wow. Yeah. First episode back in um ah August. The first episode we published, at least from what Spotify is showing me, in January of 23.
um So yeah, I guess not too long after that is when ah the game started getting a couple more updates. ah Most recently, still a little bit ago, but i it wasn't out. I know at the time of that we talked about it, ah there was a ah final or it's called the final horizon update.
um And there was some ah pretty substantial new content included in there. Basically, the game has been updated with a couple more modes, customization options, little added content. But then ah eventually they added new playable characters that a lot of the characters. zi kind of like meet and talk to in the game, you know, the classic, you know, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, I believe are the the ones that they made playable. yeah um They have gone from like set pieces and plot points to like, you can now play as them and they have unique move sets. Some of whom, especially Amy's are kind of like new ish as far as like what they've been. aware
Yeah, and they also like, they just added new modes and new challenges. The whole final act of the game now has a whole bunch of extra stuff you can go to and you've got like, a lot of people felt a more satisfying resolution to the story and final boss fight.
um that is a lot more kind of appreciated than it was. So yeah, it's even more worth playing now from start to finish and going through the different difficulty modes um than it was at the beginning. So I thought that was a ah good thing to mention ah just because it's been a while since that happened and it's worth bringing up.
Hell yeah. I totally meant to pick up that game, but I never did. I actually really wanted to check that one out because it seemed like a really different take on a Sonic because that was the open world one, right? Yeah. Or open zone, quote unquote. Open zone, yeah. Whatever that means. I know exactly what it means. Basically large. Yeah, it was more open than any really Sonic game has been in the past.
Dude, I just realized a game that I need to add to my list, but that's that's a different that's a different thing. OK, switching gears a little bit, I got a game that I I don't know if I recommend as heavily as I did whenever I i did the episode. I still recommend the base game, Mega Man Battle Network. Those games so fun. I still recommend Mega Man Battle Network, the legacy collection edition thing.
I don't know if I so wholly recommend those as much. I did buy both of them. I own them now. um If you are interested in the like behind the scenes, some of the like early drafts, some of the like extra bits, totally pick it up. If you want to do that for the games themselves,
If you can find a way to legally get your hands on some ROMs. Legally. Legally get your hands on ROMs. The legacy collection is just the ROM essentially, um except with way less control because if you pop a ah legally obtained ROM into an emulator, you can actually adjust so much more. Can't stress this enough.
Legally obtained. Yes um But uh, you can even adjust so much more you can have so much better like actual Visuals and graphics and things and it runs a little bit better and they didn't add it anything to the games themselves or change the games at all It was not a remake. It was just the OG games packaged in a ROM file Inside of the launcher for this game. So it is there's like One of the things that I was really hoping that they would add is an autosave. They didn't and I found out the hard way because I lost literally four hours of content because my steam deck died.
very fun very cool very fun very cool a great time um so yeah if you if you get a legally obtained rom you can set it to auto save onto like a ah save thing every so often you can add a bunch of features that this game just doesn't have so honestly i think that If you want to play the games, legally obtaining some roms would probably be your best bet. If you are a fan of the games and you just want to have a little collectible with a bunch of extra stuff, it is ah yeah there's a bunch of cool stuff in there that's like concept art and like a music section and a bunch of other stuff that you're not going to get outside of this collection. so like I think that would be worth it if that is something that interests you.

Value of Mega Man Legacy Collection

but And we can't stress that enough.
It has to be. obtain yourranous Go find a cart, go find a dumper, go for it.
I'm not going to address that and we're going to move on. Guys got a dumper. There we go. all right I do though, I have a GBA and a switch dumper.
Oh, OK. If you ever have ah if you ever have a switch game or a GBA game that you want to legally obtain a ROM for, I actually can genuinely help. Any of my local friends who are not listeners. Yes, if you need help taking a dump, it sounds like you're the person to go to. um Yeah, sure, whatever. Just whatever. is that That was a bit of a stretch.
no Okay, we are actually recording again. Okay, hi. Hey, yo. Hello. ah Apologies if this this transition doesn't come off flawlessly. We had a little technical difficulty there. um We were talking about some dumpers and then God said no. Exactly. We got a little bit too funny for podcasting, so we did have to get nerfed. But I know we did want to pick right back up with, I actually had a second game I wanted to give a little update about, ah Gravity Circuit.
um Which, pardon me if I don't have the enthusiasm I just did, I just talked about this a little bit. um But um Gravity Circuit, I had just talked about it, um our published our episode about it ah right after it first came out. I played it on the Switch, it was a fantastic time. um They've just been adding new content to it since then to increase the replayability, make it more um accessible for people who maybe weren't interested in it the first time around.
um They've added a speed run mode, they've added a boss rush, um different more just difficulty modes and and things that kind of change up the game, make it a little more fun to revisit. um Not that it wasn't of course at first, but they've added even more reason to go and give it another try um or give it a first try if you haven't yet.
um Quality of life features, they've added loadouts for the different abilities that you can get and different ways to interact with those. They kind of refined the controls a little bit, I believe as well. um Kind of retouched up some of the level designs and and remixed them a little bit. um Just added new challenges and various reasons to get back into it.
I still think it was one one one of the most fun platformers I've ever played. um And I have revisited it a little bit since then. I'm typically pretty bad about giving my games um the replay ability and and the replays that they deserve. um But this is definitely one to check out again, um regardless of of who you are. Yeah, that's super cool. I love I love when games take speed running into consideration is like, oh, yeah, people are going to want to go fast. Let's like add a timer and like make it Suitable for doing that it makes it so much easier. I love watching speedrunner So any game that facilitates that definitely gets extra props from me and gravity circuit is a fun one because it's one of the ones that I Recommended to you and then didn't play and then you played and you were recommended to me. I was like, all right, this made it full circle exactly just thing and you're like
Oh my God. I think i it's it's absolutely just a fantastic game and I love that they're, you know, keeping in touch with like what people want out of it and extending it a little bit. So it's still worth playing. Absolutely just go to game. Um, I can't believe I said that out loud, but, um,
yeahlineal ah That can't be true. I think I'm technically Gen Z, but that sounds fake. younger than me and I'm the last year for a millennial. Oh, really? 1985 was the last year. Yeah. I genuinely don't care. But yeah, I only found out because I work with a bunch of Gen Z and they brought it up. Yeah. um But, um, I don't care. I don't care how old you are. You could be a, you, you could be a friggin' blue boy for all I care. You still enjoy this game. boom Actually, I genuinely think that like, this game looks so fricking cool. It's just like, it's just slick. It's just a slick, like sharp game. So much fun.
Mega Man, but with Grappling Hook. Exactly. And like Mega Man, but with the just the movement and the the way it's structured, a little bit more refined, a little bit more zesty, you know? Yeah. I have a couple more games here. One of the ones that I want to talk about, I actually did relatively recently. It's called Once Human. um It's that little m MMO that I was talking about. It's out now. um It is in full release. ah The beta was jank. The full release has also been a little jank.
Well, it's it's been good. It's been really fun. I've been playing a ton of it. It's free to play. I didn't know it was going to be a free to play game. um There is no subscription. There is no anything. There is a battle pass and there

Once Human Release Concerns

is some other stuff. The only thing it unlocks is aesthetics. I love that. It doesn't actually there is no pay to win. You cannot pay to win. There's no content in this battle path.
Pay to be cute. That's about it, which I really like. There are some pretty significant changes that have been keeping me engaged. It is a little bit harder. Some of the stuff is a little bit less accessible, which I actually think is a good thing because I was having some significant issues with ah i'm I'm like trying to do stuff and it's just too easy and it wasn't as like interesting to me.
So, them adding just a little bit of extra challenge really made it ah so much more fun. I genuinely think it's such a good time. um they They upgraded some stuff. They made some stuff a little bit more polished. I highly recommend Once Human. It's free to play. You don't have to pay anything. You can just go pick it up. It's a good and MMO. It's a great looter shooter. um Still good but building system.
added stuff to the building system. it's It's a really, really good time. I highly, highly recommend it. Go check out Once Human. Full release is such a good time. I honestly feel like we're due to sit down and play that together.
I would love to do that. There is one thing that I will address because it was a point of contention when the game first came out. Their privacy policy is exactly the same as every other MMO that is widely globally received, especially in China and in South Korea. It has all the same causes as like World of Warcraft, but people got really in the weeds of like, oh, by playing this, they're going to harvest your social media and they're going to get your ID and they're going to like do all this stuff and they're not.
If you link your Twitter to Once Human, it will have your Twitter. If you link your Facebook to Once Human, it will have your Facebook. If you link your Discord to Once Human, it will have your Discord. That's what the privacy policy was saying when it says that it will have access to your social media. If you give it access to your social media, it'll have access to your social media. But only if you give it access.
Wait, so were were people getting upset that they opened the door and then the game walked through the door and they were like, wait, I didn't know you could walk through that door. And the privacy policy is like, we may have access to these things. And they read the privacy policy without playing the game or like it says that it might have access to my social media and it's like, yes, it might have access to your social media if you give it your social media accounts. Right. and might It also says it might require an ID. Hmm.
If you play video games, online service games in China or South Korea, they consider video game addiction to be a serious thing. So they actually require you to give them your ID. So that way, once you reach a certain threshold, you get diminishing returns hourwise. Like, I think in WoW, once you pass six hours of playtime for a week, you get significantly diminished returns for experience in gold games. So there's not really a point in playing it. So they try and cut you off before you get addicted.
ah They do that in China and South Korea for a lot of games. You have to link your ID to it So that way they know who is playing so they can limit you on rewards based on who is playing One human has that as well But if you live in any of the countries that are outside of South Korea and China You don't have to give them your ID and they will literally never ask. They have never asked me for my ID. I live in America. um I live in Dallas, Texas. They have never asked me for my ID. They have no idea of how to get my ID unless I gave it to them by moving to China.
I mean, can I give it to them if I want? Like, do they know they take it? No, not unless you live in China. Oh, OK. Don't want that responsibility. They don't want that security hazard. They don't want to have to secure more ideas than they have to. So they if you're not in one of those world regions, they're not going to ask for your ID. And if you don't give it your social media, which I haven't, they're not going to take your social media. The only thing that they're going to take is that the typical stuff that every online video game takes. I'm sure they have to have that.
um yeah Yeah, I was a little off base or taken rectally they do need to have that but every video game Every online video game needs that though. So like that's not a weird thing it has me i've done that for oh got very many times we I've never even played on or watched have and I Have to tell you it was a scarring experience
changed me as a
and my god But ah yeah, there's a there's a whole kerfuffle about their privacy policy their privacy policy isn't weird I actually when that happened, I looked up Wow's I looked up Final Fantasy 14s. I looked up like PUBG Every online service game that operates in South Korea and in China has exactly the same shit Yeah, I mean just Understand what you're saying yes to before you say yes, and then you'll be good just in general. Just fully read the thing and you got it. I promise it will be okay. You will figure it out. yeah But yeah, if you give them information, they will have that information is basically what their privacy policy boiled down to. They're not taking your ID without your knowledge. They have no way of doing that. It's okay. The game is fun. It is safe to play.
enjoy yourself. If you live in China, you're probably going to have to give ah out your ID. And also if you live in China, congrats for finding in this episode, dude. I don't know how you did that. I don't know exactly how our international audience works or if we have one or what the deal is, but like, hey, kudos to you.
Yo, thanks for listening. I guess like reach out and say some shit at me. I would love it. And if you want to join me, I'm in server 42. Um, they're, they're numbered. I think it's like 0 0 0 4 2. Um, I thought it was funny cause it was life, the universe and everything. Um,
But, uh, yeah, uh, join that server. Add me. I'm Pika Pew in the game. P-I-K-A-P-E-W-W. Love to hang out. Let's, let's game together. Let's do some raids, baby. There's like level 50 raids that I want to get into, but I need people to play with. So like someone can play with me. I'm also getting my girlfriend to play with me as well. So that'll be fun.
We're going to build a house together. It'll be fine. I'm so excited. night yeah um Speaking of games that I was also excited for um that I maybe want to kind of revisit and tone down exactly what the vibes are a little bit. um this i I don't want to come in here as as too much of a bummer, but um I guess Starfield is still fun a little bit. You had some fun while you had fun. Like I was speaking under your experience at the time and you had fun while you had fun. There just isn't as much depth as people wanted. So like you will have fun for a couple of hours. Exactly. I had a blast getting into it, kind of seeing the new places, getting into what's up. It just didn't have the longevity, I think, of a lot of the a lot of Bethesda's greatest hits. you know ah Your Skyrims, your fallouts, even the the more recent Fallout games that I think a lot of people have criticized for not being as like interesting and having as as much of a personality and like reason to play them as some of the older ones. I still think they had more merit to them than Starfield, which
I understand if I remember correctly, they have a DLC planned for the game. um I don't know what all that means. And I don't know if that's going to kind of add back a lot of stuff that people wanted or like refine some stuff. I'm not.
I'm not going to sit here and say, don't play the star field. It's absolutely worth checking out. It's worth checking out on game pass specifically. I would add too, because that's a good way to kind of get into it, see how you feel about it, and then keep playing it and and maybe pay for it. If you you know want to. have access to it fully for the rest of time, stuff like that. it's just don't Don't expect a Skyrim out of it. you know And that that's also not fair to say too, because Skyrim has a very vibrant and very like long long established and deeply established modding community, which Starfield just simply hasn't had the time to um exist. dude
um so that I just found out is CD Projekt has been hiring their modders like and ah like yeah crazy recently. They've been hiring modders for Cyberpunk and modders from Witcher like a lot, ah especially recently, but like just in general. um which really large I super condone that practice like the modders are the most passionate about your scene. Hire them. Give them the money. Continue building this thing. Exactly. They love your games. They know how they work. They know what people want from it and what they think might need to be added. like Why wouldn't you do that? Yeah. Bethesda has kind of been doing that a little bit with some of their recent games. They've got like their Creation Club thing. where they Yeah. they're been kind of
paid mods like really a thing. That has the sour taste in a lot of people's mouths. Yeah, they're like half stepping into that in a way that still feels like it's very like money grubbing. Because they're taking a cut of every single mod sale. Exactly. when do anything yeah the The idea that mods are up for sale anyway is wild. um But regardless, they're they're doing something and so it's it's worth kind of keeping an eye on it to see what happens next um but it's just wanted to let you know that the vibe check on starfield is a little bit different and that's okay sometimes games are just fun until they're not
I'm excited to see what they do with the update. We'll see what happens. I think that that's I want it to pull a no man's sky, which is a great transition to a game that I'm not ready to talk about quite yet. I got one more before we get to no man's sky because that was the whole impetus for us doing this update episode because I've been playing a bunch of the new world's part one update and it's been a blast. Yes, and I haven't gotten to it yet, but it looks like a lot of fun, too. um But yeah, we can save that till the end if you like.
Uh, yeah, I would, I would like to end on that one because I think that was the most interesting, but, uh, I really wanted to pull, pull around and actually be a good game. I just don't know how much interest there is from the modding community to actually get into that, but we'll see. Um,
game that i want to talk about one more time um just to like give a little bit of an update to take the game itself has been like lightly updated nothing crazy but i have been updated on runescape since i last talked about it um it has been actually kind of eye-opening seeing more of the community because I got to experience it from my perspective and from my girlfriend's perspective um which is fun and enjoyable but Man, I did not really understand what I was talking about when I was talking

RuneScape Community Innovation

about it. I did not give Runescape as much praise as I feel like I should have. I genuinely now am on the side of it's one of the better MMOs to ever be made. um Like ever. The love the community has for this game is unmatched by anything and that I've ever seen.
ah rs OSRS specifically has so many interesting and unique features um that I had no knowledge of, and there are so many challenge runs that are being done for RuneScape, which sounds weird for an MMO. How do you do a challenge run in an MMO? It's ah it's an MMO. There is a thing called Iron Man where you get to basically not interact with anyone. um You can't trade items. You can't pick up items that people have dropped. You can't pick up items that other people have killed, like ah the drops from and an entity that another player has killed. you can't You just can't interact with anyone else. You get to do what if all I had for RuneScape was myself and the NPCs. That's it. That's the game.
That's such an interesting take. It's basically an offline version of an MMO. If RuneScape were to ever go down and all you had was just you alone in the world, how would that be? Is it still possible to beat all the quests? Is it still possible to hit 99 on all my stuff? Answer is yes. You can fully 99 and do everything completely on your own without any help. That's really cool.
um Then people are like, okay, well, what if I have one life and I die? And then they added hardcore Iron Man. iron man So if you die, you die and your save is deleted. That's it.
um ah What if you you don't want to be so lonely, but you still want to like have a little bit of a challenge? You can do Group Iron Man. So you get to like actually do a group. And I'm i'm taking some of this yeah from a YouTube creator that I've been watching with my girlfriend named Jimmy, J1MMY. No, MrBeast.
and Um, his name on YouTube is just Jimmy. Um, and then his, it's just J1MMY. And then his second channel is J1MBO. So it's Jimmy and Jimbo, which I think is great. Um, he is very well known within the RuneScape community for a couple of different series, but, uh,
he is what really put me onto ah the challenge runs within runscape and he recently made an episode that kind of heralds a lot of what i'm talking about and i do wholeheartedly agree with them i i do think that bruscape has a really good staying power that has not really been seen before i think it's really really crazy how incredible runscape is um and how popular osrs itself is and how it's been growing um but these challenge runs bring a lot of people to it because it adds a lot of interest to what is kind of a flat game um in my opinion it is still a very fun game just on its own it is grindy it is it is an mmo it is an mmo it is the mmo um but like there there is so much to it that but devs interact with and interact with their a player base so heavily that it keeps it very fun. um It's still super accessible. It's still super easy to get into. um It's got that nostalgia factor, which I think does bring a lot of people back, but people stay for more than just nostalgia because it is just a fun game. um One of his series that really had me interested and actually has like had me gripped is it's called By Release.
It's such a fun series. Go watch by release on YouTube. Hella shout out to that show. It's so fun. It's such a good time. I watched all of it with my girlfriend. It's still going on. It's almost done. But by release is a project that's been going for two years. And ah it's Jimmy doing every quest in the game in order of release.
So, and he's only allowed to interact with items that have been released up to that point and interact with NPCs and other things that have been released up to that point. So ah some of the early quests, the GE isn't a thing. You can't go there. um Like he's like, yeah, that whole section of the map, I'm not allowed to go there. um I can't, I'm limited to this chunk because that's all that was whenever this was made. I can do these things and these things, but that's all I'm allowed to do. um it's It's really cool of like, oh, I can't do this quest. I can't talk to this person. I can't pick up this item because technically that item wasn't there when this quest was a thing.
It's really cool and it works through every quest in the game. He's actually down to the last two episodes now. He's plotted it out. He's like, it keeps getting updated. I can't do every single update. I'm doing two more episodes and then I'm doing one episode stream thing that's taking care of like where RuneScape is right now. But ah it's it's been such a wild experience to watch the people who love this game so much interact with it the way that they do. It's been so incredible. The fan base is really what makes RuneScape RuneScape. And I cannot begin to explain how exciting that is. ah Also, he's got another series that's like
a free-to-play series ah That's really fun. And he just did an episode relatively recently about making ah a poh or a player owned house And doing house parties again because they'd kind of died off and become this like grind fest and they're not as fun And he got so much traction that like Runescape mod showed up to his house party um like it It grew to this A mince thing to where like every like known name within RuneScape showed up at his house party and like three letter names showed up to his house party, which is like a big deal. Yeah. Like getting a three letter username in RuneScape is like thousands of dollars. um Like Boo BOO.
that's a crazy username to have in a game like this and it a longanding game showed up to this house party that was so incredible it was really cool like if if i'm not doing it justice go watch some of jimmy's videos go watch some of the doing challenges of like you have to purchase individual tiles to be able to walk or like move their like, can I get the level 99 and all skills being trapped in just this one section, I can only be in Mauritania and I can't leave this section of the map. Can I what can I do here? How can I continue? How can I progress?
It's really incredible seeing the people who love this game genuinely really go whole hog on it. I highly recommend RuneScape deserve way more love than I gave it. I hope that this little update does something to give it more of the justice than what I gave it because I really felt like I talked about more of how it's a grind fest but it's an addicting grind fest and it is that.
But I did not get into the community near as much as I feel like I should have now that I've been versed in it. And genuinely, that is what RuneScape is. So there's that. Yeah, I get you. I mean, I feel like a lot of MMOs, a whole big point of playing it is the community. You have all these people on the game at once and you're getting to kind of like interact with a lot of people and like see how they play the game compared to yourself. It's not always like the main point of it, but that's one the things you can do in an MMO that you can't do in a lot of other games. So it's really cool to hear that like this one that's been around kind of forever yeah is is still so active and such a good thing to be a part of. Yeah. And the devs are still like they're still voting booths.
Everywhere they're actually there is a thing that they're hoping to open up. I'm not sure if it happened I'm not sure if I'm misquoting this because my girlfriend was telling me about it and i I'm remembering a half thing um I Remember if I remember correctly they are opening up voting to free players Which is a big deal. So every player who plays OSRS is able to vote on what happens and they're bringing voting to RS3. So it will have a lot more more player-dev interaction, which I think is a part of the reason why RuneScape does so well is the players decide how that game progresses.
And they added a lot of the OSRS team to RS3 to try and bring them a little bit more in line, a little less money hungry. So I really think that it will be ah a little bit better of an experience going forward. RS3, I still stand by. I like it a lot. It's got a lot of good quality of life stuff.
OSRS is where a lot of the community firmly stands and where they love it because OSRS is a very different experience from RS3, but I do like the quality of life that RS3 gives me. I can go into a bigger breakdown there, but honestly, that's a whole episode in itself.
Yeah, I mean, that's always really interesting because I don't know that I really touched on this the last time we talked about it, but the fact that there are two different like branches of this game and they're both being maintained, but they have such wildly different philosophies. true teams Yeah, exactly. yeah And the fact that now those teams are kind of blending together to bring them a little bit more in line is really fascinating to see. I yeah don't know that it's fair to say like RuneScape might have a revival or something like that. because It's been having a revival for the past couple years, but it never really went anywhere.
That's the thing. It's not like it it and ever truly went away. It's just kind of been here and it's having a little bit of a, you know, over the last few years, it's been coming back up a little bit in a wave, but it's it's in such a unique spot in gaming both then and now.
Yeah, 100% agree. Everything is, it's it's really cool to see what RuneScape is doing. I'm very excited. And so I'm going to do an episode on this later. It's going to be after my move. It will be a lot later on. I don't know how much World of Warcraft you've played. I'm a big WoW nerd. I love WoW. WoW has been taking notes from RuneScape in that They did old school. Wow. Wow. Classic is what it's called. But they did a thing called. ah Oh, God, I think it's called the Seasons of Heroes or something like that. um I can't remember the exact name. I'm booting up BattleNet right now so I can I don't I'm not too terribly ignorant. a Season of Discovery is what it's called, which seems to be more like an OSRS, which is taking Wow. Classic.
and then redeving it from the beginning without all the updates and leaving it classic but giving it modern features. huh Kind of like what OSRS has. it's It's the classic version. Like, wow, now is the RS3. It's kind of pay to win. It's got a little bit of that, but it's not super that there is a an element of it, but not wholly, but it's a little bit more focused on subscriptions and making money. um Whereas OSRS does have this subscription element to it, but the the core fan base mostly hangs out in OSRS. WoW is doing a little bit of that. They made the WoW Classic and a lot of the OGs who have been with WoW forever are so stoked on WoW Classic and have loved it for a long time and to the point to where WoW is like, okay,
They've now got so many branching paths. They've got wild classic, wild classic Wrath of the Lich King, which is the they've been updating wild classic to continue through the update. So you get to re experience the updates as they happen as they happened before. But now.
Yeah, so you get to re experience the world developing the way that it did and then they have seasons of discovery which is well base model that's being dev separately and getting its own like updates and features and like stuff and then they have, wow, main branch. it's It's a complicated thing. I'm going to do an episode on this at some point and it will be a lot more easily set out, but I think it's an interesting concept. I want to

World of Warcraft Classic vs. OSRS

see how it actually plays. I want to like get into it. We'll, uh, it's own time. It deserves to kind of like dissect that a little bit.
I would, I would really love to actually get to show that the the time at once, but I think it's interesting that OSRS has been doing so well that it appears that Blizzard is copying Jagex's homework and they are vastly different scales of companies. Oh yeah. Like Blizzard Activision versus Jagex, which I think is like a total of like 16 people. I don't know if that's actually true, but it feels like it's a super tiny dev team versus like one of the largest in the world.
um Do you have anything else before we get to no end sky um I do actually and these two things are gonna be just real rapid fire real quick um First thing being another crabs treasure. um I did talk about that a little bit. Well, yeah, exactly i trust about that When it was in early access or it had a demo out of it and the demo was full of charm Yeah, sorry Sorry, I looked it up. I was fully mistaken and very underestimating Jagex's potential. Jagex has four hundred and thirty three employees. Oh, I see. It's not a small endeavor anymore. Never mind. i good oh But still, I mean, yeah, it's hard to be aware title of like. Yeah.
yeah Um, sorry, continue on. no mans I man. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.
um a ton of charm i didn't talk much about like the writing i don't think and like the yeah the personality like of the characters
Crap. C there's a plot and it's just so fun. All the the different locations and all the different like new combats and and settings and and like boss fights and things are just packed with the same sort of personality you would have expected out of what you saw in the demo. And I actually played that one. I played a little bit of crab treasure. That one was a good one. That was a recommendation that you actually you gave me that I took. I made my girlfriend play the demo, which she liked. And then I played ah some of the full release so because I guess.
Yeah, i know I mean right now it sits at overwhelmingly positive on Steam. It's it's doing really well. um it it It turned out great. ah So go give it a try. um Other quick note before we get to No Man's Sky, Helldivers 2. Not really in that much of a different state. It's just kind of been through a lot.
ah Yeah, there was a pretty info. I don't think this had happened by the time we got around to talking about it. um This happened afterwards. yeah Let me rephrase. We went off so hard on it. We were singing such praises. and then yes And it is still absolutely fun to play, but there was a pretty infamous, um fumble yeah but and not even on the part of the developers of Arrowhead, but on the part of i mean how many Sony and PlayStation.
um And the there was a um plan by Sony to link the game to require a, I believe it was a PSN account, correct, PlayStation Network? Yeah, you need, so it was actually supposed to be from the launch of the game. It was supposed to be required to have a PSN account. They weren't ready for that and infrastructure quite yet.
So all the PC players were allowed to buy it and play it without a PSN account. And then eventually Sony went to Arrowhead and was like, Hey, this has to be turned on. We want this metric. This needs to be a thing. So Arrowhead had to be like, Hey, we need this to be for all accounts to play. You need a PSN account. um That was a big bummer for a lot of people because a lot of people had yeah the game and it didn't Then we're able to get a PSN account in their region because you there are like a bunch of regions where you just can't get it for legal reasons or whatever. Yes, a ton of companies that just like do not have the ability to have a country registered in their area. Yeah.
Yeah, a ton of countries that you you cant you just cannot have. And yeah, it pissed a lot of people off because they're like, I paid $40 for this game that I can't play anymore. And then there was a big boycott. Things went south. Arrowhead was like, it's our fault. Sony was like, it's not our fault. And everyone was like, it's Sony's fault.
Yeah, it was very transparently Sony's fault and it was kind of saying without saying like, hey, sorry, there's nothing really we can do about it. We have to do this. And then eventually, if I remember correctly, it ended with a little bit of a win. They backed off, right? They OK. So they backed off a little bit. You can't in the areas where you cannot get a Sony PSN account, you are not able to purchase the game anymore.
Yeah, if you have already purchased the game in those areas, you can continue playing. You do not need a PSN account to play the game currently. Exactly. yeah and they They wouldn't go forward, but the fact that it's still restricted based on the region.
for purchase makes me think that they may go back on that at some point. The game has seen a lot less play. 10% of people are who are playing at its peak are still playing. That's pretty common for most games. They see a huge spike and then it tapers off. I feel like it tapered off a lot faster than it needed to. ah Because this didn't help. Yeah, the this could definite accelerated that process. um the The the developers themselves are doing their best to take it in stride yeah I know there's a a cape that they're planning on releasing, if they haven't yet, that um is an illustration of the graph of the review bombing that happened to her. It was positive and it dipped down, like it's just spiked down into negatives. Really fast and real bad. Yeah, it

Helldivers 2 Backlash

was bad. And I think it's back up into at least the positives right now, but still not quite. um
you know it's It's going to be hard to recover from that and they're they're doing what they can. um It's been a little bit quiet on the update front. Of of course, there have been new like major orders, new bits of content released here and there, but there's some pretty major stuff that people were expecting to have happened by now, new major things that were pretty heavily needed to be added that haven't happened yet.
I don't know. I had a lot of a lot of hopes and I played a a ton of this game. yeah Sorry, and censoring myself live. I played a lot of this game. I really like this game. Me and my girlfriend played a ton of it. I unlocked like several of the war bonds like we played a crazy amount of it. I have. Where is it?
over 60-70 hours into it. I really loved this game. It was a really good time. When everything happened, I stopped playing and it really sucked that they ah they took such a heavy face plant while they had so much steam. I really hope that they that stuff still happens. And I do still have some hopes for the future for the game. And I do have a couple of things that I thought would be really interesting because like Super Earth has a health bar. So I was like, oh, like exactly. And they haven't touched on that yet. Yeah. If enough people stop playing, Super Earth starts getting invaded. And that's a good way to like get people to come back is like, oh, hey, you had Super Earth is under attack. Come and help out, help defend the fight, blah, blah, blah, or something. But nothing has happened. It's been really quiet. So I.
I don't know like it it felt so like boom boom boom boom update update big thing big thing community and engagement community engagement one of the most devoted communities I've seen around a game in a long time um I know I just talked about RuneScape but like genuinely the number of people I saw in public doing the helldiver salute Huge. um that's a That's incredible for any game. And to just like face plant so hard really sucks. Yeah. And I honestly think at this point they are still positioned to, if they play their cards right, they they keep like paying attention to what people want and they add a lot of stuff that gets a lot of people back. They can
they can run it back to some extent. It's never going to be the same as it was. because um of well First off, it never is ah like on release of a game like that, that was a special moment.
just like a perfect idea of everything that's happening all at once. So, so, so good. And fundamentally the game is this like the game didn't change really through all of this aside from how and where you can play it. It's still a lot of fun to like jump into. and go through the process of like playing through these missions and liberating planets, quote unquote, and um the fighting the enemy, quote unquote, and there so many other quote unquote, so that you can add ah to that that layer. Like the tone is still there. That hasn't changed the um the whole, like every, the game is still the game. It's just going through
a tough time. And I think i I am optimistic that it'll work itself out once everything gets added into it that people are looking for, and they can drum up some more, you know, get get a lot of players back active into it. um it's It was just tough to see. so I wish them all the best, honestly, and it's worth playing. You never want to see something like that happen to a game that you love. Like, it's it's so it's I am like so ah a little, a little sad by it, but like, honestly, it's still such a, ah such a fun game. It was such a fun time. And it definitely was just like such good, like, like such a good example of like ah an inexpensive, easy to understand, quick,
fun game that you can just hop in, play a couple of rounds and enjoy yourself. I want more of that and it that I really do hope that this show is studios like, hey,
There is like, uh, there is a demand. Oh, and it's, it's even like compatible on steam deck too. Like there is a demand for games like this. There is a demand for not like quadruple a games, like make something quick, easy, fun, and enjoyable with good balance and just rock with it. Talk to the people who like your game and they're gonna like it so much more. Yeah.
But yeah. ah um And yeah, honestly, I think that's the all there is to be said about that. um I know we had we wanted to talk about No Man's Sky for a little bit as well. Yeah, I've got a couple of things.

No Man's Sky Major Update

They did a huge update. i idea Yeah. And every for the last eight years, they've been doing huge updates.
But not too long after we talked about it, too, like they had a whole um adrift expedition and that update and things going on right after we talked about that. Oh, exactly. They come up and say, like, hey, we're we're having update five point oh, this massive change, which is part one. Yeah. well we tend It's insane.
It's so cool. There's so much. Going over a couple of the things that they added, because I don't know if you've been looking at the change log. I've played a bunch of it, but this is some of the stuff that I found notable in the change log. um There is a full new planet generation system. um There are new planet types. There's new ways that they generate. There's a full wind simulation within it. So the wind patterns are unique to each planet.
The way that the water wind works with the water is also a thing. There's new water simulation, new dynamic water, so if the wind picks up really heavy, it pushes the water with it. You can get tsunamis, you can get all sorts of different wave type stuff. There's volumetric clouds, there's floating island planets, there's desert planets, there's frozen planets, there's new sky colors, there's new sea colors, there's new water colors.
You can rename discoveries. That wasn't a thing before. You could discover a thing and name it once, but now you can go back and rename it whenever you want. um There's new fauna. There's new mega flora. um There's a whole bug expedition that has like these big bug things. Kind of reminds me of the last game we just talked about.
In fact, I believe one of the um press releases or one of the the update like notes about a date of reference, at least um the I believe Starship Troopers, um if not kind of directly referencing Helldivers 2, then still at least like drawing that line. They're like, hey, we've got another game where you can team up to go fight big hordes of bugs.
Yeah, it looks really cool. They redid this shadow system. You now have new armor sets. There's new combat mechs. There's new ship types and customization for new ship types. They rehauled like so much stuff. Like this is honestly, this is like half of the list. There's so much more that they really did. A lot of performance improvement that I'm seeing here as well. a lot like ah In addition to the whole generations and like way that things look and and improving the look of it, they've also like toned down how beefy of a computer you need to run it.
Yeah, they've made it way easier to run. It it ran on my steam deck really well, but having something that's easier even to run, very exciting, like genuinely very, very cool. And No Man's Sky is one of those games, terrible launch, like actually got off a launch. I had fun for about an hour.
um And for a game that I spent as much money as I did on it, I was kind of sad about that. But I didn't return it and I'm kind of glad I didn't because genuinely such an incredible game. Such a fun time. I really, really love No Man's Sky nowadays. um Honestly, the weird thing I find about it is it's best played with a controller.
Yeah, I've noticed that too. I mean, I have it on my PC, but I always default back to the controller just because it's like built well to handle that. I mean, you it's built to be played on consoles just as much. So I think it just it works out a little bit nicer that way.
I actually find flying and doing all of the things that No Man's Sky wants you to do way more enjoyable on a controller. So if you're playing on console, you're playing on Steam Deck, which it runs wonderfully on Steam Deck. Oh my God, it plays so well on Steam Deck. um This is honestly one of my favorite Steam Deck games.
ah now is ah always a good time to jump into this game it's so good it's so old but such a great game and it looks freaking gorgeous with this new update ah genuinely like they really really updated the graphics so so heavily but still keeping it so much easier to run It's great they did they did the counter ah like counterintuitive thing of like, I want it to be better to run and I want to run it on more things, but I want it to be prettier. And they're like, I actually bet we got you. Um, they optimized, which is the thing that I feel like most games nowadays don't do. Um, I just, I think that the no man's guy update is huge. And the fact that it's only part one has me like so curious. It's like.
What the hell else is coming? What what what else what did what else what why is a part two to this look like? Yeah. What is, is it, is it just part one and part two? Is it part two and part three? Like what's going on? Like I've got questions, dude. What are y'all up to?
working're on this ever and it doesn't seem like you're gonna stop so i'm I'm genuinely really excited. Yeah I think it really just like nails ah like it really drives home what we were talking about when we just talked about is like they're still paying attention to this game they're still adding so much it's still worth revisiting every like pretty often honestly. Yeah, every couple of years I pick it up and every couple months honestly is even worth like checking out. It's it's so cool. It's such a fun game and it changes so right it gets updated so regularly that
Always a good time to get into it. Exactly. And the fact too that these are updates and not downloadable expansions or DLC or something like that, where you have every new bit of content is behind a paywall, I think speaks volumes as well to like what this means to the developers and the community. I just thought about it. i ah Sorry, I'm looking on the Steam page. um
How do they do this actually? yeah Cause like they don't have in-game purchases. There's no in-app purchases. There's no microtransactions. There's no payment for the DLCs. How do they keep funding development?
I believe there is a way that you can spend money on in game currency to kind of like get some of the um some of like the base building content and things like that a little bit more quickly. I believe I want to say that the currency in there for like community stuff is called Quicksilver or something silver. um I don't engage with that very much, but I'm I feel confident that you can purchase more of that if you want to. Something along those lines. that There is a way to like spend more money on there after the purchase, but not, not so much. And honestly, I mean, you can tell but I was playing this game very recently. I have no idea what that is or how it works. So you can tell how much that like doesn't impact your gameplay experience.
I didn't even know that's a thing. It's not listed on the Steam page. Like you usually like Grand Theft Auto will have a currency listed or something. yeah Like there's no other purchases listed on their Steam page other than buy No Man's Sky. It's also right now 60% off. So it's $23. Like there's never a bad time to get into No Man's Sky. it's It's a great game. It's it's a good, good ass game.
Yeah, i I believe I may actually be wrong. I think it is called Quicksilver, but taking a look at it, I think that is not. Um, you cannot purchase extra of it. I always got, cause it feels so much like something that you could do that with a lot of people are also saying online, like, oh yeah, I'm surprised that you can't purchase it yeah because that it seems like that would be a ah slam dunk. Um, um my how do they fund this game? but That is actually a very good question. What's it happening? Hello games. Hello games.
Yeah, that's odd. But hey, I mean, I'm stoked on it. Like if if game sales is enough for them to keep doing this. Hell yeah. but Like a thousand times. Hell yeah. Honestly, because this game is incredible. And like, that's even a better selling point. You can play the whole game just buying the game.
You buy the game once, you don't buy DLCs, you don't buy in-game currency, you buy it once and then you just have this whole ass game. And it's play it Yeah, that's that's actually so baffling to me in the state of where games are currently.
that ah i don't I don't know. I i have been sold the the tale of the reason that games have DLC is so that they continue and sell you DLC and in-game purchases so they can continue funding development. That's the thing that everyone always says. This game has been develop in development for eight years and has not taken a single dollar extra than the actual ticket price to get in. And I don't know how that works.
Yeah, there's I mean, there's no better way to win back a modern gamers respect than with that. So yeah. um Yeah. Play no against guy. There's nothing else i I can say other than like genuinely this game is worth your time. All of the games that we said are worth your time. Some of them are worth a little less time than we initially promised. But all of them are


definitely worth some interesting time. so ah Pick them up. They're a good time. I really, really highly recommend it. um But yeah, check it out.
Yeah, I think that's about all we've got as well. In fact, I know I'm i'm about to go um take part in figuring out what all this update has as well. So yeah, I think we'll we'll go ahead and leave it at that for now, unless you have anything else you wanted to add. No, I think that's it. All right. Yeah. Sounds good. Well, ah I mean, for various reasons you should play, I think all of these games, even with the exceptions with the caveats we've given to some of them, um, absolutely go check these out. We just wanted to kind of catch up and say, Hey, new stuff has happened. We we want to revisit some of it. And I think we, we've said what we want to say. So if you have anything else, I mean, if there are any other games that we've talked about that have had new things happen in their communities or in their development that we didn't touch on.
ah Let us know and we we want to hear about that as well. We want to be able to speak on it. um Hit us up at ah Twitter at yspdg underscore pod. um it's it's we This is a community thing that we've been talking about here for a long a long time. yeah and that's we We want to stay in touch.
Yeah, we love hearing from you all. Talk to us on Spotify. We've got the the Q and&A there if you have any questions for us or if you want to recommend us a game. We get a lot of game recommendations from those. We'd we'd really love to hear from you. Yeah, there's ah a pretty hefty one that I'm actually digging into now. It'll be a little bit before I can speak on it, um but it's i'm I'm really, really looking forward to it.
James is eating the meat and the potatoes and I'm excited to see what comes out. um I feel like I could probably phrase that better, but I'm not going to. I mean mean i think that's hard to say. I see any issue with that. I'm on Twitch. I stream. I stream video game sometimes, hopefully in the future with video game. um But yeah, come and check me out at the very least. I would love to stream with James. We've been talking about it and yes.
some point in the future we willll definitely do that but to happen once any of my like time. becomes available to myself again yeah and honestly i'm he's gonna be busy and then he's going to get free and then i'm going to be busy and then i'm going to get free and then nail'll be busy by the time i get free and we'll we'll figure it out it just it such is life but yeah and once things, said oh I mean, we both have respective moves that we are either getting ready to deal with or are dealing with the fallout from. So yeah once that happens, I think there'll be some time in there and we'll ah we'll we'll let you know when it happens. I do have a Twitch channel. It's existed this whole time. I don't think I've said what it is and I will continue to not do so because it's not worth visiting right now. um But in the future, once we we get that ah settled in and i I start joining you Alison on this the streaming journey. We'll get into that. 1000%. But yeah, check me out ah on slash pikapoo. I stream Saturday as usually. If I get more time, I stream more. I have not been streaming as much because i as James alluded to, I've been moving. um I will probably be moving for a little while. I'm trying to coordinate three people into one house. It'll be a fun time. So
Uh, yeah. Check me out. If you see me go live, give me a follow. If you see me go live, jump in, hang out with me. But other than that, I think that's all. I've been James. I've been James Allison. I just learned that. Yeah. Um, but yeah, come in, come in, join us, come and hang out with us. And, uh, thank you.