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43 Plays8 months ago

Thank goodness this game is good now, so these two goobers can both talk about how much they like space. 

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
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Introduction and Hosts' Welcome

Hey! What's up everybody? Welcome back to another episode. Help! Help! She's fine. Ignore that. Everything's okay. my life systems warning Oh God. both systems warning

Game Review and User Feedback

It's a game that we've both played. This doesn't happen very often. and that we talk about here in right Yeah, no, I um to to get into it a little bit. I don't I don't want to drop it just yet because I do. I this game more than any other game on planet Earth. I want to play the negative review game about it. It's tough because you we already both know what game we're talking about. Yes. But I do want to just highlight because I derive so much joy from people
but either fairly or unfairly, um, being funny in how, uh, mean they are about good things. okay So I wanted to highlight a couple of things here. Um, user a lemon, um, uh, does let us know, uh, they don't recommend it despite having 20 hours on the record. Um, they could have bought two bags of wheat instead. Yeah.
is oh that is that is a pretty decent drink of weed It is, yeah, it's not bad, I guess. um oh user User forced poop um does want us to know with 25 hours on the record, a mile wide, but an inch deep, I cannot express it better. um which Sure. OK, that's fair. And we'll we'll get into where that comes from in a little bit. There was ah there's a couple here in several different languages. um ah There are a couple that I think these back to back will kind of illustrate what's going on here. um You get ah no man's refund right alongside the same sentiment as no man's PC can handle it.
Yeah, I also got one that's ah it's a recommended. So the change of pace is not a negative review. um Above it, it says product refunded. And then underneath that, it says the refunded but button the refund button works really well. Exactly. um And somebody else saying ah with ah the note above it that they received the product for free, um I overpaid.
it's Sounds game. That's the thing. So we're talking about no

No Man's Sky: Launch Memories and Initial Reactions

man's sky. Yeah. If you couldn't tell was pretty poorly received when it was first released in 2016. Oh God. Yeah. I remember. um So the the game was made by a studio called hello games who really only worked on like one or two games before than the the Joe danger series, which nobody's heard of. Um, I do love that they recently went on stage and they're like for light, no fire. And they're like, we made an entire planet that is the size of earth. It's like, dude, exactly do you not learn from your mistake.
Well, we'll get into that, too, because I truly think they have. I do, too. I do. It's very funny. Yes. It just didn't start out that way. So my personal memory of No Man's Sky is it coming out the day before my birthday, and I downloaded it overnight, so I woke up on my birthday and loaded it up and started playing it. I truly enjoyed the the first several hours of playing this game when it was first released, because the the game from the very beginning has been very much about you are a a traveler, ah an explorer alone in this massive procedurally generated universe where ideally, like if you're if you're not coming together on purpose, then every every player will be in the same universe that's all generated at once, but no players will ever cross paths.
um which ended up ah being still true, but now there are mechanisms in place where you can do that on purpose. yeah The game originally was not multiplayer. It was just you alone in the universe traveling to different planets, um like the little voice clip that Allison gave us at the beginning. um you You awaken, you basically have a bunch of systems, a bunch of ah things that are um barely keeping you alive on these alien worlds. And you you gather resources, you put them together, um you you discover new technologies based on those, um you repair a starship, take off into space, and you are exploring trying to to find your way in this universe. I love that on its own. I think just that as a pitch is beautiful.
Oh, I love open world survival craft games. It's your like your Minecraft. It's your rust. It's your so many of these other things. And having having such a robust stand alone. Dude, that was one of the things that whenever I was playing Starfield, I just wanted more no man's sky in it exactly.

No Man's Sky: Updates and Developer Dedication

And like, it's so funny to see where this game came from and the turnaround it's had in the public reception turnaround, too, um to mention it really quickly. They celebrated this a couple of years back, but. um Fallout 76 just had a full heel turn, same as this, and they just celebrated their overall reviews, finally changing to mostly positive. That was like a huge celebration for them. They were so stoked that they're finally mostly positive. Um, they also just announced that they're doing a pretty big update, which is pretty cool to 76. Um, but, uh, this game also had that moment of like finally getting to celebrate like, all right, cool. People finally are having fun because that's what making a game is all about is make.
helping people have some fun. And when people aren't having fun, it doesn't. It's not fun for the devs. They hate that. It's so saddening. It makes my heart hurt um to see a thing that I made so uniformly hated. um But I think they kind of needed it with this game to really give it the kick in their pants to like make something spectacular. And it's been updated time and time and time again to where has this one esteemed labor of love award? Because I know that ah
I don't know. It has. i I don't keep up with that sort of thing, but I will say because the the general idea definitely was so as much as this game, in my opinion, nailed the vibes of like this a sci fi like lost in space kind of adventure. um A lot of people, and I think rightfully so, felt pretty bamboozled by Hello Games basically making pretty big promises that ended up being a little bit of an exaggeration, possibly a little bit misleading, or honestly, just kind of a little bit more than... They bit off a little bit more that they could chew in terms of expectations. Yeah, this game was tremendously hyped up and and overblown before it was released. And so people people were never going to be happy completely. People never are. And especially for a game like this, where you build up a lot of attention, there's always going to be some disappointed folks. Yeah. But this this was a real.
Bummer for a lot of people who who ended up thinking this massive world you're gonna be able to play together and there was gonna be endless variety of different kinds of planets you could explore and endless different things you can go find in the world and the the amount of content was a little bit lacking at first um the the things that you could discover started to feel a little bit repetitive after a while And the the fact that you couldn't actually meet with other players was something that the way that they'd phrased it was every it's the game is taking place in one generated universe where people will encounter the same planets and a lot of people Interpreted that kind of because of the wording as oh, so the other players will be there too, right? Yeah, yeah I remember there was a bit more of an MMO. Yeah, exactly. There was a big news article that was kind of in the middle in the middle of all of this. Pardon me. That basically said, hey, I found a planet and named it.
And my friend went to that same planet and we can't see each other. So what's the deal? And that was kind of that. That was the sentiment of a lot of people in 2016 when this game came out. Fortunately, complete heel turn, like you said, since then. The the developers of this game, Hello Games, um what's his name? um Sean Murray has kind of been the the voice and the driving force yeah behind a lot of this. has been They have been putting in the work. They've been adding things, changing things, reworking things, listening to the community. at like
the They did finally end up in one of their big, big updates, adding multiplayer to the game, which is not a small or easy thing to do. Not on a scale. Like, oh my God. On a scale like that, absolutely unbelievable that they were able to turn that around and actually add what people thought was being added a while ago, and they were said that they were missing out. They did finally deliver on it. yeah um And they've just they've been adding like more variety to all the different planets, different creature types and and ways that they can generate, and different planet environments and hazards and things, new creatures and ah structures that you can find. um They've added whole new mechanics like base building and vehicles and things like that. and You can build a mech.
Exactly. Exactly. that was That was not even close to what the original game envisioned. um There's story quests now. that So there's there's story quests in the game. And then there are also one big part of community engagement are these expeditions that you can go on these these big community wide, like several weeks long events. of kind of specialized scenarios that come alongside a lot of these updates that kind of show off what they're about, why they're interesting, why like get people talking about them in a way that they never know. Yeah, there's one going on right now called the drift and i was I was so curious as to what what is that?
Yes, a drift is actually interesting because it came about from kind of this retrospective where Hello Games looked back on the launch of No Man's Sky and said, hey, as much as that kind of sucked and we had to learn some hard lessons in terms of like tempering expectations and meeting like making promises and and and writing checks that we can cash and things like that.

The 'Adrift' Expansion and Game Overhauls

there was something special about that first iteration of the game where you were alone and the game hasn't felt lonely
in quite a long time. Really, ever since multiplayer was added, even before then, when they added aliens in space stations that could talk to you, and were like merchants and things like that. um For for a while, this game has felt like it's been it's it's crawling with life, which is a good thing, I think, in a lot of ways, yeah because it was the the game was accused of being barren in a bad way back in the beginning. a lot like Starfield where everyone's like, yeah, this is just an empty planet. And it's like, yeah, a lot of planets are empty and actually most planets are empty. And it's like, yeah, that's not fun. Yeah, exactly. Like I'm here to have a good time, not for a realistic.
x The exploration of an abandoned planet. Exactly. Some realism, but I I still want to have fun. Yes. So a ad drift genuinely was born out of that desire to be like, OK, we we want to bring the game in some way back to a place where you can be alone again. And so they they did it the right way this time. They they actually backed it up with a lot of the content that's in the game now and they added even more to it. Um, they made it part of a story now where places that usually would have people that you could go interact with and signs of life are completely barren. And now you're trying to figure out why that is. And that nails even feeling of like I'm alone and I'm trying to like,
Something happened here and I don't belong here. I'm trying to make my way in a place that now I know for certain is not welcoming to people like me. Interesting. That's really yeah cool. it's so it's a complete When people say a complete 360, a lot of the time they mean a complete 180. No, this is a complete 360. That's weird. This is a literal complete 360 in the sense that like they brought it full circle back to the original idea, but now they have the actual, the know-how, the development skills, the ability to fill out the space, the the the talents. And the community knowledge as well. Exactly. Yeah. they' They've set proper expectations this time around. um And it actually like it works now. And so that original concept and that expedition, you don't have to play the game that way. They still have the
where you have these big multiplayer hubs and quests that you can go out on in groups and meet up with your friends and show off your bases, things like that. But this um that it just kind of goes to show how much progress the game has made since then. Because there have been so many massive, massive overhauls to this game that it looks completely different from the way that it did originally. And that is, but for the most part, a good thing. Yeah. Genuinely, like I might, my quick rundown of my experience. I played this game on launch. I, again, like you thought it was fun for about three and a half, four hours. And I was like, all right, cool. What else do I do? And they're like, no, you're doing it. I'm like.
hu ah I feel like you were saying there's a whole universe here and like I keep going to planets and there's just nothing there and like I'll gather resources but like what do I do with them and they're like it build build up your ship. I'm like ah why? Yeah, like what, for what purpose? What am I doing? Like, can I have a goal of anything? Like, yeah, get to the middle. And it's like, okay, if you're feeling it, the middle takes like a couple hours. um So like, it just, it wasn't, it wasn't what I was looking for. But, uh, recently, I had recent ish about two years ago when I got my steam deck. This was one of the first games I threw on it because it's fully steam deck verified. And this is a really incredible handheld game.
yeah playing it in an offline capacity um which this game initially was um you still get little ghosts of people you still have all the like shop keeps and stuff like that to interact with. But ah this game really works very well in a handheld form factor, which is really surprising to me for the scale of this game. It works really well for a controller, which also really surprises me for this style of game. Yeah, it's a lot of like running around shooting things um with your little laser guy and then scanning and doing a bunch of other functions and there's base building. But like,
Usually games like ah because this game in my brain is analogous to like a space rust um without the PvP aspects of rust. It's actually interesting to hear you say that because I get very different vibes from them, the mechanics and also, of course, like the presentation of the game. the presentation is definitely very different there is a lot more of a plot going on but like the general game loop of go out use your funny little tools your rock and rust or your little silly gun and no man's guide harvest materials to build
Different things so that you can build a base, build a ship, build ah ah in rest, you can make cars um and airships and boats and other stuff. And and ah this one, you can like deck out your ship, you can get like a fleet, you can do a couple of other things. but like One is you're dropped on an abandoned island with a rock, and the other is you're dropped on an abandoned planet with a gun. um But they both follow, like, gather resources, build machines to refine resources, make a base, start trading, continue. And there is trading and sales and stuff like that in Rust. There's just not the PvP aspect. So, like, they follow a similar train in my brain.
They're not one-to-one analogous, but like the the gameplay loop for me at least is similar um But like having this be offline really nice for me because I i like d people Um, having this be VR is really cool because I got a VR headset. Yeah, the complete opposite end of the spectrum from Steam Deck, I think, that like the completely immersive side of this game as well.

VR Experience and Technical Insights

joystick and throttle for like flying a ship. Yes. That's cool. In VR. I've got my VR headset hanging out right now. I may ah give it a whirl after we're done here, just so I can get back into that mindset. I'm going to join you.
um Because I've got a VR headset lying around somewhere. I could like pick, hook it up and like we could we could figure out some of that just for like an hour or two. But ah I mean, I've tried it before and it's still mind blowing. Yeah, I checked it out a long time ago when VR was first added and it was very buggy. I was not having a great time if I'm being honest. It's better now. It is i' mean considerably better. Also, I just installed it today. So the first install takes forever to boot up. Yeah. like forever to boot up. Like i I hit the play button and it was one of those moments like whenever I used to have an HDD in my computer of like pressing the power button and being like, all right, I'm going to go make a sandwich and a cup of tea and I might go have a smoke and I'll walk my dog and then I'll be back in my computer might be booted up.
I might catch a little bit of the Windows logo after all of that. It felt like that the first time I booted up. After that, snappy, easy peasy, but that first generation with some of the installs takes a second. So fair warning to anyone who's picking up No Man's Guide eight years after it came out. but ah Yeah, this game handheld, this game in ah VR, like it has so much accessibility. It runs on basically ah ah the modern day gaming version of a toaster. You need an Intel Core i3, 8 gigs of RAM and a 1060. Like that is a really attainable.
um Place state and it's only like 15 gigs. Like this is this is I could play this on my laptop all day long um They used to be a used to run like garbage on the beefiest of computers, but now it's it's basically a cakewalk It's been optimized. It's been around for a long time um Which I think speaks a little bit more as well to the fact that like the developers have way more experience than they did it is It is so cool. like You can ride animals now. You can find animals and ride them as mounts. Yeah.

Current State and Community of No Man's Sky

<unk> cool they're sly mo That's That's so sick. Like, I don't. i don't
This game has come so far since like the baby that I saw and like watching it go through its teenage and pubescent era where it's like, oh, it's kind of like funky and like having some issues and then like figuring out itself and getting a stable job and like really figuring out where it's happy. It's so cool and the like the cross save and cross play is so snappy. Like I own it on Steam. I can pick it up on my Steam Deck, play all day while I'm out, come home as soon as my e Steam Deck connects to my Wi-Fi. It syncs that save and then I can sit down to my PC and then continue playing and it just works.
It just works. It's awesome. Not all games do that. It's media sometimes, and it's really nice, especially for a game on the scale. Yeah. it's And now the the studio that made that happen has a chance to prove that they've actually learned what they're talking about.

Upcoming Game: 'Light No Fire' Discussion

Yes, light no fire, the next big game of this kind of size is, yeah, like you mentioned, it is it's actually, I think they said it's gonna be slightly larger than the real planet Earth. The description on Steam says, set on a fantasy planet the size of Earth. Yeah. So it is like an actual explorable survival sandbox, the size of a real planet.
Yes. And they have been very clear, I think, this time around about what that entails and what it does. They definitely were a lot more clear on it, but I do love all of the memes that came out. Yes. That were like, all right, cool. We messed up the last announcement. We just got it. We just got to say something that's not going to get people to round up like we can do this. We got this. We made Earth. Oh God. We made the whole Earth and it's going to be interesting. The entire thing. Are you sure? There are large swaths of the real planet Earth that are not interesting. I do not want to walk from one side of the Sahara Desert to the other. I would like to spend like a night there and look at the stars and then be like, okay, cool. Let's go home. Exactly. Where I have a computer and interesting fun things to do. But I'm hopeful. I'm really hopeful. I'm really curious, just thinking about the actual because like a video game scale has always been something kind of funny where like you'll see a thing way off in the distance, like at the horizon and it's the peak of a mountain and you're like, wow, that's so far away. I'm going to walk there. And then you start walking and you're there in under an hour.
Yes, exactly. ah and in real life yeah the yeah The ability to like shrink a map to, I mean, the Fallout games, like we were talking about, they do that with like whole states or areas or things like that. And that's a very dangerous game to play. You have to really know what you're doing in terms of like, making things feel grand like they're long distances, but also having enough going on in between here and there and keeping them small enough that you're not like actually making a whole Lord of the Rings style journey in between here and there. Some people argue that only one of the Fallout games ever did that properly.
Exactly. And it's the New Vegas one. ah exactly for context but i like I would say other games did that part of it okay, maybe not great, but you can like at its best, that kind of formula can be a, like I mean, Breath of the Wild had that same thing going on where you would see a landmark and you could go to it and it was closer than you thought you could keep track of it the whole time. It was built in a way that like the interesting things would always swim into your field of view, um things like that. Like you can do that really well or you can do it so poorly. Yeah, I'm really curious as to how they're going to manage that because like if this is the scale of an actual real planet and I see a peak of a mountain on the horizon.
That's a multi-day walk. Exactly. So they have like flying mounts and stuff like that. So like there, there is some consideration of like, all right, cool. You're not walking there. You're probably going to fly. um So like I am genuinely very hopeful and it is multiplayer. It's procedure really generated. um But it's this big fantasy, like. true fantasy, skeletons, dragons, all the good stuff. There's underwater areas. There's all sorts of great things I want. I so want to live in a little world where there's actual magic where I can like breathe underwater with a spell. That'd be so sick. Get to fly on a dragon, get to like make friends with little creatures and critters and gizmos and gadgets and like do all sorts of fun stuff. I think that there's a lot of potential here. I'm really excited to see a lot of breathing. summon steed. That would be so sick though. I think I could do that in real life. But like, that's one of the things I love about MMOs is that they're not afraid to be huge because you build up on them over the course of years. You just roll for initiative. I did. And I am winning. It was a Nat 20. I knocked over a scout massager. But. But basically, but like it is it is so neat to see someone try and tackle a game with scale like that and like something to truly explore because I was born too late to get to explore this planet and discover anything really all that new. There are a couple of like we just discovered a new species of jumping spider in England, which I think is really neat. But spider though, it's not like a whole new continent.
like I would love to see the community behind this if they do it well and they have learned their lessons and taken their lumps and actually grown from no man's sky to do light no fire. I would love to see the community be like, dude, I sailed across that ocean. It took me like a week and I found a whole new continent and there's resources we've never seen. like Exactly. That'd be so sick. I honestly, I truly think so. No Man's Sky still has, I think, a little bit of room to grow in terms of like content and like the the planets writ large are still they have large um swaths of nothing. Yeah, there's there's still a lot of nothing going on there, but you can very easily get around that like we're talking about with ah light no fire. There are ways to like speed that up and get you the interesting car. and all sorts of stuff to like get you around to make that more palatable. And I feel like that'll probably be a lot of like what happens here. like they They're just gonna figure out travel better. Yeah, I have full faith that No Man's Sky has been, ah in addition to what is now a very much worthy game that's worth your time to to play, it is also going to be a huge lesson learned in terms of designing something on this scale for this company. because it's still kind of never really been done before or since.

Lessons from Expansive Game Design

So you can't hold it against them too much that they were treading new ground in a way that they weren't very successful at first. To be on the bleeding edge, you got to bleed. like Exactly. yeah Now that they've done it and they've they've learned where the failures are, I think success looks like something crazy that we've we've not ever seen.
I yeah genuinely and this is like technically this is scaling back because it's just one big planet versus a whole galaxy yeah like it I feel like they have a lot more potential to really like nail this I'm I'm genuinely hopeful. um I don't know what this looks like long term. I'm really curious to watch this grow. I'm curious to see the community behind it. If it isn't perfect on launch, I'm not going to hold it against them completely. I will be like, dude, it again.
Yeah, but I will definitely be like, very cool. I will, I will, at the very least, I'm going to revisit this in a couple of years because you have the track record of like, you will like get something really great out, given enough time. But I feel like they're taking their time with this. There's, there's no date on the new thing. They're just like, we're making it. But also, the other thing they think is really nice is that all of the gameplay footage has real multiplayer in the gameplay footage. So, you know, it will actually launch with the multiplayer. That is going to be a day one feature because it's already in all the footage. Exactly. Will it will the servers hold up? No.
They never do. Straight up, though. It's never happened. It's just guaranteed at this point. yeah But um even then, I think, that ah expectations for that alone, just sitting down and experiencing No Man's Sky for what it is, like just venturing through what is now a densely populated universe with so much to go do, you can go explore um wrecked freighters and then claim one of your own that's up and working. You can go like you can customize starships now, which is a thing that people have been looking for. You can like change the wings and and features of your your spaceships, which is is not something that was traditionally allowed. um But that that was one thing the community was asking for for a really long time. And they finally found a way to facilitate that. There are like.
You can get into fights, you can be a space pirate if you want, you can be a space trader, economist, there's a whole system for that. If you want to jump around between galaxies and kind of game the system that way, there are all kinds of different expeditions, adventures, and ways that you can play the game that are absolutely worth playing. Yeah, one thousand percent. I'm so stoked. And one of the things that was added since the last time I got to play this, because like I said, I haven't played it in about two and a half years. I played for a couple of weeks while I was ah when I got my steam deck. But when I was like a launch wave steam deck purchaser, like I got it the same day it was announced. So I got mine within the first rollout of like public steam deck. So it's been a minute.
um the they added so many features of like you can do custom gameplay styles of like oh I want the damage to be less I want the deals to be a little bit higher and I want these things to work this way you can set up your own like custom way of playing the game there's like a ah ah Not survival. There is a survival word. ah Creative my mode. Yeah. There's like all sorts of stuff that just was not there two years ago, which is so sick to like. All right, cool. You like base building? Here's a creative mode. Go build bases. Go build starships. Go have fun. Explore.
um You want to do like an easy adventure mode? Oh, we've got that too. The damage is turned down. Less hostile mobs, a little bit less drain on the fuel storage. Just go have fun. You want to play a hardcore survival? All right, cool. You have less storage. paris Yeah, basically your your your filters run out faster. You're going to die a lot. You're going to lose stuff when you die. You probably going to lose everything when you die. The void will actually kill you if that's what you want. Yeah, like it's. It's cool. I like that they've come so far to where they can offer unique play styles and so much more to this game that just wasn't there when it

Gameplay Styles and Sci-Fi Immersion

launched. And it's become genuinely such an incredible game. Like, honestly, it kind of hurt listening to some of those like negative reviews. Well, they are very funny. I do like it quite a bit. It's like they were very apt for the time. They very much were. This game was like not it when it came out. And it I did genuinely feel very misled when it first came out. I was like, this is not this is not any of the trailers that you've been talking about for the last year and a half.
um When it finally launched and I finally got but to play it and when it finally got good, this game is like so good. And it has something for everyone, I think. I they genuinely feel like that if you like but base building, it's got that you like decoration. It's got that you want to go ah play Pokemon and scan a bajillion animals and get some like mounts and friends to play with. It's got that you want to be an international pirate or intergalactic pilot pirate.
You can do that. You want to be a stock boy? There's kind of that also. ah Legendarily, one of my friends who has played this game for a while only played the part of the game where you go and trade materials that have different priorities and different systems. And he like when the rest of us hopped on in multiplayer, he was just kind of the sugar daddy who would let us get whatever we wanted because that was how he enjoyed playing the game. It's like, it's just wild. You want to play? You want to play Elite Dangerous? We got that here. You want to play ah Eve Online? We got that here. You want to play Starfield? We got that here. It's all these great space games, all kind of lumped into one. It takes a lot of the great elements of those games and just kind of like makes it playable. It's got a lot of Destiny 2 in it. Like, yeah, I think
ah stylistically, at the very least. The best way that I can put is there are so many games about, you know, people being as but so many sci-fi games that you couldn't even like begin to try to list all of them. But I feel like most, if not the overwhelming majority of those games are not focused like they don't make you feel like you are out in space. They make you feel like you're playing a video game and space is, I guess, where it happens. this No Man's Sky is the closest I've gotten to, I think, a game about actually just being in space and what that means and everything is built from the ground up around that concept and that alone.
Yeah, that's honestly, that is the most succinct way to put it. This is the closest you will ever get to being a spacefarer who is just a traveler among the stars. Yeah. I'm so excited to get to check out the adrift thing and get to like see what that's about, because like, I don't know, I love those stories that are you are a traveler among the stars and you are just alone in your spaceship going through and trying to figure out What's going on? And like, I do love the the actual there is a genuine plot to the game as well. Like there's a thing going on in the main game as well as in a draft, but like.
There's kind of like, people are like, yeah, there's like this intergalactic society of like people who like exist in this like pocket dimension almost. If I remember right, it's been a minute. um And you like touch these like old things and they like tell you about like what's going on and you're like an anomaly or something. I don't remember all of it. it's Really neat. There's a lot going on. There's so much to find and so much to explore, and there's so many different ways to engage with it. Genuinely, you should play this game. You should. You just should check it out.

Journey and Evolution of No Man's Sky

Don't play it in 2016. Play it now. Right. It would be difficult for you to go back and play it in 2016 because it's fast.
Yeah, you could if you do manage to figure that one out, you will get a really good perspective of where this game has come from. But ah in a yeah massive reward, like groundbreaking scientific achievement as little added but as well. Yeah. That's like the secondary. Like genuinely, you'll really just understand this game's like history. So much time travel so that I could go back to when No Man's Sky was released just to gain perspective. Yeah. And I didn't share it with anyone. A lot of people ask, what's the first thing you would do with a time machine? um Not a lot of people answer with 2016.
Is where I would go. Oh, my God. You know, I don't think 2016 would be. I mean, it is the before times, um but I'd begin a nice close to the current times, though. I would say you've got to go back a little bit further and then kind of work your way up there. Yeah, that's fair. But I would. i I genuinely. And if you played this in 2016 and you still have a sour taste in your mouth, I understand. I do. I was duped. You were duped. we We're all a little bit duped. But they did deliver. It took them a second. They got point stocks for being late on their homework assignment. But they did it then. They got there. And it's so good. Check it out. You will probably love it. It's.
It's buggy. It's big. It's it's got bugs. There's there's some issues. I sat in a chair earlier today while I was playing and I was freaking out because that chair was on its side and the game did not like me trying to sit on a chair that was on its side. And to be clear, there are also bug creatures in the game. There are also bugs like that, too. You can expect those. um so I think water area more frequently. Um, you can go under what you can build underwater and stuff like that. I don't think there's a dedicated like underwater set of like it sorry um mechanics and structures and things, but it is definitely a part of the game. I think you can get like a water vehicle i'm looking yeah there's like like some of the the water plan and like underwater structures that I'm looking at on yeah like page now. And I'm like, I didn't even know that that was a thing. That's so cool. But Yeah, like just there's always stuff to discover discover. That's the nature of this game is is discovery at its highest. Go discover something new. Enjoy yourself. Have a good time. You should discover go play this game. You absolutely should play this game and we should go play it as well, um which unfortunately means I think wrapping up the talking about it. Yes. um Check us out on Twitter at YSPG underscore pod. I'm still not calling it the other thing. um One other thing.
Yeah, Twitter. Go check me out on Twitch. I stream usually Saturdays at, I don't know, anywhere from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central time, CST. And catch me on a little strip of fly paper. I'm very small and I get around a lot, but if you I'll grant you a wish if you move me down. ah Hopefully, the bushes don't have any monetary value. They'll have to come out of the budget for the podcast that we definitely have ah set aside. This is a separate venture, actually. That's being funded by Leprechaun International. i mean that's that's ah it's actually It's helping to fund this, I think, in a lot of ways.
No, your last name is Grant. So you had to me a wish. I will grant you a wish, but it will be more of a Scottish wish because that's more where it comes from. You can't say that's fair. I'm also not particularly Scottish. I'm just kind of a mutt. Yeah, that happens when you come to America. We are the mixing pot. Exactly. Um. um But yeah, ah thanks for listening to the episode. Um, James. You got to fly away. You got to get out of here before they catch you. You got it. We're going to give James a five second start. Well, I'd say ah five, four, three, two, one. Get in, get in. Bye.