Um, but it's, it's possible, you know, I'm, I'm not there working on the game. I don't know the the stress that would put the network under in, in my mind. I don't see that making a big difference, but I'm, I'm not an expert. I, um, I am a a podcast co-host. I am not a senior developer at Capcom. So yeah, that's fair. If you were a senior developer at Capcom, would you hire me? Not heartbeat, yes. Hell yeah. I know my way and I just got to get James hired at Capcom. Exactly. Step one, become a senior developer at one of the most well-known game development companies in the world. Step two, profit. Hell yeah. ah Honestly, step two, cry into my desk. um Well, okay. Step three, profit. There's room for step two. Yeah. ah But you know, like that's that's a little disappointing to hear. I hope that they take the feedback and see the people like literally frame analyzing and peaking and being like, all right, cool. like