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We Didn't Playtest This At All - Ep 84 image

We Didn't Playtest This At All - Ep 84

E84 ยท You Should Play This Game
35 Plays7 months ago

Warning: To stick with the theme, James did not test his mic before recording this episode. But it's all fun and card games! Don't worry about it!

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Music is "Fork and Spoon" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


Morning Show Vibe Introduction

And we're live. Hey. Welcome back to you should play this game in the morning. Back to your point, seven. I'm out of video games with video jams. We're looking at a beautiful morning row up. It's a beautiful body here in cyberspace.

Humorous Game Reviews and Disagreements

Traffic on the 88 is pretty rough today, so stay safe out there. Oh God. um That's, I don't know what happened.
You made a voice and it triggered a thing in my brain and we ran with it. Hi gamers, welcome back. Hey gamers, what's up? I've got some terrible reviews to read to you all again. I think it's going to be lovely. Hell yeah. Yes. It's ah it's a pretty simple one to today, pretty straightforward. I don't anticipate this being a very long episode. We'll see though, because that's that's a curse that I think every time either of us have said that it's been one of the longest um times we've taken to talk about something. It's Monopoly. Exactly. yeah ah We're here to talk about risk.

Clarification: Not a Video Game

I do want to just get into it, though, because I think these reviews once again are one funny, especially I have a kind of long one here that I'm looking forward to, but it also helps kind of get a feel for what exactly this game is about.
um So number one, um one particularly bright ah fellow did leave a review on a website I was looking through, ah letting us know that this is a straight garbage ah game that can't be redeemed with alcohol. A game that can't be redeemed with alcohol. It can't be redeemed with alcohol, they say, which I i do disagree with, um just as a matter of personal experience. um But that is what it is. You said you're not doing a video game one this time.

Pet Dog Distraction

Correct. This is not a video game. This is a physical, non-electronic game. Where did you get these reviews from? Online.
OK, OK. I don't know if you've heard this actually, but people chat about all kinds of things on the Internet. I. I've only ever heard people talk about video games on the Internet. I've never heard anyone mention anything else to me there. I don't think anyone's ever talked about much else. It is not time for Wiggle Dog. I'm sorry. I know you're excited. My dog does this thing where she lays on her back and she wiggles back and forth and she's like halfway in wiggle dog mode and I need her to chill out. You're good. Halfway to wiggle dog.

Unplaytested Card Game Discussion

I know. Not quite there yet. Every time she does it, I'm just like wiggle dog. I don't know how she feels about this game, but if it's anything like this other reviewer, she may think it's an awful game with just random cards and no strategy.
Oh, cards, cards, I like cards. ah Random cards and no strategy. um Is it the Binding of Isaac card game? ah No, and I just learned that that existed. So we'll talk about that in a little bit, but it's very fun. i I bought it for a friend. We played it for their birthday. It's a great time. I know absolutely nothing about the Binding of Isaac, despite the fact that one of the few um Twitch streamers I watch is Greyfruit. Oh, that's not the line. Yeah, um but ah yeah, I love Isaac, dude. I thought I did. I'm not doing Isaac episode. I think I did. I.
You may have that's the only information I have about it. If so, you're not talking about muffin time because I did muffin time. So if you're talking about muffin time, I'd be kind of upset. I am not talking about muffin time, although we're it's bringing a similar vibe to the party.

Introduction to 'We Didn't Playtest This At All'

OK, OK. All right. Well, ah hopefully this next one will break your memory a little bit. oh ah Somebody who must have had just some lost immediately um did decide to come online and type this out um because they are convinced that they really didn't playtest this. This is not even a game or an activity. And then in parentheses, which I like to call some party games I don't like, this is an abomination. I would have won too many drinks to like this or even play it at all.
Um, is it spades? ah it is not I actually haven't talked about spades yet. Um, I don't think I have been playing that recently just with my, um, if really family is family in laws. Um, it's a fun game. I don't know what the plural is of that. Um, it's, it's a fun game. I don't go much for just like 52 playing card games. Oh, it's 52 card pickup. No, it's not that either. I think that it would take the one too many drinks for me to find that enjoyment. Yeah, no, that's absolutely fair. um the The final review I have here that was worth picking out um is simply that I think the name of the game says it all. um And in this case, that is actually extremely literal. um So you get i'll I'll give you two more guesses. Oh, uh,
See, it's so hard to guess a game that I've never played. That's absolutely fair. I i also because every time I do this and you don't know what the game is going into it, I also kind of want to get a feel for like how pervasive this game is in culture. Like ah i don't I don't know how many people have heard of this. It's fairly like it's it's successful in its own right. And we I'll touch on that as well. isnna oh There's a one where you like build a dungeon um and It's a card game and no kids building into an excellent game all i Yeah, boss monster i've I've played a round of that one time and I and I think madness in Plano or Frisco. Yeah, yeah, wherever madness is. I think it's dead
don't actually remember, um, relevant to anyone who doesn't live immediately in this area. But yeah, ah dallas metro play but yeah, no, um, also wonderful game in its own, right? Boss monster rips. Um, but this is not that, um, that's a fun game. Um, I'll give you, I don't know if this will help at all. Cause if you don't know it off of this, you probably just don't know it. So the name of this game is a full sentence. It is a full, like, grammatically fulfilled sentence. Oh, is this that? Okay, hold on. I think the name is, um, this card game is stupid and you'll hate it, but you'll get really drunk and enjoy it after one too many beers. That's the name of the game. Yeah. That is not. And if you read that right now, I need to do some Googling. No, I was just like, no, no, no, no, no. I have no idea. I'm so lost. I just figured that that was the best I could come on. No worries. This is maybe a condensed version of that.

Game Mechanics and Chaos

The game I'm talking about today, released in 2007, is called We Didn't Playtest This At All.
I actually have heard of this game. Damn. OK. Yeah, I have this. I'm never super sure because this falls into a category like ah muffin time or exploding kittens or even cars against humanity, things like that. This is one of those party games that you kind of you break out and you just kind of deal things out and have fun for like a couple of minutes to maybe half an hour or an hour. um More than likely, depending on who you're hanging out with, you're probably drinking at the time as well. yeah And this is sort of a chaotic card game that I think fits really well in that atmosphere. I love games like that. All right, cool. You you very much piqued my interest. i like I love card games. I love chaotic card games. I love physical card games. So if I can buy this and like hold the little cards, it makes me very happy. um Yeah, I'm curious.
Yeah, you will like this game as well, then, because it's got some expansions, got a big old um deck and a bunch of stuff you can do with it. um It was designed ah by Chris, see I think, Seslik, C-I-E-S-L-I-K. um Pardon me if that's not correct, but also I couldn't be bothered to look anything up. Chris is very lazy and also very busy. Huh? What? but Hey, I see a dog. um Hey, Chris, Chris, Chris, I heard some things about you. I've got questions. um Anyway, hopefully, as ah as money games, um the publisher of this game knows whatever about Chris that we don't. um but That's the published by them, um and I believe still to this day, it's being ah printed and expanded and updated and so on and so forth. um It is playable by anywhere between two to 10 players. So it's got a a pretty wide um group that it can encompass here, um mostly because it's not, it's genuinely, I believe, um not play tested at all, not balanced for any particular thing.
um It has the tendency to get a little bit chaotic and games will go pretty quickly. um The the basic idea is that everyone starts with two cards. They pull two cards from the deck youve and then you've got sort of the just main deck in the in the it's middle. If we need to pull more, you discard cards. um But you kind of don't know what the win condition is, um except that you know that some people will lose and some people will win. And Yes, everything else that comes from that comes from what the cards define So on your turn you draw a card and then you have to play something from your hand um Everything else kind of comes later after just based on what's described there um
Typically, most of the cards are either going to be if this happens or this thing or ah something triggers this, um then you or somebody else or some some condition will be met and you win. Or a lot of times it is, hey, if this happens, this player loses or everyone in the game loses or like the people who who do this and don't remember some some such thing or another. ah lose. And so you're basically just eliminating people until you either have eliminated all but one or something else comes in and says, hey, you've won. um There are also cases where um everybody loses. there There are a couple of cards um where it just says like, hey, if somebody wins, no, they don't. And actually no one does.
um It's very, very fun and very chaotic. a lot of cart like Some cards will reference each other and and have like different things that come up. You can have ah like one or two cards. You can kind of strategize around a little bit and hold one that says, oh, if you do this, this happens. And then another one that says, like oh, that makes this easier. But by and large, anything that you walk into the game with is going to be immediately erased by someone else just putting down a card um that erases you from existence before you have a chance to think. Interesting. That's so fun. Because like with muffin time, it has a very set like your goal is to get seven card or 10 cards in your hand and then shout the word muffin time. That goal can change. But like you have a very like from the start, you know what you need to do. And that mostly stays the same unless you draw a specific card that allows you to change that.
So not really knowing what the win condition is until it's basically met is kind of interesting. It really sounds like this game is very like it's like a chaotic card game, like kind of boosted on itself. Yes. Yeah, very much. And I think the a lot of the fun of it comes from not knowing kind of what's happening until it happens. Interesting. I do want to check that out. That sounds really interesting and like a lot of fun. Yeah, very much. I have some

Expansions and 2007 Cultural Context

examples here. um now Of course, I'm not going to plagiarize exactly what's written on some of the cards, but um some general ideas are there are some cards that just are worth some amount of points. And then on there, it will always say, OK, now anyone who gets ah this number of points will win. um But that's not established at the beginning of the game. That's something that has to be defined by a card.
um There's one where you win, but only if you're wearing glasses. And if you are, you win immediately. Um, there's one that is like a black hole or a dragon, which you can just target someone to make them lose immediately. But then there's also a science card where you can disbelieve in a black hole or dragon of someone placed on you. So you don't lose. Um, There's a super points card where you gain 90 points, but now everyone's goal is 100, which is never that high with any other card. um There's a rock, paper, scissors, but anyone who plays paper loses. um There's a zombies card where zombies will eat your brains unless someone else has a banana because zombies don't like bananas, so they won't eat your brains. um
There's one i I kind of alluded to earlier, there's spite, where if someone else just won, you play that and instead you and them both lose. um There's also snored, which does nothing. Okay. It does nothing. Hell yeah. And it it it doesn't do anything else, I promise. Now it's suspicious. There's a whole bunch of other ones and there are expansions that introduce a lot of other ideas, too. But they generally follow that kind of pattern where it's just we're going to introduce this whole other concept. And if you can deal with it, you deal with it. If you can't, it just something happens and then see what you can do after that.
um it The one thing I will say, so this this game was released in 2007, which was, as we all know, a very different time in world history. What do you mean? um Culturally. um but you So you remember when people were generally just more happy? I was like 12. I was feeling great. I had no responsibilities. Right. Back before everything was gray and didn't suck so bad, this game was made. And so you could have a game that was very just like LOL so random ah kind of energy and it wasn't you didn't have to be ironic about it. That was just I mean,
So you go and look at YouTube, the the an advent of that, and when it was growing in popularity, um all the the pop culture there was just like, eh, stuff is just happening. And it's funny because it's random. um that's That's the energy that this game brings. And it's kind of... As the kids say, it's kind of cringe, um but it's it's still just a lot of genuine fun. and It's 15 bucks. and games you know If you don't like the the way it's played, the game is probably going to last about five minutes. if that ah You can just kind of play it over and over. so There's no harm in giving it a try, at least.
that sounds like fine Yeah, like I like that it has such a short, like, game time. Because that's one of the things with Muffin Time is like some of the games can actually end up going for a very long time. um And I'm guessing you could probably stack things in a way to make one of these kind of go a little bit longer, but... having something that like you can kind of rapid fire sounds ah like a little bit of fun just in case like if you're at a party and someone wants to sit down or and Someone's like alright. I'm gonna like hop off the table and like someone else hops in that would it seems it could be a ah good game for that exactly It's a good like, oh, this is going on over in the corner, but anyone who wants to care about it can whatever is going on there. um But yeah, I will say, yeah, to your point, this game was also I was I was digging around a little bit to see kind of what people had to say about ah we didn't play test this at all.
Um, one thing that came up a lot was people like how quickly this game goes. Cause there, um, a lot of folks were comparing it to another game called flux with two X's that I have not played before, but it seems to be kind of similar, but it has the same problem you're talking about with muffin time where sometimes it can kind of go on for a while and the gimmick has worn off at that point. And everyone's just kind of like, are we, are we done yet? Is it what's happening here? This is just a lot to worry about. Um, That is one of the the things that I like about muffin time is it has a card that it basically is like, okay, game isn't over, but fully reset from the very beginning. Put all the cards back in shuffle and redeal. It's like, uh, technically the game is over, but the game is still kind of on, but it like a reset. So all the, like the headache and confusion of what's been going on is like, all right, I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore.
ah Yeah, it excuse time yeah ah yeah this this game in my experience, I mean, I've played yeah it, you know, quite a few rounds in a very short amount of time. So I haven't had too much time with it. But in my experience, that really just isn't an issue in the first place. After a few rounds, something will happen to where either everyone's dropped out or someone has just sort of instantly won regardless of anything else that happened. So, yeah, you you don't really run into that issue here. And that is that can be a good thing if you want something quick. It's obviously not for people who want to play an involved game or a game with a lot of strategy or a lot of thinking. This is very much a like there's going to be a bunch of words in my hand and then some of them are going to happen and we'll probably not care about it.
10 minutes from now. but That does sound like fun. i yeah I do think that this would be like a good time to play. it It seems like a little bit more rapid fire than like a muffin time, but I think that they both definitely have their place depending on the the group that you have ah in front of you. Yeah, exactly. And this this game is part of the reason I was curious if you'd heard of it or if many people have heard of it. um It did fairly well for yourself. I mean, I'm sure card games like this, it's pretty simple as well. the The cards are all just black and white, so it's not like you're getting too crazy with the the pieces of the way it's laid out or anything.
yeah um ah So it it ended up doing pretty well. It's got a s sequel called We Didn't Play Test This Either. um It has some expansions to it. There's a a chaos pack that adds a bunch of random effects on top of everything else. There's a blue deck where it's just different cards than their blue. Nice. Yeah. um There's one with dice called the dice are fun expansion, um where it adds some additional kind of mechanics as well, but still keeps it pretty simple. You're just rolling di sometimes as well, in addition to playing the cards. um And one thing that I thought was a lot of fun is a there's a legacy version of this game as well.
um It is, it doesn't add so much to it. It's not like a complicated, like um um ah betrayal at house on the hill legacy or like King's dilemma, where it's like this whole big, long thing. It's basically just the same game, but you can write your name and like put a picture on the card. And so the next time you play the game, if you were the owner of that card, whatever card you use to win the game, Um, if you get affected by that card in the future, if you were the owner of it, it doesn't affect you if you don't want it to. So it's just kind of, Hey, I won. I get a little bonus next time possibly kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. Just little things like that, that shake up the gameplay a little bit and really just add a bunch more chaotic concepts.
Um, without really making it take any longer or or add anything else to it. So it's, um, you can, you can get as much of that as you want. i I haven't personally used any of those expansions. I've only ever played just like the bog standard original, and it was still enough fun to to pass a half hour a time. Yeah. That, uh, that sounds like a really good time to just like, sit around with some friends, maybe have a couple of drinks and just like, like you said, like kill a half hour and just like hang out and be silly.
Yeah, exactly. As long as you're not you know trying to make it last longer, make a thing out of it, then yeah, you're going to be just fine. It's a ah perfectly fun game. um That's really all I have to kind of comment on about it. it's There's really not much more to it than that. It's very, you know, I don't want to say by design because they clearly didn't put a ton of um the They didn't lean too heavily into the over-designing it, um but on purpose, certainly, it is kind of light and fast and not not very deep at all. um So that's that's about it. That's honestly why I think you should play this game.

Conclusion and Host Updates

Hell yeah, it does seem like a lot of fun. I'd really, really like to check it out and honestly pick it up and just see what I can do with some friends, especially with it being so inexpensive. It seems like even if it doesn't work out for my friend group, it's not that big of an investment and to like pick up and get into. Exactly. Yeah. And you can you can just buy it online. I've seen it physically in some stores as well. Like if you go to any kind of board and card game store, it'll be there. I believe I saw it in Wal-Mart at one point. I don't know, though. I saw my boy in Wal-Mart once. That's fair, but that's because God's presence is everywhere around us. Go meditate. for These days, we do actually have to play that game. you I know. stupid
Dude, i I was driving for work and I saw Balch Springs Opolee in Walmart on set on shelves. it's I don't know in how many people, like it was a whole in cap that was full of it. Like, sorry, this is so off topic, but like, who and how many people are buying Balch Springs Opolee? I was so blown away, but why? it's I mean, there's got to be some kind of deal, at like some kind of trademarking, something or other going on that has to be the easiest world in the game or easiest game in the world. Partly license oh backwards right now, but yet to license a like a unique copy of. Dude, OK, if I ever like make it to be a like a successful streamer, I want to make my own monopoly.
I'd be so stupid. I did design my own Pokemon Monopoly board because I don't really like the way that the Pokeopoly works. Very fair. But that's a topic for another day. Yeah, no. And that's I mean, I don't remember exactly how we got from here. They're just like you could just go to a store, see if you can find it, if not online. Not not hard at all. Next time you have a ah get together, just has, I don't know, family reunion, um cocktail party, um Game of Thrones watch party, um anything like that. Also doing that.
i Sure. There's at least like two people out there who are like, oh, come over. We're going to watch the whole last season again reruns of the Game of Thrones. Yeah. I know there's that new what prequel series out, but um yeah, House of the Dragon. Yeah, I'm sure that's a show that people are watching as well. I can't speak to that at all. um But if you are watching it and you're getting a little bit bored, go ahead and give We Didn't Play Test This At All a try. And if you don't want to play that card game, you can and interact with George RR Martin's other famous ah property Elden Ring.
Yes. Yeah. Which is such a wild like I i constantly forget that he was like and part of that. A pretty heavy part of like making the story for it. Yeah. Absolutely wild ah timeline, you know, i'll play Elden Ring while trying to keep ah a game of this going at the same time and see how that works out. I'm sure I don't think you have to focus on this game really at all. It doesn't seem like you need to, especially if you're OK with just losing a bunch. um But yeah, thanks for thanks for listening.
and thanks Thanks, everyone, for being here. and Now, you all have to go play it. I demand it. let Let us know how it is and how many times you lost for absolutely stupid reasons. Yeah, I wasn't wearing my glasses today. Exactly. yeah Imagine that being a person who does wear glasses but didn't bring them to this i fail and That's me on a regular because I broke both of my glasses. Oh no. It's fine. It happens. that Such is life. um But as we as we continue living and playing various games, um you can always come check us out on Twitter at YSPTG underscore pod. um You can always go watch Allison on Twitch.
at Pika Pew to W. Yeah. P I K A P E W W. Although I am streaming less as I am about to move. So that does happen. That throws a original thing. I forgot to mention this is my first the episode in my yeah having just moved where the new studio everybody in my new studio. I do mean guest room that has yet to be unpacked. Hell yeah, so my college boxes in the background hold on wait
There they are. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, that is. Yeah. But yeah, my apologies if I'm a little off the way for the next couple episodes here. Unpacking is awful and I haven't put up any of my sound dampening D&D blankets that I was using for soundproofing at the old place. That is just how it is. And if you don't like it, that's fine. You can come tell me and bully me until I start crying. But until you do that, y'all have a wonderful rest of your day!