Introduction & Warning about Pokémon Infinite Fusion dot net
Hey, everybody, thank you for joining me today. You all look lovely, by the way. Thank you so much for coming. um Quick note before we get into this episode, we just want to let you know that if you go and take a look online for this game that we're about to talk about here, you might find a result that leads you to Pokemon Infinite Fusion dot net. um We just wanted to let you know that that website is actually not officially supported. It's not run by the developers of this game, and it is most likely um malicious. you You may run a risk of encountering malware or something like that if you go through that website. um So if you do want to check out this game, we really recommend going and checking out the official Discord community for Pokémon Infinite Fusion.
We'll have a link to that discord ah group in the description
New Update & Excitement for Pokémon Infinite Fusion
below. So you're more than welcome to check that out. um Absolutely fantastic time to get into playing this game as well. It's got a new update that just came out not too long ago. It looks fantastic. They've made some new additions. They've added a whole bunch of sprite work for the game, which if you don't know why that's significant, we'll get into that in the the episode here. But it looks fantastic. Never a better time to get into it. Just be wary of Pokemon Infinite Fusion dot net. um and look for the official discord um to be able to download and enjoy the game. That's all.
Podcast Humor & Transition to Game Discussion
ah Thank you all for listening and just stay on your toes. Stay safe, stay sharp and let's get into it.
I feel like we should have a running talent for the number of times you started an episode that way. Dude, I but sometimes you just have it in you and he's going to like get it out. get it and ge get out like I get it. I'm i'm totally on board. and Sometimes you just feel like a weird, freaky little dude. And like, honestly, you just got to. I am constantly in a freaky little dude mode. Oh, good. You're going to love my game then. It's today.
What is Pokémon Infinite Fusion?
We're going to be talking about Pokemon Infinite Fusion, which is the freaky little dude and generator. I love this game. I think I've seen. Didn't this pop off like a year or so ago?
Comes in waves. but Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like people combining all these different little weird creatures. Yeah. I played it about a year or so ago and then I've recently gotten back into it and I i love this game. It's such a good one. um This is also one of those like I wrote my outline. There are so many question marks all over my outline because it's hard to track down specific information. I did what little research I usually do and he I mean, if Google doesn't have it, we're not going to know. And if you haven't accepted that by this point, you're listening to the wrong show. We're hanging out. I'm going to tell you about this cool game that I like. um The dev from what I can find is a person named Shroms. S-C-H-R-R-O-M-S. Shromms.
They are there. Yes. Thrones. But it was posted to there's a OK, so it's on Pokemon communities and a bunch of other places. But this is a Pokemon version. I don't want to say romhack. That's the wrong word. We'll get into the game or kind of. Yes. um So to give like a quick click thing, there's this old fusion website that is um called Japeel, J-A-P-E-A-L. um Been around for forever and you could just smoosh Pokemon together and it would auto-gen Pokemon into like a little sprites. It was really fun. You could create some silly combos and it was kind of fun to think about. Mr. Oms saw that and was like, I'll make that end into a whole ass game.
And then did in 2015 they posted on Pokemon community from what I can find um Right now the team behind it is like a discord community like lead production It's like very very heavily community driven, which I super love I have no idea how they made it ah Usually I have like a little bit of like oh this is like some of the process or whatever like no no clue and the thing that like really gets me into that is um man it I This game is really unique and very interesting for a Pokemon game. It plays a lot like a Pokemon game except for you can break it all to hell, which is super fun um because Pokemon aren't meant to fuse. And when you fuse, you get a bunch of options that mean that you can create these incredibly broken builds.
which is the fun part for me. I love just like making a monster that is an actual monster and will just destroy anything in its path. Yeah. I want to know more about how the actual mechanics of it, because like, I mean, everyone's seen the like little fun. Oh, what did this Pokemon look like this one instead? But what does it actually mean in a gameplay sense when you splish them together? Yeah. So real quick, before we get into that, the thing that I wanted to say is like the original Pokemon engine, when people make ROM hacks, the original Pokemon engine is usually what they work in. There's a lot of tools to like basically deconstruct or decompile a Pokemon game, give you all the sprites and then you can reassemble it however you want.
And that's how a lot of people will make ROM hacks. This idea is fully incompatible with the original engine. So they had to rebuild Pokemon from the ground up, and they did it in RPG Maker. No kidding. This is a full Pokemon game that is bigger than most Pokemon games made an RPG maker. And it feels like an impossible task because they're like, I think it tells you how big the Pokedex is. So you start up the game, it gives you like a little like tutorial of like, oh, this new invention has come out of Silph Co. It's the fuser, blah, blah, blah. You should try it on your Pokemon. You get your first Pokemon. And then from there,
The fun thing is you get your first Pokemon and then the two remaining Pokemon, usually your rival will pick one
Creative Mechanics & Community Contributions
of the two. Your rival takes both of the two and fuses them together immediately and then whenever you're doing your like tutorial battle, you're fighting against a fused Pokemon of two very opposite types. One that you're strong against, one that you're weak against. I'm going to say that's kind of goofy. But it's really fun. But you get these little tools, the little fusion shards, essentially, and and then you get into Pokemon and you're like, all right, cool. I mean, use the shard. I click on one Pokemon, I click on the other and it'll pop up a menu of like, which direction do you want to fuse? Basically, which one do you want to be the head and which one do you want to be the body? It's a little bit, but it isn't like it's not very graphic and it's that's just kind of like the vague explanation of like, do you want it to be like a
Pikachu-themed Blastoise, or do you want it to be a Blastoise-themed Pikachu kind of thing? um so it'll Which answer you choose determines which Harry Potter house you get sorted into. exactly It definitely has a lot. It says a lot about you. But one of the things I like is this game, like I said, is very heavily community driven. When you first get your Pokedex, he's like, there's something like two hundred thousand Pokemon. Don't worry about completing it. I don't expect that just have fun because it's every Pokemon confused with every Pokemon to make a unique creature.
So what that means is that somebody out there has completed the full Pokedex, right? Like any anything that's put in front of the Internet and gamers on it, especially the Pokemon site. And they say, you don't have to do this if you don't want someone does it. Right. I haven't seen. anyone fully complete it naturally. I've seen people cheat, but I have not seen anyone do it naturally. So I'm still waiting on that. But it, like I said, there's legitimately over 200,000 combinations. um
It's hard. There's a lot that's going to take like years of someone's life. and I'm sure someone's dedicating themselves to it right as we speak. But I don't believe it's been done quite yet, but it has been out so since 2015. This is like a 10 year old game almost. So o but the good thing about that is with there being so many Pokemon and a lot of them were auto generated, some of them are really janky and kind of ugly. Honestly, like a lot of them are really ugly. The community has taken it upon themselves to draw them all. um So, there's a Discord server where people are making pixel art of all of these combinations and some of them are incredible. Some of them are so cool and some of them are the freakiest, silliest little dude you've ever seen. One of my favorites because I played this while I was like, I played this with my girlfriend a long time ago. She was watching and I was playing. um One of my favorites was a Fampi and an Eevee that fused together and his name was Epee because it fuses the name too. So I had a little Eevee and there was a little Eevee with a tiny little L. It was so cute. It was a freaky little guy and I loved him. um Anything fused with Mr. Mime is like horrifying. If you don't want to play the game and you want to see the Fusions, you can go to fusioncalc, which is a ah site built by the community to do calcs on like Oh, this is what they're weak to. This is what they're strong to. These are the abilities they can get. And this is how their stat spread for their base stat totals are going to be. And then it will also show you the custom sprite art if it has one.
When you're fusing a Pokemon in game, it shows you a little green icon or a gray icon. A gray icon means it's randomly generated. A green icon means that that one has custom art. I usually always go for one with custom art. I really love it. It's so good. The custom art's amazing. And there's I think like 90,000 of them have been drawn so far, something like that. It's a lot. People have been going to town on it It's been great to watch this grow over the years and like even to this day every month They put out a new pack of icons um And you it has an auto update or built into the game. So when you boot up, it's like hey, there's a new pack out Would you like to download you just hit yes, and they're already in your game and you can just get to keep playing. It's really cool.
Now, I immediately went on that website you were talking about and found my two favorite that you can possibly generate in the entire game. I sent you a picture. I don't know if you've seen. Oh, let me let me pull up my discord real quick. ah Turns out the faces in Pokemon do belong to nose pass and elective us no matter where you head. Yeah, no matter how you mix those up, that's prime material. Yeah, I've got Magcargo and Mareep on my screen right now. And the the look of that Mareep Magcargo mix is very good. um But like when you look at that, you can see like, OK, so Magcargo is fire rock and Mareep is just electric. So do you get if you do the Magcargo first, you get the fire part of the Magcargo and the electric part of Mareep. But if you do Mareep first it's electric first and then you get the rock part of Magcargo.
So, you get different typing, you get different stats based on which one is the primary and which one is the secondary. ah You can pick whatever ability you want. that So, out of the two Pokémon, each of them will have their ability, you get to pick which one you want. So, there are some really broken abilities, like with Shedinja, it has Wonderguard, which Wonderguard, if you don't know, any move that does not do special or ah super effective damage does no damage. So if you mix, uh, and Shedinja is bug ghost. So if you mix it with a dark type and you get a dark ghost and you bring over that, uh, wonder guard, the only move that will do damage to you is a fairy type move, which is one of the least
common damaging moves in the game. So no one can hurt you unless they do like sleep ah poison damage or sandstorm damage or something like that but they can't directly hit you. Which makes things interesting. You can make these really crazy broken builds. And I super love getting to break this game. I love how community driven it is. I love how active the discord is. I love that everyone is doing this together. And then also just getting to make these the little guys and like just generate a ton of them. One of my favorite things to do would be like, all right, cool. I found a new Pokemon. I'm going to catch like 10 of them. And then me and my girlfriend are just going to sit in my Pokemon box and just.
Smoosh them together and figure out what works and like just make a laugh at like, okay, cool That's ah that's a great one. And then also you get some really cool ones like some of my favorite Pokemon like koffrey gregret I hate that name koffrey gregus Or like a go lurk Such cool designs, Golurk and Snorlax, really badass Pokemon. um So you can like make some really cool looking guys that you've never seen before. And there's so many that like, yeah, there's some of them that most no one's seen.
um And you can make this this incredible, unique experience. And then on top of it being Pokemon and adding this, there's a whole new story, which is really engaging and fun about Team Rocket trying to make a Trifusion and how that goes. And it it leads to some really challenging boss battles, which is really fun.
Unique Experiences & Fan Content
um There are new mechanics, there's new areas. um It is Pokemon red and blue, so if you are an OG person, um you will feel very comfortable in a home, although there are going to be a lot of new Pokemon because most of them are in it. Not all, but I think up to like Gen 8 are included in in the pack. Gotcha.
And we're at Gen 9 right now so I think it's just the most recent ones that aren't in there quite yet. um Generation 10 comes next year so we'll see what happens. um But there are a bunch of like quality of life stuff that I really like too of like You don't have to hit a buttoned surf, you just walk up to the water and then walk onto the water and you're surfing. If you have a Pokémon that knows surf, you just go. Easy, peasy, lemon breezy. So, so simple. Little things like that. You want to use speed up, that's built into the game. Super nice.
Speed up is really nice for a lot of Pokemon like ROM hacks and stuff like that because it just makes the game a lot snappier. The frustrating thing about that is it's usually at a ridiculous frame rate until you slow it down and then it makes the music sound like it's so annoying. I hate that sound. But since this isn't made in the Pokemon engine, it's made an RPG maker. They just distinct the music from the gameplay. So when you speed up the gameplay, the music stays at normal speed. So you still get good music. while getting to play faster and there are three levels of like speed up and
the game. to see this game This like website that was a fun website to go to when I was in like a middle school, high school, um turned into a video game, which I never thought would ever happen. Yeah. Which is like this Herculean feat. And then watch it like actually blossom to the point where like it like like you were saying, it really popped off about a year ago. People were all over it. There are tech talks, there are YouTube shorts, there's YouTube videos, a bunch of huge streamers and speed runners all got hugely into it.
It's a blast. It's such a fun game. um The story is developed in such a fun way as well. It's so good. I highly recommend it um it. It looks so wild to me because on one hand, it feels like the kind of game where you're like, ah you take a look at this website. You said fusioncalc because you need a whole like website and automated system to like figure out what the all the stats and all the typings and all the like, I'm i'm looking at a crazy amount of information for what I thought was, you know, a children's Pokemon game. um I mean, these are all Pokemon stuff. But yeah, yeah, exactly. But like the the fact that you have to like,
get all this figured out and like, you know, kind of lab this out is kind of crazy. And so that's like one side of this thing. And then the other side is like what you described when you were playing it, just kind of sitting in your Pokémon box, like you're in a sandbox with action figures, just kind of jamming parts onto the other. It's a very different um attitude. And I love that this game just kind of lets you do that. it it It seems very fun and you can get out of it like exactly what it is that you you want to put into it. Yeah, no matter what your goal is, if you want to get sweaty and get competitive and make something that's really calced out and like really labbed well and like figure out your strat and you're like, all right, cool. I want this ability because if I get water absorbed, I get a water immunity so I can throw that onto a fire type Pokemon. So I like.
ah mark off one of my main ah weaknesses and then I can do these things to like really help out with that and then if I take this Pokemon it's got good stats for this part and this Pokemon's got good stats for this part so if I smoosh those together and then get this ability that you can do all this like highly technical, really nerdy stuff. It's that's just too much. that's is' But you don't have to. You can just make funky little guys. Yes. And that's also incredibly fun. it's It's a blast. It was honestly one of I love getting sweaty for Pokemon. I'm a huge nerd. I love talking to all these ridiculous.
Can you do me a favor and rethink the sentence? I love getting sweaty for Pokemon. No, ah that's fine. I do. I love getting into the weeds and like figuring out like, all right, cool. What stats do I need? What abilities am I going to? Where am I like? I do my calcs, get everything figured out. I like Nuzlockes. I like competitive. I like all these fun, like really stat heavy things. I think they're a blast. I think it's a great time. But also. I love these little critters and watching them get mushed together and just clicking the random button on this website. a Fun fact for all of you playing along at home, if you're on this website and at the top you'll see like a number. So right now I'm looking at a mixture of lamp and grottle. The POCA DEX number is 133506. That one's in white and then if you see a red number next to it, it's like
336.317 to be hyperspecific of the one I'm looking at. The red means that it's auto-generated. If that number is green, that means that it is a user-generated sprite on the website. So if you're looking on the website, that is how you can differentiate between something that's auto-generated and something that's user-generated. But yeah, just clicking random a bunch of times is so fun. And you get some really silly, but weird little creatures and critters out of it. Oh, my God, Kombuzkin Zorua is so cute. Sorry. I've just been coming through a lazy and wheezing combo that looks incredible.
it honestly this is the most fun part of the game is just making the little little creatures a little freaky guys I love them and then like making a really cool one and be like yeah this is the guy who's gonna like rock with me for a while it's so it's so enjoyable I highly recommend it to anyone who is just like likes Pokemon and wants to check this out
Um, and then you can like pick two different Pokemon and click fuse and see if you get anything that's been drawn.
Core Gameplay: Fusions vs. Traditional Play
And if you haven't and you feel like you're like, I have a good idea for that thing. You can, if you draw in pixel art within the spec, there is, there are specs for this, but if you draw it within the spec, you can just take that and give it to the discord and be like, Hey, I drew this and they'll be like, cool, put it in. Um, and then oh oh i fully forgot when you get your polkedex um if you get a pokemon that has multiple drawings for that pokemon in the pokedax you're able to like click on that thing And it'll bring up all of the sprites available for that Pokemon. You can scroll through, pick one that you like, and then be like, this is the one that I like. And then it will show you that one from then on. You get to pick your own sprite if there are multiples for that one guy. And that was another thing that me and Lily would like to do. um There are some that are great, ah some that I can recommend that are really funny. Diglett Machamp, that's a great one.
All right, I'm going to give that a try right now while we're talking. I think it was Diglett Machamp. Yeah, there's my berry. Oh, no. Doug Trio Machamp is also pretty good. That's actually, in my opinion, a little bit better. um So like it's good. I love the little hands. nothinging at It's so good. It's so fun. And this is this is like the enjoyable part of it is like you like all right, cool. but Oddish ah Oddish Onyx is also a great one. That one's so funny.
I'm looking it up again because I really like Audish Onyx. Big fan of anything with Dugtrio because you know one of the options is just going to be three of that thing poking up out of the ground. Yeah. um and If you're playing on the website next to the Pokemon's name, if you click the little cross arrows, it'll randomize that Pokemon instead of both Pokemon. and So you can do that if you like to just get some weird combos. um If you're like, all right, cool. I want to see every fusion with Mareep, which is what I was doing before the podcast um because Mareep is my favorite Pokemon. There are some really funny ones. Um, if you're like, all right, cool. I love the Doug trio fusions, or if you want to get really cursed, type in Mr Mime. Um, and then i you want to do that. I want to sleep well tonight. and i god The Mr Mime onyx is so funny. Sorry. You're good. The, uh, uh, the Kofagreus, like you were talking about their combo with like Doug trio, especially looks absolutely like a little bit messed up, a little bit scary.
i i love koforigue yeah the like tomb one like the the mausoleum weird but like so very very cool yeah Kofagrigus is like one of my favorite Pokemon of all time, like such a cool little dude. And he's got some of the coolest fusions, like genuinely. He got hands. He's a little grave boy. Oh, dude. Kofagrigus electrode. Really cool. He's got like a pokeballs in his little hands. So looking like a Rotom ass like I love it. Um.
Yeah, like there's there's so many good ones. I highly recommend just like ah just take a look. and This is like a really great part of it if you don't play the game, but like genuinely playing the game and you don't even have to get sweaty. Just make fun little critters. and run around and beat up some people. It's fun. It's a good time. I think you'll enjoy it. I genuinely think that you'll have a good time. I don't see how you would have a bad time just making some funny little guys and running around and enjoying yourself and enjoying all the quality of life benefits that this gives you over a like
regular Pokemon run, because regular Pokemon, especially Fire Red Leaf Green, which this is, is, um, PBS. I was gonna ask, actually. i know I know a good chunk of this episode has been us just sitting here saying, wow, look at these Pokemon smashed together, which is not the only takeaway, but it's, I'm having a wonderful time. um What I have to, what like, complete opposite end of the spectrum, just yeah the little devil's advocate that lives inside me has hollowed me out like a tree and has has set up um ah a permanent residence there, is a curious and is asking, what if you just played through
this game without fusing any, but like, what if you just took a Pikachu through the entire game without fusing? Like you can do that where you have to do that to really take advantage of the game or is it completely? And Pokemon are stronger when they're fused because you get some of these weird and broken builds and all of the trainers have like set up builds because it's been made by a fan instead of by Pokemon. So every, it's not a person with three ratatata. um
Which also, fusing a Pokémon with itself, so like two Rattatata together, very fun. um You also get some weird things that you wouldn't expect. um a Fusing two Dugtrio together, and you'd be surprised how much you already know what that's gonna look like. I was gonna say, I've got a pretty clear picture um in my head. It's... I recommend looking at it. That was dead right. Oh, that's a good.
It's good. ada Um, but like, no, you don't have to fuse your Pokemon. You can just leave them. You do get a little bit of extra build on top of it. You get some extra stats. You can like take advantage of like, oh, this Pokemon's really physically bulky and this Pokemon's really physically damaging. If I throw those together, I can get the bulk of this one and the damage of this one and like, really have um a little critter on my hands. um But you don't have to do that. You can just play through like a regular Pokemon game. You will see a bunch of huge Pokemon from the other trainers. um But you you could. Yeah, ah you're going to have a little bit harder time because your Pokemon are not going to be as built out as some of the people you're going to be fighting. But. um Yeah, no, you definitely you you could you could do whatever you like.
Yeah, you definitely are saying that in the same way that like, when you use the tone that you're using, you're advising very strongly not to, but not saying it out loud so you're not accountable. I think you're missing out on a lot of the fun if you do that. So I'm not going to advise you to skip out on all of the fun. Right. Legally, this is not a recommendation. If you would like to not have fun, if you don't think that making a bunch of freaky little guys is fun in a good time and you just want to play Pokemon, there are several other ROM hacks for you. I was going to say, this is, I suppose, not the game for that.
Yeah. like if If you want to just play through like a regular game, you definitely can, but there are so many other games that you could do that for.
Personal Experiences with ROM Hacks & Improvements
and I can talk about all of those. I've got a list of them. If you want like a really hardcore one, I've got one for that Pokémon. I've seen your bulletin board with the red lines going between them, listing every different Pokémon game there is. I know you can you can keep going. and On a side note, I got, and this is the one thing that makes me sad that this is an RPG Maker game and not a ah ROM, is I have this little Game Boy. It's called an Anbernic RG35XX or something like that.
um It plays every console, and with my legally obtained ROMs, I'm able to take them wherever I want, and it's in the same form factor as a Game Boy Pocket. It's got a backlit screen. It charges with USB-C. The battery lasts like a week. um I modded it to where I have what's called Garlic OS, which is a better secondary operating system made by a fan of the system, which is incredible if you can support Black Serif. because you're doing the things that I'm recommending now. um Support his Patreon if you can't support him. It is free to download Garlic OS and upgrade your thing. But I have 128 gigs of storage on there in a ton of games. I have been playing through so many ROM hacks. I have so many Pokémon ROM hacks on that thing. And every time I travel and I travel a lot for work, um that's my plane thing. i put I take that on the plane and I play a ton of ROM hack Pokémon.
So I do have a little string board of a ton of Pokemon ROM hacks I want to talk about. but I might do an episode of like Allison's ROM hack roundup or something like that where we we go through a bunch of them because I can't give every single one a dedicated episode. Although I would love to. It would take. way too long. But, um, man, this is one that's not a ROM hack. It is a fan game because it is remade and rebuilt in its own engine. I apologize if you hear me clicking in the background and I know James hates it when I click while I'm talking, but I'm looking at all of these creepy, creepy little creatures. Um, they're perfect in every way, shape, and form, except for course, a lot is awful. My sharp ears pick up on your mouth. click You can't hide. yeah
and But, um, you know, like genuinely I think this game is a bunch of fun. It's got so many good quality of life features. It's got everything that you really like want in a Pokemon remake. If you like Pokemon, you'll have a good time with this. If you don't like Pokemon, I still think you'll have a good time making little creatures. That part's incredibly enjoyable. You have to play Pokemon a little bit to do it, but if you're like so adverse to playing Pokemon, you don't want to do it, just go to fusingcalc it's It's a good time, like genuinely, but like I cannot support this this ah fan game more. Go join the Discord. Go get the custom ROM.
ah the custom sprite folders um that is on the Discord server.
Community Support & Easter Eggs
It's free to access. The actual download, I think, is on um i will I will give links to James so he can put them in the ah description. I mean, this sounds like the quintessential version of like a fan game, right? Like this is yeah made by somebody or multiple people who really, really love this franchise and have like grown up with this sort of like you were saying with that website. It's like, oh, what ah if you smash them two together and then they like grow, like grow older and have the ability to like make what they always thought would be a cool idea based on this franchise. This is like the purest form of that I've ever seen. And I love it so much.
It was on Poke Community and yes, i I do agree with you on every level. I i love that this is a nine year process made by a a man in Quebec, which Shroms is from. um There's 300 plus posts. There's a Discord server with, and i I genuinely don't know how many people in it, but like, and A lot, like a really, really heavy amount in Pokemon Infinite Fusions. um
It's for requests, Jesus. um There's 180 people with requests open right now. um There are, those are helpers. Sprite feedback giver. OK, there are over 100000 people in this Discord server. It is incredibly active. it It is going all the time. People are sharing. People are talking. People are building. um Oh, also, if you like one fun little there's a ton of little Easter eggs in it as well that I love that are like high attention to detail on specifically the old Pokemon games like Pokemon Fire, Red Leaf Green and pi Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow.
um In the original games, if you played Pokemon Red and Blue, you will remember the opening link screen. There's a Nidorino and a Gengar fighting. In the remake of this, um there is a Nidoran and a Gengar fighting and they fuse to fight a different Pokemon. That's cool. I like that. In Cerulean City, there's a Pokemon who is... There's a person with a Pokemon out of its ball in the OG games, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow. In Red and Blue, it is a Voltorb. In Yellow, it is a Slowbro. In Pokemon Infinite Fusion, it is a Slowbro Voltorb hybrid. Of course.
and Just a little attention to detail that shows you these people genuinely care about this so much. um Like it's it's little things that people normally wouldn't think about that when I saw I was like, oh my God, I love that. And my girlfriend was like, love what? And like, this thing and went on my little nerdy rampage and she was like, oh, that's really cool. And it's like it's it's little things like that over and over and over again that just makes this so enjoyable. um Also, look up Whale Lord Golbat Fusion. That's a good one.
um I'm sure you can imagine it in your head, but it's a great one. um I'm imagining multiple things and it's both of them. Giant screaming whale. Yes. Oh, I love him. Yeah. That's a large boy. Yeah. This is, this is just a lot of the fun is like you get two new people and you're like, OK, I have to I have to go do this real quick and then you just go do it and you're like, you yeah, like I like the second I found a litwick, I was like, I need to stop everything. I'm going to my box right now. I left the dungeon. I immediately like ran to the box. and I was like, I have like six things I want to fuse this little guy with because I love Litwick and I can't wait to see all the adorable things that they make.
um it's it's ah It's so fun and it has like that spark of enjoyment over and over and over again that I just i i adore. So if if you're a nerd and you like Pokemon, if you have an Android phone, you can play this on your Android phone. It is currently supported on Android and Windows. I think maybe Mac. I'm not sure on that. Give me a second. That would be interesting because not many things are, but I mean, no, only this PC and Android. That's the only two. got that Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. That is that is what's available. All right. I found it. Fair enough. Yeah. No, I mean, clearly this is an an interesting enough. concept on its own that a game based around this is just gonna be Incredible if it has this amount of love put into it. That's absolutely fantastic. I I definitely I mean it's No, sick. I have a pretty solid track record at this point of being iffy on Pokemon but this is another one of the ones that I'm gonna have to check out just for like the sake of the gimmick and seeing what like genuine love for this franchise looks like and
It's also free. Like what better what better thing is there than that? The sprite pack is free. The game is free. It takes a second to install. It's made an RPG maker. It's not the motion mission engine, but it works. It works really well, actually, and it's a blast. I highly recommend even if you're not a big Pokémon fan, play it for like a couple hours. Just enjoy yourself. I think you'll have a great time. Yeah, like that's that's the whole thing. Yeah, I absolutely love it. I don't know what more you could possibly want than just looking at these funky little dudes. What I would want is for this Mankie and Nidoran combo to exist in real life.
Oh, also look up Fampi and Eevee. The little Eevee is so good. um You said Manky, Nidoran? Yeah. Nidoran. F or M? Okay, Nidoran F. Which everyone looks like it's screaming. a Yeah, I love that. I love the little screaming Nidoran. It keeps this little screaming mouth for a lot of fusions, honestly. He's good. I love Eevee. Eevee was like the one that was like, I couldn't i and refuse to let it evolve. I refuse to let it do anything. I was like, Eevee is perfect. Exactly. This is the ideal Pokémon. You know what? I think I take it back. I think Pokémon is good now. I think I've decided.
It wasn't good until now, but a little EP with a little snoot and it it's over. I have cute aggression. I want to squeeze it. and I love it so much. But yeah, that's that's like 90% of the game. Just enjoy yourself. I think you'll have a good time. I was going to say at risk of this episode devolving into just 15 more minutes of us talking about these two Pokemon look cool together. Go try it out for yourselves. I'm going to do that. You should i do. This is why you should play this game, like genuinely just enjoy yourself. I think you'll have a good time. I don't think I have anything further to say on it without devolving into just a burbles. But yeah. um Enjoy yourself. And also I lied. It is up to generation seven, not generation eight. So. Gotcha. Well, that one generation.
yeah I'm going to miss him dearly. Yep, yep. That generation with the Pokemon that I know about and love them and know them. um I am also currently in in recording sending James the invite to the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Discord server. So ah when this episode goes up, you can be one of the 500,000 members or the 130,000 online members of this Discord server. it's If you haven't heard of it, go check it out. It's
Episode Wrap-Up & Social Engagement
a blast. Just but it's it's a permanent link. We can just drop it in the description. um Yeah, go play it. If you got an Android phone, if you got a PC, if you got a Mac, if you got a Linux computer, which you got a Linux computer, you're rad. Cool. Just offer it based. But um you can play this game and you should play this game. Yeah. I wonder why we called it that. Hmm.
because I couldn't think of a better name and it just stuck. Exactly. I mean, literally the reason. Here's the thing is you should. You should play this game. I i think you should. Absolutely. I i think I should. Yeah, I definitely think you should. And I'm glad that I was able to win you over with yet another Pokemon game that I doubt you'll ever play. Listen, I'll give you my time. I just, I simply don't have time to play any games right now. and the i do is I've got, listen, I don't. I need to go to a Monster Hunter anonymous meeting because it's taking over my life and it isn't giving me room for anything else, but I'll i'll make it happen. Once I'm cured, I will certainly get to finally, finally coming around on Pokémon. God, I hate love it. Sorry, I just saw Sylveon Licky Licky. Oh no. it's It is a trans pride nightmare.
um But yeah, I think that that's where I'm gonna leave it. Oh no!
Because we're just going to keep doing this forever. Thank you so much for joining us. You can find us on Spotify or Apple Podcast. Give us a rating. You can find us on Twitter at YSPTG underscore pod. Give us a shout. I'd love to hear from you. I stream on Twitch on Saturdays. ah My username is Peek-a-Pew, P-I-K-A-P-E-W-W. You may catch me playing this. I'm also playing through a couple of other. I actually just started playing Pokemon Colosseum. I'm so excited. So if you want to watch me play Pokemon Colosseum or Pacific Drive or a bunch of other games, I'm still playing Pacific Drive because I still love that game. Go check it out. Go check me out. I would love to hear from you. He's disgusting. I love him.
I have fully killed James. I've been broken. Goodbye, everybody. Oh, dude, spinner-axed Sylveon's so cute. We can't do this forever. No, we can't. We can't. I've read his jump to tracks and is creating towards the orphanage at muck speed. Hey. I'm out for the count. All right. I think i think I'll just, I'll, bye. Bye!