#86 Steve Bassett - Government, Congressional Hearings & UFO Amnesty image

#86 Steve Bassett - Government, Congressional Hearings & UFO Amnesty

Anomalous Podcast Network
395 Plays2 years ago
Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" - the  formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has lectured around the world on the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena and given over 1200 radio and television interviews. PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and in the Washington Post and New York Times.

In 2013 PRG organized and conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiative out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched a new exopolitical podcast out of Washington, DC - the DisclosureWire - based in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House.

Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube.

Main website: www.paradigmresearchgroup.org
DisclosureWire Podcast:  www.disclosurewire.org


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Introduction and Podcast Network Overview

You're listening to the Anomalous Podcast Network. Multiple voices, one phenomenon.

Host's Return and Blackpool Expo Insights

Welcome back to the channel, guys. I have been away, I think, for about eight days since I did my last show, which I believe is the longest break I've had since doing this show in just over a year now. It's crazy to think it's been over a year since I've been doing this. So I'm really happy to be back. The weekend just gone. I was at the Awakening Expo in Blackpool, which was awesome. It was my first conference. I was there representing UAP Media UK. It was amazing.
But that's another story.

Guest Introduction: Steve Bassett

I want to get straight into this one, because it's always an amazing conversation with my guest tonight here. It's been about 10 months since he was last on the show. So a lot has happened in that time. So let's jump straight up into it. And let me welcome Mr. Steve Bassett. Steve, how are you? Vinnie, it's great to be with you. I hope everything is well on the other side of the pond. It's good. Congratulations to the Queen.
You know, centenium, fantastic. All is well. Yeah, excellent, excellent. Just a quick message for the people in the live chat. If you do have any questions, I've noticed some people have already dropped some in and I've put them to one side for later. But as the show's going on, if you pop them in capital letters, that will help me see them clearly. And then again, I can put a little star next to them and ask them at the right relevant time. Maybe during the interview, it may be towards the end, but
that would be great and helpful for me.

NDAA Announcements and UAP Developments

So Steve, like I said, it's been 10 months since we spoke. We've had so many things happening in the community in that time. We had, towards the end of last year, the NDAA announced for fiscal year 22, the Gillibrand Amendment, AOIMSG, and then into this year with the hearings. So let's jump back to last year with the announcement of the NDAA. How did that feel for you at that time?
I've been at this quite a while now, 26 years. So nothing that's happening is overwhelming. It's like knowing about your surprise birthday party, eight months in advance. But everything we're seeing now is the result of developments five years ago.
which I can't believe it's been five years, the anniversary of which is coming up in a few months. And that is as a result of the efforts of certain individuals

Pentagon Footage and Truth Embargo Discussion

who were part of a new organization that was formed and announced in October of 2017 to the Stars Academy. Some information was delivered to the New York Times that published two now famous historical articles.
On the 16th of December 2017 in the print and then the next day online right and these of course the articles about a Program which was nicknamed a tip advanced aerospace started an education program But the actual formal name was a sap. I don't want to go there, but I'll do And then of course and most importantly Via Christopher Mellon
three gun camera footages of actual gun camera events, filmed events, were allowed out of the Pentagon, declassified, and allowed out of the Pentagon. The whole process of that was still a little unclear. I don't think any laws were violated, but I assure you they would not have made it out of the Pentagon and into the New York Times website without some pretty much understanding
And that changed everything. Since then, in five years, these gun camera clips, which is cameras in our F-18 warplanes that always are filming, except in, I suspect, certain contact situations,
all activities of these planes. In other words, they're on training missions. They want to have a record. If they go up to check out a bogey or an unidentified aerial phenomena, they film it, right? Always. They've been doing that for 70 years, right? I don't know if you remember watching those old documentaries about World War II. We have all these shots of they're actually in battle, right?
and they're showing film, right? Guess what? Those are gun cameras, meaning they call them gun cameras because the camera is sit in one of the gun pods on the plane instead of a gun, right? Not all planes have them, but they do. Over the last 75 years, they have accumulated thousands of these in just the United States alone. A lot of people don't know that, but the UK has
a very large number of these film clips, right? Where the UK sends up a plane to check out a UAP, France, Canada, Australia, Russia, China, all of these countries, how many thousands

U.S. Government's UAP Involvement History

of these one, two, five, eight, 10, 20 minute quote clips, records of a UAP intercept are in the files of these countries, we don't know, but it is a big number.
And you may say, well, if that's the case, why have only three been released to the public in 75 years? Because these countries know, certainly the United States and its allies, countries know, China knows, and Soviet Union and Russia know that if they started releasing these things, the truth embargo would end. It would end it pretty quick. And therefore, they have to remain in the vault.
Now this is something I've known for a very long time. The average citizen of most countries, they don't understand this. They know that such things are done but they don't understand that the government has all this. So when the first three in history are released in December of 2017 and put up on the New York Times website where since then they have been posted on news websites
as part of news articles and God knows what, all over the world and been seen by, I don't know, X hundreds of millions of times and maybe a billion, I don't know. That's kind of a significant change from the past. All right. And so everything starts then. And I've been following it as close as I could over the last five years, contributing as well as I could and watching this whole issue mature into,
an issue and into a historical process appropriate to the importance of the subject as opposed to everything prior to 2017 where it was not. And so what's happening now is what should have happened back in the 50s or the 60s certainly, definitely the 70s, 80s absolutely and definitely in the early 90s after World War II, it took another
30 years since the end of the Cold War, I said World War II, I meant the Cold War, for us finally to get to the place where we're now in a somewhat normal situation with respect to the reality of the extraterrestrial presence. So am I excited? No, not too much. Am I optimistic? Yes. Am I tired? Oh, you better believe
So that's the answer to the question. Now, if you want to ask me any specifics about certain things, I'll be happy to give a picture. I don't want to get into the

Truth Embargo and Political Landscape Evolution

granular details here because I think most of your audience is like, whatever. I can definitely paint the picture that they need to have to really understand what's going on and where it's going.
Do you feel that towards when we saw the announcement of the NDAA last year, and then there was quite a few back and forths before it finally got passed? And during that time, we saw the Pentagon jump in with this new organization, AOIMSG, which was very, it seemed a bit iffy at the timing that they were still trying to control the narrative. Did you worry about that at all? Or did you think it would all sort of play out how it should?
No, no, no. I have generally pretty good feelings about everything's going on. But I'm not unsympathetic with the fact that many, many people who are in this issue, meaning they're actually involved in it in a direct way. They may have a podcast. They may be a researcher. They may be a journalist focusing on UAP.
I have I understand why and of course social media. God bless it, which I'm on believe me I'm I can't build Twitter followers fast enough, right? Follow me folks follow me I understand why they're they're viewing some of this with consternation I don't have that problem and and and the reason is simply this I've been following it for 26 years focused specifically primarily that on the phenomena of
not on what do ETs look like and kind of their craft or on and all that, but rather the politics of it, the historical process and how that's all playing out. And ultimately, for me, it's all about the truth embargo and ending that truth embargo. And so because of all that time, the context of what's happening now is relatively clear to me, but probably not to most people.
And so with respect to these actions that you're referring to, this is just part of the normalization process that's going on, meaning what it reflects the fact that finally, really, for the first time,
Though one can say back in 1968 and 1966 when two one-day hearings were held on Capitol Hill for a couple of witnesses to come on and talk about the phenomena and then it was over and the government's attitude is don't bother us ever again. This is now the first time there has been a normal interaction on this issue appropriate to the issue, which is to say that the Congress finally stepped in two years ago
And that that happened the formerly stepped in when Marco Rubio, the chairman of the our Senate Intel Committee, the most powerful important committee, I think, in the US Congress. Put language in the appropriations bill.
It was not in the enumerated section. It was in the comments section. So it was not a legal demand, but it was clearly, yeah, you got to do this. Calling for a report to be delivered six months after the signing of the bill, which ended up being a deadline of June 25, 2021, back to the Congress and to the public. And this was a big deal.
because that had never happened before, really. And so that was the beginning of the political engagement. Since then, there has been a back and forth between the Congress, the Senate, as well as the House, the Intel Committee, involving language in three different bills.
Uh, and then the the department of defense responded and then the congress responded and it's been going back and forth, which is normal Yeah, that's exactly the way things are supposed to be. All right, so uh now in terms of What the congress has done and what members of congress have said which is unprecedented? Uh, you have now on the record
quite a few members of the US Congress speaking directly to the issue or taking actual formal action. Marco Rubio, Senator. Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator. Mark Warner, Senator. Ruben Gallego, Congressman. Tim Burchette, Congressman. Andre Carson, Congressman. These are people that are taking formal actions and making direct statements about the UAP issue.
uh in just the last two years all right and so that is going on and people are trying to understand why this why that why did they do this why did the do do this and and and and for people that have some knowledge about this issue as they watch this they're scratching their head and going that doesn't
That doesn't make sense. They shouldn't have done that. Or the appropriate reaction should be this. And so they're getting frustrated. And then, of course, generally, the people out there that are really following the issue, they may not be directly involved. But they want to know the truth. Their attitude is, just tell us the truth. Just stop the silly fiddle faddling and back and forth. Just tell us the damn truth. What's your problem? And get it. So they're frustrated. They're confused.
Well, my job is to solve all that for them, to put that at risk, to put them at ease and allow them to go back to a nice normal life while they follow this amazing process.

Efforts to End the Truth Embargo

That's my job. That's why I've given in just the last two years alone, a hundred and maybe 45 interviews.
of which this is the latest, okay? I'm looking forward to a larger audience. I'm working my way slowly back onto CNN and MSNBC and Fox News or whatever. I'm working there, not there yet, but I'll get there eventually. Okay, so what am I trying to say here? Here's what I'm trying to say. What everyone in this world is watching is not the United States or the UK
or any other government suddenly figuring out or realizing, wait a minute, there's a phenomena going on and we don't fully understand it. And we probably should address that. We should do some appropriate things. We should set up a task force. We should talk to the press a little bit. We should take appropriate legislative action. We should conduct oversight. That is not what is going on, okay?
Let me be emphatically clear. I can't be any more clear than this. The United States government, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, Soviet Union, Russia, China, and throw in, you know, most of Germany, every one of these countries has known that there is an extraterrestrial non-human phenomena underway
since no later than 1947 or within a year or two of that. All right, let me repeat that. All of these countries, now by that, I don't mean every single person running around, you know, in the government in the UK or anywhere else says, oh yeah, it knows about this. No, I'm saying that there are people within every one of these governments.
who are fully aware of this. It's their job to know that. They are in the know, they are informed and quite a few others within these governments who may not be quote on a need to know basis. They may not be involved in a specific program related to UAP or ET, but they figured it out or they've been tipped off at a cocktail party by one of their close friends, right? So they know it, but that doesn't mean they're involved and they're certainly not gonna talk about it. Every one of those countries
and every one of those countries has in their secure vaults film of this phenomenon taking from their defense airplanes designed to defend and check out all activity within their sovereign airspace. Every one of them has gun camera clips like the gimbal, like the tic-tac in their vaults.
Again, I want that to sink in to people, okay? Every one of them. Okay, so people are going, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why is it, why now? Why not much earlier? Simple. There has been since the late 1940s, matured and developed in the early 1950s, fully institutionalized by the 1960s, absolutely solidly institutionalized as the Cold War develops.
A policy of what I call, started calling in I think around 2000, a truth embargo. A formal national security based policy that the acknowledgement of this issue formally would not happen. That efforts would be made to minimize the ability of journalists or academics, anybody with money or just a general population to quote, change that narrative.
or to infer otherwise would be taken. And that the formal knowledge of the subject would be institutionalized until, I'm sorry, would be embargoed until such time as the governments felt it was appropriate for their citizens to know what they have known since the 1940s. That policy used to be referred to still as occasionally as the UFO coverup.
We've worked very hard to get away from that term. It's bad for two reasons. One, UFO is not what this is. Well, let me put it this way. UFO is a corrupted term, deliberately corrupted term, to symbolize the ridicule, the disdain, and the dismissal of this issue. And so if you want to talk to UFOs, you might as well just leave the room because nobody wants to hear what you have to say.
So we had to get rid of that, and we finally successfully established UAP as the proper term. It means exactly the same thing. Cover-up was wrong, because the policy from the beginning was legal. Legal in the UK, legal in France, legal in Canada, legal in the United States. It was a legal national security policy. Just as legal is the reason why we don't give public tours of our active ICBM sites. You know, meaning, come on down.
And check it out, right? Here's where the launch stuff happens. And here is some, no, we don't do that. It was a nationalist. It was legal. And you do not cover up legal. And if you're trying to get the cooperation of the government to change their policy, it's best not to inappropriately criminalize them, meaning you all guys are criminals. You all should be in jail. You're operating a cover up. No, no, no, no. And so it's truth embargo.
that truth embargo is still in place and is that truth embargo that is coming to an end and that therein lies the problem and the confusion and the upset and the irritation. Why? What we're seeing now is the process that is going to end the truth embargo and that process is now not simply the effort of
the activists and disgruntled citizens and the researchers who figured out long ago that this is ET and they know the proof is piled up to the ceiling. No, this process now has the cooperation and involvement of our institutions. High-end journalists, academics, the Senate, the Congress, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Department of Defense. They're now involved in this too. Okay, well, good. All right, well, fine.
Let's just get it done. And let's just do it. Rip the band-aid off. Let's get it done. No. The process is complicated and difficult for a myriad of reasons. And the best way I can point that out is this. When governments lie, we all know that. Governments do stupid stuff, and we all know that. Sometimes they do evil things, even when they're
good governments, right? Democracy with moral standing and all that stuff. And then there's really awful countries that do evil stuff on a daily basis and can care less. We know that too. All right. So the situation now is the United States in particular, it's we're carrying that burden, but it's also the case for the UK and Brazil and Canada and China and those other governments, but they were the one carrying the burden.
that's and we could go into the reasons for that but we're we're basically at the point of the spear here figuring this out getting this done when you have been lying to the world about probably the most important piece of information the world will ever receive and you've been lying for 75 years when you have

Disclosure Process Complexities

you have you have taken significant measures to undermine the efforts of the public to get at the information when you've done some things which probably are illegal but ultimately will be justified under national security protocols when you have been screwing around with reality at this level for that long
it's not like one day you can just say sorry so sorry we we didn't tell you yeah you know it's like it was national security what can i say okay it's like we that's what we had to do okay so let's move on
Does that not beg the question, though, with the way that things have been going in the last few years within the world, that surely Russia may well have come forward and said, well, we're going to be the ones to take the lead in this and disclose before the US? Absolutely. When I said the process I'm referring to is the one that's going on now. It's now been going on for five years.
That's the process. There could technically be other parallel processes underway. I don't see them. I mean, there could be a process in Russia right now where we're seeing a back and forth in this coming out. No, what we're seeing is Russia trying to regain its glory that it once had under Peter the Great. There could be a similar process in China.
But no, they don't want to go there, and they're not going there. They're involved in other things. The UK, China, okay. There is a little thing going on in Brazil, okay, and recently they actually had some testimony to their Senate. It was the first time that any witness on the nuclear weapons tampering phenomena testified before any legislative body. That was Robert Salus. He waited, I don't know, 30 years for that.
It should have been our our congress first, but it ended up being brazil because we we're a little slow And we have a little harder problem here, but really the process is in the united states So that's the one i'm referring to at any time another country could step in and say uh Just uh the press could you come over here, please? Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm boris johnson
And I I actually got a haircut for this this actual so that I would look very spiffy You know, I think all this dilly-ballying going on in the US constant, you know creating concatenation. So I'm just gonna resolve the issue We're about to release to a 450 gun camera flips clips of our fine UK planes
Of this phenomena right doing the kinds of things that you have been seen lately all over the damn place And I'm going to be able to now confirm to you that yes, this is extraterrestrial Those are those are not from you know Portugal and so well, I'm the disclosure prime minister Okay at any time that could happen. I if that starts to happen. I will love it It will be fun to watch Boris. How you doing? I hope things get better for you I know you're having a rough time, but trust me
We're having a rough time here, too. But I want to talk about the process underway here. So again, what you're seeing is American institutions trying to now get out from under the 75-year truth embargo.
And that is not, you can't simply do it. Somebody just can't walk forward and do it. It has to be done in a way that is going to be responsible, minimally destructive or disruptive.
It would be nice if it made, you know, people look good. It would be nice if the DOD kind of came out of it looking okay, or the Air Force, well, the Air Force is screwed, but the Navy. It would be nice if the Congress was looking good and members of Congress. It would be nice if the witnesses were able to come forward. And all of this, and then it would be nice if the President could then come forward to make the confirmation. In this case, it would be Joseph Robin and Biden.
uh in a way that is not too political and and and positive and constructive that's what they're trying

Role of Heads of State in Disclosure

to do and here is their dilemma it's not easy and in order to end this truth embargo this huge lie this big lie
And when I say big lie, you may be aware in the UK that we're dealing with a big lie in the United States right now, another big lie. And it's causing a significant amount of problems. In fact, at times it is dominating the US media. It's that big.
Okay, fine. Whatever one's opinion is about that, what I just said is true, but let me make it clear. The big lie regarding the reality of an extraterrestrial presence is way bigger than the current big lie, okay? Take that big lie, multiply it by about 500, and you're dealing with the level of lie that I'm talking about, all right?
In order to get out from under this, you're going to have to lie some more. Now, let me restate that. In other words, in order to get out from under the big lie, you're going to have to lie a little bit more, but to greater purpose. Now, some people, purists, are going to go, well, that's just not acceptable. That is just not acceptable. We want the government to take the stand. He wanted to take it.
We want it to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We want that next week, thank you very much. And let the consequences be damned. And the government is saying to those people, sorry, that's not the way it's going to happen, okay? Right? Yeah, you're going to have to get real. This is the real world. All right, so what we're seeing is a lot of people, like members of Congress, names that I just gave earlier, like staffers and high-level people at the Pentagon.
uh like witnesses like operatives like louis elizondo and uh and christopher melon and so forth and former members of the government now retired but with substantial gravitas and and and resume like john radcliffe and james woolsey and brennan and so forth former cia directors national uh you know home security directors so forth stepping into the issue academics like obby lobes stepping into the issue
What we're seeing is people trying to now do the right thing but with limitations All right. In other words We're gonna have to do this, but I can't say that I've got a non-disclosure agreement regarding that we can't go there We can't do this now. It has to wait. We have to hedge our statements. We have to hedge our bets and
And, in fact, we're going to have to outright lie in order to get this done. Now, I'm okay with that, all right? I'm perfectly okay with that. The person who has done the most interviews on this subject as part of this process beyond anything anybody else has done, he's the front spokesman for this process, essentially. He may not be appointed, but he is the front spokesperson, is Luis Elizondo.
I don't know if I could catch up with his podcast if I started watching him right now. He's done, I don't know, 10, 20, 30, 40, 70. And more than anybody else, if you listen or watch Lou taking these questions and going on these podcasts, you're seeing a constant dynamic in which he can only go so far
He can only say this. Sometimes he'll invoke the NDA. Sometimes he'll say, I really can't go there. And what he's saying, and he said many times, if you only knew everything that I knew. And he even shouldn't say that. In other words, he is basically a guy that wants the truth and he wants it now. He's definitely a patriot. He's a hero. And he's going to get treated that way historically.
But so he wants, he would like to just sit down and say, here's the scope. And he would be the disclosure, former DIA guy. Well, that's not the way the world works. Disclosure cannot come from Louis Elizondo or Mellon.
or the secretary of defense or anybody else, it can only come from a head of state, as I define it and its history will define it. Disclosure, capital D, the formal confirmation. Lou Elizondo cannot formally confirm the extraterrestrial presence, nor can any one of the witnesses, nor can Rubio or Gillibrand. The only person that can do that is Biden or Johnson.
or Trudeau or Macron or Putin or Xi Jinping, only they can do it. And one of them will go first unless they got together and coordinated a joint announcement and how they can't even get together to decide whether they want to have a nuclear war or not. So it's going to be one person first. OK, so so they're they're having to move this forward and do it in a way that will succeed, succeed in getting the job done.

Military Witnesses and Congressional Testimonies

And so all of the diversion, all of the little obfuscation, all of the inability to answer, and all of the, in some cases, outright mendacity. It's irritating to those in the know. It's frustrating to those in the know. It's generally frustrating to just everybody else because why don't they just tell us kind of thing. But it absolutely is necessary to get to disclosure.
All right. And so and what is the get to process? It's really not that complicated in its in its fundamental. The fundamental process is not that complicated. What we have always needed and we've been trying to get for decades unsuccessfully is for the best military witnesses, because this is basically in its ground state, a national security issue.
Nobody would deny that, right? For the best military witnesses to testify in front of the appropriate committees of Congress who have oversight responsibility over our national security and actions of our agencies, a certain amount of oversight ability, okay, which they have not been exercising to the degree they should have, to testify before these committees at length under oath about a whole lot
of events and evidence, some of which we have seen since 1990, uh, 2017. Uh, and it's been continued to sort of come out, but we've, we're seeing that develop by leaving me as a fraction of everything that's out there and testify for days and days and days in open public video, you know, video coverage interviews. So the whole world can watch it happen and see this evidence unfolded accompanied by
testimony, classified testimony in closed session with these same committees about information they cannot reveal publicly, but the committees can hear. And that too happened in an orderly fashion under oath. And at some point, and it won't take very long, what the world will see will be sufficient to convince
the world yeah whatever doubts I had about this being I don't know Chinese technology or some hidden species that's living in the center of the earth no no no no this is off world technology multiple civilizations been here since at least the 40s we have craft we have a lot of information about that it's extraterrestrial we're not alone in the universe okay and the moment the president right and I assure you Biden knows there's an ET presence
Trust me on it. The president sees that, and the Congress sees that, and the DOD sees that. Then there will be a little back and forth of conversation, some email exchanges, whatever the hell, and the president is going to come forward and confirm the E.T. presence. And that process won't take very long once it gets started. The run-up to it is taking a long time, but once it gets started, and by the way, it technically got started
On the 17th of May, when the first hearing, short, modest, was held in front of a subcommittee of the House on May 17th, lasted about an hour and 10 minutes, the first such hearing on UAP since 1968, 54 years, that was the beginning.
and the only reason that we didn't then start moving forward real quick is we have a few other issues here that we're dealing with, which are sort of getting in the way. The run-up to World War III, insurrections, massive investigations going on of a former president, on and on and on. This is just unfortunate timing, but it's not enough to ultimately
Indefinitely postpone this this thing is going to get going again. So that is what's going on and I'll finish with this if That is what they need to do Steve And and you know that why are you

Host's Role and Public Trust in Disclosure

snitching on the process. Why are you going public and telling everybody that's what's going on? Why are you letting us know that they're having to do a lot of little white lies and play some games here in order to get this done? Aren't you ruining it for them? Oh no, that's not what's going on. Look, I'm not that big a deal.
My saying these things right now, wherever the menu is, is not going to throw the issue up in the air. No, it's not. And so they're not worried about that, neither am I. However, there is a very good reason why a reasonable number of people, thousands, hundreds of thousands, whatever, understand this. Understand that, yeah, that's what they have to do.
So I get it, right? And the reason for that is that it's not in the best interest of the planet right now that everybody be taken in again by the solution as we have been by the problem. In other words,
The more people that know that this is what they're trying to do, righteously trying to do, trying to do the right thing and get it done and having to go through these hoops and jump through these over these barriers, it's important. The more people that kind of know that, the less likely that this kind of necessary mendacity doesn't continue.
All right. In other words, here is what's supposed to happen. The DOD and the Navy and Congress and former members and academics and everything else need to play along with this somewhat contrived scenario in order to get the right thing done. But once the right thing is done, once the president has confirmed the extraterrestrial presence, the mendacity in game playing, the charades, the kabuki theater, all of that needs to end. And after that, it's transparency.
Meaning you want to know this, we cannot tell you it is classified. Not we're going to dance around with you and your FOIAs for eight or nine years and then finally announce we can't find the files.
We can't tell you the truth and we tell you why. And then again there is an unveiling process where more and more previously classified information is coming out. There's open cooperation at the maximum level, maximum transparency. That needs to happen the moment disclosure takes place. And there's going to be a temptation on the part of a lot of people that are going to be thinking like this.
We got away with the truth embargo itself for 75 years. Pretty cool. And then we were able to manipulate the whole ending of the truth embargo process and play some games and got that job done. That was pretty special. And so, okay, now the world knows we're not alone, but let's face it. We can play this thing some more. There's all kinds of things we can do, right? We can take that angle in this game and that's great or whatever. And we can make it easier for us in the post-disclosure world.
No, that cannot happen. And so I'm trying to educate people to the fact that what you're seeing now is not straight up, but it's necessary. It's not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but it is necessary to get to an absolute, absolute event we must have, right, for the interest of the planet and understand that. So be understanding, however,
Any efforts to continue this game this way after disclosure, you must be relentless in saying, look, I understood it. I get it no more. And then lastly, there is this, right? Overall, the truth embargo and its entire production in all countries everywhere, but certainly in the United States and I think the UK to a great extent, probably more than any other country,
in order for it to be maintained for 70 years. They had to make a fool out of everybody. We've all been made fools of. The researchers, the journalists, the academics, right? People actually in military services and have to walk out in front of cameras and utterly lie themselves to death there because they have no choice, right? It is made fools of us. We sent us off down blind alleys, running around and chasing our tail, stumbling around in the dark
in the living room smashing into furniture for 75 years. And to, I want to minimize the final solution, the end process now five years on, I want to minimize the degree that the final solution, which we must have, doesn't also make a fool of too many people.
In other words, it's going to make a fool of a lot of people, already is. There are a lot of people going on Twitter and raving, craving, and claiming this and claiming that, and then not too long from now, they're going to go, oh, oh, gee. I wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't have treated this. Or, man, I'm sorry. Whatever. And they're going to feel like a fool. So I'm trying to mitigate that a little bit. And I'll talk to the biggest audience possible. This understanding of this process
by a lot of people. I don't care how many is not going to stop it.
In fact, it may help it because you get a less you get a less get less blowback less trolling Perhaps as people become more understanding and you go, okay I get it keep moving forward as opposed to going online and blowing their brains out and actually having exploding heads Over what this person said or why that didn't happen. It actually may help it to some degree now This may be hubris on my part. There may be people over the do d saying that son of a bitch and he would just shut up and just
go somewhere take a vacation we'll get this done all right we know what he wants it's going to happen so just you know stuf uh right but i'm hoping there's some over there they're going hey you know i get it uh that's cool that's cool man we're all going to cross the finish line together we're all get together have drinks share a meal talk about the great old days and and so forth and that's that's what i hope will happen

Future Hearings and Political Impact Speculations

I like the sound of that, definitely. I suppose my next question is kind of a two-parter. We obviously had that first hearing with Moultrie and Breyer's witnesses, and everyone since then is just screaming, when are we going to see the people that really are in the know? And then we hear people like Lou Elizondo say, you may see some familiar faces at the next hearing. So that's the first part of my question. Who do you think we might see? But the second part is, what are your thoughts on amnesty?
for people that may have been, you know, part of the cover-up or even some criminal offenses to keep the cover-up in the past. Going forward, should they have amnesty? First question is easy, the second one's more complex. Okay. We're going to have more hearings, okay? Right now, the January 6th hearings are underway and they are a big deal. Trust me, very big deal.
And they're pure politics. Disclosure is political. But what's happening right now is political cubed. They've had five, I think. They're going to take a recess of a week, maybe two. So the next one is going to be probably about a week into July, around there. It's highly unlikely that
Another committee It'll either be a one more subcommittee House or Senate Or it'll be right to one of the Intel committees House or Senate intelligence committee, which are the big ones that he's the really the critical It's unlikely one of those can happen between now and then it's not that they couldn't do it I mean you could have you could have a you could have the the January 6th hearing going on which is not a standard hearing it is not a
Uh, it is a special committee set up and they're orchestrating that entire thing But you could have that happening and then over in another hearing room You could literally have the witnesses testifying in front of the senate intel committee at the same time but that's not going to happen because Both of these these are incredibly significant events and you do not want them competing with each other
One of the most important things about hearings like this, whether it's a Watergate hearing, the Rand-Contra hearings, January 6 hearings, and certainly the disclosure here, is you want a huge audience. Transparency in the audience is pretty important. This isn't just standard business where you've got nobody in the room and they're just doing some hearing that they need to do and some housekeeping matter.
somewhere in the house in a room that most journalists never even knew existed? No, no, no, no, this is big. The first day of the January 6th hearings, they had 20 million people ultimately view, right? And it was on C-SPAN 2. Since then, they've gotten more coverage. Eventually, you're going to see probably a major one of these in which the audience may get up in the 40, 50 million range. And it's going to be covered everywhere.
The disclosure hearings will almost certainly surpass that, meaning obviously the first one didn't. But it was broadcast on C-SPAN 2 and it was broadcast on YouTube and some other things. Ultimately, the people watching
be coming hearings. We'll get in the 40 50 60 70 80 million range and then much higher depending upon how much coverage is coming in from how much coverage from from outside the U.S.
This issue obviously is an absolutely international issue. There's no reason every country out there would not want their people to be watching these hearings live with whatever captions or translations. So it's going to be a huge number. And that's important. They want that. And so you want the hearings on this cannot be competing with something else. And so we're not going to get anything until after the January 6 hearing settled down. Now, when?
I don't think it's much longer. I think there'll be a few more. Once they start again, there may be a couple in quick succession, and I think we're going to then see indictments coming in from the Department of Justice. And once those indictments start, okay, that's gonna be a big story, all right? No question. But it's also gonna be an ugly story, and it's going to be very intense and very ugly. At that point,
to resume the disclosure what I call like the disclosure hearings UAP hearings will be possible because they'll be able to get the audience they won't be competing but also that is these are going to be very positive in a way very exciting non-political hearings I mean these are going to be hearings of incredible global significance which is exactly what the world is going to need
as the ugliness of the last few years sort of finally starts getting resolved, all right? And then also, it would be nice if we were able to get the hearings done and get to disclosure this summer as early as possible so that all of the people running for office here in the U.S., which is approximately 400 and at the national level, which is approximately 400
68 candidates, every one of them could be running in the post-disclosure world, meaning they're out campaigning and the press asked him, well, candidates so-and-so, what is your take and what is your position regarding the fact that it's just been confirmed to us by President Biden that this phenomenon is not human, it's extraterrestrial, we're not alone. How do you think
We should deal with that What are your views on it and so forth and so these people can literally and and and they'll be able to do that More importantly, that's a non-political question. I mean, it's it's not like uh, tell me candidate What is your view on the extraterrestrial question so that I can then take that and use it to beat the crap out of you? Because I want the other woman or the guy to win. No
These are universal, powerful, nonpolitical matters, and it'll give all of these candidates the opportunity to put that persona aside that they have to put up in order to somehow not only raise the millions of dollars they have to raise to even win the damn election, but get the votes necessary and put out all this nonsense and get the votes to win. They could just be honest and say what they think.
We want that. That is really needed badly, and we can have that if we're willing to get the job done. If they don't get those hearings later this summer, and they don't happen until next year, think of it this way. The public will learn next year that there's an extraterrestrial presence. It will also learn that they could have told us last year, and so why did you delay it? That was a very political thing, President Biden.
you know, uh, senator, uh, uh, Warner, right? Congressman Diego says a very political thing you did. You didn't give us a chance to have that in our, our, uh, you know, our knowledge base in order to do this election. Why'd you do that? And it's going to really demean the process. They're going to be angry as hell. And you can say, now we got all these members in Congress, right? And we don't know what the hell we think about this issue.
Right and and and if we had known about this and been able to talk to them about this We might have decided to vote for somebody else. And so this is what they're dealing with. I mean probably this is all nonsense No, it's not it's fundamental. We'll follow teak. All right, so the government has a decision Get this done before the election which they can still do the witnesses are ready to testify my god
There's probably 100 military witnesses out there right now that if sent a plane ticket would get on it the next day and be in Washington To testify. Yeah, so that that's the so that is what I hope will happen and Expect military witnesses only Or national security meaning it could be civilian people from the DoD or whatever no
No people like me, no UAP researchers, you know, no members. I don't, maybe the head of MUFON or something, but I doubt that. It's going to be national security based. It's going to be Lou Elizondo's and Dietrich's and Fraver's and Solace's and so forth.
That's the stuff that matters. They're not gonna be getting into the woods and starting from scratch. Okay, witness, could you provide your perspective on everything that happened since 1947? It's gonna be, what do you know about this? What do you know about that? What about this event? What about that event and so forth? Did this happen? Did that happen? And then you may have witnesses turning up from the Pentagon, right? Saying, okay, Deputy Secretary,
of intelligence, a defense for intelligence. We understand you brought with you today 12 films regarding additional encounters with UAP taken from our defense planes. We're going to run some of those now, and then we'd like you to comment on it. It's going to be things like that. That's what to expect. Wow. The menu of witnesses
that you would like to see will not expand, but it will expand until after disclosure. After disclosure, the range of potential witnesses that could come on the Hill will grow greatly, and you will see a much broader range of testimony, but that's in the post-disclosure world. That's after disclosure. Until then, think military witnesses, national defense witnesses only.
That's amazing. I love how confident you are.

Witnesses and Amnesty Debate

And I, you know, there's very few times that you've ever been wrong in this subject, Steve, over the years. So I'm really happy to hear you say those things. Now we're getting up. Got the Anderson. Let me forget that. Let's go. Yes. Okay. This is complicated. I, I support, of course, the concept of amnesty and I support the concept of truth and reconciliation, but there's a lot of confusion out there about that.
Technically, amnesty is about somebody who accidentally says something which violates a national security directive or an NDA or their clearance or what have you, which could happen.
Theoretically and not theoretically but it could also be used to protect them about being forced to say something under oath publicly that in fact Legally, they shouldn't do. All right But that's not That's doesn't quite properly describe the situation. Okay, here's the situation look The people that are going to come forward to testify under both
are not criminals. So by and large, I mean, it's highly unlikely that any of them are criminals. They're all basically people who have important things to say. They couldn't say them before. And they will come up to the Hill and they will testify under oath. And because they've already taken an oath as a member of the national security structures or any of the services, this will be their second oath. And so they are going to tell the truth.
If any member of Congress, committee member, asks them about something that is in fact classified, that they are not supposed to discuss publicly, all they have to do is say, Congressperson, Senator, I can only speak to that in a classified session and I'll be happy to do so. And of course that's, then they'll ask that same question in classified session.
There's no reason that any person is going to be forced. All right. Now look, I don't care. You know, you need to say this publicly. We're not going to go. No, no, no. Okay. And so they don't need amnesty for that. I just don't need it. Okay. Now let's talk about truth and reconciliation. Truth and reconciliation, which would be a, which would be, it would be a law that would have to be passed. The amnesty would also be a law probably. Yeah. Both of them would have to be legislated. Truth and reconciliation is not something else.
It's about somebody, active or retired, who in servicing the truth embargo has committed illegal acts either by order or freelance. Meaning, okay, the truth embargo has got to be protected and that's going on and I'm going to go over here and I'm going to deal with that. For instance, let's go all the way back to 1947. We have witnesses about how
army people And and pretty much army people maybe some civilian operatives from uh intelligence We're going around roswell and threatening the hell out of some nice people in roswell Meaning if you if you say anything about what you have seen regarding this event You're we're going to take you and your family and on a one-way trip to the deep desert And you're not coming back Some some may view that as illegal
and say that was, that was, that violated. No, you can't do that. It's illegal. And, you know, sergeant, whatever, you're going to have to be accountable for that. That's not going to be a problem because they're all dead. Okay. But you get my point. Legal, illegal, don't know. All right. However, there may be some instances where things were done not that long ago.
which any reasonable person would consider absolutely illegal. And if it was freelance, meaning they weren't under orders, they took it in their own to do this, then they technically have committed an illegal act. However, okay, that said, what happened, we need to know about, right? It's important that we know about these things because we don't want to do this anymore, you know? It's like, you know, it's like,
We really don't want to have any more embargoes like this. We don't want to go down this road any longer It's already damaged the hell out of the government undermined trust across the board contributed to the chaos we have now uh, uh exposed us to You know minimize our ability to deal with the nuclear issue and on and on and on right? We don't want to do that anymore. So we really want to hear from these people and I don't think there's a lot of this Much less than what was involved in the apartheid situation in south africa where you had a host of people
that did awful things, and the new government wanted to know about it. And so with a lot of support by Desmond Tutu, ultimately they got a Truth and Reconciliation Act in South Africa, so a whole bunch of people could come forward and say, I did this, I did that, I did this, and it was not good.
But they were not going to their lives are going to continue. All right, they were reconciled But they had to tell the whole truth. Okay. Yeah, there's not that many people here There are maybe some and so truth and reconciliation may be appropriate to them But that'll be post disclosure not free disclosure. Okay, and so post disclosure I fully supported trick and truth and reconciliation legislation
That will increase our ability to get everything we need to know about what the hell happened between 1947 and now, even if it involves some illegal acts that people would have a problem with if they are able to talk to us about that. Okay. With respect to amnesty, okay. I don't want amnesty prior to disclosure.
For one thing, I just don't think we need it prior to disclosure, running up to disclosure. I think we can get all the testimony we need from people that have a care in the world about speaking in front of the Congress that will get the job done. If there are a few people that
It's like, you know, I really would rather not testify. There's some things there that I'm concerned about. They could just say, that's okay. That's okay, Commander. It's all right. That's okay. We'll deal with that later. Okay, well, okay, fine. But aren't you limiting? No. Well, that's a very small limitation. However, talking about amnesty now, trying to go there just helps delay the process. One, but two, it sort of implies
To the world that these people have got issues Right. We got to have amnesty for all these witnesses because boy, they're all walking up to the hill with all these issues In other words, we're really it's intimidating and it's really giving a false Representation of of the status of these witnesses, right? Almost none of them have any need for amnesty. And so talking about it is giving this indication. Oh my god
Right, we got to get amnesty because these people are compromised as hell. No, that is not the case And so my position is this we don't need amnesty and let's don't talk about it unless we're talking about it as it has it may be needed in the post-disclosure world as we start getting into the much more granular stuff, you know really getting down into the ways to get the details so that we can understand everything that happened between 1947 and disclosure

World Disclosure Day and Urgency

there may be a number of people that would be nice if they had amnesty in case in the, in the, the tumult of the post-disposure world where people coming forward and saying this, saying that they, Oh my goodness, screwed up. And I shouldn't have said that. Uh, and, and, and the DOD comes to him and says, boy, you really shouldn't have said that, you know, and he said, I'm very, very sorry. But the DOD will say, okay, don't worry. You're not going to have a problem because under the amnesty act, it's okay. Right? It's all right. You're forgiven. So,
That's my view. Can you see how complicated this is? Absolutely. I appreciate the chance to say that because I'm hoping other people will share that because that is non-trivial. Remember, every one of these witnesses that are going to come forward, even though whether they want to or not, most of them want to, still are facing having to go and sit
like we're seeing witnesses right now on the hill, sit in a chair, take an oath and be seen by tens of millions of people talking about the most controversial issue in history. And so it's not like, you know, they want to be there, but it's not going to be a walk in the park and we don't want to do anything to make it any harder than it needs to be.
Absolutely. That's a good point. I never really looked at it in that respect with regards to amnesty, but you've made a very good point and I hope that people pick up on that because it's certainly an interesting slant to what everyone thinks of amnesty as just, you know, letting people speak freely, but it does give that impression that there is something wrong before they've even spoken. So
Yeah, I see where you're coming from now. Listen, Steve, before we go, I want to read out a couple of great questions that I've got from the audience here. Elena Campbell asks, is this the year for World Disclosure Day or do you think we're past that? But also the curve of the paradigm clock seems akin to drifting closer to the singularity. So if you could just write the clock, that'd be interesting. The paradigm clock is something that I created a long time ago and I managed it for a long time and I stopped managing it.
Maybe I'll reset it. I think I want to try to bring that back to life a little bit. So I'll do that. I'll reset it real close to midnight. No question. So there's that. And then another thing that I'm going to bring back to life is World Disclosure Day, which I
sort of made a thing a number of years ago. It has a website, worlddisclosureday.org. I encourage people to go to it. I'm going to see if I can't bring it back to life. I think I've got about 5,000 people that email them using a form, their support for it.
Uh, and I think it's time to invigorate that Yes, I said, you know because there's always there's been a world ufo day for some time And as you know, it gets a lot of press and recently it got some more press and I think it's delighted for it Or fiddling style for it and that's fine But you know my attitude about this is not about ufos. It's about uh extraterrestrial presence and the problem is ending the truth embargo And so I created world disclosure day
which is meant to be the day to, quote, recognize the disclosure process. Now, I set that day as July the 8th as opposed to the 4th. The World UFO Day is kind of based on when the Roswell crash was engaged. I think kind of when they think it happened, we don't really know. But it's about that. It's about the crash. World UFO Disclosure Day,
Was set for a specific date july 8th. And the reason I chose that day Is july the 8th is the day that evening early evening when roger ramey held the new press conference and made Jesse marcelle hold up a A bunch of rentals wrapped that had been in jenn ramey's freezer wrapped around some some trout Uh and say no, it was a weather balloon Okay, to me that is the Probably the best form the way the best form of formal beginning of the truth of barbara
That's when it really begins in some sort of a formal way. All right. And so I made it that now world disclosure day ultimately is not going to be the chill IBA though. They still have a little time. It's going to be another date. And what I've said publicly in the past is the moment that happens the day that the president of the United States discloses say it's September five. Okay. I will immediately go to my site and change the display. All right.
But now that we're this close, I think I'm going to see if I can't bring it to life again and get people thinking about that and saying, hey, you know, this is another way to have some fun and support World Disclosure Day. So that's what's going on there. And I think I'll, I put the clock up many times as part of some posting that I'm doing on social media. And that's about,
the race between disclosure and nuclear war. And I condensed the whole damn thing going on right now around the world to this. My geopolitics is basically this, whatever else is going on, it's secondary to the fact that there's a race going on in between the doomsday clock and the paradigm clock. Doomsday clock, midnight, that's nuclear war. That's a bad thing. Midnight on the paradigm clock is disclosure. That's a good thing, all right?
The Doomsday Clock is now the closest to midnight ever, 100 seconds. And that's not a trivial thing. This is the bulletin of atomic scientists. And they posted it, and you can find their announcement about that a year ago, and all the reasons why they made it 100 seconds to midnight. And let me say this. I think it should be closer than that, but 100 seconds is close enough, all right?
And we are we are we are we are dancing on the edge of the volcano with respect to nuclear war right now I've talked about that a great deal. Most people are tired of hearing about it. I get it But if the rockets fly forgive me for being right now in terms of the disclosure clock again, we're close on that and and the and the equation the math of math math here is very simple it's not hard to figure out if
the doomsday clock hits midnight first the disclosure clock doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter i know maybe the president will survive the nuclear war and from a bunker somewhere under the dumber airport they'll put out an announcement
Uh, so sorry what happened up there, uh, you know, I know it's kind of rough on you people Uh, though the bunker down here is rather quite nice. Uh But yeah, there is an extraterrestrial presence. I'm sorry. We didn't tell you sooner. Okay, who gives a shit and so consequently that's but if the disclosure clock hits midnight first I can make a realistic case it may be the one thing
It makes it possible to prevent the doomsday clock from ever striking midnight And that's the math and if anybody doesn't get that math, you know email me and i'll explain it to you again It's not complicated. One of those clocks is going to get the midnight first. I assure you And it better be the disclosure clock now if just because we get disclosure and we have and we and and the
And we get midnight on the disclosure, paradigm clock rather, forgive me, paradigm clock. Doesn't mean we can't still have nuclear war. Oh, we can. We can have it. I'm just saying that I think we have a better chance of not having it and anything that helps us not have it. That's a good thing. Okay. A very good thing. And so, you know,
If I ever get on CNN, that's the first thing I'm going to say. They're going to say, Steve, what's the weather out there? And I'm going to say, look, I'm going to explain to you the difference between the disclosure clock and the two o'clock clock. What are you talking about? You know, cut that camera, get this guy out of here. Listen, let's jump onto it. I've got a couple more questions before we

Steven Greer's Contributions and Roswell's Significance

wrap it up. So strafe Wilson says he'd be interested in knowing what you think now about Dr. Steven Greer, seeing as it seems that a lot of the UFO community have turned their backs on him.
Look, Dr. Steven Greer has made enormous contributions to this field going all the way back to the 80s. He had a lot of resources to begin with. He's put a ton of those into the effort. He's also raised a lot of money. His work in relation to disclosure is not going to be overlooked and it's going to be historically important.
And so and every one of us have tried to do that what we can and all of us Our track record and what we've done we've got people that like it and don't like it, right? Of course, I hope no one dislikes me. I hope it's me I'm one of those personalities you hate I hate it when somebody doesn't like me and I want to call them up and say look What can we talk about here? Let's fix it And so that's what's important. I
All right. So I'm more than comfortable in saying that and it's true. And I think it'll be a little easier in the post-disclosure world for everyone in this field to arrive at a more proper appreciation for the contributions of everyone. Look past their mistakes and everyone's got them.
And we'll all move forward together in what I hope will be a new complete era in human history. Absolutely. Yeah. Couldn't agree more. The next question comes from John. He asks, which event in modern times do you think has the most compelling evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial? OK. This is purely an opinion, not a complicated question.
But I like my answer, and you're going to be hearing me say this a lot. Without question, the most important evidence in terms of its confirmation power, its timing, and its overall significance to the issue and the disclosure process is Roswell. The crash of a non-human built vehicle
pilot by non-humans who are not from Portugal or Minsk or anywhere on this planet, frankly. Maybe they were born here at one of their bases, but it's not like their ancestors were here. They're from outside our solar system. It's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It was proven by a huge amount of research. No issue, no case has been more researched than this.
And the two researchers that particularly stand out, and I'm not diminishing any of the others, is Donald Schmidt and Thomas Carey. They wrote several books on Roswell, including The Witness to Roswell, which is the sum and bonum of their work. They interviewed hundreds of witnesses, many of who are now dead. They got, forgive me, they got deathbed confessions. And if the person was dead, they interviewed their kids.
And so all I can say is, if you read Witness to Roswell, and maybe a couple of others, just as the main course and a couple of other side dishes, if you are a reasonable person, you will get the fact that Roswell absolutely happened. And that's it. Once you get there, that's it. Case closed. But the most important thing that I add to that and why this particular event is so critical
is that guess what? The government knows all about Roswell. The Soviets knew about Roswell. The UK knew about Roswell. They all knew about Roswell. Maybe China came late to the game because China was going through a much more complex situation there involving Korea and the
The war with the nationalists and all of that. And so they might have been distracted but eventually they got the word so you all know Right. So that's how bizarre this is. And so yeah Roswell and I and I can't say it enough There are plenty of books out on there Roswell read them all a lot of Martin you can read it for practically nothing But if you're going to read one book
On this subject you just got to this subject because you you opened up the paper and you saw that they're having a uap hearing What the hell is that? And you watch it and go what is going on here? I got to get into this Aside from the 80 billion things on internet that you could go check out go to amazon.com pull up witness to roswell and kindle and read that one book And keep an open mind and by the time you're finished that book you're going to be going holy mackerel
Some ETs crashed in 1947 in Roswell, and the government's known about it ever since. Oh, okay. Now I'm paying attention, right? Give me more, okay? That's the best answer I got to that question. And all the other stuff that's happened and all the other research, I love you all, right? But yeah, I was asked that question. I had to answer it that way.
That's great. That's fair enough as well. Listen, Steve, you've been fantastic as always. One thing I will say is that when these next hearings happen, I have to have you back on almost immediately.

Future Podcast Teaser

So you look out for that email because it's coming. Look, actually, you're going to have me on sooner than now. Yeah. Because I have a kind of a big thing I'm about to announce. OK, very big thing.
So I'm going to want to count on your show right away. Absolutely. Tell everybody about it. So just keep a slot open for, let me see.
Perfect. All right. Perfect. Well, listen, thank you so much. If you just hang around, we'll say goodbye to everyone in the audience. Thank you so much for being here. All your questions and everything. I'm going to be back next Monday with Ronnie Venet, who made a presentation at the Brazilian Senate hearings. So we're going to get right up into all of everything that happened in Brazil last week. For now, guys, thank you. And we will see you then. Take care. Goodbye.
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