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DLC 11. PlayStation State of Play 2025 Reaction! State of Mid?! | Games Over Plastic  image

DLC 11. PlayStation State of Play 2025 Reaction! State of Mid?! | Games Over Plastic

Games Over Plastic
31 Plays1 month ago

Hot off the presses! The boys react to the all new state of play from PlayStation. 

What did we think overall? And what games stood out to us the most for both good and base reasons.

  Let us know your thoughts!

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Introduction to PlayStation State of Play Discussion

good evening sweet world welcome to games over plastic a very special breaking news limited edition episode a dlc we just saw that sony state of play that playstation state of play so we're here to talk about our initial thoughts and some you know of the games that we want to talk about we're not going to go over every single game because there were a lot But we're gonna talk about some games that kind of set out to us or that we just really want to talk about before we get into that I do want to welcome in my two co-hosts Hodge hi Hodge Hello I Want we're talking PlayStation today, which is why I have a blue background behind me If you're on the video, which you everyone should watch the YouTube video. I think it's better than audio But yes, I am ready to talk some PlayStation.
I or third party. Or third party, yeah yeah. Third, just what's coming to PlayStation, I should say. All right, well, thank you, Hodge. Midnight, how are you? I'm doing good. I'm wearing my blue glasses, my blue sunglasses in honor of PlayStation. um Shout out to all the Sony ponies out there. We did just watch the 2025 PlayStation State of Mid, and I'm excited to talk about it.
All right, well, I'm excited to talk about it as well. Before we get into that, this is Games Over Plastic, a video game podcast. You can find us on YouTube. Obviously,

Temper Expectations for State of Play?

if you're watching the video version and you're on YouTube, you can find us on podcast services everywhere. Like, give us a subscription, leave us a review, really anything. Our main episodes go up every other week. And on that one, we take some write-ins from users. If you want to leave us a write-in, a comment, really anything. um It's a fun time.
But we've been doing a lot of DLCs lately, and we don't plan to stop in the future, so it's almost like it's a weekly show. Almost, almost. Alright, I just want to get right into things with our initial thoughts on the state of play.
I think I'm going to start it off here. I'm going to start it off here. um As we all know, I am the resident Sony defender on this podcast. The big PlayStation guy. I i sleep with my PS5 in my bed. Me, Claire, and the PS5.
um I did once say that PS5 is my favorite console of all time and I stand by that. um But

Mixed Feelings on the Event

ah this state of play was very interesting. I think before before I get into exactly what I want to say, I think we have to stop.
Expecting so much out of the state of place I think I think PlayStation has showed us what they think of the state of play and what they expect to deliver us We're probably only gonna get any state of play we're probably gonna get one first-party game from PlayStation Studios and a bunch of these other games that will most likely come to other platforms, there's gonna be some slop in there, there's gonna be some crap in there, but there's also gonna be some interesting games that might not get the shine that they would otherwise deserve if they weren't at one of these state of plays. I think our expectations, we have to stop expecting, these aren't these the showcases that you know they used to run for us back at E3 and when they had that last one in 2021, these are state of plays. I think we really have to,
Temporal expectations with that said I thought the first like third maybe fourth of this state of play was pretty good I think the middle was Boring and dragging when I saw Borderlands 4 I kind of rolled my eyes and was like really like why is this here? Like it's big enough IP where it shouldn't be here. I thought the end kind of picked up again at the end and But overall, I think it was not the best state of play, not the worst state of play. I

Returnal Sequel Speculation

think it was perfectly, as Midnight said, perfectly mid, mid for midnight, as I would want to say. There are some cool things that really got my eyes, some cool, interesting games. But overall, I think it's mid. i um But yeah, I mean, the first party game that was announced here, I i never played
It's the first one called. Returnal. i never played return and I never played Returnal. I've heard great things. But yeah, um you know we got a Days Gone remaster. We know Days Gone is like my least favorite maybe PlayStation first party game of all time. So you know I was hyped for that. Yeah, let's get a nice Days Gone remaster. But overall, there were some cool things that I am excited to talk about. Yeah.
Yeah, so that Kingdom Hearts 4 announcement was pretty crazy. Nah, I'm just joking around here. um Next up, Hodge, what do you think? i know you dont I know you're not a big fan of this. You you you hate everything PlayStation, so because you're an expot. We all know that. Yeah, I'm going to shoot one of those videos where I smash my PlayStation and say, how dare you betray me? Smash my PS5!

Diverse Opinions on State of Play

ah Yeah, but I honestly thought this was their one of the worst state of plays I've ever seen. I was bored out of my mind almost the entire time. like I understand. I tried not to judge these shows based off if it's a game I'm not personally interested in, but even taking that into account, like i I don't care about Onimusha or Shinobi, whatever, or or definitely don't give a shit about Days Gone. But i it just despite that, it just it didn't seem like there was any big announcements. Because I'm sorry, like when your one more thing is a housemart game, like I get it's first party and you want to show a first party. but
Returnal is a very niche IP. That's not a one more thing. Holy crap. Get ready for this kind of game Especially when it's just a CGI trailer. It just it felt like a super let I was expecting even if it was just goes to yote and more gameplay from that or something like I would have taken that over the one more thing being an an announcement from a one of their smaller studios with a niche game like it just and It wasn't for me. i was i'm I'm not going to try and dump completely on it. I honestly would rate this showcase very, very, very low. ah Today we're going to talk about basically all the games, but there was over 30 of them and 25 of them I don't care about. So we're we're just going to talk about our favorites. So I'm going to try and focus on the positive. But overall, i I thought it was one of the worst shows I've seen in a long, long time.
Yeah, as of June

Game Impressions: Directive 8020 & Darwin's Paradox

28th, 2024, Returnal has sold just about 1.1 million copies. So I'm a little shocked that it's getting a sequel given, you know, the state of the industry. where Is this a sequel? so I thought this is a new IP. I think it's a new IP.
Yeah, I knew it was. I knew it was House Mark to set like the second, even though it was right before the title card. So I shouldn't say it was like very quick. But when he looks up and you see like the circle of lights coming towards him, I like that looks straight out of Returnal. So when it said House Mark, I was like, yeah, that makes perfect sense. But I don't think it's a re internal game, but maybe it's just maybe it's like, who knows? Maybe it's like Metal Gear Solid 5 when they pretended it wasn't a Metal Gear Solid game for Like half. I mean, who knows what it is since they didn't really show anything. So it's just a little CG and ah and the name of the game. And it's also it's yeah, it's also like a roguelike because it said every time I die or whatever. So it's going to be another game where you're just starting from the start every time. So I don't know. I don't know. I'm interested to learn more. But like I said, I didn't think it was a one last thing kind of game. All right, midnight. Take it away.
Yeah, so I'm kind of in the middle, I guess. I think it was I think it was perfectly mid. um It wasn't a good showcase, but it wasn't horrible either um or state of play rather. um I mean, there was a ton of games that I wasn't interested in, but there is a handful of games that I thought looked pretty cool. um So, you know, that's cool. um I'm not really mad at it, but it's it definitely didn't blow me away. It was like it was just like, yeah, there's ah there's some games and I might play like four or five of them. So as what is what it is.
I mean, I would hope you're not mad at it. I mean, I don't think we should ever get mad at the you know video game presentations. I think there's more things in life that we should be you know more focused on. Yes.
Yeah, I mean, I do wish that it was better and that they had shown more. um I do. I agree that Sorrows was not a very good end cap because I don't care about Housemarque and and they didn't show anything like we didn't see any gameplay. We didn't see much about it. It's just like, oh, there's a game that we're making in 2026. So, ah you know, it is what it is. We're going to talk about it. There are still some games here for us. So that's good. Yeah.
I think we have to go back to what I said. I think Sony note, PlayStation has basically told us what the state of plays are going to be. You're going to get one first party game and a bunch of a mix match, a hodgepodge. Hodge, there you go. All right, so let's just get right into what we want to discuss. I didn't really put mine in any particular order.
um But I'm going to start with my first one I want to talk about, and that is Darwin's Paradox. And this is the platforming octopus game we saw. um I thought it looked a little interesting. um At first, when the first announcement, I didn't expect it to be a platformer. I thought it was going to be like ah like an adventure game, kind of like where you're just ah kind of going around as an octopus and just kind of like trying to solve a mystery or something. But the platformer kind of looked interesting. You can obviously die in the game because they had
things that could kill the octopus. I'm interested in it. It's a platformer. I like platformers. I want to know more about it. It seems to have a story along with it. But yeah, Darwin's Paradox. Hodge, I'm curious. Did the this this catcher catch your mind?

Excitement Over New Onimusha Game

Catch your eyes?
The the gameplay, I didn't mind, but this kind of like setting vibe of it, I didn't like the it's like it was it looked like Octodad meets Inside and it's just something about it. I just it just didn't hit for me. Like the gameplay, it looked it looked good as 2D platform. So I like that. But yeah, it's just the whole vibe of the game. it I just did not mesh with me. I wasn't big on it, but I'm surprised. Oh, I'm not surprised. you're um just But yeah, it's not yeah for me. Do you know why? What the Darwin's Paradox actually is? No. No. It's like a real thing. it was Charles Darwin was wondering why these coral reefs could exist in the Pacific Ocean. There's a a certain part of the Pacific Ocean that's like really barren and like nothing can live there. But there's these coral reefs that somehow survived there. Hmm.
theown boxes it's interesting I'm assuming we're going to be exploring some coral reefs.
Yeah, so one thing about this game that I just found out when I looked it up because I didn't remember this game at all. I was working during the showcase, so I was only paying like 80% attention. um But one thing I found out about this is that it is from the former Arkane Leon Studio director, Ramald Capron, who previously worked on Dishonored and Deathloop. So they got they got some chops there a little bit if you're into those types of games. um But yeah, I mean, I don't really have much to say about this, but Cool. It was also, yeah, Hodge, you mentioned Inside. They got a lot of inspiration from Limbo and Inside and Little Point Mares, so. Oh, OK. So Darwin's Paradox. I'm interested in it. We'll see how it, we'll see if we can see some more of it. All right. Midnight, let's go to you. What do you got, bud? All right. So one game that I was interested in was the new Onimusha game. Onimusha, Way of the Sword for 2026.
Um, I thought this game looked freaking sweet. Uh, it was giving ghosts of Tsushima vibes a bit. Of course, you know, feudal Japan, samurai's Ronan, whatever, uh, cutting people up. The gore was really nice. Like you was literally cutting people in half and it was gory. And I liked that. I've never played an Onimusha game. So I have no experience at all. No reference with this franchise, but I'm very interested in this one from the looks of it, the graphics, the combat, everything looks sweet. Um,
Yeah, it just looked really cool. And I thought it was interesting and a little weird, but interesting at the very end, like we're in feudal Japan. But all of a sudden at the end, he starts talking to like a sci fi cuff or something. So I don't know what's going on there. Shout out to For Spoken on that one. But but now this is a game I am interested in. I will keep my eyes on Onimusha.
You guys got that? I had no I've never played one. Probably don't plan on playing one, but I'm excited for the people who are really like into it because people are hyped when they like brought the older ones onto a modern platforms. So this would be interesting. And we got like the they're bringing the second one to PS plus as well. They are.
That's cool. Yeah. I i don't care about Onimusha. So the whole show, we watched it, basically, along with our friends in Discord. And we were you know kind of chatting, you know quipping about everything. And a couple of our buddies we were super excited about Onimusha's return and all that. And obviously, these games were, I think, were both of them announced. I know, obviously, the new one was. But I didn't know if the second one remastered was announced or not.
But they were really excited for it to come back. So I'm i'm excited for those who are excited for Onimusha. I know it's one of those where it's like, I've heard the name for 20 years, but I've never bothered playing one. and So I know it's a beloved series, and I'm happy for those who have it coming back. But yeah, I personally, I can't pretend to care. You didn't ah you didn't like the trailer. I thought that combat looked really fun. I mean i don't know. Maybe you're not into like Souls-ish combat, I guess. No, i'm not really.
But, yeah. Well, Sean. All right. Well, next. Hodge, you're up. What do you want to talk about, bud? I will talk about directive 8020, as I believe what it's called. the I think it's detective 8020, I think. Oh, is it detective? Hold on. I've been pretty sure it's detective. No, it's directive.

Directive 8020's Space Horror Appeal

I was right. It's ah it's a space. Oh, it is. My bad. My bad.
Yeah, when I first saw it, I actually thought it was dead space. And I was like, are they actually did did they re-revive dead space to remaster? I got really excited because they gave it that they gave it to. um Yeah, super massive. Yeah, you super massive. Yeah, I was calling him super giant. but Yeah, super massive. yeah Yeah, super. Yeah. So I was very excited to see that because um Obviously, they did Until Dawn, which is a horror game that we talked about a lot on the Halloween episode, a great game. And sadly, a lot of their follow ups haven't been nearly as good. They're kind of in the 60s, 70s range on Metacritic. But this one looked really cool. Yeah, like I said, it gave me
deep Dead Space vibes and stuff like that. So I'm very intrigued by this one. It's but with like I said, with them not having the greatest track record since until dawn, I'm a little skeptical. But just from what I saw, it looks really cool. And Space Horror as a you know, as you guys know, I played Dead Space for the first time last year and it kind of it got its claws in me. And I played Prey a couple years ago, which I love as well. So I'm very interested to play some in space horror like thing meets Dead Space kind of thing. So I'm this one looks really cool and I'm very interested to see more about it. So, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Directive 8020 is the game first game that got really that kind of excited me in the showcase.
Yeah, I thought this game, I thought this game looks pretty cool. Um, I've only played, like I played until dawn earlier this year, as we talked about in October. Um, I thought it was really good. I'm excited to see what this goes. I think the, I think the setting is pretty cool too. It's like, like that sci-fi, but it's like going to be like a little horror. So that should be cool. Um, I'm excited. I'm excited for it. I don't know if I'll play right away, but Hodge, I'm excited to hear what you think when you do play it. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, what about you I have some thoughts about this game because this is also this is one of my five. I had this one down too. So I was going to talk about it. So I'll talk about it now. ah Directive 80 20 from Supermassive. Like you talked about the quarry until dawn. I just played the quarry last year, as you guys know, um and I enjoyed it. So this is a game I'm definitely interested in. I do like their games. I like their style of storytelling. I like that

Interest in Hell is Us

narrative with lots of choices and people live or die based on your choices and it has some replayability if you're into it because of that. um So that's cool. I am interested in this. I like space. I like sci fi. I like all of that. um I will just say one slightly negative. It's not really a negative, but I'm just going to point this out. I'm going to go there. I'm going to be the guy that brings it up a little bit of grifting here. This game had insane DEI vibes when I was watching this.
Every single character that I saw was either a black person, which is fine. You know, nothing wrong with that. Or a white chick with like a little short haircut. So this is like completely like 2025 video games for you right here. Um, I didn't see one white dude, which is fine. I don't have to be represented in, in every game. It's okay. Uh, but I'll just point that out, but I'm still going to play the game. That's all in fun. It's not that serious. Um, I like the developer. I'm going to play the game. Um, and yeah, hopefully it'll be good.
Yeah, I didn't I didn't really notice that. What I did notice what was the the main actress was the chick who played who was in Captain Marvel. And that movie was just bad. So I was getting a bad taste of my mouth just from that. But but the the actress herself, I have nothing against. But it was reminding me of Captain Marvel for that. And I'm just like, oh, i don't want I hate that fucking movie. But this game looks great, though. So I'm not letting that root it for me either. Yeah. All right.
Perfect. All right. Well, that was not on my list. So I'm going to talk about the next game on my list. And that is hell is us. This game looks really interesting. When I first saw it, I'm like, Oh my gosh, this kind of look, it kind of gave me like a death stranding vibe. Like he's running around like a world that like seems like desolated and there's like a little kind of like machine falling along, but then it kind of got into some more action gameplay. Um, I'm super intrigued by it. I'm super intrigued by the world. It's kind of like a post-apocalyptic world where there's like,
these crazy kind of like creature things running around near Basically trying to kill them. I think it looks pretty cool. I want to know more of the protagonist. You're running around with a hood. So it's kind of like Assassin's Creed, cross-death stranding, going around this world, desolate world, shooting things, killing things with a hood. um They showed some other other ah humans in the world, too. So I'm excited to see where the story goes. I don't know. It looks cool to me. so i like So we didn't get a lot of it. Like I said, with these state of plays, you don't really get a lot in these like a minute and 30-second trailers sometimes. Maybe even less.
So I am excited for this one, but how is us? Did you guys want to talk about this at all? Yeah, I'll go. Yeah, you can go. yeah yeah No, you go. I'm just saying it's on my list too, so but but you go first. Oh, okay. It is not on my list, but I was interested by this game. I was kind of wondering. I was like, what the hell is this? It was giving me division vibes a little bit. It was giving me Death Stranding vibes. It was giving me all these different weird vibes, but it looked very interesting, ah unique setting, pretty good graphics, cool-looking combat, um and a lot of weird different elements. like You were fighting like these weird ghost-looking things. and
I don't know. I don't know exactly what's going on, but I will probably I'll keep my eye on it. um I looked up this developer here. um It's Rogue Factor. I've never heard of them. um I was looking at the previous games that they've

Curiosity About New Digimon Game

made. I've never heard of them. Mordheim City of the Damned. But yeah, hopefully hopefully it will be good.
ah i like you got yeah You got a drone following your own also the little kid he gives out like remote to about like 30 seconds into the trailer He looks like a kid from like the Polar Express Maybe maybe it is might be the kid from Polar Express all these animation play that movie Tom Hanks the animation of that movie is, it's horrifying. i know But no, yeah, this game, um when it was revealed, I think it was revealed for the first time last year and it looked really cool. And now we got, we got to see a little more gameplay and yeah, this game looks awesome. Like you said, it's like division meets Death Stranding meets like Destiny with the little floating thing. Like it's
Really cool looking and I'm very excited to learn more about this game and the fact that it's coming out in september september four September Yeah, which means we have a we have a one of the probably one of the I mean, I'm sure there's other fall games I can't think of off the top my head right now, but knowing that there's one fall game for me. I'm very excited to to hop into this one ah Yeah, it looks it looks sweet. So I'm excited to see more about this game All right, yeah, that was pretty cool I Yeah, they I was reading something. They describe it as a like a horror like thriller game. So who knows? Yeah, sweet. Oh, really quick. Going back to a directive 80 20. That's coming out in October, which is perfect for a spoopy game. So I'm excited. We go. Yeah, we go. Halloween game for us. Here we go. Sorry, I thought I was Dak Prescott. Sorry. All right. Midnight, you're up.
I'm up, okay. So this one here is one that I don't really know if I'm interested in, but at the same time, it was interesting, no doubt. It was Digimon story time. Now I've have never played a Digimon game.
um I think, is there cards for that? I've never done it. I've never got involved in Digimon at all. okay there There is a Digimon card game that actually just came out. There used to be an older one. I am actually a big pretty big Digimon fan. like I really like Digimon a lot. So when I saw this, I i knew it was Digimon right away. But I'm interested to hear what you else what else you have to say.
Yeah, so I don't know literally anything about Digimon other than it's, I guess, Pokemon adjacent. I don't know. So what I thought was cool was it looked like. It looked like they were creating a Digimon Pokemon game. Like it looked like it kind of open world fighting with the monsters, maybe capturing them. I don't know. And it's coming to PlayStation. So that's coming to modern platforms. It's not stuck on Switch. So that's good. The graphics and performance looked quite good. And I got to say, I'm slightly interested if this is giving me a Pokemon-esque experience on next gen hardware on PS5 Pro or PC. um I might have to check that out. So it might be my first ever Digimon experience.
So they they've had Digimon games kind of like this in the past. they've The Digimon World series was a um ah series of RPG games. like The first three were essentially turn-based tactics games almost. And the last one was kind of like a hack and slash RPG that was Digimon World 4, which I actually really liked. You can play it 4 player, which is really fun.
But yeah, this is giving me like cool, and the Digimon games actually, they they have a history of having really good games actually. There's there's a lot of good Digimon games out there. Like on a lot of different genres. So I know like Digimon Cyber Sleuth was awesome. Hodge, did you play that Digimon Cyber Sleuth? I've never played a Digimon game. I did watch the anime when I was a kid, but I've never played a Digimon game. Alright, Hodge, you gotta judge me. Ready? Here's here's my, uh, my Agumon impression.
Pepper brush! Pepper brush! Beautiful.
so i ah But actually this was on my list also ah I I'd I'm like I've obviously Digimon is one of those where I haven't thought about it in years like it's just you know the fellow to obscurity it was like Because to me as a kid I did like it like I said I watched it But it always felt like we have Pokemon at home like it always wanted to it was always in Pokemon shadow and And so I just didn't really think about it, but i I'm just kind of looking at the trailer again. And I love that at the end, they show the same Digimon that they've always shown since I was a kid. I can't I'm it's been a while. So I'm not forgetting the name like metal. gri Yeah, and the the the the dinosaur with the black kind of skull thing. And then there's it's metal metal, metal, metal.
Yeah. And then the right next after it, it's it's when he transforms into like the Gundam looking one and like it's so yeah those are such like to me, iconic Digimon. And so I like it like as opposed to, you know, whenever we see a Pokemon trailer, it's now for a new game coming out. It's some it's Pokemon number 1700. And I'm like, I've never seen that thing in my life. But having a Digimon game where it's like, oh, yeah, I remember that one. I don't know the names, but I remember i remember that one. I had the toy, of that one. That one was sweet.
And ah so I was, like I was kind of excited. And the fact that it it looks like I, I saw, I realized pretty quickly why it intrigued you midnight, because when you're running around the town, it looks kind of like persona. And so I was just like, Oh yeah, it looks kind of like like, cause that's actually what I thought it was at first. I thought it was not, well, I didn't think it was a persona game, but I thought it was like that kind of game. Uh, cause I didn't think there, cause I also didn't see Atlas before, you know, that the trailer started. So.
But yeah, it looks really interesting. And some of the gameplay looks like this is what I wish Pokemon would do, where it looks like a big open world with a whole lot of I mean, this is Digimon. But if it was like a whole bunch of Pokemon run around, not kind of the sporadic ones in their half-assed open worlds like they have now. But so. But yeah, it looks it looks interesting. I doubt I'll play it unless maybe it comes to PS Plus or if it's a Game Pass game or something. I don't know but if it's exclusive or not, but ah It's definitely not one I'll buy, but it it caught my caught my eye when I saw it. So, yeah, i i it brought me back to my childhood scene, Digimon again. but yeah Yeah, when I first saw it, I thought it was one of those Chinese like Genshin Impact, freaking weathering waves, ass games. So then I was surprised when it was looking like very Pokémon-esque and I was like, oh, and then it was Digimon. And I was like, oh, I've heard of that. I know that. Maybe I'll try it.
You should try

Split Fiction's Narrative and Co-op Experience

Digimon World Next Order. um That is a game that's very... Look, it gave off very similar vibes. It came out in 2017, I think? Yeah, 2017. It gave me very similar vibes. It's a pretty good game. Yeah, World Next Order. What platform? You can get on PlayStation, Xbox. It says PS4, so it's PS4, Switch, X-Bone.
Maybe I'll add it to the backlog, but it's going to be a low priority. I think I'm probably more interested in this one since it's brand new. Yeah. Yeah. All right. They better have flame German better be in this game. Shout out. Shout out to Litten and in center. Oh my gosh. No flames. Your mom was way before them, but flames your mom flames your mom.
All right. Yeah, did you mind it wasn't on my list, but I did want to shout it out cuz I I'm a big fan of Digimon So hard you had that one on yours. So should I just go back to me then do another one? Yeah, I might as well. Yeah, cuz I've done two or or actually technically I've done I've done three of them already That's okay. I know I'm not I'm not gonna make graphics for this one. We're just talking because we won't get the episode out, but There's really no order talking. Yeah, just talk. I have a kid who says that I have a student who says I he talks more I Like, how did the character develop more? He talks more? Like, no, my gosh. Talk to him. He says it all the time. I can't stand it. All right, next up on my list, I know Hodge. You're not a fan of this game because I know Split Fiction, ah the EA Originals game. He plays the two chicks.
um I think it looks cool. I already promised po me and Poop play all these games together. We actually streamed them together. So I'm going to play this with him. Comes up March 6th. I didn't really need to see any more because I've already sold on it. I think it was pretty cool. I think the story is going to be interesting because you have like these two kind of like I don't even know. Are they sisters? I can't tell because they they didn't make a comment about being sisters at one point. It seemed like they were lesbian lovers.
Yeah, probably. How do you know that? I think they were co-workers. I think at the start of the trailer, I think at the start of the trailer, they met at work or something. I mean, they should be. That'd be cooler. Why? Well, then no. Then you'd complain. And you guys would complain about it.
No, I wouldn't complain about it. I got no problem with lesbians. So I know they get trapped. There's like two different stories going on, but somehow they're inter intertwined with each other. So I'm excited for that split fiction. It looks pretty cool. I'm really excited to play with poot. So should be a good time. We will be streaming it on. They are a Twitch channel. They are two authors who became trapped inside their own stories. Yeah, that. Yeah. So I think we'll be interested.
Yeah, I'm excited about this game, too. I think it looks awesome. This is the Joseph Ferris game, right? Yeah. Yeah. So um I've never really played any of his games, but he always wins awards. If I can find a friend, if I have somebody who's willing to play with me, um I'll probably play this. I've offered to play. It takes two years. Well, you just said you'll play with Pooh, so you know. Yeah, but I'd replay it. But I'd replay It Takes Two, the other game that came out that you know won awards. I'd play that with you, too. That game's really fun.
All right. Well, we'll we'll figure I'd rather play split fiction. I know. I know you're not. You like have not played. It takes two. I think you would love it takes two. I think the platform is not been. I've been saying. Yeah, I want to play it. I was going to play with my brother, but he played it with his wife instead. I think they I think they fell off, though, because his wife's not good at video games. So. ah I think I could probably get him to play it again. But ah me and him played a way out actually, and I really liked that game. So it's it I'm interested in this game, but I'm not like excited for it. ah The gameplay looks cool and everything. I'm not i'm not shitting on that. the what really I was actually kind of intrigued in it more before this trailer, but when they got more into the dialogue, I wanted to kill myself because they just had that very cringy teenage girl kind of
like quippiness and I was just like, Oh God, is it just going to be this the entire game? And so the the dialogue really kind of turned me off from the game, but the gameplay itself and yeah, Joseph Ferris from what I've heard has never missed. Like I said, I've only played a way out.
I wanna play it takes two, but yeah, this one I'm interested in it, but it's not what I'm like super excited for, but it's a it's a cool idea too. The fact that you swap between like a sci-fi and a fantasy world and do all these puzzles together. it's It's a really cool concept, but yeah, the dialogue from the characters really, really ruined the trailer for me, but yeah, it's it's not killing killing my interest, but it's subduing it a little bit.
I'll give him this. Joseph Fares is a creative genius

Tides of Annihilation & Lies of P DLC Anticipation

because every game he comes out with is completely like like it's the same style of game, but the settings and the the stories and the right. They're all completely different. Oh, yeah. Like a way out. You're just playing as two criminals breaking out of prison. And then you play it takes two and you're like a little clay dolls or whatever little, you know, played as a married couple. And then you had brothers as well before that. Yeah, I never played that one. But yeah, I've heard ever good about that as well.
Yeah, so split fiction, I will probably ah play it. If anybody's listening from the Spank Bank and you want to play it with me, let me know. All right. Shout out to the Spank Bank or Hodge. If you want to play it with me when it comes out, let me know. We'll do it. Yeah, we'll we'll see when it comes out of what we're playing at the time. All right. Who's next? What are we doing? I'm in at you.
All right. So my next game was tides of annihilation. This game is also on my list. Also on my list. This game looked freaking sweet. This game was giving me major final fantasy energy, like the character design, the combat and the world was really reminding me of Final Fantasy to the point where I was actually thinking, like, is this some kind of Final Fantasy spinoff? ah But it's not. It's from a completely different developer.
ah from a Chinese company, Eclipse Glow Games, apparently. But this game looks sweet. I thought the graphics looked great. I thought the world and the characters looked sweet. Takes place in modern day London, apparently, ah which is ravaged by mystical otherworldly forces. I'm reading this. ah So, yeah, I mean, that sounds sweet. Count me in. I want to see a little bit more, of course. I'm not going to just preorder it, but I'm very interested. This looks like my type of game.
So ah yeah, that was one of my games of the show for sure. ah Really state same here. It has that DMC, cello blade kind of combat where you're running around the world. It's like hack and slash. I think it looked really cool. I definitely got the Final Fantasy vibes from it as well. Kind of set in like a.
Like a more, not like a traditional Final Fantasy world, but a, like a more advanced one and more sci-fi kind of one. I am excited for it though. So it looks cool. Um, you kind of stole everything I was going to say, but yeah, you kind of had like Final Fantasy 13 energy about it, didn't it? I thought it. Yes. Yeah, it did. Yeah.
It's it's funny you say that because just today someone was I might have been like in a skillet video or something. Someone was talking about Final Fantasy 13. So that is actually literally the first thing I thought of when ah when that trailer started, I was like, is this final 13 or something? But yeah, I don't have any interest in this game, but it does. It looks interesting, but it's it's not my kind of game. So happy you guys are excited for it, though.
They say here we've created a world that reimagines Arthurian legend, where themes of courage, loyalty, and heroism intertwine with an epic story. That sounds cool. I like that. So we'll see. i'm mean i'm they have my ah They have my attention. I am i am at half-mast. So let's see some more, and hopefully I'll be playing that. Sean and I, we can play it and do a spoiler cast. Yeah. yeah We'll see. We'll we'll see about the spoiler cast. If it's good, obviously.
Yeah, I could see this being very much like a game that's like, oh, my gosh, it's either going to be like awesome or it's going to be horrendous. Right. i Probably nothing in the middle. I think the comment I made about it in Discord while this trailer was happening was it looks like this. This looks like one of those games that looks super exciting, but then it comes out and no one even notices that it came out. It gets about a seven sixty eight on Metacritic and goes away forever. Like that's kind of the vibe I got from it. But I mean, I'm hoping wrong and I hope you guys love it, but that's kind of the vibe I got. Yeah, that could happen. All right, Hodge, what else do you want to talk about?
Alright, I'm gonna bring up um ah maybe this might be on on your guys list. I'm not entirely sure but I'm bringing it up because actually earlier today we were talking about this game as well ah is the lies of PD DLC overture um I was we were just talking about it today how this is one of those games that has a setting that is so Cool that I want to desperately like this game But I played the lies of Pete demo and the first time I came up against like I don't know if it was a mini boss It might have just been a heavy armored enemy I don't know what it was But he killed me four times in a row and I'm like, I just don't think these games are for me so I dropped it and Like and it wasn't like I almost beat it and just kept dying. It was he just destroyed me immediately four times in a row and I was like, this is I'm not good at these games. So I dropped it. But then our buddy Chris, Australian Chris, he he was saying that I guess between the demo and release, they nerf the game a lot. So it's actually a lot easier. oh they really yeah Yeah, apparently they they made it easier than with the demo. I don't think it's like, you know, it's not a kid's game easy, but it's apparently it's easier. So maybe because I have played you know more difficult games and and beat them and whatnot. But
um Yeah, so I'm I really want to try it again. And I think before this, when did it say when the deal was coming out? It's just a summer. OK, so yeah, I think before the summer, I do want to try and hop back in. Slice of peas, I believe still on game pass, so I want to hop in and play it. ah Hopefully I can beat it because, yeah, this is just one of those games where it's like I want to force myself to get good at it because the setting looks so cool and that world looks so awesome. The fact that it's like a Pinocchio game, but it's just it's like Bloodborne meets Pinocchio, it's really
weird and so I really want to get into it. It's like fairy tales,

Midnight Walk's Unique Art Style

basically. Yeah, so I really want to get into this game, so I'm hoping I can get into it, enjoy it. And so when this DLC comes out, I can enjoy that as well, because it looks it looks sweet. So yeah, lies to be overture. When it was first shown, I'm started thinking, oh, my God, are they making a sequel? And is it going to be like Snow White?
That's what I was thinking. Or like I don't know, some type of other fairy tale at first, because that you know it's in a different setting. um But yeah, it looks cool. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. What about you, Manet? What do you think? I thought it looked sweet. um I love the snow setting. I always love like ah and Call of Duty and stuff. I always love a good snow map. There's just something cool about you know traveling around in the snow, as long as it's not in real life, because then you're freezing and miserable. But no, it looks awesome. um Yeah. Um, it is, it is a DLC cause it said base game required. So it's not a sequel. I was thinking about maybe it was just like lives of P two, but no, it's not. Um, but yeah, I think this looks pretty sweet. I did not play the base game. Um, one of these days I might, um, heard good things. I do believe that Maddie or cog, I forget which was saying that that first boss, uh, in lies of P is like the hardest one, I think. Um, so if you get past that one, it's supposed to get easier, but, uh, yeah.
It looks it looks awesome. I think this game will do and review very well. So could be yeah could be something to pick up in fantasy. Well, yeah, especially since Liza P, I guess, was the studio's first ever game. So the fact that it was that good and it was their first game now they've had this time and I had two years to make this DLC. So it should be way better even. So yeah, it should be sweet. Yeah. If Xbox was smart, they should probably buy them.
Um, not, not exclusives, obviously it would still come to every platform as Microsoft does, but why not? Uh, you know, that's a talented studio and you've been working with them. So, but anyway, either way they're doing their thing and I like it. Yeah, no, definitely. All right. Uh, moving on. What do we have left? Cause I, um, Hodge, you have anything left you want to talk about midnight? You have anything left you want to talk about? I got like one more. I got one more. I have one more. One more. Yeah. Go ahead. Uh, let me go again. Uh, yeah. So this one, yeah it might.
It might only be on my list. I think I'm in the minority of people who's actually pretty excited for this game and that's the Midnight Walk. um it's that It's that claymation, like really creepy looking claymation game. It's like Tim Burton, but somehow even creepier looking. like It looks really cool and i'm as everyone knows, I'm a sucker for the claymation look. ah Like Liza, ah you know, a little Liza P or a South of midnight previews to come out this week and just watching the game play that people are. Yeah, it looks so cool. And yeah, I love that claymation looks so much.
that ah this game looks so sweet. And the fact that it's also now that I have a PSVR 2, the fact that it's PS5 and PSVR 2, I'm really curious to try it in VR and see what it looks like. I hope it's the one where you can teleport, because as I've talked about, I do not do well with the ah motion sickness. So I hope it's kind of like a diorama looking down on it kind of game rather than moving forward or or you can teleport. But either way, I'm going to play it and it looks awesome. So, yeah.
I mean, I walk. That's what I'm excited for. That's probably my most hyped of the show, too. I I instantly thought of you when I started because this they they revealed it last year, but is I actually thought of you when it came up again. I love that same with you. I love that like clay nation art style. I think it was really cool. It's kind of like gives a lot of creepy vibes in the game, too. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a little night mars too is the other one I was thinking of. Yeah, it looks like a little bit of little nightmares. I think I'm really curious to see how like would play in VR. I think it'd be like I don't know. You might get like lost. now You might get scared running around like these things coming out of nowhere. I think it looks cool, though. It wasn't on my list, but it's like an honorable mention, basically. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, Midnight Walk. um I know the Hodge would love this just from the art, and I just posted like the little picture or whatever. That is very clean Hodge style artwork, I think.
Um, how you got like the dude with the fire with the red ring and the blue ring and stuff and a cool logo. I put it in discord. It looks sweet. This looks like a Hodge game. Um, I was curious. Um, so I checked out the, what? Oh, I was just going to say, I was going to say when you post that picture, it reminded me with the other thing it reminds me of. It reminds me of the book. I don't know if you guys ever read this book as a kid, the stinky cheese man. It reminded me of that artwork.
Just look it up. It's what it is right now. I got to look this up. The Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly stupid tales. It reminds me of the art from that book. That is the other thing it was

Days Gone Remaster Discussion

reminding us. I was trying to put my finger on what else it reminds me of. And it's that. Oh, my gosh, you're so right. Yeah, it's just this really weird kids book that I read growing up. It's so weird. But yeah, that's what it reminds me of. But yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. midnight All right, no problem. Yeah. So this game, I was curious, you know, I'm on Steam. I checked out. This is this developer's first game. So they've never made a game. um And there it is VR supported, it says, ah by the way. And the publisher, I had never heard of the publisher either, but they've published a whole bunch of VR only games. So there you go. This looks like it will be. Yeah, yeah I mean, it's built for that, which is good. Yeah, that's awesome.
So yeah I have really nothing to say to this. I think the art style looks cool. I'll leave it at that. All right. Perfect. Midnight, you have one more game you want to talk about? ah I have one more, I guess. Days Gone Remastered. Shout out to this game. I'm going to mention it. I know everybody was hating on this game because it just seems like another cash grab from Sony. Like, oh, we remastered a game that didn't really need it. Now give us $10 or more.
um But I will say this as somebody who's never played Days Gone, um people there's a revisionist history about Days Gone where everybody kind of hated, most people hated on this game, but now lately a lot of people are saying that it's really good. So I don't know why there's this revisionist history, but I'm hearing that the game's actually good. um So I might actually try this at some point.
um That's why I'm saying this. I might actually try this. I will say that um It looked really freaking good. Like if you actually look at like the gameplay that they did It's really high res like it looks like a super clean modern game like it doesn't look like they half-assed the remaster. I was shocked how good it looked. um So who knows? um I'll have to see. I don't own the game. I have a it's in PlayStation Plus premium. So if I can play it on PlayStation Plus premium and maybe just pay a $10 upgrade, I might do that. We'll see. yeah I don't know if I'll pay 70 bucks for it. They're probably going to make you buy the game because they did that for other games, too, where if you have it on PS Plus, you don't get the $10 upgrade. Hmm. Well,
Yeah, that but I remember the only I might not be playing the the only time they did let you upgrade from the PS Plus, I believe, was I think Horizon Zero Dawn did because they promised it or something, or maybe it's Final Fantasy remake. One of them, I remember they it was remake. It was. Yeah, because everyone got really mad that they did that. They're like, oh, well you know, if you got off plus, it doesn't count. You have to pay for the like full intergrade thing or whatever. And everyone was pissed off. but yeah I'll say this though, like I said, again, just to reiterate, if if you guys go on anyone, listeners, whoever, go on YouTube, look at that um days gone remastered in 4k. And you can't tell me like it actually doesn't look really good. Like I was really impressed with the level of the graphical quality on this. um So I think they did a great job with the remaster. Yeah. which but's never
never That's never been anyone's complaint with Days Gone. It's always been a good looking game. It's just the gameplay is not good and the the stories, the characters are fucking horrendous. that's That's the problem with that game. People are now saying it's good, so apparently it changed.
We'll see. I'll i'll eventually play it one day. I will. Well, the thing is, it reviewed worse than it actually is. I didn't i I don't like the game, but it reviewed worse than it is because the review copies that went out were busted and then the day one patch fixed it. So all the reviews came out saying it's just a janky busted game that you shouldn't play it. But then the but then when the day one patch hit, it ran well.
So it really it kicked itself right in the balls with with their just stupid patch thing. That's that's why it that's why it ah has a lower rating than what a lot of people think it should have. But I personally I just played it and I did not like it. So but that's that's just me. But yeah, that

Excitement for Lost Soul Aside

that's why the rating is lower than how people kind of reacts to the game. Hmm. Definitely.
um All right. Well, I have one more game I want to talk about and that is w WWE 20 fun. Oh, I'm kidding. No, I was actually that was open earlier. No, I've never played a w WWE game. Probably never will. Never going to watch the thing of WWE w wrestling ever. a Funny story. on a Yeah, go on. Oh, I was going to say I actually have something I wanted to say about WWE. Go on. Yeah, go.
I noticed that the big thing that they had in this was that they added like this the island feature, um which if anyone has ever played NBA 2K, it's exactly reminiscent of like ah the neighborhood or the town the town or whatever that they have now. um Basically, it's like it is a cash grab. It's literally a cash grab. It's ah it's an open world environment.
um That's designed for you to walk around with your my player and go to stores and buy like drip and outfits and and cosmetics and stuff That's the whole reason why this exists is just so that you can show off your gear um In other words, they want you to pay money like nobody's a huge fan of the the neighborhood or anything in 2k from what I understand so I'm not surprised that 2k would add that That's all I got Alright, no B. Alright, my game is ah Lost Soul Aside, that game that they finally got a release date, it's coming out in May. um This game, so I guess this game was announced almost like 10 years ago, 9 or 10 years ago, and I guess it went through development hell.
um But I think it's kind of cool. They didn't really they didn't really show much about the story. All you really know is you're on a journey of redemption. That's what it that's what it says. you're on a And it's like an action adventure RPG. It looks pretty cool. I think the graphics look pretty cool. The art style.
Um, and there's like these creatures that invade like the dimension. So I don't know. I'm interested to see where it goes. They had a lot of different areas. They showed a lot of different, like a vast majority of different places and landscapes. So I think it looks cool. I know a lot of people are hyped for it. That's kind of why I'm interested in it and it comes out in may. So we'll see,

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on State of Play

but yeah, lost side, so lost soul aside. All right. I have nothing to add to that.
Yeah, this one, it looked it to me, it looked like Final Fantasy 15. If it was set in the world of For Spoken, it looked kind of like a platinum game to me. So it it it's kind of cool that it's if it's been in development hell for so long that it's finally getting its release. But ah yeah, I just didn't really do. But I will say it did look gorgeous. It looks like a very good looking game. But yeah in terms of its gameplay and all that, I I don't care, but I hope it's good for ah for you for your sake, because, yeah, I guess it looks fine. It just it's not my kind of game, so I'll probably not touch it and unless who knows, unless it has like an amazing review. And maybe I will one day, but it's definitely not at the top of my list right now. No, I'm excited. I'm excited. I get that. No, I totally get that.
All right. Well, that's about ah all I really want to talk about. I didn't really, you know, like I said, I think PlayStation has showed us what they think about these state of plays. They're going to give us like one first party announcement, maybe maybe two, and then just some cool games that if you're into the genres, they're going to be cool to you. And then some games that you're just like, why is this here? Like Borderlands should not be at the state of place. Like Borderlands doesn't need to be here.
Which is that I actually thought the Borderlands gameplay looked pretty sweet. It looked really fun. I rolled my eye I rolled my eyes. It's funny that you say that because, well, one, I thought they were going to announce a sequel to the movie when he said, guess what else? Like, oh, my God, I just watched her to say that I. Oh, God, Lord. But i thought I genuinely thought that's what they're going to say. But then um ah when they they were just talking about like all the release dates and then they go,
Oh, yeah. And then we're going to have a P.S. direct to show way more. I'm like, yeah. I'm like, oh, yeah. So it's so it's funny. They're like, I don't think they should be at a state of play. And instead they're going to get their own showcase from Sony for it. Like, yeah, it's insane to me. I've never liked Borderlands, though, so.
whatever Let me just say I thought that the gameplay looked freaking very fun and sweet like very fast and fluid um Good, you know good graphics and stuff. So I'm not a huge Borderlands guy either. I haven't beaten any of the games um I played a little bit of one and two and it was okay, but As I understand it goes way downhill after that, but maybe they'll bring it back. Maybe it'll be fun. We'll see. um I did watch the movie last night and it was pretty bad. um It wasn't as bad as everyone had said because everyone said it was like the worst film ever, um but it was pretty bad. Yeah. um I think because my expectations were that it was the worst film ever, I was able to kind of just laugh off some of the cringe ah stuff. Like, like the one dude was like, nobody kills me, but me. It's like, what the hell, dude? Anyway, let's move on.
Yeah, that's I mean, that's about it. All I really want to talk about. Yeah, really, all I was going to say as we wrap up was really quickly melt your solid because I figured a lot of people would want to want us to talk about that or whatever. But it it looks interesting, but I noticed it was like 30 frames and that was really annoying me. But I'm excited to actually try that one because I've never like I said, I I've tried Metal Gear Solid so many times, but the the controls are so jank now that I just can't do it. So I'm excited to see what a remaster does.
But yeah, that's the only other game that really did anything for me at that showcase. Also, why does Sonic drive a car? He's faster than cars. Oh, my gosh. I was literally about to say that. Like, why is he drive a car? Because it's a racing game. Yeah, there was Sonic R. And they have Sonic R on.
on a sonic art. It's legitimately one of my favorite racing games of all time. I had it on Sega Saturn and Sonic ran. Tails flew. Knuckles ran. Dr. Robotnik was in his little bubble, you know, whatever thing you drive in a little egg. Yeah, they they they had a Sonic racing game and it was awesome. Why are they in cars? It's stupid. and Maybe it's a competition and they want it to be an equal playing field, so everyone's going to drive on.
Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, that's actually ah that would actually be one way to explain around it to keep it on even even ground I think it would be hilarious if everyone had cars except for sonic and shadow Yeah, they just were on here Which is funny cuz shadow does drive a motorcycle in the games for whatever reason and he did in the movie for Yeah in that shadow the hedgehog edgy game where he has guns. and Yeah so dumb
But yeah, that's all I had to talk about. Yeah, no I didn't think it was that great of a show, but there were some games that I'm excited for. So. All right. So we do final thoughts. I mean, I think yeah I think we kind of kind of laid out our final thoughts. You know, like I said, I think we need to tame our expectations with these. Sony has told us what they are. It's about it, though. I'm excited to play some games. I have having major FOMO right now with ah Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. I kind of really want to play it.
But yeah, I've decided. I've decided just last night that I am going to play Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and stock or two, ah maybe sometime this year. So these two hard, masochist games, I'm going to get into them. We're going to do it. um I have my final thoughts real quick. I'll just say that, yeah, I mean, this is this is a state of play on February 12th. It's random as hell. So I wasn't expecting like a barn burner. So it was fine. um I will say that my expectations will be higher, fair enough or not. or not Come June, when it's E3 season, when they have their their showcase or state of play, I will have higher expectations. I'll be expecting more. um But for this one, it's February. It is what it is. Some of the games were cool. And that's that. My final thoughts. Mine, ah though, I will say, I think maybe why my expectations were higher was that on Twitter.
Uh, every, all these Sony devs and even some like these insiders, we're all saying like, you guys have to tune in tomorrow. Like it's going to be, it's going to be great. Like, and like not saying they should do the Aaron Greenberg thing of guys, keep your expectations in check. It's not going to be that good. Like they definitely shouldn't do that, but don't hype it up as if it's going to be like the best showcase ever. It should just straight up, you should just be tweeting out like,
Check out tomorrow where we're going to show off some new games and some ones that have already been announced. Like that's all you need to do. And then people are going to go in with tempered expectations. But when you're saying like, you guys got to see tomorrow, I think my guess is what the you have to see this thing was is sorrows. And i I don't care. Was was mine side done by the GTA guy? I couldn't. I didn't. I wasn't paying attention, really. I think it was. like think it was I think it was. Yeah.
Yeah, so maybe that was the other one we're supposed to be super hyped about or something. But I'll be honest, that game looked like a 70 on Metacritic. So I don't I don't have much hype for it. But yeah, I don't know. but da so Some of my final thoughts is I think they overhyped it a little bit. And we shouldn't expect much like you said of when it's announced a day before it's or two days before it's actually happening. Maybe you should ah temper them. But yeah, they they tried hyping it up a little bit. So I was disappointed. But Oh, well, I still like my PlayStation. I'm not going to break it. It's OK. You know. Bring us home, Sean. Well, all right. Well, that was our very special limited edition DLC episode of Games Over Plastic. I am Sean. I was joined by Hodge in Midnight. Bye, guys. Bye.
End of the episode.