#92 James Iandoli, Danny Silva, Ryan Robbins & Jay Christopher King - UAP Panel Discussion image

#92 James Iandoli, Danny Silva, Ryan Robbins & Jay Christopher King - UAP Panel Discussion

Anomalous Podcast Network
398 Plays1 year ago
James Iandoli is the creator of Engaging The Phenomenon which explores and researches UFO/UAP and related phenomena. Including Ufology, current events, human interaction with nonhuman intelligence (NHI)/CE-5, Consciousness, and beyond.

Engaging the Phenomenon YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFc...
Engaging the Phenomenon Twitter: https://twitter.com/EngagingThe
Engaging the Phenomenon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/engagingthe...

Danny Silva runs the website SilvaRecord.com where he covers UFO news and information. He focuses on developments and information related to UFOs.

Website: https://silvarecord.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SilvaRecord
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannysilvar...

Ryan Robbins aka 'UFO Jesus' is the creator of the YouTube channel Post Disclosure World. Ryan is a regular voice on #ufotwitter with in depth and on the ball views on the current state of the UAP subject.

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Postdisclos...
Ryan Twitter: https://twitter.com/PostDisclosure
Ryan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/postdisclos...

Jay Christopher King is co-founder of The Experiencer Group.
The Exp

Introduction to the Anomalous Podcast Network

You're listening to the Anomalous Podcast Network. Multiple voices, one phenomenon.

Welcoming the Audience and Setting Expectations

Hey, everyone. How's it going? Welcome back to the Disclosure Team channel. Thank you, everyone, for being here. There's already quite a lot of people. It's good to see everyone. As always, anybody has any questions throughout this discussion, please try and pop them in capital letters. It gives me a better chance of seeing them. And I'll try my best to get to all of them as well.

Panel Introductions and Enthusiasm

I really, really look forward every time I do a panel discussion because it's good to get a group of people together and bounce ideas, thoughts, theories, hypotheses off each other. And that's probably what a lot of this is going to be. No one really knows the facts when it comes to subjects. So everyone's got different viewpoints, different ideas. And so I'm looking forward to hearing a lot of those. Everyone in the chat, just keep it cool, calm, collected. I appreciate everybody is different.
just be cordial with each other. And that's all I ask. So yeah, let's get into it. Let's bring everyone in. First up, I want to welcome my good friend James Ian Dole. James, how's it going? Hey, Vinny, thanks for having me. It's great to be here. No, it's good, man. We've been planning this for a little while, so I'm really glad that it's actually come together and we all get a chance to speak. So thank you, man. Yeah, sure. Next up,
Another returning guest to the channel. Please welcome Mr. Danny Silver. Danny, how's it going? What's up, Vinny? Thank you for doing this today. What's up, James and Ryan, everybody. Jay.
Good. Appreciate you being here, man. Moving on to my next guest, who is a first time to this channel, but somebody who I've followed for a long time and really appreciate his viewpoints and how he acts on Twitter. I think he's a great voice for this community. So it's my pleasure to welcome Ryan Robbins. Ryan, how are you? I'm good. You made me feel really important with that introduction and it's really good to be with you all. I think I'm going to enjoy this. Thank you.
It's my pleasure, man. I really appreciate it. And then last but certainly not least is a really good friend of mine, someone who I have the utmost respect for and always, always enjoy speaking with him. Please put your hands together for Jay Christopher King. Hey, thanks. Jay, how are you? Wow, that was that was regal. I appreciate it. Thanks, Vinny. It's been nice. My pleasure.
It's always great to see James, great to see Danny and Ryan as well. This is fantastic. Thanks for inviting me on today. Love it. No, it's great.

Importance of Panel Discussions in Current Times

Thank you to all of you. I really looking forward to this. I think panel discussions are really healthy in this, this day and age as well. And I thought the best way to kick off is just to kind of find out where all your heads are at with the subject at the moment, things that you're focusing on at the moment, different avenues, you know, so anything really.

James Ian Dole's Projects and Collaborations

So James, let's start with you, man.
Oh wow, you got me cold there. Yeah, I'm actually, I'm working on a number of things, working on something with Jay actually, that's gonna become public in the next few weeks or so that's gonna be, I think, actually really epic. I think it's gonna be something that's going to help contribute a very serious tone to the community.
So, and, you know, everybody knows the stuff that I'm dealing with, you know, a lot of times contact and stuff, but I also have some interviews lined up which are really going to be, I think, deep conversations and good ones. I'm always trying to focus on the phenomenon to some degree rather than just the disclosure part because I feel like, you know, like Vinny, you and Danny and, you know, Ryan are like really hitting hard on the disclosure end of things, if I can say it like that.
You know, so I feel comfortable that you guys are doing that and I can kind of like go off into the deep end of the the contact stuff a lot That's awesome man, I think that's good. It's good that everybody looks at it from a different angle, you know, we got more ground covered then What

Danny Silver's Cautious Approach to UAP Developments

about you Danny? Where's your head out with things at the moment? I'm in I'm in wait and see mode. I know that there's a huge steps that have been taken in the last four or five years and we have amazing people of course and
Like we've all gotten a chance to talk to Lou, of course, he's the man, he's doing it. And Christopher Mellon, George Knapp, all the legends, Jeremy Corbell. But at the same time, we know there's a lot of crazy stuff, failures and pushback and
Lies being told with the government and some of these new programs and some waiting to see what happens with it. You know, I know we know that a lot of the Congress is interested and that interest is amazing and great.
I think there's, I'm kind of just in wait and see mode. I'm also in show me mode with some of the UAP task force stuff that occurred. I would like for them to show us rather than where we just get to hear about it and have to kind of trust what they're saying. I think that's at the point now where they need to show us.
Um, so I hope that any new government organization is going to be showing us things. Um, it's, it's, we just can't be in trust mode anymore. We know there's a phenomenon, so I'm good there. Um, but as far as the disclosure of what they're doing, uh, everything like that, I'm just in wait and see and show me mode. No, that's cool. That makes sense. Jay, what about yourself?

Jay Christopher King's Projects and Challenges

right. Well, I wasn't aware that James was going to tease our big secret project. But I'll take it. Yeah, we've been working on something that's pretty epic. We've also been eating food in NYC UFO Supper Club, which has been super fun. But those meals have led to some fun things on the horizon this fall. And I look forward to talking more about that in the upcoming weeks.
Other than that, the Experiancer Group is doing really well. Witness Citizen is going really well. I saw Sean earlier in the chat. Those conversations have been great. We had Randall Nickerson, who you've had on your show as well. Great guy, really great guy.
You know, the experience group had, we had some, there were some challenges in the last few months in that we had what seemed to be like a really unconventional hack that didn't actually get into our site, it didn't affect the members community but it affected
a separate site that we use to vet applicants. That was really challenging. It's always challenging. There's the day-to-day aspect on Twitter or whatever where you're dealing with a troll or something like that. Then there's this other level that happens every once in a while with people when
You know, you have like a platform or something like that in this community and it's unfortunate, you know, but We're certainly not the first it's not the first time even I've been hacked You know what I mean? I remember right after Ralph's article came out last September My facebook got hacked within like two weeks and it was the first time that it ever happened and it didn't seem like
Like it was, you know, happenstance. I had just mentioned my Facebook the night before on Dave Scott's show, you know, like three or four hours beforehand. And, but, you know, I don't know. I don't know. But, you know, when it's something like the Experiencer Group that I take that a little bit personally. So.

Engaging with Mental Health Professionals

We had to kind of like shut down the application process for a while. And, and while we figured out what was going on in terms of, of that side of things. And luckily, like our private social media interface was, was fine and unaffected the whole time. And the whole thing got cleared up within the last week or two.
It took a lot of time and I'm kind of more of a jack of all trades person than, you know, I'm no web expert by any means. And so bringing people in to talk to me about it was like, it was like listening to somebody talk about Chinese stereo instructions. You know what I mean? But, but did it nonetheless.
And that all worked out. Other than that, dealing with a lot of mental health professionals lately in private meetings with regard to experiencers and people's cases and people's personal histories and things like that. And so I've been talking to psychiatrists, psychologists, a lot of kind of private meetings. And there's kind of a lot of movement in the realm of mental health professionals that are looking to
First of all, experiencers that are also long-time mental health professionals, of which there are many in our community and kind of like adjacent to our community. And a lot of those people are trying to figure out how to kind of integrate anomalous experiences that previously would have been seen as, you know, the dreaded C word crazy or something like that, right? People
You know, people have been locked out for this and things like that, you know, pathologized. And so being able to kind of create more dialogue in that space and being able to help elicit that dialogue is super important to me these days. So that's another kind of pet project that I've been spending a lot of time with. That's great. I really appreciate that. Yeah, we'll get to talk about experiences and stuff in a little while. So, Ryan, how's things been with you, like what you've been focusing on

Ryan Robbins' Plans and UAP Sightings

at the moment?
Yeah, so over this past month, I've been having a lot of sleep issues, which have only exacerbated my concentration issues. So I really haven't been very productive. I got like one video in last month. So that's the way it is. Hopefully August will be better. But what I have planned for August is a good friend of mine. I'll give him a shout out. His name is Finn Hanley. He's from the United Kingdom. He started doing something really interesting. He's finding people who have had unambiguous, and I need to emphasize that, unambiguous sightings.
And he's starting to do CG reenactments using software. And I saw the most recent CG reenactment he did. It was extremely impressive.
And it was a German gentleman, and the sighting took place in Germany. They were at a pool. And from a far distance, they saw what looked like three stars close together, giving the perception of a triangle, if you will. And then they saw it just whoosh, come right up to them, stone throw above them.
Uh, I don't I'm thinking it was there for like maybe 30 seconds, but then there might be a missing time element to it And then it like almost did like a performance for them It like it went like this real fast and then it shot right back up into the atmosphere like like that And so i'm gonna interview the the gentleman who witnessed that that uap
and I'm talking about Finn because maybe because I haven't been doing so much work lately but I really like what he's doing but I like what he's demonstrating too because now he is going to start doing these reenactments for people who've had unambiguous sightings and it's really important.
Because it demonstrates in a very tangible way that when we talk about UAP sightings, UAP encounters, UAP experiences, we're not just talking about Rendlesome Forest. We're not just talking about Roswell. We're not just talking about the Phoenix Lights. And what I think happens is a lot of people who maybe are first getting into the subject or just don't reflect on it enough,
the mind starts to gravitate toward well you know these sightings happen once in a bloom like really really rarely and when they do you'll read about in a book but like that's that's actually a deception that's a deceptive way to look at the phenomena every probably every single day on this planet there are people having unambiguous sightings not not seeing a little light in in the distance but like
objects coming right up to their face. And so what Finn is doing by creating these reenactments is he's reminding people that it's not just about the sightings you read in books. It's not just about the sightings or the contact experiences you see in documentaries. This stuff is happening to people intimately
on a daily basis and like lots and lots of people and we lose sight of how important those individual sightings are because we get locked into this book and that book and this specific uh sighting and this military sighting but in reality it's happening all the time so so i guess i would say that the next thing on my plate right now i guess is interviewing that guy it'll probably be a really short interview because you know it wasn't that involved but it's still important and i will show the reenactment as well the reenactment has been published and that's i guess that's where i'm kind of hanging out right now that's all i gotta say
I'm actually I watched that video that he did the recreation and it was amazing. I think it's really helpful to show these you know sightings from from members of the public and individuals when they're that profound and impactful.
So yeah, you know, I'm looking forward to your interview and to see more of Finn's work because, you know, that's a really good thing. And I think the focus does need to come away sometimes from these big major cases that we all know and love and we continue to talk about, continue to try and research, but it would be good to sort of focus on the, I'll say smaller people, but I don't mean that in a negative way.

Addressing Stigma and Importance of Experiancer Groups

But do you think there's a lack of
reporting systems for the individuals we all know move on and they're rocky road over the over time but do you think it is an issue where do people go when they see something like that you know anyone have any thoughts on on that as a general
Well, I'll just say that I think the stigma is really what has been such an antagonistic to people reporting it because, you know, we've gone through 70 years of our institutions or scientific institutions, journalistic or academic institutions, poo-pooing the subject. So who in their right mind when they have an unambiguous experience that, you know, they're not necessarily, you know, motivated to talk about it openly. And so I think what happens is I think a lot of these sightings just,
they don't really get reported properly. They don't get reported properly by the individuals and then they don't get documented properly by journalists or other outfits that probably should do so. I mean, I know we have move on and so forth, but I don't think those structures can overcome the inherent stigma and the laughing factor and people feeling like their reputation might be compromised because they talk about this, which is why I feel like disclosure is so,
Uh, it's such, it's such a necessary demand for our civilization because what we're basically doing is, is we're, we're pretending something doesn't exist when, when it clearly does exist. And it's just, it's a psychotic at the end of the day. That's all I gotta say about that. And I don't know what, you know, reporting is cool. And I see a lot of people commenting, well, you should tell Mufon. Okay. So then they go tell Mufon and even if Mufon investigated, I mean, what happens after that? Nothing really.
So, I mean, what does reporting actually do? And I think a lot of the people that have experiences that get frustrated, they feel like they should be getting more attention. I get a lot of emails and DMS and stuff like that. They want more attention, people writing about it, people talking to them and I totally understand them.
But at the end of the day, it's just, it's a cool story or interesting story. And we can't, you know, the skeptics are going to say, you know, where's the data and all this and that. So we could say we want them to report it and that's cool, but I just don't know, you know, at the end of the day, what exactly that does other than kind of maybe have some people that are already interested in UFOs thinking about it. But hopefully that'll change one day and there'll be, you know, something more that can be done.
It feels like we're kind of hitting the wall in a way. And maybe Finn making these videos will be cool and maybe be some, make them feel better. People that are having these experiences, they get to see them kind of recreated, make them feel a little bit better, but I don't know. I mean, what does reporting do? What do you guys think? Yeah, well, I mean, what I was going to say was, yeah, I think it's important what obviously what Jay is doing with the Experiencer Group, because when people have an experience like that, you know, first of all, it's highly personal, right?
So even with this stigma gone, to share something like that, some of these experiences are very intimate, right? And you yourself are questioning and move on, you know, I can't speak for move on across the board, but I know they can be very marginalizing at times. If you just want to have an example of something, look at what happened with Christopher Bledsoe when he went to move on, right? And I've heard dozens of accounts like that.
where some of the data goes missing, videos disappear, and things like that. But I do think the reporting on such events is important, especially if there was some kind of data collection process with the artificial intelligence to try to put things into a database. So I appreciate the value in that. But I think first and foremost, people need a place to go, like the experiencer group, or on my end,
You know, I've been working with, you know, people that do contact and contact work, you know, CE5 and HICE. And a lot of people that come to the CE5 work or, you know, human initiated contact, you know, for people who feel safe about that is, you know, are people who've had experiences and they want to take it a step further, right? So I think there's a lot of different levels to that.
You know, it's, I think first and foremost, those people need a place to go, you know, where they can, you know, talk to somebody, not just for the sake of like, collecting data, but for their own kind of like personal, you know, what the hell is going on? Where am I? And what is reality? Because that's kind of like the epiphany that people have, right? So, you know, the mental health side of things, I think is extremely important.
uh and and again for to have that that sense of kind of community because uh like what um ryan was saying uh you know this is this is way more common than than than sometimes we even realize in the ufo community like people are having encounters and experiences every day and you know even if somebody has you know something that's not like a crazy experience right um they have
what somebody would assume is kind of like an innocent or moderate experience. But to that individual, you have no idea how that has affected them. I mean, I could see a light in the sky and think one thing, but if I get some kind of download or precognition or telepathic communication,
That's going to change the way that I see everything. So it's not just an innocent sighting. There's a whole process and impact to that. And sometimes, again, you have an encounter, a sighting like that. And then within the next week, the rest of the experience that you didn't realize was there just unfolds and hits you like a ton of bricks.
Again, I think really having a place where people can go to kind of discuss those experiences, have a sense of community and feel safe first, and then you can get to the data collection side. Yeah, I think that's important.
Thanks, James. I appreciate that. I really appreciate that. I appreciate what everybody's been saying here. You know, I think Mufon's tricky, I mean, for all the reasons that people have mentioned. And, you know, there's other people that have said, you know, they filter out situations like orbs. Like, why would you do that? They filter out, you know, they filter out cases.
that involve telepathic contacts, voices. They filter out so much of what makes intimate contact or personal experience
real that it makes me wonder like why they're even collecting it in the first place sometimes. And this isn't meant, you know, it's certainly not everybody in Mufon. I know good people that have worked in that operation. But just as a bureaucratic or strategic effort in terms of collection, if you're filtering out
stuff as simple as orbs. Like I don't know, you know, are you more just wanting to make a flagging device for military craft?
for a secret military craft? Is that what you're doing? Because if you're filtering out all the rest of this stuff, then you're going to be filtering out so much of what actually goes down in situations like this with the phenomenon and high strangeness and other species. If they just want
you know, if they just want a list of encounters with experimental aircrafts, that's one thing. But, you know, anyway, but that's helpful out here in Texas. And I'm over here knocking move on. But let me
take a step back on that is the local groups. And I guess that kind of comes into what Jay is doing, you know, because I have been to local LUNFA meetings, and it's just people in a room talking about their experiences and having human connection. And that's what James was saying, too. And I think that's very powerful and helpful. You know, I kind of question
Uh, and I think these databases were awesome when maybe like Bigelow was getting a chance to look over the things. But yeah, I've done it. There's the other side of it when I'm getting emails about a story or even a video. And it's just like, I can't really do anything with this. They're sending it to move on. I'm like, we're all saying, have you sent it to move on? They say, yeah, I've sent it. I sent it in a year ago. I sent it six months ago. It's a dead end. It didn't do anything for me.
But yeah, the group, the group aspect or the face-to-face aspect where people get to talk to each other, of course, that's really extremely important and fun. And it's cool to see other people that are interested in the same thing as you, not just on the internet. And that's kind of cool for the local move phone groups. But yeah, I don't know. It's hard. You know, we can't bring this. Some people think that after they've had an experience, it should be like disclosure for the world. And it just doesn't work that way, but others haven't seen what you've seen.
But we're all trying our best. And I think the group almost therapy aspect of it will always be very important for people. Because I've seen people that were super scared. And we all have. And people that have had life changing experiences, like James was talking about. So it's great. I went to a Lufon meeting. And the guy came with an x-rays of some chip that was in his neck. And he was passing around showing them to people.
So it's it's wild stuff and I can't discount it. But yeah, on the other side, when you're just sending something in and emailing it and expecting tons of people to contact you and follow up with it, that may necessarily not happen, unfortunately. Yeah, that's really interesting. I think something I noticed is that a lot of people that jump onto social media to talk about it, obviously there's a we know the problems with social media and the bashings that people can get.
And I think a lot of frustration comes in with that. People may only have their word and their story. And to a lot of people, they just want data. They want evidence. They want photographs and videos. And they kind of ask for that before even taking into consideration the person and their feelings and how they're dealing with this. So I think that something does need to be done, but I suppose there's no
magic answer to that that's just going to happen overnight so you know some really good points really good points um moving on um i just wondered how everyone was feeling with regards to the current state of play in the government and the congress with the announcement of arrow or however it's pronounced and then we've still got this um language moving forward in the IAA NDAA that will set up this other office which is the i can't remember all the acronyms where is it

Government Initiatives and Skepticism Around UAPs

the unidentified aerospace undersea phenomena joint program office. You know, it seems almost to me a bit of a repeat of last year. We had the announcement of the Gillibrand amendment looking to create a new office and then AOIMSG flew in out of nowhere. It just seems like a repeating pattern. What does everyone else think about that? Are we moving forward with this or is it just same thing year in, year out at the moment? Yeah. I mean, I'd say, oh, go ahead, Danny.
I was speaking on this earlier already. I think there's definitely movement. There's amazing, great movement. And it's like we always get excited. All of us do. We get excited when we see these terms in the government wording. And it's amazing. And I love it. And I get really excited. And then at the same time, a part of me is
skeptical because we're wondering, you know, we're seeing words coming around, you know, where they're failing and they're up against the military industrial complex. And then we talked to other people and they're saying, no, everything is amazing. What's going on right now? Congress is getting shown where the secret programs are, you know, and so I have like two sides of me.
on each shoulder right now. And then I'm just kind of waiting to see. I know that there's been more progress than ever. The wording is amazing. I also know that some of this stuff is kind of a mess, and we can't take people's word for it and just trust what's going on. So I definitely see both sides of it. Me and James have talked about this privately a few times. So I'm interested in hearing what James says as well. Yeah, I was going to say, I mean, you can see that the language is more refined, right? So I think
probably kind of to what Danny was saying, you know, they, they thought they had, not that they thought they had everything done, but they, they kind of did their attempt. And then they saw what, what the hurdles were after that, when, you know, when the resistance pushed back and they're like, okay, we have to be more specific. And again, now they have the, you know, they're putting in language for immunity. So I think there, there is incredible progress. And
I mean, on so many different levels. You have Dr. Gary Nolan is doing these papers and super clever guy. He's already setting the stage for what's to come afterwards. And giving a way to show people how you can contribute to this field with peer review. So he's already setting all that up.
On an academic level, I've heard that there's way more interest than ever. And everybody is like scrambling. I have academics DMing me saying, hey, how can I get involved in this? Who should I talk to? And I want to be able to contribute to the field with my specialties. You know what I mean? So there's that too. But as far as the government end, I've heard that there's already
organizing going on behind the scenes, that there's money that's supposed to be available. I'm very optimistic. I think, of course, there's still going to be roadblocks, right? And that's where they're going to have to do a trial and error in how they move forward. And I spoke to Jim Semivan on my channel, and people saw that. And I asked him some questions regarding some of this, because obviously,
you know, some of the things that are going on involve the legacy programs. And, you know, even if people within those programs want to help, they can't just make that decision on their own. So you kind of need cooperation on both ends. And I think that has happened.
Jay or Ryan, how do you feel about these issues? I'll just jump in. I definitely think there's been progress. I think progress can manifest in multiple ways. There's progress when you see that the Congress have not let up. They have maintained the course. They have not given up. Their interest in pursuing this issue has not diminished. It's maintained itself. It's gotten stronger. You have to ask yourself, why is that?
You have two presidential hopefuls that are very important in what's going on, Marco Rubio and Gillibrand.
They're going to run again. And do any of us really think that they would want to come out looking like kooks by pursuing UAP with this level of gusto if there's not something there? There's a hell of a lot of smoke. The skeptics will tell you that it's a mind virus. They'll tell you that it's just a couple over enthusiastic UFO fans in the government that have somehow managed to influence our Congress and national security.
Personnel to talk about this as if it's a real issue. I don't really understand their logic, but that's some of them seem to Feel strongly about that narrative
As James was saying, there has been a refinement to the language. And the way I would look at it is the sword has been sharpened further. They know what kind of opposition they're going up against. Like, for example, the language has progressed to the point where they're talking about, you know, they're not interested in pursuing objects if they know they're man-made. So anyone who wants to say, well, this is just all about drones, everybody, right? Just Chinese drones and Russian drones, well, no.
This new office doesn't give a you-know-what about Chinese drones or Russian drones. The second that it's ascertained that what they're looking at is drones, guess what? That content, that material that they've attained goes to somewhere else. So it's pretty obvious what Congress is suspicious of at this point.
And I think some of the new language is the result of people on the inside whispering into members of Congress' ears, right? Do I think that this would progress to this point if there wasn't something really foundational and substantive underneath it all? No, I really don't think so. I don't buy into the mind virus or the gullible analysis narrative that some of the skeptics do. And the longer this goes on, the more that narrative looks ridiculous and biased, in my opinion.
Yeah, you also you have the immunity, you have the whistleblower protection, you have the trying to take away the cap for employees of legacy programs so that they can sue their employers for as much as they want if they're threatened or if they're
litigated against and so forth. You have the protections to take away the NDAs. You have them looking into the historical record. What have they known? They're looking at the whole thing. On the one hand, you do have to be careful. You don't want to be too optimistic. On the other hand, I personally think this is all unraveling. I don't think that the secrecy can maintain itself much longer with this kind of pressure.
I don't think the secret keepers, if you want to call them that, I don't think they're magicians. I don't think they're sorcerers. I think when enough pressure builds over time, it's going to crack because it has to. And that's just physics, if you will. And so I think that this only goes in one direction.
And I also think that it's going to increase. The momentum is going to increase. We're not going to hit a stillmate. It's not going to slow down. I think the momentum is going to increase. And eventually, what's going to maybe be one of the huge cracks in all this is we're going to learn about legacy programs. And we're going to learn that hundreds of millions, billions of dollars have been going into these legacy programs over decades. And it's just going to be like the next phase, right? First, we learned about ATIP. Then we learned about OSAP, right?
those two programs, but it's like, I mean, even the Congress, I think it was Mike Gallagher, and I'm sure he's speaking for a lot of the other members of Congress, he's like, look,
There is no way in the universe that from the close of Project Blue Book to the implementation of AUSAP and ATIP, there were no other programs. Nobody believes that. Nobody believes that because it's preposterous, right? So just basic common sense tells you there are other programs. And I'm going to tell you right now, my opinion is the Congress is going to pursue
getting to the bottom of what those programs were, what they learned, until it happens. Because reinventing the wheel is a disgusting disrespect to American taxpayer dollars. The last thing we want to do is reinvent the wheel. No one in Congress wants to reinvent the wheel. And I'm sure there's patriots within our own government who are intimately connected with this topic who are like, no, we are not reinventing the wheel. Because let's not forget,
There are people who want the secrecy to be maintained, but there are also people who have connections that don't want the secrecy to be maintained. It is not a monolithic thing. This is like a war, and there's people like Elizondo that are up in government and are employed right now by the government. Elizondo's book's going to be coming out. Elizondo's not going to sit on his laurels. Chris Mellon is not going to sit on his laurels. The pressure is going to continue.
And you know what? Let's see what happens in a year. Let's see what happens in two years. Let's see what happens in three years. I do not buy that this is just going to fizzle out. No, it's not going to fizzle out because, you know, every secret has an expiration date and that milk is getting real stinky. And it's like we're already past the expiration date. So the inevitable is the inevitable. And that's all I got to say about that. Amazing.
Well, it's really, it's always going to be hard to follow up UFO Jesus, but I'll try to find us. You know, I agree with the sentiment and I'm very optimistic. I'm not necessarily optimistic about Arrow itself.
I'm more optimistic about the language, about funding from NDAA and IAA going into next year. I do think that the office needs to be outside of the clutches of OUSDI where it's been since, you know, Lou got fed up and quit. I don't think Susan should be sending us the email updates on the Arrow Twitter. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think that that should be happening.
Um, I, I, um, I'm very strongly skeptical about the idea of putting lipstick on a pig or like just changing the name every nine months and acting like everything's going to be better. Um, I do think that I'm, I am optimistic about the language in the bill and, you know, I'm hopeful about that. And at the same time, you know,
There's an aspect in this situation where, you know, as researchers, as experiencers, as enthusiasts, as whoever is in this community, right, we tend to look
for validation from authority figures sometimes and and it gets into a really tricky scenario because like as much as I want that so much when we're talking about the military industrial complex in Congress it's and thinking that like you know
we hope for the best and we also have to anticipate, not necessarily the worst, but we're basically talking about a situation where it's like Megatron and Cobra Commander are like trying to come to like some kind of an understanding and we're going to expect something good to come out of that. You know what I mean? And like, you know, it would be
I was joking about this the other day, and I think that we're one of the only communities in all of the United States right now where we could think that something great's gonna come out of Congress these days. Like what other community has deluded themselves into thinking that, you know, with inflation the way that it is, with healthcare the way that it is, with all this stuff the way that it is, that like great stuff is gonna come out of these assholes these days. I stayed relatively,
You know, free of politics in terms of what I talk about, you know, partially due to the experiencer group partially because like I just don't want it clouding people's people being able to hear me about other topics, but there's a reason why I avoid, you know, sometimes.
that. And it's because like, I don't believe in those people. I don't believe in those people. And I don't know why anybody does. Do you know what I mean? You know, it's like, it's like saying like, is dad going to show up and be there for Christmas this year? And then allowing yourself to be deflated every time. You know what I mean? That kind of situation. Like, is there going to be coal in my stocking?
And there's been coal in the stocking for over 70 years now. I try to retain that little bit and I keep pushing and pushing, but there's also the element where that pushing can feel like Sisyphus going up the hill.

Grassroots Movements in UAP Exploration

So it's always going to be also about the grassroots rhizomatic situation, where we need to keep connecting at a grassroots level. We need to keep connecting at a community level. And I really was emboldened. I felt great, and I felt better and more optimistic when I heard Gary Nolan talking recently about how this can actually embolden academia.
He was talking about how, OK, guys, we don't have to reveal everything, which, of course, is going to raise suspicion among some people. And that's totally understandable. But him being like, OK, we don't have to talk about every single little thing, but we can really just kind of validate the overall reality here and what that can unlock in terms of freeing up academia and these brilliant minds to start really having at this issue. And that I'm
I'm more open-minded about, I'm super optimistic about because I know how many outside the box thinkers and really kind of mavericks and radicals there can even be within the labs and academia and within the social sciences and academia that can approach this from a different direction. The only fear there is that that's also going to feed into venture capitalism. And if we think the hall of mirrors right now,
with Congress and the military industrial complex is challenging. Just imagine once every billionaire startup corporation comes into play and really grabs this thing, tries to grab this situation by the throat. I mean, things might get a lot more muddy before they become clear, if that's the case. Yeah. And so I was going to say Jonathan Davis just mentioned that here. What are everyone's thoughts on Peter Thiel's Enigma project? Is it healthy for the topic?
Anyone? I mean, I'm familiar with it, but I don't know the ins and outs of what he's proposing. So if anyone knows any more about it, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. I haven't dug in, but I've just heard people commenting. I don't know anything about it. To the government side of things and the task force. And I caught a lot of flack from some of my opinions. I think I'm going to give some right now and catch some more flack. Why not?
Um, you know, uh, I'm very excited when I see the wording in the bills, right. Um, at the same time, uh, you know, we have bloggers like Christopher sharp saying, uh, what was it that OMSG was a failure, immediate failure.
And I think he talks to a lot of the same people we all talk to. And then we also talk to people. And I talk to people behind the scenes. Not everyone is on the same page about what's going on. There's a lot of different people making different decisions, even within these UAP task force, things like that. One of the main reasons I'm saying show me what you got is because Travis Taylor was involved. And I don't know if we're going to be getting
the ancient aliens blowing up outhouses Travis Taylor, or if we're gonna be getting the five PhDs amazing work Travis Taylor then he supposedly does. But I've talked to people that think he's a great scientist and I've talked to people that think he's not that great of a scientist. So if he's doing the work and he's also on reality TV, I think we can't just trust what he's saying because he's had some bad takes on reality TV. So he has to show us what he's doing. He has to show us his work so we can double check it at least.
And the fact that not everyone is agreeing, obviously, with what's going on with all these programs. And Lou has critiqued some of these programs himself, right? Chris Mellon critiqued them. So that's why we need to be seeing what they're doing. That's why we need to be kind of figuring out how they're operating. And they have to show us how they're operating, not just because of Travis Teller, because of other reasons too.
So I don't know if all that is just a mess. It seemed like the AOIMSG was a big mess if you ask some people. Now I don't know that for a fact, even personally. So I'm worried about some of these programs just because Congress is interested in their throwing money at it. We hear one side saying a lot of great things are happening and then we hear other people kind of giving us both sides of the story. So that's why I'm a little bit more just in the wait and see mode.
Oh, that's fair enough. And I mean, there was a lot of controversy surrounding the announcement of Travis Taylor as her chief scientist of the UAP task force. Do you guys think that we'd be better off bringing in scientists that have no relationship to the UFO subject? Do you think that would be more beneficial? Or do you think there'll be issues there because they're not familiar with the rich history and the depth and depth of the subject? I'm not forgetting people that's related to the subject. That's fine with me.
If Travis Taylor was more serious on TV throughout his many, many TV shows he's appeared on, he's done some good TV and he's done some not good TV. But I think when you put yourself out there like that, we have to at least being able to shown some of the data. I mean, that's what peer review is all about, right? Or at least just showing the public what's going on. If you're acting like that on some of these TV shows and people say that, well, that was just the entertainment side of him. And maybe that's true.
But, uh, so we need to see the professional side and we need to see the professional work that's getting done. We can't just trust what's going on. Yeah, that's fair enough. Uh, did anyone have any comments on the enigma thing from Theo or I'd need to know more personally to comment. Me too. People are acting like he's like some Illuminati dude or something. I don't even know anything about him. Really? People have really strong comments. I haven't dug into it. I've stayed away from it.
Yeah, same. One thing I wanted to say is let's not lose sight of the fact that we just had our first hearing on UAP and that was very recently and that was only one hearing and we are almost certainly gonna have more hearings.

Future UAP Hearings and Media Speculation

I think sometimes people underestimate how much progress that could actually make. I mean, you know, even Elizondo said, don't be surprised if you see him as one of the witnesses and maybe he can't reveal everything
in a public hearing but behind closed doors, he absolutely can because those committees have security clearances. And, you know, when people from the Pentagon start getting questioned under oath,
where there's legal repercussions and there's also repercussions that could impact the Pentagon's reputation, I think that's when it's really gonna get real interesting real fast. I don't think that it's a viable way, there's a viable path forward to somehow wiggle out of that. I think that is like an inevitability that's going to ultimately progress what we're all trying to accomplish, which is getting people from inside the building
Uh, to, to answer hard questions and, you know, there are consequences when you lie under oath, you could be sent to prison, you could be prosecuted. And another thing I want to say is like, you know, we talk a lot about like, okay, yeah, the, the UAP task force and the current office needs to show the data, but it's like, you know what?
The real question to me, and the most important question, is there any smoking gun evidence? Is there any smoking gun evidence? Because the second you show smoking gun evidence, a lot of these peripheral conversations just don't matter anymore to me. Because the second you show smoking gun evidence, now you have every institution on the face of this planet with 8 billion people looking at this singular topic.
Then a lot of those discussions we like to talk about, that doesn't matter anymore. Honestly, you show us the smoking gun evidence, I don't give a damn about the UAP Task Force. I don't give a damn about AOIMSG. I don't give a damn about the new legislative language. I don't give a damn about how more money is going to the new office. Where is that evidence? Where is the 23-minute video that Elizondo has spoken about?
Where is the video that Elizondo has spoken about where a video is taking 50 feet from the cockpit? Has the Congress seen that? Does that stuff actually exist? And maybe it doesn't exist, right? But if you look at the historical record, the UFO historical record, people have been coming out of the woodworks for decades saying the evidence exists, the data exists.
When are we going to see that data? I'm actually getting angry just thinking about these little peripheral conversations we're always having when ultimately you show us the damn data and it's over. And then we can stop this nonsense. And I'm writing my little blog post about XYZJ, I don't care about XYG853, show me the damn data now. It doesn't exist or does it not exist? And I'm sorry, maybe I need to see a therapist, but I'm sorry, but it's like, listen, listen, it's like,
Is this real, man? Are people getting abducted? Are craft coming into people's faces? Are people seeing triangles every day in saucers and elliptical and spherical machines and all this stuff, getting telepathic downloads? Are we nuts? Are we nuts?
Who has the data? I want to know who has the data? Who has the authority to keep the data from the rest of the people? Why are we living in the dark ages? For what? I don't think we understand the madness of this situation. I mean, this is madness on the highest level you could possibly imagine. We're all living out our lives pretending we're alone. We're all living out our lives pretending there's not an alien presence. And for me, just saying that I look like a crazy lunatic.
Well, I probably look like a crazy lunatic regardless of what's coming out of my mouth. But regardless, I'm just sick of it, man. I'm just sick of it. All four of you are my therapists right now. I'm on the couch, and you are all my therapists, and I'm letting it out. And by the time this panel's done, I'm going to be like the Dalai Lama. You know why? Because you are my therapist. That's why. And I appreciate it. Thank you.
And I appreciate that statement and that was amazing. And you raised some great points. You know, people always talk about these videos, the 23 minute video. I've seen it here in the chat mentioned lots already in the last few minutes. But is it the videos we need or is it the data or is it the package? Do we need, you know, if a video comes out, we're all excited for a week. And then after that, we then start demanding the data because, you know, people are easily
You know, they move on from things quite quickly. They always want more. Do we need to just have it all in one big go or, or what, what does everyone think about that? And we've been talking about this for five years. I mean, wasn't the tic-tac kind of smoking gun now? And what is the definition of smoking gun? It's like we need more and more smoking gun. I'm pretty sure before they released the tic-tac and all that, they thought it was, but I guess we all need to come to terms of what smoking gun is. Yeah.
Well, I mean, I think about the bottom. I just want to real quick. We do have to come to terms with what what smoking gun is. But let's not forget that. And maybe Elizondo is wrong. Look, Elizondo could be wrong. I'm not saying that he's not. But he did say that the that the go fast, the gimbal and the floor one are some of the least compelling, the least compelling of the archives. So
If we want to argue that what we've been given are not smoking gun and I don't think they're smoking gun, there is an indication that there is smoking gun if there are as much higher fidelity videos. And I do happen to think that the tic tac is probably smoking gun, not the video. But if you were to take all the data that's classified, the radar data that they've collected that
that basically corroborates the movements and so forth. And let's not forget that Commander David Fraver, he went on record with Jeremy Corbell and said that he saw the radar tape. And he explicitly said that when he saw the radar tape from the tic-tac, it was like he remembers exactly where he was, just like people remember where they are when 9-11 happened. So yeah, that's the only thing I want to add. Go ahead, James. Well, I was just going to say,
that the data coming out is kind of like something I'm concerned about as far as you know again in the language they're talking about the historical record and if the if the government in some way influenced how the the public thought about the subject and things like that I um you know of all that smoke and gun data right how much
No, is he coming back? I think he froze. James Fiv that is going to be shown kind of in a class by. I'm back. Yeah, sorry about that. It's all good. I don't know. I'm not sure where you where I left off. We lost me. Yeah, go back to the start just to be safe.
Yeah, no, I was going to say, I'll just smoke and gun data, right? I don't know how much of that will reach just Congress in a classified setting and these programs or if it's going to come out to the public. And Ryan's right, though. It's incredibly frustrating. It's frustrating to hear when the task force says they have 100 or 40 or 200 cases and we can't see them. I mean, it is. It's super frustrating. I'm with Ryan on this. And just show us, please.
Yeah, and surely not all of it comes down to the fact they can't show us due to the way that they capture these things, because we know half of them are captured with iPhones by whizzos in the backseat. I mean, those systems aren't classified. It's the gun camera stuff. Yeah, I can understand that. And even the fact that they didn't release the shapes section of the task force report, I mean, how is that going to affect national security if we suddenly know the frequency of shapes, the amount of shapes and stuff?
Yeah, there's definitely this over secrecy aspect still still happening. So and I mean, I and you know, one conventional
kind of talking point with regard to the shapes conversation with them not releasing shapes is of course, you know, are they going to accidentally play the hand of showing that something like the TR-3B actually exists, you know, that there are potentially experimental aircraft or experimental propulsion systems
at places like Wright Patterson or elsewhere, right? And of course, many of us kind of surmise that, of course, there's going to be experimental aircraft. Of course, there's going to be experimental propulsion. That's what pushing forward the ball of technology is, right? If there aren't experimental aircraft, something's wrong with regard to pushing the ball forward, right?
And so there's an element where that makes sense and at the same time I think that that part of the conundrum that we get into where we keep going in this like Long-form circle where you know, it's 1956 and the Air Force is like yeah. Yeah, there's something there and then it's like 1958 and they're like I don't know about any of this, you know, and and then we keep going back to this is partially that that
Folks don't want to talk about beings. And folks don't want to talk about non-human intelligence. And the more that everything gets kind of fixed on FLIR videos and cockpits and technology and craft specifically, because it's so tied into reverse engineering projects, right?
And what I appreciate about some of what Gary Nolan's doing and others is that looking at more of the biological effects of interaction, looking at more case studies like that, looking at more of the social studies behind what's happening here, that that can be an inroad possibly into more disclosure
because it doesn't hit these red flag areas of experimental propulsion. You know what I mean? And so people were kind of conditioned within ufology and within the field in general that we're supposed to find talking about beings icky, or we're supposed to find telepathy to be scary witchcraft talk or something like that.
And then it, but it persists. It keeps persisting. You know what I mean? You know, if I ask any of us with no matter what our drawing skill is to draw a gray alien or whatever you want to call that, you will. And you'll probably get it, you know, 80% accurate because it's, you know, there's been so many accounts. There's been so much of that. And that's not the only kind of being that they're, that people report, right? So, you know, part of it from,
me is like okay let's if if we're really hitting a wall with craft let's open up the conversation because there's plenty of other places that we can go outside of like how big are the craft how do they fly where are they going where they're coming from you know there are plenty of other questions in this conversation that actually might be more helpful in terms of us getting some answers because people won't be slamming the door so goddamn hard
Yeah, that's a good point. And Christian Rage is a good point here. We've only really talked about CE1. What about 2-5? So does anyone have any sort of comments or opinions on how we can integrate 2-5 in regards to pushing this subject forward at the moment? Yeah, I mean, I would say... I'll just say real quickly, because I did a whole Twitter video on what Jay was talking about. The reason I think we don't focus on the beings, frankly,
as a collective is because we're still debating whether the phenomena exists, in my opinion. There's a lot of us who are convinced, but institutionally, we are, and journalistically, we are still debating
phenomena to some level. Even though the government has come out and said this is real, there's a lot of interpretation that is there to how people are going to perceive that. The moment that it's no longer, is it real? What does it really mean? Maybe it's Chinese drones. Maybe it's Russian drones. Maybe it's weather phenomena. Maybe it's glitches. The moment it gets universally accepted, I predict
Uh, the media is going to go right from, oh, look at the five observables, look at these crafts. And that's going to be maybe 30% of it, 40% of it. And then the majority is going to shift to who's behind the wheel. How long have they been here? What is their agenda and what it, what has their agenda been? What's their agenda going in the future? So my, my response to what Jay was saying is we really need to get that, that solidified and unfortunately, or fortunately, only then will we really start digging into what are these entities that are, that are in control of these technologies.
And seeing the drive right about it, who's very straightforward like defense website, Tyler Roadways the drive, and now they're kind of writing about this new wording about how they don't want the government doesn't want the cases that are drones push those aside. They want the unknown unknowns that was crazy and huge and very positive and I'm very excited about that.
Some of this wording is so damn good. But we did see it last year, and then we didn't see a whole lot of progress in the last year, at least publicly. It was maybe going on behind the scenes. So that we see this amazing wording, but we just kind of want this follow up on the wording that we're seeing that we get so excited about. But that was big. That was a big story recently. Definitely. Yeah. So James, do you want to take that question from before about how we can incorporate, you know, CE2 to 5 in the conversation moving forward?
Yeah, you know, I'm actually, you know, I've been working and I'm working on this article regarding contact work, you know, or CE5 human initiated contact, you know, I think a lot of people here will appreciate I have a nice big section on it. That's actually a disclaimer. Just, you know, just just to have it there. But in regards to, you know,
human-initiated contact, you know, or some people would kind of argue if, you know, how that's possible. But, you know, we know that when there are these close encounters, there's always, you know, or generally some kind of cognitive inner human interface, right? Cognitive human interface, like that was on the slide nine, A-tip slide that I talked to Lou about. And, you know, I think that
You know, now more than ever, right, is a time when you need maybe like the human sensor out there in the field, right? I've talked to my friend, the hermetic penetrator about, you know, back actually in the early 90s, Dr. Steven Greer, you know, love him or hate him. He had, you know, a rapid mobilization team, right? So when there was like a wave or a big UFO sighting, they sent the team out there
to try to engage with the phenomenon. And I mean, they wanted to do it for kind of ambassadorial means and contact in that sense, which I think is important, actually. Because if there is this intelligence that's been engaging with us, why don't we have initiatives to kind of
interact with that. Even from a curiosity standpoint, why wouldn't you want to try to learn about that? But again, there's so many different avenues that you can go from that. And I think that now more than ever, that you have the official stamp of approval saying, this is a real phenomenon. Why wouldn't you want to even collect more information?
And then the next level would be like, why wouldn't you try to have like a diplomatic approach to that? So I think that having kind of like a rejuvenation or resurrection of something like contact work, especially the way
that technology has advanced like you can go buy like decent night vision now for like 500 bucks you know you couldn't you know 20 years ago like you needed like three three yeah like three thousand dollars plus to have like a decent generation three night vision now you have like technology that's very cheap efficient that records right on the same device you know psionics is a popular one but it is like 500 bucks you have like a decent night vision you know it's still not generation three
But imagine the data that you can collect if there was a civilian organization that was out doing this. And again, that's another component. I think there should be more civilian initiatives rather than all these government initiatives. And again, we're going to have the corporate initiatives step in. And what kind of crazy element is that going to add to making this subject proprietary?
without the restricted government oversight that we're seeing. So I think that now more than ever is a good time to do like civilian initiatives and even the contact initiatives. I think there's a lot of potential now more than ever. You guys remember that Tom DeLong comment about the government program and it sounded like they were doing CE5.

CE5 Initiatives and Abductee Perceptions

I don't know if it's true.
Yeah, and I asked Jim Semivan, are there are there legacy programs that involve, you know, you know, people and contact and psych, you know, anomalous mental phenomena is the proper lingo for that. And he said, I'd be surprised if there wasn't. What they want to say is like, I would be surprised if there wasn't.
efforts in the past from UAP programs making contact because that would be a huge component of gathering intelligence. You would want to know why they're here if possible, and I know it sounds outlandish, but if possible, you'd want them to be your ally, right? Maybe they don't think in that way, but you never know. And when you're a nation state, you cover all your bases just in case that's the case. So I would be very surprised if attempts have not been made to make contact. Now, whether they've been successful or not,
That's another issue. But I have a question for Jay, now that we're talking about C5. It just kind of answered my head. And he would be a great candidate to answer this question. Jay, I know you're an abductee. It's not a secret. And I'm sure your experiences have been traumatic in many respects, as with a lot of abductees. And so my question for you, Jay, is how do abductees, like yourself and others, how do they perceive
CE5, going out into the field and attempting to make contact when we consider that a lot of abductees' experiences have not been exactly consensual or even pleasant. So I'm curious, do abductees generally shy away from practices like CE5, or do they actually pursue practices like CE5? That's a great question, Ryan. Yeah, thanks.
You know, I can't speak for all abductees for sure, you know, and I wouldn't, I wouldn't want to. Um, I think, you know, one of the biggest problems among abductees is that people think that they can speak for abductees and people can think that they can speak for experiences in general or that people, you know, we've gotten conditioned to wait for somebody like John Mack or we've wait for Bud Hopkins or somebody else to kind of be like,
an authoritative translator of the person's experience. And for many reasons, that's been helpful in the past. But increasingly, that can get into problematic terrain. At the same time, I know people that have processed and have felt like they've gotten into a more positive place by embracing different forms of contact modalities.
be that human initiated contact, be that forms of like say Vajrayana Buddhist meditative practice, you know, that can kind of be very adjacent to what some people term as CE5 and things like that. And so, you know, I've known, I've even known abductees like myself that have like gone and
and done explorations at haunted locations just to kind of like try to kind of
throw some of that energy off and try to embrace or walk towards the issue in a different way. And first of all, going to haunted locations, I don't recommend it. I did that during grad school. And it was one of the worst ideas I've ever had in my entire life. And similarly, along those lines, I think that people have to be careful when they try to have contact.
You can think of this just like being a Ouija board or being similar to being a Ouija board. You have to think about where you are when you're approaching a situation like this. Because a lot of these kinds of situations, whether people want to admit it or not, you need to come at it from a really balanced perspective before you approach anything along those lines. Because you're potentially dealing with, in a best case scenario,
an intelligence that's vastly different from your own or feels often vastly different than your own. And so that can be a head screw in and of itself. And people often report that in best case scenarios, if you're, say, opening up a Ouija board,
super balanced people that have kind of like that are in a really really decent place in terms of their own mental process like and have kind of
a methodical approach to kind of protecting their environment or their space. You know, those are often the people that that kind of a situation works out best with. And then there are a lot of situations that are like my friend Stuart Davis often categorizes as the spiritual equivalent of a Greyhound bus station, right? Where like you're saying, Ryan, you don't know what you're going to get.
you know, you're walking into a situation and you could be handed like the worst trip imaginable. It could be definitely like brown acid at Woodstock bad, you know, for sure. So it's a long-winded way of saying like, I think people approach it very differently. But I think that, you know, contact
Finding a healthy way to have a different form of contact or approach that kind of meditative practice has been helpful for a lot of people. And it depends on whether they're really trying to make contact or whether they're trying to find a sense of inner tranquility or both.
I know James wants to chime in, but I just want to say it just dawned on me. For abductees, they're literally getting up into the face of these entities. So I could see why CE5 may not even be appealing. I mean, I could see why it would be appealing, but I could also see why it wouldn't be appealing because you're literally up. CE5 people are seeing them in the sky.
They're seeing orbs at a distance. Maybe they get a download, and that would be a very deep level of their CE5 practice. But if you're an abductee, you're getting probably more intimate than you'd ever want to get. So then why would you then transition into CE5? I'm not sure that would make sense, but I guess that's another conversation. Go ahead, James. I know you want to chime in on this. Well, yeah, I was going to say, since 2009, I've been running the CE5 stuff on social media. And in that, I've
spoken with thousands of people that are actually got involved because they did have experiences like that. I mean, my own experiences, I did not ask for at the beginning, right? It wasn't the classic abduction scenario. The first one had to do with entities and was frightening. But I think in a lot of cases, people are at that
I mean, again, for better or worse, right, they're at like a breaking point, like, what, what the hell is all this? Why did this happen to me? And there's no the only the best. I mean, there's no way you're going to get an answer to that. But
for some people, if they have that kind of personality, they're just going to want to take it head on, right? I mean, that's kind of how I ended up going about it. Because I didn't want to just settle for that was that, you know, it was a way for me to kind of involve myself in the conversation to an extent. So, again, I think there, there are a lot of people who have an experience and they
they want to engage further. And that's where maybe CE5 might make sense for people like that. But again, like you said, there's people who may have been traumatized and they don't want to further engage. But at the same time, I don't really know many people who've had an experience and just put it away and don't want to know anymore either. So I guess it comes down to the individual.
Yeah. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. People are abducted. Sometimes they have telepathic communication with the entities themselves. So are they really going to learn more by doing CE5? Not necessarily. So it really depends. I think it would be a person. No, no. Ryan, you actually, yeah, you do. You do. I mean, again, in engaging with the phenomenon itself, you're going to have realizations and the downloads. And so, I mean, again, it's not conclusive, right?
But it is. And again, I did have situations like that again. So it's a difficult situation. Yeah.
I was just going to say, if we've heard stories from abductees, both positive and negative, which suggests a benevolence and a malevolent intent, but then do we see that with CE5? You know, Jay was saying you don't always know what you're going to get. Could you possibly be drawing in something malevolent? And I was talking with XO Academia about this on his channel and
Again, if you look at all the CE5 information, literature, however you want to call it, overwhelmingly, there is positive experiences. And does that have to do probably with the intent that you're going out with? Probably. Does that mean that you can't have a bad experience? No. But again, given I've spoken with thousands of people, I've worked with hundreds of people in the field doing CE5.
And overwhelmingly, the experiences people usually have are positive. And again, maybe that's because of where they're coming from with the work. I can only suspect that. But then some people would say, oh, well, it's just all screen memory or what have you. And I guess nobody really knows that for sure.
If you look at all the CE-5 information, 95% of it or more is positive for whatever reason. But in fairness, I think it's important to refrain from assuming that what is being experienced during CE-5 is necessarily related to what is being experienced during abduction scenarios. Yeah, absolutely. We would not be able to ascertain that.
And I think that's important to underscore also because when you look at the phenomenon itself, it's really possible that it's extraordinarily diverse. Some of it may be native to our planet, aboriginal to our planet, if you will. Some of it may be extraterrestrial. Some of it may be interdimensional.
Some of it may be categories that we can't even decipher. So, you know, just because people are having amazing experiences during C5 doesn't mean that that's a good way to ascertain the nature of the phenomenon. Maybe it's only a good way to ascertain a small sliver of a huge cornucopia of the phenomenon.
Yeah, I think you're exactly right. And maybe it's just my attitude. But that's why I would want to find out, right? I mean, maybe that's a dumb thing. When I was very young, I took a paperclip and I put it into an electric socket, right? That's the kind of kid I am, or it was. So maybe that's my attitude, right? And I think, you know, even more so that's why you need people, you know, again, who are who are willing to engage with the phenomenon to to try to investigate
And I do think that kind of like the diplomatic attitude that was put forward with the CE5 initiative is important in the work of that. But again, even just for the sake of collecting data, I mean, you're only going to find out through more exposure to it. So I think that that's even more so why there should be some kind of initiative to do that kind of work and kind of like an
you know, unbiased way be able to look at all the information and decipher what you can.
That's a great point. I think, yeah, one small follow-up to that is I agree with what you're saying, James, and I understand the question, Ryan, for sure. I think that one thing here is that there's the issue with many experiencers or people that have had a wide range of contact that could be considered scary, like, say, a poltergeist or a ghost or
you know a being or an abduction or things like that. There are a lot of forms that are frightening and there are forms that are much more benevolent and you know and then there's the gray area where it could just be like
paranormal equivalent of a bat where it's just like kind of adjacent to you and it doesn't necessarily want the best for you, it doesn't necessarily want the worst for you, it doesn't necessarily care about you, it's just there and it's whether you regard that bat as a nuisance or a problem more than anything else. And along those lines is that you know
One thing that I will say is fascinating is the concept of having telepathic contact or having being tapped into a wider consciousness field, that's fascinating. It's a fascinating feeling. It's a fascinating concept. It's a fascinating reality that that is something that happens there. And if people don't want to say bye into that, you can also think about remote viewing. We're still talking about similar topics here.
And so finding a way to tap into that kind of consciousness field or open up your mind in a different way and finding something positive within that, that can be like a really spiritual transformative or like a great way to process something. And in a way, it's kind of like how often therapists talk about the importance of going back to the scene of a crime if you've been a victim.
that like going back to the site of trauma can be really helpful in terms of like facing the situation head on and so finding something like that and instead of just visiting the site but you finding a way to use it as a tool in a more positive way you know a lot of people have found that very helpful hopefully that makes a little bit of sense it does yeah definitely i mean when you think about biological effects now we've heard about them
from people talking about military encounters being too close to the craft. But then if you talk, there was that one case that came out of the Orsap that Lekatsky spoke about the orb that entered the guy through his shoulder and, you know, he had seriously serious health effects.

Biological Effects and Intent Behind UAP Encounters

Do we just put them down to accidental or being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like within proximity to these objects or?
could there be intent behind them? You see, there's so many different nuances to that aspect. I mean, I think that's why you need to know, right? I think that, I mean, and you're not going to, I guess, again, maybe people will say it's flame of fire and that maybe that's partially true. But we're not going to find out any other way, I guess, right? And then again, you have the Christopher Bledsoe, right? He had healing, right? And there's been multiple healings, allegedly,
involved with that. And that's something that comes up again and again and again in the literature. And I think most of us will agree, I know Ryan will agree here, that we're probably dealing with a number of different phenomena, right? We're probably dealing with several different intelligences, again, ranging from ultra-terrestrials, something that's indigenous to this planet or, you know, this planet and or dimension,
and probably a number of other things. I think that that's all on the table. Yeah, absolutely. And if there is a lot of things pointing to it being things of multiple origin, I agree. But again, it's speculative, but I'm happy with that.

Closing Statements and Future Discussions

Before we finish up, guys, does anyone want to talk about anything in particular or have any sort of closing statements? We could obviously do this for a long time, but it won't take up too much of your time, and we can always do this again. But yeah, if anyone wants to talk about anything in particular, now is the time.
All right, I'll go. First of all, I'll just say it. If you want to find me on YouTube, I'm post disclosure world. Some people call me UFO Jesus and I'll now go from there. I just want to say that when we look at disclosure, you know, because I know Jay was talking about how, you know, he wants to be optimistic, but he sees how, you know, the 70 years have gone and it kind of
It diminishes some of his enthusiasm, and I can totally understand that. But I think it's important not to lose sight of the proposition that โ€“ and I know Eric Davis has touched on this. I've touched on this a lot. The disclosure in some weird wayโ€ฆ
maybe not in our control as much as we think it is. That is a human species. I came up with an axiom a while back. I don't have it written down, but it goes something like this. The more advanced the civilization becomes, the less random all their actions become.
Everything is more thought out and strategic, if you will. And that makes sense to me. I would think that the more advanced a civilization gets, the less random they would be. Now I'm making an assumption, I'm being a little anthropomorphic, but I still think that there's a good chance that's the case. And the fact that we've gone 70 plus years without one smoking gun, a lot of people would perceive that as just happenstance or coincidental. My personal, highly subjective,
perspective that's probably statistically wrong is that the cover-up was something governments were baited into. And they may be using highly advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to influence our species how they think is best.
But then there's the counter argument to that. Well, if that's the case, why are all the disparate sources of this phenomena agreeing to do the same thing? And that's a great counter argument, which I don't have a good answer to, unless there's some kind of hierarchy and it's somehow enforced, if you will.
But what I really just, you know, and this gets into my alien AI hypothesis, which I'm not going to go into in depth now, obviously. But I just wanted to say like, you know, and I know what the streamers said this, that the architects of the secrecy is the the intelligences themselves.

Government Manipulation and Long-held Secrets

I, you know, and I know it's highly subjective and statistically, I'm probably wrong. But I've always had or I've recently had this strong inclination to think that there's a there's a very robust manipulation going on.
And the fact that the circumstances have been so conducive for governments to cover this up.
to me makes me very, very suspicious. I'll just give you a quick example. Are there crashes? I mean, if you want to cover governments to cover this up, baby, you make crashes happen because now it immediately goes into the militaristic realm, right? Countries are collecting this technology. Now they have all the incentive in the world to keep it hush-hush so that adversaries get no leg up on the reality of this phenomenon so that they don't even get the incentive to go looking for crashes, if you will.
And I just feel like there's a heavy manipulation going on and that countries were potentially baited into the secrecy. So what would be an inevitable outcome of this? Well, I think that multiple governments
on some level cooperating to keep the secret, and then the secret finally coming out, well, that would change the dynamics between the governed and the governed in a really big way. Inevitably, it would change the structure of civilization in an enormous way, and in a way that the structure of civilization would never change if we had open contact in 1947 or whatever, or if the United States government came clean in 1947,
The structural changes that will happen as a result of 70 years of secrecy are going to be very unique compared to what would have happened if the United States government would have come clean in 1947 during the height of the Cold War, you know, mutual destruction and all that. So just to put it very simplistically, I think there's a manipul- I think
But but I'm probably wrong, but I think there's probably a manipulation going on and that disclosure itself sometimes somehow factors intimately into that because that is to me disclosure is not possible unless there's some kind of algorithmic.
Involvement of the phenomena itself to where there's like this almost like there's this profound Balancing act if you will this this this balancing act or I don't forget what they call it some some theologians use it to refer to God But there's like this fine-tuning or balancing act to like that the phenomena allows us to know it's real using logic and reason and
and yet also creates an environment where it's conducive to be covered up. Now, we could just be like, well, that's just happenstance. That's just the way things just randomly turned out. But I don't think so, even though I'm probably wrong. I think this is a manipulation based on extraordinarily the advanced algorithmic
programming. They know when they're seen, they know how many people are going to see it. They know how it's going to infiltrate into society. They can control our consciousness. They can make cameras not work quite right if they want to. And for anyone that says, oh, your UFO Jesus gone mad. Well, I have gone mad. And that's true. But on the other hand, if you look at if you look at the historical record of nukes being turned off,
If that's true, well, guess what? The phenomena can go right through the shielding, baby, and turn our most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction off at will. So if they can do that, they can mess with your cameras, baby. They could probably mess with your consciousness. And they probably got some very serious artificial intelligence that is maybe even spiritual intelligence, if you will. Who knows how deeply they can go into the very structure, the very constructive reality to manipulate it. So all I'm saying is,
I have the suspicion that we are we have been and we are being manipulated. And that's all I got to say. And when disclosure comes, if it ever does, maybe maybe that will become become more clear. And maybe we'll get open contact after that. And that's that's I've hijacked the show and I'll leave it at that. Thank you. That was amazing. I mean, if anyone has any follow ups to that, please go on, because there's so much to pull out of that really well said.
Or any other closing comments in general? Anybody? I was going to say, God damn. That's right. Or Jesus Christ, right? Yeah. UFO Jesus has got the revival tent up today. I love it. Yeah. That was really epic, Ryan. And I agree to some extent that the only true disclosure on the level I think that would even satisfy, if I can even use that word, is from the phenomena.
And I think Jacques Vallรฉe did a great job kind of hypothesizing some of this with the idea of the control system, which I think is very valid. If we're dealing with such an advanced intelligence, it could probably predict, I mean, again, are all these encounters with the military provocative in the sense that they're instigating
response? Are they instigating a disclosure? It's hard to imagine those are just like what Ryan is saying, random, right? All these encounters that are happening over the planet and over the years, are they just random, right? They have to be able to some extent
anticipate how we're going to respond to that. And if they didn't want to be seen, we've seen that they can just make us not see them in different ways. But yeah, so I agree with a lot of what Ryan is saying there. And my own kind of sound off or personal note here
would be to encourage people that are interested in the subject to get involved in whatever way that they can. I appreciate everything, obviously, that everyone here is doing.

Encouragement for Grassroots Efforts and Diverse Contributions

Danny is getting on there and he's sharing his chicken nugget dinosaur Parmesan recipe changing lives. No, but seriously, everybody here
has contributed to the field in their own way. And I think we need more of that. And again, that's speaking to what maybe Jay was saying before about grassroots rather than top-down disclosure. I think that's really the way forward. And even with the academics getting involved, that is a grassroots kind of thing. It's not as much top-down at least as kind of like the
a U.S. or otherwise government disclosure. So I highly encourage people to network this to get involved in whatever
a unique way they can, you know, you got people like Tupacabra is making insanely awesome art and videos and, you know, like, I could never do anything like that, right? And he's able to reach tons of people doing that, you know, UFO Jesus can can preach a sermon, you know, on disclosure and UFOs, like, everybody here has contributed in a great and unique way. And I think we need more of that. Totally agree. Yeah. Jay,
Well, I mean, I agree with everything James has been saying. If you hear, I hear a siren coming down the avenue and if somebody breaks down the door, they finally found me. But I'm just a downtown Jersey City and folks are used to that. But I just really appreciate this conversation. I think it's fantastic. I think that when it comes down to it, there's often the conversation comes down to like, not here.
But the dumbed down conversation that we find online sometimes is what one thing can we do? Or what one thing should we be doing? And I think the fact that even just within this StreamYard room and from the folks that I see in the chat that are over there like Nathan and Paranormal Blip and Tupacabra and so many other wonderful people that have their own approaches,
We need the wide variety. We need more than depending on one particular world government. And we can still keep our eye on that. And we can still hope for the best in terms of that stuff. And keep pushing towards that while still having plenty of plan Bs, plenty of contingency plans, plenty of grassroots initiatives. And that that can be our own
form of growth, personal growth, community growth, you know, and that pushing the ball forward that way, it helps us take ownership for ourselves and it helps us get outside of the kind of victim mentality almost of needing for authority validation
Now, there are people that are holding on to a lot of secrets. And at the same time, we can still find out a lot ourselves as well. And along those lines, I would also like to know if the menu whisperer of Texas has any closing words from Flavortown Central over there.
at times I can't always talk about this you know Ryan said it earlier why always write blogs about this or I would even say why always make YouTube videos about it when we just want the proof you want the smoking gun right so sometimes I want to talk about this other stuff be stupid on social media instead of always time like UFOs I might want to watch a basketball game
But, you know, I do focus on the disclosure side of things. I'm not qualified to speak on CE5 or being an experiencer. But so I always stick to disclosure and I'll continue to do that. But I would say that one thing to keep in mind, we all debate and share our thoughts on social media. The people that we look up to don't always do that.
And because they're more private, they do it amongst themselves on email chains instead of on social media for a million people to see. Not everyone is on the same page that we look up to. If they were Gary Nolan wouldn't have left to the Stars Academy before it barely even started. And then years later, Lou and Chris wouldn't.
have left either. They're adapting with the information that they get at the time and they're doing the best they can. I think that's what we're seeing kind of in real time with a lot of these government programs is that people are doing their best to make the congressional wording and the government stuff work correctly. And then they were kind of rolling with the punches and adapting
And when they realize that something doesn't work or when we have a hearing, when there's two guys up there just lying at the hearing, showing a crappy video, then they're adapting and trying to put more words into the congressional stuff and whispering in the ears of these congressmen and women.
to do the right thing. So I think it is a process and it's just people, right?

Optimism in Government Programs and Personal Engagement

These guys that we hold on pedestals like Lou and everybody, they're people and they're going to make mistakes and they're doing their best. And I think that's something we could all agree on. And that's what I think
is what we're seeing. I'm super optimistic, it's so amazing to see this wording and the wording just gets more serious and more like fine-tuned as we're going every year and it's really, really exciting. At the same time, you know, is it those same guys that were lying at the hearing? That's what I'm afraid of, you know, and I think that's what Jay's afraid of when he says we shouldn't be, you know,
looking at the government as much. Now, I've always said, just a rebuttal to that, is we're not looking for the government. We don't need the government. We already believe the rest of the world is what needs the government. Unfortunately, it sucks. We wish we could, they could, we want them to be on the same page as us. And it seems like the only way to get them to do it is to have these figureheads tell them, because they're not going to believe us, unfortunately.
Or maybe they'll be mass cited or something like that. But that's just where I'm at. You know, I started this whole conversation that way. And I'm just I'm super optimistic and happy. And we've come so far from five years, seeing spoiler alert, seeing the Navy videos get mentioned in the note movie, I think in the note movies like the biggest movie of the summer, whether you liked it or not. I'm kind of wishy washy on the movie itself.
But the Navy videos were mentioned in that movie, man, it was amazing. It's pop culture, it's huge. I was telling Lou that. It's part of history. They can't take that away now.
And so we're there and it's amazing. I just want all this government stuff to work out these programs that they keep talking about and pledging money towards. And I think there's still a lot to be figured out on the government end. So it's always optimistic, but it's always like a war and it's always work to be done. And we just have to wait and see and
I'm also with UFO Jesus here, show us the damn the smoking gun stuff, man. And it does get tedious to keep talking about this or when we get a tease about a video. And I think the teases sometimes are put out because they're trying to motivate people. And if they tease a video that it exists, like Lou saying a video exists, that's amazing and that we don't get to see it, that's too wireless up and get us mad and to demand that our government show us.
And I think it works in a way. Hopefully, we'll get to see it. But it's also really frustrating on our end. But I am very optimistic and hopeful and thankful of where we've come all this time. At the same time, I know things aren't perfect. And it's just people. And they debate things just like we debate. So I think we're going to keep it moving. Nobody is going anywhere. Even if I'm tweeting about basketball or food, I still got UFOs in my mind. But I just needed a break for that day.
And I'm gonna be mean no matter what too. So I gotta be mean. I don't have a strictly UFO contact. I'm gonna say stupid stuff and joke around and stuff, but I don't know. I'm happy with where we're at and thank you for having me on the chat and it's great to talk to you guys.
No, thank you so much. We really do appreciate you. And I appreciate all of you for joining me today. It's been a fantastic conversation. Before we leave, I just want to say thank you to the chat for great conversations, keeping it nice and cordial. Good to see so many faces in there. A quick shout out to McEwen, Alicia, Davey, Jonathan, Yorkshire Grey Christian and Sean for the donations. I really do appreciate any support that you give financially to this channel on this show. It really does go a long way.
I appreciate it. For everybody watching now or after the fact, you can follow all of these guys' social medias and websites and blogs. Just go to the description below and you'll find all the information you need. Once again, gentlemen, thank you so much. I'd love the opportunity to do this again in the future. But for now, everyone, take care and I will see you hopefully next week with another show. For now, take it easy. Peace. Thanks, everyone.