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Tommy's Corner: Top 30 Scariest Films of All Time by Science image

Tommy's Corner: Top 30 Scariest Films of All Time by Science

S100 E9 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
50 Plays4 months ago

Happy Halloween Everyone! This week on the show Tommy Rank's the top 30 scariest films of all time by science! This episode was a lot of fun and he had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Introduction to Tommy's Halloween Tradition

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Popcorn Podcast. I'm Tommy Carusta and this is another one of my solo episodes. And if you follow us on Instagram or if you follow us on any of our socials actually, you know that last year I started a new tradition where I will do 30 horror movies throughout a throughout October and then post the episode on Halloween.

Exploring the Science of Scare Project

And normally it was a countdown last year and that was just me watching 30 horror movies and every day.
reviewing one and putting it on my letterbox. This year I decided to do something a little bit different, which I thought would be a little bit more interesting than just the basic, oh this is what I watched, this is what I quickly think about. it So I decided to go and do the science of scare list, which tracks ranks the scariest movies of all time, and it does it by science. um And they do, I think it's 15 movies, but in the sense of Halloween I did 30, so they'll come out on the 31st.
In 2020, they founded the Science of Scare project. It's an experimental character category that finds the scariest movies in existence based on what gets the heart pumping and pulses rating. It is now in its fourth year and the scar science of scare is back and bigger than ever tracking the scariest movies ever made at its new home of money supermarket, ah broadband, which you can go and check out the list yourself. I think it's really interesting.

Understanding the 2023 Scare Score

ah Each year, they curate a list of the most terrifying English language films and puts them on a 250 strong panel, so they have 250 different subjects, watch these films. ah The types of subjects are invited through special screens of our films of their films, and then they are fitted with a heart rate monitor, and the heart rate is then tracked through each of the movies. To prevent audiences' fatigue, screens take place over a course of a couple weeks throughout the year, and then they are published, their results in October, just in time, as I said, for Halloween. In the previous years, they measured the average impact of their shortlisted films,
on a heart rate scale measured in BPM of their subjects compared to the average resting BPM of total sample size. However in 2023 they developed a more detailed way of measuring with the creation of the Science of Scare score. One of the main feedbacks though that they received um across their list of horror aficionados communities is that they weren't using enough psychological factor heart rate, meaning that the study favored heavily towards jump scares based movies rather than slow burn horror. So in 2023, they introduced designs to scare score a combination of multiple factors to rank the scariest films.

Top 30 Scariest Movies List Begins

The scare score system, which combines both heart rate and heart rate variance,
returned it in 2024 and just in time for this list because when I first started doing this list it was still the 2023 list halfway through October I saw that they now posted their 2024 list so then I restarted the list and made sure that I only did the films for 2024 just to make sure that this list can work for the year if you're new to the show and you want to see things um yeah you can go back to this and it will still be up to date ah But, on the other hand, they did also have a heart rate variance, the HRV, which measures the time in between each beat of your heart, the lower the heart rate variance, the more stressed our audience their audience members became, a good indicator of slow burn, fear, and dread. After collecting the average heart rate increases and HRV decrease, they then combined both scores to create a science of scarce score out of 100. For comparison, Shrek holds a scarce score of 3 out of 100. Very, very interesting.
and I don't really want to spoil what the scariest movie is but on the list so I am going to start just reading through it and giving you guys the top 30 scariest movies according to science and then I can also read through and tell you what their actual scores are go across the heart rates and all that just so you guys can get a little bit of a idea of how it works. So starting at number 30 was Insidious, the red door. This has a heart rate. ah The BPM is at 64. They had the their spike. So I'm checking to keep my place. The spike jumped the heart rate up to 112. The difference in BPM was a 12. And the horror score for this was a 64. Sorry.
ah sorry just a quick email I had to check and then coming at number 29 was Halloween from 1978 which also had a heart ah BPM 64 it had a spike of 103 the difference was 13 and the horror score was also 64 coming at 28 another horror icon classic is a Nightmare on Elm Street which also struck out a 64 had a spike of 105 with a horror score of 64 then we come in at number 27 with Barbarian which comes in at a 64 of course I'm just gonna stop doing that because that's the average heart rate
That's the average heart rate for every person. And the average movie heart rate is what I'll start doing more now. And, oh my god. Did it wrong. Oh no. I messed up my list. There we go. Sorry about that.
quick little brain fart by Tommy of course. Just like in every other episode. So the Texas Chainsaw Massacre comes in at number 26. I think I skipped barbarian. baran ah The average heart rate for the movie was a 78. The biggest spike jumped into a 97. Its average difference was a 14 and the scare score again was a 64. Coming in at 26 it says the Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974. The average heart rate for this film was a 77 with the highest spike being 99.

In-Depth Analysis of Scary Movies

The overall difference again was a 13 and with a scare score the first one breaking out of the 64 is a 65. Coming at 25 is a Quiet Place which sat at a 78 average target for the film. It jumps with the highest spike of 120 and twenty and it had a scare score of 67.
Then at number 24 we had stop motion sitting at 78 with a highest spike of 103 with a scare score of 67. The first time on this list is Terrifier 3 which now comes in sitting at 79 with a highest spike of 97 and a scare score of 68. Jumping in at 22 is its predecessor Terrifier 2 which comes in at 78 with eight but the highest spike of 91 and a scare score of 68 as well.
Then number 21 another horror icon now is the ring which comes out of 78 average heart rate with the highest spike of 114 and a scare score of 69 the first one to break out of the 68 now.
And coming out at number 20 is a new film from this year and that is Oddity. Oddity strikes him with a 77 average heart rate of 108 spike and a 69 score as well on the scare score. Number 19 breaking into our top 20 is Insidious Chapter 2. This has a 78 average 118 spike and a 70 scare score, the first one to break into the 70s. At number 18 we have the autopsy of Jane Jo's just starring Brian Cox. This had an average heart rate of 78 with a spike of 122 and a scare score of 70 as well.
Breaking inside the 70s now, for number 17 we have A Quiet Place Part 2 which had an average heart rate of 80, a biggest spike of 123, and a scare score of 71. At number 16 we have The Babadook which sat at a 79 average heart rate for the film, a 119 spike, and then a scare score of 72.
Now the top 15 we are starting off with Paranormal Activity which of course has is an iconic classic especially in the found footage department and the paranormal department. This film sits now at an 80 average heart rate of 115 spike and a 73 scare score. At number 14 we have The Descent which had a 79 heart rate of 121 spike and a 74 scare score.
At number 13, we have The Dark and The Wicked. This comes in, this is Brian Bertino's film. This is an 80 average heart rate at 88 spike and a 74 scare score. Now inside our top 12, we're gonna start off with It Follows, which sits at an 81 average heart rate, a 96 spike, and, I lost my place, 74 scare score as well. The Conjuring 2 comes in with a 74 scare

Sinister: The Top-Scoring Movie

score, 79 average heart rate, and a 116 spike.
Now coming into our top 10 by science is Hell House, LLC, which comes in an 81 average heart rate of 107 spike and a 75 scare score. Number nine is Talk to Me, the 824 horror superstar film from last year. Comes in at 79 with a 106 spike and a 75 scare score. The exorcism of Emily Rose sits in at an 82 average heart rate. A 96, jumped to a 96 in the spike department and a 76 scare score.
Number seven is Smile with an 83 average heart rate, a 114 spike heart rate, and a 78 scare score. Number six is Hereditary which comes at 82 with a 104 spike and an 81 scare score. The Conjuring comes in at 84 average heart rate, a 132 spike, and an 88 scare score. Now our first film in the 90s with a scare score is Insidious at number four which comes in with an 85 average heart rate,
And then that has a 135 average heart rate, a 133 spike, and a 90 scare score. And number three, we have Skinner and Kyle Ball's film from 2022. Stays in his top five position, comes in at 84 average heart rate, 113 spike, and 91 scare score.
hosts the 60-minute heart-racing film, puts it at an 88 average heart rate, a 130 spike, and a 95 scare score, and again reclaiming its crown crown at number one. According to scientist Scott Derricon's 2012 supernatural horror film, Sinister, which is now a three-time winner, the film stars Ethan Hawke as a true crime writer, Elliot Oswald, who in his obsession with a series of grisly events documented in chilling eight meter middle eight-millimeter footage unwittingly puts his own family in danger.
The audience experienced a 34% uplift in Harvey when they watched this film from 64 BPM up to 86 BPM across the film, with the film's scariest moments sending hearts pounding to 131 BPM. ah HRV dropped by 21% among viewers, the second lowest of any film on this list, indicating a perfect balance of startling moments and slow burn scares, both combined to give Sinister a scare score of 96 out of 100.

Tommy's Personal Scary Movie Rankings

Censored had originally been crowned the scariest film of all time in their initial 2020 list before losing its spot to host in 2021. However, it is Censored's ability to give our viewers the sinking feeling that edged its way back into first place.
now going through that Um, this film, as I said, there's a lot of new films making this list. Despite, uh, despite all that, what I just said, and giving that there's new films, 10 new films have been screened for their 2024 panel. Uh, only one entry though, oddity broke into the top 20 list. I mean, that there are no significant changes to the top end of the table. Second place does remain hosts with the zoom based horror films were in 95, just one point below the top spot. however hosts still got audiences' heart rates beating faster than any movie on this list. In 3rd place remains 2023, Skinemarank, with divisive high-concept horror film terrifying audiences, despite of its lack of a clear narrative, Skinemarank impacted audiences' heart rates more than any other film on their list at 22%, causing the most stress and dread among viewers of the scare score of 91.
Writing out the top 10 lists, as I said, was Insidious, The Conjuring, Hereditary, Smile, The Exodus of Emily Rose, Hell House LLC, and Talk to Me. So, the other list, if you guys want to know, some other films that they did rank, they said new leg films that did come out. Yeah, 10 other films that could have been on this list were.
They did oddity, terrify 3, stop motion, immaculate, long legs, the first omen, late night with the devil, alien romulus, speak no evil, end the substance. Alien romulus, speak no evil, end the substance, did not make it on this list at all. They did not make the top 50, late night with the devil came in at 49, the first omen 47, long legs 42, and immaculate came in at 40, and as I said stop motion, terrify, oddity, all made the top 30 list.
Now, with all that said, there are some quick facts that I thought would be cool for everyone to hear about all this list, and that is, as I said, Sinister does reclaim the number one spot this year. ah Smile's performance um has Sasha Baker and Kevin Bacon are the first father daughters to make it on this list. Ethan Hawke and Patrick Wilson hold the record.
for features on this list. Wilson has a whopping six times across the Connery and Insidious franchise. James Wan, Scott Derrickson. Wan has four positions and Derrickson has three. Feature more films than any other director. And that is, yeah, pretty cool. James Wan being my favorite horror director. And yeah, so it's exciting to see what else will come of this over the years. But that's not why you guys are here. You guys are here to hear my opinions on this list. So the way I'm gonna be doing this is I will be working my way from 30 in and Yeah, so starting from me at number 30, I had Terrifier 2. There's nothing against this movie that I have. I have a major fear of clowns, so of course it does scare me a little bit. But I think Terrifier 2 is the weakest of the three Terrifiers, which is not. a I know it's kind of a hot take, but the second one did not scare me very much. I thought the story was all over the place. I didn't think there was many scares. It was just very much gore porn, which is not for me. Moving on from that into number 29 is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I do not like this movie, I don't i know it is low budget and I appreciate what it did for the frangise what it did for the genre of slash or horror. but does not Let it just slide with it to me not having a single scary moment, not having one moment of dread for me, except for maybe that final shot of Leatherface just dancing around swinging the chainsaw which I think is just such an iconic moment.
um But yeah, outside of that, nothing that I really like, me and my dad agree, not very scary, not very good. At number 28, does stay, A Nightmare on Elm Street, stays at the 28th position. I love this movie, this movie will forever to me be a great horror movie, a great scary Halloween film, but it just, a lot of the visuals and stuff like that just aren't as scary now after all these years and such advancements in visual effects and practical effects.
At number 27, I have The Ring. The Ring is an iconic character, the little girl climbing on the TV. But the movie itself is a awesome, awesome movie. If you've never seen it, please go watch it. It's a very enjoyable film and it's a really fun time. But it's not very scary. It has one great scare at the end. But all in all, I don't think the film is very scary in total, but it's very good. Brian Cox gives a very, very creepy performance in such a small tim amount of screen time.
But yeah, the ring will stay at number 27 for me currently. ah Going into 26, I have Barbarian, a film that I have been very critical of from since the time it came out, since I was able to go to the premiere of it. And my biggest issue is that this movie marketed itself as one of the scariest movies that has ever been coming out. It was so terrifying.
And it ends up being more of a dark comedy than it is a straight up horror movie. This movie has one good scare to me, and it's them in the very beginning of the film. The rest of the film is kind of laughable, especially I think the third act is actually quite terrible. But that's not what we're here to talk about in the actual film. We're here to talk about scares, and it's not very scary to me, so it's going to stay outside the top 25.
Moving on to our first film in the top 25 is A Quiet Place 2. A movie I do enjoy, again, don't find it very scary. I don't find any of the quiet place films that scary, but the one I find the most scary, surprisingly, is A Quiet Place Day 1, the one with Lupita Noong and just Quinn. So that will stay Quiet Place 2 does fall to 25 for me. At 24, I have A Quiet Place 1. The movie, I don't find them, either one of these very scary, but I find them scary than the ones listed above. Moving inside of that, the first one,
ah actually no they probably don't get very scary until the top 20 so insidious the red door does here come here because there were a couple of jump scares that did get me but I know jump scares aren't what horror is all about but none of these movies so far have really scared me in any capacity and moving into that is number 22 I have the Babadook which I have really enjoyed and I'll enjoy it a lot more than I ever thought I would And I highly recommend you go check out the Babadooka, very, very cool concept, very cool character, very cool movie with some really good acting. Again, just was super scary to me.
Now moving into number 21, we have It Follows. I know a lot of people really love this. I know it's in the, I'm pretty sure it's in the top 10 on this list, isn't it? No, it's not, it's number 12 by science. But for me, it just doesn't work. It's not super scary. There's the scene with the giant man who comes into the room, very creepy, and the scene with the old woman on the canvas. Those scenes are very good. Outside of that, I do not find the film to be that scary.
And now a movie into our top 20 where the every film from here on in I do find scary and I do rec highly recommend if you want to be scared watching every movie I list from here on out. At number 20 I have the autopsy Jane Doe a super creepy morgue style trapped horror movie with some really good twist and Brian Cox again gives a really really good performance in a really great movie that has some good scares throughout.
I highly recommend autopsy Jane Doe. At number 19, I have Hereditary, a film that I don't love as much as the rest of the horror community, but I can still say it's very so it has some really good scares and a really creepy, creepy ending. So Hereditary will say number 19 for me.
At number 18, I have Stop Motion, the 2023 horror live action slash animation horror by Robert Morgan. I know it's very controversial, people really love it or hated, but it's tells um it's about a talented stop motion animator who becomes consumed by its this grotesque world ah that she created, has some really creepy scenes. It's really scary. um I really, really, really recommend people should watch it. I think it has some really technically cool horror stuff that they, it's really unique. I think people should really go watch it, because not a lot of people will, and I think it should be seen by a lot more people. ah Going into number 17, a movie that my family loved, my mom and dad, that I had never seen, I kind of pushed it off for a long time, and that is The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which combines a courtroom drama with a exorcism horror, and I think it does a really great job. I love this movie now. I will definitely be rewatching it next fall, because I'm going to take a really long break from horror after all these movies.
But I think it does have some really good scares and the devil has always terrified me and that will continue on this list as you guys will see. But anything with the devil, demons and stuff will definitely go higher on my list than any slash or anything like that.
But yeah, excellent only roasted at 17 for me. At number 16, we have smile the 2022 part of them, I think, but smile, very scary, great jump scares, great just gives you that queasyness in your chest and that feeling of dread with the creepy smiles and it has some good twists. It's a great search search search for bacon.
Uh, Kevin Biggs daughter, she was great in it. Um, but now seeing smile too, I think smile too is both scarier and better. So I would have put smile too on this list if I could. Um, but yeah, smile sitting at number 16 for me, I definitely still recommend it. I think it's very scary. Um, me and my girlfriend just watched the other day and she thought it was very scary and did not like the smiles at all. So that was fun for me. Now we are halfway through our list. We are going into our top 15 on this list.
and That will start off with insidious chapter 2 a movie that I absolutely love I love the insidious first three movies and I really think that all three of them are very good this was the last one James Bond directed it can a direct sequel to the original and It has some really good scares. There's a scene in the parlor with the mom and again always scary the cross dressing nun lady. She's also very scary. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. This movie just has some really good jump scares and it builds up a lot of dread that a lot of them all pay off for me. At number 14, we have talked to me.
which I, again, really love talking to me. It sets the mood for the film in the first five minutes so well, and it has so many good jump scares, it has so many good moments of gore, it has so much dread, it has anxiety-inducing sequences, the score's so good, uh, L, lamoud Lamode, Lamod, is all my playlists, it's a great score, but the scenes with the possessions are so well done, they really really skeeved me out. So I think Talk To Me is a really, really good horror movie with some great scares. And I think more people should watch Talk To Me, especially it's one of those movies I didn't think would be as scary outside of a movie theater, which is a couple on this list that I was wrong. The rest of them are actually on from this position in to number one, but really good. Love Talk To Me. I'm very excited to see what those the the two brothers do next.
At number 13, I have, this is the newest film actually on this list. This is Terrifier 3. I don't like Terrifier 2. I think Terrifier 1 is really creepy and I think it's, for the budget they put it on, it's a really amazing job by Damien Lyonne to be able to make that film. Art the Clown is already, to me, a horror icon. And Terrifier 3 just adds to that. It has some actually good jump scares, which I do like my jump scares. It had good moments of dread and building up. It was able to make you laugh even for me who has an anxiety-induced fear of clowns. It has some of the best gore I've ever seen, some of the most disgusting kills in a movie, but all around Terrified 3 is a very, very good horror movie. It is a very good gore porn movie and is a very good scary movie. I think it hits all the beats and I think it's a really good Halloween movie, even though Terrified 3 is technically a Christmas movie, but not while we're here.

Tommy's Top Three Scariest Films

Now at number 12, I have the zoom calls, uh, sounds gone wrong host. I really enjoyed host. I don't find it as scary as a lot of people do, but it definitely does have some scares, especially in that final 15 minutes. It definitely just is nonstop because the movie is only 60 minutes, but recommend host to a lot of people. And I think it's a.
If you're newer to hard, I think it's a great, if you want to get scared and you're still new and you're kind of nervous, I think host is a really good way to do it because there's some great jump scares, but it's not super over the top scared to me. um At number 11, we have the dark and the wicked Brian Bertino's film. Me and my buddy Ian ah watch this movie in my basement and I jumped a lot. I yelled a lot, I screamed a lot and I cursed a lot. I'm sorry, my dogs are very loud.
But that's not what we're here. ah But yeah, The Dark and the Wicked is a movie that I really enjoyed. I thought it has some really great moments of scares. It builds a lot of anxiety and every single jump scare in this film works and it never feels cheap. Yeah, Brian Bertino, I think, did a great job of being able to use such a small space to make such a creepy movie and it doesn't all ever feel too much and it doesn't ever feel like it's drags. The movie flies by and definitely holds my attention from beginning to end.
Into our top 10, this is where I know people are gonna get a little annoyed with me and my opinions. But at number 10, I have Sinister, a movie that I really love. It's in my top 10 favorite horror movies of all time. But again, it has never scared me at the same pace that other horror movies have scared me. And I just think Scott Derksen's a great horror director and I would love to see him keep making horror films. And Sinister is an iconic horror film that everyone that loves or says that they love horror should see and is still very scary.
And number nine, I have Halloween. This movie has scared me since I was seven years old, all the way up until I'm 23 years old. and I think that the best thing about this movie is that it doesn't need blood. It doesn't need a ton of jumpscare. It doesn't need any of that. It just is scary. Michael Myers is a horror icon and will forever will be and will always be the best slasher character ever. I love Halloween. I love this film. I watch it every year. And yeah, I think It's still a top 10 scariest movie of all time. I don't care what everyone says. It could have been higher on this list for me if it wasn't. Yeah, I mean top.
I think all 10 could all kind of change positions at any point. Just depends on the day and what I watched recently. I've watched all these recently. Number eight, I have The Conjuring 2. I know a lot of people don't love The Conjuring 2 as much as they love The Conjuring. I am on the opposite end. I think The Conjuring 2 is awesome. I think it's super scary. I think James Bond took a big swing. There are a lot of different things in this one. Introducing us to the nun, introducing us to a lot of these folk lore tales, and having a lot of different characters show up, and different creatures, entities, whatever you want to call them.
And I think James Washington is the best. I think the dude knows how to direct, the dude knows how to make things scary, and he does a great job with this movie. I think it's terrifying. At number seven, I have The Descent. The Descent is so, so, so good. This movie will never not be scary if you have a fear of monsters. It's scary. If you have a fear of claustrophobia, it's scary. If you have a fear of the dark, it's scary. It literally, any of those things work. It is just a scary movie. It has great violence. It has great dialogue. It has great jump scares. I love this movie and I'm very happy that
with every rewatch I find little things different and seeing the creatures in the background before you get to actually see them is always such a cool little thing to me. Moving in to our top six at number six at number six I have insidious a movie that I love is the first horror movie I Not first, it's probably the first horror movie that I remember watching and being truly terrified of. I was scared of Michael Myers. I remember pausing Insidious and sitting in the dark and being genuinely scared to keep watching it. But I love it. I think it could have been number one on this list as well from six. It could have been any of these spots. I love this movie. I think it's so scary. And I've seen it 30 times and I still get scared of watching it.
At number five, I have oddity, which if you haven't seen oddity yet and you're a harp and you need to watch it. It is so good and it moves at a break in that pace. My friend Connor and me watching my basement and I legitimately woke my mother up because of how loud I yelled at one moment.
It is so scary and it keeps the tension. It's weird. It's different. It's unique. It doesn't feel like it's copying anything. It's just scary. It is scary from the first scene to the last scene with jump scares, which read with everything in between. Oddity is one of the best horror movies I've seen in recent memory. And I have a feeling it's going to be staying in my top 15 horror movies of all time for a long time. Now moving into number four, I have paranormal activity.
I love one, two, and three of the Paranormal Activity franchise. I think all three of them are awesome. I love that it's one story. And I think more people need to watch them because I think that people kind of just go, oh my god, the Paranormal Activity franchise, those first three are terrifying. They're all very scary. I don't think one is the scariest though. I think three might have the scariest. One's probably the scariest from game and three has the scariest scene.
in all of them. I love Paranormal Activity and I am very excited to continue watching this franchise and hopefully they said there was a new one coming out, hopefully they kind of go back to the roots of the original 3 and they find their footing a little bit.

Conclusion and Halloween Wishes

Now, moving into our top three scariest movies of all time by science. At number three, it stays on number three for me and for science, and that is Skin of Meringue, Kyle Ball's high-level horror film that uses no real dialogue, no real story, no real narrative, and none of that, and it decides to just be scary as fuck. This movie is terrifying. I remember seeing it in theaters, and it still, to me, has the scariest scene in a horror movie of all time, and it's the bedroom scene with the tu pit with the parents and Kaylee, the daughter.
And it is truly a terrifying moment in a scene of a movie that is scary from the beginning to end in the weirdest way possible. It is uncomfortable. It's um anxiety inducing it. It makes you feel like a little kid again when you would wake up and you're like I need a drink of water and you go downstairs and stark and think you're seeing things think you're hearing things. It plays into those natural fears that everyone has. I think I think a lot of people need to watch this movie. I know it's not for everyone. I know most of my friends that went and saw me hated it. I really liked it and I thought maybe it won't work as well sitting in my basement because I feel like you need sense sensory deprivation for this. like It needs and needs to be the only thing you're paying attention to.
Which still might be true, but I could do it in my basement with Connor. And Connor loved it, I loved it, and it's just a genuinely really good horror movie. And I think people need to, if you watch it once, rewatch it again. Because I thought it maybe, my biggest issue was maybe it was a little bit long. This time, I mean, it flew by like that, like snap my fingers, the movie was over.
It's so scary, and I think, yeah, maybe the final 10 minutes could've been cut, but that hour and 20, hour and 30 minutes of it, ah the out of the hour and 40, are perfect, scary horror vibes. Love Skin of Meringue, and it's gonna stay on that list. I've jumped it from a three and a half to a four on my letterbox now. I love this movie, and I will never stop supporting Skin of Meringue.
At number two, I have Hell House LLC, a movie that terrifies me and I think is the probably the best found footage horror movie of all time. I saw and i knew new and need to see a like Mungo and a couple other ones. ah My Cat Anne and stuff like that. But Hell House LLC is terrifying because I love Bates Motel, um Eastern State Penitentiary, all this horror, like the little like haunted houses you can walk through.
Hell House plays into the fear that everyone I think thinks about once or twice like what if these were just crazy and one of them is like, not an actual act and they're just gonna hurt me. It plays into that it uses clowns. I fucking hate clowns. They're fucking terrifying. They're the worst things on that anyone's ever thought of because who wants to be a fucking clown, wears creepy ass makeup and just looks scary. Love Hell House. Love ah Carmichael Manor, the prequel that came out last year.
And yeah, but HellasLC is terrifying. I just watched it again for the fifth time probably this year. Still scares me, still curl up on my couch and cover them up to my eyes with my blanket. Yeah, I love HellasLC. I think everyone should watch it, super scary.
And to me, the scariest movie on the top 30 by science is The Conjuring. James Wan, again, my fear horror director. This man is amazing at what he does. His ability to make you care so much for these characters that every time they're put in peril or in a moment of fear, you feel that same fear for them. And you fear that fear for yourself.
When they are chasing the mom in the house when she's going after the daughter and he yells, but sheba and her head turns and it's now the demon instead of the mom. So scare ah Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson are iconic as Ed and Lorraine Warren. I'm so excited to see the fourth Conjuring. But I truly believe the Conjuring is the greatest horror movie of all time and the scariest film that has ever been made. And James Wan did an amazing job of making every scene feel so real and so visceral. And yeah, I will never stop believing that The Conjuring is the scariest movie of all time. Skinner gave it a run for its money when I went and saw it in theaters. And so did Hell House, but nothing is ever going to pass The Conjuring for me. That is, um, yeah, that is my list of the scariest movies of all time, going off the list of scariest movies by science. I hope everyone has an amazing Halloween. And yeah, I will see you guys when we do our next episode about the penguin. I'm so sorry about my dogs, but yeah, happy Halloween, everyone.