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Tommy's Corner: Biggest Surprises of 2024! image

Tommy's Corner: Biggest Surprises of 2024!

S10000 E1000000000000000 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
73 Plays1 month ago

This week on the show Tommy discusses his biggest film surprises of 2024! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Ryan: Foran12

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Editor: colingallagher.3


Introduction and Episode Overview

tommy cresta
Welcome back everyone to another episode of the popcorn podcast. I'm Tommy Cresto, one of the hosts of this show. And this is another one of the solo episodes just in between the normal episodes of me and Ryan do. And in this episode, in no particular order, I'm going through some of the biggest surprises for me of 2024. This is just the film side and this is good surprise. It's not bad surprise. Um, the reason for this is because we're also going to be doing a best of best and worst.

Surprise Films of 2024: Part 1

tommy cresta
um episode which we do every year and it'll be I think our top 10 favorite things of the year and then our top 10 least favorite things of the year or five we haven't really came up with that part yet but um yeah so that's why we wanted to do this just for the movies that don't make my top 10 and they still were a really good film that I really enjoyed and I think more people should go watch them So with that being said, I think I have 12, 12 films. Let me count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Yes. 12 films. So starting off with the first film and that is going to be land of bad directed by William Eubank. It had a budget of $18.7 million. dollars This film started Russell Crowe. Uh,
tommy cresta
i anmo is there Liam hemworth Hemsworth, Luke Hemsworth, Milo Ventum, she played Sugar, Ventum Migla, and then Ricky white oh ricky Whittle.
tommy cresta
And this film was a really fun action film. It had to do with the US military, which was cool. It's about a Delta Force team that is ambushed in enemy territory and a rookie officer refuses to abandon them. Their only hope lies with an Air Force drone pilot as the eyes in the sky during a brutal 48 hour battle for survival.
tommy cresta
And do a really good job of keeping realism with the combat. And it's just a good film. You feel everything for Liam Tedworth, the punches, excuse me, the shots, the stabbings you feel every bit of in this movie. The explosions. It was just a really well done action thriller. And I think more people need to go watch it because it was a really, really good time. And it was, I mean, for a while I was on my top 10 list movie of the year list. It since has been knocked off of that list.
tommy cresta
Um, what else does this guy direct? I know movies that William Eubank has directed. Maybe I don't. Why do I? Oh, I did next of kin. That's why. Hmm.
tommy cresta
Next skin is a panel activity film. But yeah, this is the first one of the year. This was an earlier film from the year. But yeah, really good time. I really think people need to go watch it. What is it currently? What can you watch on? It's on Netflix right now. It has a 6.6 out of 10 IMDb, 67% Rotten Tomatoes, and a 3 out of 5 on Letterbox. So that's our first one on the list.
tommy cresta
The second one is a movie that I actually had to apologize to because of how mean I was to it before I went and saw it. And that is the first Omen, the first horror movie on this list. I believe we have a couple, three or four horror movies on this list that I went off by the trailers. And this being the first one, because this first Omen trailer, I'm still watching it now. It's a terribly, it's a terrible trailer. Bad marketing. I just was not invested in the story at all. But then I went and saw it. And I mean, this film is awesome.
tommy cresta
Nell Tiger Free, as Margaret, is unbelievable. Ralph Inison, as Father Brennan, is so good. met Maria Caballero, as Louise, awesome. Just Sonia Braga, as Sister Sylvia, amazing. Sister ah Angelica, is is star Kerry Wilson, was also unbelievable. The writing in this is so well done. And it's scares are worth it. It doesn't feel like it's cheap jump scares the whole time. There's some really tension building sequences.
tommy cresta
And it seems like I'm not the only one that believes this, because it does have an 83% round tomatoes, 6.5 out of 10 on IMDB, and a 3.4 out of 5 on letterbox with very high scores, especially for the hard ah world. And it is funny that some people out there did not realize going into it that this was a prequel to the Omen, the original. And I just think that's a really funny thing, because of course I am a huge fan of the first Omen, definitely don't love as much as I used to.
tommy cresta
But I was still very excited for this movie and it you can watch this without any idea. It's an omen film. and It still makes sense um But of course synopsis a woman starts to question her own faith when she uncovers a terrifying Conspiracy to bring about the birth of the evil incarnate in Rome This was directed by our cash Stevenson had a bunch of 30 million dollars and of course is I said is a prequel to the omen Yeah, so great job she made it great this is like her first big film She had a film, Vessels, but they're nine years apart. But yeah, the first one, and genuinely loved this film, and I have to rewatch it soon. But yeah, it's up there. It was a really entertaining film. You can watch it on Hulu currently. Hulu, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime.
tommy cresta
ah Next for us is a movie that I knew was I said from beginning to end was going to be good all the since the first trailer, but I didn't think it was gonna be as as good as it was. And that is Civil War Alex Garland Civil War. of The sard Kaylee Spaney, Kirk Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Mora, Jesse Plam and Stephen McKinley.
tommy cresta
ah Nick Offerman, I mean this movie was great, Jefferson White. This film was ah fantastic. In a dystopian world, um dystopian future America, a team of military-embedded journalists race across time to reach Washington DC before the rebel factions to spend descend upon the White House. And this is because ah Nick Offerman's president is trying to run for a third term, and there as we know, that's not allowed.
tommy cresta
And yeah, this film currently has a 7 out of 10 IMDB, 81% on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 75 on Metacritic, with only a 69 on Google, which I think is kinda crazy. I do wanna see what the audience works for this. Only a 69 audience works for this. It seems like critics like this more than audiences did.
tommy cresta
But it had a budget of $50 million, made $126.2 million, as of course this was an A24 film, directed and written by Ox Garland. And I just want to give a shout out to Rob Hardy, who did a cinematography for Civil War. This film is stunning. And I know people got mad at the posters, just our AI. It doesn't really bother me when they do like posters or stuff like that. Just don't use it for the actual writing or the visuals of like the actual film. But yeah, this film was awesome and the idea not to silence rounds because when they're shooting in films and filmmaking they end up in the editing room they end up kind of editing how the bullets sound so it's not as loud it doesn't kick the heart rate as much but Civil War did not silence the rounds which makes so much it makes a lot of those heart rate jump even higher than normal which was really exciting and the film you feel like you're in every second of this film especially the final act
tommy cresta
The third act of this film was fantastic, and I genuinely think it's one of the better movies of the year, and I wish it got more recognition so far from the Golden Globes and all the other critical awards.

Surprise Films of 2024: Part 2

tommy cresta
Yeah, go check it out, it's on Hulu, Disney Plus, and HBO Max. This one could be, this next one is a horror film as well, and this one could be the biggest surprise 2024.
tommy cresta
And as Abigail, the horror comedy about the ballerina dancing vampire, Quick Synopsis is a group of would-be criminal ah criminals kidnapped a 12-year-old girl of a powerful underworld figure. Holding her for ransom in an isolated mansion, their plan starts to unravel and they discover that their young captive is actually a bloodthirsty vampire. This film starts sadly past Angus Cloud, Melissa Berea, Alicia Weir, who I think is going to be ah Dorothy in wicked to Catherine Newton, Kevin Durand and Dan Stevens. Dan Stevens was so good in this. Matthew Goode is also in it and John Carlo John Carlo Esposito and William Catlett. They were all this cast was so much fun. And I think it's so sad when you know, I was glad Sally passed away.
tommy cresta
But Dan Stevens almost has two films on this list but I didn't want to count King Kong was good though Cuz of the first every King Kong so far and Godzilla and that universe has been pretty good So I didn't surprise and I enjoyed that one This was good because this movie sounded like if you gave you this idea to put like but this movie is terrible There's nothing good about this. That's gonna work and then you get um What's called Tyler Gillette and Matthew Benatelli open the guys who did the scream 5 and scream 6 and You got them to direct it, and then you got Guy Busek and Steven Shields to write the screenplay. Brian Tyler did a fantastic score for this film, and it was just so much fun. It was so enjoyable. It it genuinely had me laughing. It has a couple really good scares still. oh But yeah, it currently has an 83% Rotten Tomatoes, 6.6 to an IMDb, 60 to a Metacritic with a 77 on Google, and an 84 audience score. So it seems like people really love it, and it's very practical filmmaking.
tommy cresta
ah There's a lot of practical filmmaking in it And yeah, I think this movie is just so much fun I would like to know how much money it made just check the be a office Because it had a 30 million dollars gross with a total of 42 million oo It did make a lot of money, definitely flopped. 20 million, 40 something. Yeah, probably probably just broke even, which is not great. But still really enjoyable film and I think everyone should go watch it. It's on Apple TV and Amazon Prime. The next film in this is another horror movie, which I think I am surprised how good it was. I seem to not, not everyone agrees with me. That's really good.
tommy cresta
but For what it is, it is very good. And this is In a Violent Nature, the horror slasher film, which is done from the horror, from the slasher's perspective, which has yet to have been done before. It was directed by Chris Nash, and the synopsis is, when a group of teens take a locket from a collapsed fire tower in the woods, they unwittingly resurrect the rotting corpse of Johnny, a vengeful spirit spurred on by a horrific 60-year-old crime. The undead killer soon embarks on a bloody rampage to retrieve the stone locket.
tommy cresta
methodically slaughtering anyone who gets in his way this film made 4.6 million dollars good for them but yeah Chris Nash and Pierce Dirks Pierce Dirks needs to be nominated for this film he's done what this is his first like bigger movie ah in a violent nature but he was I mean unbelievable it was one of the most beautiful movies of the year And for a movie that's about a killer and it has some of the most gruesome, first of all, has the most gruesome kill I've ever seen in film, they're just seeing where it goes doing yoga and it is disturbing. But the piece that I felt and with this movie when he was just walking around like through the beautiful forest and there's just no music except for the crunching in the woods, it is a beautifully peaceful movie.
tommy cresta
I would love, love, love, love to see more from, see more from Pierce Darks. I think this cinematography is great and I would love to see him get some more bigger films to do. And same with Chris Nash, I want to see him direct more. I want to see these two collaborate more. I loved how he directs this film and for it to be focused on, because I mean, we always wonder how the killer gets to place the place. And you get to see that in this movie. And the killers are great in the slasher stuff. This is definitely for you.
tommy cresta
And yeah, I think the writing was really good for a horror movie. Everything about it, I genuinely enjoyed myself watching this film and I think everyone should go watch it in a violent nature. Unless you get a little queasy or stuff like that, then definitely don't watch it. But it is on AMC. AMC Plus is on YouTube, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV. Oh, I don't know if I went through the scores. It has a 5.6 out of 10 on IMDb, 78 on Round 2, it has a 3.4 out of 5 on Shutter.
tommy cresta
ah Next film and I know pilgrim like this isn't a surprise It's a surprise that these folks you keep getting are just as good as the last ones Um, this is bad bad boys for ride or die besides the title then love ride or die Because I guess if it was bad boys for life, that would mean pretty great name, but Yeah, again, Bad Boys 4. This franchise just continues to prove how good it is. And it says, when their late police captain gets linked to drug cartels, wise cracking Miami cows, Mike Lowry, and Marcus Burnett embark on a dangerous mission to clear his name. This film made $404 million. dollars It was directed by Adil El-Arabi and Patel Fallah. They, um for those who don't know, they were the directors of the back canceled Batgirl film. And it was Robczyk Weaver.
tommy cresta
ah the cinematographer who again had some really really good shots in this film very pretty film for being a film of bad boys which I guess the cinematography is always great in them because there's some glare shots everyone knows it for for what Michael Bay was directing it I'm trying to find out how much okay so it was a hundred million dollar budget and made over 400 million
tommy cresta
Damn, damn, damn. That is crazy. How good bad was it? But yeah, bad boys fully. Will Smith, Vanessa, Hutchins, Jacobs, Peter, um, sick. Kip. Oh, yeah, he plays Will Smith on that. Martin Lawrence. Hello, Nunez. Eric Dane. Eric Dane was a really good film in this, too, as James McGrath. Dennis Green has Reggie. Reggie continues in each film to get more and more screen time, and he deserves every second of screen time he gets in this franchise. ah John Sally.
tommy cresta
Joe Pantalone, he's the captain, Tiffany Haddish, Ian Gruffid, Gruff, Charles Melton's in this, Joyner Lucas is in it, DJ Khaled, Michael Bay. I mean, there's just so many people are in this franchise. ah Ray Seahorn, Rhea Seahorn, ah Tasha Smith, of course, plays my lawyer, Marcus's wife. Just this and this film was so much fun. And it has some of the best shots and filmmaking that any of them had so far.
tommy cresta
And it continues to improve on themselves because I think the first one was great. I think the second one really struggled. In my mind, at least a third one bad voice for life was really enjoyable. And then I didn't think we're ever going to get another one after the single Will Smith at the Oscars, but we did. And it has that six points, as I said, 65 round tomatoes, 6.5 out of 10. I'm B and a 3.2 out of five on letterbox. It continues to improve on itself. It knows not to take itself too seriously.
tommy cresta
and Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are just a perfect dynamic duo. And I cannot wait for the fifth one because I know they're going to do another one.

Looking Forward: Upcoming Films and Franchises

tommy cresta
It's going to be $400 million dollars and they keep improving, keep being better and better and better. So I'm all in. I can't wait to see what they do with the next one. But yeah, go check it out on Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime. OK, this is going to be a controversial take on saying.
tommy cresta
a surprise so I'm gonna clarify I am a huge fan of the Alien franchise we're doing an Aliens ranking episode I felt the biggest butterflies in my life getting to see Alien in IMAX last year when they had its anniversary it's absolutely amazing time and this franchise is one of my favorite franchise in the world so when they announced Alien Romulus I was very excited because I like Prometheus like Covenant And then they announced that Fedi Alvarez was going to direct it. And I was sold. That's all you had to tell me. But at the same time, I didn't know because it felt like whenever they let someone else direct it, who wasn't James Cameron, Ridley Scott, it didn't it didn't always work, which just made me a little nervous. know No, no, no. Alien film. I love Fedi Alvarez. I like the Alex practical effects. And then they brought on Ridley Scott. So then I was excited.
tommy cresta
But you never know how the rest of the world is going to take a film because alien aliens, of course, ninety five, ninety six overall ah percent critics were audience worse. But then you get in the three resurrection AVP one and Requiem, you know, Prometheus Covenant, which aren't hated, but they're not like beloved. They have a 70 and I think it's a 72 and like a 60 something, but not important to this.
tommy cresta
So when rhinos came out, I was so nervous because I wanted everyone to like it as much as I did. I love alien Romulus. I think it's a great, and a great point into this world. I think the castings were unbelievable. Uh, Kaylee, Spain, Isabella Mercado, uh, Trevor Newlin, who does the Xenomorph work in this one. And then David Johnson as Andy. I'm most underrated performance of the year.
tommy cresta
think he was incredible. Alien Wu as Navarro, Spike Firm as Bajoran, and then Archer Renux as Tyler Harrison. And what's his name's also in this?
tommy cresta
My God. ah But yeah, absolutely fantastic film. I think for the hours knocked it out of the park. I think this resurrected a franchise that Truly needed like a big swing um Big swing success wise and I think they got it with alien Romulus. I loved covenant I really wanted to see a sequel to what happens next, but if we can't have that maybe this film meets up with what's going on with David in Prometheus and covenant because I mean they're not that far apart and David can't die anyway
tommy cresta
But I'm really excited because they did confirm that there will be a sequel that Fedi Alvarez is going to direct. And really, Scott's also directing an alien sequel and we're getting Alien Earth, the TV series. So there's a lot of more coming from this franchise. I'm very excited, also a little bit nervous, but that's important. So this one currently is an 80 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1 out of town. I need to be in a 33.6 out of five on Letterbox. And it has an 85 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. And you can watch this on Disney, Hulu, YouTube or Amazon Prime.
tommy cresta
Next is another legacy sequel that I don't think anyone thought was going to be as enjoyable as it was, and that is Twisters, a film that I think when he got announced people were like, why? there's There's no, we don't need this film. This is not something that's important. And then you get the cast that you get around it and you're like, makes sense why we need more of this.
tommy cresta
We got Glenn Powell's Tyler Owens, Kieran Shipka as Edie, Anthony Ramos as Javi, David Cornswat as Scott, Maura Tierney as Kathy, Daisy Edgar-Jones as Kay Carter, Sasha Lane as Lily, Dale McCormick as Jeb, like you got all these, oh, Kaitlyn, Emma O'Brien as Danny, and Brandon Pereira as Boone, like that is a bunch of young, popular actors.
tommy cresta
did this join for this franchise and this film fantastic they' used so much practical filmmaking for this and i mean if you go behind the scenes and see what lee isaac cheun did you i mean do did a fantastic job and he does deserves every bit of crake that he got for this a donno he also did in minority Minari and he's unbelievable. Uh, it's an unbelievable film. Okay. This one, $155 million dollars budget. And I'm pretty sure it's smashed that, right?
tommy cresta
Yeah, it ended up making 300 and I just lost the number $370 million, 371 really on a budget of 155, which is a pretty solid turnaround expression for a legacy sequel. I don't know what people thought. I thought it was going to be absolutely terrible. And I thought it was a bad career choice for ah Glen Powell, Daisy Edgar Jones, but I was wrong. Has 6.5 out of 10 line to be at 75% critic score on round tomatoes.
tommy cresta
with a 90% audience where people loved this film, did really well in areas that were hit by natural disasters. And yeah, I think Glenn Powell and Daisy Jones are just send themselves out to be absolute superstars and legend in Hollywood. And Anthony Ramos is also doing a great job taking on these bigger productions because he just didn't What he was doing. Oh yeah, he did Transformers, Rise of the Beast, Glenn Pals in every movie ever. Daisy Edgar Jones is just a fantastic actress. So they continue to improve and improve and improve. And yeah, this film is so much fun. Go check it out is on Peacock YouTube and Amazon Prime. We got four more for you guys.
tommy cresta
This one is, to me, a surprise because of how good it is. That is Heretic, the Hugh Grant horror film starring Sophia Thatcher and Chloe East, Topher Grace, ah and then Ellie McKinnon. Hugh Grant as Mr. Reed is... probably in my top performances of the year. And this movie is nuts. A quick synopsis is ah two young ah two young missionaries become ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse when they knock on the door of a diabolical Mr. Reed. Trapped in his home, they must turn to their faith if they want to make it out alive. This was directed by Scott Beck and Brian Woods, who also wrote this film. Again, another A24 productions.
tommy cresta
And it was now named for BAFTA. And then cheng hon Chung Chung did the cinematography for this film. he did it a great another really just pretty movie nothing crazy like there's a lot of slow uh it's a slow burn but the shots that need to be in like beautifully and slow and show something are fantastic he also uh famously did old boy and last night in sohood so that edgar right film but yeah this movie was unbelievable a movie that i didn't know
tommy cresta
I was kind of like, Oh, great. Now Hugh Grant is a horror character. This is just not going to work. And I think Connor, my friend who we've talked about a bunch on the show, he put it perfect. Excuse me.
tommy cresta
Um, Mr. Reid, you want to sit and have a cup of tea with him and talk with him while having a gun aimed at him to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy because his charisma, just ah Hugh Grant's charisma is unbelievable. The dude is just perfect in this role. And then Sophie Thatcher is unbelievable. This the three main character, of Chloe, a sister, Paxton. and ah and Chloe East as Sister Paxson and Sophie Thatcher as Sister Barnes, also unbelievable. To have a grace, it doesn't really do much. She's just Elder Kennedy, but unbelievable film. If you have ever, if you believe in any religion or if you are, if you like studying religion and learning about all the different types, this is the movie for you because there's a scene. It's like a five minute sequence of Hugh Grant explaining the parallels in all religions. And it it may be my favorite scene of the entire year.
tommy cresta
But yeah, it has a 91 on Rotten Tomatoes, 7 out of 10 INDB, 3.4 out of 5 Atlanta box, 33, not 30, 3.6 on Google. And I'm surprised because there's something with how it it Something that had to do with religion, which isn't the most beloved thing in Hollywood, especially like audience members don't really like talking about it. Had a 76 audience score, which I was shocked of. But yeah, I'm shocked at how good this movie. I knew it could have been scary. But it's the only downside is that it's not really a horror movie. It's more just like a drama thriller. But Hugh Grant's performance is should have been nominated for an Oscar, in my opinion. He was absolutely perfect in this movie. ah We got three films left for you and
tommy cresta
This one could be my number one biggest surprise of the year, and that is Terrifier 3. Damien Leon, you sick man. This movie had a $2 million dollars budget, which they've increased so much from the first film, which I think the first one was $25,000, the second one $250,000, and now we get $2 million, dollars and then make $90 million. I mean, it's unreal. It's the highest um earning, non-rated film ever.
tommy cresta
and David ah Howard Thorne is are the clan you should be punished for being as for being as scary as you are There's no reason you should be that terrifying And then Lauren Lavera as Sienna Shaw, perfect. And she's not in the first film, she's in the second and third one, but she's perfect for this franchise. ah Chris Jericho's in this movie, very short, but pretty funny to see. Victoria Hayes, Samantha Scafati is in the Elliot Fulham, he plays Jonathan from the second film and in this one, awesome.
tommy cresta
It does a great job. Antonella Rose is Gabby Shaw. Gabby is going to be, I think, a huge part. The fourth film in this franchise are Margot Anne Florence. Jess Shaw has one of the most gruesome deaths I've ever seen. ah Bryce Johnson is Greg Shaw. I feel like there was someone else I got.
tommy cresta
Oh, ah Mason McCarrida has the most brutal. Him and Jess Shaw and Cole have two of the worst deaths ever in film. And then Alex Blair Robertson is Mia. She gets what she deserves in this movie. She's horrible. But yeah, this movie is. It's a hard and it's a hard one to watch. I'm not going to lie to you guys. It's one of the most disturbing things I've ever watched. I watched twice, which the second time it's so much harder to watch.
tommy cresta
knowing knowing what was going to happen made it so much worse. Quick synopsis after surviving Art the Clown's Halloween massacre, Sienna and her brother struggle to rebuild their shattered lives. As the holiday season approaches, they try to embrace the Christmas spirit and leave the horrors horrors of the past behind. However, when they think they're safe, Art returns, determined to turn their holiday cheer into a new nightmare.
tommy cresta
This movie is two hours and five minutes. Thank God because it's a good runtime. I felt like it went by fast. The second one, the first one, I genuinely dislike the first two. I do not think they're good. I don't get why people like them so much. I enjoyed this one as crazy as that sounds. My girlfriend thinks it's psychotic and I won't watch it again. There's no way.
tommy cresta
But I'm very excited to see the fourth one. And I don't he say he's gonna try and up it again. I don't know how you can up it. The opening to this movie is wild. This whole movie is wild. it There's a domestic terrorism moment in this movie. Everything about it is crazy. But yeah, I mean, people enjoy this movie made $90 million. dollars It has a 78 around tomatoes 2.9 out five and letterbox 6.4 out of 10. I'd be 83% on Google. I wonder know what the audience scores around tomatoes.
tommy cresta
He's got 85s on Rotten Tomatoes audience score, so quick quick ah cri critical synopsis, ah consensus I'm sorry, taking an axe to Yoltai Cheer and everything else in his path. Terrify 3 is a bloody fantastic stocking suffer for the holiday season.
tommy cresta
Definitely bloody. um Audiences say stepping up the ante, the bloody disgusting gorefest in Terrifier 3 cements Art the Clown as an iconic horror villain for the ages and sequels to come. Epic art lurking, I'm sorry, expect art lurking this Halloween. I definitely agree. Art the Clown has become one of those in that S tier echelon of horror slasher characters up there with Jason, Freddie, Chucky, Michael, and Ghostface. Terrify 3. Go check it out. I mean, you can watch it. I think it's free on YouTube, right? It's on YouTube, it's on Apple TV, and it's on Amazon Prime. Do not watch this movie if you get grossed out by gore. I'm telling you again to not watch it if you get grossed out by gore.
tommy cresta
And now there was two, uh, two final films on this list. Uh, the one is very recent. That's the next one I'm doing. And then this one. So this film, I genuinely thought it was going to be one of the worst movies of the year. And I couldn't have been more wrong. And that is smile too.
tommy cresta
which was directed by Parker Finn, who directed the first one, uh, Charlie Saraf, who did this cinematography, unbelievable music by crystal ball. Tapia Daveer. She was amazing. The music in this was so scary and Charlie Saraf in this dude. Well, he hasn't got anything huge things, right?
tommy cresta
Yeah, like I don't know how you do the night swim and you did eat a small one as well, which was unbelievable. But yeah, I'm so, so, so excited to see more of him. Charlie Seraf is a very underrated cinematographer and he needs more credit because he is great. I'm actually gonna try and get him on the podcast with him and the guy from.
tommy cresta
and about nature and because they were both two of the best um beer um But yeah, quick synopsis for Smile 2. About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Sky Riley begins to experience increasingly terrifying, inexplainable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and pressures of fame, she must face her dark past to regain control of her life before it spirals out of control. And this movie made 131 million dollars, so it I mean, people will love these movies.
tommy cresta
But first off the cast. Naomi Scott at Sky Rally. I loved her. I thought she was unbelievable. Kyle Galner as Joel, who's also in the first one. One of the best openings to a film is this movie. Samantha's opening was fantastic. ah Peter Japerson as Morris. Raul Castillo as Darius. Rosemary DeWitt as Elizabeth Vye, her mother. Lucas Gage as Lewis. ah Dylan Galua as Gemma. Naomi Scott's best friend in this movie. And then Ray Nicholson.
tommy cresta
Josh, uh, Jack Nicholson's son. He has maybe five minutes of screen time and he is terrifying. And I am very down with the idea of him being the Joker. If they're going to do a Joker in the DC universe. So I'm very, I'm very interested in see him do more. I don't think he's been in that much, right? Yeah, not really. Oh, he's in that new movie Novocaine. The one with. Wasn't gonna say the one with Oh, checkweed. This is in licorice pizza. What? Oh.
tommy cresta
play He plays a character named Ray. That's pretty funny. But yeah, Smile 2 was terrifying. If you liked the first one, you're going to love this one. It is so scary. And it has a 67 on Metacritic 70 on Google, 6.8 out of 10 on IMDb, 86% on Critic Score, on Martinez with an 81% audience score. This film continues. This universe is going to expand so much now. And I'm very excited to see where it goes from here.
tommy cresta
And I just can't wait to see what happens next. I think this was a great sequel and it really sets up this world if they want to keep doing more. But yeah, Sling TV, MGM Plus, Paramount Plus and YouTube. What a terrible list of streamers. You can also get on Amazon Prime for free. And the last film that we'll be talking about is probably the newest one. It's still currently in theaters. I think it's the only one I'm talking about that's still in theaters.
tommy cresta
And that is Deneth Theives 2 Pantera. I just saw this film. um First of off, I'm a huge sucker for Gerard Butler films. I love Gerard Butler. He was in the movie Plane last year, which ah I think made my list a big ah biggest surprise. Or he might have just slipped down my top 10 last year.
tommy cresta
such a great time. So this one is a sequel to that if he's one which came out a while ago, but we're getting more. And of course, this starts drug Butler, even a mod so again, Meadow Williams, Salvatore Esposito, O'Shea Jackson, Jr. Oh, Rick O'Vary Hoven and Michael Bispin's in it. And he actually has a pretty important role in this movie.
tommy cresta
Yeah, the whole cast in this movie was really good. Where's the dude where one dude gets a really, it's a really sucky ending in this movie. Okay, Dino Kelly here, dick in this movie. Very good. and Playing the dick though. Um, Stefan, colon, colon. Um, fantastic in this, this movie.
tommy cresta
Is the perfect dad film like if you you guys know I think you guys know what I mean when I say that It is so much fun drawer butler's just an asshole ah ah Nick O'Brien yes synopsis really quick lawman big big Nick O'Brien gets embroiled in the treacherous and unpredictable world of diamond thieves as he pursues career criminal Donnie Wilson to Europe he had chased down Donnie Wilson the first film and He could he doesn't catch him But in this one he decides to flip size cops going bad And he decides to join Donny and join him on the heist into the world Diamond Center But yeah, and I mean Gerard Miller is the best be actor in the world He does these action movies and he pumps them out and they're all awesome. They are good times They are legitimate films and who directed this one? ah Christian good ah Good guest
tommy cresta
Just pumps out we got his magic. He's pushing out these films and I mean Okay, I didn't realize that he had done London has fallen He did he did plain you didn't these I mean plain was a really fun night Yeah, if people agree with me, this plane has positive reviews. He worked on a 2008 speed racer, which I do not think is that good, but some people really liked it. But yeah, this film currently has a 60% all-around tomatoes, 6.6 out of 10, 9 to be 79 on Andango.
tommy cresta
And a 79% audience score. This film is so much about me. It's generally a great time. And Gerard Butler continues to prove that he's one of the most entertaining actors working. This is, I think this might be my favorite character of his. I do really like him in plane. I know that they're making a sequel to plane called ship, but we'll see. And OJ Jackson continues to be awesome, which is a badass in every movie that he's in.
tommy cresta
He was in the bear one, too, right? He was in the cocaine movie? Yep. He's in Den of Thieves, Straight Outta Compton, Den of Thieves 2, and Cocaine Bear. What a shot, like four really fun, fun, fun films. Yeah, I love this movie. I had a really great time with it. And I kind of hope they make a third one, because Gerard Buller is that guy. And I just want to watch more and more of his action films. Because I'm trying to think of, like,
tommy cresta
Yeah, this dude just palms out action films and they are so much fun. I can't wait. But yeah, that is the final film on my biggest surprises of 2024. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I had a fun time doing this list. I had a fun time watching all these movies this year. And yeah, I hope you guys should go check out some of these movies. They are a lot of fun. I think really go check out Den of Thieves 2 while it's still in theaters.
tommy cresta
and yeah um come back later this week actually it'll be it's coming on monday monday our best and worst uh films of the year episode will be coming out and i really hope you guys enjoy it thank you so much for the continued support continue to watch us on twitch um the underscore popcorn on instagram the underscore popcorn underscore podcast TikTok, the popcorn underscore pod, YouTube, check us out everywhere continue to support this channel. And we thank you so much. And we can't wait to do the next episode.
tommy cresta
later everyone