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Episode 161: "Wolf Man" and "Presence" Review! Season 9 Premiere! image

Episode 161: "Wolf Man" and "Presence" Review! Season 9 Premiere!

S9 E161 · The Popcorn Podcast
45 Plays1 month ago

This week on the show Tommy reviews the new films "Presence" and "Wolf Man"! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!  

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Season Nine Premiere Celebration

welcome everyone two episode one hundred and sixty one of the popcorn podcasts this is the premiere of season nine of the show which is absolutely insane that we've made it this far without getting cancelled more than once We were cancelled pretty early on, but we came back stronger and better than ever. Wait, what happened early on? I said a word that I wasn't supposed to say that I did not know was a bad word. What's word?
I can't say it. What does it start with? M. M as in Matthew, not N. M. M? Little person? Yes, I said the other word though.
I didn't know you couldn't say that word. But that's not why we're here.

Discussion on 'Presence' and 'Wolfman'

We're here to talk about one of the last films of 2024 and the first big film of 2025. And that is Steven Soderbergh's presence. And that is also, I forgot to say the director's name, Lee Wannells. Wannell? Yeah, Wannell. And his new Wolfman film, following up his Invisible Man film from 2017,
seventeen 2018. my left So Wolfman isn't getting great reviews. Presence is getting very good reviews. Steven Soderbergh is considered one of the best directors right now and one of the most consistent directors of the 21st century. And I'm probably wondering who this other guy is I'm doing this with. And we wanted to try something different. Just what is that man? What do you mean what is that man? as A muscular man. Do you not see his name? No. Rocky Balboa.
Oh, it actually does look pretty good. Thank you. thank you But um yeah, I wanted to try something a little bit different. I kind of wanted to blend the Twitch side of things and the podcasting side of things for this episode. So Connor and me, Connor went and saw both of these movies with me. And so we're having Connor on. This is going to be a long review. It's probably about like 40 minutes, but it's just something a little bit different. I thought it'd be fun since most of these kind of episodes don't have any video. So I thought maybe let's having some gameplay around it would make it a little more interesting. yeah Talking about movies that are completely unrelated to UFC.
But yeah, very have no relation.

'Presence': Ghostly Perspective or Thrilling Drama?

But yeah, first up, Connor, what was your like your initial thoughts of presence when we were going when when I asked you to go see it with me? Well, I didn't I didn't really like have any idea what it was about. You said it was from the ghost point of view. That's pretty much all I know. So I was a little confused. Yeah, I i was kind of nervous because it was like the first of its kind when larry earlier this year there was a there was a slasher movie from the killer's perspective.
yeah was that It was called In a Violent Nature. Very good movie if you guys haven't seen it. I don't think I saw that one. But um yeah, Steven Soderbergh came up with this idea just watching a ghost movie one time. He's like, what if I did a movie from their perspective? And I think it was a genius decision because I mean, it's this movie, I think it's going to be definitely misunderstood because it has down as a horror movie. This movie definitely isn't a horror movie. It's definitely like a thriller. It's unsettling.
so yeah it's definitely creepy but I wouldn't say it's not like scared the definitive horror film yeah but it's actually a little different yes definitely different I thought the performances were really good though which for horror movies it's not normal well at first I was like the way it went I was very confused on like why they would choose these actors or this one specific actor the blonde dude yeah it didn't really make sense but then towards the end of movie everything started to make sense and it made it feel so much better yeah like I felt like he didn't at first I was like oh he just miscast like this guy not ah good for this role and I was wrong he definitely it was in perfect purpose yeah it was perfect it was meant to be cast that way ah the character's name was Ryan played by Wes Mulholland who actually did a really good job I mean the whole cast was great ah Lucy Lewis Rebecca Payne the mom she was definitely
The mom was definitely a little iffy as a person. i I hated her. But she definitely, you definitely feel for her.

'Presence': A Top Film of 2024?

Yeah, towards the end, you definitely feel for her. I love that movie. I mean, it's it's probably gonna be, it's probably one of my, the higher up movies from 2024, because I thought this was a 2025 release. Oh, it was 2024? It was 1024. Chris Sullivan, most know him for his role in This Is Us. He plays chris pain the husband this and he he was one of the best that's ever in a horror movie oh yeah he he he i wouldn't be my dad he was a great dad i loved him in this it ah just a generally good performance that we had kalina lang who played chloe pain who was also really really good in this she was able to uh... honestly she was really good depicting like what a person reacts to would like to stop and um... we yeah
and I think the I think the dad and Chloe were definitely my favorite parts of this movie but like I love just a small scene with the psychic woman they don't have oh like when she's in the house or like yeah when she's in the outside the house with the dad well I like that too I like that she's trying to like tell them but they won't listen to them yeah um I should call it for the first half the movie I was really just more invested in the family dynamic versus the whole fact that there's a ghost. I will say that much, but like as it gets closer towards the end of the movie, then your viewpoint kind of tends to like switch over. Yeah. Cause I, I thought it was like the definition of being like a fly on the wall, which is cool to like see these people's lives and and ah yeah the brother and the mother piss you off until like the end of the movie.
at least for me. Oh, no, the the brother literally is a terrible person until the final 10 minutes. Probably like five minutes, honestly. Yeah, literally the end of the movie was which they kind of they are foreshadowing the end of the movie, the entire film. But it's crazy because you like you don't realize it. Yeah, because it's not something you would ever think of. It's not like it's very subtle foreshadowing. It's not like a Oh, I wonder, I wonder what's going to happen next because they said this. Yeah. Like you're like, Oh, okay, cool. And then the one something happens, you're like, Oh, that's why they said what they said. That makes so much sense. It was a really good twist. Ow. Ow. And, um, yeah, I think Steven Soderbergh, uh, for those don't know, seems Soderbergh is, I mean, he's held at one of the highest stands of directors. This dude has done some of the biggest films of the 21st century. They said he did no sudden moves most recently.
He won an Academy Award for Crash, which most people do not think deserve the Academy Award, but I do. ah He also did the Oceans, 10, 11, he did 11, 12, 13, Crash. It was like an early 2000s movie. He did Logan Lucky. He also did Magic Mike. I mean, this dude's done, ow, everything. And I'm a huge fan of Steven Soderbergh. So as soon as he announced he was doing this film, I was very excited. Because I mean,
Even I like the weird idea movies that some people are like, oh, that's weird. There's no point in making that. I think those ones can they can be really bad. But sometimes they can just be awesome like this, where it's held like the whole time. It's your thing. It's just going to be a horror movie. And it's just this awesome family drama thriller that takes a crazy turn. did Wait, did I just get it? No, you hit me. Yeah. um But I think Steven Stoderbergh kept you a movie that could have been so boring, that could have felt Like it dragged the whole time. It never felt like that to me. Like i I was really enjoying myself from beginning to end. And I think the third act, like the final like 25 minutes are unbelievable. Yeah. Best part of the film for sure. But it was all really good. I mean, yeah like you said, like they kept you entertained despite like the main plot, not really kind of happening yet. If that makes sense. Yeah. Like it wasn't.
what your What the end is about has nothing to do with the rest of the movie, really. And it worked. Yeah, it worked very well. the one The biggest scare of the movie is not something I ever would have thought would have scared me, but when you're not expecting what happens, the scare works perfectly. Yeah.

Critics vs Audiences on 'Presence'

Like, the biggest scare of the movie is what, last five minutes? Two, maybe. It's late the end of the movie. yeah What a fight! Yeah, it's a good fight so far while we're talking.
but It's a little hard to focus on both, but we're trying. I feel like we're trying our best. the But so far, the reviews have been kind of weird with this movie, which I had a feeling they were going to be, because this is these are just those kind of movies. ah But 3.1 out of 5 on Letterboxd was pretty good. 6.7 out of 10 on IMDb, which i I was expecting about that. But then Rotten Tomatoes is where it kind of splits between critics and audiences. Critics have been at 88. Audiences have been at 56.
Well, the audiences are wrong. I think yeah I agree. I think the audience is just straight up wrong. I think this was an enjoyable movie. I think if you went in with the expectations, I think too many people probably went in with the idea of like paranormal activity or something like that in the paranormal world when that's just not what we're you were going to get. Yeah, like it's not like that at all. Yeah, like this director first off, no one should have thought that. Mm hmm. But I think people just went in with the wrong idea. And maybe, I don't think they should have labeled it as a horror movie. Probably not, just like a thriller. Yeah, which if you label it as a thriller, I bet you more people like it. Yeah. It's weird because I'd never agree with critics. Movies that I love, they rate like a 2% on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah. then
And then there's like a movie that like, this is terrible and like best movie of the year. best movie it's It's getting 15 awards. I've never seen anything better. It's just horrible. But in this case, I do agree with the critics versus the audience. At least on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah, I'm definitely your side of it. I agree with it. I think the critics are definitely. I don't know if it's a 90 for me, but it's definitely like a high 80. Like i I enjoyed myself. I definitely enjoyed that movie. I enjoyed both movies

Emotional Depth in 'Wolfman'

we watched.
Yeah, I think Wolfman, I'm... i I don't know if I... I think I enjoyed myself more, Wolfman, because I think it's more fun of a movie. yeah It's like a fun horror movie. It's also hard to watch at some points. Yeah, which we'll get to when we get to the Wolfman part. Oh! Oh my god! Leave me alone. Oh, my guy's weak. Come on. Ah, now I'm getting beat.
Oh shit. Am I allowed to say bad words? Yeah, you can curse. I curse all the time on the show. but um All in all, presence was, I don't want to give any spoilers because I really do want people to see this movie. um But I'm telling you the final, the final 15 minutes are insane. Yeah, it makes the whole movie that much better. And I thought it was going to be one of those endings where it's like, Oh my God, why is that?
Why is this an ending? Why is that how the story went? So annoying. Yeah. But it's just not. It's one of those endings where it's like, that just made the whole movie. You're like, oh, and it was sad. Like, you didn't want that to be the ending. It was so sad. Both movies. So unexpectedly sad, too. Yeah, both movies were very sad. And unexpectedly sad. Yeah, like, I would not have thought Wolfman would have me i mean pretty pretty close to shedding tears. Yeah.
But the little girl in Wolfman just made it so much worse. I thought she was great. I thought she by worse, I mean like so much more heart wrenching. Yeah. It's rough. It's a little rough at the end. Yeah, definitely a sad movie. Yeah, Tommy's just taking me to movies to try to get me cry. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Oh, oh.
oh Do you're bleeding a lot? yeah are you like yeah But yeah, we would I would just want to try something different with this episode and tried Doing kind of like a stream kind of give you guys some to look at instead just the poster for the show I don't know how often does it kind of see how you guys react to it? Well, I I mean I had a good time doing this. I think it was a lot of fun, but yeah presence was a
I mean, I think it was just a really good movie, it was unique, it was different, it was original, which you don't get very often. Oh my God. Oh, you guys messed up. Oh my God, Rocky. He looks like the wolf man. He looks worse than the wolf man. Oh my God. But yeah, I'm excited to see, I want to see more like, influencer film people talk about presence. I'd like to see more people like my age talk about that. Rather than. Like 80 year old white girls. The 80 year old critics.
All right, dude. All right. You need to chill out with your fine knees. Just got to told you how to do it. Leave me alone. Let me out. Let me up. Oh, wow. He's out. I'm alive. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I swear. And we're not going to skip this right now because we need we need footage for that. Let me up. Oh, but yeah, presence was I'm going to give it. I'm going to give it 86. I think it was enjoyable enough.
And it was a well-written movie, it was well-made, so I really enjoyed myself. So I'm gonna give it an 85. 86. I would give it an 87. Just gonna go one higher than that. Yeah, I appreciated the movie more than you did. Okay. Sure, you did. I did! Sure. But, um yeah, if you guys have more questions about presents, definitely reach out on Instagram and definitely down and talk more about it. I don't want to give spoilers, though.
because I just don't want to ruin the movie or someone who does want to end up seeing it. And yes, so moving on from presents. Sorry about the second movie. It's not like Christmas presents. No, presents as like, it's there in presents. I tried to explain it to my dad and he was like, Christmas presents. You're like, oh, not like that kind of presents. He's a little confused.
but Yeah, ah moving on to the next film, and that is Wolfman, Leo Wannell's newest film. Lee Wannell? I think it's... Yeah, it's Lee, sorry. I gotta look... But just watch him he worked on the original Saul, he worked on most of the Sauls as a writer. He wrote on ah most of the Insidious films. I mean, he was a big time writer in the horror world for a long time. I mean, Lee worked on... This is his filmography. Saul, Saul 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Jigsaw.
Then he did Insidious one, two, three, four, five. There's ten souls. Yes. He worked on Dead Silence. He worked on The Bye-Bye Man. He worked on Aquaman. That's that's really random. Well, it's because we got it's because the guy who made Saul and in the Insidious movies made Aquaman. That's just so random. Isn't that crazy? The guy who made The Conjuring, Saul, and Insidious is the same person.
Yeah, and then he decides, you know what? Let me go make a movie about a superhero that talks to fish. And make it a billion dollar film. It added a billion? It made a billion dollars. Why? I don't know. I'm in the same thought process as you. I mean, I can't i can't say anything, because some of my money is part of that billion right there. but Yeah. And then um his big call to fame, though, is directing The Invisible Man. Oh, wow. Was 2020 Invisible Man came out? I was 19 when I saw that.
Wow. 2017. No, 2020. Um, I don't know. But Elizabeth Moss, starting that, had a 91% around, tomatoes 7.1 out of 10, 9 to be 3.4 out of 5. Letterboxd, 74 on Google. We had a budget of 7 million and made 145 million. Holy jeez. The movie definitely, the movie did really well. And if you haven't seen it, please go watch it. It's really good. So he's kind of setting up his own version of the monster universe.

Lee Wannell's Monster Universe

Who's the lead actor in that?
Elizabeth Moss, the girl from The Handmaid's Tale. Doggos, stop it! But... I just yelled at him. Oh, nope. I don't think it worked. Don't hit me. I'm trying to get back to Wolfman. But, yeah, with the Wolfman, it did not make you look like Wolfman. It did not get the same reviews as the Invisible Man did. Currently sitting at a 52% Rotten Tomatoes, 5.9 out of 10 on IMDb, and 57 on Fandango.
And I want to see what the audience score gave it um to All right, all right, all right Wow audiences don't seem to like it either giving it a 57 It's not the easiest to watch but like It was good know I know I really like the movie i Are there something wrong with us? They're like, oh, we? Are we crazy? We're in the minority here, I guess. And this movie is only an hour and 43 minutes. And if you heard listen to the podcast, you know me and Ryan, our biggest fear was that the Wolfman was not going to be in it enough and that the Wolfman wasn't because every any look that we got at it from the trailer didn't really look like what the Wolfman should look like, like Harry and everything. Well, it's because they didn't want to show it. Yeah, he was definitely in it. He was in it plenty. Dude.
It's funny one more fucking me. I swear to God But the cast was also just unbelievable in this movie. It's not a large class. It's lame. Mainly three people the entire movie a fourth, but you don't really Do much of them? Yeah, like you see the dad in the very beginning Sam J. Jager and then Bandic Hardy plays Derek you only see for comas Derek yeah He's like just cannon fodder for the movie. Yes, I Yeah. um hello How much screen time did he get, do you think? Four minutes. Dude, still. I'm beating your ass. I can't talk and fight at the same time. I'm most of the time looking at my screen. ah Julia Garner played Charlotte, the wife. She was really good in this movie. she um She was really good. She was cast in the new, ah she's cast as one of the silver servers in the new Fantastic Four movie. When is that supposed to come out? ah Next year. People think that, ow.
People think the trailer's gonna debut at the Super Bowl. Oh my god. That would make the Super Bowl even better. Yeah? I can't wait for Superman. There's no Superman trailer debuting at. Well, and I'm just... and know I know. I was kind of hoping that there would be. ah be That would be nice. And then Christopher Abbott plays... what's Wait, what's the husband husband's name in the movie? um I don't know. Is it Ben?
and Blake Blake and it was a B. Yeah, he plays Blake low level and he was really good in this movie. He was. I mean, they were all really good. That's as we were saying, like all the performances. It wasn't it was all like special effects makeup. It wasn't CGI or anything, right? Yeah, no CGI. It was just practical filmmaking. The makeup was unbelievable. Yeah. I mean, um um I imagine the whole thing where you see it from the see it from his point of view after, you know, like you see like the night vision stuff and like the faces looked a little weird when he went into that. Yeah. I think they were just trying to do something different when you see it because you eventually but as ah with the Lord, the wolf man's vision kind of goes and changes because he now seen night vision pretty much. um and And I give him credit because he just I feel like he just wanted to try something different that we hadn't seen before.
Yeah, but I do get I agree with you that looked a little weird sometimes like especially when he got like it got like More and further. I don't it's hard to speak on this without spoiling Some of it. Well, they know he becomes the wolf man. So like that's not spoil. It's in the trailer Well, like yeah, I just Trying to think of a way to say it The further the movie went along the worse I feel like that vision looked because they tried to like distort it a bit more And towards the last, one of the last times you saw it through his vision and you see their faces, it looked a little weird. Yeah. that will like you Talk about when they're in the barn. Yeah. I agree. Which was a really cool scene, I think. Yeah. Cause it was cool to know that he got that close to them and they just had the no idea oh idea. Like they're what, like maybe three feet away and he's just staring at him. Yeah. Lee, he's right there and they just have no idea.
And there was also some good jump scares in this movie. That like felt like paid off. Like they didn't feel like just cheap. Mm hmm. But I will say watching the movie, I literally just like cover my ears a few times because it's so like there's a lot of body horror in it. And it's very gory at some points and just sounds. I could not take it. I just could not sit there and watch it and listen to it at the same time. It was that graphic.
Yeah, it was definitely graphic sound wise, too. The sounds of what got me, dude.

Gore and Horror in 'Wolfman'

Especially that one scene. You know what I'm talking about. With the nails. Oh, no, with it. No, with all the nails. Chill. All right, let me out. Let me out. Fight me like a man. I can't. All right. Beat his ass. But yeah, no, the scene when he knocks over the lamp is what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, that was rough.
ah They, I mean, they go for it though with the practical filmmaking. Like they, it looks real. That was the first part of the movie where I had to just and couldn't listen to it. It was, was and then the scene when he goes outside and he kind of like fully finishes his transformation. Oh my God. That's another time where I see his chest move as Adam's apple starts moving. You go vomit on the vomit.
Um, but yeah, and then, uh, Matilda, uh, Firth, she plays the daughter. She was fantastic for a child actress. yeah She really was good. I mean, she made you feel like what was at stake. It made you feel sad for the whole situation that they could put into. And I think one of the best aspects of this movie is that he never loses his love for his family, no matter how far he goes into becoming the Wolfman. Like he's there and he wants to take care of his family the whole time.
And it makes it so sad. Yeah, as you guys see in the trailer, there is another wolfman in this movie. It's not just one of them. And he's kind of defending the family from it. And I mean, I loved it. I loved that he loves his family, Lee Till, the last scene in the movie. He loves his family. there's no There's no change in that for him. Yeah. And what I thought was really cool was, um
so wait, all right, no matter how that's the game. What I thought was really cool was like, they still loved him too even seeing what he was yeah what he had become like towards the end of the movie the wife is still holding his hand which I thought was really cool yeah it's not like she's scared of him she's scared of what happened to him if that makes sense yeah she's scared of if he's gonna change fully at one point yeah which is just really cool it's not just like oh big bad man cuz he
Because he's a wolf now. Yeah, like, oh, he's a wolf man. I mean, he has to be bad. Mm-hmm. He never was. Which I would really liked. Yeah. You know, it was a good scene ah going back to the barn, which was just a great... It seems like we both really enjoyed that whole sequence when he gets out of the the bear trap. That was crazy. Dude, and he was moving. Yeah, whoever did the stunt work for that,
You were killing it. It was just a really great. late put together Because it wasn't CGI. You could tell it was a real person crawling, like doing like the on force. Yeah. And I honestly could not. I that was like almost like a little jump scare to me when that bear trap went off. Oh, it it scared the shit out of me. And then he screamed. Yeah. Dude, the sound effects, too, in this movie, like yeah like the sound design, some stupid like how.
Oh yeah it was. man I don't know what that noise was. I i heard that in the woods though. um like so i'm I may be turning my right phone myself if I hear that noise coming closer and closer. Oh and also I said this during like the beginning of the movie when and they first initially encountered Wolfman. So they crash right? Yeah great scene first of all. Yeah great scene.
they got out of the van and they all saw something so like so they're all just literally like instead of being like oh classic stupid horror movie where it's like oh my god what was that let me look all around the forest yeah they were like nah let's get the fuck out of here and just booked it exactly what i would do in that situation but no like a lot of horror movies would just be like oh let me go find where the dead dude is let let me go follow this trail of blood No, see me? I'm getting the fuck out. Yeah, like I'm running away and that's what they do. They're smart. They and I will say both these parents are great parents. Like in most horror movies, there's a bad parent in it. Like they're not great. These parents love their child. Yeah. And like with the wife, there's that kind of that aspect of like, she's not as close with the child, but that they make sure to show that doesn't mean she's a bad mother. Yeah. She's still a good mother. She still loves her daughter. She just works a lot. she Just works a lot. So then it kind of takes her away.
Yeah. and Which everyone has that with. A lot of people experience that with their kids. Yeah. Dude, chill out! Yo, I just beat your ass right there. Um, Julia Garner, though, just, I mean, I i loved her performance. I love i mean, i love I love this movie. I genuinely am shocked that it's not getting good reviews. Yeah, I'm surprised it's getting the kind of reviews it's getting. It's kind of upsetting. I really like this movie. Yeah, and i i the worst is when you like a movie so much.
And you just want everyone else to like it like you did. and Yeah. They're not so far. And I think I'm really excited. I hope, I really, really hope that he gets to continue doing this universe a little bit more. I would love to see him do a vampire now because now he's kind of a dumb wolf man. and Invisible man. So he's got the creature from the black lagoon. Still he's got Frankenstein. Mummy. The mummy. He's got, but I think like a realistic take on vampires like this would be so cool. I think the,
with seeing the way the gore was like in this movie and just like all the body horror in it like I feel like he could do some really cool things with the mummy film yeah because they're gonna start falling apart and all that sorry for everyone who just got that weird noise it was me on the opening up my protein chick um but yeah no I agree I feel like and there we haven't gotten like a really scary take on the money because like the Brendan Fraser Mummies movies they're not trying to scare you They're like fun movies. You know a good take on a vampire movie that was actually really scary? What's that? Nicholas Cage, Dracula. Shut up. I hate that movie. I think you can't see Nick Cage as a scary Dracula, dude. Like, and I was kind of hoping they would let him just watch it. You just took me to the ground? Yay. Yeah, now get up. I wanted to take down. What were you gonna say?
Um, oh, what was it? I had a vampire move that's actually scary that I- Oh. Interview with a vampire. That's a go- Oh! Oh! I just body slammed you. Come here! Yo, stop! Hey!
who hey Anyways, what were you saying? um Interview with a vampire is a good vampire take, but again, very... I still don't know what you're saying, because I'm kind of beating your ass right now. Dude, my ass, I can't even focus on the movie. But yeah, I would love to just see him do more takes on vampire, on all these universe, all these like famous universe creatures. Yeah, I feel like the vampires could be also really scary.
Let me go! Yo, what's up? What's up? What's up? Get up. Come on. Ow! Chill! Did you get up? No. Stay away. Do you want me to just drop an elbow on you? Yeah, do it, bitch. That's a knee.
who Yeah, but... He, I think he did a great job. I think the reviews are kind of crazy for this. That people are hating on this movie so much. Yeah. It's kind of messed up. There's some great films of people are hating on it. They're hating just to hate. Or they just like couldn't stand the gore in it. Yeah. I, I, oh yeah. Like I don't get it. I just don't get how this movie is getting like a fifth, like a 50 like there's bad just movies I've seen get fifties. Yeah. It's just the disrespect is crazy.
I think that he they're just being mean to my boy right now. Okay. that Does that hurt your body? or Yeah, it hurts. It hurts just a little bit. Alright, why are we kissing now? Oh my god. Get up.
oh i My body slams are a little fun to do.
Dude, I don't know how to counter this. Oh oh my god. Saved by the bell. But yeah, I really enjoyed myself. I gave it an 85. I mean, I enjoyed this movie. I thought it was really well done. 85? Yeah, I mean, I loved this movie. I thought it was really good. I thought the writing was great. I But I thought it was really good. I mean, I don't know what else people were looking for. like in the Wolfman movie. I mean, this was, a I think, the perfect Wolfman movie you were going to get. Yeah. And like in my eyes, it had a great plot. um The way they foreshadowed that with that one line that the father said, yeah, parents, um parents try so hard to protect their kids, but sometimes they end up being the thing that scars them. Oh, my God, my my my two arms behind my back. I can't defend myself right now.
Yeah, i'm so I don't know how you didn't get knocked out. You felt like you got knocked out. You look like Nate Robbins in there. Stop with this, dude. Let me slam you one more time. Stop being my ass. Yeah, I'm kind of fucking you up right now. but So yeah, great plot. Great cast, I thought. Yeah, I i thought the the production was great. I definitely had a few jump scares. The production was great.
um Yeah, like what more do people want? Like I would want to be scared. I got scared. What? I want the woman to look cool. I thought the woman looked cool. The thought that performances were really good. I don't know how to stop my that I don't know how to stop that. You have to have a few broken ribs at this point. More than a broken rib. I've fucking broken everything. Broken spirit. You keep getting tossed around.
No, no, no! Come on! Dude, how are you still alive? I'm beating your ass! What happened? What happened? Oh no, what happened? Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
Oh! me
Dude, oh not that mine if your knee landed first, I think I was done. Oh, it was there. You got some air time. And then, my of course, my feet are off the ground. I'm just going to free fall.
sound for
But you got busted. Yeah, that's everything I have for the Wolfman.

Why Poor Reception for 'Wolfman'?

I don't really have any other. I think that was a good view. I feel like we got across all the points I want to talk about. 52 on Rotten Tomatoes. I just don't agree. But yeah, I think... I think people should really go see this movie. It had a $25 million budget and it... I mean, there was no... The decision for some of the face visual distortion was a little weird. But anything that had to do with the Wolfman side of it was great. And I think people need to go see this movie.
People had a... I think some people just got thrown off. We're just like, eh, if it's not Game Grumps, I'm not gonna go see this movie. Which I feel like is just unfortunate, because I thought it was really good. And so do you, because I mean, it wasn't just me. Yeah, like, I don't... Well, I never look at reviews and decide, you know what, I'm not watching that movie. Like, I don't trust other people's opinions all the time.
like no offense to you and your podcast here but if I were to if I were to sit here and listen to you like be like Star Wars is horrible that's not gonna make me go stop watch and yeah stop watching Star Wars yeah like it's just I think it's kind of stupid to kind of just just give up on something yeah just cuz someone says something but yeah um Connor before we leave first thank you for coming on doing this woman Yeah, I had to beat your ass one time real quick. Okay. All I'm saying is I beat you more than you beat me. Well, I only came here just so I could beat your ass. That's all. I'm kidding. Thank you for having me.

Theater Experiences for Horror Films

Of course. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for seeing these movies with me, especially because we saw presence at late 955 p.m. I feel like going to the theater is a lot better when it's late at night. I love going to the theater all the time. Like there's never a time.
but God, I want to catch you with one of these. Especially after you watch a horror movie and you walk out and the theater's like completely empty. That's that's great. That's the worst. It's so scary. Thank God presence wasn't like an actually like horror, traditional horror movie. Yeah. Like it was more of a drama than it was. Now, if we, so if we saw, lab oh my God, if we saw Wolfman at like midnight, it would have been different right home.
Uh, yeah, the ride home was just freezing. Um, but before we get going, Connor, what would be a movie that you would recommend to everyone to go to go watch? Just any movie? Yeah, like recommend something like... Out in theaters or just like... No, like a movie that you like, that you think more people should go see. Hmm. Well, when episode three comes out in theaters in March, go see that for sure of Star Wars. Um, not Megaopolis.
like Say that much, but, um. You put me on the spot here. I don't fucking know. so We do this every episode. I didn't know this shit. Connor Ryan forgets every episode. It makes you feel better. Okay. And he's done 160 of these. Um, what's the one movie I actually, I've been seeing a lot of on YouTube that I watched before that I, when I look back at it, I kind of really enjoyed. It's that, um, damn Adam Sandler movie.
with, um... I forget what it's called, but it's with the... when he's the recruiter for the 76ers. Oh, Hustle? Yeah. I had to start over, and I'm out. Oh my god! She's done! Rocky Balboa does it again! But yeah, I mean, just to throw one out there, because I can't really think of one right now. I think it's a good one. That's a good choice. I forgot about Hustle. I really like that movie. Yeah. I've been seeing clips of it on YouTube recently, and...
I watched it before, obviously. You quoted it the other day. Did I? Yeah, you said, um hard work beats talent every time. Oh, yeah. That's a good choice. I'm going to, you know, I'll stay with you. all I'll recommend Adam Sandler. I'm going to say Uncut Gems, his movie that most people believe he should have been nominated for the Oscar. He was not. That was ridiculous. That was his best chance. and It's crazy, because some people forget Adam Sandler can, like, he can act. Like, it's not all comedy.
Do I just got me wrong? He's comedy movies for now. Yeah, they' great time. Love them. But yeah, um thank you guys so much for checking in and tuning into the first episode of season nine of the popcorn podcast. I'm Tommy.

Social Media Engagement

That's Connor. Now Ryan this time. And um I will see you guys in our next episode, which I still have no idea what we're going to talk about in the next episode. But because it's not a the movie January and February are very ah boring months for film. um Why? It's most people put out bad movies at that point.
because there's not a lot of great things coming out yet. But yeah, thank you guys so much for tuning in. Continue to follow us on Twitch now, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, all the social medias. the My Instagram is talking underscore Crest, so the show is the underscore popcorn, underscore podcast. And yeah, thank you guys so much for the continued support of the show. Thank you again to Connor for coming to join us. And we will see you guys in the next episode.