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EP 26: How to Raise Your Prices with Confidence and Attract Clients Who Are Ready to Pay w/ Kat Cynewski image

EP 26: How to Raise Your Prices with Confidence and Attract Clients Who Are Ready to Pay w/ Kat Cynewski

S1 E26 · The Modern-Day Healer
19 Plays10 days ago

Are you a spiritual entrepreneur feeling stuck in the time-for-money trap?

You left the 9-to-5 to build a soul-led business, but instead of freedom, you’ve created another grind.

In this episode, business coach and wellness entrepreneur Kat Cynewski shares how she scaled her energy-aligned business using high-ticket coaching strategies while staying rooted in spiritual wealth and abundance mindset.

We dive deep into:

✨ The shift from selling sessions to selling true transformation
✨ Nervous system regulation for entrepreneurs to create sustainable success
✨ How to balance sacred sales with integrity and aligned pricing
✨ Why charging your worth is a myth—and what to do instead
✨ The keys to scaling a spiritual business without burnout

💡 If you're ready to embody feminine leadership, attract aligned clients, and grow your business in a way that feels expansive, this episode is for you.

🎧 Tune in now and learn how to step into authentic business growth that supports both your mission and your financial freedom.


Dana & the Modern Day Healer Team

Connect with Kat:

📲 Instagram: @katcynewski

💰 The Chill Profit Plan

The Wealthy & Well Business Blueprint

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Introduction to Modern Day Healer Podcast

Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer Podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.

Defining Modern Day Healers

We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives today.
So what exactly is a modern day healer, you might ask? A modern day healer is you. She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal and heal. grow and share their light.
You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world.
That is a modern day healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power.
I am Dana and I am a modern day

Guest Introduction: Kat Sanuski

healer. i am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to another episode of the Modern Day Healer. I'm Dana Hayes, your host. And joining me today is the incredible Kat Sanuski, a business coach for soul-led female entrepreneurs, 700-hour trained yoga instructor.
and the founder of Be Well Events. She's also the host of the Wealthy and Well podcast, where she helps women step into their hot, healthy and wealthy. I love that. Hot, healthy and wealthy era, scaling their businesses in a way that's both financially abundant and energetically sustainable.

From Corporate to Wellness Entrepreneurship

Kat's journey from corporate sales to running a thriving wellness business is a masterclass in claiming your worth. She knows firsthand how shifting from trading time for money to charging based on the true transformation you provide can change literally everything, not just your income, but your confidence, your impact, and you're all your overall freedom of life.
So if you've ever struggled with pricing, felt weird about charging more, or worried that raising your rates will scare people off, this episode is totally for you. Let's get into it. Kat, welcome to the show.
Thank you for being here. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited for this conversation. me too. OK, so what's really funny is there is a historically a pattern of um interviewees coming onto the show and having the same story. It's this corporate America, like painful experience with a nine to five. And then they realize, like, no, this is not for me. This is not me. um And they get into this, like, I'm going to start a freaking business.
Right. And then all of a sudden this weird thing happens where this big idea of limitlessness and abundance in time and money becomes a kind of a distant thing of the past again, because they create for themselves their own nine to five.
And so would love, but love, love, love to hear your story, how you, How you like quickly, just how did you get into this, what you're doing right now?
And how did you get out of building yourself a new nine to five,

Starting a Wellness Festival

right? And becoming a manager of your business and and all the things that come with like just being in that time for money trap.
I would love to hear your story and and where you're, where you are now and how you got there. Oh, of course. I don't know how quick. No, it's just kidding. Yeah. But i love what you said about you attract a lot of people with the same story, like hello, alignment and attracting your people. But yes, that is definitely my story. i was climbing the corporate ladder, numbing in all the ways in my career, in my relationships, in my lifestyle, with substances, everything. And I just, I always come back to fulfillment. And what drove me to leave and take the risk with like no real,
evidence that I could make it work or that I wouldn't totally crash and burn and be a broke, you know, late 20s year old. I think I was like 27 when i quit my corporate job.
But it was that desire a really live in my purpose and feel fulfilled. It wasn't how much money can I make?
It wasn't, I want to be a millionaire. And no problem if that's your driving force behind what you're building. Of course, like my mission is wealthy and well, so I want you to be wealthy and money drives so much of our lives and our communities and everything else. But if you're in this place, you've probably felt at this desire to really, truly feel freaking good.
Feel supported, feel nourished, just love your life. Feel like you're doing your soul's work and you love your day to day. So same, same for me. i was waking up. I was going to my corporate sales job. I was a sales manager for, I'm in Portland, Maine. I was a sales manager for all of New England. So I was driving all over the place and in this state of like, this is a good job. I actually liked my job.
I liked working in sales, meeting people, being on the go, having autonomy of my schedule for the most part. But there was something deeper inside of me that was like, this isn't, this isn't it.
It's like that tap on the shoulder of you're being called higher into a deeper purpose. There's a bigger mission for you. And I was a yoga teacher at this point, but I was working so much. I wasn't teaching

Transition to High-Ticket Coaching

much. And i just...
followed the pings of alignment. So I often say follow, like following what lights you up. And you mentioned something about creating, like getting stuck in this kind of pattern of, you know, you're working and you're maybe not seeing results and all those things. And so much of this to me feels like it comes back to alignment. And if we're truly following what we deeply desire, not only what we desire, but what our tap on the shoulder mission in this world is.
And so i followed those pings. I went to India and got my 500 hour yoga teacher training. I did like a million other yoga teacher training. My yoga teachers, you probably know this, we're like and certification. Um, just like, what can i what certification can I get next?
Um, So yeah, I did all the certifications, was teaching, was at this place where I had quit corporate, started my events company. I threw a wellness festival within like six months.
I quit my job in July and put on a 300-person wellness festival in January. So I had about you know six months that i pulled all this together and I was the epitome of running around like I had created this new nine to five ask job like i I had become the world's best employee that was severely underpaid.
It's like running around going to coffee meetings, teaching Like 10 plus yoga classes a week. I was teaching my own events, pop-up events. I was partnering with community members. I was partnering with other yoga instructors. I was partnering with like every wellness business in the Portland, Maine area. I was putting on this massive festival and pretty much doing everything myself. Like I didn't have a team. I was just like...
I was in it. And then I got to this point where, you know, I had built this great community. I had built my Instagram. I had figured some, you know, figured some things out as I was growing. And I started having people reach out to me and like, oh my God, this is so incredible. This movement that you've built, kill like, I want to learn to do this. Can I start Well events and Michigan where I live? And can i you know, can you teach me how to do this?
So that's where coaching started. was born and my first experience of charging truly more high ticket prices and offering a deeper transformation And that to me felt like this is so good for the first time I'm having, you know, when you're teaching a yoga class, when you're teaching an event, it's, you know, you get those messages of like, this was amazing. so But in in high ticket, deeper transformative work, you can go so much deeper where you're really getting those like, holy shit, you changed.
Sorry for the language. I don't know if that's allowed here. Yeah. Like you changed my life. This is insane. I never thought I could be this good. Like those type of messages where you're going deep. And then, you know, that was five years ago. And of course it's just grown and evolved since then into where I am now, where I'm doing business coaching, where, you know, it's like that title business coaching, but I really feel like it's just a holistic transformative coaching, uh, transformation coaching um,
Yeah, that's that's my that's my story. That was perfect. was so concise. And, you know, OK, so I have to know where how did you start charging

Charging for Transformation

like that? How did you know, first of all, to do that? Because I think where a lot of people get stuck is maybe in that frame of mind where it's like, I just have to keep selling sessions. I have to keep doing this like a therapist. Mm to keep selling my time for money because of what?
Like what makes you, what made it different for you and how were you able to move into that whole charging value? And also I want to make a quick differentiator here. i want to be, I want to be clear that we're not talking about charging for your worth.
Like that's a Completely different theory and philosophy and I don't subscribe to it. and Yeah, because I ah genuinely think that we are worth infinite amounts and could never charge for that. So if you're listening and you thought that to yourself, that's not correct. Throw that out the window.
Throw that out the window, right? So yeah, like what was your experience with this? Yeah, such a good question. And I, about the charging your worth, I love to say we don't charge our worth. We charge the value to our ideal buyer.
So the person that values the transformation that you're selling at the highest degree, what is that transformation valued to them? And so that kind of releases this pressure of like, I have to charge my worth.
What is my worth? You know, Um, how can I add all this up and what are all my certifications and everything? But yeah, good question about how I got into that world. So I am a little bit of a crazy person and I did not know coaching existed.
Like I had never heard of coaching. You know, I love Gabby Bernstein. I don't know. Does she coach? I don't even know. But you know, I, I followed some of these people that probably had coaching, but I didn't know coaching was a thing. And I, you know, any of are human design astrology type lovers.
I am a two, four manifesting generator, which is like the, you know, the, the baby genius, the Herman. And anyway, so part of that is you grow through your, your network and your personal connections and Um, I had someone that I had known one randomly and she reached out and she's like, Hey, this badass business coach that just moved back from Bali, um, is, is running this event for women in business. And I feel like you'd just love her energy. And she gave me some, uh, some free tickets and I'd ah'd be happy to give you and your friend, like if you want to bring some friends, some free tickets. And I was like, Oh, cool.
You know, sure. And mind you, i was in this space. Thinking of the wellness world, you know, I know we both have wellness backgrounds where in the wellness world, there's this idea around money and wealth and it's very taboo. It's like, don't talk about money. Don't charge too much. Make it accessible. You got to help everyone.
Like if you want to make an impact, you have to just sacrifice and not charge anybody any money. It's like, what? That makes literally no sense. You can't help anyone if you're pouring from a negative cup.
Like, Nothing. There's no overflow there to help people and give back. So anyways, I was in this sort of mentality where it was like, I'm bootstrapping. I'm not spending any money. I'm doing everything myself.
I'm just in like how non like feminine business and ease and flow is that it's like, I'm going to do everything. I got this. I'm going to do absolutely everything thinking I'm free from my corporate job. Now I do everything myself and I get zero help.
And so I'm like, nope, investing. Nope. I did like some free business mentorship through this um organization called SCORE. I don't know if you know about it, but Did you do it too? Yeah. And it was like this, you know, old retired accountant or something that like business coaching me. And I'm like,

Influence of Business Coaching

okay, let's go, know, and like, just do more. Like, that's basically what he was telling me. Like, yeah, you want to make more money in your events?
You need to either, which actually this advice isn't terrible. You need to either do a lot more events, like do them all the time, or you need to charge a lot more, which is kind of true, right? We can either charge more or we can do more.
Plays perfectly into our conversation. Anyways, I'm going on a tangent here. so So I was coming from this mentality of you do everything yourself. You bootstrap. you don't um You don't talk about money. You don't spend big money.
You don't, you know, all of these things. And I go to this business conference. This business one day event was, I want to say, $400 or $500. I was like, what? Who would pay that? That's crazy. I would never.
would never pay $500 for an event. dollars for an event Here i am doing the Lord's work for $20 an event. You know, I'm changing lives over here for $40.
And I'm like, what? $500? Are you kidding me? Who's going to pay that? And so I'm like, whatever, free tickets. Perfect. so I'm like, I'm going to go. And so we're doing all these exercises. I'm having these breakthroughs. I love it.
Um, she, the coach comes, had to leave early for some reason, but I had this, we have this guided visualization thing and I'm looking at my life and my goals and I'm saying, okay, in five years, where do I want to be? I was 30 years old at this point.
And It was like, okay, by 35, I want to have grown my business to a national level. I want to have this amazing network of women in wellness, leading transformation in the world, changing people's lives.
I want to feel free. I want to you know be speaking on stages. I want to be impacting women on a large scale, all of these things. And have this pretty memorized because wrote it down and I actually found this recently. Story for another day.
And At this event, she came over and she's like, what do you think? I'm like, yeah, maybe I could do like a Be Well certification. I could teach people events. I don't know. I have all these ideas. And she had something with sales, like a sales training. And um the juices are flowing. I'm getting amped up and excited.
And then she messages me afterwards like, hey, you missed the invitation to my mastermind. Um, I'm giving, you know, whatever, couple thousand off. And this is a $15,000 mastermind.
Mind you, I never heard of coaching. I thought spending $500 was absolutely insane. Anyways, I ended up joining the mastermind. So that's how I knew to create a package and sorry, long-winded answer to your question, but I never tried to do coaching on my own.
Right out of the gate, I had, i think this coach, she you know she's a multi seven figure mentor now. um But I think this coach at the time was like a multi you know multisi figure mentor.
And i had the guidance. She had been in it for a few years. like I had that guidance of, I never did one-off sessions. I went right out of the gate with a three month, $3,000 package. one-on-one, like boom.
And right out of the gate, she's like, awesome. You filled that. I blew my mind. I think I made $12,000. Like I had a $12,000 launch within ah couple of weeks. I did like the scrappy pulled together launch process. And I was like, whoa, that's like my whole yearly salary as a yoga teacher. Like what just happened?
Um, And and then she was like right from there, like, yeah, you get this down and then you expand to a group program. And it's like right out of the gate. I had that strategic guidance.
So that's how. OK, I love everything you just said. And i I want to go back to the beginning a little bit of when you're finding out that there's like, OK, this is high ticket coaching is what it's called. Right.

Balancing Money and Spirituality

And um being in that place, though, right before that, where you are literally trading all of your time for money, yeah it's withering away. And then you get into this world where you can actually like make your full year salary in a month, which I do for myself as well. Right. Like what I used to get paid for as an admin for a wealth management firm, I literally get paid month per month.
like That's what I get paid. And, um, okay. So I kind of want to, I want to go backwards a little bit because my experience was similar, but I ended up, I ended up, and there's a reason I want to talk about this. I ended up going backwards from that point. So I went into high ticket coaching.
i understood what the assignment was. i was like, okay. And I sold ah three month coaching. ah i think I sold two or three right off the bat, uh, three much three month coaching containers for, I think they were like 2000 each.
And I was like, my mind was blown. But then what happened is this insidious little thing called the ego. Right. And she came in to tell me that, um, money wasn't spiritual number one.
And that was what I was teaching was spirituality and healing. And, um, and I really, really, cared about my integrity and I still do of course so I was very confused for a long time I think I did a lot a lot of inner work around this and looking at the truth of the fact that everything is spiritual and to leave money out of that makes zero sense because spirituality is a spectrum and so That was I went so I went backwards and I swung the complete opposite way. I was like, OK, I'm going to bring this down to like forty dollars a session so everyone can access it.
And then I'm going to create. And I mean, I went all the way with this. I got the legal documents written up for this. I was like, I'm going to create something where nobody you don't have to pay.
And I'm going to help you. And if you make money, I will take a percentage of that, which is cool in some ways, but these people were not qualified for that. Not all of them anyway.
Yeah. And um I didn't know what I was doing. What I was really doing was distracting myself from doing what I really wanted to do, which was escape from the time for money trap, liberate my time and liberate my finances, thus liberating the rest of my entire life.
So let's go back to that idea that money is taboo and it's not something that we should be so focused on or asking for. How do you feel about that? And like, how do you go about that? And what was your experience with that journey?
Yeah, it's complete bullshit. that's That's how I feel about it. And it's a hard pattern to break because we're wired for so long to not, I mean, most of us grow up where either you don't talk about money, there's negative talk about money, you know money doesn't grow on trees, money's hard to come by, all of these money stories.
and imprints into our body, our subconscious, our nervous system that are that our subconscious. Like most of us don't even realize how we're blocking ourselves from making money, from impacting more people, but money in itself is a tool to expand who you are to the core. So what better, like for women like us, women that have good hearts, that want to help, that want to serve, that are empathetic, that want to give back, that really actually care about helping people.
To magnetize that, to give that more power, so to speak, to be able to let that ripple out into the world, into communities, I don't see anything wrong with

Empowering Leaders with Money

that. In fact, I only think that we need more and more and more women who are doing transformational work, whether that's healing work, um wellness, helping people feel better, you know, all all of these things that I always think of my work as i don't just help one fitness coach make more money.
I help a fitness coach transform hundreds of lives and then thousands and rippling out that impact. I help a fitness coach feel good in the process, love their life, reach their potential, live in their purpose, live in our alignment. There is so much deeper than that than just like, oh, money is good or bad. It's like, no, money is an amplifier.
And when good people make more money, it amplifies more good into the world, which is absolutely what we need. And on top of that, women, like women leading with softness, with ease, with creativity, with joy, enjoying the process that ripples out into the world that it's safe.
to feel good. It's safe to enjoy your life, to enjoy your work. It's safe to not hustle and grind and feel like you have to sacrifice to make money.
yeah There's probably a lot of other thoughts that I could share, but that's the basis. On and on and on. Yeah, right? But yes, yes, yes, yes. Because we are literally building economies through this. And historical women, women give to the righteous causes.
Sorry, but it's And so question, question for the listeners. Well, question for you, for the listeners. How do we make it easy? How do we, and I have my own answer that I might It's not the same, but how do we make it easy to make that kind of money and thus make that kind of an impact? And you know how do we how do we do that?
So making it easy, and this is something who has been triggered by a coach that says, it gets to be easy. Just let it be easy. We get to make money so easily. Like, I can't tell you how many times I've been in a place where I'm like, it doesn't freaking feel easy right now.
It feels really hard. I'm not seeing the momentum that I want. I'm not making the money that I want. I'm doing all the things. I'm working hard. I'm doing, doing, doing. What else? What other offers can I add on? what Maybe I need to launch non and launch and launch and launch and post and post and post and post.
We make it hard in our mind. it makes it's It's so draining and we spend so much energy with the mind drama, with the back and forth of, should I do it this way? Should I do it that way? You know, like being hard on ourselves, that wasn't good enough. I'm a failure. Like when we just look at our own self-talk, that is one main way to rewrite this narrative and these patterns that we're in the middle of is looking at how we're speaking to

Mindset and Positive Self-Talk

ourselves. And this is so sneaky.
This is like, you know, you go to launch something and you don't have people sign up right away. what What do you start telling yourself? do you start saying, I'm so excited. i don't care if there's one person, this is gonna be so amazing. And you like genuinely feel that like you genuinely want to teach the content that you're teaching and you're excited by it and you're excited. It doesn't matter if there's one person or a thousand people there.
And do you actually believe that and tell yourself like, you're, you know, you're so brave for putting this out there. You're, You know, you're such a great action taker. You know, you're you have such a unique um way of thinking and teaching and leading.
Or are you like you suck? Susie Q's program is a million times better. That's why everyone's in her program and she's not signing up for your program. You know, like this is legitimately what we do to ourselves.
And if we sat down with a good friend who's like, think of your biz bestie. If you sat down with her or like think of your coach, if your business coach was like, well, yeah, no wonder nobody signed up. Your message sucks. Like that's not a program. I would never join that program. Like i don't want to learn that. Who wants to learn that? Why would you even create that? You know, like.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Like that sucks our energy, our life force. It drains our battery. It puts us in, you know, fight or flight and it feels hard.
And that's that's why it feels hard is because we're beating ourselves up. instead of giving ourselves that Instead of giving ourselves the support of nourishing ourselves, of taking a walk outside, of sitting in front of your red light, of hopping in the sauna, of moving your body, you know whatever, of stretching, of nourishing yourself, and creating from a place that feels, back to that alignment piece, that feels really good. Creating offers that you're in love with. like That's how it gets to be easy. You genuinely love the work that you're doing.
And, you know, you're when you learn strategy, because i'll obviously strategy a big part of this. But when you learn strategy, you're actually able to utilize it and not have your energy like suck the life force out of it.
Yeah. Yeah. You're able to actually execute and to sustain and also elevate the rest of your life while you do it and have more to teach after. Yeah, exactly. I love that. And, um, okay. So talking about making it hard on yourself, I really, i think this is totally aligned.
I come from a place of believing that you have to have that shift in experience of life so that you're able to believe in what you're saying to the hundredth degree, because honestly, if you don't, you're not going to show up.
You're not going to show up because you're not going to feel authentic and you're going to feel like other people are judging you, blah, blah, blah. And there might be a part of you that actually does still have a little bit of work to do. And I think there's too many business coaches out there literally skimming over that and saying, yeah, no shame, no shame, just go out there and do it.
And want to back that up just a little bit and say, yes, take aligned action. 100% you have to, but also realize there's a truth to this resistance sometimes. And if it feels like you're not ready, there could be, and I know that what you do cat is more of the nervous system stuff, right? The regulation and feeling really good in your body.
And for me, it's just a different language, but same stuff. It's just always connecting to your higher self and remembering to trust and rely on that instead of that finite, small part of yourself, that ego, it just does not work because when you have that belief in yourself and you have that true experience with.
nervous system regulation or with spiritual abundance, whatever, however this comes to the person is going to be a personal thing, but, and they're going to say it in their own way. But until you've had that experience, it's like, when you do have that, you are going to be able to come out there and serve and serve and serve and serve. Because like you said, you can't pour from an empty cup. You've got to fill yourself up and you've, but that's the experience piece. That's the That's the belief piece that only comes through experience with change and really growing as an individual.

Aligning Values and Strategies

And I think that it gets so easy when you have that change and then you realize that the other people who want that same change are on a completely different level than the people who are not willing to pay you.
Right. Yeah. And honestly, here's one other little side note to make it easier on yourself and to like, let yourself off the hook for not being able to help everyone or Tell yourself that you actually can.
and here's how. And it's strategy, right? It's knowing that your free content is meant for those people to indoctrinate them, to help the ones that aren't ready yet because their belief is not there yet. It's not empowered enough to make those decisions and to take those actions that are so courageous, the ones that are necessary to get to the levels that we all desire, right? Right.
um So make it easy on yourself by letting go of the need to help everyone, but also know that you can, because that's what your free content is for, is to be so valuable for those people who aren't ready.
And then you can charge for the value that is perceived by the person that is ready and aligned with your offer. And that's the easiest way to do this. And it keeps you and your energy so high and so excited to offer these things and to give, right? And to teach, right?
And it also makes you feel like, holy crap, like the stuff that I'm creating is for everyone and it's free. And that's crazy because it is so unbelievably valuable. Absolutely. And more of the tangible side, like a lot of that was more of the energetic side. But for actual strategic shifts, we don't want to sell to people that we have to convince that our work is valuable.
You want to sell to the people that know the work is valuable. They're excited to pay. your prices, your premium prices. And they're just looking for the right leader, the right coach, the right person to get them there, to get them that transformation. They desire it. I brought this up actually on a call that I had.
Just before this is a reminder that people don't buy when they're convinced. They buy because they want to. They desire it. And so when we're trying to sell to somebody who doesn't want what we're selling, know, it's like...
trying to convince like someone who's never stepped in the gym to do you know a ah premium package or whatever instead of the person that loves to work out they just move to the city and they're looking for their home gym that is like their vibe that they can't wait to go and spend and meet the community and connect and grow and get more fit and like feel their best there's a big difference there when we're selling to the person who's like would rather sit on the couch and has never stepped a foot in the gym like a premium package versus someone who lives and breathes it. They love it. It's, it's like home to them. And they're just looking for the right space to be in.
Yes. Oh my God. Yes, exactly. um so I'm thinking about more strategy here and I'm thinking about the fact that if, if somebody, if a listener sits down and goes, who right now am i trying to call in, right? Who is this person? Where are they in their lives?
And, how can i or what kind of person would be the easiest person to work with, right? Who would be the easiest shoe in, right? Not necessarily some like low hanging fruit. I don't mean that yeah because I'm, that's the opposite of what I'm saying.
Not somebody who's low hanging fruit, who needs it talking about somebody that's the easiest version of the person you're calling in. What do they do for work? Where are they in their lives? What are their beliefs?
And ultimately, Who do you have to become in order to be a perfect match as a coach for that person, right? Or healer or a mentor or whatever you want to say, because I think what holds most people back is their lack of belief in themselves because they feel that, yes, that does make sense, but is it attainable for them?
Are they ever going to be able to work with somebody like that and how, and this is like, this is what we're talking about, right? Going back to the nervous system regulation, the wellness, the,
that side of things, the spirituality, the abundance, the really getting to know your inner self. Again, I think we have to start there and we have to figure that out, not by ourselves, of course, and this is going to lead me into the next yeah part of this.
um We have to figure that out in order to get to that place where it is easy, ah because that person that we work with is so easy and literally nothing you say to that person could ever be wrong.
And alternatively to the other type the low-hanging fruit nothing you could ever say is going to be right so yeah when it comes to getting help and it's not about figuring it out on your own you want to be a solopreneur good luck like four per i think it's four percent of all income made in america is like is made by solopreneurs that's that's a very very hard path to follow and in my opinion and in my experience it's impossible And so I think this is my experience and my opinion, but you've got to be ready to ask for help.
And the first hire, right, is a mentor, number one. And then it's like the understanding and like, let me know if i think you would agree with this, Kat, but it's the understanding that it's not about waiting for yourself to make money in order to invest in the next person or in the the mentor itself, right?
It's about knowing that once you get that guidance and then you develop that personal belief in yourself, that's when the money will be made.

Investing in Mentors

And then that belief is going to breed itself in different ways and it's gonna permeate out and you're gonna have so much belief that you're gonna go, oh, I should hire another person for this and take that time off of my plate. And then I should probably get this off my plate. I literally just now today hired my nanny to take over our laundry.
And it was like the most liberating thing. But I have an assistant. I have that. I have a house cleaner. I have lots of people. I'm i'm hiring a copywriter and, ah you know, there's lots of things going on.
But my point is, is we won't take those courageous steps that are necessary in order to get to that place of freedom in our time, which equates.
weights to the freedom in money, right? That we want to be if we don't first believe in ourselves. And so I urge anybody that's listening, if you are listening and you're in this place, invest in yourself first and know that the money follows that.
Truly, truly. And invest in a mentor first. Would you agree, Kat? Yeah. it It just makes me, as you're talking about it and what I was saying before with like the resistance, you're not selling someone It's a lot harder to sell someone who doesn't believe in working out, has never been in the gym, has is not interested whatsoever. Like, you should come to the gym. This is why you should come to my gym. This is why you should work out. It's like, they probably know that. They just, they don't agree. They don't agree and that's fine. Let them not agree. They're not your they're not your ideal you know buyer, but someone who loves working out and they're just looking for a new place to do it or a better place to do it to get the results that they want.
Look at how like I teach premium messaging, my premium messaging method, which is how you're speaking to the desires of the person that you actually want to sell to. And your messaging is going to look a lot different if you're trying to convince the couch potato to join your gym and why you should work out and how it's going to help. Or if you're trying to speak to the like the person that loves fitness to come to your gym of like this is our community. This is what we stand for. These are our values. This is what we believe. This is our methodology. This is how we do things different.
You know, those are two very different types of messaging if we're talking just like messaging, but also that resistance piece. Like I think back to when I joined my first coaching, like I was actually not an ideal buyer when I first joined that first 15,000 mastermind. She's like, that coach, Kate, she had to work pretty hard to get me in there because I had a lot of doubts. I didn't know coaching was a thing. Like I thought it was crazy to spend $500 at a business event, like to spend $15,000 into a year long coaching container. I'm like, what are you going to do for me?
ah What are the results? Like I, I, you know, I was a very difficult person, but then, you know, after I was in coaching for several years now, I'm like, Ooh, yeah.
Who's going to be my next coach to expand me and get me further. And, and like, I'm making decisions from where I'm going. You know, I am growing a multimillion dollar business and brand. Who's going to help me get there. Who's the next person, not where I'm at right now.
It's like, who's going to help get me there. Who's going to help expand me into that level that I can grow into? Not who's going to meet me exactly where I am at this income level, you know, and be like really easy, but like, who's going expand me?
And part of that growth and and normalizing accepting higher money and normalizing, making more money and all those things is your environment.

Role of Environment in Success

Like, you know I know that, you know, you've been through a sobriety journey. Like I remember when I quit drinking, one of the hardest things was your environment, who you're around, what people are used to seeing you do and feeling like, oh my God, I'm such a weirdo. Am I going to have any friends? Am I going to ever have fun again? Like,
It's like, what's my life now? You know, your environment matters. And growing up, I was always around people who drank a lot. And so that was normal to me. That was normal in my environment. So to break that pattern was very difficult.
And it had to take a lot of surrounding myself with a new type of person that doesn't think drinking your face off is normal, you know, like, and you had to create those new patterns of like, now it's not normal. And when I go out to dinner and getting a drink is not normal because I don't, it's not something I do. And my identity has shifted and it has changed.
Upgraded to someone who doesn't drink and doesn't think it's normal. and And, you know, that is the same thing with growing your business, accepting higher levels of money. If you're talking to all your friends who are in corporate and making, you know, the bare minimum and barely getting by and complaining about how everything's expensive and complaining about how they can't afford to live and all the prices and all this stuff, that's going to be normal to you. And you're going to stay in that suffering situation.
mentality. But if you get her in environments in, you know, masterminds and communities where people are like, how good can I get? Where are we going? I just had an 80 K month.
ah You know, I'm, I'm going make a million dollars a year. Like whatever. Like you when you, when you normalize that in your body, in your mind, in your patterning, it becomes a lot easier. So there's so many things like we could care. We could keep this conversation. And then there's one more thing that comes to my mind.
A recent quote that I saw is like, imposter syndrome isn't real. It's just an experience. And so everything feels hard in a way when you're a beginner. It feels scarier. But once you put in the reps, like the first time I spoke on stage was really freaking hard and scary. And my face was beet red. And I barely mumbled a couple words.
And it was embarrassing to look back on. And I can, I still get nervous. I'm still like, ooh. like, you know, put me in front of a bunch of people speaking and yeah, I'm going to be nervous, but it's, it's a lot easier. It's a lot easier. I know how to prep.
I know how to calm myself. I know how to like get it drop into flow. I know how to overcome some of those initial feelings that when you're brand new, you don't have the tools yet. You don't have the reps put in the reps and you'll get there.
Yes. I used to tell my clients that this is all practice. It's literally all practice, but you have to have a coach. It's like going out there trying to learn how to golf on your own. ah I don't know. If you want it, you don't have to have a coach, but if you want it to be easier and you want the ease piece and you want it to feel easeful, having a coach is really, really going to help with that. And it's going to help collapsing time, which makes it feel easier, which gives you more momentum, all the things. Yeah.
Exactly. It just speeds things up. So it really does come down to the idea of like, what do you value? Do you value your time enough to invest in yourself to collapse the time around the where you are now, where you want to be?
And then I really think, you know, when we're talking about, um again, making it easy, it's like, okay, so I need to also know that whenever I'm coming onto social media, doing a live, doing a podcast, doing whatever I'm doing, creating an offer that I'm in alignment with my own philosophies.
And so when you're talking about like getting around communities where it's normalized to think on a higher level of consciousness and to accept higher levels of money and to take full responsibility and accountability for your experience of life, right?
Those things are going to teach you how to walk the talk and how to, it's not even, it's not even just going to teach you, you're going to, you know, calibrate to other people.
who are walking the talk already. And it's gonna give you that boost in confidence and belief that, oh my God, because all of a sudden I'm taking that on even just by proxy and I'm feeling more alive, I'm feeling more lit up, I'm feeling more inspired.
that's what's necessary because ultimately if we sit there and we just say, i want to have a coaching business and you think to yourself, I want to make a lot of money. And yes, I want to make a lot of impact. And then you go out there and you try to do it all yourself, set it all up on your own and then try to walk that talk at the exact same time.
And all of a sudden you start feeling the the negativity, the the heaviness, the burden, the resentments towards the world because this is not working or it's not going as fast as you would like it to. Now, all of a sudden you're out of alignment with your own philosophies of compassion, empathy, love, higher consciousness.
And that can be such a hard place. So again, it comes back to like, what are your values? Okay, now let's take aligned action. And remember, also just one last tidbit for me, and we're going to probably wrap it up here. But remember, remember, please, especially because I know 99% of the people listening to this are women that investing in yourself, no matter what it is to take something off of your plate is not, or to teach you how to feel like the the woman it takes to take those next courageous actions that are necessary in order to build a business like this.
These investments are not costs, right? They are investments. They are going to come back to you, but you've got to have that belief in yourself first. And so,
That is what I'm going to close this with. Kat, please grace us with your closing statements and any offers that you have. I am so appreciative of you being here. This was a great conversation. I can't believe it's already time.
Like it's crazy. I know it flew by Dana. Thank you so much for having me. I love to chat about this, these things and, Just know that if you're in this work, if you are fighting for your dream life and you have these massive visions and these goals, like you're such a badass already for actually even like getting to the point where you are Now, whether you're just beginning where you're further along in your journey and, you know, having that desire to continue to grow and expand is and just like being there is such a such a big feat in general and continuing to feed that and allow yourself to continue to expand.
And it's just so it's so fun to talk here and be able to connect. Thank you, Kat. Do you have any place that the listeners can connect with you? And if you have any offers, feel free to to listen out.
Yeah, Instagram is the best place like where I'm most active. Of course, I have you know my podcast as well, Wealthy and Well podcast. um I have a Wealthy and Well business blueprint, a guide to some of the episodes on my podcast that have made listeners over 20K from binging.
So I can drop the link for that. That could be helpful. um Yeah, and come say hi on Instagram and share if you're listening to this episode and tell us what you loved. Cause I always love to hear that, you you know, these conversations make an impact as well.
Ah, perfect. Thank you so much again, Kat. And I will link all of that in the show notes for the listeners. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.