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Dan in Real Life

Go Get Your Girl
38 Plays3 months ago

Emma & Katie discuss the little-seen thanksgiving romcom Dan in Real Life and talk about haunted cemeteries, the comedy of Mr. Dane Cook, who knows who Fiero is, and who is and who isn't a Dilf. 


Emma's Family Visit & Ghost Tour

and thomas but
No, Donna, my mother. She is in town, and she is taking care of my husband while I go to rehearsals in the evening, except for last night we went on a ghost tour. Taking care of your husband, you know? I know. I know. She's cooking him dinner. Yeah. Well, she cooked him dinner. It was really funny. We went to Stu Leonard's, which is this insane, fabulous grocery store that's only in Connecticut. Is that the one with the animatronics? That's the one with the animatronics. Correct.
And she was talking about what she was gonna make for dinner um you know while she's here. She loves to cook. And she comes back with like ah like a that's as big as my head, maybe bigger. And she goes, do you think this is enough steak for Charlie? And I was like, no. For one night? Yes, I absolutely, I think that might be too much steak, but you know to each their own. Is she not eating?
I mean, she's eating, but she has things that she eats. So she always cooks a different meal for herself. Some would say we all have things that we eat. Exactly.

Exploring Connecticut's Unique Shops

We went to a fish and cheese shop that was really cute called Curds All The Way. Fish and cheese is my combination. You get a lot.
It's there's a lot of smells in the store and it's in the same building. Yeah. Yeah. It's down the hall for my gym. ah What? Yeah. It's in the same building. You're describing a building that has a gym and then also a fish and cheese shop. Yep.
Yep, yep, yep. Called curds all the way. They were very nice. If you are in Connecticut, travel to Watertown, go to curds all the way. um they they get My mom bought this fish and the guy was telling us about it. We'd never heard of this fish before. And he was like, yeah, they kind of have like human teeth because they eat crabs and clams. oh And so they're like human teeth fish And so Charlie looked up a picture of it and they've got these like buck teeth. The fish was good. I don't know. What's it called? I have no idea. It's a... You can get it in New England and it has human teeth. I don't like that. I don't want to eat anything with a mouth.
mouth Mouths. Famously featured. I mean, we we made hold on, we we used we scooted over the haunted house. We went to a haunted house with your mom and Charlie. Not a haunted house, a ghost tour. Well, ghost tour, I'm sorry, yes. No, that's okay. It was a ghost tour of New Haven. And it was just basically all around Yale. And it was great. Except Charlie's biggest complaint, because Charlie's no fun, was that she started off our wonderful, our wonderful, wonderful um ghost tour guide.
Uh, started off by explaining that she was an empath. And, you know, I was like, yes, absolutely. This makes sense. And she like smudged us and she was like, take a shower and you get home. So it's like, you don't bring any bad, like, you know, spirits or energies with you. Oh, one of those. Okay. Yeah. And Charlie the entire time he was like, she lost me from there, but then she got me back with all the histories. And I was like, just, just go along for the ride, Charles. Just go along for the ride. Charles is anti woo. He's anti woo woo.
he doesn't get that He doesn't believe that there's any magic in the world. yeah I believe that smudging is also a closed practice and that white people are not supposed to be smudging anymore, but you know. Is it? I'm pretty sure, yeah. Oh, well she smudged us.
I don't know. um But it was really cool. And we we walked around and saw, you know, one of the oldest cemeteries um in Connecticut. And I think New England, it sort of started the idea of, you know, how like Graceland is like laid out with like roads and like yeah the roads have like street names and stuff like that.
This is the cemetery in Chicago, not yes Graceland Elvis's house. Exactly. Yes. It's a very, very cool cemetery in Chicago. If you live in Chicago or visit Chicago is worth a um visit. And I used to live right by there and would love just wandering around and getting lost because there's a lot of really cool just tombstones and um crips and just murals murals there's a lot of really cool art that people built for themselves there's a coyote yeah oh yeah yeah at least one several coyotes that just live in the cemetery i'm sure there's a bunch of them yeah
Yeah, yeah. But this was, then we also, we ended it at this church, which was from when the Puritans had come to Connecticut. And it was so old that this like entire green space is built on like a cemetery that they then had to move because there were too many people, but they just moved the tombstones. So like around this church, there's like 10,000. Like in poltergeist. Yep.
There's just 10,000 bodies just buried beneath. Yeah. And they said that there was a tree that like fell over because of Hurricane Sandy a few years ago. And in the roots of the tree, they found bones of like an adult male, a child, and a baby. Yikes. Yeah. That sounds nice. New England. Yeah, yeah.

Discussion on 'Dan in Real Life'

Oh, and apparently we walked by Skull and Bones. Do you know Skull and Bones?
the the secret society that um ah Joshua Jackson and George W. Bush were in? The Joshua Jackson, yeah. um Yes, we walked by their their clubhouse. It's Joshua Jackson, right? Yeah, it is Joshua Jackson. Oh, I forgot they turned it into a movie.
Um, so they, we walked by skull and bones and learned about how they might have the skull of the indigenous American Geronimo.
And they, as a society, refuse to acknowledge that they have it because then they have to give it back. And she was like, these bones shouldn't have that. Yeah. Yep. She was like, these bones don't belong to these boys, ah but they won't admit it. And apparently it's part of the initiation that you have to kiss the skull of Geronimo, who was a famous warrior slash medicine person. Yeah.
Yeah, that sucks. um Yeah. Go get your girl coming out anti Ivy League secret society. Yeah, especially if you're an an Ivy League secret society that holds on to. You know, artifacts that don't belong to you. Yeah, like bones. Oh, and apparently um scroll and key, which is another secret society at Yale, they apparently have the Hitler silverware.
Jesus so That's surprising. That's that's less surprising than the Geronimo skull thing honestly like I know but the Geronimo skull thing is more provable because there's like records and stuff of people because there were like members of the secret society who got drafted in World War one To like an area where you he was buried I don't remember the entire story but like I It's provable, they just refuse to admit it. Yeah, give it back. Yeah, yeah, it don't belong to you. um Fuck those guys. Yeah. um Speaking of New England, however. Yes, yes, however. New England actually is famously featured in our movie this week.
And mean it is famously featured. Boy, oh boy. That's right, guys. This is Go Get Your Girl. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie begrudgingly go to Thanksgiving at our parents' house in this beautiful, beautiful coastal town. And we have a flirtation in a bookstore because where else would you have a flirtation? Only to find out that that person that we think is super hot is in fact, our siblings partner. ah That's right, guys. We're talking about Dan in real life. My name is Emma.
And I'm Katie. I like in this scenario that we are sisters. Yeah. You are dating the same man. Yes. Yes. sort of But it's also a problem because our other sibling. Right. Is dating this person. Yes. Just just just go with it. Or we're like, or we're like, you know, um what's that musical side show?
Uh-huh, okay. Yeah, yeah, we're we're one one woman, two heads. Right, correct, yeah, yeah, yeah. Based on a real person, yeah. um Yeah? We're conjoined twins in your scenario. Yes, one woman, two heads. Okay, I don't think that's for the ah proper name for it. Nope, nope, but hey, it was complicated in the sideshow, it's complicated in this scenario.
We are, of course, talking about the 2007 rom-com, Dan in Real Life. Yes. Directed by Peter Hedges, who also made the movie Pieces of April, which I like that movie. um I like that movie a lot. Written by Peter Hedges and Pierce, no, no, I can't even read my handwriting. Let's try that again. and um written by peter Peter Hedges and Pierce Gardner. Pierce Gardner's only other writing credit is the horror movie Lost Souls with Winona Ryder. So there you go. ah Peter Hedges, also probably more famous for being the father of the actor Lucas Hedges.
Oh, did not know that. He is in this movie. He is a little boy in the wedding scene at the end. Oh, is he really? Lucas Hedges, who was nominated win, won? I don't think he won. He was nominated for Oscar for Manchester by the Sea.
Yes, yes. Oh. There's been a lot of other stuff, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Very, very sweet. I will say this is the most 2007 looking and feeling film that I feel like we've done, even more so than John Tucker Must Die, because this feels a little bit realer. Then John Tucker Must Die, yeah, it's a little bit more realist than John Tucker Must Die. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But, but I was just like, Oh God, why does this feel so like home? Oh, because everything feels so 2007. It's one of the, it's like one of those things where it's like, you don't realize, I mean, 2007 was almost 20 years ago now. No, you're welcome. No, it's one of those things where like Bojack Horseman did an episode once where it was like a flashback to 2008, I think. And it was like,
the The show was constantly reminding you like how different 2008 really was to I think 2018 or whenever that episode came out. It's like, it's not doesn't seem like that long ago, but it was so so different. And there's such a specific yeah thing that was going on in the in the late 2000s. Oh, yeah. captures. Yeah. Um,
The wedding scene is like a perfect example of that, because you've got the band. And I was like, why does it sound like she and him, but it's not she and him? And why do they look like every emo boy, like emo indie fuck boy that I've ever wanted to make out with? yeah All the music is done by um Swedish indie so singer-songwriter Sondra Lerka. I think that's how you say his name. OK. I was super into it in high school.
I was like, it just sounds like she and him, but like looks like hot, hot heat is what is going on here. You know, I don't think I know what hot, hot, I know hot, hot heat, but I don't know. I know the what the members of hot, hot heat look like. Well, one of them is really curly hair, but the other one yeah I think like has like the floppy like they look like the most 2007 band in the world. Mm hmm. Yeah.
They're all wearing pea coats in this picture. um Yeah, it's, which I mean, I, the music is very like indie, twee, sweetish, two thousand seven core bullshit. Yeah. But like, again, when I was, again, if anyone wants to get into Santa Lerka, faces down and two way monologue are the places to start. I did. I did have to look that up because I.
I have not listened to him since 2007, probably. but But that is definitely who that is. And this is the height of his fame, pretty much. like This is the most famous thing he ever did in America, at least. I'm sure he's very big in Europe. But I mean, I don't know. It comes from the place of ABBA. You can never. Swedish singer-songwriter. I was super into it. I mean, Jens Lichtman was like the the peak of of Swedish singer-songwriters. But yeah, he was in there, too.
You had a Swedish singer-songwriter era? I did have a Swedish singer-songwriter era, yeah. I saw Jens Lichtman a couple times live. Jens Lichtman rules. like Were you the only person there? No, I was not the only person there. You're not a part of this conversation, Caitlin.
Caitlin also loves Jens Lichtman. Cool. you know I'm going to send you some i'm goingnna send you some songs and I'm going to force you to listen to it. This podcast is just Emma constantly being bullied with other people's music tastes.
ah yeah so um and Then he's there at the end. he That's him playing yeah on the stage at the wedding. Spoilers, I guess. There's a wedding at the end.
I mean, not really. It's a rom-com. It's a rom-com. Yeah. It's like a Shakespeare comedy. like it's it's This is pretty like as straightforward as you can get for rom-coms in terms of plot. It really is. I mean, to be something that's not like, i mean I think something about this movie is that it's not very funny. No. no a It's a gentle comedy, I guess we would say. Yeah. like it yeah it's ah It's a hangout vibe. yeah The thing that this reminded me the most of is ah The Family Stone, which, have you seen that? I have not seen that, but I know a lot about, yes. This movie is much better than The Family Stone, but the ah is the the plot is very similar. It's about a big family all together in ah in a cool house at a holiday. It's Christmas. yeah Actually, it might be Thanksgiving. I think Family Stone is Thanksgiving too.
It might be Thanksgiving too. i'm yeah christmas there' There's a lot of, it goes to Christmas maybe I think in the family stone. Like the next scene is, actually I think it doesn't matter, doesn't matter. um And it's about um a brother switch. The main character is Sarah Jessica Parker in the family stone. But the thing about the family stone is that she's so unpleasant and unlikable and everyone hates her yeah except for who is Luke Wilson, I think is the is the guy in it. Yeah. But the plot is very, very similar. um And ah but this is much sweeter and kinder than that. Yeah, which I'm sure we'll watch on this podcast. Oh, I'm sure. It's it's a Thanksgiving rom com. It's going to come up. Yeah.
Yeah, but yeah, this is very it's very sweet. It's very sweet. It's very um pleasant. It's it's a very cozy. It's a cozy rom-com. Yeah. And that's about it, really. Yeah. There's end of pod. I mean, it's a thing like it's there's not um There's nothing really special about this. It's very generic. Yeah. um it's it's It was fine to watch it. it's yeah know It's a cozy hang. The cast is great. Yeah, it the cast is stacked. Yeah. We've got Steve Carell and Juliet Bonoche. Yeah, of all people, Juliet Bonoche, who Charlie ah did not realize she was French. So I turned to him at one point and I was like,
He didn't realize she was French. one of and One of the most French people. One of the most French people, exactly. And so I turned to him and I went, Charlie, I'm very surprised you haven't made a comment about how Juliet Pinocchio is French yet. And he hates the French. Yes, notoriously. um and And he goes, oh, she's French? but She's not French. And I go, have you been watching and listening to her act this entire movie? Yeah.
Yeah. Where did he think she was from? I don't know. He was kind of working at the same time. So who knows? Yeah. Yeah. Academy Award winner Julia Banosch, casually in this little movie for unknown reasons, I guess. I mean, it's fun to do a rom-com probably. It's fun to do a rom-com. No matter who you are, everybody should get the chance to do a rom-com if they want to.
Exactly. um But we've also got um Norbert Leo Butz. Yes. And of course they have to make him sing a song on the piano. Of course they do. Norbert Leo Butz, mostly a theater actor, for those of you who don't know, um probably most famous for being in the Catch Me If You Can musical on Broadway and the Tom Hanks part. yeah I know him from the last five years, of course.
I know him as the original, um oh shit, what's his name? The original in Wicked. He's the original yeah fuck boy, Fierro. He's the OG Fierro. And that's that's where I know him. And then I also humble brad. Caitlin has something to say.
Okay, Caitlin, yeah, that's that's that's what we had. Most people know him as the original. You're not a part of this conversation. Did she also say that he was the original Fierro? Yes, yes. Fierro! But he won a Tony for, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Yep, for being Fierro! Okay, fine. Wicked in theaters now.
Actually, i think I think it might come out like the same week this this podcast dropped, so. So it's perfect that Norbert Leo Butz is in this because he was the original Fierro and that's the only thing people know him for.
Okay. Yeah. I'm going to say that 90% of the people who listen to this podcast don't know who Fierro is.
I'm gonna say it's more like a 60-40. Okay, fair enough. Let us know, listeners. I'll barely 100 of you. Let us know if you know who Fiero is, hashtag who's Fiero. I mean, after the movie comes out, everybody's gonna know Fiero. That's true. Who plays Fiero in the movie? um Guy from Bridgeton. Okay, so Caitlin, the thing about you talking to me is that i can't hear you with these
Jonathan Bailey. Jonathan Bailey from from Bridgerton. If you say so. Yes. Yeah, Yeah, I know. I know. yeah I don't watch Bridgerton. I don't like can't do historical romance. We've had this conversation before. Yeah.
i'm I'm a real pick and choose. Also featured in this movie, we've got John Mahoney and Diane Wiest as they yeah John Mahoney, Chicago actor extraordinaire. Yeah, Matthew Morrison as randomly jump scare. Matthew Morrison jump scare. I mean, they did their casting in New York. You've got some yeah actors. You can tell there's Jessica Hecht. Jessica. justica Jessica Hecht is his sister. Yeah.
Amy Landecker as a small part um as the woman from the publishing the newspaper syndicate. Alison Pill and Britt Robertson as two of his daughters. Amy Ryan who yeah blink and you'll miss her as I think his brother's wife.
yep nora bet leo buts his wife yeah and um and jump scare Dane Cook. That's exactly what I said. That's my first note. It's Dane Cook Woof. In the ah in the and like opening credits, Dane Cook, I was like, oh no. Oh no.
a very gentle Dane Cook. I guess he was like working on his image or something. I have no idea why he's in this movie. Playing a very sweet boy yeah who does nothing wrong in this movie. No, no. Fun fact. i So Dane Cook, if Dane Cook had married his wife the year this movie came out, she would have been the same age as Steve Carell's youngest daughter. Jesus Christ.
How old is Jacob? But he didn't. He married her 10 years after this movie. So she was 19 when he was 45 or 38 or something like that. He's so cringy. He's so creepy. And he no one's heard from him in like five years. and He seems to have just faded out of the public eye completely, which that's a net positive for America. We say that. We don't know what the dark web's doing. That's true. That's true. I don't know. Maybe I don't know if he's like a I don't know how his politically. Yeah, it seems like it could be, but maybe not. Maybe I'm not giving Dane Cook enough credit for his child bride is the only like real thing I know about him at this point. Oh, and all the like you know awful off-color jokes that he made. And then didn't he sexually harass people? Well, see, that's the thing, because that's the first thing I did, is I Googled Dane Cook canceled, and I didn't find anything specific.
Um, I have this vague sort of, I don't know if it's a Mandela effect of like, but thing I think it is. I don't think he has any like, i um, sex monster allegations, but, uh, the big part thing that I found was that he, the main thing people like turned on him was that he like stole jokes from other comedians. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, Oh, okay. Yeah. The most thing Dane Cook accused of hosting game night parties.
but Oh, there's an entire game night parties? Is that bad? Are we not supposed to host game night parties? ah but Oh, there we go. Okay. Multiple teenage girls attending his game nights over the past

Dane Cook Controversies

decades. Very few teenage girls come to my game. Yeah.
ah Yeah. um There's an entire Reddit thread of what caused the backlash on Dane Cook. And ah let's see. Let's see. I'm just curious to know how it got to that point because there was a time when people loved his acts. And then one day came when his fans turned on him. he so i want just Just got a text message that says please have her say alleged.
Is that for my husband? Yes, allegedly. Allegedly. With underage girls. Exactly. Allegedly. Food by Dane Cook. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, it just seems that he stole a bunch of jokes. And which is he was like the king of like frat boy stand up. Yeah. um Around this time, the movies came out because like, yeah, when we were in college, like you could not
ride in a car home from a party without having to listen to Dane Cook stand up. Yeah. Yeah. Without someone being like, no, this is so funny. Yeah. But like most of his stand up was just him shouting. Yeah. Yeah. That was his whole shtick. And then I would switch it to Gens Lichtman for the night drive.
You know, Dane Cook's great now, but have you ever listened to the tunes of Jens Slickman? Jens Slickman. It doesn't matter. I'm going to put a Leon Slickman song. I'm going to put ah the legal, ah ah the the legally distinct amount of time of a Leon Slickman song at the end of this. song Oh, yes, the fa and famous Jens Slickman song. You know, the I bet more people who listen to this podcast know who Jens Lichtman is than know who Fierro is. That's doubtful. We'll put a poll up. We'll put a poll up. Madison, let us know. Do you know who Fierro is or do you know Jens Lichtman? I bet she knows both, honestly. Yeah, probably.
Yeah, so this movie um is, it's, okay so when I, cause the way I found this movie was I Googled like Thanksgiving rom-com.

Film's Thanksgiving Setting

And so, and there was like an article about this and like, I saw this movie when I was in college, I guess, when it came out. And I remember liking it fine, but I didn't remember anything about it really, except that Steve Carell was in it. And his head is on pancakes in the poster.
I certainly didn't remember that ah America's Sweetheart Dane Cook was in this movie, and I definitely didn't remember that though the love interest was Juliet fucking Bonoche.
um So yeah, I was like, yeah, it's in Thanksgiving. I don't think they say the word Thanksgiving in this movie one time, do they? They don't, but there's a lot of just sort of like gentle hints that it's Thanksgiving.
Yeah, it's the fall, it's New England. They play football in the yard, like in Friends. All things I associate with Thanksgiving. Yeah, there's pie. Yeah, but they don't like, there's no Turkey talk. There's no like- There's no Turkey talk.
it It's weird. um Yeah. So maybe it's just like fall break or something. um But I guess we can assume it's Thanksgiving. Yeah. ah Steve Carell is an advice columnist. Yeah. I mean, I guess they still do that online. Do they still do that online? I guess. Google answer. People just get terrible advice from Reddit now instead of being a professional. question Of like, what caused the backlash on Dane Cook? Exactly, yeah.
Dan in real life. What caused the Can you please advise? My children are terrible.
Um, I think it's so funny that a So, ah well, i'll like I'll actually, I'll wait till this is more relevant. Cause we're about to get there. He's a, he's a local, in the local paper. yeah He is an advice columnist, I think mostly about children. Yes. About being a parent. About being a parent. He, um he is a widower. His wife died ah four years ago, I think they say. Yeah.
not, you know, the right amount of time where it's not too far in the past where it's weird that he hasn't started dating, but it's not so recent to where it's weird that he has started dating. There's a sweet spot on a dead wife. Yeah. Yeah. You got that expiration date. Christopher Nolan would know a lot about that.
Yeah. And, um, Caitlin. What did she say? She's over there, she's just making faces.
um ah Anyway, um yeah, so he's got three kids, three girls, and is in over his head, we'll say. yeah um He's a girl dad. And Charlie started this movie that that was like, oh man, it's a girl dad with a dad bod. Are you and Katie gonna lose your minds? And I was like, do you even,
Do you know what gets us excited clearly in movies? Clearly does not. I was like.
I love you, but you need to pay more attention. He is cute. This is Steve Carell at peak handsome, I would say. like um I think maybe with like a little bit of a beard is yeah the most handsome Steve Carell has ever been, but this is yeah this is about the best in terms of like, can this weird little guy comedian from The Daily Show be a leading man in ah in a real movie? This is the closest he ever got because yeah He became like a big like movie star in the 40-year-old version a few years before this, but like all of the stuff that he did, he was playing like you know an absurd person, like yeah not a real human. yeah And then like he'll do dramas and like do small parts and stuff, like in Little Miss Sunshine, which he's fantastic in, obviously. And other stuff, but um but they're their're supporting roles. like yeah He doesn't really- Foxcatcher. Oh, I never saw that, but he doesn't need a weird freak in that also.
Yeah, Academy Award nominees, Steve Carell. But two-time Academy Award nominee, I believe. What what else was he not nominated for? Little Bit Sunshine. Oh. That tracks. That tracks. Yeah. And ah which is, I love Little Bit Sunshine. That's a great movie.
um But yeah, Foxcatcher is a drama where he plays a freak and as opposed to a comedy, but yeah yeah that tends to be his his lane. yeah Or he's playing like a supporting role. I could be wrong, but I think this is his only like leading man, serious performance. I wanna agree. Yeah, I think that I mean, this is a comedy, but it's like a serious comedy. Yeah, exactly. There's nothing weird about it. This is as if they took the sweet storyline from the sweet romance of 40 Year Old Virgin and just took out all the weirdness.
and took out all- Took out all the dick jokes and- Exactly, and the fact that he's a virgin and all of that. They took the core vibe of him and what's her names- Katherine Keener. Katherine Keener's sort of weird- The American Julia Bono, she might say. Exactly, exactly, the American Julia Banos. Like the vibes of that and then made it its own film. That's sort of like what I felt like because there was a lot of like overlap because he plays, whenever he plays sort of a straight character, he does a lot of the same stuff, which is like, he's just kind of like, meh. He's a sad sack. I mean, that's his type. Yeah. He's either a, he's a freak or a sad sack. Yeah, yeah.
Oh, Steve Carell. But hey, he's made a living playing those roles. Yeah, for sure. I like Steve Carell. Yeah. I do too. I think he's he's a very nice guy. Yeah, I don't think he's hot. No, I don't either, which is why I was like, Charlie, he is not a dilf. No.
Sorry, Steve Carell. Yeah, apologies. But like, Charlie, you need to reevaluate what you think Adilph is. Yeah, Charlie. Charles, I need you to go and meditate on what you think, ah what you think Katie and I think Adilph is. Right, correct, yes. Because girl dad, yes, I will say girl dad, a good girl, good girl dad.
Oh, obviously, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But he's not a particularly good girl, dad. I mean, that's kind of the irony inherent in this. Like, he gives other people parenting advice, and he's he's losing all of his children. Yeah. ah So Allison Pill is the oldest one. um And she wants to drive. ah Yeah, she just wants to drive a car. It's her main thing. She's 17 years old, and he doesn't let her drive. yeah And that's her main thing. Like, the best part is.
he that the The funniest thing in this movie to me is when he loses his driver's license for backing into Matthew Morrison, the cop's car, ye and has has been she has has been caught making out with his brother's girlfriend, has ignored his youngest daughter's like extremely sweet requests, and all everybody's patted down, and she goes, you've got two moving violations and striking ah striking another vehicle. like That's what she's so upset about is the two
um So that's her whole deal. She's really into driving. She just really wants to drive. I think that because e I think that it's like she really, really wants to drive, but also she wants to. She wants to break away from her dad and go and on her own adventures because of course there's there's another scene where she's like mentioning this the colleges she's applying to. And she mentions the university, a very normal scene yeah that is not deranged or weird in any way.
Yup. Yup. Uh, and she is like mentioning all the colleges and she says, Oh, and you know, maybe the university of Washington and then Steve Carell walks in and she goes, or someplace closer to home. Um, so you're talking about a different scene. you're coming Oh, okay. Oh, are you talking about the shower scene? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah Okay. I was like, why are you talking about this scene so weirdly, Katie, but okay.
But then she she does, she introduces, or she interrupts Juliette Binoche and is like, can I please, hey stranger, I am desperate for a mother figure. Can I talk to you about my problems while you take a shower, please? I know I've only known you for a few days. Yeah, yeah.
um there So ah yes, so ah then Britt Robertson in maybe her first role, she's very young in this. She's so young, little baby. Yeah, she is in love with Ricky yeah from from school and they've known each other three months and she loves him so much. like the ah I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him. It's like yes the line she repeats over and over again. um And Steve Carl's like, no, you don't. Yeah.
which is very cute. And he seems like a great boy. um Yeah. heard he like he He starts off by coming to the door and um commenting on Steve Carell's complimenting his column. He's been reading Steve Carell's column. um But I think that Steve Carell's just so worried that she's gonna turn into a slut. Jesus. I mean,
yeah Better words, but yeah. I'm not sure how old she's supposed to be. I think she's supposed to be like maybe 14. 14 or 15 is what my guess was. Because when he first comes to the door, he's like, I'm here to see your daughter. And she and he goes, Jane, which is Alison Pills characters. And he goes, No, actually, I'm here to see whatever Cara Cara Cara Cara. Yeah.
And he's like wait two years. um So yeah, I'm not sure exactly how old she's supposed to be. I think she's actually like 16 probably. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it's very youngest, played by Marlene Lawson, who is nine years old, the same age that Dane Cook's wife was when
who is apparently in, was on the TV show, Blue Bloods, which everyone's grandparents watch. And also surprised that my mom doesn't watch Blue Bloods because she loves Tom Selleck. You should, I mean, does she know that it's it's still running? That it's still a show? I and don't know, maybe, I don't know. I mean, maybe you need to remind her. Let her know. Blue Bloods is out there.
um Yeah, and so, and she is an adorable little girl um yeah who loves her dad. She just loves her dad. He hasn't ruined his relationship with her quite yet. No, no, that happens in this movie. Yeah, she does tell him, you're a good father, but a bad dad. And he's like, where'd you hear that? She's like, I made it up. He's like, no, who told you to say that? She goes, I'm in fourth grade. I know, I can say things. Oh, and then everyone goes, she's in fourth grade. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's i think the thing, this movie is very cute. There's a lot of cute things in this movie, and there's some like good lines and stuff. But like it's one of those things where it's like, you think about it for a second, you're a good father, but a bad dad. That doesn't mean anything. yeah but What does that mean? It sounds good, but it doesn't mean anything.
It depends on what your definition of father versus dad is. So like is it like you're a good father in terms of like you're taking of taking care of us and providing for us and raising us, but a bad dad in terms of like being there emotionally?
Like, I guess, but how does that? Yeah, I mean, I can understand how like I know what's wrong with him for sure. Like a movie knows what's wrong with his like parenting. But like, there's no, there's no correlation between those those aspects of fatherhood and the words father and dad. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
Thomas Thomas I can see where you're going you're you're not gonna step on no Thomas just come come over here parenthood I know right my rowdy boys come on just come back up here you gonna find a Sunbeam that's fine um So my one question is, so we started off and then- Where is this movie set? Well, no, i know I know. From the get go, I knew we're in New Jersey and then we're going on a road trip. I did get it wrong at first because I thought it was Maine. And then Matthew Morrison goes, welcome to new to Rhode Island. And I was like, okay. Well, I wasn't far off until I was like, yeah, Maine's way farther for them to like drive. And I was like,
Not that much farther, but hey, okay. um And my main concern was that the entire drive that they made from New Jersey to Rhode Island, he makes all three children sit in the back of the car. Nobody's allowed to sit shotgun.
he's He's obsessed with safety, right? Oh, no, no, no, actually, oh no, that's later, where he tries to get Kara to get in the in the in the passenger seat and she says, she's like, no, no, that's how, that's the beginning, isn't it? nice to get He tries to get her to go into the passenger seat and she's mad at him and so she refuses to and she sits in the back.
Oh, okay. Okay. I must have missed that. Because I was like, why is all three children sitting in the back? Two of them are teenagers. I feel like that's very uncomfortable for- It's because they're mad at him. Yeah. Oh, okay. Okay. Because Alison Pill wants to drive and Farrah is mad at him because because he went and embarrassed her at the diner where she was about to kiss Ricky. Yeah. Yeah.
So, way to go dad. They head off and he runs a stop sign and gets a ticket. um And they go to, ah oh yeah yeah, I guess first. Yeah, so they go to the house. You see his huge family. Everybody's got kids, everybody is married except for him. Yep. um And he had, you find out he had, you know, this this wife that was perfect and and he loved very deeply and she died four years ago.
And his mom is real hard on him. Yeah. Diane Wiest. Yeah. She's like, all right, get out of here. um Yeah. youre Everybody's mad. Your kids are mad at you. You need to get out of here. So he goes to this bookstore. So he goes to this bookstore and pretends to work there. Julia Banos comes in, and the person who works in the bookstore is on the phone and and can't help her.
And he is up on a little step stool looking at a book. So she thinks he works there. Yeah. um Which has happened to me many times. I mean, I didn't work at a bookstore, but when I haven't worked, when I didn't work at a bookstore, and I would be in a big bookstore, many people would approach me and ask me for help because I just look like I work in a bookstore. Yeah, you've got bookstore energy.
There's worse things to have, I suppose. Yeah. And he goes along with it. And she's asking him for suggestions. And the what she describes, I think, is like a cutesy little like description of this movie. I think that's the intention there. She's like, you know it's funny, but not laugh out loud funny. And you know it's surprising. And it's about somebody something somebody who does something wrong, but it turns out to not be that wrong. I'm like, OK. Yeah. I just want to be swept away.
Yeah, yeah. Which like, who doesn't? Exactly. That's exactly what I said. That's why we watch these movies, right? Yeah. Charlie's immediate response to that little monologue was, she wants smut. So true. I mean, like. Hey. The back of Tyra was round. Court of Thorns and Roses was not published in 2007. No, but that would have swept her away. I mean, I don't know. You got to wait till the second one really to get swept away. I know. I know. But you got to get the foundation. It's the whole thing. It's true. Yeah.
Yeah. um So yeah, so he asks her to to go to the little cafe across the street with him and they, and then she interviews him about his life. Yeah. This weird kind of conversation where like, um I don't know, an amount of time passes, we assume hours, where he tells her everything about himself and learns nothing from her. Yeah. um Which is weird. Yeah.
It is weird. And she's not telling him because she is in a relationship and she tells him that and he's like, Oh, okay. Um, and she says that it's new and he's like, okay, well, let me, let me at least get your numbers. So, you know, I want to continue this conversation. I want to learn about you at at the least. And I know you're in a relationship, but you know, you can't give up on these things when they happen or something like that. Yeah.
And she's like, oui. Oui. Oui. The most French thing of, ah yeah, not a problem. I'm in a relationship, so don't worry about it. That's true. That is very French. um And he goes back to his family and is like, I met this one immediately. He's like, I met this woman at a bookstore. And his family is like so supportive of him. It's very sweet. They are. They're like, he met a hottie. yeah. He met a hottie. And then he gets introduced to Dane Cook, ah his girlfriend, who is, of course, Juliet Benoge. Juliet Benoge.
Has anyone ever, could anyone have ever done better in a rom-com than the com the couple combination of Juliette Binoche and Dane Cook? Like, what do they talk about?
I have no idea. um I mean, again, he's not playing Dane Cook. He's playing what seems to be a very sweet um fitness instructor. Fitness instructor, yeah, because he leads he leads a kickboxing class with everyone at one point. And then they go on runs. And um ah you're led to believe that Dane Cook is Juliette Bonocia's uh oh what's it called rebound because she was just in a very serious relationship that lasted years and this is and then she joined a gym and then she met dane cook and so she's not anytime she talks about that relationship she doesn't make it seem like it's anything serious um he does not feel that way and he is in love with her yeah yeah
ah one which is, you know, makes things complicated. And Steve Carell at first, you know, immediately is like, you know, he loves his brother. they They're very close, this whole family. And he's like, okay, well, this is over. We can't have this happening. And he's like, we go we should just tell them. And and they're like, no, no, no, we don't wanna like- Make drama. Exactly.
And then he starts acting like an asshole. Yeah, because he can't handle it, because he's so in love with Juliette Pinoche that he's just like, starts going into himself and just ruining Thanksgiving.
um Which I guess is something that happens, I don't know, have you ever like had a crush on somebody that one of your friends is dating? Yeah, I mean, like, I guess that that's sort of relatable of like, when you can't,
Like, especially, but I feel like it's such like a teenage mindset of like, very much. I mean, that's the point, right? Like, he's been telling his daughter, like, you can't, you can't fall in love with this boy in three in three months. Yeah, like he falls in love with this woman in a day. So yeah, yeah. um But yeah, I think that like, that's just sort of like a juvenile mindset of, well, if I can't have Juliette Binoche, then I guess I'm just gonna act out and be an asshole because I don't know what else to do with all of these feelings that are built up inside of me. He starts undermining Dane Cook. He's like all of these other women that you've dated and and everybody gets mad

Character Emotions & Conflicts

at him. Like everybody sees through immediately. His mom like knows what's happening right off the bat. Diane Least is very aware of everything that happens in this movie.
which I appreciate. And um they're like, you're watching this just by yourself, because you acted like an asshole, which is like, good for them. like I like that everyone acknowledges that he's being a jerk. Right. But then she starts doing it too. like there The like connection between them is undeniable. And cheap she likes him more than the guy that she's been dating. And I think the idea is that so he wrote one novel that was really unsuccessful.
ye His brother, Dane Cook, is like the biggest fan of this novel and he gives it to Juliette Vanos to read and and Dan is immediately like, oh God, please don't do that. Yeah. But she reads it and she starts saying that like, and then at one point she says like,
um it seems that all his best lines were yours, because the things that he has said to her that like she really like was connected to and things that she thought were things that Dane Cook had in his heart were things that he got from his brother's book, yeah um which is a bit of a contrivance, but it's supposed to make it a little bit easier.
yeah but Okay, so the shower scene. Yes, yes. So the shower scene. So you get Alison Pill who's just like, hello woman who is now my mother's surrogate because I think you're so cool and I've only known you for two days. Everybody loves Juliette Binoche because she's incredible. She's like- Yeah, she's Juliette Binoche. She's like a manic pixie dream middle-aged woman. Exactly, exactly. Except she's not manic, she's like a calm- Yeah, woman, yeah.
Yeah, if that was a thing. But yeah, so she like knocks on the door and Julia Panoche is like having a confrontation with Steve Carell in the bathroom and also- They're always like hiding away to have these little conversations somewhere in this giant- In the teeniest, tiniest, yeah. Well, I was gonna say a giant house, but I mean,
How many bedrooms are in there? There's bedrooms. It's a massive house. Yeah. it's a Except for Steve Carell. He gets the special bedroom, which is the laundry room. He doesn't have a partner. Yeah. Yeah. And he gets the special bedroom. OK. He gets the special bedroom, which is the laundry room, to which his mom immediately does the loudest load of laundry at bedtime. And I'm like, you couldn't wait? You couldn't wait until morning. Towel's got to be dry. He got to get so much cooking to do. Jesus Christ.
Just wait until morning. You don't have to run your laundry now. Do they? Do they? The shower scene. The shower scene. The shower scene.
So Alison Pilk comes in and she's just like, can I talk to you? I need to ask you some questions because you're so worldly and you've been to so many places. And I just, I mean, I need to talk to you. And so Steve Carell is hiding in the shower. Juliette Binoche is standing there.
And she, Allison Pill is like, oh, well, let me help you with the shower because, you know, the water is always a little funny. You got to run it to, like, get it really hot. And so she turns on the faucet and see a girl still in the shower. And it's not the shower head yet. It's just the faucet to, like, get it hot. Fully clothed. Fully clothed. And so then they're chatting and then it gets hot and she goes, oh, I think that's just about ready for you. And you think Allison Pill will leave. Allison Pill's in silence. As a normal person would.
to her uncle's girlfriend who she met yesterday. exactly she she doesn't and said she switches on the showerhead and um You know, then, of course, Steve Carell is in the shower, fully clothed. And then she goes, you can shower now. And Julia Bono starts to go in. like I'm going to sit on the toilet. You, strange woman, go ahead and get naked in front of you. Go ahead. Yes. I'll turn my head away um because Julia Bono starts to go in the shower and she's like, why are you doing that? You're fully clothed. And she's a minor. I will sit here. Yes.
I will sit here while you, middle-aged woman that I met yesterday, get naked and shower. This is totally normal. My mom died, so there's an excuse for this behavior. Yeah, completely uncommented on Julia. She doesn't even make a face like this is weird. Or be like, I'm uncomfortable with this situation. Could you please leave? And we can continue this conversation after my shower. Yeah, exactly.
But instead, she gets naked and gets into the shower, forcing her to be in proximity with Steve Carell, yeah, yeah. And they make loving WIs at each other. Which is the point I get, yeah, he puts a washcloth over his eyes, um which is charming.
but ah But yeah, so then it completely, like Alison Pill's conversation with her is unimportant. like It's so not important. Yeah. It totally like fades out where she's just jabbering. And the whole point is that Steve Carell is now in this shower with this naked woman. Yeah. He climbs out the window and falls off the roof. Yep. And it's just like, which why did we have to have that? We've all been there. We've all so relatable. Yes.
Falling off the roof and then he's like not super wet. whenever he like- It's confusing because it cuts to like hours later, I think. Okay. His clothes are changed, yeah. Okay. um But then don't forget, we do get a um ah cameo from a very young, very new Emily Blunt. So um there's this whole pretty mean yeah scene. ah We described this movie as sweet and nice, but there's this one bit in the middle that's pretty mean. I mean, let's not forget this was made in the late 2000s. So we got to have a fat joke or a comment on someone's appearance. Correct. Yes. Where we're insulting it. Yes. So um Diane Wiest has set Steve Carell up with this girl that he went to that they went to high school with. Yep. um
And she is her name is Ruthie Draper. Yeah. And everyone called her pig face. And then Norbert Leo Butz and Dane Cook write a little song. They write a song. Pig face Draper. Yep.
Yep, yep, yep. And to everyone's surprise, obviously, she shows up and she's played by Emily Blunt. And she's gorgeous. Yes, because of course she is. Of course. If you're gonna introduce somebody like that in a movie like that, it's gonna be the most beautiful woman you've ever seen.
And she's a plastic surgeon who, you know. This is right after the Devil Wears Prada. Devil Wears Prada was in 2006. This is 2007. There are some weird connections in this movie because obviously Emily Blunt marries John Krasinski, who's on the office with Steve Carell. And Amy Ryan was in this movie with Steve Carell before she was on the office and became his love interest on the office. Yeah, before she was Holly. And like, Charlie didn't believe me for a hot second when I was like, Amy Ryan, Amy Ryan's in this. And he's like, who's Amy Ryan?
who Steve Carell ends up with in the office. And then later on, he goes, I thought it's not Holly. um The Wire, she was on The Wire before this. That's how she got this part, I'm sure. Yeah. She's she's so fucking good in The Wire, especially. but She's a great actress. She's gone, baby gone. Gone, baby gone. No, I have not. Yeah, she's great. she I think she she should have won an Oscar for that movie. that That's a great movie, yeah. Put it in my back pocket next to- It's very upsetting.
Gotcha. I will watch it in tandem with prom night three. Yeah, that'll be good. There we go. There we go. Don't know what the theme is. Little green room chat getting shouted out there. yeah There were highlights from Katie's foray to the Music Box of Horrors this year.
Yes, which last year Emma went with us before she moved to Connecticut. Yeah, before I lived on the East Coast and now my entire life is surrounding Santa. That's true. During Connecticut. It's good. It's a lot. I'm so tired.
yeah um i'm do you know rehearsal I love being in rehearsal. It's my favorite place to be. I do too. And like, this is a little different because we have to come up with our own characters. We have to write our own like little mini monologues explaining who we are and then memorize these two songs. Basically, a lot of it is just rehearsing the first 15 minutes of a 90 minute show because the rest of it is just playing games with kids. But like it's the first 15 minutes. Yeah, exactly. And it's the first 15 minutes is like the most stressful bit because they're like one of the songs is a um
i I think I've done some of it for you. It is a rendition of Twas the Night Before Christmas. And so you have to like it memorize this. I think it's important that the audience knows that it's a rap. Oh, yes. was the night Well, the first bit is there's some singing in it. Twas the Night Before Christmas.
went all through the house. for free em Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. You have to buy your tickets for the Essex steam train, North Pole Express running this winter. um But yeah, and then you you know you have to like utilize your character and perform it. It's just like, there's a lot going on. and and so like And on top of that, I am doing my other acting job. And so my brain is just sort of in like a lot of different places.
And ah it'll be fine. I think I just overstacked my calendar. Because I on top of like, having multiple acting jobs, between rehearsal, um being fake patients, and, you know, all the other stuff, I have everyone in town, which I'm very excited about. It's just it's all happening in one month. And it's just, yeah, there's a lot happened. I'm tired. Yeah, that makes sense.
That's why we're recording at night AM. Yeah, you betcha. Woo woo. So what else happens? um that's but So they go on this date, they go on this double date. Yes, they double date. um This is when Steve Carell is making Julia Benosz jealous because she's dancing with Emily Blunt and seven she's like way into him for some reason. She's I think paul on my god yeah, and she's like kind of obsessed with him. She's been kind of obsessed with him That's the whole thing. You're sort of led to believe that Emily Blunt ah is like a little crazy Yeah, Oh definitely like she's a little crazy. Yeah, it's the early late 2000s So of course we have to we can only have one good woman fully 20 years younger than Steve Carell and yeah supposedly went to high school with them So you do the math
I mean, she's a plastic surgeon, I guess, so maybe that's part of it. Yeah. I don't know. Definitely could be part of it. I would think, like, I mean, again, like, there's a lot of, eight like, big age gaps in rom-coms, and this is a very appropriate, um, age romance between, um, Juliet Bonotia and Steve Carelli. Which is so lovely. Roughly the same age. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Especially women. You don't see a lot of 45-year-old women in rom-coms. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
It is still Julianne Pinocchio. She's absolutely gorgeous. She's still one of the most beautiful women men in the world. Yes. Yes. Yes. But, you know, 45 woof.
Heaven forbid. So then, um is that when she breaks up with him? I think it is. Yeah, that's when she breaks up with him and everyone's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's happening? And she's just like trying to be really chill about it, but like he's really upset because, oh, because the the big sort of moment was they have a family talent show. Oh, it's the talent show, yeah. Yeah. And Dane Cook decides that he's going to get his brother, Steve Corral, to play the guitar, and they're going to sing a song to Juliette Binoche.
Cirque de Clay, which I guess we're supposed to assume that their last name is Clay. It's never said. Yeah, no. But Cirque de Clay. This family is so fucking cute. It's so adorable. I would love to have this. like And I guess that's part of the charm of this movie. It's like yeah this family is so sweet and they do all these cute things. like They do a crossword race to see who's versus girls, to see who has to do the dishes. like I love that. It's so, so sweet. Planned activities. Planned, especially at Thanksgiving. um so like In real life, I wouldn't want to do any of this shit with my family. i
So here's the first step. Emma's fun facts, Emma's fun facts. So improv- It's very late to be the first. I know, I know, I know. I realized I hadn't done any and I needed to throw in at least one, at least one. So improvisation was encouraged during filming, not a surprise there. One such case was the line, the corn is like an angel.

Improvisation in Filming

So Allison Pills... The corn is like an angel. That was improvised. And Allison Pills' stoic expression turns into a failed attempt to hold back a grin. um So you can see that the out outtakes show that the entire cast soon burst out laughing when he said that line. Yeah.
Well, that's because it's, so Dane Cook says that, um you know, when he met Julia Bonocia, it was like an angel walked into the room. And then Steve Croz kind of mutters to himself, because he's been trying to distract everyone from talking about yeah how great Julia Bonocia is by talking about the corn. And he goes, the corn is an angel. Your mom goes to college. Yeah, exactly.
It was great, it was great, but yeah. um So, Dane Cook and um Steve Carell sing a song and- And sing Let Love Open the Door by Pete Townsend, which is a weird choice, man. It's a really weird choice. And Dane Cook takes most of it with Steve Carell doing like backing vocals, but then it ends and you're and everyone's like, yay, Dane Cook, but then Steve Carell He's still feeling it. He's still feeling emotional. So he does another verse. And it is so sad and sappy. And it's just this moment where, you know, it's like him declaring his love for Julia Binoche and Julia Binoche seeing that. And so she gets overwhelmed and breaks up with Dan Cook. Yeah. um Which is the right thing to do, obviously. Exactly. The right thing to do. And yeah she leaves.
She leaves the house and Dane Cook is devastated. um And again, like he's such a sweetheart in this movie. like it's It's nice that they made that character like so likable and warm and sweet, which I guess is the only way to do it. like If he's an asshole, you don't care. Yeah, you're rooting for us. But he's so in love with her. it's it's Yeah.
um And because again, how can you not be? She's the perfect one. It's Juliette Binoche. Yeah. And so Steve Carell leaves because yeah he's, his and his youngest daughter's like, I made something for you. I want to show you something. And he's like, later kid. Yeah. And he does it like three times. Yeah. And it's like, dude, just go and see what your daughter fucking made you, you idiot. Come on, man.
um And he goes to a bowling alley with Juliette Binoche and they're like having like a little secret date. And then they kiss and when they kiss is when his whole family arrives to the bowling alley and catches them. Yeah. Cause they all surprising, surprise, wanted to go bowling. I mean like, well, they're trying to distract Dane Cook because he's so upset, right? So they're playing celebrity and that doesn't work. and then Yeah.
So they go bowling. And then everyone's like, what is wrong with you, Steve Carell? You are a monster. Yeah. Yeah. And he's just like, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And then, of course, when he gets back, well, first he gets punched by Dane Cook and then gets back to the house. And of course, the newspaper people who the B-plot of this movie, he is up for syndication.
Yeah, so which means that like, and and he would be carried, his column would be carried nationally and not just in a local paper, which means he would be like, you know, make a ton more money and yeah. Yeah. When she seems to be doing okay, regardless, money isn't really, and I mean, like, I um assume that they're rich to have this beautiful house in coastal Rhode Island, but I right i don't know.
Like in many rom-coms, economics is not really brought up. Yeah, don't worry about it. Just don't worry about how they make their money. Just don't worry about it.
they yeah So yeah, so he has the interview with Amy Landecker from The Leftovers, a fantastic actress. And wait, no, no, that's not a Amy. Amy Landecker, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. She's not the leftovers. I confused her with Amy Brenneman, yeah.
okay who's like you're real excited about this actress who i have no idea who she is her her name is amy um she's a theater actress um like a lot of people in this um yeah she was in oh she's in a serious man a transparent that's what she was on she was oh okay complicated television show transparent yes um and uh she uh is excited to have him and they have this interview and then the movie skips over completely because yeah i assume it got cut out i assume there was this yeah speech because he's like i haven't been lit reading my own column and she's like what and then we just cut away yeah which is weird ah exactly because like you're
Are we led to believe that he doesn't, he just botches this interview? Yeah. That's the thing I wrote. It's like, so how did the interview go? Yeah. Like we, we gotta know. And then it never, we never get back to it. We never get back to it. We sort of do because it does say that he got syndicated. Um, because I mean, the, the monologue, the voiceover he does, it's like, for many of you, this will be the first column of mine that you're reading.
Oh, you get that he did get syndicated, but we don't see that that that response because it's the emotional like it's the emotional like kind of his at least like reckoning with the way he's been acting and understanding of how he's failed as both a parent and as a ah brother really is kind of that that's that's his that's his big scene. You know, that should be yeah like this this emotional monologue of understanding there.
And I guess the implication is that we didn't need it, that we all understand that and we can just skip that to keep this movie at 90 minutes. but I feel like we could have had a little bit more of it. Yeah, I would have added what, like five extra minutes of the runtime? Two even, you know? Yeah. Like just like add it in, just like smush it in people's faces. Also with the bowling alley, he hits Matthew Morrison's car with his car, yeah which I guess means you surrender your license. Like you if you get in an accident with a cop, like I don't know. It's his third strike. It's his third strike. Oh, third strike. Okay, yeah. Within like three days.
within three days. And so Matthew Morrison is like, you got to surrender your license, dude. Like, you say that you're a good driver, but you're not really showing that. Like, like being a parent. Exactly. So he has a conversation, he finally goes and sees what his little girl wants to show him, which is like this little, like, scrapbook kind of thing. Yeah. little um And and their mom who looks just like Alison Till. Yeah, it's very weird. Yeah. Maybe it is Alison Till's mom. Who knows? Maybe it's Alison Till's mom. I don't know. And it's very sweet. And he apologizes to them. And then they give him the go get your girl speech. And they literally say go get her. They literally, multiple times they say go get her. Go get her. And then he goes to go get her. So Alison Till has to drive. We all saw this coming a million miles away. Yeah.
and she has to drive them to New York City. Yeah, so they drive to her, she's in a gym. Yep. She loves working out, good for her. She loves it. Gotta keep it tight.
And yeah. let we do that We have the voiceover and then we cut to the wedding, which- And they're getting married. Yeah, and Dane Cook. Oh, and Dane Cook. um Oh, he has a conversation with Dane Cook and Dane Cook is like,
I get it, bro, or something like that. It gets into a car with Emily Blunt and drives away, which is good to know. A little bit more age appropriate, anyway. Yeah, exactly. So, ah well, you know. it Because he's, I mean, what's more age appropriate than Dane Cook's actual relationship. Exactly. Because he's like 10 years younger than Steve Carell. Steve Carell's like 44 or something in this movie. Dane Cook's like maybe 33, 34. And then yeah Emily Blunt is like 24.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Goodness gracious. I just keep thinking ever since you mentioned it mentioned it, like the fact that his wife, his now wife was is the same age as the nine year old daughter. That's correct, yes. Although I think she's in fourth grade. So are you 10 in fourth grade or nine? I think you're nine. It depends on when your birthday falls. That's true, that's true. Yeah, yeah.
So, Jesus Christ.
Any other thoughts, feelings, opinions? Yeah, let's see here. I've got a lot of stars here. I think most of these I've already done. Love is not a feeling, it's an ability. I think that's very sweet. It's an ability. And that's what Ricky, oh yeah, so Ricky shows up. Yeah, Ricky! His daughter Cara's like boyfriend.
she's like She's trying to explain it to him. And he like gets it. and he's like well And she's like, well, what about like you know you and and this? like You have to understand. like you You can fall in love. And she's like he's like, you know I guess you're right. And she's like, does that mean Ricky can stay? And then he just like starts laughing. And he's like, Ricky can stay? And then it immediately cuts to him getting hustled into a car. Exactly. He's like, you're going to go to Boston, where your aunt is waiting for you? Yeah.
So fine. And Ricky tells them, Ricky tells them love is not a feeling, it's an ability. Yeah. Yeah. And it's just like... And then he steals that and tells it to Juliet, but no. So he pulls a dame cook and he steals this child saying... Listen, and he goes, where did you hear that? And he goes, I made it up. Yeah. Yeah. And he goes, great. I'm in fourth grade. I'm in fourth grade. I could make things up.
And but then here's the thing, like i mean everybody does this. I think it's i don't know if i think iss attributed to Samuel Beckett. I know that's who I've always been told said it, but it's like good good artists borrow and great writers steal. Good writers borrow and great writers steal. Yeah. Which is true. It's very true. um And i it's very apparent in the North Pole Express. Yeah. I mean, but I'm saying like you know in my work, like don't if you If you've seen my play, Helvetica, and read a bunch of Calvin and Hobbes, for example, like just ignore it. Just don't worry about it. You take and you write what you know, and you take what you know, and you digest it through your own lungs. Exactly, yeah. Yeah. um Yeah, that's that's pretty much it. um I got some notes about Sondra Lurka here. I think we covered that. Nobody needs more about Sondra Lurka.
Yeah. Yeah. I took like four notes. Yeah. Cause I was, I was more focused on the film and cause it was so cozy. I was like, I don't feel any sort of after writing down, we're all looking to be swept up. I was like, I don't feel like I need to say anything. but So true. Yeah. I mean, again it is, it's cozy. It was, it was, an it was a nice

Episode Reflections & Milestones

time. yeah Super, super special and not, but not like really hard to watch or anything. Exactly. Yeah.
Absolutely. like maybey what miss It was mid. It was mid. It was mid. Well, I don't think we mentioned on the last episode that we are what the next episode is going to be. Oh, actually, hold on real quick. This is our one year anniversary. I should say real quick. This is our one year anniversary! 50 second episode, baby. Whoa, buddy. a way to celebrate with Dan in real life. Just a real straight down the middle.
cozy time. Nothing special about it at all. Don't worry about it. No pop and circumstance, you know, no, uh, no confetti, no, uh, Nora Efron. Yeah. Well, let me get to our episode a hundred. We'll, we'll have to do something special. Yeah. but Yeah. We'll have to do something special. But for this, it's great. Happy one year. It's been one year. I've been doing this a year. It doesn't seem like that long. I I know. Right. It feels like just yesterday we were putting up the episode on When Harry Met Sally. And, you know, so much has changed. So much has stayed the same. yeah ah We've evolved, we've grown. We are- A little bit. yeah Yeah. Slightly more listeners now than we did when we started. Just a bit, just a bit. ah And yeah, and as always, I'm just, I'm happy to be here and spend this time with you. Yeah, me too.
Oh, love that.

Upcoming Episode & Movie Teasers

Well, next week, next week, we are doing the classic film, Julia Stiles film, the classic, The Prince and Me. Yeah. Very exciting. Yeah. And I'm sure I'll have lots of opinions about the monarchy and yeah probably the the British royal family. Hey, go get your girl loves a Prince movie. We love a Prince movie.
I mean, the first Prince movie we've done. No, the K'night. Wait. Oh, no, wait. That's a night that a Prince. he is He is a Prince and not he is a Prince. he He is a Prince. Yeah. And the K'night. Yeah. Yeah. The K'night before Christmas. The Prince and me. ah I feel like we've done other ones where there's princes. Yeah, I don't remember. Yeah. I'm i'm sure some Christmas movie. But yeah, there'll be more Prince Christmas.
prince chris the The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Christmas. Speaking of, as we're gearing up getting through this fall season, um I don't know if you've been seeing all of the new like trailers for all of the rom-coms that are going to drop on Netflix. I have not, no. They all look insane. We definitely have to do the Chiefs, the um ah football, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelston.
I have seen that one, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think it's gonna be, I think that's Hallmark, but we we have to do it on this pod. That's your choice. You've got two choices. You've got two Christmas picks. I've got two Christmas picks. I already know um what at least one of mine is gonna be, so. Woo woo! Oh man, I haven't even thought about that. I need to look into that. Anyways, shall we outro? Go for it. I think it might be me this time. Yeah.

Closing & Acknowledgments

Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate interview us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it. Thanks to Andrew Milliken and Nyx Fabota for our theme music and Alayna Henderson for our artwork. You can follow me on social media at Emily M. Pizza. And me at Katie of the Lake. Until next time.
We're just two girls.
by a big crucifix Guess that's why he won't let you go