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Go Get Your GHOUL: Shaun of the Dead

Go Get Your Girl
34 Plays4 months ago

Spooky month gets a little rommy and a little commy this this week with 2004's Shaun of the Dead! Emma & Katie discuss the cult classic, as well as Connecticut karaoke, the  Apocalypse-ish, the zombie craze of the 2010s, and yet another lesson on British slang. 


Introduction and Catching Up

Yeah. I don't think any of that was was good. I don't think any of that was like necessary to be in the podcast, but. Yeah, no. And that was just Emma and Katie catch up.

Sunday Adventure and Townie Encounter

And it's incredible, that's the thing. yeah But like we went on a Monday once, and it was like me and like three other people. And then when we went on a sunday on Sunday, we went out for Charlie's birthday. And ah we first met my cousin and her boyfriend, Ben, along. And um it was a little bit more crowded. There was maybe 20 people there and a lot of townies. um I got a fan club for a second. I was like, oh my god, am I faint?
with these three three townies being like, Oh my God, you're such a good performer. I'm like, thank you. I'm an actor. feelinging Yeah. Right. And then they're like, Oh, what have I seen you in? I'll be like, nothing.
Absolutely nothing. You wouldn't have seen me in anything.

Advice and Humor During a Night Out

and then um oh and then I told off this guy so there was this guy who like there were these two little 22 year olds and they were having a little girls night out and this one guy kept going like diagonally yo yo yo to this one girl and so I tapped him on the shoulder and I was very drunk by this point I was like hey bro here's Here's some truth for ya. If you want to get a lady's attention, the best way is not to go, yo. Maybe get up out of your seat, walk around, tap her on the shoulder and say, hi, I'm so-and-so. I think you seem very cool. What are your interests?
You said all of that to him? Um, it maybe didn't come out that eloquent, but, um, okay. But like 30% more drunk than that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And what did he say? He said, Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. And then they were talking a little bit later. Yeah. Yeah. He was very responsive. He was very responsive. Um, he didn't like tell me off. He was like, I swear I can't tell what you look like anymore. They all look like they were 12. Um, but like,
But he was like, okay, okay, okay. And then they like talked a little bit later and I go, yes, you're doing great. You're doing good. Yeah.

Karaoke Mishap with Queen

Very surprised to hear this had a ah happy ending. Yeah, it was good. It was good. You know, and because I just, I did it with love. And I think whenever you do something with love,
Sometimes. Yeah. Yep. I later then danced with the girl that he was hitting on. um Someone was doing ah Find Me Somebody to Love by Queen. And we were all dancing and i she was drunk. I was drunk and I accidentally spun her and she span but like too hard and she fell. So Charlie likes to say that I accosted a youth and then went to another girl across the room.
threw her down, pushed her down on the ground. I was like, no, no, no, we were We were spinning. He would know if he would ever dance. I know, right? if he he And guess who refused to get up and dance?
Although, to be fair, he did he did sing with me. He sang a song with me. That's nice. Can Charles sing? I didn't know that.
He can. He could have just said yes. Like.

Charlie's Singing and Cat Traditions

We're saying. That's on you. I didn't say a thing. I'm not getting an angry text about this. He asked me all the time. He goes, Emma, was that in tune? Was that in tune? Was I sharp? Was I flat? And I go, yes. Yes to everything at various times.
No, I love him. He's well, the thing is, he's not he's not a terrible singer. He's not great singer. Sure. He knows. Well, I mean, like enthusiasm is makes up for a lot. Yeah, exactly. And I mean, like I love a lot of the songs that he sings, like the big Roland Club to the tune of Pink Pony Club. Sure. Roland's are cats. It's about right. Correct. Yeah. Yes.
um And then anytime he goes for a Nespresso, he'll sing Nespresso, or he'll sing Espresso, the Sabrina Carpenter song. Yeah, so,
and then sometimes he'll change that into being about Royalty. Anyways, but this isn't about Charlie. Some people sing for their cats as a universal understood ah thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The other day, I sang the beginning of Phantom of the Opera to Roland. Oh, no, wait. I sang All I Ask of You and asking Roland to do the male part. And I was, you know, the Christine part. Yeah. Yeah. Roland wasn't really all about that. um And he stared at me like I was a crazy person. And then Charlie came downstairs. He goes, what is going on down here?
So it's always Roland like like why why does. God, you know, what's the other cat's name? Thomas Thomas. Why does Thomas not get any songs about him? Oh, Thomas gets all the songs. But um but Roland is very verbal. So we like to sing to roland then go. Yeah.
It's great. It's really great. It's good to have a call and response. I frequently will start singing into my hand and then put the the microphone in Caitlin's face very quickly to make her sing the next part. And sometimes she's not into it, but you know. I was going to say, how often is does that get a response? It depends. It depends on how much she's been listening um and knows what we're singing.
because sometimes I'll go in from the other room and I'll just be like, it's like, yeah. And the next bit's you. Yeah. Yeah. Or sometimes it's a song that we like wrote that I that I wrote, you know, like the the yeah ah last my sock song, which I sing all the time. And the other day I did that. I gave it. I gave the microphone to her and she she just said she grabbed my hand and grabbed the microphone and said, I know what you're doing, but I'm not in the mood.
Cause she was a little sad and I was trying to cheer her up by singing the last song. I know that's very sweet. That's very sweet, but also appreciate the honesty. Yeah. Yeah. Honesty famously featured in today's film. Also, uh, queen and, uh, bars and not quite karaoke, but you know,
Close enough. Close enough. Yeah. Uh, that's right, guys. You guessed it. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie, uh, just sort of, you know, want to get their lives together. But unfortunately, that moment comes out of zombie apocalypse. Oh, no, but yet somehow they end up getting it together in the end. Whoa, hilarity ensues. It's apocalypse light. It's an apocalypse ish.
Yeah, apocalypse-ish. We are talking about Shaun of the Dead. Oh, I'm Katie. And I'm Emma. And today we were talking about, this is Go Get Your Ghoul, our-series about horror movies for the month of October in 2024.

Shaun of the Dead: Film Introduction

And today we were talking about 2004's ah Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead.
And it is directed by Edgar Wright and written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. This was their, I think this is their, it was the first, their first movie that was um popular at least. It was a big hit. I i don't know if Edgar Wright had maybe like a smaller movie before this, but they had a TV show before this. Yeah. So they did, have you watched Spaced?
I've watched a couple of episodes of it. That's so good. Big, big fan. Yeah. Yeah. I've watched it so many times. yeah it's done a lot We did a lot of tv British TV before this. No, no, no, no. There is a movie. Oh, there is? A Fistful of Fingers. Yeah. Oh. A comic Western.
No, there's a scene in one of the earlier episodes of Space that was sort of the inspiration for Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright to do this movie. And if you watched it, Space is about two unlikely flatmates living together in a flat in London. And hilarity ensues as they try to get their lives together. It's about its nerd culture. Yeah, it was very much. Yeah.
Very much trying to capitalize on that um kind of nerd pop culture before the zeitgeist really took hold, before we let the nerds have too much and they ruined pop culture for everyone. Famously, famously. Which we talked about on the show before. We let we let the nerds have too much social currency. and And now we're in the the state of anti-art that we're in now.
Some might say this is um famously many a nerd's favorite film. The nerds yeah love Edgar Wright. yeah Some might say actually that Edgar Wright is the nerd's version of Quentin Tarantino. okay And by some, I mean me right now. I think Quentin Tarantino is a nerd's version of Quentin Tarantino, but he's also a nerd.
Just a different kind of nerd. Different kind of nerd, yeah. He's a film world. He's the nerd who's into like yeah like kung fu movies from the 70s that no one's seen and like that kind of stuff. And this is like you know more more mainstream nerds, I guess. yeah Star Wars. It's Star Wars. yeah um the thing that like The things I've seen from space are usually like clips at where somebody's like having a nerd monologue or something. There's a whole rant about Star Wars Episode I, right? yeah Yeah, there's a whole thing about Star Wars, there's a whole thing about, um yeah, yeah.
Yeah, i've never I've never really watched it. It doesn't seem like my thing, um but but maybe maybe not, maybe not, maybe it's good. Yeah. If you enjoy Shaun of the Dead, I think give space to try. If you enjoy the Cornetto trilogy as a whole, I say give space to try um because it's basically like a less well-funded television version of any Edgar Wright film of the early to mid 2000s. Yeah. So yeah, Shaun of the Dead, goddamn it.

Character Analysis: Shaun and Zombie Mindlessness

How many times is it gonna happen? A play on the famous zombie movie, Dawn of the Dead, but his name is Sean, so he's Sean of the Dead. That's the joke, Katie. um And Sean of the Dead came out, it was a huge hit. um It kind of like became this, I'm not sure if it was actually that big of a hit when it first came out, but it became like a cult hit. It was a cult classic, yeah.
Yeah, um passed around on DVD. like I saw this movie on DVD, yeah, 13 million in the United States and Canada, worldwide 38 million on a budget of six million. So it made money considering it was low budget, but it was absolutely not a hit. it But it started, like ah ah you know no maybe not a revolution, but definitely a a huge trend in that maybe he was for the worst and in retrospect. But this was our first step towards letting the nerds have too much. Yeah, possibly, possibly. But I think this is this is a good movie. This is ah it's a very sweet, very funny. Yes, movie. um Not particularly scary. I think that there are some horror comedies that have
genuine scares. I think this movie goes more for emotion and yeah heart than horror. It's kind of like a horror backdrop. But a lot of it is is a little too silly to be actual actually But it does yeah manage to make those emotional beats land, which I think is oh for sure very impressive. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, they do still have at least one horrifying kill.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and he deserves it. Yeah, because he sucks. He sucks. And yeah, so when did you see this movie? um I can't remember the exact first time that I saw this movie, but I know that it sort of entered into my zeitgeist and into my world repeatedly because the one The first Valentine's Day that Charlie and I spent together as a married couple, we couldn't decide what to watch. I wanted to watch something romantic. Charlie, at the time, was not a movie guy. And he was like, man, I don't want to watch anything. Why do we have to watch something? And I was like, so we had to compromise. We're both Libra, as you see. So we're not good at making decisions. But we are good at compromise.
and So we compromised on Shaun of the Dead, and that sort of expanded over the years to be the full Cornetto trilogy, which of course is the three Edgar Ray Simon Pegg films that are, they're not directly related, but they use a lot of the same actors. They're all sort of like plays on different genres. ah There's Shaun of the Dead, and then there's Hot Fuzz, and then there is The World's End.
Hot Fuzz being like a bad boys sort of police buddy cop movie and World's End being like an alien sort of like um invasion of the body snatchers sort of film.
And so we would watch the Coronado trilogy over the span of an entire day, a Saturday following or prior to Valentine's Day. And we would have a big old brunch spread and we would day drink until Charlie started being like, um, mimosas in the morning, make me sleepy in the afternoon. Let's not do that.
Get into your thirties. You know, stuff happens. stuff happens um so we watched this every single year i think up until about maybe like three years ago um whenever oh you don't do it or so no charlie got tired of it i i'm a traditionalist and so i will always be like we have to do this we have to watch the cornetto trilogy um but charlie was like oh i can't watch it again It's so many times. And I was like, but it's tradition. And he goes, I know, but it's like so much and we know what's going to happen. like So then the next one year we did Marvel movies and then we did I think another, I can't remember, but we sort of are taking a break from the Coronado trilogy. It'll come back. I bought the Coronado trilogy DVD, so it will come back.
What about you? When was the first time you saw this movie? um Yeah, I think I saw, I'm pretty sure I saw it um on, I definitely saw it on DVD. It was probably in college um and I imagine it was my friend Richard, but I don't remember really. I've seen it a bunch of times. Caitlin is also a huge fan of it. We saw, I think I mentioned, I don't remember if this was in the recording ah last week ah or if it was after we stopped recording, but you announced that and I had watched it the night before because at,
Movie Night with Cassie and Luke. ka My friend Cassie had picked it as as one of her picks for Wednesday night, Movie Night. And then we recorded Thursday morning. so I love that so much. So did you watch it again or are you just going off of that work watching it? No, i'm going to go I'm going off of that watch. I'm not going to watch it twice in one week. There's almost no movies that I would do that for, I think. Oh, I almost forgot. I was also in a staged reading of this.
For a theater company in Chicago years ago, I was in a staged reading of Shaun of the Dead. I was Oh my god, what's her name? It's the chick from space who comes back as a cameo and she's sort of like the Sean counterpart.
Oh, yeah. Where they have that thing where there's all of the people who are exact versions of. Yeah, exactly. And they're all famous British actors. Yeah. Martin Freeman and um ah what's her name? The tall lady. Oh, yeah. Tamsen. Tamsen something I know you're talking about. Tamsen Greig. Yeah. Yeah. She's in spy. with Melissa McCarthy. yeah
um But yeah, that's who I was in the stage reading. So I very much know this script probably backwards and forwards and all the ways around. And I think honestly that it is like, regardless of genre, regardless of, you know, what it became, I think that it's such a smart, well-written script. Like it's very clever. It's very clever. Yeah, it is.
It is, yeah. It's very, um and this is also like right before zombies became like a huge, it's very zeitgeisty movie. It was right at the right time. Right before zombies. Like, I mean, yeah, zombies were everywhere in the late 2000s, early 2010s. Like, I, but the first play that I ever had produced is a musical called Zombie Boyfriend, um which was a little bit, it was 2011, you know, a little bit later than that, but it was, you know, The Walking Dead had just started. Like, all of zombies were very big in millennial, tumbler, bacon awesomeness culture, you know? I remember those times.
Yeah. Oh my God, do I? I remember those times. I remember when Walking Dead came out and it was like such a revolution because, well, I don't think there there had been like such a beautifully made horror show in a long time. Like I think. No, not at all. Walking Dead and American Horror Story, all of that came out around the same time. Yeah.
Um, yeah, and um Walking Dead, like i i I was not a Walking Dead person. I we watched it when it started. We watched, I think maybe two seasons of it um and almost immediately lost interest. Like that show got so boring so fast. um I have no space for the Walking Dead. Charlie and I finished it. Oh, dear.
So we know everything that happens. And I will say, yes, there are supporting seasons. I mean, you at least have to admit it went on for way too long, right? It went on for very long. Like, 11 seasons or something? Yes. But I will say that there are certain seasons that, like, hit. And, like, the whole concept was very good. They do, like, a flash forward in time. And so you sort of see how the world has sort of become adapted to the zombie apocalypse, um which I thought was very interesting. They use cars as tractors.
Um, yeah or like carriages and, uh, we haven't watched any of the spinoff series. I'm very, what a very hate spinoff series. they have Yeah. But like, here's the thing. I'm so excited slash curious about the Daryl Dixon one because the Daryl Dixon walking dead colon Daryl Dixon M dash the book of Carol.
Well, Daryl goes to France. What the fuck, AMC? I need to know how Daryl gets to France. Daryl gets to France. Of all people. A plane or a boat, I suppose. I don't know. But everyone speaks English. Sure. I mean, as is true of France in movies and TV shows. Yes. Because you know Daryl Dixon did not learn French.
I mean, why didn't they call it Daryl in Paris and just do the exact same like font or... Emily in Paris? Yeah. ah It is a missed opportunity. Well, it's because of search engine optimization. Why all of these things are such bullshit. The titles of things, the book of Carol. Go fuck yourself. ah Take the book of, out of your vocabulary, Hollywood. There was the Star Wars one too, the book of Boba Fett.
Why? Why? What's the book? Just call it Boba Fett. Yeah. Technically, this is not a book. this is This is a television show. It's a different medium. It's The Walking Dead, colon, Daryl Dixon, M dash, The Book of Carol. Don't get it twisted. It really is The Walking Dead, colon, Daryl Dixon in Paris. Yeah. But anyways, we digress. So Shaun of the Dead.

Relationship Dynamics: Shaun and Ed

So we open up on Sean and his... Oh my God, I need the names. After I just bragged about how I need this movie so much. It's Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who are real life besties. Love that. Love that for them.
um And a lot of their relationship was yes and a lot of their relationship and a lot of sort of like the inside jokes This is the first of Emma's fun facts Emma's fun facts So a lot of this sort of like inside jokes and the joking around that they did I'm assuming the orangutan that all of that came from and was inspired by the years that Nick Frost and Simon Pegg were actual roommates. So, you know, like you do, you write what you know, and you put bits into your movie. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. um So they are they are friends. They um it's interesting. Like, does does Ed live there?
Or is he just there all the time? Because I believe that Peter Sarafinowicz is actually his roommate and that Ed doesn't live there. I think that it is sort of implied that he came over once and Sean was like, hey, is it cool if Ed crashes on the couch for a couple of days? yeah And that was several years ago. Yeah. And he lives there and doesn't pay rent or anything. And yeah he just comes out and plays video games and drinks their beer.
Exactly. Yeah. OK, that's what I thought. Yeah. So I mean, he lived he lives there, but he doesn't like legally live there, I guess is what I mean. Exactly. Exactly. So he's like it's this movie is very also very much about Arrested Development. um It is about man children in there. Yep.
What, late 20s at this point? How old are these people supposed to be? I actually had that thought as the movie was going on. I was like, how old are they supposed to be? Because they're not in their early 20s. Because so and so, Siobhan, I think her name is, talks about how she bought a house. And then they mentioned how Lucy, what's her name? Oh my gosh, I need to get these names up so that I don't keep doing that.
Um, how Dan, is it Dan? Yeah. How Dan and Lucy Davis, um, is a failed actress. And if you're in your early twenties, you can't be a failed actress cause you haven't tried yet. Yeah. Um, yeah. So they, uh, so Sean, uh, Sean, uh, Simon peg was born in 1970. So he would have been 34 when this movie came out. So I think they had he might i think he says he's 29 maybe in this movie, unless I'm thinking about something else that I also watched in the past week. It's possible.
Um, but yeah, they are definitely around 30 one way or the other. Um, Peter Serafinowitz, um, the great Peter Serafinowitz is, um, his roommate who has like a real job and has like responsibilities and things. And he's the one who's sick of Ed's bullshit yeah and is telling them they that they have to grow up. Um, he's telling him he needs to kick Ed out of the house.
um Sean's girlfriend who presumably has a name. Liz. Liz is telling him, you know, make a decision.
Take responsibility, do something. And also, do something. And also, like maybe, I don't know, can we not have a date night with all of our friends at the pub for every single date night? And so he makes a promise that he's like, oh, well, you know because they didn't do anything for their anniversary. They just they went to the Winchester, which is the pub. yeah And so they um she's complaining about it. And he goes, well, then we'll do something. We'll go to the nice restaurant with the fish tomorrow. But of course. yeah things happen and he forgets. Yeah.
So it's basically the whole movie is takes place over about three days. yeah The the first day like and we see kind of his routine. So as all zombie movies do, this movie is playing with a sort of allegory or metaphor for what the zombie ism in our real lives is. So like in Dawn of the Dead, it's about consumerism and it all takes place in a mall. Right. And this.
is about loser nerds in their 30s who are stuck in, it's about arrested development, you know are stuck in a proto adulthood refusing to take responsibility or act like real people and um wasting their lives. and we So we see that a lot in these you know walks. There's a lot of cuts where it shows people and you're not sure if they're zombies or not. They're just all just- Exactly. Um, yeah. And this is like, it's, it's a, it's pretty smart phone, but it's post phone. So yeah there's some phone stuff in here, but it's not quite, it hasn't quite developed to that point where everybody was staring at their phone all the time, which yeah I'm sure other zombie movies have, have done. Not that I can think about the top of my head, but that's a, that's something that's so cliche. It's probably not even worth making. Um.
But it is the same kind of um they're there. He's hungover in the morning, right? And hes there's a lot of things where it cuts to him. He's going, because he just woke up. And he's hungover. And he is basically a zombie. um And also, the the mindlessness of working retail um is part of it as well. He works at what seems to be a very shitty electronics store.
um Yep, it's a sharper image selling. So it's a sharper image. It's not a sharper image. It's not a sharper image. It's it's some kind of like, you know, like you'll see in cities, especially like the like generic electronic store, which seems like it's got to be a front because nobody's ever in there and they sell like TVs and DVD players and stuff that are like 10 years out of date.
and That's what it seems like. ah Yeah. And he works there with a bunch of asshole kids. Yeah. One of them jump scare cameo was is Rafe Spall. Yeah. Rafe Spall who. Yeah. Because he's in um he's in hot clothes too. ah Yes. But I feel like between this and hot fuzz, he had a little bit of a glow up. Mm hmm.
because he was also like I think a child in some of the dead probably, right? It was probably like 16, 17. He was born in 1983. Oh, okay. So he was 21.
and He's also in, of course, um ah what if the the wrong time we watched about a month ago or so. Yeah. Yeah. yeah And again, a bit of a glow up from this to that, um because he's he's a little bit of a hottie now. Yeah. Timothy's bald son. I know. I didn't realize that he was a netbo baby. And so many people are. I know it's all of Hollywood. um But yeah, so Sean works with a bunch of shit kids.
Oh, I have some, um, I have some Charlie's Corner. Sorry. Sorry. Uh, right off the back. Cause I started taking notes and then it just ended up being, um, me writing down what Charlie was would translate to me. Uh, even though I oh kind of British English. Yeah. British English. Uh, one of them being something that he was like, don't say that I said this on the pod. Hell yeah.
And he had to we had to this several times because Charlie was like, well, what did he say? It was something that um Nick Frost says as Ed whenever he's getting like a call from his friend who's trying to buy weed. um Because this was, again, famously, well, actually, weed's still illegal in the UK. So. Also, really?
Yeah, it's still illegal in the UK. Backwards country. I know. um is this about Is this about a Henry? Is this what this is? Yes, it is. Yeah. We had to rewind it and put the subtitles on. He goes, um ah Henry. And then he goes, oh, OK. And I turned to him, and I was like, that still doesn't make sense to me, Charles.
And he goes an A, like Henry the A, you know, which is like a play on Cockney slang that do it a lot where they'll take Cockney rhyming slang, where they'll take the second word that rhymes and not the first one. And it's just, it's very confusing.
So um the best way to describe it, I found is that the stairs are called apples. You go up the apples. um So because stairs rhymes with pears, apples and pears. So you don't use the part that rhymes, you use the part that doesn't rhyme. You go up the apples. Yeah. Yeah. Or Henry.
And which doesn't rhyme is the same thing, but it's similar. um I know that because I used to listen to British rapper The Streets around the time this movie came out, actually in college. Yeah. oh Oh, whose first two records, I will still say, like pretty fucking great. um Original pirate material. or Listen to the streets. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's um like South London. Oh, yeah. British rapper. Yeah.
gotcha gotcha yeah Um, the second bit that I actually didn't need Charlie to translate, but he translated for me anyway and mansplained was, um, munted means very drunk. Like, um, Ray Spall says, I was munted last night. Uh, and it means I was very drunk. And then I was like, but what does that mean? Like, why, why is that mean drunk? And Charlie goes, it's just a very British thing of putting ED on the end of something. And that means that you were wasted.
but what is I don't know that I don't that's the thing is I was muted it's just means you were wasted Oh, OK. I mean, I think I probably got that from context when they said it. Like a lot of things like you just kind of understand that it's got to be some kind of nonsense word. But um no, I did not know that um specifically. No. Yes. Yeah. So that's that. um um So he has to deal with these terrible teens. He's embarrassed to talk to his girlfriend ah ah at work because the child is giving him shit. So he's a very insecure person.
um And he doesn't ah get the reservation like he should. So she breaks up with him as she probably should have done years ago because years ago he doesn't he doesn't deserve her. Yeah, he is as the kids would call a um ah scrub.
Yeah, yeah, um he is a Riz-less loser. um and Oh, sorry. Sorry. I was saying the kids from 1996 might be. It's fine. and They could still say scrub probably. um I don't know if he's hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride trying to holla at us, but. But hey, he's got a lot in common.
The scrubs. Yeah. um And he he he he goes home and gets drunk with yeah with Ed. And then they wait and also so in this second day, in this in the in the day that we kind of followed him to work, we see a lot of background stuff, which is yeah probably my favorite thing in the movie, where he is so caught up in his own bullshit that he does not notice that a zombie apocalypse is going on. They're constantly like the news is on there like Um, you know, a piece of a space station broke off and landed in, in England and all these people are acting crazy and there's like the military and all the news reports are like talking about it and they just like changed the channel to something else. So they're not paying attention at all. Yeah.
Yeah, it's great. It's great. um I watched an entire, when I was a receptionist and hated my life for eight hours a day and did nothing but watch YouTube videos, I watched a really great YouTube essay about um Shaun of the Dead and perspective and so how they played around with the perspective in this film and how it was

Cinematic Style of Edgar Wright

shot. um was very, very clever from Edgar Wright. And it sort of continues through all of, um at least through the Cornetto trilogy. You don't really see it as much, but I mean, I haven't watched um that. I haven't, want I've only seen Baby Driver once and then- As has everyone. No one has seen that movie two times. um The most canceled movie ever made. Yes. Why do people hate it? Because of Ansel Angort.
Um, and, uh, America's sweetheart, Kevin Spacey. Oh, I forgot Kevin Spacey was in it. Yeah. Uh, bad casting choices, but I have seen him last night in Soho twice and he plays a little bit with perspective in that, but not as late. I hear that movie is terrible. No, it's great. Is it bad? Really? No, I love i don't seen it. but i It's also very,
like pretty which is I think why I like Edgar Wright as a director because everything that he makes is like very pretty so like a lot of like the costume design the set design um everything it just like looks it's just it's like a feast for your eyes. There's something to be said like in the current era of Hollywood there are so few directors who have like an overwhelming visual style where you can yeah see watch watch like a few seconds of something and be able to tell, oh, that's this person. And like, that has changed so much. I mean, like, I feel like we used to have a lot more of those and now there's like a handful, like maybe like four, like we've got Quentin Tarantino, um Wes Anderson, Edgar Wright is one, I think, um yeah and Baz Luhrmann, there's not many. sophia coppola
You think Sofia Coppola has that? Oh, yeah. Anything that's sad with Kirsten Dunst in it, that's a Sofia Coppola. I mean, like, visually, visually. Yeah, I know. I'm saying, visually, a lot of cool tones.
Yeah, okay, okay, Kristen kten Dunst is there. I have not seen, I've not seen Priscilla and I haven't seen, um there's several of her movies I haven't seen, lots of her movies I haven't seen. I need to catch up. I love and The Virgin Suicide so much though.
I really, I've heard the Beguiled is amazing and i need it's been on my list. That's not one either. Yeah. um Marie Antoinette also. um Deeply underrated movie. Classic. Love that movie. That movie was like such a liberating vision for me in high school.
the fact that like you could have really cool fun like punk rock music and like really girly things and then also like tell a history story it was just it was again feast for the eyes feast for the eyes yeah and uh little emo emma felt very seen yeah Yeah. But yeah, Edgar Wright is one of those. um He does have a very unique um style. He has also like a a signature like editing move that he does that's in all of his movies that i but I've seen at least um where someone one is
preparing or getting ready to do something, and in they they cut out basically all what they used to call shoe leather um in a movie, which is like the bit that gets you from one place to another. He replaces those um transition scenes with extremely quick cuts of close ups on objects or something knocking into something else. um Yeah, it's hard to describe, but it happens in all of his movies and you know what it is when you see it.
Yeah, it gives you that same feel of like going from point A to point B, but in a much more sort of like stylistic way. Yeah, super fast cuts, super loud um ah foley work on those in those transitions and on the cuts, yeah. Yeah, it's great. It's great. It's really good.
um So what happens when he wakes up the next day? Yeah, so he wakes up the next day and we have this nice little parallel of him walking to his corner store to get a Diet Coke and a Cornetto, which is basically it's an ice cream cone, which is why this is called the Cornetto trilogy.
Oh, sorry, one packaged ice cream cone. Yeah, like an ice cream novelty, as we would call it in America. Exactly. And so each Cornetto trilogy features a different cornetto. This one, it's the strawberry, the pink one, because obviously blood. And then we get the blue, I think it's like vanilla or
hot fuzz and then the green one, the mint obviously for the alien movie for world then. But I digress. So he goes and he's like slipping on things like very similar choreography ah but a zombie apocalypse has happened and he doesn't realize it and so he gets back and he's sitting down and drinking his Diet Coke and running the TV but and Ed goes there's a girl in the garden and um And in so they go out to investigate, they see Mary who we saw in the opening credits. She is just a like a grocery she works at a grocery store. And
she they think she's very very drunk and so she like starts to stumble towards them uh or towards sean and there ed's like making fun of them like oh she wants a kiss she wants a kiss um and then she starts getting more and more aggressive takes him down to the ground we get some really funny moments um where and take a picture of them. And then they're like, okay, no, you need to chill out, Mary. And so they push her back. And she stumbles, she falls, she lands on like an umbrella stand, I want to say. And it goes right through her center. And we get this really cool shot of her like, dragging herself up the like,
the umbrella stand to stand in front of them with a giant circular hole in her center. And that's when they realized that things are perhaps a little amiss. um We had a few clues of that beforehand in the background.
But this is the first that they're seeing of it. So then they go inside and, um oh, and she's joined by another zombie who's this big guy. And they're like, okay, well, this isn't great. So then they go inside, they turn on the TV. They're calling, trying to call 999, which is British 911. And um And they can't get through because obviously it's engaged. And they see the um news reports from this one guy who's an actual news reporter, I want to say. And he says, if you do have to go into contact with these creatures, um our best advice is to remove the head or damage the brain.
And so they go, OK, well, we're going to take care of this because the zombies are trying to get in their house and they go outside and their best their first idea is to take a box of records and throw a bunch of records. at Oh, no, wait it's to throw a bunch of stuff. And then then like then they could do a record and they're like, OK, we need a bunch of records. One of the worst ways to attack and one thing that's in this movie, there's There's like um until the very end, there's like the they're not armed. Like there's no guns, really, ah in the because it's England, right? So like the bar, the pub that they're trying to get to, the Winchester is called that because there's a gun in it. There's a rifle over the bar, which they have an argument about whether or not it actually works. Yeah. But, you know, zombie movies are are so tied with guns um because like you got to shoot them in the head. That's what you do with zombies.
So this we actually watched Cassie picked two zombie movies the last week to watch the first one was trained to busan Which has no weapons in it whatsoever? That is literally have you not seen trying to train to busan. It's been on my list for years, but I it's so good trying to convince Charlie to watch a movie that you also have to read because he likes to do five things at once is always, it's not that he's anything against foreign films, it's just that I have to convince him that he needs to pay complete attention to the movie. um yeah Cause he has to read it. um
Right. Yeah, Train to Busan is really, really cool South Korean movie, and they have no weapons at all because they're on this train. But so no guns, no knives, nothing. They are bare knuckling the zombies throughout almost all of the very, very end. There's a military and they have a gun that's the first, the only gun in the whole movie. And Shaun of the Dead is very similar, not until they actually get to the last set piece, do they have a gun.
um So usually they're dealing with this. Throwing records is one of the worst possible things you could possibly come up with to try to decapitate a zombie. But there is a really good bet where he's asking him which records are okay to throw at ah the zombies and which ones are not. Yeah, isqui the yeah one of them is the Batman soundtrack.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So then they realized that it doesn't work and Sean runs to the shed and gets a cricket bat and I forget what the the other, what Ed uses. Like a shovel or something, I think. Yeah. And they just, they beat the zombies in and then they real, they are traumatized for a moment because they just have to kill two human beings. um But they realized that they have to, they can't stay where they are.
they need to go and Sean and make it a drunken to-do list.

Realization of the Apocalypse

So they gotta complete that drunken to-do list, which is go round to moms, get Liz back, oh and sort life out. Oh, right. There's also his mom. Yeah, so yeah, yes, yes, because that's what Liz told him he needed to do, to sort his life out, which he did. Yeah. um his his His mom is also a major part in this movie, and she is played by, um oh God, she's not on the list here.
Her name, I don't remember her name, but she was the prime minister on Doctor Who for years. She was. um What is her name? Penelope Wilton is her name. Yeah, she was in um she was yeah Harriet Jones. Yeah, she was in Downton Abbey. She was, um um what's it um what's his name's mom? Yeah.
She's the best exotic marigold hotel. She's been lost. so she's Oh, yeah, she's she's in the last up. She's she's super, super great actor, but um also plays the most quintessential British mom, like anything that you like, I before I saw this movie, I thought that certain things were just, you know, maybe mannerisms of particular people when I met my friends and spouse's mom. And then I realized when I watch this movie, Oh, no, these are, she's playing a stereotype. This is very much she kills she keeps doing the thing just
Hello. Oh, hello. Like she's been sitting quietly in the middle of all of this and she just changes. Oh, hello. So she, uh, yeah, it's, it's her birthday, I believe.
No, it's just the, he goes around to his mom's twice a month for his five monthly visits to his mom and his stepdad. And he apparently- But he didn't bring her flowers on her birthday. Or just didn't bring her flowers. Or Mother's Day or something like that. Yeah, yeah. Cause he gets her flowers.
Yeah, so um yes, he his stepdad, who is Bill Nye, comes to meet him at work and tells him that you need to bring flowers and he's. Um, Bill Nye, who I'm sure, uh, everyone knows, uh, is in many believes in love. Actually he's in, um, uh, about time he's in, uh, he's Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Probably his best performance.
He's, uh, he's fantastic. Um, and he is like the most dry. ah Version of himself in this movie. Yes, so good. It's so so and Sean hates him. Yeah, no, he's basically raised him um he calls his Constantly correct people and cause says that he's my stepdad. He's not my dad even though. Yeah, he's been a stepdad since he was 12 years old And and um He has not introduced his his mom or his stepdad to his girlfriend. You know, they've been dating for three years, three years, and they live in the same town, right? Well, I mean, they all live in London, but like not very far from each other in London. It's I mean, it's yeahs like is it is it London? It's a very it's a it's a it's a small neighborhood in London, though, right? like Yeah. Yeah. I want to say it's like they're not going very far. Yeah. No, no. We're we're not going to Big Ben.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're just a bit of saying like the the amount of area covered in this movie is like, not very much like just a few blocks, I would say. Yeah, exactly. Right? Yeah. ah They all live very, very close to each other. um But like, ah but yeah, I mean, if I was Liz, I honestly I would have dumped his ass probably a year and a half earlier. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
He has committed to the relationship. He does not he does not take responsibility for anything. He sucks. Yeah. So his he's also, in the first he's very worried about Liz and his mom. um That's what he wants to um to to get done today, um regardless of zombies. And now he feels like he has to protect them both from being zombies. He calls his mom on the phone. His mom tells him that his stepdad was bitten by some hooligans.
They were or they buy tea. Yeah. So now he has to go rescue his mom because Richard, I think is his stepdad's name, is going to turn into a zombie. Phillip is going to turn into a zombie. Yeah. um So they go.
One of the best lines is whenever he goes around to his mom's and um he's trying to convince his mom that the fact that Philip got bitten is a big deal and that the ambulance is not coming. The doctor is not coming. And then Philip overhears that she called the doctor and he goes, you called the doctor? Why? I ran it under a cold tap.
Yeah, yeah. um Nobody's paying attention to the news. Nobody knows what's going on. Yeah, yeah. ah So, yeah, they get it. They they they take Philip's car um because, oh, the first of all, when they leave the apartment, they realize that Peter Serafinowicz has been turned into a zombie. He is yes because he got bit the night before he showed him um when he got confronted them for making too much noise when they were drunk the night before. But he's a zombie in the shower and they just leave him there.
Yeah. And steal his car. And then they steal Philip's nicer car. um Yeah. because And because Ed intentionally wrecks the other one, so they'll have to take Philip's nice car. um They go get Liz and her hangers on ah roommates, um who is, of course, Lucy Davis from The Office and Dylan Moran from Black Books.
um big British sitcom stars, both of them. um Yeah. If you watch this. But it's a British show. Yeah. If you've watched the reboot um Riverdale remake of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Lucy Davis is one of the aunts. I think she's Hilda. um She is Hilda, I believe. Yes. Yeah. um And she's just, she's great. She's in a lot of stuff. She was the original, not Pam, but whatever the British version of Pam was.
Yeah, she was called something else. But yeah, she was Pam. And Martin Freeman was Jim. And he has a cameo in this movie as well. um Sorry, were Tim. and the He was Tim. It's Tim. And it like it rhymes with Pam also, I think. It rhymes with Pam. And Jan or something like that? It's very similar. It doesn't matter. Sam? No. Fran? Maybe. Oh my god. I guess I could click on her name and I could see.
We're gonna Google it. That does not rhyme with Cam. Yeah.
It's because Tim rhymes with Jim. That's why we were thinking of him. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, none of that is relevant. No. Yeah, so they they get them, um and what's his name? um Dylan Moran plays David, who sucks so bad ah um and is obviously in love with Liz. Yes, even though he's dating Dion. Is it is it Dion or is it spelled Diane? Maybe it's Diane. Yeah, they call her Diane, I think about the movie. Yeah, he's he's dating Die. Yeah. So and he's the worst.
And they get this whole little party together, and they're trying to make it to the Winchester because Sean claims that he has a plan. um But he does not have a plan. um He is an idiot. Yeah. And they are working their way through town. Philip dies from his injuries. And he they actually actually has a touching scene with Sean in the back of the car right as he dies, um where ah he's like,
They, uh, he's trying to get everybody out of the car as after he turns into a zombie and his mom goes, that's your dad in the car. He goes, he's not my dad. I mean, it was, but now it's not anymore where he's like, he's willing to call him his dad because he had this like touching scene with him. But now he's trying to communicate that he's not a person. He's a zombie. So there's a little bit of but specificity there, which is very funny. I think.
Um, and, uh, so they, uh, so they have to abandon the car and go on foot and they make go through yards and meet up with, um, which I guess is just like a camp, an opportunity for a cameo. Like there's these other people who like use the person in the reading. Yeah. yeahy Yeah. Yeah. Um, it's just there's an opportunity. Yeah. There's no real reason.
Yeah. Um, there's, there's an equal number of people and each one of them like has the same fulfills the same role in each of the groups as they pass by. Yeah. I think that's all. Yeah. And they get to the Winchester, which is this bar, uh, but there's way too many zombies and they barricade themselves in this bar, but the zombies aren't letting them out. And it was a huge problem and he gets almost everyone killed.
Yeah, yeah. um And also, it's not very good with the gun. But we do at the Winchester have the great, the famous, the fantastic zombie fighting scene with the barkeep to

Iconic Zombie Fight Scene

Queens. um Don't stop me now. And ah they have pool sticks. It's choreographed. It's beautiful. It's shot fantastic. It's funny. It's It's great. It's great. I just yeah, it's the highlight of the movie. Probably most people I would say the one the the biggest thing they remember from the movie is the Don't Stop Me Now bit. Yeah, which is a great song and a great bit. um The place gets overrun with zombies. um Dylan Moran gets dragged out the window because he's so stupid um gets dragged out the window.
and ripped to pieces. And then ripped apart in front of the audience. We see it all. We see them dig in and eat his insides. It's horrifying. get that R rating there. Yeah. Which, okay. So this is an excellent place for the second round of Emma's Fun Facts, Emma's Fun Facts. There's several zombie cameos in this movie. I don't know if you know this, but there's several zombie cameos. So one of them being, oh my gosh, what's his name from Coldplay?
the lead singer from Coldplay. Chris Martin. Chris Martin and then another member of Coldplay. He has a cameo at the end as himself as well. He does as himself, but he is in that scene where they rip apart David as a zombie. He is one of the zombies that does it. And then at the end, when we're seeing the footage of um one year on or six months on or whatever, ah and you see zombies just walking around in like in like a park, Edgar Wright has a cameo. He's he's a zombie that falls over.
um Also, in front of the Winchester, there is another cameo. I don't think it's the actual actor, but they dressed up one of the zombies as a bike messenger, which is a reference to a character in Spaced, because he's dressed exactly like that bike messenger. So yeah, there's there's quite a few zombie cameos. And there's a lot of references references to other zombie movies. Yes. which If I had watched the movie for, watched the movie for the show, I would have made note of, but since I watched it without realizing we were going to do it for the show, I didn't. The one that comes to the top of my, the top of my head though, is he works at Foree Electronics, which is, has got, I assume is a reference to Ken Foree, who's like one of the main characters in Dawn of the Dead.
Ah. My guess is that there are a bunch of other things named after stuff. Well, he says they're coming to get you Barbara, um which is ah ah obviously a famous line from Night of the Living Dead. Ah, yes. The OG zombie movie. The first, like, yeah. the the oh then I mean, yeah, one of the first. the Definitely the first, like, really good zombie movie, for sure. I was going to say, what zombie movie came before Night of the Living Dead? Oh, there were a bunch. there is ah there's like like White Zombie, I Walked with a Zombie. They're a bunch of like um B-movie, Hollywood stuff, yeah. Well, I've only ever known Night of the Living Dead. Night of the Living Dead is probably the first like serious like zombie movie. The first zombie movie that like was, like they took itself seriously, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Great movie. It's a great movie, yeah. Night of the Living Dead rules.
um so Yeah, so basically Sean tries but yet gets almost everyone killed. um do We get one last showdown because his mom has gotten bitten and she turns into a zombie and then David gets pulled out of the window. He gets ripped apart and then Di runs after him like an idiot. I don't understand why that.
happens. um She goes and fights for her man, um even though she admits that she knows that he's in love with Liz. She's holding his leg, saying they put you back together.
And so then it's down to Liz, Sean, and Ed. And then Ed gets bitten by Peter Serafin. There's the mom scene, too, which is really touching. It's heartbreaking. In the middle of all this silliness, there's this whole bit where she's like, oh, I got bitten in the garden, and I didn't want to raise a fuss.

Emotional Depth: Shaun's Mom's Transformation

And they have this very, like, touching scene, which completely works, despite the tone of the movie to that point, really manages to hit that emotional beat, which is why I think this movie is so good, actually. Yeah. It knows how to balance. It didn't have that. Yeah. It balances the drama with the comedy, with the horror, and it never feels like it's doing too much. Yeah. Yeah.
um They the three of them get behind ah the bar. The place is completely overrun. They're in there in the basement. um Ed has been has been bitten. He is definitely going to die. And yeah he's going to make a noble sacrifice ah could to get them out of the of the cellar. Yep.
Well, first, m Sean and Liz are talking it through and they're like, well, I guess the only option is, you know, one of us is gonna shoot the other and then shoot ourselves. And Liz is like, oh, well then you you've got to go first because I would just I would mess it up.
paid to do it. And so then Sean, I guess, I guess this is how it's gonna go. And so they, they had earlier in the film talked about how um Sean was supposed to quit smoking when Liz did and he didn't. um And so Liz has brought the cigarettes. And so they're about to light up a couple of cigarettes as before they kill themselves. And notice that the um the lifts that they're on has a button, which is why they haven't been able to open the door, the cellar door. And so they're able to press the button. And so they don't have to die in this blazing inferno of a pub. And Ed sacrifices himself. There's a very touching goodbye speech, which also includes a fart joke. um so Classic.
ah and And they make it to the the surface, um ready to just sort of fight their way out of this and try and make a go of things. And immediately the army comes in with Siobhan just there. Yeah, bit of a deus ex machina, but definitely a way to end a zombie movie. Many zombie movies do in this way.
Yeah, and they destroy all the zombies around there. And then we get a flash forward to, I think it's six months or is it six months or a year? Yeah, it's something like that. It's like six months, I think. Yeah, and so we're seeing a lot of like news coverage, a lot of like shots from shows, which include reality television shows where they put the zombies on um tethers and try to see who can get to a hunk of meat first.
um And there's a new segment about how the zombies are perfect for the service industry. um Yeah, and then there's the reality TV or the um talk show, which is like, you know,
all of those trashy daytime talk shows. um The Jerry Springer's at where yeah yes it's this woman talking about how it's still her husband and she doesn't say anything. that There's wrong with that even though he's a zombie. um And then we see that Liz and Sean have made it. They're watching TV just hanging out on a Sunday morning.
And they're talking about how they're gonna spend their day, which sounds so lovely every time they describe it, which is like, they're going to go get the Sundays, which is the Sunday papers, and then they're gonna go to the pub, or no, wait, they're gonna go get a bite to eat. And then they're gonna go to the pub for a little bit, wander on home, watch some TV and go to bed.
Sounds like a great night, great night. um And Sean but is like, oh, before ah you make my tea, I'm gonna go pop and spend some time in the shed for a little

Conclusion: Life Post-Apocalypse

bit. And turns out, he kept Ed, he kept Ed alive. And his best friend is a zombie, and but they're able to play video games together. Yeah, which is not that much different from the way Ed was before.
It's not, no, but everybody's happy and the movie ends. And it's a great time had by all. Yeah, and um and yeah, and that's China the Dead. Super fun movie. Probably the closest thing to a rom-com that um we are doing this month. ah yeah but like It has, like they are trying to, he's trying to repair this relationship and it is yeah repaired. like the um They are broken up most of the movie, but the um the relationship is one, is primary motivating factor for him. I mean, what happens in this movie is he,
you know kind of repairs his relationship with his mom, um gets Liz back, and gets Ed out of the house, all the things that he needed to do to sort his life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And ah it's fabulous. Just so a day-long zombie apocalypse for it to happen. That's another thing. They're like, oh, it just lasted a day. Yeah.
which is Jesus Christ one day. However, I did think about this movie a lot during those first few months of COVID. I don't know if you did too. um Because of the sort of the comedy aspect of no one is taking the zombie apocalypse seriously.
they all have for fuck And so like during those first few months when COVID was like coming becoming a thing, I just like kept thinking, I was just like, and like there's still people that are complaining about how you know the line is super long. They have to wait in a line to get into the grocery store. Yeah, yeah. Oh, for sure. Oh, woe is me. Life is so hard.
we're in a pandemic the apocalypse Yeah, it could. It could be. And I just I thought to myself, I was like, if this was a zombie apocalypse, people would be behaving the exact same way. And that's Oh, yeah, oh for sure. For sure. I'm sure that there's some kind of zombie apocalypse COVID allegory movie that I'll get made in the next 10 years or so. Oh, for sure. There's gotta be right? Yeah. Yeah. So what are we doing next, Katie?
Next week, we are doing our last Go Get Your Ghoul special, our last horror movie before it's back to rom-coms. Yeah. And we will be doing, um oh gosh, I forgot what year it's from. ah Yeah, 2022 slash 2023, I think. I think maybe it came out in America in 2023. Talk to me. Yeah. The horror movie about the hand.
ah is the best way to describe it. But it's not idle hands, different moving. No, that's about your own hand. This is about someone else's hand. hand Different different hands. This hand doesn't move. um It's about a bunch of teens who decide to play with the occult for social media clout, um and everything goes really badly.
um Because of course it does. Because don't fuck with ghosts. Like, we learned this during the Exorcist. Don't fuck with ghosts. This is why Zach Bagans is a terrible person, because he fucks with ghosts. And you've you've said that person's name again, and I forgot who it was immediately. um Until you said, because he fucks with ghosts. But I got it now.
Ghost adventures. So we will have a ghost adventure of our own next week. And then it'll be back to rom coms for November before we have Christmas month in December. Yeah, exactly. And it's all gonna be, I mean, we'll have to come up with a clever, go get your Santa or go get your Claus.
Do we we have to come up with one of those? We don't, but I will be putting sleigh bells at the beginning and the ending of our intro to the song. Okay, okay. Fair enough, fair enough. We can come up with something, we can come up with something, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Beautiful, amazing. All right, should we outro? Let's outro. All right. Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate, interview us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it.
her art artwork also with edits by Katie and myself. You can follow us on Instagram at go get your girl pod or email us at go get your girl pod at Gmail. You can follow me on social media at Emily M Pizza. And me at Katie of the Lake.
Until next time, we're just two ghouls standing in front of the internet asking it to to scare us.