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The Merry Gentlemen

Go Get Your Girl
35 Plays2 months ago

It's a ho ho horribly PG time in Netflix's 2024 addition to their Christmas line up: the Merry Gentlemen. Emma and Katie dive into how gaslit they felt watching this surface level film about strippers who NEVER STRIP as well as other hot topics like Britt Robinson AND Chad Michael Murray's hair choices for this film. 


Vocal Strains and Children's Shows

so um even though I got home look pretty too. I just have show makeup on. and And like, because I sweat so much during the show, like all my glitter is sweated off because I usually have like a face full of glitter. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you're a Christmas angel. Exactly. I'm a Christmas tree angel.
But I, Katie, on many occasions, um grownups and children alike have told me how pretty I am. And I'm like, thank you. That's why we got into theater. Exactly. Tell me more. And like how pretty my voice is. This voice. Do you want to explain to the audience? Yes. OK, so friends, um as many of you might know, I am currently doing a Christmas show.
It is a children's Christmas show, and it involves a lot of improv games and shouting. And there's zero male strippers in this one. There's zero male strippers, which is very disappointing.
um But yes, so i my voice is tired. And that's what you're hearing is a very tired voice. And I never thought I would be one of those Broadway bitches. That's like all about vocal health and vocal care. But like, I've been doing all the things man, like apple cider vinegar. I haven't done that since college. And I'm just like shooting it. That that spray stuff. I i i haven't gotten the spray stuff, but i I'm getting some drops.
That's the like the voice 37 or whatever it is. Throw coat with lemon and honey. Yeah. Throw coat like doing all the things like just whatever I can do. Hydrating. It's steaming. It's a hard life.
It's giving diva, so. It's giving Diva, it's giving, she knows how to put on a Christmas show. Which, um excellent segue because Christmas shows, as we know, are featured in today's film.
Um, I am gonna try hard not to laugh at your That's okay. I'm laughing at my but own voice today. So yeah, it's a okay Um, that's right

Podcast Jokes and Netflix Christmas Films

guys. This is go get your girl. This is podcast. Where am I Katie? yeah ah get kicked out of their Broadway shows because they're too old and then discover that they have to go back home and also that their parents bar slash performance menu is going under and they have to save it with really hot ripped guys that live in their town. Yeah, who can dance? Who can dance? I don't know where this movie is set.
um But yeah, like, anyway, um I was wrapped around the axel on that. It made me think of you because I know. Oh, my God. I i i did, too, because like 75 percent of the movie, I thought I knew where it was at. Well, there's rock mountains in the background and one in one scene.
Yeah, well, I for sure thought that it was Pennsylvania for 75% of the movie. I was like, this is obviously real Pennsylvania. It doesn't also hurt that I was just in rural Pennsylvania. And it looks yeah a lot like that. No, this was all filmed in LA. So I don't know.
i can yeah That's surprising. I would have assumed Vancouver. Yeah. No, no, it's filmed all in LA. The only footage that's not l LA is actually Pennsylvania. I was right. um But it's stock footage of like, I don't know, the like sweeping mountains and like stuff like that. Like, sure yeah, there's one shot of um of the of like a building or something. And then there's like a very obviously a Rocky Mountain behind it. Like that is not an Appalachian Mountain. Yeah. Yeah.
So ah yeah, this is The Merry Gentlemen from 2024. This is one of Netflix's like, they did like a whole thing. They're like, these are our Christmas movies this year and we've got- I love it. We've got Ha Frosty and we've got The Merry Gentlemen and we've got the Lindsay Lohan one. Yes, have you watched that one yet? No, no. Charlie and I watched it over the weekend and I meant to text you, but I was too tired. Yeah. It's been a long week.
It's been a long week. It's been a long, long time, a long season. um But it's actually really good. Yeah, OK. Lindsay brings back her acting chops. And you're reminded that she is the girl from the parent job. That's true. That's true. And Freaky Friday. And Freaky Friday. The title of the Freaky Friday is Freakier Friday, which I appreciate that.
But it does. It does lead us to believe that maybe in 20 more years, there'll be a freakiest Friday, freakiest Friday. It's I just I'm so curious. Are they going to switch again or are they going to switch? Like, is Lindsay going to switch with her daughter? Like, I just I don't know. I don't know. I guess we'll have to find out. I'll be seated. Yeah. Probably not. Maybe like the Sunday after. Right.

Directors, Writers, and Full House Memories

Yeah. The married gentleman is directed by Peter Sullivan, who has directed exclusively TV, Hallmark and Lifetime movies, mysteries and rom-coms. None of which I had seen, which is surprising. um Really? Oh, OK. Well, the 12 Gifts of Christmas is something that I thought I had seen, but I read the plot and I have not seen it. Oh, disappointing. Yeah. And then it's written by Marla Sokolov, who is ah the actress who plays her sister.
Really? Yeah. She wrote this? Yeah, she's been in a bunch of movies in the 2000s and stuff. She was in the Babysitter's Club. Yep. And she was also, she was in she was a child actor. She had like a big stint on um Full House. And also, um she was Gia on Full House. and Because I was like, where do I know her from? Who's that? Is that one of DJ's friends? One of DJ's friends is like kind of a bitch. Oh, OK.
Yeah, I think it's the one that like gets her to smoke cigarettes. Oh, yes I don't remember. I don't it remember Full House. I never did a rewatch of Full House because like when when Full House came on Netflix for the first time, I was like, Oh, maybe I'll watch Full House. I'm like, this is the worst show I've ever seen in my life. Yeah, I can't. I can't rewatch it. Yeah, no, I felt so bad for making my parents watch it with me every Friday night when I was a kid.
Right. I just I know that it won't live up to the nostalgia. I loved it too much. And I just I know because I've seen clips and I'm like, I can't. I can't do that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I mean, I didn't appreciate how ah how hot John Stamos was when I was like yeah five years old watching them either. So that's the only thing you can get from every watch, really. Because damn, damn.
Neither here nor there. And this is her second movie. She also wrote a Netflix or Hallmark or something, rom-com called Sweet On You from 2022. And this is her second movie. Oh, nice. Is that one also horny? I don't know. Would we call this one horny? That's the thing. I was, especially from Hot Frosty,
I so much more horniness. Yes. it's it's And I don't mean this is like in an in a disgusting way, but it's a dry horny, if that makes sense. Yeah. It's a PG horny. It's so fucking PG. They don't take off their goddamn pants. I will have the audience know that on my way back from my show today, Katie texts me.
And so I played the text message as you can nowadays. no yeah okay and And it said, these boys better take off their goddamn pants. And for a second I was just like, did she mean to text me that? And then I was like, oh no, wait, that's the movie. Yeah, yeah, no context.
Did I say boys? That's unfortunate. I sir i certainly meant adult myth. and can't remember it was something and in their 40s minimum. Honestly. And I have so many thoughts. I have so many feelings. Okay, okay. All right. So listen, what I said was if these assholes don't take their pants off, I'm gonna scream. So mischaracterized on the podcast. My bad.
but Don't give that boy anymore. You hold to the fire. Oh my gosh. Oh

Cat Mishaps and Thanksgiving Banter

my gosh. I haven't told you the Charlie's wrong story. Oh yeah. Oh my God. Okay. Aside from the other many things we know he's running not like the princess bride. Like the princess bride.
Um, but this is a very definitive Charlie is wrong that I will go to in my grave. Um, and it made my whole Thanksgiving. So the day that we are supposed to leave for the Poconos to go spend Thanksgiving with my friends, Zach and Rosie and their adorable one and a half year old William. Um, we, so like earlier in the week, I had gone to like, do all the like Thanksgiving shopping and like,
in my limited time off because I'm very busy. I'm doing this Christmas show. I'm working a bunch of jobs. like I'm very busy. and I called Charlie because I was at Target or Walmart or somewhere and I was just like, hey, you know should I just pick up some more pretty litter for the cats because like the pretty litter we ordered hasn't arrived yet and it's really time. I feel bad for the cat sitter that's going to come in and do their litter. like it's time to get it changed out um because it's like absorbent litter, people that act. Yeah, it absorbs instead of like clumping. and so like you don't It's great. I love Pretty Litter. This is not an ad, although if Pretty Litter, if you would like to sponsor us, we are down.
um i so I, he goes, no, no, no, no, no, don't, don't bother because like the package, I'm sure will arrive. Like if you buy that, it's going to arrive and then there's going to be too much litter. And so like, it's going to be pointless. I was like, are you sure? Cause like, it's like, we're leaving in like 24, 48 hours. And it's like, it's not like you can have too much, like you're going to use it. Yeah, I'm too much litter. And I just, I feel, and he's like, yeah, no, no, no, they'll be fine. They'll be fine. Even if not, they'll be fine. I was like, okay.
If you say so and in your head, this is going to be on your head. And the morning of Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I'm like getting up and I'm like doing all my stuff to like get ready. And Charlie comes to me and he goes, hey, I need you to go to CBS and get some cat letter for the boys. I was like, why, Charlie? Why?
Does it smell really bad? Because I can tell you it's been smelling really bad for a week and I've wanted to do this for a week. And you said no. And he goes, uh, one of them did a protest poo in the middle of your office. And I was like, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
So I literally put a sweater over like whatever outfit I have on and like put on non pajama pants and I'm out with like my teeth not brushed and all that and I go to like the Dollar General's like closer so I ended up going there that's not an important fact but and I buy more kitty litter and I come back and I'm obviously grumpy because I've been up for literally five minutes and Five minutes when this man comes to me. and Charles can't drive. We should remind the listeners. Yes, he still cannot drive. And I was like, I would really like to not do this with all of the things that I have to do. And so I go and I do that and I'm like, OK, fine. I come back and I do the litter and I can see the exact process of what had happened was one of them went to go use the facilities. As I'm changing it, I see a singular paw print.
in the litter box, one singular paw print, the cat went in, went absolutely the fuck not, yeah went out and did his protest poo. And so I turned to Charlie after all of that's done. And I go, I will let it be known. Let it be known, Charlie, that Charlie is wrong. You are wrong. From here on out, Charles is wrong. I don't know why I listened to you. I should have listened to myself. I'm no longer listening to you until you proved yourself correct. And he's like, I'll take it. I'll take it. So for the rest of the holiday, for the rest of the week, I was like, okay. And when Charlie would try to say something, I'd be like, Charles is wrong. Charles is wrong.
Charles is never right. And then he tried flipping around, being like, you're so pretty. And I was like, thank you so much. And he goes, I thought Charlie was wrong. And I was like, not the point, Charlie. Not the point. You weren't trying to tell me to do something. That's annoying. That's a child's tactic, Charles.
So that's the Charles is wrong story. Excellent. I'm glad that everyone knows. Charles is wrong.
And he'll try to give me directions and be like, no, no, no. Charles is wrong. Love that. You just string that along for as long as you can. He deserves it. Yep. Yep. I will. Yeah. So this is a movie.

Holiday Films and Dancing Dreams

And our hero, Britt Robertson, who we just saw as a child in Dan in Real Life, what, like four weeks ago at this point? Yeah. Yeah.
And now she's too old to dance. That was fast. We blinked and now she's too old to dance, even though she looks so young. She's younger than both of us, so I hope you, um yeah.
Also, so can we talk about, okay, so she's too old to dance for what is obviously not the Rockettes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the fucking Rockettes. But then like my question comes in where she's like her whole life revolves around this show. Like she's the face of this show. She's been doing it for 10 years. She is this like Christmas extravaganza dance show.
And this is, I guess, more of a question for the Rockettes. Why do they do the rest of the year? They're professional dancers. They have other gigs, yeah. Oh, OK. Well, then why would she just not have other gigs that she could go back to? Because I believe that Marla Sokoloff didn't think that deeply about it, to be honest.
um I mean, they're... In the choreographer's office, there are, I don't know, the movie, those are just posters that, I don't know if they're posters of the theater or they're posters that she personally choreographed. So it could be either way, it depends. So yeah, it's hard to say. The movie tells you, don't worry about it and don't think about it. Yeah, just don't worry about it, don't think about it. They do a lot of that in this movie.
Yeah, so she she dances in the, what is it, the jingle bells, B-E-L? Yeah, she's a bell. Yeah, and I would say a poorly choreographed number. Yeah, absolutely bad. It's a lot of hand choreography to show that she's not really a dancer. You can't dance, yeah, yeah, so.
um And it's like, that yeah, there's a lot of like, and like, she like ends up with her hands next to her. Yes, just like a lot of handography. Um, silliness. And then she, and then there's like a new girl who's getting added to the group. And then the choreographer unceremoniously fires her and they're like, yep he's like, you're too old. And she's like, I'm 32 years old. And it's like, that's what I said. You're too old. You're too old. Bye.
Um, I, that's probably true. I mean, I would imagine that they probably, uh, get the Rockettes out of there as quickly as possible. yeah Um, you get about three good years with the Rockettes before you, uh, I don't think that's true. No, ten you probably You're like and then probably phase you out when you're 32. I guess. Yeah. I guess we could Google who is the oldest working Rockettes.
Oh, well, see, these are the oldest living Rockettes. It's 102 years old. She performed at Franklin Roosevelt's birthday party. Oh, wow. Oh, this says there's a 66-year-old dancing for the Rockettes. So, hey. All right. Maybe not. Oh, yeah, Lillian Cologne. Yeah. She was the only dancer over 52 ever auditioned for the Rockettes. And she got in. Well, good for her.
All right. Fair enough. She gives a lot of kicks. um Good for you, Rockettes, I guess. I don't know. and um So she gets fired and then she decides to go home for the holidays for the first time in a long time. And I guess she decides to go there for the entire month of December. I don't know who's paying her rent in New York. I don't know if she has like a a roommate situation. I don't know how well she gets paid. We know that she gets offered a 25% raise later, which is razy. Yeah. I have thoughts. I have thoughts about that. Yeah, it doesn't really hold together. But she goes home to her anonymous small town that is somewhere that is not New York. That is not New York, but maybe Pennsylvania. Maybe.
and She immediately has a um an awkward run-in with Chad Michael Murray. Chad Michael Murray. Who has um still got it. He's still got it. Okay. As we get into the Chad Michael Murray and this of it all, I have very limited notes on this because I was very much... No.
I watched, I was going to say, I watched 15 minutes of it last night before I had to go to bed. OK, yeah. And then I watched the rest of it today and my break between jobs. And um so like last night, I was too tired to say notes. And I'm torn, Katie. What do we think of Chad Michaels Murray's hair in this? OK, yeah, I like it. I'm into it. You like it? There are moments where was.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can see how it's controversial. But there is that little flippy, that one little flippy, that one little email flippy. You want to tuck it behind his ear, but there's nothing wrong with tucking hair behind somebody's ear. I mean, I'd do it. No matter the gender. I'd be like, hey, hey, Chad, Michael Murray, just come here, come here, come here. Let me just do this. And then you're in kissing distance. so Exactly. And now let me touch your abs. Yeah.
um All of this is true. He is like a carpenter, a local handyman kind of thing. He's got his own business. he um And then they she runs into him and gets tangled up in his garland, basically. because who oh ah And that is outside of the bar that her parents own. And her parents were played by... And Zelda!
Yes, Beth Broderick, that's her name, who played- Aunt Zelda. Aunt Zelda from s Sabrina the Sandwich. Didn't we just have the other one? Or we talked about the ants recently. and We talked about the ants recently. I cannot remember why. i think i think what's her I think the other one, I think Aunt Hilda was in something else that we watched recently. Really? I think so.
I know we talked about it when you're talking about Shaun of the Dead because- Oh, that's what it is. Oh, okay. It's in Sabrina. It's in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, not the original Sabrina. Yeah, not the OG. Yeah. We couldn't remember if she was Hilda or Zelda. Yeah. I do know that Hilda and Zelda are in another Hallmark Christmas movie this season together as- Ooh. I don't know who, but like they're not aren how Hilda and Zelda, but the fact that they're like together in a movie makes my heart swell 10 sizes. yeah Yeah, yeah that's they do that on purpose. Of course they do. I once had a dream that I went to. What's her name? What's Hilda's name? The actor's name? Oh, shit. I forget. She's like this famous comedian. carolina Caroline. Caroline. Caroline Ray. Caroline I once had a very weird dream where I was doing like a completely different thing. I don't remember what the what I was doing. It was a completely different thing. And we ended up in a bar where Caroline Ray was performing stand up.
I love that. and I wish that that was real. Caroline Ray showed up in the dream. It was weird. Like, deep cut. Yeah. Yeah. My favorite thing to find out about Caroline Ray is that her stand up, just like, um, uh, what's his name from Full House is her up is filthy as fuck. Yeah. She's very blue. Yeah. Oh, bad. Good. Oh, what does that i mean? Oh,
Like, it's an old comedy term. It's like from the 50s. Like, you don't work blue. Oh, OK. Like, blue just means, like, dirty. Yeah. Oh, OK. I was like, like, Democratic? I guess that's good, right? I mean, she's not a drum fan, right? No, no, no, no. Different meaning of the word blue. OK. Yeah, I don't know what the, I don't know what the etymology of that is, but that's, yeah, working blue just means, like, dirty jokes, yeah. Oh, like, blue collar, probably. I don't know.
Cause like blue collar in the eyes of like, side um it means that you can like say filthy things. But then there's like a blue blood too, which does, which means like the opposite. I don't know. No, me neither. Who cares? Anyways. gentlemen Hold us back up a conversation.
Yeah, so she moves she moves back to this town and she goes and meets her parents. Oh, and her her dad is Michael Gross, who is um the dad on All in the Family. Wait, not All in the Family. Family Ties, Family Ties. It's now Michael J. Fox, which um I've never watched. Yeah, me either. But he is he is like a familiar character actor, but that's what he's most famous for. Oh, okay. And he's her dad, and they own a bar called The Rhythm Room.
Which um Vanessa Hudgens was at, apparently, according to the newspaper. The Princess Switch. The Princess Switch was there. They love to put The Kingdom of Belgravia in all the other Netflix movies. They really do. It was in Hot Frosty, too, right? Didn't they mention it? In Hot Frosty, they did the Lindsay Lohan one. No, no, no. they She was watching that. But I think they mentioned The Kingdom of Belgravia. Oh, shit. Yeah, she did.
Oh, shit. Yeah. And then also he's watching The Christmas Prince. Yeah. Yeah. She's watching The Princess Prince, but the the kingdom of Belgravia. Yeah. Yeah. with Rose Macavac. Rose Macavac. I don't know how she talks. That's just I like to say her name in a New Zealand. Australia. Oh, is she Australian? I thought she was from New Zealand. Or maybe she's from New Zealand. I don't know. New Zealand sounds right. I'm not. I'm not looking it up.
Yeah. And ah we learned that they their bar has fallen on hard times, which I guess the parents neglected to tell her because it seems like and this is one of the things like, OK, here's the thing. This movie is not very good. We should just come out and say it. It's no hot frosty. It is no hot frosty. No hot frosty is like. Looks like I don't know.
Like all the plot holes in Hot Frosty, I could get over. The plot holes in this, I was like, oh, come on, guys. Yeah, just do a modicum of work. Right? Did they make this in like a month? that They may have. They may have. Probably. Probably. Um, it is. Yeah, so because in and in another movie, in like a normal movie, you there would be some kind of like ah oh alternate interior subplot where like yeah he has like a soured relationship with her parents for some reason and they didn't want her to move and we don't get any of that. They're just very close and super tight even though she like never talks to them or goes down there. So it doesn't make any sense. We also get, a question well not a questionable, but a very large relationship her sister has with her dog. Her dog. like
Gizmo, my god, the white sweater of the movie, that fucking dog. yes I I saw Gizmo. Gizmo's adorable, but like, Gizmo has to be at Christmas dinner. Gizmo has to be, like, everywhere. He's a dance rehearsal. He was in a baby Bjorn on Roger's chest during dance rehearsal. And, like, who can blame him? Gizmo is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen in my life. It's so adorable.
Gizmo has to be like a celebrity Instagram dog that they got from Instagram. Right? Right? Because Gizmo's not very well trained as we saw in the bloopers. Right. um But he is, oh my God, my fucking heart. it's white I know. It's probably cruel, I would assume so, because it's one of those dogs that like looks like a puppy all the time. So I imagine that he's probably in pain due to horrible inbreeding practices. Yeah. um But he is.
Like I would I would buy a calendar gizmo the dog. Like that's oh I do. So their whole relationship, I sort of created this whole B plot that's not in the script between Marie and Roger, the sister and brother. Yeah. Yes. Between Marie and Roger, because the screenwriter of the movie.
Yes, exactly. So what you see in the movie is they have a great relationship and they have a dog and they live in a house and it's beautiful and that's it. ah In my brain, they before the sister came back to town, they were a little rocky, maybe lost some of the spice because they were trying to get pregnant. They couldn't get pregnant. So they got a dog as a substitute baby. And so they treat this dog like the baby.
And um then also the fact that Roger gets that is is one of the dancers reignites the spark in their relationship relationship. And then they start doing it again. See, that would have been a B-plot. This movie doesn't have B-plots. No, it doesn't. It didn't occur to me until just now. But there's no B-plot. There's There's nothing else going on. so surface level. It's so flat. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted more.
Come on, did you not do like, did you not like read Sidfield's screenwriting? Marla Sokoloff? Like, no, come on. She was too busy being on Full House. You didn't do one of those like seminars that you pay $5,000 for in a holiday inn in Reseda.
Los Angeles humor. yeah But I'm pumped. I don't know where Reseda is. the
I could name but not locate many Los Angeles suburbs.
Uh yeah so the bar is failing like the landlord is gonna kick them out to put in a ah jamba juice or something. Which the place is too big for a jamba juice. It's way too big for a jamba juice. Like what? And the jamba juice guy also the jamba juice guy tells the landlord Who's played by this very gorgeous woman who costly is wearing pea coats and heels and like it has no family or anything better to do on Christmas Day ah Exactly. She has nothing except for this one building that she is a landlord of um And uh, and I imagine has been their landlord for years, uh
But she she says that the like juice place, the regional manager she talked to would buy out the space, the lease,
and then also pay all the back rent and like back bills that the rhythm room owes her. And I'm like, no one would do that. I don't know anything about business. um But it doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound right.
That doesn't sound good business. If anybody is the regional manager for Chamba Juice, write it and let us know if that's something that you would do. Let us know. If you- It's a girl caught at Gmail. Right? I mean, would Chamba Juice be like just chomping at the bit to be in what is it, like clearance springs or crystal springs or wherever the fuck they are? Sycamore. Say something sycamore. Sycamore downs. Sycamore. Yeah.
Yeah, it's something like that. Yeah, I don't know.

Fundraiser Show Critiques

Yeah. Um, so it's just like a town of, I don't know, 5000, 10,000 people. Like it's not a big town. Maybe it's been down we get like an aerial shot of the downtown is like one street. So yeah, I don't know. Yeah.
Um, anyway, uh, then she's inspired because her sister dated an ex stripper. Um, or her, her sister's ex was a male stripper and she's like, and then she goes, wait, that's it. Literally out loud. She says, wait, that's it. And we have the audio.
play in the, um like the voiceover, the audio of her sister saying, yeah, he was a male stripper plays just to make sure you get it. Yeah, just so that you get it, just so that you get it. Because she sort of hints at it, because she's like, you know, I want to date a guy like, you know, that guy you dated before you met Roger, he was like a doctor or something. And she was like, I have to tell you a secret. He played a doctor, just like, what do you mean he played a doctor, like yeah for Bachelorette parties. And and like qua Did she just see him one day when he was dressed like a doctor? like What's the story? Why did she think he was a doctor? Again, she never talked to her family in the years she's been doing the dance the the Broadway show, apparently. so Right. So like the only way you would think that she had met this person is that her sister and this guy went to New York to visit. And her sister introduced them like, oh, yeah, he's a doctor.
Or maybe he just wears the scrubs all the time. I don't know. Also, she doesn't have a job from January to October. So why does she not have time to go home and see her family? Why does she not have time? Yeah. So we have lots of questions. She's like, OK, we'll put on a mail review. And they're like, oh, strippers? And she's like, no. They'll wear pants to their ankles and they'll never take them off.
except for the very first dance. Well, and he pulls them back up. He pulls them down and shows you that his underwear says naughty elf, and then he pulls them the fuck back up.
There's no shins in this movie, let alone butt and God forbid hog. I know. Because when you said yes to this, I was like, oh, do they show hog? Because I don't know, it's Netflix. I know. We had a horny snowman in the last movie.
I mean, which was also PG, but that makes, this makes Hot Frosty look like the fucking porn. I was trying to think of the name of like a basic instinct. I don't know, an erotic thriller from the 90s. Eyes wide shut. Yeah, there you go. Um.
Which I will, I will have the listeners to know, yes, that is this, this is the second episode we brought up Eyes Wide Shut. Is it? I've never seen Eyes Wide Shut. Neither have I. But you made a joke um a while ago about a how um we did some Nicole Kidman movie. I think it was Practical Magics. And how she was like balancing Eyes Wide Shut and Practical Magic at the same time. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah.
Um, what a nightmare. Uh, she was kidnapped in London to hang out with her husband that she didn't like and Stanley Kubrick.
Um. They don't have a lot of chemistry in this movie. They don't, which is disappointing because he's so hot. It's not the worst we've seen. It's not like some of the movies where they have like zero chemistry, but it's like Everything's a little awkward. um Yeah. And they're just trying there's there's no reason for them not to be dating. like it's not like Neither one of them are are in a relationship. Neither one of them have some kind of thing that's preventing them. the The obstacle that's presented is that she gets invited to go back to New York. But like yeah at the beginning, like you know he's hot. She's OK. Why don't they fuck? Exactly.
and it's just like they you like He so obviously likes her, and so obviously has a crush on her. And it's just like, what is your problem? He gives her that necklace, yeah. Right? He gets her a gorgeous necklace. And she's like, oh, cool, us friends. Yeah. That was mean to Britt Robertson. Britt Robertson's very pretty. Exactly. She is very pretty. Although, is she wearing a wig in this? So she's absolutely wearing a wig. Like the first note.
I wrote it, what the fuck is going on with this wig? She's styled poorly in this movie. So bad. I think Britt Robertson is very pretty. And I think Ashley something is um needs some work um like on herself, not like physical. yeah um I looked it up and Britt Robertson has very short hair or did earlier this year. like very boyish, very androgynous. um And that is my guess as to why she was wearing that horrible wig in this movie. Yeah, I was like, um like wi I don't know what the budget of this movie is, but they needed to re relocate some of that money into the hair and makeup budget because that wig is heinous.
It's so bad. It's like snupper rating almost, especially in the beginning. Yeah. Yeah. When her hair is pulled back, when they they they hide it with the the tendrils later on, which still doesn't look good. No, they give her too many tendrils. There's tendrils and everything. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a goddamn hot twist. Too many tendrils. Yeah.
OK, so she puts on this review this matters. She's wearing a lot of like bug boxy, shapeless sweaters. Like I don't know what her body looks like. She's a tiny person. Like you should like dress to your your your figure at least, you know. Yeah, that's not what they did in this movie. She has to be like aware of her body. Yeah, it's it's really bad. Yeah, it's bad. It's bad. OK, two sweaters layered on top of each other. She's wearing one like boat neck.
Kind of like almost ah not quite off the shoulder kind of thing. Yeah. And then she's wearing a like ah ah a high collar, like thin sweater underneath that. They were like, this movie's already too sexy. You know? Yeah, exactly. Take away some of the sex.
Exactly. Like, when are we going to get like the the the spike in like steamy romance novels has been going on for years now. It's one of the best selling markets. Like when are we going to get spicy rom com movies? Yeah, it's very obvious that us ladies are horny as fuck.
Yeah. But like, I just feel like the market is there. And yeah, this Hallmark crap is annoying and insulting. Honestly. Yeah. Yeah. We just need to take it the next level like but between hot frosty and the married gentlemen, you guys are like one step forward and then also a half step back. Yeah, we need to take two steps forward and just yeah give me a fucking sex scene. Yes.
Like, they don't even fuck in this movie. They don't. The most the most that they do is she climbs him like a tree. Quite literally. Obviously, that's what you can do. Which has always been my dream is to climb someone like a tree. I thought you meant Chad Michael Murray. Well, that too. Um, but let's take a moment. Let's take a moment to talk about Chad Michael Murray in this movie. Yeah. So we are sort of split on his hair. You're absolutely a big fan of it. I think it's good. Yeah. I think there were moments that I thought that it was super sexy and moments where I was just like, oh, bro. I mean, let's just let's read just some stuff. Does carpentry get you that ripped? I mean, according to every depiction of Jesus I've ever seen, it's like maybe it does.
Also, I was so mad at the end when she gets invited to go back to New York, and he makes the whole thing all about him. And he's just like, you left. You left, Britt Robertson. you left You went back to New York. Like, what am I, chopped liver? And it's just like, bro.
She got a really good deal. like She got a really good contract. They don't deserve her, and they treated her like shit, and they fired her because she got old. So morally, I think that she shouldn't go. um and Because fuck them, which is what her parents tell her. yeah But it is framed as him as her leaving him ah in his eyes, which is very selfishness, I agree. Which is just like, that's not the thing.
it's just like From the performer mindset, I was like, well, obviously you're gonna take that, right? Like, if you don't take this, there goes your career.

Career Choices and Film Lessons

Like, you you you got you gotta to take this, because if you don't take this, your your choreographer slash director's already, like, said how she's put her neck on the line with the producers and, like, did all this other shit. Well, Don, she's created something here in Sycamore Springs.
like they she she's She's turned it into a performance venue. She can do she can do whatever she wants there. they're bill They built an audience. That's true. She has control. like she they've They've created a ah small theater community, which, like God, I would be so happy to do that. like if i could If I moved to a small town and there was a theater And like, I could work there every day and make enough money to to live and just like be in rehearsal and stuff. And that's my job. God, I would take that in an instant, right? I don't need to make a lot of money. I don't need to be famous. I just want to do theater and be able to pay for, you know, food and clothes.
food and clothing stuff. Yeah. I will say at the end, i the one thing I appreciated about this movie was I think it took sort of the main lesson that us as millennials, as a generation, or at least millennials in the arts, have learned from the pandemic. And it sort of put it as the key point of this movie, which is It doesn't matter if you go back to New York or you you don't have to go back to New York to feel successful. like You can feel successful and feel validated as an artist by doing what you exactly just described. yeah It's not about what you perform. It's about who you're performing for ah and who's valuing that. And it's just like, yeah, you know I don't need to be like busting my ass for people that don't appreciate my talents.
um So I guess I did go on a journey. Because by the end, I was like, absolutely, Britt Robinson. ah Yeah, yeah. Um, they make a Bouche de Noel. Which is horrible! Which looks like dog shit. So bad. They cut to this picture of these hands like folding this thing over and it immediately breaks. I'm like, you couldn't have like,
hired somebody for like an hour to make a Bush to Noel and just film it. Right? Because then they like go back and it's like completely frosted. I was like, that's not the same Bush to Noel. That's not you see it snap like it done you it rolls. Bush to Noel is a is a you a log. Yeah, like dessert thing. Yeah. It's really tasty. Yeah. um And it looks awful. And they just left that in the building. They didn't want to take and they were like, yeah Yeah, he she's like done. She's like this thing that you do all the time and is so good. And then they just cut her manhandling.
pink rather And then also my question is, she's like, are you going to make your famous Bush Noel for the guests like you normally do? And then they make one for yeah this sold out show. And it's like, maybe the length of half of my forearm.
Yeah. And this show at this giant venue is sold out. um Okay, so let's talk about the show. Great segue there. Yeah, they find out that they need to make $30,000. Yes. We see later that the um the ticket price is $30. There's a $30 cover to come and see The Merry Gentlemen, the ah topless men's review basically is what it is. Yeah. um They don't show an ankle in this show like I know it's too scandalous. Yeah. The choreography of the dances is is better than the the first thing we see. Yeah. It's better than the jingle bells. Yeah. It's it's definitely better than the jingle bells. Yeah. um Some of it is pretty cute. None of it is what I would call hot. No.
There's, it's literally just like four shirtless men like dancing around. yeah There's not like, I mean, you you you said previously that you had not seen the Magic Mike trilogy, which I feel like you need to rectify. Yes I do, I do. Watching this and watching Magic magic Mike is gonna be like. Whoa. big ah There's a big change. um Because i've never I've never been to a strip club, have you? No, I've never been to a strip club either.
Yeah, of either way. I've been to a burlesque show. But that's not true. I've been to a burlesque show, yeah. So yeah, so my knowledge of men stripping is in media and in the Magic Mike trilogy, which is written by former male strippers. And I imagine is fairly accurate in terms of, you know, some of it at least. And I think women are hot as hell.
I'm very excited to see them. But there's no rip away pants in this movie. There's because the pants stay firmly on at all times. I was waiting for rip away pants. They're covered. Yes, because that's a hallmark of the genre. That's something that you expect to see. There are certain things in the theater. We call this an obligatory scene.
Yes. ah Something that ah you you have to do in the genre. um Like in in theater, it's it's usually like something that you have to explain the plot in mechanics or something. And that's the obligatory scene. But like some things are obligatory. Obligatory? Obligatory. Obligatory. Yeah. Yeah. The second one. Some things are obligatory. Like you have to have this in this kind of movie. And in a movie with male strippers, you got to have tearaway pants. You got to have tearaway pants!
I understand if you don't want to do the whole banana hammock thing because you're yeah trying to appeal to like a broader audience than Magic Mike. But Magic Mike was a very successful movie. They made lots of sequels to that. They did. And they're both good. And all three of those movies are good. um So I don't like the third one. I like the third one.
So you're gonna disappoint a lot of people by having a male stripper movie where they're wearing high-waisted pants too, I should say. Like he's wearing a goddamn cummerbund in one of them. Yeah, and it's not flattering on any of them. No, it's not, which is like, I mean, I know what they're doing. They're doing the Chippendales thing, but like the thing about the Chippendales is that they take that off. They take the pants off. They take the cummerbund and the pants off. Yeah.
It's got to come off. And like, I really wanted to see Chad Michael Murray's naughty elf. Yeah. Oh, I was thought you were calling his dick his naughty elf. Oh, his naughty elf. His naughty elf. Well, his naughty elf and his naughty elves. His jingle bells. His jingle bells.
Because like, he He gives really good butt. Yes, he's a very attractive, very fit man. I'm sure that he looks great below the waist, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Can we not get that? Like, what's the deal, dude? God, is this the horniest episode we've done? Probably. But I mean, it's.
I wanted more. I wanted more. I wanted someone to slide down the North Pole. That is what they that's it's what it's what's on the tin. You know, like they're they market this movie about Christmas male strippers. You expect to see at the very least them in their underwear. You expect to see a butt. No. Yeah. I'm expecting, you know, similar vibes as. um ah Oh, my God, what's it called?
What's that Scottish movie? The Full Monty. The Full Monty. I was expecting Christmas Full Monty is what I was expecting. Yeah, exactly. And we see Butt in that. We see Dick in the Full Monty. Don't we see Hogg in the I thought it ends with butt. Maybe. I don't remember. you like that That's a great movie. We get more butt in Spice World than we do in this movie. Yeah.
Which Spice World was probably also rated PG. I can't imagine it would have been PG-13. No, it was PG. And it's male butt. It's male butt. Yeah. Well, you couldn't show female butt in PG, I don't think. Sexist. Oh, I mean, well, yeah, I know. We're talking about the MPAA, to be real. Well, you see male butt in Spice World, and you don't get male butt in The Merry Gentlemen. That's awful.
One of these movies that was expected, the other one it was not. Yeah. Did you watch Spice World recently or and you just got that logged away? I just had that logged away. Fair enough. I love that movie. Whose butt is it? No, it's ah it's you know in the when they go and perform in Italy and they um they have the dancers come out and they go, come on, come on, come on, come on. And they're singing that song. And then the dancers come out and they're in like these like purple suits and they're dancing.
And um they turn around and then the suits don't have ass coverage. Because it was the compromise with the producer of the venue because they had these very buff Italian guys and just speedos. And the girls were like, I can't perform next to this. This is ridiculous. Yeah. I know Spice World inside and out.
Um, well, this brings us to the next point, which is like, so we were disappointed by seeing these fully panted, uh, men dancing in this. Can you imagine how disappointed the women who went to go see the show live and paid a $30 and paid a $30 cover for. it Yeah. Okay. So $30. Yes. Um, you have to make 300, they'd make $30,000. Yeah. So that math works out even. So they do, there's 10 performances, including one on Christmas day, which I don't think they're going to make a ton of money on Christmas day. But what do I know about this town?
The 16th through the 25th, that's 10 days. That means they need to make $3,000 a night in order to make $30,000 is 10 days. Yeah. And I just don't see that happening. How many tickets is that?
There'll be a hundred, it's $30. So a hundred people have to come every night. And then that in several of those things, like there's not a hundred people in those. There's like 30 people in the crowd. At most there's 30 people in the crowd because there's only 30 more ladies in this town. That's true. Yeah. I mean, like they get on the news. So I guess people from like nearby towns are coming over, but like. That was also a B-plot I thought was going to happen.
So they're on the news. they They're like getting interviewed. The boys are getting interviewed by this newscaster. And um they're talking about, you know, how it feels to be in the show and how popular it is. And one of the dancers goes, who's also the bartender at the rhythm and goes, hi, mom, hi, mom. And the newscaster goes, well, very sarcastically, well, your families must be very excited that you're in this.
And they all sort of like look at her and I thought that it was going to be a thing of like they either get like super self-conscious that they are performing in this and they don't want to seem like, you know, like dirty or like gross um for being like male strippers or that the rest of the town was going to like boycott it. Like those are B plots that you can put in this movie. Exactly. None of that happens. None of that. There's there's no interiority to any of the characters.
outside of Chad Michael Murray and Britt Robertson. Yeah, and his whole thing is that he gets stage fright. Well, it's his thing is that his wife um left him to go back to the city. And that's why he's sore when she wants to go back to the city. And so that it's pretty fucking shallow. But the other people don't get anything at all. Like his parents, he is also free on Christmas. Where's his family? Like, does he not want to go home for Christmas? like No.
They're celebrating it with his ex-wife. Yeah. Oh, God. In the city. um So yeah, they managed to pull it off, though. There's never any doubt that they're going to make the money back. There's no hitch in the third act that's going to cause a problem. like Usually in something like this, like maybe somebody like stole a bunch of the money, or like you know the water main breaks and ruins the stage, and so they don't get to do all their performances.
And so they have to do it outside. Mm hmm. There's some kind of complication. None of that happens. No, it is. From when they start, she's like, they get they make like almost $3,000 in the first night for $2,700. She goes, We're gonna do this. And they do and it's never in doubt. the Well,
Yeah, the most drama is that she's going back to the city. And like, and even her parents are excited. Yeah, they're like, Okay, well, have fun. I told you that they come to their senses. Bye. Yeah. Yeah, there's very little drama or conflict in this movie. And i like, I understand that part of the genre is to be like, a warm hug.

Film Criticism and Santa Speculations

um You know, I understand that. And I understand why there that's why they have the Christmas stuff. That's why they have the the Yule Log scene. All of that is supposed to be like, this is like a nice place with nice people treating each other nicely. And I can appreciate that. But you have to have conflict to have a story. Yes, the story is that's how you tell a story. And there's so little conflict in this. And the conflict that does exist happens for like a microsecond.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, they don't earn anything. They don't earn any of the results. Because there's no conflict, nothing feels earned. Yeah. Yeah. And so you're just like, Well, I guess that was a movie. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Um, and so they do. And the landlord is very nice. This movie is too nice to the landlord. They're like, Hey, landlord, who was gonna evict us? Why don't you come eat Christmas dinner with us? No, how about you go fuck yourself?
Right. And also like she's obviously I will bring up that she's been their landlord for years. And this is the first she looks like she has been wanting this for years. She's like, really, I can come to Christmas dinner. No, you can't. Landlords not invited. It reminds me of like. I forgot to bring up one of their like first dates.
ah that Chad Michael Murray and Britt Robinson go on, is ah they like get New York style pizza, and then they go and they take pictures with Santa, yeah and I'm like, I was so concerned that he was gonna make her sit on Santa's lap. They both did, didn't they? Don't they both sit on his lap? No, they luckily, they sit on like the chair, but I was like, this just, why why would you think this is a good idea? This just zoom feels really creepy.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I like I've been on a date to the Christmas village many times. Yes. Both with people I'm dating and with Caitlin. But like, you know, you don't go to Santa. You don't. That's weird. You get like hot chocolate. You can roast some marshmallows. You can get, you know, there's like a high five if you want. But like, you know, where I grew up.
where I grew up, the Christmas village was at the NASCAR Speedway, which will surprise probably no one who knows I'm from the South. The Bristol Motor Speedway, ah which is a major NASCAR track in the winter ah for Christmas, they do the speedway and lights, which oh is fun. I will say, oh, it's kind of like zoo lights in Chicago where they put up the big light displays all over, but you drive through it. So you drive all down.
And like there's a whole like long thing you drive through before you get on the track. And then you drive on the track, which is probably fun for people who are like in the NASCAR. But I just remember being scared because yeah you go like up at an angle, like a, like a racetrack. And I'm like, the car's going to flip over. The car's going to flip over. And we're gonna die we're gonna my dad's like, the car's not going to flip over.
And at the center of the, on the, on the infield or whatever they call it. Um, there's like a little Christmas village and there's like ah a Ferris wheel and it it was, it was cute. It's fun. That's really cute. But you never saw, you never went on a date and sat on Santa's lap. I had, I did go on dates there. Yeah, absolutely. Um, but no, I never sat on Santa's lap. Yeah. No, as someone who works very closely with Mr. Claus, I can tell you that he, Yeah.
He appreciates it when you as a grown up don't do that. And and so yeah he he just does it for the kids. But like he's busy. Yeah. You know, he doesn't have time to entertain you like. Stupid 30 year olds don't want your eye or you irony pill fucks coming to mess with his Christmas life.
and taking a picture like, no, he's busy. Yeah, I do like that they that there there is a slight implication in this and also like falling for Christmas and any other Christmas movie that does this where it's like Santa Claus might be real, you know, like, i real especially in adult movies where it's like, what's that? Hold on. Like, I'm just shoving popcorn in my face. I love that shit. um Like I said, I work with Mr. Claus. I can confirm he's very real.
And he he's busy him Busy they he busy I also work with mrs. Claus too and she sometimes is like Very very in a very good mood and sometimes she's kind of she's kind of sad and upset Oh and i'm like this is cause i Busy chaotic time for them, you know the Busy chaotic time they need their vacation time Yeah, well, luckily they have almost the whole year, much like Ashley in this movie. Much like Ashley. She's got a Santa job. She works for Kate. Do we think she's Santa? Oh, my God. What if she's Santa? What if she's Santa? That would have been a better B-plot. Oh, my God. That would have been the best B-plot. I want to watch a rom-com now where, like, in the third act you find out the girl is Santa. She's Santa. What? Prince Santa? Santa?
I mean, the Santa Claus to Colin, the Mrs. Claus already took that title, unfortunately, so stupid. um Yeah, so then they like she goes to visit him in his like carpentry shop where he's got this table and they dance to the worst country Christmas song I've ever heard of all time. and And then they make out, which is like, okay, like we're making out halfway through the movie. We're not making out right at the end of the movie, like a lot of these things do. so Exactly. we're We're taking a step. We're taking a step.
But then she breaks it up. It's like a relationship. It's like something that would happen between human beings. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Exactly. And then nothing is weird between them. Well, no, no, no. Actually, I didn't get that vibe. I got the vibe. Really? She had somewhere to go. And she's like, OK. Because he's like, yeah, after she leaves, you know? Like, this is the first rip in something. I don't think that she was necessarily breaking it off at that point. That wasn't the vibe. Oh, OK. Yeah. I thought it was just like, you know, see you later. Like, booboo goes, you know? Like, that vibe.
See, like, what I saw was that they they had this really great, like, make out. And then she pulls away. He goes to go back in to, like, reignite that spark. And she, like, kind of half goes in, but then doesn't. Yeah, yeah. And, like, it might have just been that they were, like, two into each other on set. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what their their deal is. I don't either. I mean, I think Chad Michael Murray's married. But, like... I think they're both.
Yeah. Well, when I visited Brit Robertson's Instagram to see her hair, it hurt her name. Last name is hyphenated with something else. So I don't, I assume she's married.
There you go. Yeah, and then she gets the she gets the call to lead. Well, then there's like some dancer stuff. um one it Roger hurts his ankle and he can't dance. They have to get another find another hot dancer man in the town, which is like seemingly just over. Everyone she meets has an eight pack and 10 dance. Right, everyone, even the octinarian.
Okay, do you know who that was? He looked like he was famous. It was fucking Rex Manning, Emma. Rex Manning? It's Rex Manning day. That was Rex Manning. The old guy in the bar who fills in and takes over as the fifth member of the band, the dancers, is Rex Manning, also the lead from Grease 2. Charlie or Michael. The hot British guy or what else y'all show him.
yeah ah He's Australian, I believe. I'm on a cool, right cool, cool, Cool, cool, cool, cool writer. Love Chris too. So fucking good. Yeah, that's him. He does. It's Rex Manning himself. I should say, for non-millennial listeners, Rex Manning is not the actor's name. I didn't write down the actor's name, and I don't care.
Because it's Rex Manning. And if you know, you know, there's a movie called Empire Records, which where he will have a whole thing about Empire Records will won't have to do it on the pod. Well, it's not a rom com, but it's a there's some rom and there's definitely go. Okay.
He is he plays a pop star who sucks in that movie named Rex Manning. And the whole point that that movie takes place in a single day and the day is open a record store is having him come there and they call it Rex Manning Day. It's April 8th. Every millennial you know, on Instagram or Twitter on April 8th of every day of every year yeah says it's Rex Manning Day. Yeah, that's what we're talking about. This actor is Rex Manning and he's old as fuck now. Yep.
And also can can dance, can dance and apparently has an eight pack. Yeah. I'm filling out the other dancers. I want to point out that ah Troy, the guy who says hi mom and like gives her like the back story about Chad Michael Murray's wife who ditched him. Yeah. He played Mr. Johnny Castle in the 2017 ABC television musical Disaster Dirty Dancing.

Surprise Characters and Unfinished Films

I saw that opposite Abigail Breslin. Absolutely ridiculous.
Absolutely ridiculous. Uh, so that's who he is. Yep. And those are my only stars, those two things that, guess who these people were. ah Who, who were the other two? Yeah. No, I mean, that was, that was a movie. I will say Charlie's Corner is very short and sweet because he only watched the first 15 to 20 minutes movie. And then he said, you can watch the rest without me.
Fair enough, yeah. I guess that was Caitlin from time to time. Yep, yep. And so that's that's his corner, I guess, on a scale from ozone to baseball. TBD. Yeah, I want to know where Princess Bride falls on that list. Yeah, I forgot to bring that up because I was just so horrified that he was not swayed the second time. um More than one listener has reached out to me to ah be angry at Charles.
I got a text from my friend Gia that said, Red Flag Husband. Yep. I mean, everyone knows. um We even brought it up at Thanksgiving and my friend Zach, who is a lawyer, he is a lawyer. um I turned to him and I go, can you handle my divorce proceedings? And then he told me what his um hourly rate was and his retainer. And I was like, absolutely, no, I cannot afford it. He's not going to give you a discount being your friend? No, no, no. Doesn't sound like a very close friend.
No, ah well, he is he is my friend who I reminded him, he's the reason that I vote. What? Because so in a good way, in a good way. um In 2008, we're college friends, right? Yeah. I lived in Texas. I'm a millennial. We all know the greatness, the terribleness of millennials is we didn't learn the value of voting until what? 2010, 2012?
really 2016. But like, it was like the 2012 like for yourself I was always well like it was it was like the 2012 election that was like, we lost a lot of the house and like fucked stuff up. um And it was because a big chunk of our generation did not vote. but And um ah in 2008, we're so all sitting around on on the day, election day. And Zach goes, you know, he's like talking about it. He's like really passionate. And he goes, did everyone vote? Did everyone vote? And I go, I don't know how to vote.
You don't know how to vote. I lived in Texas. They make it really hard in Texas. And I was in, I was in Nacogdoches and I was, I would have like had to drive back to Houston or like go through this whole process of getting an absentee ballot. And it was like, this was, you know, they make it so much easier now with like online and stuff like that. And also Chicago makes it so nice and easy. You can register day of in Illinois. Yeah. Yeah. And Connecticut makes it really easy too.
Texas, they fucking don't want you to vote. It's insane. No, they don't. No, they don't. And so I think I had opened the page and thought about it, and then I was like, nah, I'm good. And so I was just like, I didn't vote. And so then Zach turns to me, cold-eyed, looks me in the eye, and he went, you didn't fucking vote, Emma? How can you not vote? This is the most important election of our lifetime, Emma. Obama has to win.
if only 2008 was the most important election of our lifetime. Like, what a time. What a time. Man, spirits were so high in two thousand from 2008 to 2016, really. Yeah, and I reminded him of this. He didn't remember any of it. And I was just like, you're the reason that I vote, Zach, because I was so embarrassed.
I like to think that you would have um figured out how to vote on your own. If it wasn't for him, I'm sure you would have. Probably, probably, yeah. Yeah, it's just every time that I vote now, I think of him like daggers in his eyes, yeah staring down at me. Because like I was sat out on the couch, I can like envision it all in my brain too. I was sat on the couch and he was like standing above the me and he goes, you didn't vote?
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, I felt real bad. So I vote.
But you didn't vote in 2008, is what you're saying? I didn't vote in 2008. Devastating. I know. That was the last one you feel I felt good about, I think. That was, yeah.

Predictable Endings and Next Episode Teasers

Yeah. Yeah. So obviously, they get back together, and then they make out, and she decides to stay there, whatever, whatever, whatever. Yeah, it's whatever. And then that's that's the end of The Married Gentlemen. And that that was a movie, folks. Yeah, that kind of sucked. Yeah. What are we doing next week?
Okay, so next week we are going to watch a movie that is basically your life. um It is Christmas in Connecticut. Christmas in Connecticut! Sweet, I almost picked this for one of my picks. I'm so glad you you picked it. yeah it Good, good. I'm assuming you've seen it, yeah. I should point out that we'll be watching the original and not the 1990 remake directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Why would we do that when there's a beautiful black and white classic? Yeah, but I just want to point out that the remake is starring Kris Kristofferson and directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Why? Only thing he ever directed. I watched it. We'll get into it. I watched it last year. It's ah it's not good, but it's not good in a in like a fun way. It's not not good in a fun way. Like it doesn't. It's not a disaster. You know, it's kind of like this movie.
Yeah, it's just boring. is yeah It's like, why did Arnold Schwarzenegger want to direct this? Well, how about Well, shall we outro? We should outro. Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends, and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot, and we would really appreciate it. Thanks to Andrew Milliken and Nick Spoboda for our theme music, and Alayna Henderson for our artwork.
You can follow us on Instagram at go get your girl pod or email us at go get your girl pod at Gmail. You can follow me on social media at Emily and pizza and me at Katie of the lake. Until next time, we're just two girls standing in front of the internet asking us to love us. Good night. Good night.