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Go Get Your GHOUL Presents: Talk to Me

Go Get Your Girl
40 Plays4 months ago

Happy end of Spooky Season listeners! It's our final episode of Go Get Your GHOUL and we're closing  out the season with the 2022 A24 Film Talk to Me. Tune in as Emma and Katie chat their teenage "games", Australia and of course the #1 rule we all learned this October: don't F**k with ghosts. 


Charlie's Birthday and Driving Challenges

Charlie complaining is just content. That's just content. He's just giving me more fuel to the fodder. What the listeners missed was Charlie coming in and talking about how he had a very grown up birthday. but ah And I got him a car and by that I mean I bought him a Hot Wheels from the dollar store.
And he had to show Caitlin. Well, I believed him for a second. Because he goes, um, understandable. He goes, I got a cloth on my birthday. And I'm like, wait, really? Because as listeners may not know, Charlie recently received his learner's permit. And has yet to make any attempts to learn how to drive, get his license, attempt to get a lesson to learn to drive. It's been a long time. Oh, you're not going to teach him how to drive?
Oh, absolutely not. We tried that. It did not work. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was regaling. There was a lot of, oh, I guess you need to do that. And then him yelling at me being like, why do you mean you guess? How are you driving? Oh, no. Somehow it turns into me being about driving. I don't know. It's a whole thing. I don't know. The state of Illinois and presumably Connecticut both think that you can drive and Exactly. Nobody thinks Charlie can drive, so... Exactly. Nobody thinks Charlie can drive at all. And everybody's always baffled when they hear that he cannot drive. It's a whole thing. A whole thing. Does he have a hard time staying on the right side of the road?
um Well, that's the thing is that like, it's not just that it's the fact it's the whole like, he's in charge of the car aspect that boggles him. So like the only time that he's driven he drove, ah he drove for like 30 seconds, if that, after he got his permit. And he just was so baffled by the fact that like, if you're not pressing the gas or the brake, and you're in drive, the car will still move. Oh, yeah, a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, he didn't he didn't understand that.
and so um Yeah, I don't know the science behind it, but there's explosions happening inside the engine. I know that much. And that's going to make the. Yeah, that that makes the cargo room. Yeah. Charlie XCX has a song about it. Does she really? I mean, Vroom Vroom. Oh, I was going to say, is it on Brat? I mean, some would say she has many songs about cars. I would say like 60 percent of Charlie XCX songs are about cars.
And the other 40% is about her underwear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love that song. It's so good. good one It's the sexiest song I've heard in a long time. Yeah. It's a very sexy song. It is. It's good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Especially the Billie Eilish version. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Boy, oh, boy.

SNL Sketch and Satire's Impact

um Did you see the SNL sketch that they did with Bowen for Charlie XCX's talk show? No, I didn't. I don't. i um Yeah, I don't really watch Saturday Night Live. Yeah, but you know, you can't see the clip. I did not. I saw the controversy about the Moudang Chaperone situation and all of the the people angry about that on both sides. They just they mistook satire.
As America, the American public has never done in its history. Never. Well, that's the thing, because somebody explained it to me and I'm like, well, that doesn't necessarily sound like he's making fun of her. But I don't understand. Like there's a level of I mean, the thing about satire is that if it's not obviously satire, then you're probably doing something wrong, because like the point of satire is supposed to be that it's, you know, pointed.

Chapel Rhone Controversy

Right. Yeah. Yeah.
And like I understand like, you know, moo dang is a celebrity just like any other and everybody will turn on her eventually when she doesn't conform to their idea of what a celebrity should be, which is, you know, what's happened to Chapel Roan, who I should say is 100 percent right all of the time, has never done anything wrong. And fuck all of you yeah for criticizing her. Go get your girl supports Chapel Roan. Yes, absolutely.
um But yeah, the whole idea was like just taking her speech and doing it as if Mudeng were to to say to her fans to back off and chill out. And people thought that it was Bowen making fun of Chappel Rhone, but that's not the case at all. And of course that makes things messy because Chappel Rhone is getting to be the musical guest in a few weeks. So I'm sure... So there'll be something about it, yeah.
Yeah, there's got to be

Emma's Media Friendship with Bowen Yang

some sort of thing. And Bowen loves Chapel Rhone. It's a huge Chapel Rhone stand. You have to remember that Emma and Bowen Yang are close friends on a first name basis. Oh yeah, we're BFFs. We are on a first name basis. We're best friends. We've never met in real life. Or on the internet. Or on the internet. I just have listened to his pod and watched him every week on SNL. And to me, that's friendship.
Yeah, that's a one day we'll have our own parasocial relationships with people and that can be weird. Exactly. ah But Bo and Yang famously featured in today's film.
That's right, guys.

Paranormal Podcast: 'Go Get Your Girl'

Uh, you guessed it. You're listening to go get your girl the podcast where and then Katie Oh, no, sorry. Go get your go
last episode of go get you last episode 2024. Yes. This is the podcast where Emma and Katie fuck around with some ghosts and kind of get addicted to it. You know, just like any teen with something that's forbidden. And it fucks up all of their relationships and their friends. So that's right, guys. I'm Emma. And I'm Katie.

Horror Film 'Talk to Me' and Teenage Risks

And we are, of course, talking about 2023's Talk to Me, um which is ah directed by Danny and Michael Philippu and written by Danny Philippu and Bill Hinsman, or Heinzman, not sure about that. This is their their first movie. They are YouTube stars who um make like horror shorts and like talk about um wrestling and stuff. I'm not sure I've never watched their YouTube channel, but I know they do a lot of like little short film, basically things. um And and, yeah, this is their this was their first movie. They made a short and then turned it into the full length, which is this. And it fucking rules. Oh, it's so fucking good. It's so fucking good.
I'm going to start off strong with an Emma's Fun Fact. Emma's Fun Fact. As of the recording of this in 2024, Talk To Me is the highest grossing film for A24. So it's made the most- The highest grossing horror film for A24. Horror film, sorry. Horror film for A24.
has um everything everywhere, all at once, with the highest grossing age, 25. Which is also good, and people have turned on because they have no patience. Yes, Talk To Me is about a bunch of Australian teenagers who are almost, to the person, the worst. Just a bunch of shitty teens doing shitty stuff. And most of them get what they deserve.
Yeah. That being said, if I were a team, I would 1000 percent have done this. Yeah, absolutely. that That's the big question that you have to ask yourself throughout this movie is that like you have to remind yourself these are stupid teens, take yourself back to your mindset as a stupid teen. And ah would you have played this game too? Yes. Would you have asked your sister to play this game even though you're 13? 13? 14? Even though you're a tween. Younger. Yeah. Just to prove that you can.
Yeah, um you would. A million percent did lots of stupid things when I was a teenager. um Yeah. There was a game. I hung out. I hung out with some some people in high school. There was a game. Have you ever done the thing? I think this is this is this is ah ah a boy thing. One hundred percent where they pass each other out. Oh, no. But I have done something similar. And I know the game where I know that game. I have watched people play that game.
It kind of like comes up like because you play like a light as a feather stiff as a board. Yeah. And then there's my friend Brian, who. I mean, I haven't talked to him in a long time, ah but he so I don't know where he is now in terms of like his life being together. But he was the he was like the wild, like kind of crazy guy. Yeah. um Let's do it.
Yes, exactly. And I have to assume it was his idea originally, but I don't remember that for sure. But basically what it is is you get down like close to the ground and hyperventilate like a bunch and then you stand up and someone comes behind you and wraps their arms around you and squeezes until you pass out and you wake up on the floor like 10 seconds later and have forgotten everything that's ever happened to you in your entire life. And sometimes you have like It's basically like microdosing flatlining. yeah you've seen And it's awesome. ever stop Never stopping. But the flatlining bit in that movie is one of the all time greatest comedy bits in a movie. yes um But yeah, basic which is again based on the movie Flatliners with Julia Roberts. it's That's a difficult thread to pull at. um If you don't know what we're talking about, I apologize.
But, yeah, sometimes you'll have like crazy nightmares and stuff. And it was me and my friend Jessica and um like five boys hanging out in our friend's basement um hat, like. And we somehow got talked into doing it. um and And it was that. So I know how easy it is to get talking, yeah doing something that's potentially dangerous and be definitely.
ah stupid and not good for you. Yes, exactly. I mean, I have done that. I did that all throughout high school. And it started with wanting to be cool and hanging out with a bunch of kids in an emo band. And they were all like, let's huff some aerosol. Look at how great this is. So we all huffed a bunch of aerosol. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not the smartest choice.
I've never huffed anything, I'll say. It's not like where you you like you put it in ah in ah in a paper bag or something and then like smell it. um No. ah Well, I think that's like one way you can do it. What we did was, you know so you know the aerosol cans for like cleaning tech, like cleaning keyboards? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like but like oxygen, like compressed air. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We took that, and then we put a blanket over it, and then you just inhaled it.
And then so just pure oxygen. Is it oxygen or aerosol? I don't know the difference. I think it's aerosol. as It makes your voice go low. Oh, really? OK. Yeah. We're like it lasts like maybe like 10, 15 seconds. Yeah. um It's but not going to get you high as well. Because like, you know, yeah helium doesn't get you high. Yeah. yeah No, no. It like it makes you feel like, you know, when you stand up too fast. Yeah.
Yeah, and you get a little lightheaded. That's that's what it feels like. But we did it for the voice thing because we thought it was funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. um Yeah, don't do that. Don't do that. And then we did other drugs. But you know, sure. Well, I wasn't going to get into drugs.
But that's what this is analogous for. You up drugs, Eva. Yeah, well, it's about anything. It's about like stupid shit that teens do. Yeah, for sure. That they get peer pressured into. Yeah, it's definitely partially a drug metaphor, I think. But I think that like i don't know i I hesitate to to lean too far into metaphors and allegories in horror films, because I think that like taking it just as like ah you can believe in something supernatural is fine too.
Yeah. um Because like, yeah, I definitely, we did like ghost houses in college.

Ghost Tours and Technology Collapse Speculation

We did a thing where we, I mean, it was all staged. So if any anybody for listening from my college who didn't know this, we staged those ghost houses. I'm so sorry. It's been a long time. It was like me and three other friends, they, we took an act at the academic theater building, which was like super old and super spooky and haunt and supposedly haunted.
We would lead tours through it, but two people would leave the tour. And then there were like three or four of us other else were hiding in the room and like doing shit. Like, oh, I love that. We had like fishing line attached to like books on a bookcase that we pull out. We did a thing. My favorite thing that we did was um rubbing alcohol, which will burn clean. Like you can put rubbing alcohol in your hand instead of on fire and it won't burn your hand. and Oh, don't don't do that. That's dangerous. But I'm saying it's physically possible for that to happen.
So we would have a thing where, so there'd be a piano playing by itself in one of the practice rooms, and it was just my friend, Megan, underneath the piano in a way where you, because the doors were locked, so you couldn't go inside, but you could see through the window, the practice room. She was underneath it, pulling on the hammers with her hands, so the keys were going down, and it was playing like, ding, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. But you look in the window, and nobody's playing the piano, and you can't see her underneath it.
Um, so they would go into there and then the door to the like little air suite of practice rooms would slam shut. Because my friend Jason put rubbing alcohol all over the doorknob lit it and then slam the door so they turn around and look and the door slam to the doorknobs on fire. Jesus.
Which is so fucking cool. I was really fucking cool. Yeah. ah um And and they were like, we they would go down the stairs and then come back up the stairs. There'd be a bunch of like chairs and desks and stuff like, yeah, blocking the way. And we had a lot of fun. We came up with a lot of, I think, like pretty creative, like spooky haunted house stuff. That is so cool. And there were certain people that we told that it was all fake because our friend Chandler, she I thought she was going to have a heart attack. She just like.
It was actually scary. Like I'm laughing about it now, but it was it was scary at the time. Like we're like, it's all for each other. I'm so sorry. We're so sorry. Oh, it was just like crying and like laid down on the ground. It was it was actually scary. So we we went a little too far. Caitlin does not think it was fun or funny because we did it to her. This was, you know, yeah before Caitlin and I were dating. um But we did go to college together and.
She she she still thinks she's still mad about it a little bit. So yeah, most people we didn't tell it was fake. Yeah. So they thought that it was a spooky. Oh, my God. That's so cool. Yeah. I love that. I fucking love ghosts. I fucking love ghosts. We do. We love ghosts on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. This movie is about great ghosts. We have done. We did demonic possession. We did serial killer. Yeah. We did zombies and now ghosts.
Ghosts. So, you know, we have to wait till next year for witches and werewolves and vampires and stuff. All that stuff and all those ghouls. Yeah. Yeah. You got to you got to cover, you know, the heavy hitters first round. Yeah. Yeah.
but um So, yeah, this movie is largely about it's about teenagers and the stupid thing teenagers do, but it's also about like social media and yeah the the way that being a teenager has changed so completely from when you and I were teenagers to the teenagers today. And like we're not that old, y'all. I mean, no, some of you may think so, but no, we're young.
It's not that long ago that we were in high school ourselves. Like, exactly. It was like yesterday. They just didn't have the internet on them. Or if you went on the internet, you got yelled at by your mom and dad because they got a giant bill.
Yeah, for sure, for sure. Yeah, i actually, I think I did have. Yeah, I had a pre-smartphone like internet phone that was very hard to use. Yes. And you had to like type out all the things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah Well, pre pre-iPhone, I should say. Yeah. iPhone came out when we were in college. Thank you very much. Yeah. And I thought it was stupid. Yeah. I really did. I was just like, well, why do I need all of that on my phone? I have an iPod.
I have a phone. I don't need anything else. My phone has a calculator. i am I did not get an iPhone until after I graduated college and moved to New York and my parents gave because I moved to New York.
ah in January and my parents gave me an iPhone for Christmas that year. And when I got to New York and had like the maps and everything on it, I was like, I could never have moved here by myself without this thing. Because like, you know, the subway schedule and the maps and everything were on it. and It was yeah crazy. Yeah. Oh, goodness gracious. I can't even imagine trying to orchestrate around like, and even today people are like, Oh, yeah. And how'd you get there? Did you take like the such and session, session, session, session? I was just like, I don't know. I followed Google Maps.
yeah yeah And what were Google maps told me? it's Yeah. And I don't know how to do, I wouldn't know how to do anything and nobody would like, if all of our phones stopped working, like ah society would, would collapse momentarily. Like it would be fine. It would get better, but they would, there would be a ah ah massive learning curve for everyone. yeah You know, maybe, maybe that would be good. Maybe life would be better.
Maybe. Oh, man. What did I watch? I watched some sort of apocalyptic TV show where they um I think it was like maybe the class of 07. Um,
But I can't be sure. But a girl, or maybe it was a play. I digress. Anyways, one of the girls is so upset that she doesn't have her phone that she has to take a cardboard box and take pictures and pretend like she's taking pictures or that she's on the phone. Yeah, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, yeah. I wish that I remembered what that was from. It was from something. Yeah.

Party Incident and Mia's Introduction

But talk to me. Talk to me, talk to me. Where do we start?
OK, so we start um at a at a house party with this one or that's all it's all one shot. um This guy is looking for his brother with the unlikely name of Duckett, and he keeps calling out.
doca you know look that It's in Adelaide, Australia, which is yep you know i'm like the fourth biggest city in Australia. So not not a lot of don't see a lot of movies take place in Adelaide. Usually it's Sydney or Melbourne. Yeah, good for them. Yeah. Maybe Adelaide is the third biggest city. but let me It doesn't matter. Yeah.
Oh, it's the other coast. Oh, no, a so it's a no, Adelaide is on the south. It's South Australia. in the south Yeah, so it's not in New South Wales, which you see most stuff um takes place in Adelaide is in the south. I don't know anything about Adelaide.
No, nobody does yeah outside of Australia, um I think, especially not in America at least. And so it's it's so it's cool ah to to see that. um yeah Australian horror movies have a pretty good good history. What is that one? Oh, wow. The Babadook?
Well, the about the Babadook for sure. But yeah, I was thinking of um i is. um The hills of eyes, actually. No, Lake Mungo Lake Mungo is Australian. Yes, Lake Mungo is Australian. Oh, thank God. OK. You never want to confuse New Zealand and Australians. They don't like it. They really don't. But I find that like a more you get more.
comedy and you get more um obviously fantasy because of, you know, Lord of the Rings and then they just keep capitalizing on their beautiful sceneries. But um you get like more of that from New Zealand. Australia, you get the gritty, hard to watch horror movies. Every single horror movie that I've watched that's like you can and like a car crash, like you can't look away has been from Australia.
Um, yeah, yeah. Um, there's, um, there's quite a few of them. Yeah. Uh, Wolf Creek, Wolf Creek is another, wolf creek yeah like really fucked up Australian harmony. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, so it's a, it's a house party and he's looking for his brother and they're at this, um,
ah This party and he is you can kind of hear like little bits of the conversation Like he's saying that like he told me you're gonna you're gonna hurt people like yeah There's which we find out later is like the ghosts are talking to people and they're telling them lies like this whole movie is about ghosts manipulating people into doing bad things and and essentially almost manipulating people into either killing others or killing themselves yeah so that I have more people to join them, join us. Exactly. um So ah Cole, who we later learn is this kid's name, um finds his brother, his brother stabs him, what looks like in the heart, it ends up being, it looks like it's the shoulder, and then stabs himself yeah right in the head.
And then we just hard cut. Yeah, and it's while everyone is taking a video of him because he's having a mental breakdown. Oh, yeah, so everybody. Yeah, their phones out filming. him Yeah. And so it's the first insight into, um you know, what society is, where it's like, well, there's this really horrific moment happening in front of you. So what's your first go to? Oh, let me take out my camera phone and take a video of it so I can share it. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
um Which, hey, fuck you. Don't do that. Yeah, don't do that. Don't do that. My god. Don't be a bystander. Be an upstander. Oh.
Either get out of the way of the brother helping his brother his mentally ill brother having a breakdown, or assist in some other manner that is helpful. Don't get by and take a video. Yeah.
So then we meet our unpleasant protagonist, ah yeah Mia, yeah who is played by Sophie Wilde, who is very good in this movie. Oh my god, she's so good. Yeah. There were so many moments that I was like, wowza. And I think this is her first film,
if I'm correct. Is it? Yeah. this was ah This is another of Emma's Fun Emma's Fun Facts. Um, this is Sophie while it's her very first, it's her like, um, film debut. Yeah. She is in baby girl, the, uh, Helena rain movie that is coming out, uh, in December with Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson that everybody's losing their shit over the director of bodies, bodies, bodies.
Oh. Did you see the trailer for it dropped a few days ago? and And yeah, everybody's obsessed. It was all over my socials and stuff, but I never watched the trailer. So I'll probably do that when we're done. Yeah. Well, she's in that as Esme, apparently, as well. Well. Don't who that is. Yeah, so she is sad because her mom.
Well, yeah, ah just like we're starting and we're ending. We're starting and we're ending with sort of a similar theme. The protagonist's mom died and people don't give a fuck. Yeah, yeah. People are confused why the protagonist is a little messed up.
Yeah, yeah. And it has been a couple of years. Her mom killed herself, ah or as she believes, accidentally had a sleeping pill overdose. Yeah. Because as they get into later, her dad had to break the door down because her mother's body was up against the door, which is horrifying. But also, like that's the sign of a suicide, y'all. Why did she block the door?
Yeah. Yeah. And the only evidence that Mia has in that it was an accidental overdose is that her fingernails. um It looked like she was like trying to scratch her way out from the door. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know. There's more evidence saying it was a suicide. There was no note in her father, you know, tells her it was an accident. Yeah.
And that was a couple of years ago. So she was even younger. I'm not sure how old she is. because except She's probably like 16 or 17. Probably like 16, yeah. Yeah. So she was even younger than what had happened, obviously.
Yeah. Yeah, so it's like um there's like some kind of ceremony about her mom, like a remembrance day. Yeah, a remembrance day or whatever. And she wants no part of that. And she and her friend Jade. Who doesn't go to her friend's mom's remembrance day. Like none of that family. Like even Miranda Otto was like, sorry, I couldn't get out of work. yeah Yeah, I mean like. Sorry.
It does seem like I don't... um Remembrance Day is is a is a thing. like I mean, again, i didn't i my my father died when I was an adult, um and we you know don't do anything like that. That is an odd thing to me. I've never really heard of people doing that before. like On the anniversary of someone's death, that seems super morbid. I certainly wouldn't want to go.
I mean, some people do. It's like all how you you know handle grief and how how do you process that. And I'm guessing that this is a way that her dad is processing his grief is by having that. I mean, I don't know if it's an Australian thing. If you are an Australian listener, please do let us know if this is like an Australian tradition to have like a remembrance day. yeah um But her dad certainly is an Australian. Her dad's American.
Oh my God, you're right. hey Her mom's Australian. um I didn't even notice. You didn't even notice? Oh, I noticed as soon as he opened his mouth, I was like, wait a second. Yeah. Hold the horses. You're saying, oh no. You didn't say ar-nar. Ar-nar. Yeah. But so yeah, so she goes over to her friend. Well, first she gets a call from, um her friend Jade's little brother. um Oh, what's her name? Shoot.
ah Riley. Riley. She gets a call from Riley who's hanging out with one of his stupid ass friends at a skate park because that's what 13-year-olds do. I mean, that's true. That is what 13-year-olds do, yeah. Yeah. And so she picks him up because Jade has forgotten to pick up her own brother.
And on the way home, they're singing Sia's Chandelier and they come across. Riley's so sweet. Riley is so sweet. Riley is the sweetest boy.
Yeah, he's the one who doesn't deserve any of this. No, he does not. And he gets the hard end of the stick in this movie for a boy, a boy. But they come across a a rue, a kangaroo in the road ah who's dying and the car hit by a car and they stop to get out and take a look at the dying kangaroo.
And Riley is telling Mia to you know just put it out of its misery. It's crying. It's dying. Might as well help it. And Mia can't do it. Mia yeah can't do that. Which I also couldn't do. Yeah. Yeah. I also could not do that. um But that brings me to ah the Charlie's corner of the episode. Uh-oh.
um I don't know if I've told this story on the pot or not um but Emma and Charlie famously went to Australia a few years ago to visit um Charlie's friend Tom and his wife Alison and and like that Is who Thomas the cat is named after? Thomas the cat is named after Tom kitten from Beatrix Potter, but then Tom Charlie's friend Thought that we had named it was a whole it's a whole thing. Yeah, okay But Yeah, so we had been in Australia for I think like two days. Oh wait, okay, I thought that was Charlie coming, giving me a freaking correction. um But we we had been in Australia for like two days, hadn't seen a freaking kangaroo. Mind you, we went into Sydney and then we drove at night to um the ah a little coastal town.
I mean, it'd be like being in America and be like, I haven't seen a raccoon yet, right? Exactly. Exactly. That's exactly what. And I was just like, why haven't I seen, I haven't seen a kangaroo. And so I was just like given some sass about how I hadn't seen a kangaroo. And so the drive that we had made to the coastal town, we did it at night. I was in the backseat with Allison. Tom was driving. Charlie was navigating shotgun. And so Charlie turned around when I made that comment and he goes, ah I saw many kangaroos last night. And I was like, well, why did you say anything? He goes.
she's She's shaking her head ominously. Yeah. Because they were all dead on the side of the road. Because kangaroos are essentially like deer slash raccoons in Australia. And they get hit a lot. And so you'll see a lot of dead kangaroos on the side of the road. um If it has a giant X marked on it, that means that the animal Australian animal ASPCA or whatever has gone around to check its pouches for ruse. And yeah, and then a cleanup guru will come by and just collect the corpses. But it's a very common thing to see a dead guru on the side of the road.
So did you see a live kangaroo at some point? Oh, yeah. I saw several live kangaroos. I have told the story on the um Anyone But You episode where I had an emotional reaction, an emotional connection with a kangaroo. That's right. That's right. Yeah. We stared at each other. We looked in into each other's beady eyes. We both hopped towards each other. And okay we spoke and an unspoken language of love. I get that. I get that. Yeah.
I also have interactions with animals that way. Some of us are just ah you know too soft for this world. Exactly. Anyway, so she can't kill the kangaroo, which is thematic. Oh, yeah. Possibly too thematic.
um So they go to, um yeah, they go to this party um that this person named Haley is throwing at um Joss's house. So Joss is this, it's his house, but Haley is the person who has the hand, who is a non-binary character, which, yeah you know,
Love that. Great to see, yeah. Amazing. And also a huge piece of shit, which is also nice. Yeah, so nice to see. Like, clear representation doesn't have to be good people. Yeah. So Haley is the one who has the hand. Yeah. And it is this white hand. Porcelain, almost. Yeah, I think it's supposed to be. They say that it's the cutoff hand of a medium that has been dipped in porcelain or something, or covered in porcelain.
And there's writing all over it. And it's real spooky. And the hand is like sit is sticking up. like It sits yeah on on the the base of the wrist and sits out where like you could shake it, like you shake a hand. Yeah, it's very spooky. And I also love the fact that it's covered in graffiti. Yeah, yeah. Because like everybody like writes something on it, I guess, when they use it. Yeah. It's just such a typical teen thing. Yeah, for sure. For sure.
um Like, how many, like, little tiny penises have been drawn on that thing? Right. How many little X's or not X's, S's. Oh, sure. Yeah. The 2007 X's. It doesn't really.
Yeah, we don't really get to see a ton, like close up on it. So we never actually get to see any of the writing, but you just know that it's covered in writing. Yeah. um And yeah, they're playing this game. So what the game consists of is you sit across from the hand and they tie you into the chair.

Haunting Hand Game Rules and Consequences

um And you take the hand in your hand and you say, talk to me, which is the name of the movie. And then you see a ghost appears across from you.
and can talk to you, and then you say, I let you in, and the ghost possesses you. And they kind of get like a rush. 90 seconds goes by, and you have 90 seconds before you have to break the connection, or they'll like, you know, separate. They'll want to stay. Yeah, because they'll want to stay. And that's why they have to tie you up. But yeah, so the first thing she sees, oh my god, is this like,
Horrifying like so the ghost like looks like it's like a Beetlejuice ghost where like they look like however they died, right? Yeah, exactly this woman obviously drowned Yeah, she's all bloated and like full like waterlogged and just fucking horrifying And so she gets so scared. She drops the hand she lets go and everybody laughs, you know, and they're filming her um and the And then she grabs the hand again. She says, let me, let me, let me go again. And this, um, this spirit, uh, it's a different one. It's always, it it changes every time, you know, uh, go look, goes into her and they're all evil. but yeah All of the ghosts are evil, which is part of one of the, like part of the thing of the movie is like, you're trying to like figure out.
um I mean, as a viewer, we were like, well, they're evil, you know, but like yeah the students that the the teens are not aware of that. Yeah. At first, because they sometimes will appear to you as someone that, you know, which is what happens in this movie. Yeah. But this goes immediately fixates on Riley, who shouldn't be there and is like, you know, little baby boy, three or four years younger than everyone there, which is a big deal when you're a teenager, a big difference.
The sister let him come. Yeah. And the ghost like the person like see and starts saying her this horrible shit like she's possessed. So it looks like it's just her.
and um is calling him out immediately. yeah And it's really, really scary. Yeah, about like how the ghosts wanna play with him, the ghosts wanna fuck with him. Like they really, really like you Riley. um And it is something to be said that like before this, it is mentioned by Hailey and who's the guy?
da john jo um Josh, that they didn't want Mia there. They were like, Why did you bring me up Mia? Mia's so weird. She's so clingy. Like, why did you bring Mia? So like, and Mia, there's a lot before the game starts that you get the sense of like,
Mia's a little bit of an outsider. She wants to be an insider. She obviously wants to have fun and have friends and stuff. But like she's a little she's a little weird. And so everyone is sad. Her mom died and everyone doesn't get it. Yeah. And everyone doesn't get it. So she's she feels like she has something to prove. Yeah. Yeah. And she sucks. Yeah, she's also important. Yeah. This is a person who sucks, as do many people in this movie.
so that that ends and it seems fine um at first but she is like immediately kind of addicted to it yeah um so yeah the next day at school um oh yeah she goes too long that's the other thing there's rules you You can only go for 90 seconds, otherwise they'll want to stay. And the first time, like she wouldn't let go of the hand as they were trying to break the connection. And so it went over a little bit too long, but it seemed like she was fine.
yeahow But everyone moved on. She's not fine. And she's also, you know, addicted to it. So she immediately the next day at school, like tracks down Joss tracks down Haley and is like, I got to do this again. So what's going to happen? And um they're like, OK, well, sure, we can do it. We can do what you want to do it. And where do you want to do it? And she's like, we can do it at Jade's house.
Yeah. Well, jade yeah. Jay's the one that is like doing this interaction because they won't even talk to Mia. Mia's just standing there like, can you ask? Can you ask? And so she's like, oh, I guess we can do it at my house. My mom leaves at nine for work because I think her mom either works in a hotel or is a nurse or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She works at night.
Yeah. And then we have probably the best funniest scene. Yeah. In the entire movie. Jade's mom is Miranda Otto. Yes. Who's in all kinds of stuff. And she knows that they're going to have a party at the house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
So she's going from room to room and she's being like, what time is the party starting? Hey, yeah um you can tell me like, what's what's the party? Cause she's just, she's trying to catch them out. And then she's like, so Jade has her boyfriend, Daniel over who like, that's the whole thing about how Jade and Daniel are in a couple and Mia's sort of like third wheeling it all the time. and feel She used to date him. Yeah. Well as like a five year old. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They were like, yeah.
Yeah, but they had this like connection that and then she would know that was it like was a five or were they like like 12 or 13 or something? Yeah, something that still wasn't actual dating, but it was they had this really they had a closer relationship and now he's dating her friend. Exactly. And so she sort of feels on the outside of that relationship and it's the on the close relationship that Mia has.
um yeah But yeah, so Miranda Otto is going from like room to room, person to person, and being like, what time is the party starting? Great Australian accent. You're welcome. You're welcome. um And she was like, Riley, you can tell. Oh, no. It's already gone. ah Riley, you can tell me what time the party's starting. I already know about it. And she's like, there's no party. And she was like, well, if there's drinking and you're drinking, um i I will punch you in the face.
It's great. It's great. And she leaves and they come over and an extremely upsetting thing happens. Well, yeah, first Daniel goes and Daniel is like super Christian. That's his whole thing. And so he doesn't like do anything. And he goes and he does the hand thing. And the first thing that happens is the ghost that comes in him starts talking about how he doesn't want to fuck his girlfriend, how he doesn't want to fuck Jade, and then he immediately looks at Mia, and so you get the idea that like he's super turned on by Mia, and then he starts, I wouldn't say masturbating, but like rubbing himself, yeah and then falls over and starts humping the floor, and then poor little doggy comes in, they're not a pug,
But is it a pug? It's ah like a like a bathroom is a bulldog. like Oh, a bulldog. They're a little bulldog who they're constantly making jokes about how the bulldog is farting and smells bad, um comes in and starts kissing Daniel as he's possessed. And he starts making out with the dog. And everyone's filming it. And they think it's hilarious. And so then they get Daniel out of it. He snaps out of it. He's so embarrassed. He tells everyone to delete those videos. Everyone's like, absolutely not.
um And then, you know, they go on, everybody else gets a turn. We get a montage. Yep, a fun little montage. With everybody of everybody doing it, and it seems fun. Yeah! Nothing bad happens. Nope, they're just all getting possessed. Yeah. Having a fun old time. And then... Riley. Riley insists on having a turn.
And Jade is like, absolutely not. You cannot have a turn under any circumstances. um No, no, no, no, no. And she.
leaves. Why does she leave? She she leaves because he kept keeps insisting and then Mia gets on Riley's side and is like, well, maybe instead of 90 seconds, we do like 60 seconds. Yeah. yeah And Jade is like, no, absolutely not. Don't do that. Like what's wrong with you? Yeah. But you can sort of see Jade or not Jade, Mia has no friends and the closest, and she has sort of like this sort of strange relationship with her dad. And so like the closest person that she has is this family and she's losing the connection with Jade because Jade and Daniel are like boyfriend, girlfriend obsessed with each other. And so all she has left is Riley. Jade's mom really cares for Mia and has told her like you're a member of this family kind of. That was in the other scene too, so.
Yeah. And so like she feels like all she really has is Riley and she wants to make Riley happy. She doesn't want to lose that relationship. And so she doesn't want anything to sort of like for him to get get like mad at her about within reason. So she's sort of being a little bit of a pushover. She wants to be the cool aunt too. Exactly. Exactly. She wants to be the cool aunt. And so so Jade gets really upset and she storms off with Daniel um and ah Riley keeps pressing it. And Jade is or yeah, Mia's like no, no, no, no, no. And finally, he he like hits the jugular by like saying that she's like choosing Jade side and just sort of really trying to get her to say yes. And so finally, she says fine, but only 50 seconds. So they let Riley have a turn. And of course, you guessed it, it doesn't go well.
No. No, it does not. not Boy, boy. Well, it's um it's it's her mom, supposedly. Yeah. That ah you know Mia's mom appears to him, who he recognizes.
um and lets her in and she immediately, suppose again, I don't believe this is really Mia's mom. I don't either. I absolutely do not believe it's Mia's mom. There's the other option that like, you know, when you're on the other side, you just become evil, like, and you're just trying to hurt people, but I don't think that's what it is. I think it's something to be her mom. Yeah. Yeah.
And I mean, yeah, exactly. And the whole like there's a little bit of lore as they're like discussing like where are these ghosts coming from, like what's going on with them. And there are some of these mentions that they might be like stuck in limbo and that's where they are. And so like these are ghosts that are, you know, probably on their way to hell. So they're not good ghosts.
For sure. Yeah. Yeah. So they're just not good. Yeah. So I don't I don't think for a second that it's me as mom. I think it's someone fucking around. Yeah, so she started, but like they can read your thoughts. So they can say anything that you know, and because they're inside you. And so he starts talking to her and then she kind of realizes that it's her, you know, quotes her mom and then she makes it that that causes them to run out the clock and yeah the they go over time and um they ah
they um they they let he gets out of the the the ropes and starts smashing his head on the table in an extremely graphic uh way yeah well he doesn't get out of the ropes he just starts randomly smashing his head up he gets out of it he gets loose from the chair though like so he can because normally he wouldn't be able to like yeah his hands aren't free and he's just smashing his head on the table yeah and then he's just smashing his head all over the fucking house and it's horrifying.
yeah And so he goes to the hospital. Yeah, everyone's upset. Everyone's traumatized. Yeah. Hailey is like, I don't want this hand anymore. I don't need this. The cops come over um and they talk to them and they're all just like, we don't know what happened. He's like, he just started smashing his face. And of course, none of the grownups believe the kids. They think that drugs are involved. Yeah.
Yeah. And Mia's mom, first and foremost, and especially because Jade. Jade's mom. Jade's mom. Oh, sorry. Jade's mom. I keep interchanging Jade and Mia. Jade's mom is like super upset and like Jade because Jade is also blaming Mia. And so. Well, Jade's fault. That's why it's easy. Yeah, exactly. or Because it is her fault. It is her fault.
ah But Jade's mom, you know, doesn't understand why and so from that she's just sort of like assumes that Mia gave Riley drugs and that's why he did what he did. So she like yells at Mia says that she can't see Riley kicks her out of the hospital. It's like a whole thing and it's like traumatizing. Yeah. um Yeah. And seen so, like yeah. Mia had done some drugs in the past. She smoked weed once. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And and but but but ah Jade blamed it on Mia or something. And so her mom thinks that that Mia does drugs. Yeah. So a lot of blame is put on Mia for, you know, the right reason.
but Um, a fun fact, uh, future guest, Mary Margaret, uh, our friend from college, when we were in college, she was, I think she was, she was probably under 21, but maybe she wasn't, I don't know. But her parents were visiting her in college and in the trunk of her car was like a huge amount of liquor.
bottles and bottles of liquor for some party. I don't remember what it was. And she immediately told her parents, oh, those are Chandler's and Katie's. We weren't there. It wasn't our liquor. We had nothing to do with it. She just got the blame. We just got the blame for it for whatever reason. um So her parents like thought you were alcoholics. Yeah, I mean, like, we weren't.
Like we were drinking a lot for sure. I'm not an alcoholic, I was not an alcoholic in college, but Mary Margaret for some reason, like why did it have to be two peoples? Why did it have to be one? Why did you throw- Because of the amount of alcohol. No, throw both of us under the buns there. And so yeah, her parents I think have always given both of us like a side eye or something ever since then.
I forgive you, Margaret.
All is forgiven. Goodness, gorgeous. Yeah, so everybody is really upset, kind of except for Mia, yeah because she sucks. Yeah, and she's more focused on the fact that her mom is talking to her through the hand. She steals the hand.
And um another thing is you should never do it alone. No, it don't do it alone. All of the rules get broken because they always do in these things. Of course. It's like we saw the substance and Caitlin and I left and we're like, well, I would simply just follow the rule. Everything would have been fine if you just follow the rule. Well, yeah, obviously. But have you have you seen the substance? No, I haven't. Oh, man, it it rules. Is that is that the new Margaret Kweli movie? Yeah, Margaret Kweli and Demi Moore.
have Demi Moore is this aging Hollywood, like, actress and like fitness instructor kind of thing. Yeah. And she um she finds she's like, you know, she's getting older and she loses her job and like everybody's always talking about how, you know, she's lost it. She's not hot anymore.
And she finds this thing called the substance where you pay them and they give you this like little kit where you inject yourself with this stuff and a younger version of you appears and appears is um a euphemism there because it like crawls out from your body. Jesus.
um It's so, so disturbing. I had to cover my eyes many times throughout this movie. It's very, very gross, um but it's also really cool. okay it's And yeah, so Margaret Qualley is like the younger hotter version of Demi Moore in this movie. And then, so they have to keep switching every seven days. And then like, if you don't follow the rules, like things start to go really, really bad.
Yeah. Follow the rules. Right. Just follow the rules. Just do it. Um, yeah, so I mean, again, that's the the Rory Gilmore in me. Like, just I mean, just do it. Just follow the rules. But although I there was a lot of relatable moments in this movie where I was just like, oh, yeah, if I was a teen, I would have done that. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I would have definitely taken the hand and done it by myself.
Really? I don't think I would have done that. I definitely would have done it. And I may have instigated it in others. That is what I know about myself. But I don't think I would do it by myself. I think if I had had enough of a reason and got that much of a rest from it, a stupid teen emo emo would have done it by herself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm pretty confident in saying that. And pretty confident in saying that if I was in this movie, I would die. Yeah. Absolutely.
If we were in any horror movie, we would die. Like, we're not built for horror movie. At least I'm not. I mean, I don't know. You never know till you do it. That's true. That's true. Yeah, so she takes the hand and she does it by herself and she sees her mom. And her mom tells her she didn't commit suicide um and that um that ah she's got ah she's got to believe her and and all of this and that Riley is in danger. That's what that's what her mom tells her. And then um Daniel doesn't have anywhere to go. yeahp um So he, because I don't remember why he can't go to his parents. Like his cousin is over and like they're taking over his room or something, some stupid reason like that. And so he's like, oh, I don't have anywhere to go.
and um Emma's impression of Charlie playing the part of Daniel in this movie. Yup. Yup. And so she's like, well, you can stay at mine. He goes, oh, well, that might be a little messy because, you know, the whole like jade me thing. And she goes, oh, well, I really don't want to be alone. And she's also like used to spend the night here all the time when we were kids. Yeah. Like a, like a Joey Dawson situation. Yeah, exactly. Tops and tails. Yeah.
There's some tails. Yeah. So they like you sleep head to foot. Yeah. Which is ends up not being smart ah because in the worst in the middle of the night, she sees this horrible like person, this this monster kind of ah sucking on his feet on his foot. Yeah. And she is like this hallucination and she wakes up and he wakes up and finds that she is like she's sucking his feet.
sucking on his feet. Daniel, Daniel and Riley, they got the short end, the stick in this movie. daniel he He gets made out with it with a dog and then gets his feet sucked by an old lady slash his friend. I mean, I would rather be Daniel than Riley, for sure. Oh, yeah. We're going to have to pick one. Yeah. Oh, boy.
especially whenever we see Mia go back to the hospital ah because she is convinced. She's like she needs she wants to get Riley out of this. She she's the only one. I mean, for a minute you are kind of on her side because she's the only one doing anything about this. The demon is still in him. Like it was they they never got the demon out.
like Exactly. yeah they They broke the connection but but with the hand, but he was still it was it was in him. The things were bad for Riley. Yeah. far Which is why he's not woken up yet. Well, and any time he comes to, he tries to. You see it in the Spongebob scene. Any time he comes to. We're not there yet, right? Or did that happen before? Yeah. Oh, OK. I think we're right at that point. So we see sort of like a glimpse into Riley in the hospital. And so he's being you know bathed by his mom and his sister. and he sort of like comes to and anytime he comes to, he tries to kill himself again. He just starts smashing his head into the tile of the shower and like laughing maniacally yeah so that he has to be constantly stated. So they have to knock him out constantly or he'll or he'll continue to do that, which is like
Terrifying. Yeah. It's like, what do you do? You know, it's kind of like the the exorcist thing. Like it's hard not to put yourself in the position of the mom or the sister, um like being because because being completely incapable of helping someone is one of the scariest things to me. Oh, like we're powerless. Yeah. Because that's something that will happen to all of us. you know At some point, either we're going to die or our partner's going to die and we there's nothing we can do about it. And that powerlessness, I think, is is really scary. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. And sad and heartbreaking. Yeah.
Yeah, so Mia is like, well, we have to obviously find a supernatural fix for this because this is a supernatural problem. So they go to the, you know, they hunt down the brother of the guy who stabbed himself in the face. Cole, the beginning of the movie yeah miraculously survived, did not die.
got him in the shoulder, not the heart. Yeah. Exactly. And so they find him and to get some answers about the hand. um but all he But he doesn't want to talk to Hailey or any of them because he's just like, you know, my brother thought that he had friends and you guys just used him, you know, for the hand and he got addicted. You couldn't see how much it was fucking him up. You didn't stop him from using it. And so this is, you know, another sort of ha ah insight into the future for Mia.
um because she's hearing about somebody else who got super fucked up by it. So she comes up with the idea of like, well, we'll have, we'll bring the hand to him. He tells them there's there's other rules, right? He's like, he says the important thing that he says is like, they'll leave on, you don't have to do anything. The demon, the the the ghosts in him will leave because a human host will just push them out of eventually. um by that But ghosts are lying to her. And so like,
We don't really know what's true. or anything But I believe that's true. I think that that is correct. Yeah. Do you think that's what happens? I mean, yeah. why Because like but by the end, before she does anything, they're like, he's getting better. yeah um Yeah. He hasn't. He's awake, and he's not trying to kill himself already before before the end. Yeah. um So yeah, keep keep going. Sorry. Oh, no, you're fine.
um But yeah, so Mia comes up with the idea of like, well, we need to bring the hand to Riley and do it in the hospital and close the connection. And so they bring everything is let's use the hand again. Let's do right. Yeah.
Let's not, let's not bring that around. and And so they try that, but of course, because Riley can't talk, and they try talking for him, it doesn't work. And so everyone everyone's getting frustrated that it's not working. And so Mia's solution is, well, maybe I'll just use the hand here, and I'll try and I'll find him.
And she sees like a spooky ghost girl who's like, do you know where this boy is? Can you take me to this boy? And she sees where presumably Riley is. And it's not a fun place. Well, the best part the best thing in the whole fucking movie is the little girl says, I let you in.
and kately yeah so turns it around, um so the she supposedly goes into the ghost, into the ghost's world, Limbo, and sees like just the worst shit in the world. Oh my god. All of these ghosts pulling at this little boy and and torturing him um endlessly. I think someone's eating a baby at one point.
Yeah, someone's eating it there's a quick shot of someone eating a baby. it's And I don't think any of this is real. um I think you can't trust the ghosts. And all of this is just a vision that they've given to her to make her like crazy, to make her kill him. Because they want you permanently. And that's what they're saying. They're like, if you die when you're possessed, you go to limbo and they have you forever. like that's what they That's what Cole tells them.
Yeah, so that's what they're trying to do. Yeah, but like, Mia is helping them and she doesn't know. Yeah, exactly. Because she thinks that she's helping Riley, but in reality, she's not. And then also you get sort of like the through line of Mia's dad sits her down and is like, um there was something I never told you about your mom's death. It's the worst possible time to do this. Worst time!
time And she's like, what? And he's like, there was a note. And then he reads the note to her and she goes, no, there wasn't a note because she told me she told me that there was no note. You're lying. And so then she goes to her room and hallucinates that her dad is trying to kill her.
banging on the door and it keeps cutting like the camera keeps cutting to him in the other room, not banging on the door. Yeah. um So we know what's real and what's not for kind of the first time. Exactly. And ah and yes, so this like ghost version of her her this vision of her dad and um breaks into her room and is going to kill her. And at the same time, the actual father hears her screaming and goes in to check on her, and when he goes in to check on her, she stabs him in the neck.
thinking she's killing the ghost version. But actually, she's stabbed her bed. She stabbed her bed. She stabbed her bed. And so then she runs off. She calls Jade. And she's like, hey, I realized how we're going to save Riley. But you need to come to my house, leave Riley at the hospital, and come here. I'm definitely here. I'm definitely not at the hospital.
The trickster, and this is why you should all have your phones, ah your friends on your GPS tracking on your phone. Yeah, always. Just have your friends outside my friends. Yeah. Would have easily saw. Because you don't know if they're going, they maybe be they're going on a first date and you just want to check on them and make sure everything's going okay. Or, you know, maybe they're trying to trick you into killing your little brother at the hospital.
Exactly. Always good to give that a double check. Always good. Exactly. Saying that they're at home and you should meet them at home, but really they're at the hospital waiting for you to leave so that they can go kidnap your brother to push him off the highway. Yeah. These are all things we need to find my friends for.
Yeah, so. ah So yeah, because this is this is when we find out that like he's doing better and she's got this idea that if she kills him, the ghosts will let him go. um That is what they that's what ah her mom has told her and is obviously not true.
Yes. um So she like has the conversation with the mom, who's like, you know the tox screen came back. It's not drugs. you know I'm sorry, which like the previous scene she had told her, like you're not a member of this family. like you know She's lost this family by the way way that she sees it. um So you know Miranda Otto's like, you can go and see him if you want to. And then fucks off. Yeah. And then it's like, OK, bye, Riley. Bye. Bye, Mia.
um I mean, I'm sure she's very tired. She does not think that Mia is going to try to push her son into traffic. and And so he she gets him in in the wheelchair and is starting to push her into traffic. But Gia, Gia, Jade, I combined Gia, Mia, Mia and Jade combined.
Yeah, so Jade it has found her, Mia's dad yeah and immediately is like, I better get back to the house. Yeah, like, fuck, shit's going down. And so she calls her mom and she's like, Mom, where is Mia or where's Riley? And but she's like, he's with her with him. And she's like, don't trust Mia. Mia is dangerous. And as she gets back to the hospital, she sees Mia just like pushing Riley up a hill towards the highway.
And you think, for the longest time, that like she's going to push Riley off this highway and just do what the ghosts wanted to do. That was her intention, I think, at the beginning. But Jade ah you know gets there, tries to stop her.

Mia's Ghostly Fate and Film Success

there's We don't really see kind of what happens. There's a struggle. Mia, um they they frame it in a way to where you think that he got pushed into traffic.
Yeah, but he's um he's on the side of the road and she has been hit by a car and killed. That's what happens. Yeah. Yeah. and But she doesn't know that she's dead yet. Yeah. She wakes up in the hospital, um but nobody can hear her. She um which is also something that she like she saw like a vision of or something right where she's she has a nightmare where no one can hear. Yeah. She can't see herself in the mirror. Yeah.
And there's something wrong with her hands. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And her hands are fucked up in this final scene. Nobody can hear her or see her. And she sort of is seeing sort of this like flash take of I'm assuming just like a time span because you see Riley waking up. Time is moving. Yeah. Yeah. Riley waking up, Riley going home from the hospital. Her dad is there, but her dad just like walks away and leaves. And um yeah he survives.
Yes. And she and then the lights start going out in the hospital. And so she's running after her dad and then all of a sudden it's super, super dark. And you see the you hear the lighting of a match. You see a candle. And then you see her sort of wake up because she is across from. I'm assuming I can't tell if it's Greece or Italy. I think they're Greek, yeah.
Greek, a bunch of Greek teens playing the game. Yeah, but she's the ghost now. And they say, I let you in. And that's the movie. Yeah. Full circle. Yeah. Fucking terrifying. It is. It's really, it's really upsetting and scary and really well made, put together. Yeah. I think this movie rolls. One of the best horror movies in the past couple of years, for sure.
Oh yeah, for sure. Absolutely great. Do you have any other thoughts, feelings? And they're making a sequel. They're making a sequel, seriously? Yeah, which is called ah Talk To Me, obviously.
Because you have to. Is the third one going to be called Talk To Three? ah Probably, yeah. yeah um They have another movie coming out first though, um which began shooting in June 2024 called Bring Her Back, um which has got Sally Hawkins in it. We love Sally Hawkins. We love Sally Hawkins. um I don't see, doesn't really say what it's about or anything, but yeah, A24 horror film. Yeah, I imagine they probably wrapped by now, but it doesn't say. Well, I'll be on the lookout for that.
Um, they, uh, here's another Emma's Fun Facts. Emma's Fun Facts. So the filmmakers of this movie did two things with this movie. One, they turned down, um, a DC extended universe film that they were offered. Um, and so that they could do this as their um debut film versus that. ah They said, no, thank you, DC Universe. And we don't want to make Shazam three. We really don't want to make Shazam three. Yep. And then also they they were offered
a substantial amount of money to do the American remake of this to which they turned it down said absolutely not you cannot have the right to this movie because their whole thing is that they want to make movies that either take place in Australia specifically, hopefully Adelaide, which is where they're from, but Australia specifically, or um some sort of like part of the huge part of the editing process is done in their country, in Australia. So like that's sort of like their brand. Good for them. That's great. Which is great. Yeah. Love that. um Why would you make an American remake of this movie? Like it's English. It's English. in English. It's an American remake of this movie. It would be worse.
um I think horror movies are movies that but can um benefit from remakes. I think there are good horror movie remakes but certainly not immediately and certainly not in movies that are art because one of the things that you can do with a horror remake is you can recontextualize it for a different country if it's a very different culture like you know remaking Asian films especially was very popular.
um And also, like it's if it's not in the language, I can kind of understand it. But generally, I'm against remakes as a whole. But especially not if if it's pretty in English. that's it's It's already in English, and it's already such like a Western-based culture that's like similar enough. It would be like making the taking making an American version of Shaun and the Dead. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Nobody needs that.
We don't need it. We get it. We we get it. And anything that's like enough of of like a culture gap, you can Google. That's true. Yeah. Like Henry is an eighth of weed. Exactly. Exactly. Or you can listen to our podcast and we'll explain it to you. And we will explain that and we will explain Muntud. And then there wasn't anything like Australian that I felt that I needed to explain with the exception of the dead kangaroos.
Right, right. Which again, I think it could we can figure out. Yeah, exactly. And as you know, the only member of this podcast to have been to Australia, I am therefore the Australian. Flex on me. I am the right now the Australian um ambassador. So or go get your girl. um So good day and.
Bostas. Australian Fabia. Good. That's good. Yeah, yeah. Pretty good, right? um
ah If you ever if you get to Australia, then I will hand over the. Well, we'll have to go on how many days like how long you're in Australia, like by the to the minute is going to be how well determined, but I think it'll probably be a while before I get to Australia. So we'll see.
we'll We'll see. you know You never know. You never know where life takes you. Sometimes it takes you to Australia. ah But yeah, do you have any any final thoughts, feelings, opinions? I don't think so. I think that's it. yeah it's ah It's a great movie. um it's ah It's super scary and yeah fun. Great way to close out. Go get your cool. And thank you guys so much for enjoying our little four-week forte into horror films. We've recorded all of these before the first one has been released. So we don't know if people liked it or not. But I like to do to assume that you did. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to assume. um Oh, if I were to make this into a rom com, I would say about that. I know. I would say that for the middle two movies at all. No, I think I did for The Exorcist.
Did you? Okay, I'm sorry. A little bit. Yeah. Um, I would say and then Sean the Dead's already a rom com. So there's nothing to do

Rom-Com Speculation and Film Discussions

there. Um, so I think that this is a rom com. Definitely. I think it's between Nia and some sort of unknown, because we know that it's not her mom that's talking all this. I think that there's a ghost that's just like in love with Mia. And it's just trying to- It's just like, just like heaven with Mark Fuschow and- Yeah. Just trying- Exactly. And the ghost is just trying to get Mia to like die to come to their side so that they can be together. Yeah. There you go. It's a fun way to look into it. And it turns out that he or she or they are in a coma the whole time and they're not really dead.
Exactly. And then, oh my gosh. It's for just like heaven. Whoa. Amazing. Well, it's my pick next week as we go back into rom-coms. That's right. I'm going to miss them, honestly. I haven't watched a rom-com in weeks now. I know, right? Well, we're diving back in with a beloved Autonomous classic, which I think you famously have said that you don't like.
Hell yeah. um We're going to do You've Got Mail. OK. All right. Yeah. Is it You've Got Mail a Christmas movie? No, it's very folly. It's an all around, it takes through over 365 days of the year. We see all seasons and you've got mail, but there are some great fall scenes and you've got mail. All right, all right. And I can be prepared to listen to me explain how um Tom Hanks is one of the worst characters to ever be in a Hollywood film in this movie.
Oh, X.

Listener Engagement and Closing Remarks

Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you find your podcasts. It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it. Thanks to Andrew Milliken and Nick Spivoda for our theme music and Elena Henderson for our artwork. Also, Emma and I edited both of those things this month for our spooky month.
You can follow us on Instagram at go get your girl pod or email us at go get your girl pod at gmail You can follow me on social media at Emily and pizza and me at Katie of the lake until next time we're just two ghouls standing in front of the internet asking it yeah to scare us.