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The Prince & Me

Go Get Your Girl
38 Plays3 months ago

This week Emma & Katie dive into the 2004 time capsule The Prince & Me. Tune in as they chat Julia Stiles, sex in libraries and the VERY REAL POSSIBILITY THAT YOU CAN BE ROYAL AND GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL! 


Evil Doll Legends and Robert the Doll

but yeah
that They that they claim that she's an evil doll, and to to rectify that, she murders people. Yeah, and she's also pissed because they made her look real bad. Yeah, I mean, why would you keep a doll like that? Like that's that's the most fucked up looking doll. And that's like that's so one time when I was a kid, we were in Key West and we went to we went to Key West Ghost Tour as one does if you're in a city. Yeah. And any any city, really. Oh, yeah. anyones I've never been in a Chicago Ghost Tour. Neither have I. Right. Right. I wonder if it's going to be too late. But listeners, I know it's like Thanksgiving when you're listening to this. But for us,
It's like four days before Halloween, so. Yeah, but I do ghost tours 365 around the year. and That's true. That's 100

Haunted Toys and Photographic Mysteries

% true, yeah. It was July when we were in Key West. And they told us this story about Robert the Doll, who was this, it's terrifying. I think that they've made some, if not like a movie, there's been at least some like TV stuff about Robert the Doll. I bet your boy, Darren Jungegard, what's his name? Zach Bagans.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Zach Baker. Darren Jungegard? I don't know, it's the first thing that came to my mind. He's probably investigated Robert the Doll. but Oh, he has. Yeah, so Robert the Doll was like this, it was this doll this little boy was obsessed with who they lived in QS and the doll like straight up killed people and it moved around and like you can't take a photo of it. So the next day we went to the museum and Robert the Doll was there in the museum. Oh, fuck.
And it was like, you know, pictures don't, don't work like, right. Like you'll get like, um, and so like this was, this was, but I was a kid. So this was in the days of like, you know, cameras, um, and like digital cameras, obviously, but like, yeah, we, I mean, like you, we did get a picture of him, like, obviously, but like there was like in the first couple, it was like, there was like artifacting and stuff on the, on the photo, which is possibly because it was the nineties and digital cameras weren't great, but my dad was like, you know,
hot and first person to get a digital camera. Like we had the digital camera that was like huge with a tiny little screen on it. um Oh yes. And you couldn't really see the picture. Yeah. And you had to like hook it up to the computer and like it was anyway. I love that.
My dad was always a very early adopter of technology. We had a laser disc player when I was a kid. Jesus.

Old Tech Nostalgia and Evolution

Yeah, which was like, it's like, if you don't know, it's like a DVD the size of a record and like a movie will be on like two or three of them sometimes. And you have to like flip it over. It was a whole thing. So insane. And like, obviously that was obscure by the time I was like conscious, but we still had it in the house. So I've seen i've watched a laser disc before. There you go. I don't think a lot of people can say that.
But the thing about Robert the doll is that he looked fucking terrifying. Terrifying. I mean, he's- If you tried to make a doll look scary, like you would succeed in Robert the doll. And so I guess that's accurate of Annabelle as well. Like sometimes not a doll is really aren't scary. She's just a Raggedy Ann doll. They made her scary. Oh, in real life. Yeah, yeah. Well, they also probably the owners of the Raggedy Ann franchise probably didn't want to be associated.
Oh, for sure. But they could have done a lot less in the movie. Yeah. They they went full force, like, possessed demon doll. Yeah.

Hasbro's Corporate Practices and Critiques

I mean, I feel like they could have played it down. ah Robert the doll is um is interesting because, and like makes sense because that whenever Robert that had his boy,
whenever Robert had his boy. Yeah, that's right. Had his boy. It was like the 1900s, like the early 1900s. And so he looks very much like a Victorian toy. And so that makes sense. He's like a little sailor boy. Yeah, he is. He's a little sailor boy. Yeah, he's terrifying. I've been looking up who owns the rides to Raggedy Ann, and it looks like Hasbro.
owns the trademark for the Raggedy Gendall. And as we know, Hasbro can get fucked. Yeah. Evil company Hasbro. They own almost everything. Oh, okay. I was going to say, don't they also are the makers? No, that's Mattel. Are the makers of Ouija boards that you can buy in the store? No, that is Hasbro, I believe. Oh, that's Hasbro? Well, let's see who owned. I wonder if they're owned by Satanists.
We Chipboard is owned by hasboro yeah yeah yeah Hasbro. because like Hasbro had hassro had like their own cinematic universe, supposedly, because Hasbro made ah Transformers, right? And Transformers was a huge hit. And they're like, okay, so now we're going to make a bunch of movies based on our properties. And they had like their own like production logo and everything. like So the only one of those that I've seen is Ouija, Origin of Evil, which is the only one that's any good. um

Hasbro's Cinematic Universe Ambitions

I've never seen a Transformers movie. Don't at me. um Some people like them. It's not for me. I can tell you right now that the Transformers movies are not for me. I'm not going to fight you on that. Have you seen a Transformers movie? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I've seen one and a half.
Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, the, uh, so Ouija origin of evil, which is a Mike Flanagan movie is actually very good, but, um, but yeah, they had at the beginning of the movie, there's like a little Hasbro. I don't remember what they call it, but a Hasbro thing. Yeah. And they, um, they own Dungeons and Dragons too. The Dungeons and Dragons movies that came out. Um, I don't know if that has, i because because they tried to do some other things and it all failed because battleship was the other one, I think. Oh yeah. It was real bad apparently. Yeah. I haven't seen that.
But, um, so I'm not sure if the Dungeons and Dragons movie was still, Rihanna is in the battleship. Yeah. The Dungeons and Dragons movie was really good. I really, it is really good. I saw it too. It is really good. Yeah. But I don't know. I don't remember. I don't know if if Hasbro's like production company is still in business in like 2023 when that came out. So if it still had the logo and everything, but Hasbro does own Dungeons and Dragons and, um,
their their mistreatment of the workers ah yeah of of that and many many other subsidiaries is why I i i say that they're a bad company. But what company isn't really? They also, I mean, they sell Ouija boards to kids.
Let's get to the rule of the evil here. Coming at this from two different directions. But yeah, I'm talking about like a corporate evil and you're talking about like a- Evil evil. Like an evil evil. I mean like the last thing that any child toy company should be doing is selling Ouija boards to kids. You're just asking to get possessed really.
We watched Paranormal Activity the other day. We watched a lot of scary movies in October. And like it is, it's true. like the the In my real life, I don't believe in this shit at all. But watching Paranormal Activity and like the the medium or whatever, who in real life you know is a con man, just like Ed and Lorraine Warren were in real life.
who's like telling them, but like in this world, these things exist, you know? So like you have to take it seriously. It's like, don't get a Ouija board, don't call it in and her stupid fucking boyfriend. Of course. The first thing he wants to do is get a, and he does it without her permission, like, ugh. What a dick. That's a bad way to do it. Meet up, paranormal activity, like you got what you deserved.
Exactly. Like, just don't fuck with ghosts.

Ouija Boards: Risks and Paranormal References

Like, I get it. Like, oh, it's so funny to, like, prove when people say it's something's dangerous to do it. But, like, it's not. Yeah. You get possessed. I have a Ouija board necklace on in this and almost every episode we've recorded of this podcast. Yes. Yes.

Introduction to 'Go Get Your Girl' Podcast

So who am I to say?
Don't fuck around with Ouija boards, but I've never used it. It's tiny. I don't even have a little planchette small enough. I was going to say, how would you move that around? I feel like you couldn't even use like two little fingers. Maybe if you had acrylics.
It's your in case of emergency Ouija board. Yeah. You know, just in case. um So all of this is very relevant. Yes. Famously featured in today's film. That's right, guys.
This is Go Get Your Girl, the podcast where Emma and Katie meet- What do we do? What do we do with this, Glenn? We meet some very attractive perv who's also at college with us. And then he ends up being our lab partner and he sucks at science, but he's good at Shakespeare. And then we slowly fall in love with him only to find out he was gaslighting us the whole time because he's really secretly a prince.
Maybe overusing the word gaslighting in this this term, but... That's right, guys. We're talking about the 2000s classic, The Prince and Me. I'm Emma.
and me, I'm Katie, The Prince and Me. Yeah, this is the podcast where Emma and Katie, after all that happens, there's still somehow another hour left in the movie. Yeah, there's still somehow another hour left in the movie. And like, I constantly forgot that this movie takes so many left turns from what you think is gonna happen. It's crazy, it's crazy. It's so nuts. This is like a seven act movie and it- So much happens. Yeah, okay, so let's get to it here. The Prince and Me 2004,
ah Directed by Martha Coolidge, who directed Material Girls. Yeah. Real Genius with Mr. Val Kilmer. It probably peak hotness Val Kilmer in Real Genius. I don't know if you've seen that one. I mean Top Gun is pretty hot too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or I mean Batman. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. He was the hottest Batman.
He is probably the hottest of the Batman. Yes, I will give you that. um Because I think George Clooney was hotter later, but Clooney as Batman versus Kilmer as Batman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. He had the like gladiator cut. um And Valley Girl, which we could totally do on this podcast, is a delightful, bizarre movie. Yeah. Nicholas Cage. Yeah. Yeah, that's a classic.
Um, yeah, she directed all those movies and now she does almost exclusively television, which is true of a lot of the rom-com directors we have on this. Uh, it is written by four people. Uh, so John Emil, a story by John Emil who has, who wrote Raising Helen, which we could probably do on this. Okay. And, uh, the TV, he works on the TV show Perry Mason, which I've heard is very good. Oh, it is very good. Yes.
Um, and then, uh, the screenplay that I'm sorry, the story is by Mark Ammon, who has done justice and he has a character he's a character credit on the straight to video sequel. And then Jack, Jack Emil and Michael Beggler, who wrote Raising Helen have the screenplay credit along with Catherine Fullgate, who has screenplay credits on the horrible rom coms, which I'm sure we'll do eventually the Valentine's day and New Year's Eve. Yes.
jesus So that's who's responsible for this mess. um And that kind of makes sense. I feel like they just, with this movie, they bit off more than they could chew. They had a lot of ideas. Yeah, it's one of those things where it's like, you kind of have this premise, and then you start following the the ends to that like, you start following the plot threads, so they're logical ends.
and it gets to be a little much. yeah so like So how would this work? What would happen? What would she do? And like the movie just kind of keeps going. yeah It's an hour and 50 minutes, which and it's easily 30 minutes too long. yeah But it is kind of delightful. Oh, absolutely. This used to be one of my favorite movies when I was a tween.
Yeah, it's very cute. Surprisingly, like kind of in spite of itself, because despite how it movie starts, it kind of ends very sweetly. Yeah. um Which is weird. And it happens very fast. Also, it does. Because you like take so much time. I was telling Charlie last

Romantic Movie Tropes in Libraries

night, um as we were watching it, I was like, I forgot that they take so much time ah establishing their relationship and establishing the characters. And then we're like, doing the slow slog in terms of timeline. And then we hit Thanksgiving, and then we fast forward. And then we're at like almost the end of the year. And so like, you get so much at the beginning and the end of their relationship, but you don't get a lot in the middle. They were just like, nah, we don't need that. Which leads me to a question that I was going to ask later, but might as well now, like, did they have sex? Have they slept together? No idea. Because they're real horny for each other. Because they're going to have sex in the library, which don't do that. Oh, yeah. Don't have sex in the library. Don't do that.
Have you ever had sex in a library? No, it's a public place, Katie. Sure, yeah. Anyway, you'll notice I didn't answer that question.
It's all we need to know. Are you doing the styles? It was a study carol and it had a door that closed. So so it wasn't just like the stacks.
apologies to Emory & Henry College. i I can't remember the name of the library. What was the name of the library in my undergrad? I don't know. um It was also like dark and like, you know, sexy. So it was a little sexy. Yeah. but like Like, so like my but there's a school, or the other school I went to, my grad school, there's no way. the The library was so bright and modern and like, yeah.
Glass and everything. It was not like my ancient um undergrad library, which was like. um You know, 300 year old college and all that, so wouldn't have. Yeah. Very different vibes. I'm surprised I told that story on the podcast. There we go. leave You know.
um um ah so don't do that that's wrong don't do that yeah because they didn't even have a door they're just in the stacks they're just having you sex they're yeah like yeah yeah they're undressing getting ready to have sex like in the in the, in the in the but I guess they call them the stacks. Yeah, like in between two shelves in a library. Yeah, which you're led to believe is just a regular occurrence because of the references that are right to the stacks. Yeah. And I was thinking like, ah there is some rom-com where there's like, it's set on a college and they do that. And it's, I think it's in an academic building. It might not be the library, but there's, he has like a whole bed system set up in this building. Do you remember what that is? No.
I bet we'll watch it on here eventually. Because I was watching this, and I'm like, oh, is this where they? No. And it wasn't. No. No, they just did. But there's some rom-com. Do it. Listeners, if you know what this is, and maybe I've confused it somehow in my mind. But if you know what this is, email us. Go get your girl pod at and let us know. And we'll do it on the pod. We'll do it on the pod, yes.
It might not even be a rom com. It might be like ah a horror movie or something. i I have no idea. Everything's mixed up in my mind. So this is The Prince and Me. Yeah. It is it is primarily set in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Yeah, Wisconsin. I'm sure you recognized immediately as the ah the the home of Stephen Avery, the making of a murderer.
um murderer, man. Yeah, that's where that took place is Amanda to walk Wisconsin. Wait, when did the murders happen? Much later, right? That was like 2012 2015. Oh, 19. In 1985, sexual assault and attempted murder. And then he was he didn't do that, I think is the point of the whole thing. yeah But then he did kill somebody later. Yeah.
He was arrested for the murder of photographer, I guess that was in 2000. No, that was when he was arrested. So when did he actually kill her? When was the murder? 2005. 2005. 2005. Oh my God! Yeah, so that was like... Well, to be fair, they did not shoot this film in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. It was shot in glorious Canada, as many things are.

Filming Locations for 'The Prince and Me'

Yup, yup, yup, yup.
um I was just putting two and two together. the So hypothetically, one of the girls that Paige Morgan, our lovely Julia Stiles, is hanging out with in the bar the campus bar could have been. Teresa Halbach, the photographer. One of them could have been Teresa Halbach. Well, I hope not.
I hope not too, but just putting two and two together here. That's true, that's true. There's a whole other story going on behind this, but Paige Morgan is too busy falling in love with a prince and dealing with whether she goes to Johns Hopkins or becomes a queen. Yeah, although sort of not really, we'll get to it. We'll get to it. Okay, so we open on blood, as many rom-coms do.
ah but
It's the first thing I say, I started this, I go, is that blood?
Blood through a microscope is the first image in this film, um which is strange. Yep. I know that she's into science. We meet Paige Morgan, who is doing some kind of like light doctoring during the summer. And the whole timeline of this day confuses me. Yeah, oh my god, right? She's looking she's looking at blood. The doctors come in and they're like, we like you. Have a night. um I hope you had a great day. Give her a Danish. She blows both the title and the candle out.
yeah And then she goes home, and she asks what time it is, and it's 9.30. Yeah. Were you there all night? Exactly. Was she working the night shift? I guess that's what happened. I guess. But then she has to go straight and be a bridesmaid in a wedding. Right. And so she's late to the wedding. She almost runs down the bride and groom. Yeah.
And then she gets there and the point of that is that like all of her friends are getting married and she's 21. Flash baby 22. She's a senior in college. Yeah. um so She's probably 21. She's drinking. So she's at least 21. She's drinking in a bar. So she's at least 21. And everyone's already getting married. And I'm like, really? and All of your friends are getting, oh.
Shout out to Wisconsin. Shots fired. Yeah, I mean, I feel like it wasn't until like my mid to late 20s that like all my friends were getting married and that was kind of the thing. Oh, for sure. Like where it's the summer and you've got like five weddings to go to, you know? Yeah, but if you notice the whole, all of her, it's all of her like hometown friends are getting married. Her college friends, that's never brought up. That's true, that's true. Yeah, so like, it's like the people that decided that they were gonna work on the family dairy farm and get married and have babies and you know which is like i hate to say it a stereotype but it happens sure yeah yeah and that's fine yeah um you want to talk about the dresses at this wedding oh
I was so mad. I was so mad because I forgot that she was a bridesmaid. And so like I see her up and I'm like, oh, yeah, of course it's this movie. It is a time capsule of 2004. Everything. There's the tiny little sunglasses. There's like, oh yeah you know, Edvard wears nothing but button up shirts in bright colors and blazers everywhere.
The bridesmaids dresses are a tube top skirt combo with like a flower that is tied around their neck like a freaking, like it's a corsage that should have been on their wrist, but they put it around their neck.
It's a corsage, that's what it is. It's not like um like a choker thing. it is It is, like to describe it to the people at home, it it looks like a corsage that she's got, that that all of them have on their necks, yeah. And they all are wearing hideous past, different pastel colors. Yeah, they're different colors. Yeah, yeah. Paige is in blue, which looks great on her, because she's our protagonist, so we gotta make sure she looks good. Her friend who is newly engaged, and she's complaining to you about all of her friends getting married, um is in a hideous yellow.
Not a mustard, not like anything that's like cute. it It's a hideous Easter yellow. yeah yasster yellow yeah yeah Yeah, it's horrible. Absolutely awful. And also this poor wedding. I mean, I know not every single wedding has to look nice, but this is a movie.
That's true. And it's also like, I mean, on the other hand, like bridesmaids dresses in movies are it's frequently intentionally bad. Yeah. um There's no comment on that in this movie at all. no They are not. It's not played for a joke. It's just these are the dresses that we're wearing. And that's but it's played normal. It's not ah it's not anything that the movie is commenting yeah on visually or textually. Yeah. But like the receptions in like this cafe auditorium in the church And everyone's in like metal foldy chairs. And it I mean, I guess it establishes that she's not a princess. She's a normal girl. Yeah, I mean, like it is supposed to be like, yeah, she's she's gets stuck behind a tractor on the road, like on the way to the wedding. So it is it that it that is trying to to show that that she I mean, yeah, she grew up on a farm. Yeah.
And she's a wisp of a thing to have ah to have grown up working on a farm, but whatever. That's Julia Stiles. Yeah. Julia Stiles has never looked comfortable on screen in anything I've ever seen her end. Like, God bless her. But I tend to relate ah to to her characters in movies frequently because she's awkward and uncomfortable, yeah like studious usually and yeah good. And that's very much how I was, especially in high school. yeah I was a real Rory Gilmour. I usually tell people in high school, and I mean that pejoratively. like um It's a negative thing to be a real Rory Gilmour.
um But ah she looks she doesn't How did she get to be a movie star? Like, she does not. Well, that's the thing. Because, like, I love Julia Stiles, but that is so true. She never looks comfortable. And I think that it is such a niche character type that she's the only one that can do it. Yeah, yeah. And I think that's how she got to be a movie star. I have not seen O. Have you? O? Years ago. Years and years and years ago. And that's a let's a drama, right? Like, that's played straight.
Like I've seen her. um I've seen her in some other dramas. I just can't remember. I mean, I can't think of anything like serious that I've seen her in that I can think of at least. I mean, I maybe have. But um yeah, it seems like she usually is is that kind of awkward yeah light comedy kind of thing, because you've got two things I hate about you, um the prince and me and say the last dance.
Yeah. Are the three that come to mind. Mona Lisa Smile. Mona Lisa Smile. Yeah. The most awkward in Save the Last Dance. Oh, for sure. Where it's just horribly miscast in that movie. Or perfectly cast, because the whole point of that character is that she is uncomfortable. Well, the point of that character is that she's supposed to be good at dancing, Emma.
Are you saying Julia Stiles' final dance in Save the Last Dance is not impressive? It's impressive in a way. ah
It's impressively hilarious. ah If you have not seen, I'm sure that you can find that on YouTube very quickly. Oh yeah. You should all watch that if you haven't, if you don't know what we're talking about. They just did a sketch on Weekend Update where they brought in, they had Chloe Feynman playing Julia Stiles' character in Save the Lost Dance doing the last dance. No way, really? And then they had Julia Stiles come in. Yeah, it was great. Oh, topical. Yeah, topical.
Did she dance? Did she dance on Saturday Night Live? Well, who am I to say is Saturday Night Live sucks now? I mean, she often dances in this movie. A little bit, yeah. Yeah, she dances about how I dance in this movie, where it's just like- Just a lot of drifting. Yeah, this is a structured thing. I can do that.
Amazing. ah Yeah, so we've gotten ahead of ourselves again. Julia Stiles. yeah We love Julia Stiles. I don't mean to criticize Julia Stiles, but she she doesn't, what they say, hold the camera well, I find. She doesn't. Yeah. And maybe she's a good theater actress. I've never seen her in a play. It seems like that might be easier for her. Well, I don't know. I did run into her once at ah Playwrights Horizons. Oh, really? Yeah. What play was it? it was um
um Sarah Rule, Dead Man's Cell Phone. Oh, nice. She was just seeing it. Yeah. Oh, very cool. What's her name? Wasn't it? Fuck. Mary Louise Parker. Oh, nice. Nice. It's fine. It's not my favorite, Sarah Rule. Got lots of opinions on this episode.
So she is in her final year of college. She is pre-med. She wants to be a doctor at um Doctors Without Borders. And um she there she sticks up, she's got pin, at moment she just takes a pin in Africa. And I'm like, why did she just stick a pin in Africa randomly? She explains it later. Yeah, but like,
Did she just find out about Africa? At that moment, did she stick a pin in Africa? Julia Stiles is constantly just learning about Africa.
It's true in this movie. It's true in Save the Last Dance. Oh my god, yeah. It's true. Ten things I hate about you.
Uh, yeah, so and then we cut to Denmark, which I believe is also Canada and Copenhagen. I think maybe they shot some photography in Denmark because of the there's a little bit of that, but it's hard to tell if they were really there or not. Yeah. Um. They because the all the people in Denmark are British. Yeah, Maran Richardson is doing an accent.
I'm not sure what that accent Prince goes in and out of his accent. like Sometimes it's like really strong. Most of the time he's not doing an accent. yeah But like when he's talking, like that last sort of speech where he's talking to his mom and dad about like how he loves Paige, there's an accent all of a sudden.
um like yeah yeah And maybe it's like one of those things where it's like, oh, he's around his mom, his accent comes back. Like, when I go to Tennessee, my accent comes back. It doesn't, though. But everybody in Copenhagen speaks English, except for two times. To each other, in in parliament.
Um, no matter where we are in Denmark, they're all speaking English at all times, which I know that Scandinavia that, you you know, English is taught as a, as a required second language and that, you know, everybody speaks English. Yes. But they don't speak English to each other in private and they certainly don't speak it at Royal functions, which now I want to get into this movie also does not understand how the monarchy of Denmark works because
Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The king or queen has no power in Denmark and does nothing, just like England and many other constitutional monarchies where they have a head of state that is separate from the monarchy. Yes. um ah the the the the the The king of Denmark opens, you know, ah parliament in a in a way that in a way that you open a supermarket, you know? and and he ah And he appoints the prime minister after they've been elected. That's all they do. yep And the rest of the time they do, fuck all. But in this fictional um Danish monarchy, the king like presides over, the prince presides over a union negotiation. And Mike does business and that's all nonsense. yeah So I thought- Not a thing.
but we needed to talk about that briefly. now No, no, they wanted it to be more of the plot. Yeah, which is weird. I mean, I guess the point is that like, because in real life, there's no reason why she couldn't be a doctor. And be that's why chart Charlie and I got we were talking about this at the end, we were like, okay, so the whole thing is that Paige and the prince meet and whatever and they fall in love. And then you get this whole hour where they are in love and it's realized that he is a prince and so she goes over to Denmark.
The entire struggle that she has created for herself is like, does she give up her life in America to become queen because his dad is um abdicating, because his dad is sick? um Or does she say goodbye to this love of her life and go back to America and um become a doctor and go to Johns Hopkins, which you find out she's gotten into, and do all of that?
however There's only one medical school in America for there's only one age like for Paige Morgan. Yeah. Yeah. Charlie, first of all, went down a rabbit hole and was like, there is an excellent school med school in Copenhagen. She could have gone. Of course there is. Of course. And also as queen, she could have had a lot more power to help people.
and become like a doctor with like better resources as queen versus like just a regular American who's gonna have school debt because you chose to just go to Johns Hopkins and you're obviously paying your way through everything. So you're gonna have student loans and all of that fun stuff.
um But like, there's no guarantee when you're at Johns Hopkins Medical School school that A, you're gonna become a doctor, B, you're gonna become a good doctor, C, you're going to actually get hired by Doctors Without Borders. There's no guarantee in any of that. If you were queen of Denmark, guaranteed. You could do that all. Yeah, I mean, and you could you know probably do ah do some some work in repairing the the horrible legacy of Danish colonialism abroad.
um hi
and to get that in there um But yeah, I mean, that's the thing is like monarchy isn't real. um
And you can do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want.

Royal Responsibilities vs. Celebrity Culture

Marko wanted to be on another USA original television series. She absolutely could. Yeah. The thing about like the the whole speech at the end where she's like, it's not um it's not like being a celebrity. It's not like being rich. No, it actually is. It actually is like that. Yeah.
It's not responsibility because what your job isn't real. Like you don't do any, you're born into this or marry into this family that has self inflated its own importance. Exactly. And you just have all the resources and clout and celebrity to get to anything you want. Yes. And I'm not saying that being a celebrity or being any of that can't suck or be stressful or a burden, but it, it's not,
It's not real. Like, yeah you can you can be a doctor and be married to the... I mean, it would be it would be weird and hard, I'm sure, but like, not an impossibility. And you're right, yeah, with the amount of resources that you would have, yeah. Yeah. You could do so much more, like, because her whole character, like, drive is that she wants to help people. She wants to travel the world and she wants to help people.
You know what um decorative monarchists do? They travel the world and they cut ribbons for, that other people do the helping, but they look, they're the figurehead for it. Exactly. Yeah, yeah totally. Yeah. it It was just the whole thing. Anyways, we got ahead of ourselves. Let's get to when Paige and Edvard meet.
oh no wait let's get to and we haven't even gotten to edvard declaring that he wants to go to college in wisconsin oh my god um so for those of you who don't remember 2004 it was a bad time i have to Like this was this was a jump scare for sure because oh yeah i forgot I forgot this existed, but it absolutely did.

Critique of 'Girls Gone Wild' Exploitation

As anyone who ever watched the E network at the turn of the century can tell you, frequently there would be ads for Girls Gone Wild. yeah And if you don't know what Girls Gone Wild is, um this was right at the turning point of
pornography on the Internet. There was something called Girls Gone Wild, which. Oh, my God, it was like these guys would go to like Mardi Gras or Spring Break or places like that and get 18, 19, 20 year old girls drunk and naked and film them um yeah and ostensibly get, you know, releases and that sort of thing where it was legal. But it was really on the edge of what it was real bad.
Yeah, it was definitely like bad taste and um at the at the very least and and 99% of the time, um sexual coercion, um oh because they're paying these girls as well. I assume I assume they got paid. I don't know if they got paid.
god um i think they probably because it's the early to late it's the early 2000s so you know i'm a i don't think that they've got paid i think that they just would sign a release and the whole idea the whole point to do it was to get on the tapes because when they got popular you know it became a thing like girls would go to these places to like be on girls gone wild yeah oh there's a lot of there's a lot of like more recent um pieces about the about the guy who created it and the yeah the dark history of girls going, well, you know, fucking kidding. Yeah, yeah. I mean, if somebody has an idea of like, hey, let's go get some um girls underage, well, not underage, but like recently well of age girls. I mean, how how deep do you think that they checked to make sure all those boys were of age, right? You know, like, did you yeah well did you have a fake ID when you were and under?
Like, a no, I had older friends to get. OK, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like, I mean, I mean, most people don't have a fake ID saying they're over 18, but, you know, I guess I don't know. It's just it's fucking creepy and and it's creepy and gross. Gross. Yeah. Yeah. um They are bankrupt. So if that's that's good to know. Not surprising. Yeah. um The Wikipedia page for Girls Gone Wild is Wild. Dire. No, just like. Rough read. ah Yeah, but like. They have, oh, my God, 30 minute infomercials on e- entertainment television. Jesus fucking Christ. Fox Sportsnet, BET, Comedy Central, Tech TV style and other major US networks. I did not realize they were 30 minute infomercials. That's fucking.
sick like yeah and you like i am not like you don't even show the boobs i think yeah that's what's wrong with it that's the problem listen i don't want to come out as like anti pornography because i think that you know why well that's complicated and there's a lot of like mitigating factors in there i think that you know, I'm pro sex work. And if that it as long as people are consensual, and they're not like being taken advantage of all of that is is perfectly fine. But like, this is 90% of these girls were being taken advantage of. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because I'm sure there was a small percentage of girls who were just like, just went wanted to get on camera and wanted to do that.
But the vast majority was them taking advantage. I mean, the premise of the thing is we got these girls drunk and naked. Like that was the log line. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, that's featured in this movie. Jesus Christ. Yeah. God.

American Culture Through a Prince's Eyes

Yeah. So he is in his palace and watching a tiny television and. Yeah.
There's this commercial for Girls in Wisconsin. Yeah, which is obviously just a play on Girls Gone Wild. yeah And this is his idea of what the heartland of America is like. Yeah. um And so he's like, that's why I want to go to Wisconsin. This guy is a plus dude, by the way. Also, he's really into street

Character Depth: Soren's Storyline

racing. The first time you meet him, he's street racing and And so the guy he's racing lets him win because he's the prince. He also gets the cops. Won't anybody ever treat me regularly? you know Oh, no. But he also gets the cops and his personal assistant, played by the fabulous Ben Miller, who some might say was is the um MVP of this movie.
Absolutely. Soren, yeah. Soren rules. I wanted Soren to have a love interest himself. I did too. He needs to need a nice man. Yeah, exactly. Soren was great. I love Soren. He does a lot of really fun things. And Soren also surprises us in that there's one moment when Prince Edvard goes to Thanksgiving with Paige and he leaves Soren behind. We're telling this way out of order.
There's so much that happens. If we were to go beat by beat in this movie, this podcast would be like five hours. Yeah, the movie is two hours, but explaining it takes longer. It's true. We've got like 15 minutes of it and we're 45 minutes in. So, fair enough. Exactly. So, Edvard goes with Paige to Thanksgiving in murder town minute minutes walk and um he leaves soaring behind soaring doesn't want to stay behind and and he's just like well what am I gonna do and he's like take some time for yourself you know go on a walk explore the town all that fun stuff and it's established when they first move into the storm that they have this roommate this third roommate who who is
Buzz from Home Alone.

Dorm Life and Halo Gaming

It is Buzz from Home Alone. But he's super into Halo. Like, he's really into Halo. Oh, is it? Is it Halo? I didn't know what it was. It was Halo. Yeah, I didn't know what it was. I love duty in my thing. Charlie saw it when it was...
Uh, they like show the screen and he goes, Oh, it's him. Um, it's, uh, that's, that's, uh, that's, that's surprising. Usually in movies and stuff, when they do video games, it's like a fake game that they cut to or whatever. Yeah. No, it was, I think it was, or maybe it was just designed to look that way. They never dropped the name, but he doesn't call. Okay. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah They, they just, they never call it by a name.
Well, if Charlie says it's Halo, I'll I'll go. I'll go with him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But as so you have that scene and Charlie turned to me and he goes, I really wish that we get a look into what Ben Miller does while they're at Thanksgiving. And I go, oh, just you wait. Just you wait.
Plays Halo for a week, I guess. He plays Halo for a week. He um doesn't leave the dorm, stops shaving, and becomes obsessed with Halo. And ah it's just hilarious. Probably realistic for 2004. Oh, for sure. yeah I'm sure many i'm sure many ah many many a person had lost their Thanksgiving break to Halo in 2004. When did Halo come out?
Um, the, uh, um, I'm so sorry. I don't need that. I looked this up and i I shouldn't have. This was a mistake. Um, Halo came out in 2004. So there you go. Right on the nose. Right on the nose. Um, a closed map of the Danish colonial empire.
Where were we? Girls Gone Wild. Girls Gone Wild. You're going to have to cut all this out. He goes to Wisconsin. yeah oh he will hear His parents tell him he's not going to college in Wisconsin. and like Has he been in college? has he Was he in college? Is he transferring? No, I don't think he was in college. I think the way that they set it up, he he was just tutored, like privately tutored.
OK, so he just like gets into the school as a senior with transfer credit. I really i don't know. And like, how do they keep the whole fact that he's a prince? He takes Okim and Shakespeare, which is what she's taking. Yeah. Also, she's taking organic chemistry in her senior year. Girl. I don't know. And she also has a humanities credit in Shakespeare, which for some reason has a a a humanities credit that a a Bachelor of Science degree requires also is a very intense oral exam at the end. Right? She's alone in the theater with debating being like a juried by these ah three professors.
Like, what the fuck kind of school is this? She takes me to her final, right? And it's like... if was My grad school thesis wasn' it wasn't that intense, like... I mean, I feel like she should have been able to take English for science majors or something, you know?
Or like, I mean, maybe you have to take like, maybe you do have to take Shakespeare. That's that's fine, but like, it would just be a class with like a hundred people that wouldn't have a third final in it. Where you're debating a fellow. One on three, a fellow debate, yeah.
um Anyway, so those are her clients. She's like, and she goes, I hate Shakespeare, which is a joke because Julia Stiles has done a lot of like Shakespeare adaptations. yeah Um, so then she meets him at the bar where she works. Um, and he asked her to take her top off immediately. He like is like two beers in and then he goes up to like, get another round. And, um, he, he asks for her opinion on what to drink and she's like, yeah, cool dude. Just this, I guess 10 cents more beer. Um,
And then he goes, great, well, um you could you take your top off? And she goes, I'm sorry, what? And he goes, yeah, just, you know, nobody's looking. Just take your top off. Yeah. And I was just like, Jesus fucking Christ. Which is the meat cute in this movie. i should That is the meat cute. And then she and like then turns on the soda fountain and like sprays him and yeah he gets kicked out. Rightfully so. Yeah.
um And then he like apologizes and is and like pretty nice after that. The girl's gone wild thing never gets brought up again. Which is, I guess, weird. um And then he's her lab part. And then this Okim class, which is also like weirdly heightened.
where the ma or the the professor is like, that is your lab partner and there's no changing it and you are responsible for them no matter what. And he doesn't show up and he's like, you stupid bitch, Julian Stiles. You're over here doing this. You're over here doing the work of two people because you're the the random man I assigned you to be your lab partner and didn't show up. You're going to get a bad grade because if he isn't here.
That's not how college works, I'm sorry. Like, maybe, like, I know in high, when we were in high school, everyone was like, you know, in college, they won't put up with this. In college, they won't put up with this. In college, they put up with everything. Everything. They don't care. They do not care. um It is an undergrad No, absolutely not. I did. OK, listen, I did not take organic chemistry in undergrad um because I wasn't going to be a doctor. But I can guarantee you that this is this is a there's no professor in the world who would treat their their students this way. um It's ridiculous. So he doesn't show up and she so she has to confront him, right? She has to have all these reasons to seek him out and yeah and get alone time with him.
Um, him who lives in a three person dorm with those from home alone and his 40 year old butler. And then he's like, he offered to, because his parents won't let him go. So he's like, fine, I don't need your permission. I'm going, you don't have to give me i mean any money. ah I'm cutting myself off.
And so he runs out of money. And ah as Ben Miller is telling him, that's the last of the money that we have, um that you have. We've been through all the money. You're eating these this eggs benedict that I made on a hot plate for you is the last of our money. And then he goes, oh, no, it's not. You're getting a paycheck, right? And Ben Miller goes, absolutely not.
Well, no, he's I mean, he gets a paycheck, but he's not giving it to him. yeah Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's like, you know, don't come for me. Yeah. um So he has to get a job, and there's only one place in only one place in town to work at at the bar. um It's a campus bar ah where she works. Do you have a cafeteria?
He lies to the owner of the place now that she gave him the recommendation. He doesn't check on that recommendation. He doesn't ask her for the recommendation. He just hires him on the spot. He has no work experience. He doesn't know how to, he doesn't know what turkey is.
Which I feel like they have turkey in Denmark, but. Yeah, but he's never sliced it before. Well, sure, but many of us have never used a deli slicer, but I know what turkey is. like Because he goes, we don't have any turkey. And he goes, that's turkey right there. He's like, dude, there's like eight turkeys in there. Yeah. And then she helps him. She has to bail this motherfucker out ri repeatedly. just hely She is constantly made responsible for this idiot man child.
She's his lab partner. She has to do his lab work for him. She yeah yeah has to teach him how to do his job at her work. She yeah is changed to this man, which is very 2004, honestly, like the the woman and man as child dynamic in both real life and in Hollywood was in full swing in the early

Plot Convenience Over Character Development

2000s. Oh, absolutely.
It's ridiculous. And then kind of we kind of gloss over how he becomes a real character. Don't worry about it. Yeah. Somehow it happens over Thanksgiving when he meets her family and then helps them win a lawnmower race. Well, he doesn't help them when he wins. I feel like that's important because.
like They all want to win. They want to win and he doesn't, it's not like he soups up the mountain mower engine for Zachary Knighton, her brother, ah to win. He wins. ah And I'm pretty sure the the brother is also in the race, right? Like, aren't they all over? He gets goes into like a hay pile right off the bat.
Yeah, yeah, so it is very, and I guess that's the point. he doest I guess he doesn't beat him. Like he he screws up at the beginning and isn't really in the race, you're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, so Zachary Knight from Happy Endings, I don't know if you watched that, yeah um um who's a tiny person, um is her her brother.
And her family, ah oh, he goes home with her for Thanksgiving. We got yeah this episode's a mess. That's OK. This episode is just like this movie. Yeah. This movie goes all over the place. We go all over the place. We have a lot of thoughts and feelings. And hopefully you, the listener, have already seen The Prince and Me, which I was actually confused about the title from the get go. I asked Charlie, I was like, is that grammatically correct? I feel like it should be The Prince and I.
But- No, well, it depends on what you're saying. Yeah, that's what everybody said. Because it's, yeah, yeah, yeah. So who who came to the party? The prince and me. Yeah. The prince and I are pleased to make your acquaintance, you know? Yeah. Like it's about, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whether you're the subject or the object of the sentence. Ah, and that's- I think. And that's Katie's grammar corner.
Don't fact check me. Katie's got my corner.
and So also, I do have to say. OK, yeah, yeah, you go. So the character of Edvard. This was 2004. This was when Prince William was at his hottest.
before shit went downhill. Before he started to look more and more like his dad. And then acting more and more like his dad. um If you say so. ah But so you can tell from the get-go that they were like, how do we make a ah fanfic about a an American falling in love with Prince William, but like, not get sued by the British monarchy?
Let's just. Why would they get sued by the British monitor? I don't know. I don't know. Like, I mean, Amanda Bynes did What a Girl Wants. That's very true. Isn't he a prince? But there was no prince. No, no, no. He was like a lord. Oh, OK. Fine. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, there was no prince. That movie is mostly about the love story between her and her dad, though, if anybody could actually see that movie.
Yeah, and it's great, but also awful, but also great, but also off yeah it's a very weird movie, just like this movie. Also, a lot of this movie, I feel the Christmas Prince, which we will probably do, has such a similar plot line that I feel like they just ripped this off and made it Christmas.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of those. Like the royal rom-com is a rich tradition and there are a thousand variations on it. And I don't know if you, the listener, is aware of my general feelings about the monarchy.
But it's never been my thing, you know? Like I have a general distrust and animosity toward ah both the rich in general and the monarchy in specific and that of any country.
So anyways, so they're at Thanksgiving and they come home. What many people do was the rest of that sentence, I guess. I wouldn't take that away from you. So they go home from this race. She, hold on, she invites him home for Thanksgiving for some reason.
ah Because she's attracted to him. She's attracted to him and everybody can see it except for her. He's hot. yeah yeah like He is hot. yeah yeah um Luke Malby, who's never been in anything since. I was going to say, I think this is the only thing he did. Well, I mean, he is in the straight to video sequel with none of the rest of the original cast. Who plays Paige Morgan? Is Paige Morgan there?
No, well, no, Paige Morgan is there, but she's played by a different actress. Yeah. Oh my God. What is the plot of The Prince of Me 2? Oh, by the way. It's about the wedding. The royal wedding. Oh, hells yeah. Okay, so it's on Peacock, The Prince of Me 2. I'm a lot of watching. Cam Haskin plays Paige Morgan. Oh yeah, Cam Haskin. Yeah. Okay, you know who that is? I don't know who that is. No, I don't know who that is. Nobody knows who that is.
she she took She took up the slack of Paige Morgan, and she played her in two more sequels. Two more sequels? There's The Prince and Me 2. Then there's The Prince and Me 3, A Royal Honeymoon, which is a Christmas movie. Oh, God. And then there's The Prince and Me, The Elephant Adventure. Elephant Adventure? I say we skip two and three and go straight to The Elephant Adventure.
Hold on. What are the dates on the sequels to this movie? So Prince and Me is 2004. Yeah, Prince and Me 2 is 2006. Prince and Me Royal Honeymoon is 2008. And the Prince and Me The Elephant Adventure is 2010. OK, all right. So two years in between each of them. That's not that bad.
Um, it is, uh, the plot line is King Edvard and Queen Paige must track down a missing elephant and reunite a princess unhappy with her arranged marriage with her true love. Is it said in Africa? Uh, looks like Thailand. Oh, yikes. Okay. It's a, it's a fictional country called. Okay. Oh, Sanyun. Sanyun.
So it's a like a so but it's a South Asian thing. Yeah. And they and and this one, they replace Prince Edvard. He's played by Chris Geer. Chris Geer? I like Chris Geer. I do too. I like Chris Geer. You're the worst. Okay. Chris Geer's in the ah third and fourth one. Okay. So so Luke Malby was only in two.
Yeah. And then so the honeymoon a pre you're the worst Chris Gear came in for the The honeymoon one is after surviving a beleaguered beleaguered.
a long courtship and a controversial wedding that tested the depths of their love. The newly minted King Edvard and Queen Paige get a chance to let loose as they set off for their honeymoon in the Danish countryside. But what a chance meeting with a former beau, Scott, throws her heart into turmoil. Paige struggles to choose between the two men, one of whom may have entirely political motives for crashing her royal vacation.
Um, choosing, you're already married. What do you mean choosing? Yeah, you're, you're the queen of Denmark. why
Oh, you know we we have to do all of these. So two we don plot and don't have to do all of these, when the evil Prince Albert on earth, an antiquated legal clause, evil Prince Albert, there was a, he has a brother that's not in this film.
if um Unearth an antiquated legal clause specifying that a Danish royal such as Prince Edvard cannot ascend the throne if he should marry a commoner, plans for the nuptials of Edvard and Page screech to a halt. Before they can dive headfirst into marital bliss, Page must debunk the law and stop the ultimate plan for an arranged marriage between Edvard and prince Princess Kirsten, Albert's daughter. Oh god.
Oh my God, these all look awesome. So anyway, he goes to Thanksgiving at her family's farm, where he chases a cow around, which is the best scene in the movie. Oh, the best scene in the movie. I love any scene with a cow, obviously. Even Charlie Connery's on that scene. He goes, that must have been so much fun to film. There's baby cows? Like, what's better? Like, yeahp just I just love cows on film.
Have you ever had the desire to milk a cow? I've always wanted to milk a cow. um i I have milked a cow. You have milked a cow? Yeah, my my aunt and uncle have a farm, and when I was a kid, um I did. Oh, yes. Anyway, so he goes home for Thanksgiving. So then there's the lawnmowers, and he is a car guy. like He likes racing cars, and he's like, oh, you like soup up lawnmowers? And so he goes, yeah, we race them.
tomorrow, apparently. um And so it's like, i got a a deal ah I bet I can make those go faster than we have a lawnmower race, which is charming. And everybody decides they like him. And yeah um and he learns a little bit about um community organizing from her farmer parents.
But she then uses uses what he's learned. He's applying his knowledge yeah in the union meeting that he has no business being at. Exactly. But hey, he came up with some good ideas. Yeah. That nobody else thought of.
And every like his whole character, as it is by the end of the movie, is just informed by her, which yeah I guess is good. like But she had to she had to put all this work into creating him to make him ah a reasonable match, which honestly is realistic. But it's realistic. like There's so many men like that.
Yeah, but I mean like the whole idea towards the end is that he's gonna wait for her no matter what. Like he understands that she is gonna go off and go to medical school and become a doctor and he's cool with that and he's gonna wait. um and But like in the meantime, he still has to run a country. What are you gonna do when she's in medical school, dude?
How are you gonna make decisions? We don't get into that. So this movie asks all these questions and then it ends abruptly no matter what.

Rushed Endings and Missed Plot Points

There's this point where you gotta shut the door on this thing because she could easily go to medical school in Denmark. It seems like that would be the smartest thing. I guess we'll have to watch the sequel to find out what happened. We have to watch the sequel to know. God damn it, you got me in. All right, it's gonna be a while though. We're not watching it soon.
gonna be minimum spring 2025 before we watch another Christmas video. Well, we have to sprinkle them throughout because like, obviously we have to do the Christmas one or around Christmas and we can't do the Christmas one this Christmas because we have to do the second one before the third one. It's a whole thing, Katie. All right, well, we're locked into this for years now. We're locked in for years to come.
i'm All right, we already talked about a lot of this stuff. they um it's It's raining and they're on the library and it's just so cozy. God, like it's pouring, it's storming outside and you've you're just like in the library all day. It sounds like a great day. um Love a library day. And they decide that, and they're doing that thing where they're like holding hands and they're like rubbing their fingers on each other and you're like, okay, let's go have sex, which is yep relatable.
Yeah, totally, they're horny as hell. Usually you would go like to your dorm room to do that. and Instead, they go upstairs in the middle of the hall in the library, not even in a study carol, like like like respectable like respectable people. Like respectable horny people. Yeah. um Also, there's a subplot where we cut back to Denmark and his father is sick with a mystery illness.
And then the paparazzi find out he went to Wisconsin. Because they're bored of like just political coverage. They're like, where's all the juicy shit? Where's Prince Edvard? So then they follow him. I know they just can't leave the prince alone. And they rush into the library to like, how did they get in? Like you get in my university library, you couldn't get in the library without like a library. They're just letting paparazzi in the library. Yeah.
Maybe this is how this college established a lot of security rules. Maybe. um Well, it's like in in movies all the time. It's like somebody just shows it like you just showed up at a high school. Like, you can't. How did you do that? How did you get in? Yeah. Um, yeah, never been kissed. There's a lot of that going on. Well, some roles in high school. Yeah, which is like such a security threat. Yeah. Yeah. She has the power of the Chicago um Oh, fuck, what paper did you work for? Sometimes. The sun times. Yeah. So ah they try to do that um and they get caught and then they run out into the rain and she's like, you lied to me. And he's like, well, technically, I just didn't say I was the prince, didn't I? And it's a big part of your personality. Yeah, for sure.
And so she's mad at him. And rightfully so. And then they have their their finals and in like she kind of gets the the trope of like she gives the go get your girl speech to herself during her fellow oral yeah interrogation that she has to do.
And then she tells that she rushes home, packs her bag and tells her friends that she's going to Denmark and they all help her pay for her plane ticket, which is very simple. Well, he left her the marbles that he won at the lawnmower race and a letter that says part of a son that they had discussed, the son itself sees not until the heavens clear, um which is a good line. yeah Shakespeare good line had some bangers. And then the last like,
The last like 40 minutes of this movie is an airport scene. Like the third act in a traditional rom-com is she finds out that he's deceiving her. She gets mad at him. They break up for a while. She forgives him. They get together. Like that's the third act. That's all over in five minutes. Yeah. But we saw there's this there's this extended like series of like cotas to this thing where it's like, oh, and then this happens. And then this happens. Where a normal rom com, where a normal rom com would have them like making out and then like all the questions that you ask would just be like, just don't worry about that. Do credits. Like we've had so many movies where the movie just ends and we're like, well, what about this? And the movie doesn't care about any of that. Which I think that we're both on the record of preferring that. Yeah.
It's like, movie's over, who cares? Yeah, who cares? I think that it should have ended with the scene where she's in Denmark, and she's in the crowd during this royal procession, and she's screaming, Edvard, Eddie, Eddie! And he can't hear her, and then the crowd all of a sudden goes, it's Paige Morgan, it's Paige Morgan! And everyone is right. She's been all over the newspapers, yeah. Exactly. And he turns around, he sees her, and he like hauls her up onto the on to the horse.
End of movie. Yeah. um yeah this awesome move This movie is also like very, to be 2004, it's very much the internet doesn't exist yet kind of thing because like they're even asking him about like how ah Denmark works and it's like, oh, is there a prince in Denmark? It's like, bitch, you could Google this and like end this movie right here. They had Google in 2004. Yes, they did. One of my notes is America doesn't know where Denmark is.
Well, no, they probably don't, honestly.
She doesn't know anything about Denmark. For someone that wants to travel the world and like is so obsessed with like getting out of Wisconsin, she knows absolutely nothing about Denmark. Well, I mean, they don't have Doctors Without Borders in Denmark.
oh Yeah, their medical system is public health care. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yes. So then there's this whole other bit where it's almost like a sequel to the movie. Yeah. Okay, so I mean, it's not really because it's just it's structured. It seems like it's structured weird, but the structure of the I mean, the conflict is really internal with herself, right? Yeah.
Like the conflict is actually she wants to be a doctor. She wants to do this, but she loves him and wants to be with him. And so how does she reconcile her goals in life versus becoming royalty? Yeah.
Which the answer is, of course, it doesn't matter because it's not real. It doesn't matter. Do both. Yeah, which is what they arrive at, but it takes a while. Now we have a... So she goes to Denmark and now we have an evil queen played by Miranda Richardson. No, not Miranda. It is Miranda Richardson. It's Miranda Richardson, yeah.
um And ah they she they have to like dress her and everything. um Should we talk about Julia Stiles' hair at this point? And we haven't mentioned it. I just, it is the most 2004 thing you've ever seen. It is a bob, a brown bob with chunky highlights. But it's like, it's ah it's a very specific kind of bob. It's like the, it's is it asymmetrical?
Is it? It's hard to tell because it's always. Yeah, and she's constantly doing this. Yeah, yeah. And it's but it's her hair is so thin and like limp. It like it doesn't it doesn't bob the way Bob's normally Bob. No, it's like it's sleek and it's like up against her neck a lot. It's very feline. Yeah, yeah, it's just Not good. It's not my favorite look. There's probably a name for it, but I mean, she makes it look good, but nobody else does. Nobody else can do it. Yeah. And that's just because Julia Stiles is gorgeous.
It's true, yeah. And she wears, I thought the pants that she wears in this movie. Oh God, it's like cargo pants, low-rise cargo pants. Super low-rise cargo pants. Yeah, low-rise cargo pants, constantly. Yeah. Constantly. And then, I mean, I will say I am obsessed with the dress that she wears in the Coronation ball. I know, it's one. Yeah. It's on the poster. It's a great dress. It's probably my white sweater for this movie.
and Oh my god, we haven't done a white sweater in forever. Well, we were doing Go Get Your Ghoul. Well, I know. But even before that, I feel like we forgot about the white sweater. Well, we're bringing it back, Katie. Yeah, um i yeah it's a good it's a great dress. I think, did they say it's Prada? I think they mentioned the design. Well, ah so OK, this is where I got wrapped up my in my head. So they bring in the royal clothing designer.
who comes in, and Edvard's little sister Arabella introduces the designer to Paige and is like, oh, she's the best. Who's the actor who's worked the most since this movie, by the way? Oh, has she really? Yeah, it's what's her name. It doesn't matter. Go ahead. Who cares? Okay. So they bring in the designer and she's like, she can do anything. Prada, Dior, Chanel. Oh, I see. Yeah.
okay, what do you mean when you say that? Do you mean like she can design like those designers? Or does she work with those particular houses to she sends this off to be built in one of their um like That would be my assumption. I imagine that's how that actually works, probably, like because they would have they would have bespoke pieces for royalty. Yeah. You can't create Dior unless you work for Dior. You cannot create Chanel unless you work for Chanel. You can't just create that and be like, oh, it's designer. No, that's not how that works.
Yeah, my guess is that like it's ah it's a thing where you know maybe they have contracts with these people or something, yeah where it's, um I don't know, it's not real also. It's not real. It's fictional. Anyways, the dress is great. The dress is great. But it wouldn't surprise me for a royal family to have a specific person who both works for them and has the um You know, because like the the newspaper, like the the paparazzi, people would want to know who designed the dress. And so it's easier to say, you know, oh, it's this famous design company versus, cause like when Kate Middleton goes out and stuff, like she's wearing designer stuff with a name on it. Yeah. But they're, they're usually pieces that are purchased from those houses. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. So I don't, I don't know enough about how, um,
the fashion industry works. Cause like, it would make sense if she just worked with one fashion house. Yeah. like oh she Kind of like how Hugo Boss worked for Hitler. Yeah, that.
ah hu
Fun fact, that's a Katie's fun fact. Katie's fun fact. You can't see me, but I have a sneaky smile.
is great
It is a dress. Yeah. But then he he like takes her aside and they're like constantly making out. They're constantly making out all over this. Yeah. And that's when I wrote down the line. Have they had sex? Have they? I feel like they have the way that they're sticking their tongues in each other's mouths. Or those. But sometimes it's like that right before you've had sex. But also this is after they've been engaged because he gets into a fight with his parents and he's like, I want to marry her. And he's like, yeah like you have to be king. And he's like, OK, well, then I'll marry her and I'll also be king.
Which also like, you don't have to be king, bro. Like, yeah. You know, you could just, no, it doesn't doesn't matter. His dad is like, his dad is like, only you can

The King's Succession Dilemma

be king. It's too much responsibility. No, it's not. It's not a job. it It's not a real thing. I'm begging you to understand it's not real. You cut some ribbons, you move some dirt. yeah do you youre Your year old sister can definitely do it. Children have done it it since time immemorial.
Yeah, and he brings that up because he's just like, um, I have to be king unless you want, you know, Arabella to ascend to the throne at age 12. Like it's shocking thing that would, right you know.
happened And then he like brings out there like a Habsburg cousin or something. Oh, yeah. Cousin Habsburg. Yeah. A ah little bit of ah some. Oh, my God. What am I trying to say here? Ableism there. Yeah. Woof.
So yeah, and then the queen hates her and the queen becomes the villain where she's like, you'll never be good enough or whatever. And then that ends after five minutes. After she sees his influence on her doing the union board negotiation, she's like, okay, it's cool. Let me show you all those. This is fine. Here's the royal jewels. Everything is great.
What the fuck is happening in this movie? Because then that plot line is also resolved and there's 20 minutes left again.

Protagonist's Epiphany and Breakup

There's still 20 minutes left? And the thing is, she sees a globe. She sees a globe. It's the first globe she's seen. And it makes her remember her pin board. First globe she's seen.
She forgot the world existed and then when she walked into that room where they are once again stopped from having sex. Yep, because he brings in a deli machine to make them a sandwich. She gets godfathered, i which, oh well, listen to me making a reference to the godfather, like two episodes after we made fun of it.
so um He has to like talk to the meetings or whatever, and she gets the door closed in her face. That's what I mean by God-fathered. And um she's alone in the room and she sees the globe, and then he see he comes and says, it says, okay, let's go finally have sex or whatever. And she's like, no, we're breaking up. i I forgot the world existed. Yeah,

Return to Wisconsin and Reflections

I can't do this. And she goes she goes back to Wisconsin to graduate. And so like, has this been the break in between finals and? I guess. And graduation? Has all this taken place in a week?
i yeah I mean, that wouldn't surprise me the way that it clips along. That's quite a dead week for her. Some might say she was very alive. Yeah. um and And then she goes back to Wisconsin, and she's graduating, and then he's there, and he's like, hey, don't worry about it. free Kiss, freeze frame, end of movie. End of movie! We could have done this 40 minutes ago.

Chaotic Plot with Charming Sequels

Absolutely could have done it.
this movie again so despite him being the fucking worst in the movie like he's so charming and the movie goes out of its way to like despite all the like negative criticisms I've had of this it's charming and I liked it like I want you to understand like the amount of charm but in this movie makes up for all of these silly little like criticisms. Oh, for sure. Because it is a very, very charming movie for an insanely written screenplay. It is. It is an insanely written. It would not surprise me to learn that these they were getting pages like day of or something like that. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Or credited screenwriters. The screenwriters are probably going on being like, well, what what what about Paige? How would Paige feel about this? I got to write it.
They were, I mean, the characters were so rich, they got three sequels. They got three sequels. What's interesting is, that the I see, I didn't know there were two more sequels because they don't, they didn't come up on IMDB under when they type in the prince and me. So, and then also when I, the the the guy who only has this on his credit, the the story guy, I don't remember his name.
the only two credit he's got he's got something before this which is like a TV movie or something he's got this and then he's got the prince and me too and he's got a character by credit which leads to believe that in the prince and me three and four he doesn't get a character by credit so he needs better WGA rap or something yeah yeah because i mean he created prince edvard He did. And Paige Morgan. Paige Morgan. Paige Morgan. And Paige Morgan. Paige Morgan. I wanted to say Paige Gordon. Is that an actress? Doesn't matter. No. No. Well, this was a very chaotic episode. That's OK. That was and me i have ah delightful fan yeah because that's all of last minutes that the movie. to John Lennon. So what are we doing next week, Kitty?

Next Episode Teaser: 'The Princess Bride'

Next week is a very special episode. Next week, my partner, Caitlin, will be on the show, and we will be talking about her favorite movie, ah The Princess Bride. Fuck yeah. Bucket Masterpiece, Stone Cold Classic. Yeah. Charlie famously hates it. Charlie's wrong, man. like Charlie is wrong. It's going to be a fun episode. Horribly mistaken, and I expect some text messages about The Princess Bride.
But yeah, i would I would imagine that might be a long one because as much as Emma and I talk, Caitlin talks just as much, so. Yeah, and I'm sure Charlie will have a ginormous ah Charlie's Corner. Oh wait, do we have a Charlie's Corner on this? Charlie was surprised at how much he liked this movie. Okay. That's Charlie's Corner, was that he was surprised at how much he liked this movie. And ah he was he called out the plot within the first five minutes but then we had so many twists and turns. That's true, yeah. He also loves... Did he call the tractor race? He did not call the tractor race. Ben Miller is like a British TV comedian guy, right? Who plays Soren? He paused the movie at one point to make me watch a sketch from Ben Miller's sketch show.
to be like, oh, I love this guy. Oh, oh, Ben, this is from a Ben Mill. You're gonna you're gonna love it. you're gonna go You're gonna laugh. I don't know why I went Irish all of a sudden. You're gonna laugh. and you um and what Did you laugh? Was it funny? Was it good? I chuckled. Yeah, it was fine, wasn't it? It was fine.

Closing Remarks and Credits

It was about cavemen cleaning alcohol.
ah Cool. It was fine. Anyways, Princess Bride next week. Shall we outro? Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot and we would really appreciate it. Thanks to Andrew Milliken and Nick Spivoda for our theme music and Elena Henderson for our artwork. You can follow us on Instagram at Go Get Your Girl Pod or email us at go get your girl pod at You can follow me on social media at Emily M. Pizza. And me at Katie of the Lake. Until next time, we're just two girls. Standing in front of the internet. Asking us to love us. Good night. Good night.