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The Princess Bride

Go Get Your Girl
43 Plays3 months ago

This is a kissing podcast. 

Emma & Katie are joined by Caitlin to discuss one of the best movies ever made, The Princess Bride. And honestly, this is mostly the three of them quoting the movie, giggling, and mocking Charles for not liking the movie. Inconceivable! Also: Emma and Caitlin attempt some slang!  Emma's dad looks like Wallace Shawn! 


Communication Challenges with Earbuds

So how angry are we going to be at
I'm sorry, what? And I take it out, the earbud. And then he'll, he'll like say what he you was saying. And I was like, okay, and I'll put the earbud back in. And then literally 30 seconds later, he will do the same thing. I don't know why she's pointing at me. She does that. Except it's not even like I have earbuds in, it's I'm in the bedroom with the air conditioner and the sound machine on and she's whispering in the other room going like,
like I can't hear you and then she goes like still nothing's changed I still can't hear you i'll never say it again yeah and then she's like well I'm not repeating myself again
Well, now we'll never know. But it's just like, I've gotten to the point where I dramatically put the earbud back in my ear so he can see that I am putting it back in my ear and then he'll do it. I would never do something like that though.
See that is different. and Now I do that to you because every time you come home you have your earbuds and you don't see what I do is I stop my podcast or music I'm listening to outside the door or take my headphones off when I come up the stairs. Caitlin i'll lose them is blasting music loud enough for that I can hear it through her earbuds and she comes home and I'm like hi welcome home I love you and she's like
you And I need about 30 more seconds. Yeah. Yeah. And then I'll take them out and then we'll we'll go about the evening. Yeah. Yes. That's what marriage.

Introduction to 'The Princess Bride'

Do you have the wings? The wings? The wings? oh just one so we um That's right, guys. I mean, this is the quickest we've ever gotten to a segue.
It's where we all are very sick and are very sweet, but cheesy grandfather comes in to read us a story and it has ends up being the world's most perfect story ever written. um That's right, guys. This is a kissing book.
I am that child. I just need everyone to know. Yeah. Is this a kissing podcast? Is this a kissing podcast? It is a kissing podcast. It definitely is. By the end of this, I hope that everyone goes, I don't mind the kissing so much. Aww. I think they will. Right? Oh yeah. So of course we are doing, oh yeah, who are you?
Oh, that's right, guys. We're talking about the Princess Bride. I'm Emma. I'm Katie. I'm Kaitlyn. And today we are talking about the Princess Bride, 1987, directed by Mr. Rob Reiner, written by William Goldman. I can't believe to go. Hey, you guys. That's that's floss. That's floss.
Not a giant, regular sized. Just a regular sized guy, but they put a mask on. Deformed person, yeah. Just a regular sized guy, just a different 80s movie. okay Completely different, also blown. Yeah, so Rob Reiner, um is this this this the first repeat director we've had on the podcast?

Rob Reiner's Film Career and 'The Princess Bride'

I think so, because I was going to say we do have a scale That's true. If you remember, we have a scale of how dead someone is. So it goes from Rob Reiner to Amelia Earhart. Rob Reiner, who's definitely alive, to Amelia Earhart, who's definitely dead. He's definitely still alive, guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, I'm bad at this game. Yeah, we were very confused.
I think most people are dead. Bob Reiner, whose career is only dead. Amelia Earhart, who's completely dead. Got his ass. Bob Reiner, of course, made a famously made seven masterpiece movies in a row and then never made a good movie ever again. Did he need to though? I guess not. yeah So um this is the Princess Bride. He made this directly before ah the last movie we talked about, directed by him when Harry Met Sally.
This was before when Harry met Sally? Yeah, two years before, yeah. Oh, see, in my brain, it's afterwards because it's just like that's, he just loved working with Billy Crystal so much, he just threw him in this movie. Well, I think- He does love Billy Crystal. I think we talked about it when Harry met Sally, that when working on the script, they were incorporating part of Billy Crystal's actual personality because they were best friends. Well, then, yeah.
yeah makes sense Yeah, because when Harry Met Sally wasn't written by Rob Reiner But he had a lot of input on the script when Nora Efron was was writing it and I think I think the three of them were close actually. Yeah oh some because We don't need to do this We were talking about what's crazy to me. I have a Katie's Fun Fact. This movie. Katie's Fun Fact. Katie's Fun Fact. I should also tell the audience that Caitlin has never listened to this

Oscar Snub for 'The Princess Bride'

this podcast, not even one time. I want you to know that I have listened to ah a quarter of an episode. Because you listened to it live while I was recording it? Correct. Yeah.
Yeah, so she totally gets the format and she totally knows exactly what's gonna happen next. She's a quick study. Yeah. Um, so Katie's fun fact, this video is only nominated for one Oscar, which is Ludacris. Absolutely. And and and that was it is that it is inconceivable.
The only Oscar it was nominated for was Best Song, which is the worst part of the whole movie. Like... I don't know what it's talking about. Is it the song at the end? It goes... Yes, the Mark Wappler song at the end, Storybook Love. A storybook story, books stole reading which is the worst line. The only thing in this movie that isn't perfect. We have a movie full of the best lines you've ever heard, and then we've got that fucking garbage. Yeah. Right? Who was in charge of that?
Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits. Well, you know, this is how we know the Oscars are rigged. Yeah. I mean, that made but the the score in the movie is good. Like, it's this kind of weird mix between yeah like acoustic guitar and then ridiculous 80s synthesizers yeah um doing streams and stuff. The score is perfectly fine, but that song at the end is... It's not great. Yeah. Yeah. It's not great. It's not good.
Um, but anyways, so the Princess Bride.

Film's Narrative Setup in 1980s Chicago

Um, so we open up, not in fairy tale land. We open up in 1980s Chicago. in in a In a Nintendo baseball game. Yeah.
but i havent play found my family
Um, it is, it's also Christmas time in Chicago, which I don't think I, I definitely forgot until this time I noticed it and it's got a Santa Claus in the background and he's the angriest Santa Claus in the world. yeah He's terrifying. Charlie picked up on that. owly yeah Yeah. He's scared of the story. yeah Um, featuring the only canceled actor in this movie, uh, Fred Savage.
Yeah. Yeah, Fred Savage. Um, do you guys every time I see him it makes me think of do you remember when he had that guest in on boy means world where he played the professor that sexually harassed Topeka Oh God, I forgot about that. No, I don't think I got that far on Boy Meets World. I definitely did. Oh man, it was like a whole thing. Like on TGIF they had like behind the scenes and they were like, this is a very important episode. Topengo gets sexually harassed by her professor. And it's played by Ben Savage's brother.
Yeah, and that and then like he was actually doing that in real life. Yeah. Yeah. He was like, I don't need to do any like character study because this is just me. God. and Yeah. Yeah.

Generational Storytelling

That sucks. I bet every time I see this real grandpa, then he wouldn't have done. That's true. Yeah. That's true. Best grandpa that ever existed. What a great note. He's the best grandpa. Better than my grandpa for sure. Yeah.
um Yeah, so Fred Savage and Peter Falk. Peter Falk from ah Wings of Desire, from Mikey and Nicky, from ah Colombo.
um Fantastic actor Peter Falk. It's really bad in age makeup. In age makeup, yeah. He is he is in silly, a white wig and and mustache. That's how I always think of him though. Yeah.
yeah is uh is his grandfather Fred Savage is homesick from school and um being a little shit be too much like i'm with a good child being a little shit yeah the first thing Caitlin said was that's me it is i am i'm picturing this especially when he yells at him later yeah he gets too into it yeah no that's not right grandpa
No, no, keep going. Keep going. I'm all right. And he's going to read him a story, which is I had never had that experience out sick. No. i where someone read you a story? Yeah. Oh, of course not. It would have been great. And it's like, it's like a fricking, it's not just a story, guys. Like it's a full on novel. and he that book Yeah. It's a whole day. goes but It's a whole day. Um, but okay. So my question with this, I had a question that occurred to me and it is, he comes in and he's like, I'm going to read you a story. Oh, you've got a copy. Oh, the princess bride.
my favorite I freaking love that. ah This is your favorite movie we should say. Love that. You're going to hate Charlie by the end of this episode. i um um so So my question starting off is Peter Falk comes in and he goes, my father read this story to me when I was sick and I read this story to your father. And so now I'm going to read it to you. So either one of two things is happening here. Either Fred Savage's dad is dead and grandpa's coming in to read the story or grandpa is real selfish and doesn't give his son the opportunity to do this for his son.
That's true. I think it's that one. Yeah. I didn't really think it's that one. I mean, it is the 80s. You don't see the parents at all, does to be fair. The broken home is very big in movies. Oh, that's right. You do? Yeah. Is the mom at the beginning? Yeah, she's beginning. Yeah, she's at the very beginning. Is the grandpa's here? Oh, yeah.
don't know why I made her eat as bunker. But yeah,
but yeah so like, I realized that watching this, I was like, this bitch is either stealing the spotlight from his son. So one of those two things is happening. And it just it shaded grandpa in a different light for me. Yeah, interesting. I like to believe his dad is dead. Yeah, I I think in a train accident. I think grandpa just hates his son. He's like, fuck you. I love my grandchild. I'm going to do this. yeah This is me. I really like doing the voices. Yeah. um So have you read the book? I haven't. I was going to ask, is the book good? The book is great. The book is really good.
Um, the premise of the book, the book is, is strange. Um, the premise of the book is, is carried over really well into the movie because the whole idea.

Book Structure: 'Good Parts Version'

So William Goldman, who is a screenwriter, he, um, Academy award-winning screenwriter, he wrote which casting the Sundance kid, he wrote this, he wrote many, many other things that are popular that I can't think of off the top of my head. But this is his novel that that came out in the seventies. And the premise of the book is that there is this great doorstop fantasy masterpiece called the Princess Bride by somebody named S. Morgan Stern and it's like a hundred years old And it's like a hundred years old me William Goldman. I have created what I call the good parts version where I'm going to ah take this thousand page book and Condense it down into just the good parts and we'll skip over some stuff
And the whole book is written like that, where it's um this fictional book that he invented that he's trimmed down into this book. So it's a little meta, and he like, you know, breaks the fourth wall a lot. He's like, and we're gonna skip over that and go on to the next part where Inigo does this, you know? um And I feel like they do that, that translates so well into the movie, all the little, like, text readers are like, Grandpa, you already read this part. And then he's like, oh, right, wait, okay.

Charlie's Change of Heart

So they eat the sweet peels.
She's worried and bubble you know I feel like they do a really good job of getting that energy. yeah oh For sure. um they He had been trying to get this made into a movie for years and it finally took like 15 years or so to to get it from from page to screen. And I think it's basically a perfect movie.
um Yeah, I think it's pretty much the perfect movie. I cried at the end um because I love this movie so fucking much. ah Charlie turned to me and he goes, are you crying? Oh my God, Charlie. Did he not learn anything? I don't understand. I don't understand. nothing this like i don't understand we need to we need to tell the audience the lore the charles lore with the princess bride because there is charles lore because i too love this movie um when charlie and i were first married i in our early 20s forced him to watch this movie saying this is one of my favorite movies we're gonna sit down we're gonna watch it as do many couples do this as do many couples exactly yeah charlie
is the type of person where you tell him something to do. He does not want to do it very much so. I can't i can to that. Oh, I know. Oh, I am aware, Caleb.
um So we sit down to watch it. We're at my parents and he's just playing a game on his phone the entire time. And then I ask him at the end and I go, what did you think of the movie? And he goes,
I couldn't care for it. We didn't watch it. Okay. So we didn't watch it. Yeah. Yeah. So i've been that enraged already we've been saving this movie for this podcast for the perfect opportunity, which is this moment to re a-show and let Charlie as an adult man, who is not a baby 20 year old. He is in his thirties now as an adult man with maybe a little bit more heart to experience the princess bride and to fall in love with something that I love dearly. Yeah.
Oh, no. He stayed off his phone this time, guys. OK. Well, that's something. He tried to trick me several times. I would come back from the bathroom. He'd be on his phone. And he'd be like, OK, you can press play. I'd be like, Charles!
By the end of the movie, well, first off, he questioned some of the science in the movie.
This is a fantasy film. Why? Mike, what are you talking about? Why? When we get to the machine, Charlie was like, I don't understand the science there. The science? Uh, they pour water into a thing and it hurts him. That's the science. Yeah. And it's been a whole bunch of revolts with body somehow. I mean, he clearly says it's sucking the life force out of him. Also, I was able to hear his screaming from like a million miles away. Yeah.
Yeah. He also was confused as to why whenever Inigo Montoya is waiting for ah Wesley to climb the rocks And he's like, why doesn't he just like throw some rocks at him and and get him down? I was like, he might be the six fingered man. He doesn't know. And that's one of my things about this movie is like this. We talked about this is like the script is so everything is meant to be said.
everything has a purpose and every

Script Precision and Character Development

character. The minute you learn who Inigo is, is that moment when he goes, I will let you get to I promise you on my father that I will hit the top of this alive. And the look on his face because Mandy Patinkin one of our greatest yeah actors of all time. You believe that character and that's the entire movie is like right yeah there in those moments yeah where you're like, I understand what this is.
It's got multiple love stories. You've got photonic love. You've got like, it's just, I don't get why people don't like this movie. I understand maybe you don't understand the comedy style. No, I don't. And in that case, I think maybe you're stupid. funny this is.
Yeah. I don't know. I'm sorry you are. Go watch a zone of interest. We should point out that Charlie's favorite movie is Baseball. Yes. So, I don't want to hear it. Wait, what is it? He does continue... Don't worry about it. He does continually... This is how hard, guys. Yeah. I mean, I like some of their movies. His favorite movie is Team America World, please.
is the decoy bride so
It's a very silly, dumb rom-com with David Tennant and the woman who is just brave. Tom is strong. It's definitely, it's definitely rom. I would struggle to use the word com for that movie. Yeah. It's, yeah, David Tennant. Whose voice is Scotland? Yeah. Kelly McDonald? Yeah, what's her name? Kelly McDonald? Yeah, yeah, she's the voice of brave. Yes. Yes. Oh. Yeah. Did your change get a fit? Yeah.
So, at the end of the movie, at the end of the movie, we're going to start this off just so that everyone knows what they're in for with Charles. At the end of the movie. Our dozens, a hundred of listeners are going to turn on Charles so hard. Yes. And you know, we just need to get this out there. It is the elephant in the room.
At the end I asked Charlie, I went, so what did you think?
And he said, well, it's fine. And I said, okay. And he goes, I was like, so you feel the exact same? He goes, no. Before I said, I couldn't care for it. Now I think it's fine. And then, ah yeah, I know, I know, I know. And then a beat goes by.
And he goes, it's no decoy bride. Oh my God. i love you He did that to hurt me specifically. Not even Emma, but me.
That was definitely just to hurt. Yeah. That sucks, man. yeah And so then I told him, okay, well then I will get the divorce proceedings started.
Obviously, obviously. Obviously. mom We, I mean, like you and I, our favorite movies, like when we told each other our favorite movies of all time, we were both like, yeah, that's also one of my favorite movies of all time. My favorite movie is Singing in the Rain and your favorite movie is Princess Bride. Yeah. And honestly, like, sometimes my like order of like my top favorite movies change, but this always, I rewatch this and my heart just like, I don't know, grows 10 sizes again.

Fantasy Elements and Emotional Themes

It's a comfort watch. I think it ignited my love for fantasy too. The heart of this movie is what's the biggest thing. It's about found family. Literally, that's what that last scene is. All these people find each other.
But like, no matter how silly this movie is, it is, it is very, it's full of heart. It's so warm. ah um The characters are, they may be, they they may be silly, like archetypes, but they're, they're inhabited to where they're, they're so real. yeah yeah um I would say like,
Buttercup is probably the the least drawn character, but she's still still she's still stronger than like most princess characters in your average like fairy tale. you know Yeah, I mean, theres ah because we were talking about this too. There's so many plot holes with her. And I do think that's one thing, because we were talking about the movie doesn't start really until she's riding her horse through the woods and she sees the three you know He was standing there like that. She gets kidnapped. every All the information before that were just like huh like for me even watching it like this time I was like where are where are her parents? Like where is her family? Like why is she running this farm on her own and like right this farm? Like how long has she known him like her whole life for like two weeks like yeah and Is that the only conversation that they've had?
Like and I had, I had those questions too. I was just like, where's the like, I don't know, relationship building before she's like, this is the greatest love of my life. And as I think in that way, it kind of sets up that like, silly, you know, old school romance trope of these two people just kind of like all, you know, yeah.
I don't remember again, I have not read this book since high school. um So i I would like I would like to say that there's some more of that in the book, but I don't I don't remember. But I think a bigger theme of that and I thought about this, this time, like every time I watch it, and I'm a little bit older watching it, I think of it differently.
Because it's about how love grows and changes when you've gone through something. So there's like that innocent love at the beginning where it's just like, oh, you we're both super hot and I want to be inside you. So hot. Because they're both the hottest people in the country. yeah um They can put dirt on her face, but she doesn't need anything on her face because she's so gorgeous. She's beautiful.
And don't even get me started about Wesley. Jesus. When he has that hair flop over. The flop over in his ears. The floppy hair. That flop. Yeah. But yeah, I just love that it's about like how love grows and changes and you go through shit. And then if you come out the other side, I don't know. That's the Yeah, i think there's like a lot of wonderful like lessons you can learn from this movie. And then it also it's just a wonderful... Never get involved in a land war in Asia. That's one of the biggest ones. Exactly. ye Never get involved in a land war in Asia. So yes.
one. So we've got so Katie, where do we start with the plot? So we're, we're with grandpa. So yeah, we, we so Peter Falk is reading Fred Savage this

Robin Wright's Role as Buttercup

story. And the story is about um this, this peasant girl named Buttercup, who for some reason runs this farm on her own. And she's played by Aladdin Wright in her first movie.
is produce movie her introduc introduce Well, she may have been in something before this, but you know, usually when they use the introducing credit, it's the first like major film at least. was Yeah. So it wasn't by Robin Wright and farm boy, ah Wesley played by Carrie Elway's. I love young Carrie. Yeah. calla time right memoir I don't know if you did really know, is it good?
It's so good. i Well, we were talking about it. I don't remember a thing from it, honestly. I remember a few stories. I liked it. Did you, like, fuck his way around Hollywood? He it doesn't really get into that. It's kind of PG rated, I should say. I think it's like... um That's not what I want. Yeah, yeah. Well, it was mostly about his time in Princess Bride. Like, that's his. It's mostly what... the It's called As You Wish.
Oh yeah, okay. I need to read that. It's been a lot of behind the scenes stories about how um he almost died. How terrible this was for

Cary Elwes as Wesley

him. Yeah, he was severely injured multiple different ways on this set. Yeah. So we can, jesus in those moments, I can, you know. Caitlin remembers, we read it at the same time, but Caitlin remembers it better than me because that's just kind of how I am. No, that's fair. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but between this and, cause I remember I saw this around the same time that I was introduced to Robin Hood Mennon tights. Um, yeah and, uh, yeah, young carry eels, illways, illways, illways. I always pronounce it eels. Um, young carry always, uh, was for me and will always be the perfect man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. I mean, everywhere
What do you, the youth say? No cap. Oh God. Oh, don't get me started. I'm going to cut this out. Uh, no cap.
He's definitely not Ohio. You know what I mean? Oh my God. <unk> i'm in withallinggo I'm definitely going to cut this out. Yep. And then I dab. and i are cool Okay. Don't do that. I have a Stanley cup now guys. I'm so cool.
I've got a defying gravity cup. Mine has a bird on it. Put a bird on it. Put a bird on it. So yes, um they are, they love each other.
because obviously they're the hottest people that they've ever seen. Yeah. Who else would they be with? And then he disappears, right? He has to go off to make money for them. Right, right, right. So he has to go off. Because they want to get married. Yeah. And he says he'll return and he is lost at sea. And she thinks he dies. And she thinks he dies. And so she's like, I will never love again. Yeah. And looks dead-eyed into the screen. And then we fast forward to Prince Humperbink played. Company, company, company.
played ba high played by Chris Sarandon, famous for being previously married to Susan Sarandon, and Christopher Guest as Count Rugen. These homosexuals. These homosexuals.
He loves to watch his work. and Yeah. Yeah. ah they That is the prince and the count who's like his, just his buddy. Like, I don't know why he's like his right hand man. He's like the guy that like his behalf. He's if we were to put this in a guitar terms. Yeah, sure. for Always.

Character Dynamics and Modern Comparisons

Um, he is the Lucien to Tamlin. Absolutely. Oh, sure. sure or Like the Azzurrios for the Cassian.
Yeah, or Asriel, or Asriel and Cassian to um our boy, Reese. Yeah, except these guys suck. And they're definitely fucking. Yeah, yeah. Oh, 100% they're in love. Yes, they're in love. They're definitely in love. That's our homosexual romance. Yeah. So the prince is has chosen a commoner bride. Which was common back then, and I hate it.
Yeah, I mean, that yeah definitely happens. And it's like, you know, he picked her and she has no say in it. Like, they oh, I'm going to marry you. and She's like, oh, I don't know you. OK. And he's like, don't worry, don't worry. You'll love it.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you get to live in a castle. And again, no, no, no context with her parents or or what happened with that or anything. The next time we see her it's it's presumably years later. um I would maybe five years. I don't know how long it doesn't say say it's five years later. Oh, sorry. Yeah. It's five years later. And she is now they're they're planning the wedding and she's, yeah you know, she's the Princess Bride. It's the name of the movie. Um, they said she is going she's she's out riding one day where she is kidnapped by three ruffians uh the zini um uh indigo montoya and
It's, uh, what is it? In the U of Montoya, Prince Humberdink. Oh, Fezzik. Fezzik. Fezzik, Fezzik, yes. Fezzik. Yeah, I couldn't get it. Yeah. So the three of them are in the forest and Vizzini supposedly has this plan where there's two countries, Florin and Gilder, which is a joke because those are both two different kinds of coins from ancient times.
um And that one's for the nerds. Yeah, but they're gonna make it look like the because they're in the country of Florin. And the Zini is like the mastermind played by Wallace Shawn, the incredible Wallace Shawn. He also looks like my dad.
Does he really? Does he? He does. I've never met my dad. I've met your mom, but I've never met your dad. That's amazing. Is your dad taller than that, though? Because like... Oh, yeah. My dad's way taller than that. He says he's got Wallace Shawn vibes. And anytime I see Wallace Shawn, I'm like, it's like the mouth. I don't know what it is. But like, Charlie sees it too. They look very similar. And I'm just like, daddy? Oh.
Different kind of daddy. oh ah Different kind of daddy, different kind of daddy. Papa? This is the probably the only podcast that you'll ever listen to where we describe Wallace Shawn as daddy. Oh, yeah. Wallace Shawn is but with so he's from um ah he's from my dinner with Andre. He's yeah from ah he's a playwright, aunt Dan and lemon. Yeah, that's probably also cool. Gossip Girl.
ah Yeah, who's that gossip girl? He's the voice of Rex the dinosaur from the Toy Story movies. He's got a very, he does a lot of voice work. He's got a very recognizable voice. Yeah. Yeah. And he sounds like my dad. Does your dad sounds like him too? A little bit, a little bit more like baritone. But like a lot of the things that he was saying, I'm just like, Oh, dad,
I'm waiting! I'm waiting! I'm waiting!
yeah and my mother and the great Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya. also one I fell in love with him in this movie. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
Yeah, who's primarily a theater actor but has has been in some movies and and TV shows and stuff. Yeah, um ah Criminal Minds. De Dois, obviously. He was in Criminal Minds. He was in Homeland also. I'm trying to think of what's a movie. But we all know Criminal Minds.
um I'm sorry, Yentl from my musical theater nerds. Of course, yes. He's the Hottie and Yentl. Which was like what? He's the OG Che. this That was before, yes. He has some confusing feelings because he's like, am I into men? Oh, wait, you're a woman? Oh, wait, am I shit. I don't know. I am way, way too conservative religious for this. Interesting movie. Maybe we could do Yentl on the podcast, Emma. can you Oh, maybe.
um puff can you hear I love that movie. Again, it they were so hot in it too. Yentl's a great movie. yeah um That is not what we're talking about.
We were talking about Mandy Patinkin. We were talking about Mandy Patinkin, yes. ah Who is Inigo Montoya, the Spaniard um swordsman, and then andre the great Andre the Giant as Fezzik the Giant, who is so big. He's so big. He's so big. And you always forget how big he is until you see him standing next to some but like a normal sized person.
yeah like But then I just think everyone yeah yeah everyone's so much small. so much smaller. I'm just like, well, obviously everyone's short because they're actors. Right? Yeah. yeah i don't think I think Kerry always is like six feet tall, though. like And he, again, looks like a child next to Andre, the Chinese. Yeah. Oh, jeez. At this point, when we introduce Inigo Montoria and we get into the whole Inigo Montoria backstory,
Charlie and I got into a very not heated discussion, but a um educational discussion About an ego Montoya and what? ah Because I was like he was also the original che he's Jewish but he's played two Hispanic roles and Charlie goes if they're from Spain They're not Hispanic and I was like trans that's Spanish is Hispanic Right? Well, it's complicated. So, um, the word Hispanic, like originally means from the island of Hispaniola, which is the Dominican report the dominican Republic and and Haiti are on. Okay. is used It was used as a term to mean people from Latin America. Spain.
Most people from Spain are Caucasian. Most people from Spain are white. So specifically the question is not whether or not they're Hispanic or not or Latino or not, but whether or not they're a person of color or not.

Inigo Montoya's Quest for Revenge

And people from Spain are mostly, I mean it led that obviously there are people of color who live in Spain, but generally Spaniards are white people.
Um, and that makes it okay that, uh, Bandy Batinkin is playing. Well, cause we had that conversation too, which there was definitely a time where I was like, this is, this is racist, right? And then you're saying, so you have to just assume. And again, it's just Spain. It's just Spain. This is also the eighties, right? So they didn't give a shit about being racist at all. Watching it now, I was going, yes, he's doing an accent, which isn't great, but I think he's supposed to be. Yeah.
white Spanish. He's a character. Yeah, he's a character in Spanish. So I have to assume that that's, or at least we assume that's what's happened. Now, when he played Che in the stage version of La Vida, who is Argentinian, that is not okay, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, one okay Spanish speaking character, one not okay Spanish speaking character. yeah Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
um We should also point out that Antonio Banderas, who also played Che in the movie version of Iida, also white and not okay. yeah Wait, what? Antonio Banderas is Spanish.
i know I think a lot of people think Antonio Baderos is Mexican yeah and he is not. He's been in a lot of Mexican movies. Yes, he has. He's played a lot of Mexicans. Or rather, he's played Mexicans in movies. I don't know if he's ever... Has he been in a Mexican movie? Because Robert Rodriguez is is Latino, but he's American. That's what I mean. He's played a lot of Mexican movies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. um I just thought he was from South America.
but I guess I was wrong. So we have yet to have a like a famous Che, who's Argentinian. Oh, no, wait, wait. Because when it came on Broadway. Because they had the Argentinian actress who played Avita, but I don't know who played Che in that. She was great. It was Ricky Martin. Oh, okay, there you go. Yeah. That was it. He's Latino at least. I think he's Puerto Rican maybe? Yeah.
yeah You know, I mean, still a person from Argentina. So that's all that matters. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Again, you don't, you don't have to be from a specific country. I think as long as you're not playing a white person, playing a person of color is generally frowned upon. Yes. And he's played a lot of characters. It happens a lot. It happens a lot. Yeah.
um So anyway, that was three white people talking about who should and shouldn't play people of color in case you're keeping up. Anyways, back to the Princess Bride. We're just trying, we're doing our best, guys. I'm sorry. Yeah, we're doing our best. We're learning. Yes, yes. I'm gonna cut all of this out.
Otherwise. So um I always say I'm gonna cut it out and I never do. Yeah, I know. Yes. So she gets kidnapped by these three guys, Visini, who seems evil, and Fezzik and Inigo, who are kind of like, why are we doing this? Who are so lovable, and you fall in love with them when they start to do their rhyming. And you still fall in love with them, and you understand who they are. Even though they're technically bad guys at this point in the story, they're sweethearts and you love them. They are. Well, they gotta make a living.
Yeah, that's the thing. You get that, like, they're paid mercenary type of thing where they have to, like, survive. Yeah. And they are questioning things that Cassini does at every single turn. Yeah. They're really pissing him off, which is a great comedy. Yeah. It's so good. He's like, you're the giant, throw something at him. Mm-hmm. Yeah. He's like, well, why would I do that? And he's like, because I tell you to. Like, yes. So the idea is he's trying to start a war by kidnapping this princess bride.
and making it seem like the other country did it so he so he can start a war. That's what you know at this point, that it's his plan. You find out later that Prince Humperdinck hired him to do this, to kill his own bride. Because he sucks. And probably because he's in love with Christopher Guest and can't be with Christopher Guest. So then they realize that someone is following them, that there's a shit following them.
A ship piloted by one person, it seems. And it goes yeah like, well, I think somebody's following us. They get to the Cliffs of Insanity. yeah there's a lot of great There's a lot of great place names in this. It's like that great like fantasy stuff. You've got the Fire Swamp, the Cliffs of Insanity. The RUSs.
so ah so they So Andre the Giant, or Fezzik rather, ah carries them all up, the clips of insanity, carrying three people, yeah and ah the man in black, who they see is in the ship following them, starts giving chase. And the first like you know full act of this movie, basically, is this chase between between them. yeah yeah um Where first, ah so they they kind of stagger it out, Zini is like,
Inigo, you stay here, kill the man in black. We'll meet you down the road. I'll take the princess and the giant. um And then we have that moment that we already discussed where it's it the man in black is climbing up the the rope. and And instead of throwing rocks at him. yeah month Charles!
Well, uh, the thing he cuts the rope and then he's clinging to the cliff face. Um, yeah. Well, not to think it means what you think of me. right I did an inconceivable count. He only says it five times. Really? Well, that's inconceivable. I know it seems like a lot more. what's more yeah Right?
Partfully deployed, inconceivable. And the man in black gets to the to the to the top, and they have this like very gentlemanly, like classic sword fight where he's like, you seem a good fellow. I hate to kill you. He says, you seem a good fellow. I hate to die. Yeah. And then they both discover that either of them are left-handed. Yeah. Yeah, because they're like, we're just going to do it like this because you know a challenge to myself. I don't want to you know win too fast. But then they both do it.
um Very like Earl Flynn. Yeah, it's classic like what and that's the other thing It's like when was the last time we saw sword fighting a movie like like good sword fighting like they used to be sword fighting movies Yeah, and I was thinking like that is parts of the Caribbean. Oh, that's that's a good one. That's a good one. Yeah that's great don That was 20 years old courts shop. Yeah, ah that's a really good one The set is so beautiful. like I love how they just have a bar. Yeah, just like a gymnastics bar. It's not disguised at all. And that's one of the things about this movie. Like, it's it's not only is it just it's a fantasy movie, but it's a fantasy movie that is it's twice removed from reality because it's a story inside a movie that we're watching. So you get away with a lot more like the set doesn't look real. It just looks cool.
You know, like he yeah he land, I always noticed when he lands on that like crash pad, that's disguised to look like ground and it like doesn't look like ground at all.

Child's Imagination in Storytelling

It's very obviously a big softening for him to land on. But like, who cares? Who cares? What we are watching is the story in through the lens of Fred Savage's head. just child Exactly. yeah We're watching it. That's what I was just thinking. I was like,
We're watching it through ah a kid's head. yeah You're imagining it in like, what's in a playground or what's, you know, what have I seen on TV before that I can reference this to. And I think that's so great. Exactly. Yeah. um We also, this is where we learn about Inigo Montoya's backstory, where he asks the man in black if he has six fingers on his hand. Do you have six fingers on me?
And it's, is it his left hand? And he does not. And he's like, my father was killed by a six fingered man. And he gave me these scars on my face. And I've dedicated my life to tracking down the six fingered man. And I'm going to say probably the most famous quote in the movie. Yeah. Yeah.
and say, isn't Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. And oh my God, does this line come back in such an emotional and beautiful way. That whole fight scene at the end. will oh good yeah Because you guys know why, I mean, one of the secrets, why Mandy Patinkin was so good in this movie.
which brings us to the Emma's Fun Facts. Emma's Fun Facts. First and foremost, Mandy Teigen has said that ah the role of Nigo Montoya is his personal favorite that he has done over the course of his entire career.
Exactly. But his his father had passed away relatively recently before filming the movie. And so like, it was a whole emotional experience for him as an actor to really sort of play out this sort of vengeance. I think his dad died of cancer, I want to say. um But like, it was just like having to play out this sort of like vengeance of his father who's died. and He just sort of felt like um
It felt very cathartic for him. Let me put Tink and Dead Dad. Okay,
thinking that that ah okay so his dad his dad died of cancer when he was 18. And so when he was doing ah He, when he was doing Princess Bride, he thought of his own father. Yeah, he used his dad as sort of his like emotional. Acting. Yeah. Guidepost. I love that. Which just makes that all the more emotional.

Inigo's Motivation and Character Arc

I want my father back to you son of a bitch. Yeah. Cause he just sort of like, you can imagine like his whole idea of like looking at Christopher Gessen mean like your cancer.
yeah Yeah. Yeah. And now I'm going to get revenge on you for taking my dad. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, uh, so yeah, so they, but so they fight, uh, the man in black, uh, who is, is Wesley. We, it's not a secret really that it's Wesley. Doesn't kill him, uh, but knocks him out and, uh, and then moves on, uh, because he doesn't, uh, yeah.
And goes on across the field where and then we come back to Bazzini who's like, okay, Fezzik, you stay here and like hit him with a rock or something because he's he's bested my Spaniard and I can't let him get close to to Buttercup.
um So then we have an encounter with Fezzik and Wesley. Fezzik also decides to do the honorable way and goes, we're just going to do this hand-to-hand combat. Yeah. yeah And What does he say? He says, I can't help being different.
oh yeah i don't evenphacize i don't evensize that' what yeah throughout the boulder that me But you see that that these people have honor, right? Because Andre the Giant could have just thrown a rock at him from a hiding place. He doesn't. He throws it to to like warn him, and then they have like a fight. He puts his rock down, and then um ah Wesley puts his sword down, and they they wrestle, which is crazy. Also fun fact about Andre the Giant, he was so huge that he could not get drunk.
they would go out and he would like basically drink constant like he would drink these giant cases of beers yeah and he could not get drunk. It would have to be literally all the beer that existed inside of a tavern. And he was universally beloved by everyone. He was the best guy. Anybody who ever met him like has like just sweet stories about ah this guy, who died young, I think, from complications related to um yeah his genetic design.
yeah yeah
so fact Yeah, and seven feet, four inches tall and 520 pounds. Jesus. And we know that hog was ginormous. That was my whole body. So important. When Wesley pushes him over, I'm like, that is proportional to the size of that man. And that's terrifying. Yeah, yeah. that wo Yeah, congestive heart failure you failure related to his his acromegaly, which is his yeah giant, his giant ism. Yeah.
Just like sucks, but yeah, hey the guy got to be a movie star which yeah yeah i'm great like Yeah, what a great guy and it seems like he had a whale of a time doing it yeah And then Wesley Wesley but is manages to get behind him where because he's more agile ah And chokes him out and also doesn't kill him yes like Well, he checks. He checks to see if he's breathing. yeah yeah And he says you're going to have a headache when you wake up. Yeah, that's right. And then... They're honorable? Yeah. They're also honorable. Yeah, except for Zine. All three of these guys are honorable. And also kind of, Wesley, would he best Zine me? That's not very honorable.
Yeah, but that guy sucks. Yeah. But he's playing Vasini's own game. Yeah, he is. He tricks him because that's what he he has to do for Vasini because Vasini, he's the the genius, supposedly. Yeah. But like, okay, here's my question about the wine, the wine, little, like, thing that happens. Iocane powder. The Iocane powder.
so Basically, when he gets to Vasini, Vasini is like, I'm the smartest guy ever around. So let's play this game of wits! And, uh, okay. Wesley suggested actually. Oh yeah, Wesley's like, well then if you're so smart, let's play a game of wits. I'm gonna put this iocane powder, which is odorless, tasteless, and, um, dissolves instantly into one of these goblets of wine. yeah And you're gonna guess which one has the poison in it, and then we both drink. Um, so they do that.
What? Sorry. Battle of Wix begins. The Battle of Wix begins. um So while they do that, and then Vasini goes through his whole like, well, the poison's obviously in your goblet because or it's my goblet because and he just like talks in circles. Then he tricks Wesley and goes, Oh, what's that? And Wesley turns around and then he switches the goblets. But like,
What would the point being in like doing that? Just say the other goblet. yeah i I didn't really get that. i yeah well i don't The thing is, he's not smart. like He's an idiot. yeah um So I think the idea is just like he just thinks he's and one he has one up on him. And yeah and ah when he sees Wesley like not hesitate to drink, he thinks he's got him. right I think that's that's the only thing. He has no idea which one is poison. He's not smart.
Yeah, I think it's that like typical that type of man who thinks that he has power wanting to like not wanting to let anybody like one up over somebody else. And yeah, he wants to be the smartest person in the room even though he's a dumb ass. Yeah. And so I think the idea of drinking the goblet in front of him would make him seem so much smoother than I think even the part where he yeah he drinks it and then he goes and he goes he starts laughing goes what's funny is like I'll tell you in a minute.
And you know, by the time, you know, it's the first time you watch the movie, you're like, oh shit, but once you've watched it, you're already like, well, you know that

Enduring Humor: 'Classic Blunders' Joke

he's already screwed. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's gonna die. I guess he's gonna always have the opportunity to just be like, you're very good. Yeah, exactly. And then pause time. The timing of that is also so good. Yeah. So good. And that's when he tells him he's fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. Yeah. Something I like to say in my day-to-day life.
Um, but so what Wesley did was spent years building up an immunity to IOK powder and poison. When you're the dress pirate Roberts, you got to do that, which I wanted to ask you guys, cause I think about this when I watched it. So we have to assume that because there was a hit out for her life.
and like the the the community the mercenary community yeah do we think that that's how wesley found out that it could be her yeah i think so because all of a sudden he just makes sense that there's like this woman that's being like do we think he knows that it's her i always i always ask this of people like do you think that he already knows it's her or does he discover that it's her but because he's the dread pirate robert's character he doesn't give anything away I think that he knows it's her. I mean, how many... He knows that it's her later, like once he's seen her. No, no, I'm saying, but how many people are named Buttercup in this world? Yeah. Kind of a crappy name. I don't know if he would have like, you know, put her name out there. Yeah. I don't know.

Wesley and Buttercup's Reunion

Yeah. Yeah. Well, because they say the princess buttercup. The princess buttercup. Yeah. He says that being the best anyone could possibly say that name. Yeah. Buttercup.
um Yeah, so he rescues her and then um she recognizes him as the Dread Pirate Roberts, this scourge of the seas and the man who supposedly killed Wesley and she's like, um you know, I hate you and he's like, you know, Wesley didn't beg for his life, but he simply said please and I respected that about him and Then she gets mad and she tells him, does she tell him to die? Is that what she says? She says, I died that day! But then she says something to him when she pushes him down the hill because he says as you wish. And and you can die too for all I care. She pushes him down the hill and he says, oh can I tell my other fun fact? I have a fun fact. I have a fun fact.
So the scene where the two of them are talking at the top of that hill, yeah um in where they're kind of having their like back and forth before it gets heated and she pushes them off.
he um is at one point you see him like kind of sit down weird with his leg out. And yeah he broke his foot that day on set and had to do the entire day on a broken foot. So if you watch it again, pay attention because you can kind of notice that he's like, he kind of sits down weird.
And he's kind of, he gets up weird. So he's kind of bearing his weight weird on his foot. But it's because he, he broke his foot that day on set. I don't remember exactly how he did it. But maybe rolling down the hill. It might have been rolling down the hill. It might have been just running around. But yeah, yeah, his foot is real broken. And he just kept going. You can definitely notice it. Yeah, he was, he had a rough time on the set of this movie from what I remember of his book. There's another foot.
um and i'll tell little later
ah future funta
Oh man, I'm gonna get replaced on this podcast by you. Never, inconceivable. mom Yeah, so what happens next? Yeah, so they- They roll down the hill hilariously. They both roll down the hill. Hilariously. To which Charlie went, I'm sorry, wait, what?
oh does Does Charlie have no magic in his heart? Is that a problem? My favorite part is when she she tumbles herself a couple times and then slides down. yeah You can see the stunt woman is obviously stump people pushing herself down the hill. yeah That's my kind of comedy, people. like yeah whoa It's so obviously a stunt person. yeah And then they get to reunite and it's just, they're both, their chemistry is just so good. It's just palpable. So good. When they have such good kisses and they just, their love is just, they're just so great. yeah
And then they're reunited and then he explains that he was kidnapped by the Dread Pirate Roberts and then over the years um He ingratiated himself to him and they're welcome um well Yeah, they're going to the fire swamp because the prince is oh, yeah Also, we should point out the prince and Count Rugen and their men are tracking them they and the prince is like the best tracker in the world and he's like there was a sword fight here and um So Idigo and Pizek both get away. like They're gone by the time the prince gets there, but he's gaining on them because they're on horseback and they're they're tracking the princess. And that's when you find out that the prince hired these men to kill the princess. So he can get into a war with with Gilda. Yeah. And because he's in love with Christopher Guest. Obviously. yeah That's the undercurrent guest. Obviously.
and this This is where we learn that Count Rugen Christopher Guest has six fingers. Yes, we see because he um they go. So Wesley and Buttercup make it through the fire swamp. We get a hilarious bunch of just terrors, which is the the like the fire going poo poo poo spurts up um and then the quicksand and then the R

Fire Swamp Journey

.U.O.U.S. is the rodents of unusual size.
um They certainly are of unusual size. They really there are. They really are. um And then they make it out of the fire swamp to only be backed into a corner by the prince and his men. And um at butter then they're just like, they're about to shoot Wesley and Buttercup's like, I just can't let this happen again. So she's like, just promise he'll be okay. I'll go with you.
I think that's the thing is like, you know, when we're talking about her not being the best developed character, we still get these moments of seeing her like complete bravery. Like exactly when she tries to escape it, she jumps into ill infested waters. And yeah, willing, even if she's scared of the fire swamp, she's willing to go through it. And then she like literally sacrifices herself for the man that she loves. Yeah. And I think that although she's not a fully well rounded character, I feel like they at least give her agency. Yeah.
Yeah, and I appreciate that. She has to get saved a lot. She has to get saved a lot because that's the trope. Yeah, but she is. She's a little bit... But she saves him? Well, she thinks she saves himself. Yeah, she doesn't actually. The one thing we skip over real quick is that he says that the Dread Pirate Roberts decided to retire, and so Wesley took over the mantle. So he's not the original Dread Pirate Roberts and they're... From amendment? Come upon. Yeah.
It was kind of fun. It was kind of fun.
so So the Red Pirate Roberts is more of a title than an actual person. Yes. And then they get ah captured and taken to the castle. And then we check in on the brute squad. Well, she gets she goes off with him. And then he's left with Christopher Guest, where they're like, yeah, we're definitely going to drop you off at your ship. your ship And he looks at Christopher Guest and goes, poor men of action.
yeah just tell Just tell me the truth. yeah Also, he has his fingers on him and someone's looking for you. And then he gets knocked out and eaten his next future fun fact, which is now in the present.
For ah for Carrie always second melody that I at least know of is Christopher guest in that scene is actually knocking him out That is serious actual actually getting knocked out and they decided to keep it once he was okay They were like hey, so that one was really good cuz like you actually passed out. Could we keep that one? Yeah, and he went yeah, that's fine because what happens is he hits me with the the hilt of his sword on the head. Yeah, I But he he I mean accidentally i that hump that you hear is him actually getting knock but fuck out and jesus christ he had he it has andre as well It's not good to get not conscious like they that have some TV shows and movies, but it's like really bad for you to get back on yeah and that i not
He's like historically like mortified that that happened. yeah yeah um We should point out that I have been knocked unconscious by a blow to the head of either of you. Wait, how are you knocked unconscious?
so go to kill beautifulness
soho i was here island yeah We must know that I didn't see it. Caitlin has leaned out of frame so she can't be seen for years and years to come. I just want want to know that this is about to be like character destroying destroying for me. No, no, no, no. Caitlin, what did you do? This is in our old apartment and I'm doing laundry in the basement.
and I don't know if you all know this, but Katie's very dramatic also. so i think they know that the boyfriend wolf moment this know This is like 55 episodes in. I think they know how dramatic I am. yeah um So I'm going downstairs to do laundry. Caitlin, I think you're cooking. I'm making dinner because our friends are going to come over. oh that's We're having so many people over. yeah yeah yeah And so the laundry room is terrifying in this old building. And the ceiling is super low. And not only is the ceiling low, but there's this big cast iron pipe in the middle of the room that is hanging down chest level. And I'm a tall person, but even if you're not tall, you have to be careful of this. I do want to know that I never hit my head on this pipe.
Well, I only hit my head on it once. But like you you you would probably have to to duck under it. like It was in the middle of the room. like It's not even. It's tiny. Yeah. It's true. um And ah so I guess what happened, I was moving i was getting a little carrying laundry and I hit my head on the pipe because what happened is I woke up on the ground.
um and Oh God. I don't remember. I don't remember hitting my head. I remember waking up on the ground with like the clothes basket on the floor. And I have no idea how much time has passed. I have no idea how long I was out. But I go upstairs to Caitlin and I'm like, Caitlin, I hit my head on the pipe and I knocked myself on unconscious. I think you should check me for a concussion. And she goes, you're fucking fine. Go sit down.
um like and no know jump up with like I don't know can you like shine a light in my eyes and see if my pupils dilate she goes in a minute I mean to be fair To be fair, Charlie has done something very similar to me, but it is because I i have played the um the person that cries wolf. So like I fell once while running and I called him and I was like, I need you to come get me because I hurt myself. And it was like a scrape. And he was like, I'm up.
right But then I fell again, I think a few months later, and I had like, I scraped up my chin, I landed with chin first scraped up my chin, I'm gushing blood walking from the center on Halstead to our apartment in Lakeview. And all I have is, um like, stuff from musical therapy, like promo stuff for musical therapy to like,
through a whole lot of time. And I walk up and I was like, Charlie, can you come meet me? And he's thinking that it's the same situation. Yeah. yeah It was not like, well, she made up the stairs like if she'd never showed up again, obviously I would have been worried and I would have gone and found her lying on the ground I don't know though you were real you were you were real distracted with your with your cooking and I have no idea I could have been out 30 seconds I could have been out 15 minutes. I wanted to want to know that I've been first to train and think about these situations but you have to stay calm so when she sat down I went and I checked her eyes and I checked her home which there wasn't one and then we just had to make sure that she wouldn't you know what would we wake her up through the night and I did all of those things. That's fine.
It's what brings us together today. Okay, meanwhile back ah meanwhile back in the country the kingdom of Florin. yeah um ah We check in with the Brute Squad. Inigo is waiting at the place where they were supposed to meet Fezzik and he's drunk. He told me to go back to the beginning. And so I went to the beginning. Was that Inigo?
yeah to go I'm not sure what voice that is. And the love, of the platonic love of his life shows up and nurses come back to health yeah and a whole area hilarious that he falls first into. And they get, and and then Wesley has been taken prisoner by Count Reugan who is, ah well first it's the, it's the Albino.
yeah uh who is he straps him up uh and is hooks him up into this machine and uh is torturing him um by sucking the life force out of him and he's like i just took a year off your life um what are they trying to get out of it torture you know but what are they what are they trying no i think it's just sick torture i think he just enjoys torturing yeah it's like his kink yeah and uh the Prince Hopperdink just lets him do whatever he wants cuz he's into it. Yeah he likes to watch him. Yeah torture people So count reading goes there to torture him. That's what they do together And then and it's supposed and then kills him basically ah That's when Fezzik and in they hear the script the screams Extreme sorrow extreme sorrow
And by they find him, he's dead, and then but they know of- They think he's dead. Well, he's mostly dead, but his heart's not. He's mostly dead, which is a little alive. Yeah. yeah And they go and find miracles Miracle played by Billy Crystal, and his wife, Carol Kane, which is just, it really steals the movie. I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. I said that all the time.
many how many come in chris in old age makeup uh is as uh as miracle max who can bring him back from the dead and And there's a long scene about them debating how much he's going to be paid for bringing him back to the dead. And that's when his wife comes out and screams at him. Well, because it can only be for a noble cause. Yeah, has to be it has to be a noble cause. And he says, well, they're like, he said true love. And he's like, no, he clearly said, too brave. yeah Which as we all know, which everyone knows and it's a bluff. We all know this movie too well. Too brave. Too, he clearly said, too brave.
to blame lot of drew I read, I think, saying that like Rob Reiner had to leave the set when Billy Crystal was on there because he couldn't he could not laugh and ruin the take. You can definitely see Mandy Batica laughing in the movie, too. Yeah. Like, yeah I think, oh, he's gonna be this blade of Because I also imagine that Billy k Crystal made this shit up. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I bet this scene wasn't even scripted. They were like, here's just the general idea. you the her not Just go crazy. You're gonna wear this ridiculous makeup. Have fun. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. yeah um So they bring him back to life, but he is all flopsy and can't move his arms and legs or head.
Uh, for basically the rest of the movie. Um, pretty much.

Comedic Castle Infiltration

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, so the two of them, and this is when they become the best friends. Um, they, um,
They have to like puppet him around and take him everywhere. I love when he's turning his head. Yeah, his head keeps falling over and then he can move his head. Incredible, scenic. Physical cognitive comedy. And like the best bit, which is when he's like coming up with a plan with the three of them and he's like, oh, what I wouldn't get for a wheelbarrow. Oh God, a wheelbarrow. A holocaust. sitting look What like? What does it look like?
about a
you like okay Oh, yeah. And also one of my favorite lines from the movie when they when they leave miracle backs waves at them have fun
Yeah. Amazing. It's so, oh god. It's so good. It's a fucking masterpiece. Like we also, we took some movies when we watched it the other night. At one point, Katie was taking notes, like religiously, and then one point I looked over and she could not write anymore. I was like, you've written a note in long. Like listeners of this podcast and definitely Emma know that I'm a lightweight. Yeah. Yep.
yeah um yeah But yeah, at the I was like, is this is this the best movie ever made? Like, I don't know, man. Yes. Yes. It is. It is. It's so good. yeah Anyways, we got an hour fifteen into this. It was a long one. I knew it was going to be a long one. Yeah. Oh, I knew too. and And so they storm the castle. They come up with a plan. Like they scare off the the soldiers at the front. They get the key. They get in. They split up. In you go. Soon you will not be here.
yeah inigo goes after count rugen um which is so good because he's so scared of him yeah once he knows why he's there he's like oh shit it's like uh because he's a coward at the end yeah because he runs immediately yeah he doesn't have the honorable duel that wesley has with him yeah like i think in him with such good friends but like inigo's like he gets he closes that door and he can't get through and he's like he's like jeez please help me and fe like he's dealing with flopsy and he puts flopsy on and then he goes over and he bangs open the door for his best friend so that he can go and he thanks him like these are men that i feel like i was raised by like i'm like yeah can we imagine if men were this good yeah like yes but right if only he was like it's about like there are terrible men and then there are like some good men who are willing to like
I don't know. Do anything. Yeah, I have honor. And then there are some men that think that this movie is just fine. It's really disappointing, you know? It's a real downer. It's like, how many more times can Amanda disappoint me this year? I don't know. I will tell Charlie that you said that. Oh, man. He's going to listen to the episode and I'm going to get text messages about it. It's really funny. And there will be no apologies.
um um apologize No man anymore stand behind this podcast 100% women don't owe you shit my name stick around my stanley Oh, yeah, so i just mine's got a ghost ghost
Anyway, so then we get the very emotional, very beautiful duel between Inigo Montoya and the Count, to which you think for a hot minute that Inigo Montoya is down because the Count immediately is like, boom, stab. He throws a dagger out of him and gut stabs him immediately and he's like down for a little while. Yeah. Offer me money. Offer me everything. Yes, i have anything. Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. But spoilers.
he went doctor Yeah, it's so good.

Inigo Montoya's Duel and Resolution

And again, um but yeah, it's contrasted with this. Yeah, it's contrasted with this other fight, this like honorable sword fight where this other thing is is is Rugen is just like, he he takes him by surprise, he runs away, he sucker stabs him.
Yeah. And Inigo Montoya basically uses the willpower to overcome his several stab wounds. Yes. And finally, and takes him out. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. And he deserves it. He deserves it, yeah. um Meanwhile, Fezzit goes to get horses. Yes. And Wesley, the skate, Wesley finds Buttercup. Oh, the wedding. He skips the wedding scene. Oh, yeah.
how which has been lost for five seconds, but it's necessary to make that character comedic. We had to have it. It's a great Peter Cook, who I'm sure Charlie is very familiar with, very famous British comedian. You didn't recognize him there. Dudley Moore and Peter Cook were like a comedy two bill.
He is the the the vicar or the bishop or or whatever and he does a speech impediment which is probably ableist but it's very funny. Yeah, very funny. He's taking forever to marry them and so Prince Humperdinck is like rushed to the end and they skip the most important part um so they're not actually married but he doesn't know that.
And Buttercup goes to ah the the bedroom and Wesley is sitting on the bed pretending like he can move when actually he can't. And so he has to... Gently drive away! And so he has to like um con Humberdink into... He gets one of the best monologues of all time. He intimidates him. Yeah.

Fred Savage's Interruptions and Story Queries

yeah wrong yeah and oh your Because he can't fight him I mean like he's he he'll get killed if you if he actually tries to fight him he has to He has to intimidate him and use Humberdings cowardice against him. Yeah, which is also something we've kind of skipped over but there's several points in the movie where Fred Savage stops the action to talk to Peter Falk and Um, one point where they're kissing and he says, is this going to be a kissing book? I don't want to, ah you can skip over the kissing parts. Um, and then there's another one where he's like, so when Prince Humperdink dies and Peter Falk, like, you know, he spoils the movie and he says, well, he doesn't die. He lives. There's like, what do you mean he lives? When Wesley dies. Oh, no, he says Humperdink. Yeah. Oh, Humperdink at the end.
No, no, no, at the beginning, in the middle, like in the middle of the third act, Fred Savage says to Peter Falk, like, well, Humperdink dies, right? Like who kills him? Who kills Humperdink? And he's like, no one, he lives. Oh, about that. Yeah, so, and he does, like he runs away, he gets away. No, I think he like...
I don't think he does. No, he does. He does? Yeah, he does. Yeah, they all just leave him there. Because the whole point is that Wesley wants him to be found so that everybody knows his cowardice and knows that he's the worst. Yeah. And so they just all go off and they ride off into the sunset.
yeah um literally uh fezix found some horses i love when she falls out the way they jump out the window onto the horses and he catches her and they're just yeah so cute yeah yeah and she looks so she looks like a baby she looks like a doll yeah i know um and then they they and then they're about to do the kiss and he goes and you know that's the end of the book and he goes and Fred's average is like maybe there could be some kissing cards yeah um And um Wesley suggests that maybe Inigo Montoya take over the the the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Grandparent Bonding Moment

And they have a kiss and that's the end of the movie. And the part that always makes me cry is when he's like, hey, grandpa, maybe you could come back and do this again sometime.
He looks, Peter Falk looks into the camera and he's everybody's grandpa in that moment and he goes, as you wish.

Charlie's Dislike and Listener Interaction

It was a storybook story. Storybook but may Great job Martin Offler. Amazing. you car I would ask for more thoughts, opinions, and questions, but I have to go to my call soon, so. Yeah, we also have to go. We went a little over, yeah. Yeah, that's okay. This was a very important episode. We had to take our time. Absolutely. The most important facts are that the movie's a masterpiece and Charlie is wrong. Charlie is wrong once again. If anyone wants to write in criticisms of Charlie, feel free to do that. Go get your girl at pot go get yourg girl pod at gmail
Yeah, he will answer all of your queries about why he hates this film. um Oh, sorry, why that's fine. wrong with him? How dare he and what gives him the right? Yeah. And if you are a lawyer, I will be taking your assistance for my divorce proceedings. And I will be the vicar going, Mel-widge. Mel-widge. It's right. Mel-widge. It's one. And not boring us together today.

Preview of Next Episode

um um amazing It is what are we doing next time Emma? Um, so it's my pick right? Yeah. Okay. So next time it's hot frosty. Oh, that's right. We are kicking. We are kicking off on Christmas month. We're gonna do Christmas movies.
yeah And we're kicking off with the um very meme-able, all over the internet Netflix. I've heard so much about it already. Netflix movie, Hot Frosty. What if you fell in love with the snowman? I'm so fucking excited. What if you saw the idea from Chuck Fingle and then decided to make a movie about it for stream people? I'm so excited. This movie's going to be everything. I'm just... Yeah, it's Lacey Chabray and Ted from Schitt's Creek.
Oh, Ted. Oh, shit. Ted is off. Oh, have Frosty. Yeah. Do you think that he's fallen off the wagon? I think that his hair longer is worse than in shit's crease. Oh, he's got long hair? Really? I think he's got a lot of hair, but we'll discuss that next week. Yeah, we'll discuss that

Thank You and Episode Enjoyment

next week. Thanks for having me. Thanks for being here. Of course, thank you so much, Caitlin, for being here. We loved having you, and this was a joy. I loved having you here, though.
Thanks. Yeah, me too, baby. I love being here. Shall we ask her? Yeah. We shall outro. It is taking forever to let me tie down. I have no idea which one of us goes first. We haven't recorded for like three weeks. Yeah. Want to say one? I'm just going to enter my question. You can say one. Why don't you read one? Yeah. I'll do the. Read one. I'll do. Oh, that whole one? Yeah. OK. Yeah.
Now? Yeah.

Encouragement to Rate and Review

Thank you for listening to Go Get Your Girl. If you like us, tell your friends, and please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It helps out a lot, and we would really appreciate it. Two thumbs up.

Playful Banter and Goodbyes

Standing in front of the internet. asking it to love us. That's never going to work. We're on the same microphone. We're never going to edit that together. No, it's fine. That works. That's good. We'll have fun. Yeah. Love you. Bye. And I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. Bye.