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Dirty Briefs with Alex Hooper
Why I'm Quitting Comedy
Why I'm Quitting Comedy

Do your teeth hurt because you've been trying to chew your way through a brick wall? The road is depleting my energy.  Feeling unnoticed when I'm working so hard is taking a toll. Sometimes, we all need a break. Maybe licking the fruit can be just as satisfying as eating it. 

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Find Alex:

Website: https://www.hoopercomedy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hooperhairpuff/?hl=en



86 Plays
9 months ago

Do your teeth hurt because you've been trying to chew your way through a brick wall? The road is depleting my energy.  Feeling unnoticed when I'm working so hard is taking a toll. Sometimes, we all need a break. Maybe licking the fruit can be just as satisfying as eating it. 

Are you subscribed to the pod? If not, what are you waiting for? Subscribe now so you never miss an episode!

Find Alex:

Website: https://www.hoopercomedy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hooperhairpuff/?hl=en


