Drugs For Christmas

Most people spend the holidays with their families and loved ones. Me, I spend it by myself, tripping on a heroic dose of psychedelics. You don't need presents. You need PRESENCE. Find out why the greatest gift you give yourself is a rocket ship through the deepest parts of your psyche. 

Note: I am not endorsing drug use of any kind. So shut up, narc.

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Find Alex:

Website: https://www.hoopercomedy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hooperhairpuff/?hl=en



65 Plays
9 months ago

Most people spend the holidays with their families and loved ones. Me, I spend it by myself, tripping on a heroic dose of psychedelics. You don't need presents. You need PRESENCE. Find out why the greatest gift you give yourself is a rocket ship through the deepest parts of your psyche. 

Note: I am not endorsing drug use of any kind. So shut up, narc.

Are you subscribed to the pod? If not, what are you waiting for? Subscribe now so you never miss an episode!

Find Alex:

Website: https://www.hoopercomedy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hooperhairpuff/?hl=en


