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Jim and John review Georgia’s 41-34 loss to Alabama.

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Our punt return record was wiped out within the first few minutes. Yeah. On a negative four-yard return, by the way. It was a negative play for Alabama. So can we hold onto that and say no one has returned a punt for positive yardage against Brent? There we go. There we go. There we go. I like it.
Welcome to My Gotta Podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I reviewed Georgia's 41 to 34 loss at Alabama. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and which stood out to us during the game.
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All right, JP. So, um, the longest winning streak, regular season winning streak in the history of the SEC comes to an end. Um, you know, usually kind of start off with a just as we predicted kind of joke, I will say by the end of it, it wasn't, I mean, obviously we predicted a win, but yeah, we, we predicted kind of like a heavyweight fight. Um, certainly didn't look like it was going to be one in the first quarter. Uh, but by the end of the game, it, it was.
Yeah, I would have to say that if we went back and looked at the analysis, um, you know, at a time we did not have, I did not have a Rocky heavyweight fight in mind. Um, I didn't, that we were going to be playing, you know, a Rocky, a Rocky heavyweight fight against the Russians or whatever. Right. What's, what's the, what's his name? And that maybe, I can't remember where he gets and gets his butt whipped for a while. And then finally,
i yeah Drago, that's what I was yeah Yeah ah Yeah, it didn't look it didn't look great for a while I we watched the game from a friend's house quarter and I did and We were in there and and he was like making he's he's a tech grad and so he was making jokes like I wonder what other games are on
My dad texted me because I, you know, uh, I've got a couple of things that I'll admit that I texted people during the game, but like I was texting with my dad, you know, when it was, when it was 28 to nothing, I was like, I was just kind of like dumped out and didn't know what to say. And he was like, well, at least like my heart rate isn't out of control. Like it usually is during a Georgia game.
So yeah, that's that's kind of how it was. Not great, Bob. Not great. Not great. but That was another quote that his wife was like, how are you feeling, John? um Not great. Not great. No. um yep ah Basically, like everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. I mean, to sum it all up, to sum the evening all up, are our punt our punt return record was wiped out, um, within the first few minutes. So yeah, on a negative four yard return, by the way, that like, it was a negative play for Alabama. So we can say, can we hold onto that and say, uh, no one has returned a punt for positive yardage again. There we go. There we go. I like it. So we're going to move the goalposts just a little bit. I feel like that's fair. I feel like that's fair.
Other than that, I was going to say you you mentioned where you were watching the game. We did. We did watch. So, you know, we usually watch like on the porch. um We did it inside. ah We had to watch inside because we couldn't be outside when I couldn't. It was pain being outside with Munson. So a lot of stuff happened after we recorded last week. and Had to take Munson for surgery unexpectedly on Wednesday of last week. He was scheduled for one for two weeks out, but we had to move the date up.
Um, so that happened and then we had the hurricane and all that fun stuff. So like school was canceled Friday. Um, Munson we're, we were dealing with his stitches and everything. And so he's not supposed to be, you know, exercising moving. Uh, and we had one incident where the dog next door was outside and he took off barking at him. So he was already munching. Uh, so we had to watch the game inside. Uh, we did do Ponda's famous bean dip. So we had the bean dip. Um, Lily was at homecoming. So we did, we did have that. She did the dance was still on.
And I was supposed to be texting her updates, by the way, during the game. And we got down 28 nothing so fast. I kind of forgot and like texted her at one point. I was like, sorry, you don't want to be following it anyways. She's like, it's OK. I got updates on my phone. But then the only other thing is, ah you know, we didn't do the pregame run because everyone was like, don't do the pregame run. um So we didn't. And Kim told me in the morning, like when we didn't, although she didn't really want to do it either because she was getting some flack from her friends.
um But she was like, if if Georgia loses this game, like we're gonna we now like we have to run. She's like, okay we're gonna have to run like every Saturday, like for the rest of our life. And I was like,
So I now have to do a Saturday run with Kim in perpetuity, apparently. We did try to reverse the mojo by, we really did. I know like Bossdog asked on Twitter if we really went for a run at halftime and we did. It was a very short one. We did like a half mile. It was like the half mile loop around our block. So we did do that.
I mean, you know, who knows? It seemed to have helped. It was a second half performance. It was a second half performance. So I mean, I, uh, I packed up an entire wardrobe change, which I did to execute a little too late. Um, yeah, I just, I remember sitting there. It was 28, nothing. And I was like, oh shoot, I need to go change. I should have changed earlier.
I did. We did change it. I changed it to halftime after the run. I ran just in like what my game day or dire. Um, it was very hot and muggy outside. Uh, so we got home and and changed for a second. So yeah yeah, but yeah.
Yeah. Carter and I watched the game at ah at a friend's house and that was, um, yeah, that was, that was fun times. Um, it was good. It was good. It was good. Enriching, enriching time, but, um, it was not ideal to be in the house with, uh, someone that is actively rooting against, against UGA, but he was, he was, he was pretty quiet most of the time. Got it. But, down um, our, the running joke was, Hey man, there's still time. Yeah.
it's early There's a lot of football left to be played, but he was saying it. He was saying it facetiously every time they would score. He's like, don't worry, him man. There's plenty of time. Right, right. Yeah. I mean, it turned out there was. the only my My major regret from like ah online interactions is never tweeted out the ah the Kirby calm the F down gif. I think we all could have used that in the first quarter, ah myself included. Even though apologies to Hunter and John, because I think I kind of went off on them in ah in the text right at one point because I couldn't take negativity. because I was so negative and I was like, I need everyone else to be positive. yeah Sorry, guys. Sorry, guys. Someone, someone be positive so that I don't jump off a cliff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that was, it was definitely, it was definitely a a brutal first quarter leg.
I mean, literally the worst start to a game for a Kirby smart team, right? Like this is this by far the worst because because yeah in the in the end had we won, um which if you'd have told fourth quarter John that if you'd have told first first quarter John that fourth quarter John was going to be in a good mood, like,
I would have said that's insane. And it would have been insane. and It would have been a ah historic insane because no no top five matchup like that had ever had that big of a comeback. And it would have been the biggest to comeback in UGA history too, right? Yeah. I mean, I think so. i ah You know, the the biggest that I, and I know there was that Outback Bowl one, but I would say regular season. I think so. I think so.
yeah It would have been the definitely the biggest comeback in the history of college football between two top five teams, I think is what they were talking about. Yeah. And it just changes. It changes so much. Like, I mean, just like through the flow of the game, right? Like, well, first there was the game day. I think you called it like Saban's retirement party. Like game day was just kind of weird.
I was so weird man and we can back up and talk about that too like the Dave Matthews commercial just threw me for a complete loop my whole mojo was like wrecked for the game for the day when I saw that commercials like what is happening why is Dave Matthews on a mountain top sunset, tinged in crimson, playing a piano slow song. And then all of a sudden, it's just a montage of UGA versus Alabama, a historic rivalry, um which we've we've talked a little bit about that on the on the preview that this is not a rivalry, guys.
um But it was, it was literally just B-roll footage of Kirby Smart and Nick Saban. And they showed Kayla DeBoer one time for like a split second. And it just had this vibe of, I texted you, I was like, I hope we were at Nick Saban's retirement party. yeah Like his wife, his wife was the guest picker. Yeah. You know, they showed him, they showed him in that in that booth and in the suite more often than they showed Taylor Swift on the NFL game.
Yeah. yeah it was It was crazy. It was crazy. Yeah. It was weird. Um, and like I was pen like early on, like things that were going through my head. I mean, when they jumped up 20 to nothing, I was like, was Saban holding Alabama back? Like, you know, and like, I think West Blankenship tweeted, like, the only thing I've learned so far is that it's hard to replace, harder to replace debts in Bennett than it it is to replace McSabin.
I didn't see that. That's hilarious. Yeah, that was a good one. That was a good one. That was a great tweet. I need to go and find that one. um kudo so Yeah. Yeah. So, but that, I mean that, like, i that's definitely something I texted people was like, I would say that, uh, I would say that the, the, the actual tweets should have been, it's harder to replace Brock Bowers and lad McConkie. Yeah. Yeah. True.
Because we are sorely missing some playmakers on the offensive side of the ball, which I guess let's start there. Right. Like let's just let's just jump right in. Yeah. So like right. I mean, right off the bat, I will say like there's there's two things that happened on each of the first two drives on Alabama's first drive and our first drive. So what we win the toss defer, right? we We kicked to them. Like we which is perfect we and we stopped them. Like we stopped them. We got them off the field.
But we although it's I mean, it's kind of hard to say because I guess it was a free play situation, but we're offsides um and we stop them on their down, force them to punt. But we were offsides. So they got, you know, they get a do over. They convert. They go down and score. So we had them stopped in the opening drive, um but we gave him a second chance on the penalty. Then we get the ball back to match and like right off the bat. We saw there was the game plan was different. I think that's I think we can confirm that now, like we had been asking, like, when are we going to see the vertical passing game?
are they're holding things back? Why is everything so lateral, et cetera? And when we came out throwing the ball vertically, first play completion to Dominic Lovett, you know, down the field good over 10 yards, there's a first down on the first play and was like, and I was like, Oh yeah, here we go. Like we're finally getting vertical. We'd love it. Let's go. And then I didn't let some mistake. And I'm pretty sure it was second play of the game shot to Arian Smith. He dropped it. And then it was like,
It was like that one play like just took the sales out of everything, you know. um And from there, everything was a benefit disaster, ah at least through the rest of the first quarter.
I mean, I think that, um, yeah, was it, was it third down or was it, was it a third down play play to Arian Smith or was it second down? Cause I'm looking at that first drive. It may have been, I think it was a first down play because the first play was a first down. and The first play we gained a first down on first down. So I think it was the second first and 10. Okay. Yeah. So it was, it was the second play of the game. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
I mean so you know Bobo throwing the ball downfield on first down like that's the kind of thing we've been asking for and he did it and it was there it was there Aaron you know I mean he I mean whatever I mean it's the fact like he dropped he dropped the pass like it was there hit him in the hands I mean, honestly, I think that the, if you want to talk about where things kind of, where the cracks started happening was, I mean, the third play of the game. So the first play of the game, we, we, we complete the Dominic Lovett for 15 yards. And then you have the Arian Smith play. Yeah. Um, where, I mean, you can't ask your quarterback any, any, you can't ask your quarterback to do anything other than to put that, put it, put the ball in a position to where only the receiver, your receiver can catch it. Right. Yeah, yeah that's perfect.
It was perfect. He put it on a ah ah dot as Carter likes to say, he dotted it. yeah yeah um And it just went straight through his hands. like it's that That play has been a play that has progressively getting closer and closer. You'd like to see it eventually hit home yeah pretty sooner rather than later.
um But that play was incomplete. And then Trevor ATN had a ah had a pass play and and he fumbled it. yeah remember that That was the play where he fumbled the ball and Dylan Fairchild just happened to be there. yeah That was the symptom. That could have been another turnover right there. That would have been another short field for Alabama.
True. And then from from there, the next play is an offensive pass interference, which, by the way, like, can we talk about offensive pass interference? I have rarely ever seen that called more than once in a game. There's three times, right? Three times. Once in a two point conversion.
And honestly, the first, you know, not to say we lost the game to the officials or or whatever, but like even the first one, I mean, I mean, did Lovett push off? Like, yes, but he he totally did. But I guess it's kind of like one of those. The second guy gets the flag. You know, usually that's for like a personal foul after the play dead ball kind of thing. But I mean,
He was being held like crazy and it looks like he got frustrated and so we shoved the guy off of him. um it To me, it should have been offsetting. It should have been defensive holding and off offensive pass interference, replay the down, in my opinion, but what do I know? That was one of the most physical games that I've ever seen yeah in and on the boundaries. like yeah the wide receiver defensive back battles across the board because UGA was not immune to that. Um, we had a couple of situations that Alabama fans have like totally whenever, whenever you talk about holding your passenger parents, they, they were bringing up screenshots and videos of of our holding place. And we definitely did. I know the one there's that, well, there's ah at least the one that was really bad, um, ro is on seven and like, yeah, I mean, he totally did. Like, I'm not gonna, here's the difference, John, we can admit.
when we commit it and say, yeah, you're right. Okay. Now move on. Let's keep having the conversation. Right. Um, but yeah, the, all, all of that was, you know, you have the fumble, you have the, the offensive pass interference, which is a drive killer. So you go from third and six to now it's third and 21. Yeah. And that set up, you know,
Brett Thorsen to kick off to or to punt to the 17 year old. Yeah. um And he he lost. He proceeded to lose four yards. So there was a return. Yeah. A return. A return attempt. A return was attempted. But it was for negative yards. correct yeah And then like from there, then it was just like, we couldn't do anything on offense. I mean, you know, so they go down in the score and then everything just fell apart offensively. Um, I mean, we couldn't do anything. I mean, 20,000 getting so far behind and it's like the defense is tired, dead tired because they are, offense couldn't stay on the field. I mean, the defense spent like the entire first quarter on the field.
That was, yeah, that's exactly and is exactly what I was concerned with as well. Let's see, what was it? Two minutes. We had the ball for two minutes and 21 seconds. Then we had the ball for 53 seconds. Then we had the ball for a minute and 29 seconds. And by the time we got the ball again, so we had the ball what? A minute and 30.
Uh, call it another minute. So two minutes and 30 seconds, four minutes, almost. We had the ball almost five minutes, um, before it became 28, nothing. It was 28 to nothing at that point. And we'd only had the ball from five minutes. Yeah. Yeah. It was absolutely wild.
Yeah, it was crazy. Um, I think everybody was, uh, yeah, it was definitely full on meltdown mode. Um, literally nothing went right. And yeah, everybody was, everybody what was just circling the drain right on, on what the heck was happening. I mean, shoot, I'll admit it. You know, we we' were asking questions on at what point do you make a decision to bench Carson Beck? Yeah. Um, I texted it. I'm not going to lie.
I mean, know there there was a lot of questions about that. Like, what are we doing? Like, why is, what is, what is going on? Like, you know, I don't remember throughout all those different, you know, possessions um that we just talked about or if it was later in the game, but like, it felt like that we couldn't, we could literally do nothing right. Nothing was happening.
Um, we, we could not, we could not do pre-snap reads, right? Where the, the biggest thing was for me was like, if I'm Alabama, I'm sending, what do they call it? A zero, zero blitz or whatever, uh, or cover zero or whatever it is. Like just, just send the house on every single play because we could not figure out the fact that there are 10 guys in the box. Someone is going to be opened.
Yeah, yeah. like Yeah. there the the the whole kind The whole concept of like, let's stop doing the things that are not working and start trying some things that are that can work. And it felt like that Carson just forgot how to play car quarterback.
What would my kind of like hindsight question and thing for the the coaches to be introspective about is, you know like I said earlier, it was ah to me, I feel like it's pretty clear that we were saving stuff for this game. right like We were saving. We didn't see us, especially not early in the game. Every game, right it was like start off ah wide receiver screen left, wide receiver screen right, edge you know runs, all that kind of stuff.
and we start off throwing downfield. Yeah, we were saving that for this game. We thought that's what was going to be effective and it wasn't on tape. But my question is like, OK, but like maybe our team would have been better off like getting reps doing that in a game before we go into Tuscaloosa to take on Alabama in a top five matchup.
So, you know, maybe if Ariane Smith has been getting those balls early in the game, he's more prepared for it um because he's certainly caught on late in the game. I mean, you know, he definitely bounced back. um You know, had had a touchdown catch. um Shoot, he was our leading receiver in the game, right? um So I don't know. My devil's advocate would be that they're they're repping those against one of the top defenses, allegedly one of the top defenses in the in the country. Right. um In practice. meaning in practice. Yeah, they're they're doing they're running those reps against the defense that held Alabama too. But ah well, I remember it was like we we had had had held them to 12 points at one point in the fourth fourth quarter. And then they they they scored late. But but yeah ah I mean, we the defense shut them down after the first quarter. And if you were looking for things to blame, I feel like that the defense is not the one that we should be you should be looking at. Yeah, yeah um not saying that you are. But I'm just saying like,
right That defense that they're repping those reps against in practice is elite. um The only reason that we were behind the eight ball is because the offense was so inept and was basically just you know impotent for two three quarters of the game.
Yeah, yeah we we started off punt, pick punt. Those were our first three drives. so so Yeah, I mean, you're talking about it's ah it's it's a tie ball game, basically, um in between the the first and the first quarter and the fourth quarter. it's a ti basic All and purposes, it's a tie ball game. Yeah, that's the thing. If we could have done anything in the first quarter, and right if you do anything offensively there, it's going to overtime. Right.
yeah order Or winning. Or better. Yeah, yeah. And I think, and that's the thing. 14 of those points, 14 of those points were off of incredibly short fields from the stakes that our offense put our defense in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, yeah. I mean, the defense, the only thing I'll say about the defense, um, we had questioned, like, are we, we were, like, pressured Millrow, get him off his spot, uh, make him uncomfortable because he doesn't deal well with that.
I actually like it again hindsight is twenty twenty if we were too aggressive with no row worse and so much at him. He had an answer for everything i mean because i dare they had someone like just wide open. and and yeah yeah He would just throw it right to where the bullets came from um like at least early and on those first four touchdown drives to go up twenty eight other i mean.
we'd get we'd get pressure and there'd be someone in his face but it's just like it didn't matter you know because he threw the wide open receiver yeah so um i watched when when you rewatch the game like that's what you expect a senior leader and he's he's a senior right i can't remember what is what no room if he's a senior or junior or whatever yeah i don't believe he's a senior i think he might i think he's a junior i'll double check That's what you expect your offensive leaders to do when you're a Heisman finalist or whatever, a Heisman candidate level quarterback. um That's what you expect your Heisman level quarterback to do, is to find where the find where the opportunities are.
And from a coaching standpoint, one thing that Alabama did with a lot of success early is, you know, I was watching Brooks break down the film and, you know, I hadn't had a chance to look through everything. But in the brief moments that I did, I had to like walk away because I was so frustrated that Alabama seemed to be able to do this and Georgia seemed incapable of doing it. And it rests at the feet of the quarterback. We talked about it before the game.
As Jaylen Miller goes, so does Alabama. As Carson Beck goes, so does Georgia. What happened? Yeah, ah definitely. Monroe had the game of his life and Carson Beck had the, I think, I don't, wasn't this like a career high pass? Like it's not that he did like terrible in the end, but like at the beginning he wasn't there.
Yeah, no, it's the turnovers. I mean, you, it's, it's the turnovers. I mean, he threw for, he threw for more yards than Millrow did. Um, yeah. Four hundred and 39 yards and three touchdowns. I mean, like, if you had told me that was, I know you'd like to do that. What if I told you, you told me Carson Beck was gonna go for four 39, three touchdowns. I was like, heck yeah. Like how much did we beat him by? Um, you know, but then it's like,
Oh, and by the way, he also had three interceptions and the lost a fumble. Like, Oh, I mean, you know, ah we said, um, the fumble is the one that yeah fumble, the fumble and the interception that he threw when we were on our five yard line are the two the two series that I look to when when we're talking about like, okay, um some of those so sometimes you just have situations where players make plays, right? Like yeah the interception he threw at the end of the game. I could make an argument for you that Colby Young didn't help him out in any way, shape or form on that last play of the game, basically.
um Colby Young is a large human and he did not use his body in that instance at all in a situation where it is very clearly a play that is designed to be a contested catch and he didn't contest it at all. yeah You could argue if it was a bad throw but the cornerback didn't have any problems going up and getting the ball. like Why didn't he try? Like, I don't know. there's yeah I mean, I think, yeah, it it was on the throne, but I get where he's, I get, I get where he's at. But going back to the, like the the beginning of the game, like his fumble, his fumble was probably one of the most worst things that I feel like he is, he is currently in this, in a scramble mode. He is running away from a defender.
your job as a quarterback is to secure, is to secure the ball so that that doesn't happen. And he did not secure the ball. Yeah. Um, the, the interception when we were on backed up into our five yard line or whatever again,
um I am not 100% clear on whether or not that was the wrong route that Arian Smith ran. It seemed like Carson Beck was expecting him to be running a slant that he didn't run, but it looked like it was supposed to be a tunnel screen maybe or something. Different pick. That was the first pick. That was the first pick. The one you're talking about was the second pick.
And I'm on the second pick. So second drive of the game, I think was the one where like the tunnel screen. um Right. The other one. The other one was like we're down. yeah They had we're down 20 nothing or no. At that point, it was 20 to seven, 20 to seven. We get the ball back. And so you're like, holy cow, like 20 to seven. We get to the balls. We get the ball to start the second half.
We score here. Holy cow. We're only down 14 and we've got the ball. and Then first play of the game or first play of that drive was a pick. and That was like a stare down the receiver. um then we get the Then Dan Jackson gets the pick back, but it was just that he caught it you know yeah intercepted it inside the five, which led to the safety. so That's how that whole sequence went.
Um, I will, I do briefly just since I had, since I mentioned his name, I don't, I feel like you, we have to call out Dan Jackson. Dude had probably the best game of his career. Um, yeah and he was a leading tackler for Georgia in the game. And he had an interception. Uh, Dan Jackson came to play on Saturday night and there were other guys that did too, but he really, he really held his own. Yeah. I remember. So on.
On one of Alabama's early, early plays, um, if you go back in and watch the replay of some of the early plays that that Alabama had there, Brooks did a great job. If you, if you want to look at something that has all the film and all that stuff, Brooks first five minutes of his video will probably make you angry, like I did, but then, you know, watch it and you'll understand like why things were the way that they were in the first quarter. The good news is, I guess, from a coaching perspective, the silver lining,
is that the the defense and the our coaching staff, at least on the, well, obviously on the offensive side, we we figured things out. Yeah. Don't let any Alabama fans tell you that they took their foot off the gas because they were running trick plays all throughout the game. Seriously. um Going for it on four down trick plays. They were no foot was taken off any gas. Sorry. Keep going. Right. So, and and even Caitlin DeBoer was trying to rally his troops saying that this isn't over. This isn't over even when they're up 28, nothing.
And they're taking pictures and laughing on the sidelines. But you you watch those early plays and I'll start with i'll start with the explanation with you know what Brooks was saying was that one of the things schematically that Alabama was doing with a ah significant amount of success was that they were moving people from one side of the field to the other and it was creating numbers problems for our our defense to the point where the defense was making no no changes. They made no shifts when it was very clearly all of our defenses shaped to this side of the field. The offense just moved their people onto the other side and they have a numbers advantage on the play side that's eventually going to go.
They did that all through about the first quarter. When they were when we were when they were running their offense, like what was happening when they were moving those players over was that it was re-establishing a new edge. And the new edge was now a problem for UGA because all of ah all throughout this all throughout the season is that we have trouble establishing an edge.
yeah like you've got to establish the edge on this guy, you can't you can't lose contain, blah, blah, blah. Well, the problem is, is that when you move the the edge, it changes it changes the dynamic of the play because all of a sudden you have a numbers advantage on one side of the field, that edge becomes irrelevant.
Yeah. um And you could see them running those plays over and over again at the beginning of the game. I haven't, like I said, I hadn't gotten to the end of the game, but obviously we figured some of that out as the game wore on. Unfortunately, ah again, the offense put the defense in some tough spots, but they eventually figured it out. And I think they even went from a 3-4 or a 4-3 to ah they they actually had a different scheme in the second half that Alabama was very clearly having struggles with because they couldn't do anything. I mean,
Yeah, the second half and the second half, no both points like 11 point. Yeah, it was totally. And it was totally flipped. Like you said, like there are fourth quarter was basically their first quarter, but they've mixed the score and although it was on the last play of the game or their loss, whatever, before they knew that.
I think, um, here's what, here's what kills me about that. And like Kirby has come out in a minute, like we had a listener question from, uh, Jonathan DeGuell. I'm sorry, Jonathan, if I'm not saying your name properly, uh, I hit me up the pronunciation guide. Um, he asked us like, how was Kirby going to outcoach Dabor?
And I'll give Kirby and and and staff credit on in-game adjustments. You know, we figured stuff out. We didn't, you know, I do say like sometimes he can be stubborn. And I feel like we did make adjustments in this game to shut things down. So kudos on that. What's disappointing is that we had two weeks to prepare and we were not like we were not ready for what they were doing. And I think Kirby has come out and said they were doing things that we didn't haven't seen on the film. Right. And it's like, well, yeah, I mean, they had two weeks to prepare.
Um, and he also, I mean, and he said, he said after the game, like, you know, we weren't ready at the start. I'm going to, I'm paraphrasing. I'm not going to get exactly correct, but he was, you know, basically 21 nothing. He was like, you know, we weren't ready at the beginning of the game and that's on me. And like, I agree. Like, uh, that's, that, that's the hardest bill to swallow of this. We flipped the script, we turned it around and I mean, the last,
The sheer entertainment value of this game was off the charts. I tweeted something about like that may have been one of the best. I think I said the best. I was whatever day after trying to be a little bit happier about things like that's one of the best regular season games of college football e he's or at least SEC football that I've ever seen. um and It's hard to think about that kind of stuff when you when it's a game that your team lost.
But I mean, you had like everything in that game. You had a 28 point lead that got totally wiped out. The last two touchdowns of the game were both one play drives, ah you know, of over 50 yard passes. Ours was 67 yards, theirs was 75. I mean, the game came was nuts for like the casual fan that has no reading interest. That must have been amazing to watch. Um, and I'm going to guess for an old band fans. It's amazing to watch, but whatever.
That's what my buddy was saying was that he was at the end, he was like, that was a good game of football. Yeah. yeah And it was, it was, I tried to not not lose sight of that. You know, when we play in a great game and lose like, yes, it's, it stinks. And yes, I was dejected.
Although even though sorry, just that game doesn't matter. Um, like I, I try to think but i kept telling myself too. Yeah. Yeah. i But I do still try to think like, man, I just saw an awesome cultural plugin. Like my team lost, but that game was amazing. Um, and shout out Ludikit when I, when ah he replied to my tweet and said like,
That was the best football game that Georgia lost that he remembered since 2005 Auburn. And I totally agree. That was another fantastic game, horrible ending, but another great game. So i I try not to lose sight of things like that. And that was a heck of a football game. It was, it it lived up to its billing. I'll say that.
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree that we we eventually got to the game that we were expecting. That's a good way. and good Yeah, it it eventually it eventually got there. But the way that we arrived there was um quite painful. Yeah, and I think that if you replay that game nine times out of 10, I have a feeling that we get more ah we get a game that is more like what we saw towards the end where it's a tight game. like yeah I mean, I agree. At the end of the day, it took four turnovers and a safety for Alabama to have that result.
Yeah. Four turnovers and a safety. And we still had an opportunity to win the game in the fourth quarter. Like, if you told me, hey, JP, it's going to be 28 to nothing. You got four interceptions or four turnovers. And oh, by the way, you gave up a safety as as a carrot on the on the top of that. I would have said, oh my God. Like, what what was this score? 75 nothing? Like, what was it?
The worst worst loss in UGA history. No, it just came down to we we had the ball inside the 10 yard line and ah with an opportunity to win the game first down was the first in goal.
Uh, we're at like the 20 first angle. We're the 20. Okay. We were in the red zone, which by the way, but we'll have cooked up a lot of great red zone plays all all throughout the game. So, um, I like our chances. I like our chances in that situation to, to win. Um, fortunately it didn't turn out that way. Um, like I said, we, we just talked about that earlier. I think that there are things that the quarterback could have done better.
it it had It had shades of 2012 SEC Championship on it. Like we get down to the we can get down to the goal line and something terrible happens. Yeah, there's a couple of things like um strategy wise. I will say one thing. i I don't like, I know, and I'm sure some analytics people be like, or I don't know what Josh's thoughts are on this. or like I don't understand why we kept going for two, honestly. like I don't know that there was ever a need to go to two for two. I mean, like the first touchdown, it was, you know, what 28 to seven. I mean, it's a four score game. No matter what. I just, I don't like chasing points. Um, and my ultimate point is, um, at the end of the game, Georgia had 34. If we'd kick, kick, just kick the extra point every time we would have had 35. If like Alabama would not have been able to go up by seven at the very end of the game.
Ultimately, it did matter because we threw a pick, but like it at worst, it would have been 41 to 35 and probably would have been 40 to 35 because they wouldn't have gone for two to go by six. ah Maybe they would have, I don't know, to force us to make an extra point or something. But like either way, Georgia has the ball to win at the end if we never go for two, if we just kick it every time. So I don't know. That's a get off my lawn. I don't like going for two. and So that it's like right at the end.
as As we'll probably mentioned a few times, but the the devil's advocate there is it was halftime and it was 30 to seven and we we were 15 to 30. Um, later in the game. Yeah. Um, at that point that's, that's two, that's two touchdowns and you know, two point convergence. So like that, you know what I mean? Like, yeah.
Yeah, but that wasn't what the score was in the next time. Like the the other one where we went for two was we were trying to make it a 10 point game. So because it was it was a 12 point game, we tried to make it 10. But I know I have the benefit of hindsight. um Right. But because it just we lost the time. I feel like he was thinking at the time, I feel like he was thinking that points may be hard to come by later in the game, which Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I get it. I get it. I just like hindsight. Like you said, hindsight is 2020, but you certainly would like to you would like to allow them to not tie it up. Yeah, again, I get it. It didn't matter. The other the only other thing was in like, again, this is definitely like Captain hindsight thing. Man, like that last did the one play shot play to Dylan Bell. Do us in like what if we
That like if there was ever a time to do a Kirby death march with a touchdown at the end of it to win the game That was a time Never never give the offense back to Alabama. So whatever. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, you know the Kirby death marks. Yeah. Yeah We 52 seconds left. Yeah Yeah. I mean, we scheme up, we scheme up. Well, no, at that point there was, so when you score it, you score it 52. Yeah. fifty Right. We scored in 52 seconds. When we got that ball, there were, uh, two minutes and 42 seconds. We got the ball. Um, and you know, we had a, we had a one play touchdown drive. If we take some time off the clock ah again, hindsight, but although it it has to have zero seconds on the clock. Apparently with considering the play they ran.
Yeah, I was about to say like, we kind of kind of got it. So we scored the touchdown. And then Alabama scored on one play the next the next time. Yeah. And then what what happened after that? It was the current three death marks. Yeah, it's true. and at the end of the, at the end of the game, when we got the ball back, I think that they realized, oh, like we need to, we need to put this thing together. And he did like, we carved them up like a hot knife through butter for 11 plays. So was this 55 yards? Yeah. And, you know, I mean, a minute and 35 seconds, we were in a hurry up situation, but like we got 11 plays off in that drive. Yeah. And we, we still had four more potentially on, on the plate, but we,
only or three more on the left on the on the on the field, but you know he threw hit through the interception on the first play, which, by the way, like like talking about the comparing the 2012 game, that's exactly what happened. So if we're ever in this situation again, dear Bobo, like fade to the back corner. but Can we just not do that?
that's what he tried to do in 2012 too. Like we got to the line and we tried to call the first play. We could have spiked it and thought about it but like the very first play when we got close was he tried to throw he tried to throw up a fade. They thought they had something in the back of the end zone. They thought they had something in the back of the end zone with Colby Young which frankly I think was a pretty good play call had he thrown it right and put it in a position where Only his receiver could catch the ball because good Lord or dude like that's another thing I would like to talk through is that for three quarters I was screaming at the TV. Why aren't you throwing the ball at the lost and lucky? Anthony Evans and What was the other what was the other one Jim? They don't know I think is we don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like oh Why aren't we targeting these guys more?
um throughout the game. And we did. but We started doing it. Yeah. one ah One of our touchdowns literally was all three of them combined for the touchdown. but Yeah. I think that was, I think that was Cass Jones, Aria Smith. No, that that wasn't it. But anyway, I was just looking at one of the drives. but um we We we put together a drive that I've been begging for all season long all all game long and frankly the last two games when Kentucky because lost and lucky was a ghost and in the Kentucky game and Yeah, I mean I hate to say it but like I'm not sure what's going on with Oscar Dell and Carson Beck and I
I don't want to sit here and blame NIL, but it's hard not to notice that the players that are flashing all of the bling, for lack of a better description, are the players that are struggling on the field right now. yeah And Carson Beck and Oscar Telp, frankly Tate Ratlidge hadn't been having that great of a season before we went down, but You know, all those guys are wrapped up in, are wrapped up in all this NIL stuff. Nate Frazier has also been on some of these and some of these, and he is, he's not he didn't he didn't even a factor. did he i don't I haven't looked at like snap counts or anything, but I don't remember him being in there at all. I know he didn't get a carry. I don't, I don't think he saw the field. um Right. Yeah.
there there There are players with high caliber um high caliber you know parade all-American type stuff, whatever you want to call it. um you know there're They're highly regarded, first round draft pick caliber people, five star recruits, people that we had a social media campaign, dump of the dog, whatever. Those guys need to start playing up to that caliber that I know that they can. i mean We've seen flashes of it in the past.
but Um, until that happens, I feel like you got to start like, we got to start asking questions of some of these guys. Like, are you the right person for this job? Like Lawson, lucky. And, you know, to, to to quote the coach theory, the moment wasn't too big for, for him. And it wasn't too big for some of these other guys, let them play more. Yeah. I mean, to me, I feel like Lawson, lucky needs to be starting tight end. Um, so we.
I do remember at one point I texted Josh, ah like 13 personnel because there we did have a 13 personnel play. That's one running back three tight ends. But anyways, I don't remember it actually doing doing it so great. But yeah, no dude. yeah mean and like But the the Georgia offense, like you know like what are we going to see from here on out? Maybe we get the into this more when we preview the next game. but like What are we going to see? like that That was the thing. and I know we have some questions about this, so we'll definitely get into it. like What is our identity kind of thing? so Maybe we just talked about that in the next episode. but i i felt like I guess my hope is we found our offensive identity when our back was against the ropes and in this game, and we saw it for throughout the rest of the game um until literally the last i mean you know last interception.
um I feel like we we found it. Can we can we keep that going forward? I mean the two the different the difference of where we are now versus at the end of the first quarter just on not only like narratives but also like what you can say to your team.
um I mean, this, they did, they did show me a lot. Um, and I don't want to get in like moral victory type stuff, but like a lot of teams would, would fold, um, and lose like you were saying earlier, like, you know, 52 to nothing or 52 to seven or, or something. Um, I mean, these guys mean had the lead. We took the lead in the national championship in the bowl game. Like, exactly. Yeah. I mean, yeah. So they showed, they showed a lot of fight and theyre like, and I definitely started busting out all the Kirby sayings and texts at that point. I was like, we just got to keep chopping. Yes, you did keep chopping. Yeah, exactly. You just got to keep chopping. They did keep chopping. And they did keep chopping. They did. They did. I feel like they need to do more with assume nothing. I think they need to assume nothing more. And I will say maybe the only thing at the very end to go back to a rigged one, we did not finish the drill.
Uh, we had it right there and I mean, you know, I, again, like you said, this game isn't on the defense and I don't think it is, even though we fell behind 20, nothing. I think that had a lot, the the defense eventually, eventually adjusted, but also we're not down 20 to nothing. If we can do anything in the first quarter.
um But like it's like you know you can only hold him for so long. i mean Williams, like that's what he does and it was going to happen eventually and unfortunately to us it happened twice. i mean He had two circus plays. That kid's good. the one The juggling catch and then the one at the end, dude his body control is insane too. like His spin moves after he catches the ball.
Uh, as, as impressive, he's, he is, uh, that kid's good and they're going to have well very clearly, he's very clearly one of the best wide receivers in the country. And I would say that, you know, arguably he's a better wide receiver than Travis Hunter. is Yeah. Yeah. I think that's fair. He was, he was impressive. He was as advertised. He was as ever. He was as advertised and he was seven. He was definitely still 17. Oh my gosh. How many times did they say that? Whatever the over was. Like if you were playing a drink every time, if you were playing the Ryan Williams, a 17 drinking game, like how was the hospital later? Like it was. Yeah. I mean, I think that we get it.
we we We played him about as well as I feel like we could have. I mean, yes, he torched us on two run on two on two plays, but beyond that, um yeah he was fairly really quiet. I mean, you say beyond that, what it took was um it took Frankly, Milrow underthrowing a ball, which our cornerback basically overran, and he was just better prepared for it and better positioned to change his his run and to to go up and catch the ball. he Hats off to him, great catch. The other one is literally you run that same play nine times out of 10.
a deflected pass are you kidding me and he somehow pops it up in the air it had prayer it had like totally reminded me of like the prayer at jordan air like yeah like nine times out of ten that's an incomplete pass um it just happened to be on on this night that they got they got it when they needed it and it's it is what it is but those two plays beyond that like yeah he had some great great passes but they weren't like they weren't backbreakers like you gotta you gotta to prevent the backbreakers on that guy and i thought we did a pretty good job otherwise i mean they definitely and if you go back and listen to the preview or you know from our preview like
We talked about that mill row is gonna have to find other sources for for passes because basically almost almost 80% of their offense was two wide receivers and That definitely panned out for one of them at least. Yeah, they they did they did spread the ball around a lot They they actually did more like what we usually do. You know, I mean they he threw dead I I forget how many receivers but it was a lot. I Yep. Yep. It, uh, it was, it was not ideal. They had the field goal guy come out there at one point. I mean, I was positive it was going to be no good, but he that and like that was another one, like the field goal. Yeah. Um, yeah.
Yeah, ah I think that um we learned a lot about this team. I think that they're still kind of meshing, particularly at several positions where we've got hurt guys. I mean, one player that's hurt, which, you know, sorry, I don't i don't make the rules, but apparently when one of your better players is hurt, like you the the loss doesn't count. oh it doesn't count Um, I, I've been really excited to see what he's got, but kids, kids been suffering from mono. So he didn't get a chance to go out there. That's one of the wide receivers that, um, that I would would look for. Um, because he was showed out against Clemson. I lost you just for a second. So just in case London Humphries, you can keep going. Yeah. Yeah. Did I not say that? No, you did. I lost you for a second. Keep going.
Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, London known phrases is not out there. So I'm sorry. I thought your, your, your wind is invalidated from using one of our better wet receivers. Sorry. Our fast, our exciting whites. were We're down. We're down too many exciting whites. Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to Trey. We need, we need the high quality crackers. Oh man.
Uh, Dan Jackson has entered the chat, by the way, Dan Jackson. I don't think I finished the, my, my Dan Jackson, uh, diatribe. So i'll I'll use this as the opportunity, but again I don't think I finished that. Like the first few plays of the game, like you could see that Dan Jackson had done his homework because in one of those plays where we were talking about moving people around and they're resetting edges and all this kind of stuff.
And you could see from the snap, wide receiver went into his motion and almost immediately, Dan Jackson was downhill on his ass. Sorry, Carter. And just came in like a heat seeking missile. And that's something else that I'll talk through. I don't think I saw Dan Jackson miss any tackles.
um That is probably one of the more concerning things if I had to like pick on the defense. Yeah. um We missed tackles left and right. We knew that this guy was shifty, Milrow in the pocket. You had to bring him down when you got home and we got guys in his face. We just couldn't get him down. You couldn't keep him in the pocket. and he absolutely murdered us on on those escapes which we know like this isn't our first rodeo with this guy um just can't let him let him get out of the pocket like that and when he or the running backs or ryan williams like whoever it was like we were missing tackles left and right
and That is probably one of the most concerning things that I have. And I think that the announcers even mentioned it on, you know, some of these replays like, man, this is just a sloppy play. Just not are used to seeing this many missed tackles from the Georgia team, Kirby smart coach team. um I'm not sure what it is. I saw Malachi Starks lose.
Lose ah lose some money in this game because as great as he played from a like I thought that he we we had coverage on most of these guys like I mean even the Even the the long touchdown pass. I thought that it was good coverage. We had decent coverage on the long plays It was those short intermediate ones where they I guess early um I don't know I felt like a lot of it that where the guys were just wide open But yeah on the deep balls and we were we were kind of there other than that that wheel route.
some of those things that we were talking about where the guys were open early I are schematic things that we just did we adjusted that we adjusted later in the game like that's what I'm saying like we would we would send a guy we would send a corner blitz on
And the Ryan Williams his first the first thing is the first play of the game. um We sent a corner blitz in and that guy was for whatever reason we've sent the corner blitz from from Ryan Williams and his route was, you know,
He was doing a go route, but I think that he he was looking back and and was looking at the at the cornerback and what he was doing. And he immediately changed his route. like That's what <unk> what Brooks was saying. like when when When you see the wide receiver looking back to see what the situation is, he was looking to make sure that the cornerback was continuing to go and he just stopped. yeah He stopped and he was wide open. And Milrow saw where the corner was coming from And immediately knew, I've got a wide open pass here. I don't want to throw it. like that's what That's the kind of stuff that they were doing. like We were trying to throw wrinkles and pressure and outside, keep all that kind of stuff that we want them to do. He's just making a good play. And some of those were going to happen, but those ah those eventually dried up. And to the point where if you go back and look at the final drive,
Um, you could see, you could see it in his face that like Milrow, Milrow was like, you could see he was months in a hardcore on the Alabama sideline because he was not comfortable. And he was a far cry from the jokester that was laughing and making comments. Like, um, I don't know if you remember, what was, what was the game? Maybe it was 2020 when the Florida quarterback was like,
we're gonna we're gonna kill these guys we're gonna we're gonna score at will whenever like you could see him mouthing things on the sideline when we were getting absolutely torched by florida and that's kind of what that was what was happening on the sideline in alabama but by the end of the game things had shifted a little bit and he was not nearly as comfortable now after the game he was quite comfortable barking at everybody and all that kind of stuff whatever but yeah Um, he was definitely John at at people at the end of the game. Um, I have a feeling that just like the fourth quarter comments that they're going to remember, they're going to remember how they were treated at the end of this game. And I got to remember, um, Ryan Williams, Twitter profile picture too. Uh, did you see that? Uh, he changed his profile picture to a picture of Michael Vick holding a dog.
That's right. So yeah. Yeah. And any, did any, any he busted up the dirty bird. Yeah, which that doesn't really make sense, but whatever. Like that doesn't have anything to do with it. I don't think so. I thought he's from Alabama. By the way, I, I looked this up earlier to answer and forgot to sit. Milrow is a junior. Sorry. That was like a while ago. Yeah. Yeah. So unless, unless he decides to cash it in, um, which if I wish him probably, he's gone after this year. Yeah. I mean, I would think he would be. He seems to think he might be climbing up the quarterback charts based on how he's performed against one of the better defenses. So I guess we got to wait till the season ends, but I would assume. Um, okay. I want to, one thing really quick and then we can go back. I do want to say, uh, you extended your lead in coaches over unders. Uh, so, um, you went five and three and over owners. I went four and four. So you extended by pick. You, you have kept chopping. Uh, so good job there. JP. Thanks. and Thanks coach for, uh, for checking those and sending over. We had a good Twitter thread going with coach on Sunday, kind of the yeah the day after post boredom stuff in the morning helped us a little bit. So thanks coach for that too. Yeah. Let's just say that the this loss feels a lot different than some of the losses in the in the past of similar caliber.
Yeah, I agree. i I did want to bring up, um this is you and I were texting about this. um like Some of this is like me joking about um regular season games don't matter because of the playoff. like Honestly, I do feel like that has helped me cope with this loss. I mean, if this happened a year ago, um it would have been much more devastating for me. I don't know. That's just kind of my feeling. I mean, i mean you know Alabama lost at home to Texas last year, made the playoff. Granted, that was a non-conference game at the time, but I feel like that's helped me a little bit. It still doesn't matter if it's a conference game.
Yeah. Yeah. Um, but I think the other thing was I was going to read a tweet that I saw, um, and sorry, I'm trying to pull it up. So it was a, you know, Val on Twitter. Um, okay. This is, was kind of what, um, I texted to you about this to tell you to help me talk through this. Um, it was, she said, some people have forgotten what it feels like to lose.
She said some people forgot how what it feels like to lose and it shows we've been spoiled and blessed as a fan base Being a dog fan is a lot like a marriage through good times in bed and sickness and in health for better or worse I'm here for my dogs till death do we part? um I do think you know Like I think a lot a lot of us and I was definitely doing it in the first quarter when we were down 20 to nothing Um, but we have forgotten what it's like to lose a regular, regular season game. Um, and that's where I feel like the whole, like, even after the loss, I do feel like some people still need the Kirby common F down gift. Uh, we witnessed the longest regular season firm. Yeah, we, we witnessed the longest winning streak in regular season SEC history. We hadn't lost it. I mean, we went 12 and oh, three years in a row. Um,
We're we can't do that forever. We're going to have to lose a game eventually. um So yeah, I know it was bound to happen and would have felt a lot lot worse if.
It just kept going the way the first quarter did. I don't know. It would have felt worse. Um, you know, in your defense, like, I feel like the, it's not so much that we forgotten how to lose. We just have gotten to the point where this particular matchup is of elevated importance for reasons that are unreasonable. Um,
It's gotten to the point where it's very similar to the Georgia, Florida rivalry during the Rick years, like, and, and frankly, even before that, you know what I mean? Like, it's like, we just can't figure out a way to beat these guys. And that's like, this is fortunately for us, like, this has been against ah a team, you know, until this year where they were in another division and, you know, couldn't ruin a season for us on, on something like that. Like the Florida games usually were, which is why that's a rivalry and this isn't, I digress.
um Yeah, but the yeah, it's just, it's just that we had to lose that way to those those guys again. um Josh, doc stats put out out a metric today, which he's put out a lot of numbers that can help some folks kind of, um frankly, might not might not help you if you're on the The, the offense is awful um situation, but, um, they were our numbers. Nonetheless, one of them, uh, one of the numbers that you put out there was the four losses against teams that are thrown, um, more than that was at nine yards.
per attempt or something like that. um Anyway, ah all four of the losses, three of them were to Alabama in the last several years here. One of them was Florida in 2020. And you go back and look at all of those losses against teams with good quarterbacks, basically.
um Our turnover margin in those games was 11 turnovers. yeah if you Across four games, you're throwing 11 turnovers, i mean much like this game. Four turnovers yeah in one freaking game.
that's a significant amount of turnovers against the team that we historically have had to play virtually perfect against. And we still had a chance to win this freaking game, guys. yeah like I cannot stress enough that the coupled message there is that you know if we don't turn the ball over half the time, we probably win that game. yeah yeah we If we If we just execute, yeah yeah it's I mean, shoot, just forget all the other turnovers, like the last turnover. Like if we don't throw an interception on that first down, like I like our chances of winning this game, running away, like walk off. Yeah. um Yeah.
We got our asses kicked. We got our asses handed to us from from the bell, and we still figured out a way to Rocky these guys up. Unfortunately, we weren't singing about Adrian at the end, um but that's that's the way the cookie crumbles. At the end of the day, um I like liked what I saw from this team towards the end. There are definitely red flags all over the place. Josh, I know, I see the numbers, I see everything.
I have a feeling that this team is slowly coming into itself. um And I'm just going to ask everybody to just wait and see. Because fortunately for us, Jamie Milrow is not going to be trotting out for any of the remainder of the regular season. And I will like our odds against a situation like that.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you. I'm right with you. They, you know, again, they, this, this team, um, they showed us their resiliency and know that's one of like our, our team's pillars. Um, they definitely got that. So, you know, you never know how a team is going to respond. And like I said, it would have been easy, easy to say, you know, this game is over. Um, but it wasn't so.
My hope is is that this isn't a game, and this is something I'll be looking forward as we roll forward, and maybe this is a good caveat to you pivot to the and next episode or whatever, but um to turn the page, if you will. But my hope is is that Carson Beck, if I'm Carson Beck, I'm probably pretty upset that that's the way that it ended. I like the story arc of him coming back in that situation and not throwing and that last interception. But to even get to that position,
to overcome like what had to have been just such a difficult like head game for a kid that has had had the rain had had the opportunity to take the reins and wasn't able to take them earlier in his career. He's fought through adversity at the University of Georgia. And last season, we came up a little bit short as well um to do it in that fashion.
to be against those odds and to be in a position to win in the fourth quarter. You talk about things like confidence builders. I hope that he doesn't have a backtrack as a result of this game and I hope that he can look mentally at the positives.
And I feel like that the support there was exhibited by the head coach at the end of the game when he made it a point to embrace every single player as they walked off the field, which yeah I'm hoping is a confidence building situation. I don't know of any, I haven't heard any of the recordings of any of the things that Kirby said after the game, but um like in the locker room and that kind of stuff. I'd be curious to know what he said both at halftime and at the end of the game.
Right. Yeah, for sure. No, I agree. I agree. And the other thing to think about um is at the end of the day, this may have just been a game one of a three game series this season. Yeah, it's possible because we could play these guys two more times.
I will say, uh, so Brett McMurphy, um, he used to reflect CBS. He's like at action network now or something, but that was his take. He said, you know, that was game one of a three game series. And he actually had, uh, his, in his AP poll, he's an AP poll voter. And on his ballot, he put Alabama, number one, Georgia, number two, which I thought was interesting. Chip tower says Georgia at at eight, by the way.
but whatever. So yeah, so we're, what, I don't even remember what we are. We're fifth, I think. Um, yeah, which is frankly a lot better than I thought. Yeah. I mean, I don't know, man, not to get on a rankings diatribe, but to me, like if beating Georgia is so impressive that it vaults Alabama up to number one, like we shouldn't be dropping too far because that's illogical to me, but whatever.
Carter was Carter was getting wrapped around the axle, um, at our ranking. He's like, gosh, how did we drop the five? I was like, carter those numbers are monopoly money. Like yeah it doesn't, it literally doesn't matter at all. Yeah. They mean that means even less than regular season games.
Yeah, exactly. Josh is totally gonna text me. We've already been texting. I think, uh, I think that, um, I don't know, maybe, maybe it's maybe it's three dimensional chess that, uh, we're, we're trying to angle for the perfect spot. Third place in the SEC. That's right. Perfect spot. It's the sweet spot. All right. And what it is, um, yeah, you know, we got Auburn, Auburn comes to town, uh, homecoming, right?
Yeah, it is homecoming. Yeah, it's so weird. Yeah, which is crazy to think about. Yeah. um but um We got homecoming coming up. um I'm hoping that this will be a level set situation and we can further home that offensive identity, which I don't know. I don't know that I'm prepared to answer that question right now, but I feel it feels like that they're figuring it out on the fly, um which you know, unfortunately some of these big games had to happen in the in the beginning of the season as opposed to the end of the season. so
It is what it is. We've got more big games coming up. I have a feeling that that we're going to see what this team is made of the rest of the way through. Um, yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll meet between the hedges this Saturday and you know, we'll kick off homecoming with the, with a good party and, uh, we'll take it from there. Amen. Amen. Well said. Go ducks.