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Massachusetts Preview | 2024 Georgia Football image

Massachusetts Preview | 2024 Georgia Football

S5 E179 · My God a Podcast! A podcast for Georgia Bulldogs
275 Plays3 months ago

Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Massachusetts and answer listener questions.

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Introduction to the Episode

I mean, I would prefer to go to another Tate gate. yeah
Welcome to my got a podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I previewed Georgia's matchup with the Massachusetts Minutemen. We talked through what we're looking for in the game and we answer questions from you, our listeners.
As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at mygottapodcast. Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to slash dogs. Now let's join the conversation in progress. We're back. We're back.
Another, there's another there Georgia football preview, uh, for UMass. Are we going to refer to them as UMass or Massachusetts? I think, it's I think UMass is, uh, it's how they prefer to, uh, how they prefer to refer to themselves. Okay. I feel like that's easier off the tongue than Massachusetts is a lot.

Persistence in Sports: The Wood-Chopping Analogy

Yeah. I mean, we could call them the Massachusetts agricultural college. Oh, spoiler alert. Yeah. But, uh, but yeah, uh, I think UMass works. Okay. Okay. We'll call them. We'll call them the Minutemen. The The Uh, the Minutemen. Yes. If we were playing the the women's team, it would be the Minutemen. Huh. Interesting. Yeah. Which I thought was interesting. That is. That is. Another spoiler.
All good. Um, yeah, man. Uh, you know, we just chatted last night. Um, but, uh, I don't know a a big one this week. Although, Hey, playoff implications. You gotta win.

Bourbon Sidebar: WhistlePig Piggyback

Uh, we're in, you know, gotta of keep, gotta keep on winning. Yeah. You gotta keep chopping. Gotta keep chopping for sure. You have to chop down the little trees just as much as the big trees. That's true. That's true. I, uh, I don't know if you have a bourbon. Um,
I don't have one currently. i um I was coming in hot from a, from a date night with my, my youngest. I've got one. I haven't poured it yet. Um, you know, I, I, I didn't have anything that I could make like related to this. So I've got the, uh, whistle pig piggyback sitting here, uh, six, six years. That's a ride, right? right Uh, no. So that's the thing is like, usually I see whistle pig rise out and about yeah this one is a bourbon here. I'll hold it. I don't know if you can see it, but this one actually is a bourbon. So okay that's why when I saw it, I was like, Ooh, I never see their bourbon. So.

Georgia vs UMass: Past and Present

Normally, normally the whistle pigs are, uh, are the rise. They are there. So, which I'm not really, I don't know. Everybody's the, the, the riser. I don't know. There's, there's, there's too many good Bourbons to worry about the rise right now. There's definitely some really good rise that I've had, but, um, I haven't, I think I've had the piggyback. I don't recall how I felt about it, but, um, it tends to be, tends to be a pretty, a pretty decent one from what I understand.
Yeah. Yeah. It's a, it's a good, it's, this is a good bourbon. I enjoy it. Um, but yeah, I'm like you, I don't, I don't do much with the rice. so Um, I don't know. i Um, like more use them for like mixed drinks. So, um, they tend to be a little harder for me. Make it for, yeah. They they definitely intend to be harder. Um, usually a good for making a SAS rack. Yeah. The one that I have, uh, is the, the Buffalo trace SAS rack, right? So I've got that one. That one's getting low actually, but.
There's one, uh, there's a good ride that, um, I would, I would love to get more of, but, um, it's like $200 a bottle. Uh, the midwinter's dram is starting to hit shelves and hit the the socials. that I'm seeing people post pictures of, um, the midwinter's dram. Is that when do you got up at the Southern spirits one time when you're up here or am I making that up?
That one, the one that I got at Southern Spirits was, uh, the, um, crown, it was the crown royal, um, okay winter, winter, winter wheat. That's right. Okay. Um, so it was Canadian whiskey. Um, similar ish, but, um, the, the midwinter's dram is one that John, John Smith tends to refer to as Christmas in a bottle. Okay.
Cause it's, um, finished in port barrels and yeah, it's, it's, it's,

UMass Trivia and Traditions

it's pretty good, but it's also very expensive. It's also very difficult to find. Okay. Okay. Got it. Gotcha. All right. Why don't, why don't we get the run run down the matchup, um, for these guys. So kickoff 12 45 on Saturday, uh, Stanford stadium dogs coming in eight and two, six and two in the sec sec schedule over obviously.
UMass tough season two and eight on the season um Dogs are number eight ah In the polls and UMass is not ranked um The game is on SEC Network in my head. It was on SEC Network Plus, but it is not it's on actual SEC Network 1245 we've got Dave Neal max Starks and Ashley Shammari and And, uh, Dave Neil is going to give me like Jefferson pilot. but say this by This is Jefferson pilot throwback.
Yeah. One of the three days, uh, we'll be, we'll be calling this game. Uh, so it will definitely feel like that. And the official hashtag is abiding by what we're calling them. Hashtag UMass versus UGA. Um, all time series record. Do you know what the series record is? And then you, I have it written down. Don't look, I didn't look, but I believe that in my research, it was, we are one to know. Correct. Correct. Do you remember when the one meeting was?
2018, as I recall. Yeah. Yeah. So 50, uh, 66, sorry. I don't have my glasses on. 66 to 27 win back in 2018. Um, they, you know, they put up a lot of points. Um, they had that receiver that like went off on us. Uh, he went kind of crazy in that game. So yes I barely remember there being a guy that was quite problematic for us.
Yeah. Yeah. And I am, I'm blanking on what that, that guy's name was. And now I have to look it up and I can't find it. Oh, well, that's okay. Um, it'll hit me eventually, but yeah, from, from went off or from was like perfect and then got pulled. He hardly played. So, uh, Isabella Isabella. Yes. I think Andy is Andy Isabella. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Yeah. He went nuts. He had like a 75 yard touchdown catch in that game. It was crazy. i He went for 219 yards and two touchdowns. Ooh. Yeah. Yeah. That is wild. I don't know what happened to him. Is he still in the NFL? I don't know.
I actually looked at that today. um he did He got drafted like in the second round um and then I think he kind of bounced around a bit. I think he was most recently with the Steelers is what I saw, but I don't believe he is with a team right now. the fighting The fighting Lamar. Yeah. Yeah. Well, let's ask Lamar like what what happened there.
All right, so let's see if you're going to be there at the game looks like actually really nice weather. So like a high of 60 with the kickoff at 1245. Looks like it should be a nice ah sunny day in Athens. ah So it should be beautiful out there for those who are able to make it. So um which I.
As of right now, I don't think we're going. So that is the plan to stay back home this weekend. We'll be back in Georgia all over the place next week. But yeah, we're going to have you have you decided yet? I think you were up in the air. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm going to try to I'm going to try to head up there today today. I'm going to try to head up there.
Cool. Cool. Awesome. We'll enjoy. Enjoy. All right. Uh, I know, I know you, you hit a couple of the fun facts. Do you have any, you have any other ones for us? I do have some fun facts, Jim. Um, did you know we're playing the number

Historical Insights: Georgia's Songs and Yells

one team in the country? I did not.
The number one men's basketball team in the country. No, this is the number one team in the country. They're the right number one for for on campus food, ah which I thought was quite interesting. um It is interesting. They they're they're one of the top one of the top public universities in the country.
Um, but, uh, I noticed and in the, in there by the numbers on their website that they were ranked number 1 by Princeton review for the best campus food. Um, interesting which yeah, I guess they use a lot of local ingredients and whatnot. Like, anyway, I don't know how 1 becomes the number 1 ranked, um, dining hall or dining facilities, but, um, I mean.
That's that's a lot. That's a lot of cream rising to the top kind of situation. You're like, it's better than it's better than snowing. I know. Right. Yes. I'd like a patty melt, please. Thank you. Um, yeah, dude. Um, so I don't care what anybody says. We've

Game Preparations: Player Updates and Strategies

got a number one team in the country coming into town. Okay.
um Okay. So UMass, so the they're basically, you know, they're the flagship, the flagship university of Massachusetts. um They have quite a large research endowment. So they are one of the preeminent universities, like I said, public universities in the country. um They have a pretty significant research um situation going on more so than even their more famous, um you know, their more famous private university.
down the road, um, you know, MIT and, uh, Harvard. So, um, anyway, that's, uh, they're pretty big deal in the, in the academic world. Um, and I also know that they're pretty big on the basketball side of the side of the house. Correct. Jim. Yes. Yes. I, yeah. I mean, I remember it was at late nineties, I think. Right. It was when they were really good. Right.
Let's see here, some other um little fun facts about the Minutemen. they ah their Their mascot is the Minutemen. They are also known as the Minutemen, women for women's sports. um So if the women are, we have the lady dogs, um they are the Minutemen.
Um, there is a, there's a statue on campus, uh, near the old chapel, um, that was created by a, an art professor. Um, and it is a, uh, it is a Minuteman statue. And I guess that basically they go and the students rubbed his feet for good luck. Um, before they go into their, uh, what you call it, um, you know, go into their tests or their,
exams or whatever. So, you know, much like, you know, avoiding the arch on North Campus, that kind of stuff. That's, that's one of their good luck. Super not, not, not superstitious, but a little suspicious. Um, one of the other things that they do.

Cultural Exploration: UMass Traditions and Mascots

Um, so I guess it was, it was built, it was a gift from the class of 1950 and it was built in honor of the veterans of world war II.
yeah um d Another thing that is ah pretty popular for for them to do, well, it's a tradition at the school for every graduating class to plant a tree on campus. um And then they have an ice cream social afterwards. So they call it shovel and scoop. um So it's ah it's a pretty big deal for them.
Um, but yeah, they, their, their class plants, a tree dating all the way back to 1867, which I thought was kind of cool. It was cool. And also I like ice cream. So I'm down with this tradition.
I also enjoy ice cream. Do you think that they make it locally? I didn't go that far. I didn't go that far into the weeds. It is an agricultural college. That's one of the fun facts. you know It was founded as and as an agricultural college. um The Minutemen namesake was not one of the things that they were most known for.
or, you know, it wasn't their their mascot. um So there was there are several mascots that they've had over the years. um Chief Medawampe was a local Indian that lived in the area back in the 17th century. He was the official mascot. um He was named the official mascot in 1948.
And so for 25 years, they were known as the Redman. And, you know, it became controversial as that, you know, nicknames of that nature tend to be. um I guess that it hit the Northeast in a much swifter manner than it did anywhere else in the country. But so in 1972, they changed the name and they selected the Minutemen as the official, you know, as the official mascot, um replacing, uh, Meta Wompe.
Um, let's see here. did you um There's ah apparently there's a pond on the campus that was made, you know, they basically created it by damming up a um a brook that's nearby.
um So in 1892, they created this you know this pond, basically. And I guess that every year, there's a ah competition to to pull a team of 60 people um on on each side of the of the of the pond. they they They basically pull themselves to the opposite sides with a 600-foot rope between them.
so I don't know if it's like a and the the picture ri the picture online, which I didn't send to you, but um the picture online makes

Conference Championships: Relevance and Impact

it look like a giant tug of war situation. that so it sounded again like i was Yeah.
yeah um So anyway, that's ah it's a couple of their traditions that they do there. ah Amherst is the you know the official um you know headquarters, but they have a large extension, much like the University of Georgia has multiple multiple campuses, but nowhere near as big as the UMass network. But, um, you know, they're, they're pretty, a pretty large organization. Um, let's see here. They were founded as a land grant university, as pretty much every college that we talk about in the fun facts in 1863. Um,
They started out as the Massachusetts a culture agriculture, agricultural college, and they basically had all sorts of, you know, different, they became the Massachusetts college and You know, now they're you at the University of Massachusetts, UMass. Some other fun facts. Jim, I did send you a picture. So their campus is has a very a pretty famous landmark. um they're they have the They have the honor of having the tallest on-campus library in the country. okay yeah I had no idea what this building was when he was out. Okay. Gotcha.
Yes, so the the picture that I sent you is the W.E.B. Du Bois. or the duwa de bova yeah um we'll go to one It's the W.E.B Du Bois library and it has the distinction of being the tallest ah university library on located on on the actual campus, which I guess that that means that there's probably one

Listener Q&A: Player Performances and Traditions

taller that's not on someone's campus. But um anyhow, the though if you look at this thing, it's, you know, go to their website or whatever, and you look at the, you know, on their on their homepage, this thing sticks out like a sore thumb on their campus. Yeah.
is is huge. um um If you think about what a prison looks like, just imagine it like ah obnoxiously tall, because it looks exactly like a prison. like It looks like something that, um you know, nefarious government agencies are doing something in this building. Yeah, it does.
Um, like it looks, it looks incredibly sus as the kids would say. Um, but it definitely sticks out on, on the, uh, on the campus. So anyway, they have this giant library. Can you imagine, like, I don't know how many floors it has. I didn't go that far into it, but, um, yes. Uh, you're going to have to go down to the, you're going to have to go up to the 74th floor of the library. Right. Yeah, seriously, seriously.
Yeah, I'm used to my maybe maybe two floors style library at Georgia. All I gotta say is if, if you work on the top floor and the elevator goes out, that's a, that's a bad day. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, let's see here. What else do we got? what else do we have The Minutemen. So they have, uh, their mascot is say I'm the Minuteman and he's a colonial based, uh, Concord Minuteman. Um, it's based on the Concord Minuteman's imagery. So shocker, the new England Patriots, the namesake university has a basically A New england England Patriot. Yeah. Makes sense. And he looks, and he looks very similar. Um, yeah, he looks very similar to it. Uh, like I said before that they were, you know, they were the Redmond and to be, to start out with, um, they were the Statesman at one point, they were the Aggies being an agricultural college, and so the Redmond. Um, and so this, this name has been around since, I believe 1972, if I'm not mistaken.
um but uh but yeah it's uh that that's that's how that's how their mascot shapes up yeah they uh yeah that's that's that's that's all we need and that's that's about as far as we need to go um some famous alumni ah from UMass. A lot of names we'll probably know and I feel like I remember talking through some of this when we went through it the first time. um Richard Gere is probably one of the more prominent alumni. One of the more notorious alumni is Bill Cosby.
Um, at first I saw that name and I was like, I remember talking about this, but I can't remember. Um, it wasn't an honorary, uh, degree. He actually got a master's degree from UMass and was pretty involved in the, you know, in the administration leadership or whatever. But, uh, when, when the news broke about his, uh, you know, his, his terrible deeds, right um, they basically severed all ties, but Bill Cosby is an alumnus, uh, of UMass, as is his as his wife, um which, what was her name? it's She's on this list. I'm just scrolling through quickly. I can't remember her name, but she was ah she was based off of Camille Cosby. Camille Cosby also went to UMass.
sure The character of Claire cuts Huxtable from the Cosby show. Yeah was based on her. Okay. I was gonna say like I know Felicia Rashad was his TV wife, but Well, her character was based on on Camille, okay Uh, live, live Schreiber, um, is also an alumnus. Um, the old Pullman. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bill Pullman. We just talked about him yesterday in our house. Oh yeah. Of, of, of independence day fame. We were talking about space balls, uh, because it's supposedly they're making us baseballs too. So I was asking if Bill Pullman is going to be an internet.
His Schwartz is as big as yours, Jim. Exactly. Great movie. yeah
Natalie Cole um is also an alumnus of, uh, you know, famous daughter of King, Nat King Cole. yeah Um, Julius Irving, famous basketball player, also UMass alum. Uh, did you ever watch burn notice Jeffrey Donovan?
Uh, no, you would recognize his face. I promise you. If yeah i know that if you saw his face, you would recognize him. Okay. Yeah. Um, but I, I, I remembered him from, from burn notice this the TV show. Um, great show by the way. Um, but, uh, but yeah, he went there. Rick Patino, uh, famous basketball coach, um,
I was going to say that's what I was remembering was Rick Patino coached them to a national title there, I think with Marcus Canby. Right. That's, that's how I remember. I think it it may have been, uh, they got in some trouble, but anyways, sorry, keep going.
Uh, Rob Cordry. Um, he is famous for, um, if you ever have seen the show ballers with, uh, Dwayne, the rock Johnson, yeah he plays, he plays his, um, I can't remember his character's name, but he plays the other agent on that show. got hear him Um, and then, um, also he was on the daily show and all that kind of stuff back in the day. Um, you definitely would recognize his face if you saw him. Oh, uh, he is also in the hot tub time machine. Yeah.
Yeah. Um, Betty, Betty Shabazz, um, the, the wife of the late Malcolm X, also, um, UMass alum, Jack Welsh, former GE CEO. And then on the, on the more notorious, um, you know, side of things, not notorious, but just more just sad, I guess, for lack of a better description, James Foley.
Um, he is an American journalist that was captured and was, uh, assassinated. He was beheaded by the, the ISIS and he was and in, in 2014. Um, but, uh, his death sparked, he was the first American citizen killed by ISIS, which sparked a whole, you know, series of series of events that, uh, took them down. Right. Yeah.
Uh, let's see. Yeah. Marcus Canby. You mentioned her. You mentioned him trying to see just quickly looking through. I'm going to see if there's any other, um, any other names that anybody might recognize. Oh, um, I'll, I'll end on this one. Um, I don't want to end on that last one. Uh, Norm Abram. Does that name ring of Belgium? It does not. Shit it.
Famous for this old house the host of this old house on PBS. Okay. I should have got that I should have got that great show. I love this But he's not like the like the you and I like you and I would think of like um the, this old house from, from back in the eighties or whatever, I don't know how long he was, but he's not the original one, but he's definitely the one that's doing it now. Yeah. I just looked him up. I reckon i recognize him. So yeah, you definitely recognize his face. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. But anyhow, yeah. So they have, uh, they some pretty, pretty notable. I mean, I guess that with a network of an entire state, it's as populous as Massachusetts. Um, they probably would have, um, you know, it then they've been around for a while. they've got They have a pretty decent alumni base.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. For sure. Cool, man. That's good stuff. Um, let's, uh, let's say Hasty's Hargrid History, uh, which we'll quickly learn was actually inspired by something, uh, from last week.
All right, Hasty's Hargrid History, as always, comes in from our friend Jason Hasty over at the Hargrid Library. It's over there on North Campus in the special amongst the special collections libraries. So as we always see, you can always head over there. ah Jason would be happy to show you around and show you some artifacts. um So we started off. Do you think he's going to be do you think he's going to be around Friday for the the tech game? Ooh, that is a good question. Jason, let us know with the game on Friday.
Yeah, because he's there on Fridays. Yeah, my guess is the campus buildings are closed because it's not a school Friday. It would be my guess, but let us know. Let us know. It's a great question. ah Okay, so Jason um starts off on the on the Tennessee preview episode of My Gotta Podcast. John discussed a song we fortunately heard very little of on Saturday, that being Rekita, which I forgot to report back on that. Yes, heard it very little, obviously.
um So we said this brought to mind that there are many, many Georgia songs that have faded and faded into history, but also that here in the Hargroet Library we have copies of a wonderful little book published in 1943 called Georgia's songs and yells Songs and Yells. This book compiles fan favorite songs and yells from the first 50 years of Georgia's athletics history.
Since the game this week shouldn't get many people excited, I thought this was a great opportunity to highlight some songs and yells from the University's past. All Georgia fans know Glory Glory, and many know that Hail to Georgia is actually our official fight song. But almost no one today would recognize the Bulldog Marching song from the 1930s. So I'm not going to attempt to sing it, but I'll just say it. So it says, Georgia, Georgia, hear the Bulldog growl, scrapping, snapping, listen to him howl.
Here he comes a running to the field Georgia's team is never going to yield and then he said or how about I want to go back from a decade before that I want to go back to UGA back to dear old Athens town back where we say to hell with tech back to where I spend my check.
Uh, which I think is, is interesting is we're going to get into a theme here of, um, you know, people talking about biggest rival and who it is and isn't, and and we're playing them next week, but there's a lot of Georgia tech references in these. Uh, so obviously very heated back then.
Um, they didn't forget female fans in the early 1900s with, she's the daughter of the red and black. She's the daughter of the red and black. She's for Georgia and she'll never take it back. Can't hold herself in check when she yells to hell with tech. Heck yeah. I love these. Um, in 1908 they sang, Oh, we'll woop them up for UGA. Oh, we'll woop them up for UGA. We'll woop them up again. We'll woop them up for UGA, a jolly set of men. Um,
He said, if you're if you're walking across campus on a gorgeous fall afternoon and you want to get your fellow dogs fans fired up, try some of these yells. Uh, he's got a whole bunch of them. Um, and again, all these are like, don't like Georgia tech, uh, rec tech, rec, tech, rec, Georgia tech tech, tech, tech, rec, tech, rec, Georgia tech. So.
I'm not sure. Amazing. He pointed out that that one has like a switch to tech tech and it's not typo. That's actually was actually a part of it. Let me see. There's let me go. to There's a few more. He said in the in the 19th century, ah each graduating class had their own individual yell as well as their own class colors. And the class of 1894 yell incorporated their colors. So it was hoop la hoop, hoop la hoop, 94, 94, black and blue. ah And then they even had like the the law class of 1895.
Uh, he said, made sure that everyone had their, knew their intended profession. Hai yai, yai yai, hip hooray, lawyers, lawyers, UGA, razzle de dazzle, cis boom, ah, lawyers, lawyers, rah, rah, rah. That sounds like a, a, a chant that a lawyer would write. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Uh, we need Tony, we need Tony's input on this. Yeah, seriously. I wonder if they still, do they do this every year still? Does the law school have a new yell? they go We'll find out.
um The idea of learning and using these goofy yells might seem quaint, but the spirit of this tradition lives on today. We know that them dogs as hell, the hardy go dogs, is necessary when seeing someone else in a Georgia ball cap, and that the only appropriate behavior when around opposing fans is to bark wildly. um That was it. Although Jason did add, he said that like everything else here, meaning like what what he shares with us, ah the the Georgia songs and yells book um is available to be viewed by the public.
Uh, anyone who's interested can come in and put in a request to look at it. So this is something, if you want to check it out, um, you can head over there and Jason will pull it for you, pull it for you. You can take a look. So always a good time. for that library It's pretty cool. You know, that actually, um, that actually directly correlates to something that British bulldog and I were talking about. Um, there's, I think I had sent him, uh, an Instagram reel of the, and some chants for Manchester United.
And um i I think one of them was for for England. And ah I can't remember exactly what it was. I'd have to go back and look at what it was. But but he said that I should get what i should get a a chant going for for UGA in in the same vein that so the the Brits, with all of their chanting and and whatnot that they do, where they sing they yell these these silly songs, and quite frankly, vulgar.
um They have some very creative verbiage on on how they how they chant some of these things throughout the entire stadium. um So I imagine that that's probably, or partly where some of that comes from, because that dates back very far in the in the English culture. um It's not so much something that they do these days, although, you know, if you go to an Atlanta United game, you'd see and hear, you know, some of that.
Um, but, uh, but yeah, it's, it's a whole of the level, the yells that happen over and in England that to this day. Yeah. Yeah. You know, could you imagine like, for example, like coming up with a ah yell for a specific player that just chance throughout the stadium? Like imagine if we had like a Hirschfeld Walker like chant and it would come up like, like Manchester United has these chants for Eric Cantona.
Uh, a famous soccer player that, um, you know, that played from interest United back in the nineties. Dude, how did we not, how did we not have a McConkie got on his donkey chant last year? yeah yeah very see like but that'ss That's perfect. That's perfect. but that that That would have been a perfect, uh, perfect chant for, for lab McConkie. Did you see lads in some hot water with, uh, the west that coming down the track, uh, crowd, he really, he really stepped in it. Didn't he?
For the uninformed, he was on he was on with McAfee and McAfee tried to ask the lad if it's who's that coming down the track or what's that? And lad said he always thought it was who. So I mean, you know, he's not in the stands chanting it. So I don't know. That's he also clarified that he wasn't. um He also clarified that he what didn't grow up a Georgia fan. So right. Probably part of the reason. Right. Right. As as listeners of my got a podcast or well aware of friend of the show. Let me. Yes.
All right. Um, let's see. I got a couple of news and notes, um, just on the injury front. So I think we talked about this, some of this in the review, but just to rehash for on Dylan Bell. Um, like no update yet, uh, from Kirby so much, but he said his ankle sprain it's stable, does not need like tight rope surgery, for example. Um, so we said he's hopeful to get him back and the same with Trevor.
Um, the clarification he gave on ETN today was that basically it sounds like he, they, like he was okay. And then he did something like non-contact last week during the practice, during practice that aggravated what he had going on. So that's why he was out, but he said he's, that we're hoping to get him back. So we'll see. I guess we're going to wait until tomorrow to see if he's, what his status is on the yeah on the on the sheet. I would, I would be shocked if he plays this week. I'll, I'll, I'll start there. Um,
And the only other one was on Jonel Aguero. Um, so he had like a pin inserted in his pinky. Um, and so he was cleared to play, but it was going to have to like play in a club. So that's why he didn't play last week. So butll we'll see on Jonel this week. Um, and then, uh, I will say and on the UMass side, um, different coach given the press conference,
Uh, this week. So they're, they fired their head coach, Don Brown this week, uh, and have provoked promoted their offensive coordinator, Shane Montgomery as the interim head coach right now. So, you know, mentioned their two and eight. Uh, it's been a struggle for them this season. Um, we get to see him with an interim coach, so it'll be interesting.
Yeah, beware of the new beware of the new coach the new coach bounce. Yeah, true. True. That's that's something that the British Bulldog and I were also talking about because our our bill of beloved Red Devils have gone through a coaching and another coaching change and the interim manager that they had.
was very, maybe we were, we were actually like saying like, Oh man, we should, we should keep this guy around. Gotcha. Gotcha. But they ended up hiring someone else that I believe is also going to be a very good choice. But, um, anyway, the new coach bounce is a thing and it's real. Got it. Uh, maybe not because you mess their net yards for play is negative one. I found that to be quite interesting. Um, but they, they already stay higher since they, since he's taken over.
Net yards for play on the season is negative one. on the play yeah Probably part of the reason why he's not around. Yeah, exactly. ah Georgia at 1.35 for the year. ah And then they're they're they are even on the turnover margin. So same eight takeaways, eight giveaways on the season.
Alright, so let's talk about ah the, talk about the offense, um what we're looking for here um with UMass. um Just a few ah notable defenders for UMass. Jalen Stewart is a senior linebacker. He leads the team in tackles with 65.
total tackles and two and a half sacks ah To rye Powell is a senior defensive back. He's got two picks And then I like i they have a pronunciation guide. I should look to this guy. I'm gonna say Lo you see how would you pronounce that loose Lucy louse? Not sure Julian. He's got four sides. I'm not sure. Yeah, he's got four sacks in the season and they they actually I could also there would be no grammar and Well, I could pull it up. Um, you can, they actually have every player like say their name on their website. That was something that I, I found that today. I found that ego to be interesting. Um, but anyway, I like that. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so those are some folks ah to be on the lookout for. Um, actually, here we go. louis julia
Loose Lou not sure. He said his name pretty fast. All right. Um, you know, this, the looking at their, their defense. Um, one thing did jump out to me. Uh, they are fifth in S and FPS in passing yards per game allowed, um, at one 59.6. Um, but they are 112 in both yards rushing allowed per game and points per game.
Um, so looks, sounds to me like could be a big day, uh, for the Georgia ground game this week. Yeah. I did notice that. Um, very interesting.
Um, but you know, we thought we could do this a little bit different and it had some listener questions just around, you know, around the offense, uh, rodeo chimed in just for, with some topics around, you know, much improved offensive line, uh, much improved offensive line, pass protection, better run block schemes. Uh, and that, you know, last week we finally got the most out of our tight end room. Um.
Also back to the last game, he pointed out a elite stadium atmosphere atmosphere and not a bad tailgate either, which agreed the, uh, Morris hall tailgate is always elite rodeo. Um, undefeated, undefeated. Yeah. So I, I don't know. I guess that is something I'll be watching for that was like, is it the same offensive line this week? At least at the beginning of the game, you know, do we go with that same five? Is it different at all? And then who's rotating in and and how does that continue to look, look throughout the game? Definitely something to watch on Saturday.
Yeah, I imagine that they're probably going to protect some of those guys, but yeah, yeah the tail of the tape for me is going to be, and and maybe spoiling what I'm going to be predicting, but um just get a lead and get everybody off the field.
Yeah, that's actually a nice segue into Blake Davis's question, which is what players are you guys looking forward to seeing, uh, get some time on Saturday? Um, he had an offensive, we've got several folks that, that asked similar questions and we'll, we'll, we'll hit those as we go through out here. But, um, Blake added, I would personally love to see nitro have a huge day. Uh, because I think he's going to be important at the stretch. So, um, yeah, agreed. Yeah.
So nitro nitro is going to be one of those guys that I'm, I'm looking for, for sure. Um, so Covey white would be another one. Um, yeah you know, we have these talented guys that, uh, that need, that need reps, frankly. Yeah. Those are, I had those two jotted down and then peanut was another one. Ellis Robinson would be another one. Well, he's just on the offense, JP. I'm just in the office. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. But peanut got to watch your peanut on the offense. Agreed. Yeah. Yeah. So those those are the main folks for me.
Oh, amazing. and know anything you I thought you're ah thought you werere going to bust out the soundboard on me. Oh, oh, peanut I haven't, I have not added that yet. Need to add that need to add that. Um, we will have multiple reasons to add it. Yeah, seriously. Um, I guess the other thing would would be backup quarterbacks. So, um, i I fully expect, you know, to see Gunner at some point in this game. But I think the question is, if anyone else gets in beyond Gunner, who is it? Like, do we get to see Jaden Rashada's debut at Georgia?
Do we get to see Rashada exactly? Yeah. And I don't know what with, with police. I mean, I guess red shirting at this point, it doesn't really matter. Um, you can still red shirt, you know, you can play four games. So I don't know what his status is health wise or anything. I hadn't really heard much about him. Um, so I'm kind of curious if we get beyond gunner, which one of those two guys do we see? So we watched for that. Yeah, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind having a Jayden out there. Let's see what it looks like. Let him run the offense.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm down for that. Um, okay. You want to go to the, under the defense? um I just don't have a whole lot to say here. Yeah. I don't have a whole lot to say. Just, uh, get, get in, get up, get out quit effing about your, your, your.
All right. Let's talk about what we're looking, looking at for, you know, when, when they've got, when UMass has the ball. Um, so the quarterback is, uh, Tyson Pumichon. Um, FYI, fun fact, if that name sounds familiar, it may not, but he originally played for Clemson and then he played for Georgia tech. Um, in 2022 in the Georgia, Georgia tech game, uh, he scored the first touchdown of the game against us.
Um, so one time Georgia Tech quarterback and has, he has scored a touchdown, uh, in Athens and Sam receiving him before in the pass for Georgia Tech. So the bigger name there. Um, he, there's actually, ah there's actually quite a few, there's actually quite a few, uh, division division one transfers. Uh, they actually have a whole list of.
everybody that's transferred from other schools, like there's guys from Clemson, there's guys from Michigan, there's, yeah they actually have a lot of transfers from, from D1 schools, which I guess is in the, in the age of the portal, you're like, where do these guys go that leave? I mean, UMass is one of those schools that that benefits from the the portal.
Yeah. And I actually noticed there's there are multiple guys that have and played for both Georgia Tech and Clemson before going to UMass. So Tyson's not, he's not the only one. I thought that was interesting. um Yeah. Like who's ah who's who's who's pulling these guys with them? Right. Right. Right. It's interesting.
um Yeah, so Puma John's the quarterback. um He's thrown for almost 1,600 yards, um eight touchdowns and six picks. um Their running backs are CJ Hester and Jalen John. and They're both right around 400 yards. um Hester has two touchdowns and John has three.
Uh, and then a couple of a pair receivers and key James is a senior 670 yards and four touchdowns. And then Ty Harding is a sophomore. He's got a 317 yards receiving and four touchdowns. Um, but yeah, so, uh, Matthew Key wanted to know what backups are are in line for more playing time than usual. Um, so I thought we could, we could take that.
Uh, uh, take that one here as well, which by the way, um, Matthew goes to a dogs tailgate. Uh, I don't know if you remember this JP. There's one time we were at the old, uh, Tate lot tailgate. And I had like a doppelganger moment where I thought I saw ice dog at dog dog. Yeah, he looks like ice dog. Yeah. And this isn't that, which, so we talked, we talked this past Saturday and I was like, yeah, first time I met you, like, I thought you were somebody else. was Like, sorry.
I was like, you have a doppelganger in case you didn't know. It's pretty funny. So that he does. He does look like a star. Yeah, they totally. He totally has a doppelganger. So so I think you you mentioned Ellis Robinson and with i'm I'm I'm with you there. ah Definitely someone looking for in the defense. Amen. I'm trying to think Ellis Robinson is definitely one.
You know, K.J. Bolden has been playing great. I'm trying to think. Oh, ah Chris Cole, I think it was another one on the defense. Chris Cole was a good one. um The other one I was thinking of was Mbemba, which again, like, I don't know, like.
You know, you'll kind of hear his name occasionally get, get brought up, but just haven't seen much of him. Um, so that's a, that's another one. Um, I don't know, maybe, I mean, we've been seeing Jacory Thomas, so I don't know if if if he counts. Um, but yeah, Ellis Robinson, I think is the big one that, that everyone wants to see him get out there at defensive back. See, see it makes him plays. Yeah. he He, he did pretty well, you know, earlier in the season.
I think that the defense is kind of like the offensive line at this point. Like they're they figured out, like, you know, I think that they theyve figured out that they have a rotation that they really like to stick with that they are excelling at. And it's part of the reason why the defense looked so strong. Yeah. Yeah. Gotcha. They're figuring out who this team is. Cause frankly, there's a lot of youth in this team.
Yeah. Yeah. True. True. All right. Um, but yeah, otherwise that's mainly what we we're looking for. Who are we going to, who are we going to get in there? And again, these guys are two and eight. Um, and their only wins, uh, are over central Connecticut and Wagner. Uh, so just FYI. So apologies for being dis dismissed, trying not try not to be dismissive, but, uh, it's been a struggle bus for these guys this season.
Yeah, they're, they're, it's not ideal for them for sure. Uh, I will say that, uh, I will say that from the, the defense's perspective, you know, they'll be, they'll be, they'll be facing some guys, you know, from Georgia, actually. Um, there's a, there's, the are you familiar with an alumnus of your, your high school that's on the steam gym? I was not. No. Surprise fun fact. yeah Um, UMass has a, UMass has a Milton alumni on their team.
Who is it? His name is Paul. to um ah cho I don't know how to say his last name. Um, on the, on the ESPN website, they do not have the look. I do not have the luxury of of pulling up his name. He is a, a junior offensive lineman from Roswell, Georgia, six, five, 290. Yeah.
yeah Huh. And he's from Roswell and went to Milton. That's like me. That's how I was, by the way. Yeah. i I saw that stick out. I was like, I wonder if there's any, I wonder if there's any Georgia connections on here. And I saw all the the transfers from like Georgia tech and stuff. And I think there's another guy on here and I don't remember what his name was, but, uh, there was a guy from Riverdale, um, that was also on the roster or two. Gotcha. Um,
But yeah, a couple of Georgia guys that that know the Bulldogs, know the Bulldogs well. so I mean, yeah. And just like scrolling through the roster, you're right. I mean, it, it, this may be an exaggeration, but it, I would say it's close to 50 50. I'm like guys that transferred and play elsewhere. It might even be more than 50% are transfers. Um, so interesting. I think that, um, I think that when I was looking at it, the number that sticks out to me was this year, they have 14 transfers from, from the portal. And then the year before that, they had four, like another 14 transfers from the portal.
Interesting. So over the last couple of years, they've had a pretty significant turnover in roster um in favor of the the portal. Gotcha. All right. Well, quick quick special teams note, ah Jacob Lurie is your kicker. he' He has missed an extra point. He's 22 of 13 of 20 on vehicles. um So that's interesting. And they do not take special teams seriously because their punter is from Massachusetts. He's not from Australia. yeah Um, so CJ Kolodji, um, he averages 41.2 yards apart. So that's what I got in the special teams. Um, yeah, that's about it. I got nothing. Cool. Um, you know, we have do director of tackling. withors and Yeah. If you haven't seen the video, the three, the Georgia put out, uh, about Brett Thorsen teaching the team how to tackle. it's It's fantastic. There are three things you need to remember, Jim.
Yes. I can't remember. He said be tough. And then he said, and he said something else. Something he said be tough. yeaht be
I will say I saw another replay today. I saw like the like the sky cam view of that pun return. I mean, that dude was he was gone. He was gone without Thorsen tackling him. And it's kind of funny. You can see the guy that we have shown the block. I won't say that's not giving Thorsen credit. The guy who Thorsen eluded, who attempted to block Thorsen and Thorsen eluded and made the tackle ah was quite upset with himself for not making the block. So yeah that's a good watch if you find that as well.
slipp He's a slippery man, that thorson. That's right. That's right. The thunder from down under the boom and onion. Dude, Tate Ratlidge was cracking up in, in that video. Like they, so they, they had showed some pictures from different perspectives yeah and they showed Tate Ratlidge who's sitting front and center with Carson Beck. Like Tate's just like in stitches on the ground, laughing at this.
Yeah. Yeah. like i can't I cannot wait to hear the podcast on on this particular topic um if if or when they they come off of their podcast you know ban.
Right. Yeah. If Kirby lets them do it, which by the way, that's that's our assumption. We don't know that. Yes. No insight sources. Cool. All right. We already hit a few. Why don't we, uh, why don't we hit the, the balance of the listener questions here. Um, so as always, the listener questions are brought to you by working with media. Uh, we work with them, set down last off season to redo our website. Uh, they're a small business and and love to help out other small businesses, um, with their websites, uh, social media and online presence. Uh, so if you've got a small business needs to met with your, your website, or maybe like I said, just your online presence,
Uh, head over to working web media slash dogs and they will know that we sent you their way. All right, GP. First up, we've got the building bonus TM, TM, TM from bread building. Uh, do you think the fireworks are a night game only thing or will they happen for UMass? I have a feeling they're going to be night game only. I would imagine too. I would agree. I would agree.
Um, and then number two, this will be our second UMass game under Kirby after 2018 had the dogs ever played in Massachusetts against any team. Uh, we lost to Boston college in 2001, but it was in Nashville. I forgot to research this one. I don't know offhand. Um, I don't, I don't believe so. Um, so yeah, I'm not sure, but I agree. I know, I know Jason Hasty, please let us know.
Yeah, i I remember that you music city bowl was like 2001 brutal. Um, but yeah, I'm not, ah I'm not aware of us going up there at any point. So, I mean, did we ever go to play Yale? Um, I see all in Massachusetts. I don't think so. Where's yellow at? Cause isn't like, you know, like the whole, you know, we modeled North campus softer, uh, or old college after, after Yale, right? rare Right. Yeah. They're in Connecticut, but did we, did we ever play at Harvard?
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to think. Like, did we ever look back? This, this would have been like back in the day, you know, we would have played someone like that. Yeah. But in Massachusetts is the key there. Right. Right. could be Probably not.
Yeah, I'm going to go with no, but we'll try to check before we're before we're done. But I'm pretty sure the answer is no. My quick o was Google search confirms, or agrees, but we'll see. Sorry, Brett. That was me being bad. I took the time to like put the screenshot in the thing and then forgot to read the second question.
Amazing. All right. Next thing we got 51 to seven GATA with this being a ah payday game. Do y'all believe the 12 team playoff will eventually end these types of games being played in November?
I'm not sure. I don't think they'll end. I think the the November piece is probably the good clarifying question, possibly, but I'll say this, like not until someone gets punished for it. I'll put it that way. Like not unless like if, if, if at some point someone gets left out or drops in the polls or something and the committee says because it was because of this and they look at like late season strength and schedule, that's the only thing that's going to change it. Yeah. I would say that, uh,
Right now, I don't know where things stand. I know that we're going to talk about it later, but um right now, this the way that the rankings are set up is they appear to be rewarding having a week scheduled. Totally agree. Scheduling Clemson, scheduling a more serious opponent, like a Rutgers or even you know like something, you you know a conference opponent, a powerful A typical, a typical power power conference. These games, I don't think you're going to go away because, um, yeah, and ah there's no incentive. There's no incentive to not schedule them. Yeah, I totally agree. um So there's no, there's no punishment, but there's also no incentive to not.
Yeah. Yeah. Until they start doing with football, like what like the committee and NCAA basketball tournament did, where they started like rewarding you for having a tough schedule and and navigating it, you know, like not so much worrying about the loss column. is I think that's what a lot of people are focused on right now because right now all they're basically just looking at how many losses you have and then, and then comparing, comparing the teams to each other. So as long as they keep doing that, yeah, these games aren't going on. So yeah.
Alright, next up, John Michael D, ah posting the little stitches tweet about Beck's attire in early pregame seemed to bite me. We had another change this week with the double leg sleeve slash compression pants. It has my- I also noticed that. It has my stamp of approval so far. ah Also, what's your play of the game and why is it the boom and yin?
boom and onion, his stick. Yeah. I mean, to me, there were two plays of the game in the last game, the boom and onion hit stick and then the Beck, the Beck hit stick where he ran through a guy. Yes. Uh, I would say, I would say that I agree with those, those, those are good ones. Uh, I did notice, I forgot to bring that up. Um, I did notice, uh, I can't remember where, where, what was going on, but I remember seeing,
that he had the double leg sleeve on. I didn't notice the double arm sleeve or compression pants or whatever. yeah Um, but, uh, I did notice that and I was like, Ooh, Hey, stick with what's working. stick was what were Yeah. Come on Carson.
All right, let's see, uh, boss dog, uh, says how the heck will this, oh, how the heck will this tiebreaker go? Uh, I wanted to point out the fact that Georgia has the two best wins in the sec over number one, Texas and number seven, Tennessee. They also have the two best losses to a six and two Alabama and a six and two illness. I think all of that matters.
So the way it works actually that it's not going to work that way. Unfortunately, um, the teams that get log jam, there are multiple levels of type records. And we've talked about them before and we're like, it actually, it's in the rules. It could get to the end where it's basically a coin toss that in theory could happen.
Um, what I will say, and I've already put it in there. I'm going to put, like, if you're listening, look in the show notes, there's a link to a calculator. Um, it's from bball.not nothing Um, there's this calculator where you can go and and plug in the results of the games for the last two weeks of the season.
And you hit calculate. So you basically say, I think Georgia's in the clubhouse. We're done. But you could say like, if, you know, all the favorites win or all the home teams win or whatever, and you can play around it and play around with it and see what's going to happen. I think what I'll point out is there is a path. There are multiple paths for Georgia to make it the easiest path to think about is if Alabama loses a game and then like everything else kind of holds true. Georgia's in.
There's another scenario where Auburn beats A&M and then A&M beats Texas. Georgia can get in. Um, but there are, there are a lot of scenarios with only two weeks of left. It's, it's kind of wild. So there's a possibility there's going to be a huge log jam of teams with a six and two conference record and it gets into these tiebreakers. And by the way, the one that seems to be getting hit, it's like the third tiebreaker, I think it's like the third or fourth. And it's basically the.
winning percentage of your opponents. So it's essentially a strength of schedule. Um, I think the problem is that like we played like Kentucky has a very weak record. Um, whereas if you played at another team, that's like middle of a pack, like we played the top teams and the bottom teams and not the middle teams. So that's what ends up happening. It's kind of weird.
It is weird. It's the whole, the whole thing is weird. yeah Um, it's it's like this, this last year was perfect for leading into the 12 team. This year is perfect for leading into a, uh, 14 or 16 team playoff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, and also I think it's a good segue into to Garrett's question. So, uh, Garrett day at Garrett day underscore hugs. Um, her first question was conference championship games. Should they stay or go, which I think is a great question. I mean, you look at this, like I was just saying with this sec sec championship, you know, I mean, there's a chance you've got a dual annum and Texas play each other. Right. So one of them is going to lose that game at least.
I think those are the ones that can end up with the seven and one, but then you've got all these other teams that can end up at six and two. And it's like with this league expansion, removal of divisions, and these unbalanced schedules, it's just kind of silly. So they will stay. I'm going to say that they will stay because they make money.
And they're not going to get rid of that, but if you're going to have these huge, expanding conferences with ah with no divisions and you're, I mean, we're just, you're going to the game on all these teams at the same record and you're picking through these like third or fourth tiebreaker. I don't get it. It seems kind of weird. Yeah, I don't know. I, yeah, there's not a whole lot of, um, incentive for a team that goes into this game, a team that goes into the SEC championship ranked.
Let's say that they're undefeated or they have one loss and they're in a position where even one loss would, you know, keep them in the playoff situation. Yeah. i I hate to say it, but you know, someone is going to game that at some point. Yeah. Like I'm i'm going to sit in my starter, you know, that maybe like a, like a Jackson dart situation, let's say Ole Miss snuck into the, into the SEC championship and you've got Jackson dart who's, you know, had some trouble with injuries or he hadn't, um, you know, he had a concussion, you know, like, yeah.
I would be incentivized to make sure that he doesn't get hurt and to keep him around and healthy for the, for the playoffs. So I might be inclined to, for lack of a better description, you know, throw one. Um, you know what I mean? Like, honest like, like to miss the game. Well, not, not to miss the SEC championship game, but if you make the SEC championship game to sandbag it.
ah Dude that I don't see that happening because then you run the risk that no because like I think even if you're undefeated and you were sitting pretty Okay, if you're undefeated, maybe maybe but then the other the other the flip side of that is is you've got humans ah Making a decision and if it's obvious like well now we're taking you up Because integrity the game kind of thing. I don't know who knows. um But yeah, I mean, and Lane Kiffin talked about this week, like that coaches are talking and there there are coaches that are saying like, I'd rather not play in this game. Like I'd rather, you know, sit at home, watch and maybe get a home game and play off. So it's kind of weird.
It's that we're in a really weird spot. to for To me, the big, the big issue is the conferences are too big. They're too big and you've got this unbalanced schedule. You can't play as many teams and you're just going to have, you've got these log jam of teams tied. I just, it's weird.
So people, people keep likening the CFP to, you know, college basketball but tournament or whatever. isn Isn't, isn't there an incentive to win the SCC championship? Like if you, if you win the SCC championship in in the tournament or whatever, then you could get an automatic bid. So that was how Georgia got in one year, right? Yes, that is correct. Yep.
So if they incentivize winning the SEC championship game as like a, you know, it, you know what I mean? It is. i know it is i know that I know that it is, but getting a buy in the first round is a little bit different than guaranteeing that you're in.
It's both. I mean, it's both you're guaranteed in and you're, and you get a first round by. So like it is an automatic bid. Well, what I'm saying is like, if you lose, like, well, that's a thing incentive. There should be an incentive to play it is what I'm saying.
I gotcha, I gotcha to play in it. Yeah, there's no, yeah, there's no incentive to beat. Yeah, if you make the SEC championship and you lose, like, it's horrible. Like, that's where you would, you go in, you have to win, right? that Because if if you lose that game, you've wasted a week, you know, where you could have been at home and watching. um and then yeah then And then you lose that opportunity to get that, to get that bye game.
So there was a lot of chatter. There was a lot of chatter on that today that the, the there was, I saw a Graham commenting. I had commented on something that I saw, but for whatever reason, there was a lot of chatter on Twitter today about people believing that there was no way that ah the loser of the SEC championship was going to get left out of the CFP.
right And I frankly, like, I mean, the loser of the SEC championship very, very seriously could get left out of the CFP. yeah Yeah, I think it's possible. You go into that game with two or three losses and you lose another one. Definitely possible. Like if Georgia sneaks into the SEC championship game and we were to lose that game, I feel like we're 100% out. Possible. ah Yeah. Everything's possible, Jim. Yeah, I wouldn't say 100%, but i I would say it's a non-zero possibility. I would put it that way.
Because which is counter to this that there's no way, you know, like there's not no way, like there's definitely a way, you know? Yeah. Yeah. They left out Florida state last year. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Garrett, we already talked about who we want to see playing time. and and She said over under 14 points allowed this weekend. So we'll we'll reveal that when we get to our our final picks Let's see Josh Mooney He just wanted us to take a moment to give props for armies 100 first helmets. ah So flashing those up ah If you're watching YouTube
Uh, but I'll, I'll give the blurb from army football. Uh, it said our helmets display the card, the card suit markings used by the 101st paratroopers and glider troops to identify their unit affiliations for the jump into Normandy and throughout the year European theater of operations. so They'll be randomly assigned throughout the team. Uh, so it's like the suit, like card suits, uh, on a decal on each helmet. And it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool.
Hey, that's really cool. Who understands alternate uniforms? I don't, I don't get what that's about. What's an alternate uniform? do Yeah. What's that? What's that? Um, Aaron King said a weird question here. Do you guys know if our players go through any type of consistent and regimented leadership or motivational training? Uh, just wondering, since Kirby talks about that stuff all the time and both of those issues have been ah questioned by fans throughout the season.
I'm not exactly sure how everything works today. Um, I do know under Rick's, like there was an actual like mentorship program, um, where folks could have, uh, like a, a graduate like mentor. Um, I know that was there. Don't believe that is around with Kirby. Um, but i I mean, I do know like they do, like they, uh, like they used to bring in like Trevor Moab, um, RIP, uh, to speak to the team and stuff like that. So I know they have like speakers that come in. Um, and I believe they have like.
player council kind of things like like leadership positions as well, like official there. um So that's what that's ah the the breadth of what I know about these days. I'm sure they do. I don't, I don't have any insights, but I'm sure they, they, they have some sort of training and motivational. Yeah. Yeah. Um, all right. Let's see, fletch Fletcher Proctor. Uh, we crashed out in the sweet 16 of the 1996 tournament, but I think we could have taken out Marcus Canby's UMass in the finals. Had they been able to get past UK weight football, quick pause for the Georgia basketball minute.
Uh, absolutely crushed. I think it's Alabama A and&M tonight, like doubled them up. I don't even remember what the score was. It was like 90 to 45 or something like that. Um, so move dogs are on a roll. Uh, this weekend they've got multiple games like early, uh, they're in, they're playing in the Bahamas. Uh, so they play, I believe Marquette in St. John's. Uh, so be sure to, be sure to check that out. They're a lot of fun to watch.
A lot of those are going to be, those are going to be tests, right? Yeah. Yeah. Typically, typically, you know, dance and but tournament, tournament teams. Yeah. Yeah. So that'll be, that'll be fun. So yeah, it's in like the, one of those like Bahamas classics or whatever. It's just so weird to me, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, like god best with your get to go to the Bahamas weekend. They get to do their bowl game like before the season really starts. True. True. Well, you know, I mean, the destinations for the NCAA tournament are quite, aren't quite as nice as a good little game.
necessarily, although not a, not all bull games are created equal. Yeah. Sure. Report Louisiana has entered the chat. Yeah. Yeah. Um, okay. So as always Fletcher pivoted to weight football. I hate the injuries, but it was good to see toggle and, and Bowens. Uh, you think we see white and peanut this weekend. So, uh, I think yes.
Yes, I think and those were guys we we called out earlier. I will say ah Bowens is a guy we didn't I don't think we mentioned earlier. So saw him last week. You can expect to see Morgan this week as well. All right. So ah one last ah play on this question. So friend of the show, Tim Riley said, what player haven't we seen this year that should get rid of his UMass and could make an impact for a playoff run?
Um, so that's kind of the twist there. I'm going to maybe kind of cheat a little bit, although one of these was mentioned earlier. Uh, I'm going to go into the defensive side. I'll do the one that wasn't mentioned, like Daniel Harris, like we've seen him. Um, and we saw a lot of them against Tennessee. So as far as impact for playoff run, um, at the cornerback position, I'll go Daniel Harris. And then the other one that was coming to mind for me was, was Chris Cole again. Um, so I was kind of, kind of thinking in defense here. Yeah. I would say that, um, those are good.
Those are good selections. Uh, on the other side of the ball, I'd say nitro seemed like that they're, they're trying to get him and get him up to speed quick in game. Um, but yeah, I would say that those are, those are pretty solid ah options for sure. First, you know, impact players, Chris Cole, obviously, um, has been, mean he he recovered the fumble, the end of the game. So yeah. Yeah. Cool. All right. Uh, one more listener question that has a theme sign now fire.
All right. Jason's would you rather from the hug dog, uh, had, had a good time joking about this, uh, that being the song, uh, with Jason and and Dana at the tailgate last weekend. So that was fun. Um, all right. Would you rather play an eight or nine game?
SEC schedule I'm gonna go I always said nine And I said, what's the point of expansion if you're gonna only play eight um Because I want that with the rotation But after I saw with the kind of schedule they gave Georgia this year in an eight game schedule I don't know that I want nine Somebody go eight give give me um Give me more SEC opponents. I frankly would prefer to see these games end. But um yeah, I think that we're very quickly moving to a world where um yeah i I always kind of liken this stuff to what I see in other in the other sport, the soccer world. world um There was a huge movement.
Well, I say it was this huge movement. There was an almost movement that started with several of the largest teams in Europe, um deciding to form their own league. And as soon as it was announced, basically the corruption that is, you know, UEFA and all that kind of stuff in the European side of things that basically shut it down. um And it probably would be the best thing for that sport.
Um, cause it would be so amazing, um, to see that kind of league actually take form, um, where basically the biggest teams form their own league and do their own thing as opposed to playing in, you know, the individual league. So instead of the sec, we would just have, you know, all of the blue bloods that we typically talk about that frankly are already in the top 25. And we just say, screw you guys. We're just going to go and do our own thing. And.
I have a feeling that at some point in the future, someone's going to figure out that the American culture is ready for something like that because we're very slowly moving into this NFL light situation. And the only way to get to an NFL light is to actually make it an NFL light. Yeah. And it's going to be the SEC and the big 10. Yeah. They're going to be the AFC. I 100% am against that. do not I do not want that. I want to go on record right now.
i I don't, I don't want it either, but unfortunately I feel like that that's where it's going. I agree. I agree. I agree. Um, would you rather have good stat or good back at quarterback? And I can't, I can't ever go against the mailman. So yeah, yeah good give me good stat. Agreed. Uh, would you rather have monk in or Bobo at offensive coordinator?
given that he's one too, I'll get, I'll take Monken. Yeah. I got to go. I got to go with Monken as well. Um, this Craig Craig Craig's leg.

Playoff Hosting Debate

going to clip it. He's going to clip it and play it back to him. Uh, uh, this one's good. Um, it goes into the playoff discussion and I think one can do a little bit, but would you rather host a playoff game versus a lesser opponent or travel to a cool site? We rarely go like, so hosts next question. What was that? Host next question. Agreed. Agreed.
I would, I actually thought you were going to say travel based on the conversation we had. Uh, but yes, I'm, I go at it all from, I want to win. So host, uh, I want to win, uh, Kirby's undefeated at home. Um, yeah. I mean, I would prefer to go to another Tate gate.
ah that's I think that I was talking with, ah I was chattering with John, with the Smith brothers, um Daniel and and Michael, and they were, you know, they're commenting on something that I posted and responded to with Daniel. and Uh, I think I mentioned, you know, there's only so many, there's only so many at Athens Saturdays that you get. So if we can squeak another one in there, like give me that. Yeah. Well said, well said, uh, Jason closed it out. Y'all swing by the tailgate for a ah B day, poor Saturday. So, uh, I think JP you'll plan on doing that.
That is the plan. I believe his birthday is Friday. Is it Friday? I think it's Friday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Hug done. The host with the most. That's right. Amazing. Elite. Always elite. Always elite. All right. One more thing for tonight.

Game Predictions: Georgia vs UMass

god a freshman' trying to
It is time for Coach Trillbills over unders UMass edition. Uh, John, I barely have the lead. Uh, I will continue to go first. So we're going to start off with on the offensive side, Nate Frazier over under 100 yards. I'm going to go over. Um, My god, my god, I'm I'm going to go under. fresh trying to Okay. Uh, put glasses on over you over under eight and a half players with the catch for Georgia.
Hmm eight and a half. Let's see here. I go over. Okay. I'm going to go over as well. We spread the ball around. Um, okay. This one I love over under two and a half quarterbacks to play. I'm going to go over. I'm going to go over. Yeah.
OK. I'm going to go under. OK. Hmm. Yeah. Not going to see the debut of Rashadah. OK. Over to you. Over to the defensive side of the ball. Over, under two and a half sacks. I'll go over. OK. I'll go. I'll also go over. OK. For me, over, under one and a half turnovers forced is a lot. They're even turnover. I'll go over. Forget it.
or I'll go over as well. Okay. And then over under five and a half tackles for loss. I'm going to go over man. Okay. Um, I'll be aggressive. They showed us last week. Are we counting sacks on that calculation? I assume we are. I think so. I think that counts. Okay. Over. Um, and then for me over under, uh, one and a half field goals for payday. Uh, that's a good one. Um, uh, I'll go, I'll go over again. I'll also go over. Okay. And then over, what's that?
I was just going to say this game, this game sets up like a ah situation where we're Kirby will just take, take the field goal opportunities. Yeah. Uh, and then over under post game questions that annoy Kirby over under 0.5 smash the over.
Agreed. Agreed. There's going to be like just chip towers will do that. So chips chips on a roll, man. Uh, all right. Appreciate you, coach. Thanks for ah as always for, uh, for sending new over unders much appreciated. Yes, sir. All right. So for the overall predictions, dude, the numbers are wild. Uh, 42 point favorite over under a 55 and a half.
That gives an implied score of 48.75 to 6.75. Oddshock predicted score, Georgia 39.3, UMass 15.5. Cops with all insiders, predicted score, Georgia 47.2 to UMass 5.02. I think it's like a 99% win percentage. um I'm going to do our numbers. Next, I'm going to leave CBCR2 for last. time So our impact score has Georgia 50.5 to UMass 5.4.
I don't think ah Ross and company have updated the CBCR2, so I think this is based off last week's numbers, but I thought this was amazing. Their predicted score was Georgia 51.7 to UMass negative 4.8. That's crazy. how do you How do you get to negative? I don't understand that.
I don't know, Ross, let us know. Um, like I said that it, i I can tell, um, and they hadn't said that they had refresh refreshed it, but, uh, I'm curious to see if they get into the positive when they get refreshed. So, you know, but that's, that's, that's quite a, that's quite a, a spread to overcome. Yeah. Yeah, so this should be like a name your score game ah Get the backups and is the it should be more should be you know, not to be dismissive But we've looked at who these guys have played Been a major struggle. They just fired their coach Then this is for 30 in a row at home um So I'm gonna go dogs 41 to 6 41 to 6, okay
Um, so Kirby smart is, I think the, the number that I saw thrown out there is like, Oh, 11 and one against the spread. Uh, when it is more than, I think 30 points or 34 points or something like that. Yeah. So I mean, 41 to six does not cover this bread, by the way, which is crazy, easy just crazy. Um, Hmm.
Yeah, I'll go 42 to 42 to nine. Okay. Okay. Nice. Yeah. Like we said, should be a name or score game. Um, hope, hope it's a fun time in Athens. Looks like good weather should be a, should be a banner day there in the classic city. So it does look, the weather's looking great, especially given the fact that it is absolutely dreary right now in, uh, in Marietta.
Yeah. Yeah. Uh, let's see, let's hit these, let's see if these, uh, pickup games, um, from coach, um, he's got number nine Ole Miss. Uh, these are the playoff rankings, by the way, um, for these teams. Um, Ole Miss number nine is a 10 and a half point favorite at Florida at noon on ABC. Um, I don't know. I mean, Florida did just beat LSU at home last week. So I could see him maybe keeping it close in the swamp, but I got Ole Miss straight up. I'll take Florida.
Ooh. Okay. I kind of want to plug all these things into the, uh, to the calculator. Um, I think that, uh, lagway is a dangerous lagways. Yeah. If lagway didn't get hurt, I feel like that we would have had problems with Florida. Okay. Uh, three 30 on ABC, Kentucky travels to number three, Texas, uh, Texas is a 20 and a half point favorite. I don't see them losing to Kentucky at all. I got Texas.
I don't see them losing to Kentucky either. Um, but that, that game sets up like a a trap game situation. Yeah. Yeah. They got it. And, um, and then next week, yeah, they got in and they're looking ahead. Um, also Kentucky went on the road and beat Ole Miss. So yeah, they've got it in them.
Yeah. And they've got a good defense too. So yeah, they do. Um, then there's a bunch of

Playoff Implications and SEC Championship Scenarios

night games. So seven 30 on ABC, uh, number seven, Alabama is a 13 and a half point favorite at Oklahoma. And this, this one big, uh, big implications for Georgia as far as sec championship goes. so Um, so, uh, I think Alabama was going to win that one. Yeah.
I do too. I do too. I i could see Oklahoma covering a 13 and a half, um but I got Bama as well. Okay. How amazing would it be for Brett and Brett Venables to pull one out of there and send it Alabama packing? Yeah. I mean, it would be it would be fantastic. Would they be out? Would they be out? Of the playoff? Yeah.
I mean, they' that'd be their third loss. So yeah, yeah that would be tough. ah be Another, another loss to an unranked opponent. Yeah. I think, I think that that would be, I think they would be this is, this is an elimination game for them. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then you got number 15, Texas A&M two and a half pay two and a half point favorite at Auburn, seven 30 on ESPN. Another, that's a, that's a weird way that line stinks.
that line stinks to high holy heaven yeah um let me just check one thing on that um i'm curious i mean i give me give me auburn um at home because that is a tough environment to go into has has texas stm played there a whole lot or Well, they would at the eight well that yeah, they they should have been they've been playing there since they joined the league every year ah When they were both in the West, so that's right. Yeah, let's see And I will I will tell you if ah If a Nm, I'm sorry if Auburn beats a Nm Actually that doesn't necessarily do anything
But if if Auburn beats A&M and Oklahoma beats Alabama, that would most likely put Georgia into, into Atlanta and the SEC championship game. So if, if A and&M loses in Alabama loses, is that what we're seeing? Yeah. Yeah. Really? you did Really? I think all you need is Alabama to lose. I was just about to say, I thought that, I thought that the only thing that we needed to happen was ala Alabama lose. Yes. That is true. That is true, actually.
I'm looking at the A&M performances on the road. Here's what it was. It was if, and it was if A&M loses to Auburn and then turns around and beats Texas, then Georgia goes, Georgia actually becomes number one in the SEC. That's amazing. Yeah. Cause at that point, everyone, like the best record would be six and two and Georgia would win the tiebreakers. So.
Okay. So I, I'm going to go with Auburn on this one and I'm going to give you, I'm going to give you a couple of reasons why. Okay. A and M when they're playing on the road.
gets played really tight. go Um, they nearly lost to Florida. They nearly lost to Mississippi state on the road and they lost to the South Carolina, which I would liken to a very similar environment to the Auburn, um, environment as, as far as like playing on the road. That is, that is a big time trap game. And, um, yeah, I would say that that's, that's definitely a problem for them. Okay. I'm going to change a pic so you can, you can take Auburn here. I'm going to take an M, but I'm going to take Oklahoma over Alabama. I changed my mind shock in the world. You're going to take Oklahoma over Alabama. Yeah. Wishful thinking, but yes. So so what it happens? is What happens if A and&M loses and a and Alabama wins? What does the setup look like for that? If A&M loses. If A&M loses and Alabama wins, what's the setup there?
It doesn't really do anything and that nothing changes. Uh, well, it would still all come down to the next week. So, yeah well, yeah, I'm for sure. So basically nothing, nothing in the calculus changes. Like if in A&M wins.
So sorry. Yes. Okay. So if if Alabama, sorry, Alabama wins, A&M loses to Auburn. That's your scenario. Correct. Okay. That's the scenario. Okay. That you, that doesn't give you enough because you gotta to go to the next week. So that's what I was saying earlier is even when you go to the following week, if A and&M, then if A&M loses to Auburn and then turns around and beats Texas, Georgia gets in. That's the key. So.
But if A&M loses and then Texas wins. If A and&M loses this week and then loses to Texas, then... What if Texas wins? See, these are all the scenarios. That's what I'm saying. Here's what I'm going to tell everyone who's getting frustrated with the two of us right now.
go into the calculator, plug all the things in the link is in the show notes. Like you can go through all the scenarios and there's two exist scenarios. So it's kind of wild. Yeah. All right. Uh, then the last one vendor vendor built at LSU, uh, both unranked, uh, at Baton Rouge 7 45 PM SEC network. Uh, LSU is favored by seven and a half. I think the Vanderbilt magic. I think, I think they've probably ran out of their magic. I'm going to take LSU at home. Yeah. I'll take LSU at home for sure. They're going to be mad. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I think that, you know, Baton Rouge at night is is definitely still a thing. And yeah, I think that Pavia is done. and the The Pavia magic is just not as ah magical as it once was. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you. Um, okay. Do you want to do maybe a quick look at the CFP? Yes.
Okay. I haven't seen it. I was out. I was out with my daughter all um evening and I haven't even, haven't even glanced at it. All right. So if you look at the, our screen share, so these are the rankings. Um, so you got, uh, Oregon, number one, Ohio state two, Texas three, Penn state four, Indiana five, uh, Notre Dame six, Alabama seven, Miami eight, Ole Miss nine, Georgia 10.
Tennessee 11 Boise State 12 But you can't just look at that. I'm gonna flip over to the the matchups in a second Because it actually goes all the way to 14 As far as who makes it into the playoffs, so you've got SMU at 13 and BYU at 14. So with the way the playoff works is the highest, the four highest ranked conference champions get a buy. Right. Um, so like you've got Oregon one, Ohio state two, they're both in the big 10. The way everyone's doing it right now is just.
Take the higher rank team and assume they quote, win that conference. You know, so you would assume Oregon as the eight, as the big 10 champ assumed Texas as the, uh, SEC champ and so on. Right. So if you apply that the crazy thing is so last week, remember Georgia was at 12 and would have been left out. yeah i'm I'm confused as to how I'm confused as to how we're only 10. I expected us to be a good bit higher. I thought we were going to be be at seven or eight.
So the issue is we lost to Ole Miss and Alabama. So they're keeping us behind both of them. We've got the same record. So that's what they're doing. But we beat Texas. But they've only got one loss. And they have no other, and they have no other, they have no other games. But watch this. When you apply these rankings to the seating, Tennessee gets left out ah because you've got BYU was down to 14 and they needed a spot.
BYU should have been eliminated with their loss. period They can't, but they're not. that That's not how they should have been eliminated with that loss. that but that That's insane. No, hold on. Hold on. This has them getting an automatic bid. They're in the big 12. This is if you, whoever wins the big 12 gets in.
Yeah, I know. I'm just saying. Yeah. that's where That's where the automatic bids come in. So with the the actual bracket, you've got your first round games would be ah the 512 matchup would be Ohio State hosting BYU. um The 611 matchup would be Penn State hosting Georgia. The 710 matchup would be Indiana hosting Ole Miss. And then the 8.9 would be Notre Dame hosting Alabama.
So I need someone, I need something to happen to change that this, this, this situation. Cause I hate everything right now. Yeah. Yeah. So this is, this is absolute. Just nonsense to me. Cause basically what I'm seeing is Ohio state's going to have a free reign to the, to the final. Yeah. We've always said the five seat is the best spot. So you get the lowest rank conversation. you do So they would get BYU in the opening round and and then the winner goes to play Boise state. So.
So here's the other thing that I think is interesting is a lot of people, when they were explaining how the CFP worked, we're just saying like the, the power for conferences get a buy. And at this point, if the rankings tonight were true, like, or if that holds, like that's not the case, right? Like Boise state is going to get a buy and they're a group of five team because as of tonight's rankings, they are ranked higher than the highest ranked big 12 team. So, uh, proving out that that that's, you can't assume that.
But that's a function of the conference realignment that happened the year before, like Texas would have been in that spot if they were still there. Again, I totally agree. And that's where I think, and I saw somebody, I don't remember who said this and I, or I would credit them like the, this format, they came up with this format based on the old conference alignment. And with this realignment and conference expansion, it's, I don't like it. Like the model was built for the old conferences, the old the old conferences. Yeah. And now with this crazy conference expansion, it's,
We need to, so we need to go back. Here's, here's a wrinkle that I think that, you know, I don't know how it works, but you know, we we keep talking about make the regular season matter. Um, is there a scenario where conference record, like overall conference record could be a factor for whether or not your conference gets a buy in the CFP at the end of the season?
No, I mean, right now, no, like it's just the four highest ranked conference champs. So it's just, comedy champion yeah, I know. I'm just saying like, in order to get a buy, like, I feel like a wrinkle that they could layer on here. Oh, you're talking about tweaking the formula. the yeah Yeah. Yeah. To tweak it to where you have to earn your conference has to earn a buy. Oh, I see. You're saying, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of like, kind of like when the, you know, when they play the all-star game, like that, that, that earns the,
the world series team home, home field advantage or whatever. You know what I mean? Yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm with you on like, I feel like they're going to need to change something here. Um, I don't, I don't think it's, I feel like the model is off now with the conference expansion. So.
So, but if you're looking for what you're, what you want to happen, right? I mean, you know, like, like that Alabama losing to Oklahoma would help you,

Rooting Strategies for Georgia's Playoff Chances

right? Uh, Ole Miss using to Florida, that would help. Cause I'm not sure right into looking at this stuff right now, like how everyone keeps saying like Georgia wins out. You host a playoff game and and sitting at 11 seed right now, um, ranked doesn't never feel possible ranked number but seeded 11 because of this people that jump you. I'm not sure. So.
But Indiana plays Ohio State, so there's an opportunity right there. um But other than that, I feel like we need Notre Dame to lose a game or I think you want Notre Dame to lose um and get knocked out. You want Alabama and Ole Miss to lose to move up, which could also put us in the conference championship game, too, by the way. So it's interesting.
Everything about this is interesting, but I don't, not, not a huge fan of me and of sitting at 11. That feels, it just feels mind boggling to me for UGA to be sitting at 11 and BYU who just lost to freaking Kansas and Notre Dame who lost to Northern Illinois and Indiana who has played literally nobody and Boise state who already lost to Oregon.
Yeah. Yeah. And Miami lost to Georgia tech. Like I'm just looking at this. It's just, it's just like, ah just doesn't make any sense. Like it doesn't make any sense. Make it make sense. Jim. It's not gonna, it's not gonna, uh, Josh is cringing as he's listening. Penn state also hasn't played anybody.
Yeah, they lost the only game they played. So, but like I said, Indiana, Indiana plays Ohio state. So one of them is going to get another loss. Uh, so that's definitely somewhere we could jump, but I would say, you know, you want those teams up above us to, to the game, but if they are a conference champion, that's not going to matter. Right. So that's the other thing. So like the, someone's from the big 12 is getting in someone from the ACC, you know, someone from the group of fives going to get in. So only so much you can do there. Root for all the teams above us to lose.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care just just give me absolutely absolute absolute freakin chaos Yeah, so all right. Well is that there's the play of look Jimmy? I know I would have preferred that we didn't even look at it Jim. Sorry my bad
Uh, pretend that this didn't happen. The goodness is that it really doesn't matter. Like none of this matters. Like it's annoying because it's starting to solidify, uh, a little bit because there are only a handful of scenarios that can happen. And some of those are increasingly less likely. Like for example, you know, uh, you know, I hesitate to say it, but you know, the Michigan, Ohio state game seems like it's pretty much automatic for Ohio state to win that game. But that said, you know, it's kind of like the Auburn, Alabama game.
Wilder crap has happened on on that game. Yeah um Does or Oregon does Oregon have to play? Well, they everybody's got their conference championship games left, right? Oh, yeah, that's another thing. Yeah talking about the loser. So that's where honestly, that's where I feel like and To your point, like it doesn't really matter. Like we're like at this point, it's kind of pointless looking at it. Honestly. Um, like I think heading into conference, like after next weekend, like heading into conference championship weekend, I think we'll probably have like a little bit better view.

Preview of Upcoming Conference Games

And we could look at it then it kind of was like, who do you want to win the conference championship games and all that kind of stuff? Cause otherwise it's, I don't know, like it's just gonna, it kind of is what it is.
But yeah, so, and um, I feel we'll learn a lot next week as this keeps going. And then we'll, we'll watch it as we head into conference conference championship week. So like we said, Georgia's in the clubhouse. well We'll see what, what unfolds, uh, in the sec. So yeah, I, um, yeah, there's the reality is is that there's so much that's going to change yeah and there's still a lot of chaos left. Yeah, that's true. True.
And if you're a team like a Georgia or an Notre Dame that you know needs, well Notre Dame frankly is not going to have anything happen, but you know, if you're not playing in a conference championship game, you you're sitting pretty because you know that you're going to move up. Right. Right. like just You're inherently going to move up. At least you think that you're going to move up. I guess I should say that. Right. um Yeah. I don't know. It'll be interesting.
Yeah, it will. It will. We'll keep, we'll keep watching it. Um, first go around for it. And so it's weird. I don't like it. I think, I think that's what they know, Jim. They know that we're going to keep watching it. Uh, yeah. Agreed. Agreed. We shouldn't keep watching it. All right. Well, Hey, I will, I'll be having the FOMO this weekend. Uh, hope you hope you hope you're able to, to enjoy, uh, a good time in, in Athens on Saturday.

Weekend Plans and Football Enthusiasm

Yes. It'll be fun. I'll be missing you, man.
Yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll just be chilling at home. Uh, I'm going to sit out on the porch at night. Well, maybe not. Maybe it's too cold. I probably won't be able to. I don't know with all those games on at once. I'll need to figure something out because I'm going to want to have multiple games on, but, uh, yeah, you're too, you're too cold. You're too cold.
It might be, it might be, we'll see. I like the, I can light a fire, but Kim and Lily and Ella certainly will be like, that was way too cold.
it's It's definitely getting into chili seasons. So, um, yeah. Might be a good op might be a good opportunity for you to warm up. Nice. I like that. That's a good idea. We'll do the bean dip. Uh, me have to layer in some chili and the like that. You know what I would do? I would use the bean dip as mix in the chili.
I have to try that. I like that idea. It's got all, it's got all, it's got all this stuff. That's true. That's true. Anyway, we'll, we'll, we'll miss you. Um, enjoy, enjoy the family time before the chaos and, um, you, your listener, it's, it's coming up on holiday week. So enjoy, enjoy this quasi bye week. And, um, let's, let's tee it up between the hedges and, um, enjoy another, another Athens.
Saturday we don't get too many of them and Hopefully we have hopefully we have an opportunity to to get another one here squeak one in here at the end nice go dogs go dogs