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Tennessee Preview | 2024 Georgia Football image

Tennessee Preview | 2024 Georgia Football

S5 E177 · My God a Podcast! A podcast for Georgia Bulldogs
283 Plays3 months ago

Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Tennessee and answer listener questions.

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Introduction and Game Preview

You know, maybe he can moonwalk his way into the endgame.
Welcome to my got a podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Paul and I previewed Georgia's matchup with the Tennessee volunteers. We talked through what we're looking for in the game and we answer questions from you, our listeners.

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Home Game Anticipation

Back for another preview.
We finally get a night game. We finally gotta get a home game. Yes, you get me to it. Finally get a home game. Holy cow. um Been a long time. Like I said in the Ole Miss review, it was very like striking and shocking to me. like It didn't hit me until leaving the last home game um against Mississippi State that when Brooke Whitmire said, see you in five weeks, I was like, holy cow.
it That's wild. So I don't, I mean, I know we generally, I guess every other year have a bit of a long break, um, around the cocktail party, but this one seems, uh, abnormally long break. Yeah, I would say that it's, I would say that it's been, I mean, the fact that we've played so many ranked opponents, more ranked opponents on a neutral site or away games than we have home games period is is just kind of crazy.
Yeah, that is a wild stat. I can't believe that. Well, I'm, i I'm kind of excited to, to kind of get back, back, you know, between the hedges and we've got the tailgate tailgates to, to go to. And we've got, we've got football to play ah surprisingly, which, you know, uh, if you've, if you've taken on gander at Twitter at all this week, you might've thought that Jordan was dead.

Playoff Mindset and Bourbon Talk

Yeah, seriously. Uh, I, I, I got a relatively new t-shirt that I'm wearing tonight though that says between the hedges on it. Um, so I'm, I'm ready to get back between the edges myself. Yes. It's it's not over folks. so It's not over. Uh, the playoff starts now. Um, so just win survive. I feel like we've reached a survive in advance mode for this team. So just when baby just went this one.
Uh, did you bring a bourbon tonight? I did. I've got the old Tennessee whiskey. OK. OK. I brought. um The only one that I have currently from Tennessee, it's not it's from Memphis. So, but which is in Tennessee, at least. ah So the blue blue note crossroads. So, ooh, the crossroads. I haven't had that one. Yeah. Yeah. I think you were with me when I bought it, but didn't open it. I think Kentucky game, maybe whenever it was, when we went to that ABC store last fall. What's the what's the age statement on that sucker? Let's see. Age statement approved, please.
I got 100 proof, crafted at Memphis. I don't see the age on it. Not seeing it. I'll have to look it up. Someone who knows this is probably yelling at there. What makes it the crossroads? I thought there's there's something, I can't remember what it was, but what is what is it about that bottle that makes it crossroads? Because the blue note that I've done, I really enjoy the punk that I've filtered. Local shop, shout out Hop Screen and Vine.
um they ah They do a fantastic store pick of one of those things every single year. And I yeah i usually get one. I don't know if I got one this year, but yeah. and Uncut, unfiltered, and I was talking to a buddy at work and and he is out in Colorado and he said that he really likes the blue note. Uncut, unfiltered, and I was like, oh, so do I. Gotcha.
Yeah, I don't know. This one, um, you know, it's got a guy like with a guitar on his back. I think we talked about this. usually do I don't know what it is with bourbon and guitars. Well, and this one with the name crossroads, it reminds me of the, your favorite, oh is that what it is your favorite experience of watching that crossroads movie with my family. No,
no but seriously, like, isn't there like a cross, there's like a crossroads, like country music thing. Is that what the guitar thing is for? Like maybe that's what I was thinking of. No, that because this looks like more like like a blues guy, which seriously is like the what that Crossroads movie is about. So I don't know. Okay. Yeah. Got it. We'll have to do more research, but it is ah crafted and it's toasted, finished with toasted French oak. I'll tell you that. That's all I got for you. Got it. I like it. Crafted in Memphis. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So that was the only Tennessee bourbon I had on hand.
Alright, um, why don't we dive into the

Game Rankings and Logistics

matchup? I know we got a we get a bunch going on um So kickoff is at 730 Saturday night, like we said night game under the lights light up Sanford all that good stuff ah The dogs are seven and two five and two in the SEC, Tennessee eight and one, five and one in the SEC. Georgia is ranked 12th in the cultural playoff, 11th in the eight people, 10th in the coaches. ah Tennessee is ranked 7th, 6th, and 4th in those same polls respectively.
um Note, were the playoff to start today, Georgia, even though Georgia is number 12, Georgia would not be in technically. um If the playoff were like starting tomorrow, because Boise, in theory, if you put Boise as the conference champ at 13, they'd get in as the 12 seat. So a little bit of mechanics of the playoff there. um Games on ABC, they had the big croc. Yeah, it's it's weird.
And I feel like there's some folks that aren't following that. So the rankings are not the seating. It is a different thing. So you got to apply the seating mechanics mechanics to the ranking to see what the bracket would look like. Seems kind of dumb. Yeah. game is un mean just require just do Why don't they just do the ranking of like, why don't they just drop people into where they would fall in the brackets instead of just ranking people who just seem really dumb?
Right. We are like, why even reveal the rankings? Yeah. Yeah. It is kind of weird. Well, yeah, I think it's projecting conference champions is probably the the reason they would give. yeah Um, okay. So game is on ABC. We got the big crew again. They've called like almost all of our games.
Uh, yeah, Chris Fowler, Kirk Herb Street. And then again, the two sideline reporters, uh, Holly Rowe and Laura ru Rutledge. The official hashtag is hashtag 10 verse UGA. And Georgia leaves the all time series against Tennessee 28, 23 and two. Um, and then the last meeting, uh, last year up there in Knoxville, the dogs won 38 to 10.
Uh, if they're gonna head into Athens, uh, weather looks decent, at least like sunny, um, sunny day out, high 67, low of 41. So, uh, with the night kickoff and sunset is at five 28. So true night game, um, there and it'll be dark light up. Sanford should be fun. So, but maybe, uh, bring a jacket, I would suggest. All right. Yeah, it's getting, it's getting, she's starting to get chilly at night these days, Jim.
Yeah, I'll be there with Lily.

Blackout Theme and 'Rocky Top' Analysis

I think I had shown you I just got her Georgia hoodie. So she had like a black Georgia hoodie. So she's excited. She said she's going to wear her black hoodie and participate in the blackout that the students are calling for. The the unofficially, the officially unofficial blackout. Yeah. Yeah. Which I kind of feel like should be Georgia tech, but whatever. I may end up wearing black. We'll see. I mean, we can we can unofficially black out.
Yeah, officially, unofficially blackout Georgia Tech to June. That's true. That's true. We can start that movement. The blackout Georgia Tech on Black Friday. Yeah, Black Friday. and just It makes sense. I don't know. It's the thing. Yeah. um i See, I thought you were going to bring the blanket that we we purchased, the things that you and I both bought last time we were in Athens at night.
i That was already discussed. I already I did say that to Lily I was like should we bring the blanket that we bought last time you were there for a night game? ah It's a solid blanket to be fair. Yeah, it's nice. It's nice She was trying to get rid of it at one point because it she had left it somewhere and I was like no throw in the washing machine That isn't expensive Just seriously. That's an in stadium blanket.
Oh man, the blanket was there for you when you were there for it. That's right. That's right. All right. I think you have, i I think you do have something to go over and in the realm of fun facts.
I think you have something. Yeah, I mean, we've we've played these guys before. We've reviewed the all the different things. You know, we're we're not playing Tennessee. We're playing Blount College. um They were founded as Blount College. that's That's the origin of the University of Tennessee, actually founded before Tennessee even became a state, um is how far back there their roots go to 1794.
Um, but yeah, other than that, like there were some things that I was like digging in on like, Hey, what do I do with the fun facts this time? And, you know, I kind of centered on Rocky top, like what an absolutely insane song. Rocky top is. Have you ever actually like listened to or read the lyrics of, of their, their fight song, other than just listening to the annoying band, like go through its motions?
Yeah, I mean, I don't know it like word for word. I've heard Logan make fun of it a while back and with some of the details, but that's about the extent of it for me. I mean, let's just let's just dive in, Jim. Let's just dive in. OK. We said I was on old Rocky. Oh, well, do. Hey, Jim, do do we want to just play the song so we can kind of like listen through it? I'd rather not play Rocky Top on the podcast.
Fair enough. Okay, so let me just let me just read through some of the lyrics, because I feel like that you, dear listener, need to understand just how drunk the Tennessee people are um to have this as their fight song. So let's let's let's let's run through it. Wish that I was on old Rocky Top, born in the Tennessee Hills, ain't no smoggy smog on Rocky Top, ain't no telephone bills.
Once I had a girl on Rocky Top, half bear, other half cat, wild as a mink, but sweet as soda pop. Still, I still dream about that. Rocky Top, you're going to Rocky Top, everybody knows that. Yeah.
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top looking for a moonshine still, strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top, reckon they never will. Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top, dirt's too rocky by far. That's why all the folks on Rocky Top get their corn from a jar and then they get into of the Rocky Top.
ah I've had years of cramped up city life, trapped like a duck in a pen. All I know is it's a pity life. Can't be simple again. And then he goes into the Rocky job.
bring it up bla Dude, what in the world is going on? I don't say and don't i don't know what's happening. What is happening? what attack let's let's let's Let's dissect this so a little bit. First of all, like ah is there a concern about telecommunications in the state of Tennessee? like There's no no doubt, they're so concerned. like like Are telephone bills like obnoxiously high in Tennessee? like Is this the thing?
and maybe it once was. and you yeah they maybe They had to make long distance calls to call anyone to talk to back in the day. I don't know. but They're singing about their telephone bills, which is kind of wild. I would think they would be singing about like grocery or mortgage or whatever. like is is it I don't know. It just seems weird. Different times. Different times.
then you get into the half bear other half cat um girl that you've got a crush on. While doesn't make there's there's like there's three different animals all wrapped up in this all wrapped up in this desirable woman like, right half a bear other half cat like so is there no human part of this woman? Like what is going on? Oh, I can think of is man bear pig on South Park, who was half man half bear half pig. Wait, that's three halves. Wait, that's three.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, i I don't know. I don't really know what to do with that. but All I gotta say is that's a lot of beastiality, my friends. It's it's very odd. Very odd. And then then we get into the two strangers that climb the old rocky top looking for a moonshine still. so and And then they're talking about how they're they're never gonna come down again.
so So these guys just decided that they're going to kill federal agents. Like what is going on? We went from this like, you can't, there's no, there's no bills up here and we're going to have bestiality and then we've got, we're going to kill some federal agents. Cause that's, that's exactly what's going on there.
Now all I'm thinking about is the show justified. but so why Yeah. Cause he would, he would go, did you ever watch that? Uh, maybe a long time ago. Not really. I liked Timothy. Is it Timothy? oafant or Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He would like go into the Hills and, you know, arrest people and such. That's what they did. Okay. So yeah, I was thinking about it. I was thinking of like empire, like they would go hunting for that. There was a guy, there was a character on on that show, not not empire, um, boardwalk empire.
um there were where they would go looking for looking for booze that is being sold bootleg but um but yeah they're they're talking about killing federal agents in their you know state song
All right, but we digress. that's Let's go further because the crazy doesn't end there, Jim. Okay. um They start talking about how corn doesn't grow on Rocky Top. I'm pretty sure corn will grow just about anywhere that there's good soil. And there's definitely soil corn will absolutely definitely grow in the hills of Tennessee. I'm not really sure where they get their agricultural knowledge from but It's kind of messed up. I don't know. I've got nothing for you on that one. But then they're talking about corn from the jar. Did they gotta to get it from a jar? They can't grow it. They can't grow themselves. So they got to go by. You're just drinking booze. You're just drinking booze all day long. Yeah. um That's where they get their sustenance. like they They got to be worried about the telephone bills and they get their food from booze. They like their moonshine. that's They do like the moonshine. Look, maybe the person who wrote this had been drinking lots of moonshine and it made sense at the time.
I'll get to that in just a second. okay um so then Then they talk about the cramp life, and then they characterize that by trapped like a duck in a pen. I mean, I've been to a lot of farms. like are Are people just like keeping ducks in pens? like Is this the thing? i Normally, ducks are are wild-free roaming and floating in the ponds. True. How do you even keep them? I don't know.
Yeah, I've never even seen anybody keep them. It's not like chickens where they have like a... I don't know. there's There's a lot going on. There's a lot going on in the song. There's a lot of animals. There's a lot of questionable behavior in general from the Tennesseans here. It gives you all good reason to, you know, to dislike them or whatever.
yeah um Ironically enough, ah so this song was actually released on Christmas Day in 1967 by a couple named Felice and Bond Lou. It this sounds like an LSU fan, but which is kind of funny. Felice and Bond Lou Bryant. um The two of them ah met and got married after 24 hours of knowing each other. Interesting.
but they ah they wrote this song in the Gatlinburg Inn and it became a you know pretty much instantaneously popular song um and you know it it kind of became the hit song of the 70s in Tennessee and it is one of one of 147 official songs for the state of Tennessee which I guess makes a little bit bit sense but 147 like we get like a nice round number Tennessee yeah that feels like a lot it feels like a lot feels like a lot of but I realized Nashville is, you know, as in there is in your state with, uh, come on. point I feel like a lot of those must be unofficial official songs just to go with the theme. Sorry. good to Probably, probably. Um, but yeah, so they wrote the song as, I guess their bluegrass, their bluegrass performers. And they wrote this song to kind of be a, a more upbeat, they wanted to write a more upbeat song. Um, and, and this is the one that they chose to go with Jim.
Hey, it's catchy. it's all you know It's about the tune more so than the lyrics, maybe. I think so. yeah it's It's got to be. It's got to be. um But man, it's a lot of so a lot of lot of animals to describe a girl that you want to date. That's all I'm saying.
Yeah, there's a lot going on. There's a lot going on. i i prefer the I prefer this song when sung by Jake Fromm after beating Tennessee or or when it's featured in a cinematic highlight reel with the kind of spooky version of it. The spooky version, yeah. Yeah, that was fantastic.
so and like letting you I like being able to kind of turn it back on them a little bit. That's fun. I do like that. I do like that that spooky song. yeah maybe Maybe they'll come out with another version of it. but you know i wish that I wish that it was um like, I feel like it should be a tradition for Georgia quarterbacks to whistle or sing Rocky Top as they leave their their interview after the after this game.
Yeah. Yeah. That was like, like and that was kind of like, we have the bow, kind of like we have the bow, uh, for the running decks. Like, yeah, this could be a quarterback. This can be a quarterback for turn anything. I like it. I like, I think you're onto something.
If you are interested in listening to like one of the quintessential like versions or whatever, the Osborne Brothers are the are the famous, they're that's probably the voice voice that you probably think of when you listen to, when you hear ah the actual song, Rocky Top, not the annoying, dumb, drunk band. Right, right. Okay, cool. Anyway, that's my fun fact, Rocky Top. Rocky Top, what the heck?
Nice. Okay. Incidentally, there is a town called Rocky top Tennessee. Uh, there is a town called Rocky top. It used to be called something else though. And they changed the name. Uh, yeah. So in 2014, 2014, um, there was a city called Lake city. Tennessee that decided to change their name to Rocky top Tennessee. Um, yeah. So anyway, you could, you could actually go to Rocky top Tennessee if you wanted to.

Historical Legacy of Georgia Football

Who would want to do that?
Feel free to drop a load. Feel free to drop a load of your camper fluid, which I believe ah no longer miserable in Minnesota has done on occasion yeah and there in Florida. There are stories. Statute of limitations is over.
All right, get on the fun facts. Get on the fun facts for the history of ah Rocky Top. Speaking of history, we have Hasty's, Hager history. Yes.
All right. Hasty's Hargrid History. um I can do this. I've got it up if you want. OK. All right. So this is coming in from Jason Hasty. ah If you have not yet, head over to the Hargrid Library in Athens on campus. And he's got the he curates the Athletic Association archives there. ah They've got a fall exhibit on Olympians ah from University of Georgia. So always a good time over there to go check that out if if you're in town.
All right. On the afternoon noon of October. Friday too, right? Yeah, on Fridays, yes, every Friday, there is a you can go in the afternoon. i Just see the exhibit and get a tour. Yep. All right, on ah this is Hasty's Harvard History for Tennessee. On the afternoon of October 22, 1910, Hurdyfield behind New College in the chapel, a freshman running back broke free for a 90-yard touchdown, ah then worth five points to help lead the red and black team to a 35 to five win over Tennessee.
In doing so, he helped so solidify a complete change in Georgia's football fortunes. The years between 1899 and 1909 were the most desolate in Georgia's football history. During that span, Georgia's teams posted a cumulative record of 26 wins, 40 losses, and eight ties under the tutelage of nine different coaches. Interest in football on campus had waned, and there was a risk that the team would be abandoned. So,
For all of us that are freaking out, um, right now, but let's, let's, let's think about what it was like, uh, back in, in between 1899 and 1909. Oh man. Um, in 1910, however, everything changed. An adjunct professor, professor in the English department, Steadman V. Stanford, who was also a faculty advisor for athletics, hired a new coach for the football and baseball teams, Alex Cunningham.
Cunningham, who had played at Vanderbilt for their legend legendary coach Dan McGuggin, had brought his Gordon Military Institute baseball team to Athens, where they soundly defeated the Georgia team. After the game, Sanford wrote out a contract on the back of an envelope and hired Cunningham before GMI could leave Athens. How about that? ah Come to town, we steal your coach.
ah When Cunningham came to Athens, he brought McGuggin's wide open ah offensive attack, which McGuggin had in turn learned from Michigan's legendary coach Fielding, point a minute Yost. The offensive system featured not only runs around the ends of the line to get backs into the open field, but also trick plays in the occasional forward pass.
Cunningham also brought his star athlete from GMI, Robert Ligon Ligon, Bob McWhorter. McWhorter was an athlete like Georgia had never seen before in his campus. He was a solidly built five foot 10 and 180 pounds who could run with outstanding speed and power.
The turnaround for the preceding decade was immediate. Georgia went one, four, and two in 1909. In 1910, Cunningham and McWhorter led Georgia to a six, two, and one record with wins over Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia Tech. The season opened with a 101 to nothing and 79 to nothing demolitions of Locust Grove and Gordon College. The 90 yard touchdown run, what's up?
That's crazy. That's crazy to think about just the scores there. Like, particularly like, I guess I, I didn't realize that the touchdowns were only six points back then. They were five or five. Yeah. Five points back then. So like, think about how many touchdowns are involved with that. Like, right. Seriously. I was told there'd be no math, but it's a lot.
Yeah. Like eat your heart out, Steve Sperrier. Yeah, seriously, seriously. Um, let's see the, the 90 yard touchdown run against Tennessee was just one of 61 touchdowns credited to McQuarter between 1910 and 1913. And by the way, if you're watching on, on YouTube, this picture of a game being played on Herdy field, we believe to be a picture of that Georgia Tennessee game in 1910.
Um, McCorder was named to the all Southern team all four years. Uh, and in 1913 was named to the park Davis all American team. The first time a football player from the deep South was so honored. Cunningham coached at Georgia for eight total seasons in 1917, when Georgia suspended its athletics program for the duration of the war Cunningham enlisted in the U S army, where he served in combat on the front lines in France.
He returned to Georgia to coach for the 1919 season, then then resigned to resume his army career. His record as coach was 43 wins, 18 losses, and nine ties. He retired as a general, passed away in 1968, and is buried in the Marietta National Cemetery in Cobb County. the nineteen twenty Yeah, you have to go check this out, JP.
Take him out. and The 1920 Georgia team, which started out as the Wildcats ended up as the Bulldogs and probably needs a hasty's hard grid history segment all its own was Cunningham's legacy. I don't remember there being the Wildcats and we may have discussed that with Jason before.
Um, Herman Stegman, who played for Amos Alonzo Stag at Chicago and was Cunningham's assistant in 1919, led the wildcat slash Bulldogs to an eight oh and one record. The 1920 team was named national champion in polls, uh, sorry, was named national champion in polls recognized by the NCAA. UGA has a legitimate claim to recognizing 1920 as a national championship team.
McWhorter attended law school at the University of Virginia, where legend has it that he suited up under a pseudonym for a game against Harvard. After law school, he returned to Athens, where he taught in the UGA Law School for decades, was active in civic and university causes, and served four terms as mayor of Athens. He died in 1960.
The McQuarter's name lives on at UGA. McQuarter Hall, named for Bob McQuarter and other members of his family who played for Georgia, was for decades the athletics dorm. A new McQuarter Hall houses students in the East Campus Village near the Ramsey Center. So yeah, McQuarter was where all of the shenanigans happened with the players when I was in school, when you and I were in school. Oh yeah. It was like a, and it was like built like a motel. Like didn't like all the doors were like outside. Uh, it was the only dorm like that back in the day.
Yeah, buildings but torn down now. I can't remember what's even there now where that was. Speaking of buildings, how wild is it that, you know, back in what year was that picture from the the game? What year was that? That was 1910.
Yeah. 1910, like, think about that, like, Herdyfield 1910, first of all, but like, just how old, how old the history is, how rich the heritage is at the University of Georgia that we've got, when you're, when you're playing those games on Herdyfield and it's like right next to, you know, dorms and classrooms and stuff like that. And, yeah you know, where, how far, how far it's come from those humble beginnings.
Yeah, for sure. Where where we were playing um a real murderous row of a schedule, beating teams 101 to nothing. I know, right? Yeah. Seriously. Seriously. Hey, they beat Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia

Player Updates and Coaching Reactions

Tech. So heck of a team back in 1910. Them dogs as hell. Them dogs as hell. That's right.
Alright, um Thanks Jason. institute Yeah. Thanks as always for sending those those are great. I love it how like Jason always ends his email like I hope this will do I'm like, yeah, yeah ja Ever ever so humble. Yeah. Yeah, I love it All right, um let's see. Couple of news and notes. um the See, on Monday, I think Kirby opened by just saying, like, thank goodness this game's, like, thank is and goodness it's at our place, just having this game at home. um So how'd they call that? And then just one thing, or a few injuries he got us about today. um Gabe Harris, um he said the game's good, um actually started on special teams last week and just hoping to get more reps out of them or snaps.
Branson Robinson, he had asked about him. So he's back out like moving around and running and like riding the bike. Um, but he said he, he doesn't want to say that he's a week away. Um, not sure if he's getting closer. And then Anthony Evans sounds like he is back, like he's running. Um, and they've been like checking him at some decent speeds. Uh, but he said that they're being careful with him.
Uh, he, but he did say we hope we can get him back. So he didn't say hopeful, but he did say he, so I would not expect Mr. Evans to be out there. I feel like, I feel like we have a tangential connection to the hopeful there. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I guess the only other thing out of the, the, the, the, the difference between yesterday's press conference and today's was that yesterday, Jake Pope was an idiot, but today he has not. Um, so for whatever.
but but I just want to go on record, but I don't know what, I don't know what we're doing. I don't know what's going on. Like we went from, we went from in the span of a couple of days to from chip chip towers, asking him about visors and him just like brushing that question, like completely aside with a giant FU. Yeah. Yeah.
He's had a lot of questions come up about players in the past and like their dumb siree and I do think that it was quite pointed for him to say that in the in the in the press conference yesterday the other day yeah where he called him out like specifically I don't know that I've ever seen him do that and I don't know how I feel about it Jim like I wish that he had just I wish that he had just given a nephew if you like coach B cancer Yeah, I think the closest the closest I can think of um was when, Tennessee related, when George Pickens squirted a Tennessee player with a water bottle. That's the closest I can think of it to him having a reaction like that. He didn't call him an idiot, but he did say like, he made some kind of joke about like, like what are we doing? Like, what are we in?
elementary school or you know, something along those lines. That's the closest I can think of. But it was still wasn't quite that. Yeah. So but to call out to call out your third string defensive back like that on Yeah, I don't even know like the full context. Like I like to think that he just was excited to see him. And, you know, when they saw him, they got excited and we're jumping around and stuff. I like to I like to think that there he was just, you know, excited to see some long friends and they were just kind of goofing off. Yeah. that i Seems likely seems Yeah. So definitely a yeah weird, a weird situation. I wish that he had said nothing saying something two days in a row seems really, really ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you. What he's like to tell Carson flush it. Go to the next move on to the next boy. Probably. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. fucker b see that Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Take the sack. but Yeah, seriously. Uh,
Um and then on And we can talk about this I guess a little bit and a little bit when we talk about the georgia defense But I think the big thing uh news and notes from the tennessee side is niko Iyub malayaba and his

Game Statistics and Offensive Strategies

availability. Um, so he left the their last game Uh, with an injury and, um, it didn't finish the game. There's been reports today by multiple, multiple people. I think we saw one that said he's not going to play. We saw another that he's in the concussion. Pete Thammel was reporting that Nico was in the concussion protocol.
Um, and so therefore his status is not known and the hypo has been kind of coy with it and it's like, he's fine. So definitely I watched his face. We're recording on Tuesday. The first injury report comes out Wednesday. So definitely we'll be, uh, watching that this week. I wonder if hypo will pull a lane and put the whole team on the injury report. We'll see.
All right, let's let's let's get into the game. So some macro things, net yards for play. Tennessee is ah a little bit better than than Georgia. Tennessee is at 2.06 net yards for play. Georgia is at 1.28 right now. And then turnover margin. Georgia at nine minus three. ah Tennessee at plus four. um So they're doing well in the turnover margin.
Um, and then just getting into like the Georgia offense, Tennessee defense. Um, so some, some notable layers on the Tennessee defense, uh, Arian Carter, he is their leading tackler, um, sophomore linebacker. Um, he also has one interception and then will Brooks senior defensive back leads, uh, Tennessee's defense with three interceptions and then James Pierce Jr.
is a junior defensive line, uh, leads a team with five and a half sacks. Uh, so just to keep you able to call out on the defense, defense is pretty good, man. Um, they rank fifth in FPS s and yards allowed, uh, fifth in FPS points per game, second in success rate, um, and 30 yards for play. Um, so this has been a, this has been a viable, uh, defense for them this year.
Yeah, there's, it's another good, another good offense for us to, you know, recover from, I guess. Right. Right. Yeah. So, um, I know, John, what are you, what are you looking for when the steward offenses on the field?
Blocking. Yeah. Blocking and catching the ball. How about that? i think that I think that we should block, we should catch the ball and we should hang on to the ball when the ball is given to us and we should secure that ball like it's ah like a life or death situation.
yeah Dear God, please. um Yeah, man. I think that i think that the you know ah conversations that we've had about this team has been centered around, you know as this team, as Carson Becko, so does this team. Last week we were introduced to a concept which we've previously hadn't really experienced much of.
But it turns out that as Carson Beck goes, so does this team, but also as the turnovers go outside of Carson Beck, so does this team. Yeah. You know, can't fumble the ball and can't turn the ball over for for one. And then, you know, secondary, but just as important, we we need to put up a fight. we need to get need to We need to get better on the offensive line, period. Yeah, in fact.
Yeah, we do. And I think, you know, one thing, um I think like being back in the friendly confines of Sanford Stadium, I think will help. um I know you, you and I were texting today, you were, you had sent me a play where like, we had like two receivers, I think like Carson's checking out the Linus camera engine, like we had like, I think two guys hands up, like don't know what they're doing. Um, I think, like I said, I think the, the EA sports college of all, uh, stadium pulse got to them and their routes were as quickly lines. Like they didn't know where to go. Um, but you know, we're going to be at home on Saturday. So, you know, um,
shouldn't have that problem with communication, being able to you know know what the play Carson is checking into or here in the play in the huddle and that kind of stuff. So hopefully that can clean up some of that and just like knowing your assignments and you know cleaning up like procedural procedural penalties and stuff like that. Hopefully it goes better at home because we had a lot of problems with that. I don't miss to.
Yeah, agreed. um Yeah, I guess that you could layer that in there as well. Like, you know, the things I'm looking for, I'm looking for our offense, our offensive players and skilled position players to know what they're supposed to do.
Yeah, I mean, and you think about it, too, like, again, just not to harp on it, but I'm going to like how many games we've been away from home. And I mean, you know, that Mississippi State game Carson through for what was like the second most he he like and it ended up like top five and something for a yard throwing yards passing in the game or something like that.
Um, so last time he was at home, you know, we saw him do some good things. So yeah, he had 459 pass yards passing, um, in that game against Mississippi state. So keep back at home. Um, have the home crowd behind you. Uh, looking forward to that. I don't know. I guess that's about it. I'm going to say the positive way. Cause I know Jake from heard him say this last week, like you can't think like, don't throw interceptions, right? So we're going to say the positive way of protect the football.
Uh, so yeah, protect the football and man, just get some consistency, get some consistency. Hopefully Bobo and company can see something on film from Tennessee, you know, and, um, exploit it. So.
the good news The good news for the University of Georgia tackle football team um hailing from Athens, the good news is is that they have not peaked yet and there's room for improvement.

Playoff Implications and Self-improvement

Even this late into the season, there's we have yet to play a complete game. so We know know that they are capable of it and I believe they're capable of it. Our backs are against the wall by and large seems to be an elimination and game for the you know for the CFP barring any kind of like craziness that happens but this seems like it's an elimination game for for us. So if we have hopes of hosting you know the first ever you know round of football games um you know um in the first round of the playoffs then
This has got to be a game that we win. Um, if we hope to be, I think we're, we're, we're already eliminated from the FCC championship, right? Like there's no way that we're making it. Not mad. No, mathematically we're not, but we would need weird, like we need help. So winning out, beating Tennessee, it's not like beat Tennessee and you're in, uh, had we beat old, had we beat Ole Miss than beating Tennessee would have put us in. Um, but at this point, no.
Yeah, it's, it's still, it's still possible. I think we could in theory be eliminated this weekend, pending, you know, even if we went, uh, pending results of other teams. Right. I believe I actually you know I'm not a hundred percent sure that's true because Alabama plays Mercer. They don't have a conference this week. So I think technically would may have to wait until next weekend.
Yeah. At the end of the day, just when, just when they, you know, actually while we're on that, I've got to say, you know, we have, uh, we've got our friends down the street, uh, their oldest son plays for Mercer. So I'll be pulling for the Mercer bears to, uh, pull up a miracle for go Mercer bears. Hey man, they can, they could, they could enter, enter the CFP conversation immediately. Hey man. This weekend.
Mercer is FCS and they're like nine and one. They're, they're having a heck of a season. So Kendall Harris, he's their leading receiver or he was less than I checked. So, uh, we that. Yeah. All right. Um, yeah, I guess that's about it for, for the offense. I, you know, their, their defense is good. Like I said, they've they've got a good defense. Um, they've been solid this season.
but um I feel like we just need to worry about ourselves and focus on you know doing the right things right and keeping the main thing the main thing and and go from there. um yeah i keep yeah They don't have the defensive line. I'm not saying they don't have a good defensive line, but I don't think we're going to see a line like Ole Miss had again. so um Those don't grow on trees.
All right, let's talk about, um, when Tennessee has the ball.

Tennessee's Offense and Georgia's Defense

So their offense, our defense. Um, so we mentioned Nico, obviously. Um, so he's, and he's actually, he's there like a redshirt freshman, technically, um, quarterback. Uh, he's thrown for 1,879 yards, 11 touchdowns and four picks.
Like we said, we don't know if he's going to go or not. So the backup as a senior, Gaston Moore, he hasn't played quite as much. He's 16 of 25 on the season for 201 yards, two touchdowns and two picks. um So definitely don't have the does not have the experience, at least this season, um that Nico has, has not put played a ton.
Um, they do have the sec leading rusher and Dylan Samson junior running back. He's got 1,129 yards and 20 touchdowns. So he leads the sec in yardage and rushing, rushing touchdowns. Um, and their backup running back, uh, Deshaun Bishop, he's a freshman, 372 yards and three touchdowns. Uh, one thing to call out if around Nico, if he's going to go or not, he's also the third leading rusher, uh, with 250, 15 yards rushing into touchdown.
to say that the I was to say ah quietly having ah d Dylan Sampson quietly having like one of the better seasons. I feel like I've seen in a while in a while, like I feel like I haven't really heard a whole lot lot about this kid, but to be at almost 1200 yards rushing and 20 touchdowns. Yeah, those are those are i and end to be averaging 5.6 yards per carry like that's these are eye popping stats. They are.
They are. It is impressive. So definitely going to have to watch your him. um Especially under the umbrella of like rotating backs in modern day you know yeah modern day college football.
Yeah, for sure. Uh, we'll see the leading receivers, Dante Thornton Jr. He's a senior 505 yards and four touchdowns. And then wide receiver to brew McCoy senior receiver, 357 yards. So, you know, I think you can we talk about this. Can we talk about like their, their, their all name game here? yeah like is he Yeah. They've got brew McCoy, they've got Dante and they've got squirrel. Can we, yeah. Can we, can we hope that brew McCoy, it would be so much better if it's pronounced bruh.
bruh. I promise you, Jim, I will be, I'll be pronouncing it bruh. If he, if he breaks loose. Yeah. yeah bra For sure. Uh, yeah, dude, squirrel is a that is a great, that is for sure. I'll name squirrel white.
I mean, it is a incredible. is That is an all name candidate. um But you know, you think of you, I feel like in general, you think like, oh, hypo, like, you know, up tempo, like high flying, like air raid almost. But I mean, they're really not like they have to run the ball. That that offense is predicated on on the run working, um, which I mean, like what last year, right? First play of the game. Wasn't that like just like a long touchdown run that they had against us? Um, when they thought they had won the game or their fans celebrate like they had won the game, but you know, that was a long touchdown run. So they, they are predicated on the run. And so I think, you know, as far as what we're looking for in the defense line of scrimmage game, take away the run. You know, um, I think that's what we're gonna, what we're going to do. And I, I What makes me feel, I guess, what gives me some comfort here is I feel like we have played them very well on defense. Um, and the, the kind of MO when we played these guys, since hypo got there is early success that we then shut down. Um, that's how this game has gone every, every time.
Except for, I guess, two years ago, we just kind of shut them down from the start and then they eventually did a little something after the rain or whatever. But, um, that's kind of, oh I guess that's kind of how I'm feeling here. I mean, it feels like the Kirby's got this, this ah offense figured out. Um, I'm not terribly worried. I mean, I think that what you're going to see, I think what you're going to see is that, uh, you know, Samson's going to get his yards and, you know,
depending on if Ian Maliava is going to be playing, that that will dictate a lot of what they do. you know If he's not playing, I expect you just to see a pretty heavy dose of Mr. Sampson.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, this is so huge, whether he plays or not. I don't know, I eager to see the injury report. I'm very curious to see how they have him listed throughout the week. So I like our chances even even more if he's not up there for what it's worth. I know the joke has been John's already been John has already been making the joke of like, oh, no, no, they're back up quarterback thing. But no, no, we get to we have to contend with someone that has no film.
Yeah. Yeah. They would, there is, well he has at least played some already. So, and I will say this too, like, at least it's like, I feel like our coaches already know they need to prepare for two quarterbacks, uh, considering where we're at and already a questionable kind of kind of deal. So I would imagine there'll be a plan for both guys.
I mean, you say he's played before, but he's got six more completions than Gunner's talked. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, they can find film of him at least. Like he has played. so Sure. And like I said, like I said, I think the bigger thing is it's not like a on the fly. You know, like we have reason to prepare for him and to scout him. We're going to say last week we didn't have as much reason to do that on Dolmas Freshman just in comparison.
No. All right. I don't know. Anything else you're

Fan Impact and Special Teams

looking for? it like i i I'll be watching the line of scrimmage, honestly. I'll be watching the defensive line and seeing what we can do there. Can we keep our hair and hair on fire for the entire game? Can we come out here on fire? and like This is the part where, too, their offense, our defense, this is where we, the fans,
can make a difference. Um, I, I heard some rumblings of like, Oh, coming off a loss. Like fans aren't going to be into it. And I'm like, I just, I can't, I couldn't believe I'm here. I've heard anyone say that cause I like hardcore disagree. Like this team's been gone for over a month and they're coming home to a night game against Tennessee. Like I feel like Sanford is going to be unhinged when their offense is on the field. So that's my take.
Yeah, I think that unhinged is probably a good assertion for what to expect here. I mean, I know that we talked about it. Like I had hoped to come to this game, but, um, you know, I'm not able to go, but it feels like literally everybody's going to be at this game. Yeah. Yeah.
Like there's going to be a lot of pent up demand. Um, you know, if, if there was a lot of pent up demand for travel for, you know, after COVID and all that kind of stuff, like there's pent up demand for college football poll and tailgating in Athens and a night game means that they're going to be nice and fueled and trash cans. Beware. Yes. No trash cans are safe. Watch out.
There will be no trash cans untouched this weekend. um if yeah If you know you know. I expect the brown water to be heavily dosed. yeah But definitely, definitely heed the warnings, hydrate, and stay away from peanut butter, whiskey, and grape juice.
Yes. Yeah. Don't go, don't go so far that you then can't be allowed because you're unable to make it. You gotta, it's, it's a, it's a marathon. It's not as rent for that.
And you can have, you know, you can have a creature comforts inside now or whatever your beverage of choices. So just remember that. Correct. All right. Um, let's see, we can hit the special teams briefly. Um, you know, I didn't do, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta hit the Google. Oh, Australian punter. Yeah. Is the Australian. I feel like there's an Australian punter on Tennessee's team. Let's see. He is.
Cause it feels like this could be a 50 50 shot. Like type question is the, is the kicker ah Australian? Yes or no. Yes. Jackson Ross. That sounds pretty. Yeah. Attended Haley Berry college in Melbourne, Australia. So nice. Okay. So I feel like I heard, I feel like I heard a source and talk about this guy, but anyway, go ahead.
Yeah, he, he was talking about, um, he did talk about, was it the Florida guy that he was talking about that I think he knows really well at any rate, but yeah, so he is from, I always just have to check to see if, uh, if they take special teams seriously. So they do take special teams seriously. Jackson Ross, sophomore punter.
44 and a half yard average. ah Their field goal kicker is ah is a freshman, ah Max Gilbert, and he's 16 of 22 on field goals. So know watch that space. Maybe something to watch out for in the special teams realm.
And the big, the big matchup, the matchup that everyone's been waiting for. John is Georgia punter, Brett Thorsen hunting to Tennessee punt returner, the aforementioned squirrel white. So Hopefully he's not running on the field like the Ole Miss squirrel. I'm just about to say, is there going to be a squirrel on the field? So a little bit different. We forgot to talk about it. I feel like he could have some pretty awesome NIL merch if he wanted to, Mr. White.
Yeah, seriously. I'd say reach as a chase, but I don't see chase wanting to work with a Tennessee person. He does noted, noted Tennessee hater. That's right. Um, I feel like there's, I feel like there's a, there's some merchant there that there is like breaking bad themes. Squirrel squirrel white, Mr. White. e True. True. That could work. please These are, these are free ideas, sir. Like just just rake rake in the marketing dollars.
Uh, nice. All right. That's why that's all I had for the special teams. Um, although I guess the only other thing is Anthony Evans, we talked about him earlier. So like, we'll see. Um, my guess would be we've got Starks back there returning punts again, and then, uh, the mixture where we had like Dylan Bell on kickoffs and such. I assume it was a whole ah whole lot of, a whole lot of non-excitement from the UGA side of things. Um, I'd like to see, you know, like, is it, don't we have, uh, Michael Jackson out there for, didn't he like return pumps at USC?
You know what? And he will, you're right. He was back, uh, on kick return for one of the Ole Miss kicks. I remember they mentioned that. Yeah. Cause I definitely, you know, as I do when they, when they said that Michael Jackson was deep on the kickoff, like I looked at Kim and gave a little he, he, he, because I just can't resist it whenever I hear his name.
I mean, I guess that that would be a sign. It's bad. Um, if, if he's, if he's back there returning puns, who's bad. ah Did so many jokes are just like right there. Like Kim, you know, we should have talked about that during the offense, uh, playing Mike Jackson more. I mean, I figured that at this point, like the best place for him to pop up would be special teams. Yeah. You know, maybe he can moonwalk his way into the end zone.
oh That would be so amazing. Like, dude, can you just imagine if you did, if you had a breakaway and he's on like the one yard line and just bust out? Oh my God. Okay. The unfortunate thing is that I think that that would actually technically get flagged and like be a 15 yard penalty from where he started. So at least get into the end zone first, if that happens, but yes, okay but yeah, again, I haven't taken the referee in class. Holy Okay. All right. Uh, let's hit the listener questions.
ah As always, the listener questions are brought to you by Working Web Media. ah Head over to slash dogs if you need help with your website, ah your online presence. They'll know that we sent you their way if you don't over there, but they redesigned our website for us last offseason. Super happy with it. Head over to to check out some of their work. Check out our merch shop. They helped us set all that up. but Good people over there and rumor has it the working web media crew may be in Athens for the game. So if you have Morris Hall, I can give an in-person introduction. The entirety of what you wear in media or just... yeah okay yeah Yeah. Everybody. I like it. I told you, everybody's going to be in Athens. It's going to be amazing.
All right. Uh, first up, we've got Brett building with the building bonus.

Rivalry and Personal Recollections

TM, TM, TM. Hello from India. I did not realize Brett was in India until I read this. I had Indian today, not, not in the honor of you, Mr. Belding, but, uh, I had Indian food for dinner. Nice.
So first up is Tennessee of rivalry. This is hard because by the, my God, a podcast definition that we set from Brett's question earlier in the season, that would say no, because this game, we don't disagree on the all time record. There's no, tro happening there there's no name and there's not a trophy awarded to the winner. Was that our third one? I think that was our third one.
Uh, disagree on the record name trophy in the name. There's no name for this guy. I think that's it. I think that's it. Now the 90s, I guess, I guess I would, I would layer on like an additional like tertiary layer, which is border state. Yeah. Border state slash like how often, ah how often do you play like historically?
Which has to think, so that's where this one gets interesting, right? Because it's like, we really have a gray area. It's a gray area. It is because, you know, by definitions, probably just a solid no. Yeah. And it's, it's the kind of thing where like, you know, I would have never imagined saying such a thing when we were in college. Like when we got there, it was like, we hated Tennessee, you know, like 1998 was my freshman year. And so like, you know, hated them coming off Peyton Manning and they went in Addie, like didn't like them. But I mean, the reality is this is also a very streaky.
but rivalry or whatever historically, especially like 90s. They dominated us. And then of late, you know, we've had their number. So I don't know. I would I would say the team who's behind at the time probably considers the other arrival just because that's how those things go. But historically, probably not. I still tend it's hard for me to say this isn't a rivalry, though, just because of college when we were in college. So it is it is to me, I guess. But ah it doesn't meet our criteria. yeah Your mileage may vary. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not going to get a plan if you say it is though. Cause I say it is. Um, and then second, we're either of you at the 1998 Tennessee at Georgia game where game day was on top of the Tate center. Incidentally, that was the last time they were relevant. So I was there because I was a freshman. You were still in high school. John is a good thing, right? Uh, so yeah, I was there. Was this the one that's famous for like ah herb street, getting upset?
m I don't remember him being upset. I actually talked to Herb Street. I'll say that um he he was actually like super cool, honestly, like back then. I mean, like to the students because we went they they did something like Friday night. They were there a day early and they did something from Tate Friday night and we went down there for that. And he came down the him and Fowler came down. um I don't think Coursera was there on Friday, but it was the two of them. They came down and talked to all of us and were like signing autographs and stuff and were very, very friendly. And like people were making jokes to Herb Street about like, you know, like, do you still have nightmares about playing Georgia? You know, because that was his last college game was losing to us. And he actually was like, Oh, man, he's like, Mitch Davis, like, just sacked me again, or something like that. Like, he's making jokes about that stuff. So, you know, it was cool. It was cool. So yeah, I was down there. it was ah It was a good time. I was not.
Yeah, yeah, it was fun. So Brett, we were probably both there. i would admit and On top of the Tate Center, though, like whoever. I mean, you couldn't really do that anymore. In the plaza? In the plaza? they were on the They were on the roof of the Tate Center, like up against the bridge. So like we were on the bridge and they were on the roof. What? Yeah, yeah. There's a picture here, but it's kind of hard to see because it's small. um But so yeah, we went up to the bridge and we're standing right behind them. That's how I remember them. That's awesome.
Yeah, I like that. I do like that as more so than I do Myers quad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was nice having them like right there in the middle campus. I know that they would probably never let them do this, but like North Campus would probably be ah pretty cool too. I will say the SEC nation, um, is in town this weekend as well. Um, and they're going to be, they're going to be, uh, out usually like on the, right in front of the hardware library, they're going to be on that, on that quad. So they'll be on North Campus or where Reagan tailgates. Yep. Yeah. So he's probably not going to be able to this week, I guess maybe he can come in later because they'll be gone with an eye game. I don't have to ask him.
I doubt it. They're going to be breaking things down for hours. Yeah. All right. Let's see. Next up, we got 51 to seven GTA, uh, to make sure they get the ball in Bell's hands, considering the offensive struggles. Is it time to put him back? Uh, time to put him in the backfield. Like we saw last year versus actually dude, from your your lips to Mike Bubo's ears, like.
I don't know, man. like I know that this is going to be a theme of some of the questions about what do we do different. I have wondered about a lot of things with this ah offense and what we can do. Dylan Bell, as in misdirection, is certainly an option. like i mean Bear in mind that Mike Bobo was around for the offenses in the the marked rookie years where we had Wildcat and as part of a regular package. Yeah. Dylan Bell has thrown the ball and is a threat to throw. He's a threat to run and frankly like in an option situation like he's a threat to catch the ball like so maybe leveraging the talent that he's got would be a nice change of pace like literally try something like
I guess that I probably should have said, what are you looking for from the offense? like Show me. Show me something. Show me that you are addressing and a situation that is very clearly lacking creativity, whether it be because of the offensive line or because of the wide receiver play or the quarterback play, whatever the case may be. like So what?
like show me something that you can that shows that you can adapt to work within the confines of your situation. Like, you know, to quote Ed Harris from Apollo 13, work the problem, gentlemen.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, i I like to see Dylan Bell with the ball in his hands. I mean, he said we've seen it on like jet sweeps and end-of-rounds thus far this year. I mean, it may be time. I think I said the last time this came up, I said no, but I mean,
Etn is banged up frasiers had some all controlling yeah frasiers had some ball control problems. um I know we haven't seen chauncey bones really except for you know yeah in like one of the smallest like directional school or something games so like I don't know um yeah I mean it.
I'm open to new things. And we've, we've, like we said, I mean, Dylan Bell is shifty. Um, I, he reminds like, as a running back, like he reminds me of like a scat back that we used to see kind of like, you know, like nineties and 2000s with a shiftiness. So, I mean, I'm for it, but let's do like, to your point, like show me or like do something we need to spark.
Um, and I think, uh, the unofficial but official receiver, but I got to buy a guest as a, as a prime person to ignite a spark personally. So we'll see. Yeah. I mean, if you have someone that's versatile in their talent, you should probably leverage that in some way, shape or form. I mean, Brock Bowers was a tight end and oftentimes was broke out, broke out wide as a wide receiver. Yeah. Yeah.
We very clearly know how to leverage someone's strengths. The fact that we aren't when he's exhibited that he has that talent and we're not using it at a time of dire need. um yeah and it goes it goes back to It goes back to the decisions that are being made by the coaching staff and there are questions centered around that and we'll see how this game pans out in the rest of the season, but um show me show me something.
All right, we'll move on.

Offensive Line Challenges

ah this This segment ah in our show notes actually bracketed this under the sky is falling because we have like a theme of questions. um So I'm just going to read through them and then let's just kind of have, I think, one discussion. So the way Hunter, uh, Hunter Jones, uh, guest of last episode, he said, it's clear that this Georgia team has a list of problems, but if you could diagnose the one you would deem the most impactful to fix right now and ride into the playoff run, what would it be? Then he said bonus. How, how would you fix it? Um, Bobby Wilson said, what's the single biggest glaring problem causing the terrible inconsistency in this year's team?
He's a correctable this week. Thanks guys. Go dogs. Chad Jarvis said, how do you fix his team? And Jake, uh, Jake B Johnson said, how bad is our offense and how do we fix it? So I know we've kind of talked in texted about our, our feelings of what the number one, the number one thing is. And I think that I'll just open with it's, it's actually not the quarterback. It's not Carson Beck. We don't think. Yeah. Um, uh, is there, is there, there's a glaring problem, Jim?
What is it? what What's been the issue? and what's our What's our number one issue? In the SEC, historically the successes are had. along the line of scrimmage. um Football is a line of scrimmage game. Things may be different in other parts of the country. I'm looking and and watching some of the games. I watched BYU. I've watched Penn State. I've watched Ohio State. I've watched Oregon. I've watched ah Notre Dame. I've watched all of these teams that are ranked well ahead of us in the CFP. I've watched Boise State. like I've watched all these guys. And none of them really scare me a whole lot.
at all, really. um There's just something different about the SEC and the talent that we're able to put on the field. um In any of those games against those teams that I just mentioned, we would out talent just about anyone. But in the SEC, where the talent level is, the playing field is level within NIL situation, where you got a team like Ole Miss that can go out and buy an entire defensive line in a matter of check and you know stroking a check. um like That presents a situation where we're facing teams that just we you're you're never going to see that kind of level anywhere else, particularly out of out of the SEC.
So it all starts from the lines. And so if you were to fix the problem, like there's an argument to be made on personnel. I think we talked about it in the review. we've got basic We're operating off of effectively one less offensive line class because of attrition and transfers and all that kind of stuff. Yeah.
So we're down bodies than we normally would be. So you know there's that, there's coaching, it's a part of this as well, 100,000%. I had concerns with Stacy Searles coming on board, um bringing on the bad juju from you know the Mark Rick years. I personally think that the recruiting that Mark Rick did at the offensive line position is part of the reason that he got fired.
um And, you know, Stacey Searles, you know, was a part of that in some way, maybe not towards the end, but he was a part of that in the foundation that led to Mark Rick's firing. um So it has always concerned me about the offensive line. So as far as like how you would fix it, I don't know what the answer is in mid-season.
um I don't know that we can necessarily throw the youth out there, but there's got to be something, there's got to be something that happens in that offensive line room for things to start clicking, and it sucks because, you know, I guess we can't we don't need to count the, the loss to Ole Miss because You know, we had an offensive lineman hurt, right? You know, we have your best, your best position players hurt. Like, you don't count these games, right? It also to throw the Tennessee angle and also it rained. So the results don't count. Yeah, those don't count. Yeah. It was raining. Yeah. Um, yeah, I mean, I mean, Tate Ratlidge hurt. Micah Morrison's hurt. Um,
I heard and maybe on the press conference today, I think it was, or date yesterday, um, Kirby mentioned that Ernest Green is actually going, has been injured and he's basically playing hurt. Did you hear that? <unk> I'm not saying that he didn't say that, but I miss it.
kirby Kirby made the comment that Ernest Green had been working through some stingers and some he he does he had a number of adjectives that were just like, what what is that?
yeah um but he made it sound like that Ernest Green had been hurt, which maybe that explains why he was you know so, so far. So that's another lineman hurt. Michael Morris is hurt. yeah Everybody's hurt basically along the longer the trenches. So you know in terms of how do you fix this, I don't know the answers there, but it starts at the offensive line and it starts at the defensive line on the other side of the ball. like I'd say that they've done their job To a level that would bolt warrant success, even though the results on the field, you know, from a win loss and rankings, you know, they don't show up, but I feel like that it's kind of like when I, when I explain this stuff to.
you know clients at work like the whole engine works together you know you've got you've got new cars you've got used cars you've got the service base it all works together if service is struggling then used cars is probably struggling and if new cars are struggling used cars are struggling like ah it all works together so if the offensive line is struggling and the defensive line is struggling georgia is struggling yeah yeah agreed Um, I, I feel like, oh, by the way, uh, burners is the term that he said stingers and burners. So stingers, I've heard burners. I haven't heard that. Um, that's what he said during his green was dealing with. So, I mean, I think as far as like solving it, like what can we do? I mean, Hey, get healthy. Like if, if any of these guys get in the rehab and get them healthier, obviously it is there, but then, I mean,
Is there any kind of reshuffling that could be done? So like trust seems to be stronger at guard, for example, like, you you know, like move these guys around and like finding a, like there's also something to be said about consistency and with these guys like cross training and moving around so much, like, is that detracting anywhere? So.
not a coach not a ball knower but i'm just thinking like maybe if we can find like that solid rotation of guys um you know like maybe if there's like a utility guy or something but whatever finding the right mix of guys um maybe they can do something there this week and then i mean i would say second is holding on the ball i mean we lead the nation, at least the SEC, I think we lead the nation and drop passes. Like the graphic. We lead the, we lead the nation and drop passes. Yeah. So, I mean, hang on. We also lead the nation and drop pass yards. And so that's the thing. And I'm not saying that, you know, I don't want to have like zero blame on Carson kind of thing, but I know I feel like everyone is looking at Carson and you know, the quarterback is the face of the team. Like,
That's going to happen, but like help them out guys struggling, help them out, catch the ball, you know, like, um, so, um, brother, i'm I'm old enough to remember Delta brother out. Yeah. Double brother out for sure. So that's, those would be my things. So, and I would say on that, another thing, like, like maybe focus on the core guys. Like we, you know, we, we had get the questions from coach real bell about like over a hundred, like nine and a half guys catching a pass. I'm like, we always hit the over like.
I don't know, man, like maybe it's time to say like, all right, we, we want to feed Trevor ETN Dylan bell Lawson, lucky and Dominic. Love it. You know, like that seems to be like the nucleus of the guys that are contributing. And if we focus on those guys on the ah offense, I feel like that would go a long way. What do I know? It would simplify the, it would simplify the options for Mr. Beck to and have to look to all these different guys and this guy likes it in this position. This guy likes it. They're like.
Yeah. Yeah. So it's kind of like, it's kind of like, um, Greg Maddox used to only like pitching to Eddie Perez. Right. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So that, oh, that whole conversation, that thing leads us nicely into Will Garland's, uh, question. It pains me to ask this. what's that gift what is that gift jim what says it It pains me to ask this, but is it time to bring back Munsoning?
What is that? I don't even know what that, what is that? Yeah, Munsoning. Munsoning is a verb. We we once had a t-shirt. I've got it somewhere. I've got a t-shirt that explains Munsoning, but we said it was dead. Is Munsoning still dead or is Munsoning trying to make it? It's trying to make, I'll tell you that it's trying to make a comeback amongst the fanbase, for sure. I mean, Munsoning is flirting with me, Jim.
it's it's betting it It's batting its eyes at me right now. I

Munsoning and Team Potential

don't know. I was trying to come back into the picture like Hope from SEC Shorts. i don't know did i don't know did my answer yeah yeah um i'm still not am i i'm not there either i'm not there either I feel like you're closer than me. I definitely sent you the ah the calm the F down Kirby gift during the oldest game.
just and and in the chat and the chat i was lose my mind there ah losing my mind because umm just i'm just frustrated like I'm not like, here's the, here's the thing. Here's here's the difference between Munsoning and what I feel like I am right now, because I've been in the Munsoning bucket in the past. Um, you know, when we first started the podcast, you know, we were not too far removed from the ah Mark Rick years and the, frankly, the, the months and years, um, where, you know, we, we know what what those feelings are like. We're not the Yara's of the world that have never experienced the Munsoning. Yeah. ah months and
um The difference between how I feel now and how I felt during those that time period and even you know before then in the goth and the down in years, those are all c centered around fear. Yeah, yeah. i Where how I feel right now is not centered around fear, it is just f***ing frustration. And, sorry Carter, and how I encapsulate that is that this team is built for better.
You are built for more. We are better than this. I know that we are better than this. I have seen us kick the absolute tar out of people in not too distant you know past. you know This season I've watched us dismantle teams that are currently ranked ahead of us in the CFP.
yeah yeah Um, the, the, the thing that that you we're all feeling is not monsooning is just utter frustration at like the fact that we should be doing better and we're not. I can't, I've got nothing to add to that. That was well said. I mean, I think that, I think that it ultimately just comes down to, you know, like the show me thing. like Yeah.
I know that the coaches are better than this. so yeah I know that the players are better than this. Show me. I know the offensive line is better than this. Show me. Defensive line. Show me. Wide receiver. Show me. yeah I think Carson Beck is playing okay right now. Like, he did everything he was asked to do the last, you know, game. um yeah So, it yeah. I think that Munsoning is not, and we're we're not in Munsoning territory because it is not based out of fear. Munsoning is based out of fear.
Well said, all right. John Michael D, uh, said, was this manufactured adversity gone wrong or does Kirby really want to be third in the sec and in the playoffs anyway? Okay. Seriously. Who, who best shakes off last, last week's Mark Rickstock Lunker and steps up a receiver at tight end this week. So I think we, we probably hit that actually on, uh, in our, the sky's falling segment. So I think tight end. Well, I don't know. Tight end is a double rub brother out. Is it lucky? I would say it's lucky at tight end and dual umbrella receiver. That's for me.
Yeah, you mentioned, you know, stick with the rotation seems like it feels like that the staff has been sticking with Lucky as the as that guy at that tight end. Yeah, um I would say that like characterizing what we're going through is a Mark Drake style clunker is probably a little unfair.
Um, only, only because like, I feel like that we never were in the schedule situation that we were with the Markford years. Like this is a unique, we're in a very unique situation right now with what we've been, what we've been at to do this season.
Yeah. Yeah. Makes sense. All right. I don't know that we can totally oblige on this one. Bubbie said, ah could you please demonstrate for the uninitiated the proper technique of cupping one's hand in front of one's mouth and directing a sustained amplitude filled guttural yell toward the ball while the visiting team has possession and a play clock is

Fan Engagement and Team Performance

running. You know, the reality is we record this from the comfort of our homes and like my wife and daughter are in bed.
you're sitting John is now pantomiming for those who are listening. and You're what you're like in your kitchen. right so Unfortunately, Bubby, we can't demonstrate. We'll be happy to to do so at the tailgate on Saturday. but and will ill will give a i'll give it I will give a tip, something that I actually do, is I i like to kind of like listen around me, and this is maybe this is because I'm like a musical person, like I sang in high school and such, but like, I listened to like the pitch or and like how my voice is going off the person next to me to make ours louder together. Like that's actually something I do. So I will raise and lower my pitch based on what I'm hearing around me for maximum sound. So
I don't know if that's the thing that anyone else does, but I do something similar. I do something similar. Like whenever people started yelling, I'll listen and then I'll listen to the people around me. And if, if they are doing what I feel like is a good job, then I will to take it upon myself to yell louder than them. Yeah.
And if they're not doing a good enough job, then I will try to set the pace and, you know, show them, you know, what's up and basically be the, be the, the voice to beat. And if they beat me, then I, I match their efforts or beat them. Nice. I like it. So you make it a little contest and show the way there's a competition in the stands. I like it. I like it.
Uh, let's see, Fletcher Proctor, uh, said, did Asa Newell and Carson Beck make us a basketball school? I'm kidding. Maybe. Um, which basketball minute, um, the basketball team did win again tonight. Uh, so three and O, uh, beat was North Florida tonight and who had beaten South Carolina and Georgia tech. Um, so hoop dogs off to a good start. Asa.
It was South Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia Tech is who they beat. Oh, right. Or they may have been. Yeah, they were. They were three. I know. I can't remember when they was. Yeah. So looking good. I really, really liking Godfrey. RJ Godfrey, Randall Godfrey's son. He's looked very, very good, too. So excited about the hip dogs. They got Georgia, Georgia Tech on Friday, by the way. Georgia, Georgia Tech this Friday.
Yeah, I saw that it looked it looked interesting. um As far as like if you're looking at something to do on a Friday kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. um Yeah, dude, the it's I've watched I've watched and have followed. um They look they look fun.
Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree. I got to make it. I got to make it to a game. look These are the, these these are the kinds of teams and these are the kinds of games that make basketball fun. Yeah. I don't want to like jump too far ahead, but like, I kind of would compare it to the Michael Jordan, you know, Bulls kind of situation, because I don't know. Asa Newell, like as a, as a non B ball knower. Um, all I can say is, is that when I'm watching that kid's highlights, I get excited.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think they're playing a fun brand of basketball for sure. Or fun style, which is like, yeah very different from like, say like Mark Fox. It was, I i love JJ Frazier and I and i love Yante Mayden and such, but like his, ah his offensive style was not as exciting because what we're seeing now. So.
Yeah. Um, okay. But so Fletcher said, uh, back to football, just beat Tennessee UMass and Georgia tech and sneak into playoffs, win in happy Valley, knock off BYU or smooth and bring on Texas rematch. Final boss dam landing awaits in Atlanta. There's your script. So That's what Fletcher says. Bossdog wanted to know, can Georgia run the table? Look, Fletcher just wrote the script for us. Here's the thing I'm saying with this team. Like, yes, this team can. We've seen what they did to Texas. We've seen what this team is capable of. They just got to put it together. I mean, imagine if this team put together four, four straight good quarters in a game. Uh, you know, cause we still haven't seen that yet. So, um, has not reached the potential. So can they? Yes. Absolutely.
In the in the realm of and the realm of recency bias, putting an exclamation point at the end of the season certainly helps with anything related to objective or subjective whatever decisions about teams in nebulous rankings. So yeah, I don't know that if if we if we went out you know and we went out convincingly, you know particularly if we went out convincingly, I don't think there's any question. There's no sneaking into the playoff. We're in the playoff.
No, I agree with that. I agree with that, especially with where we're at right now. We're at 12 that of us, we went out, we're in. So based on that. Yeah. It actually sets up quite perfect for, you know, for i agree anyone that wants to, I don't know, i'll say preach to a team about goals being ahead of you. Yeah. Yeah.
Using that as motivation. The other team being ranked in front of you that you're about to play. Maybe something to say. Yeah. you Could be. Could be. I've never heard of this before. Is this ah is this is an approach? Is it a tactic that some coaches use? I don't know. Could be. All right. Uh, and Herman Wood says, how how do we stop them from playing that damn song? Sorry, Carter.
Um, don't let them score. Here's the thing. don't Here's the thing. Yeah. Don't score. Um, but here's the thing. Like when you get to a point where you they stop playing the song, you want them to play the song. Right. Cause like, why are you playing the song? What happened? go True. True. Cause then you can, then you can like layer on your own words and they get more and more vulgar. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, and now you now you're armed with with the lyrics and the and the breakdown, too. All right. I'll see. Friend of the show, Tim Riley. Please discuss how much of an impact or not coaching changes have had on this year's performance. um Additionally, and Kirby mentioned it before the season, Beck is not a vocal leader or an alpha dog, unfortunately. i think this Unfortunately, I think this team has taken on some of that personality. What say you?
So I think we've talked about a little bit. um I know we've definitely texted about it, but there was a lot of turnover in the staff for sure. We got a lot of new faces this year. um So at a minimum, that's an adjustment period, you know, to get used to. But I don't know. My take is I do feel like we're missing Fran Realm. We're missing Dell McGee. We're missing Brian McClendon. Those are the kind of big things that jump out to me um from a like game day.
perspective. So, um, I don't, I would say it's, um, it's like, it's not like, I think there could be something there. I'll put it that way. Yeah. Brandon Brown, for sure. Yeah. On the defensive side. Muschamp, um, you know. I didn't even mention Muschamp. Totally agree. Totally agree.
Yeah, he's not as the he's not as at as involved. He's still on staff as an analyst, but I guess he's like part-time or something, which I feel like that was like blue completely under the radar, because I don't really remember that being publicized much at all. Yeah. Like, I don't know. ah Yeah.
talking about, you know, show me in desperation and you're like, where do you go? Like, can we, can we pay him overtime? Like what's i don't know what's going on? Yeah. I think it's about like, I thought it was something about like spending time with kids, getting to watch kids play sports or something along those lines from what I remember, but I don't know. I mean, yeah. Jackson's not on the team anymore, right? Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's where it is. Yeah.
I also, I'll say too, on the alpha dog and in Beck stuff, that was actually discussed fairly extensively on the bulldog brunch between, uh, Jeff Dantzler and Kevin Butler. I mean, I don't know, man, like it happened. Sometimes the quarterback isn't always, he's not always that guy. Um, you know, and I've seen people say, I feel like people said that Stetson wasn't necessarily that guy either, but I kind of feel like he was like, I just remember like in that first Nattie, like, you know, he's pumping up everyone in the sideline, like.
before there was an emotional dude. Yeah. And he would be like, he was like, you know, one drive to win the game, one drive to win the game, like going on and saying that to everyone. Um, so I kind of feel like he was, um, I don't know, like he was a giftable, he was a giftable quarterback. You know, how many times have you and I talked about, like, we don't have any gifts of, of Carson.
Yeah. Yeah.

Leadership and Game Strategies

I mean, he just kind of always says he doesn't have any emotions. Yeah. like Yeah. Yeah. He's very even keel. So I don't know. Trying to think of, I'm trying to think of like a corollary, like, is there a quarterback that you could liken him to that people would like, Oh, okay. I see it. Like, I don't know. I just think about these guys that, you know, Carson Beck, Tom Brady, you know, like.
I mean, even Jameese Winston, like, that are these loud guys yeah on the sideline. And I just, I'm not, the passion doesn't seem like it's there for a person. Like, you don't see him getting in people's faces. You don't see him, like, hooting and hollering. I mean, Tebow, like, think about the Tebow years and how in in your face he was with with some stuff. Like, yeah I don't know, man. Like, I...
Um, maybe, maybe Kirby got into Carson's, you know, Xanax or whatever. Um, but like this, this season is the season of the chill vibes, Georgia Bulldogs. I need more rage stroke, Georgia Bulldogs. Yeah. That's how we fix things. Kirby more rage strokes. I don't know. Whatever, whatever Zen, whatever Zen master, he's hired like fire.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Like, I would assume I would think that probably doesn't permeate over the defense because they're probably looking to different guys anyway. So I don't know. I'm not sure who that guy is on offense though, either, honestly. Because I feel like, from what I've heard, like ETN is me, but, you know, I mean, he's new. This is his first year. So that- Who was it that was yelling at Who was it that was yelling at? Um, get Frazier. He was Jared. Jared Wilson. Jared Wilson. And he's been hurt. Yeah, but he's he's been back. So yeah, always good to have a. I mean, that kind of fire, that kind of fire where you're like calling people out like that, that's the kind of fire that we need. Yeah, I agree. I'm with him. All right. Uh, one more. One more. Five.
It's time for Jason's would you rathers from the hug dog? I feel like we need a fireball shot when that song comes on. It just seems, it just seems natural. It just feels comfortable. they The, cag but bush the can but' say speaking of the keg the keg will be there. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Would you rather number one, uh, would you rather love it have love it or the tight end group pop off?
How are we describing clarifying? Who's going to go off? Would you rather have love it or the tight anchor room like go off, put up big receiving numbers? Yeah. Um, I'll let you answer this question first. I'm thinking. Yeah. I mean, I feel like I'm thinking a little too, too much, but.
Yeah, I don't know that even really so much matters, I guess. um But I'm going to go I'm actually I'm going to go love it. I think love it for me. But I'd be I'd be happy if either of them went off. OK, let's let's attack this from both angles. OK, explain your position on why love it and also my position on why lucky.
For me, I feel like if it's love it, that means we're actually maybe, um, maybe this is wrong, but pushing the ball downfield and having a deeper depth of target, which is something I want to see. Okay. That's why. So I'll say lucky because we've been looking for a tight end to take the mantle, uh, to be the, to the, the torch bear, the banner, the Herald of, of the Brock Bowers tight end trophy. Um,
We've seen bits and flashes, and I would love to just see 150, 200 yards receiving from ah from um ah a loss and lucky. Yeah. That would, that would, that would instill confidence that, you know, in, in, in past games, I feel like that there's been commentary about where are the tight ends? Yeah. yeah And ah I would love for Bubbo to just drop his nuts and say, here's your, here's your damn tight end. Nice.
Would you rather have trust at guard or tackle guard? Agreed. Next question. Clean sweep. Would you rather win a shootout or a defensive battle? I guess I'm old school, so I'll say defensive battle. I'll go shoot out. Okay. Shoot out in a, shoot out in a sense that like we can keep up. Like that's, that's, that's progress in my opinion. True. I don't want to see it. I've seen defensive battles all season long. I haven't seen a shoot out. Show me, we can shoot out.
Okay. Would you rather have Tennessee whiskey or Kentucky bourbon? Kentucky bourbon. Next question. Agreed. That's it. That's it. Final answer. Uh, Jason finished it off with our crowd had better show out on Saturday. I'm talking relentless noise. So totally agree. Totally agree. I feel like that's a perfect spot for another show me drop. You want the, you want the fans to show me.
Yes. Okay. Yeah. I agree. I mean, we got it. We've got, we've got to make, uh, got to make the noise. We got to make them uncomfortable. I mean, that hurt. It hurt Georgia against Ole Miss. I think that was from my watching on TV. That felt like that was the toughest environment we played in this season. From what I saw, like it seemed to affect us more than say Alabama or Texas did. Um,
I've heard that there are people bringing in outside cans of beer. Can can we bring in fireworks too and like or smoke bombs or something to like pop off at the end when someone needs to drive and suddenly the the stadium fills up with smoke?
We didn't talk about that on the review. We didn't talk about that. That was ridiculous. That was absolutely insane. I was just absolutely furious about that. It should have been a penalty. I thought it should have been a penalty. It should have been a delay game. That's what my dad said, and I totally agree.
Whatever. Yeah. Don't take the pyrotechnics that far. Like, come on. I don't know. Hey, man. ah Dude, if anybody's going to play the analytics or, you know, play all the BS, it's going to be Kiffin. Like, match that energy, Kirby. Match that energy, UGA. Like, bring the noise, bring the thunk, bring the smoke bombs. Yeah. All right. That's, uh, that's if it for those questions as we transition into
My God, a freshman trying to put glasses on it. It is time for coaches over unders from coach, coach Trill Bill JP. I barely hold the lead, so I will choose to go first first over under starting off with the offense over under two and a half passing touchdowns by Carson Beck. um I'm going to go under.
I'm gonna go over okay over to you over under two and a half running backs with a carry I'm gonna go wait running backs or people in the running back position clarifying question I was so ready for a clarifying question here It's like well if you have to Dylan Bell like if he's in the backfield that So good so good What if what if Dylan Bell is on an end around what if it's peanut on an end around but he is a running back?
so many clear questions people are people are asking
I'll go with true running backs. Okay, fair. I'll assume that this question is is true running backs on the roster. um And I'll say over. I'm with you. It's still the over. Smash the over either way. Smash the over. um Over under. i wanted i just wanted I just wanted to have fun with it. No, it was good no i dude i was i was I was prepared.
ah um Over under. I think somebody is.
ah See I have my scouting report. okay yeahs got word everything Over under two and a half third down catches for Arian Smith. and ah i this is this is it this is This is to you. Yeah it is to me. Arian third down catches. there okay yeah Yeah. I mean, and I have really no idea what the basis is. I feel like, I feel like coach, I feel like coach has done his scouting report to have this kind of question. I know. Seriously. What I will say about this, what I will say about this is that, uh, so on the broadcast talking about third downs, I swear, dude, they, they kept talking like every time we had a third down, they're like,
They love to go to Dylan. They love to go to Dominic Lovett on third down. and I was like, do we? Yeah. Are you sure? Right. um I guess I'm going to go under, now that I'm armed with that knowledge. That was me just trying to shade i'm trying to shade a question.
Yeah, under. But yeah, he did say that. He said that over and over again. They love to go to Dominic Lovett on third down. I was like, what kind of reporting are you? Interesting. All right, over to you. Also on the defensive side, over, under 225 passing yards for Niko Iamaliava. It's to me. I'm gonna go under. Okay. I'm also gonna go under on the chance that he doesn't play. um I'm kind of ahead hedging that. Hedging that. I don't think he's playing. Zero. but Yeah. One dollar. One dollar, Bob. Right.
Right, exactly. Um, let's see. ah Next one over under Dylan Sampson rush yards at 100. So this is me. and This is me. I mean, I'm gonna say he's right. This is me, right? man Me, you, me. Yeah, me. I'm gonna say over. I think he's gonna get his yards. Either way I would have said over. Okay. Over to you. Over under six and a half first half points for Tennessee. For Tennessee? Mm hmm. Oh,
Um, what is the spread? Uh, 10 Georgia by 10.
That's going to be over. like I'm going to go over. Yeah. I'm going to go over to you. um And then next for me, spen on the special teams, over under seven and a half total points for payday. um So seven and a half. Oh man, that's, it's that's, I think that's pretty good. I'll go over. Seven and a half and the spread's 10. That applies at least one.
What'd you say? Over? I'll go over. Yeah. Over. Okay. and I'll hedge my bets there. Okay. And then last one, Tennessee false starts over under five and a half is miscellaneous.
ah It's a lot. Yeah. I'm going to go under. Okay. love Yeah, I agree. I'm going to go under as well. I hope it's over ah because the whos the over the crowd's going to be going ah crazy as we talked about, but yeah. Okay. This is why I don't like gambling. That's right. That's right.
All right. Well, thank you. Thank you as always coach for sending those in. Uh, much appreciated. That was a good time. All right. Uh, let's get to the final game

Game Predictions and Analysis

predictions. So I'm going to flash up the CFB graphs stuff there, but so Georgia is favored by 10 points. Um, the over under is 48 and a half. That gives us an implied score of Georgia 29.25 to Tennessee 19.25.
OddShark has this predicted at, I think I've read this down backwards. I'm pretty sure OddShark had um Tennessee winning 34 to 32. What? Yep.
and screwot College football insiders has Georgia 24.91 to Tennessee 21.2. Uh, CBC R2 has Georgia 23.9 to Tennessee 18.2. Um, then you're not going to be happy about our scoring impact. It's basically like CBC the reverse. So our scoring packs, let's see. Um, Tennessee is holding teams to is holding power five teams to 15.7 points a game. They're scoring 28.3 points per game against the power five.
we tend to score 4.1 more points than teams allow and hold them to six point six points less than they score. If you apply that, that would give you a tendency 22.3 to Georgia 19.8. So most of it is a general thing to point out there is like the analytics have this at a ah very close game. um They're all like within a field goal for the most part. I think CBCR2 has the biggest margin there other than the biggest line.
so um Um, I don't know, man, like I know we're all frustrated, but um' I'm sticking with your neighbor as bad as you think you are after a loss. I feel like, um, I feel like the coaches can figure this out. The other thing is we are getting back to the friendly conference of Sanford stadium crowd's going to be unhinged. I'm expecting, um, we've won 28 games in a row at home. Um.
We're going for our eighth in a row over Tennessee. The playoff starts now. Dogs win 24 to 17, 24 to 17. Yep. And you said that there would have, we went with the over on six and a half first half points. Yeah. Mine. I hedged my bet there, John.
Uh, 24, 17. Yeah. I mean, I'm going to go 28. I'm going to go 28, 17. Okay. I hope you're right. Yeah. I think that, uh, you know, to, to, to do a throwback to an earlier question about monsooning.
Like, when I sit here and I think about these games, in the back of my mind, as the season has progressed, like, it seems like it's become like first team to 30, like, for sure is going to win. Like, no matter what, no matter what happens, like, whoever we're playing, like, ah like, you know, whatever, like, it's been a trash season for a number of reasons. But, you know, we've had, um you know, I say trash season, but like you know what I mean? and Like, it's it's been a it's been a clunker of a season, like, overall.
And in all of the big games, you know, Alabama, Texas, Clemson, like, I think I said it in the Alabama game, first team to 30 wins. And it ended up being that way. Like, it just seems like the Georgia's magic number has got to be 30 to have a guaranteed win. Because defensively, like, I feel like we, you know, we're holding, we're holding guys. We're holding people under. So yeah. Yeah.
I don't know. Like, so when I think about Munsoning, like Munsoning was in an era where we had half a hundred hanged on. Yeah. And that, that just doesn't seem realistic in this, in this day and age. So like, you know, dear Georgia fan, dear, dear oldness, John texting Jim, like with the WTF, um, calm the F down.
yeah um Yeah, I'll do 28 just under 30 because it seems like the way we've been the last last few games. I can't quite get over that hump the last three games but I would love like when we were initially talking about this I was sitting here thinking like yeah 30.
I'll I'll say this. If my score talked to you out of that, don't let that happen. You know, we scored 10 against Ole Miss and whatever we scored against Kentucky with 13 like we've been over 30 every other game. So only twice thus far have we scored less than 30 for what it's worth. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see. Let's let's let's quickly hit the hit coaches ah pick up games. He's got number five, Texas 13 and a half. Let me go back to the doc.
Number five, Texas is a 13 and a half point favorite on the road at Arkansas. The game's at 12 o'clock on ABC, so I got Texas. Big. Who was it that Arkansas played the other week? Was it A&M?
There was a game that they just played at tech Arkansas. And I was like, Oh, this is going to be a trap game. And they got absolutely trounced last week. I don't know. It was last week. I don't know. Ole Miss. Two weeks ago. They were off last week. That's right. That's right. Yeah. I was like, I was like, that's a trap game for Ole Miss. And then they absolutely destroyed them. Yeah. Okay. I got Texas. I got Texas in that one.
All right. You got number 15 LSU. Hey, but Texas may not be very good. There's data out there that suggests that Texas is not that great. Yeah, but I still think they're in Arkansas. 15 LSE was a four and a half point favorite at Fullalalorda 330 game on ABC. I find it interesting that this spreads only four and a half, honestly, for this game. Yeah, I find it. I find that very interesting. That seems a lot. LSU looked terrible and against Alabama.
Yeah, Florida's in Alabama. I'm going to go with LSU, but that line stinks. That seems weird to me. Give me, give me Florida. Okay. Okay. Give me Florida in the swamp. This one, uh, ranking to, to, to line is interesting to me. Number 24 Missouri is a 12 point underdog at South Carolina. That game is 415 on the SEC network. Give me the Gamecocks. Is South Carolina not ranked? In the doc, there's no ranking on South Carolina. Yeah, there's nothing there because they're not ranked.
Seriously, that's crazy. That's right. Oh, nope. Sorry. I just missed it. They're 21. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We're all like, we're all like, I'm glad every month to play South Carolina. right it to The funny thing is like, I made that comment like, and they're not even, they're ranked lower. So I just missed it. That was my bad. So yeah. 20, number 23 Missouri at number 21.
Although, you know what? I bet I wrote this down. Um, I'm going to tell you what I did this the other day and it was the AP poll or something. I wonder if South Carolina is not ranked there with whatever they were referencing, but yeah ESPN is now referencing the playoff. So I think in the playoff South Carolina is 21 Missouri's 23. So you're telling me that AP poll South Carolina is not ranked, but in the CFP, they're ranked 21. That's my best guess, John. I don't know. Or, or I just missed it, which is possible.
Oh, okay. Um, give me South Carolina. Okay. Uh, Shut up. Shut up. Chuck. Our favorite South Carolina fan. Yes. Agreed. Uh, also going to go South Carolina. And also, yes, I am. Uh, I just missed it. Uh, South Carolina is 23rd in the eight people. So it was just my bad. You're, you're, you're okay. You're okay. Yeah. The funny thing is I looked at it and I was like, wait, no, they're not there, but they are.
Okay, talk about a team that's like, I don't know, like, they're they're only ranked 23rd, they're ranked, you know, in the CFP or whatever 21. Talk about a team that's like, just schizo. Yeah, yeah, they're good, man. They're good. theyre they have They've gotten better as the season has gone on.
Yeah. All right. Well, he's the only games is is the weekend this morning. And I know that, uh, coach only gets his SEC games. Those are the ones he gave us. Oh, got it. I got it. That's what, wait, what? I thought we, I thought we picked some Penn state games. Not from his pickups.
Now I want to know what other games are on, because this SEC slate seems kind of trash. Colorado plays Utah, which played BYU really tough. That could be an interesting game. Clemson, Clemson at the Fighting Lamars. Yeah, Pitt has really fallen off. Yeah, dude, it's a, it's a light slate this weekend. I don't,
Yeah. There's nothing, nothing sexy out there. Is there, dude, how about unranked USC? Can we talk about that? How did they beat, how did they beat LSU? Did my, how, my, how the mighty has fallen. Yeah, dude. on I mean, the only just from my scroll, I mean, Georgia, Tennessee is by far the biggest game.

Broadcast Concerns and Fan Encouragement

And I think the next biggest game is Missouri, South Carolina. Honestly. So, okay. So, so here, let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question from a, uh, like what the hell are we doing? Like with the game times and stuff.
So from your own words, like the 12 o'clock kickoff after game day is like the, you know, premier game. Looking at this schedule, why isn't the Georgia game the premier game or whatever? You know what I mean? Like if the 12 o'clock timeframe is like the the the time or whatever, cause I just read an article about how the, you know, the big tens, you know, big noon kick kickoff has been like a resounding success or whatever with the millions and millions of viewers. And that's part of the reason why they,
yeah ESPN is like pivoted to showcasing a premiere game at 12 o'clock after after game day. Yeah, I guess I guess they just needed something to hold the evening together. Is that what's going on here? No, I mean, is this this is not great. It's not great.
Yeah, no, no, the the marquee game is the night game. Like I'm not saying that, but like 12 is 12 is not, um, it's just not like Jefferson pilot anymore. You know, it's still a track game that it once was. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. okay So.
Well, um, hopefully, you know, since this is, uh, are there other games, you know, we've got the three 30 kick. Yeah. Here we go. LSU Florida. So this game, this game could, could be kicking off at almost eight o'clock. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that is the other thing too. Like I'm going to have to, we're going to have to watch that like when heading in from the tailgate, like, so what time is the game actually starting at? So.
12 o'clock game. 12 o'clock game is Texas and Arkansas. Yeah. So like that could push back to three 30 kick and then it could push back. Yeah. So it'll probably be, you know, I don't know. I feel like this seven 30 game, they don't push back as much as the other ones. The three 30, I feel like is the one that suffers the most from what I've observed this far. So we'll see. That's fair. That's probably fair.
Well, we'll miss you and Athens on Saturday, JP. Um, we'll, we'll, we'll hold down the Fort night game between the hedges, light up Sanford, uh, be there early, be rowdy. And, uh, let's make it, let's make this one a tough environment for the balls. And, uh, let's, let's look to continue our streak over them and our speak at home.
Are you wearing black Jim or are you wearing red? I'm going to, I think I'm going to go black. You're going by. I think I'm going to wear black. Yeah. I think I'll, I'll wear black and solid area for the podcast. Nice. Hey man, have fun. Take pictures. Uh, you know, everybody's going to be there. I'm sorry. I'm not, uh, Dan used to go dogs.