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Jim and John review Georgia’s 34-20 win over Florida.

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Pre-Game Banter and Predictions

Got a shout out, uh, John Michael D. He tagged the podcast before kickoff and said, little stitches. What's going on with Carson's eyeball.

Georgia vs Florida Game Review

Welcome to my got a podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I reviewed Georgia's 34 to 20 win over the Florida Gators. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and what stood out to us during the game. As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at mygottapodcast.

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Game Expectations vs Reality

We're back.
another cocktail party in the books. Um, it's funny because it didn't go as we expected, but it wasn't that far off from our score predictions, which is the yeah the wild thing. This game, this game was, uh, very much like I was explaining to some guys, so I have some friends at church on Sunday. Um,
which in true rival fashion definitely was rocking the Georgia red and black on the on Sunday walking in church. As one does. as one has one is but want to do on on Sundays in the fall in the Curvy Smart era. um i I got a lot of questions from some folks like, oh, yeah, Georgia didn't look so good. And I was like, was like yeah, definitely didn't definitely didn't look great all that great. But you know before the podcasts or before the before the game, we had all kind of basically predicted around that same kind of score line.
yeah Yeah. And yet we're we're unhappy with it. I know. I knew it was so weird. Like the whole game, the funny thing was I actually kept like my inner monologue was I was reminding myself like, you know, we might be hitting right towards a around where we said this was game within the finish. And like, you got Florida's point total. You said 3820. I said 31 to 17.
So if if you kind of like average our Georgia scores is right there at 34. And then you had Florida the way total. If Beck didn't throw one of those interceptions. Yeah, one yeah one less pick or I guess one less in the first half at least. Thankfully they didn't do anything with the pick in the second half. But yeah.
other I saw i i some Texas people were like, you mean scoring off of Beck interceptions was an option? yeah Nice. Nice. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, like, I don't really know so much how

Georgia's Streak and Win Probability

to feel about it. Like there's like on the one hand, it's like this, it's kind of like the standard is the standard kind of thing. And like we're spoiled. And so we expect to see these things, but the other side of it is. Foreigner over Florida for the first time since I can remember, like the last time we did that, like I was born, but I don't remember it. You know, like I wasn't.
You as diapers. Right. I was too young to remember it. So it's like, when you think about it that way, and like, you know, we're still on this. We haven't lost to anyone not named Alabama since we lost to Florida in the COVID year. Like when you think of that and like the grand cents and then the grand scheme of thing, and we beat one of our biggest rivals by like, this is a rival by the new my got a podcast standard that we set answering Brett Brett's question last week, right? Like this is undoubtedly one of our biggest rivals. Um,
We beat him by 14 points. So like at the end of the day, 14.1 in the cocktail party can't be too upset. um But that didn't help my psyche on Saturday. but ah my My question for you, like you kept texting me screenshots of the win probability. like were you like actually worried Were you actually Were you like, oh my gosh, we might lose this game? Or were you just like, holy crap, look at this swim probability they'll win I just thought that the win probability for how awful we were playing It was still pretty much a toss up. Like, okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Like, first of all, I think that, uh, I have to go back and have to go back and confirm this, but the highest win probability, I believe for the season. Uh, I'm trying to think which, which games, which game we would have gotten higher. Uh, I don't, I don't know that there may be, maybe Kentucky.
Um, but yeah, Alabama. Yeah. Yeah. Aside from that, aside from that, 67%, like they had a 67% win probability at one point in the third at the right, right at the beginning of the third quarter. Uh, when they were beating us 13 to six,
So anyway, uh, I was just, I was just noticing that, you know, we we were like, this guy's falling. Like, what the hell's going on? Like, why does he keep throwing interceptions? Like, Oh my gosh, like we can't seem to catch a break on anything. Um, and it was still, and it was still like 50, 50, 54%, 56% win probability on, on that. Cause anyway, uh, I was just, I was just tracking that along like, okay.
like all of this all of those nets out because success rate was off the charts like we were we were literally carving them up I think I tweeted this I was like we are literally carving them up and we had what the Brits refer to as F all all to show for it. Um, yeah, I think that that is, uh, that is what's so frustrating about this team is that we have seen periods where we're just like clicking along

Game Day Routines and Broadcast Comparison

and then back. There was an interception on the goal line kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was so weird. I mean, I guess the first drive, I guess, are we just, we can just dive right in.
Actually, we can do whatever we want. That's right. um I would say we didn't do much of anything on Saturday anyway, although we know we did the things like Kim and I went for our run. I actually went for a longer run. I don't know. Maybe that was a problem. Uh, I did, I did a 5k. So maybe that's bad. I also did a 5k. Okay. Maybe so we did not both do a 5k on game day maybe. Um, so, but yeah, uh, I will say though, I did, um, lu I had mentioned that Lily had request, had requested that we do wings. Um, I did that. I think I made the best smoked wings I've ever made.
And they were actually like Lily liked them like the way that I make them, which she's one of my tougher critics. So it was fantastic. So it was a good day. It was a beautiful day outside. We were able to watch the game on the porch. So it was good. But anyway, it was it was quite warm in Georgia.
Hmm. I remember you saying that I was texting you. you You're like, I needed to because I was getting all frustrated with the game not being right at three thirty. um Which is it's become a common annoyance for me. Like these games, if they don't start it, like it was like what three fifty or whatever you got away for the twelve o'clock. These these ABC triple headers are kind of wild um when you're this middle game.
Yeah, I have to say that it's definitely a ah downgrade from the CBS experience, because at least with the CBS experience, you were the lead-in to a double-header, or you were the show for them yeah ah for the day. So if you had the 330 kick, you had all of the pomp and circumstance for the pregame, the score, like whatever the CBS score center you know show or whatever it is before the game. right um they're They give you 100% airtime and you get all of the stories, you get all of the you know fodder that comes in the lead up to a game like this. and yeah on and and our on our new in the In the new world with Disney, like more often than not, it seems like that we are just like inserted.
Yeah. And like when the game ends, they just cut it over to the next game. Like we didn't even get like any O post game interviews or anything. Like I feel like they just kind of, it's just over. It's kind of weird. It is kind of weird. I saw like, like the interview, how he wrote, interviewed Jalen Walker, like in the, like in the tunnel to on the way to locker room or something. And I saw it like on Twitter later. Um, I don't think that was on TV. I don't remember seeing it on TV. and I don't remember seeing anything on TV.
Yeah. So anyways, sorry, off the rails. Yeah. I mean, but yeah, I mean, it's, it is, it is part and parcel with this new contract set up and this new contract structure that, uh, we're not the only game in town on the one channel. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's very different. You have to endure a ah blowout when, what was it? Miami and Duke or something? Miami and Duke. Yeah. Yeah. Like so riveting.
Right. Right. Yeah. Put that in the old days, in the old days, you'd be like, and if you want to see the rest of this game, we're going to go to the real show now. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Um, okay. So I guess at any rate, um, got a shout out, uh, John Michael D he tagged the podcast before kickoff and said, little stitches what's going on with Carson's eyeball.
So I didn't, I didn't see that. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. He, and he called it out, uh, before, before the game even started. Um, so, you know, he's been all over that stuff. I'm trying to remember what the other one was. Oh, the other one one was like Kirby, whether he does or doesn't say go dogs pregame interview or whatever. I think he was the other one. He called out to us. So.
Anyways, yeah. i like I legit was hoping he would go wash his face at halftime. um He didn't. and I guess he went away. He tried to in the post game. He tried to in the post game. You could still see the outline of it, which is like, you know I made the joke that he had the travel ball eye black on.
um because that is like the thing that the kids do. yeah they like They could be playing at seven at night, pitch black outside, and they'll have this like war paint on. I'm like, Carter, realize that you realize that literally doing nothing for it you. He's like, yeah, it's cool, dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I have a feeling that when he showed up in the locker room, Kirby was like, what the hell is that kid? Yeah. Yeah. I actually even think back to like, like the Mark Rick days. Cause like he had stuff in like, he wouldn't let them do a lot of stuff and guys would like sneak stuff in. I don't know. I don't know. if Like I black falls into that category.
um but we had uh etn had like a shoot shoot something or other uh which was like a throwback to a uh i think it was like a crawfish place in louisiana or something like that it was like uh it was a place like on like a like a gator hunters type thing okay that's what it was that's what it was yeah shoot them i think is what it was shoot shoot them yeah Yeah, I, I hate, I hate that his, um, I don't know, whatever we want to call it facing his old team. I'll just say that way. Like I hated that. He didn't really get to do much with the injury. Um, which you can, I don't know. Coach Hayes put out the video. There was a video. I didn't catch it on the broadcast. I mean, I know he does his, um, reviews like from the sky cam. So maybe it was just more showing the sky cam and on the broadcast, but there was definitely a.
post play shenanigans going on in a in a scrum. And I don't know if that was when he took the shot to the ribs or if it was separate. I'm not sure. Hopefully that wasn't it. But who knows?

Rivalry Antics and Offensive Strategy

I don't think it was that one, but there definitely was some extracurricular activity. I think that, yeah, hopefully, hopefully the the players and the coaches are picking up are picking up on that and having the guys, you know, keep their heads on swivels, not only for themselves, but for their fellow man, their fellow, fellow teammates to, I think the issue there was that no one noticed. And so he was just getting a free reign on, on a defenseless running back key player. Yeah. Um, definitely, you know, that's, that's, that's in the, in the vein of these rivalry games, man, you know, you got the Nick Fairley's of the world, the,
The pouncy, and the pouncy twins, like all that stuff. um who Who was it that was trying to gouge out one one one of our players as back in the day? Yeah, I can't. Was it spikes? Wasn't it Brandon spikes? Brandon spikes. Yeah. it was oh yeah No Sean. Yeah.
Cause it was, it was basically like it was the year after the, uh, it was 2008. So the year after the everyone running on the field was the year after. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I mean, you're right. Like that's the, the, the crazy thing about this team is it's like, we, again, we still haven't seen a full game. They have not put together four quarters all year. They still managed to knock off Texas on the road, even without doing that.
Um, like you said, I mean, we came out like actually looked pretty good. Like we looked good on that first drive. I mean, should have had a touchdown to, um, to cash Jones on the first drive, you know, Carson overthrew him. Um, but he was open. He had a wheel route open for a touchdown. I think there was a checkdown underneath that probably gets a first down on that drive and it doesn't stall either. Um, but then even after that, you know, we get the ball right back, go right back down the field.
And again should have had a touchdown and that's the one where I know um so we stalled out and if you can feel gold in the second offensive drive and there was a point where you texted in our text thread like oh my gosh cash Jones was wide open like there is definitely a play inside the.
They have now inside the 20 if not inside the 10 were like Beck threw it to Delp kind of like underneath um but if you watch and again, shout out coaches like both Dylan Bell and um And cash Jones were both open like he could have thrown it to it as a touchdown to either of them wouldn't say took the check down to Delp and so this is something where as always we we um we were talking before we were This is the part where I was like, oh wait, we need to record cause I want to talk about this. What I'm curious about in that scenario, and this is something like coach has pointed out, like, you know, maybe Delp was the first read and he's there. And so he takes it. Maybe he does what he's coached, what Beck has coached to do. But what I'm curious about is like, where is the discrepancy? Because if we go back to.
The Stetson Bennett and Todd Monken offense. It always felt like Stetson was almost like reading the play, like in reverse there. It's almost, it was like deep shot as priority. Number one, if it isn't there, then I'm going to work back and work my way back and find some kind of check down.
But it feels like Beck and Bobo like are doing the opposite where it's like, Hey, if that thing right in front of me is there, I'm going to throw it. Like I'm not even going to wait to see if this thing downfield is going to develop. I mean, there's times that we do, but that seems more like, like it was like the norm with Stetson.
And I don't know if that was like the Stetson gunslinger type thing, you know, and Beck is more conservative, although he definitely isn't with the ball overall with the interceptions, but like, I don't know. It's just, it's just odd that there seems to be a lot of times with Beck where there's a guy open downfield, but he's either like, it's too late. Like he's already thrown the ball or like he's already made up his mind, you know, where he's going with the ball. I'm, I'm, I'm curious what the deals with that, you know,
Yeah, I would say that some of that's probably due to the lack of confidence, I feel like, that he has in the receivers that are around him. You know, the drops are involved there. I mean, we've had multiple times in his career where he's had Aryan and just can't connect, you know, where he's had the those deep balls and they just haven't worked out for him. so I think that to a certain extent, that he's a victim of his own, you know, mistakes from the past or whatever the case may be. yeah um I think that there's there's a component of he just needs some confidence building, I guess, for lack of a better description, because I agree. Like, I think we talked about it, like, you know, we nobody respects the fact that Stetson Bennett was able to drop 30 40 year or bombs onto the into a basket um yeah with the wide receivers in the past. I don't know if Stetson just throws a, you know, they they like to say that, you know, a catchable ball. Right. um But that seems to struggle.
And I think that this is just kind of like at this point, you know, it's not an anomaly at this point. Like this is pretty consistent. And we've, we've now seen three consecutive SEC games, uh, where he's had multiple interceptions. I think John tweeted out something. He had like eight interceptions in these three and three back-to-back SEC games and Georgia won all of them.
Um, in that, you know, in games in the past and regimes in the past, like, I hate to say it, like, you know, if this is a Mark Rick team, we lose that game. I don't disagree with you. And that is, and that is just a stone cold, like Kirby smart teams are just built

Battle-Tested Georgia and Turnover Analysis

different. Um.
I think that by the end of the season, we will be able to say that we are 100% the most battle-tested team in the country, um both in terms of schedule strength and in terms of what we've endured on the road, what we've endured from a comeback mentality, what we've endured from a turnover perspective, what we've endured from an injury perspective. you know People talk about like, oh, yeah, you're know, if our quarterback hadn't gone down, which, you know, there's an argument to be made that, um, that that may be, that may be true, but we were kicking their ass when he was in. Um, yeah. I mean, like he was what like, like, I mean, he was like two of six for like 47 yards. I mean, he threw a touchdown pass, but like on a toy, like on a busset coverage. So yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
I don't know about all of that. Like, you know, you can say whatever you want. Like I'm at the point now, like, like whatever, you know, opposing fans can say whatever they want. You know, scoreboard, but like, um, yeah, I don't know, man. Yeah. When you're negative, when you're, when you're, you're overall player, I don't see what, I haven't seen like the breakdowns, like what, what the EPA was at the beginning of the game versus the end of the game. Right. Like their overall EPA was like super negative. Yeah. We were was like negative four.
ah Yeah, like the Parker Fleming, like, did we really lose that bad? Like net EPA differential was pretty significant in this game. Like Georgia dominated this game. We should have won by more. I mean, and again, turnovers, right? Like just, holy cow. and And this was where. name Name your score game. It should have been. I mean, you know, i mean and the the two picks in the first half, I mean, those were on back to back drives.
Um, the drive where the first pick was thrown, it was a, had a good drive going and he had made good throws. Um, receivers were catching the ball. Like I'm not saying there weren't any drops in this game, but like at the beginning, at least like guys were catching the ball. Dylan Bell was like snatching the ball out of the air. Um, you know, shout out to the unofficial, shout out to the unofficial official, uh, had a great game running the ball. The end around was sick. and Like, sorry, Craig, that I think that was very similar to the play.
that we ran against Alabama, um, in the, in an SCC championship game last year, but very similar play, great result there. Um, the dude, the catch that he made like going across the middle near the goal line where the defender got it tipped it. And then he did tip drill to himself. And I think probably just knocked the wind out of himself when he landed on land of the ball, I think, but that was awkward on that one. Yeah.
So he he, you know, he, he showed out. Um, so I thought he, I thought he had a game, uh, had a good game. Um, but yeah, I mean the, the, the first pick, um, I'm trying to remember which one was which, but but Oh, the first one was the one where he should, she should have just thrown it away. Like no one was open. He's, and he was outside of the pocket, throw it away and said, he tries to force it to London Humphries and it wasn't, I mean, it wasn't there. I mean, and then the second pick he threw in a triple coverage. I mean, I think he got baited or something.
The triple coverage you know you're thrown away take the sack where like that to me that is his his things it's like he's not sometimes you just have to cut your losses and live for another down you know. um And those things and they're happening on first down like do this first down like.
We don't have to, you know, you get, you get three or four, you know, to get a first down, like you don't have to get it all right there. Like he, that I mean, that's, that's the thing. That's the carelessness thing. That's this killing with, with this is it just like survive the down, you know, I don't know.
I think that um something, I'm curious if you heard Coache say this in his review and something that I feel like I heard Nathan say on um their preview of the setup for this game. um What I felt like I was seeing live and what feels like has been happening in these consecutive games is that if you want to have success against Carson Beck, you need to Blitz him and, you know, bring the pressure and in anybody that's in coverage set up to keep everything in front of you. If you, if you do that, like eventually they're going to get pressure on our guys and he's going to make some bad decisions. It's basically like, it's like, you know, to put it in tennis terms, like get the ball over the net and until someone and enforce the other person to make an error. You know what I mean? yeah As long as you get the ball over the net, at some point someone's going to mess up and it's not going to be you because you're getting getting the ball over the net. Yeah. You lose a hundred percent of the points where the ball doesn't make it over the net. That was my, that's what my high school tennis coach used to say.
Exactly, exactly. um So like basically just keep everything in front of you, prevent the big play and shell. Like it just felt like that they were intermediate intermediate passing. There was just a shell of of defensive backs and our guys just couldn't get open.
Yeah, I think, uh, I will say the thing that coach Hayes pointed out was just like around zone coverage that that was where he was struggling more so, um, and that they were kind of like disguising things to make him think things were open that weren't, and then they were, the zone would close and they, that's where those picks came in, um, that were, but when it's man to man, he's, he was doing much better. Uh, so that doesn't mean. Well, you say that, then you have the situations like where, you know, uh,
I'm going to stop short of this, but you have those situations where the wide receiver, you know, is in single coverage. We saw that exactly that, that it was exact scenario where, uh, I think it was, it was Dylan Bell when he came in motion and he had single coverage and it was a quick, he made a hot route and, and he ran, he ran, he ran the slap and So the quick men, so the quick screen, i love it love it. Okay. and I knew it was one of them. So Love It was was not prepared for that for that play call. yeah I'm going to stop short of this, but like it's kind of like at some point you have to just say like this is our team and maybe this is just this is just our team. we've had We've seen multiple games now where players are not
Reading the right routes, which you could argue that. That means that the coaches aren't putting the players in the positions to succeed. Um, where multiple people and multiple receivers are having these issues on, on calls at the line. Like, at some point that's got to roll up to the offensive coordinator and maybe Craig's like, oh, my God.
They're singing my song. They're singing my song right now. I mean the the i i feel like the ah you know the the buck stops at the top and for the offense and those kind of like boneheaded dumb things, sorry, Carter, that happened on the field have to at some point lay it lay at the feet of either the wide receivers coach, which I definitely am of the opinion that there is a cooler situation going on with Coley.
Coming into the fold, which is no shortage. It's not lost on me that, you know, that that is happening. Right. Right. Right. But because we didn't have these issues last year. um So, and yes, we had the security blanket of lab and.
We had the security blanket of Ladd and Brock, but love it. I feel like played a lot better last year. Del played a lot better last year. um There's a ah number of different things. And I'll i'll say that you know you've got calls up online. You've got players being in the right positions. You've got players running the right routes. And then on top of that, like this happened multiple times. And it's something that I had a text message coach about because I wanted to get someone that you know nowhere of all.
to ah advise on but something that is really starting to frustrate me with the receiving core is when we do complete these long passes where there's a long deep pass and you know Carson does the the hard part and who gets the ball and they actually catch the ball they do the hard part and catch the ball um they just stop like all of their momentum stops and they try to change direction instead of just continuing to go either north and south or taking their momentum to a position that allows them to gain yet. And I feel like that and in the SEC in particular, when our players are running full speed and they completely stop, you're basically just dead. DOA, like just
full stop. Like none of you are lad mcconkey where you can catch the ball and get acceleration like a Ferrari. I hate to say that, but like there's just no, there's no like breakaway speed. Like it's like that old, it's like that old EA EA sports commercial that doesn't show my breakaway speed.
i would I would argue Arian has it, but I get your point, and I know what you're talking about. um I mean, even Arian has has done it several times this season where he's... I think he did it in this game where he stopped and was trying to i juke someone out and just got tackled immediately. I know the player you're talking about. I 100% disagree with your assessment of that fight. He made the right cut. and my be The guy, would he was going to get tackled. He actually got probably at least 10 extra yards by doing what he did, in my opinion.
um that that was the big That was the huge third down conversion on the go ahead touchdown drive and the ah when it had been tied at 20. It was on that drive. Even if you were only going to gain a couple of more yards, I'd rather you gain a couple more yards than either, number one, put that i kind of stress on your ligaments and potentially get tackled in a so situation that's going to be an uncomfortable position.
uh um where you can get hurt all those different things but i just feel like that it's unnatural it's just an unnatural thing and the speed of the game is just so fast that what you're trying to do is like the percentages are that just keep going yeah whether it be you know up up a few yards out of bounds yeah you're going to get tackled maybe um But the the low percentage stopping in the middle of the field just seems super bad. Yeah. i the Back to the like not being on the same page with the hot route thing. like We've seen the exact same thing happen in multiple games now with multiple receivers. That's what's killing me. like the The one where Lovett didn't, where he he ran a slant instead of just the screen route.
and You can see like Dylan bill knew what to do like he looked at love it like what are you doing? Like after the play you can see you can see a bell gesture at love it like like what were you just doing? um But that's the exact same thing that led the interception against Alabama um like Like I know we've seen it happen there. So it's just like we've seen it with multiple receivers and that's where it's like you know i think about like like managing or teaching right you know like whose fault is it kind of thing like we were like what you were saying like it's multiple receivers we've seen it is karsa not getting the message there but however dylan bill about the message but how to level it not you know like i'm not i don't know i don't know what to make of it other than
something for the team to work

Concerns Post-Bye Week

on for sure. But I mean, this is coming out of a bi-week, you know, like we had a bi-week to get ready for this. Um, and I'll say too, just like in general, and I think this is probably part of like a state of this rivalry. Like when we stepped on the field at Texas, and I guess I'll maybe to kind of, especially with the defense, like they were like playing like their hair was on fire against Texas, like from the jump, like it was just like, Oh my gosh, where has this team been? Like, this is amazing. Like this is havoc. They're created like,
I didn't feel that here. Now it's a different situation, especially early with lagway, because you got to worry about him running. Um, but so, sort abouttic yeah, so maybe it's a little bit different there just from that, but like, I didn't feel like they, I mean, I think it's fair to say like they didn't have the edge in this game that they had against Texas. Um, and maybe that's something about Florida. I don't know, but like, um,
It's, it's just back to the whole like 18 to 22 year olds or however old these kids are now, um, you know, with the COVID year and all this stuff, but like like that plays a factor, man. Like these are kids and you know, they've got to have their head in the right spot and they've got to be focused and motivated and believe that they can lose, you know, kind of thing to get fired up for this kind of stuff. And it ebbs and flows for sure. And you can see it on the field.
I will say that there's a couple of things about mentality that, uh, that I'll touch on that maybe has something to do with some of that. Um, you know, no one, no one believed that they were going to win against Texas. I think that it's the body of work is out there that, you know, when Curry smarts teams feel slighted, they tend to, they tend to elevate. Yeah.
within to elevate their game. It's like the you know the Jordan effect. like If you give Jordan if you give jordan ah an inch to to give an edge on himself, um he's going to he's go to absolutely bury you on. So from a mentality standpoint, let's just take a quick pause and just kind of discuss some of this, which I think that there is definitely some validity and some of the feedback that I have been seeing. So in in the aftermath of the game, you've seen multiple situations where there's a little bit of disconnect on what's being communicated and how it's being communicated. um So let's let's look at Nate Frazier's touchdown.
yeah So Nate Frazier rushes for touchdown, big score, big momentum. And then he does the Gator chomp and the throat slash. I'm still out to lunch on whether or not the Gator chomp would have gotten him a flag, but I know the throat slash definitely would have definitely gotten him a flag. Yeah, yeah. um But so you do that. And so what I saw in the what I saw in the game in the game were two players that exhibited multiple players, not just the two, but the two main players lucky and Wilson, yeah, exhibited leadership um that we've been looking for, right? We've been looking for like, hey, where's the leadership moment? Where's the Nokobi Dean screaming at somebody to get in the and right position type type situation. um And you saw Lawson Lucky, who's, you know, he's he's an underclassman still, but stepping up, trying to like, prevent his young, his younger teammate from making a mistake. um He tried to stop him from doing that throat slash. I think he saw it coming. He saw the wind up coming. Yeah.
Um, I don't know if he knew it was coming. Like it was telegraphed beforehand. Right. If I score, this is what I'm. Because he was right on top of that arm. so he arms up He was like, he was like, he reached for it. He grabbed his arm. so do Yeah. Yeah. And then you can see Wilson just, just, just drop his head and did the look of dejection, the the disappointment. pointed but ah So good. And then, and then immediately after he kind of like collected himself, like he immediately went over and was already in his face. He was like, dude, you you like he's like a big brother. Like you're you're about to get, you're about to have to go outside and pick a switch kind of thing with him. And he pointed over to the sound and he's like, go over there and take your medicine. He's coming. He's coming.
Um, and then Kirby lost his, lost his mind on him. Yeah. Um, yeah. Okay. So that that's one scenario. And there've been, there's a sentiment out there that says, you know, Carson Beck's out here throwing interceptions. Why don't you get all on his, you'd get all up in his, you know, whatever. Um, like why is, why is one, why is one player getting the hairdryer treatment?
the treatment is the is the term that they used to always call so Sir Alex Ferguson from Manchester United. Shout out British Bulldog, we were talking about this. like this There's this like Gen Z like soft parenting approach, like, oh oh, don't do that, don't do that. like I'm guilty of it too. My wife is is on that soft parenting like approach with some of our kids. And I sometimes will be like, get in here.
like again they They don't listen unless you yell at them and I think that there's like the soft approach clearly is not working and there was a couple of times like I think that there was uh someone had mentioned and I've seen it multiple places not just when John mentioned that Carson Beck like did an eye roll um on Kirby Smart Yeah, I didn't see that. um But I've heard that there are multiple mentions of that. But what I did see is that, you know, I did see Kirby coming over and like, you know, trying to get into people's faces and trying to get into people's attention. And and they're not looking him in the eye when he's talking to him. That's not something that Stetson Bennett ever did. Like Stetson would often, you know, bar back and forth with him. Yeah. um Yeah.
there's a mentality situation that is just disparate. um You don't see Carson Beck being treated the same way um and I think that it's warranted at this point to maybe like lose your a little bit of gravy because at some point throwing three interceptions in a game is going to come back and kill us against a team like Texas A and&M or Ohio State or whoever it is done in in the playoffs. like this is the kind of this it Now is when you try to fix. He keeps talking about we want to be a team that slowly progresses. It doesn't feel like we're progressing in that regard when you have another quarter another game where the quarterback's throwing three interceptions in a game and you have multiple people not knowing what to do.
Yeah, ah can we use a mentality? There's a mentality concern that I have. And that scares me a little bit. Can we pause for a moment about the commentary that you just gave? And, you know, you're saying this and it's like, it's not like the way Stetson did it. We got SEC shorts saying the mailman's not walking through that door. Like, man, who would have thought?
in 2020. It could have been anybody. I feel like he did that with Fromm. I feel like he lost his mind on Fromm. Yeah, that's fair. He definitely lost his mind. He definitely lost his mind on Mathis.
right ah well and Now all can think of is at one time where he was trying to say something to Mathis and he clearly didn't like the answer. and he got that like dead look on his face and sent him in. That was a great gift. That was a great early gift. um But yeah, I'm with you, man. I'm with you. Well, ah um maybe we'll talk about this. i think we I think we'll probably have questions about that for the next episode, ah what to make of all that.
Um, what else? I, I guess only other things on, or another thing on the offense. Uh, I thought it was funny. Um, there was a moment when it was when Cass Jones on his touchdown catch, which by the way, the run after the catch was amazing. Uh, like breaking tackles, carrying guys in the end zone. So it was like shades of Orlando scary in 97, like carrying guys into the end of the end zone. Um,
But after that, Chris Fowler on the call said something in the effect of like, if you look at the running back room pre-season, you would not have expected to see like, Cash Jones being a guy to make a huge play in the cocktail party. Um, you know, that's what he said, like, right when that happened. And then it's like, I saw that today, like rewatching, I was watching the highlight package and I saw that and I was like, man, like, I feel like Dwight Phillips Jr. Was like, hold my beer. Like,
umqui like ah When he scored, I was like, who was 20 when we handed the ball off to him. I think a lot of people were. um Yeah. So I think that Graham mentioned this or not something like they basically said that I guess the coaching staff.
wanted to confirm with Kirby that he was even going to be coming to the game. And when Kirby said yes, he was coming, he was going to dress. the offense The offensive staff put it in a package specifically for him. Yeah. um I think that was said on the broadcast, actually.
Yeah, and it worked, and it worked, and it worked to perfection, right? Yeah. What, what gives me hope and promise for the future at the running back position, because I think that there are definitely a lot of questions that are going to be asked about who's going to take the, who's going to take the mantle moving forward, because frankly, you know, fair, not fair, whatever Branson, like literally can't stay healthy.
um Rod Robinson, same same thing. like Someone's got to step up. Etienne's not going to be around forever. yeah So like having having seen him, and maybe he's not going to be like that every down back, because it doesn't seem like he's very big, but um what gave me a lot of like excitement was how the team responded to him scoring. Yeah. Yeah.
It showed me that the team really rallies around him and that he's got the locker room kind of thing. Yeah. And when when we're talking about under the umbrella of the mentality that goes into all this game with, you know, a lot of it being mental. um If you've got a guy that's on the field that's feeling You know, feeling himself and feeling, feeling good, you know, as a team behind him, supporting him, like, but everybody was like, peanut, peanut, peanut. Right. Yeah. thought That was great. I thought that that was great. I get just shows that, uh, that they trust him and that he's, I don't know. I'm, I'm

Player Highlights and Improvements

excited. I'm super, that may be super excited for what his future might entail in, uh, in the and the red and black. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree.
ah How about Delp made a big catch? Yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, I told me a big catch. Lucky made a big catch down the sideline. um We would love to see Delp kind of back to form of, I mean, frankly, like last year, like, you know, I feel like he, I don't know if that was just like, he's filling in for Brock and I don't know, i'm more kind of thrown into the fire or something, but Yeah, know we're looking for him to bte one. I think it's been lucky to this point But I don't know maybe he's getting back to him old self getting back to his old self. Yeah, that's definitely That's definitely good offensive line
You know, Tate Ratlidge jumping in. Yeah. Return of. I haven't seen. Return of Tate. Who got hurt? Morris? Michael Moore? He came back. He was the one. He came back. Yeah. Cause like Tate, and then they kind of like rotated for the game. Like Tate actually came, when he went back in, Tate was a back out for a while, but he was back in late, later in the game. I know he came back in eventually kind of rotated. So.
That makes me feel better about the offensive line situation. I thought the offensive line performed, you know, I think Stacey should be proud of his work there. Yeah, I think they played pretty well. I can, you know, we're we're on speaking for Village, we're on speaking terms right now. I'm Mike James Coley, Mike James.
Yeah, yeah, Coley is, um yeah, there's something there's something, something stinks in that wide receiver room. There's way too much talent for what's being thrown out on the field right now. Yeah. And it's weird because you see long stretches of like,
hey, this is this is working. like let's Let's keep doing this. And then all of a a sudden, like no one's open right for multiple stretches, for for for multiple series. um I don't know. It doesn't make any dang sense. And then you got guys making wrong reads off the line, all that kind of stuff. There's just something stinks and something stins in how we're we're set up. And the longer that you start to see the the same things happen, the more I start to believe that it's a ah leadership issue.
Yeah. Yeah. Um, let let's talk a little bit about the defense. Cause I think overall great game. I'll start with my one bad thing on the defense. The only thing that frustrated me was the end of the first half where, you know, we, we get the ball. Um, we don't do a whole lot with it and we kick a field goal. Um, so I think we get the ball back with like a minute and 20 seconds or something like that. And we get a field goal, but then they march right down then and match our field goal to go 13 to six and a half.
I think they got the ball back for like 40 something seconds and they looked like they were pretty much like Okay with running out the clock and just going to half but we let them rip off a long run a Couple long runs and then leads with you. So that was frustrating um I guess the the game tying drive was a little frustrating But I mean at that point like they've been on the field so much and it was like, you know We go up 20 to 13 and then we get the ball back a couple of times and do absolutely nothing with it on offense and then you know They they come down and tie the game up That was a little frustrating outside of those two drives though. I thought the defense was, was fantastic. Um, you know, uh, you mentioned earlier, like the, the first pick of the second half or the only pick of the pick that Carson threw in the second half led to no points. Like we actually you know shut them down and got the ball back.
You know, you know, you, you can do those things. Um, I think the, the first half of what the first 13 points were off turnovers. You had the one with the one chunk play coming right off a turnover, busted coverage. Um, but then after the other turnover, I think it only led to the field goal. Um, so you kind of buckled down there, uh, did a good job, but Chas Chambliss, I think was like sec co-defensive player of the week. And I think that came out today.
Um, yeah, Chaz Chaz played great. Yeah. We got our guy Chaz sacking the quarterback transfer from Yale, which just felt fitting for a guy named Chaz to sack a former Yale quarterback. That felt like there was something there. Um, but I mean, oh, and then dude, the, the, the hit that Harris laid, um, there was an issue called targeting, which, I mean,
i I'm not going to harp on that for the ref. Like I thought it was targeting full speed. Like I was like, Oh, yeah. was year ago He eat young he's just ejected. Um, but you know, I think, you know, good job of the replay booth, unlike in the Texas game of taking a look at it and, and getting in the call right. You know, he did not leave with his head or anything. So I thought that was a good clean hit. That was, it was a really good hit. Um,
And I will say too, though, I mean, the defense got even better in the second half when Dan Jackson was back and in a aware. of Um, so it turns out those guys, those guys make a difference as well. Yeah. Dan Jackson is just sticking his nose in every, in every play. Um, when he came back in, yeah, felt like a guero and Dan Jackson were just kind of like released the hounds kind of situation.
yeah the As far as defense goes, um I don't know. I still am looking for more out of the defensive line um yeah situation. Aside from that, like there's not a whole lot that I would nitpick on. Like you said, they got burned in 40 seconds to kind of hope ah they had the opportunity to keep Florida you know scoreless there at the end. and in the first half and they they let him score that that kind of was frustrating the busted play in the context tax of that's not the first time it's happened and the fact that he got caught looking in the back of the in the backfield
on another play that resulted in a super long game where it should not have been is again another situation where like are we missing Fran Brown kind of thing like what's going on with the secondary Malachi Starks is taking a steep drop off in terms of his production this year. this year man has lost millions of dollars I feel like this season. um I don't know what's going on there because he's making rookie mistakes and you're not used to seeing a player of that caliber make rookie mistakes. But it's so inconsistent because you saw him lock everyone down in the Texas game to you know the overall point of the team and the defense playing with their hair on fire.
yeah I jokingly made fun of the fact that he got, you know, he got engaged. So much like Carson's problems with the calendar twin, like, guys, let's focus on football. You can get engaged. We can get engaged in all these things at at the end of the season.
Malachi has been, was dating her the entire time in college, but we can move on. I know, I know, whatever. I'm still going to blame it. It's a different mentality, man. It's a different mentality. When it's your fiance, yeah, it's a pony up all that n NIL money for a diamond.
um Um, anyway, the, those plays where he's looking in the, in the backfield and allowing himself to get out of position are super, super concerning. Um, that's the only thing that I'll say about the, about the defense. Uh, other than that, I think that, um, I think tackling was pretty good in this game. I don't necessarily know that of any egregiousness that I've seen in the past.
That's a good point. I hadn't really thought about that because that's definitely something I've been yelling at my TV a lot this season. It was like, tackle. I don't think I did that as much this game. Yeah, yeah. Dude, the CJ Allen interception was ridiculous. That really, I think, sealed the game. And watching that back again, and Kirby pointed it out,
There was a receiver open and like cj alan just like jumped and took the ball away Yeah, it was impressive Told told that Yale quarterback to go go sit down and head head back to his skull and bones meeting Yeah, yeah, ah you know and had said quarterback not tripped him. He might have had to pick six Um, but i'm now okay with that because that led to the Dwight Phillips touchdown. So that's okay. I'm cool with it Yeah, I think that uh Carter and I were joking that, uh, like, Oh, okay. We get to, we get to eat some clock. Right. Yeah. Yeah. He almost had another pick earlier in the game. Um, he's, he's, he's playing really well. And I, I feel like he, you know, Alan, um, uh, I, I feel like he is stepping up into that leadership role a bit. I think Alan and and Jalen Walker from what I've, from what I've seen are seem to be, seem to be there.
Yeah, I mentioned it earlier, but like, you know, anybody talking about, Oh yeah, we're without our starting quarterback or whatever. Like, well, George has got a long list of injuries and people that are normally starters that are out too, you know, smile, I'm done being big on that list. Yep. Yeah, for sure.
Um, I guess I would say to, you know, there's a, there's a reason that we talk about special teams on this podcast. Um, it is one of the three phases of the game. And man, that, uh, botched field goal snap by Florida was a huge play, uh, a huge, you know, free game turning point type thing that happened. Um, and you know, I bet on our side, I guess two things. One, um, I think we did miss Anthony Evans.
Um, at punt return. I mean, you know, Starks, I think did fine. Um, but I think there was a few where I think Evans would have returned that Starks fair caught. Um, but you know, it's not his usual thing. Not going to be too hard on that. Um, but man, wood ring is having heck of a season. Um, two for two field goals had a 53 yarder, um, another payday and.
I don't think they had any punt return yardage either still. So Thorsen still doing his thing. Although I think his lead guy kind of tired because he had to punt so much. He definitely had some not Thorsen-esque punts in this game. I was like, ugh. Yeah, he had one. You know it's a bad game when Thorsen is struggling. Right. Right. Yeah, I'm telling you, man, he was like, why am I out of your punting so much? Like, come on, Carson.
I will say that uh I want to say it was like Herb Street or was it Fowler that like was making a lot of comments I don't know there I was like I was like guys guys back off back off my my man like he's he's the thicker kicker but like come on like they're they're like that's it that's a kicker that uh that the Kathy would would appreciate I mean look at the size of the and Hey guys. He did say on Melts in the Mic, he was closer to having to go to cardio day as opposed to like eat more food day or something like that. Shout out Melts in the Mic. Those guys are one of the greatest things of NIL. Yeah, for sure.
All right, let's acknowledge before I forget, coaches over unders. Tough week in the over unders. Neither of us were above 500. I went two and six. You went three and five, which makes us in a dead even tie for the season. We are both 33 and 31 overall. So I had kept shopping and come back. Now you also have kept shopping. You know, I feel like, John, you kept the main thing, the main thing.
Um, yeah, now here we are. So, uh, post cocktail party, dead, even die. Shout out Coast Trail Bill for, uh, for sending those to us. Yes. Thank you, sir. Uh, I think, I think, I think I've, I think I've edged out, uh, slightly on the, on the pickups though.
yeah Oh, good point. Yes. Pickums you are, you're, you've got like a two game lead on me on the pickup games. So that game in South Carolina, dude, man. Yeah. Hey, I mean, you know ah felt like that line stunk. And then also we felt like the Auburn Vanderbilt line was, was fishy. So I think we, I know I took Vanderbilt. Did we both take Vanderbilt? I don't know. We both got one game wrong. I think there was a little bit, a little difference there, but Yeah, that was fun. There was there was I had I watched a good amount of decent amount of football on Saturday. Yeah, there was a lot of football. There's a lot of football to be watched.
i did I do always enjoy seeing the post-game cocktail party, the players all jumping into the stands and and hanging out with the fans. um so I saw what what felt like Carson hesitating. I thought he was going to run and jump into the stands. I was thinking, is he thinking that someone's going to give him an earful? like What's going on? Right. Right. Yeah. I did see, I did see like, I don't know. I don't know if this was on purpose or what, but I'll say shout out to my man. Lucky. He he strategically picks the spot that he jumped into the crowd where he was literally surrounded by beautiful women. And then some of the other players were surrounded by a bunch of dudes. Like, I don't know.
well blame man The college divorce is strong with that one.
I think I'm going to jump here. Not so much over here. I'm going to jump in here. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's the cocktail party. Kirby does not like these guys, you know, that that I think that that that fuels him. um I mean, I kept trying to think of like, what does this game tell us and where are we going and all this kind of stuff? But I just don't know. Like Ravelry game, we went by 14 points.
I have to I have to say it. I have to say it because I was thinking it during the game. First of all, did you did you change? Did you change clothes or change anything? Good question. Fair question for that game. I did. um What did I do? OK, so there is actually there's two things I did. So i we're outside. Right. And there I told you, like it was ah there was like a little bit of a cross breeze on our porch. Right. So I was in it. I was in T-shirt and shorts and I got kind of chilly. So there's actually a point.
where I went inside and like I grabbed a jacket, like a very lightweight jacket, and I put that on. And then I'm like, like full disclosure, I did that before Carson had thrown any picks.
So then like the interceptions started happening everything and then it was like hash time and like it was all over Twitter, right? Everyone's like, all right, everyone go change, you know, like, well, I do all this stuff and I was kind of like, I'm naked. Right. Yeah. I was like, don't worry. So I did go, I basically switched from having the jacket on to having on long pants. So like I put the jacket away in the closet and I went and I swapped out my shorts for like some Georgia sweat pants or whatever. So that was the only,
ah wardrobe change that that I did. So I realized that my FTMF hat, I didn't, I wasn't actually wearing it. So I put it on for the second half. um I also realized that I didn't have a bourbon. So I started drinking bourbon in the second half.
Okay. Okay. I don't. i was I was strictly on beer. I was drinking beer, but that's what I drink. and When I'm at home, I don't um don't drink bourbon during games at home. I had a classic city lager. So that was normal. That was nothing different. So in fact, I actually like, I think Kim and I had a cocktail before the Alabama game. Um, so I was like, no more sticking to beer.
But it's a cocktail party. its I know loves other thing definitely hoper crossed my mind. I almost did it. I thought about it. But I stuck with the classic city logger because I had some. so yeah yeah but yeah So that was all that I did. That was the only changing I did. Okay. I had to had cover off on that. I think that was ah important to note on you know ah how you approach the game like totally impacts how the teenagers play. My, I know my, my, my sister texted me like at some point, like when we got the, one of the picks later, or we had to pick later or something and she was like, she's like, I just put my fleets on and that caused that interception. Yes. So the answer is yes. Yeah, it works. It works. Well, yeah. Oh man.
I tell you what, man, this college football is drunk, man. call it this This season is, I think someone someone said it earlier, like this season has like 2007 vibes on it. Yeah. yeah I definitely say that and definitely think that that that is starting to, you know, come home to Roost. like I think that uh was it John that sent the yeah he said that today the tech thread uh he said the tech thread the the tiebreaker scenarios like where you know Georgia loses one game or something like that and like every like it it was like this this doomsday scenario where like everybody would have two losses and all the tiebreakers would basically like be awash and now we're like talking about oh shoot like we were joking about like
what are the tiebreakers for the SEC and it could potentially come down to it. It legit has a very, very strong opportunity to end in a coin to us. There is a scenario. it's not in the The craziest thing that would need to happen would be um Florida beating Texas this week. so that that's I think that the the most far-fetched thing. but There is a possibility you could have eight teams tied for first in the SEC. Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Missouri, Ole Miss, Tennessee, Texas, and Texas A&M could finish in an eight way tie at six and two. Is that a doomsday scenario or is it that a like mic drop SEC, it just means more like suck it, everyone else. We're we're we're all good. We beat each other.
I mean, that I think it's I don't know, man, like i I think personally, I think that's a nightmare. I mean, you could you could you could float it as, oh, our conference is so balanced, right? Like we beat each other up and blah, blah. But I mean, how are you going to pick? it You look at some of the losses that are. Yeah. like But then but then also just the whole like, OK, well, we have eight teams that are tied and we're going to some we're going to use our tiebreaker methodology to pick two to play for the ah seat title like that's going to be weird. So.
Yeah, smaller conferences, John, smaller conferences contract contract. Yeah. Yeah. I mean that Clemson wins not looking as as shiny as it did before the, before the weekend too.
um I would say that we have that leg to stand on versus some of these others. I still, I mean, I guess i guess that you could say that Miami maybe has the best team in the country as far as like how how they're playing. I mean, I still yeah i still think it's Oregon, but.
Well, I guess that that's fair, Oregon. I'd say Oregon and Miami have the ah two best, that like they may be the two best teams right now, but like um on that same vein, like where where are the where the quality wins kind of thing? Like right is the is the big 10 actually that good? Like Ohio State beating Penn State in a fairly strong fashion and you know,
I don't know. ah any Any team that from um anything other than the SEC, I ah find like very, very fraudulent vibes. Well, we're going to find out how that committee feels about that tomorrow. We're recording Monday night. We turned up the election, Jim.
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's more than one election tomorrow. Yeah. yeah playoff First playoff rankings come out tomorrow. what what i'm I think what I'm most curious to see is where they put Indiana. um I'm really interested to see. like Or does does the committee put Indiana higher than the polls are? That's what I'm most curious about. So we'll see. um Also, before I forget, totally random, um ah my quick basketball note for Fletcher, uh, Georgia won the season opener tonight, 83 to 78 over Tennessee tech and freshmen, asinul, uh, tied Dominique Wilkins for the most points in a freshman debut in Georgia basketball history. So shout out, uh, asinul. So couldn't finish before, uh, saying that I forgot like a fun time based on the pictures I saw too.
Yeah. Yeah. I, I got to watch most of the SCC or whatever. What time was it on? Cause I feel like I was either seven 30. Well, so it started a little late, but it started a little late cause there was a double header. The, the women's team, they had a basketball, the butter tonight. So.
They had to start like X minutes after the, the women's. I was, I was neck deep in a, in a child's activity with, uh, you know, I had to take, I had to take my youngest to the, to the publics for, we had like some kind of math, like scavenger hunt situation.
which was kind of weird, but, um, we ended up having a date night there, which by the way, I'm going to talk about this right now. Um, I was, ah did you know that, did you know that public said a Thanksgiving sandwich? No, like I put like in the, in the pub subs.
Yes. Did you know that they had a thing? It's like, it's like a seasonal thing. So no, I didn't know. Is it a seasonal thing? Yeah, it's actually on sale right now. Uh, if you want, if you want a full song. Okay. Um, so what it is, is ah this is my off the rails commentary, but, um, yeah, yeah. So we were there. I said, Hey, Camden, let's have date night. We can do, you know, we can eat and kind of hang out, listen to music in the car or kind of thing after we do your math event. She was like, yeah, let's do that.
um pub subs um And then when we got there to order the subs, I had totally had my you know normal order ready to go. And I saw the sign for Thanksgiving like holiday sandwich. And I was like, oh, that sounds amazing. So I asked a couple of the workers, which, you know, When I see something like that, I'm like, hey, does is this, like, is this good? And I'm like, yeah, it's it's really good. Okay. So, nice um, so what it is, is i I used, I used the white bread. I'm i'm a big like Publix white bread fan. I know that's not a popular opinion, I guess. I don't know. Um, I think I feel like that, that the, the memes lately are that the the bread is dry, but.
So I use white bread, oven gold, porcelain oven gold, turkey. And on the bread they do um the bread, they do mayonnaise. I don't do mayonnaise, I do oil. A little bit of oil on the bread. And then they have the the cranberry relish that they sell in the public deli. It's like orange cranberry relish situation that they put on the bread. um So they do that. And then they put the turkey on, and then they do a grayer cheese.
And then they do bacon, and then they toast it. They toast it, and then, you know, do your toppings. I just did just did lettuce. I'm trying to keep it as pure. Actually, I did spinach. and I'm trying to get a little bit of little bit more green. I did spinach on this on the sub, a little salt and pepper, and dude, it was phenomenal.
i was i was I was thoroughly impressed. I did not even know this was the thing, but it's been around at at least since 2020 because I had to go back and look at like, wait, I never even knew that this was an option. Right. Yeah, I never noticed that. As a former of our public's employee, I applaud whoever put that together because I never would have thought about it.

Seasonal Sandwich Discussion

I have to take it edge. Next time I get a PubSub, I will have to get some before Thanksgiving, I guess. I definitely recommend it um because it definitely was a game changer. I told Carter all about it and he goes, dude, this sounds amazing.
Nice. Nice. Sweet. Although Carter doesn't like cheese. so Whatever. Sorry, Carter. Got to deal with it. All right, man. Well, it was like I said, man, I don't know. I I'm just I'm just going with 14.2 touchdown rivalry, rivalry game win. And I'm going to have to lean on the coaches to help figure some stuff out because we got to think we're about we're heading and we've got a gauntlet here these next two weeks. So.
Yeah, is it a good one? I don't know. Whatever. We can talk about that. I feel like it's not. Yeah, we can talk about that. What I will say, dear Georgia fan, is something that we all kind of talked about on on the various tech threads, but there's been a lot of calls. Like, I guess the joke was that Carson Beck has arrived because everyone's talking, everyone's calling for someone to come, someone else to play quarterback.
Amongst those people that were questioning like maybe we should throw someone else out there because this just a ain't working out like the interceptions but there's a reason why Carson Beck is throwing the ball um under center for the University of Georgia. um I think that that is not lost on me. And what also is not lost on me.
and is probably where we should all just like camp out and for the remainder of the season that this is just our team like we're just we're resilient like resiliency is one of the pillars right like we're we're a resilient team we're a very talented team we have the best coach in the country bar none and he is very quickly becoming one of the best coaches ever in this sport because we are We are an undefeated team against anybody not named to Alabama for four years. yeah And there's a reason why he's got Carson Beck in the position that he's in. You don't get to that level without you know knowing what you're doing. so
trust that Carson Beck is the quarterback that gives us the best opportunity to win and we should just all get used to that um because I don't know that we're ever going to see anybody else under center unless you know we don't throw interceptions and decide that we're going to blow someone out 50 to nothing. I mean, maybe we'll see Gunner Stockton and then maybe see Jaden Rashada. Yeah. um But yeah, um in Kirby we trust is ultimately the battle cry right now. now Yeah, agreed. Well said, man. Well said. I think I needed that too. And and go dog go dogs. dogs.